#his son also works Very Hard and i dont want him to leave three kids and a wife
idiotsonlyevent · 4 months
One day I'm going to write a fic about half foots and gender on the premise that chilchuck and his wife actually tried very hard to raise their daughters separate from the worst of half foot gender roles while still falling victim to those gender roles themselves, leading to the eventual collapse of their relationship wherein chilchuck is Emotionally Repressed but also due to being the family breadwinner has a fairly full life, which starts especially conflicting with chilwife once the kids are moved out because her life is now notably emptier and she's not really sure how to fill that space. But instead of directly stating this it ends up being articulated as like... extra fussing and worrying about chilchuck (because gender is a bitch and Proper Womanhood is frankly just a different mode of emotional repression), which he brushes off because like, he's fine? Both in the repressed way but also like. Genuinely he's doing pretty alright.
Which is why she leaves after meeting his coworkers. It's like that last straw of "my husband is out here having a Life and I have what? A house thats empty most of the time?" And from her perspective he's rebuffed her attempts to reach out, and she's played this role of wife and mother for so long now she doesn't actually know how to exist and communicate outside of it so she just... leaves.
Anyways. Sorry this is long I have a lot of thoughts on that gender flipped chilchuck image and the implications it has on gender roles for half foots. And also on the narrative framing of chilchuck admitting he doesn't know Why his wife left, implying that its the truth. And also that meijack is, as far as I have seen, the only female half foot not seen wearing a dress. And how we never see a female half foot in the dungeon.
(God fuck I'm still not done, I've gotta be clear that when I say chilchuck and his wife tried to raise the girls outside gender roles, that's not even in some like... chilchuck feminist moment way. It's in a "I think its narratively tasty if chilchuck and his older brother become the household breadwinners after their dad dies, and for chilchuck to not have thoughts about this until he has three daughters and suddenly he's realizing he doesn't want them to be dependent on their husbands or sons or uncles when he dies" kind of way)
YOU!!!!!!!!! YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! this ask...
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"[chilchuck's] fine? Both in the repressed way but also like. Genuinely he's doing pretty alright." THISSSSS!!! this is exactly why i've started/scaffolded multiple chilfics, but havent gotten around to actually writing/finishing them; because i think he has so many hangups abt how he's been infantilized and dehumanized and used.... and his wife left him without SAYING ANYTHING and WE KNOW he's torn up as Fuck about it!!!!! there's a very real chance he feels really isolated and lonely, especially because he feels like he can't talk about it, and i dont even think he realizes!
like, i wouldn't be surprised if part of why he hates being 'treated like a kid' is because he doesn't want people 'taking care of him' - maybe because its 'his job' as the 'head of household ('oldest' in the party, in a sense); maybe because his wife used to take care of him and she left him so was it too much? was he too much work? maybe he feels like he doesn't deserve it? i wouldn't be surprised if he drinks not just to loosen up, but because it makes it easier to 'not think about it.'
like i don't think he's 'actually ok' but it's pretty well-concealed under a veneer of competence and stability that i... have no idea how to write that? like, yeah there's the drinking and the pushing people away. but also i think he's the type to drop some shit like 'i don't believe in romance because i'm unlovable' out of nowhere after being provoked/pissed off, and everyone's like '!?!;??!! HUH?!' like it's infiltrated his thinking in ways that he thinks is normal.... he doesn't even realize that his one massive blind spot is himself!
sorry THIS got long 😭 you 🤝 me > forever thinking about how passively important(?) gender is in dungeon meshi.... how, even though its unstated, different cultural expectations and associations w gender and genedered traits affect all of the characters in different ways.... getting a phd in dunmeshi-verse gender studies, brb 🫡
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thequeenwechoose · 2 years
My thoughts on House of the Dragon 1x06
Book spoilers and show spoilers
This episode felt like a second pilot to me with the introducition of the children and the time skip. I had not the feeling that it was rushed, it was simply a lot to cover up and you can't fit everything in.
Rhaenyra: First it felt strange to see a diffrent rhaenyra but at the second rewatch i thought this is a very good change she is stronger, wiser and better versed in politics. Needless to say emma d'arcy is incredible beautiful, she gives rhaenyra a vulnerability and confidence that the  younger version was lacking (which is alright because she was a child). You belive she is a mother of three children and she loves them all very much. But she is under a lot of pressure due to the childrens true heritage. Sadly the reason why she did not at least had one child with laenor is not explained. Their relationship seems to be one of we accept the other one as he is and play the happy couple in front of the court but behind closed doors everyone does as he pleases. That sounds good in theory but they have reached a point where it isn't working anymore. She has put herself in a dangerous position with that. The relationship to alicent has grown downright hostile over the years and every offer of peace from rhaenyra gets thrown out of the window. So when she decides to leave court it is a good decison for her family but a bad one for her positon as heir to the throne. I think if she had stayed, in the moment viserys dies alicent, larys, otto or chole would have had her and her children killed. So in the end it's better she left. Plus her whole relationship with daemon could have not progressed the way it does later if she had stayed at court. In ep. 5 i thougt that the marriage with laenor would be a good thing but now i think he is not the right man for her. He can't help her in her quest for the throne. She is without allies at this point. I think it's clear that she needs daemon very much because he will fight for her and protect her. A very good entrance for the new rhaenyra can't wait to see more of her.
Damon: I did not expect him to be depressive it looks like he has given himself up. The only time he was happy in this episode was when he was riding caraxes. This is not the same daemon we got to know and seeing him like this is hard. He is clearly heartbroken. But i think that despite that he loves laena and his kids. He is trying, teaching his children giving them a peaceful life far away from the court and conspiracys in westeros. It's a good life but he is made for so much more. I think he cares for laena even loves her he is devastated when she dies and when faced with the same chice that viserys has to make in ep. 1 he simply can't do it to her. I expected him to be happy with his family like he was in the books. But i feel at this point we have strayed very far from the books. Daemon and Rhaenyra are the main pairing from the beginning, which makes sense because they are both playing very crucial roles in the dance. But that does not mean they have to downgrade their other relationships. They even go that far that laena says she knows that she is not the woman that daemon wants. And she is fine with that what the hell? The other thing that bothers me that there is nearly no physical intimacy betwen them (the same goes for harwin and rhaenyra) They have 3 kids together ther shuld be more but then again i think they are saving this for Daemon/Rhaenyra. I myself think that there is nothing wrong with having more than one love in your life because that's what life is.
I look very much forward to the next episode when he is back in westeros.
About the deleted scenes: I dont understand why he can't hug his kids on screen. They filmed it why leave it? Also daemon being bisexuell, why not.
Viserys: he looks not good and he lost an arm. Alicent has her claws in him and tries to undermine him at any given oportunity. He loves his rhaenyra and turns a blind eye to her illegimate sons. He seems to have no close realationships to his other children. And when rhaenyra leaves at the end of the episode he is now truly alone. He is a character that i did not like at the beginning but that has changed. I think his death will make me very sad when it comes i think in ep. 8. What is the meaning of the rat in his room? It's the 3rd time that we see it. Is she one of the the reasons why he is so ill? Do the producers think they need to remind us that we are in a medival world? Or does it mean cheese is working sloopy or is not there yet?
Alicent: She seems to have turned even more bitter over the years. Her only goal is that aegon succeds rhaenyra. I understand that she is angry that rhaenyra takes libertys that she never had, but knowing how this all will end i can't understand her point of view. She has gatherd allies over the yars with larys and chole who each have their own motivation. And with rhaenyra gone she holds the power at court. Removing harwin and his father out of the picture to isolate rhaenyra and robb her of one of her gratest allies was a cruel move. Even if she did not expected larys to do it. She has unintentionally cleared the way out for daemon to step in that role. Can't wait for her reaction when she sees them back together.
Ser Crispin: God i hate him. What a poor image of a man. Why is he still a kingsguard thank god he is not lord commander like he was in the book.When he called rhaenyra a spider and a cunt i wanted to punch him in the face. Really enjoed that harwin did that but he should have broken his nose. Him doing all this out of spite because she rejected him and blaming it all on her what a cliche. Taking it out on the children was a really low blow. He is alicents guard dog now it seems. Worst kingsguard ever. Are there really people out ther who like him?
Larys: We had a lot of villians in thrones but no one killed his own brother and father (except of ramsey). But why did he do it? Did he hate his family or is he just power hungry. I can understand a bad guy but i need to know why he does what he does.
The Children: Not on board with aegons wigg. Was that window scene really necesarry? He seems not to be interested in taking the throne. I guess alicent will push him very hard in that direction. Aemond is bullied around by the others i guess thats why he turns out to be so deranged. Luke and Jace are just cute.
The Dragons: Having a dragon burn his own rider is quiet cruel and i did not like it. It seems to me they did it to shock the audience. Vhaegar looks like a really old lady that just wants to have her sleep. She seems to be slower than caraxes. Seeing him and vhagar in the same shoot was some cruel look in the future. We finally get to see the dragonpit from the inside and its dark and moody, poor dragons who live there. Little vermaxx reminded me of rhaegal.
The costumes are very beautiful, the costume department has done an amazing job so far.
The episode was good and the focus was on the recast characters and family dynamics. 3 of 5 stars. Because it's another episode that i will not rewatch a lot.
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sporksaber · 3 years
Hear me out, final space garycato earth AU, single dads to lovers.
My specific thoughts:
-Avacado dips to earth with little Cato after leaving the lord commander (who cant access final space or pull any shit bc no one can die in this AU bc I say so). They live a normalish life, avacato is still a bounty hunter (maybe) so theres still excitement mixed in with the mysterious past goodness.
- Gary ends up working with clarence at some point and then obtains custody of fox and ash when clarence pulls some shit. So Gary, not really having any space adventure connections without mooncake, takes them to earth to try to give them the childhood he never had but always wanted.
- what does gary do for work on earth I'm just now realizing is a question that probably needs an answer? No one knows, it'll be an ongoing joke throughout the fic. (I dont know what he would do, his skills are mostly space related and stealing, but he's a lucky bastard who'll figure it out.)
- gary meets avacato when they're both called into school over their sons fighting. They don't particularly like eachother at this point, but as time goes by they become sort of like friends (or total bros for life, if you'd ask gary)
- ash and little cato share a lot of classes together and end up partnered together a lot. They hate eachother at first (bc ash would defend her brother to the death) buttensions eventually die down (possibly bc the thimbles team is involved). Enemies to friends to family.
- Little cato stays with the goodspeeds when avacato goes on a particularly hard bounty for that good bonding shit. May end in a rescue mission, depending on the mood.
-supervising the kids hanging out turns to hanging out together while the kids are hanging out, and then to a definitely not just a bro thing anymore date date. (My first thought was gary flirting with the homie and avacato being like, yeah I'm into it. But I feel like that level of emotional common sense is too high for them so itd definitely be more of a parent trap situation planned by the kiddos.)
-would also include bonding over rough pasts and wanting to do better for their kids, gary casually being a master pickpocket, lots of fluff, gary being the best dad to his three kids, avacato getting very annoyed with his bf continuing to call him bro, the kids repeatedly arguing over who's the better dad as they learn more wild stories about gary, some heavy angst when Sheryl gets involved and digs up their pasts, even more fluff to even out the angst, and tribore. Because tribore.
I dont know if I'll expand this or write it (I havent written anything in over a year and another before that so I'm v rusty) but I like the concept. I couldnt find any garycato fics where gary adopts ash and fox and my brain was really stuck on it. Tell me what you think (and give me recs for any fics you find even though I doubt theres any i havent seen on ao3 at this point.)
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littlx-songbxrd · 4 years
Chain of Iron:Death theory
As the awaited release date for Chain of Iron approaches and the fandom decends into pure madness, I want to put in my last two cents of overthinking before I stop having coherent thoughts
So we all know this is a second book, and second books bring the absolute pain in the shadowhunter chronicles. There is likely going to be a death from the mains considering the theme of this book, and I am here to throw my theory and reasons as to who I think it might be. Im here to sadly theorize about why I think Christopher Lightwood might not make it past the last hours
1. Tatianas revenge
Right now, Tatiana wants revenge after all our main families: the carstairs, herondales, fairchilds and both branches of the lightwoods. For the lightwood-collins theres barbaras death. For the herondales her daughter has been manipulating their son for over 6 years. Theres a theory that the fairy poison Mathew bought that caused Charlottes misscarriage could be traced back to her. And there are other theories that Elias dissaperance between chog and choi could have something to do with Belial. As of right now the only family who is yet to recieve any permanent damage or tragedy are the lightwood-herondales. Which is really ironic considering its the only family that has two bloodlines Tatiana wants to harm. Not only that, but theyre also the children of who Tatiana blames directly for her fathers death, Gabriel. It seems fishy to me there hasn't been any permanent damage in their family, and I dont think that is gonna last for long
2. The family tree
The family tree states that Grace Cartwright (Aka Grace Blackthorn) marries Christopher Lightwood and theyre the ones who continue the line that leads to Alec and Isabelle. Now Cassandra has said varius times the family tree can be misleading, and I am a firm believer this is one of the misleading ends. Why this lie was created, I'm not sure, but lets analize some things. As of right now there are 5 lightwood children. At least 3 of them can pass down the lightwood name. Of those three, if we take into account that Thomas may not have kids due to being gay, that still leaves two branches of lightwood kids that may continue on. As of present time we only have word of one line, Alec and Isabelles. And Robert isnt said to have any cousins, theres no mention in the future of another lightwood line. So the idea that both Alexander and Christopher have kids is pretty unbelivable considering theres only one lightwood line in the future. Unless Alexander goes on to have only girls and Christopher has only one boy, it seems more likely the family tree is wrong. Isabelle and Alec are confirmed as of the bane chronicles to be decendants of Gabriel lightwood (Isabelle makes a reference to looking up her great great grandfather Gabriel Lightwood and telling magnus he was hot in the last story of the book)
So its already confirmed they're a) the last decendants of the lightwood line and b) that line stems from Gabriel. If we based ourselves solely on the family tree and Christopher being the one carrying the line, that would have been believable enough not to raise any red flags. Christopher IS the son of Grabriel Lightwood, able bodied and seems to have a general attraction to women (I mean, we all know hes aro/ace but lets stick with canon). There isnt anything pointing to him not being able to marry and have kids. Where the red flags raise for me is with Alexander
Alexander wasnt in the original plans for the family tree, he was added when Cassie started writting the last hours. If you take into account his role in chog, there really was no reason to add Alexander Lightwood. He doesnt seem to do anything, hes a 3 year old kid, you can very well delete him from the narrative and nothing would change. So why did Cassandra add him?? Why did she decide to make Cecily and Gabriel have another kid ?
To me, it seems a lot like the baby carstairs situation . The family tree says Alastair carries the carstairs line, Alastair is a gay man so he cant have biological kids, theres another unplaned baby to carry the line. It seems to me Christopher carrying the lightwood line is a lie, and Alexanders role is to carry it in his place. I even found a little info from an ask wayy before chain of gold came out where it said Alexander had green eyes, but in the book she changed it to blue eyes. The exact same shade the modern day lightwoods seem to have. A trait hes more likely to pass down than his lavender eyed brother who supposedly "marries" grey eyed grace
3. Character Arc
Characters in literature need goals, things to work for or work towards through the story in order for them to develop. We call those things character arcs, and it seems we have all ignored how christophers may have indirectly ended. If you read his short story, or just overall analize his character, his main goal is simple. He wants to create something that will help the nephlim through science. His personal character arc is that he wants to prove himself and his skill to the clave using his passion to be a hero.
An arc that could have been expanded all through the series, and ended with him using his skills in the end to defeat belial in some way, proving his passions worth. Through the story we could have had a glimpse at his struggles, how he was put down, the failed attempts, fustrations etc. This all could have rounded christopher as a character, and brought more satisfaction to the end goal of his arc which is proving the value of his science. But instead, his arc in book seemingly already ended? Because he did it, he figured out a way to combine science with his duty and saved the entire enclave from the demon poison. He is now acclaimed a hero for his skills. All the other characters have things to finish going into chain of iron, Christopher doesnt. Why would she end an arc that could have taken through the entire series in just one book? Christopher is the only secondary character with a defined personality and a lack of arc to look foward too in following books. This could all point that his arc was rushed because it was being cut short
4. Lightwood blood
There has been a lot of theories going around about Thomas being the one who gets killed in this book, which is resonable considering the unerving amount of forehsadowing we've had to him getting himself caught up in something. But I raise you this, why would CC be giving us so much assurance that Thomas was going to get hurt if she was going to kill him? Not only would she be reaveling one of her most devastating murders, she would basically be spoiling a very big part of her own book. Thomas death would affect everyone, if she WERE to kill him she wouldnt be indulging us in our Thomas death theory as much as she has. Itd be too expectable, I actually believe that by giving us all the info she has she has more or less confirmed he wont die.
I believe this is all a decoy. Shes giving us foreshadowing towards something bad happening to Thomas, to cover up the very big reality shes planning to kill someone else. Theres a very big chance that for the resurection, theyre gonna need Jesses families blood. Same way Malcom needed blackthorn blood to raise Annabel. As of rightnow there arent any blackthorns (by blood) left alive, the only blood relatives Jesse still had are the lightwoods. So we already know Thomas gets captured by the murderer (referenece to the art), but it is most likely he gets rescued. People speculate he most likely got captured for the resurection Tatianas trying to do, because of his lightwood blood. But if Thomas escapes, Tatiana still needs her families blood. And I'd like to point out this is also where the fact she hasnt taken permanent revenge on the lightwood-herondales would come in. Theres a good chance that if the murders are releated to her, and she cant have Thomas, she wont stop at just Thomas.
5. Story relevance
In all sense of story, Christopher is the perfect candidate to kill. As hard as that is to say: he's a secondary character, who has a well defined personality, loved enough by the fans that there would certainly be a shock factor following his death, important enough to the story that there would be a big impact to the narrative, and interwined enough with the main characters to cause emotional distress in the story. His arc is indirectly done, this author has a history of killing lightwoods, there isnt much to discourage the possibility he might be killed besides the faulty family tree. And as I said, that tree has been stated multiple times to be misleading
Bonus prove
6. Christophers cut-out
Same way were analizing the hell out of a broken spear, why are we not talking about the skull on christophers?
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(Sorry couldnt get better quality pics)
The truth is, I hate this theory as much as everyone, Im genuinly hoping chain of iron proves me wrong. But there are 5 deaths comming, and not all of them can be side characters. Cordelia Lucie and James all have main character protection. I already explained why Thomas dying is unlikely. Anna, Ariadne and Alastair have gay protection (and I think some asks about Alastair dying were pretty much answered with a discreet no)
If there are mains dying, Christophers the most likely to go
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
OH MY GOD! ITS HAPPENING! Its only the summary and I’m emo 😂 I should be studying for my exams, but I have tomorrow for that ;)
Ok, lets do this:
"He preferred to hide his heart away. But he couldn’t hide David. He didn’t want to. David deserved to be seen." Like father like son. Both speeking poetry about their love ones. (and no, Idk which father I'm talking about 😂)
“I don’t think they are fake dating,” David hummed from the other end. “You don’t talk for hours every night if you are just fake dating.” (THANK YOU DAVID! SOMEONE THAT ITS NOT BLIND)
"They like doing chores. Let them do it. They fight demons all day and then come home and do chores. I feel like it’s their form of therapy. They need this.”“So, by not helping them, we are technically helping them?” Bapa had asked and Max had nodded with a grin. “Shadowhunters are weird.” “True dat,” Max had laughed. They were all weirdos. But Max loved them anyway. He loved his weird shadowhunters. (The domesticity lf this is killing me in a good way🥺)
“Will you on a date with me? Tomorrow?” Max asked then – because why the hell not. (Hell yeah Max. Go big or go home babe😎)
“This date is going to be the best first date in the history of first of dates.” In retrospect, he really shouldn’t have said that. (I'm already feeling his chaotic ass will do something like Magnus did, but lets keep hope)
"Maybe Lexi and Liv would probably enjoy a date – a fake date - in the arcade." Could I be more in love with both of them?? Is that physically possible?? 💙
Elyaas giving Max dating advice!! Lmaooo 😂😂
"His parents would not be pleased if they knew Max was summoning demons for relationship advice. But they had also encouraged Max to make friends with everyone regardless of their identity. So, technically this was their fault. They gave him very mixed messages."  YOU LIL SHIT. YOU ARE NOT WRONG THO...
FUCK. An attack??
You lil shit Max.
Yep, Rafael has to deal with it everyday 😂
"So, when he got tired, he would simply fix the problem by eating. It was a win-win to be honest." I feel like I should say something, but tbh it makes sense
Ok, this fight is intense
Wait. Anjali is there???  What?
Oh ok, it wasn’t
“Say the thing!”Rafael groaned and raised his hands, the alliance rune lighting up.“I’m not just a shadowhunter,” Rafael said through gritted teeth. “I’m Magnus Bane’s son.” I'm dead 😂
“Well, demons are stupid,” Max pointed out. “Yeah, that makes sense,” Rafael said with a mouthful of food. “You are half demon after all.” “Asshole,” Max laughed and punched his brother.
“Text dad we are okay,” Rafael said, slowly recovering. “They will worry.”Max nodded and did that. (This just summ up sibling relationships so well *chef kiss*)
“It can be hard, Max. Bapak and dad…Sometimes I look at them and feel like I will never have what they have.” YUP. THEY HAVE SIBLINGS DYNAMIC. ALSO RAFAEL IS JUST 🥺🥺🥺
David got wounded???
Oh ok. False alarm.
Rafael sat down next to him and put Bapak’s head on his lap, gently massaging it.
“Are you okay?” dad knelt down next to his husband. “Just a little tired,” Bapak replied.A little tired. Max knew Bapak was fucking exhausted."  "Bapak never showed it. He never complained. Max wondered what else he hid away from everyone else." “Okay,” dad whispered and kissed his husband on the head. “Get some rest, my love.” Bapak nodded and closed his eyes as Rafael hummed something softly. (Well, now I'm crying 😭😭)
" His niece found an herbal medication that helps with the pain.” ANJALI!! I LOVE HER💙💙
"Dad finally smiled and went out to the balcony, phone in hand. He seemed to hang out in the balcony a lot lately" No no no. I dont like this. Babe find a better copying mechanism!!
"Bapak smiled then. A brilliant grin. The one dad probably fell in love with." jsyeihdiej I cant🥺💙
"Bapak sniffed when dad sat down next to him and gave him an odd look. But he didn’t say anything." Magnus tell him something. I dont like where this is going😭
“Does that mean Bapak is a capitalist?” Max asked. “Do not drag me into this!” Bapak protested and dad laughed at that" Ahh yess. Typical family discussions 😂
"David: Mr Herondale yelled “Yes! Two out of three!” (😂😂 I HONESTLY LAUGHED WAY TO HARD!!)
“Well, no! I don’t want drama. But I want you to be dramatic so I can tell you not to be dramatic!” I would like to say WHAT? but I honestly get it 😂
“Also, we all know you had an embarrassing crush on Uncle Jace growing up,” Rafael snickered. “And you definitely still have a crush on Uncle Jem.” Oh god 😂😂 but I mean... Who doesn't have a crush on Jem?
“Oh yeah?” Max demanded. “Well then let me explain your type. You are probably going to fall for someone who is like a combination of Aunt Izzy and Aunt Lily! Some femme fatale type who is a heartbreaker and looks like a supermodel and-” Boy got it right huh? 😂
“You two are dating?” dad demanded. “Since when? Who else knows about this? Why didn’t you tell us before? Were you dating when you were in London? Magnus, did you know about this?” “There you go!” Max yelled triumphantly. “That’s the dramatic reaction I was looking for. Thanks, dad!” lmaooo 😂😂
"And that’s how the next hour turned out to be the most painful and most embarrassing hour of his life." I. I have no words
“I’ll have you know this conversation utterly traumatized me. I demand financial compensation.” “Not happening,” dad said into his coffee, and Max groaned before walking back into his room. (THAT FAMILY 😂😂)
" I tried to hurt your father once.” OH no, the angst is coming
" He didn’t know about this. He knew about their story. Everyone did. The accords hall kiss. The fight in Edom. The changing of the law. Their love was legendary. Not this!" THIS IS BRINGING BACK SO MANY FLASHBACKS
“All I know is that I was terrified. I love your father. I love Magnus more than anything in the world. And I didn’t want to lose him. And I didn’t know what to do.” 😭😭 NOT AGAIN!!
"When you love someone so much, sometimes you do crazy things.” THIS
" Love had made a fool out of them. Love had made them blind." Yup. tsc: a summary
"When you love someone, you have to be honest with them" And THAT is character development!!
"They called it The Jem effect." I'm using this from now on 😂💙💙
"Uncle Jem was wearing a tank top and and ripped jeans." So its time for SIMP over Jem Carstairs? Okey then.
"In fact, he used to have a crush on both Tessa and Jem. It’s how he had found he was bisexual." Same here 😂
“In my defense, I was busy!!” “Oooo, someone has been getting busy!” Mina WINKED. (You lil shit! I love her 💙)
He didn’t know he could blush!!!
" They had gone to hell and back for Roman. It wouldn’t have been possible if not for Catarina. She was, and always has been, a miracle worker." Again, I love my queen💙💙
“I believe in Mavid supremacy.” ME TOO
"There is something so queer about Ferris wheels!" Someone needed to say this
"They had their own space in the spiral fucking labyrinth. These fucking legends." I BELIEVE IN WARLOCK TEAM SUPREMACY
"But Ragnor had always had a soft spot for Rafael." 🥺🥺
I love my warlock squad so much I cant-
Ragnor is so done😂
“I don’t want to lose him,” Max said it out loud for the first time. “But you will, Max,” Catarina said gently. “Everyone loses people they love. Every day. It’s how life works.” (its to early to be crying)
“Yes, we do,” Ragnor replied. “But it also means we fall in love over and over. Century after century. It’s our blessing.” (these warlocks are just to perfect)
“And that love is going to last for a lifetime,” Tessa said softly. “Can you imagine that? Someone loving you for centuries. Someone remembering you for eternity. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?” 🥺🥺
David deserved to be loved like that – endlessly and impossibly. (OK BUT THE PARALLEL)
Tessa should definetly write a guidebook
“Je t’aime à la folie,” Max said.David’s eyes widened. “Vraiment?“ "Je t’aime. Je t’aime de toute mon âme. Je t’aime pour toujours.” ( I literally screamed and woke up my sister, I just love them so much!!!)
"David smiled. The smile Max fell in love with" 🥺🥺
“I know I am not your forever and I am okay with that.” Max bit his lip. “Okay.” “But you are mine,” David said. “You know that, right?” (ksidjdldk its just all this was beautiful!)
“I got it all planned,” Max said – for someone who had no idea what he was going to do." (Me as I should be studying 😂)
" And you were just scared. You were just a kid." “I just…I just realized you might not have had that when you were growing up – that there might not have been people you could talk to about these things.” THAT!! LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!
"Max pulled him closer and kissed him again. Every kiss a promise. A promise to love. A promise to fight. A promise to survive" I would die for this two
OMG he took him to the Celestial Palace!! Thats so perfect and 🥺🥺
“Oh mon dieu! Ceci est incroyable! Il y a tellement de livres! Oh mon dieu! Je l'aime tellement!”💙💙 Idk how you manage to make me love David even more
“Of course he doesn’t hate you!” Max chuckled. “But he did say he will put your nerd ass in the silent city if you don’t bring me home by 11.” David blinked. “You’re joking, right?” “Of course,” Max grinned. His father had actually said that but there was no need to scary poor David any further. (😂😂 Imagine having the Consul as father-in-law, poor David)
“Yeah, not good with words my ass,” Exactly!! They say they are not good with words and procede to recite poetry of their love one??!!
Ughh I love this chapter so much and I loved how they deal with the inmortality thing! I just love when people comunicate and talk to each other! THATS A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP! And how they didn't repeat Alec and Magnus mistake. I just love it! *chef kiss*
Anyway, this was really long and it took to open notes to fullfill, so i'll just leave💙💙
Bro I just felt like I read the whole chapter again and I am feels. I AM FEELS SEND HELP. Not me catching feels over my own shit lmaooooo.
Thank you so much. I have some work to do and I was like meh and now I have some energy to do it lol. I hope you spend tomorrow studying! You better!! Good luck!
ps - I love you notice the parallels and references. It makes me lil heart go boop!
also why do I feel like y'all are eternally doing exams????
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katewaliss · 4 years
! write with me or fight with me!
you either die by my sword or the most painful head canons imaginable! *merida vc* choose yer fate
just kidding!
 hey there gaymers, i am crissy! i am 22, live in pst, go by she/her pronouns and honestly would very much like a distraction from life -- preferably in the form of 1x1 and rp in general. i am currently doing online school plus trying/failing at adulting, being a crazy pink haired college student living on microwave dimsum with my crazy fluffy demon cat, but that still leaves me with a lot of time and what better way to spend that time then crying and dying, am i right, boys? 
so without further ado ( adieu? idk gusundheit ) here are a list of discomboblulated plot things that have been floating around in my head that i might be fun to do ( plot fragments, ideas, ocs, fcs i like, settings, genres etc )! i’d prefer a message if u liked any of these in the inbox or dm form, my tumblr ims are open and my discord user is mr. worldwide#2918 ( pitbull supremacy ) but if ur shy i will message u and be annoying! 
lastly: i prefer hcing in the dms to replies, however i will do replies/ask memes slowly, i don’t really like making blogs and prefer google docs/discord and i ask ( gently and respectfully ) that minors do not interact.
thank u and happy hunger games! xx
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COLLEGE TOTALLY SPIES -- i was really obsessed with this picture right here and i thought that the picture would be a good premise for a little four person group based on totally spies. i was thinking that these three college students/young adults some friends maybe not some enemies or just on completely different ends of the social agenda get bonded together when they accidentally end up roped in a top secret spy organization that is fronted by a record store. the details and flesh of the plot i think would be cute to figure out all together maybe in a google doc or a big discord so we can make the rp to perfect world building specifications. right now i have two spots open! 
my friend lexi over at comradc has taken the cool goth asian girl and is using lyrica okano
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i am playing the freckly backwards hat lesbian in the red polo named aj mccallis and i think im using diana silvers ( not sure might switch to tati rodriguez )
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we also have the cute blond girl w the dyed hair who is giving me kind of like sydney sweeney energies, blonde girl maybe like lalisa manoban/jinsoul,
and we have the rad black girl with the bandids who i would only accept black fcs for for such as diamond white, ryan destiny, salem mitchell, 
i’d prefer if this stayed kind of sapphic and female and enby friendly. we can def make make npcs and characters but i’d prefer if the characters looked like they do in the picture ( minus the white girls who can be racebent as long as there are vibes ) mostly bc i want the poc people to stay the correct poc! but yeah! if u like this message me specifically!!!!! seperately and hit me w a role ud like maybe an fc an idea anything < 3 im working on a google doc and discord sever
- i really want to play a himbo skater boy evan mock like its my dream i know nothing abt him other than he probably goes by something like mouth or juice or tris or dex or dante but !!!! he has buzzed hair he buzzes designs into, does stick n pokes, hates cops, will kiss anyone, likes to mosh at house shows, smokes a lot and sounds like crush from finding nemo, probably ur parents worst nightmare if im honest rodrick heffley energy -- adopt him for any plot
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- i also really am obsessed with simay barlas who is my mascot rn -- i want to play her in some sort of dark academia setting with like gossip girl blair waldorf energies lu from elite and have her be really mean and cold and pretentious and play the cello and probably have secrets and be uptight idk the name mallory is resonating hard w me ( we could even do a gossip girl the secret history type group if people liked that ) 
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-ok i also really really want to play streak aka silas montgomery who is like very like sidekick best friend to the golden boy main character, does a kick ass goat impression, class clown, relentlessly hits on like the most difficult person in school, does crazy things for laughs and attention, just wants to make people happy, only wears hawaiian shirts, finger guns, is going nowhere in life, his dad is probably the dean at whatever prestigious school also he is very very depressed and drinks often! love u! a I Feel Like Im The Worst So I Always Act Like Im The Best electra heart baby PINTEREST
also yes his hair is pink reg verse he did it on a dare but hp verse he did a potion wrong and it never came out
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SOMEONE DO A LADY HANNIBAL WILL GRAHAM RP KILLING EVE RP W ME! i made this will graham adjacent gal for a genderbent hannigram rp her name is bisexual disaster enida johnson and sometimes goes by needy or will bc her middle name is willamena! has basically all the will things wears flannels is a mess but has a bunch of cats instead of dogs in her woods log cabin and im using crystal reed bc it fits perfect in my head idk if u like her hmu hit me w a lady hannibal PINTEREST
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other stuff
ok i really want to do a princess and knight plot but with knight zendaya and princess anya taylor joy ???? ALKHALKSHALK LITERALLY HELLO literally modern or like dnd style i do not care but know i love dnd! we could make it like them goin on some skyrim quests like hi
speaking of dnd and skyrim if anyone wants to do like anything based in dnd stuff or skyrim stuff i am DOWN
jennifers body plot!!!! maybe set in college!!!!! sounds spicy i will do a f/f or m/m version leggo leggo 
UNTIL DAWN UNTIL DAWN!!!! i wanted to do a little like 6 person or mumu until dawn thing where everyone either makes new characters or characters based on the existing six! i made a girl adjacent josh character named riley PINTEREST who i love very much ( fc might change im thinking maybe medallion rahimi ) pls hmu if ur down
i looooooove breakfast at tiffanys!!!! like i really love breakfast at tiffanys we love a call girl broody author ship and i want to play a mishti rahman holly golightly type character so so bad 
pygmalion plot!!! basically like an author and the main character of their book comes to life and the book character is probably from a different period of time or realm so doesnt know how to do modern 2020 stuff like microwaves and the tv! and then maybe they get sucked into the characters book world thats written by the author and have to navigate that! enchanted! w the kdrama! energy!
any sort of the secret history murder society until dawn ahs horror type setting i am on a kick rn 
i still really want a deaf sailor and siren plot bc that is so spicy or even like anything involving sirens like maybe one thats like vegetarian and doesnt like to eat humans so it ariel rescues one and keeps it safe!! or like only men are susceptible to the sirens song but aha! i am a woman! Romance!
anything in the realm of percy jackson i love mythology lets go i kind of want a echo narcisuss plot and i want it to hurt me so bad 
i will do harry potter stuff but only if its completely removed from the current canon like years in the future no existing families also maybe beauxbatons salem and drumstrang plots bc thats what matters
iiiiiiiii really like anime so i will do anything kakegurui, soul eater, ohshc
i kind of like grew up on the hunger games so i will gladly take any hunger games plots like young effie and haymitch is spicy or like a career tribute and one of the weaker poorer distracts enemies to lovers leggo
i have a kind of oc that had their parents die in a factory gas leak that was the governments fault and it turned them into a vigilante assasin that is slowly picking off bootlicker government people one by one pretending to be one of them until bam! gets attached to the rich asshole son or daughter of the head hauncho or one of the higher ups ... drama
rich little celebrity fussy wussy being held captive by the mafia and the tired stoic mafia guard but they fall in love 
i kind of like any plot that involves one person that is really loud or angry or dramatic or whiny and the other one is kind of sweet and gentle or does not talk much idk make brain happy 
speaking of!
no nonsense law student studying abroad in a european country and an artist there falls in love w them and is all romantic and gush and is like ur my muse!!! and they are like Go awAy and they explore the city together and themelseves its nice!
i want to be an avan jogia super villain idk why i need to but i do 
not to be a disney adult bc i am not but anastasia princesses dont kiss kitchen boys 
rival cheer captians? best friends brother? pop princess celebrity singer and like antiestablishment really angry rockstar in a publicity relationship? broody detective and sunshiney diner person that works at the diner they eat at everyday?
idk i will think of more hmu these can all be made f/f or m/m if they arent 
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hello hello hello!  and welcome to Season 12 of Supernatural. 
I admit that initially I STRUGGLED WITH SEASON 12.  I LOATHED the British Men of Letters (other than Lady Antonia Bevell; her hot working mom energy can get it); I have...mixed feelings about Mary; overall it was not a stellar season for me the first go-round.  HOWEVER I shall now give it a second chance,  and look for the subtext within the bad (and if my theory tracks, there will be much subtext as...there is much bad).  Maybe I’ll even develop Ketch appreciation.  **ONWARDS ONCE MORE INTO THE BREACH, MY FRIENDS:
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When we last left Dean, I neglected to mention that Amara brought his mom back (this is how much I repressed Mary Winchester I guess?)  We cut to Mary, confused, in a nightgown (I get this is part of the character and that’s why she is wearing it sO wE kNOw iTS rEAlLy MaRY WinCHEstEr because of her nightgown and not Sam Smith’s exquisite face, but honestly WHY - LIKE DID SHE WEAR THE DAMN THING IN HEAVEN THE ENTIRE TIME TOO?).
DEAN [breathing heavily] 
Mom. Listen to me. Your name – your name is Mary Sandra Campbell, okay? You were born December 5, 1954, to Samuel and Deanna Campbell. Your father, he bounced around a lot for, uh, work, and you bounced right along with him, and you ended up in Lawrence, Kansas.
How do you know all that?
Dad told me. March 23, 1972, you walked out of a movie theater – Slaughterhouse-Five. You loved it, and you bumped into a big Marine and you knocked him flat on his ass. You were embarrassed, and he laughed it off, said you could make it up to him with a cup of coffee. So, you went to, uh, Mulroney's and you talked and he was cute and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, so when he asked you for your number, you gave it to him, even though you knew your dad would be pissed. That was the night that – that you met –
John Winchester.
August 19, 1975, you were married... in Reno. Your idea. A few years later, I came along, then Sammy.
***DEAN DESCRIBING EVERY DAMN DETAIL OF THIS HAS MURDERED ME.  Also, I know John Winchester “told him the story,” but something about this retelling - these are NOT John Winchester’s words (other than maybe “big Marine”).  The emotions, the feelings, the “you talked and he was cute” Dean is describing is Dean’s retelling, the version he created in his mind of this damn meet-cute, this little love story he played over and over in his head, and that makes me feel warm and tingly and also want to ingest sharp knives.  
***Everyone already knows about the damn Zeppelin reference but just in case you wanted to be tortured, please recall that later on we will get
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Nothing to see here other than Dean using a reference from this LOVE STORY on Cas.  I HATE it here in super hell.  Next rounds on you, Sam.
Anyway, Mary has caught on:
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I paused here just now because I had a tHoUGHt.  This season is all about exploring Dean and Sam in their role as sons (this is discussed at the SDCC panel prior to the season; btw they are all free on Prime and I recommend watching before you start each new season for little “reveals” behind some of the plot lines).  We know Sam has no relationship to Mary really, he was a baby when she died, but Dean was a little boy - with a personality, character traits, identifying characteristics that his mother probably knew like the back of her hand.  That’s why my first run-in with Mary left a bad taste in mouth during this season - LIKE THIS IS YOUR KID, and there is NO inkling or recognition until THIS moment?  In a show that just spent an entire season exploring the “unexplained connection” between Dean and GODS SISTER, there no immediate “OH” from his own mother?!
But then I realized why she only connected at this very moment.  This particular moment - and not the moment where he lists the factual details about her before the story of the night she met John.  That little story with all those cute details - that’s the part of Dean that Mary knew before she died - when that part was ALL of Dean.  Before hunting, before John’s quest for revenge turned him into the person he is today, before he saw himself as a blunt little instrument.  That’s why initially Mary has no recognition that this is her son - because the Dean she knew was sensitive, and kind, and OPEN, and liked love stories, and laughing, and warm hugs and maybe flowers. Because if you think about it WE DONT KNOW THAT DEAN.  We only know Dean AMD. (After Mary’s Death).
So maybe Mary represents Dean Before Mary’s Death, and whatever part of that Dean remains, no matter how deep he has been buried.  The part that connects with people; the part that doesn’t want to be alone.  The part that helped Amara.  The part that loves Cas.  And that’s why Amara brought her back.  
Ok, if I think of it this way, I may like Mary a little better now.
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Cut to Cas.
Holy mother.
Where am I?
No. How far am I from Lebanon, Kansas?
Uh... Th-three hours, maybe. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Who – What are you, man?
***I spy a Season 11 random parallel
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And Cas says, “Earth - 
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***Also, I often wonder if in his mind’s inner GPS, Cas bases distances on how far he is from Dean. 
In the meantime, Bad Things Are Happening to Sam.
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***Toni Bevell, don’t join the British Men of Letters you’re so sexy hahah
Other than noting that this is yet another too oft- repeated Sam, the Victim, Always Gets Tortured scenario, I see no point in recapping these parts.
I will just continue to post Toni Bevell hotness for these portions of the episode. Ok?  Ok.  You’re welcome.
I already posted this sweet baby reunion in my final Season 11 analysis/recap, but lets see it again at another angle and from Mary’s perspective CAUSE CLEARLY she has...*thoughts*
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Poor Cas had no idea he was about to MEET THE PARENT 
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It melts my little heart that Dean uses Cas’s full name to introduce him to people.  Especially members of his family who are trying to kill him.
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Anyway, then we get a much longed for gem of typical Cas deadpan:
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(*I still miss Casifer a little bit though*)
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And then we have 
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At the SDCC panel, Misha specifically noted that both Mary and Cas are outsiders, so this tracks. 
They head to the garage:
[Exhaling sharply, Mary walks towards Baby. She runs her hand lightly over the car.]
MARY This was John's car. Oh, she's still beautiful.
DEAN Hell, yeah, she is.
MARY Hi, sweetheart. Remember me?
***this is where you truly see that Sam Smith is a genius because she took those directions and put them all into THIS:
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And then THIS:
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We should go.
***At this time I would like to remind everyone that Cas is also generally in the back seat of this car.  
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Back at the bunker, Cas is Continuing to Connect with his boyfriend’s mother:
Thank you.
This must be difficult for you. I remember my first moments on Earth. It was jarring.
One word for it. I grew up with Hunters. I've heard of people coming back from the dead before. But to actually do it... after 30 years. A lot's changed.
MARY A lot.
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This is usually a look Reserved For Dean, so its interesting Cas is looking at Mary here [they also weirdly joked about Cas hitting on Mary at the SDCC panel and now I'm giggling because if Mary represents the soft part of Dean this all makes PERFECT SENSE).
Actual footage of Sam in super hell
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The Cas/Mary bonding worked BTW:
So, you dug the bullet out of his leg, no questions asked?
She offered me 100 grand.
And you took it?
Student loans were a bitch, okay?
Cas! Cas! Cas! Don't hurt him. Not yet.
**Disclosure: I do not accept the “Cass” spelling and take creative license to change it in the script whenever it appears**
All right, look, she didn't give me her name. When we were done, the driver bailed, I got paid, and then some other chick shows up, and they all drive away.
And that's everything you know?
(insincerely) Yeah. Totally.
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****Um, Mom that’s my boyfriend you don’t order him around like tha-
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Oh, well, ok then.
***This is important, because Cas doesn’t obey anyone (other than Dean) blindly ever since he invented free will and all that.  Hence Dean’s surprised/impressed look to Mary above.  
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I recall that I spent most of my first watch of Season 12 gushing over Toni Bevell, so I’m glad to know this won’t be changing.  You’ve been warned.
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Next up, Sam is again sex tortured, Cas is a Helpful Boyfriend, and for some reason, Rick Springfield.  
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seijch · 4 years
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bitches make one post about suna in the smoke grays and suddenly it turns into a full round of headcanons...
content warning. drug use (vaping)
TERUSHIMA: man i swear do NOT put this man on the aux!!!!!! some ppl do not believe in paying for a streaming service and i hate to break it to you but yuuji is one of them,,, Want A Break From The Ads? If You Tap Now To Watch A Short Video, You’ll Receive Thirty Minutes Of Ad Free Music type beat... its not even worth it at this point 🤮🤮🤮 his pre-work fits always go hard. shops exclusively on stockx and buys apparel from the store if he fucks w it (and when it goes on sale ... original retail price kinda expensive tho). surprisingly good w the elderly? no one expects it from him but he ALWAYS gets compliments from them and no one else ever wants to deal w the crabby old people so they send him in for a quick and easy sale 🤝🏻
SUNA: ALWAYS vaping in the back. if youre near him in the stockroom hell blow the smoke in your face. punch him. do it. this is the aisle where there are no cameras. BIG sneakerhead but doesnt like to answer questions nskdfsd you could b asking him if a shoe is good for running nd he hits you w that “idk i just work here” and WALKS AWAY. like i KNOW you work here bitch thats the fucking point!!!! his shoe game is always on point so he always gets questions since people think he knows what hes talking abt (he does,, But 😐😐😐)
SHIRABU: at the register. designated cashier, only here because tuition does NOT pay itself... air max supremacist; owns three pairs of air max 270s in the most BASIC colorways 😐 judges customers when they walk in. if he sees someone trying to fake flex he WILL gag. once saw a man and his son with the toyota logo hanging from their matching gold chains and hasnt recovered since.
KOGANEGAWA: gets LOST in the stockroom and is always 🧍‍♂️ when he does. compliments the scent of whatever flavor puff bar suna blows into his face. isnt in the work gc when he first gets hired bc he has an android NJKSDSA but eventually upgrades and is welcomed in (but overuses animojis unironically.....baby please youre embarrassing us). absolute king. one of the best sellers on the floor during back to school season; the mans a high-five machine!! the kids love him. (as they should!)
ATSUMU: gets confused for yuuji from behind a LOT and bitch if this doesnt PISS HIM OFF!!!!!!! youd rlly think that having another person out there w the same exact face as you would train you to handle this shit better but guess not bc tsumu gets SO mad he stomps off to the back and has to 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ for a bit..... osamu works at the food place two doors down and tells all the cashiers to make him pay full price, fuck a mall discount SDJAKDA there are too many pictures on his ig story of him and suna (reluctantly taken by aran) holding shoes to their ears like theyre the latest iphone. someone stop them before i reach thru the screen and shit in their shoes.
KINDAICHI: originally started working just to make money and knew NOTHING about shoes but bitch did he get INTO IT!!!! yeezy or bust, baby!!!!!! his go to work shoes are the tail lights but he also owns the desert sages (among others). his bank acc is NOT HAPPY,,, homie spends more money than he makes at his shitty minimum wage job 😭 once he learned the Shoe Lore he rlly came into his own as a solid seller but i would not be lying if i said before then he was on stock duty ....
ARAN: mvp of the store!!! gets along w the kids, gets along w the older folks, can hold a conversation w the sneakerheads, you name it hes got it !!!!!! on track to become an assistant manager if he so chooses -- the manager is alr begging him to come on full time but he doesnt wanna tie himself down to a life of selling shoes, yk? has people coming to the store just to see HIM like its a fucking host club. admittedly not as into shoes as someone like suna or tanaka,, definitely knows how to appreciate a Good Shoe but is halfway between a casual and a Full Sneakerhead tbh...
TANAKA: you wouldnt believe it but he is the KING of shoecare, both in usage and in sales! doesnt care as much when it comes to his regular old volleyball asics but when hes at work or out on the town? the flex is honestly UNREAL...catch him slacking, i dare you. shits on anyone who buys a team jordan like ,,, ok gatekeeper! his collection of retro jordans reaches almost concerning levels and refuses to sell any of them. he hasnt worn a good third of them, either (hes waiting for That Moment, whatever the fuck THAT means). only slightly above terushima when it comes to aux privileges. (theres also a video of him in the stockroom wearing nothing but booty shorts at the top of a ladder lipsyncing the lyrics to chandelier by sia. dont ask.)
BOKUTO: THE customer service guy. he spends small amounts of money like nobodys business but is lowkey scared of big purchases... drops $15 for food eight times a week like its nothing but wont buy a pair of $180 shoes... ok. as a result his collection is nowhere near as big as some of the other guys but he treasures them all and takes very good care of them!!! knows JUST what to say to warm any kind of customer up to him (gets hit on a lot, much to the dismay of tanaka nd yuuji)... also has a lot of former customers recognize him (its the hair) and he just has to go 😃 haha hey! every time.
NISHINOYA: whenever he cant reach smth and needs to be out on the floor asap he can and WILL climb up the shelves of the stockroom like a fucking MONKEY NKSFSN 😭😭😭 the authority when it comes to shoes for running, hiking, the gym, etc. if its outdoors leave it to him! had a pair of 270s but the bubble POPPED the one time he used the ladders as he came down..........hes literally traumatized and ALWAYS brings it up whenever he shares a shift w shirabu (who has since asked to not be scheduled w noya due to a “difference in beliefs” MSFSDS)
FUTAKUCHI: ive said it before but hes one of Those People thats worked half the stores in the damn mall so he was hired as a cashier during the holiday szn and left the company a few months later. youd think hed get along w fellow cashier shirabu but 😃 the manager avoids scheduling them together unless the stores gonna be busy bc one of them is gonna wanna use “the better register” and get mad when the other claims it first .... like theyre both FUNCTIONAL arent they??? 😭😭 does NOT give a shit abt shoes!!! never even learned the stockroom, just kinda figured it out as he went along...whenever someone asks him for their size in a shoe he hands it off to someone on the floor unless he cant avoid it (but believe it or not he will always give that person the sale...unless its suna bc he knows suna doesnt give a fuck)
@wackatoshi​ jic you dont see it when it drops 😚😚
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Loud House: No Bus, No Fuss and Resident Upheaveal Reviews
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Welcome back Loudites! And i’ts time for a round of Lincoln focused episodes.. because apparently they couldn’t just.. you know, swap one of next weeks with one of this weeks so we got a sister episode with it like last time.. seriously now I know one of next week’s episodes involves Leni running for mayor I question why that’s not an episode every week.. or it’s own spinoff. And I know I have a mounting pile of those, Stella getting one, the diffrent world one with lori and bobby, The Snakebird Variety hour.. I know.. but tell me you wouldn’t watch that. Go on tell me.. i’ll know your lying. But it was an alright week and i’ll tell you all about it with spoilers after the cut. 
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No Bus, No Fuss: We open with LIncoln arriving late for the bus, and Lynn not riding it because tracks starting and she has to get her workout in.. and because the writers need her not to be on the bus for this plot to work at all. It’s not a terrible way to write her out, she does do all the sports.. beacause apparently like Captain America she can do all the sports without having to train her body for each specific one because she’s in peak condition.  Though I do dock a few points from the episode for not having her run past it while saying on your left. 
But yeah as for why it couldn’t Lincoln takes a seat in the back not realizing it’s bat country.. and also home to a gang of 8th grade bullies. Which.. yeah assholes do tend to flock to where there’s the most plausable deniablity top notch show. Though I tended to pick the back in high school more just because it was freaking comfy but hey, who says goons can’t enjoy comfort. They can’t however let this slide, not helped by Lincoln accidently spilling soda on him or his friends trying to help. Look Clyde you mean well but they just want a reason to beat him into a coma, and you basically just offered to join him.  So unupsirisngly when the Lincrew exit the bus their all in pretty bad shape. Including stella....
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Though in the bullies defense at least their equal opportunity jagoofs. One of them is a girl and they bullied stella just as mucha s the males. Dosen’t make them any less of a jungle gym full of tools but I can give them credit for not being sexist asshats just regular asshats. At their age that’s a hard bar to clear. Though LIncoln, Clyde and Stella all got off better than LIam, who got his undies pulled over his head, a bullying standard and rusty and Zach who. .had their underwear tied together in a not. 
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Oh.. oh it gets worse. When we cut to them after school.. Rusty says the fire department had to cut them loose and Zach and I quote says “I saw too much of rusty.. and his birth mark”
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I.. I do not want to think about what that entails.. both because Rusty’s 12 and i’m not a pedophile and because he’s rusty. I just.. why show.. why would you try and make me THINK about that. How is Zach being scarred for life funny? 
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All valid questions. But moving right along past that waking nightmare, LIncoln assures them they had to have cooled off... spoilers they have not and our heroes all exit the bus at lincolns because they tied their underwear together.  Yes all of them and yes including stella. 
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They naturally don’t want to go back and Lincoln has the idea of just having the parents drive them, one a day. Stella has to take hers off the table since her parents leave early in the morning: Her mom goes into work early and her dad has hot yoga. Which is a disapointment as I genuinely want to know about Stella’s parents and hope we actually get to see them at some point and finding out one of them works really early and the other does yoga every day, and hot yoga at that which if your wondering what that is, and when I first heard the term I was, it’s doing yoga but in an extremley humid and exhausting environment. It is sadly not learning to do this, as i’d hoped
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Someday.. someday. But that still leaves a parent a piece so as you probably expect the bulk of the episode is “Parent drives them but is terrible about it” And honestly.. it’s not the series best stuff with most of these not being very funny. Most of them.  Zach’s Parents: Zach’s parents go by mighty morphin power rangers logic.. i.e. the parents look and act pretty much exactly like their kids. So the Gurdles are also discount dale gribbles who stalk a man in their van while the kids wait for death but death won’t come.. and as seen up top all are as fed up with Zach as I am. Again Rusty is growing on me, I still make fun of him because why wouldn’t I, but he at least serves a function in the group.  As i’ve mentioned before: Lincoln’s the leader and one of the main characters, Clyde is also a main charater and has been fairly fleshed out at this point, Stella is awesome and provides the brains and some pep, LIam is also optimsitic but provides farm jokes and muscle, and Rusty is the group asshole every gorup needs. Zach.. is the more sarcastic and cynical one but with Lynn now going to the same schoool.. why isn’t she in that roll? Have her date LIam, since I love that pairing since last week, and have her take Zach’s place since she plays the lancer role to lincoln better anyway. Zach just dosen’t do it well and comes off like a whiny baby and when he’s not in sarcasm mode he’s going off abotu aliens again, like a discount dale gribble. And look most viewers probably haven’t seen the genuine article which.. first off allow me
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And second off dosen’t mean you can slack off as i’ve seen better paranoid nutjobs with that gimmick, like Stan Pines or Andromeda. You, can, do, better. So either do it or get rid of Zach already. 
Liam’s Parents: His meemaw takes them riding in her tractor, leanall in her bladder, cheated on her baby you can go and ask her. A pig vomits on Clyde because GET IT LIAM’S A HICK GET IT GET IT. 
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Now THAT my friends is a hick. 
Rusty’s Dad: So yeah I was not looking forward to meeting the stygian void Rusty popped out of but turns out his dad is apparently single. Which dosen’t suprise me, he’s rusty’s dad and both looks and  is voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz, which will never not be awesome and is not only perfect casting, as he plays dorks well, but also wonderful to see him in a modern production. I mean granted the zim movie was a modern production, but that was reviving a character he played a few decades ago. 
And while Rusty’s dad apparently showed up before, in an episode I SAW no less “Back Out There” so unlike some lapses in my Loud House Knowledge I have no excuse here, it was still intresting to get an explination for why Rusty’s like this. His dad is a salesman, who practically bathes in colonge, tells the same story and stops on the street to shill to people while driving his son to school, something his son helps with. And probably Rocky just rolls his eyes at. I miss rocky.  And suprisingly given I hated his son pretty quickly.. I love this guy. He’s pretty endearing: Sure he’s a schmooze factory.. but he kept the kids in the divorce meaning his wife either abndoned him, or he fought hard for htem and does seem to genuinely love his kid and have a great rapport with him. I mean it helps I have a soft spot for Schyster characters, especially Stan PInes, but I just like the guy. The fact he has a vetran voice actor whose great at this sorta roll probably helps but still, he’s just wonderful and actually makes me like Rusty better, and I was already warming up to the kid, phrasing, as it explains why he’s such a douche: his dad pumps him full of self esteem, probably well meaningly and is a grown up rusty.. which is a better application of power rangers logic as instead of groaning at Zach’s angtics, this gives an explnation for why Rusty’s like this. So yeah only one of the segments I really laughed at. 
Clyde’s Dads: Since we’ve met the boys before, it’s just a saftey based gag as they wrap the car in bubblerwap. 
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Rita: Finally we get to Rita, who simply is a bit agressive getting parking.. btu she’s a mother of 11 and has had to deal with school parking for years and doing so for several children. So fair enough. She does cut off Lincoln’s asshole of a teacher who cuts him off in line in retrubution and then tells him “Tell your mom I said high”.. in a tone that implies he’s going to be hanging outside their house at 3 in the morning with a bat starring menacingly. Yeah not a big fan of Mr. Bohlmer anymore as he’s just your basic mean teacher sterotype.  So Lincoln cooks up another way, taking a plane. So we get flip back! 
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What can I say he’s grown on me. And he’s hilarious here, taking the kids in a rusty plane that’s “No longer under federal investigation”, which is a SELLING POINT, has no refunds nd naturally the seatbelts are shoddy and he ejects them via trap door. I loved it. 
But our heros dont and now trapped in the trees Rusty and Zach bicker with one another which.. fellas I know a way to settle this. KAL-IF-FEE!
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No matter who looses thier friends win. But they instead accept they have to ride the bus and face the bullies. But they also find when getting ready OHTER kids were bullied and the three cablebastards just take turns. But Lincoln has a plan to fix that and just.. outright stands up to them.. with the entire bus backing them. And honestly.. it’s not a bad message about bullying. Generally bullies won’t backed down when confronted all the time.. but when outmatched they will.. still not the best message but still far better than season 1′s “If a girl bullies you she secrety has a crush on you”. I.. will have to deal with those episodes someday but today is not that day. So our heroes celebrate and rusty does grow an inch, proving him right. Phrasing! Final Thoughts on NBNF:  This one was decent... it had a few dead spots, Zach’s parents are about as intresting as he is and given all the batshit and legitly dangerous conspiracy theories and theorists that came out of of the woodwork and were backed by the trump presdency, that bit plays even worse than it would normally and the stuff with Clyde’s dad’s has been done before.. and honestly is something they need to retire. The husbands have a better dynamic than this, let them use it. It was also a disapointment we dind’t get to see Stella’s family, especially since again the mcbride’s schitck is REALLY overplayed and it would’ve been nice ot get some fresh blood in there and we really didn’t need to see Zachs.  All those problems aside though this is a pretty standard plot with an okay ending, but some good gags along the way. Not Loud HOuse’s best and especially in a bad spot considering the last episode before this “Saved by the SPell” was not only way funnier but also used the lincrew better. Still can’t say i’ts bad just.. okay. Also I apparently like rusty as a character now....
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Resident Upheaval:  This one was also just...okay. Not terrible, and it has an actually intresting premise, but it doesn’t do much with it. 
Our setup simple: Pop Pop’s girlfriend Myrtle wants to move into the same retirement home as his, explaining away her apparently living there by her just visting a lot. Sure why not. So Lincoln assures him he’s going to get her in, he’s the man with the plan. 
Before we get to what the problem with that is.. gotta talk about the elephant in the room since Pop Pop is pretty absent for the rest of the episode.. and that’s that .. their STILL using him. As some of you probably know, and if you don’t your about to, Pop Pop’s voice actor Fred Willard, comedy legend and really sweet guy, passed away. So you can imagine how WRONG it feels to have not only another voice coming out of one of his characters but one that just dosen’t match. And I don’t blame Chris Swindle here, he was given a pretty unfair task of pinch hitting for someone who just fucking died, and likely because the episode was too far into production to scrap. I’m certainly hoping so because honestly.. I genuinely DON’T see why Pop Pop can’t just die with Fred. And look i’m not against replacing an actor when the worst happens: Russi Taylor’s roles all had to be replaced after her unfortunate passing, it’s not something i’m against normally... but the combination of pop pop being an older character they can write out and the fact they HAD AN ENITRE EPISODE ABOUT ACCEPTING HE WOULDNT’ LAST FOREVER, means that one comes off a bit hollow if you keep dragging him around. You’d get a good episode out of it, and this episode sets it up so that Myrtle has plenty of potetiail to stick around. 
 Anyway Lincoln’s problem is the OTHER applicant is Clyde’s Nana Gayle.. whose actually come up a few times before, some i’ve seen some I haven’t, a continuity nod i’m happy their following up on. They even explain why sh’es just appearing in person now as Clyde, when later snapping at lincoln, exclaims “You knew my dad’s have been trying to get her to move closer for a while now!” She’s Harold’s mom and a sweetheart.  So our heroes procede to try and bribe the board, both working at it but both end up finding each other at the opera. And this.. COULD have been intresting, putting the two best friends against each other for one thing neither can both have, and both have stake in it: Myrtle is as good as grandma to Lincoln by this point and Nana Gayle is VERY close to clyde, so this isn’t great. But since the guys they’ve been bribing arne’t the end authority, they have to go to who is: SCOOTS!
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As you can tell I love this old hellraiser.. and the fact she’s STILL seeing her younger boyfriend from “The Boss Maybe”. YOu get it scoots you get it. Naturally Scoots wants to see some blood, so she’s pitting both women against each other. Though neither grandma wants to do this so LIncoln and Clyde do the logical thing.. and dress up like each othe’rs grandmas, do the competition and get found out. Scoots disqulaifies both, the boys realize they were stupid and they go to apologize.
They instead find an easy solution to their problem!: Turns out Scoots as head had been hiding a double room behind a fake wall, to store both her scooters and her boyfriends motorcycle, so naturally now both grannies can move in as roomies while Scoot will just have to back her boyfriends hog into the single.. and I guess his motorbike too. The two grandmothers are instant friends, remdinng the boys fo each other and it’s.. really precious. Looks like I have yet another spinoff for the pile. 
Final Thoughts: As I said this one was fine.. the Pop Pop subtistion was probably a grim neciesity, though swindle reallyd idn’t do a good job mimicking willar’ds voice and they REALLY just need to either find someone better to do the job, sound alike or no or retire the character. That tiny issue aside i’ts not bad.. it’s just not GREAT, and since we rarely see Clyde and Lincoln and GENUINE cross purposes, and last week just lying to him made clyde ill, this REALLY could’ve been intresting seeing the two go against each other and see what resutled from that. But that angle’s basically ignored and they make up pretty easily. IT’s just a wasted potetial of an episode.  All in all this was an allright week. Nothing outstanding episode wise but a few good bits here and there. wehnever I get back to the loud house, Lisa becomes a teacher and Leni runs for mayor. Until then, it’s been a pleasure. 
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marlmckitten · 4 years
Mr & Mrs Kitty (An Introduction)
A new Blackinnon series by MarlMcKitten and PadsMcfoot
As so many of you know I have trouble letting go of past plots. And I spent three years working on a beautiful Blackinnon one with a friend. Unfortunately that story has come to a close but to keep it alive I want to share it with all of you. But since I also have commitment issues with writing an entire story at once. This is going to be written differently. It is going to be a number of short or long snippets of their lives in no particular order. This first ‘chapter’ is going to be a short, point form introduction to the version of Blackinnon that I will be sharing with you and all the important side characters that come with it. (Mainly bc my new Blackinnon is sooo different and all my plots are gonna shift a little now.) Thank you!
Marlene McKinnon:
your 70′s bombshell
loud, outspoken, unpredictable, wild
she fell in love with Sirius the day he arrived at Hogwarts on a motorcycle, grown out hair, new tattoos and a brand new family (The Potters)
she didn’t admit it for a while though
eventually they fell in love
she didn’t die with her family
but she was devastated
and pregnant
Bellatrix used occlemency to make her believe that it was Sirius who was killing her family
that was what made Sirius go to Azkaban
Marlene ran away, she made her way because she had to, she was pregnant and that was now the last living member of her family and the McKinnon line
she worked in shops, she kept a low profile and she did not tell anyone who she was
she gave birth to a beautiful young boy and named him Lynx McKinnon
the boy looked so much like his father
she would cry watching over him, her mind so conflicted on how Sirius would do that for her when her heart knew he wouldn’t
it was years before she saw Sirius again, but one day she just had to talk to him so she went to Azkaban to visit him
he believed she was dead and she asked him how the hell he could do that to her and her family in her emotional rant she let it slip that she had his son
this prompted Sirius to break out of Azkaban, finding out that he had a child and that Marlene was raising him all alone
Eventually they met up again, and Marlene ended up believing him. She always knew in her heart it couldn’t be true.
This Marlene was so much more grown up, (being a single mother wil ldo that)
They went into hiding again, now at Grimmauld Place. Lynx was terrified of his dad. It broke Marlene’s heart and she did not know what to do.
Years later, the war ended, her family was back together. Sirius never died and she wanted to add to her family.
They had two more children. Halo and Aurora Black.
All Marlene ever wants is for her whole family to get along.
Sirius Black:
such a rebel
such a rebel
but he has a weakness
blondes named Marlene McKinnon
he’s infatuated
you think James is bad? You should see Sirius around Marlene.
he never thought he deserved a happy ending but he got it with her.
Well- for a while. Before she died and he was framed for the murder of her and her entire family.
What was the point of living after that?
He didn’t see one.
Years passed. Nothing mattered and then one day ... “Hey split ends.”
He has a son.
He would not be the same shit parent that his were to him. He has to get out.
And he does and he finds them. It doesn’t take much convincing. His Marlene always trusted him.
But Grimmauld Place and all those childhood nightmares are back. He cannot be a father or anything to Marlene.
So instead he drinks.
A lot.
Too much.
He feels Marlene getting distance. He can tell Lynx hates him but he can’t stop himself. And he hates himself for it.
He dies. Through the veil .
But miraculously he finds his way out. Just in time to save his Marlene and his son during the war.
Him and Marlene lead all the Slytherin children out of the castle, away safely. (Even Pansy Parkinson.)
Marlene never forgives McGonagall for locking her son in the dungeouns during a war, but Sirius knows she was doing her best.
Him and Lynx never get a great relationship.
They’re always rocky. But he gets another chance with Halo.
This pushes Lynx away even more but Sirius can’t help it.
He tries to make peace with it and then Aurora comes.
And oh Merlin how he loves Aurora.
They have a very special bond.
Sirius is a great father to Halo and to Aurora and he tries to be for Lynx too.
It takes so much time.
But he has his wife, his kids and Sirius gets the life he never knew he deserved.
Lynx McKinnon
Sirius lookalike
he hates it
he hates his father
but his mom is everything to him
She works a lot when he is a kid, so he tries to help her out.
One day he pleads her to go to the fair with him. It’s the last day, all the other kids have gone and she promised. He is only 7 at the time.
He meets a lonely little girl named Juliet.
They become instant best friends and for the rest of his life no one will ever matter to him quite like his Ma and Juliet do.
Then he is sent to Grimmauld Place, away from Juliet. And he is so scared.
His father terrifies him. The house terrifies him. He sleeps with his mom most night.
Hogwarts comes and he goes there, an escape. And there he finds Juliet also. She’s a muggle born witch and the world is restored!
He protects her when he is sorted into Slytherin and she is a Hufflepuff.
But he misses his mom dearly.
He befriends an ambitious and beautiful young girl named Valencia Mae.
They also become close. The three of them are happy with just each other.
One day he realizes that he is in love with Valencia and he asks her out.
She says yes.
She comes from a very rich family so he tries his hardest to impress her.
Lucky for him, she has some daddy issues.
He learns that he is a very talented artist.
When he decides to persue his dreams as an artist Valencia dumps him.
He is left devastated.
Lynx drops out of school, he leaves everything behind. He leaves his home.
He’s a little dramatic. (Don’t tell him that he gets that from his father.
But years, and years later, he is reunited with Valencia.
They’ll get a chance at their own happy ending.
Halo Black
such a mama’s boy
but so protective over his baby sister
loves his dad too
really a family guy
from a young age he wants to have his own family one day
he’s a little spoiled but doesn’t know it
doesn’t like Lynx much, doesn’t get why his brother doesn’t love his dad like he does
Lynx tries to tell him that growing up with a single mom then going through a war is much harder than growing up in a mansion with two happy parents and the Black family fortune
Halo doesn’t see it.
He has a lot of back problems.
He’s awkward and so clumsy it could put Tonks to shame
he looooves his (very much alive) Uncle Remus
He wears cardigans and he is a hopeless romantic, after a girl in his year who he idolizes in his head
they are doomed to always be in love but not have anything ever go their way
truly tragic but the love story Halo always wanted
Aurora Black
if Halo is too much of a mama’s boy he’s got nothing on how much of a daddys girl Aurora is
she can’t function without her father
and her brother
oh boy is she spoiled
and optimistic
honestly just not that smart
but has the purest heart and the best intentions
she is always trying to get along with Lynx even though she doesn’t even meet him until she’s about 6 years old
she loves Lynx’s art
she messages him all the time, and never gets a response
she is bullied a lot for being air headed.
And it gets bad.
Some girls play a nasty trick on her.
She is turned into a werewolf.
It breaks Sirius’ heart the most.
She would have been killed if Halo hadn’t have saved her life.
She then keeps to herself more, believing that she is ugly and a monster.
Remus helps and Tonks helps but she thinks she will forever be alone.
After all Remus was until his late 30′s.
But she still manages to keep a smile on her face.
She really loves animas.
Her life ambition is to open a bakery with her father.
She never wants to leave her family
She can even melt Lynx’s heart when she really wants to
but man is she s t u b b o r n
and as sweet as she is she can piss anyone off with her stubbornness to always get her way and not see anyone else’s
Juliet Buchannan:
Lynx’s best friend
not the brightest, but very honest
she keeps Lynx from going too hard, he keeps her grounded
but they both really like getting high together
and talking about aliens
Lynx around Juliet is very different than regular Lynx
she happens to love Sirius, calls him Mr McKinnon and he loves it
Calls Lynx Kitty.
Calls Marlene Mrs Kitty.
She goes wherever the wind takes her
Despite her very lonely childhood.
Her father was abusive and neglectful.
She spent more of her time with Lynx and Marlene
They are her family.
Works in Disneyland when she is older as a face character.
She literally just wants to see everyone happy all the time.
But she makes a lot of bad decisions and always has the wildest travel stories
Valencia Mae:
the love of Lynx’s life
she gets what she wants
her family exploits muggles to make their fortune
hardcore business woman
loves fashion
never goes anywhere without her Louboutins
she really isn’t that into the wizarding world and hates Hogwarts
but still gets good grades
ambitious AF
dont mess with her
seriously don’t
she will also stand up for Juliet once she is forced to take her in
dating Lynx means dating Juliet as well
really not the jealous type though so she doesn’t care
just a bad bitch in fancy heels
the girl Halo is way too in love with
she is not easy to love
she is so troubles Halo just wants to fix her
they are on again, off again faster than anyone can keep track
she has a small thing for Lynx and also one for Sirius
she has serious abandonment issues
the bottom line is she just wants to be loved and accepted but doesn’t know how to be
she does not have a strong sense of self-identity
Sirius really takes a liking to her, and is kind to her, she misjudges that and develops her tiny crush
but it is always Halo she loves
she just doesn’t know how to
she’s there to create the drama without meaning to
Lynx hates her, but she’s good at art so he helps her with that
Valencia and her would kill each other if given the chance
Aurora adores Lyra
Marlene hates seeing a girl break her baby’s heart
Just so lonely.
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katslitg · 4 years
how the open heart lis would react to you being pregnant. (obvs jackie’s pregnant in her scenario.)
Jackie Varma:
god she’d be pissed!!!!!!
“what do you mean positive??? check the other ten tests!!!!”
“jack, all of them say posi-“ “shut up!!!”
she’d be mad, mostly at herself for not being careful enough
pregnancy on top of money problems is rough
good thing you two already live together
wouldnt acknowledge it until she started showing
“dr varma, ure pregnant???” “yeah, just ignore it.”
shed ignore you at the beginning, not knowing what to do
“jackie, c’mon, you cant keep ignoring me! it takes to two to tango!” “i can and i will,”
when you finally force her to come shopping for baby clothes, supplies, furniture etc, she loves it
“omg look how adorable! can you believe our baby’s feet are this small!”
she’d become insecure further into the pregnancy
“what if im not going to be a good mom, hm?”
“don’t say that, jack, you’ll be a great mom,”
you two would move into the your room, since it had a better view and change her room into a nursery
the boys would help you put everything together.
“bryce, that’s not where its supposed to be- ykw forget it.”
“jesus, dr ramsey do you even know how to-“ bryce would shut up just seeing ethan give him a glare
“see i knew raf would come around to save the day” she’d flirt with him, making him blush
cutest mood swings ever!!!
“all im saying is he’s a fucking jerk and i- ohhh sienna are those donuts?”
jackie would get stressed at the weirdest moments, and you kiss her and cuddle with her to calm her down
“mc, you know i hate kids, why did this have to happen to us!!!!”
she’d slowly come to terms with the fact that she was going to become a parent
god giving birth would scare this woman, and trust me not a lot of things scare her
“mc, what if-“ “jack, breath, everything will be fine!”
when you two found out you’d have a daughter she smiled
“at least i wont have to deal with a little mc” she’d joke
when she got in labour she’d curse at everyone!!!
after a couple of years, the three of you would move into a bigger apartment, still close to the hospital
god, your daughter absolutely lovessssssssss aunt sienna and uncle elijah!!!! these two dorks would hang around with her all the time
“dad, can i stay at aunt sienna’s after school?”
“she’s working today sweetheart but mommy will be there to pick you up”
you two would have some sweet, annoying nicknames for her
love, sweetheart, sugar, honey etc
Bryce Lahela:
he’d be excited and scared
he would freeze when he found the positive pregnancy test in his trashcan
“i wanted to tell you but seems like you already found out,”
he’d shut you out and be less loud at work
“bryce, please talk to me” “uhh, cant have a long shift today”
but one day you’d show up to his apartment, keiki opened the door
“oh hey keiki, is bryce home?” “yeah come in”
youd try to get him to talk but man he was not feeling it
“i just need some space mc,”
wouldnt even take a week for him to come over and apologize to you
“im just not sure if i’d make a good dad, i mean i had two bad examples growing up, what if i-“
youd cut him off with a kiss
“no need to stress, bryce, im certain you will make a great dad!”
you two would have to look for a bigger place, and also someone to fill your spot at the apartment
sienna, elijah and jackie would help you decorate the nursery
“jackie those colours do not match with the blankets i bought” sienna would say while jackie just rolled her eyes
“well maybe you shouldn’ve bought so! many! blankets!” jackie said while holding up multiple blankets
“guys please its mc and bryce’s child we can’t fight over this” elijah was the only one who would think rationally
when you found out you were having a son bryce almost jumped into the air
“a little bryce,,,,” he’d say with heart eyes, making you roll your eyes
when you went into labour, he’d be the one freaking out
“can’t believe im saying this when im the one in labour, but good god bryce calm down!”
uncle raf!!!!! aunt kyra!!!!!
rafael and kyra would absolutely adore your son!!!! theyd fight over whose turn it was to babysit
“kyra, you had him last weekend!” “but mc said he always talks about how fun aunt kyra is!”
“why dont you two take him to the park together? he loves both aunt kyra and uncle rafael equally” bryce would say, making the two adults reluctantly agree
“finally a moment alone with the woman of my dreams” he said the second they left, making you chuckle
keiki would hang out with your son. occasionally.
“aunt keiki can you read me a bedtime story?” “right. im aunt keiki.”
she’d love it secretly
Rafael Averio: (pretending sora doesnt exist here lol)
this man would beam with joy!!!
he had always dreamt of having a big family of his own
“youre pregnant?” “yeah.... i-“ he’d kiss you before you could even say anything else
would brag to everyone about it
“do you guys know im goin-“ “going to be a dad? yes raf you told us like a million times” his paramedic friends would say
it was even funnier when you saw how some people avoided him because of it
would not leave ur side
“jesus ever heard of personal space?” “oops sorry”
he’d be at ur apartment all the time
“raf, not that we don’t enjoy you being here but don’t you idk have other friends?” jackie would try to get him out of the house
sienna’d be fine with it since he would help her cook n bake stuff
“i didnt know you cooked!” “not really just some stuff i picked up from my grandma”
he’d sleep over at your apartment
when you got insecure he’d talk to you and make u forgot about it in a certain way ;)
“what if im not a good mom? or what if your fanily doesn’t approve of me?? oh good god this is not going how i imagined-“ “relax, you know my family loves you, now get over here”
you’d move in with him, and get someone to fill ur spot in the apartment
the two of you going to the senior center together!!!
“now edith you better not get to comfortable” you’d joke, earning a laugh from rafael
kyra and bryce would come over and help with the nursery, of course it was after the boys’ gym day so bryce dragged ethan with them
“hey gu- oh hey dr ramsey!” you’d say with a bright smile when you opened the front door.
“kyra not that i dont love you but what even is this?” “yeah i tried to make a blanket but as you can see it backfired”
“uhm ethan you sure that this is the color we picked out?” bryce would panic, knowing damn well they didnt do the one you asked them to do right
“well good thing aunt kyra did got the good color” she’d go get it from the car while the two men started at her in confussion
when you found out you were having a girl he got super excited
“a little mc running around the house” he’d say, already coming up with names
when you’d go into labour he’d put up a calm gentle persona while in reality he wanted to screammmmm
uncle bryce n aunt jackie!!!
u cant tell me bryce n raf havent become close friends
“hey dad can uncle bryce and aunt jackie stay for dinner?” “sweetie youre ignoring the rest of our guests”
even tho they would admit it bryce and jackie loved babysitting her
“do you want to come with uncle bryce?” “bryce thats enough its MY day!”
his family would come around often, bringing gifts every single time
his grandma would try to get him to propose, earning glares from him
when your daughter heard juliana say something along the lines of “when is the wedding” she’d get super excited!!!
“are you two really getting married??!!”
Ethan Ramsey:
you two would already be in an awkward position bc of the gwyneth thing
what was worse was that he admitted to not wanting to get married and have children
god, that little fight on the way to leland and at house took a toll on you, so when june came to check on you back in the hospital you told her
“so, youre pregnant?” “yeah” you’d sob
she wouldnt force you to tell her who the dad is, but it was obvious
before the fight you’d always come to the diagnostics team’s meetings with a smile on your face but now it was a neutral face or sometimes even a frown
soooo ethan found out. not directly from you, but from june, resulting in another fight
“you told june but not me?” “you dont even want kids i cant just casually bring it up!”
the awkwardness would be there for a while, im talking 2-3 months
“enough already! you two talk this out! not only is this bad enough for the two of you but also for me and baz! think about us! and our patients!” june’d snap one day
you’d talk it out, still awkward around each other
“jesus, ethan we can’t keep doing this, i have an appointment to check on the little one, you want to join?” you would try to keep the awkwardness at a certain level, he’d nod with a smile on his face
so when he found out he was having a son, he’d be happy, still very scared but very happy
“im sorry, mc. i acted as a jerk and didnt listen to your needs. i want to be in your and our baby’s lives.”
he’d ask you to move in with him, which you reluctantly agreed to, i mean there wasnt even enough space for a nursery in your apartment
sienna would invite herself and elijah over to help you with the nursery , since they knew about you two since that time after the hearing
“thank you, trinh,” ethan would say as he accepted the cookies she had baked
“i helped too. just so you know” elijah chimed in, earning a chuckle from you
god labour was the worst, you had to do an emergency c section since it was a bit too early for the baby to be born
so when they send your son off to the nicu, ethan would be there the whole time, very worried
“dr ramsey, you should go we’ll take care of him” the nurses would try to get him out of there with no luck, “no its fine i just want to stay here”
when you two could finally go home he would make sure to never youre side
“mc do you need anything? want me to bring you something to drink? maybe an extra blanke-“ “ethan shut uppppppppppppppppp its 3 am”
of course your friends would come over but not as often since they had to take care of their interns and stuff
uncle baz and aunt june!!!!!
“AUNT JUNE!!!!” he’d yell when you, june and baz picked him up from the daycare at the hospital
“wow so youre just ignoring uncle baz?” baz would act hurt, making the boy laugh
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
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...so...is it too late for me to re-make the almost entirety of candy into my own self indulgent bullshit? dont try to make sense of some these pics some are either old ideas or me bullshitting cause my mind runs a bajillion miles per hour and made an alt idea: tootsie-verse where shit might make slightly more sense and i get to have fun with ideas i didnt get to see be possible.
so far plot so far ala everything:
-once the gang ended up at the 5-000+ yrs of earth c the original method WV had established had changed during that long time, with kingdoms being a revived concept, allie-ships between them broken or re-mad, laws of a firm unfairness and a seat for mayoresident of the earth kingdom needing a new canidate
-after dropping there catav had taken the currently refridgerated gamzee to the woods to help sober him up after everything, handing the corpse’s that were still in there to kanaya after she’d found the newly hatched mothergrub was low on material needed to activate it as the troll kingdom was on a rather firm law on how much to give making it difficult to get a full load.
-six years later -23 for everyone- things were in motion with everyone having some form of jobs as jane elected to work on becoming the new mayoresident of the human kingdom and fix these tightass laws, while conflicting with her past trauma, hiding it and trying not to show how fearful she has been lately over the highbloods -mostly the seadwellers-
-during this time the newest clutches of grubs were born, a handful being clones of past troll friends and allies as many came to celebrate with june -at the time not knowing her identity yet- finding the clone of vriska and casually wanting to adopt her, wanting her to live the human life she wanted before. of course the only way around this was adopting her via the consort kingdom's laws being much looser for trolls.
-also during this time a strange occurance involving another world’s meteor and child had crash landed in the marylonde backyard of their human kingdom two story vacation home, a child of both their genetics but more human dominant was there. both deciding it safe to adopt him but keeping the troll portions hidden once getting him schooled later on as the school’s there were the education they wanted him to have. having roxy help them with their aliby, using their carapacion ruler power to write up a fake adoption paper for him.
-also also during this time gamzee had made his return as catav’s new moirail and three sweeps sober, of course not everyone had a big ‘hoorah’ party for him, but it gained jane’s attention whose mental health was still going downhill aswell as what she’s heard of her other alt selves in the dream bubbles, and how well his jape’s and pranks were, causing a one sided kismesis.
-a year later-24 yr old- jane had become the new mayoresident of the earth kingdom, making new laws for human, consort and carapacion kingdoms...the trolls kingdom...she said was taking a while. during this time she, jake and dirk had talked over and compromised of letting her and jake be shared parents for an ecto-bio child due to jane’s wanting to be a mother, with shared custody for both parties.
-a year -25 yr period-after that the troll kingdoms rulers were getting impatient as jane had put them aside to continue her work, making up explanations for putting off getting their laws worked out. during this time ecto-bio-lab leader and work partner for skaianet labs jade harley had decided once ready all three pitched in their DNA, using her boss status to use the ecto-bio machinery to create their daughter. unfortunately she wasnt sneaky enough, being confronted by both english and crocker over this earth kingdom rule breaking, in the end forcing the three to keep their daughter’s existance to a minimal and for jade to be fired.
-during this time jane’s one sided kismesis became equal after a visit that involved catav and jake hanging out jane had left some soporifics around the clown, causing him to fall off the wagon hard after that. during the couple months back on his addiction catav was semi-convinced by kar to distance himself from their quadrant as it was draining him physically and mentally -which was semi right, but also was just cause kar was beyond pissed at gamz as no one at the time knew it was jane’s doing...except one-
-once falling the pieces together dirk had interrogated his friend for how she’s been acting the past eight years, things turning more heated then they should’ve as they sparred, ending in a slashed neck and an anxietic crocker unable to revive him out of fear of he and all her friends leaving her sneakily sewing up the slashed portion and sneaking to the furthest portion of his archeological bro’s forest trees with a rope wrapped around his neck.
-after a month a search party was made to find him lead by said cool archeological bro, only to be found a month later decomposed and munched on by outdoor critters. a funeral was set the next day. 
-the day after as caliope slept her alt-iope self had brought her and another universe version of her to her circle for help as her other version’s universe’s english was alive, traveling through space destroying everything in his path. aradia had busily made a small meteor team to help but alt needed a host body to warn the others and to join the meteor team, as the one version was used as a mouthpiece for her world’s gang, tootsie-calie and her wings were used to fly to space to join the others leaving a mourning roxy to fall off the wagon at two lost friends.
-a week later english fell off his first wagon, ushering jane to have full custody of their ecto-son, giving up his reign of the consort kingdom to june who stepped down as human kingdom’s ruler to take the consort kingdom job very seriously. after roxy had also dropped her crown to live with jane who offered to help her, despite how unfortunately unable she’d be at it keeping soporifics for gamzee. leaving the carapacion kingdom with the marylonde’s working overtime to keep it in check.
-ten years later the troll kingdom’s rulers have finally become impatient, interrogating crocker to confirm to them and herself her castest views on the highbloods, linking them as the reason she gave the troll kingdom no progress growth wise. this caused them to declare rebellion against her. despite the carapacios leaders being on their side, their kingdom’s people were anything but on their side due to past conflicts in the 5-000+ yr gap, leading the two to leave the kingdom to find new rulers to help the rebellion, while the consort kingdom left itself to be neutral in the situation for now.
-a day before harisn’s thirteenth birthday his mothers left the carapacion kingdom, moving to the human kingdom so he could still attend it’s school, despite the glares kan still gets.
-a week after tifney’s twelfth birthday, the vantas home was bombed as a warning to stop the rebellion, leaving only the third story burnt and their side to declare war.
-afterwards a now life ring wearing meenah and the leftover of the dancestors had fallen out of a mysterious black time portal hole, recruited to join the rebellion, making meenah the leader of the ghost train, the ghostly crew used to spy in the crockercorps’s buildings and make secret attacks on them, living in the marylonde’s basement of their new house. catav and aquisprites were recruited, given robotic bodies to help as the co-leaders if the ghost train and tech departments respectively.
-on vrasey’s thirteenth birthday at the troll kingdom’s sign-high an attack was made, causing many trolls above jade color attacked by locker bombs, swords and the declaration from the human kingdom’s ruler that any blood above jade was their target, causing many of the lowerbloods to rally against them into hiding and vrasey to be schooled in the consort kingdom. the sea of the troll’s beach bombed with a poison taking out most of its seadweller neighbors and fish.
-after this a highblooded rebellion was created underground, ran by teals as the rulers of it to achieve the goal of winning this war, taking out both sides who betrayed them. the elderly leader of the coming rebellion took in another teal, training her during this time and inserting her some bias he had at the time of the higherbloods’s status’s. 
-a month after travos’s sixteenth birthday he had involved himself in another kismesis scuffle as gamjane’s relationship was becoming more and more unhealthy, anger filled, only to end with a gash from a club to his head and after waking up covered in his dead blood. freaking out he drove off in his newly given airportable car as jane ushered a drunk roxy to make the corpse disappear, which she did, and having it reappear in harisn’s sylladex at school.
the kids:
harisn maryam lalonde -16-: harisn is a musical lover, extending to an orchestratal lover along with his mothers as he picked up the interest of persuing the cello in his music class. he lives an easy breezy life as his moms limited him to stay out of the rebellion when it started and he at the time was thirteen. he has a sweet tooth and interests in sewing for school musical attires and occasionally being a step in actor for certain events, making sure his outfits warn on the other actors though are outstanding enough to be remembered.
vrasey serket harlenglker eggbert -16-: vrasey never had alot of friends, even before moving to the consort’s firedile high and going to troll kingdom’s sign-high she was much too ambitious with hard pranks and thrill for action for many. she’s a fan of action movies with a hint of comedy and romance, sparring with her mom and recently recovering uncle who lives with them now, and having a bit of a fashionista side of re-creating her hand-me-downs. is mostly kind to her relatives but will snip in some cases.
travos english crocker -15-16-: growing up in a soporific filled household with no father figure thats present enough and an unhealthy kismesis couple travos had grown to be soft, quiet and anxietic at the smallest of actions and tones, closing himself in his room being homeschooled for most of his life. he’s perceptive of others emotions surprisingly able to know mostly how someone feels. he’s also known for having alot of knowledge on carapacions history, traditions and a dozen of their words in their language, but shut in enough to only ever tell this to his summer school going semi-relative harisn, until his mothers left the royalty and ultimately the kingdom but both stay in touch.
tifney vantas strider harley -15-: the star soccer player of troll kingdom’s sign-high tifney is protective and not approachable, not due to how mean she is she’s nice, but mostly due to how intimidating she looks. ever since the beginning of the war she has since tried to know all she could secretly from her parents despite their best efforts not to get her involved. she gained kar’s love of romance’s but also soap opera’s and napoleon ice cream.
claret pyrope -16-17-: the recent ruler of the underground highblood rebellion ‘high-revive’. born and raised in dolorosa’s cavern for orphaned wigglers she lived an introverted life as her rebellious, childish and slightly aggressive way of playing pretend led to many not staying for long. being in the system however she was still authorized to go to school, until the attack happened, causing her to end up with a horn and eye slashed, taken in by the newly formed high-revive’s leader, to become its newer leader. she takes her job overly seriously, giving more benefit to trolls then humans. she’s stubborn and believes the law and method she’s making to be the only way to gain a winning in the rebellion. she looks up to past teals in the history specifically the pyropes and redglare, basing all she’s doing off the knowledge of them thanks to schoolfeed.
reeffi peixes -16-: after the waters of her and her moirail’s home were poisoned both escaped thanks to her heightened smell, being found by claret at 15 and taken into the high-revive. reeffi was trained to become the new heiress of the rebellion after learning her blood color’s status in the past, wanting to do so to make things peaceful for everyone even if violence had to happen. she’s protective of her rail and considers herself to be the one to defend everyone from danger. she’s snarky, and has a thing for causing mischief and simple but stylish fashion.
marche ampora -16-: just like his moirail both share the common knowledge of not knowing their ancestors, born and raised with his rail in the seadweller side kingdom, made after the troll kingdom rulers had returned and made a compromise. marche is naive of his highblood status not grasping what it’s worth is. he’s timid, shy, outwardly vunerable and coddled slightly by his rail but also easy to annoy but keeps it quiet. is also very protective of his rail but keeps that also quiet despite his annoyance for being protected so much he’s been deemed not qualified to fight with anything. later on he grows an interest for expensive and rich looking fashion and not wanting too much responsibility that isnt his own things.
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vivipuppy · 3 years
continued ask-
Moroshena, the human rouge Mom who ran away after something horrible happened to her kids. Questions about her, and how she’s doing now that being a maternal figure isnt the only thing she is in life anymore
1) Why did they choose their classes? their subclasses? Well she’s a detective so thats inquisitive rouge right there.
After quitting the guard, she found kids who lived in the street. These kids knew how to get around, to see the world in a way of not just what it is, but “what i can do to help myself survive”, and they taught her the rouggery. When it comes to her multiclassed fighter, it may have something to do with the ancient viking frost giant spirit that shares her soul. Perhaps.
10) How often do they lie? What situations cause them to be dishonest? Oh moro has NO problem lying. If it doesnt hurt anyone, and it works? Lie. Lie lie lie. If it gets results, who cares? She wouldnt do it to anyone, perhaps, she would have to stay in contact with, if the lie is too obvious or tenuous, but any random joe? Whatever! Its not to say she’s like, some weirdly cold view on how important truth is or something. She just doesnt think that it hurts anyone, and her lies dont. She doesnt just say shit to hurt anyone, she says “hey im the police please answer these questions about the murderer i need to find” and shes not the police. She KNOWS how useful lying is- shes a detective, she runs into it all the time!
14) what is something they love about themselves? Giant tits and girldick
22) What is a promise theyve broken? ohh boy here we go. Was it that she loved her ex? Well, no, she did love her just..., maybe not the way they thought love was supposed to be. Keeping in contact with her mother? Well... she cant know, what her life is now. Thats knowing when to leave. Was it keeping the kids safe? Well... that wasnt a promise more than just an assumption... but... yeah. When she lies awake at night, unable to sleep, its because she didnt keep her son safe, and she should have stopped it. That she should have found who did it. But she ran. And shes here now.
30) What do they seek out from others? Company, companionship, distraction. Anything to distract her. There have been really fun moments where she is stressed and wants to relieve it by spending time with Brylin, but Brylin needs to deal with his stress by coming to terms with it alone, causing a bit of a rift between the two during needing time to process things. Thats big for her- she needs to talk, she needs to be around people, if she isnt, then its hard to assert you made the right choice, that you should be here.
34) Which party member do they go to in a crisis?
It sucks, but she does go to the fucking 16 year old child Brylin when she feels bad. Despite her no longer seeing her son in him, she does still.... does the stupid mom thing of offloading your shit onto someone who can really only tell you its alright and will be ok, becaues theyre a fucking child. She doesnt mean this, to her Brylin is just her friend who’s also a child, who she can talk to but also help protect.
42) What three words do they use to describe themselves?
Quick (as in her brain is quick, but also her speed and agility), attractive, and just.
46) What do they deprive themselves of? Moroshena is addicted to many things. She is addicted to alcohol, because it stops her from her mind racing at all times. She is addicted to nicotine, as it helps with the stress. She is addicted to gambling- the sense of losing it all brings a rush of self harm that nothing else can. But most of all she is addicted to her work, to the idea that she is a “detective” that is out here, risking her life to chase the truth, all to ignore how she feels about leaving her life and kids behind because of what happened. She wont think about it. She wont think about her kids anymore, of her ex and the genuinely nice times they had. She cant, shes onto This now. She deprives herself of her own past and thoughts.
58) what do they think their role in the party is? what is their role in actuality? 
Moro has been struggling with this a lot lately! See, everyone in the party has amazing magic that can outclass her in every way. And the truth is, outside of the world, and purely in gameplay- she is the worst character in any situation. Everyone has stats better than her in everything she thinks she should be doing (despite 2 we’ll get to that) Brylin is protecting everyone, despite her wanting that to be her protecting him
Neith and Delilah has special magic that she can never do
Aylia can get what she wants from people, by force or by (forceful) charm.
And in combat? What, she’s been doing the same amount of damage since day one? To pick up for all this slack she Has to be smart, she Has to do Everything. To her, she is completley useless and everyone else is FAR better at anything she tries to do
This is of course completely false and despite me not being super comfortable saying anything about a leader positon if moro died i do not know how the party would function. It obviously would, but she has become a backbone to the party, genuinely understanding the group both in what they can do and emotionally, better than they know how to work without her. She is daring, and very clever. She is able to see through lies and peice things together than anyone else (her insight and investigation stats are sooo high) and if i just kept dealing damage, her dps can outclass even aylia’s at times. Her speed too, as well as the sharpshooter feat means she can do anything always, very good at hitting things.
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Stay Safe (Early Years)
Summary- 3.7k Curtis Everett x Y/N. Curtis is appointed by McGregor as second and preparing for the McGregor Riots. Traumatic almost Non Con event described. Written by request for @that-damn-girl​. Thank you so much for your love of Curtis babes. This is a complete rewrite, I have another version that I might post later as a “this could have been what happened between these two” lol.
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Curtis sat among the men, his back braced against the wall, listening. They were collected to hurry to Gilliams, which could only mean one thing. McGregor got word somehow about the next part of the plan, for the revolt. The revolt they been planning for the past two years, Curtis had just been allowed to join McGregors inner circle, and now he leaned forward to see a map of the train cars and McGregor had his finger on one. "The water car. This here is where we gotta get past. From what this map says, there is only one water car.” 
Curtis scanned the map, but it was so dirty and worn, it was hard to tell what else they were looking at. It seemed a good portion of the front end was sleeper cars, entertainment cars. The middle, working class. They were growing food, making goods, and what also looked like hospital cars. Then a few storage cars and finally water. It made no sense to Curtis why they would have the water car so far back, just before the prison. Shouldnt it be near the front?
“Okay, so we go take the water car, or get past it?” Another member asked, shrugging. “Its like 7 cars to get up to the water car. How much further do you want to go McGregor?” Absently McGregor scratched at his beard, thinking. “What do you think Gilliam, make it the goal to get up to at least these food cars? We need it, desperately. They been halving our rations for some time now.” 
“Tactic to weaken us.” Gilliam sighed, rubbing his face and leaning forward slightly on his cane. “They know were gonna feed our children first. Weve already proven that ages ago.” The mans rheumy eyes glanced at Curtis, who looked away from the gaze.
Curtis’s placed his palm against his arm, easily feeling the scar through the fabric of his jacket. Most everyone... The guilt of his actions in the past flashed across his face momentarily before going back to his cold demeanor. Clearing his throat, he spoke up. “Where did you even get this intel anyways? Does anyone know if this map is accurate?”
“Its accurate, I paid dearly for this, and lets leave it at that.” McGregor gruffly stated, agitated that he would be questioned. Curtis quieted his questions as McGregor continued, laying out the rest of the plan. Which was simple enough. The ones in the first row would charge the meager amount of guards who did the daily head count, and get a hold of there weapons. Keep one alive, that was the important part. They needed his accessibility to open the doors. “Remember, Keep at least one alive, prefer two though. Just in case.” He stressed to all of them. “Not a word to anyone either. This will all stay hush until were finally ready.” 
“When is that gonna be?” Curtis decided to question again, and Gilliam this time answered. “Its almost new years, and there will be more activity back here.” The whole group groaned. Every year Minister Mason brought the tail end boiled eggs, and did a long winded speech in several languages about how Wilford was the divine and merciful. “So after we cross the bridge and do the tail end mockery, we will start.” Gilliam rubbed at his face. “Okay, leave me now. I need to rest.” 
With shuffles the people started to filter out, when McGregor stalled Curtis from leaving, leaving just the three men left in Gilliams space. “Curtis, we needed to speak with you specifically.” McGregor said, and Gilliam nodded in confirmation. 
“What?” Curtis asked, his brows arching in question. 
“Im tempted to keep you from going son, simply because if something happens to me, I need you to take up this cause.” McGregor tapped on the map. And Curtis shook his head in confusion as to what he is saying. 
“I dont understand, nothing is going to happen, were going to make it to the food cars.” Curtis stated with conviction. 
“We probably will, but we also need to be realistic here Curtis. If we dont get that far, there needs someone to take right over and keep this up with Gilliam. Getting the people out of this cage is the most important. I know your young son, but people already respect you. Your cool headed and smart, I know I will be leaving it in capable hands. And its just a precaution. Plan B.” McGregor explained. “And no one but Gilliam knows, so dont go mentioning it to anyone.” 
Curtis nods, still trying to process, and he looks between the two men. “Im not sitting this out, I refuse to. Weve come to far to sit it out.” and the two other men shook there head. 
“We already figured you refuse to sit out, but your not gonna be in the very front in that initial charge, your going to bring along the rest until we at least get enough weapons in hand.” Curtis was glowering already at this news and before he could say anything, Gilliam said sharply. “Curtis its already settled. You will do this cause Im asking you to.” 
Blue eyes that were enraged shut down at those words, and he gave a nod. Turning, he ducked out, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets, lost in his thoughts as he weaved around the people doing there usual activities. When a holler caught his attention, and lifting his gaze, he saw you with a whole pile of kids racing down the aisle. Grabbing one into a hug, your tickled him and he squealed, making all the kids twist back like a flock. They all tackled you, and you mocked scream, tumbling out of sight into a bunk with them. His worries temporarily set aside, he made his way down to where you all disappeared. 
“Y/N, you still alive in there?” He ducked down enough to look in, and your hand shot out to grab ahold of his, which he pulled you out, your face flush with laughter, and you grab a hold of his coat to steady yourself. “With those little hellions? Never... they make me so proud, I raised them to be ruthless.” Giggling while you are still trying to catch your breath and you wag a finger in the bunk. “You all better be hidden when I come back.” Hooking your arm through Curtis’s, you pull him away, still brushing your hair from your face and smiling up at him. 
“Where you been all day?” you questioned as the two of you walk away from the bunk, and the kids scramble out to go hide away from you, you glance over your shoulder to take notice where they are headed, not that there was many options for them to go. As long as they werent disturbing other people to much. Turning back to Curtis, you tilt your head to look up and study him, his face was clouded and agitated, you could see where he was tensing his jaw enough to tic, something was certainly on his mind. 
Giving you a side ways glance, he gave just one word and then it all clicked for you. “Gilliams.” Of course, not that you were exactly privy to it, but you heard the whispers making there way through the train. It was like a match sparked being thrown on gasoline, snaking its way among the people, giving them all hope, and restlessness. Already you seen a spike in your parents clinic of people getting into mild fights. Dabbing away at the cuts and scrapped knuckles, warning them to keep clean as possible cause infections set in so easily. 
It was a ignited fire that was only getting hotter with time. 
You press your shoulder against his to drag more words out of him. “What else Curtis?” He looks like hes about to say more, working the words up from his chest, his eyes sharp in there resolve, and before he can open his mouth to fill you in, McGregor comes up from behind, and clasps Curtis’s shoulder in greeting. “Hey you two, coming up to the front soon? They are about to hand out protein bars.” A look, one that you very well caught, passed between them. An uneasy feeling sinking in your chest. 
“Yea, we will be headed up soon.” Curtis snaps a bit at him, and you wrinkle your brow at the odd interaction. Curtis watched McGregors retreating back, and tugged you lightly off to a small cubby, you stumbling into the out of the way place between the pipework that crisscrossed in the space between some bunks. “Curtis? what is this about?” 
“Listen to me Y/N, shits about to happen. And its gonna be just what youve been hearing. Im sure you and your folks will be part of clean up, but promise me you wont leave this car till weve made it through, okay?” Curtis’s eyes searched yours looking for confirmation, anything that you were going to listen to him. A slight nod is given, and you pick at your hands before reaching out, and fisting your hands in his jacket.
“Dont fucking get killed either Curtis, promise me that, okay? I know your going to insist on going.” So matter of fact, you knew your friend, he wouldnt be able to live with himself otherwise. You watched him for years punish himself for his desperate acts in the past. That fear that anyone would hold it against him, the way he grasp at his arm when he thought it was all to good for him. You knew, Curtis still hadnt forgiven himself. 
“I wont, I promise...” Fake promises, he couldnt look you in the eyes when he said this, no one could never know if they will return once they leave this car, but your look made the man ache in his chest. How he wished he could bring back that smile you had on just minutes earlier. You shined, a softness in all this hellish darkness. You have been there for him since the beginning, you came right out of that darkness from where you were hiding with Mat and fell to your knees, trying to stop the bleeding where he tried to cut off his arm. Curtis didnt even know how to react that day, when you at 13 showed more compassion then any of the others did, then he did. Your eyes wide in your fear, and yet you refused to pull away from him “Its okay, you dont have to do this, see?” Your words still echoed through him. 
It just continued, always you were piecing him back together again, seeking him out to wrap an arm around him when he missed human touch, making sure he felt you vibrate against him in your laughter when you leaned against him, your grin seeking his to flutter for a moment on his lips, teasing voice singing his name.The times your tears soaked on his shoulder, your hug rattling in his hold as your sadness penetrated the anger. When did it all really matter that much he held onto you like a life line? His life line. At some point for him, you crossed that line as just friend. And he felt it blossom through him with a heated desire he never felt before. What would it be like.... to have you as truly his? Forever his? You were just to good for the like of him. He would be a dark mark on you,  scrubbing forever to rub out his stain. 
Curtis didnt know how it happened, but in that moment, he had to know. Had to know if you were just as soft in his arms as you were strong, and his hands moved to cup your face, your cheeks fingers pressing back into your hair, and that was just what he imagined, silken tendrils wrapping around his fingers. You went wide eyed in those seconds, and yet never pulled away as if he was scaring you in any way. Your eyes softened for him, and when he pulled you in closer, your head tipped to meet him. That first touch, a soft press of lips was innocent sweetness, soft brushes of lips and breaths. 
Your innocence certainly made him continue forward gently, a tilt of his head and soft nibbles on your lip, a press of his tongue made you open in surprise and he let that kiss deepen. You were clumsy in it, always a little behind, but Curtis led you with encouraging strokes, the whole sensation dragged out a moan from you, a flush of your body pressing into his. His hands tightened slightly in your hair, and breaking from you, his forehead leaning against yours with soft pants shared between you. No you werent his, but what he wouldnt give for you to be. He was still trying to calm the fire you laced through him in that kiss. 
“I promise... I will come back Y/N” Crystal blue eyed promises now, and you accepted it far better this time, your lips still tingling from the contrast of soft kisses and brush of bristling beard, to his tongue filling your mouth, laying claim to you as his. 
But havent you really been his for a while? Even when you didnt know it, he was your safety, your dark guardian. 
Always looking out for you, protecting you.  
Drawing your way out, you are sure to slide the curtain closed for your patients privacy, and start making another round to see to other people, chat with them, just see if they need anything in general. You dont notice the wandering eyes following you, weaving through the people till you got to a quieter part of the tail end. You didnt notice, not until its to late when an arm shoots out in front of you, making you pause momentarily as it blocked you. “What the... Eric, what do you want?” You try to duck under his arm, but the mans grasp on your arm pauses you. A glance his way showed a handsome young man, blond locks curling around green eyes, that glinted coldly at you, and he firmly without any choice of your own backed you against the wall. “See youve been playing little home nurse again Y/N”
“Just helping mom and dad, can you please let go?” You try tugging your arm from his grasp and his other hand came up to your face to trace the curve, obviously not ready to loosen his hold, for whatever reason you would clam up around him, your heart fluttering and your breath quickening. Some would think it was innocent attraction. But it was more fear of what he would eventually do to you if given the chance.
“When you going to let me kiss you huh? I dont see why you keep fighting me on this.” He hovered closer, his breath washing over your face and you wrinkle your nose at it. It was hot and sour to you, you tried to pull back but there was no where else to go, so the back of your head would thump against the cold metal wall.
“Im not, I dont want to and you cant change my mind.” You wriggle once more trying to get him to stop digging into your arm. “So how about you go find one of the other girls? I know there are plenty who want to be with you.”
“To easy, I rather like the one who denies me” His voice dropped deeper, making you panic sightly. His eyes, you hated the way he would stare at you, following you from wherever he was, like you were a prize to be had. "I figured it's about time I change your mind about it though." You strain out of his touch on your face and go to push against his chest to stumble him back.
"I said no! Fuck no would I ever be with you, let alone kiss you" you snap at him, turning to leave, put distance between you two, back in a crowd. Eric was to coward to try to anything with people around. He snarled though, wrapping an arm around you.
Effectively he pinned your arms helpless and your back against your chest, falling back harder then you expected, making you helpless, his hand clasped over your mouth, effectively muffling any protests you had. "What you think your to good for someone like me sweetheart. If your good enough to get Curtis's dick wet, think you can mine as well without this much of a fight." Your eyes widened at his words. I haven't, were not, stop!... Just friends, you think in as your panic is washing over you, and he manipulated your head to fall back to his shoulder, you try twisting out. Then he pressed his face in your neck, and bit you, what started as a sloppy kiss turned into a bruising bite, yelping at the shock of pain and you try kicking him hard enough in the leg behind you to drop him. The tread of your boot slid down the inside of his leg, and he pushed you away from him to crash you against the trains wall, hard enough to bounce you off, making you groan from the harsh impact.
Erics hand whipped you around, effectively pinning you with his body. No way to leverage a kick again, and hands pinned your arms down to keep from attacking. "Fucken shit head!" Your voice raised into yelling at him, where was everyone? It was eerily quiet and no one around, he smirked at your struggles, dawning on you when you saw how turned on, felt how turned on. That foreign bulge dug into your belly. "Keep struggling Y/N, just makes me hard for you, so cute thinking you don't want this."
"Your vile Eric, like those front end pigs" nothing but disgust dripping from your tone, trying to hide your fear. But he knows, it just widens his predatory grin knowing your words were masking the fear coursing through your veins. His lips hovered so close, mocking tone as he brushed them barely against yours, as you tried tilting your face away. “Come on Y/N, just one little kiss for me. Do it and I will let you go.”
You glare at him and spit, right in the fuckers face, it runs down his eyes and nose, and you smirk at him as he starts cussing and wiping his face on his sleeve. “You little fucking cunt whore! Nasty pig think you can get away with that shit?!” His hand releases you and goes to hit you when a grasp catches his wrist, wrenching it back. Both yours and Erics eyes go wide in surprise, and you see Curtis glowering behind him, firmly twisting Erics arm hard, then harder again he snarls out. “She sure as fuck is gonna get away with it. I think she told you no”
Curtis jerked Erics arm further and a crack was followed by Eric screaming and letting you go, you slid away from his grasp, Curtis jerking him forward to take where he had you pinned before. They were evenly matched in size, but Curtis had him crushed between his body and metal, his face distorted as you glanced up. It struck you in this moment just how opposite these two men were. Curtis never once raised his voice in the time youve known him,but he had to raise above Erics squealing out in pain and anger. “When a person tells you no, It fucking mean no. You owe Y/N an apology.” He pulled Eric off the wall, and kicked at the back of his knees to drop him in front of you.
Curtis loomed over him, his arm still firmly twisted up between his shoulder blades, and growled in the mans ear. “Say it, or Im going to wrench it right off your body.”
“Im sorry!” you could see the effort it took Eric to say it, but Curtis clearly wasnt satisfied.
“AGAIN!” This time he really roared, Eric cowering a bit, and remorseful, he started again.
“Im sorry Y/N, I promise to never touch you again!” Curtis glances at you and nods that its okay, he had him firmly and you stepped forward, grasping the mans hair, and tipping his head back.
“Touch me ever again, or ANYONE on this train, your dead, do you hear me Eric? I will have no problem watching you die, either by my hand or another. Am. I. Fucking. CLEAR?”
“Yes! god yes, just let me go, it wont happen again.” Eric pleads, and you step away from Eric, and circle around to Curtis’s side. Shoving him harshly away, Eric rolled to a stand and clutched his arm, racing away as fast as he could. The coward, would probably make up some lie to cover face when he made it to your father to reset the arm. You stood next to Curtis, still fuming. Your fear from earlier forgotten, now you were just enraged watching where the coward disappeared.
“Hey, he aint gonna try messing with you again.” Curtis let his hand rest against your shoulder, looking down at you.
And thats what Curtis always did, he never expected more from you, not a thank you, not any kind of favor. He simply needed you to be safe, that was all he ever asked for from you. It was something that you could give him, he so desperately needed. 
You lick your lip, they are still swollen from the kiss, and you blush just a bit at the memory of his mouth on yours. He tipped his head, letting his thumb brush lightly on your cheek and he moved to kiss your forehead. 
“Thank you for that Y/N.” and you shifted in closer to press your face against his chest, your arms sliding around his torso, just holding him, memorizing this feeling right here, cause your first kiss, shook the words right out of you. 
You didnt know what would happen in the days to come, but you knew that right now, things between you two changed, having finally crossed that line. 
Tags-  @jtargaryen18 @what-is-your-plan-today @official-and-unstable-satan @p8tn0lish @stardancerluv @princess-evans-addict @patzammit  @that-damn-girl @curtisbbq @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @thatweirdwalangpake
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backtobackbakubabe · 5 years
Baby its Cold Outside (PART 15)
Bakugo X Reader 
Baby’s first quirk 
Words: 2298 
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Raising twins was no easy task. Especially when they were half Katsuki with tempers that rivaled only his. Niko was the worst when it came to tantrums. It seemed like the smallest thing would set her off, and with Niko being an early bloomer you both had to be on your toes at all times. It seems her quirk is triggered by stress, so any loud noise or maybe Itsuki took a toy from her and poof. She’s gone. Well not like actually gone. She was still in the exact same place. But her quirk made her completely invisible as well as silent. Katsuki tried tying bells around her ankle but the problem was anything that was touching her also became silent when she went into stealth mode. So as awful as it sounds he stole a house arrest bracelet from work and had Izuku help him modify it into a simpler version so when she disappeared he could still find her. 
Itsuki on the other hand was rather easy. He always seemed to be a bit calmer than his sister. Although when he finally did melt down it was so much worse. By the time he was three his melt downs became quite literal. He started melting things with his hands whenever he threw his little fits. 
That leads you to today. You were in the middle of teaching a class. The twins fifth birthday was tomorrow and your great husband had taken a couple days off from hero work to make sure he didn't get sucked in to any missions that might cause him to miss it. So right now he’s at home with them. Probably playing some elaborate heros vs villains game. 
You could hear your phone softly vibrating in your desk drawer but you would wait until later to check it. You had to scold your students on a daily basis about using their phones in class so you had to set a good example. 
The vibrating continued again and again before eventually Aizawa was knocking at your door. 
You excused yourself before walking out into the hallways to see Aizawa with an amused look on his face and phone held out to you. “It’s your husband. He says he's been trying to reach you and was desperate enough to call me. It seems as if the twins... well I’ll let him explain.”
You gave him a puzzled look as you took the phone, “Hey babe... what’s wrong?” 
“Oh shit Y/n can you please come home soon?! They both have gone crazy. Their quirks have... evolved... I don't know. Itsuki has whips now and I haven't seen Niko in like ten minutes and she's not showing up on the tracking app. Fuck I’m in over my head. Please come ho.... OI! PUT THAT DOWN! NIKO WHERE DID YOU EVEN....” You heard some commotion on the other side “Y/n I’ve never begged anyone for anything but babe I’m begging you please come home. I can handle one but as soon as I get one under control the other is doing some crazy ass shit.” 
You tried not to laugh at your poor distressed husband, “Yeah I’ll see if I can get a sub for the rest of the day and come home as soon as possible. I’ll see you soon and in the meantime just try to bribe them with snacks. That usually works.” 
“THANK YOU! Please hurry... OI! Leave the dog alo-” 
The phone hung up and you just giggled as you handed it back to Aizawa. “Do you think you guys could cover my classes the rest of the day?”
“Yes I think we could work something out. It was quite humorous to hear Bakugo so stressed out. Now he finally knows what it feels like to be an adult in charge of children so powerful and so stubborn.” 
You put your hand on his shoulder, “Thank you so much, I truly owe you one. Now I need to go help him out before our children burn our house down.” 
You hurried home as fast as you could. You practically jumped out of the car  when you got home and immediately teleported into the house scaring the absolute shit out of your husband. “SHIT! Dont scare me like that!” 
You quirked an eyebrow at him, “You must really be on edge if me teleporting into the house, which is something I do basically every day, is making you jump... where are the kids?” 
Right as you said it there was a weird tug on his arm making him almost fall. “What was that?” 
He gave you a sheepish look, “Well you see I finally found Niko but she’s insisting on being in stealth mode so I... Well you see I...”
Before he could finish Niko was appearing out of nowhere and throwing herself into your arms, “Mommy! You're home!” You could see a very familiar item around her neck. 
One look at Zuko who was curled up in the corner confirmed it, “Suki... did you really put the dogs collar on our daughter? And then put her on a leash?” 
“What else was I supposed to do? Her quirk now neutralizes tracking devices! I couldn't find her!” 
You looked at your daughter who was now looking at you with wide eyes. She knew she was in trouble, “Niko. Where you hiding from daddy?”
“Did daddy ask you to stop hiding from him?”
She averted her eyes to look at the floor, “Yes.”
“Did you listen to daddy?”
She stuck the damed bottom lip out in the biggest pout known to man, “No... But Itsuki wasn't listening either!”
You ran your fingers through her hair, “I didn't ask about what Itsuki was doing. I asked what you were doing. I’ll deal with him later. Can you go give your daddy a hug and tell him you’re sorry?” 
She nodded as you put her down. She ran over to Katsuki and hugged his leg, “I’m sorry daddy. I promise to listen to you next time.” 
His expression softened a bit, “Yeah I’ll believe that when I see it.” He bent over and picked her up, “It’s okay munchkin, you know daddy cant be mad at you for too long.” 
You shook your head, “Yeah believe me she knows that and she's counting on it. She’s got you wrapped around her little finger.” 
He smiled, “Like mother like daughter.” 
You leaned in and kissed his cheek, “As long as you know it. Alright thing one is dealt with, where's thing two?” 
“I banished him outside until he can figure out how to retract the whips. Apparently his quirk is more than just melting things with his hands. He can make things as well like whips and these weird explosive balls. The whips are made of a lava like substance. Whatever it is in his palms that melt things just flows out of him until it makes a whip. And the balls, well they're actually pretty fucking cool. He can hold them until he's ready and then he just throws them and they explode. He’s been “playing” with them for over an hour. I’m all for him figuring it out, it’s a cool quirk but he’s destroying the backyard.” 
Your eyes widened, “That sounds like a you thing. You’re Lord Explosion Murder not me.” 
He gave you an exasperated look, “Sure makes sense... except he won't listen to me. I’m trying really hard to not be my mother and just go out there and tear that ass up.” 
You reached over and took Zuko’s collar off of Niko, “Well maybe dont tear his butt up but he does need some discipline. He needs to know he cant get away with ignoring you. Just go out there and put your foot down, while also letting him know you’re proud of him. I promise you he’s only acting this way because he’s trying to impress you. You are his favorite hero after all.”
Niko threw her arms around his neck, “MINE TOO! You're so cool!” 
He chuckled, “You make it sound so easy.” 
You reached out and took Niko from him, “Nothing about being a parent is easy except for loving our children. Just make sure he knows that what you do comes from that place of love and it’ll all work out.” 
He gave a weak nod, “Well here goes nothing.” 
You followed him out into the backyard where Itsuki was currently using his whips to try and cut down a tree. Katsuki walked up to him and sat down. For a little while he didn't say anything, just watching as his son destroyed the poor tree. “You know as cool as this is. There is a time and a place for practicing your quirk. This is not the time and it is definitely not the place.” Itsuki stopped momentarily to look his dad with questioning eyes. “You know how daddy has a quirk that makes explosions?” Itsuki simply nodded sitting down criss cross beside Katsuki. “Well do you ever see me using it around the house?” 
Itsuki looked like he was thinking about it for a few seconds, “Well no.” 
Katsuki nodded, “Thats because I dont. It’s too dangerous. I wouldn't want to accidentally hurt your mommy or your sister. I know you’re tough but you have to think about them. You’ve got a big boy quirk now, so it’s time you start acting like a big boy. Do you understand?”
Itsuki nodded, “I understand. I definitely dont want to hurt mommy.” 
Katsuki smiled, “Or Niko either right?”
His nose scrunched up, “Wellll I mean I cant hurt Niko. She’s fireproof.” 
Katsuki whipped his head around to look at you mouthing a quick ‘did you know this’. To which you just shrugged your shoulders because that was new information to you as well. You looked down and Niko who had been standing right next to you but was now gone. 
“HEY! Niko is showing me daddy's finger! You said we weren’t aloud to do that!” 
Katsuki looked at you, “Daddy’s finger?”
You tried to hold back your laughter, “Yeah that's what we call the middle finger.” 
He cracked a smile, “Makes sense.... wait a minute! Itsuki! You can see your sister? HOW?” 
Itsuki blushed, “Hey shut up, I did not! MOM! Niko is calling me a tattler!” 
Now it was your turn to give him a look, “You can hear her too?” 
Niko came out of stealth mode, “You promised it would be our secret! You ruined everything Itsuki!” 
Your husband looked like he was trying to do the math in his head, “So let me get this straight... Itsuki, you can see and hear your sister regardless if she is using her quirk?”
Itsuki pouted knowing he had given up their secrets, “Yes....” 
Your husband narrowed his eyes, “So earlier today when I was going crazy trying to find her you could see her... the whole time.” Again Itsuki nodded not making eye contact. Katsuki turned his attention to your daughter now, “And you're... fireproof?”
“Yes but stupid Suki wasnt supposed to tell you!” 
“First of all dont call your brother stupid, second of all, how the hell did you even figure that out?”
Itsuki blushed now, “I might have tried to melt her one day when she stole my Ground Zero blanket...” 
You stepped up and took your husbands hand. “What do say we all just go inside and pick a movie. I think we all need some time to simmer down.” 
Niko latched herself onto Katsuki’s leg, “I call sitting with daddy!” 
Itsuki narrowed his eyes at his sister, “That’s fine I wanted to sit with mommy anyways! She gives better cuddles!” 
Niko squared her shoulders facing her brother, “Oh yeah! Well daddy gives better back scratches!” 
You and Katsuki just looked at each other. This was going to be your life from now on. Your over competitive, hot headed children were willing to fight tooth and nail over the smallest things. Just like someone else you knew. 
You reached for Itsuki’s hand, “How about you and I pick the movie and we’ll let daddy and your sister get the snacks ready?” 
Two hours later you were all stuffed onto the couch. Katsuki and you both in the middle with a child on either side. This was perfect. This was all you could have ever asked for. You leaned into your husbands side with your head on his shoulder. Both of the kids were passed out from their day of defying their father. “You did good today. You're such an amazing dad.” 
He kissed the top of your head, “Thanks, but I was honestly lost until you came home. If anyone deserves a parent of the year award it’s you. I don’t know what I would do without you.” 
You snuggled deeper into his side, “Honestly you are the best husband and father, and I’m so beyond happy to be living this life with you.” Zuko walked over and put his head in your lap, obviously not happy with being the only one left out, “and you too Zuko, such a good boy!” 
Katsuki’s arm tightened around you, “What do you say we put the gremlins to bed. And then we... you know... make another one?” 
You picked your head up to look at those serious scarlet eyes of his, “Did you just say you wanted to have another baby? After all this? You want to have another one?” 
He gave you a smug smile, “You just told me I'm an amazing dad, you cant take it back now. Besides... there's no harm in at least trying.” 
I’m not sure if this is the end or not. I have a different series that I’ve wanted to start writing BUT I may come back to this one later. Well see where the inspiration takes me :) I also may be writing a part two to Just Let Me Help You as well. 
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the-dumbest-po3-au · 5 years
part 4 - the dumbest po3 au
its been. nine. montsh im SO SORRY GUYS LMAO
for those of you who dont know what the dumbest po3 au is, click this link
for those of you who have not read the summaries for power of three, part 1 - part 2 - part 3
alright!!!!!!! dovewing time
the fourth apprentice
the book opens w/ ivykit and dovekit in the nursery. ivykit suggests going out to explore the territory and dovekit is like “wow. that sounds like a fantastic idea ivykit you are so smart"
whitewing says No Absolutely Not, and leaves at some point to go make dirt. they sneak out and not 5 minutes later they get lost. dovekit gets blames ivykit for suggesting it and they get into a fight. they both get really mad & dovekit runs off. because shes like a stupid 2 year old gets distracted, rams her head into a rock and passes out. rip dovekit. she wakes up and sees a fox kit coming towards her. she screams.
her head hurts and shes tired and now shes going to die. out of nowhere a huge cat beats up the fox and scares it away. dovekit passes out (again)
when she wakes up, she is next to a cat messing with a bunch of weird plants. the cat sees that she woke up and introduces himself as littlecloud. he asks what her name is. “dove… dove…?? i dont know” says dovekit.
he asks her how she got there, and if she has any family. she does not remember. so littlecloud tells her she’s gonna have to stay here for the time being. he asks her if anything hurts, and dovekit says she thinks may have hit her head.
he gives her some of the weird plants and she goes back to sleep. when she wakes up her head has stopped hurting and she feels a lot better. she gets up to go walk around and is immediately introduced to the tawnyspawn.
tigerpaw is stupid and friendly (and hellbent on being her future best friend). dawnpaw is obnoxious and a bit (read: extremely) condescending but interested. flamepaw is nice and also the only one with half a braincell.
they take her around and introduce her to the rest of the clan. she sees blackstar and is like. “im pretty sure thats my dad” tigerpaw gasps. flamepaw and dawnpaw are like. “What.” “he saved me from the fox im pretty sure thats my dad,” says dovekit
they go harass blackstar. dovekit follows him around like a puppy and the tawnspawn follow her. he has this train of literal 2 yr olds trailing after him and is wildly unhappy about this development. russetfur is also definitely siccing the kids on him to make him mad.
dawnpaw gives dovekit a passionate speech about the clans, but mostly how evil riverclan kicked completely innocent shadowclan out of their home, and how shadowclan has to set everything right and deliver justice to those cringe fail fishheads, or something.
a few days later the tawnyspawn are off doing their own thing and dovekit goes to see whats going on. dawnpaw tries to shut tigerpaw up but he spills the beans anyways. “we’re going to attack riverclan on a Secret Mission so that we can win back shadowclan’s honor and become WARRIORS so you cant tell anybody”
dawnpaw sighs. “dovekit this is for Big Kids Only, so you cant be here.” flamepaw is trying to talk tigerpaw out of doing this in the bg but tigerpaw is being stubborn. dovekit is sad about it but goes back to sulk in camp (and to harass her new dad).
a few hours later tawnypelt runs over to blackstar and is like. “blackstar my children are missing nobody knows where they went”
"oh!! they went to go attack riverclan to get back shadowclan’s territory!” informs dovekit helpfully.
“what.” says blackstar, tawnypelt, and russetfur in unison. the sky immediately opens up and starts Pouring. tawnypelt freaks out. dovekit is like “why cant we just follow the sound of their voices??” but everyone ignores her bc they think shes just being stupid.
“Fine!! ill just go find them on my OWN” says dovekit, following them by the sound of their voices (theyre proally arguing over something stupid).
now four of shadowclan’s children are missing. “you brought that kid here so you get to deal with her,” says russetfur. blackstar sighs dramatically and goes off to find his new child.
dovekit runs into an old man cat. “whatre you doin here??” says old man cat. “im looking for my friends!! whats your name :0? im dovekit!!” “my names purdy!”
blackstar shows up and is like. who tf are you. “this is my new friend purdy!!!” says dovekit. blackstar doesnt even know how to respond. “look we’re going to go back to the camp right now and we’re not taking this dude with us.”
dovekit is like “??? no??? we have to get my friends theyre right over there??” she says pointing in their direction w/ her tail. blackstar is ready to cry. so blackstar and purdy follow dovekit as she leads them closer to riverclan territory where they hear the tawnyspawn screeching like banshees.
they run over and find several cats w/ the tawnyspawn who are pinned down. “if you breathe in my direction ill kill all three of these children,” says a snotty dude.
“who tf are you” says blackstar
“im darktail you insolent snot,” says darktail.
one of his cats grabs dovekit and blackstar snaps. he lunges at darktail while purdy beats up the dude who snatched dovekit. the tawnyspawn take advantage of the moment, escape, and dogpile the other cats. its a disaster.
darktail swears revenge on blackstar till his dying day or something. nobodys really paying attention to him at this point. he runs off w/ his crew. “alright then” says blackstar. this has been a really weird and long day for everyone. blackstar wants to leave purdy but all the children immediately start crying. they bring purdy home.
“holy crap!!! purdy!!!!!” says tawnypelt. “why are you here??” but then she sees her children. she and rowanclaw give them a very stern lecture about Not Running Off Without Telling Anyone (in which tawnypelt is a massive hypocrite but to be fair god told her to)
in the meanwhile, blackstar asks dovekit how tf she knew they were there. “i could hear them, Obviously. ???? cant u not???” blackstar just looks at her. dovekit realizes that probably not everyone shares this ability. blackstar shoos her off and calls a meeting w/ the senior warriors.
dovekit goes off to bother purdy for stories and play w/ the tawnyspawn. nothing particularly interesting happens. blackstar and russetfur call her over later and start assessing her abilities. its only slightly a disaster because shes wildly distracted 80% of the time and her powers are unwieldy bc shes a kit.
cue training. there is a lot of trial, error, and tears (on both sides) but it works out in the end (mostly).
time skip. its been a few months. dovekit becomes dovepaw and blackstar mentors her b/c of her powers. at this point shes gotten control of how to pick out numbers, locations, troops, etc. basically she is a living radar.
blackstar calls another meeting w/ the senior warriors and afterwards calls a clan meeting. “alright losers we’re going to take back our territory and kick riverclan’s butt”
they go over the clan w/ all the cats and begin the trek home. another time skip because that takes a while and nothing particularly interesting happens.
when they get back, the clan stays outside the border while blackstar has dovepaw do a sweep of the territory. she finds a patrol led by a black cat named reedwhisker. blackstar picks a patrol out and they go to ambush the riverclan patrol.
the shadowclan patrol takes reedwhisker + the patrol hostage, but lets one go to tell mistystar. mistystar takes a patrol and comes over. “if you dont give us back our territory i will kill your son” says blackstar. mistystar is like “bro. i dont even want your stupid crusty territory anyways. screw you.”
she takes her son and the rest of the patrol and leaves. another win for shadowclan, obviously. maybe they have a party idk. end of book.
fading echoes
cinderheart has not been doing well. she’s been doing really badly, actually. her best friend died and she blames herself. she’s still grieving and continually lashing out at everyone around her. poppyfrost and honeyfern attempted to be there for her but after the continual rebuffs they decided to just give her space.
unfortunately cinderheart. doesnt have any other friends in thunderclan, so the only person she can talk to is lionblaze. unfortunately theres only so much he can do from windclan, so mostly shes been just been going into a downward spiral.
ivypaw hasnt been doing great either. she feels extremely guilty because she thinks its her fault that dovekit ran away, and when dovekit is never found, it gets 50x worse.
but she also doesnt want to say anything about her involvement in fear of getting punished. as time goes on, she starts getting babied by the clan (almost like leopardstar when she was a kid) because her sister disappeared and she took it really hard.
and like on one hand, she likes the attention, but on the other hand its too much a lot of the time. she starts adopting this “stop babying me!1!1!!!”/kinda edgy persona. the clan takes it like shes grieving, and she’ll grow out of it, so they dont say too much.
so the book opens w/ ivypaw and fernpaw’s apprentice ceremony. brief context about how fern was recently found by the thunderclan border w/o parents and taken into the clan. fernsong is apprenticed to brightheart. ivypool is apprenticed to cinderheart.
firestar probably thinks that they might be able to bond/break through to each other because they recently lost a sister/adjacent sister. neither of them are particularly enthusiastic about it.
cinderheart isnt particularly invested in ivypaw’s training. ivypaw can tell and gets rightfully frustrated, bc brightheart and fernpaw are getting along great and making lots of progress, while ivypaw is falling behind becuase cinderheart is being a terrible mentor.
ivypaw starts fighting back (disobeying, talking back, etc.), partially because this is the only time she gets paid attention, and partially because shes just mad, which makes cinderheart mad, which then makes ivypaw fight back more. this causes cinderheart to become more and more distant. in short: ivypaw’s apprenticeship is a disaster.
at some point during training, theyre practicing climbing trees and cinderheart tells ivypaw to do something. to spite her, ivypaw does the opposite and ends up falling, dislocating her leg. cinderheart panics and cinderpelt emerges.
cinderpelt basically possesses cinderheart and relocates her arm. they go back to camp and take ivypaw to the medicine cat den, gives ivypaw some poppy seeds and ditches.
“wow um. wtf was that” says cinderheart. leafpool is like, “hahaha………… about that. you’re um… cinderpelt reincarnated.”
“what.” says cinderheart
“CINDERHEART IS CINDERPELT REINCARNATED???” screams foxleap at the top of his lungs in the middle of camp. whatever was left of cinderheart’s life shatters.
so now instead of ignoring her, the entire camp won’t leave her alone - except now they just treat her as they would cinderpelt. “hey cinderheart remember when [enter something that happened in the old forest here]??” “hey cinderheart can you fix my paw??” “hey cinderpelt-” “are you going to become a medicine cat then??”
to pour more salt into the wound, cinderheart now gets a free commentary on everything in her life!! (this definitely includes lionblaze) there used to be sort of a barrier between cinderheart/cinderpelt but since cinderpelt emerged/took control, it shattered.
so between cinderpelt complaining about all the terrible decisions she’s made and the entire clan pretending that she’s cinderpelt instead of a Completely Different Person, when hawkfrost shows up w/ an invite to fight club on the weekends cinderheart is more than happy to take him up.
sure hawkfrost is wildly annoying and clearly hates her guts for some reason (no matter how hard he pretends not to whenever tigerstar is around) but this is great for three reasons.
1) nobody in the dark forest has any idea she’s cinderpelt. 2) warrior training!! emphasizing she is a Warrior not a medicine cat. 3) time away from cinderpelt!! they arent the same soul so they cant read each other’s thoughts (unless theyre trying to communicate) and cant share dreams
so she might be purposely oblivious. whatever. she doesnt even know who hawkfrost is b/c anybody outside of riverclan immediately forgot about him because he really was not very effective at all. and its not like hes about to start spilling the beans until shes ready to be indoctrinated w/ dark forest propaganda.
meanwhile, tensions between shadowclan and thunderclan have been rapidly rising. again. prey is being stolen, scents are on other territories, patrols get into skirmishes often.
firestar is hurt because he was trying to get mistystar to lay off on the territory and blackstar is mad because they literally Just got back and thunderclan is ALREADY trying to reinstate old rivalries.
cinderheart really isnt paying attention to what’s going on cuz shes. more than a little wrapped up in her own problems. until it turns into a war.
this battle feels way more vicious than normal. cinderheart tries to recall how this whole thing started and realizes she has absolutely no idea what tf is going on???
throughout the fight she notices weird stuff happening. mousewhisker and redwillow nod to each other. ratscar + blossomfall swap glances. applefur pulls snowbird off thornclaw’s back. literally wtf thinks cinderheart
and then russetfur takes a stab at firestar. out of nowhere, thornclaw goes for her throat. cinderheart barely saves russetfur in the nick of time - the injuries are bad enough that she is forced to retire.
“screw literally everyone in thunderclan except u” blackstar says pointing @ cinderheart “and i hope the rest of you rot in the dark forest.” he rounds the rest of shadowclan up and then leaves.
“well that was weird” says cinderheart. she goes off to find ivypaw and realizes that shes. not responding. oh thats a lot of blood-
cinderpelt pops up again and works w/ cinderheart to patch up ivypaw until she’s stable. they bring her into the medicine den together and let leafpool look her over. she says that they made it in time and ivypaw will live. she leaves to go look after the other patients, leaving cinderheart with her apprentice
cinderheart realizes that this is her fault. had she actually paid attention to ivypaw and given her proper training, this wouldn’t have happened. she resolves to try a lot harder to be a good mentor for ivypaw’s sake.
cinderpelt approves and apologizes for being so intrusive on cinderheart’s life. she really doesnt want to be in here either - this was a decision the idiots in starclan forced on her. she was taking it out on cinderheart, which wasn’t fair for her.
cinderpelt promises to try to give cinderheart as much privacy as she can (while trying to figure out how to get out of her brain). cinderheart thanks her. there’s a brief bonding moment.
cinderpelt says that since ivypaw seems stable she’s going to go to sleep now, since she exhausted herself earlier.
just as cinderpelt goes out to the back of cinderheart’s mind, blossomfall comes storming in about how cinderheart messed the plan up and how cinderheart screwed everything up for everyone & she’s a traitor to the cause, Honestly cinderheart you’re so useless-
“literally wtf are you talking about” says cinderheart
“you saved russetfur,” blossomfall says. “if we take out the leaders and deputies, we can destabilize the clans enough that taking over will be a piece of cake. are you a dark forest trainee or not, cinderheart?”
end of book
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