#if i cheat even a little with the caffeine i start to get them again
stephaniedola · 8 months
so i (mostly) cut caffeine in an attempt to reduce my muscle spasms and you wont believe it but they're pretty much gone
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Robstar Week Day 6: Faux Pas-sible (Prompt: Favorite Quotes Crossover AU)
So if you couldn't guess from the title, I kind of cheated today and completely switched out today's prompt for one from last year. The Crossover AU story was one of the ones I'd been most eager to write, but it was such a specific prompt that I couldn't combine it with one from this year like with the last three days. So, when I didn't get any real ideas for the "favorite quotes" prompt, I decided to replace it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Those of you who follow my fanfiction in general probably predicted the choice of crossover or can at least see it from the title alone, lol. It's actually a version of a scene that I had in mind for a full crossover story between Teen Titans and Kim Possible which itself will probably never see the light of day but is still something I like to play around in from time to time.
Faux Pas-sible
Robin yawned heavily and tried to stretch all his limbs at once as he made his way down from his bedroom to the Tower’s common area. The Titans had been up late the night before after Plasmus slipped into the sewers during a routine battle and led them all on a merry chase beneath the city. The guests currently staying at Titans’ Tower had been helping them out, and the mission had still ended with Robin covered in grunge and so annoyed and exhausted that he couldn’t even be bothered to change before collapsing into bed. He seriously needed to clean up soon (and wash all his sheets now, for that matter), but first he really just wanted coffee.
With another yawn, he opened the door into Ops to see that someone had already beaten him to the kitchen. The familiar shock of red hair and bright purple outfit made him smile a little. Maybe he could use a different kind of pick-me-up.
“Well, hello there,” he said, trying his best to sound alluring. He wasn’t really much of a flirt, but Starfire liked it when he tried to be cute and there was nobody else here to see him if he flubbed it.
He saw Starfire pause, startled by his entrance. She started to turn her head, but before she could turn around fully he placed his hands on her waist and leaned in close.
He then promptly forgot what he was going to say next, mostly because he was too busy being hurled over the figure’s shoulder and slammed hard onto the ground in front of her.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Kim Possible snarled at him.
For a moment, Robin just blinked up at the guest of the Titans he had just inadvertently gotten fresh with. Too late, he realized that the gunk still on his mask and the counter blocking his initial view of her waist had kept him from noticing that he was looking at the wrong purple-clad redhead.
“...You’re not Starfire,” he finally squeaked.
Kim scowled down at him. “Yeah, no duh,” she said.
Robin just stayed on his back on the kitchen floor. From the heat in his face, he knew he had to have turned a brilliant red. “I would like to go crawl into a hole and die now, please.”
Kim raised an eyebrow at that. After a moment, she looked down at her mission gear and sighed. “You really mistook me for your girlfriend, didn’t you?”
Robin finally – if very gingerly – mustered the energy to sit upright. Kim had a really good arm.
“I really need to clean up and get a mask I can see out of,” he muttered by way of explanation. “Sorry.”
Kim considered it for a second, then shrugged and went back to preparing her coffee. Now it was Robin’s turn to raise an eyebrow.
“You’re not still mad?” he asked, standing up.
Kim shrugged again. “Ehh. I trust you enough to believe it was an honest mistake, and frankly, this is exactly the kind of blunder Ron would make. Sorry for body-slamming you.” She picked up her mug and inclined her head toward the still-steaming coffee pot. “Coffee? I’m guessing that’s why you came down here in the first place.”
Robin let out a low sigh and rubbed the back of his head. “Honestly, at this point I think I’m so keyed up from embarrassment that caffeine will only make it worse. Let’s just agree to never speak of this again and I’ll go and change before I do anything else to make your team feel overly welcome.”
Kim smirked. “Deal.”
Robin was making his way back to the door when it opened without his input and Starfire – the real Starfire, he made sure to double check – drifted in. She lit up upon seeing that she was not alone in Ops.
“Oh, good morning, Kim Possible!” she called out with a cheerful wave to Kim. Then, more sweetly, “Good morning, Robin.”
She leaned forward to give him a gentle kiss on the forehead, but then stopped. Her nose wrinkled a little. “Oh my, you are still rather dirty,” she told him in a low voice.
“Don’t worry Star, he’s well aware of that!” Kim called out with just a hint of a teasing tone.
Robin could feel himself blushing again. “Gonna go fix that now,” he muttered, pushing past Starfire before she could take notice and question him about it.
Having the extra help around was nice and all, but Robin was really going to have to keep in mind that there were currently more people in the Tower than the ones he was used to.
That, and maybe try and ask Ron what kinds of faux pas he'd made to be directly compared to this… incident. It would be useful to know how not to die of embarrassment.
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missywritesfor7 · 1 month
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
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Ch. 33: Coffee
[A/N: Well…I certainly never thought of a scooter…]
BTS comeback: D-13 days
The second set of teaser photos have been posted online. Yoongi is grinning from cheek to cheek as he reads the reactions to what people are calling a very sexy side of Bangtan. A sexy side that fans feel they’ve seen during the guys’ solo work, but never all 7 of them at once tempting even the softest of fans across the world. It’s amusing and gives Yoongi an extra boost in making sure this is the best comeback ever.
Hyeri is nearly done shooting her drama which has given her a bit more free time with her schedule starting to wind down. It will be a bit before the show premieres, so in the meantime she’s been enjoying a little rest before the promo tour begins.
On the contrary, Yoongi’s schedule is starting to pick up more. They’re constantly shooting content and when they’re not shooting content they’re shooting behind the scenes content. True free time is rare and of course never lines up with Hyeri’s free time, so once again they find themselves relying on sporadic texts and small handwritten notes of encouragement left on the fridge. It’s exhausting but a little caffeine boost and pure excitement is enough to power Yoongi through these long days.
Until his delectable limited time coffee is no longer available. He stopped by the coffee shop on his way to work and found a new latte written on the menu where his chocolaty addiction was once advertised. It’s a bit disappointing, and Yoongi hadn’t realized just how much he loved that drink until now when it’s gone. After a somber silence for his beloved beverage, he orders the latte hoping it’s at least a little satisfying. After taking the first sip he finds that maybe he doesn’t miss the other drink that much.
Three hours later, he absolutely misses his old drink. The latte is delicious, but it doesn’t give him the energy boost he needs to get through the day. So the following day he orders the latte with an added double shot of espresso. It powers him through a couple of interviews and dance practice, but the crash begins to hit him in the early evening when he feels he needs it most. The next day he comes prepared with an iced coffee to keep in the fridge and indulge in later when his morning triple espresso latte wears off. Not a perfect solution, but certainly better than making extra trips out for coffee.
The guys are scheduled to travel to a spot about an hour drive from Daegu to shoot the content for their next Season’s Greetings. With their comeback and tour quickly approaching, they had to squeeze the shoot in wherever they could before their schedules get even crazier. They’ll be spending 3 days and 2 nights in private accommodations near the shooting location and getting as much content captured and filmed as possible.
Yoongi is pumped because despite the busy shooting schedule, he’ll still be able to head into Daegu to see family on the last night. He made plans to have dinner at his parents’ house with his brother, sister in law, and 2 year old niece who he’s barely seen outside of a few short video calls with his brother.
Hyeri is happy that Yoongi is happy, and though she’s starting to have a hard time keeping up with his energy, she can’t help but be equally ecstatic about their comeback. She’s also happy that he’ll get to see his family. After all that’s happened she thinks maybe a trip home will be refreshing for him.
The guys take an early flight out to Daegu then load up in a luxury van for an hour long ride to a cozy house practically in the middle of nowhere. There are other houses in the distance, but far enough that even an open field between properties still gives a sense of total privacy. It’s no surprise to them that there aren’t 7 rooms in the house, so then begins the usual process of choosing room assignments.
The house has 3 bedrooms, two rooms with two double beds each and one room with a single king bed that 2 of them will share. The unluckiest of them will have the option of sleeping on the couch or squeezing themselves in bed with one of the others.
The game they agreed to play is the classic rock, paper, scissors with the last man standing having first pick at a bed. In the end, fate saw Namjoon and Taehyung sharing a room, Jimin and Jin sharing a room, Yoongi and Jungkook sharing the room with the king sized bed, and Hobi with his pick of the couch or sharing someone else’s bed. He chose the couch but stated that he would stuff himself between Jungkook and Yoongi if the couch got too uncomfortable. The rest of the guys are just happy they have their own beds.
They all get settled in then quickly head off to their first schedule of the day. They begin at a property with a large but cozy modern style building sitting on a few acres of space for various recreational activities and a trail circling the property. When they arrive they immediately begin getting their hair and makeup done and changing into the outfits picked out for them. They’ll be playing a series of ‘how well do you know the other members’ games, followed by another one of the staffs’ ideas to get them to openly express their love for each other on camera.
Once they’re done deep into the night, they’re taken back to their accommodations where the staff already has a dinner prepared for them. After a day of travel and shooting they only have the energy to eat and go straight to bed. They had to strongly convince Jungkook to eat because despite complaining of hunger all day, he just wanted to fall asleep once they returned. Yoongi sends Hyeri a message, only the second one after he let her know they landed safely earlier in the day. He gave a brief summary of his day and passed out next to an already snoring Jungkook as soon as he hit send.
The following day starts with an early photo shoot. Yoongi wanted coffee, he needed coffee, but had no time. The cheap coffee provided in the kitchen of the house wasn’t nearly as strong as he needs it to be. Unfortunately, they’re a bit too far removed from the nearest city so there isn’t a coffee shop conveniently located nearby to quench his fatigue. He pushes through the photo shoot as best he can, but by the time they move on to shooting their special episode of Run BTS he’s ready to scream, or pass out. Maybe both he isn’t sure.
The guys begin to notice Yoongi’s diminishing patience and energy and simply attribute it to lack of sleep. They’re all tired so it’s understandable. Yoongi just hopes seeing his family will give him a chance to relax a bit and eat some of his mom’s home cooking to recover.
He may have not had a chance to grab some coffee, but as soon as he makes the hour trip to his parents house and steps inside to the smell of the dinner his mother prepared he gets a natural boost of energy. That boost only becomes greater once his brother and sister in law arrive with his niece. Yoongi is completely smitten by his brother’s adorable little twin. He plays and giggles along with her while waiting for dinner to be ready. It’s a soft side of Yoongi that is so endearing that his brother takes a short video to send to Hyeri teasing her that it’s their turn now.
A little embarrassment and brotherly bickering ensues before Yoongi is quickly reminded that he’s still the youngest when he’s home and if his brother wants to embarrass him he has every right to do so. It’s a conversation that happens every time the brothers are together. Yoongi pouts and everyone else thinks it’s funny. Yoongi always vows to get dongsaeng justice one day, but it usually just results in him buying things for his brother that have Yoongi’s face all over the product. He let it be known that he will not stop until his brother’s house looks like a Suga shrine.
Their mom finally cuts into their teasing to call them all to the dinner table. As soon as Yoongi sits down he’s hit with the harsh reminder that he hasn’t told any of them about his struggles with alcohol. The only thing they know is that he was robbed in LA and the company’s legal team is taking care of all of the rumors being spread. They don’t know a thing about his drinking. They don’t know about he and Hyeri’s relationship issues. They don’t know he spent 2 months in the woods going through recovery so he wouldn’t lose everything and everyone he loves. And they definitely don’t know that the wine and soju on the table is making his chest tighten.
He quickly sits down and focuses his attention to his niece who’s in her high chair next to him. He knows he can’t avoid the subject completely. His family knows he usually likes to have a drink and would question him if he didn’t. When he asked his mom for water instead, that’s exactly what happened. All he could do was spit out the first excuse he could think of. He’s on a strict diet that doesn’t allow for alcohol. He claims he wants to be at his best for this comeback and tour and no one questioned him further. Sometimes being an idol makes it easy to come up with excuses to get out of anything when it comes to his family.
About midway through dinner Yoongi starts to feel drained. The energy it takes to resist pouring himself just one drink is too much for him mentally. He was ok at first, but balancing that with the chaos that comes with trying to get a hyper 2 year old to eat without fussing and throwing food, has his patience low and his irritability high. His parents have been asking him more and more questions that would require him to get into the many things of the past year that they don’t know. Especially when they mention how sick he had been looking before. His hope for rest and respite has gone out the window and now he’s just sitting there with just a thread of patience left and a fake smile that’s incredibly difficult to maintain. Seeing family is nice until it’s not.
After dinner Yoongi goes to his room where he usually stays when visiting. There his four-legged serotonin Holly is relaxing on his bed as usual. Holly has gotten less active as he’s gotten older so he spends a lot of time resting in Yoongi’s bed. Yoongi takes a moment to lay down and cuddle with Holly and try to bring his irritation down before he has to leave. He takes a quick photo of him and Holly then sends it to Hyeri with a message telling her how worn out he is.
As much as he wants to stay curled up in bed with Holly, he has to go back to his accommodations an hour away with the rest of the group. He sends a message to his manager to pick him up then rejoins the rest of his family until his manager arrives.
He plays with his niece some more searching for one more boost of energy from her contagious smile. Despite the food fight with her at dinner, she’s still the most precious little thing. So precious that his brother continues to capture photos and video of the moment. Unfortunately that brings up the subject of marriage and children.
Yoongi’s mom only asked if he and Hyeri had thought about having children. He simply responded by saying they hadn’t. Which is true, they’ve only barely talked about marriage, they certainly haven’t discussed children. Not only that but it’s hard enough as it is when they can’t even seem to agree on when and how to go public with their relationship to begin with. Thinking about it makes his jaw clinch, but his mother keeps talking. Playing with his niece isn’t saving him from the aggravation of hearing his mother’s desires for him to settle down and start a family. She asks more questions about the direction of he and Hyeri’s relationship and reminds him that he’s not getting younger and having a child at an old age wouldn’t be good. He isn’t even sure he wants children of his own, but he’s leaning towards not having any at all thanks to his mother talking nonstop about it.
His manager finally arrives to pick him up and he feels relieved, though still irritated. He says goodbye to everyone and takes off for his hour car ride. He sends Hyeri a text telling her he’s left and how his mother wouldn’t drop the children subject. Hyeri thinks it’s funny and tells him the video his brother sent her is cute. She encourages him saying she knows he’d be a great father.
That’s not what Yoongi wanted to hear right now.
[Hyeri]: Don’t you want one or two? You’re really good with Jin’s nephews. Why not?
[Yoongi]: Why are you and my mom trying to force it on me?
[Hyeri]: I’m not. I was just asking. I thought you liked kids
[Yoongi]: That doesn’t mean I want to be a dad! I don’t know why it’s so hard for you to leave it alone!
[Yoongi]: You don’t even want people to know we’re together, why are you even bringing up kids?
[Hyeri]: Sorry, I was just messing with you.
[Yoongi]: I’m really not in the mood.
[Hyeri]: I can see that. Try to get some rest.
[Yoongi]: That’s what I’ve been trying to do but everyone has been up my ass instead! My mom spent the whole night asking about you and my plans with you and I had to sit there and pretend like everything is ok when really I just want you to stop acting like you’re too ashamed to tell people we’re together!
[Hyeri]: That’s not it at all and you know it!
[Yoongi]: Then what is it??
[Hyeri]: Did you have anything to drink?
[Yoongi]: No, but I wish I did because you and my mom are stressing me the fuck out!
[Hyeri]: I know you’re tired so try to get some rest and I’ll see you when you get home tomorrow.
Hyeri slams her phone down on her nightstand and rolls over in the bed closing her eyes tight. She was only teasing him, but she had no idea he would react so negatively. She worries that his short fuse is because he had a drink while he was at his parents house. He mentioned he had to come up with an excuse so they wouldn’t question why he wasn’t having a drink, but what if he gave in at some point?
Yoongi is even more irritated as he watches the passing streetlights through the window. He realizes he may have overreacted with Hyeri, but he had simply reached his limit on the subject. He’s been increasingly annoyed all day and even more fatigued. He simply wanted to relax a little with his family, but he sees that’s a bit too much to ask. Hyeri picking up where his mom left off only made him think of the limbo they’ve been in regarding revealing their relationship.
He lets out a heavy sigh then squeezes his eyes shut trying to trap his frustration behind his eyelids.
“Are you ok?” His manager asks.
“Yeah,” Yoongi responds not opening his eyes. “Just tired.”
“I understand. Would you like a coffee before tomorrow’s flight? I know you all have an interview to go to right after landing.”
“Yeah,” he exhales with mild relief that he’ll at least have his boost of energy for the next day. “That would be perfect.”
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just-a-strange-boy · 1 year
better strangers - part 4
part 1 * part 2 * part 3
Eversince ending your arrangement with Stephen, you've been going through a rough patch. Attempting to avoid him as much as you possibly could, you struggle to let go. An unexpected turn of events convinces you to reconsider. Not sure whether it might change everything or nothing at all, you agree to one last encounter with Stephen...
Pairing: Stephen Strange x ftm!reader
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI), mentions of cheating and the endorsement of cheating, ANGST (and a bunch of conflicting feelings), oral sex (ftm receiving), unprotected penetrative sex
A/N: so here we are, the big finale (word count is around 11k) ...and I've had a lot of fun continuing the idea and giving them this ending in particular, especially considering the beginnings of their story were only two prompts I wrote for kinktober. please remember that communication is key, cheating is not the way to go, and feelings are allowed to be complicated.
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The weeks following your fallout with Stephen turned out to be disastrous.
You were constantly on edge about everything. There were so many things suddenly starting to irk you and apparently everyone decided to get on your nerves constantly.
While you managed to hold back unsolicited comments at work and people luckily weren't able to see your grumpy face or how you held your head in hands as you talked to them over the phone, it didn't change the fact you were moody and a mess – running on an unhealthy amount of caffeine, cigarettes and plenty of bathroom breaks you spent with bawling your eyes out.
Work was bad, but it didn't quite stop there. Being on your own at home or even hanging around your friends was no better.
You found yourself reminded of Stephen at every little instance, incapable of ignoring his existence and pushing memories aside altogether. Instead you kept checking your phone every so often, wishing for him to just text you. You even caught yourself going home in anticipation, downright hoping he would be around on some days, because at least that would mean you could see him – well, before remembering how things had ended and that you shouldn't be excited at all.
So often, you remembered the things Stephen liked, little phrases he tended to use, his quirks. Most of all how he had been around you and how nice your moments together had been, not just because of the sex. All that stuck around in your head – and there was no use in denying the fact how much you truly missed him.
He didn't deserve to be cried over and yet it was exactly what you did. You couldn't bear the thought of him being all happy and pretending everything was fine, while it wasn't so easy for you – so you tried your hardest to avoid him at any given moment. It worked reasonably well: you always checked in with your sister on whether he was or would be around, and if she confirmed, you thought it best to not come home at all.
Because you didn't know what was worse: just seeing Stephen or seeing him all loving and happy with your sister.
As it happened to be, he seemed to avoid any opportunity of crossing your way as well, whether it was out of respect for you or because of his own pride.
He didn't come around the apartment often anymore. Your sister was downright annoyed how he seemed to never have time for coming for dinner, although he had always loved sharing meals with them.
You just ignored her rambling with a shrug.
You didn't want to think about Stephen Strange ever again, not another single second of your life. But everything revolved around the fact how desperately you missed him. You missed him hard. His presence, his cocky arrogant smiles, his playful teasing. You missed how right it felt to be with him, his loving kisses all over your skin, how keen he had always been to touch every inch of you, how it felt to have him inside of you. His smell, his voice, his... well, everything really.
You desperately tried to convince yourself how much you should not care, because neither did he. But it didn't work. Not in years would it have worked. The situation tormented you, because you cared immensely. Nothing was fine and everything sucked, but at least you didn't have to see him anymore. That was something, right?
Maybe, with time, your thoughts about him and feelings for him would pass, dissolve in the air, and you'd never worry a single moment in your life about that man ever again. Maybe.
Hitting the two month mark after ending the arrangement, your sister broke the sudden news to you. Two months ago you would have been happy to hear as it had been all you had wanted. But now your face fell and you didn't know what to feel when she told you that Stephen had abruptly ended the relationship.
She was understandably devastated, in the same way that you had been about letting him go, and although harvesting little compassion for her, you were still playing the good brother, at least giving her a hug and the consoling words 'He's not worth it then'.
How much of a bastard liar you were. Not just because you had endorsed Stephen cheating on her, with you no less. Not just because you pretended to care when you really had no empathy for her. But especially because what you were saying was a dirty lie.
You hated to admit it, even after all the resentment and anger and disappointment you had gone through, that he was worth it. That's why you had slept with him. That's why you had started to become so obsessed with him, wanted him, maybe even kind of fallen in love with him...
He wasn't easy, sure. He was a cheater and an asshole. You felt more than betrayed by him, his behavior and words having caused you to feel worthless. He had hurt you and you wanted to be way above putting yourself in a position of being hurt again.
But at the end of the day, you still clung onto his memory and longed to have him back, in the way you had him before and even more so in the ways you had never had him.
Silly you. As if that would ever happen.
It was a quiet Saturday evening.
You were in your room, sitting at your desk, typing away on your laptop like you so often did, when your phone display lightened up and grabbed your attention. Of course you decided to check it, thinking it might be one of your friends sending you either something important or maybe just a meme supposed to cheer you up.
But you couldn't have possibly been prepared for the disbelief that washed over you when you read the name. You blankly stared at it for a moment, thinking it was your silly mind playing a trick, but after double-checking - it was indeed him.
You had been foolish enough to never delete his number in the first place, not bothering to block it when you should have, and that's exactly how you ended up with his message on your phone, too weak to resist checking it altogether.
And thus, Stephen Strange returned to your life with a very subtle and surprising 'I'm in front of the complex waiting in my car. Will you please come down and see me?'
Your heart sunk. He could have written anything. An apology, a question, a plain approach like 'Hey' – but the message he had chosen to send was so direct you couldn't have possibly ignored it. He was here. He had come to see you.
A whole mess of feelings began surging through you. Confusion, resentment, disbelief, annoyance, though in some way hope was fluttering within you too, a giddy feeling, unmistakable excitement.
You should have ignored him. You should have let him sit and rot in his car, without ever giving him an answer, without ever talking to him ever again, make him swallow the bitter pill that you weren't so easy. That you wouldn't dance after his whistle and come back crawling to him in desperation. That he might never get you back.
You should have let him suffer the consequences of his behavior and continue to live with your own mistakes, in solitary.
But you didn't want to. After all, wasn't this what you had asked for, in a way? You had wanted him to choose you. You had wanted him and he was here now, requesting to talk to you, perhaps willing to make amends.
If you only heard him out, gave him a chance, perhaps it would ensure you the ending you had always desired. Maybe you could talk it out, find a middle ground. Even if you didn't and it was just another opportunity to see Stephen one more time, it might actually be worth it.
The wish of wanting to see him again was stronger than any resentment could have ever been, no matter how stupid it was. Seeing him was what you had to do. What you needed to do.
But you didn't want to seem too eager, deciding to test your luck and let him wait. See if he was willing to stay down in his car for longer than five minutes, without a definite answer whether you would come down or not. At least then you would know if he was truly serious about this.
Saving your document, you eventually shut your laptop. Your heart was beating faster by the second and your nerves were getting the worst of you. Was this actually worth the risk? Was he actually worth it or were you too blinded by your persisting feelings for the man?
You got dressed in another pair of pants and your favorite hoodie. The state of your hair was a mess, but you figured it didn't matter much. It wasn't like you were going on a date or had to look your best to get a point across.
Grabbing your keys, wallet and phone, you crossed the hall, aware you'd be passing your sister watching TV in the living room.
"I'll be out tonight", you spoke to her, "Don't know when I'll be back."
"Have fun", she turned her head and responded. A smile flitted across her face. She probably greeted the thought of you having a good time out, considering she had seen you miserable and mopey the last few weeks – in the same way that she had been, ever since her break-up.
If she only knew.
Slipping into your sneakers, you finally left the apartment, lingering on the stairs for another moment. It wasn't too late to turn back and put an end to this chapter in way that would ensure avoiding another heartbreak. Going down there would put you in a position of possibly being hurt again and were you really able to endure this another time?
You could have thought through every possible outcome of this situation for hours and it still wouldn't have changed the fact you had made your decision – in your head and most definitely in your heart. Taking another deep breath to brace yourself, you left the complex.
Out on the curb, you realized you didn't know what car to look for and checked the street. It didn't help it was fully packed with parked cars and it was dark outside already, save for the few street lamps scarcely illuminating the sidewalk. You pondered, searching the half-dark, guessing which car would fit a man like Stephen Strange.
But as it appeared to be, he must have noticed you leave the house long before. An engine was revved. Headlights further illuminated the sidewalk. A sign for you. You sighed when you noticed the car model. Of course, he drove a flashy car. As if Stephen Strange would have ever settled for something ordinary, something normal. No, he just had to drive a Lamborghini.
You walked up to it, checking the window to make sure it really was Stephen, but there was no way you could have mistaken him for someone else, his face illuminated by the interior lights.
He opened the door to you from the inside almost immediately. "Climb in", the voice you had missed so much eventually invited you in.
It felt odd to even get inside such a pricey car. Probably cost a hundred times your salary, if that was enough – and after all you had gone through, meeting each other again in the bounds of a car like this was not what you had imagined for yourself. But once you had pulled the door close behind you, actually being in the car made no difference to you though.
You were still facing Stephen and this situation alone would have been hard anywhere. Because he was here. Because he wanted to see you and you didn't know what it would mean.
"Thank you for coming", Stephen initiated conversation, cutting the engine again, so it was just the two of you sitting in the half-dark, his form barely illuminated by the streetlights falling into the car, "I was afraid you'd let me sit here and sour. I wasn't sure if I would have waited until the morning. Though I couldn't have blamed you. I would have deserved it. Being ignored by you, I mean."
"Yeah, maybe you would have", you sighed, not daring to even look him in the eye. You couldn't. Not yet. You had a feeling that he wasn't looking at you either. It was just the two of you and on your part you were feeling very small in these enormous leather seats, and a whole lot of tension between you. "But I'm here, am I not?"
"You are", he noted and it was when he spoke your name that convinced you to look at him, able to slightly make out his features and the lines of worry on his face, "Will you believe me when I say that I'm sorry?"
"That depends", you responded, one single thought popping into your head and bouncing back and forth: Forgive him and everything will be alright. But that would have been too easy. Things were never easy. You had to hear him out and decide then.
"If you tell me what exactly you're sorry for, I'll give it a try."
"For treating you the way I did. I handled it all wrong, and regret the way things happened... That I decided to keep a relationship I didn't really want, that I was so self-absorbed and never really...", he paused, bracing himself for the next words with a deep breath, admitting to his own faults, "I never really thought much about how you'd feel. As long as we were having sex, I didn't worry or think about anything else much, not until it was too late anyways. I am sorry for being so blind. I should have seen it meant more to you and knowing that, I should have never treated you the way I did."
"Did it ever mean anything to you? Like... was it ever more than just sex to you? At any point?"
It was perhaps the question that had tormented you the most, whether it had been as meaningless as you'd thought, just a bit of fooling around, or... more. It might not make any difference now or mend what had been broken. But you needed to know.
"In the beginning it was really just sex, that's why we made that arrangement, didn't we? We kept rolling with it, because... it just worked between us", Stephen began. You didn't really know what to expect to hear next, nor were you really decided about what you wanted to hear.
But as long as he'd be honest with you, you supposed you were willing to accept whatever he said.
"There was something special about you. I knew the first time I met you. And the second time, when I recognized you, realizing that you were my stranger... It changed everything", he went on. You couldn't help but think this was the first time he was being genuinely honest with you, allowing you to see deeper into the complex and usually closed-off man he was.
Though you wished he would have done that, well, two months ago, it was still better than never.
After hearing it all, perhaps then you could make up your mind whether it was too late or if there was perhaps still hope.
"I tried not to think about it so much. But then I got to know you better and I learned that you were kind, smart, adorably shy, a great cook... You had me hooked on your smile and tempted me with...just being you. It got harder and harder to stay away from you, to ignore the way my whole being was craving to be with you again. I could have gotten laid anywhere, but I didn't want to. I just lusted for you. There wasn't anyone else. Sure, your sister and that only for convenience. But it was you that I... you must think I'm so ridiculous, because I distanced myself from you – but it was you that I really desired."
"You could have. Had me. But when I told you about that, you dismissed me. Made me believe having the feelings was silly. You said that I wouldn't understand and you were right... I don't really get you. You seemed so indifferent and you pushed me away and yet you're here. I... I still don't get it."
"It's complicated... I avoid relationships for a good reason. I fuck up, because I'm clueless when it comes to them. Caring for another person... I think it overwhelms me", he admitted.
Could have fooled you. On a surface level he usually never displayed any kind of insecurity or doubt, with his level of confidence in himself, his carelessness and slightly more arrogant attitude. Stephen had never appeared like a man keen on big emotions. Honestly admitting to his own faults or sharing his worries, like he did with you right now, must have been a rarity.
"I dismissed you, because... because I didn't know what to do. I was scared of the thought to have you falling for me and not being able to live up to that. I realized a lot of things then, most of all that whatever we had was going to change...", Stephen went on.
"I felt like I was using you all of the sudden, which was never my intention. I always wanted it to be two-sided and consensual, but I didn't expect you to develop feelings. I dreaded the thought of hurting you. Which of course doesn't mean anything now, because I did hurt you and I can't take that back."
“You did hurt me”, you could only admit, “But I reckon that developing feelings for you was my own issue and certainly not your fault. I figured you had none for me and that's why you pushed me away. It sucked having to accept this was going to be how things would end. Now you're here though and I don't... I don't know how to process this.”
“I'm here because I am sorry. I wanted you to know I regret how things ended.”
"Is that also the reason why you broke up with her?”, the question blurted out of you.
"It's what I should have done in the first place. Before chasing after you. But I didn't care, as long as I got what I wanted. I really didn't care up to the point you addressed it, because it was never appeared as an issue to me until then...", Stephen mused, admitting to his own blindness. He hadn't known better and while that wasn't any kind of excuse, you weren't going to push him away. Not when he was already here for you.
“When you asked me why I kept staying with her... I don't know. I did like her, desire her, all that, it was good to show off a pretty girl on my arm, especially around the hospital. But I could have never loved her. It wasn't really fair to her either, huh? Pretending I was a great boyfriend while fucking around with you. After you told me to leave you alone... it wounded my ego quite a bit. But I think I needed that to make me reconsider things. I realized I'd much rather miss her than you. And now that I have broken up with her, I don't miss her much. All this time though, I've missed you."
A very pregnant pause followed.
You didn't know what to say, because that was a confession you hadn't quite expected. You understood what he was implying, but how much could you let his words truly mean to you? Could you let him wrap you around his finger like he hadn't hurt you, downright broken your heart? Because it would have been so easy for him to get you back like that, now that it suited him, now that he suddenly seemed to want you in this way.
But if you just gave him this, the benefit of doubt, the chance to prove himself to you... perhaps he would really live up to all he said. You wanted him to mean it. You wanted him so desperately. Your heart clenched as you looked at him, street lights barely revealing all of the features you had traced and kissed and adored all the same.
He spoke your name, pulling you out of your thoughts again. "I'm really sorry. It's stupid that I'm only realizing this now when I should have known better from the get go. You must think I'm such a asshole. And you wouldn't be wrong. I am. But I'm still hoping... even if it's stupid to hope you'll..."
"Forgive you?", you interrupted his rambling.
"Yeah. Yes, that."
"I don't know, Stephen. I don't know if I should."
"And I'd understand. Lord, I understand."
"I missed you too", you admitted to him then, a brash and quick confession, "And I've hated it. I hated you. I hated myself for not being able to stop wanting you. God help me. I've wanted you the first time you stepped into that hotel room. I've wanted you every other time you came to our apartment. And even now, I still want you. But I don't know if that's good enough. Or good at all. But... perhaps it would be worth figuring it out.”
“I know it's so much to ask for, to let me be in your life again just like that. You don't have to make your decision now. But even if you can never bring yourself to forgive me or allow yourself to want me... I wanted to make one last request”, he was very forward, like Stephen always used to be, “Will you come home with me today? Spend the night together?”
Your heart leaped wildly within the confines your chest – though you found yourself immediately considering what he was asking for. You didn't know whether he was requesting sex, just having you one last time, no matter how things would turn out. What you did know was that the idea wasn't offending nor repelling you.
"What will that entail?", you inquired anyways.
"Whatever you feel like.” A vague answer.
You decided to take the chance. "Food? I'm kind of hungry."
"Sure”, he agreed, “I could grab a bite. Haven't really been able to stomach anything before getting here."
"Am I gonna get an apartment tour?", was your second request, probably not what he had expected.
Yet he agreed with a shrug. "Sure, if you'd like. It's not that interesting though.”
“Well, you'd at least need to show me the bedroom”, you responded, deciding now was not the time to play coy. If that was your last chance at ever being intimate with Stephen, you were not going to pass on the chance, “That is, if you would you want to have sex?"
You weren't surprised he wasn't denying either. “Oh please, is that really a question you need to ask?” His answer put a smile to your lips.
“Good, because I haven't gotten any in weeks and I'm not sure I'll do well resisting you anyways”, you said then, unashamed to admit to your own truth. Maybe having sex would strangely resolve things you were too afraid to sort out right now.
“Likewise”, he hummed, reaching over to your side to search for your hand in the dark of the car, grasping it firmly in his. “There has never really been a moment I haven't wanted you. I'll have you if you'll have me. Even if it's just this once.”
"Stephen...", you murmured and since you were already looking at each other, it was an easy and quick decision. You leaned over the middle console, closing the distance between the two of you, and let your lips brush over his, the softest touch. It allowed you to embrace the idea this was actually happening. The two of you reunited. Kissing in Stephen's car, between you a quiet promise of so much more than you had initially bargained for.
It was so sweet. He didn't urge you on, responding with a gentle press of lips against yours, closing his hand around yours a little tighter. It was so innocent it made your heart flutter. During all the time you were allowed to have with him for the rest of today, perhaps it was fair to push aside all that had happened and just be in the moment, no matter what the future would entail.
"I wanna go home with you", you muttered against his lips then, before kissing him another time, never wanting a gap to persist between the two of you ever again. You felt him squeeze your hand in return, an assurance that he was feeling quite the same way: not ready to let you go anytime soon.
"Then let's get something to eat. My fridge is disastrously empty", he admitted to you after breaking apart. Where worry had been on his brow just minutes ago, you could now see the implications of a smile in the half-dark.
"No fancy restaurants though. I look a mess", you sighed, causing him to laugh.
"Don't worry. I'm more in the mood for a burger, some fries. Maybe a milkshake."
"Sounds perfect.” You paid him an honest smile, watching him turn towards the steering wheel and get ready to get started. “You're gonna drive this beast respecting all speed limits, yes?"
You eyed Stephen curiously as he revved up the engine again, the droning sound filling the relatively quiet street. You shortly wondered whether your sister would recognize the probably familiar and distinct sound of this car, but shook your head and quickly reminded yourself to stay in the moment. Now was not the time to think about your sister.
The Lambo's display lit up, grabbing your attention. "Okay, very fancy."
"Gonna drive by the rules, I promise", he agreed, backing out of the parking space and pulling the car onto the street. It looked so practiced. You couldn't have driven a car if your life depended on it, let alone this beast, but Stephen had perfected the skill of handling it.
He turned out to be a rapid driver (most definitely one that had gotten ticketed for speeding before), but overall seemed to stick to his word and tried to hold the speed limit, casually checking on you with a glance to his right. Checking if you were okay. Or, you imagined, checking if you were actually there.
You noticed he was steering the car into the drive-through of a fast food chain.
Even just sitting there, watching him drive, made you suddenly very aware of the fact that he was going to take you to his apartment, a place you had never been. You didn't even have a single clue where he lived, but sure were going to find out.
It was a little odd, wasn't it? That you had grabbed the opportunity by the neck so rapidly. Was it making you seem desperate to him? Or was he thinking about how weirdly unusual this situation was as well?
"Real fancy for a date", you hummed, but couldn't ignore how damn content you felt anyways.
"You can get a fancy dinner some other time, if you'd want", Stephen spoke, the clear implication of another actual date on his mind, though not allowing the pressure of needing you to agree to persist, "What do you wanna get?"
"Oh, a Classic Cheeseburger, large fries, and probably a strawberry milkshake, if they have that."
"Will do."
You patiently waited in the passenger's seat, watching him with patience as he ordered your food, picked it up from the drive-through window, and tipped the server rather graciously.
He carefully handed you the baggy and drinks. "If you spill, you owe me."
You chuckled at the notion, only guessing what he had in mind for owing him – probably something sexual, of course – and let him continue to drive in peace, noticing how he was heading towards a more pricey part of New York. Of course, he owned an apartment here. With a salary that was probably five digits, driving an expensive and flashy car, what else should you have expected?
There was a neat little car park below the building complex, where Stephen ended up parking. It was probably smart to have a designated spot like that, far-off from the public eye.
You were greeting the idea too, especially because people passing by, seeing someone like the renowned Doctor Stephen Strange going home with someone like you, would be no bother like this. Luckily, no neighbors in sight, you could head up the stairwell entirely unnoticed, just you and him and your food.
He lead the way and invited you into his apartment, and to be fair, you wouldn't have expected anything else from Stephen in means of decor either – sleek, expensive looking, straight out of a catalog honestly. He had so much space, which he probably didn't even need, and everything was just so... huge, especially the large windowpanes, allowing you to catch an impressive glimpse over New York.
It was a great view – still, you found your eyes rather tracking back to Stephen instead.
"Do you want dinner or the apartment tour first?", he asked, lingering, watching you, waiting.
"Food first. Always", you insisted. And even though it was only fast food, eaten out of the bag, slapped together burgers, greasy and soggy fries, two very sugary milkshakes, it suited you just fine.
You made a little bit of light conversation – during all the time your arrangement had been going, there had always been more sex than words involved. You had rarely simply sat together and talked. Maybe that's why this situation felt so substantially different to you.
You learned that Stephen mostly lived from take-out, wasn't very keen on cooking for himself, which didn't mean he couldn't – he just chose not to. As he was at the hospital most of the time anyways, he had gotten so used to purchasing meals elsewhere, mostly the hospital cafeteria and nearby restaurants. And well, for a fair amount of time, you'd been feeding him through by proxy.
He did give you a full tour of the apartment afterwards, as promised, all the way from the living room (where you had eaten), to the kitchen space (which you adored since it looked so perfect for cooking big meals), the bathroom (which literally had a shower you could sit in), a small study (a room that truly felt like Stephen's, displaying he was an avid collector of music records) and at last, the bedroom adjacent to it.
He once again admitted to loving your food, especially baked goodies – because he did have a sweet tooth, which was weirdly adorable to acknowledge. The confession alone made you want to cook and bake for him, as often and as much as he liked.
Some other day maybe.
Was it coincidental that he had chosen to show you this room last? You had requested him to show it to you after all, hadn't you? Was it time for that already? Maybe. Maybe not.
You could have asked him to simply take you back to the living room to talk some more and he probably would have been amenable, not wanting to ruin his chances with you. But once you found yourself standing in the middle of Stephen Strange's bedroom, looking at him and remembering how much you had been missing him the last months, how much it had hurt to let him go, how awful it had been to hear him dismiss you... how could you have not taken this opportunity?
Even if today was going to be the last time you ever did this, it would be all worth it.
Daring yourself to be bold – because he certainly wasn't being the bold one now, even though he had always liked taking the risks – you crossed the remaining distance between you two and wrapped your arms around his waist, craving to be embraced, hoping that he would return it with the same affection.
And he did, pulling you closer into him.
You tucked your head under his chin, letting it rest on his chest. In return, you felt him bury his face in your hair as he rested his head atop yours. And then he just held you, wrapped in his arms, one hand securely placed on your nape, the other on your midriff. You were melting into one another, not in the sexual way you were used to, but in this comforting manner. It was innocent. It made you feel whole.
There was no rush. No need to force anything. No point you had to get to.
"Smell so good", you hummed into his chest.
"Oh yeah?", he sounded amused.
"Mhh, I missed it", you admitted, "To be so close. I know I already said it, but I really did miss you a lot, Stephen."
You could hear him chuckle softly before he spoke your name, easing his grip around you as you stirred to look up at him again.
He was so handsome. All of his chiseled features, those high cheekbones, the prominent jawline, the curved lips turned into a smile. You loved the way his face always brightened up when he was at ease, lines of age visible but not overtaking. His eyes glistened as he looked down at you.
It was a little like the first time you had ever met – in mere minutes he had you mesmerized.
His looks had been impressive then, you still remembered the anticipation, not knowing what would happen, not knowing what he would do to you. You were in awe of his looks even now. How could you not be? There was anticipation too, especially as you noticed his tongue dart forward between his lips, the subtle downward glance to yours. Lord, the tension was thick.
This time you knew exactly what was going to happen.
Stephen leaned into you and you simply closed your eyes, welcoming whatever he decided to give.
His breath was ghosting over your face for a short moment, noses awkwardly bumping against each other, which made you smile. He wasn't intentionally winding you up, though it did cause even more tension to settle between you two. Your heart fluttered heavily and you breathed out a sigh when you felt his mouth brush over yours again, the whisper of a kiss, a gentle exploration. Innocent, intimate. Raw, honest.
It made you want to believe he meant it all.
He sank his lips onto yours more firmly then and you were perfectly pliant, greeting his kiss with a smile, parting your lips for him to get a taste. Picking up on your little signal, Stephen's hold on you tightened again as he claimed more of your mouth, swiping his tongue across your bottom lip. In return you opened your mouth further to him, trying to catch his lip between your teeth, grazing them over the tender flesh.
It made Stephen chuckle, your little attempt to playfully bite him and in some fortunate, though unexpected way urged him to deepen the kiss, passionately smashing your mouths together then. As if he were starving, he devoured you bit by bit, sliding his tongue against yours, encircling it, gentle strokes as he explored all of your mouth – and it was good, so fucking good that it had you cling onto his broad form, desiring him to give you more. Because you needed. Badly.
If he slipped away now, you weren't sure you'd survive. Neither would he though. Not by the way he was kissing you like he needed this more than oxygen, more than anything.
You both had to catch a deep breath somewhere in between kisses and so high on the ecstasy of just being able to have Stephen again, like this, you broke out into a chuckle, soon infecting the other man as well, once again revealing he looked so damn handsome when he laughed.
Stephen rose one hand to cup your cheek, caressing it gently, and you were grinning hard at him, being so affectionate. "Let me take care of you", he said, his gaze intense as it burned into you, "I wanna be good to you. I wanna prove to you that I meant everything I said earlier. I want you to know that I'm serious. If you let me."
"Yes", you agreed, nodding at him as his fingers gently trailed down your jawline, ever so slightly tilting your chin, not wanting you to avert your gaze again, "I want that too. I want you too."
You wouldn't, couldn't stop smiling and allowed him to pull you in another kiss, your mouths colliding once again, a whole wave of passion rolling over you.
He didn't pull you much closer, giving you just the perfect room to get your hands on his skin, sliding them under the sweater he was wearing. They landed on his waist first, though you were eager to let them trail further towards his stomach, the hard muscle tensing where you placed them flat against it.
He was so warm.
Willing to touch more of him, your hands skirted up the plane of his abdomen, seeking out his defined chest next. How did Stephen Strange have the audacity to be so damn hot, figuratively and literally?
Your brain short-circuited at the sudden moan that slipped past his lips, right into your kiss. There wasn't a more erotic, heavenly sound you could have imagined at the moment.
You craved to hear some more of it.
"Missed your touch so much", he groaned between open-mouthed kisses, insistent on putting his hands on you as well. You were forced to stay apart for a moment, eagerly trying to wrestle the sweater over his head – because while he looked good in any clothing, you preferred him even more without it.
You had to get a good look of him later, because before you had the chance to, he was keen on prying your hoodie off you, returning to the kiss with the same eagerness, chest to chest, heart to heart.
His hands on you were curious, mapping you out, from your shoulders to your arms, across the plane of your back, along the slight dip of your hips. Eventually he moved them to rest on the swell of your ass, squeezing the soft flesh lightly. "Hold onto me", he muttered, urging you to wrap your arms around his neck, clutching onto him as he pulled you up. You had most definitely underestimated his strength as he heaved you upwards, causing you to hop into his arms, legs coming round his midsection as he held you securely, hands placed under your behind.
It was fucking sexy, the way he didn't struggle to hold you in his arms, hungrily claiming more of your mouth, before beginning to walk through the room all while carrying you. You could have let him hold you and make out with you like this for ages, but were not disappointed in the slightest either as he moved towards the bed and sank you down again, toppling over with you.
Another shared laugh slipped in between kisses, your nose bumping his, the comfortable weight of his body pressing you to the bed. Warm excitement rippled through all of your being as he rolled his hips into yours. You tried to pull him closer, hands pawing at his back, feeling the hard warm muscle under you.
He was so responsive to your touches, small groans passing his lips when you dug your fingers a little harder into his skin, the needy buck of his hip as you wound your hand into his hair and gave it a firm tug.
He was aching for you, just like you were aching for him.
God, how you had missed him – his plush lips plundering yours, his taste, his smell, his warmth, his noises, the feeling of his body on top of yours. How he failed to be subtle in the slightest, the insatiable man that he was, grinding hard into you, somewhere between the states of wanting to give and needing to take.
You broke the kiss. "I don't wanna wait any longer today. I need you. Wanna feel you inside. Please, Stephen."
His ocean blue eyes darkened with lust as they flicked across your face again, a slight smirk crawled onto his lips. Of course, he enjoyed having you begging without even needing to do much for it. But his tone wasn't quite as dark with lust as he responded. It was gentle. "Anything you want", he hummed and bent to kiss the tip of your nose, the small display of affection making your heart clench. It made you want him even more.
"Can we do it slow today?", you requested, brushing through the hair on his nape, your other hand resting on his hip, "Not that I mind much however we have sex, I just think... I need to take it slow today."
"Yeah, sure", Stephen responded, only reluctantly pulling out of your hold to sit back up on his knees. His large hands quickly found their way to your thighs at first, followed by a gentle squeeze, fingers skirting along your pelvis up to the waistband of your pants, "Can I get this off you?"
"Definitely", you said eagerly, "If you strip as well."
"Your wish is my command." He chuckled softly, hooking his fingers underneath the waistband and freeing you from the last restraints, carefully shuffling your clothing down your hips as you helped him by wiggling and shifting your hips a bit.
"Could get used to this", you grinned back at him, feeling your face heat up while slowly revealing your naked form to him. Stephen had always managed to make you blush, that was no secret, but you usually weren't feeling so shy around him. Maybe it was all that time you hadn't been together or the fact that today was so different.
"I like undressing you. And if you're asking nicely for me to strip, who am I to refuse?", Stephen admitted, placing your bottoms aside, before his hands returned to your body, skirting up the length of your legs, rubbing small circles into the shins, the cap of your knee, the insides of your thighs, tickling you lightly, but stopping before going any further. God forbid, even his ministrations made you giggle – and helped you relax more, all naked in his presence.
"The sight has always been with me. From the first time on", he added.
"You're one to talk", you said, rolling your eyes at him, as if he weren't the one so annoyingly handsome and hard to forget. "Get out of your clothes, please?"
He gave you a knowing smirk, withdrawing his hands to reach for his belt buckle, seemingly in no rush to undo it, though ending up making quick work of his pants as a whole, shedding his underwear as well. It was a lovely sight, having him all naked.
If there was one thing to know about Stephen Strange, it was that he was rarely shy about the way he looked and that he took good care of himself that caused him to have a certain pride. His muscular thighs and long legs a delicious view to behold, though your eyes were a lot more drawn to the half-hard length resting between them.
"Pleased?", Stephen asked, returning to the bed and his designated spot between your legs.
"Very", you grinned, "Come give me a kiss, you hot bastard."
"Where would you liked to be kissed?", he responded with the same cunning grin, but not waiting for you to answer, bowing down low to press a kiss to your navel.
You had wanted him to press a kiss to your lips, but were not complaining as you watched him move on in adoration, his mouth peppering kisses all over your skin, fingers making their way along your thighs, keen on exploring the tender flesh and eventually reaching the apex of them.
A delicate gasp left your lips, small, barely audible. Your eyes fluttered shut, you jolted slightly at the feel of him alone. The skilled doctor's fingers never failed to awaken all kinds of feelings within you – most definitely a whole lot of arousal, hot excitement flashing inside your core as he brushed gently brushed through your folds, up to your little t-dick, quickly hardening at the attention.
"More, Stephen. Please", you huffed out and he did not disappoint, his breath trailing along the fine wisps of hair down to your crotch, before reaching your enlarged nub, ever so carefully sucking it between his lips. The hot and warm mouth on you made you nothing but ecstatic, incapable of believing your luck in this moment, and you dug your fingers a little harder into his scalp. You needed him to go on or you might just lose your mind.
Stephen was devoted to giving you pleasure in any kind, that you had known. He was simply insatiable as a lover, relentless, rough when he wanted to be, thorough and sweet when you asked him to. And at least for today, he was just yours.
Like so often before, you simply fell apart under Stephen. He was sucking on you, occasionally placing long broad licks all over you, little flicks around you that drove you crazy. His tongue worked as quick as efficient – and so did his fingers.
With his head buried between your legs, he kept you spread open, the thick pad of his thumb gently circling your hole, growing wet and needy at his ongoing teasing by the second. Enough to make you mad with lust, not quite enough to give you the pleasure you desired.
"Please, Stephen... your fingers... I need...", the words slipped out of your mouth, an incoherent babble, barely a request, but you didn't need to tell him twice.
Stephen was more of a dominant type, while you found it naturally easier to submit. But that didn't change the fact you knew exactly what you desired and how to get it, often enough having put your foot down and demanding he give into your pleas without a word of refusal. Sometimes he took and something he gave. Sometimes both at once.
Stephen's mouth was godly, his hands magic. He worked two fingers into you so easily, slender and long, sliding deep into your wetness, where you craved to feel him.
You arched into his touch, taking him to the knuckle, feeling him brush past the spot oh-so-sweet as he curled them inside of you, and the warm embrace his mouth had on your small cock, ever changing between hard sucks and skilled swipes of his tongue.
"Fuck, Stephen... you're driving me crazy", you whimpered, the combined suction on your most sensitive part and his fingers working over the perfect spot enough to make your thighs tremble already, pleasure building up too quickly.
It had been so long. Masturbation had never been as efficient, never would have been able to make yourself feel the way that Stephen accomplished, the thought of him and not being able to truly have him had tormented you anyways. But now... now you had it all.
All of Stephen, in his bed at his apartment. His mouth on you and his fingers deep within you. All of his attention on you, all of his affection for you, all of him belonging to you and all of you belonging to him. For as long as you'd decide to do this.
If you decided to forgive him, then it wouldn't only have to be tonight. There would be more chances, more opportunity, more of him and more of you together.
It didn't matter much that you had asked him to go slow, didn't matter his pace wasn't rushed at all, didn't matter he was going gently at it – there was something about him eating you out and fingering you at the same time managing to drive you to the edge all to quickly.
Overwhelmed with pleasure you were shaking, legs twitching, incapable of holding still, edging you further and further while you were so convinced it wasn't even possible to drag this out any further, tugging on his hair, mindlessly bucking your hips into him, chasing your own orgasm.
"You're gonna... gonna make me cum", you panted, squeezing your eyes shut, your desperate moans filling the room, "Gonna cum, Stephen... fuck, feels so good, feels so fucking good."
Your words continued to urge him on and Stephen did it perfectly, changing nothing, hitting the right spot with his fingers and circling your dick with his tongue in the way that made you absolutely feral. It was more than enough to pull you over the edge, all that tension coiling in your core suddenly releasing, pulsating and clenching around his fingers, pleasure surging through you and consuming all of you.
It was heavenly. Your mind went full blank, especially as he wouldn't stop lapping at you, causing you to squeeze your thighs shut, trapping him between them, hopefully not suffocating, still firmly grasping his hair. He made you squeal and squirm and lose yourself to complete ecstasy, until all of it ebbed away and you went entirely lax.
Only then did Stephen pull back, pressing a few more kisses to your thighs, chuckling lightly into your skin, clearly enjoying himself.
"Gorgeous", he hummed, pulling himself back up your body. You could feel his face close to yours by the warmth breath tickling your jaw. But good lord, you weren't sure how to function properly anymore, barely able to look at him, definitely not able to say something that would make sense.
You basked in this moment though, Stephen's warm body carefully resting half-atop you as he caressed your body all too gently, placing a kiss to your cheek.
"Are you doing okay, baby?" The term of endearment struck something deep within you, the smile on your lips must have looked so silly and droopy.
"You've officially murdered me", you huffed, hands searching something to hold onto and apparently finding his shoulders, "I'm literally pudding."
"You're ridiculous", Stephen chuckled softly, "I love to see you come apart for me."
You cracked one eye open, getting a glimpse of him looking at you rather fondly. His hard features had all softened while he observed you, his own cheeks a little heated, lips swollen red from his ministrations, but nevertheless entirely kissable.
"You're a menace", was your response and leaning into him, you claimed his mouth in another kiss. While you were still feeling the after effects of that mind-blowing orgasm, you weren't tired enough to stop wanting more of him.
He was still aroused, so you could feel, his hardness clearly poking your thighs. Not so subtly acknowledging this, you grinned, letting your hands skirt over the broad plane of his back, down to his firm ass, pressing upwards into him.
Stephen got the drift immediately, lips curling into a smile as well, and he began grinding into you again, even just the slightest friction of his cock sliding against you making him groan so sweetly.
You sucked his bottom lip between your teeth, before slightly pulling back to take a good look at him. Eyes blown dark with lust, cheeks red, small breaths passing between his lips, Stephen seemed positively flustered, his hair a damn right mess after his endeavors between your legs.
"I want you", you whispered to him, canting your hips into each movement of his, meeting his erection times and times again, "I want you so much."
"If you'd only know", he hummed, holding his body up with strong arms as he towered over you. A smile passed his lips. He spoke your name, bowing his head to gently rest your foreheads together. "You drive me crazy. I want to have you so bad", he admitted, voice low and smooth and sinfully hot. "Are you sure you can go again?"
"Yeah", you responded, digging your fingers into the firm muscle of his ass, sliding your bodies closer together, "And I'm afraid you might burst if I make you wait any longer."
"Have some faith in my self-control, will you?", he chuckled right back at you. It might have been a while, but Stephen was usually keen on drawing out the moment of being inside of you, lasting a fair amount of time. And it was what you had asked for anyways – slow and gentle, feel all of him, for as long as you could, right until the moment he'd come inside of you.
"I do", was all you said, stopping the movement of his hips as you reached between your bodies, both flush with heat, grabbing hold of his fully hardened length, throbbing in your hand with the silent request of being allowed to fill you.
You made sure to look at Stephen, keep his gaze, notice how he was holding his breath as you slid the tip of his cock over your own dick and then between your wet folds, guiding him to your entrance.
He let out a downright desperate little moan as you let him bury himself inside of you, carefully sliding into your wetness until he was to the hilt, allowing the moment to just be. You two just existed like this for a while, conjoined, him inside of you, feeling all, having all of each other, after going so long with missing this.
You locked your legs around him, keeping him in place, and brought your hands up to cup his face, smiling as you noticed the glimmer in his eyes. "Make love to me?", you requested.
Love. Whatever that entailed, whatever it meant to the two of you, whether it even was ever going to be that... During all your encounters, even the slow ones, it had always been just sex.
You had never thought anything else of it, not until it became a lot more meaningful sex, to you at least. But this, the way that Stephen was capable of making you feel, was so much more.
There was heart and soul and adoration and also lust in any of his movements, the way he checked on you between losing himself to pleasure occasionally.
He looked so handsome though, his eyes closed, brows a little furrowed as he concentrated on the sensations, lips parted, huffs of air and low groans leaving his throat. He felt perfect, like he had always done. His thrusts were slow, but nonetheless passionate, eager to fill all of you, drawing out the long strokes that drove you crazy.
"Stephen, you're so good. Feel so good", you whimpered, holding him close by his nape, needing him closer still.
"You do too, baby. So good", he murmured, brushing your mouths together again, tongue lazily tangling with yours as he kept this insanely good rhythm upright.
How did he always manage to make you feel this way, whole and complete? Every worry and sorrow brushed away, belonging to him in a way you had never belonged to anyone else.
You didn't want to belong to anyone else ever, just Stephen.
"You take my cock so well, babe", he muttered against your lips, sheathing himself within you again and again. You clenched around him, feeling the pulsating cock, a sensation you had hated to miss all that time, an action that made him feral.
"Fuck, I wanna fill you up so bad", he groaned, pulling out and sinking back in, with the same restraint, the same composure, keen on making this as slow as you had asked for, not giving into the need to fuck you harder.
"Missed you, Stephen", you whined, arms wrapped around him, hands splayed against his back, needing to pull him closer still, tilting your hips upwards in response to take him deeper, overwhelmed with a whole bunch of emotion as your body kept burning with pleasure, "Don't wanna miss you ever again."
His head sank into the crook of your neck, warm mouth brushing against your skin, rolling his hips into yours again. He only managed to speak words mangled with groans.
"Want you to be mine", you heard him say, a declaration spoken in the heat of the moment, but you couldn't help but feel as if he was meaning the truth. God, how badly you wanted to be his.
"M'yours", you whimpered right back at him, causing him to quicken his thrusts a little, though he was clearly not letting himself be overruled by passion. You sure were not going to last at this point, your whole core was throbbing and you were aching to cum, feel him cum inside of you as well.
"All yours, Stephen", you hummed again, sliding a hand between your bodies, searching for your enlarged t-dick, circling it with your fingers, adding to the pleasure.
"Gonna cum for me again, baby?", he growled, lips finding your pulse point, suckling on your neck as he kept rocking into you, every movement precise and deep.
"Oh god, yes", you moaned, working your hand faster as you felt your thighs trembling again, another upcoming orgasm consuming you as your thoughts seemed to entirely deconstruct.
You were coming apart, one of your hands searching to tug on his hair, pulling his head back up and crushing your mouths together, soon no more than a sloppy kiss shared between the two of you. Everything was so overwhelming, but there was an undoubted ease when you realized that you had Stephen. You had him right here, with you.
"I got you", he muttered in between kisses, the ongoing roll of his hips, his cock hitting these deep pleasure spots, causing you to reach your end. Bliss was washing over you. Stephen was all you could think about, all you could feel. Warmth and satisfaction burst through you in waves, momentary tension passed and you clung to him, still sliding into you, every other thrust of his drawing out more moans and sweet noises out of you.
"You're so gorgeous", he went on praising you, "My darling. I'm gonna cum. You want me to fill you up, yeah?"
You only whimpered, your words barely recognizable. "Y-yeah... come inside of me, please", you longed to feel him and he didn't disappoint. Rutting out his own pleasure, driving himself to the point of completion, he finished deep within you, coming so hard you could feel the ripple of his orgasm surge through his body, his warm cum spilling into you, his sweet and low groans ringing in your ears, mixed with the repetitive praise of your name and one little word - mine.
He called you his alone and like this, claiming your body completely, it was hard to deny how badly you wanted this to be the truth. You longed to be his, clinging onto his form as you kept him deep inside of you, embracing him. He was breathing so heavily you could feel it, brushing over your skin where his head had slumped against your shoulder.
Burying your nose in his hair, you wallowed in the moment and continued to hold him close.
You felt warm, whole. Stephen smelled so good and a little bit like home, your heart aching at the thought how you had missed it and most of all why you had to miss it in the first place.
Getting emotional after sex was nothing seldom, but you hadn't expected to feel your anxiety spike as well. A sudden rush of thoughts came up, reminding you of all the anguish and the pain of thinking you might never have this again, that he didn't want you the way you wanted him, that he would never choose you.
What if it didn't mean anything? What if Stephen was not serious about all this and just needed a way back to you, because he desired to have sex with you without wanting something more? What if this was all there was gonna be?
You couldn't bear the thought.
However, his words and tenderness and apology and his obvious need to have you again... all this gave you hope too. In the same desperate way you craved to have him physically, you were aching to just be with Stephen and want it all, with him. Right now, there wasn't anything you wanted more.
"We're having the sex of a lifetime and yet it's not enough to make you stop thinking", the rumble of his voice reached your ear. He rose his head to look at you, obvious worry on his brow, noticing that something was off.
"What's going on?"
"M'just processing all that's happened today", you admitted, reaching out to brush back some unruly hair that had fallen into his forehead, "And what it means for us."
"I don't need to ask what you want it to mean, do I?", Stephen hummed.
"Am I silly for hoping we have a chance?", you asked, vulnerability seeping through every fiber of your body, and your heart ached when Stephen paid you the most loving and gentle smile in return.
"Silly? Sometimes, yeah. But not for having these hopes", he assured you, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose, "I'm not quite sure what this... what we could be. What will happen with us. But I would not have asked you to forgive me, or to come here with me, if I didn't want you back."
"I just... I don't want it to be just sex. You understand that?" You wanted to smile back at him, but your head was not going to let you rest, until you had definite assurance. Maybe it would have been fairer to enjoy the moment and talk about this the morning after... but you were not going to be able to sleep soundly and be content without knowing. You had to be sure.
"Yes", Stephen acknowledged with a nod, "I'm not a total idiot, you know?"
"Could have fooled me." Your lips did quirk into a smile then. "Do you think... that maybe you could want more than just the sex?"
"Mmh", he hummed, his eyes flicking over your face as he mustered your expression, his gaze crossing yours again, "Don't get me wrong. I really love having sex with you and I have been desperate to feel you again. But I can only repeat myself. I want all of you. I think this strongly implies wanting more."
"Okay, when did you turn into a romantic?"
"It will pass, don't worry", Stephen chuckled, "Tomorrow I'll be back to my asshole, arrogant self. Even then... please know that I will still want you all the same. But it's not gonna be a walk in the park. You know me.”
"I actually don't know you all that well", you mentioned, cupping his cheek, softly caressing it, "I've only gotten small glimpses of who you really are. I think today was the closest I've ever gotten to seeing the real you and I'd love to see more of it."
"What if you won't like it? Having sex with me was the easy part. Really knowing me... I'm gonna fuck up. I have fucked up already, haven't I? You do understand I'm definitely not beyond making mistakes, I am clueless, and I wouldn't blame you... I don't want you to..."
"Just do better then", you advised him, very firmly, “And we'll work it out?”
"You're seriously giving me a chance?"
"No, I'm just saying", you began, rolling your eyes at him, his complete denseness, the momentary surprise and consideration on his face, "Idiot. Of course I'm giving you a chance. I don't want this to be the last time. And you know how I feel about you.”
"This evening turned out in both our favors then", Stephen responded and you gladly obliged to him pressing another kiss to your lips, causing him to shift slightly on top of you. The slight movement made you wince, reminding you he was still sheathed inside of you and you were entirely oversensitive at this point.
"Yeah, right... let's get untangled, before you get even more uncomfortable", he decided then, noticing your discomfort and withdrawing from you, "Would you like a shower?"
He looked about as wonderful as ever. Skin glistening, muscles straining, so beautifully dotted with his moles, hair disheveled, eyes fixated on you as he sat up on the bed. There was these ease to him now too, his demeanor having shifted after pulling down the walls he had put up around himself. For you.
"God yes", you immediately agreed, a little sweaty and absolutely sticky. You felt debauched, filthy in the way you loved it, sensing his seed trickling out of you. It did however cause you to rather awkwardly press your legs together as you pushed yourself upwards.
Stephen extended a hand, wordlessly aiding you in getting out of bed, pulling you into his strong arms, apparently not quite ready to take his hands off you. He was radiating with some sort of glee which you had never seen on him before. Maybe he was content. Maybe he was genuinely happy. And honestly, you loved to see it on him.
"You wanna watch a movie afterwards?", he inquired, both of you in your naked entirety as you staggered over to the bathroom.
"I'm probably gonna fall asleep anyways", you had to admit, beginning to realize how desperately your body was craving some rest now. You'd gone through a whole roller coaster of emotions today and having mind-blowing sex had been the cherry on top. However, falling asleep in Stephen's arms during a movie did sound oddly inviting, so you couldn't deny.
"Wore you out, didn't I?", he chuckled, getting you settled in the shower before starting it, the warm spray raining down on the two of you, keeping his hold on you.
"That's what I signed up for", you shrugged and grinned up at him, enjoying the domesticity of showering together without sexual intent. It was wholesome, taking turns to care for the other, Stephen gently soaping up your hair and rinsing it afterwards, you using the opportunity to ease a bit of tension out of his back muscles in return.
Cleaned up nicely and entirely relaxed, you eventually found yourself curled up next to him on the couch, a protective arm draped around you while you rested your head against his chest, barely watching the movie you had decided on together, too busy with enjoying just to be with Stephen.
All of this was what you signed up for too when choosing to forgive him – to be the recipient of Stephen's gentleness, to see his genuine smile, to have him close and be comfortable with him, to have actual conversations and meals together and spend quality time with him in ways you had previously not been able to.
Who knew what the next months, weeks or even tomorrow would be like. Any kind of obstacles could be coming for you soon enough, but if the two of you managed to put an effort in facing them together, perhaps it would turn out just fine.
Not that it mattered right now. You thought about the future often enough and didn't want to find yourself trapped in the same spiral of over-thinking while getting to enjoy your time with Stephen.
For today, you allowed yourself to be happy and content.
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dearestvante · 1 year
stars around my scars; kth. | 02.
pairing: taehyung x fem!reader genre: college au, goodgirl x badboy (sort of), angst, fluff warnings: lowercase writing, swearing, drinking, infidelity (not between you and tae), taehyung calls you 'angel', can be confusing at times (i'm a beginner and not a native english speaker), jungkook cameo 🤭 summary: people are not always what they seem. you learned that the hard way, when you caught your boyfriend cheating, the night that was supposed to be one of the best ones you ever experienced. but on the same night you also learned that in everything bad, there’s always a little bit of good. wc: 2.2k series masterlist
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november started with a rainy saturday. the light tapping of raindrops woke you up from the comfort of your dreams into the harsh reality. you got out of bed, rubbing your eyes, dragging yourself towards the kitchen. on your way there you noticed that soojin’s bedroom door is slightly open, offering a view of her sleeping like a baby.
in the kitchen, you made yourself a cup of coffee to start the day. you weren’t a fan of the bitter taste, so your caffeinated drinks mostly looked like a child’s, with all sorts of different flavors - and of course, whipped cream - but today you decided on a simple black. you felt bitter, so you needed bitter. though you still added two sugar cubes in it. with the steamy mug in your hands, you sat down on the couch, and as you did, you noticed your coat next to you, the one that you wore last night. soojin must’ve brought it back. you reached inside the pocket to take your phone out. 15 missed calls and 20 unread messages. taking small sips of your coffee, you skimmed through all of them. most of them were from soojin, except for two calls, those were from your boyfriend. sorry, ex-boyfriend. when his name popped up on the screen, you felt your stomach shrink and a lump forming in your throat as last night played in your head over and over again. you threw your phone on the coffee table and sat back on the couch, bringing your knees up to your chest. it felt like a nightmare, expect that it was all real. nightmares you could forget and escape by waking up, but there’s no waking up from reality.
your spiraling was disturbed by the sound of your roommates lazy footsteps. she came out of her room, headed straight for the kitchen and downed like a full bottle of water, in one go. you could hear her muffled swearing as she got another one out of the fridge.
“are you okay?” you asked quietly as you walked to the kitchen , trying not to scare her, but it didn’t work. you startled her so much she almost threw the bottle at you.
“for fuck’s sake, y/n! where the hell where you?”
“me? i was just in the livin-” you tried to answer but she cut you off.
“last night! where were you last night?! jungwon was so worried about you, and so were we.”
you scoffed. “i imagine how worried he must’ve been.”
“what do you mean? we called you like a dozen times but you couldn’t even pick your damn phone up!”
“i left it in the house. i got home earlier.” you said, turning around, hoping soojin won’t ask any more questions. but she did.
“what do you mean, you got home early? did something happen that i don’t know about?”
you stopped in the middle of the room, squeezing your fists, hoping that you don’t break down crying.
“did something happen?! yes soojin, it fucking did. jungwon cheated on me.”
your roommate seemed surprised, but not as much as you would’ve expected her to be.
“oh no, he was right. he said you would misunderstand.”
“there was nothing to misunderstand, soojin i know what i saw!” you were confused and frustrated, on the verge of breaking.
“look, i think you should talk to him, he will explain everything—”
“you don’t believe me?” your voice was shaky.
“i-.. i-i don’t know, okay?!” she replied, running her hand through her hair, frustrated.
“get out..”
“get the hell out of my house!” you snapped at her, slapping the kitchen counter which made her jumpy, once again.
“but i have nowhere to go…”
“i don’t fucking care, grab your things and leave.”
you turned around and went straight inside your room, trying to hold your tears in at least until you close the door. losing jungwon was one thing, but losing your best friend was way worse. realizing that she would rather believe his made up story, instead of you, when you knew you are right, felt more painful than a knife through the heart. you dropped to your knees before you could reach the bed. it was too much, too heavy. you felt betrayed, deceived and painfully lonely. as you sat there with your face buried in your hands, you heard soojin slam the front door as she left.
you spent the rest of the weekend inside, on your own. you tried distracting yourself with a handful of activities, but something always reminded you of what happened so you ended up crying again, and again, and again. from studying to scrubbing the bathroom clean, nothing could help ease your mind, up until sunday evening when you decided that this cannot continue anymore. whatever happened, happened, you can’t undo it and crying over it won’t help fix it. it was time to move on, because if you don’t, that means he wins. and you hated the idea of losing.
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with the harsh sound of your monday morning alarm, came the harsh realization that moving on might not be as easy as you first imagined. staying in bed and skipping the whole day has never been so tempting before, but you didn’t give in. you still needed your attendances and good grades to keep the scholarship so skipping because of a break up was not an option. not for you. you were always a fighter and that wasn’t gonna change anytime soon.
as you arrived on campus, you immediately noticed your - now ex - friend group standing at your usual spot. taking a deep breath you fastened your steps, walking beside them like they don’t even exist. first bullet, dodged, you thought as you entered the building. going straight for your locker, you took all the necessary books, exchanging them with the ones you brought in your bag. you slammed the locker door shut and headed to class.
mondays weren’t that busy for you, so by lunch you were done with all of your classes. it felt like your ex-friends were avoiding you just as much as you were avoiding them, because you haven’t seen any of them since the morning. little did you know, that this will soon change.
you decided to have lunch at the cafeteria today, so you took a tray of today’s menu and sat down to an empty table, in the back corner of the room. it was an unwritten rule at your college, that the people who sit that far back, do not wish to be bothered, so you were hoping that no one will disturb you. while you finished your food, you had time to look around, considering you had pretty good view of the whole room from the back. you saw two freshman girls trying to earn two seats at the jock’s table, the communications majors judging everyone that entered, art majors covered in paint and/or clay residue, and last but not least, the popular table. that’s where you would be sitting right now, with your friends. you get a little lost in your thoughts and stare at them a moment longer than you originally planned, which they also notice. you see soojin turning towards jungwon, it looks like she’s very persistent about something. you lower your gaze, looking at the leftovers on your plate, praying that their conversation has nothing to do with you. when you look up again, you find jungwon standing in front of you.
“we need to talk.”
you shrug your shoulders. “there’s nothing to talk about. you cheated, we’re over.”
you sound determined, but that’s probably because you rehearsed this exact sentence over and over again during the weekend. you get up, with the intention to end this conversation and leave, but jungwon grabs your arm, holding you back.
“you’re being unreasonable, please just hear me out!”
“i don’t care what lies you fed to the rest, but you can’t deceive me, not anymore. it’s over, now please do me a favor and leave me alone.” you declare, freeing your hand from his grip.
your ex-boyfriend is trying hard to cover his defeat with a nervous chuckle. jungwon hated when you had the last word, he always had to be the one to end the conversation. most of the time you let him, but those days are over, you made that very clear to him today. every single soul in the cafeteria is staring at you as you walk away, and that’s when you know, that the rumors already started. jungwon earned the “cool freshman” title for getting an older girl, while you’re probably painted as the bad girlfriend who couldn’t fulfill a man’s needs. you knew the truth and random students’ opinion didn’t really matter but it still hurt a little, half of campus looking at you like you poisoned their pet.
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amidst the weekend you got rid of the stuff that reminded you of your past relationship: you threw out all the gifts and pictures, along with jungwon’s clothes that were left at your place and kicked out your treacherous roommate. the only thing left was the angel costume you rented specifically for the halloween frat party. you called the rental shop and they said you can bring it back on monday, so after coming home from college, you checked if you had all the pieces of it, and headed to the shop.
the woman at the counter was expecting you so you were basically in and out in a few seconds. as you closed the door, you heard your phone ring. it was your mom. you were ignoring her calls and gave your usual updates through texts, but you couldn’t avoid her for long. after all, you did not get your determination from your dad.
“hi mom!” you picked up, the fake enthusiasm in your voice couldn’t have fooled a deaf person.
“sweetheart, would you mind explaining what happened between you and jungwon?” don’t let the nickname fool you, she was furious. her and jungwon’s mom were best friends since high school, so you figured that she told her everything. well, jungwon’s story, to be precise.
“i caught him with another girl. we broke up.”
“are you sure? his mom says he’s very heartbroken because you are not willing to talk to him.” you felt like the whole universe swore against you. first, your best friend, and now your own mother is doubting you.
“really, mom? you of all people should understand.” you said, and without waiting for her answer, you hung up. she was a victim of infidelity herself, it ended her marriage with your dad yet she still chose to believe someone else.
you fastened your pace and walked with your head down, so you don’t have to deal with anyone else today. your plan was compromised when you bumped into someone on the side walk. if it was anyone else, you probably would’ve told them to watch where they’re going, staring them down with a frown, but as you raised your gaze, you saw it’s taehyung you literally walked into.
“hi, angel.”
“hi.” you said, taking a small step back to create some distance between the two of you. “what’s up?”
“got some new stuff” he raised a plastic bag, filled with all types of brushes and paint. “now i’m waiting for my roommate. you?”
“ooh, nice. i just dropped of my costume at the rental shop. officially got rid of everything that would remind me of my ex.” you said, with a faint smile on your face.
“glad to hear that.” he smiled back at you, making your sharp features soften, unintentionally. you’ve never seen a person with a smile as contagious as his. contagious and beautiful.
the two of you would’ve probably stood there for a while just staring at each other if it wasn’t for a guy - taehyung’s roommate, supposedly - snapping you out of it.
“sorry, hyung i couldn’t find the one you said but they had thi— oh hi, stranger.” he said, looking towards you with his big, brown eyes. the guy had a cute, round-ish face and soft features, which he tried to sharpen with various piercings.
“y/n, this is jungkook, my roommate and best friend. jungkook, this is y/n, she’s…” taehyung hesitated, as he tried to introduce you to his best friend.
“i’m taehyung’s friend, nice to meet you.” you held out your hand, turning towards jungkook.
“nice to meet you too.” he shook your hand, smirking, and then turned to his friend. “i didn’t know you had friends.”
you bit your lip in order to hold in your chuckle as taehyung rolled his eyes at jungkook.
“we’re gonna grab some drinks, wanna come?” jungkook offered, flashing his big, curious eyes again. he looked like a kid, you found it really cute.
“it’s a lovely offer, but i gotta go home.”
“please, don’t say ‘to study’.” jungkook whined.
“but she will, right?” taehyung said, in a mocking manner.
“i’m sorry. maybe next time?” you raised your eyebrows inquiringly.
“you’re lucky, you’re cute.” jungkook replied.
“alright, see you next time, then. have fun boys!” you waved both of them goodbye with a huge grin on your face. so huge, it wouldn’t disappear until you reached your apartment.
you didn’t lie about studying, but when you saw the pile of spreadsheets and the code of law sitting on your desk, you felt the will to live slowly evaporate from your body.
“what a fun night.” you thought as you sat down to your desk, cup of coffee in your hand, so you don’t accidentally fall asleep amidst all this entertainment.
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a/n. helloo, i’m back <3 ik it’s not the best chapter ever made but i hope it will satisfy everyone for now hehe. anywaysss look forward to the next one, it will be much much better 👀. likes, reblogs & comments are all appreciated. take care ❤️‍🩹
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Mourning Mischief
A repost from my main blog and AO3
If you like the post and you can, please tip. Anything helps.
If you can't, please reblog.
NSFW - Out, out young minors.
CW- Raven/Jason Todd hand job, noncanon material, massage
She had just wanted a coffee.
No, she corrected herself, looking at the sorority girls and frat boys who had invaded her caffeine filled sanctuary, the painful throbbing in her head building every second that she stood.
She needed coffee. Desperately.
She tried to get into line again, only to trip and lose her balance as she got pushed back by the drunk guy in a Winnie the Pooh onesie and his girlfriend who was dressed as a sexy Piglet. They made out while aggression and thoughts of cheating poured off of them in waves.
"A plague on both your houses." Raven muttered, checking to make sure that her laptop was okay, before she reached up a hand to grab the counter.
"Need a hand?"
"I'm fine with the two I have, thanks. What I need is to get up off the floor and get coffee. Or espresso. Or a direct IV of caffeine."
The chuckle had an undercurrent of kindness. And they were sober. She thought that he might be lost, but he was a nice island of calm, helping her anchor herself in place.
A hand reached down, and she pulled herself up with that little bit of help. 
And felt the awkward jolt as she saw just who she was talking to.
She remembered seeing the snapshots that her teammate carried in his wallet and the pictures on his phone. Somehow, in spite of that, she had not connected this guy with his jeans and the red flannel jacket over a red hoodie with the little brother her teammate had tons of stories about.
Or the memorial plaque by the entrance.
Okay, she hadn't thought about much but her caffeine headache and the paper she had to write for her college classes.
But not recognizing Jason still felt like a mistake.
"Is it always this crowded?" He had to bend so his mouth was by her ear to be heard.
"No. It's because it's Mischief Night."
"Mischief Night?" He blinked.
"Night before Halloween."
"Oh." His voice was quiet. "Right."
A drunk frat boy backed up into her, and if Jason hadn't caught her around the waist, she would have fallen again.
The crowd's emotions were starting to leak through her shields and she took a breath.
Once she was up to the counter, she ordered her coffee with an espresso shot.
Jason grabbed his coffee, but still seemed shaken, in spite of how calm he felt to her other senses. 
"Want to go for a walk?"
He nodded and they walked together, sipping at their coffees.
"Sorry, Halloween brings up some bad memories for me."
Thoughts of her father's attempts to control her mind or abilities or possess her went through Raven's head. "I get that. My family tries to make it literally hell for me."
An odd laugh escaped Jason. "Sure."
Raven turned, letting her temper flare. "I'm being serious."
Jason looked at her. "I'm sure you are. But I ended up in Hell after I died. I got better, but I'm not exactly okay after that."
"And my father is a literal demon who tries to use me as a personal portal!"
She was nearly nose to nose with Jason.
Who pressed his hands down on her shoulders until her boots touched the ground again.
She rarely slipped to use her abilities so publicly.
He raised his cup for a toast. "To trauma and anger management issues. Shields sliding?"
The question was so matter of fact, not alarmed or condemning. She didn't hear that much outside the team. Or even inside the team.
Raven nodded. "Halloween really isn't easy for me. And the frat party - it's pretty bad right now. But I'd need to get to my dorm or my room at Titans to get all my shit pulled together."
"Hop on then."
Jason tossed her a helmet and she looked at the motorbike in front of them.
She climbed on, holding on to Jason as they drove the few blocks to her dormitory.
Cheerful voices, party music and laughter filled the air, filtering out of open windows. Raven felt her shields slide even more. With a swallow, she tried to hold onto a measure of calm as she rushed inside.
And her shields came crashing down.
"Breathe. Come on, breathe. Let's see. What was that again? White dove in a snowstorm. Find a white dove in a snowstorm."
Calm started to break through the shadows that were moving in purplish ribbons around her room and she floated up, trying to clear her mind to meditate.
"Doves don't fly in snowstorms," she whispered as she started her breathing exercises.
"The dove is having a bad day." Jason said.
It was not her normal meditation, but after some deep breaths, she had shields shakily back up.
Jason handed her a pendant.
"What does this do?"
"Shield. Gift from one of my brother's friends because of the open third eye thing. I am going with you had problems because there were too many people for your shields?"
"Sort of." She went through steps in her head. Meditation, shield, weighted blanket, brew a tisane or green tea. Unless she was supposed to purge an emotion so she had a healthy reaction rather than unhealthy? Work through the feeling? Positive outlet? There were too many steps and options blurring through her mind.
"Too many feelings. I'm an empath. Strong emotions are hard to shield. And some emotions are worse than others given my bloodline."
"Better?" He was rubbing her back in soothing circles.
She did not feel soothed.
"Not exactly. I have too many - feelings that I need to work out before they can get used against me. So l need to work through my feelings in a wholesome way."
"Can I help?"
She looked up into his face. "Oh, you can absolutely help. Maybe. Wholesome. How well do you know your seven deadlies?"
He looked so cute when he blushed. Well, he'd figured out what she was feeling.
"Would dancing work?"
She blinked.
He held out his arms as though looking for a hug. She stepped into the embrace and he started to sway, turning with her in his arms. "I remember trying to learn how to dance before. How dancing with a girl made me feel so grown up. "
She swayed closer. "Before what?"
He shivered. "Before I was murdered."
Her hands slid up under his shirts. "I think I figured out a wholesome way to do this. But you need to strip."
His eyebrows lifted. "How is this a good idea?"
"You'll see."
Empathic healing seemed to work best when she was feeling strong emotions. At least, she was trying to remind herself of that, staring at the now naked man lying face down on her bed.
Not that she was wearing a great deal more, since she'd stripped to bra and underwear. The warm oil for the massage might be soothing, but she didn't want it all over her clothes.
Oiling up her hands, she straddled his thighs, letting her empathy guide her hands to soothe spots where fear had built up in his body the most.
She started with his knees, satisfied when she felt the muscles soften under his touch, then touching his back.
His muscles loosened as she pressed herself against his back, reaching the circle of muscle by his heart where the fear had buried itself deep, then letting her oiled fingers drift down, over his belly.
She wrapped her other arm around so she could use both hands to cup him, massaging his sac tenderly before stroking him softly.
He was leaking in her hand and she kept her hands sliding up and down his shaft until he finally emptied himself out. 
She went to slide off his back, when a larger hand wrapped around hers.
"Thy gifts, thy tables are within my brain."
The clock struck midnight and he kissed her fingers.
"Happy Halloween."
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nathank77 · 2 months
3:23 p.m Updated/Added to Significantly 3:51 p.m
So the half frames are great but they leave those marks on my face, I've since switched to my Ray-Bans.
I feel more like me in my half frames but as stupid as this sounds my Ray-Bans are now my face lol I still want half frames that are comfortable but maybe next year. I've decided I'm going to invest in the Ray-Bans and have the lenses replaced next year assuming my prescription changes anyways.
They may touch my cheeks sometimes but I mean less now that I lost weight and they are branded. They take up my whole face but whatever. I do like the idea that when someone sees the side of my face they can read Ray-Bans and think I'm not poor. Also I do sorta like them but they take up half my face.
I remember talking to Elise about glasses and how I hated how some people wore glasses that took up half their face and then I ended up being one of them :/ maybe that's why no one wants me.
I shaved my face but I still got to trim my bread and I'm going to buzz my head instead of shaving it.... bc it's cheaper. Gillette is expensive. And buzzers are cheap and mow through it. I really wish I could get all my hair waxed off or plucked out so I never had to shave again. Then I'd just have to keep my chin strap edged up nicely and get rid of the nasty mustache.
I noticed my facial hair is slowly filling in. I feel dirty cause my beard is too long but I can't find a happy medium. If I shave it to a 1 guard you can see my double chin and I feel the hole stands out just as much as when it's longer....I also think when it's longer I can move it/fluff it persay to cover the hole a little. I didn't fluff it in this photo. I notice the bad side is starting to fill in.
Last week my beard was perfect length but within 4 days it was too long and now it's bothering me. Maybe I'll keep growing it but idk I'm prob going to try a 2 guard. Idk sometimes I just do the 1 so I don't have to trim it for a couple weeks but I always regret it.
I can't find the right length. If I let it grow longer for a while then I mean maybe I'll get used to it feeling "dirty." I'm just more clean cut.
Hair feels dirty on me idk how to explain it. It's a symptom of being bald for years. My fringe or whatever feels nasty and dirty too around my bald head. Even though you can barely pinch it.
I'm worried about money. I have to get cigarettes in new Hampshire this Friday... I had to replace the apple usb port cause I don't game like I used to and i deserve to play. Twitch already fucked me. A 4 hour video of minecraft had muted audio. It disconnected. And no one watched, a .1 average viewership it's too depressing to see all the same issues. I chose recording and YouTube for a reason. I know how long someone watches. I know how they find my video. I know if they return to my videos. I can see certian parts they watch more frequently (when I get enough of a following).
But yea I'm worried about money and I'm worried about continuing to take White mulberries at 3000mg but I had a lot of caffeine yesterday. I cut myself off at like 1 or 2 p.m today. If I have an involuntary movement or something that is a twitch instead of a Spasm I'll drop down to 1000mg of white mulberries but I really think it was caffeine. I say twitch versus spasm bc spasms could still be due to the statin drug... that side effect can last 3 months... twitches are not common for statins.. I did actually have a Spasm today in my leg but it wasn't a twitch I do attribute it to the statin side effects wearing off.
Today was a cheat day I had smiley fries and Simulate nugs. My hallucination makes me want to jump off a bridge.
I hope I fall asleep quickly tonight. I'm not going to bother gaming. When I get my adapter I'm going to game at night but not have caffeine after 2 p.m... and see if it's just the caffeine bc I can see the commonalities between all 4 nights:
1) caffeine consumption was high bc even the day I only had one red bull I drank 3 or 4 v8 and Gatorade cause I didn't know it had caffeine.
I truly hope this microsleep trauma will lighten eventually. I see Erin and Mike tomorrow.... and that's it for therapy for the week.... that's the sad part....
Idk what I'm supposed to do I can't get abandoned again by another bot.
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landboundstar · 1 year
Mourning Mischief
Minors, avert thine eyes. Minors, turn away now. Minors, do not interact.
CW - nudity, hand job, levitating short girl
She had just wanted a coffee.
No, she corrected herself, looking at the sorority girls and frat boys who had invaded her caffeine filled sanctuary, the painful throbbing in her head building every second that she stood.
She needed coffee. Desperately.
She tried to get into line again, only to trip and lose her balance as she got pushed back by the drunk guy in a Winnie the Pooh onesie and his girlfriend who was dressed as a sexy Piglet. They made out while aggression and thoughts of cheating poured off of them in waves.
"A plague on both your houses." Raven muttered, checking to make sure that her laptop was okay, before she reached up a hand to grab the counter.
"Need a hand?"
"I'm fine with the two I have, thanks. What I need is to get up off the floor and get coffee. Or espresso. Or a direct IV of caffeine."
The chuckle had an undercurrent of kindness. And they were sober. She thought that he might be lost, but he was a nice island of calm, helping her anchor herself in place.
A hand reached down, and she pulled herself up with that little bit of help. 
And felt the awkward jolt as she saw just who she was talking to.
She remembered seeing the snapshots that her teammate carried in his wallet and the pictures on his phone. Somehow, in spite of that, she had not connected this guy with his jeans and the red flannel jacket over a red hoodie with the little brother her teammate had tons of stories about.
Or the memorial plaque by the entrance.
Okay, she hadn't thought about much but her caffeine headache and the paper she had to write for her college classes.
But not recognizing Jason still felt like a mistake.
"Is it always this crowded?" He had to bend so his mouth was by her ear to be heard.
"No. It's because it's Mischief Night."
"Mischief Night?" He blinked.
"Night before Halloween."
"Oh." His voice was quiet. "Right."
A drunk frat boy backed up into her, and if Jason hadn't caught her around the waist, she would have fallen again.
The crowd's emotions were starting to leak through her shields and she took a breath.
Once she was up to the counter, she ordered her coffee with an espresso shot.
Jason grabbed his coffee, but still seemed shaken, in spite of how calm he felt to her other senses. 
"Want to go for a walk?"
He nodded and they walked together, sipping at their coffees.
"Sorry, Halloween brings up some bad memories for me."
Thoughts of her father's attempts to control her mind or abilities or possess her went through Raven's head. "I get that. My family tries to make it literally hell for me."
An odd laugh escaped Jason. "Sure."
Raven turned, letting her temper flare. "I'm being serious."
Jason looked at her. "I'm sure you are. But I ended up in Hell after I died. I got better, but I'm not exactly okay after that."
"And my father is a literal demon who tries to use me as a personal portal!"
She was nearly nose to nose with Jason.
Who pressed his hands down on her shoulders until her boots touched the ground again.
She rarely slipped to use her abilities so publicly.
He raised his cup for a toast. "To trauma and anger management issues. Shields sliding?"
The question was so matter of fact, not alarmed or condemning. She didn't hear that much outside the team. Or even inside the team.
Raven nodded. "Halloween really isn't easy for me. And the frat party - it's pretty bad right now. But I'd need to get to my dorm or my room at Titans to get all my shit pulled together."
"Hop on then."
Jason tossed her a helmet and she looked at the motorbike in front of them.
She climbed on, holding on to Jason as they drove the few blocks to her dormitory.
Cheerful voices, party music and laughter filled the air, filtering out of open windows. Raven felt her shields slide even more. With a swallow, she tried to hold onto a measure of calm as she rushed inside.
And her shields came crashing down.
"Breathe. Come on, breathe. Let's see. What was that again? White dove in a snowstorm. Find a white dove in a snowstorm."
Calm started to break through the shadows that were moving in purplish ribbons around her room and she floated up, trying to clear her mind to meditate.
"Doves don't fly in snowstorms," she whispered as she started her breathing exercises.
"The dove is having a bad day." Jason said.
It was not her normal meditation, but after some deep breaths, she had shields shakily back up.
Jason handed her a pendant.
"What does this do?"
"Shield. Gift from one of my brother's friends because of the open third eye thing. I am going with you had problems because there were too many people for your shields?"
"Sort of." She went through steps in her head. Meditation, shield, weighted blanket, brew a tisane or green tea. Unless she was supposed to purge an emotion so she had a healthy reaction rather than unhealthy? Work through the feeling? Positive outlet? There were too many steps and options blurring through her mind.
"Too many feelings. I'm an empath. Strong emotions are hard to shield. And some emotions are worse than others given my bloodline."
"Better?" He was rubbing her back in soothing circles.
She did not feel soothed.
"Not exactly. I have too many - feelings that I need to work out before they can get used against me. So l need to work through my feelings in a wholesome way."
"Can I help?"
She looked up into his face. "Oh, you can absolutely help. Maybe. Wholesome. How well do you know your seven deadlies?"
He looked so cute when he blushed. Well, he'd figured out what she was feeling.
"Would dancing work?"
She blinked.
He held out his arms as though looking for a hug. She stepped into the embrace and he started to sway, turning with her in his arms. "I remember trying to learn how to dance before. How dancing with a girl made me feel so grown up. "
She swayed closer. "Before what?"
He shivered. "Before I was murdered."
Her hands slid up under his shirts. "I think I figured out a wholesome way to do this. But you need to strip."
His eyebrows lifted. "How is this a good idea?"
"You'll see."
Empathic healing seemed to work best when she was feeling strong emotions. At least, she was trying to remind herself of that, staring at the now naked man lying face down on her bed.
Not that she was wearing a great deal more, since she'd stripped to bra and underwear. The warm oil for the massage might be soothing, but she didn't want it all over her clothes.
Oiling up her hands, she straddled his thighs, letting her empathy guide her hands to soothe spots where fear had built up in his body the most.
She started with his knees, satisfied when she felt the muscles soften under his touch, then touching his back.
His muscles loosened as she pressed herself against his back, reaching the circle of muscle by his heart where the fear had buried itself deep, then letting her oiled fingers drift down, over his belly.
She wrapped her other arm around so she could use both hands to cup him, massaging his sac tenderly before stroking him softly.
He was leaking in her hand and she kept her hands sliding up and down his shaft until he finally emptied himself out. 
She went to slide off his back, when a larger hand wrapped around hers.
"Thy gifts, thy tables are within my brain."
The clock struck midnight and he kissed her fingers.
"Happy Halloween."
0 notes
nifolution · 2 years
It Happens
Pairing: Dennis Baker / Reader
Summary: Dennis has never had much luck in his worthless life. Sleepwalking through his miserable days and lonely nights… until he met her.
Warnings: smut, misunderstandings, dating, dumb choices, fluff, angst, talks of divorce and cheating, bitchy ex-wife, Dennis being Dennis
A/N: This is a revised copy of my oc fic. It is still written in 3rd person. 18+ only due to smut. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated. 
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Staring morosely into the mirror, the brunette straightened his glasses. Hair combed, beard trimmed, clean polo and khakis, he looked ready for work, even though he lost his job six months ago. Same time his wife left him for another man and sent him the divorce papers. At least it meant it was quiet, Gina wasn't yelling at him constantly. Reminding him what a pathetic failure he was and how repulsive she found him. 
His eyes flickered down to his left hand, debating if he should take the ring off. It’s not like she was coming back. He reached for it but hesitated once his fingertips met gold. He couldn't do it… He should do it… He shouldn’t... He needed to. Well, if nothing else, he was good at giving up. The man slipped the band off his finger and sighed. Resolved to live the rest of his miserable life alone. Rock bottom, meet Dennis.
Bypassing his former place of employment, Dennis headed straight to 'Back to The Grind' coffee kiosk. Standing awkwardly to the side of the queue, avoiding eye contact with the other customers, he awaited the arrival of his coffee buddy, Y/N. For the past two years, Monday through Friday, they would meet here in the pursuit of caffeine and conversation. Sometimes she had to run, but mostly they’d sit and chat until their cups were empty. Dennis enjoyed her company so much he kept showing up day after day, long after he no longer worked around there. It was all he had, all he lived for anymore. Just those few precious minutes of human connection.
Dennis checked his watch, 7:37 a.m., she was running late. Joining the line, he ordered for both of them, then sat at one of the nearby benches to wait. Ten more minutes went by with no sign of Y/N. You're a loser Dennis, she's not coming. With a defeated exhale, he stared at the sidewalk and took a large angry bite of his donut.
“Hey coffee buddy.”
Shit, she was here. Dennis looked up at her beautiful face, his eyes as big as saucers. Swallowing the large bite, he coughed out a greeting.
Y/N smiled at him. “I see you started without me.” She gestured to the corner of his mouth, “You have a little…” 
Dennis wiped his face on his arm. “Thanks.” He handed her a cup and a wrapped pastry. “I got your usual, medium caramel iced coffee. They were out of croissants though, so I ordered you a blueberry danish.” 
“Oh no,” she frowned, “blueberries and I do not agree.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry. I messed up your breakfast. I should have asked, I’m so stupid.” Dennis became visibly upset and continued to over apologize. Promising to get her something else and refusing to finish his donut. 
“It's ok, D, really. It’s not a big deal.”
He buried his face in his hands, “I suck, I'm sorry.” 
“Well I think you're pretty great, Dennis.” She smiled at him again, even though he couldn’t see it. “Hey, seeing as neither of us are having breakfast, how about an early lunch? Are you free?”
Dennis’ head whipped up, “For lunch? You want to have lunch with me?”
“Yeah.” Y/N checked the time on her phone, “Shit! I got to go, but can you meet me here at eleven? We can walk up the street to Charley’s, their food is awesome. Real burgers, not the microwave crap I know you favor.” 
Dennis nodded, “I’d love to.” Saying their goodbyes, he watched Y/N rush off to work. He knew she must see him as a charity case. Who wouldn’t. He was broken and worthless and felt bad for wasting her time everyday. It was selfish of him. Still, he could feel butterflies flapping in his belly, knowing he’d get to spend more time with her. Having nothing else to do, he sat in his car and waited.
Y/N slid into the booth, staring eagerly at the man across from her. Eyes tracking his hands as he picked up his food and took a bite. Smirking as his eyes practically rolled into his head, “Good huh?”
“So good,” he groaned out before continuing to chomp on his burger. 
Chuckling, she began eating her own meal. “So how have you been, D? What ya been up to?”
Dennis shrugged, not wanting the conversation focused on him. “Not much… not anything really.” Making the mistake of looking at her expectant face, he found himself blurting out the things he tried to hide from her. “It’s true though, I wasted my entire life. Nothing to show for my 37 pointless years of existence. No job, no kids, no wife. I’m a big fat nothing.” He closed his eyes, waiting for the blowback of his confession. Startled when a soft hand enclosed his, giving a gentle squeeze. 
“I'm sorry. I had no idea.”
She sounded so sincere, Dennis couldn’t process it. “It’s okay. It’s, uh, been a few months now.” 
Y/N regretted bringing it up, but couldn’t help how her interest peaked. Her coffee buddy had never talked about himself this much. She wanted him to open up more. “How long were you guys married?” 
Taking a deep breath, he spilled his soul. If she wasn’t laughing before, she would now. “Sixteen very long years… haven’t had sex in the last seven. Not that we did it often before that.”
Her eyebrows shot up, “Wait, you and your wife haven’t had sex in seven years.”
“Well… I haven't,” he let the rest of his words die on his tongue.
“Ohhhhhhh,” Y/N cringed, “Sorry I brought it up.”
“That's alright. It wasn’t much of a marriage. I think she was faithful for maybe the first three years. That or I was too in love to notice. After our 10th anniversary she didn’t even bother hiding it. Spent our special day in someone else’s bed and facetimed me.”
“What a bitch. You didn't deserve to be treated like that, Dennis.” She rubbed his hand before going back to eating. After a few minutes, a thought occurred to her. “I know it’s not my place, but I think you should take this as an opportunity to start over. Find a new job, new girlfriend. I could help you, if you want.”
Even the thought of trying depressed him. “I don’t think anyone out there will hire me, or date me for that matter.”
Y/N tilted her head, “Love the enthusiasm.” She took a sip of her water before continuing, “I think you’re a catch, D. You just need some practice. You’ll get your life back on track in no time.” Dennis could only offer half a smile. “Okay, first up, a place to work. I know your old job was in sales, but you never told me what you sold.”
His voice lowered as he admitted it was the sale and rental of porta potties. He worked there for 15 years and hated every moment of it. 
“So something not involving toilets, then. There are lots of different types of sales jobs.”
Dennis shook his head, “Nobody wants to buy anything from me, not even shitters.”
She nodded, “No sales, got it. Umm, my department is hiring, logistics for big rigs.” 
“Maybe. I’d hate to invade your space though.” With a weary sigh, Dennis finished the last bite of his delicious burger. 
“Hmm,” she pondered over any positions that would suit him. “Oh hey, I know of an opening at a warehouse? Does something like that interest you?” 
No one was more surprised than Dennis when he landed the warehouse gig. He took to it like a duck to water. His strength and organization skills put to good use. Memorizing where everything went on his first day. His coworkers were friendly and his manager was fair. He actually looked forward to going into work. But mostly, he loved continuing to have his daily coffee with Y/N.  
They were hanging out more often now, not just for coffee or lunch. Calling and texting at all hours, seeing each other after work and on the weekends. He talked to her about everything, and she to him, even gave him tips for reentering the dating pool. He wasn’t sad or lonely with her around. He forgot what that felt like. 
Dennis was familiar with the term touch starved, and oh, how it fit him. He couldn’t remember the last time someone touched him on purpose. His wife hadn't let him near her in years, recoiled at his every attempt to show affection. But Y/N touched him willingly, openly, without reservations. He was undeserving of it, he knew, but he craved it so. Every hug, every handhold, every fistbump, he wanted it all from her. 
Dennis was currently pacing through his kitchen. Y/N was on her way over to celebrate his divorce being finalized. She cheered that he was finally free from Gina’s horrible treatment and was better off without her abusive, cheating ass. He could feel the flop sweat start. Taking a paper towel, he began wiping his face and armpits. Just as he was wondering if he had time to shower, the bell rang.
When he opened the door, he was greeted with Y/N’s charming smile, her arms full with his favorite beer and chips. Helping her set her load on the kitchen island, he watched her grab two bottles, twisting off both tops, handing him one.
“Congrats on the permanent dissolvement of that bitch’s claws from your life.” She clinked her beer with his. Both of them took long pulls of their drink. Y/N looked him up and down, tsking at his stiff attire. “You aren’t really dressed for movie watching. Why don’t you go change into comfy clothes, I’ll set up the movie.” 
A few minutes later, Dennis walked into the living room wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, “I feel naked.”
“Well I think you look great. Although I’m sure you’d look just as good actually naked.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him.
His whole face turned bright red. It was just a joke, he told himself. She couldn’t possibly be flirting with him. He sat down on the couch next to her. Popping a chip into his mouth before turning his attention to the television. Oh no, she picked a horror movie. Dennis did not do well with scary movies. He was going to make a fool of himself. 
Rubbing his hands on his pants, his leg muscles painfully tight, Dennis did his best to put on a brave face. It lasted all of 20 minutes. The first jump scare had him releasing a blood curdling scream. Completely flushed, his chips thrown everywhere, any shred of dignity he feigned now gone. He was mortified.
Y/N stared at him with wide eyes, her hand over her heart. “You scared the crap out of me,” she roared before breaking into a fit of laughter. “Didn’t know there’d be 4D effects. Way to give me a heart attack.” 
Wordlessly, Dennis fell to his knees and began cleaning up the mess. Waiting for a scolding that never came. He declined her offer to help him. He was just grateful she found the situation amusing. She was so forgiving of him. Once finished, he sat back with his feet perched on the coffee table. 
“You sure you’re okay, D?” Seeing as how he only nodded in affirmation, Y/N decided he needed some comfort. As the movie continued, she cuddled up to his side, her feet leaning on his. Her white socks with black stripes next to his black socks with white dots. She began rubbing her feet on his, “Guess opposites really do attract.”  
Dennis couldn’t take his eyes off the game of footsie. Feeling brave, he put his arm around Y/N’s shoulder. She tucked her head into the crook of his neck, her arm resting on his chest, sending his heart rate into overdrive. Dennis was a cuddler, but couldn't recall the last time he was with somebody like this without being shoved away. He felt comfortable, content. The movie was forgotten as her hand slipped inside his shirt, her fingers combing his dark chest hair. Gina always made him wax, it hurt, he hated it. 
Looking down at his coffee buddy, he met her gaze with a fond smile. To his surprise, she leaned up and kissed him. He felt his brain short circuit as Y/N’s soft cherry flavored lips glided with his chapped ones. She slowly pulled away, leaving him with closed eyes and puckered lips. 
“Do you think you’re ready to start dating? We can go someplace fancy, really wine and dine it.”
“Definitely.” Oh yes, Dennis was looking forward to this practice date.
Dennis' stomach growled as he loaded his prizes into the freezer. He’d never won anything before, but scored big at the meat raffle with Y/N. His freezer was stuffed with burgers, steaks, pork chops, ribs, lobster tail, and the fridge stocked with his favorite beer. He made changes around the home as well. Threw out the million stupid throw pillows that Gina insisted they needed. Replaced the furniture he disliked, bought a giant beanbag simply because he’d always wanted one. Rearranged the rooms how he preferred, did anything he desired to make his house his. Anything of his ex-wife's left behind got put into a box and thrown in the basement. 
The raffle was his second fake date with Y/N. Dennis was appreciative of her help and that she gave him a second chance. Their first date started out a disaster. He was so nervous he spilled wine all over her dress before their food arrived. She ran to the ladies room as the waiters cleaned the table. Dennis was inconsolable for those few minutes, certain Y/N would never want to see him again. He was shocked when she sat back down like nothing happened, only the deep red stain as a reminder. He thought he was in the clear, until he ended up choking on his dinner. The heimlich wasn’t needed, but the gagging and panicked noises he made trying to dislodge the food had the unwanted attention of the other patrons on them for a second time. It was decided it was best to skip dessert. 
After embarrassing her twice, Dennis was sure that was the end of the practice dates. Y/N didn't want to go home though. They drove to an arcade where they binged on candy and she whooped him at every game they tried. Hopped up on sugar, they ended the night making out in the car like teenagers. Dennis was having fun for the first time in his adult life. Beyond thankful for her assistance and attention, he cherished every word and every kiss, wishing with all his might that it was real. 
“Woooo,” the enthusiastic couple practically kicked in the door to her apartment. Hooting and guffawing as they verbally replayed the events of the wrestling match they returned from. Bantering back and forth, “Your guy totally cheated.” “Nuh-uh.” “Mmhm.” “You’re crazy, you’re out of your mind. It was a fair fight.” “Cheater cheater pumpkin eater and I hate to tell ya, you are guilty by association.” 
Cheeks hurting from all the laughter, holding onto each other for balance, Y/N felt the air shift. She began running her hand over his arm and onto his chest. “So D, it’s your first time at your girlfriend's place. What shall we do, hmm?”
Even though Dennis knew she was only pretending when she called herself his girlfriend, he loved hearing her say it. He decided to knock her socks off by grabbing her face and kissing her with a passion that even surprised himself. Y/N responded in kind, opening her mouth, allowing him to explore. She tasted like cherries, ale and heaven. 
Y/N broke the kiss, grabbing his shirt and pulling him into the bedroom. “Ready to wrestle?” She bit her lip seductively and began to strip off her clothes. Dennis was hypnotized watching more and more flesh be revealed to him. He’d fantasized about this so many times, but never imagined it would happen. When she stood before him naked, he gulped, she was gorgeous. He couldn’t get his shirt, socks and pants off fast enough, but then he hesitated, deciding to keep his underwear on. 
She yelped as he lifted her up a little too aggressively. “D, I swear to god if you actually bodyslam me…” 
Dennis froze and gently set her down on her bed. “No! I- I’m sorry. I was trying to be sexy.”
“You're very sexy, Dennis.” She pressed her lips to his and tugged at the waistband of his white briefs, “Join me up here.”
As he climbed on the bed, he asked her to lie down. ”I want to worship you.” When she acquiesced, his heated gaze roamed her body. Fingers danced along her skin, marveling at all the places he wanted to touch, wanted to kiss. Like a siren’s call, her hardened nipples drew him in. Swirling his tongue around her peak, he sucked it into his mouth. Making a wet pop as he released it. Massaging the breast, and checking Y/N’s face to confirm her enjoyment, he continued licking, sucking and fondling her left side.
The heat of Dennis’ mouth made her other breast feel cold and lonely, it wanted attention too. She quietly mentioned to him that the other one was getting jealous. Dennis, embarrassed by his blunder, repeated his actions on the right boob before beginning to kiss down her body. He had to do this right. It had to be good for her. Shit, his hands were too clammy, his body was too sweaty. She was going to push him away, she was going to laugh at him. Dennis began second guessing himself, too afraid of making the wrong move, he rested his head on her stomach. 
After a minute of no movement, Y/N ran her fingers through his hair. “You okay?” Troubled by his silence, she continued trying to sooth him, “Where’s your head at, D?” 
He expected to get scolded. His mind playing through the times with his ex. She would yell at him if he wasn't doing something right, or didn’t get hard fast enough. Telling him he couldn’t make her cum with an instruction manual stapled to his head. Taking a deep shuddering breath, he braved a look at Y/N. “I just… I want to do this right.” 
She smiled so sweetly, “We got all night.”
Encouraged, he picked up where he left off. As he kissed down her leg, he remembered his prior error and copied what he did to the other side. Reaching her core, he closed his eyes, nuzzling her thigh with his cheek before flattening his tongue, giving her entire womanhood a big fat lick. Grinning to himself at her surprised squeak, he turned his head to kiss at her other thigh before licking his lips and burying his face in her cunt.
It was as if he was possessed by someone with far more confidence than he. Dennis became an animal, sucking and licking her folds, eating her from the outside in. His tongue roamed over her, up and down and side to side, making frequent stops to circle her clit. She made the sweetest noises for him, mewling and moaning as she writhed in his hold. She had a firm grip on his hair, gently guiding him where she needed him to be.
Dennis was open to instruction, so he let her move him as she pleased. The taste of her sweet honey working him up so much he rutted against the bed. His hands trailed up her torso to cup her breasts, before one slid back down to play with her soaked entrance. He inserted a finger, realizing she was more than ready, he added another. Pumping his fingers in tantum with his licks, he could feel her tremble.
“Oh fuck, oh god,” Y/N cried out as she climaxed around his skillful digits. 
Drunk off the greatest praise, her orgasm, Dennis looked up from between her legs, a dopey grin plastered on his face. He eagerly asked if he could do it again.
Y/N looked down at him through hooded eyes, “Ya, go for it.”
It wasn’t long until her legs were shaking again, Dennis held her hips down, not stopping until she spasmed and screamed in ecstasy. He was proud of himself. “Holy shit, that worked.” Out of breath, heart pounding, she told him that was incredible, especially whatever he did at the end. Blushing ear to ear, Dennis admitted that he spelled his name with his tongue. Chuckling, he asks her to guess what he spelled next. Diving back down he traced his message.
“Umm, peace out? 
He shook his head, “It was thank you.” 
“I should be the one thanking you.” She wiggled out of his grasp and took a condom out of her nightstand. “But, hey, the night’s not over yet.” She handed the packet to a terrified Dennis. He looked like he was going to pass out, and wouldn't meet her eyes. “Do you not want to?” She’d be lying to say her feelings wouldn’t be hurt if he said no.
Head down, rubbing the back of his neck, Dennis mumbled his secret, “I have a bad penis.” 
“A bad… um, does that mean ED or like performance anxiety?” Y/N had to know if this was something they could work around.
“I'm.. I’m not sure. It just doesn't work like it’s supposed to.” 
“Do you have any problems on your own?'' He shook his head no. Y/N caressed her boyfriend’s nervous face. “Maybe there isn’t a problem.” She waited until he looked at her. “No pressure here, but I'd like to try if you do. If it goes wrong, we can just try again.” 
Why was she so patient with him? He didn’t deserve her friendship. He didn’t deserve her at all. Dennis took his briefs off, kneeling on the bed, bare to her and awaiting judgment.
“Damn Dennis. Wow, that, I mean, it looks like a good dick to me.” She watched him with unbridled desire, wrapping her hand around his length, ducking down to lick the swollen head. “Thick and veiny and standing proud. I don't know if my mouth or my pussy want it more.” 
Her compliments spurred him on. Dennis removed her hand, pushing her back on the bed. Crawling over her, he stroked himself twice before rolling the condom on. He was terrified of disappointing her and it must have shown on his face because she pulled him down for a reassuring kiss, “Don’t overthink it, just be here with me. I want you to fuck me, Dennis.”
He lined himself up and kissed her once more before slowly entering her. Already breathing heavy, he barely had control of himself when he bottomed out. “I can’t believe I’m inside you.” Y/N giggled and told him how good he felt, begging him to move. Closing his eyes in concentration, Dennis pulled almost all the way out before pushing back in with a groan. “Fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight.” 
Dennis snapped his hips as she rolled hers to meet each thrust. It didn’t take long to find a rhythm that suited them. Sweat dripped down their bodies as they chased their carnal highs. The sounds of skin on skin and their moans filled the room. The tension in her stomach unbearable, Y/N opened her legs wider, angling them up so he could go deeper. His cock hitting all the right spots. It was all it took for her to cum a third time.
Feeling her walls fluttering and gripping him hard as she came, had Dennis at his end. When he told her he was close, she asked him to come on her tits. Hissing as he pulled out, Dennis straddled Y/N’s chest, pulling off the condom just before he released. He made sure every drop landed on her breasts before collapsing next to her.
After a few minutes of catching their breaths, Y/N giggled, “I got some d from D.” Finding her joke hilarious, she continued laughing.
“Was it good?”
“It was great.” She kissed him, “See, there’s nothing wrong with you.” She pecked his lips again, “Promise.” Holding her chest as she rose to keep his cum from running down her, she walked to the bathroom to clean up. 
Dennis stretched and hummed, allowing himself to be happy at a job well done. He could satisfy a woman after all. When she returned, Dennis was almost redressed. 
“You can stay, if you want to.”
“Stay?” He desperately wanted to, but couldn't believe she wanted him to.
Y/N walked over, carefully taking his glasses off his face and setting them on her nightstand, “Please.”
Dennis removed the clothing he put on and followed her into bed. He couldn’t remember the last time he shared a bed with someone, Gina banished him to the guestroom five years ago. Look at him now, a beautiful woman in his arms that actually wanted him to be there. Him and Y/N shared a few more kisses as they cuddled and talked. Determining his issue was due to stress and his marital problems. He could have confidence going forward. 
He couldn’t take his eyes off Y/N as she slept. His best friend, his only friend, his lover. Dennis didn't know it could be like this, he wished so badly that it was real. What a beautiful life they would have together. They'd be happy, she made him happy. He didn't think it was possible to feel good anymore, but here he was practically jumping for joy. There was no doubt in his mind that he was in love with her. He'd go down on her every night, expecting nothing in return, if it meant he could stay with her forever. If only it were possible. Instead he would take these pretend moments and commit them to his memory forever. A shining light in his bleak life.
Morning arrived too fast. Dennis yawned, wrenching his eyes and started to get out of bed. “I can make us breakfast.”
Y/N grabbed his arm, pulling him back to her. “Orrrrr, how about I order some eggs benny and we can spend longer in bed.”
“You’re brilliant.”
“What does a fish say when it runs into a brick wall?”
 “I don’t know, what?”
Dennis slapped his hand on the table, “Dam!”  He threw his head back, braying and wheezing.
Y/N snorted at the bad joke, smiling at how his face lit up with the punchline. Their fish frys were huge, so her boyfriend had been making awful puns and one-liners all night. She threw her lemon at him, which he promptly caught and ate without breaking his cocky grin. He was turning into quite the cheeky bastard. 
The shrill of his phone interrupted the merriment. His ex-wife’s name flashing on the screen. Rolling his eyes, Dennis declined the call, only for her to call back. He ignored her again to no avail, his phone continued going off. She clearly wasn't getting the hint. Huffing, he answered. 
All Y/N could hear was non stop shouting, poor Dennis not even getting a word in. He grew paler, biting the inside of his cheek. She was about to take the phone from him and tell that horrible woman off, when he quickly said goodbye and hung up. He made a face she had never seen on him before. 
“Gina wants her stuff from the house. Says she’ll be by tomorrow and demands I have her things in clearly labeled boxes just inside the door. She doesn't want to step foot into my house again.”
She smirked at Dennis, looking very much like the cat that ate the canary. “I think a better plan would be to show that cheating whore what she's missing.” 
Dennis couldn’t stop giggling thinking of the plan. He looked over at his coffee buddy, her short pink sundress making her look like a yummy treat. His fingers began twitching; he so badly wanted to unwrap and devour her. He walked up behind her, winding his arms around her middle. Whispering in her ear, “I’m dying to taste your juicy cunt.”
Her knees wobbled at his dirty words, whimpering as she felt herself getting wet. Y/N glanced at the time, it was too early, he wasn’t playing fair. He began nibbling on her ear while groping her chest, making her clench around nothing, she felt so empty. Well… it wasn’t terribly early. No harm in pregaming. She allowed Dennis to reach under her dress and slide her panties down her legs. 
“Wait,” she reached down to grab the piece of fabric, throwing it to the floor on the other side of the kitchen island near the box labeled ‘the bitches crap.’
Dennis didn’t have time to ponder why she did that because his pants were currently being undone by nimble fingers. His eyes followed her beautiful face as she fell to her knees in front of him. He gripped the counter behind him as she removed his semi hard cock from his pants, her other hand cupping his balls, giving him a smile too innocent for what her naughty hands were up too. 
Leaning forward, Y/N licked at his testicles, gently rolling each in her mouth. She dragged her tongue along the underside of his length, satisfied hearing him gasp and his body jerk. Her ravenous gaze never faltered as she watched him watching her with lust blown eyes. Placing a kiss on his tip, Y/N sucked him fully into her mouth. She swallowed him a few times before allowing his dick out to glide along her cheek. Her tongue gave it a kitten lick and another kiss.
“Fuck,” Dennis gave a needy moan, “please, Y/N.”
Gripping his thighs, her mouth reclaimed his cock, taking him as deeply as she could. Her own arousal drenching her as she continued blowing him. Sparing a peak at the clock, she leaned back, causing Dennis to practically sob. 
He wasn’t disappointed for long as she turned around and pulled up her dress. Putting on the condom he had in his pocket, he grabbed the back of Y/N’s neck, bent her over the kitchen island and buried himself to the hilt. The lewd squelch of his cock dragging in and out of her dripping heat drove him into a frenzy. Both began moaning louder as he continued to fuck her. It was almost time.
Gina let herself in, not bothering to knock or ring the bell. Seeing no boxes, she marched into the home yelling, “God damn it, Dennis. I told you to have the boxes ready by the door. Why can’t you do anything right? You are hopeless. You…” She paused at the kitchen entryway, mouth hung open. Blinking a few times in shock. Her ex-husband was screwing some chic from behind, how disgusting. “What the fuck is the meaning of this, Dennis? How dare you, in our fucking kitchen?”
Dennis looked up when his ex started screaming, seeing the offended look on her face, he had to stifle a laugh. “Shut the fuck up, get your shit and get out. My girlfriend and I are busy.” Turning his attention back to the woman under him, he vigorously pounded into her.
Gina couldn’t believe her ears, he had never spoken to her like that. And he certainly never made her make those noises. Avoiding the tossed panties, she grabbed the single box on the floor and hurried out of there, slamming the door behind her. 
The sound of his ex shrieking all the way to her car had the couple in stitches. Dennis couldn’t believe it worked. Y/N was a genius. Pulling out, he turned her body to him, kissing her forehead, nose and lips. “Want to fuck in another room?”
“Ha! Yes, in every room. Give my pussy the tour.”
A week later, Y/N waited at the coffee kiosk, order in hand. Dennis was late, he had never been late before. To make matters worse, he hasn't responded to her messages for the last two days. She was concerned, but didn’t want to be ‘that’ girlfriend. She didn’t want to smother him if he needed space.
It was almost 8 a.m. when he showed up, giving Y/N a big hug and kissing her cheek. “I’m sorry I’m late and that I haven’t been responsive. Been really busy. I hope you’re not mad.” He took his coffee and donut from her.
“I forgive you, but I have to tell you, D, I was really worried. I thought you were sick, or maybe hurt, or that I must have done something wrong.” 
Dennis’ eyes twinkled in amusement, “Oh no, everythings great thanks to you.” He gave Y/N another bone crushing hug, careful not to spill their coffees. “It worked.”
Her eyebrows drew together, “What worked.”
“Gina came over Saturday morning, begging for another chance, promising to be better. We made love all weekend. I got to show her all the new moves you taught me. She's moving back in as we speak. I’m getting my life back thanks to you. I can't thank you enough for your help.” His excited eyes met Y/N’s as they turned from confused to cold. She threw her drink in his face, called him an asshole and stormed off. 
Dennis was stunned, wiping the iced coffee from his face, he ran to catch up to her. “Y/N, what's wrong? Why did you do that? Hey!” 
She turned on her heel and sneered at him. “What did you expect, a high five for telling me you fucked your ex-wife and are back together with her.” 
Confusion danced across his face, “I don't understand, the plan worked. Gina was so jealous she came crawling back to me…”
“THE PLAN?!” Y/N shouted. “The plan was to show that bitch how you were living your best life without her. Expertly banging YOUR girlfriend,” she patted her chest, “so she regrets the way she treated you. NOT to get her back. NOT to throw me to the side for someone that was so cruel to you your whole life.” 
Dennis was flabbergasted, “Wait, you were my girlfriend? MY girlfriend? Like my real girlfriend, my real actual girlfriend?” He couldn’t wrap his head around it. Why would someone as amazing as her want to be with him? He never would have given his ex a second thought if he knew he had her.
Y/N shook her head, “Not anymore.”
He couldn’t breathe, “N-n-no, wait…” 
“Goodbye, Dennis. Hope you have a wonderful life with that tramp.”
Dennis walked into his house, spotting Gina’s blonde hair at the fridge. She was throwing out his meat, and beer. She didn’t eat that stuff and wouldn’t allow him to. He was preparing himself to say something when a dark haired man bumped into him. The guy apologized and continued on his way, bringing boxes up the stairs. “Who was that?”
Gina spoke without bothering to face him, “That’s just Vinny, he’ll be staying with us for a few days. The poor dear got evicted. Don't worry, he knows we're working on our marriage. He won't be a problem, I promise.”
Oh lovely, the man Gina left him for will be living with them. “Okay,” he agreed defeatedly, walking into the living room. Dennis knew she’d be cheating on him again before sundown, in his house this time, and he will pretend he doesn't know. He’ll pretend everything is fine. 
Seems rock bottom had a basement. Dennis was in hell, he was sure of it. He lost the woman he loved, the only person that ever thought he was worth anything. He couldn't break further, there was nothing left. Dennis sighed and collapsed face down on the floor. Lying there in his own misery, daydreaming of what could have been.
The End
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A/N: Oh Dennis…
A/N: Thank you to everyone that has read. I appreciate you all. I’d love to know your thoughts.
Sequel: It Could Have Been Love (coming soon)
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yoongiseesawmp3 · 3 years
just about perfect - seonghwa
howdy folks, back with another fic but i’m switching it up on ya! i might start writing regularly for ateez as well so y’all are cool with that right? right.
summary: this is NOT inspired by seonghwa saying he watches nevertheless. why would you even think that.
warnings: not the kind of warning u were expecting but there’s no smut (i know its based off a show abt friends with benefits so that’s why i’m warning u. do not get ur hopes up) a little cussing, a lotta me waxing poetic abt the perfect man park seonghwa. also slight tomfoolery from the teezers
word count: 10.6k
the bookstore just off campus is your current go-to study spot, mostly because the cafe inside has a drink special where you buy one coffee and get a voucher for the new bakery next door. so, let’s just say the past few days you’ve been well caffeinated and well fed. you’re on the way there now, already planning out what your treats are going to be. 
today you were supposed to meet your “study group” after your last class of the day, but it looks like you’re the only one here so far. and you say “study group” loosely, the professor for your music theory elective encouraged everyone to make a study group for the upcoming final and your group of friends chose to work together. there’s been no studying going on, though.
especially not when hongjoong’s new friend seonghwa has been flirting with you literally nonstop. he’s apparently friends with everyone else in your group too. san knows him from an art class they took together last semester, meanwhile wooyoung and yeosang claim they lived on seonghwa’s floor freshman year and he always bought them booze. seonghwa denies it, only because hongjoong would slap him if he admitted to buying alcohol for underage kids. 
tasteful delinquency aside, seonghwa is a fine person. you mean personality fine, not like, fine fine even though san would beg to differ. he knows you’ve developed a thing for seonghwa despite trying not to, and he’s secretly trying to get you two together. 
which is why san suddenly texts you and says he can’t make it, and neither can yeosang or wooyoung. they decided to ditch studying to practice for the final in their dance class instead, so it’ll be just you, seonghwa and hongjoong. and little did you know, hongjoong was trying to do the same thing as san. so we’ll see how this goes. 
“y/n, you can’t do that,” hongjoong warns you, referring to the scale you were trying to fill out. 
“why not?” you ask, looking down at your work and wondering what’s wrong.
“because it’ll sound like shit,” seonghwa replies before sipping his coffee. 
“what he said,” hongjoong agrees, grabbing your paper and erasing some of the notes you had scribbled out. “it should look more like this.”
you glance over at what he’s done on top of your old work and sigh. you took this class because you like music, and you thought learning about how it works would be interesting, but it’s hard. 
“can’t you just do all my work for me?” you plead. at this rate, you don’t think you’ll be able to pass the final. 
“no, i don’t want you dragging me down in this class,” hongjoong replies. “my grades are great.” 
“i hate you.”
“what are you struggling with, y/n?” seonghwa asks as he finally looks up from his laptop. he had been working on an assignment for another class this whole time because he, like hongjoong, is great with music theory. so maybe this study group was a good thing. 
“here, you can switch seats with me,” hongjoong says as he clears the spot next to you on the weathered loveseat. “i’m going to look for a book i should’ve started reading two weeks ago.” 
before you can protest, seonghwa is sliding his laptop across the coffeetable and slides himself into the spot next to you. when he sits you notice your thighs are touching, which is weird because there was plenty of space when hongjoong was here. you don’t know that seonghwa is doing this on purpose, that hongjoon really left so he could flirt with the cute cashier in the cafe to give you and seonghwa some alone time. 
“so,” seonghwa starts once he’s settled. “what are you struggling with?” 
“hmm, all of it?” you reply. your answer makes seonghwa smile, and you like the way his eyes sparkle when he does.
“then i guess we’ll be here a while.”
about an hour later, seonghwa has walked you through all the major and minor scales you need to know for the test and you’re starting to understand a little more. you’re still having problems with the back of the study guide where you have to come up with note combinations that can apply to those scales, but you have time to work on that since the final is two weeks out. right now, your brain is fried and you need a break. 
“do you mind if i go get a coffee?” you ask seonghwa, who was in the middle of sending you the minor scale cheat sheet he made. he looks up from his laptop and shakes his head before he speaks.
“i would only mind if i can’t come with you.”
“it’s literally right over there, why do you need to come with me?” you question.
“i think i would just miss you too much,” he pouts, and you roll your eyes. seonghwa shuts his laptop and stands up. “what if i need coffee too?”
“you already had one,” you remind him as you stand.
“yeah,” he nods. “but teaching you is exhausting, so i need another. c’mon.”
he walks ahead of you to the counter, and you’re too busy searching for your wallet to notice he took his jacket off, revealing a sneaky tattoo on the back of his neck. it isn’t until you’re behind him in line that you get a look at the hand drawn star right on the nape of his neck, and you have to refrain from reaching out to trace the lines.
“i didn’t know you had a tattoo,” you decide to say. he turns around and instinctively rubs his hand across the tattoo, smiling at you with those sparkly eyes again.
“yeah, i have a couple,” he replies. “but this one is my favorite.”
“because my name means ‘to become a star’, so i like knowing that i have a reminder with me all the time,” he explains.
“nice. it’s really pretty.”
“thanks, so are you.”
“sir?” the barista calls, pulling seonghwa’s attention from you. he steps up to give his order as you stare at the tattoo again, noticing alongside it a couple of freckles that almost make it look like a constellation.
“y/n?” seonghwa’s voice draws you out of your thoughts and you realize he’s finished ordering. “what do you want?”
“oh, i can get it,” you begin, but he cuts you off.
“no, my treat,” he insists, and you sheepishly walk up to the counter to give your order. seonghwa makes a mental note of what you get, and he also snatches the bakery voucher from you before you can put it in your pocket. you make a confused sound and seonghwa laughs. 
“why’d you do that?” you whine.
“you only get to use it if you come with me to the bakery later,” he teases. “say yes or i’m drinking your coffee and getting myself an extra cupcake.”
“fine,” you huff. “but i have an assignment due at midnight, so i can’t stay long.”
“it’s 4pm, that’s not enough time for you to finish it?” he asks while you step out of the way for the next customers.
“i haven’t started yet,” you admit. 
“you like saving things until the last minute, don’t you?”
“what makes you say that?”
“well, it looks like you haven’t been studying music theory at all, and now this,” he shrugs. 
“not everybody can be perfect like you, park seonghwa,” you grumble as the barista places two coffee cups on the bar. you hear seonghwa giggle shortly, and you give him a questioning look.
“so you think i’m perfect?” he smirks.
it’s the next day, almost midnight, and you really need spray paint. 
why? well, you’re stressed because you have so much to study for your finals and you don’t know where to start. yes, seonghwa helped yesterday, but he’s not in all your other classes, so you’ve decided you need a break from tearing your hair out over the material you can’t comprehend. the best way to distract yourself from that is to finally paint that dresser you got from a garage sale a few months ago, hence the spray paint. 
thankfully, san is still awake, and he has a car, so you ask him to pick you up for a quick run to the art supply store that’s surprisingly still open. a bonus of going to college in the city, you can get anything almost whenever you need it. 
“thanks for coming to get me,” you tell san as you hop into his car. 
“no problem,” he replies. “i was bored and hongjoong said he needed paint pens so this is a win-win situation. plus, i get to hear about your date with seonghwa yesterday.”
“it was not a date,” you groan, choosing to ignore the suggestive way san is looking at you right now. 
“but you spent the whole afternoon together,” san starts. “he bought you coffee and you went to the bakery together and talked about, like, your favorite colors and stuff. sounds like a date to me.”
“how do you know all that?”
“seonghwa told hongjoong and then hongjoong told me,” he explains as he turns onto the street that’ll take you to the art store. 
“well tell hongjoong that i’m still mad at him for ditching us,” you reply. “and i’m still kinda mad at you and the other two for bailing in the first place.”
“hey, if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have had your first date with seonghwa,” san points out.
“it was not a date!” you cry. “we studied most of the time we were together, then he bought my coffee and bullied me into going to the bakery. i couldn’t stay long because i had a paper to write, so we talked about stupid shit until i had to leave.”
“it sounds like the beginning of true love to me,” san sing-songs. 
“stop the car, i’ve decided to walk.”
when you get to the store, san separates from you quickly because he sees his friend mingi behind the counter. they’re busy talking while you search the store for the paints, and you’re so busy looking up at the aisle names that you don’t notice you’re about to run into someone. 
“hey-” you start to complain, but you recognize the man you almost bumped into. “oh, seonghwa.”
“y/n,” he smiles at you. “what are you doing out so late?” 
“uh, distracting myself from how small my brain is,” you explain. “what are you doing here?”
“hongjoong needed paint pens,” he says, and you’re about two seconds away from finding san and slapping him. did they really plan this too? 
“why didn’t he come get them?” you ask as you remember what you’re here to find. your eyes scan the aisle behind seonghwa and you spot the paint cans at the end, but he’s in your way.
“i offered,” he says with a shrug.
“you must be a really good friend, then.”
“well you did call me perfect yesterday, so...” he trails off, smirking. you roll your eyes at him but can’t help the blush creeping up your neck. he interrupts his new favorite activity of staring deeply into your eyes (just to fluster you, of course) and he sees that you’re looking past him at the shelves of paint. “you need something down here?” 
“um, yeah, the spray paint,” you reply, awkwardly trying to skirt around him to get into the aisle. he steps aside to let you through, but still follows you as you search for the color you want.
“what are you making?” 
“i’m painting a scuffed up dresser i’ve had for a while, so i want something simple that’ll go with the rest of the things in my room,” you explain as you stop walking and crane your neck to scan the bottles on the top shelf. seonghwa stops behind you and places his hand on the small of your back as he reaches for a can just out of your reach.
“what about this one?” he offers, handing you a can of light blue paint. it’s really pretty, and it’ll stand out with the white furniture you already have, but you really like it.
“oh, that’s perfect!” you say as you take the can from his hands.
“there you go again,” seonghwa teases, and you shoot him a questioning look. he smiles as he responds. “calling me perfect?”
“i said the paint was perfect, weirdo,” you snap. “but thank you for finding this.”
“anytime,” he tells you. “you said your favorite color was blue right?”
“right...” you mumble, thinking back to the conversation you had at the bakery yesterday. “how’d you remember?”
“ugh, i’m hurt!” he exclaims, hand flying to his chest in mock surprise. “i can’t believe you already forgot that it’s my favorite color too.”
“hm, guess i was too distracted by how perfect you are,” you joke. seonghwa laughs at that, a sharp sound that seemed to catch him off guard. he covers his mouth to stifle the sound, but you’re close enough to the cash register now that it draws attention from san and mingi.
“find what you need?” san asks with a shit eating grin.
“hm, just about,” you say as you place the paint on the counter. “couldn’t find a hammer big enough to drop on your head, though.”
“wow, harsh,” san scoffs. “and to think i brought you here out of the goodness of my heart.”
you’re too busy half-bickering with san to notice that seonghwa has paid for your paint and the pens he promised hongjoong. he mumbles something to mingi, who then hands him a piece of paper. he scribbles his number down for you before handing you the can and his number. 
“i gotta go, but i’ll see you later for study group, right?” he confirms. you’re still processing the fact that he keeps buying things for you and you can’t respond in time, so san steps in.
“yeah, y/n will be there,” san assures seonghwa. he nods and shoots you one last smile before he excuses himself and leaves. you’re stuck with san and that stupid grin again. he looks at you and then checks the paper with seonghwa’s number on it. “yep, i think you got what you needed.”
even though seonghwa very willingly gave you his number, you’re still afraid to text him. it’s kind of hard to believe that he’s into you the way you’re into him, so you’re fine with just seeing him for study dates. or, uh, not study dates. study gatherings. with just the two of you. because the other guys have bailed, again.
this time, though, you’re not working on music theory. you have an assignemnt due for your ethics class, and you need family and friends to read about your results from this morals test. you wanted san to do it, but he’s currently “chasing a sweet piece of ass,” whatever that means. he’s probably bothering his lab partner that he claims descended from greek gods. you would usually tease him for saying something like that, but it’s a thought you’ve had about seonghwa, so you kept your mouth shut.
anyway, you know you need someone to answer these questions for you, but you can’t bring yourself to ask seonghwa. he kept up his “perfect” demeanor again today, showing up at the bookstore before you so he could get you the coffee you like. you would ask why he keeps doing things like this for you, remembering your favorite color and your coffee order, but you’re afraid he’ll stop if you bring it up. little do you know, every time he learns something new about you, he writes it down in his notes app, keeping a running tab of the things you like.
“y/n?” you hear him ask. his voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you realize you’ve been staring at him this whole time. the smirk you’ve become so familiar with makes another appearance as he gets ready to tease you. “something on your mind?”
“no, i...no,” you stutter. “i’m just thinking.”
“about what?” he questions as he lifts his coffee cup to his lips. you watch the way he slightly pouts them before taking a sip and you have to stop yourself from staring again.
“just this ethics assignment i want to finish,” you explain. “sorry, i didn’t realize i was staring at you.”
“must be an important assignment,” he nods, leaning forward to put his cup back on the table in front of you. you get another glimpse at the star tattoo on his neck as he does. “because i was definitely staring at you too, and you didn’t even notice.”
“yep,” he confirms. “i was giving you my best puppy dog eyes and everything.”
“puppy dog eyes?” you ask, unsure of what’s coming. “do you need something?”
“eh, not really,” he shrugs. “i’m just worried.”
“you never texted me the other night.”
“after the art store?” you ask incredulously. 
“isn’t that when i gave you my number?” he smirks. 
“i didn’t think you wanted me to text you immediately...”
“well, it’s been three days and i still don’t have your number,” he pouts. 
“hold on a second,” you mumble, reaching for your bag. you fumble around in there, searching for the piece of paper with seonghwa’s number on it as he watches you fondly.
“what are you doing?”
“looking for your number,” you reply like it’s obvious. seonghwa laughs a little and places his hand on your arm to stop you. 
“you do know i’m right next to you, and i could just put my number in myself?” he asks, eyes sparkling as he half-smiles at you. you blush, because no, you weren’t thinking about that. you sheepishly hand him your phone and watch as he adds his number and then texts himself. he gives your phone back and replaces it with his own before asking, “what’s your favorite emoji?”
“um, the smiling cowboy?” you offer, not sure why he’s asking. he laughs again, like he did in the art store, but this time it’s harder for him to quiet the breathy giggles coming from his chest.
“why that one?” he asks, typing something quickly.
“it’s funny,” you shrug. “why?”
“needed something cute to put next to your name, but you’re a weirdo, so it’s not as cute as i was imagining,” he explains, showing you the contact card in his phone. your number is saved as “y/n 🥰🤠” and you can’t help but laugh. you look up at seonghwa, warmth in your eyes, and he starts laughing too.
“see?” you giggle. “it is funny.”
“whatever, at least now i have your number.”
after exchanging numbers with seonghwa, you’re starting to let yourself believe little by little that he might feel the same way you do. it’s not anything serious, but there’s definitely something there. the texts he sends are always flirtatious, and it has your heart beating faster every time you get a notification, hoping that it’s him. you’re in the middle of studying for your spanish final when you feel your phone vibrate on the bed next to you, and you smile when you see who it’s from.
seonghwa 🥺💫, 6:28pm: are you busy rn?
you, 6:28pm: not really, just studying
seonghwa 🥺💫: can’t be studying too much if you replied that quickly 🥸
you: what do u want
seonghwa 🥺💫: be nice :-(
you: sorry
you: hi seonghwa, how are you? what do you want.
seonghwa 🥺💫: come get dinner with me? 
you: right now?
seonghwa 🥺💫: no, in 30 years. yes right now 
you: but i’m studying ://
seonghwa 🥺💫: liar!
you: fine, when and where?
seonghwa 🥺💫: i’ll pick you up in ten 🤠
“you sure like staying close to campus, huh?” you ask seonghwa as he walks you about a block from your usual hangout and to a little hole in the wall restaurant that looks like it could seat maybe 20 people, uncomfortably. 
“i know what i like,” he responds with a shrug. “speaking of things i like, you look nice.”
“oh, thank you,” you semi-laugh. you’d been close to panic trying to figure out what to wear (because you’re not sure if this is a date) so you went with something simple, but you’re glad seonghwa likes it. not that you wanted to impress him. but you did, a little. anyway, he looks...well, perfect, wearing black ripped jeans and a velvet-y navy shirt. you continually have to stop yourself from reaching out and stroking his arm just to feel the soft fabric (and maybe his muscles). 
“so i take it you’ve never been here before?” he asks as he hands you a menu. you shake your head no in response. you can’t tell if he’s doing it intentionally, but seonghwa leans closer into your side as he explains. “you pick a main entree, but each dish comes with these sides. they say no substitutes, but i know the guy behind the counter so you can ask for more of something else if you don’t like one of them.”
“i might do that,” you say. “i don’t really want dumplings, so could i get extra sweet potatoes?”
“of course,” he nods, noting the way you smile slightly. it makes your eyes light up, and his heart does a little backflip knowing that he’s the reason for it. well, the sweet potatoes probably are, but he’s the one getting the sweet potatoes, so he’s taking that win for himself. once you both confirm what you want, he places his hand on your back and guides you to the counter.
“hey seonghwa!” the tall guy with a lopsided smile behind the register greets. “long time no see. who’s your friend?”
“hey yunho,” seonghwa smiles back. “this is y/n, a vip, so make sure you give us the good stuff.”
“extra sweet potatoes?” yunho laughs. you and seonghwa both nod as yunho continues taking your order, and you find yourself comfortably leaning into seonghwa as you wait for yunho to calculate the price. before seonghwa can even think about taking his wallet out, you’re handing yunho cash for the food, which makes seonghwa sputter.
“what? y/n, i was going to pay,” he whines, and you simply shake your head.
“nope, my turn,” you tell him. “you’ve bought me coffee too many times.”
“but i asked you out! i don’t want you to pay on our first date if i’m the one who brought you here,” he continues to complain.
“so this is a date?” you confirm, right as yunho asks suggestively “oh, this is a date?”
“yunho, give y/n’s money back,” seonghwa says, ignoring the two of you. “i’m paying.”
“yunho, if you give me that money i’ll be forced to leave and stand seonghwa up for our date,” you say, emphasizing the last word. now you’re glad you wore clean pants.
“seonghwa, why don’t you let y/n pay for this, and then you can get the next one?” yunho suggests, sending you a wink before he turns to the kitchen to share your order with the chef. you’re left with a flustered seonghwa, which is a sight you’re not used to, and it makes you laugh.
“c’mon,” you say as you pull on his arm. “let’s go find a table.”
you’re the only ones in the restaurant, so the food comes out pretty quick, and you have to stifle a laugh when you see that someone has arranged the sweet potatoes on a separate plate in the shape of a heart. seonghwa blushes at this, and you’re taken aback by how shy he’s suddenly become.
for some reason, seonghwa showing signs of nervousness puts you at ease, and you lead the conversation to something stupid san told you about the boys and their shenanigans at their dorm. the story has seonghwa laughing, and he confirms that yes, yeosang does have a sword by the tv, and yes, hongjoong did threaten to use it on him after he lost an intense match of fifa. 
“in hongjoong’s defense,” seonghwa begins, “i do think yeosang cheated. wooyoung was definitely helping him.”
“it still sounds ridiculous,” you tell him. “why does anybody need a sword?”
“yeosang is just...yeosang,” seonghwa replies. “he’s weird but he won’t admit that to anyone.”
“i’m just saying, if i went to someone’s house and there was a katana by the tv, i’d haul my ass outta there.” seonghwa giggles at how serious you look, but this conversation reminds him...
“you never showed me your room,” he says bluntly. you pause for a moment, spoon halfway to your mouth, and seonghwa realizes how that must sound. “i mean, the paint, your dresser. you never showed me a picture once you fixed it up.”
“oh,” you breathe out. “let me grab my phone, i can show you.”
“show him what?” a familiar voice suddenly asks from the seat next to you. when you notice that san, and some of your other friends, have snuck their way into the restaurant, you have to keep yourself from groaning.
“why are you here.”
“i’m hungry,” san replies, then turns to seonghwa. “you didn’t tell us you were getting dinner.”
“i didn’t want to,” seonghwa deadpans. “ i wanted it to be just me and y/n.”
“too late for that, pal,” honjoong says as he slides into the seat across from you. “hi y/n.”
“hey hongjoong,” you grumble. “please tell me you’re getting your food to go.”
“we were, but then we saw our good friends eating all by themselves and thought we should join them,” hongjoong teases. by now, the rest of the boys have sat down around you, some at other tables, and one of them you don’t recognize. that must be jongho, their younger “roommate” who technically lives in first year housing but doesn’t get along with the other guy in his room. you’ve heard seonghwa complain that jongho eats all of his snacks. 
“well, i hope you enjoy your food, but seonghwa and i were just about to leave,” you lie, looking at seonghwa with a stare that pleads ‘please go along with this.’
“where are you going?” wooyoung asks, one table over.
“my apartment,” you respond quickly, standing up as seonghwa follows your cue with a stupidly adorable look on his face.
“oh, perfect!” san chirps. “we’ll come with you!”
so much for your date with seonghwa. it was hard to stop the boys from insisting they all join you at your apartment, especially after yunho said his shift was over and he could really use some destressing. and by destressing he meant booze, so you currently have 8 tipsy boys scattered across your living room. if you thought they were loud before...it’s amazing that your neighbors haven’t complained yet. 
it started off innocent enough, you were just playing card games at first and the loser of each round had to drink. then it turned into never have i ever, and each time you put a finger down you had to drink. then yeosang suggested shots, and it really went downhill from there. san tried convincing everyone to play a round of spin the bottle just for the chance of making you and seonghwa kiss, but mingi and wooyoung were the only ones down, so majority ruled there. 
“san, stop pouting,” you laugh, noticing that he’s upset over his evil plan not working out.
“it’s fine,” he lies, duck lips on full display. 
“spin the bottle is such a tween-y game too,” jongho pipes in. “and we’re adults, so it would be kinda stupid to play it anyway.”
“says the baby of the group,” yeosang scoffs. 
“what about truth or dare?” hongjoong suggests. “still immature, but we can make it fun.”
“yes!” san shouts, suddenly back in a positive mood. 
“i’ll start,” mingi volunteers. he takes a deep breath as he looks around the room, eyes narrowing when he looks at you and seonghwa. you’re currently smushed into your armchair together, not really by choice, because the couch is completely full and neither of you wanted to sit on the floor (you know how dirty it is, and seonghwa has a bad hip). thankfully, mingi has mercy on you and directs his gaze to his best friend. “yunho, truth or dare?”
“truth,” yunho slurs out. you’d say he’s the opposite of stressed by now.
“did you sleep with that girl you met at the party last week?”
“no,” yunho replies quickly, cheeks turning a knowing shade of red. “i just walked her home.”
“and went missing until the next morning?” yeosang asks. he gets a few snickers, and you laugh a little too because you remember san and wooyoung talking about their friend who disappeared for a few hours last weekend.
“whatever,” yunho groans. “yeosang. truth or dare.”
“dare,” yeosang chooses confidently. 
“kiss wooyoung on the cheek.”
“no,” he replies, just as confidently. 
“then take another shot,” yunho concedes, waving his hand at the stubborn boy. wooyoung mumbles something about how kissable he is as yeosang downs what looks like more than just a regular shot.
“this is boring,” jongho whines, which makes him the next target. he chooses dare, and you have to detach yourself from seonghwa so you can go into your kitchen and find the lemon juice in your fridge so jongho can chug what’s left. he’s sputtering after a few sips and gives up, grumbling up to you, “ i hate you for that.”
“hey, it wasn’t my dare,” you defend yourself. “you owe me lemon juice.”
“i’ll give it to you if you choose dare,” jongho challenges. you roll your eyes and take the bait, earning a round of ooo’s from the boys around you. 
“make her kiss seonghwa,” someone hisses.
“or me!” wooyoung chirps. jongho looks over at him with a death glare, and wooyoung shrugs. “i just want someone to want to kiss me.”
“i think you’re cut off,” hongjoong says as he leans across your coffee table to move the bottle away from wooyoung.
“everyone be quiet!” san shouts. “jongho has to give y/n a dare.”
“hmmm,” jongho starts, tapping his finger on his chin. “what should i do?”
“for someone who said this was boring, you’re really milking this,” seonghwa says under his breath. you’re perched on the arm of the chair, close enough to hear him, but thankfully no one else does.
“what’s that other childish game called?” jongho wonders aloud. “seven minutes in heaven? i think you should do that with seonghwa.”
“do i have to?” you pout, and your reluctance makes seonghwa stiffen. he thinks you said that because you’re uncomfortable, and not because you don’t want the boys pressing their ear up to the door while the two of you make out.
“rules are rules,” hongjoong concludes, nodding his head toward your room. “go have fun. i’ll keep the kids from bothering you.”
you look to seonghwa, who isn’t looking directly at you. you tentatively take his hand, giving it a squeeze before you stand up and lead him to your room. there are so many catcalls, whistles and cheers coming from your friends that you barely hear san say “take your time! it doesn’t have to be just seven minutes!”
once you get to your room, you let seonghwa go in first and then you lock the door behind you. he quirks an eyebrow at that, and you shrug shyly. 
“don’t want one of them bursting in,” you explain. seonghwa nods, and you both fall silent. it’s not necessarily awkward, just tense. you both want to do what seven minutes in heaven is meant for, but you’re not gonna make the first move and seonghwa still isn’t sure you even want to be in this situation. so he takes this time to turn around and take your room in, pointing to your dresser.
“is this it?” he asks. you hum out a yes in response, and he runs his hand over the freshly painted wood. “it looks nice. whoever picked out the color sure knows what he’s doing.”
“eh, he’s just lucky,” you joke, and you both laugh. you move to stand next to him and place your hand on top of his. “sorry we couldn’t finish our date.” 
“sorry my friends are so annoying,” seonghwa adds. 
“sorry san pushed me into your lap earlier,” you continue, and seonghwa smirks.
“well, i didn’t mind that,” he says. “i wanted you to sit with me, but i didn’t want to draw attention.”
“oh,” you squeak, feeling a blush on its way to your cheeks. a heavy silence falls over you, and seonghwa is the first to break it.
“listen, if you don’t want to kiss me, that’s cool,” he begins. “i kinda got the vibe earlier that you didn’t want to do this, and that’s cool. if you don’t want to do this we’re still cool.”
“you don’t sound very cool about it,” you chuckle, and seonghwa’s face flushes. “but i was only nervous because i didn’t know if you wanted to kiss me.”
“oh i want to kiss you,” he says firmly. “have for a while.”
“why don’t you do it then?” you challenge. seonghwa takes a step closer to you, and before you know it he’s pinned you against your dresser. you balance your hands on it and the cool wood helps you ground yourself as your body heats up from having seonghwa so close.
“are you sure?” he asks, only a few inches from your face. you nod and whisper out “i’m sure” and seonghwa quickly cups your face and smothers you in a kiss. it starts off slow, and your face warms at his touch. once you relax into it you move your lips against his, nipping at his bottom lip slightly and earning a groan from the man before you. you take the chance to slip your tongue past his lips as you bring your hands up to the nape of his neck, slowly brushing through his soft hair. his hands find their way to your waist, gripping tightly but not too hard, and he leans in to get as close to you as possible. you keep kissing for a few moments, but eventually you need to breathe so you lightly tap on his neck. he pulls back, breathing heavy, and his smile shines like the most beautiful stars in the sky. “so?”
“so?” you repeat, equally out of breath.
“that was nice.”
“it was.”
“the boys are gonna know we made out.”
“of course they are,” you laugh. “your lips look swollen.”
“so do yours,” he counters. 
“but wasn’t that the whole point of us coming in here?” you ask. your hands have fallen to his chest, and you finally get a chance to smooth out the soft velvet of his shirt. and you notice his chest is very, uh, firm, too.
“we didn’t have to kiss,” he says with a shrug. “we could’ve just talked.”
“about what?” you ask with a smile.
“my keen eye for interior design,” he replies. “how sexy you look in low lighting.”
“so you think i’m sexy?” you tease, and seonghwa rolls his eyes.
“i just had my tongue in your mouth, does that answer your question?”
another silence comes over you both, but this one is lighter than before. you’re subconsciously rubbing your hands over his shirt, and seonghwa brings a hand up to cover yours, stopping it right over his heart.
“we don’t have to tell them,” you offer. “i mean, they kept it a secret from us that they were trying to get us together this whole time.”
“oh no, i was fully aware of that,” seonghwa tells you, and you scoff. “do you think i really wanted to get out past midnight just to buy hongjoong some expensive markers? he never even paid me for them.”
“well now i really don’t want to tell them we kissed,” you whine. “how could everyone be in on this except me?”
“it was more fun that way,” seonghwa teases before pecking your lips. “but we can keep this between us, for now.”
“i think we should,” you say with a nod of finality. “it’s more fun that way.”
“c’mon, let’s go back out there before they send a search party.”
you return to the living room before seonghwa (so he can sneak into the bathroom and fix his hair) and you find most of the boys asleep on the floor. you sigh as your eyes meet hongjoong’s, and he shrugs.
“at least they didn’t bother you,” he says. 
“can you help me find pillows and blankets for them, please?” you ask, and he nods before jumping into action. he throws one of the couch pillows down to yeosang, who takes it and hugs it to his chest. you have a couple extras in your hall closet and you pass them to yunho, who’s sitting up when you come back. he places one under mingi and another under jongho and keeps the last one for himself. san and wooyoung are on the couch, and hongjoong tells you he’s fine with the armchair. seonghwa is out of the bathroom by now, and, like the perfect man he is, he’s carrying blankets in his arms. the three of you work on getting all the boys covered before you realize that seonghwa doesn’t have a place to sleep.
“i can take another spot on the floor,” he assures you. “do you have another pillow i can use?”
“let him sleep in your room, y/n,” san mumbles from underneath wooyoung. you pause and look at seonghwa, who’s looking back at you with something you can’t read in his eyes. 
“it’s not a bad idea,” hongjoong pipes in from somewhere within the blanket cocoon he made for himself. “he was just there. you can put him on the floor.”
“y/n?” seonghwa asks, pulling your attention back to him. “i don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable.” 
you would try to fight it, so you could hopefully ignore taunts from the boys in the morning, but you’re suddenly really tired and you just want to lay down.
“i’m ok with it if you are,” you yawn. “take the rest of those blankets, we can use those for your bed.”
“make good choices,” honjoong mumbles as seonghwa leads you back to your room, and you hear san going “oooooo” as you close your door a second time tonight. this time you don’t lock it though, and when you turn around you see the blankets on the floor and seonghwa sprawled out on your usual side of the bed, so you tell him.
“well why don’t you come join me then?” he teases with a grin. you blush and shake your head.
“scoot over.”
he does, but only by an inch. he still looks at you with that flirty glint in his eyes, and you can only shake your head again as you crawl into the tiny space next to him. he immediately wraps an arm around your waist and gives you a tight hug, placing a kiss on your shoulder.
“thank you,” he whispers into your back.
“for what?” you reply.
“for not putting me on the floor. and for liking me.”
you just woke up from maybe the best night of sleep you’ve ever had. seonghwa’s arms and legs are draped over yours, so you can’t get up without waking him, but having him so close is a welcome source of warmth. your apartment is quiet, and the sun is peacefully filtering into your room through your curtain. it’s the perfect moment, with your perfect boy, until- 
“i think they’re still asleep,” you hear someone whisper from the hallway.
“wooyoung, leave them alone!” another voice hisses. there’s silence for a moment, and then a smack, followed by someone jiggling the doorknob to your room. you quickly untangle yourself from seonghwa before you watch as the door cracks open a bit, revealing wooyoung in all his bed-headed glory. you close your eyes as much as you can while still peeking at who’s sneaking into your room, and you see jongho close behind him. he must’ve been the one who got smacked. or did the smacking. either way, they’re both staring at you and seonghwa in your bed, but you notice wooyoung smile and pause.
“i knew it! they definitely got together last night.”
“how do you know?” jongho asks. “maybe y/n let seonghwa sleep on the bed because of his old man hips.”
“whatever. they’re in the same bed, so that’s at least something,” wooyoung replies. “lame, but still something.”
“what did you expect?” jongho asks incredulously. “you thought we would catch them doing it?”
“i mean, not exactly, but couldn’t i get a little cuddling maybe?”
“you want me to cuddle you hyung?” jongho deadpans.
“yes, actually-”
“hey!” a third voice whisper shouts. you hear footsteps and then you see hongjoong pulling wooyoung out of your room by the neck of his shirt. “leave them alone. and you, jongho, i’m surprised you’re playing along with this.”
“well...” jongho mumbles.
“well what?” hongjoong asks, sounding like the mom-est mom to ever mom.
“they’re the only ones that know how to make breakfast.”
“both of you, out! now!” hongjoong semi-shouts, and you feel seonghwa stirring behind you. hongjoong doesn’t realize you’re both awake and closes the door as he leaves.
“what time is it?” seonghwa grumbles out, and your heart skips a beat hearing how deep his voice is when he wakes up.
“early,” you reply, turning around to be face to face with him. his arms slowly snake around you as you look up at him and share a sleepy smile. “how can you look this good when you first wake up?”
“weird, i wanted to ask you the same thing,” seonghwa replies, leaning in to kiss you but you touch your fingers to his lips and stop him, so he pouts. 
“uh uh, not until i brush my teeth,” you say as you try to get up, but seonghwa’s grip on your waist keeps you down.
“please,” he pouts again, sparkly eyes on full display as he pleads with you. it takes about half a second for you to cave and kiss him quickly, catching him off guard. he shifts to pull you on top of him and deepen the kiss, but he loses his grip on you and you’re able to slip out of bed before he can stop you. a noise comes from deep in his chest that almost sounds like a growl, and you shoot him a glare.
“hey, you got your kiss,” you warn. “now i’m going to make breakfast for the gremlins. do you want to help me?”
after the intrusion into your bedroom, wooyoung obviously told the boys what he saw. but, like jongho said, most of them thought it was just because of seonghwa’s hips that made you share a bed with him. there wasn’t enough evidence otherwise, and none of them really expected either of you to make a move despite their efforts. but they’re starting to get suspicious.
little do they know, after the set up fell into place, seonghwa wanted to take you on a real date. the only way to do that without your friends knowing was to sneak around without them, which was kind of fun. it was nice having this bubble with seonghwa, just the two of you, but it was getting harder to avoid your friends. seonghwa lived with them after all, so they pestered him about how often he was out and who he might be out with. 
“san keeps asking if you’re a good kisser. i told him i didn’t know, and then he asked if he could find out for me. should i be concerned about that?”
“we need to be more careful, yeosang said he saw us at the taco place yesterday, and he said we hold hands weird.”
“hongjoong has been saving seats for us at the bookstore, and each time we don’t show up i think he steals something from me.”
you have been ditching study group lately, but that’s more because you need to do some deep studying for your other finals and your friends are too much of a distraction. seonghwa can be distracting too, but at least he can take a hint and back down when you really need to focus. it’s been nice actually, just spending time in his presence. you were so nervous around him just a few weeks ago, and now you feel like you could trust him with just about anything.
today, you don’t get any personal study time, though. your music theory final is coming up and seonghwa wants you to get all the terms memorized before the review session in class tomorrow. he’s motivating you with a kiss for each right answer and the promise of him making dinner once you’re done. you’re currently cruising on five wrong in a row, and you’re getting frustrated. 
“c’mon y/n, you know this,” seonghwa encourages you, but you just whine in response. “we did this like four minutes ago, and i told you the answer so you could remember it.”
“yeah, well i obviously didn’t,” you snap, and seonghwa fakes being hurt. “sorry. can we skip this and come back to it?”
“sure,” he agrees quickly. “but first you need to write down the circle of fifths for me.” 
“i hate you.”
“hm, wrong answer,” he hums. “but kiss anyway. maybe that’ll keep you from getting so grumpy.”
“i am not grumpy,” you defend after kissing him gently. “i’m stressed.”
“you know what you need?”
“you need to go on another date,” he begins. “with me, obviously.”
“damn, i wanted to know if yunho was free,” you tease, and seonghwa doesn’t think it’s funny. “now who’s grumpy?”
“ignoring that,” he scoffs, but you can tell he’s trying not to smile. 
“when would we go? i’m really busy the next few days.”
“what about after class? we could both clean up and do something nice before we get some dinner?” seonghwa suggests. “why don’t we go to that art exhibit you told me about?”
“ugh,” you groan as you learn your head on his shoulder. “that sounds amazing, but we both said we’d be at study group tomorrow, remember? hongjoong practically begged me to be there, and i said i would ask you to come.”
“what about not letting them know we’re a thing?” he pouts. you don’t tell him about the youngest two that saw you all cuddled up, but instead you assure him that you inviting him to study group wouldn’t look unusual to the boys.
“plus, if we both cancel last minute, they’d know for sure we were up to something together,” you continue. “so yes, we need to go on another date, but just not tomorrow.”
“fine,” he mumbles. “now i am grumpy.”
“would something from the cafe make it better, my little boba ball?” you ask in a baby voice.
“ooh, actually, boba sounds good,” seonghwa smiles. “let’s go.”
the next day you get to the bookstore late because your professor gave a pop quiz at the end of class and you’ve been so busy studying music theory you forgot to study for anything else, so you needed all the time you could get. when you finally arrive, all of the boys are there, surprisingly. since you’ve never seen yunho, mingi and jongho here before you’re a little confused, but happy to see them nonetheless. 
as you walk up to the usual spot, you notice a coffee cup sitting in front of an empty chair, and you point to it as the boys greet you.
“is this for me?” you ask, placing your bag on the ground before grabbing the warm mug. “thank you, coffee angel.”
“you’re welcome, actual angel,” seonghwa replies, and you almost choke on your first sip. what is he doing?? you’re supposed to be sneaky sneaks and keep your relationship quiet, but here he is flirting with you in front of everyone!
except, that’s what he did before you started dating too, so it’s not out of the ordinary. in fact, no one pays any mind to it, so you’re left with a burnt tongue and blushy cheeks while seonghwa looks at you with a stare that only you would understand. you quickly shoot him a wink before you put your mug down and reach for your notes.
“um, hello? what are you guys doing?” you ask yeosang next to you, who’s rabidly tapping at his phone, just like everyone else. if they weren’t distracted they might have picked up on the vibes between you and seonghwa, but thankfully they’re the oblivious ones now.
“playing a game,” half of them respond, just as hongjoong says “writing lyrics” and jongho mumbles “texting my mom.”
“aren’t we supposed to study?” you ask. “or did you already learn everything in the world while i was gone?”
“well you’ve missed a lot of study sessions, y/n,” san begins. “so yes, we have learned everything. now we just come here to hang out.”
“so then why did you insist on me being here, joong?” you ask newly orange-haired hongjoong. it’s been a while since you’ve seen him, he must’ve dyed it recently. 
“we missed hanging out with you,” he says simply, eyes peeking up from his phone. your heart constricts at this, and you catch seonghwa’s eyes again. you might have to rethink the whole sneaking around thing if they really do miss you.
“yeah, we missed you AND we had to make sure you and seonghwa are still spending time together,” wooyoung adds, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“where have you been anyway?” yeosang asks. “you don’t have other friends.”
“yes i do,” you scoff.”
“give me names and numbers.”
“ignore him,” yunho tells you, and you nod.
“i always do. but i’ve been really stressed about finals, so i had to do some soul searching on my own to decide if i need to graduate or not.”
“seems fair,” mingi agrees. “i almost had to drop a class.”
“because he forgot he was even enrolled in it,” jongho clarifies, and you laugh.
“but seonghwa has been missing a lot lately too,” san starts. “i wonder what he’s been doing.”
“or who,” wooyoung snickers, and hongjoong reaches over mingi to slap him.
“i haven’t been feeling well,” seonghwa says with a shrug. “i’ve mostly been in my room, or at the pharmacy to get medicine.”
“oh, so you could’ve bought new paper towels for the dorm then, huh?” hongjoong asks, and as the two of them start to bicker, yeosang nudges your arm.
“i saw you two,” he says quietly. “at the mexican restaurant.”
“i know,” you whisper back. 
“so i know you’re dating.”
“are you gonna say anything?”
“hmmm, no,” he thinks. “but you have to buy my silence.”
“with coffee?” you offer, and yeosang smiles. he stands up and puts his phone away before speaking, looking directly at seonghwa.
“my best friend y/n is gonna buy me coffee, we’ll be back,” he says as he loops his arm around your shoulders. seonghwa watches as you walk away (and stares at your ass) but he’s mostly thinking about how he’s a little jealous right now. like, he knows you wouldn’t do anything, he trusts you, but he doesn’t want his friends thinking you have a thing for anyone but him. so while you’re gone, he talks.
“i haven’t been sick,” he admits. “i’ve been seeing y/n.”
“we all knew, dude,” hongjoong says casually, and everyone agrees.
“then why didn’t you say anything?!”
“because YOU weren’t saying anything,” jongho replies.
“yeah, we figured that we did enough trying to get the two of you together, so if you didn’t end up dating then that was your fault. we were just waiting on you to make a move,” san explains. 
“then why did you let us lie to you like that?”
“it was fun,” wooyoung shrugs. “by the way, did y/n let you sleep in the bed because of your hips, or because you wanted to cuddle?”
the red tint on seonghwa’s cheeks gives him away, and the boys start laughing and ooo’ing so loud he’s afraid you’ll hear it over by the coffee counter.
“ok, ok, just. keep this quiet for now,” he says. “y/n may still want this to be private.”
“but you just told us about it,” yunho says. “why would you do that if you knew y/n wouldn’t want you to?”
“well,” seonghwa begins. “i need your help with a date.”
seemingly by an act of god, you have time this weekend to go on a date with seonghwa. little did you know, he’s the reason your plans suddenly freed up. san said you could critique him and wooyoung for their dance final another day, hongjoong said he would send you his music theory notes from the review and save you hours of studying and then yeosang found the exact spanish book you needed to finish your performance final ahead of time. it was the perfect circumstances, orchestrated by your perfect boy and his perfect-adjacent friends, who all agreed to help him with this (hopefully) perfect date. 
it starts with seonghwa picking you up from your apartment, coffee in hand. 
“you’re the man of my dreams, you know that?” you say in passing as you grab the warm to-go cup. even if you were only saying it lightly, it made seonghwa’s heart soar. you notice he hasn’t said anything to you, so you meet his eyes to find them full of stars like always, but this time there’s something scheme-y in there. he’s up to something.
“are you ready for the best date of your life?” he asks with a smile that puts the stars in his eyes to shame.
“yes, i think,” you respond, grabbing your keys and locking your door. “but i don’t know what we’re doing.”
“and it will stay that way until we get there,” seonghwa says firmly as he laces his hand into yours. you squeeze his hand and sigh.
“i guess i just have to trust you then.”
“but that won’t be hard right?”
“wait, didn’t you say something earlier about going to that art exhibit? is that it?” you question, even though you know he won’t budge. seonghwa just shakes his head no and punches the button for the elevator. a moment of silence passes before you guess again. “a movie? you rented out a movie theater, like you said you wanted to?”
“i tried, but it was expensive,” he admits and you have to laugh. “funds are tight right now.”
“i watched you buy a couple hundred dollars worth of legos the other day babe. maybe that’s why the date fund is lacking.”
“you’re not coming between me and my collectables, y/n,” seonghwa scolds. the elevator pings to open to the parking garage under your building, and you’re confused for a moment before he explains. “i want this to be a nice date, so yunho let me borrow his car. it would be no fun if we show up all sweaty because we were walking.”
yunho’s car, which is actually pretty nice thanks to all the tips he gets from flirting with clientele, is parked by the elevator. seonghwa leads you to your door and opens it for you, revealing a basket of flowers and candies in the seat. you coo as you pick it up, and seonghwa looks on proudly. you lean over to give him a kiss, and you whisper your thanks as you pull away.
“that was mingi’s idea,” seonghwa tells you, smiling brightly “i got all your favorites.”
“i see that.”
“but look around the flowers,” he guides you. “there’s something else.”
you hold the basket up to eye level, noticing the silver sparkle around the stems of the flowers. is it glitter? you tug at a flower and realize it’s a chain, and attached is a hand drawn star charm to match the tattoo on the back of seonghwa’s neck. 
“seonghwa, this is beautiful,” you say breathlessly. “we’re gonna match! that’s so cute. who’s idea was this?”
“would you believe me if i said it was mine?”
“that’s what jongho said too,” seonghwa laughs. “it was his idea.”
“tell him thank you,” you say as you play with the charm. “mingi and yunho too. it’s a good date so far.”
“oh baby, it hasn’t officially started yet.”
in the car, seonghwa plays a mix of songs that he really likes, and he’s mixed in some of your favorites too. he has to keep convincing you that the songs aren’t clues, because you ask every time a new song plays.
“so are the songs just distractions?” you ask, finally giving up on getting any information out of him. 
“why do you ask that?” he smirks as he turns down a familiar road.
“because i can tell you just took the long way to the record store,” you explain. “are you stalling?”
“me, what? why?” his response does nothing to manage your suspicions, and suddenly you remember how your friends have helped with the date so far. are they all in on this? you need answers.
“seonghwa, i swear to god, if san or wooyoung jumps out to surprise me wherever we’re going-”
“that won’t happen,” seonghwa laughs while he parks the car. “we’re here anyway, and i promise this is the last surprise of the night.”
“the record store?” you question, looking up at the shop you’ve been to countless times to shop and to bother hongjoong while he works. 
“yeah, you said there was a new album out you wanted to get, right?”
“yeah,” you blush. “but i just said that in passing, i didn’t expect you to remember.”
“y/n, i want to know everything about you,” seonghwa says seriously. “so of course i remembered. wait, don’t get out yet. i’ll open the door for you.”
as seonghwa helps you out of the car, you quiz him on the other things you’ve said around him that you didn’t think he remembered. sadly, he does remember you saying your favorite disney movie is ratatouille and you’ve always wanted to try the mushroom/cheese concoction remy makes in the first scene.
“that’s a little embarrassing,” you sigh as you reach for the door. you’re going to complain some more about how seonghwa doesn’t need to remember everything about you, but the sight in front of you makes you stop mid-breath.
the record store has been decorated from floor to ceiling in fairy lights, and there’s more flowers all over the place. as you look around, you notice the flowers are tucked in the shelves next to your favorite artists. next to the door is the album you were talking about, and a little further down you see your favorite album of all time with a few extra flowers next to it. you’re still taking everything in when you notice hongjoong behind the counter.
“did you help him with this?” you ask breathlessly, and hongjoong nods. 
“yeah, but the flowers next to the albums was my idea,” hongjoong explains. “we’re running a new special called “y’n’s favorites” so everything that’s marked with a flower is yours, if you want it. everything is on the house.” 
“i...i don’t know what to say,” you start. you turn to seonghwa and there are those starry eyes that you love to see. you reach out to cup his face and smile. “thank you. this is...perfect.”
“it’s even more perfect now that i’m here!” wooyoung shouts from the front door of the shop, followed by san and yeosang. you look at seonghwa and all he does is laugh.
“what? at least he didn’t jump out and scare you,” seonghwa teases.
“oh, i would never,” wooyoung nods with a half-serious look on his face. “but i definitely wouldn’t do that when i have your dinner in my hands, i can’t let all this hard work spill.”
“especially not on my clean floor,” hongjoong warns. 
“you made dinner for us?” you ask wooyoung, but you’re looking at seonghwa, who simply shrugs.
“yep, i made one of your favorites and then threw in a couple recipes i thought you’d both like,” wooyoung says as he and the two other boys place food down on the counter by the register.
“and what did you two help with?” you ask san and yeosang.
“who do you think made this place so beautiful?” yeosang asks incredulously.
“yeosang did the lights and i bought all the flowers,” san explains with a smile that makes his eyes turn into happy half moons. “you’d be surprised how many places i had to go to get all your favorites.”
“i really don’t know what to say,” you whisper in disbelief. “i can’t believe you all did this for me.”
“it was all seonghwa’s idea,” san tells you. “we did it for both of you.”
“yeah, we’re just his little minions,” yeosang jokes, and wooyoung giggles. 
“you tell me how that food tastes, got it?” he asks as he backs out of the store. “don’t say anything mean though. i only accept compliments.”
“wooyoung,” seonghwa smiles tightly. “please leave.”
wooyoung holds the door open for san and yeosang as he gives seonghwa a thumbs up. san waves goodbye sweetly and yeosang gives you a knowing smile before the door closes behind them.
“well, i think that’s my cue to go,” hongjoong says, handing the keys to seonghwa. “don’t make a mess. if i get fired, i’m selling all the stuff i stole from you when you were sneaking around with y/n and not telling us about it.”
“i’ll keep him under control,” you assure hongjoong, who nods as heads to the door. you don’t see him leave because seonghwa has stepped in front of you, and he places his hands on your waist to pull you closer.
“so,” he begins.
“what do you want to listen to while we eat?” he asks, pulling you by the waist over to a row of records. you stand there quietly, looking over the albums hongjoong pulled to the front for you, and you just can’t believe how much work went into this date. you can’t believe how sweet it is that each of your friends helped, and you put your hand on seonghwa’s and give it a squeeze.
“hwa,” you whisper. he hums in response, but you place your hand on his cheek and guide his gaze to yours.
“thank you,” you tell him. “thank you for this.”
he smiles at you with a look in his eyes that can’t be anything else but love, and you smile back with that much love, if not more, in your own face. you use the hand on seonghwa’s chin to guide his lips to yours, and you lose yourself in the kiss, in seonghwa, for who knows how long.
“mm, y/n,” he mumbles against your lips before detaching. “the food will get cold.”
“you’re right,” you sigh. “but we didn’t pick any music.”
“how about this?” he asks, pulling an album out from the top shelf. you smile at the cover, knowing exactly what song seonghwa wants you to hear. 
“perfect,” you agree. “i’ll put it on while you get the food?”
and that’s how you end up eating the perfect meal, on your perfect date, with all of your favorite things around you, sitting right next to your perfect boy.
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holdontorogers · 3 years
𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞. 𝐛.𝐛.
gif not mine, credits to owner
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠; tfatws!bucky x bartender!college!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 2,218
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; Bucky has a secret place in Brooklyn that he found out as soon as he got his apartment after the blip: the bar you work at.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; +18 ONLY | MINORS DNI, angst, cheating (your bf/ex), hints to oral (f receiving), sex dreams, alcohol consumption, metal arm kink (i guess lol), swearing, friends on their way to lovers, unrequited feelings, mentions of college, stress, let me know if something’s missing and sorry for any typos.
𝐚/𝐧; so this was suppose to be out last weekend but headaches, college and stress delayed the process, hope you enjoy. 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐨𝐬!!!
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⊱⋅ ───────── 𖥸 ────────── ⋅⊰
“So, pretty amazing what you and Captain America did the other week”, he chuckled more for himself then any other thing as he pretended to ignore the fact that you knew everything about his past — and about him, in general. 
“Yeah well, I guess it feels good to know that the shield is finally with the right person”. You gave him a nice smile and intended to say something else but someone was already calling out asking for their drink, you rolled your eyes playfully for Bucky and walked away.  
Safe to say that Bucky is way more interested in your company than the bar itself, that’s why he would come by almost everyday by the end of the night and stayed for as long as you would like. 
The bar was packed, more than usual, and Bucky pretended to ignore the fact that he was bothered by not having as much of your attention as he planned to. 
Given that between missions and your senior year in college plus all your work at the bar, sometimes visiting you while you moved around the crowded place was one of the only ways you two could spend some time together.
 “It won’t magically fill up you know?” Bucky  was so lost in his thoughts and distracted playing with the now empty beer bottle he didn’t even notice you brought him another one.
“You know I can’t get drunk right, doll?” he said with a playful smirk, “and why would I want to get you drunk?” you winked and went back to attending the other people in the bar as Bucky followed your movements with his eyes. 
He sees you quickly looking at your phone following the action by a frustrated sigh, and he immediately clenches his jaw. Your ass of a boyfriend was probably leading you on yet again on another Thursday night with some lame excuse. Bucky could not believe how poorly this man (boy) treated you. If only Bucky could have the chance to show you how you should properly be loved and cared for...
When you came back to where he stood you seemed even more annoyed.
 “Is everything okay, doll?”, you looked at him with an exhausted expression and a tension between your eyebrows, “yeah, just... can’t wait to finish up and go home, how long are you planning to stay?” Bucky furrowed his brows, were you tired of him? 
“Don’t know yet, why?” you shrugged and looked over your shoulder discreetly “that girl keeps checking you out and I don’t know, maybe you would like to take her home?” I actually would like to go home with you. Bucky could swear this suggestion was as painful to you as it was to him, but he knew that that was only his mind playing tricks with him.
 “I still don’t think I have a way with the ladies right now” your eyebrows rose in amusement and you tried to study his expression “Well, if anything, just tell her your arm vibrates”.  You winked and returned to your duties once again. Meanwhile, Bucky realized the heat in his cheeks thinking about what you said. It’s amazing how much power you had over him, as he imagined how you would react under his arms. 
How soft his right arm would be on your warm skin, how the friction between metal and warmth would drive you insane once his metal arm was touching you... He could see all the different ways that he could make you his, make you forget all the shit you go through everyday, make you feel unique and loved. 
However, Bucky saw you seemed more upset and stressed out than usual so he decided to stay. He waited until you closed the bar and helped you sort everything out. You looked once again at your phone with a much worse look than before. 
“Doll what’s wrong?” he rarely asked you about your relationship, and always did good in pretending to ignore the frustrated looks you’d constantly give to your phone. 
You met his concerned eyes and saw all his attention in you, which makes your heart soften a little. You unlocked your phone and opened a conversation with one of your friends, showing it to Bucky with watered eyes. 
When he looked at the conversation from a few days ago he used all his self control to not shatter your phone or run down to haunt the man in the pics you showed him. There was a girl pressed against the wall of a club right between your boyfriends arms, and that girl was not you.
All the anger in Bucky’s eyes settled for worry when he looked at you. He held you in his arms and ran his fingers through your hair to calm the silent tears that were falling involuntarily from your face. 
“He’s an asshole and he never deserved you.” You nodded and continued to let yourself be taken care of by Bucky, “and just tell me the words so I can gladly kick his ass”. You laughed and that felt odd, but not surprising since Bucky always brought up the best in you. You had no idea how you two became such close friends, but you were glad to have him in your life. “Thanks Buck, you’re the best friend I could have right now ”. 
As Bucky walked home after taking you home the events of the night went over his head. He was a mess of nerves, angers, worries and sadness. He knew how much you needed a friend right now. He knew how you handled your own feelings and barely talked about it. He knew it was a big deal for you to show him what was going on. And yet the thought of showing you how much better he could treat you if you saw him beyond a friend wouldn’t leave his mind. 
**Bucky’s lips were drawing your skin like it was meant to be there this whole time. It’s like his mouth was designed to know how to touch you in all the right spots. He would caress your skin and take such good care of you. His words were soft and yet you knew he was in control, and you loved being at his mercy. You were willing to let him do anything as long as his lips never left your body again.
Goosebumps were consuming you as he kept going lower and lower. His lips finally started to trace down your inner thighs as you whisper his name as an exasperated request. Bucky’s lips were wet and soft and hot at the same time. He smirked and finally went down to where you needed him most.**
Your heart was racing as your alarm made you jump scared instead of properly waking up. It took a while to remember where you were and what the hell was going on. You sighed when realizing you just had a dream with your best friend.
You decided to take a cool shower before starting your day, as the minutes you usually lay in bed before forcing yourself to wake up were effectively replaced with a very intense dream that led you to question all your life choices.
Your mind begins to wonder and you asked yourself if Bucky got the phone from that girl in the bar last night. You had a bothered look on your face even though you knew you should not be feeling like this.
And you shouldn’t be having these dreams as well, but it’s been so long since you’ve actually felt good.... It’s been so long since you had an orgasm. It almost felt natural to think of Bucky that way, as if the desire of having him between your legs have been there all this time just waiting for you to notice them. You shook the feeling out of your head - or at least tried to. 
You couldn’t help but think about the recent events of your life. You have been beyond busy and missed so many warning signs from your now past relationship. You left out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, biting your lips and thinking about your situation. 
You’re suddenly annoyed and wondering why the hell you stuck around in the relationship you were at. It wasn’t adding anything else to your life anymore, it wasn’t doing you any good and you were pretty sure the main reason your boyfriend has been so neglecting lately was because he was cheating on you. And you were right. Now you were a breakup hot mess drowning in work and college assignments barely making it through the days without stressing yourself out. 
As the caffeine started its magic and you were getting ready for the day, your boss texted you saying that you could have the day off. She would surely find a way to compensate for this miraculously free day you had but you wouldn’t complain. Today especially was a very much needed day for you to give yourself some tranquility. You got ready for your classes in a very comfy yet cute look that made you feel good and went out.
On your way to college you texted Bucky to see if he was available this afternoon. He was surprised to read about your day off and quickly answered back saying he would be free. You both agreed to meet at Central Park once you were done with classes. Your smile and excitement once again surprising you as your dream would not leave your mind. How would you face him? You had no idea but he was your best friend and one of the closest and greatest person in your life right now. Your frustration of a sex life would not be in the way of this friendship.
The classes went by rather quickly and you were catching up on your readings when Bucky met you at the park. The sun was starting to set and there was something about the sunset atmosphere and Bucky that made his features seem even more in evidence. You smiled and waved at him as he raised his brows and walked happily to where you were. 
“Hey doll, how’s the day been?” he seemed extremely relaxed and care-free as he tugged you in a warm hug, his cologne invading your senses and numbing you for a moment. You cleared your throat before answering him “It’s been weird” you frowned “I was called off work God knows why and I have been able to catch up on most of my readings for school so” you shrugged still surprised with how smooth things were. “So it’s been a good day?” his brows drew together in amusement, and you both started walking aimlessly through the park.
“Yeah it’s been good I guess, weird but peacefully good, what about yours?” his eyes were sparkled with excitement and he had a half smile illuminating his face “I’ve been good, I was watching that show you told me about when you texted me about your free day so, only good moments I guess” he winked as you studied his face and his genuine expression and you felt weird butterflies in your stomach — which you ignored.
“So how do you like Friends?” you poked him teasingly and he smiled “It’s a good show, Alpine and I have good laughs, but I don’t know I feel like it’s something that should be shared you know? I bet watching with someone would make it a hundred times better”. Bucky looked at you as if you should’ve read something between the lines.
You would usually take his words lightly and never question their meanings, but tonight was different. You could almost feel something in the air. You were absolutely sure that it was all on your head but... Something about the way Bucky always looked at you in such admiration and softness. You could spend all of your days studying his expressions and getting to know him. Life may not have been kind to him but kindness was all you knew when it came to James “Bucky” Barnes. 
He cleared his throat and caught your attention. Yep, you were staring at him instead of thinking about an answer. “Sorry doll, I just meant — ” Bucky read your silence as an awkward moment but you were quick to stop him “No! You were right! Friends is absolutely better when you watch with people... I’m sorry, I’ve been a little distracted that’s all” you smiled at him hoping he would take your answer and not think too much about this. Bucky thought you were distant and quiet because of what he found out last night, but the truth was that you couldn’t look at him without thinking about your dream. 
Every single time your eyes met his or that you accidentally touched him was like an electric wave washed over you. The memories you created in your sleep would not leave you as Bucky would do normal things like, winking when telling a joke, wetting or biting his lips. Every little action made you hold out on reacting in a way that would ruin your friendship for good.
Crossing a line with Bucky would be a bad idea, wouldn’t it? 
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sunlight-moonrise · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything (Not So) Nice (Reid Imagine)
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Summary: Being a Barista and falling for a regular is as cliche as it gets. Having that customer become your new professor? Not so much. 
A/N: *Peeks head out* Hello everyone. I have come back from my unannounced hiatus to show off this baby. Major thanks to @definitelynotkatesblog​ and @clean-bands-dirty-stories​ for helping me put this fic together. This was written for the lovely @httpnxtt​ for the secret-fic-swap in the Discord (thanks @imagining-in-the-margins​.) I hope you all enjoy this smutty goodness. 
Category: Smut
Content Warnings: Face Slapping, Degradation, Slight Hair Pulling, Oral Sex (male receiving), Fingering, Spanking, Penetrative Sex, Unprotected Sex/Creampie
Word Count: 6.4K
Being a barista is pretty awesome. Sure, there were bitchy customers and super early mornings but it had it’s redeeming perks. We got free coffee, tea, and snacks during our shifts, which served the caffeine addict in me. I also learned how to make popular lattes, mochas, and frappes that I ended up making at home for myself one too many times. While there were the occasional assholes who couldn’t appear human before getting their hands on some caffeine, there were the regulars who made it worth it. Most of the regulars were so sweet, I appreciated a familiar face when they came in. Some.. more than others.
“He’s baaaaaaaaack,” my coworker Hazel whispered to me in a sing-song voice as she scribbled a customer’s name on a cup. I turned to see who she was talking about, but I already had an inkling about who it was.
My suspicions were correct. I turned to see one of our kindest regulars, my personal favorite customer, Dr. Spencer Reid. Is it weird to know the full name -including the honorific- of a customer? Possibly. But when I’d asked for his name to write on his cup the first time he came in, he accidentally gave me his full name. 
“Dr. Reid- uh, Spencer. Sorry, work habit.” He stuttered, avoiding my eyes after the mistake.
“No worries! What can I get started for you?”
As a Criminology major,  I learned to study the people who catch my attention before indulging them. Call it an old habit. 
Dr. Spencer Reid had earned his title and then some. He’d joined the FBI at only 22, having six degrees under his belt by the age of 27. He’d written several dissertations and co-wrote novels with his colleague, David Rossi. Someone with his reputation could be a pompous ass and have a leg to stand on, which is what made his humbled demeanor so much sweeter. He was also incredibly easy on the eyes, which was a nice little bow on top. 
Hazel liked to joke about how we’d make a cute couple but I know she only did it to watch me get flustered.  
I walked towards the counter to take his order, leaving Hazel with the task of refilling the caramel syrup. I’m always the one to help him since he very aptly pointed out that I’m the only one who makes his coffee just how he likes it.  
Some days, he’d let me surprise him with a random creation. I’d confirm if he wanted caffeine (he always did), iced or not, and any flavor requests. He’d take his drink, tip me handsomely and let me know his thoughts on the drink the next time he came in. So far, his favorite was the almond milk honey latte I’d concocted. It was nice to have a little bit of fun, especially with regulars who were as consistent as him.
“Hey Doc, what can I get ya’?” I asked.
“The usual, please,” he said with a smile. I nodded and set off to make his drink: a venti dark roast with a shit ton of sugar, a dash of nutmeg, and a tiny bit of cinnamon.
“Of course!” I quickly go to fill his order, making sure to put a complimentary treat in a bag for him. I know he had the ultimate sweet tooth so I try to sneak him a confection whenever I can. At first, he was a bit reluctant to take the free pastries, but nowadays he usually smiles when he sees the small bag. 
“Here ya’ go.” I handed him his steamy cup of caffeine along with the little treat, seeing him smile at the small pun I add to his cup, “Have a BREW-tiful day, Doctor!” I watched as his lips landed on the rim of the cup, taking a long sip of the hot coffee. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, the sight making my cheeks promptly flush. I cleared my throat before asking, “Is it good?”
“It’s always good when you make it,” he stated matter of factly, a small smile touching his lips. The heat in my cheeks rose again. “Will you be taking a course this summer?” he asked, taking another sip of his coffee.
“Yeah, I’m really looking forward to it. My first day is actually later today. I’m surprised the class section was open, to be honest.” Super surprised actually. I’d been trying to enroll in this class for the past couple of semesters but it was always full by the time I was able to even load the registration page.
“Well, I’ll wish you luck, but I’m sure you won’t need it.”
“How can you be so sure?” 
“I can just tell.” He stated calmly, like it was common knowledge. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to explain. Before he could respond, an insistent cough caught both of our attention. I peeked over Spencer’s shoulder to see a customer waiting for his order to be taken. I turned my attention back to the Doctor, an annoyed look painted on my face. He nodded, taking a hint from the impatient mouth breather behind him. 
“Thank you for the coffee. Enjoy the rest of your day. I hope that class goes well.”
“Bye, you too.” I waved, watching as he exited the door. I turned to the waiting customer, a bit miffed that he interrupted our conversation. But because I was at work, I plastered a fake smile on my face so that he wouldn’t see just how annoyed I was. “Welcome, how may I help you?”
After clocking out at 2:30 PM, I made a dash for the building where my class would be held. It’s not supposed to start for another half-hour, but I wanted to be sure to get there in time to choose a good seat and settle in before the rest of the class arrived.
Luckily room 301 was relatively empty so I was able to score a perfect seat by the window. I decided to kill some time by listening to some music and doodling randomly in my notebook. Some time had passed when I felt someone take the seat next to me. I turned to see a young man occupying the chair beside mine. He looked to be a frat boy based on the Greek letters he was sporting. Who wears a cap and hoodie in this weather? I really hope he didn’t expect to cheat off of me- although these types of guys always seem to do so.
I was about to return to my doodle when I felt a poke on my shoulder. I turned to give the offender my full attention, removing one of the earbuds from my ears. 
“Hey, I’m Tony,” frat boy said, with a wide smile adorning his face. I must admit, his boyish grin melted the slight annoyance I had begun to stir toward him. I returned his greeting and introduced myself as well. “I don’t mean to be a bother,” he continued, “but I like to have at least one buddy in each of my classes. In case we need help or miss an assignment or something.”
I nodded my head - a friend in a class was always useful when it came to studying and swapping notes. We chatted a bit more, learning about each other’s major and why we both decided to take a summer course. Tony is a double major and this course will satisfy the credits he needs for his psychology requirement. This is why you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. 
It wasn’t until I heard the hush of the classroom that I realized the class was about to begin. I turned back to my notebook, preparing to jot down some important information despite it being the first day of class.
“Good morning class.” Wait. That voice... I didn’t even need to pick my head up to know who had spoken. “This is Criminal Psychology and I am your instructor, Doctor Spencer Reid. Unfortunately, Professor Monroe could not cover this course so I’ll be his permanent replacement. Now…”
I raised my head, watching as he continued to talk about what is to be expected in this course while a TA handed out the syllabus. He went on, able to capture the attention of everyone while speaking of the experiences he had with an array of criminals. His eyes scanned the room and for a brief moment I thought they would land on me, but they continued to take in the mass amount of students before him.
My concentration was broken by Tony passing me a copy of the syllabus. I scanned it over, making sure to highlight all the important dates. I didn’t want any exams or projects conflicting with my work schedule. I also made note of how the overall grade system is broken down. The whole thing seems pretty fair and everything was spaced out enough where I wouldn’t feel too overwhelmed with the workload.
“… and that pretty much wraps it up. Does anyone have any questions?” I tuned in just as he was pulling the first class to a close. No one raised their hands, so he dismissed us with a reminder to read the first chapter of the textbook and to check for any emails.
“So do you want to grab lunch?” Tony asked from beside me. I contemplated whether or not to go with him. He must have seen the hesitation in my face because he quickly added, “Not as a date or anything, I just wanted to grab a bite and I didn’t want to do it alone.”
“Sure,” I smiled, “Let me just ask the professor a quick question about his office hours and I’ll meet you at the food court.”
“Sweet, I’ll see you in a bit.” With that, Tony gathered his stuff and exited the back door. 
I focused my attention on the podium, seeing a gaggle of girls surrounding him asking redundant questions. From what I could hear, their questions could have been answered if they’d read the syllabus. I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt, they were probably more focused on him rather than what he was saying during class. I waited a few more minutes for them to finish up before I made my way to him.
“So do I call you Doctor or Professor now?” I laughed. 
“From you, I’d respond to either,” he replied warmly. The comment made me blush. If he looked into my eyes at that moment, he’d see more stars in them than the night sky. I bit my lip to stop the idiotic grin from spreading across my face. 
He’s your professor, get a hold of yourself.
“How can I help?” he asked, bringing me back to the original reason as to why I was standing in front of him without a cash register between us. 
I cleared my throat. “Um, I was wondering if it was possible to see you outside your normal office hours? I usually work the morning shifts and I don’t want to flood your emails with my questions.” I asked.
“Of course,” he said. “You can come to my office at whatever time works best for you. I know balancing a work and school schedule can be hard. Besides, I’m usually there handling paperwork anyway.” He gave a small shrug, pushing his hands in his pockets. 
“Thank you so much. I look forward to the rest of the semester Professor Reid.” I liked the way his newfound honorific rolled off my tongue. 
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
“Goodbye, Professor.” With that, I left and headed out to meet Tony. 
I was able to find him at the food court. We got some food and chatted more about our classes as well as life outside of school. He made it easy to be his friend, and it was nice having someone to talk to. He works as a waiter so we shared our customer service horror stories and tales of sneaking food at work. It was a nice distraction that took my mind off of Dr. Reid and the ongoing battle of calling him Doctor or Professor. As Tony rambled, my mind wandered about other things I’d like to call Spencer instead. 
In that short span of two weeks, we already had an exam, an oral presentation, and a report on the psychoanalysis of serial killers. Not one day had been wasted, but this is what to be expected from a summer course. The essay was due the day before. Now we had to wait for our grades which gave us a moment to take a breath.
I was worried that my paper was subpar; especially since I chose to write about Andrei Chikatilo, a serial killer from Ukraine. He wasn’t as popular as those in America, so I ended up spending hours on deep research to find substantial information about his crimes. It also didn’t help that some of the original reports weren’t in English. I had worked hard, and hoped Professor Reid would see that, even if my writing could sometimes be a little weak. I was worried about the grade as our research papers held the weight of 20% of our final mark. 
“Hello? Earth to Y/N! Anyone in there?” Hazel’s voice pierced through my worry bubble, her hand waving in front of my face. I shook my head, trying to focus on restocking the coffee beans.
“Sorry Haze, I’m thinking about this class.”
“Funny you say that; your favorite professor just walked in. Thought you might want to take his order.” She wagged her brows at me, making kissy faces as I hurried to the front register, trying my best to not let my eagerness be so glaringly obvious.
There he was, in his usual handsome glory, patiently waiting for me to take his order. He greeted me with a small smile that I happily returned.
“Hey Doc, what can I get you today?”
He debated for a moment before saying, “Surprise me.”
“Gotcha.” I already had an in my head; it’d been a while since he asked me to make him a random drink so I’d had plenty of time to plan. We got an early shipment of ingredients for our fall-themed drinks and I figured he would appreciate some pumpkin spice in his caffeine. “How are the papers coming along?” I asked casually as I rang him up.
“Pretty well. I’m almost done, so you’ll all receive your grades later today.” Wow, that was fast. I wondered if he stayed up reading all those papers to be done by today. Probably not, a TA must have helped him.
“I am a bit nervous about mine, especially since it’s worth a huge part of our final grade.” I really wanted to get an A in this course, but it was hard juggling everything in such a short amount of time.
“Don’t worry about it too much,” he reassured. “I haven’t properly finished yours yet but it looked great just from what I’ve seen thus far.” His words gave me a little reassurance.
“Thanks. I put a lot of effort into it. Let me grab your coffee now.” Spencer walked towards the pick-up station while I grabbed a venti cup for his drink. Just when I was about to make his order, I saw another familiar face come up to the register. “Tony, hey!” I shouted, placing the cup back down, “What can I get you?” 
This was the first time he’d been here, despite him saying for the past few days that he’d stop by for a visit, even with the promise of a cake pop if he did. It was nice to see another familiar face.
“Hey coffee girl, how you doin’ today?”
“Just peachy. My feet are killing me, though.” Just saying the words caused the ache on the soles of my feet to spike higher. I thanked my lucky stars I was almost done with this eight-hour shift.
“Give me the chance to sweep you off your feet, I promise you won’t regret it.” he offered boldly. It wasn’t the first time he’d joked about taking me out. I laughed, especially since he had a girlfriend. She met us for lunch one day and we became fast friends- she was an incredibly sweet and intelligent girl, polite and elegant as well. It is a wonder how his frat boy charm won her over but opposites attract, I guess.
“Shut up, Casanova. What are you gonna have?”
“I’ll have a grande iced matcha latte, please.” I should’ve known. He told me that he loves matcha flavored food and drinks the first time we grabbed lunch after class. He had complained that there was no good place to get one on campus. 
“Coming right up.” I quickly filled his order since it was faster to make compared to the pumpkin spiced latte. I handed him his bribe-cake pop, matcha flavor of course, while he waited for me to finish making his drink.
“By the way, we’re still studying at the library for the exam later tonight, right?” Tony asked.
“Yup, I’ll meet you at 8.”
“Copy that, see you later coffee girl.” He turned to leave while I turned to make Professor Reid’s order. I put extra whip cream and a bit more syrup to satiate his sweet tooth. I grabbed a fresh chocolate muffin from the display case and popped it into a bag for him as well, drawing yet another pun on the good doctors bag. “Thanks for being such a TEA-rrific professor!”
“Here ya’ go Doc,” I called out before placing his drink and muffin on the counter. I looked up to see him no longer smiling. “Is everything okay?”
Ignoring my question, he said, “I wasn’t aware you were so close to Mr. Montgomery.”
“Oh yeah, we study together once in a while.” I could have sworn I saw his frown deepen before his features became void of any emotions. He shifted his eyes downward, his hand moving rapidly to grab the cup.
“I should get going.”
“Oh, okay” Before I could say goodbye, he was already halfway out the door. 
That was weird. I looked at the counter and noticed that he left the cupcake behind. Maybe he was in a rush?
I shook my head. I needed to concentrate on making it through the last couple of hours of work. 
I made my way to the classroom, smiling at Tony as he pulled out my seat for me. Professor Reid walked in a few minutes later, his tall figure drawing all the attention to the center of the small stage. He let us know he already graded the papers and that they would be distributed by the TA before the end of class. I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach but decided to brush it off and pay attention in class. Despite my attempts to focus on his lecture, I found my mind wandering every so often anyway.
I couldn’t help but think he was less animated today. Usually, he taught with such passion that the class couldn’t take their eyes off him. But today, it felt as if we were all in a boring seminar with an ancient professor. Tony kept glancing at the clock, probably also wondering why time felt like it was going by so slowly. 
I couldn’t shake the unsettled feeling the entire class. It didn’t help matters that every time I would raise my hand to answer a question, he would call on another student. What the hell did I do? 
I decided to tune out the rest of the class. There is no point in being an actively engaged student if I wasn’t going to get treated like one. I’d just get the notes from Tony later.
Thirty minutes before the end of class, the TA handed out our essays while Professor Reid wrapped. 
“Some of you did very well, while a few others struggled with the assignment.” His eyes landed on mine as he said that. It was the first time he had glanced in my direction the whole class. He moved on to the other side of the room. My mind was probably just playing tricks on me. “If you have any questions you can see me at my office hours next week or send me an email. You are dismissed.”
The TA finally made his way over to me, handing my essay in a slight fold. I looked at the grade on top and almost dropped the paper. My heart sped up as I stared at the letter in bright red ink. No way, no way this could be my report. I looked at the right-hand corner and saw my name at the top. I read through the first page and saw they were indeed my words.
How the fuck was it possible that I got a D on this paper? I knew my writing wasn’t the strongest, but a D? 
“How you’d do?” Tony asked. For a moment I forgot I was in a room with other people.
I cleared my throat, trying to relive the lump so that he didn’t hear the croak in my voice. “Umm, not what I expected. I’m going to try to speak to him about it.” Tony was a smart kid, so I was sure he could see how tense I was. Luckily he didn’t question me any further and instead told me he’d text me later before leaving the classroom.
Fortunately, there were no other students in the classroom to slow me down this time. I walked right up to the podium, watching as Professor Reid placed some papers in his satchel. 
“Professor, I need to speak with you.”
“Not now, I’m busy,” he replied, not even bothering to glance in my direction. This can’t be real. The sweet, kind Doc could not be the man acting like a total asshole right now.
“I really need to discuss with you my paper,” I pressed, raising my voice a little louder in an attempt to get his attention. That was wishful thinking on my part since he continued to fiddle with his satchel.
“I said I’m busy,” he uttered once again, his voice void of any emotion. He was about to walk past me, ignoring my whole being. His blatant disregard made my cheeks burn, and not in the usual way they usually did when I was around him.
“Spencer,” I barked, “We need to talk. Now.” For a few moments, he stood in front of me, his back facing my direction.
I was about to speak again before I heard him say, “My office. Half an hour.” He exited, leaving me alone in an empty classroom. The only things keeping me company were the fuming feelings swirling inside me and the failed paper clutched at my fist. 
I knocked on his office door ten minutes earlier than he’d told me. The anger in my gut brewed hotter the longer I waited. As soon as I heard a “Come in,” I rushed through the door, slamming it behind me. He regarded me coolly, but didn’t comment on my actions. 
“What can I do for you Ms. (Y/L/N)?” I walked up to his large desk, not bothering to take a seat in the chair in front of me. I took a moment to calm myself down before replying.
“Well, you can start by explaining to me why I got such a low score on my paper.” I guess he didn’t like being the only one of us sitting down because he stood up and leaned against the wall behind him.
“It did not meet the requirements for a passing grade as outlined in the rubric. The information given was boring and the overall topic was uninteresting. It was tedious to get through,” he responded nonchalantly, like he was giving me a weather report.  
“You said that you enjoyed it so far.” I rebutted, placing my hands on the desk. I needed something to offer me stability so that I wasn’t visibly shaking.  
“I’d mistaken your work for another student’s. Maybe Mr. Montgomery,” he dryly clipped.
A bitter laugh escaped me as I put the puzzle together. Was- was he serious? Was this man acting like this because of Tony? The audacity! The laugh that bubbled from my lips must have unsettled him. He left his position from the wall in favor of standing in front of me.
“You want to know what I think?” I didn’t give him a chance to respond before continuing, “I think you’re jealous that I have another guy that isn’t you getting friendly with me at the shop and because of your inability to keep your---“
“That is enough,” he grounded out, shaking his head. But I didn’t stop talking.
“--private feelings away from your professional ones, you decided to give me a failing grade. Do you know how hard I worked in-” my voice rose up higher and higher until I was yelling.
“I said that’s enough,” he said again, louder this time. But I wasn’t done.
“-this class? This is my life, my fucking future on the line. I’ve told you how important this all is to me and you don’t even give a shit! You’re going to let your interpretation of my relationship with another student influence the way you do your job? And here I thought you were a decent man, Professor.” I hissed, “Do you even give a damn abo-”
“Enough,” he roared, slamming his hands on the desk and caging me against the wood. His breathing was matching the upbeat pace of my own. His quick movement and the sheer volume of his voice caught me off guard, effectively silencing me. 
“I don’t deserve to be punished over your envy,” I whispered, locking eyes with him in a steady gaze.
“You want to see a real punishment, darling?” he hissed, the heat of his words almost breaking my glare, his breath fanning along my face.
We stared at one another for a while, neither of us willing to be the first to back down. The tension between us kept rising and rising until the inevitable happened. I couldn’t be sure who made the first move but before I knew it, our lips collided with a mix of rage and desperation. My arms draped around his neck as he pressed me on to the desk. He placed his hands on the back of my thighs, lifting me up high enough until I was perched on the cool wooden surface.
Spencer’s lips were soft, a stark contrast to the harsh way he was kissing me. His tongue parted my lips, gliding over mine with fervor. I couldn’t help but moan as he rolled his hips into me. He continued his rough grind, keeping my legs open as we moved as close together as our bodies would allow. He overwhelmed my senses- the smell of him, the taste of him, the feel of him. Everything was making me absolutely feral for this man. 
I never expected the gentle Dr. Reid to be so fervent, so sensual. The kindhearted, sweet professor who regularly drank his weight in caffeine never gave me this impression. But then again, I’m sure he was shocked by my attitude as well. He knew me as the friendly, bubbly barista, now student, who enjoyed his class. He was about to meet a whole new side of me, just like I was going to for him.
Spencer pulled away from me, our mouths making an audible ‘pop’ sound from the sudden separation. I tried to catch my breath as he stared at me, our chests rising and falling together. If I were to move a bit closer to him, we would be touching once again.
He took a few steps back before motioning me to step in front of him. “I want you to get down on your knees. Now.” I wasn’t going to argue with him, mainly because I wanted the exact same thing he did. I kneeled down, keeping my eyes on his face.
“You going to shut me up, Professor?” I teased, feeling powerful, even though he was looming over me. He didn’t reply, just continued to look down on me with those honey colored eyes- full of lust and rage.
I watched as he slowly placed his hands on his slacks, undoing the belt and buttons. He drew down his pants and boxers at the same time, just low enough to reveal his impressive size. My mouth salivated at the sight of his bulge as he came closer to me.
“We’re going to put that smart mouth to better use. Open.” He said, gripping my face between his fingers, forcing me to follow his orders. I opened my mouth slightly, not giving him exactly what he wanted. Instead of ordering my mouth to open further like I expected, he placed his thumb inside. He pushed the digit deep, pressing it against my tongue. I moaned around the finger, softly nibbling at the skin. He continued to slide his finger within my mouth before dragging it out completely. He wiped the excess spit on my cheek before lightly smacking it. The small shock of pain sent a shiver down my spine.
“Open, and do it right this time.”
I obeyed, opening wide enough to accept him into my mouth. My lips were stretched almost uncomfortably in an attempt to fit around him. He was so hot and thick, I couldn’t help but hum at the taste of him on my tongue. The soft “fuck” that fell from his lips had me purring around him. I went to place my hands on the remaining portion that couldn’t fit, but he batted them away.
“You’re using only your mouth.” 
Fine, have it your way, Sir. 
I placed my hands behind me as I bobbed my head, hallowing my cheeks with every rise. His shallow thrusts encouraged me to suck harder. I slowly pulled away to run my tongue against the vein protruding on the underside of his cock. I was rewarded with a groan escaping his lips.
“I should have known that you would be so good at this, darling,” he said, his voice slightly hoarse as he tried to control his grunts.
I made sure to look in his eyes as I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock. The face he made was purely angelic. The muscles of his neck protruded more evidently and his breathing became more labored. I placed him back in my mouth, this time taking my time to go down on him.
“That’s right, Princess. Show me what a good girl you are for me.” He moaned as I felt his hands weave in my hair before he pushed my head down on to him, causing me to gag around him, tears pricking my eyes. He continued his thrusts into my mouth, barely allowing me a chance to breathe. My nose repeatedly touched the base of him as I swallowed around his hard length.
Spencer tightened his fingers in my hair and I knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.  The pace was brutal, but I enjoyed the rough treatment. Knowing that I was the one making him feel good was such a turn on. He buried himself deep in my throat after a few more thrusts to finish. I swallowed his release like the greedy brat that we both now knew I was.
He eventually pulled out, a satisfied sigh leaving his lips. I swiped the back off my hand across my mouth to clean off any leftover spit and cum.
“Get up,” he ordered, his voice hoarse.
I did so, rubbing the ache in my knees as I slowly rose. “I want you bent over the desk,” he continued.
“I want you to answer my previous question.” I quipped.
“You’re not in the position to be making commands,” he growled. He wrapped his fingers in my hair again, pulling just roughly enough so that I was looking up at his face. “If you want this to end well for you, I suggest bending over my desk before I stuff my cock in that bratty little mouth of yours again.”
He released me, eyes still on my face waiting for me to follow through on his order. I turned to his desk and did as he asked, bending over the wood until my chest laid flat against the surface. I waited as patiently as I could for him. It felt as if I was in this position for an eternity before he touched me. He pushed both my underwear and skirt down to my knees before placing his hands on my hips. I heard it before I felt it- the smack on my ass that caused me to yelp.
“Fuck, Spencer. What the—” I was cut off with another resounding smack.
“Did you really think that I wasn’t going to give you a real punishment, darling?” I took a deep breath as another shiver went down my spine. He had no business sounding so hot right now. Another smack, this time on my opposite cheek, had me biting down on my lip to stop myself from crying out.
“This” *SMACK* “Is” *SMACK* “What” *SMACK* “Happens” *SMACK* “To” *SMACK* “Bratty” *SMACK* “Little” *SMACK* “Girls” *SMACK*. A sob ripped from my chest as the last blow landed. My ass was on fire and surely littered with his hand prints.
“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood since you sucked me off so nicely, or I would have made that worse.”
Gee, thanks.
“You look like such a dirty slut like this.” I felt a finger enter me easily, the wetness gathered there making my entrance ready to take him. “So wet. Was it the spanking that got you like this, or your mouth around my cock?” A moan was my only reply as he added another finger, the two digits moving in a scissoring motion. 
“Are you gonna be my sweet girl, now?” He asked as I moved my hips along his fingers, desperately trying to seek some more relief for the fire burning between my thighs as his mouth littered marks along my thighs. I closed my eyes, focusing on the pleasure he was giving me as he curled his fingers, a slow moan falling from my lips. He pulled them out of me, wiping the slickness against my still burning ass. Fucking bastard. I wiggled my hips against him, hoping he would grant me a reprieve and put his fingers back inside me. Instead, he spanked my ass one more time- one quick, sharp blow against the bruised cheek.
Just when I was about to yell at him, he placed the head of his member against my entrance. He moved up and down my drenched entrance before penetrating me in one full thrust. I took a short breath in, trying to get used to feeling so full. He was stretching me out in the most amazing way.
Spencer waited until I was grinding against him before he pulled out and pushed back into me. “Look at you, such a wanton little bitch aren’t you?” He could call me whatever he wanted, as long as he didn’t stop fucking me.
He kept a steady pace, making sure to grind into me every time he slammed back in. The obscene sound of our skin smacking against one another’s and the moans escaping our throats was an erotic symphony that had my body heat raising the temperature in the room.
He hitched my leg on top of the desk, entering in an angle that made the pleasure so much better. I couldn’t stop the whines that kept escaping my mouth every time he pounded into me. His hand stayed upon my leg, holding me down and limiting my movements. His nails dug into the skin so harshly I was sure there would be bruises left in their wake.  
“Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around me,” he hissed under his breath. “Should have known you just needed to be fucked like the cheap whore you are.” He sped up, hips snapping at an almost punishing pace. The desk creaked every time he slammed into me. I hoped no one was nearby to hear what was going on. A whine left my throat when I felt his fingers rub against my clit. I was so close now.
“Should I stay inside you? Fill you up so you walk around campus carrying my child?” He growls, his pace increasing with each passing moment. “Knock you up so the whole campus knows what a whore you are for me?” He asks, earning a cry ripped from my throat. 
“Who’s fucking you?” he grunted. I don’t know how he expected me to form a coherent statement at this current moment. My eyes could barely stay open at this point. 
“Spencer, please.” He smacked the outside of my thigh.
“Try again, who’s fucking you?” 
“You are, Doctor.” Apparently, that was the wrong answer too, because it earned me another smack on my thigh. I had tears streaming down my face from the pleasurable pain he was giving me.
“You have one more chance or else I’m not letting you come. Now, who’s is fucking you?”
“Professor Reid!” I cried out.
“That’s right darling. Now come on my cock.” A harsh bite on my neck was the ultimate push that had me seeing stars. Spencer thrusted a few more times before fully sheathing himself within me.
He slumped over me, the feel of his breath against my neck causing me to shiver once more. We took a moment to have the high leave our body before he pulled out of me, a gasp leaving the both of us. Spencer was the first to break the silence between us.
“Would you like to have dinner with me?” he asked, his voice a bit shy. 
I giggled at his demeanor. A few moments ago, he was fucking me senseless and spanking me over his desk like a porno, and now he was asking me out to dinner. 
“Absolutely,” I smiled. “But I should probably cancel my study plans.” I quickly added. 
He led me to the faculty bathroom so I could freshen myself up. When I emerged, he was back to being the prim and proper professor I knew him to be. Just before we left his office, he leaned down and whispered, “By the way, you got an A.”
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spiked-tea-writing · 3 years
and they were roommates?!
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Summary: Imagine being in love with your roommate, couldn't be you.
Pronouns: She/her
Warning: Swearing
Word Count: 2.3k
A/n: I don’t watch or know anything, I just like these people and I had a concept. Also, he and Dream aren’t roommates in this for the sake of I can’t figure that out. Also also, my timeline is probably fucked but who cares
The dynamic in the apartment was...interesting to say the least
In the two years of living together, it had shifted a lot
In the beginning, you and Sapnap had been... less than cordial to each other
Both eighteen, fresh out of high school, off to college thinking that you knew everything.
There was lots of fighting, to say the least.
All of the “No it’s your turn to vacuum”, and “I swear to god Sapnap I will punt you halfway across the world if you eat my pineapple again”
The only reason you didn’t slit each other’s throats was that if the other person was dead, who would pay rent?
It was the summer before college started at the time, and you were working long hours minimum wage so coming]’/ home to an annoying prick caused a crap ton of conflict
After a few months of being little bitches to each other, y’all got piss drunk in the apartment and it all just sorta fell apart
Got that good drunk therapy, spilling your deepest secrets
(y’all were underage but shhh)
So by the time college started, the two of you had become actual friends and started enjoying each others company
A few months into the friendship, you encouraged him to post the video of “Minecraft, but it’s Raining Cats and Dogs” on a whim
Lmao little did you know what you had created (we’ll get to that later)
You mocked his train of thought constantly, laughing at the timing of it all.
“Ahhh yes, I am Sapnap, the genius who thought it’d be great to become a YouTuber while in my first year of college.”
He’d always just laugh and roll his eyes, playfully shoving you while stealing your chips.
The next few months were a haze of studying, work, and him.
It was truly a friendship of convenience since you guys were so busy, him starting his youtube career, and you working restaurants, then school on top of that, it was just easy to find friendship in your roommate.
Of course, he had his close friends which he spoke to over the internet, and you had your friends from back home, but as for college, it really was only him.
You guys had a fun time just hanging around the apartment, and it became so easy to be friends with him
And it WAS truly platonic (we’ll get back to that as well)
The best thing he brought to the friendship was his animals
You got on fabulously with Cash and the cats
They were all so cuddly and honestly loved you more than him lmao
You guys were just trying to get degrees and not be too stupid, was that too much to ask???
Well to a certain 2020, it was
The beginning of that year was great.
He was sorta realizing that he liked putting himself on social media, but on top of that, it seemed like a great start to a year.
February brought him to twitch, which you loved
You found it hilarious how he would just sorta play games and have people watch him live.
But you were incredibly supportive, as a friend, of course
He really liked it so, you tried to ignore the shouting at three am, and the loud anthems at night
Sure you’d give him hell in the morning, but why kill his fun?
March started great, as it was his birthday.
You got him a glittery lighter as a gag, but it was the perfect gift for a broke-ass college student
Then a certain pandemic came a-knockin’ on y’all’s door
It was a hard hit on both of you.
An executive decision was made that you two would stay put, but being away from your families was incredibly tough.
That spring was the birth of The SMP.
It brought him so much joy, which in turn made you happier.
The rest of the school year was a blur of zooms and test
Nick nearly killed you on multiple occasions when you made fun of the fact that he was learning computer science over the computer or made him help you figure out what the fuck zoom was since it was tangentially related to his major
Yall got more than a handful of noise complaints shhhh
That summer was fill was spent trying to fill the time in weird ways
Note to self, he can’t cook (which you learned the hard way)
Yall spent so much time trying to cook and bake, then sweating off the calories working out with The Fitness Marshall lmao
As sucky as the situation was, that summer was so incredibly fun for the both of you, and truthfully the only arguments were about what music to blast
“Y/n I swear if I listen to Cosmicandy one more time I will drown you.”
“Well if I hear American Idiot one more time someone’s knee caps are getting harvested.”
(that argument was settled with Elton John.)
When school started up again that fall, something shifted
After a year of actual friendship, you guys were no longer just friends, and the tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife
You had watched every single one of his streams since day one, but within 2 seconds of his Love or Host, you felt the need to hurl for some peculiar reason
It was bizarre because there was no way you could ever like him, of course not.
Within the apartment, you guys suddenly got a lot more touchy, but only because it was getting cold with winter and all that jazz.
It wasn’t because yall were secretly in love, what is this, a romcom?
The number of times you guys woke up on the couch, definitely not cuddling was too many to count
You started sitting in his room while he streamed, definitely not watching him with heart eyes because of how excited he got
He always had a pot of coffee full and a 6-pack of monster in the fridge since he knew you ran on spite and caffeine, and definitely not so that he could spend more time with you in the early hours of the morning.
The laundry started getting all mixed around, resulting in just sharing any sweats, hoodies, or socks.
The same thing went for food.
No longer was anything labeled with a name, if it was in the fridge, it was fair game (unless there was a post-it because come on, yall weren’t monsters)
But no, y’all were just roommates, not dating, lets make that clear.
Feelings? We don’t know her.
This entire time, his friends have had to hear about you rip.
But they got front row seats to your relationship development
“OMG my roommate is the worst she ate all of the frozen strawberries”
“Y/n kidnapped Storm all day while she studied and I thought I lost the fucking cat asjvdk”
“I had to run down and talk to the landlord because we dropped a pot of pasta sauce all over the carpet and couldn’t get the damn stain out.”
“She is so nice in preparation for a family dinner zoom, she ran out to the local Filipino food place and pick stuff up.”
“Sorry I’m late I overslept and didn’t want to wake up Y/n.”
They weren’t stupid, and could clearly see how whipped he was.
Dream and Geroge teased him about it constantly.
“Woah, calm down Sap, you should probably tell her you love her before you propose.”
“Yeah Dream’s right, it’s kinda weird that you’re living together before ever dating.”
He always flushed and denied it with a shake of his head.
He wasn’t into you, are they crazy?
Quackity and Karl messed with him in more unorthodox ways
There are a solid number of clips where they are fake crying over how he’s cheating on them, and even more tweets to match
It only got worse when you met them accidentally.
He was chatting post-stream on a video channel with George, Dream, Karl, and Quackity, and just his luck, you came into his room.
Like of all the times you could walk in, it was the time he was with his five closest friends but I digress
“Yo I got some extra tips yesterday so I picked up some extra Red Bull if you want to do one of your weird all-nighter streams.”
“Y/n I’m on channel.”
“Oh shit sorry my b. Catch.”
All the guys heard was a thud and a groan from Sapnap as the six-pack hit him in the chest.
Dream was the one to recognize your name.
You could hear Dream’s voice through his headphones
“Sap… who is that?”
“No one. I’ll be out in a sec to help with dinner.”
You could hear a British voice come through.
“Oh so we are no one now, huh.”
Another voice piped through.
“Common... ¿Qué intentas ocultar?”
You cut in.
“Your headset it shit my guy. I can hear everything. I’m down to talk to them.”
He let out a groan.
“Fine. But you’re gonna have to do the dishes tonight.”
“Deal. Now move.”
“What? No.”
“Fine bitch.”
You collapsed onto his lap, plucking the headphones off of him.
“Hello, Sapnap’s friends. I am Y/n. A pleasure to meet y’all. Can you hear me?”
You heard a series of laughs through the headset, and a voice came through.
“Yes, we can see you too. I’m Karl, it’s so nice to finally meet his girlfriend.”
A blush rose on both of your faces, and another voice came through.
“Yeah, we’ve heard lots about you. Plus we can’t see your face in that picture Sap sent us. I’m Quackity”
That remark stopped your embarrassment in its tracks.
“What the fuck? How do you guys know me? I’m not even his girlfriend? And what picture?”
Sapnap grabbed your arm to calm you down as another voice cut in, but his one you recognized as his friend Dream.
“Hey, it’s okay. He just talks about you a bit, and the picture I believe was of you holding like three cats with like a red bull can on your head.”
“Jesus fucking christ why do they have that photo??”
He looked guilty but chuckled.
“Because that photo is a damn masterpiece.”
Karl’s voice came back in with a giggled.
“Soooo, Y/n we’d love to hear about you. Specifically anything funny or embarrassing that you have learned by living with him.”
Sapnap let out a groan from behind you as you went off.
“WELL lemme tell y’all, he has no cooking knowledge, well I mean, now he does, but one time, about a year ago, I had I been keeping a pot of water boiling for about an hour, soft boiling eggs, cooing noodles, blanching bok choy, etc. but this fucking genius is like ‘oH tHe HaNdLe Is StIcKiNg OuT. LeMmE mOvE iT wItH mY bArE hAnD.’ Needless to say, he burnt the crap outta his hand and kept the bag of frozen blueberries on it for the entire night. It took me like a solid five seconds to actually help him because I was laughing.”
By the time you had finished that story, you had seen Nick roll his eyes like 5 five times while the rest of the guys were wheezing.
“Yeah, well remember the time you were trying to imitate Rapunzel after we had watched it over Zoom with my sister, and you swung the edge of the frying pan into our head and got a nasty bump on it? At least I moved quick enough to put some ice on it.”
“Ice? It was the damn leftover Slushy that I had been freezing.”
“True, but you got to drink it after, so it was a win-win situation.”
“Sap, I had a bump the size of a golfball coming off of my temple. There was no winning.”
“Fine, you’re just making me sound like such a shit roommate.”
“No that’s not true, you do all of the talking to the landlord, and you at least tried to muffle the noise when you stream.”
“I guess that’s true, but you do like 80% of the cleaning.”
“Yeah but only because you’re working. Plus in the past 6 months, you’ve made coffee every morning, AND made sure I was taking my meds.”
“Those things aren’t that hard and I do it to make sure you don’t die because I lo- care about you.”
You heard Dream’s wheeze laugh and remembered that you guys were still on call.
You both went red, and Sap moved his arm around you to leave the channel.
The next few moments were complete torture, the two of you just sitting in silence.
You were wondering if he meant what he was about to say and he was scared that you had heard it.
He was the one to break the silence. (mind you you’re still sitting on his lap lmao)
“I’m sorry about that.”
You weren’t sure how to respond. Should you ask him if he meant it? Because that wouldn’t be that bad. Or just pretend it never happened. Nah that’d be hella awkward. Or-
“I love you too.”
“You what?”
Wow, okay your brain is being a little bitch rn, but fuck it. Balls to the walls baby.
“I love you, and I have for a while now. I just want you to know.”
You finally looked him in the eye, and he was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
“Thank god. I love you, and nearly fucking told you for the first time in front of my friends accidentally. Damn, I’m smooth.”
You laughed and he smiled wider.
“Can I kiss you?”
After a quick nod he swooped in and holy hell his lips felt great. His arm wound around your waist and your hands made their way to his jaw as he pulled you closer to him.
The only thing playing in your mind was “and they were roommates”
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niffala · 2 years
It Happens
Pairing: Dennis Baker / OFC (Bailey)
Summary: Dennis has never had much luck in his worthless life. Sleepwalking through his miserable days and lonely nights… until he met her.
Warnings: smut, misunderstandings, dating, dumb choices, fluff, angst, talks of divorce and cheating, Dennis being Dennis
A/N: Reader insert version found here. 18+ only due to smut. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated. 
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Staring morosely into the mirror, the brunette straightened his glasses. Hair combed, beard trimmed, clean polo and khakis, he looked ready for work, even though he lost his job six months ago. Same time his wife left him for another man and sent him the divorce papers. At least it meant it was quiet, Gina wasn't yelling at him constantly. Reminding him what a pathetic failure he was and how repulsive she found him. 
His eyes flickered down to his left hand, debating if he should take the ring off. It’s not like she was coming back. He reached for it but hesitated once his fingertips met gold. He couldn't do it… He should do it… He shouldn’t... He needed to. Well, if nothing else, he was good at giving up. The man slipped the band off his finger and sighed. Resolved to live the rest of his miserable life alone. Rock bottom, meet Dennis.
Bypassing his former place of employment, Dennis headed straight to 'Back to The Grind' coffee kiosk. Standing awkwardly to the side of the queue, avoiding eye contact with the other customers, he awaited the arrival of his coffee buddy, Bailey. For the past two years, Monday through Friday, they would meet here in the pursuit of caffeine and conversation. Sometimes she had to run, but mostly they’d sit and chat until their cups were empty. Dennis enjoyed her company so much he kept showing up day after day, long after he no longer worked around there. It was all he had, all he lived for anymore. Just those few precious minutes of human connection.
Dennis checked his watch, 7:37 a.m., she was running late. Joining the line, he ordered for both of them, then sat at one of the nearby benches to wait. Ten more minutes went by with no sign of Bailey. You're a loser Dennis, she's not coming. With a defeated exhale, he stared at the sidewalk and took a large angry bite of his donut.
“Hey coffee buddy.”
Shit, she was here. Dennis looked up at her beautiful face, his eyes as big as saucers. Swallowing the large bite, he coughed out a greeting.
Bailey smiled at him. “I see you started without me.” She gestured to the corner of his mouth, “You have a little…” 
Dennis wiped his face on his arm. “Thanks.” He handed her a cup and a wrapped pastry. “I got your usual, medium caramel iced coffee. They were out of croissants though, so I ordered you a blueberry danish.” 
“Oh no,” she frowned, “blueberries and I do not agree.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry. I messed up your breakfast. I should have asked, I’m so stupid.” Dennis became visibly upset and continued to over apologize. Promising to get her something else and refusing to finish his donut. 
“It's ok, D, really. It’s not a big deal.”
He buried his face in his hands, “I suck, I'm sorry.” 
“Well I think you're pretty great, Dennis.” She smiled at him again, even though he couldn’t see it. “Hey, seeing as neither of us are having breakfast, how about an early lunch? Are you free?”
Dennis’ head whipped up, “For lunch? You want to have lunch with me?”
“Yeah.” Bailey checked the time on her phone, “Shit! I got to go, but can you meet me here at eleven? We can walk up the street to Charley’s, their food is awesome. Real burgers, not the microwave crap I know you favor.” 
Dennis nodded, “I’d love to.” Saying their goodbyes, he watched Bailey rush off to work. He knew she must see him as a charity case. Who wouldn’t. He was broken and worthless and felt bad for wasting her time everyday. It was selfish of him. Still, he could feel butterflies flapping in his belly, knowing he’d get to spend more time with her. Having nothing else to do, he sat in his car and waited.
Bailey slid into the booth, staring eagerly at the man across from her. Eyes tracking his hands as he picked up his food and took a bite. Smirking as his eyes practically rolled into his head, “Good huh?”
“So good,” he groaned out before continuing to chomp on his burger. 
Chuckling, she began eating her own meal. “So how have you been, D? What ya been up to?”
Dennis shrugged, not wanting the conversation focused on him. “Not much… not anything really.” Making the mistake of looking at her expectant face, he found himself blurting out the things he tried to hide from her. “It’s true though, I wasted my entire life. Nothing to show for my 37 pointless years of existence. No job, no kids, no wife. I’m a big fat nothing.” He closed his eyes, waiting for the blowback of his confession. Startled when a soft hand enclosed his, giving a gentle squeeze. 
“I'm sorry. I had no idea.”
She sounded so sincere, Dennis couldn’t process it. “It’s okay. It’s, uh, been a few months now.” 
Bailey regretted bringing it up, but couldn’t help how her interest peaked. Her coffee buddy had never talked about himself this much. She wanted him to open up more. “How long were you guys married?” 
Taking a deep breath, he spilled his soul. If she wasn’t laughing before, she would now. “Sixteen very long years… haven’t had sex in the last seven. Not that we did it often before that.”
Her eyebrows shot up, “Wait, you and your wife haven’t had sex in seven years.”
“Well… I haven't,” he let the rest of his words die on his tongue.
“Ohhhhhhh,” Bailey cringed, “Sorry I brought it up.”
“That's alright. It wasn’t much of a marriage. I think she was faithful for maybe the first three years. That or I was too in love to notice. After our 10th anniversary she didn’t even bother hiding it. Spent our special day in someone else’s bed and facetimed me.”
“What a bitch. You didn't deserve to be treated like that, Dennis.” She rubbed his hand before going back to eating. After a few minutes, a thought occurred to her. “I know it’s not my place, but I think you should take this as an opportunity to start over. Find a new job, new girlfriend. I could help you, if you want.”
Even the thought of trying depressed him. “I don’t think anyone out there will hire me, or date me for that matter.”
Bailey tilted her head, “Love the enthusiasm.” She took a sip of her water before continuing, “I think you’re a catch, D. You just need some practice. You’ll get your life back on track in no time.” Dennis could only offer half a smile. “Okay, first up, a place to work. I know your old job was in sales, but you never told me what you sold.”
His voice lowered as he admitted it was the sale and rental of porta potties. He worked there for 15 years and hated every moment of it. 
“So something not involving toilets, then. There are lots of different types of sales jobs.”
Dennis shook his head, “Nobody wants to buy anything from me, not even shitters.”
She nodded, “No sales, got it. Umm, my department is hiring, logistics for big rigs.” 
“Maybe. I’d hate to invade your space though.” With a weary sigh, Dennis finished the last bite of his delicious burger. 
“Hmm,” she pondered over any positions that would suit him. “Oh hey, I know of an opening at a warehouse? Does something like that interest you?” 
No one was more surprised than Dennis when he landed the warehouse gig. He took to it like a duck to water. His strength and organization skills put to good use. Memorizing where everything went on his first day. His coworkers were friendly and his manager was fair. He actually looked forward to going into work. But mostly, he loved continuing to have his daily coffee with Bailey.  
They were hanging out more often now, not just for coffee or lunch. Calling and texting at all hours, seeing each other after work and on the weekends. He talked to her about everything, and she to him, even gave him tips for reentering the dating pool. He wasn’t sad or lonely with her around. He forgot what that felt like. 
Dennis was familiar with the term touch starved, and oh, how it fit him. He couldn’t remember the last time someone touched him on purpose. His wife hadn't let him near her in years, recoiled at his every attempt to show affection. But Bailey touched him willingly, openly, without reservations. He was undeserving of it, he knew, but he craved it so. Every hug, every handhold, every fistbump, he wanted it all from her. 
Dennis was currently pacing through his kitchen. Bailey was on her way over to celebrate his divorce being finalized. She cheered that he was finally free from Gina’s horrible treatment and was better off without her abusive, cheating ass. He could feel the flop sweat start. Taking a paper towel, he began wiping his face and armpits. Just as he was wondering if he had time to shower, the bell rang.
When he opened the door, he was greeted with Bailey’s charming smile, her arms full with his favorite beer and chips. Helping her set her load on the kitchen island, he watched her grab two bottles, twisting off both tops, handing him one.
“Congrats on the permanent dissolvement of that bitch’s claws from your life.” She clinked her beer with his. Both of them took long pulls of their drink. Bailey looked him up and down, tsking at his stiff attire. “You aren’t really dressed for movie watching. Why don’t you go change into comfy clothes, I’ll set up the movie.” 
A few minutes later, Dennis walked into the living room wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, “I feel naked.”
“Well I think you look great. Although I’m sure you’d look just as good actually naked.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him.
His whole face turned bright red. It was just a joke, he told himself. She couldn’t possibly be flirting with him. He sat down on the couch next to her. Popping a chip into his mouth before turning his attention to the television. Oh no, she picked a horror movie. Dennis did not do well with scary movies. He was going to make a fool of himself. 
Rubbing his hands on his pants, his leg muscles painfully tight, Dennis did his best to put on a brave face. It lasted all of 20 minutes. The first jump scare had him releasing a blood curdling scream. Completely flushed, his chips thrown everywhere, any shred of dignity he feigned now gone. He was mortified.
Bailey stared at him with wide eyes, her hand over her heart. “You scared the crap out of me,” she roared before breaking into a fit of laughter. “Didn’t know there’d be 4D effects. Way to give me a heart attack.” 
Wordlessly, Dennis fell to his knees and began cleaning up the mess. Waiting for a scolding that never came. He declined her offer to help him. He was just grateful she found the situation amusing. She was so forgiving of him. Once finished, he sat back with his feet perched on the coffee table. 
“You sure you’re okay, D?” Seeing as how he only nodded in affirmation, Bailey decided he needed some comfort. As the movie continued, she cuddled up to his side, her feet leaning on his. Her white socks with black stripes next to his black socks with white dots. She began rubbing her feet on his, “Guess opposites really do attract.”  
Dennis couldn’t take his eyes off the game of footsie. Feeling brave, he put his arm around Bailey’s shoulder. She tucked her head into the crook of his neck, her arm resting on his chest, sending his heart rate into overdrive. Dennis was a cuddler, but couldn't recall the last time he was with somebody like this without being shoved away. He felt comfortable, content. The movie was forgotten as her hand slipped inside his shirt, her fingers combing his dark chest hair. Gina always made him wax, it hurt, he hated it. 
Looking down at his coffee buddy, he met her gaze with a fond smile. To his surprise, she leaned up and kissed him. He felt his brain short circuit as Bailey’s soft cherry flavored lips glided with his chapped ones. She slowly pulled away, leaving him with closed eyes and puckered lips. 
“Do you think you’re ready to start dating? We can go someplace fancy, really wine and dine it.”
“Definitely.” Oh yes, Dennis was looking forward to this practice date.
Dennis' stomach growled as he loaded his prizes into the freezer. He’d never won anything before, but scored big at the meat raffle with Bailey. His freezer was stuffed with burgers, steaks, pork chops, ribs, lobster tail, and the fridge stocked with his favorite beer. He made changes around the home as well. Threw out the million stupid throw pillows that Gina insisted they needed. Replaced the furniture he disliked, bought a giant beanbag simply because he’d always wanted one. Rearranged the rooms how he preferred, did anything he desired to make his house his. Anything of his ex-wife's left behind got put into a box and thrown in the basement. 
The raffle was his second fake date with Bailey. Dennis was appreciative of her help and that she gave him a second chance. Their first date started out a disaster. He was so nervous he spilled wine all over her dress before their food arrived. She ran to the ladies room as the waiters cleaned the table. Dennis was inconsolable for those few minutes, certain Bailey would never want to see him again. He was shocked when she sat back down like nothing happened, only the deep red stain as a reminder. He thought he was in the clear, until he ended up choking on his dinner. The heimlich wasn’t needed, but the gagging and panicked noises he made trying to dislodge the food had the unwanted attention of the other patrons on them for a second time. It was decided it was best to skip dessert. 
After embarrassing her twice, Dennis was sure that was the end of the practice dates. Bailey didn't want to go home though. They drove to an arcade where they binged on candy and she whooped him at every game they tried. Hopped up on sugar, they ended the night making out in the car like teenagers. Dennis was having fun for the first time in his adult life. Beyond thankful for her assistance and attention, he cherished every word and every kiss, wishing with all his might that it was real. 
“Woooo,” the enthusiastic couple practically kicked in the door to her apartment. Hooting and guffawing as they verbally replayed the events of the wrestling match they returned from. Bantering back and forth, “Your guy totally cheated.” “Nuh-uh.” “Mmhm.” “You’re crazy, you’re out of your mind. It was a fair fight.” “Cheater cheater pumpkin eater and I hate to tell ya, you are guilty by association.” 
Cheeks hurting from all the laughter, holding onto each other for balance, Bailey felt the air shift. She began running her hand over his arm and onto his chest. “So D, it’s your first time at your girlfriend's place. What shall we do, hmm?”
Even though Dennis knew she was only pretending when she called herself his girlfriend, he loved hearing her say it. He decided to knock her socks off by grabbing her face and kissing her with a passion that even surprised himself. Bailey responded in kind, opening her mouth, allowing him to explore. She tasted like cherries, ale and heaven. 
Bailey broke the kiss, grabbing his shirt and pulling him into the bedroom. “Ready to wrestle?” She bit her lip seductively and began to strip off her clothes. Dennis was hypnotized watching more and more flesh be revealed to him. He’d fantasized about this so many times, but never imagined it would happen. When she stood before him naked, he gulped, she was gorgeous. He couldn’t get his shirt, socks and pants off fast enough, but then he hesitated, deciding to keep his underwear on. 
She yelped as he lifted her up a little too aggressively. “D, I swear to god if you actually bodyslam me…” 
Dennis froze and gently set her down on her bed. “No! I- I’m sorry. I was trying to be sexy.”
“You're very sexy, Dennis.” She pressed her lips to his and tugged at the waistband of his white briefs, “Join me up here.”
As he climbed on the bed, he asked her to lie down. ”I want to worship you.” When she acquiesced, his heated gaze roamed her body. Fingers danced along her skin, marveling at all the places he wanted to touch, wanted to kiss. Like a siren’s call, her hardened nipples drew him in. Swirling his tongue around her peak, he sucked it into his mouth. Making a wet pop as he released it. Massaging the breast, and checking Bailey’s face to confirm her enjoyment, he continued licking, sucking and fondling her left side.
The heat of Dennis’ mouth made her other breast feel cold and lonely, it wanted attention too. She quietly mentioned to him that the other one was getting jealous. Dennis, embarrassed by his blunder, repeated his actions on the right boob before beginning to kiss down her body. He had to do this right. It had to be good for her. Shit, his hands were too clammy, his body was too sweaty. She was going to push him away, she was going to laugh at him. Dennis began second guessing himself, too afraid of making the wrong move, he rested his head on her stomach. 
After a minute of no movement, Bailey ran her fingers through his hair. “You okay?” Troubled by his silence, she continued trying to sooth him, “Where’s your head at, D?” 
He expected to get scolded. His mind playing through the times with his ex. She would yell at him if he wasn't doing something right, or didn’t get hard fast enough. Telling him he couldn’t make her cum with an instruction manual stapled to his head. Taking a deep shuddering breath, he braved a look at Bailey. “I just… I want to do this right.” 
She smiled so sweetly, “We got all night.”
Encouraged, he picked up where he left off. As he kissed down her leg, he remembered his prior error and copied what he did to the other side. Reaching her core, he closed his eyes, nuzzling her thigh with his cheek before flattening his tongue, giving her entire womanhood a big fat lick. Grinning to himself at her surprised squeak, he turned his head to kiss at her other thigh before licking his lips and burying his face in her cunt.
It was as if he was possessed by someone with far more confidence than he. Dennis became an animal, sucking and licking her folds, eating her from the outside in. His tongue roamed over her, up and down and side to side, making frequent stops to circle her clit. She made the sweetest noises for him, mewling and moaning as she writhed in his hold. She had a firm grip on his hair, gently guiding him where she needed him to be.
Dennis was open to instruction, so he let her move him as she pleased. The taste of her sweet honey working him up so much he rutted against the bed. His hands trailed up her torso to cup her breasts, before one slid back down to play with her soaked entrance. He inserted a finger, realizing she was more than ready, he added another. Pumping his fingers in tantum with his licks, he could feel her tremble.
“Oh fuck, oh god,” Bailey cried out as she climaxed around his skillful digits. 
Drunk off the greatest praise, her orgasm, Dennis looked up from between her legs, a dopey grin plastered on his face. He eagerly asked if he could do it again.
Bailey looked down at him through hooded eyes, “Ya, go for it.”
It wasn’t long until her legs were shaking again, Dennis held her hips down, not stopping until she spasmed and screamed in ecstasy. He was proud of himself. “Holy shit, that worked.” Out of breath, heart pounding, she told him that was incredible, especially whatever he did at the end. Blushing ear to ear, Dennis admitted that he spelled his name with his tongue. Chuckling, he asks her to guess what he spelled next. Diving back down he traced his message.
“Umm, peace out? 
He shook his head, “It was thank you.” 
“I should be the one thanking you.” She wiggled out of his grasp and took a condom out of her nightstand. “But, hey, the night’s not over yet.” She handed the packet to a terrified Dennis. He looked like he was going to pass out, and wouldn't meet her eyes. “Do you not want to?” She’d be lying to say her feelings wouldn’t be hurt if he said no.
Head down, rubbing the back of his neck, Dennis mumbled his secret, “I have a bad penis.” 
“A bad… um, does that mean ED or like performance anxiety?” Bailey had to know if this was something they could work around.
“I'm.. I’m not sure. It just doesn't work like it’s supposed to.” 
“Do you have any problems on your own?'' He shook his head no. Bailey caressed her boyfriend’s nervous face. “Maybe there isn’t a problem.” She waited until he looked at her. “No pressure here, but I'd like to try if you do. If it goes wrong, we can just try again.” 
Why was she so patient with him? He didn’t deserve her friendship. He didn’t deserve her at all. Dennis took his briefs off, kneeling on the bed, bare to her and awaiting judgment.
“Damn Dennis. Wow, that, I mean, it looks like a good dick to me.” She watched him with unbridled desire, wrapping her hand around his length, ducking down to lick the swollen head. “Thick and veiny and standing proud. I don't know if my mouth or my pussy want it more.” 
Her compliments spurred him on. Dennis removed her hand, pushing her back on the bed. Crawling over her, he stroked himself twice before rolling the condom on. He was terrified of disappointing her and it must have shown on his face because she pulled him down for a reassuring kiss, “Don’t overthink it, just be here with me. I want you to fuck me, Dennis.”
He lined himself up and kissed her once more before slowly entering her. Already breathing heavy, he barely had control of himself when he bottomed out. “I can’t believe I’m inside you.” Bailey giggled and told him how good he felt, begging him to move. Closing his eyes in concentration, Dennis pulled almost all the way out before pushing back in with a groan. “Fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight.” 
Dennis snapped his hips as she rolled hers to meet each thrust. It didn’t take long to find a rhythm that suited them. Sweat dripped down their bodies as they chased their carnal highs. The sounds of skin on skin and their moans filled the room. The tension in her stomach unbearable, Bailey opened her legs wider, angling them up so he could go deeper. His cock hitting all the right spots. It was all it took for her to cum a third time.
Feeling her walls fluttering and gripping him hard as she came, had Dennis at his end. When he told her he was close, she asked him to come on her tits. Hissing as he pulled out, Dennis straddled Bailey’s chest, pulling off the condom just before he released. He made sure every drop landed on her breasts before collapsing next to her.
After a few minutes of catching their breaths, Bailey giggled, “I got some d from D.” Finding her joke hilarious, she continued laughing.
“Was it good?”
“It was great.” She kissed him, “See, there’s nothing wrong with you.” She pecked his lips again, “Promise.” Holding her chest as she rose to keep his cum from running down her, she walked to the bathroom to clean up. 
Dennis stretched and hummed, allowing himself to be happy at a job well done. He could satisfy a woman after all. When she returned, Dennis was almost redressed. 
“You can stay, if you want to.”
“Stay?” He desperately wanted to, but couldn't believe she wanted him to.
Bailey walked over, carefully taking his glasses off his face and setting them on her nightstand, “Please.”
Dennis removed the clothing he put on and followed her into bed. He couldn’t remember the last time he shared a bed with someone, Gina banished him to the guestroom five years ago. Look at him now, a beautiful woman in his arms that actually wanted him to be there. Him and Bailey shared a few more kisses as they cuddled and talked. Determining his issue was due to stress and his marital problems. He could have confidence going forward. 
He couldn’t take his eyes off Bailey as she slept. His best friend, his only friend, his lover. Dennis didn't know it could be like this, he wished so badly that it was real. What a beautiful life they would have together. They'd be happy, she made him happy. He didn't think it was possible to feel good anymore, but here he was practically jumping for joy. There was no doubt in his mind that he was in love with her. He'd go down on her every night, expecting nothing in return, if it meant he could stay with her forever. If only it were possible. Instead he would take these pretend moments and commit them to his memory forever. A shining light in his bleak life.
Morning arrived too fast. Dennis yawned, wrenching his eyes and started to get out of bed. “I can make us breakfast.”
Bailey grabbed his arm, pulling him back to her. “Orrrrr, how about I order some eggs benny and we can spend longer in bed.”
“You’re brilliant.”
“What does a fish say when it runs into a brick wall?”
 “I don’t know, what?”
Dennis slapped his hand on the table, “Dam!”  He threw his head back, braying and wheezing.
Bailey snorted at the bad joke, smiling at how his face lit up with the punchline. Their fish frys were huge, so her boyfriend had been making awful puns and one-liners all night. She threw her lemon at him, which he promptly caught and ate without breaking his cocky grin. He was turning into quite the cheeky bastard. 
The shrill of his phone interrupted the merriment. His ex-wife’s name flashing on the screen. Rolling his eyes, Dennis declined the call, only for her to call back. He ignored her again to no avail, his phone continued going off. She clearly wasn't getting the hint. Huffing, he answered. 
All Bailey could hear was non stop shouting, poor Dennis not even getting a word in. He grew paler, biting the inside of his cheek. She was about to take the phone from him and tell that horrible woman off, when he quickly said goodbye and hung up. He made a face she had never seen on him before. 
“Gina wants her stuff from the house. Says she’ll be by tomorrow and demands I have her things in clearly labeled boxes just inside the door. She doesn't want to step foot into my house again.”
She smirked at Dennis, looking very much like the cat that ate the canary. “I think a better plan would be to show that cheating whore what she's missing.” 
Dennis couldn’t stop giggling thinking of the plan. He looked over at his coffee buddy, her short pink sundress making her look like a yummy treat. His fingers began twitching; he so badly wanted to unwrap and devour her. He walked up behind her, winding his arms around her middle. Whispering in her ear, “I’m dying to taste your juicy cunt.”
Her knees wobbled at his dirty words, whimpering as she felt herself getting wet. Bailey glanced at the time, it was too early, he wasn’t playing fair. He began nibbling on her ear while groping her chest, making her clench around nothing, she felt so empty. Well… it wasn’t terribly early. No harm in pregaming. She allowed Dennis to reach under her dress and slide her panties down her legs. 
“Wait,” she reached down to grab the piece of fabric, throwing it to the floor on the other side of the kitchen island near the box labeled ‘the bitches crap.’
Dennis didn’t have time to ponder why she did that because his pants were currently being undone by nimble fingers. His eyes followed her beautiful face as she fell to her knees in front of him. He gripped the counter behind him as she removed his semi hard cock from his pants, her other hand cupping his balls, giving him a smile too innocent for what her naughty hands were up too. 
Leaning forward, Bailey licked at his testicles, gently rolling each in her mouth. She dragged her tongue along the underside of his length, satisfied hearing him gasp and his body jerk. Her ravenous gaze never faltered as she watched him watching her with lust blown eyes. Placing a kiss on his tip, Bailey sucked him fully into her mouth. She swallowed him a few times before allowing his dick out to glide along her cheek. Her tongue gave it a kitten lick and another kiss.
“Fuck,” Dennis gave a needy moan, “please, Bailey.”
Gripping his thighs, her mouth reclaimed his cock, taking him as deeply as she could. Her own arousal drenching her as she continued blowing him. Sparing a peak at the clock, she leaned back, causing Dennis to practically sob. 
He wasn’t disappointed for long as she turned around and pulled up her dress. Putting on the condom he had in his pocket, he grabbed the back of Bailey’s neck, bent her over the kitchen island and buried himself to the hilt. The lewd squelch of his cock dragging in and out of her dripping heat drove him into a frenzy. Both began moaning louder as he continued to fuck her. It was almost time.
Gina let herself in, not bothering to knock or ring the bell. Seeing no boxes, she marched into the home yelling, “God damn it, Dennis. I told you to have the boxes ready by the door. Why can’t you do anything right? You are hopeless. You…” She paused at the kitchen entryway, mouth hung open. Blinking a few times in shock. Her ex-husband was screwing some chic from behind, how disgusting. “What the fuck is the meaning of this, Dennis? How dare you, in our fucking kitchen?”
Dennis looked up when his ex started screaming, seeing the offended look on her face, he had to stifle a laugh. “Shut the fuck up, get your shit and get out. My girlfriend and I are busy.” Turning his attention back to the woman under him, he vigorously pounded into her.
Gina couldn’t believe her ears, he had never spoken to her like that. And he certainly never made her make those noises. Avoiding the tossed panties, she grabbed the single box on the floor and hurried out of there, slamming the door behind her. 
The sound of his ex shrieking all the way to her car had the couple in stitches. Dennis couldn’t believe it worked. Bailey was a genius. Pulling out, he turned her body to him, kissing her forehead, nose and lips. “Want to fuck in another room?”
“Ha! Yes, in every room. Give my pussy the tour.”
A week later, Bailey waited at the coffee kiosk, order in hand. Dennis was late, he had never been late before. To make matters worse, he hasn't responded to her messages for the last two days. She was concerned, but didn’t want to be ‘that’ girlfriend. She didn’t want to smother him if he needed space.
It was almost 8 a.m. when he showed up, giving Bailey a big hug and kissing her cheek. “I’m sorry I’m late and that I haven’t been responsive. Been really busy. I hope you’re not mad.” He took his coffee and donut from her.
“I forgive you, but I have to tell you, D, I was really worried. I thought you were sick, or maybe hurt, or that I must have done something wrong.” 
Dennis’ eyes twinkled in amusement, “Oh no, everything's great thanks to you.” He gave Bailey another bone crushing hug, careful not to spill their coffees. “It worked.”
Her eyebrows drew together, “What worked.”
“Gina came over Saturday morning, begging for another chance, promising to be better. We made love all weekend. I got to show her all the new moves you taught me. She's moving back in as we speak. I’m getting my life back thanks to you. I can't thank you enough for your help.” His excited eyes met Bailey’s as they turned from confused to cold. She threw her drink in his face, called him an asshole and stormed off. 
Dennis was stunned, wiping the iced coffee from his face, he ran to catch up to her. “Bailey, what's wrong? Why did you do that? Hey!” 
She turned on her heel and sneered at him. “What did you expect, a high five for telling me you fucked your ex-wife and are back together with her.” 
Confusion danced across his face, “I don't understand, the plan worked. Gina was so jealous she came crawling back to me…”
“THE PLAN?!” Bailey shouted. “The plan was to show that bitch how you were living your best life without her. Expertly banging YOUR girlfriend,” she patted her chest, “so she regrets the way she treated you. NOT to get her back. NOT to throw me to the side for someone that was so cruel to you your whole life.” 
Dennis was flabbergasted, “Wait, you were my girlfriend? MY girlfriend? Like my real girlfriend, my real actual girlfriend?” He couldn’t wrap his head around it. Why would someone as amazing as her want to be with him? He never would have given his ex a second thought if he knew he had her.
Bailey shook her head, “Not anymore.”
He couldn’t breathe, “N-n-no, wait…” 
“Goodbye, Dennis. Hope you have a wonderful life with that tramp.”
Dennis walked into his house, spotting Gina’s blonde hair at the fridge. She was throwing out his meat, and beer. She didn’t eat that stuff and wouldn’t allow him to. He was preparing himself to say something when a dark haired man bumped into him. The guy apologized and continued on his way, bringing boxes up the stairs. “Who was that?”
Gina spoke without bothering to face him, “That’s just Vinny, he’ll be staying with us for a few days. The poor dear got evicted. Don't worry, he knows we're working on our marriage. He won't be a problem, I promise.”
Oh lovely, the man Gina left him for will be living with them. “Okay,” he agreed defeatedly, walking into the living room. Dennis knew she’d be cheating on him again before sundown, in his house this time, and he will pretend he doesn't know. He’ll pretend everything is fine. 
Seems rock bottom had a basement. Dennis was in hell, he was sure of it. He lost the woman he loved, the only person that ever thought he was worth anything. He couldn't break further, there was nothing left. Dennis sighed and collapsed face down on the floor. Lying there in his own misery, daydreaming of what could have been.
The End
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A/N: Oh Dennis…
A/N: A special thank you to everyone that has read this. I appreciate you all and I’d love to know your thoughts.
Sequel: It Could Have Been Love (Coming soon)
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tendouluvr · 3 years
aizawa as a dad - teenage!reader
- fluff, dad aizawa momen
- warnings: hrmm none i think
- wc: 1.3k
a/n: basically me listing things i want bc im dadless
ps this is before the dorms were implemented meaning this takes place before that, so things that happened after that does not exist in this world
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remembers your birthday
#! even you don’t remember it sometimes, but he does
#! it’s the morning of your birthday, you’re both in the kitchen
#! he’s drinking his daily dose of caffeine, lazily packing his lunch
#! you’re..falling asleep at the dining table...
#! you hear the chair next to you scrape across the floor, opening your eyes you see your dad deeply sigh while taking a seat
#! “you’re older now, so that means you have to be more responsible. you should be taking care of yourself. you also should listen to me more.”
#! you: ... (•.•?)
#! him: ..what?
#! “huh, what’re you going on about?” you rack your brain to think what could’ve possibly made him go on that unexpected lecture
#! “.......it’s your-,”
#! “OH, it’s my birthday,” you cut him off, giggling to yourself for forgetting such day
#! he sighs again and just pats your head before getting up to start leaving for school
#! “c’mon, you’ll be late.”
#! “ok~~.”
#! you won’t be late. he always make sure you’ll never be late, but he likes saying that because he thinks it’s so parent-like
always backs you up
#! even if deep down he knows you might lose in the practice battle against todoroki, he’s on your side
#! when it comes to silly little things like witty arguments between him and uncle present mic, you back him up leaving present mic with his echoed wails
#! also vice versa when you’re in some annoying banter with denki or something
#! you don’t call him ‘dad’ in class, nor does he show signs of favoritism towards you
#! you both know familial relations in school would always cause people to think about bias, favoritism, cheating, etc.
#! so luckily, he’s mature and you are too so you both know to not act so close with each other in school
#! but you drop the whole ‘aizawa sensei’ thing when you guys are alone
#! you did accidentally call him dad once when he was passing back test papers and you had a question about something
#! you were focused on the test papers you just got back, forgetting that you were in class for a second, and blurted out a quick, “dad? can you explain this.”
#! you didn’t even realize what you said until it got noticeably quiet in the class, causing you to raise your eyes up from the paper to see everyone looking at you and aizawa
#! he could care less, the man was getting cozy at his desk
#! you walked over to him anyway so he could answer your question
feeds you a lot of pre-made food or food that wasn’t cooked by him
#! he can’t really cook
#! he could do the bare minimum but the most you’ll ever get out of him is probably ramen with your favorite add-ons
#! his bffs can cook
#! aizawa doesn’t eat much himself, so when you entered his life he wasn’t really sure what to feed you
#! his best friends would cook for him now and then because they’re aware of his eating habits
#! but then they suddenly had two aizawas to feed
#! growing up you also ate a lot of freezer food. the good kinds though, the freezer food that doesn’t have that freezery taste after its been heated up
#! even though he couldn’t make you food, he still watched out for you and what you ate
#! if he notices that you’re eating too much sweet, he’ll comment on it. if he notices that you’re overdoing it with the salt, he’ll comment on it with a stern lecture about how deadly sodium can be.
#! he picks up your favorite convenience store snacks a lot after school
#! does aizawa seem like the type to make you eat veggies?? i’m not sure. sure he wants you to be healthy and not just consume junk, but i feel like he also doesn’t do too well with veggies
#! aizawa is secretly picky with his veggies hhhhh there’s specific ones he really likes, but for the most part he finds everything else weird in some way
#! headcanon that aizawa pouted over veggies he didn’t like as a kid and he would just stare at it thinking it’ll go away on its own
is loaded and spoils you unintentionally
#! he’s a prohero, one of the highest paying jobs by the government in the bnha universe
#! plus his teaching job. i know teachers salary isn’t too good, but it’s ua and this isn’t real life, so he’s probably getting paid stacks
#! also i think the cat outfit he bought for eri is suppose to be from some japanese brand that’s the equivalent of gucci in the u.s. (but ignore this bc this happened after the dorms were a thing 😁😁)
#! anyway he bought you a lot of toys as a kid, and tons of horrendous outfits that you cry over but never to his face because he’s trying his best </33
#! now that you’re a teenager, he doesn’t buy you toys anymore but has now evolved to buying you electronics on your birthday and just giving you pocket money
#! obviously aizawa doesn’t flaunt his wealth though, he doesn’t care about that and finds it unnecessary
#! he also barely spends on himself so he just has even more money saved up for no reason
#! but the thing is,, he doesn’t even realize how much he spends on you until you sit him down to talk to him
#! “dad, i do not need a new laptop. i’m fine with the one i have now, it’s still good. i saw you looking at laptops the other day.”
#! “what made you think i was looking at laptops for you?”
#! silence
#! complete, utter silence .....
#! “who’s it for then?!”
#! he rolls his eyes before answering you, “none of your business. go away.”
#! “ok fine whatever-,” you mumbled, “but my point still stands. i don’t need anything, and even if i did i can buy it myself!” you exclaimed boldly
#! “with what money?” he blankly stares at you
#! “with.....with... money i save up from birthdays and holidays because i never get to spend them!”
#! he just sighs, gets up from the couch, and walks away leaving you standing there smiling because you knew it was a successful talk
#! here’s a link to something i read that further added to my aizawa rich headcanon :]
kisses you goodnight on your forehead after he comes home from late missions/pro-hero runs
#! when you were a kid, you slept on his bed to feel safer
#! when he came home from late missions, he would walk into his room to see you bundled up in the blanket
#! after quickly getting ready for bed because he was schlumped, he got into bed as gently as possible to not wake you up
#! but you’re a light sleeper so you felt a familiar warmth encasing you and it jolted you awake, slightly whimpering trying to turn your head to see your dad
#! he noticed and quietly shushed you to get you back to sleep, “sh sh, it’s okay, it’s just me.”
#! your tiny arms would wrap around his chest and you stuffed your chubby face into his chest before you dozed off once again
#! now that you sleep in your own room, he would come home and peek in to check up on you
#! sometimes you were still awake — studying, on your phone, cleaning your room, insomnia, or just because
#! in this case he would just peek his head in, squint his tired eyes at you, mumble a slurred, “night.”, sigh at your smile that was clearly there to keep you from laughing, then finally head towards his room
#! but when he catches you asleep, he smiles to himself and makes his way into your room to give you a small forehead kiss before whispering, “goodnight.”
#! you never grew out of the light sleeping thing though, so you always knew of his small show of fatherly love
#! just don’t bring it up ever because he’s tired of you
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mctwcsty · 3 years
What Do I Do?
@sxtanshepherd​​ paged Meredith Grey
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Hi, is he in the lab?
I know this is Derek Shepherd’s phone, who is this? Who is this? Who is this.
     SIX MONTHS. Six months had passed already since Derek had left for D.C. to run the brain mapping project for the President. Six months of running their life and home alone in Seattle. Of taking the kids to school every other morning, picking them up every other night, the rest of them thankfully handled by Lynn, the nanny Meredith had found to help her out with them. Because her husband was off to Washington to take his career to the next level while she had stayed put in Seattle with their kids, which was her choice and she had taken responsibility for it. She still ran her department, alongside Bailey, and she was still working on her research. She was doing it all. She was exhausted, running on little sleep and a lot of caffeine, but she was doing it.
     She was doing it all until a small detail added in, a change of scenery she had not seen coming. A unplanned turn of events that made doing it all by herself a little less possible: she was pregnant. And the best part was, she had just found out. Right in the middle of a surgery, a feeling that had taken her breath away, a pressure in her lower back and a movement. Thing was, she recognized it because she had felt it before. What she did not understand was how was it possible. And then she had the resident close and rushed out, straight to OB, all the while calculating when her last period was, the days and the weeks adding up leaving her running her way up to OB and throwing herself in the nearest room with a monitor, self-examining herself until the OB came in and shut the door, offering to help. 24 weeks. She had not been showing, she still was not. Her stomach was flat, the way the baby was located left her bumpless, even though she had been pregnant before. Those cases happened, it was not out of the ordinary, and the baby was healthy. She was 24 weeks pregnant and practically a single-mother of two, soon three children, her husband was across the states and they barely managed to talk here and there because of their irregular schedules and they were going to have another baby.
     She had sat by the phone that night, after putting the kids down to bed, staring at her phone screen, unable to pick it up. She could feel it now, she could feel the baby moving inside of her. It was moving, it had a heartbeat, it had arms and legs and fingers and toes, ears, eyes, a mouth and a nose, hell it even had hair at that point and she was freaking out. And Derek was not there. She was all alone. She knew she had to pick up that phone and call him, but she could not bring herself to do it. She did not want to tell him they were going to have another baby over the phone? And yet she had to. She forced herself and picked up that phone, tapped on his contact and rang his cell. She leaned back in the couch and waited, hearing the ringtone incessantly ringing, her stomach in knots, just hoping he would pick up. They rarely caught each other, he often called while she was in surgery and she often called when he was in the lab and away from his phone. But the ringing stopped, he picked up. Or at least someone did.
“Hello?”   “Hi, is he in the lab?”   “What?”   “I know this is Derek Shepherd’s phone, who is this?” “Who is this? Who is this.” “Hello.”
Well if you keep answering his phone, at least you could have the decency  to tell me who the hell you are. Where the hell is my husband?
     EIGHT MONTHS. 34 weeks, to be more precise. At least from her calculations since their last sexual encounter, which was about their last actual general encounter - the day before he had left for D.C. - he had never returned to Seattle since, and the measurements of the foetus from her last ultrasound, she measured at about 34 weeks. Exactly ten weeks since that phone call. Not a day went by that she did not think or analyze that phone call, especially because the rare times Derek and her managed to reach other on the phone, he never said anything about it, about any woman answering his phone. She had not told anyone about it, not even Alex. Because saying it out loud made it real, and the truth was, she could not bare for it to be. The idea that she had become the woman who wonders if that woman on the phone was the woman who had been screwing her husband, she could not be that woman. She could not have gone from the woman screwing the married guy, to the woman whose husband is screwing another woman. Not after everything, not after spending literally the past eight months handling everything alone and keeping the boat afloat, and growing that husband’s child in her belly.
     She was sitting in the attending’s lounge, the empty lounge with the big couch where she had come to rest her feet as they were killing her. It had been about four weeks now since she had started showing, and she had been telling everyone that Derek knew, but the truth was, he had no idea. He did not know she was pregnant yet. Over two months and she had not told him. Because the rare times where they had managed to actually get a hold of each other on the phone, she had let the kids speak to him because they missed him terribly, and then he was either rushing back to the lab or was off to some meeting with the President. He did not even know she was pregnant, because he was halfway across their world, busy making his career count while she was back home, keeping it all together, alone. And he was not even seeing it. 
     But Zola had almost spilled it once over a call, thankfully she had caught it in time and spared an awkward way for Derek to find out, and selfishly she did not want him to know until she felt it was the right moment to have the conversation... the whole conversation. She knew she had to tell him. And so she had decided to do it. After all, she was only a few weeks away from her due date. It sure had flew by way quicker than any pregnancy usually would, especially with everything she had going on, but also because she had only just found out and half the pregnancy was done, it would certainly be a shock for him, but she knew he loved their kids and she was convinced he would be excited, deep down. It would be a shock, but he would be excited. At least she convinced herself of that as she picked up the phone and called him on his cell, then brought the phone to her ear, repeating herself those words again and again and again as the tone rang a while. She was sure she would fall on his voicemail and was about to hang up, but the line picked up. 
     That voice again. It literally sent chills up her spine because she knew. That was not some secretary, or some random woman finding a lost phone and picking it up. This was not a coincidence or an accident. It had been two months, and she still answered his phone. And all Meredith could think about was the fact that she never answered her husband’s phone, at least not until they were actually married and it had happened on rare occasions. She felt the blood in her veins turning to ice and like something was wrapping tightly around her body, suffocating her. She managed to swallow through her tightened throat and speak up. “Well if you keep answering his phone, at least you could have the decency to tell me who the hell you are.” She snapped, pausing a moment before adding, “Where the hell is my husband?”
     The woman hung up. Again. Meredith’s hand fell on the couch and she stared straight ahead, her heart dropping in her chest. It felt like her whole world had just collapsed around her. Shattering, into billions of pieces. Ten weeks of tossing so many questions around her mind, but every time shutting them out because no, Derek would not do that. The he loves me and he loves our family and we’ve been through too much for this to happen - she had told herself it all. But the woman answered his phone again, and hung up, again. 
     The next day, she had called Alex and within ten minutes he ended up at her front door. She told him Derek did not know about the pregnancy, told him about that previous phone call, and then the one from the previous night. Convinced him not to hunt Derek down for her in a trip to D.C. or to give him hell in any type of way. She tried to ring Derek’s phone again throughout the day, every time winding up on his voicemail, until she stopped calling. Maggie and Callie both tried to convince her that he could not be cheating, while at the same time understanding the way she felt. Callie offered to go find him in D.C. but Meredith turned the offer down. She did not want any of them to contact him. She had made the decision to stop contacting him, that he would have to contact her, and she made all of them swear to not try to call him, to respect her request and to above all not tell him about the pregnancy. 
     And within the next 24 hours, what Meredith thought were simply Braxton Hicks turned out to be pre-term labor. Thankfully she had been in the hospital when it started and Alex had forced her to get checked out, and her water had broke on the OB table. Everything else from that point forward went extremely fast, she was dilated at three and within two hours was fully dilated and ready to push, so grateful that she would not need C-section because that had been hell the first time, and the last thing she needed on top of everything was a post-partum C-section recovery. The baby was born within the next ten minutes, a little girl, and Meredith ordered Alex to go with her to the NICU and to not leave her side, as well as ordered everybody not to call Derek, or she would kill them. Literally. 
     The baby stayed a week in the NICU, but was thankfully perfectly healthy and Alex had kept her in a few extra days just to be sure, also hoping that Meredith might change her mind in the mean time and give Derek a call. But she was strong-headed and when she made a decision, she made it firmly. The worst part was, Derek had not even called once since that day. Not once. Meredith was done. She was done trying to keep their family together, done doing everything to make him still be the good guy when he did not have the decency to at least show her enough respect to call her back. She was done. She was exhausted, heartbroken, she felt like dying literally, but she was done. She would not be her mother, this would not destroy her.
     And so when she made it home, Alex having insisted on taking her home himself, Amelia and Maggie waiting for her with Zola and Bailey and a Welcome Home! banner that the kids had made, just stepping into the house had paralyzed her. It was a house, but it was no longer home. She did not feel home anymore in that house. She was suffocating. Being around the house that Derek had built them for their family, it was suffocating. 
     Ever since coming home, actually ever since that first phone call, there was only one person she could not get out of her mind. And for those ten weeks she had desperately tried to toss away, as all the questions and interrogations spinning around in her mind. But that night, after that phone call, she could not get her out of her head. And standing in that house, it was all she could think about. And so while Amelia was off to the bathroom, Maggie putting Zola and Bailey down for the night, Alex had ran out to get them dinner, Meredith stole Amelia’s phone that she had left on the low table in the living room and entered her password that she secretly knew, and she searched for a specific contact, and a specific address. 
     Came night time, Meredith had ordered everyone to leave her be for the night, said she needed her space and to figure things out alone. Alex had promised to be at her door at 7 sharp for breakfast and to take the kids to school and daycare, Maggie promising to come by to help out with the baby and Amelia offering to help if Meredith needed it. The minute they were all gone and she found herself alone at the house, she went to her room while the baby napped in the bassinet, pulled out a bag and filled it with some of her clothes, then she quietly went into Zola’s room and grabbed some of her clothes, then some of Bailey’s, grabbed diapers and bottles from the kitchen counter. Thankfully the diaper bag was freshly packed so she had everything she needed for the baby in there. She packed all their stuff within twenty minutes, and as she found herself standing in the middle of the living room, seeing all the packed up bags, she felt like she could breathe a little better. She nodded to herself and pulled what was left of energy in her, called a cab and then went to wake the kids. She left them in their PJs and just threw a coat over them, put their shoes on, got the baby in the carseat and got them all outside. She stopped at the door and turned around to take one last look at the house, feeling completely numb as she shut all the lights, then turned back around and headed out of the house, closing the door behind her and locking it. She then slid the key out of her keyset and left it under the mat on the front porch, and turned around just in time for the cab to pull in the drive way.
     Meredith got to the airport and bought three tickets for herself and the two oldest kids, and within the next hour they were off on a plane to Los Angeles. Sitting in that plane alone with her two oldest kids and a newborn in her arms was not quite what Meredith had expected her life to turn into, but it was. “Are you traveling alone with all of them?” Some old woman had asked on the plane, to which Meredith had forced a smile and nodded in response. Planes. She hated planes. She would panic the whole flight through. But with a newborn and two kids, there was no way she would sit them in a car for a 18+ hour drive, or a 35+ hour train ride even less so. And she just had to go, she had to do it. She summoned whatever force might be up there to make sure they all got to destination safely and finally breathed again when they landed in LA. She was lucky she had good kids, they had done amazing the whole flight through, had slept it right through, even the baby who had only fed once shortly before landing, which meant she would be good for a while and it was perfect timing. They all got off the plane and Meredith got the help of a man that worked at the airport, helping her getting her things together and even escorted her to a cab. She gave him a good tip and insisted when he refused, thanking him before hopping in the cab and giving them the address. 
     As they pulled in front of the address she had taken from Amelia’s phone, Meredith felt her heart beating so fast in her chest. She paid the cab driver and got all the kids out of the cab, then picked up their stuff. The man was kind enough to help bring the bags up the stairs to the door for her, and she offered him an extra tip that he refused, then watched as he drove away before turning to face the door. Bailey half-asleep in her arms, Zola tiredly leaning against her, her arms wrapped around her legs, the carseat at her feet, next to their bags. Swallowing thickly, Meredith leaned forward and knocked on the door. It was the middle of the night, half past 1AM, surely she would wake her up, but she had nowhere else to go. And so she stood there and waited until the door opened, feeling her heart dropping in her chest with relief when it did and her eyes locked with Addison.
     “He did it again,” she breathed out exhaustedly, her shoulders sinking, the last bit of strength she had going into holding Bailey in her arms and keeping him from falling - or was it him that kept her from falling. “I’m you,” she shrugged. “He’s found another me.” She gulped thickly. “We weren’t supposed to run or walk out on each other, we were supposed to love each other even when we hated each other and to take care of each other when we were old and senile, it was supposed to be forever. It was the post-it. We were supposed to be it but we’re not, I’m not.” She shrugged helplessly. “We were supposed to do this together and he left me to do it all alone, and I don’t know what to do. But you know what to do, so I need you to tell me.” She paused, staring at Addison as she breathed out so desperately, “What do I do?”
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