studiompup · 19 days
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Tamersona - Full Digievolution Line - Crystal ⛩️✨ commission to @ Burningmeatstick
Commissions are open, click here! or send a message.
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ask-digimon-hunters · 13 hours
Ava, Sam, Ryudamon, and Kokabuterimon were all traveling back to the house, Jun had them help a small village of Digimon through a famine. They heard rustling in the bushes across from them, when a Virus Digimon called Callismon jumped out at them. It easily took down Ryudamon and Kokabuterimon. Then it set its eyes on Ava and Sam.
Callismon jumped at them attempting to use its claws to shred them.
MetallifeKuwagamon and Hisyaryumon stand up to face their foe. Hisyaryumon turns into a giant sword for MetallifeKuwagamon to use, firing a beam of searing light, they crush their foe.
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debleb · 1 year
hisyaryumon is so op in cyber sleuth like i'm sure it gets less insane later on but at the point im at legendary dragon blade literally one shots everything. like youll have eaters with insane defense meant to be hard boss fights and hisyaryumon is just like. no ❤️
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hisyaryumon my beloved murder dragon. i only even evolved into it bc it looks cool and now its carrying my entire party lmao
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quintushazard · 1 year
I’ve been playing some Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth lately! I like it! Love these little creatures and dudes. Here’s my main guys so far :) I’ve got the evolutions planned out for the main three (Ouryumon, Slayerdramon and Gaiomon ideally, with proooobably Growlmon > Gigadramon > Megidramon for the Growlmon in the back?)
I’ve gotten to the bit after when you defeat the Eater and that blue haired guy runs off and leaves you. Probably gonna spread playing this game out over the next several days so I don’t get too absorbed lol
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My best friends forever :) I wish I’d gotten into Digimon as a kid because I would’ve died for these dragon dudes when I was younger (I still would!)
Maybe I’ll get more into Digimon in the future? Might give the anime a try, as well as some more games.
EDIT: Getting into the Ultimate/Perfect levels now! Some of my favourite guys!! I’ve still yet to get a Gigadramon just for now but I got a Megadramon out of Biyomon>Airdramon :)
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staravya · 2 years
tbh ultimate level is the.... no pun intended but like. the perfect level for digimon. once they hit mega+ they tend to just be Mechs Everywhere but ultimate still retains a bit of whatever is underneath all of that. in other words rizegreymon > shinegreymon and thats that
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moth-thief · 9 months
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Hisyaryumon BT15-063 R <03>
Ultimate | Vaccine | Beast Dragon/X Antibody/Digipolice
[Digivolve: Lv.4 w/[X Antibody] or [Digipolice] trait: Cost: 3]
[All Turns] When an effect suspends another Digimon or Tamer, if this Digimon has a Tamer card with the [Digipolice] trait in its digivolution cards, you may digivolve this Digimon into a Digimon card with the [Beast Dragon] or [Digipolice] trait from your hand without paying the cost.
Inherited: [All Turns] (Once Per Turn) When an effect suspends another Digimon or Tamer, unsuspend 1 of your Digimon with the [Beast Dragon] or [Digipolice] trait.
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shelbiewillhoite · 1 year
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Hisyaryumon for the Digimon Dawn/Dusk remake 
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Crossover Idea 4
 DC & Digimon crossover where the Batfam have digimon partners, and an entrance to the Digiverse via the Batcomputer.   Alfred meeting Thomas and Martha when they were younger via getting dragged into the digital world and staying in touch into their adulthood. Why did Alfred willingly move into Gotham? It honestly couldn’t be much crazier than the rest of the things they went through as kids. 
 Bruce probably learns about the digiverse when he was 8, after his parents’ deaths, via Alfred taking him to meet their partners. He wasn’t expecting to get a friend but honestly he really needs one.   He definitely spent part of his training trip in the digiverse, using the time difference to his advantage and learning how to fight not-human things. Which comes in handy more than a few times. 
 Each child he takes in keeps finding their way into the digital world until he gives up and brings them himself. It wasn’t like he could stop any of them from continuing to be vigilantes, but at least this way they’re not alone.   It’s like an open secret of Gotham that the batclan have some sort of creatures, most think they’re some sort of familiars or something similar. Which I suppose isn’t too far from the truth. Sure is a surprise to outsiders like say the Justice League though. 
Some Digimon info: 
In-Training Form (Baby form, usually small & weak) Rookie Form (Form usually stayed in)  Champion Form (More powerful & usually larger form) Ultimate Form (Another power increase, takes even more energy) Mega Form (Trainer & digimon form into one being of extreme power) Crest (Item that assists in digivolving from champion to ultimate forms) Digivice (Item used to read cards, give info on digimon, and/or enter the digital world depending on the series) Digital Field (An area with a barrier of fog where the digiverse and physical world have weakened and let things through)
Alfred (Crest of Sincerity) Gurimon | Gammamon | Tuskmon | Triceramon | Azulongmon
Bruce (Crest of Loyalty) Tokomon | Tsukaimon | Devidramon | Cyberdramon | Machinedramon
Barbara (Crest of Friendship) Yokomon | Sparrowmon | Coredramon | Hisyaryumon | Slashangemon
Dick (Crest of Hope) Yaamon | Impmon | Xiquemon | Huankunmon | Xiangpengmon
Jason (Crest of Reliability) Poromon | Hawkmon | Aquilamon | Garudamon | Beelzemon
Cass (Crest of Knowledge)  Salamon | Gatomon | Swanmon | Karatenmon | Kuzahamon
Duke (Crest of Kindness)  Tsunomon | Kunemon | Seasarmon | Okuwamon | AncientSphinxmon
Steph (Crest of Honesty)  Minomon | Wormmon | Hudiemon | Eosmon | TyrantKabuterimon
Tim (Crest of Courage)  Poromon | Muchomon | Owlmon | Halsemon | Vajiramon
Damian (Crest of Patience)  Pinamon | Falcomon | Shurimon | Crowmon | Ravemon
Terry (Crest of Light)  Tsumemon | Demidevimon | Pipismon | Regulusmon | Megidramon
Jarro (Crest of Love)  Puyoyomon | Jellymon | Mantaraymon | Whamon | MarineAngemon
Honestly there’s probably more (I know there’s more kids lol) but honestly their potential partners and friends and whatever else is up to you all lol; These are just my current ideas/thoughts (There’s links to each digimon on each different one lol- though if a link doesn’t work I apologize) Gimme any thoughts and ideas you have tho lol
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maswartz · 1 year
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My digimon partners for RWBY characters Ruby- Palmon ----> Shurimon ----> Lilymon ----> Rosemon Weiss- Blucomon ----> Paledramon ----> Crys Paledramon ----> Hexeblaumon Blake- Liollmon ---> Lowemon ----> Jaeger Lowemon ----> Raihimon Yang- Ryudamon ---> Ginryumon ---> Hisyaryumon ---> Goddramon Jaune- Kotemon---> Gladimon ----> Knightmon ----> Gallantmon Nora- Pulsemon ---> Bulkmon ----> Boutmon ----> Kazuchimon Pyrrha- Zubamon ----> Zubaeagermon ----> Duramon ---> Achillesmon Ren- Floramon ---> Kabukimon ----> Zamielmon---> Lotusmon Oscar- Ghostmon ---> Wizardmon ---> Wisemon ---> Ancient Wisemon
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firstagent · 1 year
Digimon Con Part 4 (Card Game Special Match)
Kind of interested in the card game segments only because my son and I tried playing it today and I have no idea if we played it correctly.
I am not a competitive player, sell any Secret Rares I get, and my actual decks are still half starters. Still, any time I see an actual competitive player using a card I have (Hisyaryumon) I get strangely proud.
Dude’s using a Kazu card in this match. That just cracks me up.
It helps having played once to really appreciate these well oiled decks and combinations. This level of play is terrifying.
Even if you’re not an active player and struggle to follow the action, these games are weirdly compelling.
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sznmjun · 2 years
Well damn I just learned about this so why not participate.
My favourite characters are all the classic leader types Tai, Davis, Takuya and probably Taiki and Tagiru if I ever watched Xros Wars I just love me a pure-hearted good boy with 0 brain cells.
My favourite season is Frontier!! I actually just started rewatching it and it’s been super fun (currently at ep 35) I love the relationships in this season and especially Takuya and Tommy's not-actually-brothers brother bond is making me SOFT. And I've always LOVED the evolution theme and animation in frontier it just looks so goddamn epic. I really hope we will get aged-up frontier kids at some point they deserve it. Give me a new frontier movie.
I have lots of favourite Digimon but probably my top 3 favs are Lucemon SM, Kaisergreymon and Hisyaryumon.
Btw a fun fact about me is that August 1st is also my bday lol
As for OCs I'm currently working on a digimon fancomic! I have one chapter completed but haven't started posting anything yet.
Here's the main character:
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His name is Tarik and ofc he will be a very classic leader boy (but without goggles) his partner is Gazimon!
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kariachi · 2 years
Okay, digis for Chosen of generations before the current one. Some OC action (which will be marked), mostly characters from actual media. I couldn’t decide which of my aus I wanted to do this for so it’s more of a general ‘what partners these people have in universes where they have them’ thing.
Eva Jones
Drew Saturday
Gar Red Wind
Puwamon>Pinamon>Swimmon>Tobiumon>Sirenmon>Fros Velgrmon
Mokumon>PetitMeramon>Ghostmon>Troopmon>Matadrmon>Chaos Dukemon
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vale190584 · 4 months
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Dinosaur king DIGIMON AU the ancients has dorumon and ryudamon
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graciellasamma · 2 years
Danganronpa x Digimon: Yasuhiro Hagakure
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Yasuhiro Hagukure:
Crest: Reserve Digimon Partner: Fufumon => Kyokyomon => Ryudamon => Ginryumon => Hisyaryumon => Ouryumon
Crest made by Wooded-Wolf
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cwgames · 3 years
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Digimon Field Guide Part 51
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silverd64 · 4 years
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Favorite monsters from favorite monster games
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