twog-team · 4 months
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trion-revolutionary · 2 months
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Evening the Score side comic
Most fics I see have Honda pining over Jou. Thought I'd play with the inverse.
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chesacakeripper · 1 year
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! DM
Relationships: Jounouchi Katsuya/Kaiba Seto, Implied Past Hirutani/Jounouchi
Word Count: 7,340
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence - click through to read full tags on AO3
“Where’s your fucking fight, Katsuya?” Hirutani huffed smoke through his nose and pulled Jounouchi’s head harshly to the side, “I expected this kinda shit from the rich kid, but not from you.”
Jounouchi spat, mostly blood and sticky saliva hitting the floor just to the left of Hirutani’s filthy boots as an old, familiar rage began seeping through his bound limbs.
“Fuck you!”
“There it is! Look at this, boys! He’s coming back!” Hirtuanti gave Jounouchi’s hair a condescending ruffle in mock affection before letting his head drop back down to his chest, “Told ya this was gonna be fun!” 
Kaiba and Jounouchi are kidnapped by Hirutani and his gang.
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thewittyphantom · 4 months
thedorkmagiciangirl: If I remember right in Season zero/manga Jonouchi gets broken glass thrown in his eyes by Hirutani. That sounds like a pretty perfect setup. Heck you could even keep Serenity going blind, for some character parallels.
Oh, that would be a really easy way to do that! Poor Joey...
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alectoperdita · 11 months
Put That Guy in a Situation Ask Meme/Prompt
41. Panic Attacks
54. Kidnapping
58. Crying
I cannot decide which of these to pick so do whichever you're feeling, if any, (or combine if you want) but I think something with Jou and Hirutani could be cool. And Kaiba or Yugi is of course welcome to show up. Idk I just feel like there's a lot of missed angst potential between Jou and Hirutani
From Put That Guy in a Situation(TM) Ask Game
54. Kidnapping
Sorry, this took me so long.
That manga chapter lives rent-free in my head forever. There's established joukai in the background of this one, but Kaiba is only mentioned and doesn't appear. The main focus of the fic is on Jounouchi and Hirutani's interactions as requested. I hope I was able to do them justice in your mind. It's pretty ambiguous overall but feel free to imagine their past relationship as more than a wannabe gang boss and his lieutenant.
content warning: beating, non-graphic blunt force trauma, homophobic language, implied torture, open/ambiguous ending
Clink. Clink CLANG.
It was no use. There was zero give when he tugged, virtually swinging in the breeze like a fish hooked on a line. It accomplished nothing other than straining his already numb arms.
The chains were thick and heavy. They were the industrial kind used on construction sites and heavy machinery; not the sort that Katsuya could break with his bare hands, not unless he developed some new superpower in the next ten seconds. It'd simply tire him out and leave him even more vulnerable than he already was.
Shirtless, barefooted, arms extended over his head, wrists bound in metal and winched on a hook hanging from an exposed steel beam, hoisted until his shoulders pulled at their sockets and his tiptoes treading the concrete floor. This already seemed like it was as bad as this could get.
Or so he thought, until a door creaked open and someone stepped into the cavernous space. He came alone, and while the cheeks were more sunken than before, little else about the face had changed since they rancorously parted ways as young teenagers.
"You," he growled.
Hirutani meandered toward him slowly. His clothing still marked him as a thug, low rent despite the gaudy gold chains and piercings. He didn't stop when he finally reached Katsuya, instead circling around as if to inspect him like a piece of meat. Katsuya stiffened as soon as he left his line of sight, and try as he might, he couldn't twist enough to keep an eye on his captor.
After an interminable length of time, Hirutani stopped in front of him. "Howya doin', Joujou?" he greeted as if they were old friends.
Katsuya saw the move coming from miles away. Hirutani made no attempts to hide his intention. But there wasn't much Katsuya could do except slacken his jaw and neck and roll with the punch.
Copper exploded on his tongue. The sickening crunch echoed. His head snapped backward, and he was left rearing and swinging from the force. It knocked him off his toes, which meant his shoulders screamed as they threatened to dislocate under his own body weight.
Even as his feet scrambled to regain their footing, Katsuya made no sound, though. He wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
His breath wheezed out of him. Warm droplets splattered his chilly chest. His nose was definitely broken. Lips were probably busted, too. At least he managed to keep his teeth.
"You just had to go for the face first, you sonuvabitch," he spat, expelling a mix of saliva and blood on the concrete just centimeters shy of Hirutani's shoes. 
"It was pissing me off. You always looked better with a bit of blood on ya."
Katsuya bared his teeth. The lower half of his face ran slick, and a long-dormant sensation stirred within his ribcage. Its claws raked his insides. "Yeah? I could say the same about you. Lemme go and I'll show ya."
Hirutani merely hummed. After a beat, he pressed his scorching palm against Katsuya's sternum and pushed. Once again, he was knocked off his feet, flailing wildly as he tried not to rip his arms from their sockets.
Hirutani's laughter echoed through the abandoned warehouse. "Still putting on the tough guy act when I gotcha like this. It's good to know some things don't change."
"Yeah, neither has your ugly ass mug."
In a burst of strength, he clasped the chain overhead and hoisted himself upward, leveraging the momentum to take a swinging kick. His right foot connected with Hirutani's stomach, a solid hit that sent him wheeling back several steps.
It also left Katsuya wide open.
With a shout, Hirutani lunged forward and caught his ankle in his meaty hands. Panic surged through Katsuya's system, but he couldn't free himself in time. Hirutani gave a cruel twist, and an agonized cry clawed out of Katsuya's throat. Abruptly, Hirutani dropped him. Katsuya's foot barely twitched, and white-hot pain seared his leg.
Fuck, he couldn't put weight on his right leg anymore.
Hirutani wasn't done with him either. Blows pelted him. Each knocked the air from his lungs and sent him helplessly swinging in the wind. His shoulders creaked with the chains.
He became a human punching bag.
(Or a yo-yo. He would've laughed if someone was trying to beat the shit out of him.)
By the time Hirutani let up, the other man was breathing harshly. Sweat dripped from his furrowed brows and landed on Katsuya's neck when he wrenched his head back. "This would go a lot easier if you learned your place."
"Fuck you," he gasped, ears ringing.
The world spun. Faster than a tilt-a-whirl. God, he wanted to puke.
The rough hand fell away from his hair. He lolled his head forward, jutting his bloodied chin out. Their eyes locked. Katsuya refused to look away, though his eyes watered from the pain.
A sleazy grin wormed across Hirutani's face. "I'll give you some time to calm down and consider your situation. When I come back, we can have a nice, friendly chat. Like old times."
Katsuya could only fume while Hirutani exited. The sound of clicking heels retreated into the distance until there was only silence and his own labored breathing.
The worst thing about being kidnapped—and Katsuya had been captured enough times to say this with relative confidence—was the boredom. Because eventually, his mind numbed like his arms. Just like the rest of his body when the cold settled into his bones. Then, he was left with nothing to do except stare at the same four walls.
Should he be plotting his escape? Absolutely.
For all the good that'd do for him, because he wouldn't get far on that ankle...
Every time he forgot to support himself and leaned too heavily on his right ankle, a searing pain reminded him how momentously he'd screwed up. He was not only a sitting duck. He was a lame one, too.
More uncontrolled shivers wracked his body. The warehouse was neither well-insulated nor heated. Maybe if he was lucky, he'd succumb to hypothermia before whatever sick plans Hirutani had in mind.
There was another reason mind-numbing boredom was preferable. The only other options were his racing thoughts.
How long had he been here? How long had he been knocked out cold beforehand? Would anyone notice him missing? Maybe his co-workers would. Shit, what about Scapegoat? Who was going to feed him? His poor cat didn't deserve to suffer because he was stuck here. And Seto—
A slamming door reverberated off the walls with the volume of thunder. It yanked Jounouchi from the miasma of his dangerous spiraling.
As promised, Hirutani returned.
Katsuya stared long and hard as he approached.
"What's wrong? Didja miss me?" the thug arched his eyebrow.
"Yeah, like foot fungus," Katsuya deadpanned.
"Joujou,"—the old nickname alone made Katsuya want to hurl—"is that any way to talk to an old friend?"
"You got the old part right. Yeesh, ya ever heard of moisturizer? But I guess nothing ages ya like being a useless piece of sh—"
The blow to his stomach left him reeling and dry-heaving.
Shut up, shut up. He could hear Seto's voice hissing in his head.
He was doing everything wrong. He knew he was.
Years ago, when his "boyfriend" status was freshly minted in the public eye, Seto made him sit through a lecture from the head of corporate security about how to act if he was ever kidnapped. The hour-long lecture could be distilled down to three main points: don't make eye contact with the captor and give them the impression you could be a threat; try to foster a personal connection and appeal to their humanity; and make them want to help you.
It was safe to say Katsuya had done the exact opposite.
But this was no random kidnapper. This was Hirutani, and they had a "personal connection" and history neither could erase.
"There you go running that mouth of yours again. I admit it used to be cute when we were kids. Like a yapping dog. At least you had the bite to go with the bark."
Choosing to focus on the floor, Katsuya took several fortifying breaths before he replied, "Cut the crap. Whaddya want with me? If it's money, I ain't got much. You'd get more knocking over a liquor store."
Dirt-splattered shoes edged forward. "I dunno. There's probably someone willing to pay out the nose for ya."
Goosebumps erupted across Katsuya's clammy skin, but he refused to react. Did Hirutani intend to use him to blackmail Seto? Or sell him to a third party for one purpose or another?
"But first, you and I are gonna catch up. Reminisce about the good old days."
Katsuya's breath hitched, but he raised his head to meet Hirutani's gaze dead-on. "There was nothing 'good' 'bout it. The lying, the bullying, the thieving, the fights—it was all a shitshow."
"Doesn't change the fact that you owe me. I took care of ya and ya betrayed me."
"I don't owe ya jack shit! The only one you ever cared about was yourself!" A barking laugh tore out of him. "That's what this is about, ain't it? You're in some kinda trouble and in over your head, so you've decided to use me as an ATM/punching bag combo?"
Hirutani's expression darkened. He had no immediate retort.
Something jagged as shrapnel rattled in Katsuya's chest. "Shit, Hiru, don't tell me I gotcha number there. That's lame, dude."
"Do you think you'd be here today if it wasn't for me? You'd be nothing without me."
"I outgrew you," spat Katsuya. "Moved onto bigger and better things instead of rolling around in the mud you're clearly still stuck in."
Hirutani narrowed his eyes, invaded the scant bubble of personal space Katsuya had in such a situation, and grabbed his jaw in a bruising iron grip. His tar-ridden breath washed over Katsuya's face as he laughed, "Bigger and better, huh? Is that what ya call taking that rich boy's limp dick up your ass? Being Kaiba's pampered little bitch gotta have its perks somewhere."
He bristled. He couldn't say what raised his rankles more: the insinuations about his sex life, which wasn't Hirutani's and anyone else's business, or the casual denigration of his almost decade-long relationship.
"Keep his name out of your mouth," he snarled and bared his teeth.
"Tell me I'm wrong, Jounouchi, cuz it looks to me like you've gone soft."
Hirutani released his chin, only to pinch his midsection. Katsuya resisted squeaking, but he felt the skin distend. His body was different from what it used to be, from what Hirutani remembered from their youth. He was now flabbier and his belly carried a soft curve. Security, stability, and love furnished him with more than skin, bone, and the scrappy muscle needed for survival in between.
Which was not an easy notion for Katsuya to accept, but he had been trying to in recent times. It was not a bad thing. It was not a failing, as Hirutani seemed to suggest with his venomous tone.
Katsuya was more than the beaten dog others had treated him as. He deserved more than scraps.
Hirutani continued, hissing with a seething rage, "You used to be a fighter. You used crack jaws and skulls like peanuts. Now look at you."
If only Hirutani came a tad closer, he could bite the bastard's nose right off.
Instead, Hirutani reeled back, followed by a hocking sound emanating from his throat. Something warm and slimy landed on Katsuya's cheek. It left a gooey trail as it dripped down his chin. He froze, caught between disgust and rage. His fingers curled into fists around the chain he couldn't break.
The sonuvabitch spat on him.
"Pathetic." Hirutani sneered and flashed his yellow-stained teeth. "What? You think your fag boyfriend's coming to your rescue?"
Not anytime soon, unfortunately. Seto was abroad for another week, swamped with business. It might be a day or two before he noticed anything awry. For the first time, he regretted not taking Seto on his offer to accompany him to the tech conference. Las Vegas must be heaven compared to this.
Not that he'd tell Hirutani any of that.
"That's up to you. Y'know Kaiba's a scorched earth kinda guy, right?" He stared down the length of his broken nose at the other man. "If you let me go now, he might kill ya fast. Not me, though. I'd make it last."
Threatening his kidnapper probably topped the list of things he shouldn't do. But Katsuya was too angry to care.
"You act like you and your boy toy are the only ones that can hold a grudge. I got one, too, y'know. And it's with you. You'll be begging me to put you down like a dog before I'm done." Hirutani's eyes gleamed with malice as he peeled something from his waistband.
At first, Katsuya thought it was a gun. But then he recognized it as something that made the pit of his stomach drop. He broke into a cold sweat when he saw the electricity that arced between two metal prongs. Air whooshed out of his lungs, and it didn't come back.
His mind blanked before the taser ever touched his skin. The screams, however, arose loudly and involuntarily.
Read other prompt fill ficlets here
If you wanna read another fic where Hirutani kidnaps both Kaiba and Jounouchi, I highly recommend @chesacakeripper's About to Break. Please let them know how awesome and amazing their fic is.
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princeasimdiya12 · 7 months
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So awhile ago, I got this amazing fanart from @isitasporkorafoon which is based on the Lost in the Infinite Lights crossover series by @arinrowan and they gave me permission to share this.
As you can see, the story focuses on Yuugi while dealing with a variety of villains/foes from the two series. I hope you all like it and I sincerely hope you consider reading the story when you get the chance. It's really great if you're a fan of both Yu-Gi-Oh and My Hero Academia.
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kaibacorpstocksplit · 2 years
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YGOctober Day 11: Hirutani and that one unnamed villain dude from the Zombire chapter whose design I really liked
Do crimes.... be gay?
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leechysmile · 1 year
Heed the tags. Full picture is on my Twitter @/Cherry_Abyss
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enneadau · 2 years
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bakawitch · 8 months
Apparently, there's a minor character in Kakegurui named Anzu and she is one of Mary's friends... isn't that interesting? (Idea for Kakeoh lol)
I kinda forgot that was her name lol XD
Joey's friends are probably just gonna be Hirutani gang members before his defeat though
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metatemu · 10 months
Hirutani talks about Jounouchi as an "old friend" but Honda talks about never hanging out with him.
I wonder who is right?
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twog-team · 4 days
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trion-revolutionary · 2 months
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Junior High BFFs
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chaoscheebs · 11 months
Me: lol Hirutani was a yandere for Jounouchi
My Brain: hi
Me: Oh no
My Brain: Anyone ever think Hirutani thought Yugi was Jou's new boyfriend and that's why he tried using Yugi as bait to lure Jou out?
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thewittyphantom · 4 months
I wonder if there's an AU out there where Joey was going blind, or did go blind, instead of Serenity. It'd make it awfully hard to play card games, but especially to fight...and given characters like Hirutani and his gang it might not even be illness-related if one of those fights went bad D:
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jinouchibhue · 1 year
You ever just think about and Tristan/Honda and Joey?
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