#hmm i wonder why that might be--
stephaniedola · 8 months
so i (mostly) cut caffeine in an attempt to reduce my muscle spasms and you wont believe it but they're pretty much gone
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kaibascorpse · 8 months
i may be hung for saying this but honestly when a transmasc/man starts championing for why transandrophobia isn’t real it gives a very “pick-me” or “nice guy” kind of vibe. like ooh you can trust me i’m not like those other evil misogynistic trans men who think men are oppressed! and i think it really reflects the internalized transandrophobia that they feel they have to denounce other trans men for the crime of uhh *checks notes* using words to talk about our experiences
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313i · 1 month
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i did the blorbo bingo with edling :3
ramble / explanations for my writing under cut!
for ling:
most fandom takes are incorrect: maybe it’s just me but ive seen a decent amount of people make ling out to be a pervert or just reduce him to a stupid silly character. ling yao is NOT A PERVERT! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FROM! he would never even do HALF OF THE THINGS YOU GUYS ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!! and he is so far from just being a funny guy that makes the audience laugh. his motives and character as a whole are so incredibly strong and i’ve never been so fascinated with a character like ling yao. please give him more attention.
that also goes hand in hand w/ stop putting them in situations!!: he would not be looking up girls skirts or something 🙁 be kind to him i think he deserves the world also. the cast of fma consists of a bunch of 14-16 year olds who traveled across the world to fulfill what they feel is their destiny but they end up on a journey of pain and suffering instead. they are children they should be playing roblox and minecraft and brain rotting like me ……….. i need a 500 chapter fic of ling being happy and joyous and eating all the wonderful meat in amestris.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE NOT ENOUGH CANON / UNDERRATED: as much as i love greedling and understand the combo … i wish ling got more screentime alone separate from greed. he is really such an interesting and unique character with a banging design and sometimes i feel greed robbed him of his iconic features (his yellow jacket & sword) and people just forget that greedling exists because ling was strong enough to withstand the homunculus in his system + LING IS THE BODY!!! he is serving that facecard and body 24/7 because that’s all ling yao!!! i still do really like greedling because they have a lot of room for interaction but i feel like ling yao is one of the characters who is often forgotten when it comes to merch n whatnot. he’s not as much of a main character as ed of course but he is just forgotten!! he is really such a cool character i wish there was more of him everywhere
there’s probably a deep seated reason why i love him: yes. because he is me and i am him (not really). i just project onto him and he is just me at this point! i will forever be such a huge ling yao fan the first time i watched fmab i instantly got attached to him i am so happy he is alive. i hope being the king of the yao clan is treating him well though he didn’t look to happy in that one photo of him as emperor….. it’s a tough job so i get it man! i hope he explodes
for edling:
pretty privilege: they are both pretty. brotherhood art style is a bit inconsistent at times i feel but their designs are both so gorgeous (their colors complement one another!). and also the bloodhell episode. ling yao fighting envy with his cool sword and handsome face…. ed somehow still looking pretty despite all the traveling and fighting. they are pretty!!!
projection had entered the chat: well, yes! who doesn’t project onto their faves??? :p
don’t typically discuss irl because of fandom: more and more people nowadays seem to forget fma franchise as a whole 🙁 it makes me so sad because this series is so fire and i wish it would keep its popularity but it obviously makes sense that more relevant shows and animes will overtake its light. i’m also afraid most people don’t like edling (edling nation consists of like 10 people) so i just don’t really talk about fma irl at all! no one here has a Fullmetal heart..
everything else is just me wanting to bite them (lovingly) and stuff them in my pocket and hold them in the palm of my hands to show them off to the world. i do not actually want to plot their demise and i am not actively doing so. i would put them in a wood chipper in a loving manner
for ed:
has done nothing wrong: he’s innocent, your honor… everything he’s ever done has been for his family. he’s committed a huge taboo in the alchemy world by trying human transmutation but him and al just wanted their moms back. they were TOO YOUNG TO BE ORPHANS AND HAVE TO GROW UP WITHOUT THEIR MOTHERS LOVE! he ended up becoming a dog for the military but he had to do what he had to do to get closer to that philosopher stone… in 03 he did end up taking some lives too i think. he’s only 15 and never intended to Actually murder someone. seeing him after the greed scene is so incredibly heartbreaking. 03 and cos are such horrific renditions of fma (in a good way) and it makes me so sad to think that’s how he ended up??? he had so much hope as a little kid and was so full of life but by 18 he’s stranded from the last bit of family he knew and is left a depressed alcoholic who keeps losing people. edward elric has done nothing wrong..
there’s probably a deep seated reason why i love him: even from the outside HE IS SUCH A COOL CHARACTER. a character who canonical has prosthetic limbs is already so cool. knowing the story behind those limbs and his brother is so 🙁☹️☹️… his iconic red jacket!!! his LEATHER PANTS WITH HIS PLATFORM BOOTS? his striking gold eyes and bright blonde hair? how he wears his stupid pocket watch…. his dumbass belt… i love edward elric’s flamboyant style so much i’ve never seen a more bi-coded character ever. i love everything about his design and his personality is unlike most shonen anime protags and that adds to his charm. he is hot-headed and will bite your head off if you comment on his height or call him pipsqueak but he is still such a sharp and intelligent young man .. He is literally an Alchemy God…. he is so capable even at such a young age and carries himself so well because if i were him i would be breaking down crying every step of the way! he is dedicated and loyal to his cause of finding the philosophers stone to return their bodies back to normal and doesn’t even hinder once throughout the journey. he loves his brother dearly and it makes me so joyous to see a strong sibling relationship in this genre that isn’t Weird. Edward Elric is a fire character thank you for listening to my TedTalk
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
Hello!! If you're still taking requests for that drabble game, might I request either Strength with Kotoko + Mikoto or Weak with Amane + Futa? It's fine if you aren't doing it anymore, of course
I've been in this fanbase since trial one and out of all the things I've read, your writing is probably amongst my favorite! (Even if I haven't finished going through it all yet...) I hope you have a splendid day! <3
!!!!! You are so kind waaahh this completely made my day, thank you ;---; I'm so glad you're enjoying omg ✨And thanks for these, they were really cool and fitting combos!! I tried to do a dual-perspective of Kotoko and Mikoto's pre-T2 fight, and I posted the one for Weak below.
Strength can manifest in a variety of ways, not just physically. Kotoko had a strong determination, for example. Mikoto had a powerful way with people. She showed solid self control and willpower. He held to strict deadlines and routines. She maintained a sharp intelligence. He upheld an unshakeable resolve.
Also, they were both ridiculously physically strong.
The pair came to this realization around the same time. They’d gotten a taste of the others’ power when clashing in the interrogation room, but it had begun suddenly and ended just as quickly. This time was different. They stood in the center of the panopticon, with the echoing space to themselves. As Kotoko swung a punch toward Mikoto, and he caught her against his forearms, they had a moment to gauge the other’s muscle. 
Kotoko stared into his eyes, which had a different sort of awareness to them now. He’s more coordinated, she thought, he must not be the same one I faced before. He’s leaning on the strength in his arms -- he’s not using his legs to their fullest potential. It doesn’t matter, given the raw force of his blows. Has he trained for fights, or just built his muscles in general? 
Mikoto stared into her eyes, returning her fiery gaze. Fuck, this lady’s strong.
She wound up again. He retaliated quickly. She shoved his back into the guard’s tower. He sidestepped her next attack. 
He didn’t really care why his fellow prisoner had come charging at him swinging, but she made sure he knew.
“The warden may not be able to administer punishments,” she said in between timed breaths, “so they entrusted me with that responsibility. This is justice, for the lives you’ve taken. You won’t be able to hurt anyone else.”
He broke into harsh laughter. “You’re one crazy motherfucker! You’re the only person hurting anyone.” He tried to grab her, but she slipped from his arms. His eyes narrowed, laughter dying away with unsettling speed. “But there’s no way in hell I’m letting you hurt me.”
Kotoko was struck by the way he said it. Her voice had shaken with the very same determination when putting herself between an innocent citizen and some creep. It was how she felt now, trying to keep his violent hands away from the other prisoners. There were children here, weak and scared. Es themself was just a child, and had already suffered his violence. She refused to let this villain cause any more pain. “I’m doing what needs to be done. You’re nothing but a murderous monster.” She swung her fist.
Mikoto caught her by the wrist, forcing her to look at the blood caked in her hand. He didn’t know whose it was, but it wasn't either of theirs. “You’re the fucking monster!” He shoved her backwards. “And I’m gonna kill you for it…!”
He didn’t know how she could think she was the hero in this whole situation. He was the one protecting someone else. 
Neither held back. Mikoto wheezed as her boots connected. Kotoko cringed as Mikoto landed a solid hit on her face. There was some shouting from the hallway. Their resolves hardened. Mikoto wasn’t going to let anyone else threaten him. Kotoko wasn’t going to let him threaten anyone else. They were strong, they reminded themselves. They had to end this now.
The two charged at one another. A moment before they were set to collide, they both cried out in pain. Blinding white light flooded the dark panopticon. They clutched their eyes, stumbling away from one another. A figure shoved through, planting himself between them.
“Stop this, both of you!” It was Kazui.
“Get outta my way,” Mikoto growled.
“This is not your concern,” Kotoko said, blinking in the light. 
The spotlight in the guard’s tower had been switched on, pointed directly at them. Kazui remained in place. “That’s enough. Look at yourselves, for god’s sake!”
Under the harsh light, they now saw the sort of state they were in. Mikoto’s uniform had torn in new places, blood seeping through. He could taste some in his mouth, too. Kotoko’s face was cut. Her leg ached. They stood covered in bruises, panting. 
“Go back to your cells,” Kazui commanded. “We’ll sort this out in the morning.”
Kotoko squared her shoulders. “There’s nothing to sort out. He’s a murderer. I won’t lose to him.”
“This bitch tried to kill me. I’m not letting her get away with it.”
“I don’t care.” Kazui said simply. “Call it a draw. You’ll both tear yourselves apart if you keep going.”
They continued staring at one another as if their gaze alone could take them to the ground, but neither moved to fight. 
Mikoto felt a pang of guilt. Lost in adrenaline, he didn’t realize how banged up he was. He thought of how much pain he’d experience in the upcoming days. The whole point was to save himself from harm. 
Kotoko cursed Kazui for interrupting her. As one of the forgiven, he was supposed to be on her side. Even if he wasn’t honorable enough to see her as an ally, she’d have to be the bigger person. She wouldn’t threaten him. 
Neither was happy about conceding, but couldn't think of a better option given their end goals.
Kazui remained between them as they stalked off to their respective cells.
“A temporary draw,” Kotoko muttered to Mikoto. She flashed a grin that felt more like an animal baring its teeth.
He returned the smile. “You won't be so lucky next time.”
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hidefdoritos · 6 months
Was walking down the dorm hallway with my Duolingo and somehow stepped on glass??
Just had a random tiny sharp pain in my toe. Tried to take a second step and it still hurt. Sat down and finished my Match Madness. Then took off the sock and was surprised by seeing a little blood, and also a tiny thin shard of glass sticking out of my big toe.
Carefully pulled it out and then limped to my sister's room (my roommate is asleep). Embalmed the glass in duct tape so I can throw it out without re-stabbing anyone. Got sympathy and a band-aid. It doesn't look like a point broke off anywhere deeper, but I can't be sure. It hurts a surprising amount.
Gives me way more respect for the Die Hard guy.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Pretty please, an AU where Manual is a descendant of one of the past holders and hiding from AFO.
My most special-ist boyyyy
1- ok so, Second's quirk is the most based in telekinesis and he's got red brown hair with an undercut even, so I think he's a shoe in for the connection here. Plus, I don't think AfO would really care to hunt down like, Banjo's great great great grand kids or whatever, but Second's? Yeah...
Ok so Manual is Second's great grand nephew, the descendant of Second's older sibling, who was also in the freedom fighter group though less for action. Second led on the field, and his sibling led in information gathering- they actually got the Intel that lead to busting into the vault and getting Yoichi out.
2- so... With that reason for Manual to still be firmly in "AfO's 'crush with great prejudice' list", let's say down the line the telekinesis quirks get mixed with his grandma's water quirk on the other side, and Manual figures that his grandpa's stories about the crazy ancient boogyman that hates their family and would kill them all are just that- crazy stories.
Until one day in middle school, and he gets the news that on that side of the family there was a kidnapping, a house fire, and a train crash that took out all those cousins on the same day.
3- Masaki gets sent to the other side of the family to hide, and the thing about this guy is he's smart, and he's kind, and he just wants to help people. So he's going to be a hero, because - well, if AfO finds him, better to be able to fight back, right? And better to have helped other people first if he's gonna get brutally killed, than just hide, right?
His grandma sighs, says she'll sign the papers for the hero school, and they go back to weeding in her garden
4- Manual believes in hiding in audacity. His brightly colored hero costume covers most of his body and his hair, so even if he looks like whatever ancestor pissed off a demon villain au much, his appearance won't give him away. He knows his water quirk won't, and so sticks to that- even though he's perfectly capable of other things like bloodbending, nothing to make his quirk look appealing to someone who can steal it. And he even calls himself the normal hero because surely no one who is actively hiding from afo would do that.
5- the reason Manual keeps showing up in places you don't think he would in Vigs is because he's in involving himself- being nice and networking to be included in as many meetings and case briefings as possible in order to keep an ear out for AfO - and so he can pull back at the first sign of him. As soon as he realizes who's behind the Villain Factory, he pulls out and makes sure he isn't invited to more briefings, and suggests other heroes to Tsukauchi who'd be great to handle it. Tenya accidently making sure Manual wouldn't be involved more in the Hosu investigation of the nomu and league? Manual is so relieved.
That is, until Jakku, but at that point Manual knows there's no avoiding it- and then, what the hell, if AfO is going to finally kill you anyway, the best thing to do is to keep Erasure going against him as long as you possibly can.
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isdalinarhot · 15 days
All the stuff my therapist has been saying about Oathbringer is like. I know you do not specialize in addiction but say you don’t specialize in addiction without saying you don’t specialize in addiction
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hiddenbeks · 4 months
more than a month after my previous kotor update i am happy to announce that i have finally met jolee and had him join me <3
#el plays kotor#yes im still on kashyyyk dont look at me#i was distracted by other games for a sec lmao but sth made me return to kotor yesterday#and now the party is complete!!!#and i have found 3 star maps and the plot is thickening!!!!#i keep wondering. if i hadn't been spoiled abt the pc's true identity would i have pieced it together by now#bc the foreshadowing isn't exactly subtle#or maybe it just feels unsubtle to me precisely because i know what is being foreshadowed....#but like. from the very beginning carth is like hmm its kinda sus that you happened to be on the endar spire#and then all those conversations with bastila that make u go hmmmm what's that supposed to mean#and then... when getting the star map on kashyyyk the hologram says sth abt you matching the required behavioral patterns or whatev#and that the last time it was used was five years ago And you can reply with 'hey revan was in these parts five years ago right'#like!!! yeah!!!! it was me!!!! i was the last user five years ago thats why i match the pattern i am revannnnnnnn#i have to know. did the first kotor players back in 2003 figure it out by this point hngngngnhng#or like any other players after 2003 who played and managed to avoid spoilers#anyway back to jolee. he is so cool but also so squishy on god#apparently some ppl give him a blaster to keep him out of melee but like you cant give a blaster to a jedi..... so uncivilized.......#i set him to use force powers until he runs out of force points#but the moment he runs out of force points and jumps into the fray he goes down. sigh#maybe im doing something wrong again. maybe i should let go of my jedi pride and just give him a blaster#i should also probably use all those energy shields and battle stimulants i have hoarded. i keep forgetting abt them lmao#also!!! @ the mutual who sent me that kotor related ask also more than a month ago i just wanted to let u kno. i have replied to it#i mean if u missed it or if u didnt get a notif or forgot or anything else that's cool !!#i just get all worried that ppl might think i havent answered and that im ignoring them if they dont indicate they've seen the reply gfhgfh#but that's a me issue. i just wanted to make sure u knew 🫶#anyway!! next stop manaan maybe#but first a detour to tatooine to deal with mission's useless deadbeat brother
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dailyfranbow · 4 months
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Daily Fran Bow May 21st, 2024
Tf is that thang
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fideidefenswhore · 6 months
What was more, there were whispers circulating that she was not even the King's child; Chapuys had been told that while annulling Cranmer 'declared by sentence that the concubine's daughter was the bastard of Mr Norris, and not the King's daughter.' There is no evidence that Henry ever questioned that Elizabeth was his; indeed, according to Ales, 'your father always acknowledged you as legitimate' and nothing could 'persuade the illustrious King that you were not his daughter.'
Young Elizabeth: Elizabeth I and Her Perilous Path to the Crown, Nicola Tallis
#hmm...so maybe ales can actually serve as corrorboration for that report by thevet?#i mean by statute that clearly was not true but i wonder if behind closed doors henry argued his own version of bona fides... probably with#rather mercenary motivations (securing betrothals for her for alliances) but...still#(altho thevet specifies deathbed and ales says 'always' so it's more incidental/sideways corroboration and that...might be a stretch#'chapuys had been told' = almost always preface to an L#does not name or even somewhat identify his own source here either iirc...#as he does elsewhere.#nicola tallis#something amazingly transparent about the correlation of his reports which portray ab in a sympathetic light#actually tending to be the ones where he cites 'many reliable quarters' or sources#and also being the one he personally believes in the least; as he appends to all of them#since im on a pgreg shading roll:#absolutely incredible that she tries to fashion a narrative in her kparr novel#where henry doesn't believe elizabeth is his and yet...puts her in the succession anyways??#so contrary to the standards of the time not to mention hviii specifically#'this random whore's daughter probably/might not be mine but let me make sure i sign an enshrined law that places her third in the successi#*succession....like...#the defining dimension of his kingship being fear of civil war. but sure. he's gonna play fast and loose with that. cus why not#his wife likes this child whose paternity - pgreg writes- him saying could be smeaton's like mary said#and that's apparently enough for him . she writes SUCH a malleable henry it's insane...#he is a claydoll masquerading as a man
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pinkfey · 1 year
words: about 800. summary: teeny tiny drabble so i can practice writing again!! talyss notices ursula looks different lately. setting: roughly fourteen years before the events of bg3. pre-relationship.
Something was different about Ursula. Physically. It wasn’t the hair, for sure—Talyss had braided it every day for the past two decades and certainly would have noticed a change. Her clothes, perhaps? A new piercing? No, definitely not. The Scarlet Serpent had not made for port in more than a month and Talyss always accompanied her when they docked.
The object of her ruminations sat crouched before her, having busied herself with some flimsy ropes the deckhands discarded while Talyss provided moral support via the occasional handfed slice of fruit plucked from a nearby basket. That is to say: she did nothing of use, but Ursula had never turned her company away, so she made do sitting pretty, sharing a tangerine, and admiring the view.
The view which currently confounded her. Something was amiss, she was sure of it. 
With the Serpent sailing eastward, the sun rising from the seascape casted a blinding corona around Ursula’s silhouette. Talyss tossed bits of rind aside and squinted, tempting fate as she precariously teetered on the tip of her chair’s legs to get a better look. The band around Ursula’s bicep went taut as she pulled the ropes close to her, then relaxed when her arms extended to rest on her knees. Talyss absently teased a slice of tangerine between her teeth in contemplation. For the briefest of moments, she wondered why Ursula had never shown any carnal interest in anyone over the years. Between her attractive musculature and mysterious charm, she certainly wouldn’t have trouble seducing anyone. Not that Talyss would know.
Ursula worked her fingers through the knotted cords, wiped her brow with the back of her palm, and when a bead of sweat glimmered down her cheekbone, Talyss’ breath caught in her throat. She lost balance, chair tipping to the side, and she shot a hand out with barely enough time to brace herself against the parapet. Frozen, she glanced back at Ursula, who hadn’t so much as raised a brow. Typical.
Then she spotted it. A mark or… perhaps a smudge of dirt? Right on the crest of her cheek.
Righting herself proper, Talyss reached out without hesitation and gently rubbed at the mark, but upon inspection of her thumb, it remained. She rubbed at it again, more vigorously this time, until Ursula shot her a deadpan stare. 
Talyss scoffed at the look. “Ursa, is that… a freckle?”
Ursula returned to her work. Her cheek had gone a little flushed, but the blemish had stayed put. “We’re at sea, Talyss. What do you-”
“Stars above, it is!”
She tipped Ursula’s chin in her direction, ignoring her friend’s evident annoyance, and found more freckles peppered across her nose and cheekbones. Random and haphazard, faint and dark against her glistening teal skin, yet they were almost… delicate. As if Selûne had dipped a brush in seawater and painted them herself. 
Talyss let out a soft breath and reached her other hand out so as to touch her. “You have freckles.”
But Ursula jerked her chin away from her with a sniff, and Talyss’ hand returned to her chest self consciously. Self consciously? That was new. She took a sudden, intense interest in her tangerine and ignored the lurch in her stomach that she suspected was not the ship’s doing.
“Captain noticed as well,” Ursula said. “Said it’s the sun’s fault.”
“Mark of a true sailor, then?”
Ursula almost smiled, which, to Talyss, was a victory. “Something like that.”
Talyss wrinkled her nose at the stench of brine the breeze blew their way, but Ursula, hot with sweat, took it in with a heavy, relieved breath. And Talyss just watched. She has freckles.
So something was different about Ursula.
Something was different about Talyss, too. 
With Ursula, she used to carry herself well—that subtle confidence, that ease—and why not? She was her oldest companion—there was no need to feel any way other than comfortable, no? No. Lately she’s been disjointed. Lately she loses her balance on chairs and wonders whether her dearest friend has bedded anyone. Lately she gets embarrassed, self conscious, shy. Lately even doing nothing of use in her presence felt like she was admitting something. Felt intimate. She used to be able to touch Ursula without a thought, but lately it left her skin itching. She wanted to do everything for her. To feed her. To be with her. To write songs about it.
Talyss peeled the last quarter of the tangerine and offered it to her. And when Ursula leaned in to accept it, wisps of white hair stuck to her forehead and her lips grazed her index finger and she pulled back to return to work as if it was nothing, as if the offering and the accepting were still mundane happenings that simply happened and were not an indication of anything more.
It’s different for me, she wanted to say. Isn’t it different for you?
But there was no fruit left in the basket, so she stood up, turned, and walked away.
She prayed she’d watch her walk away.
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sol1loqu1st · 2 years
worried i am never going to adjust to Midwestern Culture(tm) and i'm always going to be an obvious outsider and people are going to judge me and assume i'm a dumb backwater conservative for my mannerisms and if my southern accent ever slips out lmao
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tri-punisher · 1 year
that reminds me actually, lately i've not seen anyone talk about how stupid they think livio is and i don't know if this is because people have wisened up and stopped doing that because they realised it's unsubstantiated annoying fanon bullshit or because i've been immediately blocking everyone who even suggests that livio is stupid/calls him a "himbo" and thus have been spared any future reference. i'm a pessimist so it's probably the latter
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menalez · 2 years
there is a special place in hell for you tumblr polilez carpet munchers who fake being radical feminists and actively shit on OSA women
love that u thought u could mask ur blatant lesbophobia by just accusing me of a polilez right before being lesbophobic
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halfelven · 1 year
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not really appreciating the pattern placement of this shirt
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gayrogues · 1 year
tangentially related to prev reblog. it makes me feel violent whenever i remember how if you happen to obsessively google shit about food the advertising algorithms will now show you 5 billion ads for "intermittent fasting" weight loss apps forever
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