#history teacher Erwin
fleabrainedmania · 1 year
Mr. Smith's history class got a little awkward after he and the janitor started dating.
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rengokussy · 3 months
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riewritten · 2 months
so i went to a remote area this weekend for a field work and i cant help but imagine erwin during the ride... like in an interview he said that if given the chance, he would like to live in a remote cabin, right?
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TAGS: post-canon, erwin lives agenda, fluff, age-gap (lol rie tell us what we don't know!), love confessions, basically jus wholesome stuff
in a setting where erwin lives and can retire from being a soldier, with which he eventually builds a simple cabin of his own in the outskirts of trost district to enjoy a simple life in the rural. you, on the other hand, are a researcher who came all the way from the stohess district, interested to study trost's advanced agrarian reform program.
their advanced practice was what saved trost's economy from titan invasion years ago, but sadly not every district in paradis would like to apply it in consideration to the nobilities. in principle. you'd like to have it implemented to the rest of the paradis island which takes pride in its rich agricultural resources. and to know the bounties of trost to the fullest, you'll have to live with them for a month.
lo and behold, you'll come across the erwin smith as one of the residents. usually, he doesn't talk much to people, let alone from outsiders, but the villagers love him because of his kindness and intelligence; they're confident that if there's someone who could help you the most, it'll be no other than this man. moreover, erwin welcomed you with open arms as he's very intrigued to know how the educational system in paradis has been doing since his last involvement in the academe (before he enlisted as a soldier. pretty long time, isn't it?)
he doesn't want the residents to treat you as an inconvenience so as soon as he learns your university isn't funding student researchers, which makes you lack the resources to rent a dorm in trost, he gladly opens the spare room he had built inside his cabin at your disposal (he had built that room so levi, hange, and others could sleep somewhere comfortable whenever they go visit him).
what a kind man he is, but you can't help but be bothered because not only is he so kind for reasons you're yet to unveil, but you are to live with him! a very handsome middle-aged man who is unreasonably single, especially in a period where people as young as sixteen are already bearing children! maybe the sheer change paradis had become since the walls collapsed has something to do with it?
it isn't long til you learn that he is none but the very commander who had contributed the most for the freedom of paradis! he suddenly blurts out over breakfast that he was the 13th commander. the 13th commander of the scout regiment. you took history classes really well so you know what the 13th commander has done; it's just that you never remembered his name because as far as you are concerned, the former commander opted to not get his name published in books. the long list of his comrades were there, but not their commander, making your teachers speak of him so highly--an amalgamation of what a real leader must be. goodness gracious. the way you started shaking over the coffee and bread erwin had prepared made him panic.
"oh no, was the coffee too strong for your liking? i'm so sorry." and when you eventually cry and utter praises and gratitude for serving the country well, he starts laughing—boisterously so, a laugh he had never done during his prime years—and pats your head. "well, our efforts have never gone to waste because of smart students like you, no?"
to integrate more with the trost community, erwin fetches you to other neighbors using his old car every morning (he bought it for a discounted price at an auction—scratch that, the merchant almost gave it to him because he was a huge fan. had erwin been a boastful bastard, he wouldn't even bother paying for it). he says the ride to another farm takes around half an hour, so you two take your time talking about a lot of things such as erwin's previous profession, his favorite areas on his lawn, the things he'd like to do in the future to make his little paradise even better to live in, and more. how badly you yearn for a life like his.
and when late afternoon comes, erwin would pick you up from the neigborhood so you can accompany him to the wet market approximately an hour away. erwin usually takes this chance to talk to the merchants because he supplies them his harvest at a low price for extra income (what a strategic and simple man he is!) then you two would restock condiments and other needs in the house that his small farm couldn't provide. the life erwin has is tiring for you who's basically raised in a highly urbanized area, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy it especially with erwin's company.
one of the best things he had ever shown you is the tiny river surrounded by giant trees where he takes a bath. the scenery makes you feel like some sort of deity in an urban legend. the sun would peak behind the leaves and onto the water, then the water would bounce back its light towards your glimmering eyes—full of adoration at god's creation. the river is quite cold and sometimes the breeze these trees exude freezes your skin. but it feels so fresh, so pleasing to look at, and you wouldn't mind if you're not accustomed to taking a bath in an open area. no reason to be scared, too, as the singing birds and cicadas keep you company. not far from here, you could also hear erwin chopping wood. of course, he's just there, ready to rescue you if you slip on the rocks or some intruder tries to come at you.
one of the best tasks he had entrusted you with (which you asserted to be tasked because you couldn't fathom not paying him rent) is plucking ripe fruits from his farm. in your hometown, every need comes with money, but here, one could survive with just the gifts of land ripened by their hard work.
"it makes your research more valuable, doesn't it?" erwin affirms, "imagine every citizen in paradis being able to live a life not based on money once the government appreciates agrarian reforms more, given how rich our country is with natural resources."
the distance you had with him as he intricately teaches you how to cut fruit from its stem, his appreciation for your principles (which students from the urban area often laugh about), and the way his hands brush against yours while he's correcting your posture because the way of cutting needs to be precise so the stem could still be capable of bearing another fruit—it all fills your heart with sheer warmth. when night comes and you're alone in your room, you finally deduce what you feel for him—it's not just mentorship that you want from him, or his kindness, or even his farm.
you want him as he is. you want to give back all the help he has given you by loving him with all your heart.
as the research is about to end, you realize that you soon will be bidding him farewell to go back to your hometown, to live a boring university life, to take a bath in the constricted bathroom of your dormitory, and to live a life where you have to take money out of your purse every time you want to eat. it filled your heart with sorrow. you hope you can stay with him.
on one of your final days in erwin's house, you wake up with rain so strong tip taps of water can be heard from the roof towards the wooden floor. erwin knocks and asks if he could fix it as you eat breakfast but as soon as you open the door for him, you start crying.
"i'm sorry, it happens a lot during rainy days. i should've warned you." perhaps he's thinking that an urban girl like you would deem living in this wooden cabin overwhelming, but it's rather far from it. "I'm thinking of replacing the roof with cement instead of mere iron strips, but I can only do that when summer comes. you might not be here anymore by that time, though."
"can i just live here for good? i don't want to go," you wail, the attachment and adoration you have for this new friend flowing through your tears. "i want to live here for good."
"because you want to witness the renovation of my roof...?"
erwin is surprised at your sudden rise in tone, but eventually he smiles despite not understanding it all, "i'll consider, but only after you let me fix the hole in your room."
it took you five minutes of wailing (and erwin's gentle taps on your shoulder) before you step away from the door and let him in, with which he whispered a small praise, "good girl. now come on eat your breakfast and drink your coffee. we'll talk after i'm done here."
his voice sounded so warm, deep, and gentle in that particular remark.
you manage to do what he asked of you, albeit with little hiccups. to be honest, had erwin lacked the academic knowledge to help you finish your research, your stay in his home would've lasted longer. but he's such a smart man—even on par with your actual research professor—that it even makes you wonder if his parents were formerly part of the academe, too.
when erwin learns of that fact, he laughs in guilt, "i'm sorry! i admit i got too caught up with your research. you should've shooed me away when i got too invasive! is that why you were crying?"
"no! it's because i want to stay with you longer!" you cry, albeit impulsively, because you are drenched in cold water as soon you see erwin's surprised face.
nonetheless he's able to compose himself, "seems like you loved living in trost, hm? it's okay, you could visit us here even after your research is—"
"i meant you! i want to stay with you specifically!" you blurt out. oh god, did bathing in the river give you a bravado as strong as erwin's? you're not usually this blunt.
"why, if it's fine to ask?" erwin starts, his face more serious this time around, albeit there's a tinge of expression you couldn't quite decipher.
you wouldn't be able to take this back. you wouldn't be able to take this back. you wouldn't be able to take this ba— "because i like you." you wouldn't be able to take that back! "oh god," you covered your face in embarrassment. "i-i'll be back! i'm sorry!" then you stand up from your seat and hurry towards the door.
you run to the secluded river to wash your face from embarrassment (or perhaps drown in it for good), but after a throaty scream of shame, you notice a presence behind you.
"e-erwin!" you screech in surprise. "i-i told you i'll be back soon!"
"repeat what you just said."
"the what?"
"what you said before running off. repeat it." the expression on erwin's face that you couldn't quite decipher earlier is much more understandable now.
it gave you more courage to admit, "i said i like you."
"as a...?"
the mood is ruined when you suddenly let out a chuckle, "what do you mean 'as a?' i know we have a bit of a generational gap but i'm certain what i said was clear enough!"
this is the first time you've ever seen this man flustered. all this time you thought of him as someone who knew everything astutely. he walks closer until you're centimeters apart, eventually he smiles in realization. then he cups your cheeks, "finish your research and come back here. you'll hear my answer by then."
"huh?" you scorn, "why don't you answer now while i'm still—"
a kiss on your forehead cuts you off. it lasts for ten seconds or so—you know because you started counting it out of fluster. while on it, he rubs his thumb on your cheeks in circular motions. the sensations render you in a haze. as soon as he withdraws, you bury your head on his chest, taking his scent in even though you don't understand what's happening. "what i could offer to you is nothing in comparison to the life ahead of you in stohess. do what you must there. submit your research, advocate for your principles until your voice reaches more people, and if by then you still can't stop thinking of me, by all means, stay by my side for good."
"how can i be sure that you're not married the moment i come back?!"
he chuckles, then places your hand on his chest. his forehead bumps on yours, a knowing smile plastered on his lips, and his eyes reeking of adoration. "because my heart has been yours the moment you set your foot here."
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p lease i encourage everyone to continue this fic for me because as much as i love the prompt i donT HAVE THE TIME TO TURN IT INTO AN ACTUAL THING 😭😭😭 PLEASEDKDKSED
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🔖 @xiaotopia @cadenza-damour @rinamars @grimistheangerinmystares @suntizme @onasvigo @inkofteyvat @aeanya @watyousayin @collinnmckinley @frenchdyer | SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE TO MY STORIES
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diefxrguns · 2 years
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✯pairings- erwin smith x afab!reader
✯a/n- might be some mistakes, apologies. Do not share on tiktok without my permission. not glamourising pedophilia, Y/N is 18
✯synopsis- your teacher develops strong feelings for a specific girl in his classroom
✯ c/w- smut, teacher x student relationship. choking, spanking, and more- not comfortable? dont read.
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"teacher's pet, if I'm so "special. Why am I a secret?" ✧
Your eyes couldn't concentrate on the board infront of you, never in your life have you felt this way for somebody.
Despite all the love letters from boys in your class and offers to go out on dates, boys your age-just didn't do it for you. Ya know.
There was always something about older fellows, but not to old. Maybe 25-35 since you were 18. It was appropriate after all- well for some people atleast.
Your mother would die if she saw the things that kept you up at night, on your laptop a stash of porn videos. All in the same category of porn. You had a thing for manthers, not the creepy pedophilic one's. The men who are like 30 with 20 year old girlfriends. Sounds normal right.
So when your new teacher entered the classroom, you almost fell out of your seat. His arms, his hair, everything about this man was just so fucking sexy.
He wore a blue button up shirt, that was long sleeved, but the sleeves were rolled up a bit- revealing his toned forearms. His pants were black and his blonde hair was combed back.
He had to be in his early 30's, but my God did he look so delicious.
He's an English, History and Biology teacher so he would be teaching you English and History, since those are the classes you had.
He started off by introducing himself, and went straight to work. Instructing the class to open their books on page 116. He got down to business, you could tell he was one- track minded.
His voice was so deep and demanding, but somewhat calm and smooth. He explained the work diligently. Making sure everyone understood the English lesson- before dismissing the class and closing the whiteboard marker.
As the days passed you did nothing but gawk at him, in classes you barley even payed attention. And oh- he knew you weren't listening. How your pretty eyes just stared into space, he knew exactly what you were looking at. He's way smarter then he looks.
There was one particular day, after class. You were looking at him the whole time, and he knew- but it bugged him because exams were coming up and you never took notes once. He knew your grades were sky high, and he didn't want you to fail your examinations. So he called you after class.
" Miss Y/N, please stay behind and take a seat" he said, as you were on your way out the classroom.
" Yes" you said in timid voice because of how shy and slightly intimidated you were
The older man sat on a chair opposite you, his back hunched and his elbows on his knees, he removed his glasses and looked you directly in the eye
" You're not paying attention, you think I don't know, you think I don't see how much you're looking into space during my lessons"
" Mr Smith, I'm really sorry " you said with fake sympathy, in all honesty you didn't give a fuck about his lessons. He's eye candy- who wouldn't look at him.
"Your results went from 93 to 50, your practice test results where lower then I expected. A five star student, became mediocre over night. I advise you tell me what's on your mind Y/N" he said straightening his posture and leaning back, never breaking eye contact with you
" Mr Smith, I've just been distracted lately, ya know, Like something is really troubling me". What you just said was true, something was bugging you. Everytime this fine ass man opens his mouth, breathes or even looks your way you cream your pants, leaving a stain on your lacey panties. That's the real problem.
" Ah, I see. Well, as your teacher I suppose you need to trust me with whatever it is you're going through. You need to get it out of your system so we can work through this" he said
" Well, I...um, i- I got dumped by my ex boyfriend and.. well he, he really hurt me. Its bothered me alot" you lied through your teeth, you never had a boyfriend. You just said that so that Erwin could feel sorry for you.
Immediately Erwin stood up and knelt down to your level, holding your hand gently. In this moment your heart was racing, you didn't know how to react.
What the fuck was actually going on here? Your teacher( crush) was kneeling down holding your hand, this was to much to handle.
" Y/N, I need you to not focus on other boys ok- they're a waste of time, I need you to think about bigger things. Like college and a husband maybe? You need a man that's going to take care of you, love you..."
Your chest was rising up and down as you took intense breathes, he was so close to you. His warmth was radiating off his big body onto your smaller one.
" After school I'll take you to my place, so that I can prepare you for upcoming examinations... Sound ok?" He asked as he stood up fixing his tie and getting his things
" ye-yes, it sounds awesome" you said standing up in a hurry and giving your teacher a big smile.
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Everyday afterschool Erwin took you to his home.
He lived in a very spacious house, it was small but modern and fancy. A two story home with two bedrooms and two bathrooms.
He had two cats aswell, a grey one and a white one. Grey one named Oscar and the white one named Bunny.
His home smelled like vanilla and sandalwood, it was clean with grey and white accents. He obviously lived alone, but damn how can such a handsome and astound man be single.
He sat you at the dining room table with your books and tutored you, and helped you make notes for your exams.
He spent three hours after school tutoring you.
You were beyond grateful for this opportunity, because it made you and Erwin closer.
Even though you never really spoke about personal things, subconsciously your souls were somewhat aligned. Almost like you had a connection that you couldn't explain or describe, you just felt comfortable around each other.
A little to comfortable
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After examinations, you stopped going to Erwin's home. There was no need afterall, I mean he stopped tutoring you because exams were over.
In all honesty you missed it, you missed him. So one afternoon you went to his house to give him some treats, just to say thank you.
You knocked on his door, patiently waiting for him to open it
And in that very moment your heart shattered, the pain you felt when the door opened, only to be greeted by an older women, her late 20's to be precise. Her ginger/ strawberry blonde hair was wavy and shiny. And her body was curvaceous and slim
Her nails painted red, she wore a tight black dress and heels, with pearls around her neck- and the cherry on top of the cake, was the 24K diamond ring she wore on her ring finger, indicating she is married.
Your face went red, not with anger. But with sadness, you felt like a fucking idiot. Falling for you teacher.
" Oh hello dear, you must be Erwin's student, please come inside. He must be thrilled to see you" she said, in a nice tone of voice as she let you inside
" Erwin! Honey, your student is here to see you" she yelled for her " husband" as she told you to sit and offered you a cup of tea
" Oh my, Y/N. This is rather unexpected. Why have you come?" Erwin asked as he dried his hair, obviously he just came out the shower.
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, your eyes were visibly watery indicating you were about to burst into tears.
But you had to suck it up, and pretend like nothing was wrong
" I..I um- I brought you some gifts, just to say thank you for helping me with studying" you said handing him the gift bag
A smile appeared on Erwin's face as he opened the bag filled with chocolates, and sweets . But at the bottom of the gift bag was a letter, expressing your feelings to Erwin- and how you really felt about him.
He opened the letter silently, and reading it rather quickly before clenching his jaw, his smile faded into a puzzling expression. And he looked at you for a mere second before sitting on the barstool next to you.
His wife still making tea for the both of you including herself.
" So Y/N isn't it? How is school treating you?" She asked sitting across from you and Erwin.
" Well... Its, it's, it's great actually. Thanks to Mr Smith, your husband." You said, in a fake- nice tone of voice.
She didn't catch on to your obvious sarcasm but Erwin knew exactly how you felt about her, as said before he's smarter then he looks.
" Oh well, Erwin here isn't my husband, not yet. He's actually my fiance, we're getting married...soon I suppose" she said giving you a smile and sipping on her tea.
" That's wonderful news" you said sipping the tea.
Erwin sat in silence, drinking his tea and staring elsewhere, not daring to make eye contact with you or his fiance.
" Oh my, I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Mari Dawk" she said flashing you another smile.
" You see Smith and I met in our military days, he just caught my eye, he was one with the ladies too. She said waffling on about how her and Erwin met and how they got together. But in all honesty you weren't listening, frankly you didn't care, you were to hurt to listen to these stories.
She talked to much, but she was extremely friendly. You could see why Erwin was engaged to her, Mari would make a wonderful mother.
A few minutes passed and it was time for you to leave. You couldn't spend more time in this house, with Erwin and this woman.
So you said your goodbyes and offered to clean up.
"Can I help with anything, washing my mug?" You asked Mari
" No that won't be necessary Y/N, go home and get some rest it's late " said Erwin in a monotone voice.
You shut the door behind you and made your way home...
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A few days passed and your behaviour changed drastically, you barely ate and you no longer enjoyed your usual habits.
You were on a break so you never saw Erwin.
When school was back on, you payed attention in class and actually wrote notes. He noticed your change in attitude towards him.
You no longer smiled at him when you entered to classroom, you no longer greeted him or said goodbye.
It was like you changed...
When the history lesson was over, you were the last student to pack your bag. Getting ready to leave, when Erwin closed the classroom door, locking it
" Why did you lock the door? I need to go home it's afterschool" you said in a cold tone of voice, not looking at him once, packing your textbooks into your backpack.
" Y/N, please stop this little act you're doing. You think I don't what you're up to? " Erwin said standing with his hands in his pockets, a few steps away from you.
" I don't care, if you don't mind I'd like to leave Mr Smith. I don't have time for this. If it isn't about schoolwork I'm not interested" you said
" The letter you wrote to me, well... It made me emotional Y/N" he said stepping closer and closer to you, only inches away
At this point you felt so broken and drained, it wasn't exactly his fault. How was he supposed to know you liked him and besides it's his life, he can't just dump his fiance for you.
" Mr Smith, I appreciate everything you've done. I'm sorry for that letter, I wasn't in the right head space. I just had a small crush, it was nothing serious. Please go back home to your wife and forget everything. " You said tears threatening to spill from your eyes as those words were so hard to say.
You couldn't lie anymore, you loved Erwin Smith. His smile, the way he comforted you and motivated you. His kindness, his leadership, his empathy. Everything about him lured you in. You still had feelings for him, you tried ignoring them and ignoring him. But truthfully you were hooked like a worm on a fishing rod.
As you were about to walk past him, he grabbed your arm. Forcing you back to him, his arm was strong. At this point you couldn't break free from his hold, even if you tried.
He held your waist, and placed a hand on your back rubbing it gently.
Things were getting out of hand, luckily there were no surveillance in his classroom.
" Y/N, I know I hurt you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for leading you on. Truthfully I knew you liked me, I knew from day one. And I liked you too. Not in a daughter way, I like you romantically, I don't have feelings for Mari anymore. She cheated on me with one of my friends, and she came back. The only reason I let her back into my life was because my morals were telling me, that loving you is wrong. " The blonde man said with pain in his voice, he was being serious, he was genuine.
A passionate kiss was placed upon your pink lips as Erwin held you tightly in his arms.
Your hands made their way to his neck, rubbing the back of his neck slowly. Enjoying the kiss.
Erwin began to move his hands from your waist to your ass, lifting up your skirt as he squeezed your cheeks.
He broke away from the kiss
" Do I have your consent Y/N?" He asked as he looked you dead in the eye waiting for you to respond
" Yes, yes you have my consent" you said.
He kissed you even more, before bending you over his desk. Only to pull your panties down
" hmm, won't you look at that hey. All wet for me already, I haven't even touched this pussy yet"
He began rubbing your folds gently, making you whimper from every touch.
Erwin flipped you over, you sat on his large desk with you legs spread for him to see.
He unbuttoned your school shirt and threw it elsewhere.
And unclipped your bra, letting your pretty breasts drop.
He couldn't believe it, the sight of your pretty body, made him so fucking hard.
He gave you a kiss before flipping you back over again and kneeling down to your pussy. His tongue flicked across your already- wet folds, earning moans from you everytime.
He eventually inserted his cock into your pussy, fucking you slowly at first. Gradually he fucked you even faster, causing you to moan loudly.
Echo's could be heard throughout the empty classroom, as well as moans and pants.
The both of you came a few times, before deciding it'll be best to leave the school, before you both got caught doing your lewd activities.
And after cleaning up the classroom and getting dressed, Erwin grabbed you and kissed you once again
The words " I love you" falling from his lips
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eueuphoriaz · 3 months
Mikasa is Levi's teacher in relationship (Or vice-versa?)
So, Mikasa's dislike for Levi started because of Eren and his encounter in the Courtroom. While Mikasa is still confused about the type of feelings she had for Eren, Levi kind of sensed something.....
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"...... Eren's friend....."
"I see......"
(Levi in thoughts)
What could he be thinking about? Armin is also Eren's friend, so are many other people. But I think Levi is thinking why she is acting so angsty towards him just because Eren is injured at the Courthouse (by his kicks no less).
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Then, he tried to understand why Mikasa is so attached to Eren before the team set off to Utgard Castle.
He was hesitating a bit ".....", "I..... dont know why....." but it is interesting to note that Levi is linking protect Eren with attachment to him.
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And why, Levi, are you so protective over Hange after that? Did you learn something from Mikasa here?
1) Make sure she does not die by constipation
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2) Make sure she does not die by cooping herself up in the house doing nothing except having tea party and knitting
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3) Make sure she does not get killed by Yelena or Mdm Azumobito, even if it means dragging his broken body to protect her.
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4) Even when he does not know if she is alive or not in Shiganshina, he still want to go and look for survivors from her squad. And he is prepared to kill the Beast titan to let Humanity's hope (Eren and Erwin) escape, even if he may die in the process.
He asked about her and the others twice. Only when Erwin said they all likely died and that the only survivors are the recruits, Levi and himself, Levi decided on a retreat plan and preparing to act as shield to help with the retreat because Hange is likely dead.
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5) And a whole lot of compilation of things he wants to protect her from:-
- Titans distraction
- checking if she is ok from banging her head at the door (she addressed everyone, he addressed her)
- getting left out from the transport to Ehmrich
- that cockroach
- Kenny's squad
- the chapel's cave
- Mikasa
- the sea cucumbers
So Levi, have you understood why Mikasa is so protective and attached to Eren now?
That's why Ymir has been looking for Mikasa to end the curse, not Kenny or any other Ackerman, who have identified their liege to dedicate their strength to, throughout the history.
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silversimp · 1 year
Extra Credit
Professor Erwin Smith x Fem Student Reader
4,092 words - nsfw - minors dni
If there was one thing you were certain of it was that no one was lying when they said college professors were nothing like highschool teachers. Especially in the case of your gorgeous history professor Erwin Smith. Light blue button up struggling to contain him, buttons straining over his built chest and white undershirt peeking out through the gaps. 
Everything about him was unbelievably hot, from the way he moved to the way his voice captured the whole room. Many classes you found yourself completely distracted by him, large arms holding textbooks and long fingers pointing at the words he'd written on the board. If it wasn't for his booming voice you'd probably miss more than half of what he was saying. The man really commanded his space, no one could stop themselves from listening to him. 
Unfortunately you didn't seem to be retaining enough information, he'd drawn a sad face next to the abysmal grade you'd gotten on his last quiz. You couldn't help but giggle a little at the thought of such a serious man drawing smiley faces on his graded assignments. He'd also jotted down at the bottom of the paper to meet him during his office hours when you had the chance, so you could make up the grade. 
Feeling very nervous about speaking one on one with the most beautiful man you've ever seen, you tried your best to seem chill as you waited for him outside his office door. You'd gotten to his office a few minutes early, when you knocked there had been no answer. So you waited. Waiting only made you feel even more nervous though. 
"Early, good girl" Erwin smiled as he walked up to you, inside you wanted to scream. Unable to look him in the eye as you greeted him, your vision hit the floor, slowly working up to his face. His slacks were a little too tight and putting his thigh muscles on display, the outline of his manhood made you quickly find something on the floor to look at while he unlocked his door, "come on in, I have a few extra credit options for you." 
"Thank you," it came out a mumble as you stepped inside the office, Erwin closing and locking the door behind you made your heart hammer against your chest. There was obviously no dubious reason for him to do that, he probably just didn't want anyone walking in while he worked with you. That's all. 
"Please sit, I'll gather the options" he gestured to a chair for you before walking around his desk, rummaging through a drawer before pulling out a folder, "based on your previous work in my class, you'll probably prefer the essay" he said softly, looking over the contents of the folder as he sat down across from you, "but there's also the option to retake the quiz entirely." 
"Essay about what?" You watched his hands, they moved so solidly across the papers. Blue veins like raging rivers down his forearms, a simple watch hugging his thick wrist. 
"I have a list here" he handed you a paper, seven different essay questions from the last three chapters you'd been working on in class, "pick whichever you'd like. Three pages and due by Monday, please." 
You had a busy weekend already, trying to add this paper to the list felt a bit daunting, "maybe it would be easier to retake the quiz" you looked up, the man was loosening his tie as he leaned back in his chair. You felt every hair on your body stand at attention, "I don't have a lot of extra time to work on this" your voice shaking as you placed the paper down on the desk. 
"We could do a retake on Tuesday" he leafed through a planner that had been sitting neatly in front of him, "or you could earn the grade another way, today." 
Your face heated up, his tone had been completely neutral but it didn't stop your mind from finding the dirtiest option imaginable. You stared at him for a moment, Erwin still looking through his planner. There was no way your hot professor was actually propositioning you for sex for a better grade. That had to just be your mind going wild with ridiculous fantasies. 
"Unless you're busy today as well" he closed the planner and looked back at you, though his voice was normal his eyes weren't. Lust and desire swimming in pools of blue, slowly being eaten up by his pupils. Your face was going red, still trying to rationalize that this wasn't actually happening. 
"Do you want me to take the quiz again now?" You asked quietly, worried if you spoke any louder you wouldn't be able to keep the words steady. A chuckle escaped him as he pulled at his tie again, this time fully removing it before tossing it on his desk. Your mouth watered as he undid his top two buttons, a lazy smile on his lips. 
"Sorry I'm all out of copies at the moment, I was thinking my lesson must not have stuck with you well enough. I'm willing to use this time now to go over the chapters" Erwin spoke slowly, deep voice rather quiet compared to how loudly he spoke in class. You tried to inconspicuously wipe your sweaty hands off on your leggings, feeling extra stupid for thinking he'd meant anything other than something actually educational. 
"Yeah, I don't have any other classes for today" you tried to relax, pleased to be getting some extra attention from your professor but still nervous as all hell. 
"Wonderful," he smiled before sitting up straight. You watched as he gathered up some papers from the lessons, "now," he cleared his throat and pushed back on his chair away from the desk, "come here" Erwin gestured to the space between him and the desk. Puzzled you slowly stood up, face going hot again as you saw him eye you from head to toe then back up again. 
"Should I take the chair?" You asked nervously, he shook his head no and you slowly walked around the solid wooden desk, standing awkwardly in front of him you couldn't find the strength to look at his face. 
"On your knees" a gruff whisper that you weren't sure actually escaped him or if your mind was playing twisted tricks on you. 
"Pardon?" You looked at him, his bottom lip between his teeth as he sat back in his desk chair. Erwin's eyes were still slowly tracing your body, one hand resting on his strong thigh while the other was gently touching the growing tent in his slacks. 
"Get down on your knees" he said louder this time, eyes meeting yours. Your head spun for a moment, either you were having the most vivid amazing dream of your life or you had died and gone to heaven. There was no way any of it was real. After a few blinks you obeyed, sitting back on your heels and looking up at him with rosy cheeks. 
"Like this?" You felt the words leave your lips but you weren't sure any sound actually came out. 
"Very good" he cooed, you watched in awe as he undid his belt then pants. The fabric was fighting tooth and nail to keep his erection contained, it relaxed as he freed himself. Big. That's all you could think as you watched him slowly stroke his cock. He cleared his throat before scooting his chair closer to you, "you're going to use your mouth, go nice and slow and listen to me okay?" His words were like honey, cock standing proud a few inches from your face. 
"Yes sir" you mumbled before sitting up a bit, getting a better angle to try to fit the monster in your mouth. A pleased sigh passed through his lips as your mouth enveloped the head of his cock. 
"Good girl," he purred, one his large hands tangled in your hair. He gently patted your head as you began sucking in as much of him as you could, remembering to move slowly as he asked. A few quiet breaths before he began speaking, "now let's go over the Renaissance" you continued slowly sucking on his cock, one hand keeping your balance on his knee while the other pumped the bottom half of his cock. 
Erwin sat still, keeping his reactions to you at a minimum as he spoke. He reassured you every now and then that you were doing a great job, he'd comb his fingers through your hair as he spoke. You still weren't sure this was actually happening. 
"You got the section on humanism incorrect as well" he used his free hand to look over your quiz, "do you remember when we went over classical antiquity?" He looked down at you, your eyes met and he shivered. You felt his cock twitch against your tongue, you nodded yes as you continued sucking and looking up into his eyes. Blue completely gone now. He let out a small sigh and hung his head back, enjoying your mouth for a moment before continuing his lesson. 
The heat between your thighs was becoming unbearable. You found using the heel of your shoe to rub yourself on was good enough for the moment, but god did you want to put what was in your mouth down there instead. You listened to him speak, his voice sounded so sexy and rough as he went on with his lesson. Every few words his breath was a little shaky, but he still wasn't reacting much. You wondered if he would at all, if he'd let you hear him moan in ecstasy or if he'd be just as serious looking when he finally finished. 
"The goal of the Italian Renaissance humanists of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries was the study of the humanities, is the main take away from that section" he said lowly, his hand in your hair moved down until the palm was at the base of your skull, "you've done so well, but I want you take in more" he pushed your head down, forcing more of his length into your mouth. You gagged as the tip entered your throat, "good girl, just like that" he purred. 
He kept pushing you down lower for a few more minutes, releasing you to let you breathe. You caught your breath and looked up at him, his hand slowly stroking his dick wet with your spit. You quickly took over, lips back around his girth as he hummed happily. 
"You're such an excellent student" he held your head with both hands, "this is the first quiz you haven't passed" he thrust into your mouth, forcing his entire length into your throat making you choke, "just relax, there you go" he grunted as he fucked into your mouth before letting go and letting you take control again, "you can go a little faster, I'm almost done here" Erwin returned his attention to your quiz as tears streamed down your cheeks, throat burning a bit as you swallowed excess spit. 
Swallowing around his cock made him moan unexpectedly, his hand over his mouth like he hadn't meant to only made it sexier. You wanted to make him moan more, desperate to make him unravel. The thought this could end with you bent over his desk and fully stuffed with his cock had you rocking your hips against your heel even harder. 
"You did well on the art section, so I'll skip that one" his breathing was getting more erratic, but he was holding onto that neutral tone still, "let's go over the technology section now." 
You continued bobbing on his cock, taking him until your throat couldn't handle it anymore before popping off the tip. With how much your mouth was watering for him, his cock was dripping with your spit. It was rolling down his shaft and over your hands, a small puddle forming on his boxers covering his balls. God his balls, you wanted to take his pants completely off so you could them. They were big too, you could tell through his underwear. 
"Sir?" You interrupted him, breathing heavy as you looked up at him through wet lashes. He chewed his bottom lip and looked down at you, hand still stroking his cock as you figured out how to say your thoughts aloud. 
"I want to suck on your balls too" you whispered, struggling to maintain eye contact but knew you wanted to see his reaction to your words. For good reason too, the question certainly riled him up. His eyes went wide for a moment, a smile pulled the corners of his lips up as he mulled over a response. 
"Answer a few questions and I'll let you" Erwin exhaled, "what's an arquebus?" 
"It's a gun" you answered, hand still stroking his spit covered cock. 
"I need more than that for full points" he chuckled. 
"It's a musket that was first used by the ottoman empire in the fifteenth century" you said softly, eyes trained in his cock as you watched your hand move up his entire length then back down again. 
"Good girl" he smiled, "name another gun, this one from sixteenth century, and I'll let you suck my balls" Erwin purred. 
"Um," you thought for a moment while you watched his length in your palm, "the grenade musket?" You looked up at him unsure. 
"You're listening so well" he smiled wider, "here," he backed up his chair and stood up kicking off his shoes before fully removing his slacks and boxers. You watched as he folded them neatly and placed them on his desk, his erection drooling precum as he worked. You were right, his balls were large, they bounced against his thigh as he sat back down, "go one" he presented himself to you and you hungrily reveled in your earnings. 
Stroking his cock with one hand, you gripped his thigh for balance as you sucked one of his nuts into your mouth. Releasing it with a loud, wet pop before sucking on the other. Erwin gently played with your hair, watching his student diligently suck and lick at his tightening ball sack. 
"Just a bit more and then I'll have you answer a couple more questions" his voice was so deep and raspy, "if you get them all right I'll change your grade and I'll give you an extra reward for being such a good student for me today." 
Erwin finished the last of his lesson, face flushed and balls twitching for release in your hands. For a few moments he let out low groans as he watched you worshiping his cock, his large hands pushing your hair from your face so he could look into your eyes. 
"Good girl, just a little bit more then you have to swallow it all okay?" You nodded in understanding before dedicating yourself to making Erwin cum. Little moans and left his lips, his fingers raking through your hair trembled a bit as he got closer and closer to climax, "yes, just like that" he purred, voice rough and low, "such a good girl" he grunted, hands tightly gripping your hair in fists. He pushed you down as he thrusted up into your throat, thick bitter cum filling your mouth. You looked up at him with wet eyes, swallowing his large load as fast as you could before the excess could spill out. 
Erwin caught his breath, hands releasing your hair slowly. Strands that had broken in his tight grip clung to his skin as he leaned back, cock twitching between your lips. A few more spurts filled your mouth again before you finally removed it. Licking your lips you waited to find out what happens next, thrilled beyond belief at the wild sexy ideas rapidly churning in your mind. 
"Three questions, then your reward if you get them all correct" he smiled down at you, you nodded your head and waited with baited breath, "we'll just do vocabulary to make things easy, one: humanism." 
"A philosophy during the Renaissance that valued human thoughts and ideas. It led to the study of classical writings and art" you answered shakily, your heat desperate for whatever reward was in store for you. 
"Good, two: printing press" Erwin ran his fingers through his own hair, watching you look up at him needily. 
"A machine for reproducing written material with ink" your thighs trembled below you, you could feel the stick wetness in your panties squishing as you rubbed your legs together. 
"Three: indulgence" he chewed his lip, eyes fluttering closed as he waited for your answer. 
"A pardon that released someone from punishment for their sins" you whispered out the answer, awaiting the sinful reward you were bound to receive. 
"Very good" he stood up, cock half hard smacking against his thigh as he moved his chair, "remove your pants" he said over his shoulder as he pushed the chair against the wall. You did as requested, excited to feel him inside you, "elbows on the desk" he turned to face you as he finished unbuttoning his shirt, letting the cotton button up fall off his shoulders before he tugged off the white undershirt. You stood in awe of him for a moment, drinking in the sight of his beautifully chiseled body. 
You turned and pressed your elbows and palms on the desk, feeling a little nervous about his eyes on your exposed holes. You gasped as his large, warm hands gently ran down your ass then thighs. You heard him moving behind you, your eyes squeezed shut as you waited for him to do something. A surprised moan escaped you at the feeling of his tongue dragging over your slit, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit as he began a steady pace for lapping at your soaked cunt.
"Fuck" you breathed out, face pressed against the desk as Erwin earnestly devoured your pussy. He didn't let up as you trembled, his face pushing hard against you as he held your legs open, "oh my god!" You gasped as he inserted a finger, pushing deep inside you as he kept licking and sucking at your folds. He moved his finger inside you steadily faster and faster pulling whines and moans from your lips. 
"You taste delicious" he purred, breath hot against your wet skin. He leaned back to watch his finger disappearing inside you before adding a second, making you moan even louder, "quiet down a bit" he chuckled, "the room isn't sound proof" he got back to eating you as you tried, and failed, to keep your voice down. A few more loud moans, muffled a bit by your hands, left you before your pussy began spasming around his fingers just on the edge of climax. He chuckled as he pulled out of you, standing up he pressed the head of his cock against your hole. 
"Please Professor Smith" you begged, wiggling your ass impatiently, his strong hand holding your hip as he slowly impaled you, "amazing!" You mewled as his girth stretched you, a low groan left him once he was fully buried in you. 
"Ready?" He murmured, leaning down to kiss the back of your neck. 
"Yes, please fuck me sir!" You whined and he quickly gave it to you. His hips slamming into you over and over, large balls slapping your clit pulling back strings your arousal each time they swayed away again. Erwin held your waist tightly, gruff moans in the back of your neck as he filled you with his cock. 
"I'd love to have some more extra study sessions with you in the future" he purred in your ear as he slowed his hips, feeling your pussy trembling from your first orgasm, "I think it would really benefit you to have more one on one tutoring from me" he slammed in hard and stayed put, "right baby girl?" He kissed down the back of your neck as you whimpered out yes a few times. 
Large, hot hands feathered up your stomach under your shirt until he reached your breasts. His mouth still connected to your nape as he kneaded the supple flesh, his hips began slowly moving again. He thrusted slowly, fully to the hilt before pulling almost completely out again. He kept the slow pace for a few minutes as he murmured about how amazing it felt to be inside you. Erwin pulled you up with him as stood up a bit, hands still on your breasts as he fucked up into you. 
"Take your shirt off and sit on my desk" he breathed out as he released you. Head fuzzy and legs barely able to hold you up you did as he said, sitting completely bare on his desk Erwin smiled lazily and looked you up and down before standing between your thighs. He pulled your ass to the edge until your pussy hit his cock, "ready?" He smiled, inserting himself before you could even finish saying yes. You wrapped your legs around his hips as he fucked you, your hands holding his biceps as his hands wandered your exposed skin. 
"So good, so good!" You whined out, hanging your head back as the second orgasm washed over you. Erwin leaned down to kiss your throat, nipping gently at the skin as his hips slowed down again. He pushed you onto your back, hands squeezing your breasts as he watched his cock push into you. 
"I'm close" he whispered, grabbing your legs by the backs of your knees. Erwin pressed your knees to your chest, fucking as deep into you as he possibly could. Moving slowly to feel every inch of your insides as he could as you moaned and whimpered below him, body overheating and mind completely fucked dumb. A few more thrusts and he pushed all the way in, his cock twitching for release as he forced himself not to cum. Slowly he dragged out of you before exploding white ropes on your stomach and chest. 
Erwin let go of your legs and opened one of his drawers on the desk, pulling out a tissue box he attempted to clean you off. His hands shaking and eyes struggling to focus, tissues too weak to soak up the mess he'd made. 
"I'm sorry, just give me a moment" he mumbled, cock still drooling cum on his leg as he tried to focus. Instead he dropped to his knees and began eating you out again, overstimulation making it impossible to hold back your moaning. He licked up your slit then over your stomach, eating his seed off your skin as he slowly rose to his feet again. He murmured apologies as he licked you all over, getting distracted from the task of getting his cum off you to suck on your nipples. 
"Please, professor" you whined, head hung back as he fingered you and sucked on your breasts, "it's too much, I can't handle any more" you whimpered, hands pawing at his muscular back. 
"Just a little more" he smiled against your skin, "I'm getting hard again, do you think you can hold out for a little long?" You looked up at him through hazy eyes, Erwin was disheveled in the sexiest way imaginable. The thought that this man was so desperate to get his cock back inside you enough to make your pussy pulse around his fingers. 
"I can take it" you watched his eyes fill with delight as he stood up. 
"Thank you" he purred, "you're the best student I've ever had" his breath hitched as he pushed his cock back inside your overused hole, his shape still fucked into you he slid in easily. You let your professor have his way with you for another round, this one much shorter than the last. He at least had you suck him as he finished, cumming in your mouth required less cleanup. The two of you spent and panting, sitting on the floor of his office he pulled you into his wide chest, planting sloppy kisses on your cheek. 
"Professor Smith?" You swallowed nervously, the reality of it all hitting you. 
"Call me Erwin" he purred back, kissing down your neck. 
"Now what?" You held back a whine in reaction to his lips on your skin.
"Well," he sat up straight and cleared his throat, "why don't we schedule your extra study sessions for Fridays" he smiled, "you'll be a top student in no time." 
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arteastica · 1 year
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (13)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26) | (27)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters.) no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 2.7k
“I mean, if that’s something you’re comfortable talking about.” You rushed to add, fearing your question might open old wounds. “We don’t have to talk about it if-”
“No, it’s fine. You told me about your family, it’s only fair that I tell you about mine.” His eyes scanned the ceiling, as if trying to find the starting paragraph to a really long, complex story. He then took a deep breath and said: “My father, his beard was always unkempt and so was his mustache.” You chuckled lightly, tickled by the unexpected and rather random beginning he chose for his story. “He disliked loneliness. Not only when it came to people, but also objects. He didn’t like it when things looked lonely. If he passed by a bakery and there was only one loaf of bread left at the end of the day, he would buy it even though we had enough at home. If there was a book alone on a table, he would place it in a group with the others.” If your eyes hadn’t been glued to him the way they were, scanning every inch of his face, trying to read all the sentences you knew he was purposely leaving out of his story, you would have missed the way his lips twitched as they tried but failed to compose a smile.
“He rarely got drunk, but when he did, his habit of bringing lonely things home would only worsen. One time, I woke up in the middle of the night, startled by a noise that to my sleepy 8-year-old self sounded like a woman crying.” He said, as you shuffled against him, having no clue where this story was going. “Scared, I looked out the window only to see my father trying to push a cow inside the house.” You opened your mouth in disbelief. “He said the poor animal was all alone in a field, looking like it could use a friend. The next day, he had a hard time explaining to our neighbors that he wasn’t trying to steal their cow.”
“Well, that alone tells me a lot about him.” You said, the thought of a perplexed, golden-haired boy in his pajamas, and an equally confused thousand-pound cow being forced through a small door in the middle of the night making you chuckle. “What did he do for a living?”
“He was teacher.”
“Let me guess, History.” His eyes widened, head tilted to the side, asking you to explain your deduction as well as the conviction present in your voice. “I mean, that would explain a lot of things, including your love for History as well as all these books.” You said, pointing at the shelves that covered the walls of his room.
“These are not books. The ones in my office are. But these… these are just things I write.”
“All of them? You mean as in journals?”
He nodded before explaining: “Writing helps me clear my head, especially after expeditions. When we come back from a mission, time moves on and so does life, at least for those who survive. But what about those who don’t?” The question seemed to be directed at the air and not particularly at you. “What about those who never make it back home?” He paused for a moment, seemingly letting the taste of those words linger on his tongue like bitter lemon, before continuing. “When my men die out there, they are not really left behind. They are forever immortalized in the pages of these journals. It’s my way of remembering them, of making sure their sacrifice doesn’t go to waste.” Your eyes paced around his room, things slowly taking on a whole new meaning, and you wondered how much anguish and sorrow were trapped in the pages of those journals. “They stay behind and trust us, the living, to go on and find meaning in their deaths.”
You stared into the flickering flames of the fireplace without speaking, but simply, quietly understanding. Understanding that writing was his way of finding meaning, of making sense of it all. Understanding that a scout’s life was never easy, you knew that from the get go, but it was then and there where you finally and fully comprehended the dimensions of the position you held, the implications of the path you had chosen. And, when your vision started to get blurry, and your mind, to wonder if one day you would become a character in one of those dreadful entries, you decided it was time to change the topic.
“So! Your father was a teacher.”
“Yes, and I was in his class.” He paused for a moment, the space he decided to leave between each word, as well as the calmness in his voice, reminding you of trees after a violent rainstorm, battered and partially uprooted, but still standing somehow, or at least trying to. “One day, he was talking about how humanity was forced to take refuge within the walls to protect themselves from the Titans, and how that bought them 100 years of peace.” There was something about his voice that took you back to a rainy day, ten or fifteen years ago, sitting by the classroom window, only that this time your head wasn’t propped on your hand, your pencil wasn’t tapping on the desk, and your mind wasn’t lost somewhere far away, wondering when you would be able to go home. Because this time, the commander was the one speaking, and his voice, while monotonous and gentle, had the spark required to narrate the longest of stories without losing the audience’s interest in the process. A rare skill you had known only one more person to have: Hitch. That, paired with his ability to explain complex things, made you think he would make a great History professor; and you couldn’t help but wonder how different his life would have looked like had he chosen to follow his father’s footsteps.
“In doing so, any records of our earlier past were lost for all of time.” His voice pulled you back to the present, and you nodded, both to signal you were following his story, and to shake the vivid pictures that had started flooding your imagination, vivid pictures of him coming home after work to a warm dinner on the table, to his family, to a beautiful house in some small village or to a cozy cabin in the middle of some quiet forest, instead of this lonely office trapped between walls of cold stone. An alternate reality where he wouldn’t have to wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, startled by nightmares of titans tailing behind him, trying to devour him and his men.
“At least, that’s what we’re all taught.” You looked at him, your brow furrowing in suspicion, sensing there was more to this story. He seemed to be trying to decide what he would say next. Or whether to say it at all. And before you could tell him it was okay if he didn’t want to say more, he decided to continue. “I… having doubts of my own, asked my father a question. At first, he evaded answering and ended class as normal. But after we got home, he answered my doubts. He said the history books given by the government were full of contradictions and mysteries.” Something about that last line reminded you of a conversation you had with your own father a while ago, about those government conspiracy theories he was so intrigued by. But you didn’t want to interrupt, so you just nodded and let the commander go on.
“My father continued to tell me more, and even as a child, I was astounded. You see, there’s a reason he didn’t tell that story to the entire class, but I wasn’t smart enough to know.”
“You told the story to someone else.”
He nodded. “To other neighborhood kids. And one day, the Military Police came to question me.” He was looking straight into the fireplace, as if having a staring contest with the flames. Almost as if someone was standing in the middle of the flames, staring back at him, and he wasn’t allowed to break eye contact. You thought about the scenery reflected in his eyes. The blue in his eyes mirroring the bright, red fire, as well as glimpses of an emotion he had never displayed in front of you before. Slight anger, maybe. “My father didn’t come home that day… And I haven’t seen him ever since. He died in some accident in a faraway town. Or so I was told.” He added, sadness scattered around his eyes like stars in the dark night sky.
His words reverberated inside the silent room, spreading across the available space, reaching every corner, and stabbing every inch of your heart in the process. You had somehow deducted his father wasn’t around anymore, so when he started narrating the story you hadn’t expected it to have a happy ending. This, however, was way beyond your imagination. This was downright traumatizing, another level of disturbing for sure. And you felt horrible for asking him to pick at a wound that had barely even scabbed at all. But you also knew that his father hadn’t died in an ‘accident’. “Based on what I knew-”
“The government. He was silenced by the government.” You concluded, words leaving your mouth at the exact same time the thought was born.
He nodded again before continuing his story. “One hundred and seven years ago, humanity that fled into these walls… The king had altered their memories to make them easy to rule. That was my father’s theory.” You had never listened to this part of the story before. It was as if important pages had been ripped off the history books you studied at school. And the whole sensation was very odd. It left your mouth dry and your skin shivering. It was like finding there was an alternate ending to a book you had read a hundred times. One you never knew existed. A darker one.
He didn’t say anything, and you felt he was giving you time to process everything and reach your own conclusions.
“Because if he hadn’t done that, civilization within the walls could never succeed.” You finally said.
“Exactly. Ever since I was a child, I’ve been thinking… Why did my father have to die for nothing more than getting close to the truth?” He asked, and you knew this time he wasn’t talking to the air nor to you, but to himself, his voice and the emotions behind it raising like water reaching its boiling point. “Even those in the government would believe what they’re doing is just. However, I realized one thing about them: What they’re trying to protect is not humanity.”
“It’s their gardens, houses, and land.” You completed the sentence before he could, having lived far too many years around them to know what their most precious possessions are.
“If anyone dares threaten their authority, they’ll be silenced, whoever they are.” The hand that was intertwined with yours tightened its grip on your fingers. “In the end, there was nothing to justify my father’s death. In the end, my father was killed by human greed.” His knuckles went ghost-white. “And by the foolishness of his own son.” Still staring into the dancing flames before him, you noticed he had the eyes of a man whose future resembled a dead-end street. The eyes of someone who was tired of seeing seasons die one after another, knowing that his father would never come home. The eyes of someone who was tired of seeing tomorrow die even before it came. The eyes of someone who spent a whole life dreaming upon days that would never return, dreaming of a person he would never see again. And you wondered if it was his father whom he saw in the flames, or was it a younger version of himself? Or maybe, he saw memories of happier days. Memories of a past he would never be able to go back to, along with scenes of a future he would never be able to move on to. Because his legs remained forever trapped in the heavy muds of regret.
“Before I knew it, my father’s theory became true inside my heart. Now, my mission in life. It’s to prove my father’s theory once and for all.”
You wanted to string together the right words, one by one, until they formed a bridge that would lead you closer to him, so he wouldn’t feel so alone. Because, even though your bodies were pressed so closed together, you could tell his soul was lost somewhere far away, somewhere dark, somewhere lonely. And you knew his father would have hated it for him to feel that way.
You stayed still, silent, and slightly mad at yourself for not being able to say something to him. The night is always dark if no one holds the light, so you wanted to hold it for him. You really wanted to. But you were astounded and overwhelmed by all the information, both about his past and about the reality you all lived in. His father’s theory, if true, would change the world as you knew it. As everyone knew it. A possibility that, if true, would change everything.
In the end you made peace with the fact that you weren’t wise enough to know what to say, and opted for gently wrapping your arms around him instead, pulling him closer, burying your face in the crook of his neck, hugging him as tightly as you could. If you couldn’t tell him, you would show him. If words were beyond your ability, you would make sure actions weren’t. He immediately responded by tightening his arms around you and pressing his nose against the top of your head, where you could feel him breathing heavily. He took such a deep breath that, for a moment, you thought he was going to cry. But no, you knew he wouldn’t, that would be nearly impossible. Because at this point, given the rate of pain he had been enduring for years, at that rate your eyes would run out of tears before your heart could let go of the pain.
As your head rested against his chest, in such proximity to his heart, and as its beating told you more about the pain he had been living with for all those years since his father’s passing, a question popped up in your mind.
“The basement. In Eren’s house. It has something to do with this. Doesn’t it?” You spoke after a few minutes of silence.
“Intel suggests that the basement of Eren Yeager’s home in Shiganshina holds a vital secret regarding our enemy. That’s our destination. By getting there, I can prove my father’s theory. I know it.” He held your hand tighter. “I just know it.”
His words carried the exact same conviction they did during meetings when planning strategies or during expeditions when giving commands in the field. Only that this time they were infused with something else, a certain vulnerability. A vulnerability that, along with the violent beating of his heart against your ear, explained to you why he was so committed to the cause. Why he had decided to give his entire life to the Survey Corps. It all made sense now. You understood that it had less to do with freeing humanity from the walls, and more to do with his late father.
As his heartbeat lulled you to sleep that night, your mind became flooded with thoughts of the basement and the secrets that could be hidden there. If there was something hidden at all, in the first place.
next chapter
taglist: @elnyrae @angelaevangelion @depitaangeline @ynackerman9499 @afatalheat @pumpkin-toffee @velouria17 @gassytritis @goddessinsweats @nube55 @jeanboyjean
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Since Erwin is cheerful and even goofy in every official modern AU depiction, do you think that's his "real" personality and the one he showed to Levi?
The way that Erwin always appears so s o f t in official art always kills me. Yams is absolutely the worst offender with sweet natured History teacher Erwin in his School Castes AU, and Neetwin, wishing he could laze around all day eating chips and reading manga.
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Imagining what Erwin's life might have been like if he hadn't been burdened by guilt and fighting for the existence of humanity has been be fertile grounds for writers and artists, with many portraying him as a sweet, goofy nerd who's a bit of a disaster when left to his own devices. (Personally I like modern AU Erwin to retain his intelligence and his edge, but I'm very fond of soft nerdy disaster Erwin too.)
It is interesting to speculate if this soft sweet man is Erwin's "real" personality. There are enough hints in supplementary canon material to suggest that he is. In the Smartpass stories and various games Erwin buys gifts for the other Veterans, procures contraband tea for Levi, helps Nile write love letters to woo Marie, and places a cryptic advert in a newspaper to lead Nile to a personal letter congratulating him on the birth of his third child. What a sweetie.
As to whether Erwin let his guard down to let Levi see the person behind the commander's implacable facade, I think he did. They couldn't have trusted each other the way they did if he hadn't. Daisuke Ono's description of Levi as the last store of Erwin's humanity confirms that Levi sees Erwin as a human being first and foremost, not as a monster or a military commander. The fact that Erwin and Levi publicly tease each other in canon is also very telling. Levi is clearly comfortable taking the piss out of Erwin and he knows that he will respond in kind. The fact that their weird teasing leaves everyone else completely bemused just makes it all the more touching.
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Thanks for your ask Anon, and apologies as always for taking so long to reply.
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tonks-21 · 10 months
"Just for you to know..." | Erwin x reader | Modern AU College AU | Corvey's chest ire67
Resume: locked up in the library with your ex-history professor.
Word count: +2000 words
Reader: !gn reader
Tw: +18
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“Oh, could you fuck yourself, please?” you swore that math problem couldn’t be solved that way. Even if you copied it from the blackboard yourself. This new teacher you have had was shit.
Near you, some meters back in the shelves of the library, was a blond-haired, blue-eyed tall man. Even if you couldn’t see him, your History professor, Erwin Smith, was glaring intently at you. As he did so many times, without you noticing, of course. He would kill himself if you did. He knew it was inappropriate, he knew it, and even so, you were the light of his eyes, the only star he could ask for. Even more than that. You were like that kind of poem you would reread infinitely without caring about anything else.
At Shiganshina College School, as in all the others, the professor-student relationship was seen as a taboo. Sure, students were commonly over age, but they were still young and it was seen as something perverted. At some point, even he saw it that way, but the adoration his heart had for you was painful like anything else.
You were strong yourself, you were independent, confident, disciplined, fairfull, fearless… And your face, oh god, your smile drove him crazy. When you smiled, he felt his stomach flip. And when you laugh it was like a chill ocean mesmerized him.
But that all changed some weeks ago. You arranged a professor switch. He didn’t know why. Nor what he did wrong. Why would you want to do that? You were a top student in every sense of the name at his class. So why? That bothersome thought have had been in his mind since then. He couldn’t keep you out of his head.
This institution, as some of the most antique liberal ones, let the students set their preferences in terms of the professors they wanted to be teached by. But he was confused, why would you do that?… It was an endless cycle of revising all his past interactions with you, everything you made, everything you said… But he ended up with the same question with which he started. Why? Why had to be you from all his students? He just couldn’t explain it to himself.
He left the book he initially came for, leaving the place.
Hours later, you were about to exit that library which’s air was already weighing you down. You packed up your things, putting the pens and the highlighters in your suitcase, as well as itself and your books and notes in the bag. Maybe you had to think about a change of bag, it was already worn out and somewhat torn to the side.
To only step before the two huge doors that seemed unopened. 
“Shit, what?” You murmured, still making failed attempts to open it. “Oh, fine, marvellous” giving the wooden form of it a light punch you took some steps behind. 
Before you could took your phone, you saw a figure form in your left. When you turned around, you couldn’t believe what your eyes were seeing. Erwin, your old history professor, there, the one that you tried to avoid the most that you even switched classes. 
“Hey” he only said.
“It seems we are kind of stuck here, uh?” the Smith murmured with that low tone you loved.
Yeah, you were enchanted by your History professor. And that’s why you decided doing so for the best. Your califications weren’t suffering, but you were. It was such an impossible thing to just ignore all the stomach empty sensation, the breathless sentiment, the way your eyes sinked everytime he was in your vision camp… It was just so uncomfortable. 
You knew it was bad, but your heart surely didn’t care and that was dangerous. That relationship would be an aberration, in a sense, and you were sure he couldn¡t feel the same. I mean, he was him, Erwin Smith, he, from all the people, couldn’t like you for the simple reason you probably woruldn’t click. He was a man with a tidy life, a steady job and something he was determined to do until the end of his days. He was, what people call now, already "settled down". You obviously didn’t. I mean, you, a messy-A student, a young woman with a lot of things bumping on her head everyday, not even with the job you want, less with the life you want to make to yourself, how could you settle this uncertain destiny to someone that settled? You didn’t reach anymore than that question. You didn’t want to either.
“Yeah”you signed.
But you were now here, with the man of your dreams in front of you. And you didn’t even know how to deal with this situation.
You took your phone, and, even if the 45% of battery hit your eye reflection, you said, with an hopeful tone “Uh, fuck, I don’t have battery. Could you call the secretariat?”
He took a breath, like thinking for a moment and, without even taking his phone, he replied with a laugh  “Um… I don’t have battery either!” 
You signed, knowing that if you tell it was a lie and you actually had for some calls, he would think you are a strange person. So you stayed there, on your feet, not knowing what to say.
“I guess the only thing is left for us is just.. wait until we can get out of here” the blond murmured, like wanting to not let die the conversation.
“I guess” you afirmed, moving a bit your shoulders, uncomfortable because of the weight of your backpack.
“Uh, let me help you with that”he said, even if you were already putting it down, Erwin did it for you.
“Thanks” you said.
As always.
So why? Why did you left?
Thought him, brushing his fingers, looking for a distraction..
“If this is gonna be that long, as you said, I’d just sit here and wait” you said, sitting on the very floor. With a mumble, he did the same.
After sometime looking into nothingness, he got a bit more comfortable, pushing his strong back to the shelves full on books, making himself comfortable. Not only because every second seemed longer, pushing him to talk or do something to let you know the chaos you created in him.
You saw him from the side of your eye, play a bit with his hands before talking aganfinally.
“Can I ask you a question?
“Sure, I guess”
“I guess?”
“I mean, if we are going to stay here like, all night, better talk. If you don’t want to read a book instead” 
You were out of words and, at the same time, talking, and that was dangerous.
“No, I’m good with just talking…”he said, for the way his voice sounded, you knew he was smiling. You could easily recreate that cute expression printed on his face.Every detail, every feature, every millimeter of it… “So… If you don’t mind me asking.. why did you switch classes? I know you are with Jaeger, with Grisha”you noticed despise in his tone when he pronounced that name.
The question hit you like a rock, you knew it was coming, but you don’t know how to answer, and you never knew how to improvise. You really were a nerd in that terms.
“Um…” you started, not knowing how to follow “It’s just… This semester just started so hectic, you know, and I just thought a practice subject could help me taking less time than a theory one”
Yeah, it was a bad excuse, but you thanked anything that was jumping between your last neurones working after that “practice easy subject” of yours for been able to make it up.
“Oh, I see”
Some seconds passed, he was no longer playing with his fingers, his eyes were observing you intently something. At first, you thought it was a book from the shelve that was before you two, but then realized it was the nothingless itself.
“Yn” he called you by your name. He never have had called you by your name. “You are an A student, you may not be the best at studying or like your subjects the most, but you always push it through. And you always, with no steption, go for the best and the maximum you can. God, sometimes I eve question again how you could deal with your own subjects, one extra project, one dabete, one journalist report.. and I don’t know what more that semester last year… You are disciplined and capable enough, and I know it.. I know it really well. So, now I want the truth
Erwin’s words left you astonished. Yeah, you were greeted al the time, but it was like nothing of that mattered if your favorite professor told you this. It felt so special you were going to cry. 
You tried to calm down and looked at the front, breathed some times. Then looked at him. He was no longer your professor, and you were young and irresponsible. Just as you thought that many times earlier that two long months it took you to make that decision.
And you prepared to fait, to his refuse answer. You felt stupid. Trying something you knew how would it come. Well, it was as stupid as the math problems you were doing just some minutes before.
“I like you, Professor Smith”
His astonished face turning that fast to look at you surprised you less than you thought, his neck uncomfortable because of the position.
“that’s a fact. A fact that you don’t need, and, obviously, what I’m saying, won’t take care. But a fact in the end. So, for the food of the two of us, I decided for the good. It was better just don’t see you, seeing in that way a form of forget you”
That got out of your mouth dry as a dessert, not even looking at him anymore, your eyes connected with the wooden floor. You noticed there were more marks on it that in theother corridors. Logic, it was the entrance to the place. That place you were looked up with your professor. Ex-professor. A place, in which you’ll have to be in with him knowing this. At least, it couldn’t go worst.
“What… what made you feel this way?” out of the blue, you heard him ask you a question you didn’t have predicted at all.
You laughed at the irony of the situation “I don’t know, it could have been your kind actions towards the others.. or your protective caracter, or your voice, that low tone that.. fuck, it drives me crazy; or even your blond perfect hair just perfect, laying gracely on top of your head; your stupidly tall height” you heard him laugh, and your smile turned into another laugh, filling the less tensed up ambience “Or those stupid blue eyes you have… Probably a combination of all that with a bead of… you. I don’t know, it’s undescriptable. Nearly an unsolvable anagram” you said, looking at the now so interesting books in that shelve just infront of you two.
“You know, you too are an unsolvable anagram”he murmured, making his voice sound even lower. You turned to meet his eyes already looking so focused in yours.
“What are you saying?”
“Yn, deluded, have you eyes in your face? What were them all this time?”
“What?”all that shit that he wassaying was the real unsolvable thing here “What are you saying?”
“I thought you already saw me everytime I loose my eyes on you. While you are concentrated, that serious but humorous expression of yours… your face when you laugh,, talk, do nearly whatever” he lightly laughed, and it was the cutest thing your eys were graced with “fuck, i’m nearly obseseed with you, and you didn’t noticed? I was worried for nothing…”he looked away while saying this.
“So… live me a second… you just said you thought I switched classes because I thought you were a creep?” you turned seating again, while looking at him surprised.
He buried his head in his hand, frustrated, breathing heavily “yeah” 
“Oh, shit!” now the one laughing lightly was you “Fuck, so…”
“Yeah” you two laughed.
He also turned completely to you, making less space between you two.
“What a pair of idiots” he said.
“Yeah. So smart called and all, but..:”
“Kinda” he smiled widely.
“So…” at that point your bodies were that near you could breath his own.
You tried to say so, but he just smiled, again, nodding “yeah”.
Even if your glance was nervous and changing before, now, your eyes were trapped into his. And you knew it at that moment. You didn’t need words. 
You took air before doing what you’ve been doing in your dreams in that last lonely nights.
When your nose touched his, you two felt that explosive electriveness even in your gut. Nuzzling it in his face, your mouth wanted to reach already his leaps, but he asked first.
“Could I kiss you?” that was adorable from him, and you could just nod lightly, already exploring the last space between you and him.
The touch of his lips was just like heaven, soft and tender, not even rough. It was a slow kiss, as you could hear every romantic song you knew playing up in your head.
But something was wrong in that head of yours, you parted the kiss.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.. It’s…”you couldn’t say it, it was too painful as your stupid heart was still downing you into that heaven-like kiss.
“Inapropiate, yeah, I know. I obviously know, Yn. That’s why I didn’t tell you. And I wouldn’t if you didn’t… God” he layed against the shelves, at it looked that good that you had to look away “I knew it was a bad idea, I knew it! And what did I do? Follow it up!God, i’m the most irresponsible teacher ever” it was shown he was feeling so bad about it. 
And who could not? You were like that form the start, god, you were like that since you had fallen for him. But Erwin? All the pressure was on him. The older, the professor. The professor kissed his student. It never came the other way around. It was clear abuse of power and you couldn't do nothing about it, even if you wanted. It was just like that. No exceptions. 
But you loved him. So you talkedyour voice out loud.
“Hey, hey” you called, taking in between your hands his sloping shoulders “It’s not your fault. You wouldn’t have done anything if I didn’t say that to you. It’s not your fault… Not at all”
The way he looked at you with that thanking puppy eyes made your heart melt. In a mere second, you thought of a life together with him. A nice apartment, maybe a dog, a huge warm bed, a boring routine that wasn’t boring at all as you two made it work… That thought caused you fear. Fear of never can change that if it started. You got back in your movements, getting your arms far from his figure.
He noticed in a second and changed the expression to one of worry “Sorry, i’m doing it again! Fuck…”
When you two separated a bit, you already felt longing for the warmth of his body next to yours. You sign, out of yourself, asking him “I need to know… If we weren’t professor and student… would you…?”
He took a moment “Have you seen yourself? You are perfect, obviously I would”
That made you smile “I’m not as perfect as you think”
“No, I know that. But I love the way you try everyday to be perfect while not been so. That’s the most act of power a human could do. And that’s what made me fall for you”hee confessed, looking without any hesitation at you.
You didn’t need more, you thought, to let the destiny decide for you two. But for now, you wanted to decide yourself. 
Getting closer to Erwin, you surrounded his neck with your arms, letting them rest on his shoulders, feeling protected there, not caring about anything else, not even about the situation with your professor you were in. It was just you and him. No titles. No rules unless the ones you two set up with your bodies. And the possessive kiss that involved you both. 
That made you feel so much more than you thought a simple lips contact could make you feel. Pressure in your lungs, tensing muscles everywhere, search for more with your own mouth, just eating his out. 
He seemed to feel the same fast blood running his veins, as his glance at you while resting both heads together was one of full tiredness of waiting for that moment and the plenitude of knowing that he could sleep well this night, that tomorrow you will be by his side.
“Just for you to know” he said then.
“These stupid blue eyes are yours. Now, and forever”
Even if he could loose his job, even if your stinky life would be known in your name, that didn’t matter. It only mattered the incompressible way you two felt for each other that could break any of that taboos shit.
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hbnjhgv · 7 months
What subject AOT vets would teach
(Erwin, Levi, Hange, Miche, Pixis, Hannes, Nile)
Erwin: He teaches English and AP Government. He has first, second, and third period English and teaches fourth period AP Gov. He also wears a tie to school every day and does Sudoku or cross words during class and passing periods. Has the lunch ladies put his lunch in the fridge since it's colder than the mini fridge he has in his classroom, and everyone says hi to him or talks to him on his way back to class. Watch the history channel after school and during lunch.
Levi: Slightly strict History teacher that everyone loves. If you ask him a stupid question, he'll respond with, “I'm not answering useless questions.” Doesn't hesitate to send people to the principal, but never really gives detention because he doesn't want to stay after school with a bunch of teenagers in his classroom. But if you ask him for help or tell him you don't understand something, he will stay after school to help you understand the work. Has the best test scores in the school.
Hange: Biology teacher that somehow still has a job. They've had so many accidents during experiments that they have a helper teacher (Moblit) in their classroom to keep them from blowing up the school. Yes. They do experiments that could cause explosions. In a biology class. Don't ask. Has an entire snack drawer, microwave, coffee machine, and kettle of water with hot chocolate packets in a basket next to it, in their classroom. Is seen as the 'cool teacher' and always has people sitting in their classroom during lunch.
Miche: Super cool math teacher whose class students always request to switch into. Teaching style makes it super easy for everyone to understand and is super nice. He also gives great advice and when girls spray themselves in body mist before class ends, he doesn't get upset. When grading tests, he writes little notes like 'your shoes were cool that day' or 'I liked your shirt that day' Also has the best test scores and grades out of all the math teachers.
Pixis: Law teacher who uses his own charges as what not to do. Also gets a lot of parking/ speeding tickets and complains about how cops are dicks. Never gives a grade below a C- because "at least you tried” Has something called 'movie Thursday and Friday' where at the end of class on Wednesdays everyone votes for a movie then the last half of class on Thursday and all class Friday (sometimes all of Thursday and Friday depending on the movie length) he puts of a movie for everyone to watch.
Hannes: "Teaches" Statistics, but he actually just uses it as a free period and everyone passes his class. Since he's good friends with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin's parents, the three of them hang out in his classroom the period before lunch since their teacher lets them out like half an hour early so she can go on her own lunch break early. His entire chalk board is covered in drawings, and for some reason has a fridge with every juice you can think of. (He says it helps with hangovers)
Nile: Finance teacher. Strict grader and gets asked about Erwin since people know that they went to high school together. He may be a strict grader and give a lot of homework, but his tests and pop quizzes are a piece of cake. Has a box of saltine crackers on his desk for some reason and always has Werther's Originals with him where ever he goes. Has the WORST coffee breath and only drinks one cup of black coffee all day.
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caffeinateddino · 13 days
Attack on titan veterans university headcanons because i have to go back go uni in 2 days
First of all, Erwin Smith. this man would probably be a history major, following after his father. I'd think all his needs are getting payed by a scholarship, so he spends most of his time in university instead of working
but he's not only a history student, he's also president in some kind of club. I'd say a sort of club that helps underprivileged people scholarships to study? or maybe he's the head of some volunteering program. i can see Erwin being a student ambassador or someone involved in community service
and that's how we get to Levi Ackerman. since in the anime, Erwin is the reason why levi, isabel and falan joined the scouts, that would be the same here.
maybe Levi meets Erwin during some kind of event/fair/volunteering program that the university hosts underground as an outreach effort. Erwin would recognize Levi's potential despite Levi's rough background.
I think Levi would join the university with farlan and isabel just to get by in the surface world. he'd be studying general studies because it wouldn't require much of academic load (i think?), and he's not there to actually study
he's not a type of person who'd just sit around. i can see him working partime in a cafe/teashop and saving his own momey to open his own teashop after university
if you wanna feel sad, i think how levi would separate from Farlan and Isabel would be the fact that they got into university in a different country 💯
now, Hange Zoe. Definetly a chemistry major!! if I'm not wrong they were a chemistry teacher im high-school AU anywyas. Hange definetly spends most of ther time in the lab, with Moblit, of course!
also i can see hange being a total nerd! both in academic and.. non-academic? way. I think they would be into gaming, anime, manga, you name it.
Hange would be a type of person who'd read some scientific article for fun. They're a total genius, i can see them being into physics, philosophy and biology as well, especially marine biology! they're the type of person who'd get drunk and start rambling like "did you know octopuses had 3 hearts and blue blood. also male horses gives birth? female seahorse deposit their eggs into the male seahorse blah blah blah"
Miche. I'm not completely sure but since he was like extremely strong?? super strong?? i think he'd be studying Kinesiology? Sports science?
now i have to make ai roleplay bot of this for shits and giggles
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mikasas-biggestwhore · 7 months
Aot headcanons (Last part)
a/n: I got hella busy and had to heavily slowdown on my requests so this is a headcanon post to make up for it. I’ll be back to posting regularly posting soon just hang in there ‼️
Okay now that that’s over, most of these hcs are modern ones. Enjoy :)
Includes: Erwin, Levi, Hanji,
This is probably a common headcanon and Erwin definitely makes dad jokes. You can’t do anything around him or else he is definitely going to make a joke out of it some how in someway.
I know a lot of people see Erwin as more as a history teacher guy and don’t get me wrong I do too but I feel like he would need more action. I can see him being a firefighter that rescues cats out of trees or a police officer that has a trained dog by his side
Erwin was definitely right handed and losing his right arm was a very big L. Of course he adapted and in the end he actually is a better lefty then righty. Like his hand writing before was good but now??? Shit looks elegant.
I see him as a romantic. Not like a stereotypical romantic though. Sure he would kiss your knuckles and walk you like the gentleman he is but at the same time he’ll declare to race somewhere out of nowhere and then shove you so he can get a head start.
Going off of that Erwin is a cheater bruh. Not relationship wise but if y’all ever play a game he’s def cheating. I mean he did use his soldiers as pawn for personal gain so it makes sense. NO NOT PLAY BOARD GAMES WITH HIM. He’s either stealing money from the bank while your not looking or either he’s distracting you so you forget it’s your turn. 
I’m pretty sure it’s canon but Levi is amazing with animals. He’s the type of person that could just be minding his own business and suddenly he finds a kitten that is in desperate need of help and clings to him immediately.
Another thing a lot of people probably agree on is that he’s more of a cat person. I can’t see him ever liking dogs because of how ‘messy’ they can be and how much work and training they require. I have both and can agree cats are less work then dogs 💀
He has a soft spot for little kids. As cold and clinical Levi is I genuinely don’t think he has it in him to be upset with like a 5 year old. Sure annoyed because who wouldn’t be but mad? Nah never. There’s an age limit though if your 12 and up your feeling his wrath regardless.
This is another common headcanon and it’s that Levi runs a tea shop. Okay cool but Imma put my own twist. He runs a tea shop and bakery that connect. Like let’s be fr I know this man knows how to cook. He’s literally so good at anything else why would he not be able to cook? So if he ever opened a tea shop just know there would be a bakery right beside it.
If there was a line of work I could see Levi in it would be the FBI or federal government type of stuff. That or he would be a private investigator. All his skills work out for either and I feel like he would be on of the best in the business. No question about it at all.
Hanji has broken several pairs of their glasses. They never break them like a normal person either- What do you mean you dropped them in a enclosure at the zoo? You shattered them from one of your experiments? Do I even wanna know why they are split in two? Yea they constantly break them.
Hanji is an animal person and literally has the most outrageous pets. They have a wolf dog just because they have the space and time for one. The have caracals that live in their house with their own space. They totally have capybaras and prairie dogs too. It’s practically a zoo at their house.
I feel like Hanji is one of those people that just had bad luck. They have no clue what they did to upset the universe but things only happen to them. Say they’re having a nice outing with Levi and Erwin and it starts to rain. They all pull out their umbrellas. Why is Hanji’s the only that breaks.
Hanji is 100% an adrenaline junky. Like they would go skydiving and swim with sharks for fun. It’s something about the rush that makes them so excited and they love having that feeling. It’s not odd at all for Hanji to come back and tell everyone a wild and crazy story
It sounds plain to say if Hanji had a job they would be a scientist. So instead I think they would be a biomedical engineer. Imagine them making fake organs to save people. Or they would go into the field of prosthetics. I just think that they would want to be in a field that includes medicine and helps people. 
Wooo we are finished with aot hcs unless yall make requests 🤭
Part 1
Part 2
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m-jelly · 1 year
Can I request professor Erwin x reader where reader ( who is a surgeon ) is mikasa's aunt where she comes to pick up mikasa and her friends Annie and historia becoz they missed the bus and reader rushes to pick her after doing a hectic surgery
Reader meets mikasa 's professor Erwin and they both fall for each other at first sight. They find excuses to meet each other. Mikasa is a top student so she studies in the college library and reader often comes to pick her just to see Erwin . Finally with help of his students Mikasa and Historia Erwin asks reader on a date and later they get married
I'm going to change this a little for age-wise with us being an aunt cause if Mikasa was in college we'd likely be close to 40 or in our 40s. So, I'm gonna pop Mikasa in middle school/secondary school.
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Favourite Teacher
Pairing: Erwin x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, fluff, romance, falling in love, becoming a couple, sweet.
Concept: You pick up your niece and her friends from school after they missed the bus. Erwin stays with the girls to make sure they're safe and gets to meet you. You both hit it off and keep finding ways to meet each other at the school. Mikasa takes notice and gets her friends to help her set up you and her favourite teacher.
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Erwin chuckled at Annie's joke. "You have a very dry sense of humour."
Annie smirked. "Thanks."
Mikasa hummed a moment before turning to Erwin. "Sir?"
He smiled softly at her. "Yes, Mikasa?"
She sat next to him and opened her book. "Could you explain this bit again?"
Erwin talked to Mikasa about the history she was stuck on. He put it in a way that was easy to understand and it was fun. He smiled when she made notes and nodded. "You got it?"
Mikasa closed her book. "Yes. Thank you. I like your class."
Erwin chuckled. "I'm glad. I know a lot of kids find history, politics and philosophy boring but it can be a lot of fun. I'm glad you enjoy it. You're exceptional in my class."
"Thanks. I get excited about it so I try hard." She looked up at a classic car pulling up. Her eyes lit up in delight. "Auntie."
Erwin looked over at the car. "Auntie?" His heart raced when you stepped out of the car and walked over to the girls. "Wow."
Mikasa smiled a little. "She's the best. She's really smart and kind and single."
Erwin blushed. "What?"
She jumped out of her seat and ran into your arms. "Auntie."
You hugged her against you. "Hey, flower, you okay? How did you miss the bus?"
She looked up at you. "Studying."
You hummed. "Or was it an excuse to see me?"
She blushed and pressed her face against you. "Mm."
You hummed a laugh as you played with her hair. "Cute. I should thank your teacher for staying late with you. Where are they?"
Mikasa pulled away and smiled. "This is Mr Smith."
Erwin stood up and towered over you and the kids. "H-Hello."
Your cheeks burned as you took in the blonde beauty. "H-Hi." You gulped hard before the tingling nerves set in. You said your name and offered your hand. "Th-Thank you for looking after Mikasa and her friends."
Erwin shook your hand. "Erwin and I'm happy to, as they are great students."
You hummed a laugh. "Mikasa talks about your classes a lot. She loves them."
"Well, I'm glad I can inspire."
"You must be very passionate about your subjects."
He smiled softly. "I am. I love my subjects and I just want to share that passion."
You hummed a laugh. "You're a wonderful man." You realised what you'd said and had a lot of eyes on you. "T-teacher. I mean teacher." You cleared your throat. "I ah...girls we should go home."
Historia gave Mikasa a little shove. "Do something."
Mikasa pouted. "Auntie? Why don't you ask Mr Smith if he needs a ride home?"
Erwin blushed. "Oh, it's okay Mikasa."
"But it's going to rain and you always walk."
You smiled a little. "I can give you a lift home."
He felt butterflies inside him. "Are you sure? I don't want to impose."
Historia jumped up and down. "Please, Mr Smith?"
Annie smiled. "Come on, Mr Smith."
Erwin rubbed the back of his neck. "Thank you, I will just get my things."
Historia waited for Erwin to go inside before speaking. "He likes you."
You cleared your throat. "You think so? N-Not that I um...want it..." You led the girls to the car and let them in. You smiled at Erwin when he joined you. You got in your side and waited for everyone to settle. "Just let me know where to go."
Erwin smiled a little. "Sure." He gave you directions and felt happy because to him it seemed like you were a married couple taking the kids somewhere. "This is me."
You pulled up and smiled at the cute white picket fence, sweet garden and the white wooden home with a welcoming front porch. "Oh wow, this is a dream home."
Erwin blushed. "You like it?"
"Like it? I love it." You giggled. "Man, I would give anything to live here."
Annie leaned forwards. "You should date Mr Smith then so you could be in his house."
You gasped as Erwin choked a little on the air. You gazed at Erwin and smiled. "I umm."
Erwin opened the car door. "I'll see you soon, I hope."
You nodded. "Yeah, yeah you will."
Erwin blushed as the girls in the back giggled. "See you three after the weekend." He said your name and smiled at you. "Have a wonderful weekend."
"You too."
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You sat in your car and felt nervous. You fixed your outfit and checked your makeup in the mirror. The first time you met Erwin you had no makeup and looked rough, so you were trying to dress up a bit more each time you met him. Today you wore a cute dress, but part of you was thinking it was too much.
You gazed at yourself. "This is stupid, but he's so hot and cute and has a brain." You gulped hard. "Just go in there and be nice." You slipped out of your car and walked to the school. "This is stupid. I shouldn't be doing this." You flinched when you heard someone call your name. "Erwin!"
Erwin walked closer to you. "You...hi..."
You fiddled with your dress. "I'm sorry, I'm overdressed. I was trying something new and I went overboard."
"You look..."
"Like you should be taken on a date." Mikasa smiled when you both looked at her. "Doesn't she look like she should be taken on a date, Mr Smith?"
You laughed nervously. "Mikasa, I don't think-."
Erwin took your hand. "I would like that."
You gazed at Erwin as your heart raced. "You would?"
He nodded. "I would."
"Oh, but I have to take Mikasa home."
Mikasa held her phone up. "Mum is coming to get me. I'm okay! Bye, Auntie!"
You stared at her phone. "But you said."
She giggled and ran over to Historia. "Bye!"
You waved slowly to her before looking at Erwin. "Umm."
Erwin pulled you closer. "So, about that date."
You blushed under his gaze. "I would like that. I'll drive."
He pulled you close. "I think a nice walk would be better. Are you okay about walking?"
You hummed a laugh and nodded. "Yeah."
He walked slowly with you away from school and through the quiet town. You both talked none stop like always. You talked that much and had so much fun that you started walking in circles around a few streets. Erwin just didn't want to let you go and you didn't want to go either.
Erwin took you to the either and bought you something to eat and drink. You chatted together and walked together to a cute little spot. You sat down together and enjoyed each other's company. He placed his blazer around your shoulders when you shivered a little to keep you warm.
You gazed at Erwin as he talked passionately you smiled and thought he was the cutest man in the world. You leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth making him inhale deeply and stop talking. He blushed a little as nerves took over. You shifted closer to him and gazed deep into his blue eyes.
Erwin smiled at you. "So..."
You hummed a laugh. "I like you a lot, Erwin."
He leaned closer to you. "I like you too. I've liked you from the moment I first laid eyes on you."
"Me too."
"May I kiss you?"
You leaned closer to him. "Of course."
Erwin pressed his lips against yours and sighed through his nose. He tangled his fingers in your hair as he moaned into the kiss. He blushed when your tongues moved together passionately. You both soon forgot that you were outside and just leaned into each other. You clung to his shirt and felt like you were in heaven. Erwin was in utter bliss.
You pulled back and smiled. "Wow."
Erwin tapped his forehead against yours and chuckled. "Yeah." He played with your hand. "Wow."
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You smiled softly as you gazed at Erwin's home. "Dream home."
Erwin put his arm around you. "Our dream home."
You blushed. "I can't get over how this is ours."
He smiled down at you. "Of course, my dear." He hummed a laugh. "You make me smile every day when you gaze at this home and call it a dream."
You hurried after him towards the home. "Wait for your wife."
Erwin felt a tingle go through him. He held your hand and smiled. "Wife." He kissed the back of your hand. "My wife."
You pressed yourself against his chest. "Yours. You are a perfect husband."
Erwin lifted you up making you giggle. "It's sad our honeymoon is over, but we'll continue it here."
You kicked your legs and smiled. "Yes, my love." You kissed Erwin's cheek a few times. "I love you so much."
"I love you too."
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weird-dere-writes · 3 months
ATTENTION @bluebellhairpin ‼️‼️‼️
I have something lovely I would like to share with u :3. (This is assuming you haven’t seen it before uwu. If you have, pls enjoy it again!! :DDD)
I know how much you love Professor Erwin~. And in light of your new love for one Mr. Kyojuro Rengoku, I present you him as a teacher too!!
Idk if you’ve ever seen these clips, but there is a Junior High & High School Kimetsu Academy Story series floating around OwO.
In it, 🔥 Wengogu 🔥 is a history teacher!! Which I think is also up your alley :3
This is specifically a part of a subset of the episodes about Valentine’s Day, where Zenitsu is asking around about how to get treats from girls lmao.
AND‼️ Here is another little fun fact about him for u >:3
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theflrn · 8 months
AOT modern AU careers
Eren - game streamer
Mikasa - gym instructor
Armin - librarian
Jean - designer
Marco - math teacher
Sasha - ASMR mukbang youtuber
Connie - Sasha's video editor
Niccolo - chef
Floch - lawyer
Historia - florist
Ymir - tattoo artist
Erwin - history professor
Levi - cleaner
Hanji - biochemistry scientist
Moblit - Hanji's assistant
Reiner - firefighter
Berthold - nuclear plant engineer
Annie, Hitch, Marlowe, Boris - police officers
Pieck - journalist reporter
Porco - cameraman
Zeke - psychologist
Yelena - model
Onyankopon - pilot
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silversimp · 1 year
Extra Credit
Professor Erwin Smith x Male Student Reader
4,176 words - nsfw - minors dni
If there was one thing you were certain of it was that no one was lying when they said college professors were nothing like highschool teachers. Especially in the case of your gorgeous history professor Erwin Smith. Light blue button up struggling to contain him, buttons straining over his built chest and white undershirt peeking out through the gaps.
Everything about him was unbelievably hot, from the way he moved to the way his voice captured the whole room. Many classes you found yourself completely distracted by him, large arms holding textbooks and long fingers pointing at the words he'd written on the board. If it wasn't for his booming voice you'd probably miss more than half of what he was saying. The man really commanded his space, no one could stop themselves from listening to him.
Unfortunately you didn't seem to be retaining enough information, he'd drawn a sad face next to the abysmal grade you'd gotten on his last quiz. You couldn't help but giggle a little at the thought of such a serious man drawing smiley faces on his graded assignments. He'd also jotted down at the bottom of the paper to meet him during his office hours when you had the chance, so you could make up the grade.
Feeling very nervous about speaking one on one with the most beautiful man you've ever seen, you tried your best to seem chill as you waited for him outside his office door. You'd gotten to his office a few minutes early, when you knocked there had been no answer. So you waited. Waiting only made you feel even more nervous though.
"Early, good boy" Erwin smiled as he walked up to you, inside you wanted to scream. Unable to look him in the eye as you greeted him, your vision hit the floor, slowly working up to his face. His slacks were a little too tight and putting his thigh muscles on display, the outline of his manhood made you quickly find something on the floor to look at while he unlocked his door, "come on in, I have a few extra credit options for you."
"Thank you," it came out a mumble as you stepped inside the office, Erwin closing and locking the door behind you made your heart hammer against your chest. There was obviously no dubious reason for him to do that, he probably just didn't want anyone walking in while he worked with you. That's all.
"Please sit, I'll gather the options" he gestured to a chair for you before walking around his desk, rummaging through a drawer before pulling out a folder, "based on your previous work in my class, you'll probably prefer the essay" he said softly, looking over the contents of the folder as he sat down across from you, "but there's also the option to retake the quiz entirely."
"Essay about what?" You watched his hands, they moved so solidly across the papers. Blue veins like raging rivers down his forearms, a simple watch hugging his thick wrist.
"I have a list here" he handed you a paper, seven different essay questions from the last three chapters you'd been working on in class, "pick whichever you'd like. Three pages please."
You had a busy weekend already, trying to add this paper to the list felt a bit daunting, "maybe it would be easier to retake the quiz" you looked up, the man was loosening his tie as he leaned back in his chair. You felt every hair on your body stand at attention, "I don't have a lot of extra time to work on this" your voice shaking as you placed the paper down on the desk.
"We could do a retake on Tuesday" he leafed through a planner that had been sitting neatly in front of him, "or you could earn the grade another way, today."
Your face heated up, his tone had been completely neutral but it didn't stop your mind from finding the dirtiest option imaginable. You stared at him for a moment, Erwin still looking through his planner. There was no way your hot professor was actually propositioning you for sex for a better grade. That had to just be your mind going wild with ridiculous fantasies.
"Unless you're busy today as well" he closed the planner and looked back at you, though his voice was normal his eyes weren't. Lust and desire swimming in pools of blue, slowly being eaten up by his pupils. Your face was going red, still trying to rationalize that this wasn't actually happening.
"Do you want me to take the quiz again now?" You asked quietly, worried if you spoke any louder you wouldn't be able to keep the words steady. A chuckle escaped him as he pulled at his tie again, this time fully removing it before tossing it on his desk. Your mouth watered as he undid his top two buttons, a lazy smile on his lips.
"Sorry I'm all out of copies at the moment, I was thinking my lesson must not have stuck with you well enough. I'm willing to use this time now to go over the chapters" Erwin spoke slowly, deep voice rather quiet compared to how loudly he spoke in class. You tried to inconspicuously wipe your sweaty hands off on your jeans, feeling extra stupid for thinking he'd meant anything other than something actually educational.
"Yeah, I don't have any other classes for today" you tried to relax, pleased to be getting some extra attention from your professor but still nervous as all hell.
"Wonderful," he smiled before sitting up straight. You watched as he gathered up some papers from the lessons, "now," he cleared his throat and pushed back on his chair away from the desk, "come here" Erwin gestured to the space between him and the desk. Puzzled you slowly stood up, face going hot again as you saw him eye you from head to toe then back up again.
"Should I take the chair?" You asked nervously, he shook his head no and you slowly walked around the solid wooden desk, standing awkwardly in front of him you couldn't find the strength to look at his face.
"On your knees" a gruff whisper that you weren't sure actually escaped him or if your mind was playing twisted tricks on you.
"Pardon?" You looked at him, his bottom lip between his teeth as he sat back in his desk chair. Erwin's eyes were still slowly tracing your body, one hand resting on his strong thigh while the other was gently touching the growing tent in his slacks.
"Get down on your knees" he said louder this time, eyes meeting yours. Your head spun for a moment, either you were having the most vivid amazing dream of your life or you had died and gone to heaven. There was no way any of it was real. After a few blinks you obeyed, sitting back on your heels and looking up at him with rosy cheeks.
"Like this?" You felt the words leave your lips but you weren't sure any sound actually came out.
"Very good" he cooed, you watched in awe as he undid his belt then pants. The fabric was fighting tooth and nail to keep his erection contained, it relaxed as he freed himself. Big. That's all you could think as you watched him slowly stroke his cock. He cleared his throat before scooting his chair closer to you, "you're going to use your mouth, go nice and slow and listen to me okay?" His words were like honey, cock standing proud a few inches from your face.
"Yes sir" you mumbled before sitting up a bit, getting a better angle to try to fit the monster in your mouth. A pleased sigh passed through his lips as your lips enveloped the head of his cock.
"Good boy," he purred, one his large hands tangled in your hair. He gently patted your head as you began sucking in as much of him as you could, remembering to move slowly as he asked. A few quiet breaths before he began speaking, "now let's go over the Renaissance," you continued slowly sucking on his cock, one hand keeping your balance on his knee while the other pumped the bottom half of his massive erection.
Erwin sat still, keeping his reactions to you at a minimum as he spoke. He reassured you every now and then that you were doing a great job, he'd comb his fingers through your hair as he spoke. You still weren't sure this was actually happening.
"You got the section on renaissance humanism incorrect as well" he used his free hand to look over your quiz, "do you remember when we went over classical antiquity?" He looked down at you, your eyes met and he shivered. You felt his cock twitch against your tongue, you nodded yes as you continued sucking and looking up into his eyes. Blue completely gone now. He let out a small sigh and hung his head back, enjoying your mouth for a moment before continuing his lesson.
Your own erection pressing against your jeans was becoming unbearable. You found using the heel of your shoe to rub yourself on was good enough for the moment, but god did you want to feel his huge hands wrapped around you instead. You listened to him speak, his voice sounded so sexy and rough as he went on with his lesson. Every few words his breath was a little shaky, but he still wasn't reacting much. You wondered if he would at all, if he'd let you hear him moan in ecstasy or if he'd be just as serious looking when he finally finished.
"The goal of the Italian Renaissance humanists of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries was the study of the humanities, is the main take away from that section" he said lowly, his hand in your hair moved down until the palm was at the base of your skull, "you've done so well, but I want you take in more" he pushed your head down, forcing more of his length into your mouth. You gagged as the tip entered your throat, "good boy, just like that" he purred.
He kept pushing you down lower for a few more minutes, releasing you to let you breathe. You caught your breath and looked up at him, his hand slowly stroking his dick wet with your spit. You quickly took over, lips back around his girth as he hummed happily.
"You're such an excellent student" he held your head with both hands, "this is the first quiz you haven't passed" he thrust into your mouth, forcing his entire length into your throat making you choke, "just relax, there you go" he grunted as he fucked into your mouth before letting go and letting you take control again, "you can go a little faster, I'm almost done here" Erwin returned his attention to your quiz as tears streamed down your cheeks, throat burning a bit as you swallowed excess spit.
Swallowing around his cock made him moan unexpectedly, his hand over his mouth like he hadn't meant to only made it sexier. You wanted to make him moan more, desperate to make him unravel. The thought this could end with you bent over his desk and fully stuffed with his cock was making you rock your hips against your heel even harder.
"You did well on the art section, so I'll skip that one" his breathing was getting more erratic, but he was holding onto that neutral tone still, "let's go over the technology section now."
You continued bobbing on his cock, taking him until your throat couldn't handle it anymore before popping off the tip. With how much your mouth was watering for him, his cock was dripping with your spit. It was rolling down his shaft and over your hands, a small puddle forming on his boxers covering his balls. God his balls, you wanted to take his pants completely off so you could suck them. They were big too, you could tell through his underwear.
"Sir?" You interrupted him, breathing heavy as you looked up at him through wet lashes. He chewed his bottom lip and looked down at you, hand still stroking his cock as you figured out how to say your thoughts aloud. "I want to suck on your balls too" you whispered, struggling to maintain eye contact but knew you wanted to see his reaction to your words. For good reason too, the question certainly riled him up. His eyes went wide for a moment, a smile pulled the corners of his lips up as he mulled over a response.
"Answer a few questions and I'll let you" Erwin exhaled, "what's an arquebus?"
"It's a gun" you answered, hand still stroking his spit covered cock.
"I need more than that for full points" he chuckled.
"It's a musket that was first used by the ottoman empire in the fifteenth century" you said softly, eyes trained in his cock as you watched your hand move up his entire length then back down again.
"Good boy," he smiled, "name another gun, this one from the sixteenth century, and I'll let you suck my balls" Erwin purred.
"Um," you thought for a moment while you watched his length in your palm, "the grenade musket?" You looked up at him unsure.
"You're listening so well" he smiled wider, "here," he backed up his chair and stood up kicking off his shoes before fully removing his slacks and boxers. You watched as he folded them neatly and placed them on his desk, his erection drooling precum as he worked. You were right, his balls were large, they bounced against his thigh as he sat back down, "go on" he presented himself to you and you hungrily reveled in your earnings.
Stroking his cock with one hand, you gripped his thigh for balance as you sucked one of his nuts into your mouth. Releasing it with a loud, wet pop before sucking on the other. Erwin gently played with your hair, watching his student diligently suck and lick at his tightening ball sack.
"Just a bit more and then I'll have you answer a couple more questions" his voice was so deep and raspy, "if you get them all right I'll change your grade and I'll give you an extra reward for being such a good student for me today."
Erwin finished the last of his lesson, face flushed and balls twitching for release in your hands. For a few moments he let out low groans as he watched you worshiping his cock, his large hands pushing your hair from your face so he could look into your eyes.
"Good boy, just a little bit more then you have to swallow it all okay?" You nodded in understanding before dedicating yourself to making Erwin cum. Little moans and left his lips, his fingers raking through your hair trembled a bit as he got closer and closer to climax, "yes, just like that" he purred, voice rough and low, "such a good boy" he grunted, hands tightly gripping your hair in fists. He pushed you down as he thrusted up into your throat, thick bitter cum filling your mouth. You looked up at him with wet eyes, swallowing his large load as fast as you could before the excess could spill out.
Erwin caught his breath, hands releasing your hair slowly. Strands that had broken in his tight grip clung to his skin as he leaned back, cock twitching between your lips. A few more spurts filled your mouth again before you finally removed it. Licking your lips you waited to find out what happens next, thrilled beyond belief at the wild sexy ideas rapidly churning in your mind.
"Three questions, then your reward if you get them all correct" he smiled down at you, you nodded your head and waited with baited breath, "we'll just do vocabulary to make things easy, one: humanism."
"A philosophy during the Renaissance that valued human thoughts and ideas. It led to the study of classical writings and art" you answered shakily, your cock twitching desperate for whatever reward was in store for you.
"Good, two: printing press" Erwin ran his fingers through his own hair, watching you look up at him needily.
"A machine for reproducing written material with ink" your thighs trembled below you, you could feel the wetness in your briefs from your precum rubbing on the tip of your dick.
"Three: indulgence" he chewed his lip, eyes fluttering closed as he waited for your answer.
"A pardon that released someone from punishment for their sins" you whispered out the answer, awaiting the sinful reward you were bound to receive.
"Very good" he stood up, cock half hard smacking against his thigh as he moved his chair, "remove your pants" he said over his shoulder as he pushed the chair against the wall. You did as requested, excited to feel him inside you, "elbows on the desk" he turned to face you as he finished unbuttoning his shirt, letting the cotton button up fall off his shoulders before he tugged off the white undershirt. You stood in awe of him for a moment, drinking in the sight of his beautifully chiseled body.
You turned and pressed your elbows and palms on the desk, feeling a little nervous about his eyes on your exposed hole and dangling balls. You gasped as his large, warm hands gently ran down your ass then thighs. You heard him moving behind you, your eyes squeezed shut as you waited for him to do something. A surprised moan escaped you at the feeling of his tongue dragging over your tight ring, his large hand gripped your cock and began pumping as he ate your ass.
"Fuck" you breathed out, face pressed against the desk as Erwin earnestly devoured you. He didn't let up as you trembled, his face pushing hard against you as he held your cheeks open with his free hand, "oh my god!" You gasped as he inserted a finger, pushing deep inside you as he kept licking and kissing over your ass. He moved his finger inside you steadily faster and faster pulling whines and moans from your lips as he pumped your cock with the other hand.
"You taste delicious" he purred, breath hot against your wet skin. He leaned back to watch his finger disappearing inside you before adding a second, making you moan even louder, "quiet down a bit" he chuckled, "the room isn't sound proof" he got back to spitting on your hole as he fingered you and you tried, but failed, to keep your voice down. A few more loud moans, muffled a bit by your hands, left you before your ass began tightening around his fingers just on the edge of climax. He chuckled as he pulled out of you and released your twitching member, standing up he pressed the head of his cock against your hole. He pulled open a drawer and you heard him uncap something. Suddenly cold lube was poured on your hole. The lewd sounds of him slicking up his cock made you needy.
"Please Professor Smith" you begged, wiggling your ass impatiently, his strong hand holding your hip as he slowly impaled you, "amazing!" You mewled as his girth stretched you, a low groan left him once he was fully buried in you.
"Ready?" He murmured, leaning down to kiss the back of your neck.
"Yes, please fuck me sir!" You whined and he quickly gave it to you. His hips slamming into you over and over, large balls slapping yours. Erwin held your waist tightly, gruff moans in the back of your neck as he filled you with his cock.
"I'd love to have some more extra study sessions with you in the future" he purred in your ear as he slowed his hips, feeling your body trembling from your first orgasm, your seed splattered on his desk, "I think it would really benefit you to have more one on one tutoring from me" he slammed in hard and stayed put, "right baby?" He kissed down the back of your neck as you whimpered out yes a few times.
Large, hot hands feathered up your stomach under your shirt until he reached your chest. His mouth still connected to your nape as he toyed with your nipples, his hips began slowly moving again. He thrusted slowly, fully to the hilt before pulling almost completely out again. He kept the slow pace for a few minutes as he murmured about how amazing it felt to be inside you. Erwin pulled you up with him as stood up a bit, hands still on your chest as he fucked up into you.
"Take your shirt off and sit on my desk" he breathed out as he released you. Head fuzzy and legs barely able to hold you up you did as he said, sitting completely bare on his desk in a puddle of your own cum. Erwin smiled lazily and looked you up and down before standing between your thighs. He pulled your ass to the edge until your hole hit his cock, "ready?" He smiled, inserting himself before you could even finish saying yes. You wrapped your legs around his hips as he fucked you, your hands holding his biceps as his hands wandered your exposed skin.
"So good, so good!" You whined out, hanging your head back as the second orgasm washed over you, ropes of your cum hit his abs. Erwin leaned down to kiss your throat, nipping gently at the skin as his hips slowed down again. He pushed you onto your back, hands feathering over your body as he watched his cock push into you.
"I'm close" he whispered, grabbing your legs by the backs of your knees. Erwin pressed your knees to your chest, fucking as deep into you as he possibly could. Moving slowly to feel every inch of your insides as he could as you moaned and whimpered below him, body overheating and mind completely fucked dumb. A few more thrusts and he pushed all the way in, his cock twitching for release as he forced himself not to cum. Slowly he dragged out of you before exploding white ropes on your stomach and chest.
Erwin let go of your legs and opened one of his drawers on the desk, pulling out a tissue box he attempted to clean you off. His hands shaking and eyes struggling to focus, tissues too weak to soak up the mess he'd made.
"I'm sorry, just give me a moment" he mumbled, cock still drooling cum on his leg as he tried to focus. Instead he dropped to his knees and began eating you out again, overstimulation making it impossible to hold back your moaning. He licked up your hole then over your spent cock covered in both of your arousal, then your stomach, eating his seed off your skin as he slowly rose to his feet again. He murmured apologies as he licked you all over, getting distracted from the task of getting his cum off you to suck on your nipples.
"Please, professor" you whined, head hung back as he fingered you and sucked on your skin, "it's too much, I can't handle any more" you whimpered, hands pawing at his muscular back.
"Just a little more" he smiled against your skin, "I'm getting hard again, do you think you can hold out for a little longer?" You looked up at him through hazy eyes, Erwin was disheveled in the sexiest way imaginable. The thought that this man was so desperate to get his cock back inside you enough to make your ass pulse around his fingers.
"I can take it" you watched his eyes fill with delight as he stood up.
"Thank you" he purred, fumbling to lube his cock up again, "you're the best student I've ever had" his breath hitched as he pushed his cock back inside your overused hole, his shape still fucked into you he slid in easily. You let your professor have his way with you for another round, this one much shorter than the last. He at least had you suck him as he finished, cumming in your mouth required less cleanup. The two of you spent and panting, sitting on the floor of his office he pulled you into his wide chest, planting sloppy kisses on your cheek.
"Professor Smith?" You swallowed nervously, the reality of it all hitting you.
"Call me Erwin" he purred back, kissing down your neck.
"Now what?" You held back a whine in reaction to his lips on your skin.
"Well," he sat up straight and cleared his throat, "why don't we schedule your extra study sessions for Fridays" he smiled, "you'll be a top student in no time."
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