#his older brother (who had to be the fatherly role in the family) had to make him organized charts to help explain it to him
jrueships · 8 months
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the username 😭😭 how did he remember it
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waitmyturtles · 5 months
Unknown: The Final Episodes (Episodes 10, 11, and 12)
(*CAVEAT!!!!* I wrote this screed before the producers of Unknown cut a different version of episode 11. I have only watched the first version, the version that the Taiwanese BL gods had originally intended us to watch, hmph. My commentary below only reflects my thoughts on this first version. I'm gonna allow myself to be old and crabby and say, "BAH! We didn't revise episodes back in *mah* day!" to excuse myself from watching it and I'm an old mom, I have no fuckin' time to watch a revise, so so sorry fam lmaooo ok byeeeee)
So -- I'll repeat what I think a lot of us have thought about the final arcs of Unknown, and where I could have used more of the delicate, thoughtful exploration about family roles and boundaries that the first nine episodes of this show displayed. These are the elements that drew me to the show, as well as Yuan's general spiciness and empathic intelligence towards Qian.
Anyone who reads around here knows that themes that I'm driven by include Asian intergenerational trauma and Asian family systems and dynamics. This show (here, here, and my tag) -- oh lordo, this show tackled expected, internalized, and externalized roles and responsibilities within families head-the-fuck-on, at least for the first nine episodes.
Let me state the obvious first: this show veered off the highway a bit too early to demonstrate that, WOW, Qian really is the
(dang dude, you really needed to get down EARLIER and MORE OFTEN, because that IN-OFFICE AFTERGLOW, MY MAN, like, listen, I'm down for the post-nut vibes! all support and celebration and respect, but also, we need to delegate these tasks, we're on the clock, you are a co-owner of this company, back to work! chop-chop)
and MAN, could I have used a quick wave of a flag or hand that his deficit for love, care, and tenderness would hit at THAT SPECIFIC angle (HEH HEH) so very quickly and VERY INTENSELY at the start of episode 11. That took me out. I had to just scream at @lurkingshan. I watched that episode IN PUBLIC, PEOPLE!
We were missing some steps there. It was a FABULOUS actual love scene. But I could have used more of
1) Yuan contemplating the reality of what was going to go down BEFORE that scene began, and
2) To see Qian enter that moment as well. Instead, we hit the sheets, and had to process that very intense scene WITH flashbacks, which, whew, was a whole thing, all while I was just kinda literally screaming.
Those flashbacks were supposed to tell me that Qian had come to terms with Yuan's lifelong longing, but the down-dirty confirmed that for me before I was ready to get to the same mindset that Qian had started that scene with. The very important timing and pacing of the emotional exploration and reveals that we had been presented with in the previous episodes was jettisoned for the booty.
So, yeah. That was out of order.
What I also missed in these episodes was, as I stated earlier, the previous and very intentional exploration of family roles and boundaries that this show was playing with prior to the last three episodes.
With this emotional line concluding in episode 10, Qian showed us consistently that his struggle with negotiating his older-brother-and-fatherly responsibilities was his biggest burden, alongside the lifelong processing of the abuse he had received at the hands of his mother, and his further processing of her death.
Qian and Yuan get together in episode 11, literally go out on a date, and Qian woos Yuan.
Qian's continued resistance to being open about his health to Yuan is extremely reminiscent of a parent (I think of Asian parents, but I think this is common to global parenthood) hiding a health status from a child. This part of the story was still an important one. Qian was STILL holding onto his understanding of his responsibilities to Yuan and Lili as a parent/older sibling figure. If he didn't get out of that surgery in perfect condition, he worried about their futures -- regardless of the facts that Yuan was self-sufficient, and Lili was both self-sufficient and supported by a loving partner. Because that's how so many parents are: no matter the stability of their children, parents will see children as their children.
What I liked about this storyline, and what I could have used a bit more of (ideally in an extra episode) WAS HOW YUAN'S FAMILY ROLE CHANGES AUTOMATICALLY BY BECOMING QIAN'S PARTNER.
Lili calls Yuan a "sister-in-law," but he also becomes a
We see Yuan THEN CARING FOR QIAN as the younger brother he's always been, AND
which they're calling wife or sister-in-law in the show, which, bleh to gendered terms, but
but we didn't get enough of it.
We just didn't get enough exploration there. Because the show was centering Qian's narrative (which I don't blame the show for at all), and mans was in his post-boop vibe the whole time, that we didn't sit enough with the changing of these roles FOR THESE TWO MEN, and while Lili hinted at it, I would have liked just a few more minutes at the macro-high level to explore what this meant for this entire, wonderful family unit. This is just huge Asian family dynamics stuff regarding who has power, and how that impacts how Qian interacts with Yuan, how Qian has to internally process the growth of his "child," as it were, to be LITERALLY EQUAL to him as his partner; and also for Lili to contemplate as she regards Yuan now as someone partnered with her caretaker. Yuan now would kind of step into that role, as well. THAT'S HUGE for dynamics changing and rebuilding.
Let's also remember that San Peng transcends these boundaries, too, but it's a bit easier for him, because he hasn't lived in that house. But he's the family's benefactor, in a way, which both Yuan and Lili acknowledge. And his turning into a partner into the family is also a significant boundary-crossing.
Finally, Qian's concern for Lili. Yes, he was concerned for her career. He didn't want Lili to turn out like his mom.
I would have liked to have proof in that concern, literally. I say this as a mom.
Qian was missing something big. Lili's baby was going to be born into a nice big family unit that Qian was the creator and anchor of.
At least they had Qian and Yuan sitting on baby toys to end the series. Lili, truly, had nothing to worry about. The gay uncle-grandpas were going to be there to help raise the baby, because as an Asian viewer, I am going to assume the extended family's participation
in the raising of that child.
I'm not sure why Qian missed that, except for the very real reason of familial PTSD and intergenerational trauma from his mother. But San Peng was right there as Lili's partner and as the actual dad. And Qian was valid to have a concern. But that could have been a moment where Yuan, also, as a new equal "elder" of this newly readjusted family, could have reassured everyone that this baby was going to be born in a wonderful, close-knit, loving extended family.
These readjusted roles were not fully named and explored. If I were Lili, I know I'd be having that baby in the good hands of all of the men around me that would help me raise the kiddo in a happy and supportive environment.
One more point about the baby. We need more babies in BLs. We need to show men becoming fathers, people becoming parents. This is a right that all people have. We need more of it to emphasize that all people are deserving of the families that they want to create -- and truly, it was so BEAUTIFULLY SYMBOLIC that Qian would be such a good caretaker as to be blessed with further generations, because he literally cared so well for Yuan and Lili that they could bless him back with growing the family he tended to. We just didn't get enough sitting with that.
Finally! TF was up with that office vibe in the end. The tops, the bottoms, the public kissing. That we got that instead of the role explorations -- k, but the tone of all that was a little off, if it was meant to be comedic. And yes, I definitely took away that I was meant to ship Dr. Lin and Le Ge. I have NO IDEA why they were talking otherwise. Doc and Don are meant to, ya know, YA KNOW? Right? Ummm, lol.
All of this together is enough to put a touch of a damper on my memories of this show. I didn't end with a high.
But I ABSOLUTELY LOVED what this show accomplished through the first 10 episodes. All these complicated, delicious boundaries and roles and responsibilities being explored! It's a joy, as an Asian, to watch this being explored in a queer Asian show.
We ended on some tropey bumps, but I'm going to remember this show overall with fondness, and I'm ultimately very happy that this was my first Taiwanese BL. I can't wait to catch up in this space more in due time.
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glitchy-creations · 3 months
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Update of this post!
I did all of the sketches for the character pairings I wanted to do for this ship dynamic and decided that I wanted to colour this one first! This one is with my Telemachus design and my oc Pyrrha!
I’m going to include more info about Pyrrha under the cut because it’s gonna be a lot and I don’t want to obscure y’all’s scrolling 👍🏻
Pyrrha info
To start, Pyrrha’s “original” name was also Ambrosia (I liked the irony of a demigod child of Hades having a name that mean “immortality”), I have since given her the nickname Pyrrha (based off her hair colour lol) to help differentiate her from my goddess oc of the name name!
Pyrrha originally started as a Percy Jackson oc from like my middle school days. Every now and again I allow myself one “Mary Sue” type character, and Pyrrha was that character for PJO. I have a hand full of other OC’s and Pyrrha is literally the only one who’s a child of the big three, I don’t even had a Roman demigod who’s one of the big three. Pyrrha was pretty much just an amalgamation of things i thought were cool about the universe; so she’s a demigod child of Hades and is a Hunter of Artemis who’s lived a rather long life. I was still wanting to keep close to canon lore as well even back then, so she’s always been way older than the other characters to adhere to the fact that Hades never broke the pact he made with his brothers about not having more demigod kids after WW2. She has since grown to be a more “Greek mythology media in general” oc like Ambrosia. With that in mind, her lore does tend to change based off the lore of whatever media she’s in!
Her General Lore;
In the past two years I think, I’ve decided that she’s originally from Ancient Greece, Sparta specifically.
Her mother was a mortal and came from a well off family though was a very independent woman. She was a “follows the beat of her own drum” kind of person.
While she never seemed interested in marriage (she actually never married) she was someone who valued fidelity. She was quite upset with Hades when she discovered that he was married while he was seeing her and was very sympathetic towards Persephone.
Despite that, she did love Pyrrha very much and the two were close when Pyrrha was young.
Pyrrha’s mother did, however, die when Pyrrha was young. She didn’t know her father outside of the stories of the gods and her maternal grandfather was always busy so Pyrrha grew up a very isolated and lonely childhood.
Pyrrha did seem to inherit her mother’s independence so she never seems bothered by the loneliness. She would usually keep to herself and entertain herself by learning to hunt and use a bow.
Pyrrha would later be sent to train under Chiron. I haven’t decided how this came to be, but I’d probably go with the idea that Hades had a hand in it. Maybe he saw her talent in archery and thought Chiron could help train her, or maybe he thought Chiron would offer a more stable, fatherly role for her.
She thrived under Chiron’s guidance and would excel in almost anything she did. Chiron would become a fatherly figure to Pyrrha and he was the one who gave her the nickname “Pyrrha” in the first place.
Note: I personally like this Reddit comment when I come to estimates ages of the characters in the Iliad so it’s what I have roughly based Pyrrha’s age on! She’s roughly three years younger than Odysseus.
Pyrrha did meet a young Achilles while with Chiron. She’s roughly eight years older than Achilles so ngl she thought he was a little bit of a brat (I the idea of little Achilles having a little bit of an inflated ego because he’s a demigod, had a prophecy about him, or a little bit of both lol). The battiness did mellow out over the years 👍🏻
Despite their little “rivalry”, Pyrrha did see Achilles as something of a little brother for lack of a better word. She did care for him, he just annoyed her more often than not 😅
This is a common occurrence with Pyrrha mostly because she didn’t have a strong family unit before Chiron. She tends to apply familial titles to the people she’s close to and care for.
Pyrrha would train with Chiron for most of her early life, though she would occasionally travel if the urge struck her. This was especially common in her later teen years. She would occasionally travel to Ithaca or other closer city-states.
She met a younger Odysseus a couple of times when she would visit Ithaca, but they weren’t like best friends. It was more like “oh, there’s that quiet girl who’s surprisingly good with a bow who I bump into every once in a while.”
When Pyrrha was roughly 22 she tried twice to join the Trojan War. It was more out of a desire to bring Helen back home to Sparta than for glory or anything. She may not have lived in Sparta for many years, but there was still some loyalty there. Of course she was denied both times primarily because of her gender.
She met Artemis sometime after (perhaps a year or two later when Artemis was not helping Apollo and Troy) and devoted herself to Artemis (the nature of how the hunt works varies depending on the media). I should probably mention that Pyrrha is aroace, so she also has no desire to marry or have any sort of romantic/sexual relationship with anyone.
As I mentioned in the second image, Pyrrha met Telemachus when he was 10. I imagine he was like the embodiment of child like curiosity so when he saw this strange woman with red hair and a bow walking around Ithaca’s marketplace, he just sort of started following her (Telemachus honey….no…)
Long story short, Telemachus ended up growing on Pyrrha and she sort of just started teaching him archery. Of course Penelope knew what was going on (Pyrrha promptly brought back little Telemachus home when she realised she was being followed) and was okay with it as long as Telemachus wasn’t getting in trouble.
Again, as I mentioned in the second image, Pyrrha and Telemachus started to form a “mentor-student” type relationship over the next ten years. He was also the one to decide first that Pyrrha was kind of like a big sister or an aunt figure to him. She also had a very good relationship with Penelope.
Once Odysseus returned to Ithaca Pyrrha would become closer to Odysseus as well. It definitely would prompt her to visit more often.
Everything after that is kind of dependent on what media she’s being included in.
Lore that’s subject to change:
The nature of Artemis and her Hunt is one thing that’s subject to change. This also ties into Pyrrha and her apparent eternal youth or “immortality”.
I think most are familiar with how the hunt works in PJO; young women vow themselves to Artemis, reject romance in all forms, and are given semi-immortality as long as they keep their vows and aren’t killed in battle. As Pyrrha was originally a PJO oc, this was the original reason for her young appearance.
Outside of PJO, I generally think of the hunt as it was depicted in mythology. I think this Reddit post does a good job at kind of summarising/explaining the hunt in mythology. Pyrrha would absolutely devote herself to Artemis for life given she is aroace, it wouldn’t be a big life altering decision for her and would probably provide her another sense of community or familial support in her mind (she would see the other hunters as her sisters as they are sister in arms so to speak.)
This would then bring her semi-immortality into question. I feel like it would probably depend on the media’s lore, or it just wouldn’t be questioned. Perhaps Artemis gave it to her as a gift as she had sworn herself to Artemis for life. Perhaps she’s garnered the favour of another god or maybe her father had something to do with it. Idk, I kind of don’t want to make it too specific to where it can’t be a flexible detail.
Even her demigod status is something that is (very rarely) subject to change. This is mainly in reference to Blood of Zeus and maybe the Hades games. I’m not sure if either media grants Artemis any kind of group of hunters (BoZ definitely hasn’t shown any evidence of one, though Artemis hasn’t been shown as a main focal character…yet).
This prompted a little discussion with me and a friend where I mentioned that if she was given god status at any point, she’d probably be a goddess of kinship; particularly if non blood related kinship. Obviously, this would be because she had a tendency to form familial bonds with close friends as such.
This point, however, hasn’t been fully fleshed out. BoZ hasn’t really explored the idea of a mortal becoming a god (not sure if it will be touched on in future season) and I’m not super familiar with the detailed lore of the Hades games. My biggest concern is keeping Pyrrha’s lore as close to the media’s canon lore as I can which is why these are flexible detail points.
I think that’s all I have for now! If you made it to the end, thanks for taking the time to at least skim my ramblings lol. I don’t want this to get any longer than it is, so if anyone has any suggestions feel free to ask me!
Also Pyrrha and her lore is not meant to be taken seriously as a part of actual Greek mythology. I have tried to keep as close to mythology as I can while having creative liberties for my of and her “universe”, obviously she’s not a real mythological figure and shouldn’t be treated as such! She was made just for fun! 💕
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bonefall · 1 year
If Jake is Sparrow... How are Firestar and Scourge related???? I mean, through Quince or something, because I once saw a post complaining about how Nutmeg is so randomly chosen like HUH WHERE'D YOU COME FROM??? But, I'm getting sidetracked. Just a question
They aren't. They're not related. That retcon was stupid so I took it out 💗
"Turns out Firestar, the guy who was unique exactly because he was an outsider who was able to challenge the rotten society that Clan cats take for granted, came from a special bloodline that produces special cats. Tallstar didn't actually think Fireheart was amazing on his own merits, he just reminded him of the lover he had in his 20s so he played political softball with him." I am looking away. I do not see.
Chelford cats don't track paternity. They're matriarchal, with uncles and older siblings taking on "fatherly" roles within a family. Jake is probably not Firestar's father, but even if he wasn't it wouldn't matter.
Fire's mother was a cat named Nutmeg and Iceheart's mother is a cat named Quince. No relation that they know of, or care about. They're brothers-in-honor, through mutual respect and choice.
Firestar's character summary here
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swifty-fox · 2 months
Send me a fic of mine and I'll answer...
A Kingdom for a Kiss?
My favorite scene
oh god that is so hard to choose.
I think honestly chapter eighteen/the second sex scene is my favorite scene. It is the culmination of so many issues in Gale's psyche, especially around John and Gale's perception of their dynamic. Taking all that and flipping it right on its head.
Previously in the story Gale is so obsessed with the ways he is not like John in terms of his masculinity and terms of how he expects John to be in bed. Every fantasy of his is tinged with shame and twisted in terms of gender and role because Gale cannot picture himself as an active participant. It doesn't feel safe for him because it feels too unrealistic for John to ever want him as a man, so he pretends to be a woman in his fantasies to ground him (comphet is a hell of a drug)
We do see briefly in one fantasy that Gale does want to take charge in bed but it scares him, feels too close and too real so he shies away from it. Chapter Eighteen is all about him coming to terms with his own desires. And also John is a really fun bottom to write
My favorite chapter (if it's a multichapter)
Lmao the book fingering chapter. It was fun to just let loose and do something really unhinged. Plus any scene/chapter where I got to write Gale and John Sr. interacting was just really fun they had a ton of chemistry as characters and were just a blast to bounce off of each other.
Hardest scene to write
Honestly the whole story flowed relatively easy. I think my biggest struggles were the James chapters just because I wanted to get the tone/intention and dynamic exactly right between Gale and James. I needed to make it clear that Gale was willingly putting himself in a situation that was going to trigger/mentally harm him. He was committing an act of self harm, just with sex instead of some sort of physical wounding. And that while James was not a great guy he was as far as he could tell, receiving full consent from Gale. So that chapter went through a couple revisions and was sent to a lot of people for review
Favorite character to write in the fic
John Sr.!!!! I think he's a delightful foil to Gale and John. I think he can be very easy to hate and be angry at because we care so much about John, but when you get into his head a bit you see a man who was making harmful choices but was doing what he thought was best because he is also deeply traumatized and hurting. He Is John and Gale, in essence. He's them twenty/thirty years in the future and he's them if they were not able to find community and safe space to talk about their experiences in the war. His brothers were killed, his parents died/killed themselves he left for war with a full family and came home to just a wife and a young son who didn't recognize him.
I have so much love and empathy for him and it was totally unexpected. Does he make great decisions? no. Is he trying his best to not just be a father to John but also to Edie and a good husband to his wife? Absolutely he is.
Favorite dynamic to write in the fic
Aside from Clegan obviously, It's Gale and John Sr.
I think like John says in the opening theme they're very similar men deep down. I think they're able to communicate in ways the more emotional Bucky is not able to with his father. While they always loved each other I think there was always this slight issue of communication between them where they just don't quite get one another.
Gale, with his observational ability and honestly, some level of fear of John Sr. (older fatherly men etc.) he's very attuned and attentive not just what John Sr. is saying out loud but also what he is not saying. There's a lot of nonverbal communication between them that is fun to write between the lines.
Why I chose that title
My body turns
And yearns for a sleep that won't ever come
It's never over
My kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder
It's never over
All my riches for her smiles
When I've slept so soft against her
obviously pronouns changed, but this is the part of the song I pulled the title from. The song is just all about yearning and a missed opportunity which is I think a very central theme to Kfak. Obviously it works out for them too but god it took a second to get there!
A fun fact about the fic
Fun fact ooo lets see...
John calls his dad Pops because it's time period appropriate but also that's what I called my grandfather! It feels like a nice little hello to him every time I write it and it's a fun way of keeping my memory of him alive and fresh. John Sr. is not like my pops at all but either way it makes me smile to type
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
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Captain Syverson x fem!reader
Summary: You never had a dad figure in your life, but when you meet Sy, all of the sudden you had a man who was willing to be that role model for you. But all you have to do is let him.
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: so, in case anyone remembers a sad little sob story I posted about how i was jealous because i didn't have a dad figure in my life, i turned it into an entire oneshot. Hopefully you like it. (also, I totally intended on not posting this until this weekend, but I suppose I am feeling generous today 😘 )
masterlist // henry cavill masterlist
You grew up in a female household. Your mother, your maternal grandmother and two of your aunts. No siblings. Just you and your favorite women in one house.
While it was amazing, there was one downside to it and you felt it deep in your heart: you always had this feeling you missed out on that fatherly type in your life. A role model, one your friends got for free and loved dearly. 
You always wondered why your dad abandoned you to start another family elsewhere. Weren’t you fun enough? Weren’t you pretty enough?
Weren’t you enough?
Being dropped like that, you always felt more at ease with women. You weren’t necessarily afraid of men, but minding your own business and leave men be, was the easiest way for you to go.
However, you met Sy: the most amazing and wonderful man alive. Looking gruff and slightly terrifying at first, but once you peeled off that first layer, you were met with the most amazing and sweetest man you’ve ever encountered in your entire life.
He was a friend of your friend’s boyfriend and while you two instantly clicked, there was a certain hesitation. But Sy was patient and that patience showed you his character, because it took you months before you felt secure enough to let Sy in your life. You often joked that his parents did a splendid job with him.
But then you met said family. It was the first time you saw such a close family. Three older brothers who were all married with a few little ones, a loving mother and a father.
The type of dad you never had.
Falling into an old and safe habit, you found yourself gravitating towards his mother on family gatherings and sometimes a sister-in-law. You were civil with the brothers, however you always stayed clear from the dad, afraid that he’ll intentionally or unintentionally would hurt you the most.
‘You know,’ Sy offered through the phone, ‘you could call my dad.’
You were now staring at a flat tire and you knew that if you called a tow truck, you probably were gonna get ripped off anyway and you would sell a kidney to afford the change of tire. Naturally, you called your boyfriend, who could fix everything, but he was currently stuck at work and threw that one offer in the air that you really didn’t want.
‘No,’ you said, ‘I can handle this.’
So, after you hung up, you got to work. In theory, you could do it. You watched a YouTube video and you tried to fix the tire, but you lacked the strength and nearly found yourself sniffling on your driveway after many failed attempts. 
Time went by and a car stopped in front of your driveway. You looked up, to see the infamous dad Syverson get out of his truck. ‘Hi kid,’ he said. He always called you kid when you arrived there.
‘Hi,’ you said, discreetly wiping away your tears. ‘What are you doing here?’
‘Sy called me,’ he answered, ‘telling me you had a flat tire. I thought I’d drop by to ask if you need help.’
You sighed. ‘Of course he did,’ you muttered.
‘You mind?’
‘No,’ you said, ‘go knock yourself out.’
You found yourself watching him from a distance, while he changed your tire. He did every step in the tutorial you watched, but the thing was: he had strength, you didn’t.
‘You got something against me, kid?’ he finally asked. 
You shook your head. ‘No.’
‘You barely acknowledge me when you’re over,’ he said. ‘Is it something I did?’
Yes. That’s the worst part of it all. It is something he did. It’s the way he loves his sons, their wives and the grandkids. It’s how he loves his own wife. It’s how he always greeted you with a wide smile. How he even got you a little nickname he hadn’t given to anyone else. It was you who was on the receiving end of the nickname ‘kid’, not the others.
He looked up and halted his work. ‘You know,’ he says, ‘Sy told me about your own dad.’
Of course Sy would share that sob story with his parents. ‘Right.’
‘Your dad is an idiot,’ he said. 
‘True.’ You took in a breath and said: ‘I grew up around women. All I’ve known is female role models. Never had a dad-figure in my life. Guess I am just a horrible human being and incredibly jealous for seeing how others have a great dad and I don’t.’
‘That doesn’t make you a horrible person,’ he told you. ‘It makes you a normal human being. You know, I had a deadbeat dad. He barely was around and when he was, he ruined everything. I always promised myself that once I am a dad, I wouldn’t be like that.’
‘Dads fix tires,’ he continued, ‘dads cook dinner. Dads pick you up from a night out. Dads teach you about life. Dads are there for you, whether you need them or not.’
‘Not mine,’ you whispered. ‘My mom always told me to do it myself.’ 
‘I get that.’
‘I was already doing an okay job with the tire,’ you mumbled. 
‘True,’ he chuckled. Then he turned around so he was actually facing you. ‘You know, you’re dating my son, which makes you part of the family. You got a flat tire, call me. Your family needs some help fixing something? Call me. You’re family, kid.’
And you realized you hadn’t been acting like family. Instead, you always kept him at arms length, even when he tried to be family. 
Tears burned in your eyes. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Don’t be,’ he said. ‘I just want to be that dad-figure for you. All you’ve gotta do is let me.’ He smiled reassuringly. ‘And when you are ready for that, let me know. I’ll be right here for you, kid.’
It had been three months since that conversation and a lot had happened. You were still dating Sy and ever since your little talk with his dad, it truly felt like you were part of the family now. Sy and you were closer than ever before, his dad and you were two peas in a pod. Turned out, you shared many similarities and he felt like that father figure you always wished you had. He came over to your family’s house and fixed a few things that needed fixing for a while now.
But dad Syverson still understood your wish of being independent and whenever he helped you out, he told you to watch and learn and sometimes wrote down a few tips too.
Today, you and Sy were going to a family gathering again and you could say that you were buzzing with excitement. 
‘Sy, hurry up,’ you pleaded. ‘Your dad is gonna show me how to turn on the bbq, without losing your eyebrows.’
He chuckled. ‘I swear you’re always happier to see him than me,’ he joked. You leaned against his shoulder, before he said: ‘You know, honey, I love you very much.’
‘I love you too,’ you whispered. ‘And thank you, for ignoring my stubborn ass and called your dad that faithful flat tire day.’
Sy smirked. ‘Come on, you honestly think I would let you hurt yourself, because you’re my strong-willed sweetheart and doesn’t want to ask my dad for help?’ He pressed a kiss on top of your head. ‘I… I am glad you accepted the help. It made you happier in the end.’
Dating Sy meant gaining an entire family and to say it was amazing was a gross understatement. You said your quick hi’s to his brothers, the sister-in-laws and the kids, kissing Sy’s mom, before rushing over to the backyard, where you saw Sy’s dad.
‘There she is,’ he said with a wide grin and you launched yourself in his arms. ‘Finally some common sense in the building,’ he joked.
Sy joined you not too long after, hugging his dad and he said: ‘I’ll be the first Syverson to sit through a bbq lesson from my dad.’
‘You guys never listened?’
Dad shook his head. ‘Kid, you’re the first one who voluntarily has signed up for the bbq lessons from dad Syverson,’ he told you. ‘Are you ready?’
You smiled and nodded. ‘I was born ready, dad.’
henry cavill taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @liecastillo // @mis-lil-red // @sofiebstar // @abschaffer2 // @crazybutconfidentaf // @summersong69 // @gearhead66 // @xobriellaxo24 // @bourbonrice // @kebabgirl67 // @eldarwen333 // @kingliam2019 // @cherry-gemz // @sillyrabbit81 // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @lyrarodriguez // @islacharlotte // @sunshine96love // @oddsnendsfanfics // @xuxszx // @omgkatinka // @pterodactylterrace / @peaches1958 // @pandaxnienke // @raccoon-eyed-rebel
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doodle-pops · 1 year
Maedhros Having A Twin Sister
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A/N: I remembered the anon who sent the request for Caranthir's twin sister had given me the option of him, Maedhros and Fingon, and I've been obsessed with the idea of Mae having a twin sister. I might follow up with Fingon soon.
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𑁍 So let’s say that you were the older born 20 minutes before him, you and Maedhros are going to be considered the apple of everyone and the family’s eye. The first child, the first girl, the first of everything within the House of Feanor, you are going to be cherished.
𑁍 Both you and Maedhros would receive equal parts of love, affection and attention. There isn’t any need for either of you to fight over who gets to spend more time with amillё and atar. Both Nerdanel and Feanor would be over the moon that their first babies were twins and equally beautiful.
𑁍 As Maedhros twin, growing up as the first two of the third generation of the House of Finwe, you are both alone for the greater half of your childhood before the rest of your siblings and cousins arrive. This means that you and Mae have many years to bond wonderfully.
𑁍 From playmates as children, you two would grow into adolescence and then adulthood having taken care of each other and constantly hovering. His attachment to you was always ‘she’s my sister, we’re supposed to be together always.’
𑁍 Maedhros was always attached to you, following you around wherever you went. If you wanted to play dress-up and dollhouse, he was down for that. If you wanted to host a tea party, he was also down for that. It didn’t matter (since it was just you two) where he was, so long as you were there.
𑁍 It was quite some funny years after your younger brothers were born, they were always fighting for your attention and Maedhros hated it, especially when Maglor and Caranthir used to cry and beg for you. It caused him to act stingy and keep you to himself.
𑁍 He can always count on you to be honest, brutal as well, and truthful with him. The both of you would adapt the roles of acting as parents to the rest of your siblings and cousins. This was a great relief for him because he would joke about what if it was just him alone as the eldest.
𑁍 Despite you being the eldest, for him as the eldest brother, he took the role of being head. You witnessed this during his years in Beleriand, he refused to give you that position, not wanting to give that volume of stress to you.
𑁍 You are close with him, Maglor, Caranthir and Ambarussar since the quiet personalities you all share are compatible. He was attached to you from a young all the way into adulthood. It’s something he uncontrollably does—just whips his head around to search for you and then stands nearby.
𑁍 He isn’t one to hover, but as the years pass and he realised that you were the only other girl in the family, he becomes protective. Giving your suitors the fatherly glare from over your shoulder or talking behind your back, and then acting dumb as if he had nothing to do with your suitor never returning.
𑁍 Arguments between you both are…complex. You’re opposites in terms of personality, but share lots of similarities with Nerdanel and her temperament, so disputes are never long but grudges were. Partially reasoned and sorted out, this was during Valinor.
𑁍 For his years in Beleriand, he was grateful for your company during his lonely and emotionally detached days in Himring. When Fingon or Maglor wasn’t there to sing away his nightmares, you would swoop in the care of him.
𑁍 Tending to his injuries, dressing and feeding him on his bad days, going to his meetings and assisting him with his documents/reports. He was grateful but also ashamed for dragging you into this. Despite acting as the eldest over everyone, he would always feel like your baby brother before you.
𑁍 This is the time when he would lean into your embrace and allow you to brush his hair and sing or baby him. He hates it since he doesn’t like the incapacitated feeling, but it makes him remember his youthful days with you; carefree and running around chasing each other.
𑁍 In return, he would spoil you with the finest riches the land had to offer because he enjoys gift-giving. Maedhros would take up training you in self-defence while being protective and not fancying the idea of you roaming about Beleriand.
𑁍 As the big sister, you were responsible for helping him with suitors. Dressing him up and making him appear desirable to the public. You would give him lots of advice on how to charm people and you were the final say on if you approved of his choice.
𑁍 His favourite days are spent going on walks or rides through the forest and getting everything off his chest. Witnessing him cry and breaking down was a familiar sight that broke your heart. You felt horrible that you could save your twin.
𑁍 Furthermore, you used to feel his pain, when be was going through the rough, but never told him to avoid him wallowing in guilt and shame. You took your job of being his big sister seriously, always easing his stress load and watching over him.
𑁍 You are his confidant and best friend, and he trusts you just as much as he trusts Maglor. You know all his secrets and his bond with you is unlike any other.
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Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings @noldorinpainter @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @lilmelily @someoneinthestars @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @the-phantom-of-arda @rain-on-my-umbrella @singleteapot @wandererindreams @asianbutnotjapanese @justellie17 @justjane @silverose365 @bunson-burner @hoshinokurasa
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dreamsandscenes · 10 months
My Thoughts On
* Spoilers ahead for S1 - S6 of Peaky Blinders *
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The way that Finn as a character was pushed aside and rendered useless 99% of the time is a shame. I wish Steven Knight had had different plans for him (or just any good plans at all would’ve been nice).
I do find the age gap between Finn and all the other siblings a bit too much. If we’re going by the wiki ages, which make sense within the show, Finn was born in 1908. This also must be his birth year, since in season 1 of the show, he says he’s about to be 11, and S1 starts in 1919. His oldest sibling, Arthur, was already 21, Tommy was 18, John was 13, and Ada was 11 when he was born. I can only imagine that the Shelby parents started having kids in their teens, because the age gap is massive. It would’ve made more sense for Finn to be Arthur or Tommy’s son, rather than their brother with that age gap.
It also drives a bit of a wedge between the older siblings and Finn, because Arthur, Tommy, John and Ada all grew up together. They experienced their difficult childhood together. Finn didn’t. Maybe this is part of the reason why I don’t see the same bond between Finn and his siblings as they all have with each other. Don’t get me wrong, they all loved him. I never doubted that. But as Finn grew into a man, I did wonder if all of them actually liked him.
We also know that Mrs Shelby died when Finn was a baby, and Mr Shelby left the family shortly after. Finn never had parents, but he had substitutes for those roles.
Polly was the only mother he ever knew. She raised him. That being said though, it did seem like when Michael came back into her life, Polly put Finn on the back burner. We didn’t really see much of them together at all, apart from in season 1. I don’t even know who Finn lived with in S3/S4, because he was still so young, he had to live with someone. I think Polly cared for him very well when he was a little boy, but once he got into his teens, and Michael was back in the picture, she didn’t seem to care as much. Maybe because he didn’t rely on her to take care of him so much because he was getting older, she took a step back, but I honestly don’t know why she didn’t seem to have more of an active role in his life from S2 onwards. Maybe we should just say it was a poor writing decision.
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Both Arthur and Tommy seemed to fill the fatherly role in Finn’s life. They both looked out for him when they could. They, along with John when he got old enough, made sure to financially support Finn, and give him more than they had growing up. That being said, they weren’t the best role models. I mean, Finn was already doing cocaine at 13/14, something at least Tommy was apparently aware of. Granted, they didn’t necessarily understand the issues with cocaine at the time, but people knew it was a drug, and kids obviously shouldn’t be doing drugs, so I don’t know if Tommy should get a pass for that less than fantastic big brother behaviour.
After John’s death, Finn is clearly brought more into the Peaky Blinders fold, to fill the hole that John left behind. Unfortunately though, Finn lacked the ruthlessness that John had. He could never quite measure up. Perhaps because he never had to fight to get by, like his big brothers did, he didn’t have that drive to succeed. He just kind of skated by the whole time. He didn’t have the aptitude for violence that John had, so he disappointed Tommy/Arthur when it came to Peaky business because he couldn’t handle it, but that’s not really something I would blame Finn for. That’s more on his brothers for expecting & hoping that he’d be like John. Tbh, I don’t know why they didn’t just make him handle legitimate business, rather than the criminal stuff, because he clearly wasn’t suited to it.
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I can’t really say a lot about his relationship with Ada, because I don’t remember any significant scenes between them, apart from the scene in 5x01 where Finn gets shot and talks to Ada for minute after the bullet is removed. It’s pretty brief though. You’d think he’d have more scenes with his only sister, and I think it could’ve been interesting to see the difference between his relationship with her versus his relationship with his older brothers, who he always felt like he had something to prove to.
In S6, we see that he gets married to a woman named Mary. We know nothing about Mary. She’s in maybe 2 scenes. We know nothing about their relationship. There’s no development or love story for them. I truly don’t know why this was included in the show because it added absolutely nothing. I can only assume that the marriage might have some sort of relevance in the movie. If it doesn’t, I just don’t see the point in including it all. It was a meaningless moment.
His friendship with Billy Grade is ultimately the thing that ruins him. He quickly becomes close friends with Billy when they work together. He trusted Billy, because he was always more trusting than his brothers, so he told him things he shouldn’t have.
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By the time we get to the end of S6, where he has to choose between shooting Billy, or saving him by shooting Duke or Isiah, he has been friends with Billy for years. It doesn’t really feel like that as a viewer because of the time jumps between seasons, but Billy was presumably his best friend by that point. With that in mind, was I supposed to be surprised that he tried to shoot Duke to save Billy? He didn’t know Duke. Duke meant nothing to him. Isiah used to be his friend, but they seem to have drifted apart as they got older. Obviously he wasn’t going to choose Duke, or Isiah, over his friend.
If Tommy and Arthur were in that room, instead of Duke and Isiah, I think things would’ve happened differently. When faced with a choice between his brothers and his friend, I think he would’ve chosen his brothers. I definitely don’t think he would’ve ever pointed a gun at either of them or tried to shoot them. But when faced with a guy he barely knew and a friend he wasn’t that close to anymore, he chose Billy. Yes, Billy was an informant, albeit a reluctant one, but he wasn’t only that to Finn.
Do I think he deserved to be disowned by the family at the end of S6 for this decision? No. I think he should’ve been punished in some way, and moved to the legitimate side of the business, because he simply wasn’t smart enough to handle the criminal side of things. I just find it hard to imagine the Shelby’s disowning one of their own, even one that does stupid stuff like Finn. That’s still their baby brother. I don’t like that as Finn’s ending in the show. It was bad enough when SK turned Michael into an antagonist; I don’t want to see Finn meet the same fate in the movie.
I’m really hoping Finn isn’t an antagonist in the PB movie. I really don’t want to see that. I don’t think that one situation with Billy would fully turn Finn against his family anyway. Against Duke maybe, but not his brothers. If he is one of the villains in the movie, I’m going to be disappointed. I’d rather see his final ending in the movie be him coming back into the family, and in some way finally earning the approval of his brothers. Perhaps he could do the whole double agent thing, where the audience thinks he’s a villain, but he’s actually helping his family. I don’t know, I just want more from him as a character than an antagonist storyline.
That’s kind of the way I felt about Finn the entire series; I just wanted more from him. He was always falling a bit short as a character for me. Never quite hitting the mark. I hope that he can finally reach his potential in the movie.
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sonicasura · 3 months
Not sure if the Kaiju number 8 world is escapism for the characters, or me. Probably both. Somehow I always bring KNACK around to sad/weird.
Lucas looks up to Reno, who is older than him but has similar traits. Lucas is too young to join the Defense Force, but in the meantime, he's likely to hang out more and more in that universe and hear the stories. Reno is kind of like an older brother, which is a role Knack can occupy only sometimes.
Once Reno impresses on Lucas how dangerous Kaiju are and why Kafka's secret is so important to keep, poor Kafka feels teamed on when he gets two earfuls about being reckless instead of one.
Knack gets chewed out, too, because Lucas wants to keep him safe. Though Knack may at some point tell him to 'zip it!' When priorities change.
The safety of his friends and family is more important than Knack's own protection. In that respect, him and Kafka's tendencies align.
He burns through Sunstone energy like fire through gasoline, however, those times he gets involved in battle. Kaiju are *nothing* like humans and goblins. I wonder how he might mess with Kaiju sensors, if at all.
Kafka's fatherly tendencies have interesting effects on the KNACK boys. Lucas finally feels listened-to and valued by an adult, and after the boys figure out how Knack's portals work, Lucas feels less and less inclined to return home every visit. Especially after getting into arguments with the Doctor. I think Kafka recognizes this as a problem, but I'm not sure how he approaches it.
The weirder part might be Knack's temperament. Knack's been alive for less than a few years, and I headcanon that this is his only go around with the whole existing thing. So Knack has always been as he is. Kafka has only been half-kaiju for less than a year, but is in his thirties, as we know.
Knack asks Kafka how he handles being different, mistreated for his looks even though he's human. Knack probably made an assumption that Kafka has had his kaiju powers for longer than he really did. Lucas points out that Knack seemingly implied that Knack is human when he isn't. And Knack shuts down after that, only giving one-word answers or silence for the rest of the talk. That's why it's kinda weird and I'm not sure how to explain Knack's feelings. He likes how he is and the way he looks, so he's not ashamed of himself in that way. But he called himself human for some reason.
This just makes me think back to Knack 1 where the Doctor says that Charlotte was his better half alongside Lucas genuinely being an orphan(lost his mother and no father in the picture). He genuinely cares for the two but sometimes his interests get the better of him. I think that's why Knack alongside Lucas have been exploring on their own while Doctor and Charlotte were at the Monk Temple in Knack 2.
A massive argument which makes the older man realize both his assistants need time to grow as their own individuals while he needs to reflect on himself. They do separate on better terms though when Lucas' group ends up seeking the Doctor for help in Knack 2. Both our younger heroes definitely flourished during their personal journey.
It also makes senses why Lucas ends up losing it later on in Knack 2, he doesn't want to be pushed to the wayside and ignored again especially for his blocky brother figure. An irrational fear as Knack would never dare replace Lucas something reaffirmed once the two are stranded on that island together.
Reno and Kafka sorta just speed up the process of the eventual separation. Both give the younger boys that needed reassurance but also validation. Kafka and Knack cope with not being human alongside learning about themselves better. Lucas gets to really show off his ideas but actually feels seen due to Reno than just our favorite himbo. Both people allow our boys to truly grow into their own individuals.
You can say exploring the world of Kaiju No. 8 is like finally being able to leave the nest in my opinion.
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This is Vincent Regan (One Piece Live Action's Vice Admiral Garp) in the 2004 film Troy.
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And frankly it's giving me pirate vibes and feeding some headcanons I already have for certain fan fictions I'm already working on/planning and someone make it stop I have too much shit to work on already wtf open head remove brain please
Also I just found out I share a birthday with Vincent Regan? cooool~
So feckit, here's my character history for Garp for my OPLA fanfic canon, for the hell of it and also to get it out of my head so I can work on what I actually want to work on right now.
Marine brat, family moved around a lot, but settled in Foosha Village when he was around six. Had one older brother (seven years older), father was a Marine Vice Admiral.
Bad relationship with father—he wasn't around much due to his work, and when he was home, the guy was kind of a major jerk.
Older brother sort of took on the fatherly role as a result, ended up joining the Marines at sixteen but staying relatively local at the base in Shells Town on a nearby island.
Made friends with a homeless girl named Helena at nine years old, who claimed her parents were pirates, and told incredible stories about their adventures.
Helena later reveals, when they're around thirteen and Garp points out that a lot of her stories don't add up or make sense, that her father was a Marine, and an abusive dirtbag. She had actually run away from home, stowed away on a pirate ship, and got dumped off in Foosha Village when they discovered her, and she plans on setting out as a pirate herself when she's older.
He's pretty resentful of the Marines because of his father, but he knows he's expected to enlist when he's old enough...
But fuck that, he's got an alternative now, and he's going for it, no holds barred.
Even if Helena insists on being captain and they butt heads over it a fair amount, he honestly accepts it because frankly he's head over heels for the free-spirited independent girl and he's pretty sure her ambitions have saved him from being molded into his old man's clone.
Fuel is added to the fire of his rebellion when his father is in town when he is fourteen and discovers his younger son's friendship with the street-rat Helena. Helena doesn't hold back her opinions of how much of an ass-bandit the man is, and he ultimately forbids Garp from seeing her.
Obviously that does nothing but result in him just seeing her in secret; not like it's that hard since his father is rarely around anyway.
A few days before he turns sixteen, his father arrives to take him to the base in Shells Town to enlist on his birthday. Helena proposes that they steal the man's personal sloop and set out in the night, and it's a sealed deal.
Three years in, they both have pretty hefty bounties and a decent crew put together, just enjoying freedom on the Grand Line.
But all good things must come to an end—they get into a firefight with a Marine vessel, and while they win...they learn that Marine crew was captained by Garp's older brother, who went down with the ship.
Garp can't take the guilt, no more than he can take how aloof Helena is about the ordeal, with her stating that all Marines are scum and she honestly can't bring herself to feel any guilt.
Their falling out results in him leaving, heading home to Foosha Village, and ultimately begging his father for a second chance at eighteen years old.
His father, an admiral now, agrees to pull some strings to get his bounty cancelled—as long as Garp enlists as a Marine and dedicates his career to hunting down and bringing in Helena...and, however reluctantly, he agrees.
He advances the ranks relatively quickly, having three years seafaring experience already, and his ability to think like a pirate means he's damned good at taking them down.
His father has already passed away by the time he manages to track down Helena at thirty-two years old in the North Blue. By now she is one of the most notorious captains in the world, known as The Siren for both her affinity toward music as well as her affinity for seducing her way out of trouble.
At some point, she's gained devil fruit powers (Mizu Mizu no Mi, Logia Type, Water), which has contributed greatly to her success.
He is frankly surprised when she willingly gives herself up on the condition that her crew is allowed to continue without her; Garp doesn't have much choice but to accept, as her devil fruit abilities make her nearly impossible to combat.
They're several weeks out from Marineford, which gives them a great deal of time to catch up while she's stuck in the hold.
She apologizes for being as cold as she was about the death of his older brother; says she knew it would ultimately drive him to leave her side and she felt it would be better if he left in resentment toward her than in guilt of leaving her behind.
And goddammit he's still in love with her.
Aaaand surprise surprise! she ends up preggo halfway to Marineford.
Unbeknownst to his own crew, he works out a plan with Helena to contact her crew and have them stage an attack to retrieve her, which he will intentionally lose, under the condition that she gives up her career as a pirate to raise their child.
Resulting in him returning to Marineford empty-handed, of course, with no one wise to the fact that Helena is carrying his child.
At this point Helena already has a base that has developed into something of a small village, an uncharted island on the Grand Line, of which she provided the coordinates to Garp.
The resulting falling out between him and Helena ends in them separating.
They marry in secret on the island, ultimately have two sons together, but everything comes full circle as his eldest son, Dragon, grows to resent him for being absent most of the time and not particularly personable when he is there, and ends up oposing the World Government directly...
And his second son (yes, another OC I've got a whole ass family tree going here) refuses to even accept his name after his older brother leaves, and ultimately runs away on his own in his early teens and joins Gol D. Roger's crew.
As a direct result of all this, when Garp ultimately takes his grandson in, he decides immediately that he doesn't want the boy involved with piracy...and yet he finds it hard to fault him for it when that is the path that Luffy ultimately falls into. His own history is a tremendous part of what leads to him letting Luffy go in Cocoyasi Village when he corners the Strawhat crew there.
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sigyn-foxyposts · 6 months
Theowyn headcannons 🥀
(Some of these are actually cannon oops-)
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Appearance and traits!
Theowyn was born premature, hence why she grew up so frail and sickly.
She had asthma and mobility problems all up until she passed away.
(I'm projecting hard-)
After her birth, her mother passes away from complications during childbirth.
The bantus family didn't blame Theowyn for this and in fact became very protective of her!
Theowyn always idolized the strongest people in her lives, that being her two older brothers Thoran and Edwin!
When Theowyn was alive she had pale skin, blue eyes and light brown hair!
Her favorite colors are purple, blue and magenta.
She actually loves animals but was never able to take care of them properly!
Theowyn was a hopeless romantic!
She often found herself lost in her imagination. Edwin and Thoran feeding into it by taking turns reading her fairytales before bed, every night!
Theowyn kept day dreaming about her future and how she would eventually be saved by a man that could free her.
Since she often felt like she was trapped in her own body because she was so weak, trapped in her room, her home.
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Family relationships!
Thoran always watched over Theowyn growing up, taking on the fatherly role.
This is because their actual father was absent and eventually passes away, leaving the throne to Thoran.
Since Theowyn was left alone in her chambers for most of her childhood and Thoran needed to take care of their kingdom in its early stages.
Edwin was left to care for her, even when he himself became busy.
He would often give Theowyn animal companions like cats or dogs to keep her company when they weren't there!
As well as smaller gifts like Amethysts or purple roses he had found while travelling.
When Thoran decided to arrange a marriage between Theowyn and the prince of Thalonia. She felt betrayed!
It was like Thoran had crushed her dreams of finding her one true love.
Not only that, she was not forced to leave everything she was familiar with!
But eventually after settling in and pondering Theowyn gave it a shot! Sadly, no matter what she or her new husband did, she just couldn't love him! Not in a romantic way..
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Theowyn really used to adore her brother Edwin, always smiling in his presence.
But after he caused their families tragic ends and dared to kill her husband, she very much hates him in the afterlife.
Even though she knows Edwin is responsible for their deaths, she still blames herself somewhat.
She felt used and betrayed once more, feeling like she could have prevented it!
Now she finds more comfort in Thoran, who finally is able to care for his sister full time as a graveborn!
Making up for his past actions in marrying her away.
Other relationships:
Theowyn and Daimon find comfort in each other over how they were both sickly before becoming graveborns.
Desira and Theowyn are strangely enough very close over their shared negative experiences with love.
Niru actually treated a young Theowyn at some point when they were still alive, before he aided on the battlefield.
Mehira is Theowyn's mentor, trying to help Theowyn get out of her shell and be more comfortble finding a lover!
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Undiscovered Future - Pt. 4
Hi everyone! Sorry for no updates recently, school has swamped me, but I have a bit of a break now and hope to keep frequent updates again! This part is around 1k words and is all family fluff, hope you enjoy!
Integrating into the family had come with its difficulties, Jake was more military sergeant than father, but having grown up in a military environment Savanna felt comfortable falling into a soldier's role quickly. Even after being a part of the Sully family for a month, Savanna had not had any solid fatherly bonding with Jake, apart from their brief talk the first night. Neytiri had quickly accepted the girl, filling the role of protectful mother and teaching her the ways of the Omaticaya. The one member of the family who had taken to Savanna the most, and now followed her around like a lost puppy was the most unexpected, Neteyam. He would spend every moment not spent training at her side, Neteyam having such high standards as the eldest couldn’t help feeling clinging to the attention his older sister gave him. 
Climbing off her Ikiran and lowering Tuk, Savanna approached Neteyam with a sly smile. “Yam! Tuk and I brought you a surprise!”
Although drenched in sweat from a hard day of training with Jake, Neteyam couldn’t help but grow giddy and his ears perked up. Neteyam tried not to appear too eager and hold his face neutral, but if anything he appeared constipated. Savanna and Tuk burst into a fit of giggles. Looking mildly offended, Neteyam side-eyed them, “I don’t understand what’s so funny!” standing to leave he finished, “I am exhausted, and won’t participate in whatever trick the two of you have planned!” 
Rushing over to grab his arm Savanna tried to compose herself, “I’m sorry! You just were trying so hard to be serious, and it isn't working too well!” receiving a scowl she continued, “Anyways Tuk, can you give Yam Yam his surprise?” Rushing over with a carefully folded leaf, Tuk smiling and still recovering from her fit of giggles, handed Neteyam his gift. 
Carefully unwrapping the leaf, Neteyam softened, “Yovo fruit! They are actually my favourite.” Appearing bashful now, with his tail between his legs, Neteyam started to eat. The tension of the day slowly fading from his shoulders and making a small smile grace his lips. 
“I know, you mentioned your Yovo craving about a million times, so Tuk and I went to grab you some.” Smiling at the happiness radiating from her little brother, Savanna couldn’t be happier. 
“Thank you Tuk!” Lifting his youngest sister off the ground with the arm not occupying his favourite snack, “Take one and head home alright.” 
Giving Neteyam a kiss on the cheek and jumping out of his arms, Tuk ran off in the direction of their hut giggling. Turning to Savanna, Neteyam embraced her and put his head on her shoulder. “Thank you Sav.” 
Wrapping her arms around Neteyam, she began to rock on her heels, “Anything for my little brother! You are working so hard Yam, you need to have a break sometimes.” Getting only a grunt in response Savanna pulled him back to look at her, “Neteyam. You need to take care of yourself! Can you promise me you’ll try and if you need anything to come talk to me?” 
Sighing, Neteyam smiled at his older sister, someone he never thought he would have, and agreed. Shoving his shoulder she said, “Alright then, let us get you to the hut and sleep.”
Walking side by side they both approached the Sully hut, stopping at the entrance. Trying to guide Savanna in, Neteyam was stopped. Looking back he noticed her hesitancy, “Sav, it’s alright. You are family, please start staying in our pod!” Neteyam was very sincere and she knew no one else would mind, but it was hard to cross this barrier. Moving in with the Sully’s felt so big, and she didn’t want to be an intrusion. 
Skipping along and seeing Neteyam struggle to coax Savanna into the pod, Loak decided he would try a new tactic. Running up behind his elder sister, Loak quickly hoisted her up and ran into the pod. Savanna shrieked from the sudden movement, and gripped on Loak’s shoulders for dear life. Following quickly behind, Neteyam scowled at his brother, “you idiot! Don’t hurt her!” 
Giggling at his brother's protectiveness, Loak just said, “it’s fine bro, she’s in the pod now.” Smugly smiling at Neteyam, who was standing arms crossed and unimpressed, Loak tossed Savanna into the air a little. 
“Loak! So help me god, I will skin you if you drop me!” Although Savanna’s words were harsh she couldn’t help giggling, because of the butterflies in her stomach from being tossed. All three of the siblings were bickering back and forth, failing to notice the two adults enter the pod. 
Neytiri smiled at her boys and the girl who was becoming her own. Standing at the door with Jake, she leaned on his shoulder, and just enjoyed seeing them all so carefree. Jake had a subtle smile on his face, he was happy that Savanna was integrating so well into all their lives, Heather would be proud of the amazing woman she’s becoming. Finally having had enough of the Bickering, when it turned to insults and name calling Jake interrupted, “Alright, that’s enough!” The three stopped talking and froze, turning to face their father; they weren’t met by anger or disappointment, but by his long lost smile. “Now Loak, put your sister down and get ready for supper.” Gently placing Savanna down, Loak smiled at her and tugged her along to get ready for supper. 
When the whole family had enjoyed their meal, Savanna helped Kiri and Neytiri clean up. As she was about to slip out for the night and return to her clans’ borrowed pod, a hand grabbed her shoulder. Turning around sheepishly, Savanna came face to face with a disappointed Kiri, “You’re staying here tonight!” 
“Kiri! No one else has seen me yet, just let me go. I will see you tomorrow.” Pleading and giving Kiri her best doe eyes wasn’t appearing to be working, “Ok I’ll stay! Just let my arm go.” Reluctantly Kiri dropped Savanna’s arm and turned around. Savanna then turned to sprint out of the pod, but was stopped when two strong arms lifted her off the ground, “Why does everyone in this family keep picking me up?” Turning to face her kidnapper, Savanna saw Jake was above her. 
“It’s past eclipse missy. Also, don't you think it’s time you moved in with your family?” Looking down at his daughter, she turned her head into his chest to hide her wide smile.  
Speaking softly Savanna whispered, “I just don’t want to intrude! You all don’t owe me anything, and I’m just happy you view me as family!” 
Frowning Jake spoke, “You are not intruding. You are not a burden. You are a Sully, and Sully’s stick together!”
TagList: @elegantkidfansoul
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Thank you @sliveringcarnival BECAUSE NOW CARO IS IN MY MIND....
So here a mini snip of my What-If AU, where Caro lived past the age of 11.
The twins were now entering their high school years, both very protective of their adoptive mom. She was their world and would do anything to make her smile. However, both of them were...put off by her new love interest who had become more prominent in their lives, and had caused some tension between the family.
"...He's here again..."
"Mr. Liam?"
"Why do you sound upset?"
"Cuz I don't like him, the only reason I haven't been a jerk to him is cuz Mom likes him..."
"I think he's nice. He and Mom seem to be great together."
Charles could only roll his eyes, he had somewhat of a strained relationship with Liam Kalago. He hadn't had the best male role models in his life and for one to try and force the "Fatherly" role was not welcomed.
"Don't even think about it"
"What? I didn't even say anything"
"I know that look on your face. Please don't drive him off...he makes mom happy"
"I know"
"Please just try and be nice...for me?"
Charles could only lower his head, giving a slight nod accompanied with a sigh.
"Only for you Caro...."
"Thank you. OH! I gotta skedaddle!"
"I'm finally going on a proper date with Lily!"
" 'Bout time....WAIT you better not be leaving me here with Kalago..."
"Sorry...But yeah I gotta leave ya here big brother"
"Ich bin nur fünf Minuten älter"
(I'm only five minutes older)
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sapphireshineauthor · 2 years
My Next Life as a Villainess OC List
Doing an OC list of my own to share and honestly, there's a lot of characters that are not particularly related to hamefura that were spawned due to this series. However, this is a list of characters that have appeared. I swear, this list would be a LOT longer if I include characters I made, but haven't written into a posted fic yet. Enjoy. 
Sir Gabriel 
Captain of the Royal Guard.
Close friends with King Owen and the royal family.
Has adequate Fire Magic. 
Acted as the main sword tutor for the princes and Geordo's primary magic tutor.
Lost his family due to a tragic crossfire during the Battle for the Throne. 
Treats the princes like his own sons. 
Very relaxed and lighthearted despite his role.
Fatherly figure.
Began to tutor Katarina upon request. Due to his amusement at Geordo's reaction to the whole thing. 
Used to get into a lot of crazy acts with Owen during their youth.
Note: Is one of the best swordsman in the kingdom and personally sparred with Owen on a multitude of occasions both before and after he ascended the throne. While he treats his sword tutoring to the four princes quite evenly, he has a closer bond to Geordo due to also being his appointed fire magic tutor. Can't help but tease and dote on the prince like he was if he was his own son. 
Lady Stella 
Head Royal Healer.
An older woman who's been around the castle since King Owen was a child.
Has powerful Light Magic. 
Motherly figure, acted as both a healer and a nanny for many of the denizens of the castle.
Beyond graduating from the magic academy, not much is know about her past prior to her hiring as the head healer.
Caring but stern and tired older lady
Everyone in the royal family is still a herd of "kids" she cares for despite their mischief.
King Owen and Gabriel still fear her.
Frequently visited her due to injuries from their antics.
Wants to train Maria, but is unsure if she wants to deal with the royal family.
Has a lot of information and unsure feelings regarding the conflict for the throne, remembering the other candidates quite vividly whether she wanted to or not. 
Note: The Royal Healer of the family had been in employment for a very long time, back when Owen was still a boy. She was one of the few women the former king treated with utmost respect and is one of the few light magic users in the kingdom.
Alan's primary maid. 
She plans on leaving the castle sometime after Alan graduates from the magic academy. 
She's been Alan's (and Geordo's) primary caretaker when he was younger and eventually ended up being the main caretaker for Geordo when the two began to get along a lot better.
One of the only maids to know about "hidden" areas and "secret" passages in the castle because Alan showed them to her. 
Very kind and big sisterly. 
Gets along well with Anne and helps her take care of the group when available. 
Note: Celia is a talented pianist besides her role as one of the royal maids. She primarily took care of Alan and helped him with his musical talent. She has had offers for marriage before, but wanted to stay with the twins for a bit more time. She is one of the maids that interact with Anne the most whenever Katarina visits the castle. 
Master Neptune
Alan's primary magic tutor 
Has adequate Water Magic 
Partially responsible for keeping an eye on his condition to make sure nothing major happened to him. 
Worked with Sir Gabriel in the guard before as a Mage and gets along well with him. 
Is more stoic and aloof compared to Gabriel, but is quite protective over his students. 
He also tutored Mary when she would visit the castle. 
Note: Alan's and Mary's magic tutor, Neptune is quite skilled in his trade and quite serious when it comes to how magic should and shouldn't be used. Sometimes helps Alan remember his manners but takes an additional role of being a "guard" to him and his brothers quite seriously. 
Doctor Haledae 
Acclaimed doctor researching MME 
Well known doctor who tends to care for a lot of nobles who end up ill. Due to his speciality, has been one Alan has been seeing for a bit regarding his unique condition. 
Knew a former coworker who was deeply interested in his research, but vanished after a certain incident. 
Note: A kind doctor, but does have a tendency to panic whenever something too extreme occurs. However, the panic doesn't last very long. He works with Prince Alan after a certain incident to keep an eye on his condition to make sure his health doesn't sway too drastically. Both in order from Alan as well as his friends. 
Doctor Barisol 
Head Mortician of Socier’s nobility 
Both a skilled mortician and analytic data keeper
Responsible for funerals as well as keeping record on every person who has passed 
Has a fascination with dead but doesn’t wish anyone to die before they “lived their lives”
Besides Stella, is the most informed person regarding the Conflict for the Throne as a whole and it’s many “contenders” and their respective deaths. 
Can’t help but draw parallels between the current princes and the former “princes” he came across. Some resemblances are more blatant than others in his mind. 
Note: Baristol has always been interested in death, but ironically to an extent, hates Dark Magic more than even the royal family. Claims it's a devious deal that only steals and takes with no return. 
Artificial Human "Automaton". 
Build like a ceramic doll with ball joints and hair made out of thin gemstone like fibers. 
Was the result of a horrific dark magic experiment years ago.
After the death of her original creator, the rage inside her form is now absent. 
Works in the Ministry as both one of Lahna Smith's subordinates as well as a helper for Prince Geoffrey. 
Is roughly the size of a child, around 3-4 feet tall. 
Her inorganic build is not kept secret, but not openly advertised either. 
Very serious and blunt
Sometimes is asked to be an escort (publically or secretly) to Geordo and Alan. 
Proficient in magic of almost all types (if element is available) 
Katarina slowly tries to help her learn how to laugh. 
Note: Quartz has been with the Ministry for a number of years and holds a high loyalty to Prince Geoffrey since he was the one to help her escape the control of her creator. The spirits that once filled her with hatred and desire for revenge vanished after her creator was killed. 
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fonulyn · 2 years
I'm just curious, but how do you see Leon and Sherry's relationship? Cuz I've seen their relationship portrayed as sibling like and as father daughter, which is both great very cute, but at the same time Piers and Sherry are basically the same age. So, I was just wondering if you think Leon had like a bit of a crisis when it came to Piers' age?
honestly, I personally am not into the father-daughter thing. nothing wrong with it, if one likes it, so i'm not trying to say it's somehow inherently bad or anything! but it's not for me, for multiple reasons.
in re2 when they meet, Leon is only 21, and I have a hard time believing he'd look at a pre-teen he's just met and go "daughter!" it might be different if he was older, or if Sherry was younger, who knows, but as is I really can't see that happening in the short timeframe they spend together. it makes much more sense to me that he feels responsible for her and takes on a sort of a brotherly role. I've seen people say he must feel like her dad because he's protective and hell no lmao I'm fiercely protective of my brother and I certainly don't feel like his mom.
now if he actually got to raise her, if she had stayed with him and they would've become a some kind of a family unit, then I could definitely see him becoming a father figure for her, and it'd probably develop pretty naturally too. but he doesn't. the canon timeframe is a bit vague but they don't spend that much time together and I sincerely doubt that any kind of fatherly feelings would've evolved for him.
when it comes to Sherry, i could maybe see it more, because she's 12 and at that age an adult is an adult lmao she probably doesn't really distinguish strongly between 21 or 31 or 41. so she could more easily see him as a father figure than he would see her as a daughter, imo. but even then, in re6, Sherry says that Claire and Leon are "the best friends she's ever had" which doesn't exactly sound like she's describing something parent-kid like. not to say you can't be friends with your parents, i sure am friends with mine, but it'd be a weird way to word it idk.
SO this is my long-winded way of saying that I see them as a brother-sister type of deal more than anything :'D the whole canon is a hot mess when it comes to it because on one hand they try to make it sound like they're bestest friends and on the other hand Sherry is missing for six months and Leon goes "oh i heard u became an agent" which is so fucking weird okay. capcom learn to write better please.
and because canon doesn't give anything super definitive, I like to imagine either that they stayed in contact on some level or that at the very least they reconnected after some time and are actual friends. that is what i want for them. friendship. they both sure need friends and support.
but as for the rest of your question lol (sorry I'm rambly) it doesn't mean Leon can't have a bit of a brief crisis about Piers's age :'D I only have a few years between me and my brother but he will always be a baby to me (he is over thirty, fyi, lmao) so dating someone his age would be a bit of a "omg i'm seeing someone my baby sibling's age" before getting used to it :'D
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yashiroreaper · 3 months
TMNT Fanfic Idea
Okay been toying around with this fanfic for a while, and by a while I mean almost 15 years... Damn I’m old. Anyway when I was little I was really into TMNT 2k3 and when I learned about the original show and particularly the Mona Lisa episode it got the brain juices flowing.
Now for context as a kid I was basically a constant daydreamer, was a coping mechanism I clung to to escape traumatic shit. This honestly started out as a escapist thing. A story and acted out through my youth and wrote about in diaries. Then eventually it shifted more into a fanfic as I got into fanfiction as a tween.
Anyway this is the basic idea, Mona Lisa is a half alien. Her mother is a Broadway performer and model. Her human family is second generation Italian immigrants. She met the turtles when she was young saving them from a group of thugs when they ventured to the surface alone. 
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After meeting them her and her mother become like a second family to the turtles and splinter. Over time her and Raphael end up becoming best friends and the two briefly became an item when they were young. But broke up rather fast when they realized they preferred to be friends. There was no bad blood, actually breaking up brought them closer together. 
Her alien side gives her the ability to shift between her alien form and a human form. Also she is a powerful telepath with superhuman strength and speed. Her biology makes it so she can adapt to any planet in a short amount time. (Like say breathe on the Triceraton home world) But is often left out of battles due to her inability to control her powers when she’s upset. 
Her mother dies when she’s young and she moves in with the turtles afterward, though she still lives a semi-normal life on the surface with the help of her human Uncle who runs a Italian restaurant. She ends up becoming a Broadway performers after high school (like her mother had been). Which also keeps her out of a lot of the battles. Someone has to earn money for the family.
She’s about three years older than the boys and acts like an elder sister to them a lot of the time. Had a child when she was nineteen from a failed relationship with a fellow performer, Raph takes on a fatherly role for her son. Raph and Mona are basically platonic soul mates, legit would do anything for each other no questions asked. 
She is honestly pretty close with all the boys, her and Leo are the eldest and act responsible for the others. They end up leaning on each other, and share the burden of being the eldest though Mona is often the one bearing the bigger burden being the actual eldest. He tries his best to help her train her mind along with Splinter so that she can control her powers better. 
Mikey is her baby brothers and she tends to spoil him a bit. Though she does playfully tease him. They like to cook together, often spending an entire day making a big meal for their family. Any holiday these two are the ones doing the food and decorations.
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If Raph is her platonic soul mate, Donatello is her romantic soul mate. Both of them are close since they met. She was the one encouraging his academic interests along with her mother when she was alive. He want to learn about something, she goes out and gets him books of the subject. He wants to build something she the first one helping him find or buy parts. He ended tutoring her through her high school years. Besides Raph he’s the only one who can reliably calm her down.
Splinter is like the father she never had, her father having left Earth before she was born. After losing her mother she ends up being a bit protective over Splinter. The thought of losing him is one of her worst nightmares. They do clash often because he wishes she would step into the human world more. While she would rather remain with her family. 
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