#his little smile afterwards AAAAA
cebwrites · 2 years
*slams fists on desk* MORE WATER 7!!!!! can we get some n/sfw hcs about iceberg, paulie, lucci, and kaku having their first time with a partner they find absolutely adorable, if you feel up to it. for science <3 preferably gn reader but any is ok! super bonus points if you end up mentioning lucci's bird somewhere in there
HI ANON FROM AUGUST AAAAA I HOPE YOU’RE STILL AROUND;;; i finally found the right headspace for this- i’m not too confident about iceburg or lucci, but i can absolutely do paulie and kaku, hope you enjoy <33
paulie’s ended up so fluffy ajsdhkjarhgsjdhf
First time with a cute partner (Paulie, Kaku)
gn reader nsfw under the cut word count: 0.6k
Paulie talks a lot of shit about how much he ‘pulls’ for someone who hasn’t had sex before - well, until now at least
He’d strut all the way up to the bedroom, holding your hand like the strong comforting boyfriend he is, talking about his mad stroke game but the moment that he’s in the moment with you, and more importantly sees how adorable you are, all of that goes out the window
Paulie’s head fills with cotton floss and, sure, he’s painfully hard but the man is at a complete loss for what to do, awestruck at your expressions in the moment or the way you breathlessly whisper his name
He kind of just, freezes up, he has to roll over onto his back to cool down a little before his head explodes before he stumbles over his words trying to explain that none of this is your fault but-- gosh, your adorableness is somehow overwhelming but he’s so happy to be your man
From there the two of you would awkwardly fumble to get back to where you were, giggling and ribbing at each other the whole time between shy but feverish kisses, calming his frantic hands with yours rubbing up Paulie’s arms, shoulders and neck while you ride him
He’s much more comfortable with you in control of the pace, less room for him to fuck up, hands on your hips, singing your praises to the highest heavens - the only downside to all of this unbridled devotion is that Paulie’s a little bit of a quickshot for this first time experience
The bright side is that at least you two were being safe, Paulie’s more than willing to make up for it with head afterwards to apologize for his embarrassment, and, a puppy can be trained ♡
He’s sweet, but Kaku, first and foremost - is a tease
Kaku’s glad that you’re as cute as you are and fluster so easily, it takes the edge off his own nerves and worries about you seeing that he’s maybe not in his best element yet
He’d shower you with compliments, tracing a burning a trail up your body with gloved fingers, and then without - he does everything in his power to make sure you feel good, playing it cool so you don’t notice just how affected he is by your charms (intentional or not)
He’d take you from behind, in large part so you wouldn’t have a good view of his face, however awkward that makes maneuvering kisses because of his nose, but also because he’d have wonderfully easy access to your body and to whisper teases, praise, obscenities into your ear
No one ever said that Kaku was particularly fair
The cat gets out of the bag eventually, though, and Kaku caves to your honey-sweet pleas to let you see him, your hands frantic to touch his body in the same way he’d done to you, mewls begging him to kiss you properly where you could face him
He’s red all the way up to his ears, grunting and panting as he fills his thoughts with nothing but you and how adorable you are underneath him, filling you with every hungry, deep stroke
Kaku gets so, very loud when you rake your nails down his back, a secret glutton for punishment, he’s moaning for you dig them in harder, to mark his body up as yours - his pace definitely picks up to match
In the afterglow of it all, he’s at least a little sheepish, but all that melts away when you kiss his cheek and the two of you dissolve into tired, sleepy smiles at one another while the sun barely peeks over the horizon
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roachsideblog · 1 month
Tagged by @youredyingthatsallthereis
Tysm for the tag aaaaa 🫶🫶🫶 I am siccing my followers on you to read the soaproach WIP you posted!! Tagging some of my lovelies:
@randomwordsandstormydays @grechka-zhest @boxofthings and any other fic writers that follow me who wanna join in!!
Here's a little soaproach thing of my own under the cut. Older and only slightly 🤏 edited so I'm sorry if its bad XD
Sanderson hunched on the stoop under a yellow sconce light. Hearing Soap approach, he glanced up from his phone, quickly slamming it in his pocket and removing his hand from the other one in hopes that Soap wouldn’t notice. Futile, but Soap was too exhausted to call him on it and decided to pick his battles.
“Morning, Captain!” Roach said with a salute. His rifle in its sling peaked over his shoulder while his helmet sat on the step, night vision goggles already attached.
“Sergeant,” he nodded. “Hope ye weren’t waitin’ long.”
“Better waiting in the cold than late,” Sanderson muttered. He didn’t seem to want to be there either.
“Smart lad.”
Soap unclipped the carabiner on his belt with the keyring and fumbled them, trying to find the correct one with numb fingers. The frozen brass stuck to them as it finally turned, only after he’d tried every key and circled around to the first. Apparently, the warmth of his curse-laden breath melted what ice stuck the lock. Now that the knob turned the door should have moved, but of course its old wood had swollen and jammed. Soap bodied it with his shoulder once, twice as it squeaked in protest, then a third finally dislodged it from the frame.
He was rewarded with a tumble into stale air only moderately warmer than that outside. Sanderson flicked on the lights while they set up, since the Captain b-lined for a flock of space heaters bunched in the corner and searched for one with unbent prongs and unexposed wiring.
The bay ran along the front of the building, only deep enough for a small walkway behind where soldiers lay prone to test their weapons. Past this, the range itself stretched a few hundred feet to the far wall where targets were hung--where Sanderson busied himself.
Luck graced Soap with two non-hazardous heaters. He plugged them in at the closest outlets framing Sanderson’s lane. Looking out at the Sergeant, Soap noticed he put out a target for his captain as well. Soap also noticed how quickly he grew frustrated as his cold, uncoordinated fingers stuck to the tape when he tried to fix it in place, and how he stormed back to the bay under the assumption he went unwatched.
Sanderson returned with a huff and straightened his shoulders. He had on a hat and scarf to stave off the cold, covering his brown buzz cut that was a little longer on top. Just long enough it tried to curl. Without goggles, his green eyes looked everywhere but at Soap’s own. He wore his typical combat gaiter, covering a strong jawline; pointed chin; and thin, chapped lips. Not the most expressive, resting face usually neutral at worst, more commonly with eyebrows raised in polite attention and a slight smile Soap know to look for. Now, even through the fabric, the Sergeant frowned so harshly it furrowed his brow.
“Don’t look so happy to see me,” Soap half-joked. The last thing he needed was an underling with an attitude. He hated doing it to Sanderson, but he’d chew him up and spit him out for it if need be. He just wanted their shitty morning over with so he could eat.
“Huh? Oh, sorry, Captain. Just… cold.”
“Mhm. You asked for this, Sanderson. What did ye think was gonna fookin’ happen? We get here n’ the birds ’re chirpin’ and we have a lovely time?”
Soap didn’t think he sounded that pissed. Unfortunately, Sanderson only responded with a quiet, “No, sorry. Guess I—I guess I should’ve expected this.” Then, he skirted around Soap to the loading table and pulled ammo boxes from his pockets, retrieving the rifle from across his back afterward. His helmet sat next to him, and as he checked that his rifle was in working order nearly knocked it off. Soap saw anger bubble up inside him before he cracked his knuckles to release the tension.
Rifle loaded, he squatted beside the sandbags in his lane and replaced his hat with his helmet. “Hit the lights for me, Cap?”
Noticing the man hadn’t donned earmuffs yet, Soap grabbed a pair for each of them and sauntered over. Honestly, such a basic mistake warranted an ass-chewing; however, Soap didn’t have the energy for it, and something told him neither did Sanderson.
Instead, he teased with a sly smile, “Come oan. Don’t tell me yer goin’ unprotected. Yer smarter than that, lad.”
Sanderson stared straight ahead and took the earmuffs his captain dangled on a finger.
Soap crouched there in his personal space and waited for the grateful response a man of his title was due from an inferior. From an inferior he was going easy on. As the moments passed, Sanderson’s knuckles only turned white squeezing the headband of the muffs. Soap squinted and leaned in closer, trying to pressure any sort of thanks out of Sanderson before being forced to reprimand his attitude.
“Let’s nip this in the bud.” Soap leaned impossibly close and hissed in his ear, “Listen to me. I know yer tired, ‘cause I’m tired, too. It’s too early fer this, n’ it’s waaaay too cold. But, through hell n’ high water, I wrestled the range master n’ RSOs to get approval for this. I had to resubmit the same damn form three damn times after they gave me the wrong one. Had to submit it a fourth after they fooked up in the admin section and couldn’t just white it out for some shite reason. I set this all up, walked all the way out here in the dead of winter in the middle of the night ‘cause you asked fer it, and now I’m tryin’ to make the most of it while yer makin' rookie mistakes and bein’ a right cunt!”
Roach remained stupidly quiet.
Soap's nostrils flared as he scowled. He couldn’t contain it any longer. He pulled away and exploded, “Well, this is the last fookin’ time I’ll ever do somethin’ nice fer ye! I don’t even know why I bother goin' outta my way fer an ungrateful sergeant brat. I've had recruits act better than this. Yer not worth it, Sanderson. Yer not fookin’ worth my time.”
With shaking fingers Sanderson checked that the safety of his rifle was engaged and set it aside. Then he blinked rapidly, brought his knuckles to his eyes, and his face contorted like a child’s, and Soap realized he wasn't shaking from the cold. There Roach was, ripping at the seams like he'd never been yelled at before—which was unbelievably false. He was a soldier, for heaven’s sake. He’d been yelled at daily since the day he signed enlistment papers.
It made Soap's stomach sick, half fed up with the sorry excuse in front of him, half worried. “Hold it to-fucking-gether! The hell's wrong with ye‽” He asked.
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skubean · 2 years
just wanted to let you know your post does shows up in the tags, congrats on the blog opening!!🎉🎉 also. since you specifically mentioned Bettel, how about some headcanons of what he would like to do for a first date?👀
thank you anon, much love!! and i'm glad i'm showing up T.T <3 also, thank you for the request!!! aaaaa i'm so happy and this is a really good idea :o hope you liked it and lmk what you think!
first date with gavis bettel! with gender neutral reader (hcs)
warnings: gender neutral reader, fluff with some crack, slight cursing, probably just two people being silly, mentions of reader having long/hair that can be tied.
bettel strikes me as the type of guy who would act all cool but is secretly panicking on the inside when he hears you agreeing to go on a date with him. *you don't tell him but you could practically see the gears in his head turning*
he's been secretly pining for you for weeks and finally mustered up the courage to ask you out.
he's either 1) planned everything + back up plans in case plan a goes astray, or 2) decides to stick with one idea and lets fate decide what happens afterwards.
i lied, he's definitely #2.
overheard you telling your friends that you haven't been to a theme park for years, so he decides "theme park date it is!" *booked tickets as soon as he got home*
when the day finally came, bettel would have his hair done (slickback probably, like the valentine art holy shit) and would personally come and pick you up, because he's a gentleman like that.
silly but he definitely is the type that would be so cautious while driving that everytime you pass a speed bump, he would mutter small sorry(s) and try to go as slow as he could, so that you wouldn't be surprised by the sudden bump.
oh, he would also not tell you where your date would be until you saw the huge ass ferris wheel and literally flashed the brightest smile he had ever seen. (he tisker-ed)
(more under the cut!)
i imagine bettel to be really gentle with you at first because he doesn't wanna come off as rude or like pushy but gradually gets more used to being around you that his silly banters and stupid jokes come out naturally, just the way you've always liked.
some rides were fun and not too scary for the both of you, so you both got a little competitive to see who could handle the most rides.
obviously, it doesn't end well when the both of you go on a drop tower ride (reference) and the moment it plunges from a height, the both of you scream at the top of your lungs (i think bettel might've passed out midway but we'll act like it didn't happen).
roller coaster rides are both fun and scary for you that you unconsciously ended up gripping his hands as the ride starts swaying around. his heart started beating faster but his protective instinct also went crazy and decided that he would act all cool and not scream on the rides (he still did).
if you're not a fan of high rides, he'd bring you to go on rides that were less chaotic and more chilling, like the teacups or try vr!
you both had so much fun that you didn't notice the sky getting darker, signaling that it was nearing night. you could feel your heart panging at the thought of the fun day ending already.
"here, come on. i wanted to show you this", bettel would say as he puts your hand in his and brings you to the big ferris wheel the both of you saw by the entrance.
he's the type to go in first, so that he could hold your hand when you get in and have you seated in front of him.
once you both reached the top, bettel points towards the outside and you could see the whole entire park all in display. you were practically glowing in front of him and bettel swears he fell more in love with you.
while you were so focused on the view, you hear bettel clear his throat before he shifts himself so he's sitting next to you and is pushing your hair aside so as to tie it (because he noticed how you kept pushing it since you were sweating earlier).
you both pretty much sit in silence for the whole ride until you clapped your hands. "ah okay! i can't take this anymore!", you said and looked at bettel as you tell him you've liked him for so long and that you could literally pass out right now from happiness (all while your face burns from embarrassment)
bettel laughs and touches his forehead to yours before whispering, "damn, i was gonna be the first to say it but you beat me to it. can i....can i kiss you?". you nod as he leans in closer.
he's sweet, soft and tastes like apples. the both of you a blushing mess when the worker opens the door, signaling that it's time to get out.
long story short, he's glad he decided to bring you to the theme park because he saw so many sides of you he's never seen, not to mention how soft your lips were to him that he just, could not stop thinking abt them.
the date might have been cliché, but bettel made sure not to end the date without officially asking if he could be yours. not if you could be his, but for him to be yours.
once you got back home, you finally noticed how terrible he tied your hair, with it leaning to one side more, and just strands of hair everywhere. but you appreciate the effort.
"you're silly. thank you for the horrible hairstyle <3" bettel is probably kicking the sheets, giggling at your text rn.
a/n: okay phew! sorry, this ended up being slightly longer than i expected skskkssk i decided to write a theme park based first date bcs i imagine bettel to be someone who prefers fun dates like this compared to like dinner dates idk SHAHHSAKSH anyways, sorry for any errors and hope you liked this ! <3 beanz.
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yellowloid · 1 year
Hello! I wanted to share my experience since I saw your post about recent gig, if it's ok :) I was in Paris at the Accor Arena too, but on May 10th. It was their 3rd show in a row and for some reason I was worried that they would be tired by this point, but no!! Alex was in some kind of an upper mood, quite excited even. Yeah, somewhere between songs he said "we are (or I am) exhausted at this point, but we are so happy" or smth like that. In fact, English is not my first language, and it was difficult to understand him sometimes, and I understood some phrases only after the concert from the fan videos on Instagram lol
Btw, he spoke French quite often that day, almost more than English ahahha. He greeted us in French, constantly thanked us in French with merci, "big ideas" was also said in French, and during dsdcihmyc he shouted "chair" in French. And during Body Paint, he awkwardly touched a standing guitar with a cord and dropped it that I couldn’t stop laughing afterwards. But outro BP was something incredibly exciting, he was great, completely immersed in what he was doing. During I wanna be yours, I almost cried, he sang it so soulfully, as if mentally returning to past happy moments in his memory. Oh, and yes, we had Cornerstone. Sorry...
As for the crowd, I completely agree with you. But, even though I had sitting places, already on the second song everyone stood up and did not sit down until the very end, dancing and screaming (me in particularly). To the right and left sides of me there were cute grandfathers in earplugs (funny that there alone, like they literally came to listen to the group, not to spend time with their grandchildren), who danced more actively than me and filmed every song on the phone ahhaha, it was very nice to see them! And before the encore, the stadium was shaking with clatter and I had goosebumps all over my body, the applause did not stop for a minute until they came out again. But yes, there was clearly a revival on the hype songs from AM, and on the songs from The Car everyone calmed down a bit. Of course, this is not Glasto, but still the audience was on fire.
And there were many more moments when he sang "I am a fool for you" directly to the camera, shouted something in the middle of the songs or between them, bowled on Pretty Visitors, said some little phrases between each song, it's unforgettable. I even had a mental breakdown after the concert, like only after the gig I realized that I saw them live and that they all were REAL indeed. Alex is so tiny sweety pie, and when he was blowing kisses at the very end and smiling sincerely, it made him look like a child. I just love them all so so much. I want to go to one more concert, because it really went disastrously fast.
Best experience in my life, happy that you also had it! ❤️
how dare you do this to me while i'm still drowning in concert nostalgia sjhdggdgsg
the usual french banter was actually so wholesome at my show too <3 definitely expected him to say something more but you won't catch me complaining shfgsg. and the "LA CHAISE" moment at yours was so random and silly how did y'all not collectively eat him. also not him dropping a guitar LMAOOOO
and i absolutely agree, body paint is already such a powerful song (it's been in my top three from the car from the very first moment eheheh) but hearing it live is just so........uGH it's soso powerful and the instrumental part when he always goes to jamie and they do their thing is absolutely beautiful and intense and aaaaa <///3
ugh i'll never forgive them for not giving me cornerstone and i was very upset about that BUT i have to say i probably would've been even MORE upset if they played perfect sense because i feel like it's rarer yknow? it's much more likely for them to play cornerstone (for obvious reasons) rather than perfect sense or even star treatment (which thankfully i got sjghdgf)
also iwby.......yeah. he always looks so pensive when he sings that and i'm like who HURT you babygirl <////3
yeah about the audience it was exactly the same at my show, we were all standing up and jumping around for most of the concert (mostly am and fwn tracks) but then the majority would go dead for specific songs, mostly from the car. but you can BET i was still singing my heart out. and also YEAH can we talk about the applause at the end of the main set and after the encore???? it just didn't stop it lasted SO LONG and it was SO WELL DESERVED because they were AMAZING
i awww'ed out loud at the grandfathers that is literally so sweet. i hope they had a great time :')
i don't remember if he bowled at my show but he did raise the mic stand in the air during pretty visitors sjfhsgfgs i also think he did something similar to what you said during sias, or maybe another song i don't remember - but yeah he pointed directly at the camera and i saw it on the big screen and almost collapsed right there and then lmao. and when he kept waving goodbye and blowing kisses and smiling he was so pretty and he really looked happy to be there and i just never wanted him to get off stage :') i truly wanted that moment to last forever.
the feeling you get once you realize that you're actually seeing them/you saw them is CRAZY. like they exist! they're real and tangible and you were in the same place as them! breathing the same air! and right after it's done (it literally goes by so fast) you start missing them so much. it's almost been two weeks and i'm still so emotional and nostalgic <///3 i love them so much and i miss them terribly.
thank you for sharing your experience anon, it was a pleasure reading about it and i'm happy we both had a great time!!
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taruruchi · 2 years
Twst oc and character ships as Taylor Swift lyrics
Tagging: @emizel @solxima @linawritestwst The names of your ocs colored so it's easier to find them! The colors are Lina, Sol, Lin, and me!
YAY LET'S GO finally posting something after 102038490134 years of not making any content. And happy holidays to everyone!! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!!
“I want you to know I'm a mirrorball. I'll show you every version of yourself tonight. ... And when I break, it's in a million pieces.” (mirrorball, folklore)
“By morning, gone was any trace of you. I think I am finally clean.” (Clean, 1989)
I chose the first part because at first, Hayden keeps trying to reflect what someone wants, right? Whether they want someone like them, someone they admire, etc. And wouldn't he get exhausted because of that at some point? He has to put up a facade with so many people. As for Clean, this is after his redemption arc, when he doesn't have to always keep up his facade anymore! Especially with Riley since he can be himself around him without any judgment! (Bonus: "You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes, spinnin' in my highest heels, love..." because haha he wears heels since he's short I say while he's taller than me)
“I'm the one who burned us down, but it's not what I meant. Sorry that I hurt you. [inserts the rest of the chorus]” (Afterglow, Lover)
“'Cause you could be the one that I love. I could be the one you dream of. A message in a bottle is all I can do, standing here hoping it gets to you.” (Message In A Bottle, Red)
Okay first of all, we had that small bit where Hayden danced with Rollo instead while Seth had to go with the NRC students to safety, right? So yeah Rollo didn't mean to hurt Seth, he just wanted to reach his goal (which I can't really talk about because I haven't watched the event myself). Now the second one happens some time afterwards, when they're together. It reminds me of them because of their long distance relationship, you know? While they're apart, all they can do is send each other letters/texts which isn't always enough, and that's why they hope that their love can reach each other!
“I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you. I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you. I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night and now I see daylight, I only see daylight.” (Daylight, Lover)
The first two lines... basically he's obsessed with his s/o, right? But in my view, this is when he finally finds "the one for him" so he's not as possessive anymore! That's why we have the next line: "Now I see daylight." Once he finds this person, he can finally love in a healthy way and he's just!! happy with his s/o!! i just want him to be happy too :((
“There I was again tonight, forcing laughter, faking smiles. Same old tired, lonely place. Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face. All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you. [proceeds to insert the whole song]” (Enchanted, Speak Now)
This absolutely 100% is giving those scenarios sol wrote where they were dancing and aaaaa they're they them just 🥺 because like when Miles went to that party to save Lumi from all those people and they ended up having fun!! Lumi was dreading spending the whole party alone but Miles comes in and dances with her!!
“Laughing with my feet in your lap, like you were my closest friend. ... Carnations you had thought were roses, that's us.” (Maroon, Midnights)
So basically sol's ocs are just a big group of friends, right? That's why the first line reminded me of them! And especially because of Ignis, they're both laughing together and having fun. The second line is just Meditrina getting "roses" from Ignis and noticing they're actually carnations because despite having a plant expert gf, he's still a little dumb ksjkdks (affectionate)
“Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song.” (Red, Red)
“I'm no one special, just another wide-eyed girl who's desperately in love with you. Give me a photograph to hang on my wall, superstar. [inserts just about the rest of the song]” (SuperStar, Fearless)
Down bad, down horrendous. That's really all I can say about the first thing. The second is just Vil being the super famous celebrity that he is and Ivy being, well, in the crowd cheering him on. Despite that, he still notices her and is just being the amazing person he is! He's incredibly polite and gives her a signed picture of him! It sounds like an idol x fan au and I know that's not the case, but it just sounded like it fits and I think it's cute
“Strange look on his face. Pauses, then says, 'You're my best friend.' And you knew what it was: he is in love.” (You Are In Love, 1989)
They're just. Tiny!! Small!! They start off as friends then they start to see they like each other, the good old friends to lovers!!! They're spending time together one day and all of a sudden, (what I think is) Vance realizes he likes Riley and ajsnndkcmksnd (This also reminds me of that one short scenario about Vance and Bobbie. Y'all remember that?)
“Wasn't it beautiful running wild 'til you fell asleep before the monsters caught up to you? ... Your string of lights are still bright to me. Who you are is not where you've been. You're still an innocent.” (Innocent, Speak Now)
They both had childhoods where they had fun: Allen played with Lumi and Nemis was happy with her sisters and parents. That's until Allen lost his best friend and, well, it went downhill. For Nemis, (I'm realizing I haven't talked about this enough) she lost her parents, the two people who were able to calm her down whenever she was upset. I can see them both seeing past each other's faults and telling the other that it'll be all right from then on because no matter what happened in the past, they're still the same innocent person.
“This ain't for the best. My reputation's never been worse, so you must like me for me.” (Delicate, reputation)
Hayden is really out here getting another part. Anyway, this is also after Overblot™ and his reputation went 📉📉📉 which means!! Whoever likes him has to like the real him, without putting on a mask! That's how we get to Elpys has always been open to befriending him even before his overblot and yayyy that's all, I want them to find happiness
“We are too busy dancing to get knocked off our feet. Baby, we're the new romantics! The best people in life are free!” (New Romantics, 1989)
This happened so suddenly—I was just sitting down and thinking who would've fit Rhyne and for some reason it just feels like a fun dynamic?? I think Ruggie would help Rhyne take her mind off things (because she's constantly worried about something) but he'd also have the capacity to help her out when she needs it! Meanwhile Rhyne is looking after Ruggie as well because that's just in her nature PLUS she scolds Leona. Which is the best part. Also in my head they just look cute together 🥺
“Yeah, we're happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time. It's miserable and magical! ... Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22!” (22, Red)
They're both so energetic and just !!!! Whenever they're together, it's all laughter and smiles. I know Circe isn't good at dancing, but as long as she's having fun then it's okay! Circe's also got her story of being bullied and that's why she escapes to Mostro Lounge, right? That's why I thought the lyrics fit even more. Then Floyd greets her with a big hug and brings her mind away from her bad day and aaaaa they're so adorable together
“'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night, we're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light.” (All Too Well, Red)
Ivy absolutely helps Jamil rest. She might drive him up the wall sometimes, but Jamil appreciates her nonetheless. I can definitely see this scene happening. Jamil is working late in the kitchen because apparently Kalim had invited people over to the dorm for brunch together. Ivy sees him and she asks him to take a break, ending up with them dancing with each other.
“All my flowers grew back as thorns, windows boarded up after the storm. He built a fire just to keep me warm.” (Call It What You Want, reputation)
When I thought of this, I was thinking this was sort of after Colette ran away from home and met Titus. She was mad at her family for replacing her, and meanwhile Titus looked after her since she was unfamiliar with living without the care of her family. I like how Titus cares for her as the pain from being replaced is still fresh, even though they just met and they don't know each other. I think it's sweet!
“And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite.” (cardigan, folklore)
So Jay is just in Ramshackle living that No Lifer Life (me too, my dude). It's like he's forgotten and he can't be as good as the others, like an old cardigan. But nevertheless, Elpys comes over and tries to bring him out to the sun! She doesn't mind that he seems like he won't grow into a successful person, he's still one of the people she likes to hang around with the most and she'll be with him until he can bring himself to the light on his own!
“All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting ... Say my name and everything just stops. I don't want you like a best friend.” (Dress, reputation)
You can tell this is from Onyx's pov 😭 He has been pining for how long?? And yeah he just really likes Iris but there's been no progress !! At all !! Even though Onyx really likes her and he's absolutely SMITTEN. I hope he does get his chance soon! Also I know the rest of the lyrics and yeah it doesn't fit them at that point. That's why it's just that
“And I don't know why but with you I'd dance in a storm in my best dress fearless.” (Fearless, Fearless)
I genuinely think they'd do this. Like, imagine: they're walking home from a party or something else and it starts to rain but they're in a (how do you describe it) happy mood that can't be ruined so they just start dancing in the rain together with no worries in the world. It seems like a very ariyule moment to be and it's !!!! no comprehensible thoughts, just them
“All this time I didn't know you were breakin' down. I'd fall to pieces on the floor if you weren't around. Too young to know it gets better. I'll be summer sun for you forever.” (Forever Winter, Red)
I guess this would be around Chapter 3 era? So basically Taruchi hearing Azul's backstory. After that she does her absolute best to assure Azul of his abilities and be genuine with him so he doesn't think she has some underlying motive. I absolutely 100% believe that he would be more comfortable and vulnerable with her
“Staring at the ceiling with you, oh, you don't ever say too much. And you don't really read into my melancholia.” (Lavender Haze, Midnights)
Estelle is more emotional and vulnerable around people she's close to, that's why I chose this. And I absolutely love the vibes the song has, I'd love for them to have this song. I imagine Merrill doesn't judge her at all, and she does the same for him. I love the mutual understanding and trust they have, I think it's really sweet and I LOVE THEM !!!
“You're beautiful. Every little piece, love, don't you know? You're really gonna be someone.” (Stay Beautiful, Taylor Swift)
In my imagination, Eureka is admiring Epel in her head (and accidentally blurting it out sometimes) and she thinks he's beautiful, inside and out! She absolutely believes that he can be the person he wants to be in the future, and she hopes he can stay just as beautiful as he is now. That's what I think, at least!
“I know looks can be deceiving, but I know I saw a light in you. And as we walked ,we would talk and I didn't say half the things I wanted to.” (Hey Stephen, Fearless)
Everyone thinks Jade is scary, but it was sort of different for Nana. Yeah, she also thought he was scary but when she finally talked to him, she didn't think that anymore. They talked for a long while and she really enjoyed it, which was strange for her since she doesn't usually talk a lot nor enjoy talking to most people. Even more surprising, she wanted to talk more. so yea !!
“And then you say I want you for worse or for better. I would wait for ever and ever. Broke your heart, I'll put it back together. I would wait for ever and ever.” (How You Get the Girl, 1989)
Listen, I know their relationship is sort of angsty, but consider. After both of their arcs (chapter 6 and lise with her family stuff). They stick together, through bad or worse, through all their problems! They might have pushed each other away at one or some points, but they still managed to go back to each other! Look at them, battling through everything life throws at them together!! Only true gamers know the cheat codes and special moves they use to get through all that
“Light pink sky up on the roof, sun sinks down, no curfew. Twenty questions, we tell the truth. You've been stressed out lately? Yeah, me too. Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand.” (It's Nice to Have a Friend, Lover)
This seems very casual... which I like. I like to think they spend their time like that. Sebastian being stressed from doing so much work and Ivy helping him relax by just. relaxing and doing simple every day things <3 and since Sebastian is more shy (I assume since he's infp) the touching hands part seems cuter
[ Note: I started getting tired at this point so they're shorter ]
“Ugh, so he calls me up and he's like, 'I still love you.' And I'm like, 'I just, I mean, this is exhausting, you know? Like, we are never getting back together, like, ever.'” (We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, Red)
Blanca got an epiphany and realized that she was better than Malleus could ever be 🧘‍♀️ What a queen ❗
“And I know you could fall for a thousand kings, and hearts that could give you a diamond ring. When I fold, you see the best in me.” (The Joker and the Queen)
Okay so if the first is from Taruchi's pov, this one is Azul's. Even though Azul could be at his low and others could treat her better, she still sticks to him and loves him. As I recently learned from a movie I watched (I think it was Set It Up), "You like because, and you love despite."
IVY x VIL (2)
“I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own. I made up my mind, I'm better off bein' alone. We met a few weeks ago. Now you try on callin' me, baby, like tryin' on clothes.” (King of My Heart, reputation)
Ivy saying she doesn't serve anyone and she can carry herself but suddenly meeting Vil and going 🧎‍♀️ and he IS the king of her heart
“Long live all the mountains we moved. I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.” (Long Live, Speak Now)
I absolutely love this song and it think it fits their friendship a lot!! As the main group™ they've been through a lot together and of course they fully trust each other. All that time they spend together is treasured because they're practically family now!! I love them so so much and. And they. When they <3
“Seems like there's always someone who disapproves. They'll judge it like they know about me and you. And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do. The jury's out, but my choice is you.” (Ours, Speak Now)
This is just because most people think Trey is boring but sol omg your version of Trey is *chef's kiss* It seems like a sweet ship <3
“Meet me in the pouring rain, kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain. 'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile.” (Sparks Fky, Speak Now)
I like dynamics like this, they're very cute! Deima getting butterflies whenever Kalim approaches her, it's so 🥺 Kalim is just instant serotonin. She's lacked a constant person to rely on and to cheer her on so I think Kalim would really help her with that and it makes me so happy
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having-conniptions · 1 year
Love In The Air episode 8 live reaction under the cut (long post)
I was gonna watch the new episodes of Link Click and Jujutsu Kaisen but I saw the PrapaiSky preview and I need it RIGHT NYEOW
I can already tell they're gonna be the death of me
Wait this looks familiar... timeskip back to the race Rain and Sky snuck into?
Yup, definitely. The dude with the half-jorts is there lmao
I am SO ready to watch everything play out from Sky's and/or Prapai's perspective
And THAT'S when Prapai spots Sky. Bruh if I were Sky I'd have melted right then and there with Prapai smiling like that
He immediately has a soft spot for Sky huh
"He's my boy" not yet baby
He's lecturing Sky but he also saved his ass
Sky's annoyed face when Prapai tries to touch his face WE LOVE A STRONG BITCH
Oh that is NOT how a relationship should start PRAPAI I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU DON'T PULL THIS SHIT
I mean at least Sky told him to take what he wanted
And honestly Sky is really going for it so I guess it's not that bad but it's still some weird power dynamic / blackmailing shit soooo... eh
Lmao at the same time Phayu is lecturing Rain until Rain kisses him - idk if I love getting a recap of the whole first half of the series but I guess it helps put the PrapaiSky scenes in a chronological context while also slowing down the pacing so it's not all over in 2 episodes
Ok Sky is mad and I am confused bc how much of what happened did he actually want? He seemed rather enthusiastic but when Pai went for a second round Sky looked rather grumpy but told him to "bring it on" regardless? Very very dubious consent and Sky feeling used afterwards...
"Single life is the best. I can sleep with whoever I want" oh Mr. Braces over here is a player huh? How old is this kid??? Lmao
Poor Sky he deserves to be loved, not used
Aaaaa the montage of PrapaiSky thinking about each other / trying to forget
Hehehehe Prapai is such a player... but he can't go through with it because he can't get Sky out of his head, classic
3 months later Prapai is still replaying that night in his head huh... (riding his bike while thinking about Sky riding him)
Lmao Sky is reading Demon Slayer (I already spotted the figurine in his room a while ago)
Hahahaha the little reference to the source material of the series
"I don't know who you are. But if you're trying to annoy me, I'm hanging up." I LOVE HIS SASS
"In case you didn't know, humans are warm-blooded. And I'm a human. It's normal for my body to be hot. You don't have to help me, cause I don't associate with cold-blooded animals. Farewell." I SWEAR HE HAS THE BEST LINES LMAO
Prapai is just being a bit of a creep rn
The way Sky just yeets his phone
Lmao Pai is already so whipped
Wtf is that chicken dance
"You've met P'Pai, haven't you?" awkward......
Hahaha Sky putting the pieces together "Wind... Prapai."
Sky needs a ride, HOW CONVENIENT
"Rain doesn't know about us, does he?" THERE IS NO "US" YOU GUYS HOOKED UP ONCE THAT'S NOT "US"
I love that Sky is standing his ground
Pai you're being cringe
So the reason why Sky rejects Prapai is because he doesn't believe Pai is actually interested in him beyond sex and thinks he's just gonna use him 😭 awwww baby nooo you're amazing and that's why he will fall in love with you and give you the world 😭❤️
Ok sunflowers are cool I'd be thrilled to get a whole bouquet of them
Oh he's calling him! Oh he has him saved as psycho... 💀
He's hesitating to throw away the flowers!!
Bonus scene: "sometimes sexy. Occasionally sad. Mysterious at times." That's how he sees Sky huh xD
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nightmarealm · 20 days
forget - me - not :   has your muse ever forgotten something that is or was important to them ?   are they afraid of forgetting things like that ?  
smiles so widely this is a good one. here's the funny thing bill actually seems to be the most forgetful about things that are important to him. it lead to his downfall in weirdmagedon, he got so cocky in his plans he didn't even like. he can see the outcomes of the future and what's most likely! if he checked he could've probably seen oh this is heading down the path where i Die but he didn't because he was like psh... that's not even gonna happen. he's not very detail oriented like you might expect out of him.
however comma that's more of forgetfulness/careless rather then if he's forgotten anything. which he has. a lot of things, actually! He hasn't straight up forgotten what happened to his home dimension, he still like... knows what happened in the back of his mind. those memories are just so far repressed he basically can't pull them back up to the surface. at least not without a breakdown or blacking out. however! other things that are like.. adjacent to that do end up being entirely forgotten. like for example, taking over other dimensions! he goes into doing that, realizes ooooooh this is just like what happened to my home dimension, and sorta "reliving" that experience just causes him to like. black it all out. not saying that he doesn't make that active choice to do that or anything, he's like yeah i'll do this in aaaaa fun way yay!! and then things start burning and people start screaming and things start crumbling and hes like oh this is not as fun all the sudden. and then when its over and done with it sorta just gets really fuzzy until he cant even remember what happened there so he's like yay let's do it again! not to mention that like. the nightmare realm is a dimension that is actively crumbling and dying from very early on, dragging other dimensions into it is kinda the only thing keeping it alive so unless he wants to confront the reality of just letting it die, which we all know he has problems facing the music, he sorta cant do much else. plus! all his friends who live there with him are watching!! cant let them know that destroying things like that is a little distressing!! think of your merciless god persona!!
all that to say he tends to not remember important things whenever it like.. drags up those memories about home. stuff that reminds him of traumatic incidents. im sure if some like horrible medical incident happened to him in current day outside of the backstory medical horrors, he wouldn't remember that very well afterwards either, etc.
as for how afraid he is of it. well. it's less of like.. active fear and more of when he thinks about it too hard, theres this disquieting feeling. its unsettling. he tries to avoid those memories like the plague to begin with, so he doesn't think about it often, but yes, it is a little alarming to him that he can't recall it. what happened exactly? like. that's his life. he's supposed to know everything why can't he drag it up, what happened? why can't he remember if it was his mother or father who was red or blue? so he just opts not to think about it very hard. he'll have 5 more martinis to stop thinking about it, thanks.
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Reader and Grell (fem!pronounces) doing each others hair and makeup while preparing for a ball (probably at Phantomhives)
aaaaa so cute~
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“How’s this, babe? Enough of a curl?”
Grell hums as she lifts the ends of her hair to inspect your work. You might be nervous about her judgment if you didn’t know she’s always incredibly gentle when it comes to you; whether physically or with words. “Well, this isn’t really a curl… it’s more of a wave.”
Then she tosses that section of hair over her shoulder and gives you a jagged smile. “But I can make anything work! It looks better than the curl I wanted.”
“Are you sure?” You move to keep going, though, your hands reaching to style the next part of her hair. She’s right that she definitely makes it work. “I mean, I know you can make anything look good, but if it’s not what you wanted…”
She waves a manicured hand in your direction to quiet your worries. “Oh, hush. You know, it doesn’t even matter what I look like tonight ― I always feel like a princess when I’m with you. That’s really all I care about.”
You lean in for a kiss as you work your way through the rest of her hair, making the ends of each section into immaculate waves. It’s a gorgeous style for her… despite the fact that it’s true, she looks great no matter what. “Is that right?”
“That’s exactly right. Now turn around and let me see what I can manage to accomplish with your makeup! That part’s best left to me anyway,” she grins. Nothing stops her from returning the kiss, and running her long nails through your hair. “Though I will say, you’re a miracle worker when it comes to our hair. You look simply darling!”
“No more darling than you.”
“Well, listen, my dear, anyone in competition with me is going to lose.”
You laugh and turn, closing your eyes so she can work. Whatever she does to you, you never fail to end up looking just as lovely as she does. So you’re more than happy to play dress-up, letting her do what she does best and make you look stunning. (Even though she claims you always do…)
“Why are we going to Lord Phantomhive’s ball, anyway?” You shift only slightly, to keep your back from getting stiff in one position. “Don’t you have work?”
She scoffs. “You know better than to mention that word while we’re preparing to have a wonderful evening together! And anyway, I am working tonight. There are a couple of souls that need to be collected a bit later… unfortunately, the little guard dog is going to have quite a mess on his hands.”
You tilt your head, earning yourself a huff when you know that screws up what Grell is doing. “So… we’re going to be having a good time, and then people are going to die… and that’s a romantic evening?”
“Well, why not, sweetie? Ronnie’s bringing his girlfriend along! It’s not as if we can’t enjoy the festivities before things go a bit sideways.” She gives you a soft pat on the cheek to let you know you can open your eyes. “Besides… you’re not really going to complain that I’m taking you along on work when we barely spend enough time together as it is, are you?”
It feels like your eyes practically roll back in your head. “I suppose not, when you put it that way. Are you going to leave the real work to Ronald?”
She smirks. “Oh, (Name), you do know me after all! I’ve got to make sure you get home before the clock strikes twelve and your carriage turns back into a pumpkin. And anyway… Ronnie needs some independence. He’s ready to handle this on his own! All he’ll need help with is straightening out the paperwork afterwards.”
With that she gets up, gesturing for you to do the same. “I promise you, darling, this will be an evening to die for.”
… Literally, apparently.
That’s how it always goes with Grell, though, and you wouldn’t change a thing.
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fairytheo · 3 years
enhypen as your boyfriend.
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boyfriend!enhypen x gen!reader. fluff. 1.9k. curse words. mention of bugs, food. not requested.
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🐈 ⸝⸝ HEESEUNG ˙𐃷˙
super-duper caring !!
he’s so whipped for you — he smiles just by thinking about you
also very giggly around you
LOVES lending you his beanies
(aka. you stealing them..)
+ you steal his earrings as well ! not that he minds
absolutely adores singing for you / he loves singing you to sleep :D
hold up, is being heeseung’s s/o just being his personal ramen cook 🤨🤨
he aaalwaays bugs you to play games with him (especially wii and nintendo switch lmao)
either that or you’re playing animal crossing while eating takeout at your dinner table
you’re the only person in the world who he’ll ever do aegyo for. 
he secretly enjoys it, but shhh you didn’t hear that from me
i think he likes calling you names like cutie, cutiepie or just a shorter version of your name <3 (if there is one !)
booping your nose is on his everyday to do list ☝️
lowkey therapist & boyfriend in one ngl
WAIT he loves making playlists for you two,, 
“y/n! i made another playlist, do you wanna listen to it? i made it while thinking of you.” <//3 
the type to write cheesy lyrics about you, then later cringes at his own writing bUT then leaves it like that because you like it !
you have his cover of lauv’s “i’m so tired” either set as your alarm or play it on loop everyday 
(random but for some reason i can picture him giving you a cassette with his cover on it just for the vintage vibes)
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAY ˙𐃷˙
the mom-and-boyfriend in one ;] 
f a s h i o n  c o u p l e 
you are literally fashion icons. no disagreements. 
you have matching clothes or accessories ! even if it’s really subtle, the gesture behind it is super adorable <//3
cooking pt. 2 :D but this time there’s a gorden ramsay in your relationship
i can just SEE how you both two impersonate gorden ramsay while cooking which makes everything 10 times funnier !! checks every 5 seconds if the food is ready tho because he doesn’t wanna risk anything
never cleans up afterwards, either you do or no one does
since you’re both fashion icons your social media followers are going 📈📈📈
literally couple goals.
he loves taking pictures of you,, but also wants you to take pictures of him 
jay gets flustered easily so please make him flustered with sudden compliments, hugs, kisses, etc. !!
he’s also the only member i can really see calling you babe
confident but shy about pda at the same time ??? he’s both LOL 
you always tease him with his RAS moments and randomly quote them when you’re in the middle of a conversation with him lmao
random and idk if this fits here, but he likes making your lunch — leaves you encouraging notes too <3
last but not least: jokingly gets angry at you when he wants something from you, and you do the same thing back ♡
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAKE ˙𐃷˙
sweetest and softest boyfriend to ever exist. i’m so soft for him JSHSHS
definitely calls you sweetie and darling. 100%. fight me if you think otherwise. 
shows you pics of layla everyday (it’s become routine for him >_<)
a tiny bit cliché BUT lends you his jacket whenever you’re cold (even when you’re inside !!)
random thought: jake puts his hands in your hoodie pockets...
it’s his personal goal to peck your cheek and forehead at least twice a day — gets pouty if he wasn’t able to do that ))):::
talks in english a lot because you love his accent !!
if you’re an english speaker, you’ll have conversations in english all. the. time.
if you’re not an english speaker, no worries, he’ll teach you !
+ reads you bedtime stories in english (jake’s australian accent >>>) 
dreams of travelling with you to australia <33  
if there’s a bug in the house you better know that jake will NOT be removing them and runs out of the house
WILL stay over at one of the other member’s houses untill that bug is REMOVED . 
so if you’re afraid of bugs as well,,, i’m sorry bae, but it’ll be your task to remove these little... creatures 😐
ngl you have more photos of layla than of him on your phone lol
(spams you with her pictures and captions them with “y/n!!! look!!! layla with a flower!!!! layla with a butterfly!!!!” it’s just so sweet aaa)
we need some “””drama””” so you make jokes about him being a “🥶💸🔥💪” boy a lot in your relationship LMAO
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNGHOON ˙𐃷˙
ice skating dates.
this has been mentioned in other headcanons a lot already but i just HAD to include it,,
convinces you to eat ice cream after your date LOL even if it IS winter
btw. fashion couple nr. 2 !!! 
ugh the visuals and the power you two hold,,,, i can’t,,,,,
has better clothes than you ngl so you share clothes lmao
it started with him lending you his sweatpants, but then you didn’t want to return them forgot to return them and BOOM 💥 here we are
extremely awkward and shy at first — don’t worry though, he becomes much more chaotic in the later phases of your relationship
he teases you SO MUCH. LIKE. SO MUCH.
always has small smile (smirk?) on his face when he’s about to make a cocky remark (so beware)
you tease him back just twice as hard which 1.) results in him in becoming flustered 2.) fails LOL
off-topic but he’d love a s/o that has a similar style to him ??? a more elegant, classy, dark style perhaps
when he’s away / busy he’ll send you some selcas and captions them with “how r u doing??” “did you eat yet?” “cheer up :P” 
kinda shy about pda but likes showing off too ???
i mean,, men... 🙄🙄 /lh
whenever someone mentions your name near him, he’ll just try to hide his smile while biting his lip (yk what i’m talking about???) and you’ll see his dimples and the affectionate look in his eyes and just AAAAA
the type of boyfriend that calls you love~
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNOO ˙𐃷˙
skin care routines with sunoo 24/7 🤝
he does your hair (if your hair is long enough to do different hairstyles with it ofc !!) 
send you daily weekly skin care products he thinks you two should try out / that’d be good for your skin <3
spa nights every friday at 9pm — he only lets you in if you wear a stylish pyjama LOL
you buy him peach items because they just remind you so much of him (。•́︿•̀。)
SELCA TIME !!! his phone is always ready !!! (apart from his storage maybe?)
loves to go on walks w u
does A LOT of aegyo,, 
and i know that you knew that this point will be in this headcanon.
for eg. instead of saying goodnight or bye he’ll just do aegyo for you not that anyone minds tbh
stages of sunoo flirting (?):
a — tries to compliment you (it sounds more like a flirty remark tbh)
b — realizes then blushes
c — cringes and runs away LMAO
playfully acts jealous, so you know it’s a joke but deep down he’s actually jealous
you two match each others vibes a lot — if one is sad, the other is sad as well
+ tells you your posture is bad when you sit like a banana or tells you to go to sleep early and when you don’t listen to him, he’ll show you an article that proves that (abc) and (xyz) is bad for you and says “i told you so.” 💀
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JUNGWON ˙𐃷˙
impresses you by doing kicks (does the kick cap challenge on tiktok and/or you play kick it by nct 127 for the funzies) 
poking his dimple is a MUST . 😩😩
though gets super shy when you kiss him and also if you buy him gifts !!
cheers you up whenever you feel down or are upset
compliments you a ton ))): will randomly come up to you and tell you that your fit is cute or that you look brighter today,,, little does he know it's because of him ;]
poking his dimple comes first, then hugging
the other members tease you two everytime you’re over LOL it’s like there are two koalas clinging onto each other
our yang garden gained another sheep +1
you two randomly play sheep,,,, like,,, everyday ???? sheep cosplays 👍
idk why ig it’s just fun to imitate sheep and go “mmmeEeEeeEhh” to annoy others
talking of that, even THOUGH he is a responsible leader he will not hesitate to do stupid shit with you
“hey how about we ring on that house there and yell “sheep for sale!” do you think they’ll open the door?”
“i don’t know... let’s find out!” 🤝
let’s just say that this didn’t end well..
also kinda bullies you (in a loving way ofc !!) pand teases you nonstop
either calls you asshole or love aHA
in conclusion: a very unpredictable relationship,, would 10/10 recommend.
very random but i feel like his love language is acts of service
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🐈 ⸝⸝ NI-KI ˙𐃷˙
oh look it’s our tsundere 😼
can’t go a day without dancing so you two have vibing sessions at 2am everyday ft. the others telling you to go to bed
you’re the only one that can make him soft lol
if you’re older than him, you would definitely take care of him like your own baby !! 
if you are the same age as him or younger it’d be awkward for him at first, because he isn’t used to taking care of someone younger, so he’d treat you as if you were his best friend at the beginning
you love to watch him dance !! it’s so satisfying,, LITERAL asmr.
pranks you 24/7. boy has NO mercy. will not care if the others will scold him later. he will do the prank smoothly (?) — doesn’t care about the consequences LMAO
probably sets your alarm to someone screaming or a cringy aegyo song <//3
wants to film dance covers with you !! you don’t have to be the best dancer either !! as long as you have fun ^__^ 
the other members find you really cute but are also vERY TIRED OF YOU,, two energized teens in a relationship was not a good idea ☝️
likes to randomly hold your hand and swing it around 
probably distant at the beginning of the relationship because a.) he doesn’t want to pressure you/make things awkward b.) he doesn’t really know what to do either ???
(if you’re not japanese or don’t know how to speak japanese) he’ll definitely teach you some japanese phrases and words !! introduce you to his culture as well :DD and he really wants to know more about your culture too <3
teaches you phrases like “sunoo is a dumbass” for the funzies LOL
randomly makes micheal jackson impressions,,, it’s hilarious LMFAO
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kkokopi · 3 years
Ran, Rindou, or Inupi as your boyfriend where you pretend to drown in the pool just to see their reactions. It's your first time going to date in the pool and you decided to prank them but you're also a good swimmer.
waaaaaiiit omggg ur mind aaaaa a genius boo I really love this idea anyway ask and you shall receive lets gooo!
aaaaa its my first time writing for rindou and inupi im kinda nervous
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Pretending to drown in front of them
includes: ran & rindou haitani, inupi
warning(s): none
wordcount : 3 298
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ran haitani
where do i even begin with this mess of a man
he doesn't take you seriously and sometimes pranking him backfires
it's like he has a sixth sense to know when someone's lying or like just kidding around
so he will not i repeat will NOT jump in to save you the first few minutes of your "drowning"
i just want to put it out there and say the moment he sees you flailing he'd prolly laugh a bit and maybe throw in a "you're doing great sweetie" and just all together watch you from the side
though his reaction would depend on how well you play the part of drowning so it could really go two ways
Route A: if he doesn't find your drowning believable he'd just watch you with a smug smile/ smirk and would tell you not to over do it cause you'll just embarass yourself or would straight up tell you after you'd flail around for a while that you put on a good show and it almost had him fooled (not)
would demonstrate how believable drowning would look like
Route B: If you pulled of the drowning bit all too well he'd panic
like the minute you stop flailing and actually start sinking and he sees your panic stricken face he'd get nervous for a bit he'd let out a "alright goodjob that was some good acting you can go up now"
and when you dont thats when he'd really panic and would start feeling like a douche for ignoring since you really did need his help and he was just playing it for a joke
though the moment he does find out it was a prank and you actually could swim
boy feels cheated and betrayed that you conned him and is really whiny and pouty about it afterwards
demands an apology but you demand one back since he was your boyfriend he should've been more protective what if you were really drowning
overall route b is super eventful
(Bonus) Route C: Nothing would happen since he'd coddle you the moment you two got into the pool
"(n/n)," you feel arms wrap around your middle from behind, knowing exactly who it was you leaned back to relax to the braided teen's touch
"you look cute in your little outfit, care to give me a little twirl?" he says eliciting a giggle out of you which made him run his fingers along your sides to prolong the laugh he loved to hear from you so much. Ran had always been quite playful whether you guys were alone or not and it always left a lot of people who knew him perplexed to just how much he was akin to a puppy whenever you were around. Though him being playful doesn't mean it was all harmless, no, in fact, you could swear that this man would give you a heart attack with all the little stunts he's pulled on you over the past months and even before you both even started dating.
You squeal when you feel his arms dip from your side to scoop you up by your thighs. Heat pools up in your body when he pulls you flush towards his chest and his rumbled laugh sent tremors down your body
"Ran?" you ask nervously as you see a smirk spreads across his face, "Ran baby? you aren't thinking of throwing me over are you?" your voice comes out shaky as your gaze darts from him and to the cold pool "What was that?" He chuckles out while he rocks you in his arms another chuckle leaving his lips whenever you'd squeal when he rocked you closer to the edge of the pool "Please I can't swim" You jest clinging on his loose swim shirt with a whine
"Nonsense" Ran laughs out before giving the crown of your head a kiss before throwing you towards the pool in one big swing.
You squeal before you submerge in water. While underneath the clear pool a wicked smirk plays at your lips deciding to play with the jest you had said earlier about not knowing to swim, maybe then he'd feel guilty about yeeting you in
'See how you like it you purple giant' you think to yourself as you flail around the pool moving up towards the surface to call for his name in desperation before flailing and willing your body to sink
Ran just shakes his head and laughs, his arms folded over his chest, "try harder babe and then I might actually think of coming to your rescue" mirth and amusement playing in his eyes as he sees you sink down the pool
Ran counts down to a minute knowing you'd have to be out of breath eventually and when does see you resurface you had the most wicked glare he'd ever seen on your features and a pout on your lips.
"It was a nice try though sweetheart!!" he cooed and going over to the swimming benches to grab you a towel and crouching down to you.
He laughs when you turn your face away from him with a small 'hmph' and he just laughs wiping away the water droplets still by your face
"You're infuriating," you say, "What if I was actually drowning you jerk!" splashing him with an arm flick
He wipes himself with the towel he'd brought for you, "well to be fair, I know what dorwning looks like and you my dear are a terrible actor" and to that respknse you only look at him with an even bigger glare of accusation and he bi colored hair male raises his hands up in defense, "What's with the look? Don't tell me you mean to think I actually drowned someone?" he questions and you continue to stare hard at him
"Hey now it's not what you think, Rindou wasn't the best swimmer as a kid and I had to save his ass from drowning a couple of times like a dependable big bro!" You still look at him unconvinced and felt somewhat bad having ran out rindou that way. "Still, you could've showed a little more care to your drowning girlfriend," you pout and he rolls his eyes in response, "all you did was stand there and laugh like a meanie!"
He puts the towel on one of the benches and looks over at you with a smirk, "drowning you say?" his eyes held a hint of mischief and it had you scampering to take steps backwards, "I'll show you what drowning looks like!" he says before jumping into the pool himself
He swims over to your direction and hugs you close, "I can give you a drowning demo if you'd like" he says playfully while you splash him around but the taller male didn't budge, "You really are a headache" you sigh in defeat knowing there was no stopping your boyfriend "You love me though," he says digging his chin down your head and lifted you up over his shoulder and dropping you backward with a laugh
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rindou haitani
much like his brother, rindou is pretty observant but all rational decision leaves his body the moment you're even a hairs length near danger
as much as he may seem calm and collected he is very protective towards those he consider family to him and in those protective moments you could see a more desperate and a more vulnerable side to him very different from the character he shows in his exterior
as a boyfriend you can best believe that he'd always keep you in arms length and away from potential danger
he'd like to believe that he can't be easily fooled but he isn't as confident as his brother in reading or seeing into cons or pranks
he's smart enough to know you were pranking him at first like he did have his suspicion that it was a prank at first since there was no way you didn't know how to swim right? after all you were the one who suggested to go to the pool
but the next minute thoughts of his insecurity of his inability to read into pranks would cloud over him and he feels a coil in his stomach
the moment you start to sink does nothing to calm his anxieties and something inside him snaps and he's rushing towards where you are in the pool and jumps not caring if he even was dressed in swim attire yet or if he still wore his shoes or had on an expensive watch
none of that mattered right now what mattered was getting to you and knowing if you were safe
the moment you both pull up you'd see the worry, desperation, fear and a hint of insecurity pool in his eyes
emotions so raw and intense paint within those purple orbs and its a foreign view so for his sake please don't tell him you did it as a prank
Today you were on a mission to test your boyfriend. You know your boyfriend had this stoic outward demeanor but for the time you had been dating him you've known him as a total softie, just don't say it to his face though he'd deny it greatly. Now, it wasn't every day you get to have an opportunity to get a rise out of Rindou so you had really made quite the decision to test out what he'd do if you would drown on your little pool date.
You had this idea of yours in mind since the night before when he asked where you both wanted to go for today's date and you suggested the pool and kept quipping up jokes that you weren't a confident swimmer and asking if you could count on him for tomorrows date which you only received a scoff and a roll of a response
And today, the d-day you've went the extra mile of making it believable by only swimming close to the pool ledge and only going to where your feet could touch the ground while rindou watched you from the sides since he wasn't exactly in a mood for a dip as of the moment having been on what he called a "hell work call" from his annoying older brother
Now Rindou had his suspicions of you ever since the night you asked if you could count on him, it had him thinking you were on to something. And the way you'd paddle towards him but then realize what you're doing then opting to water hopping to where he was had him smirking at this game you were playing.
He shook his head at this, there was no way he was playing into your plan, he has you figured out, at least he thinks so.
So when he sees you run towards him who was across the pool, "Rin-rin" you call towards him and slip and your eyes gloss with a panic-stricken eyes making contact with his as you fall to the deeper parts of the pool had him second guess his judgment
He'd stand frozen, arms weighing like cement and his breathing heavy. It takes him a moment to realize you haven't resurfaced and he runs to where you were.
He sees you thrashing around the water and then the water stills, and the bubbles fade and he wastes no time into jumping into the pool and pulled your figure up with him.
He feels you shaking in his arms, "shit, im sorry i took so long" he mutters holding you close to his chest. "don't fucking run around like that" you could feel the way he was breathing heavily and the way his heart was thundering in his chest as he holds you and at this moment you don't know which of you was breathing heavier
Rindou sighs drawing circles on your shoulders as you both held eachother then switches to carrying you to the steps of the pool and sits you down in silence. You haven't looked at him, scared of the face that would greet you once you did so you kept your head down
"don't do anything stupid" he mutters and you don't fail to notice the tremble in his voice and caused your heart to pinch
You look at him and gasp at his appearance, he still wore his pullover shirt but now it was drenched sticking to his skin, the new watch he'd just saved up for still on his wrist but what had you sinking in guilt was the look he had on his face.
Desperate, scared and it was filled with a fire you didn't know what it was. He was having an internal battle with himself he was thinking that any second or minute later he could've lost you. He thought you were just playing around but now...
you see the way he clenched his jaw and fist and you hold your head down, "i'm sorry" you whisper out but you didn't know for which reason you were sorry, you were sorry that you caused him an inner turmoil, you were sorry for thinking pranking him was a good idea, you were sorry for taking it too far but you really were scared.
You had meant to test him yes but the fall was an accident and it really did have you feeling scared and your body didn't know how to respond. Your body froze up and you don't know what would've happened if Rindou hadn't come for you
your shoulders shook, "I'm sorry rin"
"It's fine"
He gets out of the pool and wraps you in a towel avoiding your gaze "you were scared right?" he says as he continues to dry you off "I was too"
You spend the rest of your pool date close to him and he swears to himself he'd pay more attention to anything that would happen to you. Needless to say, he ends up not leaving your side the whole day.
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inupi is the standard ladies
model tier boyfriend
much like rindou he is very protective of those he considers family and he'd be willing to put his life on the line for the safety of those he loves and trusts
he's always looking out for you one way or another he'd have this habit of holding your hand or slightly walking behind you so he knows your safe
i feel like he subconsciously does it because he doesn't want to lose anymore people that are precious to him and im sure you can understand that
so the moment you'd fall into the pool you'd best believe he'd jump in straight after you like regardless if you know how to swim or not
you could always count on him to be your knight in shining armor
100% would ask if you were alright and if you still wanted to swim, and if you prefer you guys could still go on a date somewhere else less hazardous
he'd be more attentive after that and would always direct you elsewhere if the floor be wet or slippery
my boy wouldn't leave your side for the end of the day and tend to your every need
i see him apologizing for having you slip in his negligence and promises that it wont happen again and if you were scared he'd understand 🥺🥺🥺
anywho prank or not just know that he's always ALWAYS going to put your needs above his and would not hesitate to jump in to save you
Inupi had always been the perfect gentleman to you and it was really sweet how he would normally put you before anything else.
The lengths Inupi would go for you could even compare to the extremes even if it wasn't exactly necessary. He'd carry you around if you felt your shoes were uncomfortable, he would sneak out in the middle of the night just to see if you were doing okay, hell he'd even willingly buy you a meal if you said you were hungry at 2am and today you had asked for a pool day, there was no need to tell him twice, what you want you'd get
It kinda did make you feel bad that Inupi had always been spoiling you dirty but he reassures he does it from the goodness of his heart, doesn't stop you from pampering him either as a form of compensation
You remembered the way Koko would fake gag at you guys for "acting like lovesick fools" which you would always playfully stick your tongue out and him doing the same while Inupi shakes his head in your childish antics.
Anyways today was a holiday and what better way to spend a holiday than with your boyfriend at the pool! At least that's what you say enough to convince him, though he really didn't really need the convincing he'd be fine anywhere as long as he was with you
You ran around the pool in awe while he follows you from behind, a soft smile on his face whenever you'd look back at him with glee. He'd never get tired of that look of yours, he reasons
"Oooo I think we could swim over on that place," you tell him pointing towards the distance to where there was a perfect amount of sun and shade
He nods with a smile as he lets you lead the way, always making sure he was behind you because he got antsy whenever you weren't in his line of sight
On the way to pick the perfect pool spot, you turn over to ask him something but lose your footing. Your eyes widened as you felt weightlessness and tipped over to the pool's side "Sei!" you squealed reaching your arms towards him to prevent the fall
The complete panic in your eyes has Inupi who was a few steps behind you run to grab your arm before plummeting but to no avail. His breath hitches when you make a big splash upon impact in the pool and wastes no time into jumping in for you disregarding all the bags and pool floats he was holding
Pulling you close in his arms as you resurface, you bring a fist to your mouth coughing bit and he sighs in relief.
"I'm sorry were you scared?" he asks, his sunflower-colored hair had droplets falling from them. He looks like an angel in this light. "I should've jumped in sooner"
At that you laugh knowing he probably jumped just a millisecond after you fell, "You didn't have to jump in after me Sei" He only shakes his head when you say this and pulls you closer into his arms
"Have to protect you" the words he says is muffled by your hair
"Really!" you say trying to lighten the situation, "Thank you though you really are my hero!" He smiles fondly when you bury yourself in his embrace
Right after you both had gotten out of the pool he inspects you thoroughly but you just laugh it off much to his dismay but your hands reached for the towel and rubbed it along his hair and he sighs, "You sure you're not hurt?"
"Yes Sei I'm sure"
"Cause we could always go on a date somewhere else if you don't feel like swimming anymore," he says and turns to look you in the eye and it's your turn to send him a smile
"I don't mind, as long as it's with you!" you say and it fills his chest with an unexplained warmth
"Actually, why don't we just go get icecream," you piped looking at him expectantly like a puppy.
Who was he to deny you of that, for you, he was a willing lovesick fool
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NOTE: yayyy hi guysss its me again how was my first rindou and inupi fic? anyways im here to mention my request posting schedule of sorts so when I get a request I'd take 3-5 working days to do it and publish (it depends on the contents of the fic or how many characters were given) but i guess that'll be the range of how long it might take another thing I'd like to mention is that im starting univesity in a week so publishing stories might come slow depending on the workload thats all!
We hit 100 followers yesterday guys! thank you so much! I promise to live up to you guy's expectations
Anyways yall know the drill requests are open and i suggest reading the rules before leaving one! and if you want to support the author you can leave a tip
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aaaaa I saw your requests were open and I decided that I just needed to get this out
Headcanons for if you’re FL childe’s child?(adopted)
And I’m so happy I found this page, we can brainrot together bc I’m currently having FL brainrot too
oh my goodness i'm sorry this took so long!!! i hope you enjoy nonetheless and i can't wait to brainrot with you!! i got permission to do headcanons that were more a big brother vibe, i hope that's alright with everyone!
~ * ~ When You're a Child HCs
Warnings for swimming, flying, and allusions to killing
~ * ~
-Childe’s been living on his own in the forest for a while now -Not many people come this way, and every time they do he hides -He’s gotten used to it but not having human interaction for so long is starting to wear on his moral, as the forest is also rumored to be dangerous for people to wander through -Unfortunately he knows if anyone saw him they’d either report it or try to kill him so he does his best to stay out of sight -Now imagine his surprise when he sees a young child casually walk into the woods -You had decided to gather some herbs and flowers for your home, but all the nearby hills had been picked dry!! -So you decided to try the forest that everyone told you not to go into -You were a big kid!!! You could take care of yourself!! -(You were completely wrong about that) -Childe watched you pick flowers, happy and carefree as can be -So happy and carefree that you didn’t notice the hilichurl behind you -Childe’s big brother instincts ACTIVATED and he leapt out and finished the hilichurl with an efficient slash -When he turned to face you he was surprised to see awe on your face as you reached up and gave him a quick pat on his head -You thanked him very much for protecting you!! You were taught to be polite!! -He unconsciously leans into your hand as you lightly bonk his head, which makes you giggle and smile -You collect your herbs when you realize it’s getting dark and promise to return tomorrow -He doesn’t expect you to actually come back but surprisingly you do!! You bring lunch with you too and offer him fruit -You’re genuinely not afraid of him at all and his heart melts when he realizes that -From then on you create a routine. You come to the woods and romp around with your big mysterious moth monster!! -Sometimes he’ll tug you in a certain direction and lead you to something cool!! Like pretty flowers that you always take home -Once you made a flower chain for him. It was a bit messy and childish but he kept and wore it until it wilted -Since he can’t talk very well you probably end up giving him a little nickname like Mothy or Mr. Sparkles -When it’s raining he’ll stand over you so you stay dry and show you how to clean his wings afterwards -Sometimes when Childe’s really lonely and missing his family he’ll hold you between his claws because you remind him of Teucer -You probably go home at night and tell your parents that you’re okay because your moth friend protected you!! -They’re not sure what to think about that but you always come back alright so hopefully it’s okay? -If you get tired while walking Childe will pick you up and put you on his shoulder so you can rest your legs and have a better view!! -If you end up falling asleep he’ll move you from his shoulder to his arms -He’ll also probably teach you some self defense because Teyvat is a dangerous place for innocent souls like you -If he hears something that could be dangerous he’ll climb a tree and set you onto a sturdy branch before going back down to confront the threat himself -He’ll take you for swims and flights!! Discrete ones because he doesn’t want anyone to see him but it’ll get you interested in swimming and gliding! -He uses his Vision to make miniature water narwhals for you to admire as they float around and bob up and down -You always bring bandages so if you ever get a scrape he’ll help you wrap it up <3 -You like picking flowers to put in his fluff!! Not even as a crown, just dotting it here and there. He’ll return the favor by putting them in your hair -Even if you just want to talk instead of running around he’ll let you lean on his fluff with your arms sprawled out and make little huffs and trills like he’s commenting on what you’re saying -As you grow older he’ll adjust accordingly and you’ll tease him about not being able to toss you up as easily anymore -A wonderful, mysterious moth creature you’ll never forget :)
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keijifairy · 3 years
big little things 〃
♡ kageyama, nishinoya, oikawa, iwaizumi, bokuto, akaashi, atsumu, osamu, suna do that show how in love they are with you.
genre. fluff fluff fluff
warning. kinda spoiler for timeskip! bokuto
author’s note. hi,, im so sorry for promising to write but not writing :// i hope this disgustingly fluffy thing will make up for it as a late thank you for 400+ followers!!! aaaaa what 💗💗💗!!!!! 
+ writing this was super fun but also kinda upsetting bc sum of these are inspired by real life love stories wow </3
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༘ kageyama frozen by your door with a painfully awkward smile and an assortment of wildflowers in his grasp is truly a sight to behold. before he picks you up for a date, he plucks flowers from the park near his house and shoves them into your hands with an incoherent compliment he exclaims (along the lines of “your face looks pretty”, you realize when he mumbles it the next minute and looking at anywhere but your face). you accept them with a giggle and return the sentiment with your lips brushing his cheek which blossoms into a deeper shade of red. hinata doesn’t believe that the rigid boy with a volleyball for a brain could be a sappy romantic like how you describe him to be.
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༘ nishinoya is well aware of your sweet tooth, which is especially fond of chocolates. packs upon packs of the tiny chocolate kisses you secretly pop in your mouth during classes are stashed in his fridge, backpack, and even in the pockets of his uniform as a result. “it’s for emergencies,” he assures you with a proud grin whenever you find yet another family bag of hershey’s somewhere near him. you didn’t guess that not getting a particularly good mark on a test or homework piling up as the days pass were the so-called emergencies he proclaims: when your shoulders sag and your feet shuffle on the ground without a thought, the taste of chocolate lingering in your lips come as a surprise. his favorite laughter finally reaches his ears and nishinoya can’t help but gift you with another of his own chocolate kiss.
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༘ oikawa is stubborn, incredibly so, but he’s only doing his best — even tries to push himself past his limit. it’s no surprise to enter the gymnasium to the thud of the ball as it hits the ground and you observe how strands of his hair stick to his forehead while his heavy breaths fill the room. you offer to help, to wait for him until he’s had enough—for too many to count—but he only flashes you a grin and lightly urges you out to the door every single time. oikawa couldn’t bring himself to focus if he watches you jolting awake every now and then instead of resting after bearing the weight of school — though he worries either way. with his phone leaning against his bag, he initiates a video call that gives you the perfect view of the boy jumping in the court through your screen as you make your way home. 
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༘ iwaizumi has never gotten used to the ridiculous amount of nail polish you have collected ever since the both of you settled into your own home. he looks back and forth between your face and the small bottle of polish in your hand with his lips pressed together. “do you really need six bottles of blue?” you scoff and correct him for the nth time about the exact name of each color and end it off with a “none of your business, haji.”, causing him to narrow his eyes at you in concern with an exasperated sigh. quite ironic of him, acting so bothered and all, when you catch him watching a “how to build a nail polish shelf” video the next day.
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༘ bokuto still calls one of his teammates every wednesday morning to inform them that he would have to miss practice, and atsumu still snickers on the other end of the line with an, “again? are ya sure yer not just slacking off?” wednesdays are scheduled for your doctor’s appointments, after all, so bokuto always makes sure to make it up to the other guys by doing extra drills or staying another hour the next day because he doesn’t intend on missing a single meeting. hospitals and clinics aren’t places you enjoy and you don’t feel comfortable talking with the doctor on your own, but you don’t worry too much — especially with bokuto seated beside you, listening intently to their words with his thumb rubbing circles on the top of your hand. his presence alone is enough to ease your anxieties. (his teammates don’t have it in them to be mad, only thinking about how whipped bokuto is for you).
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༘ akaashi knows the moment you open the door with your eyes trained on your shoes that the day hasn’t been the kindest to you. he approaches you in quiet steps, taking your bag from your hands and placing it on the couch. you think the way his hand holds yours so delicately is enough to make you cry as he guides you to the bubble bath he had prepared at the right time, as if his sixth sense had told him of what you were feeling. the scent of lavender oil lingers in the air, and the flickering candles cast a soft glow throughout the room; it’s a comforting silence, save the occasional sniffles that tone down as akaashi gently scrapes through your scalp with shampoo. when the suds of soap are rinsed off of your body and he caresses your cheeks with the pads of his thumbs in the comfort of your bed, sleep crawls into your eyes as a “thank you, keiji.” falls from your lips. he only kisses your forehead in response.
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༘ atsumu takes tentative sips on the cold can of cherry cola you offer to him every day. it’s the only drink you purchase at the vending machine during lunch period and what you grab when you two stop at the convenience store for movie night snacks. he doesn’t bother to buy himself one, as you immediately nudge the can on his cheek as soon as you open it. its taste is something he could never get used to, but he swallows it nonetheless, only to convince you afterward that he couldn’t finish it on his own — and of course, he teases you, just like in every opportunity he grabs when you’re simply minding your own business and completely unaware of the trick up his sleeve — and always, you’re left stumbling over your words as you stare at him in shock? embarrassment? offense? perhaps a bit of all of them? but he does know that “that was an indirect kiss just now.” of his and your adorable reaction make cherry cola worth it.
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༘ osamu comes home in your arms with drooping eyes and a worn smile. his words are almost incoherent when he mumbles them on your shirt, eventually turning into snores when you tell him to at least wash his face. owning quite a famous shop with the best onigiris in town (your words and his) can be hectic; with the day spent molding countless onigiris and tending to every customer, that ends with his arm limp on top of your waist. with your own work to deal with that occupies almost the rest of your days, there would be no room to breathe with just the both of you — but with osamu, it’s not like that at all. the soft sizzling from the kitchen wakes you up to an empty space beside you and your stomach’s quick to grumble in anticipation. the shop opens early, but osamu doesn’t leave until the both of you start the day eating at the dinner table and talking about the events of yesterday. it’s no doubt he’s still exhausted, so the small gesture of waking up early in the morning to cook your favorite breakfast and the gentle hum that greets you when you wrap your arms around him is enough to make you full. 
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༘ suna must be obsessed with you! might be the first thing someone would think when they get their hands on the boy’s phone. his gallery is a gold mine: full of images and videos he takes of you in unknowing times that he has definitely used for blackmail at least twice a week. nibbling on your pen with your eyebrows scrunched when you attempt to start homework, cheek squishing on your pillow as a line of drool slides down the side of your mouth, clutching your stomach and throwing your head back because you’re wheezing too much over something he said, and plenty more embarrassing moments you don’t like looking back on are what fill his storage space. he refuses to delete even a single one, despite how blurry they come out or how you complain about how ridiculous you think you look. suna is obsessed with you — you would know if only you notice how he stops after he snaps a photo, with a small adoring smile that disappears as soon as it comes before he teases you to no end. 
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myundeadgayson · 3 years
I’m absolutely adoring your Last Life Assassin/Hitman AU! It’s given me so much inspiration and your writing is incredible, I’ve loved all of it, especially how you write the dynamics between each of them.
Loving the interactions between Scott and Jimmy, and the way you write both of them interacting on the job.
I’m wondering how they’d interact if they met outside of work, like if they both happened to meet just out and about at some point, maybe they get caught in some stupid situation and just keep bumping into each other afterwards. Would they think they other is obnoxious and dislike him just like during jobs, or would they actually really hit it off and enjoy meeting up, not knowing they’d met earlier than they thought?
AAAAA!!! This is the best ask!!!
 First off, thank you so much! That genuinely means the absolute world to me. Not only is my first time publicly sharing an actual full AU concept, but this is my first time writing an AU consistently. I’ve tried writing full stories before, but I’ve never been able to quite keep with them since I don’t do well writing like?? I guess in the usual linear format ajshlkgjasshdkg
 Writing a full out story chronologically is a LOT and man, do I fucking respect everyone that can do that. I have such little patience and my mind is like a constant bouncing ball going from idea to idea, so this AU was perfect because I can easily bounce back and forth between characters, mini plots, times, etc. and I’m still making sure I can absolute deliver you guys the full story I’ve got in mind! Plus, I can still sit here and enjoy sharing fun ideas like this that still perfectly fit into the AU!! I’m so excited to have finally find something that works and I couldn’t be happier that it’s paying off! Also, you’re probably one of my top supporters keeping me going as well and it’s been wonderful because I keep getting more inspired by the day!
 But AAAAA!!! I hadn’t even thought about that kind of interaction yet!!!
 I’ll probably try to write it all out soon, but I want to absolutely bet that Scott was smitten by Jimmy by that first meeting. As soon as he bumped into that human equivalent of a golden retriever, he couldn’t get that warm smile out of his mind. Where he hates Solidarity’s guts, Jimmy is like a pure ray of sunshine that he’s guilty to admit that he may like.
 Jimmy probably didn’t have much of a first impression from Scott because I want to imagine they quite literally bumped into one another. As in, he almost knocked Scott over and helped him up. He didn’t stay for long to have much of a chat, but I bet as they kept accidentally crossing paths in the city, he started slowly noting that this Scott guy’s kind of adorable.
 Unlike their hitman personas, the two of them actually get along really well! They’ve probably met up a few times now on “definitely NOT dates” as Scott consistently has to remind Pearl. Jimmy thinks they’re just hang outs, and that’s what Scott’s determined they’ll be. After all, it’s not like he really has time for a relationship of all things. That’d be stupid and way too risky. He cannot date Jimmy.
 And of course, things get harder as Jimmy turns out to be such an adorable goof that Scott’s falling hard.
 Meanwhile, Jimmy’s just along for the ride, but he can’t help but notice that he’s getting all these weird warm, fluttery feelings around Scott?? It’s probably nothing... He’ll eventually ask Lizzie about them, but for now he really likes having a good friend!
 And of course, all this is opposed to their counterparts. Smajor hates Solidarity with such a burning passion. He considers him to be extremely dumb, reckless, and he can’t for the life of him figure out why the Southlands would hire such a bumbling idiot! And even worse, how Solidarity keeps still somehow nabbing his targets!
 Solidarity doesn’t necessary “hate” Smajor... He thinks he’s a bit stuck up. He’s a jerk, but not in a way that Solidarity would want to kill him or anything. He just wishes Smajor would stop ragging on him all the time! He thinks their little rivalry is actually kind of fun and he loves seeing Smajor get all flustered when he beats him to a kill.
 They’ve got a fun dynamic going on of racing each other to see who completes their hits faster, and much to Smajor’s annoyance, Jimmy’s starting to catch up. Meanwhile, in the daytime, Scott and Jimmy are enjoying their dat—  hang outs.
   Ahsjhdgasd Sorry if this is a bit of a long reply, by the way. I got really excited and I actually had to keep fixing my response so I wouldn’t instantly launch into writing their first meeting. I’ll save that for a fic!
 Thank you so much again!!!
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army-author · 4 years
BTS’s reaction to teaching you how to play an instrument:
➝ anonymous asked: hello! this is my first time requesting and aaaaa,, can I request a situation where BTS teaches you how to play an instrument? ((can I also request suga's to be a piano if that isnt too much to ask; v; )) thank you!
➝ author’s note: this is so so late! i’m sure the person who requested this has long forgotten they requested it, but i want to eventually get through the backlog of requests i have. sorry if you’ve requested something from me, and i haven’t got around to it yet! i hope you all enjoy this. i haven’t written a reaction in a while, i forgot how fun they are.
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Jin: “Human fingers are not meant to bend like this!” you complain, frowning down at your hand, your fingers awkwardly straining to reach the frets on your guitar.
“No, no, no,” Jin hurries to correct you, “It shouldn’t be that tricky. You’re bending your wrist too far forward, and making everything more difficult for yourself as a result.”
Your boyfriend sits down beside you on the sofa, his hand taking a hold of your wrist gently. He guides your fingers to a more comfortable position, and, suddenly it all makes sense.
“Better?” he asks.
You turn your gaze to him, “Yeah, wow, so much better.”
He gives you one of his winning grins. The kind that instantly melts your heart. “See, it’s easy.”
You’re not so sure. It may be better, but it’s certainly not easy either. At least you have Jin by your side to help you struggle through. You can’t help but stare at him, gaze locked on his features as his guiding hands move you through the chords. 
He notices you staring, and pulls back inquisitively. “Is something the matter, sweetheart.”
“Nothing’s wrong. I was just admiring your handsome face.”
He grins, “Flattery isn’t going to get you out of this guitar lesson! You asked for this.”
“Alright, alright,” you laugh, “But know that you’re not getting out of cuddling with me afterwards!”
He chuckles, “It’s a deal!”
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Yoongi: Never were you more in love with Yoongi than when he was engrossed in his passions.
Whether that passion was you - tangled up in the sheets at two in the morning; or whether that passion was music - sitting at his computer with an adorable pout on his face, concentrating on his newest project, Yoongi bloomed when he was doing what he loved.
That’s why, as he sits down at the piano stool to help you learn a new piece, you can’t resist wrapping your arms around your boyfriend.
“Hey,” he objects as your arms lock around his torso, “I thought you wanted me to teach you the next part of this piece.”
“You can teach me like this,” you say, arms stubbornly wrapped around him.
He smiles, shaking his head, “Alright. I’m not going to complain about this.”
As you hug him, his hands wander over the keys. “So, this next section should be played staccato.” His fingers spring lightly off the keys, ringing out a bouncy tune, as he follows the sheet music. “Like this.”
Focusing on the music, Yoongi’s brow becomes furrowed, dark eyes intense. He’s lost in the sound, his body becoming one with the strings of the piano, his finger tips whispering his bidding.
“Hey, are you even paying attention?” he asks, as you grin at him from your comfy spot, your chin nestled on his shoulder.
“Sorry,” you say, “You’re just so handsome, it’s distracting.”
You see the edges of his ears turning pink. “Hey, you lured me out here to help you with piano, not to compliment me!”
“I can’t help it,” you say, “You’re just too cute when you’re absorbed in your music.”
Before he can retort, you’re kissing the pout from his lips. At once he’s kissing you back, hands grabbing onto your waist, and pulling you closer to him on the tiny piano stool. His breath is warm, his lips soft, and it doesn’t take long for the both of you to completely forget about your piano lesson, tangled up in one another.
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Hoseok:  “I give up,” you groan, throwing down the sheet music in frustration. You’ve been staring at the bars for a good fifteen minutes, and they make even less sense than before.
Hoseok glances at you, with your cheeks puffed up, irritation dripping from you. He had offered to help you learn how to sightread, but you were only getting more annoyed as the lesson continued. “I think it’s time we took a break,” he says, “What do you think?”
“Okay,” you humph, letting him slink an arm around you and lead you out of the room,  away from the piles of sheet music that torment you.
❋ ❋ ❋
At your favourite restaurant, with a warm bowl of spicy noodles in front of you, your annoyance ebbs away.
“All better?” Hoseok asks, across the table from you.
“Yes.” You reach a hand across the table to him, and he takes it with a wide smile. “You always know what to do to make me feel better.”
“Well, I have been dating you for almost two years now,” Hoseok points out. “It only makes sense that I can spot the warning signs when you’re getting hangry.”
“I was not hangry,” you scoff, but as you fill your mouth with noodles and spicy broth, you feel your grievances melting away like magic. Perhaps you were a little bit hangry...
Hoseok chuckles at you, as you fill up on food, your cheeks puffing up like a chipmunk. “If you say so, princess.”
You would retort back, but the food tastes too good to waste time bickering. And besides, Hoseok is looking so wonderfully perfect in the low light of the restaurant, his molasses eyes inexplicably compelling. He makes you feel the same giddiness that you felt on your first date with him. You simply give his hand a squeeze. “Thanks, Hoseok.”
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Namjoon:  You wait patiently for Namjoon to pick up the call. 
Finally, the screen crackles to life, and you see your boyfriend’s smiling face on the other end, holding up his phone to his face. He’s in his parked car, wrapped up in a coat and hoody. “Hey, baby!” His face breaks into a dimpled smile on seeing you.
Your face is a mirror of his, showing a grin as wide as the one he graces you with. “Hi, Namjoon,” you say, “Is this a good time?”
“Any time’s a good time for you.”
A glow of warmth spreads through you. “I just had to see your face,” you admit, “I miss you.” You know the business trips are necessary for his job, but it still saddens you when the two of you are apart.
“I miss you too,” he replies, “But I’ll be home soon. I promise. So, how’s the music production going while I’ve been gone?”
You had been pestering Namjoon to teach you how to produce music, and in his spare time, he had been assisting you in mastering the basics.
“It’s going well,” you tell him. You have been practicing in his absence. Music connects you, even when you’re apart. Every time you feel an ache in your chest from his departure, you sit down at your computer, stick on your headphones, and let the music envelop you. “Actually,” you continue, “I’ve been working on a song while you’ve been gone.”
His eyes light up, “Can you send it to me?”
“It’s not quite finished,” you hurry to say.
“That’s okay. I’d love to hear it.”
“Alright,” you send the file across, from your phone to his. He frowns down at his phone screen, opening up the file containing your work in progress. At once, you hear your music floating back to you, tinny over your phone speakers. As the melody plays out, a smile spreads across Namjoon’s face. The music is incomplete and imperfect; you know it needs work. Still, it spells out a story of your love for Namjoon, it spells out your lonely days without him at home, and despite all the flaws, it spells out the deep-rooted emotion, raw and perfect.
Even in the low quality of his phone camera, you can see the shine in Namjoon’s eyes as he looks at you in awe. “It’s amazing!”
You blush with pride.
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Jimin: “Jimin?” you wander into the kitchen, where your boyfriend is brewing a cup of tea.
“What is it?” he looks up from his mug, brown eyes soft - a familiar caramel gaze that always trips you up, falling into the melting depths for the millionth time.
“I want you to come listen to this,” you smile.
Jimin picks up his mug of tea, and follows you to the living room, where the piano sits.
You take a seat at the stool, and Jimin stands behind you. Taking a deep breath, you begin playing the song that Jimin’s been teaching you. While he’s been out of the house you’ve been practising secretly, with the intention of showing him how much progress you’ve made.
As the melodious tones float out from the piano, you find yourself melding with the familiar tune, fingers sinking naturally into the chords, just like Jimin had taught you. The song passes by in a blur, and you make it through without a single mistake.
When you swivel around on your stool, you find Jimin with his tea untouched, mouth hanging open.
“Woah,” he says, “Yeah… Woah. Amazing.” He gives you a thumbs up, and within that simple signal, he encapsulates all his pride. You feel ready to burst with happiness.
“It’s all because I have such a good teacher,” you grin, and now it’s his turn to beam with delight, cheeks flushing.
“In that case, I suppose we make a pretty good team,” he says.
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Taehyung:  When you had started taking saxophone lessons from Taehyung, it had simply been a ploy to spend more time your crush.
You hadn’t expected Taehyung to reciprocate your feelings.
And you certainly hadn’t expected to be good at saxophone!
Now, as you stand on stage with a thousand gazes on you, you search for a singe face in the crowd. You see him in the front row, eyes wide - eyes you fell for long ago.
Taehyung grins up at you, giving an encouraging nod, and a flood of courage rushes through you. You put the mouthpiece to your lips and begin to play, just as Taehyung had taught you.
Your melody fills the stadium, and you lose yourself to the music. It transports you to a different place, a different time, to earlier in your relationship with Taehyung. He wraps his arms around you, repositioning your body to help you play better. He feels warm, his hands are soft, he smells familiar - like the smell of home. Blood rushing to your cheeks, the giddy thumping of your heart, your racing thoughts. The feelings of falling deeper in love. This is what you hope your music portrays.
With your song drawing to a close, your eyes find Taehyung again in the crowd. His face says it all: pride, awe, love. You know that as you step offstage, Taehyung will be turning to the people beside him, and proudly stating, “That’s my girlfriend!”
The thought makes you happier than you can comprehend.
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Jungkook:  “Jungkook?”
Your boyfriend looks up at the call of his name. He’s sitting on the sofa, a controller in his hand, video game paused on screen. “What’s up?”
“Can you help me?” you ask.
He’s up from the sofa in an instant. “Of course,” he walks over to you, wrapping his arms around you. His sweater is soft as he pulls you into its folds. He smells of detergent.
“I’m struggling with a particular piece of a song,” you explain, “I can’t quite get the rhythm right.”
You lead Jungkook from your living room to the study where his drum kit sits. Picking up your phone, you play a section of the song for him. The tune bounces along, with the drums switching up the rhythm.
“I can’t even figure out what time signature this is,” you groan.
Jungkook quirks his head, listening to the music. He takes your phone from you, rewinding the song a few seconds so he can listen to the tricky rhythm again. “This one is a polyrythm,” he explains after some consideration, “That’s why you’re struggling with it. The drummer’s playing two time signatures at once.”
Your eyes widen, “That sounds hard.”
“It’s okay,” Jungkook smiles, “Let’s go through it together.” He sits you down on the drum throne, urging you to pick up the drum sticks. From behind, he takes a hold of each of your hands, fingers closing around yours. With your right hand he taps out a slow simple rhythm in one time signature. With your other hand he brings in a new time signature that beats alongside the first. The feeling is foreign to you, each hand feeling strange as it beats the drums independently. Jungkook’s hands are confident on yours, and even when you feel you’re stumbling, his rhythm is unwavering.
“It’s just  matter of practice,” Jungkook says, “It will feel strange at first, but if you get used to how the different time signatures feel, it will soon come naturally to you.”
You stop, swivelling around on the throne to face him. From where you sit, your head only reaches his stomach. You rest your face against the soft fabric of his sweater, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Thanks, Jungkook.”
He runs a hand through your hair, and you hear a smile in his voice, “You’re welcome.”
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! I did not make these gifs, all credits to original creators !
[requests are closed at the time of posting]
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Hey im kinda late, but... Do you mind writing snowball fight with reader + rfa + V and saeran? If that's too much to ask, then its okay love! Oh, its kinda late but merry holiday, or christmas if you celebrate it! May your holidays be blessed and filled with only happiness and love 😽😽. Here, take all your loves you deserve!
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AAAAA this is so kind of you, thank so much and a happy holidays to you too!! <3 You’re always so lovely to me! I’m sorry that I’m posting this on Boxing Day, but I hope it’s still okay for you!
RFA and Reader Snowball Fight Headcanons
Yoosung Kim Snowball Fight Headcanons 
You would have been visiting Yoosung at his university over Christmas, it has already started to heavily snow whilst you were on your way so by the time you actually got there, the snow had fallen to several inches. 
Yoosung was so excited about the snow, it reminds him of when he was young and would make snowmen in the garden with his Rika and his sister. He’d look a little crestfallen thinking about it, and you offered to build a snowman outside on campus with him. 
The two of you built the snowman together, dressing it in a scarf and sending silly pictures of the three of you to the RFA chat. It was then, as Yoosung was trying to take his own selfie with it, that you launched a snowball right into the back of his head and he caught it on camera. 
He feels so betrayed, pouting as he looked at you with big puppy eyes. 
He won’t retaliate until you laugh and begin scrambling to craft another snowball, at which point Yoosung with try to hide behind the snowman as a shield. He has to fight back, his time on LOLOL has trained him for this. 
He throws a few snowballs out from behind the snowman, and then gets hit with one in the face when he peeks around to see if any made contact with you. 
He’s laughing and having fun as you throw the snow, and it continues for a few minutes until you’ve tired yourselves out and return to his dorm for a hot shower and warm hot chocolate.
Zen/Hyun Ryu Snowball Fight Headcanons 
The two of you would be on a winter date in the park. Zen was marvelling at how the pure white snow compliments his air, and makes the red of his eyes stand out against the crisp background and how th- Bam. You hit him on the side of the head with a snowball, instantly silencing his handsome spiel. 
‘Jagiya! How could you do that to m-’ Bam, another one hitting him in the shoulder. He watched as you giggled, scrambling to gather enough snow for another attack and his heart just melted, he can’t stay mad at you. But, he also can’t lose: his ego would not allow it. 
He grabs a fistful of snow and starts chasing you through the thick snow, his trousers are getting a little wet but he doesn’t mind, you’re having fun. You turn back mid-run to throw another snowball at him, but miss. Zen takes this opportunity to throw his own snowball at you, hitting you on the ass and earning a smirk from him. 
You try to throw more, but Zen runs for fun, there’s no way that you could overtake him. You manage to get a few more snowballs thrown in his general direction but the majority of them miss and you somehow strumble and fall backwards into the snow as he got close.
Zen tried to stop himself falling, he really did, but the snow was heavy on his feet and he ended up falling on top of you, caging your body with his own.
After the initial moment of distress, he couldn’t help but think how beautiful you looked with the snowflakes falling into your hair and on your eyelashes. He leaned in and planted a kiss onto the corner of your mouth, his lips slightly cold from the weather. 
The two of you smiled, and then you scooped up a handful of loose snow and threw the dusting into his face. 
Jaehee Kang Snowball Fight Headcanons 
You were hard-pushed to get Jaehee to go out in the cold weather, she was too busy and didn’t particularly fancy getting her clothes wet. After enough pleading, she finally relented and agreed to make a snowman with you as long as it didn’t take too long. 
The two of you made a small snowman together, and gave it a small ponytail. You sent a picture of it to the RFA chat with the simple caption ‘Snowzen’.
She would be getting ready to go back inside to make coffee when you hit her in the back of her shoulder with a snowball.
After a brief moment of disbelief followed by a sigh, Jaehee would wait until you weren’t looking to quickly grab some snow and throw it at you. Obviously, she missed. 
But that still instigated a war. You grinned.
You both started gathering snow and throwing it at one another: yours in attack, Jaehee’s in defense. It wasn’t often that she got to loosen up, so you were happy to see her laughing on this rare occasion. 
Snowzen got beheaded in the fight. 
Saeyoung Choi in a snowball fight Headcanons 
Firstly, it’s not a snowball fight, it’s war. 
Seven would have been working into the early hours of the morning when he realised it was snowing and had an absolutely awful idea for a prank.
He went out into his garden, calmly grabbed a fistful of snow, took his time on his way back inside to smooth it into a perfectly spherical ball, prayed, and then launched it into your sleeping face from across the room and fucking bolted.
He knew he was a deadman. You sent in a text demanding that he meet you outside in twenty minutes to settle the score like men. 
Once the smug bastard comes out, you immediately throw a snowball into his face but he ducked, so your snowball missed the target. You forgot he had physical training from the agency and realised this was going to be a lot more difficult than you originally thought.
You weren’t even sure how he manages to make so many snowballs in such a small amount of time  but in the time it takes it you to craft three, he’s got twice as many done and he’s beginning to propel them at you. 
There were about twenty minutes of all-out warfare, with Seven doing dramatic leaps behind bushes and rolls to escape your attacks, all whilst managing to hit you with practically every snowball he threw. 
You were so happy to see him having such fun, knowing that he never got to do this as a child.
It was safe to say he won the snowball fight, and had to give you pouty kisses afterwards to make up for his prank. 
Jumin Han Snowball Fight Headcanons
Jumin had never been in a snowball fight before and isn’t entirely sure what he’s supposed to be doing, so he sends you a wary look when you threw a snowball at him, hitting him in the chest. He had come outside onto the rooftop terrace to admire the scenic snow on the city with you, and you assault him? He is offended.
‘____, what are you doing? You’re going to get my suit wet an-’ You threw another one into his leg followed up with the sweetest, most innocent look you could muster. He sighed. He resigned himself to humouring you, since it would clearly make you happy and he was always one to indulge you.
You explained to him what he was supposed to do and he asked for a practice shot, which you were unwilling to give him. 
Jumin’s aim was absolutely terrible and he mentions making a note to practice such things as this imperfection should be ironed out and- you threw another one at him. He smirked and gave you a look, before attempting to throw more of the snowballs he had delicately crafted at you and even managed to hit a few on your thighs and stomach.
Despite not particularly caring for such activities himself, he enjoyed seeing this playful side of you, even if it was a bit cheeky.
Jihyun Kim/V Snowball Fight Headcanons
The two of you would be out early in the morning so V could take pictures of the sunrise hitting the untouched snow, reflecting the beautiful colours of the scenery. 
V also decided that he wanted some pictures of you in the same setting, with your long flowing dressing gown settled softly atop the snow. Of course, you indulged him.
After a few minutes of him taking your picture, you noticed he had smiled and was satisfied with his images for today. He turned to put his camera down on the table and take a sip of his coffee when something cold and wet exploded on the back of his head. It was a snowball.
It’s a little difficult for him to imagine himself in a snowball fight since he can’t see brilliantly and he feels like his aim will be off, but he’s more than willing to try since you wanted to play. 
You run over to help him down the steps and into the large garden before you retreated back to your original position. You kept it fair though and stayed in his field of vision.
V wasn’t usually one to let off steam in such a way, so he seemed a little tense at first and didn’t throw the snowballs too hard in fear of accidentally hurting you. He missed more than he landed, so you were definitely winning the snowball fight.
He didn’t mind though, he was far more invested in the sight he saw before him: the adorning smile on your face, the red flush of your cheeks from the cold, snowflakes clinging to your hair and your dressing gown flowing against the breeze behind you as you ran. He could never capture such beauty if he tried.
Saeran Choi Snowball Fight Headcanons
Saeran doesn’t really enjoy the cold weather, it chills him straight to the bones so he either needs to wrap up in a bundle of layers otherwise he can’t stay out in it for very long. 
However, the boy must go and buy his ice-cream from the convenience store since his ‘idiot brother’ ate the last of it without ordering more. You offered to go for him, since you were worried about him slipping and hurting himself, but he didn’t know which flavour he wanted, so you decided to accompany him instead. 
The both of you were almost back at Seven’s when you got the idea to start a snowball fight, so you suddenly grabbed some snow and threw it at Saeran, hitting him in the shoulder. 
He turned around and was both confused and annoyed, demanding to know why you hit him. You were also confused at his annoyance, but it quickly dawned on you that he didn’t know what a snowball fight was. He’d never had the chance to do it. He was never allowed out when he was a child and even if he had, he would have been too sickly to go out playing in the snow anyway. 
You explained it to him and his expression softened when he realised it was a playful activity, and that he should try making up for the lost time. Saeran awkwardly knelt down, collected some snow and stiffly threw it back at you in the hip. He seemed nervous to make sure he was doing it correctly and looked at you for affirmation. You smiled and laughed, encouraging him to do it again as you collected more snow. 
It was a very small, soft start for him.
Bonus: When the two of you got back to Seven’s house, his brother came to the door to plead Saeran’s forgiveness and asked if you got him any snacks from the shop, and was immediately met with a snowball to the face from Saeran. 
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kim-poce · 3 years
how would the full house characters react to stuffed plushies based on their names as a gift? (sun for Day, Moon for night, pink/purple/beige-colored teddy bears, etc.) and for the little boy: one of those plushies that has a string that plays a song when pulled?
I just wanna know how they would react but mostly what they'd do with them afterwards: keep them/take care of them/play with them? and honestly I'm such a sucker for comfort like please aaaaa-
we talked about plushies a bit but never with all the pets at the same time, thank you for asking!
Day would love it, it doesn't even need to be pretty or new, in truth he would like one with a lot patch marks (is this how it's called in English? I'll call it plushie scar) he would see himself in the scarred thing. Day would walk around with it inside the house and sleep cuddling it (so it's better be big).
Night would like to look at it, he would hang it somewhere, if you gave it along with praise he would glace at the plushie and smile from time to time.
Pink would like the plushie very much, he would want to keep it pretty and the plushie would stay in his bed for good, not ever leaving the room.
Purple wouldn't like it. Reason? purple! he hates this color, he would be polite when receiving the gift but would keep the plushie in a place he would never see again.
Beige would find it cute, he would like to get one more because everyone is getting too, he would keep it around but wouldn't pay too much mind to it.
As of now, Little One wouldn't get a plushie, he would think is it too dirty to touch it, and just leaving it there wouldn't work because you need to be clear with him. In the future? He would bond with the plushie more than any of the others.
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