#hmmm actually maybe they only stare to keep it g rated
sntoot · 2 years
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6/7: Working From Home (Hedgehog Hybrid!Jungkook)
Rating: G
Characters: Hedgehog Hybrid!Jungkook x Reader (any gender)
Notes: Day 7 of my birthday surprise series. This is part of the Misunderstood Hybrid headcanons I wrote for BTS a while back. Please note that working from home can refer to anyone who does this and it does not specifically reference the current events. I got the idea to write short blurbs after seeing some comical pictures and moments in video conference calls of pets “helping” their owners work. All content is fictional. Please do not repost anywhere!
“Of course you don’t wanna work,” you grumbled as you fumbled under your desk, trying to restart the computer. You were trying to fix the issue quietly without waking your hedgehog hybrid Jungkook, who was still sound asleep.
Normally you would be asleep for another hour or so, but today your boss asked you to work from home. In addition, she put you on a last minute conference call with some of your business partners in Europe, which meant you had to get up earlier than usual to make the meeting. Your plan had been to close yourself in your home office, take the meeting, then make breakfast for yourself and Jungkook. But your home computer decided it was an excellent time to not cooperate and work...
You had restarted your internet modem and turned the computer on and off a few times. The screen would show the computer logo for a few seconds, then go black again. It was starting to frustrate you and you were wondering if you were better off hopping in the car and taking the call in the office.
“Jagi?” a sleepy voice murmured.
You nearly hit your head under the desk, but caught yourself as you slowly moved out from under it. You looked over your shoulder to see a sleepy eyed Jungkook outside the office, rubbing a hand across his face.
“It’s so early, why are you up?” he whined as he raised a brow.
You winced and cursed yourself for not closing the door. Damn his good hearing.
“Sorry Kookie,” you apologized, “I have to take a call this morning and I didn’t want to wake you. Only, my computer’s not working and I’m not sure what I can do.”
Jungkook straightened up and pointed to the computer as he shuffled into the office. “I noticed it was slow a few days ago. Can you use your cell phone for the meeting?”
You nodded as you slowly straightened up and picked up your phone from the top of the desk. The young man pointed to the kitchen and suggested you call from there.
“You know how to fix computers now?” you asked, looking a bit bewildered. You knew he was a handy guy, seeing as he managed to figure out how to fix some of the plumbing and other home repairs in your house whenever you were gone. Not that you asked or expected him to do those – he argued that he needed something to keep him busy while you were at work most of the week.
He politely guided you out of the office and insisted he would figure out the problem for you.
“I’m sorry it’s on my phone, but my computer had to act up of all days,” you sighed.
“No worries Y/N,” one of your counterparts in the Netherlands reassured you. “I had connection issues with this remote access app. It kept kicking me out until I tried a different browser to launch it from!”
“I’m glad you were able to join the call, period,” your boss replied with an understanding smile. “Great discussion everyone. I’ll have Natalie send out the recap by the end of our day. We’ll update next month, same time.”
Your partners in the Netherlands nodded and bid you goodbye before signing off. Your boss quickly thanked you for jumping on the call last minute, before asking if you could handle your workload at home.
Before you could reply, Jungkook stuck his head out from the office and beamed as he flashed you a thumbs-up. You looked back at your boss and said it looked like you should be all set to work as usual, thanks to your boyfriend.
“He says he fixed the computer,” you replied as you glanced up at Jungkook.
“Now that’s a keeper,” your boss replied. “If you have any problems, let me know and you can come in as usual. We need to work on getting more laptops.” She shook her head, muttering about the delays in getting approval for the request from corporate. “Well, I’m here if you need me. Good luck with the computer and hopefully the boyfriend fixed everything!”
“Thank you,” you replied. You hung up and pocketed your phone as you rose from the table and walked back to the office.
“So, what happened?” you asked as you entered the office. You noticed the screen was up and it had the internet operating like usual.
Jungkook stepped back and rolled your chair over to you. He prompted for you to sit down and you slowly sank into the chair. He smiled as he guided the chair over to the desk and gestured to the hard drive.
“Turns out you had neglected the updates and it was struggling to do them while the computer was shut down,” he explained. “I used your main phone to call I.T. and they helped me work through the issues. Also they were nice enough to run a diagnostics scan remotely and helped remove a questionable file that could have caused some problems if opened. Oh, your browser was out of date too, so I downloaded the newest version too.”
You turned and looked over your shoulder at him in amazement. “Wait, you did all this while I was on that one call?”
He nodded proudly and you stared back in amazement. Part of you was tempted to ask if he was considering a job, seeing as the I.T. team in your company had lost a few bright minds to a bigger company. But maybe that was something to discuss later...
“Thanks Kookie,” you murmured as you settled into the seat. Your stomach made a loud rumbling sound and you remembered you had planned to do the meeting, then make breakfast for him. “I’m so sorry, I had this grand plan of getting the meeting done before you woke up, then I’d make breakfast and keep working from home, and–”
“Y/N, it’s okay,” he stopped you, resting a hand on your shoulder. “And no, you didn’t wake me up. I happened to realize you weren’t next to me and wondered if everything was all right.” He glanced in the direction of the kitchen, then back at you. “What do you want for breakfast?”
“Hmmm...maybe eggs? Some fruit?” you offered. “Kook, I’m done with the meeting, I’ll–”
He raised a hand and began heading to the kitchen. “I’ll make us breakfast, you continue working.”
You made a face and started to protest but he looked back at you, explaining he wanted to do this.
“I don’t mind,” he said. “Actually, I’m happy you’re working from home. It’s nice to be able to do little things for my jagi and see them smile. Besides, if you keep working, you’ll be done sooner, right?”
“Yes...technically speaking,” you replied.
He grinned smugly and closed the door behind him.
“I’ll bring it with your coffee just the way you like it!”
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staycatcher · 5 years
SKZ React to! Not Being Your Bias/Favorite
@staytion-nine‘s request: if you do reactions... skz reacting to the reader having a different bias please? and like if you can, make it really extra cuz skz is all about being extra! XD
Pairing: Reader x OT9 (different reader ocs for each member of course: ^P) 
Au: idol & non aus 
Genre: fluff and crack~👀🤠
Rated T for hella swearing, kissing and an oversaturation of dumbassery (as requested lmao)
Word Count: 4.4k (in total, so approximately 488 words per member~)
A/n: this one sure was challenging for me to write🥵🙈😂 So I’d love to hear any feedback or ‘reaction’ you have!!🤗 My reqs are open, click on the ‘request’ link if you’re interested~ I really hope I did you justice, Arya!! I love you to pieces!!💛
(P.S. The memes are stolen!~ don’t tell the meme police plz:~()
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Chan *+:。.。~
“You’re not my favorite, though.” You clarified nonchalantly, continuing to scroll through your phone, not looking up. That is, until you hear him take in a breath, clearly not expecting the unnecessary clarification. 
“Who is your favorite then?!?” Chan sounded offended, beginning to bounce his leg in lowkey distress, his unusually wide eyes studied your face to gauge your reactions. He was not expecting to care so much about something like this, yet here he is. Seeing his anticipation in the corner of your eyes is when you realize your mistake. Your natural directness fucked you over yet again. 
He sounded too affected, totally unlike him to care so much about something like this. It made you want to avoid the topic now. Just ignore, just ignore him. He doesn’t have to know. Pretend you didn’t hear him-
You totally~ didn’t hear anything at all, pretend that your dash is interesting and like you’re reading it, ‘oh wow how interesting! Totally have never seen a bunch of words before-‘
“Just tell me, I won’t be mad- I swear!” Chan practically begged, becoming antsier and antsier on the couch next to you. But you knew no matter how you answered it wouldn’t be good. You knew he was just saying that to get you to tell him. However, the atmosphere was getting heavier and heavier with each silent second, you couldn’t bear to not saying anything to him, especially when he acts this. Well... you’ve never seen him act like this. 
You took a deep breath and as you slowly inched your neck back up, instantly making eye contact with Chan. The two of you just shared a staring match for a little while longer before you finally gave in.
 “It’s… it’s baby Jeonginnie-”
That’s when you run. You fucking book it. Jumping out of the armchair, skirting around the coffee table and nearly slipping off your socks onto the linoleum floor of the kitchen. You, very surprisingly, regain balance with unexpected luck and book it down the hallway. Inevitably, your top speed and superb navigation of your apartment won’t matter for long. There's only so much of the apartment you could run to distance yourself. It’s only one level, with only so many rooms. 
When Cuddly Chan gets his prey you are done for. Never have you been so suffocated with affection in your life. An over-saturation of cuddles and tickles in the form of an attack. It was terrifying; terrifyingly cute. The cuteness just added to the suffering you endured at the hand of Chan. 
“How could you like a fetus more than me?!?” He whined when he decided he was done tickling you, switching tactics to snuggling into you and latching on tight like a vice-gripped koala. You don’t even like Jeongin like that, but if you get cuddles and tickles, what he doesn’t know won’t kill him right? It might kill you though.
“...Am I your favorite now?~”
“Hmmm… I don’t know!! I think you’ll have to cuddle me some more to help me make my decision.”
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Woojin *+:。.。~
“Honey bear~~ I’m home!!” You sing, before ripping off your worn sneakers and plush jacket before clumsily hanging it up on the hook by the door. You were still in full work uniform, apron and all, and reeking of coffee and sweets. 
Strangely, you’re met with silence. A rare response from him. Usually, you’re met with running your direction, a bear hug, and a kiss on each cheek. Perhaps he was upset? There’s no way he could be with you; at least, you thought. The two of you were all kisses and rainbows when you talked last. So, maybe, he's not even here like he promised?
 When you turn the corner is when you see him, and is also when he decides to greet you. 
“SEUNGMIN?? Why Seungmin?!?” Woojin grilled you upon your arrival into the living room, pacing around in front of your hand-me-down couch, hands thrown out in frustration. He actually looks distressed and you have no idea what’s going on. 
“What do you mean Seungmin?! ‘Why Seungmin’ what?!” You were now equally bewildered as him. Why was he so distressed all of a sudden about his bandmate? Even more confusingly, what was with his accusatory tone towards you on the subject?
“Why Seungmin and not me?!” 
“What are you talking about?! Are you drunk?? It’s 2pm on a Wednesday!!” 
“No I’m not drunk, I’m perfectly sober!! I just thought I was your favorite.” And then Woojin did something you’ve never seen him do your entire time of knowing him. He dramatically turns away from you, nose pointed up. The most bratty thing you’ve ever seen in your entire life. You fucking lost it; you shouldn’t have but you did. You laughed so hard you cried. Your stomach fucking ached. You could barely even see him through the tears. 
“What’s so funny?!?” 
You tried to breathe something out but only ended up letting out a wheeze, you decided to lean against the wall for support and try again. “It’s just- your reaction!-“
“But why Seungmin?!” Woojin poutily demanded, whiny like a little kid, coming up to you. His insistence only made your unattractive laughter stronger. You eventually answered him once the tears and wheezes left your body. 
This truly was too much. You couldn’t even get mad at Hyunjin for ratting you out. Hell, you might even take him and Seungmin out to get some ice cream, your treat. This made your entire week. 
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Minho *+:。.。~
“The hell- what ~is~ this!!?” Minho interrupts loudly over the music, bringing a halt to yours and Hyunjin’s spontaneous dance party. You quickly run to pause the music, getting an excuse to avoid eye contact with him. You knew from his tone you were in trouble. 
“...random dance party?!” You and Hyunjin somehow managed to reluctantly answer at the same time, even with your backs turned from each other. 
“With Hyunjin?!” Minho looked severely shocked and personally offended that there was dancing involved and he was not apart of the equation. What’s more; you were doing it alone with Hyunjin instead!
“...well. I just wanted to do it… with Hyunjin.” You answered softly as you slowly took your strides back to them, watching your white-turned-cream sneakers get close to theirs. There was no way you could get out of this, not that you’re making it any better. It already was a big hole, now it’s a hole made of quicksand. 
“Just with Hyunjin?!!”
 Welp, no going back now. You decided to look up now, catching a brave spark and riding with it. 
“Well.. yeah!” You tried to keep it lighthearted. Maybe you could get out of this easier if you acted like it wasn't that big of a deal, because it really wasn’t.
 Hyunjin just straight up gawked at the situation, eyes going back and forth between you and Minho. It was like he was watching a drama right before his eyes, a drama that he was involved in unintentionally. 
“Why just Hyunjin?! You think he’s a better dancer than me?!?” Minho shot out, advancing towards you.
“NO!!” It tore through your throat, forcing out of you like the angry stride you took forward towards him. 
 “Wait!! Are you saying I’m bad at dancing??“ Hyunjin gasped from the sidelines. 
“No!! Not at all!! It’s just. It’s different.” You screeched out in frustration. You didn’t know how to explain it. How to put it into words but you had to at least try. “Dancing with your boyfriend and then dancing with a friend you admire- wAIT THAT DID NOT COME OUT RIGHT-“
“Okay, this was fun but I think I’ll g-“ Hyunjin decides wisely to try and leave this sudden screaming match, but you won’t let him.
“DON’T!” You yelled. Please for the love of everything good, don’t leave me with an angry Minho. 
“LEAVE!” Minho countered. Hyunjin just looked back and forth between the two of you. There’s no way he’s having Minho be mad it him too, well, more than he is already. 
“Sorry!!~ Okay bye!!” And with that, Hyunjin was zooming out of there. Now you’re all alone with Lee Minho. 
When Hyunjin leaves is when Minho attacks.  Trapping you against the wall with an arrogant smirk. “Dance with him all you want, I guess. But I’m better at both.” He grins at you like the cheshire cat. 
“Both?” You couldn't follow where he was going with that. 
“Kissing and dancing.” That’s when Minho kisses you harder than he ever has before.~ 
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Changbin *+:。.。~
“Oh my god! Finally, it’s my favorite part!!” You cheered as Woojin came on the screen. 
Changbin gasped, startled that you would say that now and not during his part, that happened not too many seconds ago. He didn’t pause to think, instead, clicking on the spacebar to pause the music video. In turn, pausing the marathon of your boyfriend’s music videos. 
“This is your favorite part?!” Your boyfriend spun his body to face you, genuinely shocked, interrogating you. 
“But it’s Woojin’s part-“
“Yeah, I’m aware of that. His high notes and visuals are like a dream. Okay, now unpause-“ You were completely unbothered, speaking plainly as you always did with him; adoring to push his buttons. You leaned over to unpause it, only to be stopped midway with a screech and a hand smoothly grabbing at yours. 
“What about MY part?!” You jumped a bit at his unexpected screech after such a soft, romantic hand grab, blinking slowly, rubbing at your ears. Though, you weren’t entirely shocked. Your boyfriend was this biggest baby you’ve ever met and you were the oldest of your siblings.
“Your part was dope as usual, baby.~” You went all out with your baby voice once you recovered, even going as far as squishing his perfect cheeks together as you leaned over to kiss him. He was already pouting for you, perfectly squished like this. Your heart ascended! Squishy Bin made you blush and grin so hard it hurt. You just had to peck him once or twice more. 
“But babe-“
“Shhh, now let’s watch my favorite part-“
“YOU ALREADY ARE MY FAVORI- You already are a favorite. Stop being so selfish.” You quickly recovered, poorly though, anyone would admit it was a bad attempt at trying to not reveal too much. But you got him distracted again with your cute snort and planted kisses on his cheek before unpausing and snuggling into him. It was a few seconds before you heard Bin’s soft, pouty voice again. 
“...Your favorite what?” 
“I’m your favorite though, right?”
“Changbin!! Who am I dating?”
“So I’m your favorite?”
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Hyunjin *+:。.。~
“You’re fucking joking.” Hyunjin glared at Han Jisung, chopsticks stopping midway from his mouth. He was pissed, he couldn’t believe his smug friend in front of him. 
“I’m not! Y/n told me!” Jisung hit his hands on the table for unnecessary emphasis, but it was blatantly clear that he was also enjoying this as well. 
“My baby told you that you’re their favorite member of Stray Kids.” Hyunjin deadpanned and just rolled his eyes and brought his lunch to his mouth. Unbelievable. 
“I’m serious!!” Jisung nearly hit one of the staff with how dramatic he was gesticulating. He quickly bowed to them and apologized before continuing. “Y/n told me directly!!”
“You’re full of shit.” Hyunjin replied, though he was the one with a mouth full of shit. 
“Call her!! It’s true. Call her right now!!” 
“Y/n is probably sleeping right now, dumbass. We’re in a different time zone, remember?! In case you forgot, we’re on tour!! I’m not calling her.” 
“Do it! I’m not lying. I’ll call them myself to prove it!!” Though Hyunjin was refusing to be gullible for once in his life and not believe Jisung, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t still easily threatened. So he called you up. At five a.m. your time. On your day off. 
Ring, ring, ring. You didn’t pick up. Hyunjin glared at Jisung. Jisung just incessantly insisted again. So Hyunjin had no other choice but to click on heart-emoji-filled contact name again, but he did so with a deathly glare. Jisung was still completely unaffected, practically bouncing in his seat with excitement. 
“...h-hello?” He heard your gorgeous morning voice on the line, Jesus, he almost ascended into heaven. But he had to play it cool, Jisung was right at his ear. That’s when he begins to feel like a complete idiot for waking you up, and, out of all things, over one of Jisung’s stupid games.
“...Is Jisung your favorite member?” He squeaked out after a few seconds, facepalming immediately. He really didn’t give any greeting whatsoever, the realization had him cringing even harder. Of course, Jisung was having an absolute heyday, eyes wide as they could be with his face scrunched up in glee and vibrating with the kind of energy one would hope their caffeine of choice would bring. 
“Yeah?” You croaked, you’re like three-quarters asleep; completely unfiltered. 
“Owww!!! My ears-“ You and Jisung groaned at the same time, though you were startled awake and he was only a little bit slowed down. 
“What’s happening?!” You groaned, rubbing your eyes. 
Jisung just ripped the phone right out of Hyunjin’s hand in response and chirped, “You’re in trouble with your boyfriend!! Go back to bed, we love you.~”  then he hung up before you could even think of a response. 
Now, how in the hell are you supposed to go back to sleep after that?!
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Jisung *+:。.。~
“Listen! To this! Seungjeon! Ga!” Jisung heard your not at all deep voice, try to contort itself into a Felix level deep voice, as he walked into the kitchen. 
There you are, in your pajamas, scrubbing the dishes with your headphones on and blasted, lost in your own little world. He just stands and watches, all the while you hum along to his group’s song. He feels pride swell in his chest, shoulders rising up to the clouds, his love for you flying high, he’s free as a bird- Until then he notices…
You’re only singing Felix’s parts? You don’t even sing the chorus or attempt to hum the other member’s verses. All you’re doing is solely singing Felix’s parts in an adorably awful impression. You showed hardly any reaction at all to his parts, much to his ego’s dismay. Not even a cheer or anything, you just simply swayed along to the rhythm like you do to everyone’s parts. Everyones but Felix’s. 
Okay, this isn’t fun anymore.
 “Y/n~” he sang to get your attention. Nothing. Your music's too loud. 
“Y/N~” he cooed louder. Nada. No reaction at all. 
“Y/N!!!” He shrieked, making you shriek as well and jump about a foot off the ground in fright. Your fright instantly turned angry as you ripped the headphones out of your ears. 
“Han Jisung!!” You reprimanded, clutching at your heart. 
“Oh, you know my name now??” 
“...yeah? How could I not?” You weren’t following along, still scared half to death.
“I thought you only knew Felix~” he used an obnoxious childish bullying voice before does his take on a Felix impression, “Roll the dice, hunnid times-“ he couldn’t even continue because hearing him try his Aussie deep-voiced impression sent you rolling your head back in laughter. 
“No, idiot! It goes like this-“ you can’t even demonstrate before he flies over to you in a blink of an eye, attacking with tickles. 
“Why not try to learn your Boyfriend’s lines, huh??”
“Aishhh I’m doing the dishes! ‘Get the oops~ outta here’!”
“Wrong song!!”
“I know that’s the point!~” You giggled, shoving him away from you.
“Woowww, you’re so meannn, Jagi!!~” Your boyfriend whined like the little kid he is.
“You’re the one who’s dating me, that’s not my fault.~” You quipped back with a smug chirp before playing Victory Song again, but this time connecting to the bluetooth speaker, blasting it as you went back to work on the dishes. 
Let’s just say this ends with soap, water, and bubbles all over the entire kitchen and the both of your clothes drenched in dishwater. 
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Felix *+:。.。~
When Felix enters your apartment, he was not expecting, in any alternative universe, that you, his girlfriend, would be taping up a poster of Chan in your home. 
“Y/n, what are you doing?!” Felix was blinking like someone threw sand into his eyes. 
“What does it look like I’m doing, dummy?” You asked with pure adoration in your voice. 
“It looks like you’re taping up a picture of someone who isn’t me. Who is that?!” Felix played dumb like he wanted you to admit to your wrongs. But was what you were doing even wrong? You just ignored the ‘who is that’ question, it was more than obvious that it was the coveted Bang Chan. 
“You are correct, now help me! Look at it! I think it’s crooked!” 
“Yeah it’s sooo crooked!! Let me help you take it off!!” Felix giggles, but before he can continue, he’s  interrupted by a loud ripping sound. He fucking rips the poster in three when he tries to take it off the wall!
“....yes?” He looks up at you reluctantly with the eyes of bambi. The two pieces of poster in his hands and one remaining on the wall.
“Why would you do that?-” Your voice trembled. “I paid for that! You owe me a new one!” 
“You payed for a poster of Chan??” 
“Yeah and then you ripped it off the wall!!” You started to tense up, heat up. You really spent twenty five fucking dollars on a single poster only for your boyfriend to rip it up. “Did you do it on purpose??!?”
“I- no!! I didn’t do it on purpose!!” Felix genuinely didn’t do it on purpose and now he feels bad. He initially felt a bit of accidental accomplishment! He ripped the poster of his best friend off your wall, but now he’s feeling something not so good upon seeing your reaction. 
“Now I only have yours and the group’s to hang up!!” Some of your tears might’ve risen up out of its resting place. 
Now, this sounds like the opposite of a problem to most but you had this whole idea: Hang up Chan’s and then have the whole group in the middle and then have have the best for last, Felix. Your bias, the group and then your boyfriend. You spent too much money on it, and waited for weeks and weeks to get it in the mail because you wanted it all to be official, high quality merch. It was going to be displayed above your couch, loud and proud for the whole world to see- the whole world of like five people at most who would visit your house- but still!!
But then? Felix starts laughing? You’re about to scream at him before he pulls you into a hug. 
“Baby, it’s okay!! I can get you a new one. Hey, I can maybe even get you a real Polaroid of him if ya want!!~” He hummed at you, pulling you closer.
“But I wanted it to be all matching-” You sniffled, shaking your head at how easily you get riled up. “It’s okay, it’s okay. Let’s just tape it back together.” You sniffled again before nodding to yourself and reluctantly letting go. You hated being such an emotional bean sometimes but to him you were really too cute, too precious. He nodded back and gave you a smooch. 
“There we go!~ All better?!” 
“Yeah… I love it.” You said it with a little less enthusiasm than you normally would. Admittedly, you were still a bit sad at the now ugly poster. 
“But you love me more right??” It took you a second to understand what he meant, but when you did you giggled. 
“Oh my god you’re such a dummy!” 
“What?! Why??”
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Seungmin *+:。.。~
“Jagi!!~” Seungmin sings excitedly as he enters the dorm, completely ignoring the fact this is his group’s dorm, treating it as if you were the only one here or something. It made you turn strawberry red, losing your focus on the video game. When you look back at the screen Bin is ahead of you now. Shit. 
“Sunshine!!~” You choked back, though it was said with a troubled voice, frustrated that you just let Changbin ahead of you in Mario kart. You were just beating him! This is gonna lose your streak!! 
“What are you doing?!~” You hear his angelic voice come closer, his footsteps heading into the living room. 
“Well I was beating Beefcake but some ‘sunshine’ blinded me and now I’m behind!!” You whined, tense and focusing harder on the screen, you were so close to Changbin, so close, yet so far. It was the last round, he threw the bananas he’s been saving at you to put salt in the wound. He was getting away!!
“Stop, Bin!!!” You squealed. Of course your boyfriend has to see you fail and not when you’ve been beating him the two times prior. You were supposed to beat him three times in a row, triple crown status!!
 “Stop or you’re not my favorite anymore!!” You threatened Changbin with the only thing you could think of in the moment.
“WAIT WHAT?!” Seungmin then jumped in front of the tv at this, blocking your views from the game, his arms spread out so you couldn’t see. “Changbin is your favorite?!?” Seungmin gasped and looked at you with a face you have never seen him make before, ever in your life. If this was a sitcom, the record scratch sound effect would be played now. 
“Heh-“ you were caught red-handed, well actually red-faced. You damned yourself because of your bad threat. 
“I’m your favorite?!” This was also news to Changbin as he set the remote down slowly and turned to smile at you like you just handed him twenty dollars. 
“No one’s my favorite!!” You groaned. “Now get out of the way!! I have a game to win!-”
“SEO CHANGBIN?!? OUT OF EVERYONE?? Okay, I’d get it if I was your favorite and then like Jeongin was your second favorite because he’s so fun to bother. But CHANGBIN?? THE FAVORITE?” The Mario kart ending song starts playing, you could hear Yoshi’s dismay countered with the triumph of Boo. How applicable. 
“Okay this was fun, but I gotta go use the bathroom!~” You fibbed, trying to escape the situation. 
“You’re not going anywhere!! Your ass has some explaining to do.” Seungmin pulls you right back to him with a smirk. 
“Changbin help!”  
“Seungmin, your girlfriend said likes me!!~”
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Jeongin *+:。.。~
You could not, for the life of you, stop laughing at what Minho was saying at dinner. This dinner being the first one you had with all of Jeongin’s members. For some reason Minho’s humor tickled you just the right way to have you cackling, that and maybe you were a bit… okay, a lot sleep-deprived from studying for finals coming up and having to work on top of that. Either way, you more than once almost choked and spat, thankfully the stars were on your side and you didn’t actually; though who knows how long that’ll last. 
“Jeongin, is Y/n okay?! She’s losing it!!”
“I’m right here!!” You responded in your boyfriend’s place, waving your hand in front of Minho’s face, only to smoothly put it around Jeongin’s shoulders. You deserved points for how smooth that came across despite the amount of distress you were suddenly under.
“Y/n, are you okay?! Did they put something in your lemonade?!” Minho, this time, fake-asked you. 
You just snorted and shook your head. “I’m perfectly fine!! Superb actually!!” You turned and looked at Jeongin, smiling brightly at him. This day was going beyond great for you! You were so worried that the guys wouldn’t like you. 
“Wow?? Superb?” Jeongin laughs nervously, scratching at his neck. Even while nervous he was offensively adorable. “When have you ever used that word?!” He raised an eyebrow at you. 
“Right now!” You quipped back. 
“Jeongin, I don’t think Y/n is okay, nobody laughs that hard at Minho.” Seungmin whispered loudly to Jeongin, making eye contact with you, causing everyone to laugh as hard as you have been all night. 
“Yeah, what’s wrong with you?!” Jisung teased. 
“I’m sleep deprived alright. Besides! I’ve been waiting so long to actually meet you guys, so I’m really really happy!!”
“Yeah, really happy to meet Minho!!” Hyunjin snorts and begins clapping like an over-enthused seal at his own joke. 
You just rolled your eyes at him. And for once, you didn’t have the quick comeback you and Jeongin were known for. Because it’s true, you really did wanna meet Minho. You’ve heard so much about him and, quite frankly, he sounded the strangest, most unreal out of all the bizarre boys your boyfriend spends his time with. He was a topic of interest.
“Wow, she really has nothing to say back to that. I think it’s true!!” Felix cheered, wide eyed and began to laugh in shock. 
“Well- listen. Innie told me all the dirt on you guys, Minho's dumbassery sounded too unreal!! Of course I had to see it for myself!” You fired back. 
Jeongin laughs so hard his head flies back, the rest of them follows suit, besides Minho, obviously. Jeongin wraps an arm around you with a proud smile, he realized he had nothing to worry about. His pride still somehow managed to remain shy and adorable. Too cute to handle. You glowed at his reaction. Your heart practically bursts like a firework at this. He just wrapped his arm around you in front of his members!! 
“You guys are disgusting!” Minho pretends to retch at your very wholesome PDA.
“Yeah, says the most disgusting!” Jeongin jabs right back and it was then your turn to laugh proudly. Jeongin is happy to note that you actually laughed harder at this than anything Minho’s said all night. 
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saifa-ao3 · 4 years
Writing prompt: Undyne & Alphys are preparing for a date, but not really knowing how this works Undyne asks Papyrus for advice, while Alphys gets her advice from Mettaton. The end result is about what you'd expect.
Late again, but I did it!
Ao3 version here!Rating: General AudiencesTitle: You gotta dress to impress!Summary: For their upcoming date, Alphys and Undyne seek out advice from their best friends. Unfortunately, Papyrus and Mettaton aren't the best advice givers.Relationships: Alphys/Undyne
Tumblr version under the cut.
            Undyne shifted in her seat on Papyrus’ bed, causing the springs in the mattress to creak. Tilting her head curiously, she watched him scan his bookshelf for the fabled dating manual he insisted on lending her. “Papyrus, I don’t think that’s necessary,” Undyne said. She gave him a quizzical look while rubbing the back of her neck. 
            “Nonsense, Undyne!” Papyrus declared, snatching the book from its spot. “You have come to me for help, and it would be absolutely negligent of me to not bestow this upon my best friend! Besides, this dating book was imperative in helping me figure out my lack of romantic feelings on my most recent date. I’m sure it could help you too.” Papyrus thrusted the book out to her while posturing heroically, his grin wide and beaming with excitement.
            “I mean, if you really think so,” Undyne laughed with a crooked grin, unwilling to turn him down. Papyrus was a complete dork, but he was her favorite dork and number one bestie. He was the one person she could confide in about this predicament she had. Hell, why not give this a shot? She had been driving herself nuts over what to do for her date with Alphys, and she did come to him for a creative perspective after all.
            “Wonderful!” Papyrus cheered.
            Undyne flipped through the book and squinted as she skimmed the chapters. “Papyrus, I already confessed my feelings to her. Where does the dating section start?”
            “Seeing as I have memorized the entirety of this manual, I can tell you with confidence that chapter three is the first date, chapter four is the second date, chapter five is the third, and chapter six is—”
            “Okay, okay, I get it!” Undyne grimaced, looking a little overwhelmed. The thought of a potential second date hadn’t even crossed her mind yet since preparing for the first was so daunting. She had never gone on one before, and the only person she knew that had was Papyrus. For better or worse, he was her only hope in getting through this.
            “I assure you it is very thorough!”
            “I don’t doubt you.”
            “But if it helps you with your current goal, it is there to provide the support you need, although not as great as my support since I am the greatest at encouraging my friends! Just let me know how I can be of assistance, and I will not fail you. And remember, I believe in you!”
            “Yeah, you’re right! I can’t go wrong with you having my back!” She turned her attention back to the book and concentrated. “Let’s see… Since this is going to be our first proper date, I’ll go with chapter three.” After a few minutes of reading, her brow furrowed. Special occasion dates? The merits of lunch versus dinner outings? Not to mention the proper attire for each scenario! There was simply too much to consider, it was dizzying!
            “What’s wrong? You look a little frustrated.”
            “How many pages is this chapter?” she exclaimed impatiently.
            “Precisely forty—”
            “Papyrus! My date is in a couple hours! I don’t have time to sit here and read.”
            “How about I summarize it for you then?”
            “Please,” Undyne said, setting aside the book and rubbing her temples.
            “Very well then! First, have you decided on a romantic destination for this date?” he asked, leaning towards her and wiggling his brow.
            Looking flustered, Undyne leaned away from him and directed her sight to the Jolly Roger flag hanging behind him, “U-uh, I just figured we’d go to the dump or something. Maybe hang out in her lab? Really, whatever she wants to do.”
            “Hmmm…” Papyrus tapped his chin and squinted as he looked her over before accepting her answer. “That’s why there can always be a second date! To go on even more daring adventures with that love of yours!”
            “Now, let’s skip ahead to your date clothes.”
            Undyne grimaced and rubbed the back of her neck. “Yeah, uh, about that. My house burned down, remember? I’m a little short on dating attire.”
            “And this is where my greatness and heroism come in! For you see! I have just the thing for you!” Defying physics and the carpet’s coefficients of friction, Papyrus slid backwards to his closet. It was a peculiar sight considering he wasn’t moving his legs and it looked like he was skating backwards. By now Undyne had grown used to such oddities that it had become a normal thing where she no longer questioned it. “Behold! Behind closet number—! Well, my only closet!” Papyrus opened the door dramatically and bowed.
            Undyne knew Papyrus had an unusual fashion sense at times, but nothing prepared her for what hung in his closet. Nothing matched, though she couldn’t pinpoint what style of fashion her best friend was going for to begin with. Her crooked smile remained frozen as she took in the amazing disaster of Papyrus’ dating outfit. She wasn’t sure whether she was struck with admiration by Papyrus’ sheer confidence, or horror at the suggestion that this was the outfit he would lend her.
            But she came to Papyrus for his creativity, and she had to trust that. “Well, here goes nothing,” she said. “Bring it on!”
            “O-oh my god, w-what am I g-going to do?” Alphys spoke quickly, voice rising in panic as she paced her lab. When her hands weren’t fidgeting together nervously, she would adjust her glasses in an effort to keep herself busy. Sometimes it helped her think, or at least that’s what she told herself, but her anxiety riddled thoughts rendered that action useless. “W-what do I-I even wear? D-Do I have anything to wear? If I can’t find the perfect thing, what’s she going to think? Oh god, she’s going to realize how uncool and insecure I am.”
            “Darling, you have got to calm down,” Mettaton said, wheeling around to her in his box form. He held her gently by the shoulders and sighed. “Take a deep breath in, and out. Now, you are going to be just fine. Undyne likes you just the way you are. After all, there is so much to adore about you.”
            “Y-you really think so?”
            “Oh, darling, I know so.”
            Alphys still had doubts, but Mettaton always found a way to comfort her. If anyone could help boost her confidence in this dire time, it was him. She took in a shuddering breath to calm herself and folded her hands. “D-do you think you c-can help me? I-I’ve never gone on an actual date myself. I-I mean, I’ve written fanfiction before, and I-I’ve watched enough c-content about it from anime. B-but this is U-Undyne we’re talking about! I g-gotta impress her!”
            “Leave it to me, darling. I am going to put you through the most glamorous and exclusive MTT-brand makeover.”
            “O-oh, gosh…” Alphys shifted uncertainly in place. She never felt confident in her own skin, so she had doubts a makeover would be the remedy to boost her confidence. But Mettaton was always so confident and sure of himself, especially when he switched to his preferred body. Perhaps there was some magic to all that glitter and perfection after all. Oh, how did it go in Mew Mew Kissy Cutie again? The heroine would magically transform, surrounded by pastel lights and glitter, into a glamourous and stellar form for battle. Even the shyest of her friends gained the confidence they needed when they transformed too. If Alphys’ heroes could do it, then certainly she could too!
            “You are going to look absolutely fabulous, Alphys dear!” Mettaton announced. He flipped the switch in his back, causing his box form to open up and separate into pieces. Pink fog billowed out from inside the shifting box as his form tessellated into the humanoid shape he preferred. Through the pastel clouds, a rave of colorful lights illuminated Mettaton’s silhouette to accompany the blaring music that was his signature soundtrack. Glitter exploded and showered the lab and equipment, no doubt working into the delicate circuitry of priceless computers. 
            Deep down Alphys knew it would take months to clean every miniscule speck of it, but she couldn’t bring herself to be mad by the show. It was pretty glamorous and the lab was in desperate need of a deep clean anyways. All she could do was stare in awe at the show. No matter how many times she had seen him transform, she could never tear her eyes away. Of course, she took pride in her inventions, but seeing something she designed represent a real life anime scene was a dream come true.
            “O-oh, wow…!” Alphys gasped.
            “Ohhh, yesssss!” Mettaton said in a sultry voice. “Let there be drama! Let there be suspense! Bring out that fire in you, darling, because you are a star!”
            Surrounded by the lights and sounds, Alphys knew the kind of show she had to put on.
            Both of them were in stunned silence as they stared at each other. The constant dripping of water from stalactites in the garbage dump’s damp cavern marked the seconds until suddenly their laughter flooded the space and bounced off the walls. Undyne bent over while clutching her stomach and pointed at Alphys. Her poor girlfriend had makeup caked on her face with pink lipstick layered heavily on her lips and glitter covering her scales and clothes. Not to mention the fake eyelashes Alphys wore were thick with little hearts on the ends. “Oh my god, what happened to you?”
            Alphys snorted uncontrollably and covered her mouth. “O-oh gosh, I-I could say the same to you. A-are th-those basketballs on your shoulders?!”
            “They are!” Undyne cackled. “Alphys, come here. You didn’t have to put on all this makeup for me.”
            “I-it was Mettaton’s idea. I was a-afraid you w-wouldn’t like me after all.” Alphys said sheepishly. She stared at Undyne’s shirt and smirked. “Cool dude, huh?”
            “Yeah, it was Papyrus’ idea. He’s the cool one, honestly.”
            “I-I guess our friends give r-really bad advice.”
            “No kidding,” Undyne grinned. “Now, hang on. Let me help ya out with that.” She picked Alphys up and dunked her in the water, scrubbing away the makeup and glitter.
            When Alphys came up to gasp for air, she looked briefly at her reflection before turning to Undyne. “You really like me just the way I am?”
            “Of course!” Undyne beamed at her.
            “O-oh, wow…”
            Suddenly, a thunderous boom resounded through the cavern, causing Alphys to jump into Undyne’s arms. They held each other tightly as flaming confetti rained down across the dump. Together, they craned their heads up with eyes wide to watch the magnificent disaster that was Alphys’ planned welcome show to kick off their date. 
            “Eeep! S-something must have short circuited and triggered the confetti cannons!” Alphys squeaked.
            “The what?!” Undyne exclaimed.
            Another confetti cannon erupted, this time scattering both flaming debris and glitter. Lights flickered and strobed, making the crystals in the cavern throw a kaleidoscope of blues and greens. From the ceiling a disco ball descended and reflected light to paint the walls with diamond shapes.
            “Here comes the music,” Alphys said ominously.
            Somewhere a boombox played music that soon sped up in increments and increased to a deafening volume. Eventually, the beat skipped and stuttered on the same line until the static grew louder in volume. In turn, the lightbulbs in their fixtures hummed brightly until they were on the edge of burning out.
            Then the cavern plunged into darkness, or so it looked. The brightness of the bursting lights contrasted so harshly to the usual dimness of the garbage dump that they might as well have been blind. After a brief pause of silence, Alphys laughed nervously as she held onto Undyne, her arms wrapped around her girlfriend’s neck.
            “That was—” Undyne began.
            Several flaming towers erupted to surround them while several signs in the shape of letters lowered from the ceiling. One of the canons below belched up a massive fireball to set the letters alight, revealing Undyne’s name. Unfortunately, the ropes holding up the letters caught fire as well, and the letters came crashing down in front of them.
            Alphys, mortified with what her show had devolved into, squeaked and stuttered. She buried her face in her hands and mumbled out apologies. “I-I’m so sorry! I t-tried to make this memorable, and I-I thought a show would make this memorable. It’s like in the animes I watch, the p-protagonist tries to i-impress the one they like. Like in this one episode of ‘Doki Doki I Love You’ the p-protagonist takes this girl he likes to a fireworks show, but w-we don’t have any fireworks down here, at least not on h-hand. A-and I didn’t have a whole lot of time, but I still managed to scrounge this up. A-and, oh g-gosh, this was a complete disaster!”
            “ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THIS WAS AWESOME!” Undyne shouted.
            Alphys turned to Undyne and blushed. “R-really?”
            “HELL YEAH!”
            Alphys broke out into a shy smile and giggled.
            “You’re telling me you did this on short notice? You’re amazing! This has been the best date ever!” 
            Alphys’ scales flushed a deep red and she moaned in disorientation and disbelief. “I-I’m amazing?”
            Undyne, flashing a grin, planted a kiss on Alphys cheek. She cackled when Alphys grew limp in her arms and passed out with a smile.
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westallenfun · 5 years
All We Want for Christmas Is You, Chapter 2
WestAllen secret santa gift
From: @jade4813
For: @abbeyb77
Note: I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and I REALLY hope you enjoy your Christmas present!
Title: All We Want for Christmas Is You
Rating: G
Synopsis: When a bolt of lightning splits Barry Allen and the Flash into two different people just in time for the holidays, Barry struggles to find a way to tell Iris how he feels about her - and figure out if she really loves him or the scarlet speedster. My Westallen Secret Santa gift for @abbeyb77!
Chapters: 2/5
Two days later, Barry was distracted, lost in conversation with Captain Singh as the two men strolled into Jitters together. “So I was reading a treatise last night on heavy-ion science, and I was thinking –” 
“Wait. You were doing what?” Singh asked. “Allen, we have got to find you a hobby.”
“I have hobbies!” he protested weakly. “I have lots of hobbies! I like to do…um…” Before he could come up with a suitable reply, he heard someone call his name and turned to see Iris standing by the door, a wide smile on her face. “Iris!”
“Fancy seeing you here!” she joked, grabbing her coffee from the barista before skirting around two college students and a businessman to draw closer. “Guess I wasn’t the only one in need of some caffeinated fortification this morning.” A grimace flashed across her face before she turned her attention to Singh. “Captain. It’s good to see you.”
Singh nodded. “You, too.” Glancing between them, he cleared his throat. “You know, that line is looking a little packed. Why don’t I go place our order while you stay here to chat?”
Barry threw his boss a desperate look as the other man blended into the crowd. Singh clearly had no interest in coming to his rescue, so he turned his attention back to the woman who had been on his mind since their last meeting. Normally, he would be thrilled to see her, but he was hardly at his best. “Hey, Iris” he greeted her weakly. “What are you doing here? I mean, not that it’s not nice to see you. I just…I’m not…isn’t it a little out of the way from CCPN?”
“A little,” she admitted. “But I was in the area anyway. I was…um…working on a story.”
He shifted his weight awkwardly from one foot to the other, wishing he could think of something smooth to say. Distracted by the beauty of her smile, it was hard for him to pull together a coherent thought, let alone a line that would sweep her off her feet and convince her to give him a chance. “Oh, yeah? About what?”
Iris looked startled by the question. After a moment of hesitation, she explained, “About…um…about the Flash. I was going to stop by the CCPD. I understand some of your fellow officers have met him before.”
His heart sank at the words. Of course. She’d been happy to see him because she was looking for information about the Flash. He should have realized. “One or two.”
She paused and bit her lip as she looked up at him through her lashes. “Actually…if you want to know the truth…I was coming to see you.”
“Oh, yeah?” he asked, suspecting she was only interested in asking him for more information about the Flash and trying to hide his misery behind a smile.
She nodded. “I was wondering…would you like to have dinner sometime? With me? Maybe tonight?” They were interrupted as Singh walked up with two coffee cups in hand. Iris blushed as she continued, blurting, “I mean, unless you have other plans? With a wife or a girlfriend, maybe?”
“No. No wife or girlfriend. I mean, no plans,” he replied distractedly, taking the cup Singh offered him. “Uh, sure. I can help you with your story about the Flash, if you want. I know him a little. I mean, I’ve met him. At work. Once.”
“I wasn’t –” she began, then broke off with a sigh. “All right. Thanks. I’ll stop by later, then. Um, I should go. Nice seeing you, Barry. Singh.”
With a nod, she turned and walked out the door, and Barry sighed as he watched her go. Next to him, Singh stared at him with an expression of utter incredulity on his face. “I can’t believe that just happened.”
“What?” Then, belatedly realizing he might have mis-stepped, Barry rushed to recover. “Oh, right. I should have gotten clearance from you to help her with her story first. I didn’t even think about it, but if it makes you feel any better, I promise I won’t divulge any sensitive or classified information!”
Singh shook his head. “That’s not…” He broke off, punching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “You know, for a brilliant guy…you’re kind of an idiot.”
Barry’s cup paused halfway to his mouth. “What?” he asked in confusion as Singh just shook his head again and led the way outside of the building. “What’s that supposed to mean? Captain?”
“Way to go, Iris. Really swept him off his feet,” she muttered to herself, leaning her head back against the headrest. She’d been so flustered when she saw him, she barely heard a word that was coming out of her mouth. He probably thought she was a total dork.
She’d been on her way to see him at the precinct, mustering the courage to ask him out on a date, when she realized she didn’t quite know what she would say to him. So she’d decided to stop by Jitters for a quick cup of coffee when she’d unexpectedly run into him there. He’d looked even more adorable than she remembered, his hair windblown and his eyes bright with excitement. As he walked in, she noticed that he’d missed a button on his shirt that morning, making him look slightly askew. If anything, it only made her heart melt a little bit more.
She’d gathered her courage and finally got around to asking him out, and he’d completely missed all of her signals. Or…or he was trying to be kind in telling her he wasn’t interested? It was a demoralizing thought.
With a sigh, she turned the key in the ignition and the radio immediately began to blast another Christmas song.
… want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true All I want for Christmas is you …
Iris rolled her eyes. “Now even the radio is mocking me,” she grumbled, hitting the button to change the station. In doing so, she managed to catch the tail end of some radio personality banter.
“… wonder what is going on with the Flash lately? Have you been paying attention to this? He’s been everywhere today! I don’t think he’s taken a break all day!”
“Well, maybe he’s just filled with the Christmas spirit? I’ll tell you this; he can run over here and save me any day!”
Frowning, Iris pulled over and grabbed her phone, quickly perusing her news feed. The radio report seemed to be correct. She found story after story of supposed sightings of the Flash, doing everything from stopping a mugging to saving a kitten from a tree. From the moment he’d first stepped onto the scene, he’d been pretty active, of course. But in the past day or so, he seemed to be more active than ever. As far as Iris could tell, he hadn’t taken a single break.
Tapping her fingers on the steering wheel, she considered Barry’s offer to help her with her supposed Flash story. She hadn’t had such a story in mind, but maybe his misunderstanding wasn’t so unfortunate, after all. Perhaps there really was a story behind Flash’s recent increase in activity – and it would hardly be the worst thing in the world if she and Barry got to know each other a little better in the process.
A smile crossing her face for the first time since she walked out of Jitters, Iris hit the button to change the radio station again and started to sing, “– don’t want a lot for Christmas, this is all I’m asking for! I just wanna see my baby standing right outside my door. I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know! Make my wish come true! Baby all I want for Christmas is you!”
Barry raced home from work that evening, eager to find a way to reverse the effects of…whatever had happened two nights before. He’d wanted to call off sick so that he could focus his attention on the problem, but he’d done so the day before, to no avail. He couldn’t afford to raise suspicion or bring attention to himself, so he’d tried the best he could to keep his mind on his work and make it through the day.
As soon as he got home, he pulled out his phone and hit a few buttons, setting off the signal he’d installed in the Flash suit the night before. Only a minute or so passed before a gust of wind sent some papers flying off his desk and he found himself looking into a face that looked exactly like his own. It never stopped being unnerving.
“You won’t believe what I did today!” the Flash exclaimed before launching into a litany of the day’s achievements. Barry was only half-listening, in part because the Flash was speaking so fast it was hard to distinguish the words.
“Flash. Flash!” he interjected, as soon as the man in red stopped for breath. “I need you to focus.”
“Focus. Right. Focus.” In the past two days, they’d discovered that, while Flash retained his – their? – superhuman speed, he lacked the ability to focus for more than a couple of minutes at a time. He was constantly in motion; even as he stood in front of Barry now, his hands were fidgeting and restless. But, then, Barry knew well how slow the rest of the world seemed to a man who was connected to the speed force. To this version of the Flash, the pace at which he had to move in order to interact with the rest of the world must have been torture. “What’s up?”
“What? Oh, right.” If the Flash was easily distracted, Barry struggled with the opposite problem. He found it too easy to get lost in thought, tuning out the rest of the world to the point that Singh had yelled at him more than once that day. Still, it was almost certainly for the best that Barry retained most of their scientific training, since it would be up to him to get the two of them out of their current predicament. “Did you come across anything today that could help us figure this out?”
“Hmmm…I don’t think so,” the Flash replied, sinking back onto Barry’s couch. Even as he relaxed, his leg started to shake so fast that it became a blur of movement. “You?”
Barry shook his head. “No, although…” he paused and looked at some readouts on his computer. “Your speed seems to have exponentially increased from our original readings.”
The Flash grinned, jumping to his feet. “Really? That’s great! Hey, is that a police siren? I should go check it out!”
“Wait!” Barry blurted, but it was no use. The Flash was already gone. With a sigh, he turned his attention back to the readings. The Flash seemed to believe that the increased speed was a good thing, but he wasn’t quite sure. The readouts showed increased strain on the Flash’s heart and muscles. The readings were still within acceptable limits – for the superhero, at least – but the rising levels were concerning. Could even the Flash hit a point where he burned himself out? And what would happen if he did? And if the Flash was suffering such physiological effects, could Barry be suffering from similar negative physiological effects?
It was only further proof that he had to find a way to reverse this separation of theirs. And not just because he was jealous of himself for being able to make Iris smile as she had when she talked about her story on the city’s resident superhero.
Iris. Barry sighed as he thought about their meeting earlier that day. She’d been so beautiful in her grey peacoat jacket, her eyes bright from the cold. And her smile…he sighed and sagged back into his chair when he thought about her smile. If only he was the one who had brought that expression to her face. Well, in a sense, he kind of was. Except he wasn’t anymore. It was all so confusing.
He still hadn’t come up with a solution to his problem, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t help her with hers. Tapping his fingers on the desk, he considered his options. Then, as a plan formed in his mind, he hit the button again, summoning the Flash back to his apartment. The hero was almost giddy as he burst into the room again. “You aren’t going to believe what just happened! This guy’s car was on fire, and –”
“Flash. Flash!” Barry interjected. “I need your help with something. It’s for Iris.”
“Iris? Of course. What do you need?” At the sound of her name, the Flash’s voice softened, his eyes grew warm, and a goofy smile crossed his face. Was that really how he looked whenever someone mentioned her name? If so, how was everyone in Central City not aware of his feelings for her already?
Pushing his inexplicable jealousy aside, he laid out his plan, finishing with, “So you’ll do it? Tomorrow night? Eight o’clock?”
“If it’s for Iris? You can count on it,” Flash promised before racing off again.
Sighing sadly, alone in his apartment, Barry pulled out his phone and did a quick search for Iris’s number. He wished he’d thought to ask for it earlier. A quick browse of the CCPN website revealed her office line, and he dialed it before he could second-guess himself. “Iris? It’s Barry. Um…Barry Allen? From CCPD? Oh, you probably knew that. Anyway, I was just…well, I just ran into the Flash, and I mentioned that you wanted to do a story on him. He, um, he agreed to do an interview. If you want, of course. So, um, give me a call. When you can. If you want.”
Blushing bright red, Barry hung up the phone before he could embarrass himself further. It would all be worth it if it made Iris happy, of course. Even if the idea that Flash would be the cause of all her smiles did make him more than a little jealous of his other self.
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profiler-in-courage · 5 years
I’ve never written from the point of view of a serial killer so this was interesting. Creekmore Ch. 6
Also It wasn’t my intention to make this a love story when I started writing yet here we are.
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Chapter 6.
Emerson’s phone vibrated. He never thought he would feel such a thrill from such a simple sensation.
G: You excite me too. Thrill me actually…
He tugged at his bottom lip.
Thrill her hmm?
Before he could respond, another text came in.
G: Would you want to come back over tonight? That is if you don’t get off too late of course.
His eyes went wide.
No, he couldn’t.
Yes you can.
If he went, what would it entail? Was he ready for some of the...possibilities?
His mind flashed to the feeling of her skin on his lips. He had surprised himself when he left a kiss on her cheekbone. However faint it was.
He wanted to know her more. He needed to start taking some risks in his personal life.
E: I get off at 10. If that’s not too late for you.
He could be on-call if need be.
Plus, he was sure if he told Burnham he would cover his shift for a week.
But there was no way he was telling his friend anything. He felt anxiety creeping in just imagining Burnham’s merciless pestering.
G: That’s perfectly fine with me. See you then.
Emerson had about two hours to decide if he was going to bail or not. He weighed the pros and cons.
If you bail she might think you’re not interested, he thought.
Certainly a con.
If you go...you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.
That might not be a bad thing…
You want to see her.
He chewed the inside of his cheek in thought.
He wouldn’t. Technically it would still be a first date right? Sleeping with someone on the first date was out of the question.
You’re 45 years old.
He hadn’t had sex in years. Not since Lyla.
Emerson tilted his head back, running both hands over the top of his hair.
Maybe she just wants to talk.
He knew if that were true she would have just waited until tomorrow.
There were instances where he thought he had her figured out and then she threw him for a loop.
She didn’t seem like the promiscuous type. But he did hardly know her. He mustn't keep forgetting that.
He hardly knew her.
The figure sat on a bench at a bus stop, watching.
Across the street was a liquor store called Hangover Hospital. The figure smirked. What a name.
It was dusk. People were getting off work. A girl who looked to be around 25 walked into the Hangover Hospital. She was blond with dreadlocks. Wearing a black leather jacket and combat boots.
Even from across the street and through the window the figure could see dirt smudged across the girls face. She looked like someone who would get into trouble.
The figure’s eyes followed the girl as she walked down the sidewalk with a brown paper bag.
The figure followed, every so often turning its head to keep their girl in sight.
Luckily they were headed away from traffic and towards the quiet part of Creekmore.
No one paid the figure any mind. To pedestrians, a normal fellow citizen was just taking a stroll. Hood up, it was after all, cold.
The figure wondered what the girl was thinking. Was she headed to a party? The one designated to bring the alcohol. Was she headed home after a long day at work?
Judging from her appearance the first option made more sense. Not that the figure cared either way. It made no difference.
None at all.
Normally Gwyn’s bedtime was 10 o’clock. But tonight who knew when her head would be hitting a pillow?
Well….she thought.
She glanced over at the clock.
She figured that when Emerson got here they could watch a movie. Or talk. She didn’t really have a plan, which was weird. She always had a plan.
For everything.
If he actually shows.
She was half expecting him not to. She wouldn’t blame him. If roles were reversed and he had invited her over she probably wouldn’t have gone.
Yes you would’ve.
Gwyn typed his name into Instagram. She wasn’t expecting to find anything and she didn’t.
A shame.
A face like his deserved to be shared with the world.
Next she checked Facebook.
There were a couple people with his name but she found him. Though it looked like he didn’t use it much. His last post was from a year ago.
Not surprising, she thought.
She clicked on his photos, wanting to snoop. Of course he had his privacy settings set so only his profile picture was public. That wasn’t good enough, it was one of the ones from his Tinder profile.
She had seen that one. She wanted to see more.
Why do people do this, she thought. Annoyed that she couldn’t virtually stalk him. That was half the fun of dating.
Gwyn considered sending him a friend request. Simply to see his photos. She hesitated.
You already invited him over for the second time today. He is going to think you’re nuts.
She would wait on the friend request.
A knock on her door startled her. She glanced at the TV clock. It was 10:15.
Gwyn opened the door to Emerson holding up a grocery bag.
“I brought ice cream,” he said nervously.
She let out a small laugh, “Wow, if I didn’t know better I would say you were trying to impress me.
She stepped out of the way so he could come in.
Emerson shrugged, “Maybe I just wanted ice cream.”
Gwyn playfully rolled her eyes as she led him into the kitchen.
In truth, Emerson had bought the ice cream because he had no idea what this night entailed. He was a little nervous. And if he could take up some of that time casually eating, he would.
“I got chocolate-peanut butter and plain vanilla. I was going to go with my gut and just get the chocolate but I really didn’t know which you would prefer,” he said.
Gwyn batter her eyes, “If you had to guess?”
“Then I would say the chocolate-peanut butter. You aren’t boring,” he proclaimed.
Gwyn pulled out two bowls and spoons from a drawer.
“You need to quit showing off,” she laughed.
Emerson pushed up his glasses with his index finger.
“But I like showing off.”
“Do you?” said Gwyn, looking him up and down.
She scooped some chocolate-peanut butter for them both.
“Sometimes,” he answered, moving behind her to throw away the grocery bag.
He placed a hand lightly on her hip to let her know he was there.
She held out a spoonful of ice cream.
“Try it,” she said.
Emerson smiled, “Making sure I didn’t poison you?”
“One can never be too careful,” she retorted.
Emerson leaned over, taking the bite.
“It’s pretty damn good,” he said.
Gwyn waited for a few seconds, considering her next move.
“My turn,” she said as she placed her hand on the nape of his neck and drew him to her.
She kissed him. Slowly, but only for a moment.
“You’re right. That is pretty damn good,” she said, wiping her lip with her thumb.
Emerson stood there incredulous, though trying not to show it.
What had just happened?
She kissed you is what happened, he thought.
And he had liked it. Quite a bit actually.
Gwyn glanced over at him as she finished scoping their bowls.
“You good cowboy?” she asked.
Emerson grinned at the floor, “Yes ma’am.”
She picked up the two poles and motioned over to the couch. He followed her.
Hook, line, and sinker, she thought.
Emerson sat a little too far from her, so Gwyn discreetly moved closer so their thighs were touching.
“So,” said Gwyn in between bites. “Do your feet get cold in those?”
Emerson looked down at his boots.
Gwyn smiled quizzically, “Why wear them then?”
Emerson shrugged, licking his spoon, “I like them.”
“The suit you,” she said.
Something hung in the air between them. Whether it was nerves or lust, Gwyn was determined to find out.
Must I be the one to continue to make the moves? she thought.
Emerson tried not to make it obvious he was staring at Gwyn. Reading her.
She puzzled him. In a good way. Though he couldn’t 100 percent size her up.
They both set their empty bowls on the coffee table at the same time. Giving each other the side eye.
“Well whatever are we to do now?” Gwyn teased.
Emerson chuckled.
“I’m going to be blunt,” started Gwyn.
Emerson gulped, “Alright.”
Gwyn looked him in the eye.
“I really want you to kiss me. Can you do that?” she asked.
Emerson nodded slowly. He wrapped his arm around her and leaned to meet his lips with hers.
He kissed her softly, taking her bottom lip between his. Her tongue poked at him and he let her in.
He cupped her cheek with his hand. Her kisses were speeding up but he slowed them. There was no need to rush.
Emerson felt Gwyn’s fingers run through his hair. He paused, coming up for air.
She looked at him like no one had in a long time.
“You good cowboy?”
Emerson pulled her back to him.
“Yes,” he whispered against her lips.
Gwyn moved more aggressively. Tugging at his sweater, leaning into him. She wanted him and he knew it.
Slow down, slow down, he thought.
“Gwyn…” he mumbled, with his lip between her teeth.
“Hmmm?” she answered?
Before he could say anything more Gwyn straddled him.
Emerson’s heart rate picked up. His hands moved down to her hips. He tucked his thumbs under her waistband.
Gwyn snaked her head down to his neck, nipping at him.
Emerson let out a soft sigh, drinking in what it was to be this close with someone again.
Gwyn sucked at his ear lobe and he felt his pants suddenly become tighter.
She felt it too.
“Emerson?” she let his name hang in the air.
“Yes?” he huffed.
Gwyn stalled and he opened his eyes to search hers.
“What is it?” he asked.
She ran a hand through her hair, fluffing it out.
“I don’t want you to get the wrong idea….” she began.
She was still sitting on him, and as he looked up at her he could see in her face what was being implied.
“I don’t have any ideas,” he joked.
She slid off him. He looked over at her tenderly.
“I like you a lot,” she said, taking his hand.
Their fingers intertwined.
“Well I figured,” he winked. “And I’m sure you could tell I like you. Immensely.”
His face turned a faint shade of red and Gwyn let out a faint laugh. She had felt him yes.
She smoothed down pieces of his hair that had risen out of place, easing the tension that didn’t need to be there.
“If I continue to kiss you I won’t be able to stop,” she murmured.
Emerson understood. His feelings mirrored hers.
He squeezed her hand, acknowledging what she had said.
“Well, you know what this means?” he asked.
She raised an eyebrow cautiously, “What?”
Emerson stood, “We need more ice cream.”
Gwyn giggled and to Emerson it was the sweetest sound he had heard in years
Ch. 1
Ch. 2 & 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
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garm-for-emperor · 6 years
But if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow
aka that season made Abby’s heart hurt and they want more of everything, especially these two
rating: G, 1089 words
Vinny wakes up to a pounding on his door at what his clock reads as 3:14am. He spends a few groggy seconds waking up, realizing the pounding is happening and real, and finally stumbles out of bed towards the door, bumping into his dresser on the way over and cursing aloud at the flare of pain that sharply wakes him further.
He opens the door and shrieks on instinct: Lord Garmadon stares down at him, red eyes glinting in the hallway light outside Vinny’s apartment.
“Wh— but you’re— L-Lord G-Garmadon!” he stutters, taking a step back.
“Vinny of NGTV,” Lord Garmadon announces, “I require your assistance yet again.”
“Uhm.” Vinny replies, blinking slowly, “You...you do?”
“Indeed.” Lord Garmadon steps forward, then seems to take a second, looking at the door, then back to Vinny. “...Am I permitted entrance?”
“Uh, sure?”
Lord Garmadon steps into his apartment and Vinny closes the door and turns on the light. They both squint at the change in lighting, but quickly adjust. The oni looks around, taking in Vinny’s apartment, then turns to him.
“Do you...live in this?” he asks plainly, gesturing around.
And ok, it’s true Vinny doesn’t have much time to clean or put all his laundry in the basket or do the dishes, but he’s a busy guy.
“I prefer to think of it as an ‘ongoing work in progress.’” he replies.
Garmadon stares back, unreadable, making Vinny shiver in his pajamas, but after a moment or two he makes a noncommittal hum and moves on.
“I have spent several months traveling this realm,” Garmadon says, stepping around Vinny’s apartment but keeping within earshot, “And I have seen many things and spoken to many others. Yet my frustrations persist, for I feel that I am missing something to understanding why living is more than just survival!”
One fist clenches in evident tension, and Vinny can see it in his eyes: he is trying to understand, even he’s...well. Who he is.
Before Vinny can answer, his alarm starts going off next to his bed, and he flinches before running over to it, hurriedly trying to press the alarm off before finally succeeding.
“What was that ghastly noise?” Garmadon asks, sounding affronted.
“It’s my alarm, I normally get up and ready for work right now.” Vinny tells him, and then yawns and stretches, wincing at the ache in his back.
“Work? Hmmm. Yes, I understand.” For a second, Garmadon almost seems...sorrowful, but then the expression is brushed away under his neutral one, “I have interrupted you. I will take my leave.”
“What? No!” Vinny runs back over and in front of him, holding his hands up, “It’s fine. In fact…”
He takes a few moments to think about it, and thinks about the fact Garmadon came to him for advice. It was actually pretty cool. But he needs to try and do his best to give Garmadon what he came to Vinny for.
“Why don’t you come with me? There’s something I want to show you.”
— — —
One long, silent car and elevator ride later, Vinny leads Garmadon through the door to the roof of the NGTV building, and walks on over to the edge facing east.
“I don’t always have...or, uh, take time to do this, but it’s nice when I remember to.” he explains.
Garmadon is still some feet behind him, staring in confusion.
“Why did you bring me here? What is the purpose of this?”
“We’re gunna watch the sun rise.” Vinny says, grinning.
Garmadon blinks at him, disbelieving.
“But the sun rises and falls every day! There is nothing special about it,” Garmadon says, sounding irritated, “There is no meaning to this.”
“There is!” Vinny argues back, and gestures for Garmadon to step up to the railing next to him, “Just...trust me on this.”
Garmadon looks doubtful, and for a long pause Vinny’s afraid he’s gunna reject the offer and leave, but finally the oni makes a low growl like a sigh and walks up. Vinny beams up at him, but Garmadon deliberately ignores him, and they both watch as the sun’s light begins to stretch across the earth.
Everything changes colors in the light, and the city sparkles as sunbeams hit the glass and metal. The shadows of night shift, shying away, but only grow more condensed under the light to bring depth to the land and buildings. The grey of dawn in the sky shifts into the mellow blues, pinks, yellows, and oranges of morning, the scattered clouds painting it into a picturesque scene. The noise of the city begins to awaken as well, faint but thrumming with life.
After a couple minutes, once the sun is more visible in the sky, Garmadon finally snarls and looks down at Vinny.
“So we watched the sun rise. How does this accomplish anything?”
Vinny had thought long and hard about how to put it into words on their ride over, and even then he’s not sure he’s going to do this right. But he has to try.
“I dunno,” he says, “I guess it’s just nice to look out and see it once in a while. And remember that we’re all still...here. After everything we’ve all been through, and will probably go through again, life keeps going, and the sun’s gunna rise and set another day. It’s nice to just kinda...take it in, and know that each day is a new one. Maybe not different, but we’re all still here and able to live it. And that’s pretty awesome.”
Garmadon seems taken aback by his words, and for a moment Vinny’s worried he really said something wrong, but then a contemplative look settles over the oni’s face. He slowly turns back to look out across the city towards the sun.
Again, silence for a long few minutes.
“I still...do not understand.” Garmadon says, a little more softly. There’s just the barest hint of someone lost, in his voice.
Vinny sighs, then shrugs.
“Maybe you don’t have to right now,” he offers, “But you want to, and that’s somethin’. You’ll get there.”
On instinct, he reaches up and pats Garmadon’s lower arm. He freezes and withdraws his hand instantly, stammering half-apologies, but Garmadon looks unfazed.
He looks at Vinny’s hand, then at Vinny again, and this time his expression reflects something a little more hopeful.
“Then perhaps...I should watch just a little longer.”
Garmadon looks back out towards the sky, and for what seems like the first time, truly feels the sunlight warm him.
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dazaran · 6 years
title: the wind at your back pushing you forward ship: dazai osamu/edogawa ranpo rating: G AO3 link: here!
day one of bsd rarepair week -- prompt : memories / letting go.
Dazai disappears often. This is not a surprise to anyone in the agency, as he isn’t exactly subtle about it. More accurately, whenever he disappears, no one gives a damn and assumes he’s off trying to commit suicide as per usual, is stuck somewhere, or arrested. No one really seems to be bothered by it outside of his new subordinate who is all too kind, all too considerate, as well as the occasional Tanizaki. This all being said, when Atsushi brings up the fact Dazai is missing again with a concerned furrow of his brows, no one bats an eyelash. Kunikida is still typing away at his computer, Kenji is pinching at the leaves of a potted plant he kidnapped from its perch on the windowsill, and Ranpo is playing a video game on his lavender PSP.
“Didn’t you receive a case this morning?” Kunikida asks, looking away from his keyboard to give a long stare at Atsushi. “It’s pointless worrying about that oaf. If he doesn’t want to be found, you won’t find him.”
“You’ve been here long enough to know you don’t need him at your side for every case.”
“That’s true, but...”
Ranpo groans dramatically, tossing his PSP onto his desk as he stands to his feet. The noise is loud enough to startle Atsushi ever so lightly. “I’ll go get him. Would that make you happy?”
“Eh... Ranpo-san knows where he is?”
The detective scoffs, raising his chin as if looking down on the teenager. “Who do you think I am, Atsushi? There’s nothing I don’t know, nothing I can’t figure out. Besides, even if you’re an idiot who can’t tell, Dazai is actually a man of habit more than you realize.”
Kunikida scoffs next, hunching over his computer, typing with what sounds like even more force on the keys. “If only those habits included doing his work instead of running off whenever he feels like it.”
“Don’t get too neurotic so early in the day, Kunikida.” Ranpo teases as he walks around his desk, stopping behind the blond to pat him on the shoulder and give a reassuring smile. “I’ll take care of him, so you focus on what you do best, yeah?”
Kunikida relaxes under the detective’s touch. He only hesitates for a few seconds before heaving a sigh, nodding his head politely. “You’re right. Thank you, Ranpo-san. As always, we can count on you when we need it the most.”
Ranpo grins in response, and without another word on the subject, he turns to make his way towards the main entrance of the agency with a cheerful hum. He keeps up this act up until he's out the door and has closed it behind him, then and only then does he let his expression relax while descending the stairs to reach the bottom floor.
Dazai’s disappearing acts, huh...
He pauses upon reaching the end of the doorway to the agency’s building. Across the street, a sweets shop has a stand out front in pastel pink and blue. It’s only on Fridays every first of the month they’ll put it out, and it’s on the first Friday of the month Dazai goes missing around this time. Like that sweets shop, he is a man of routine, and the place where he thinks is well hidden is in plain sight.
Of course, a man of his intelligence knows that many would expect him to hide instead of sitting out in the open.
With a pensive hum, Ranpo tucks his hands into his pockets, pivoting on a heel to begin walking down the sidewalk. It’s a bit unlike him, to be focused on the cracks in the sidewalk compared to studying his surroundings, the people, the sights - but they would distract him, he knows. He’s fickle at times, but when it came to things he felt the need to be serious about, Ranpo was completely capable of focusing on the matter.
He doesn't need to be serious with Dazai, per se, but things are different when they're alone. The air is different, Dazai’s voice is softer, his gaze is down instead of meeting those bold green eyes that maybe, just a little, he's afraid of.
(Those eyes that see into everyone and everything, delving into all of Dazai’s secrets he keeps under lock and key and a charming smile -)
“Ohh? Strange to see you out and about by yourself, Ranpo-san.”
Ranpo lifts his gaze, meeting the dark, gentle brown eyes of Dazai Osamu. He's standing there on the sidewalk with his hands in the pockets of his coat, shoulders relaxed, and an innocent tilt to his head. Ranpo can tell that it's fabricated innocence in some attempt to hide the underlying weight present on his shoulders.
“... Your visit to the cemetery was rather short this time, huh?” Ranpo answers, not hesitating to cut to the chase.
Dazai sighs, hanging his head and shaking it with a smile. “As always, I can't hide anything from you, Ranpo-san.” he acquiesces. “Though usually it would be Atsushi-kun to come hunt me down... Are you worried about little me?”
There he goes again, giving that perfect smile, but it's as hollow as the mask he wears on his face. It's so fragile, can be so easily broken to pieces, yet no one was selfish enough or concerned enough to do it.
No... perhaps they were, but the Japanese were always the type to not get involved in others business. Ranpo knows this all too well.
“Yeah. I probably am.” Ranpo answers at last, stepping closer as he casually reaches into his pocket to procure a lollipop, unwrapping it before popping it into the brunet’s mouth.
Dazai doesn't fight it, if only because he's so startled by the honesty of the detective’s words. “H-huh?” he stutters, blinking as he turns to give Ranpo a confused blink when he begins to walk past.
“Am I not allowed to worry?”
I wish you wouldn't - that is what Dazai’s troubled furrow of his brow says. His troubles are his alone, what he must always shoulder independently, and Ranpo understands the sentiment more than he'd like but... At the same time, he's selfish.
“I don't feel like going back to the agency yet,” Ranpo continues casually, letting his head fall back to study the clouds passing overhead. “Take me out to lunch as an apology for worrying your senpai.”
“Ehhhh, do I have to?”
“Well - do you wanna go back to working yet?”
A moment of silence.
“Lunch it is! Do you have any preference, Ranpo-san?”
Figured as much. Ranpo gives a wide, amused smile. “Not really. Surprise me! If you can~”
“That’s asking for a bit too much...” Dazai laughs lightly, hitching his shoulders up in a shrug. “But I might have a place or two in mind. I just hope the one I choose will suffice.”
Of course, the place Dazai ends up taking Ranpo to is to a small gelato shop just outside Cosmoworld, a place to view Cosmo Clock 21 while they lean against a pier railing side by side. Ranpo’s gelato is a bright pink, strawberry flavored of course. Dazai’s is matcha tea flavored, and a bright green. For a warm spring day like this, gelato is a good choice, Ranpo thinks.
“- So how was it?”
Dazai hums, looking at Ranpo as he takes a spoonful of his gelato into his mouth. “How was what?”
A smile, this one holding no intent to tease. “Your visit to Oda Sakunosuke’s grave.”
There's a moment of lingering silence, the two of them merely keeping each other's gaze. Eventually, Dazai turns his head away to look down at his gelato and stir the contents idly. “That reminds me - It's been on my mind for a while, but... you always say his name so fondly, Ranpo-san. It doesn't quite feel as if it's out of politeness towards my relationship with him.”
Surely it would seem strange, for someone you didn't know to have known your closest friend speak his name so fondly. Dazai probably doesn't like it.
“We've met before. Though it was brief and might have not meant much to him, it did to me.”
“Hmmm~ How long ago?”
Ranpo taps his lips with his plastic spoon, expression thoughtful. “Twelve years ago now, I'd say.”
“Ehh? What, what, are you jealous?” Ranpo snickers, nudging Dazai playfully.
“No, not really,” Dazai shakes his head. “It's just, at that time-”
“Yeah. He was still an assassin when we met.” Ranpo sighs, almost fondly. “That brilliantly talented Assassin-san killed a man right before my eyes with a bag on his head and hands tied behind his back. I'll never forget that sight.” And then, a grin. “After all, he was an even match for Fukuzawa-san of all people despite being my age and having such a handicap! He was amazing! Well, he still got captured, but my point stands.”
Dazai snorts in amusement. “Well, it's the director, after all. Though, someone like him during those days wouldn't kill in broad daylight, nor allow himself to get caught. Something’s wrong with that statement, isn't there?”
“Clever as always, Dazai,” Ranpo confirms. “Yeah, the guy he killed was the guy who hired him. He was told to come to talk details, but was framed for murder of the boss of that place. I cleared his name ‘cause that case was in the way for me at the time. That Assassin-san didn't take well to betrayals and the like - that's why the guy died.”
Didn't take well to betrayals, huh... The brunet’s eyes fall half lidded in thought. “... And? Why is he so important?”
Ranpo takes a gracious spoonful of his gelato, giving a noise of pleasure as he swallows. “‘Cause he repaid me later. I got kidnapped, and they were people he met before. Without him giving the location to Fukuzawa-san, I probably wouldn't be standing here with you right now.” Then, Ranpo smiles, leaning back against the railing. “That guy was the type to save others before he was even aware of it. Though you'll surely never tell me the details, that guy saved you too, didn't he?”
Ranpo doesn't mind that Dazai may never tell him about the intricacies of his relationship with Oda Sakunosuke. It's clear that their relationship was closer and more relevant in comparison to Ranpo and his remembering of every little detail in his life. Just as Ranpo knows he's not obligated to tell Dazai about the details of his life or his parents, Dazai doesn't need to talk about his relationship with Oda. Rather, it's transparent in how he feels about the man in question.
The man Dazai Osamu is now is because of that former assassin.
Dazai seems as if he’s contemplating something, opening his mouth to speak, then closing it. Ranpo sighs out loud, jabbing his spoon into Dazai’s gelato to steal a bite.
“It’s okay to linger on things. It’s okay to not forget about them and keep them in your heart and mind for as long as you want to. But, carrying memories and carrying a ball and chain are two different things. I don’t think Assassin-san would want you to make him out to be a weight on your shoulders as much as he’d want to be the wind at your back to push you forward. He wants you to be happy, find happiness, maybe love - fill that hole in your chest.”
There are a few more seconds of passing silence as Dazai studies Ranpo through his lashes, soon giving a small scoff that sounds almost amused as he returns Ranpo’s gesture to steal a spoonful of his strawberry gelato.
“The amount in which you can understand without me saying a thing is as terrifying as always, Ranpo-san. If there’s such thing as killing a man with words alone, you could surely accomplish it.”
Ranpo puffs his chest. “I’m a master detective, after all! It’s only obvious!”
Of course he’d take pride in such a thing. Dazai smiles, looking up as he takes another spoonful of gelato into his mouth. He seems to hold it for a second too long before swallowing, then turns to Ranpo. “Ranpo-san, let me take you to ride that.” he says almost abruptly, pointing at the Ferris wheel with his spoon.
“Eh? When?”
“Tonight. It’s much more beautiful lit up at night.”
“That sounds like you’re asking me out on a date.”
“That’s right.” the brunet seems a bit cheeky then, looming over Ranpo almost as he leans forward. “I’m asking you out on a date. Am I worthy enough?”
Ranpo puckers his lips childishly in thought, then grins playfully as he points to Dazai with his spoon. “Give me the rest of your gelato, and I suppose I’ll give you the honor.”
“Demanding as always...” Though Dazai acts dejected, he gives up what’s left in his cup over to the detective anyway.
Dazai can’t feel a bit bothered by it when Ranpo’s smile in return as if he’s the happiest person on the planet over something so simple as gelato, over someone as simple as himself.
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it-refused · 7 years
Title: I’ll Be Home for Gyftmas
Rating: G
Happy Gyftmas, @fleeting-phantasm!  Your prompt was:
Let's see... classic Papyrus and Undyne's friendship brings me all sorts of joy. I'll love just about anything featuring them being the coolest of buds. Preferably pacifist happy times. I'm also a huge fan of the gentlemen monsters like Grillby and dapper!Gaster--could be friends, could be shipped, could be only one character or the other. 
I tried to combine these ideas, so this story is about Papyrus and Undyne working together to figure out what Papyrus should get for his dad Gaster for Gyftmas.  They run into him and Grillby out on a date.  I hope this is something like what you were looking for!
Also, thank you to @undertalesecretsanta for putting all this together!
Multicolored lights glittered on the town's enormous Gyftmas tree.  Some traditions held on, even with monsters scattered all over the surface.  If there was monster from Snowdin around, when the weather turned cold, a tree would appear overnight in the center of town.
Papyrus tiptoed towards the tree.  His boots crushed loudly in the snow, but he couldn't see anyone around, so the noise didn't matter.  He drew a few boxes out of his inventory and set them in exactly the correct and most aesthetically pleasing spots beneath the boughs.  
That done, he searched for boxes with his own name on it.  "NYEH-HEH," he whispered, whenever he spotted one.  
He registered a distant rumble, almost like an earthquake.  Undyne must be getting close!  Papyrus hurried back to the house to make sure it was still neat.  Sans was home and it had been five minutes since Papyrus had left, so he could not be entirely sure.  
The rumble turned into the familiar sound of an engine.  He hadn't made it to the house yet when he heard his name shouted, with rapidly increasing volume.  
"UNDYNE!" He spun around in the driveway.  
The car screeched off the road and was headed straight towards him.  Papyrus jumped over it.  Breaks squealed behind him and he could smell burning rubber.  Undyne kicked her car door open and rolled out onto the gravel driveway.
"I AM NOT 100% CERTAIN THAT WAS SAFE!"  Papyrus said.  
"I know!  Cool, right?"  She hopped to her feet.  The car rolled to a stop. "You know what ELSE is cool?"
"HMMM...OH!  IT MUST BE ME!  PAPYRUS!"  He took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on.  Perfect!  
"Yeah," she agreed.  "But, also -"  Undyne grinned, wide.  "SNOW WRESTLING!"
"THAT ISN'T - AUGH!"  Undyne plowed into him at full speed.  His face met snow.  "I LOVE YOU TOO, UNDYNE," he said, his voice muffled.
"Gross!" She laughed.  "I missed you too, though.  I guess."
"REALLY?  OF COURSE YOU MISSED THE GREAT PAPYRUS!  EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE A WIFE AND A NEW JOB TO KEEP YOU BUSY, OF COURSE YOU FOUND YOURSELF TRAGICALLY BEREFT WITHOUT MY CONSTANT PRESENCE."   Tears started to well up in his eye sockets.  He hadn't been worried.  Of course not!  No one could ever forget about him.  
"Yup.  Alphys hates noogies."  Undyne scoffed.  
"Let's get inside before I freeze my scales off!"  She yanked him back to his feet.  "And then you can tell me all about...whatever your problem is!"
She whacked him on his back.  "Of course I did!  Come on!"  She picked him back up off the ground and they went inside.  
Sans was sitting at the kitchen table, eating cereal out of the box.  "hey."
"Look who's up early!"  Undyne said.  "And it's only seven PM!"
"whoops.  jeez. a guy can tell when he isn't wanted."  Sans wiped away an imaginary tear.  "guess i'll just go."  He stayed where he was and dug further into the box.  "why'd she come over?  it seems kinda...fishy, heh, so close to the holidays."  
"Papyrus is in trouble!"
Sans stopped chewing.  "man, what's up?  you can tell us."  He offered the box of cereal.
"i gave you a million suggestions, though."
"What's your weird dad like to do?"  Undyne asked.  
"also hangs out with his, uh, non italicized pals," Sans said.  "does more of that than talking about stuff he wants to buy.  eh, just get him like...a number one dad hat.  he'll be over the moon."  
"it's a pickle, i guess."
"I don't blame you!"  Undyne said, laughing.  "Let's get the hell out of here."  She accepted a pickle and skewered it on her fangs while Papyrus rushed off to grab his shopping bag, purse, and an enormous folder filled with holiday coupons.  "SHOTGUN!" she yelled when he got back.  "I'm sick of driving!"  
"you guys better hurry up," Sans said.  "gyftmas is barely a month away.  never expected you to be such a lazybones, bro."
Papyrus slammed the door on the way out.  A minute later he peeked back in and said he probably wouldn't be back in time for dinner and that Sans should remember to eat something healthy.
In a small, secluded booth in the back of an aging human bar, the air was hot and still. The only sound was Grillby's gentle crackling.  The noise of him had seemed so loud when Gaster first escaped the void, but now it was just background noise, like the rumble of cars driving by outside or the quiet conversations in the other parts of the bar.
Grillby reached across the table and touched the cool white bone of Gaster's hand.  Gaster smiled, uneven, and leaned in closer.  
"........." Grillby asked him if he needed to get home soon.
Gaster shook his head.  He took back his hand so he could sign.  "[But maybe I should.]"
He could tell Grillby was disappointed from the way his flames seemed to die down slightly, even though he had to be at work himself in a few hours.  
"[Who cares if I should?]" he decided.
The early evening was clear, so they decided to take a walk down the main street.  The local human winter holiday was near the same time as Gyftmas and the stores were decorated.  They weren't the only people out window shopping.  Gaster ignored the humans staring at him and Grillby when they went into a men's clothing store.
He'd spent so long away from anything bright or colorful, he found himself charmed by a display of -  honestly - quite ugly Christmas ties.  Grillby looked from him to the ties and just shook his head.  
"[They Suit You.]"  
There was one with an entire inside scene on it.  A beautifully decorated Gyftmas tree stood next to a roaring hearth.  Two dogs slept in front of the fire. All on one tie.  Gaster pointed to that one.
"[It's You.]"
"...don't insult me."
Gaster cackled.  He would hate to see Grillby actually wear it, but thinking about how he'd react if he opened a box on Gyftmas Day and found the tie on it was putting him in a good mood.  
Grillby was looking at him like he knew exactly what he was thinking, and didn't approve.
A loud gasp behind them startled them.  Grillby's flames leapt up towards the ceiling and Gaster felt himself sink into a coat rack in an automatic impulse to hide.
"WHAT AN AMAZING COINCIDENCE!"  Gaster couldn't see him, but he recognized Papyrus' voice.
Embarrassed, Gaster emerged from his hiding place.  They'd lucked out this time and Grillby hadn't set off the sprinkler system.  
"Kind of ironic actually!"  Undyne was grinning.
"NO I WOULD NOT SAY IT IS IRONIC AT ALL," Papyrus said, giving her a sharp look.
"OH!  Right, yeah.  Just, a standard, every day coincidence."
"I'm about to fall asleep thinking about how boring a surprise this was, to run into these guys, here, right now!"  
Grillby nodded at Papyrus, then at Undyne, and then sunk back.  Gaster wasn't sure how to convince him that Papyrus didn't have any problem with them dating, and that Sans was just pretending to disapprove to con Grillby out of free burgers.  
"I SHOULD HAVE REALIZED YOU WERE HERE WHEN I CAME IN THE BUILDING AND IT SMELLED SUSPICIOUSLY OF GREASE!"  Papyrus sounded cheerful, but no wonder Grillby didn't believe him.
"We should get the hell out of here and get something to eat," Undyne said. "You're right.  That smell is making me hungry!"  She aimed her toothy smile at Grillby.  "I want to fill a bathtub with the greasy cheese you use on your fries and just SWIM in it!"
"[Still, as your Father, I am telling you to get something to eat.]" Gaster said. "[You are almost SKIN AND BONES.]"
She patted him on the arm.
"I CAN BARELY STOMACH IT!"  He waved over the open spot between his shirt and his ripped holiday daisy dukes.  "NYEH HEH HEH!"  
Gaster cackled along with him.
"Quit messing around!  I need to rip into something before I pass out!  And we have work to do,"  Undyne said.  "C'mon!"  She grabbed Papyrus by the arm and started to pull him away.
Grillby waved goodbye.  Gaster looked at him and shrugged.
"...gyftmas shopping?"  Grillby guessed.
"[Oh.  That makes sense.]"  
Grillby spotted a display of holiday vests with muted colors and designs compared to the ties.  He hurried over, visibly excited.  
Gaster was too caught up in the excitement of browsing menswear to notice the odd rattling noise that followed the two of them as they walked throughout the store.  
Undyne pulled Papyrus out of hearing range and then yanked him down onto the floor behind a shoulder-high slacks display.  She knelt next to him.  "This is PERFECT."
"THERE ARE NUMEROUS RESTAURANTS ON MAIN STREET THAT HAVE HEALTHY AND CALCIUM-RICH MEAL CHOICES," Papyrus said, worried.  He didn't know why they were on the floor, but he assumed Undyne had a reason. She always did, even if her reasons were not, well, always good reasons.  Or, to be more diplomatic, they were not always the quality of reason that Papyrus would expect from someone who used to be head of the royal guard.  That didn't mean he wasn't going to go along with whatever she was planning, however.  
"Shhh, shut up, we aren't eating yet," Undyne said.  "And we have to quit talking about it before I really do get hungry!"
"Sorry!  But, it is!  I hatched a plan while we were talking to your old man - like, a really DEVIOUS and CALCULATING one!  I can't wait to tell Alphys about it - she's always getting into those kinds of characters and slapping posters of their faces on our bedroom wall."
"I SEE!"  Papyrus sat up.  "I KNEW I COULD COUNT ON YOU, UNDYNE!"
"I wasn't going to let my friend down!"  She rubbed her knuckles on the top of his skull.  "See, we're going to follow them - and stay really really quiet - and watch what stuff your dad looks interested in! It's perfect, and it's guaranteed that whatever you get him will be a surprise AND he'll want it!"  
"Uh, right!" Undyne grinned.  "Step one is convincing them we left!"
"Step two is, uh...tracking them down in the store without letting them know we're there!"
"Yeah!  But we can definitely do it!"
She leaned down. "Ok."  Undyne spoke in a low whisper.  "Let's quit messing around, and get this over with so we can go out and get some burgers."
"OR SOME - " Papyrus broke off and started again, in a whisper.  "OR SOMETHING HEALTHY AND NOT DISGUSTING."  His whisper was the same volume as his regular way of speaking, but he hissed while he spoke.
"Uh...why don't we practice hand signals!  And not say anything once we've started." Undyne snuck out from behind the slacks display and waved for Papyrus to follow.  
Oh!  A hand signal! Papyrus hurried after her, still partially crouched.  A hamster monster wearing a store badge hovered by the display, uneasily watching them.  
"SHH," Papyrus said.  "YOU DID NOT SEE OR HEAR US."
The monster nodded, slowly.  He started folding pants.
Grillby could tell they were being followed.  How could anyone miss it?  He turned and gave his incompetent tail a long look, but they seemed to decide that he was looking over their heads.
Gaster was too intent on deciding between three different hats, and didn't seem to notice.  
Fine.  Grillby was more annoyed at Gaster shushing him than he was at being followed.  He decided to keep it to himself.  
"[I think this one suits you,]" Gaster said.  He took a white panama hat off the display and set it on Grillby's burning head.  
"...I don't like hats."  The irritation faded away, now that he knew Gaster was looking at something for him.  He removed it and set it back.  He wasn't going to burn it, but the people working there were uneasy about him trying things on.  He didn't want to make their day more difficult than it had to be during the holiday season.  
"[A shame.]"
Grillby glanced at Papyrus, who was peering out from inside a circular rack of coats. "...do you like any of them for yourself?"
Gaster shook his head, and then seemed to reconsider.  He tried on a few more.  
Grillby waited until Gaster was staring at himself in the mirror, and then he turned towards Papyrus and pointed at the hat on Gaster's head.  He gave a single stoic nod.  
He thought that pointing out a gift would get Papyrus to leave him and Gaster alone. He gave up on that idea after half an hour.  He caught a glimpse of some paper in Papyrus' hand.  
"[Are you bored?]"  Gaster signed.  "[Usually you enjoy this.]"
"......I feel like we're being watched."  
Gaster gave him as serious a look as his odd features could manage.  He touched Grillby on the arm. "[Do not let the humans get to you.]"
Grillby sighed. "......I won't."
"[But let's continue this when there is no crowd.]"
He nodded.
"[I wonder where my son went to eat?]"  Gaster took out his phone and started to call.
For a second, Grillby heard a ringtone, and then the sound was gone.  Grillby looked up and thought he saw something small flying through the air towards the back of the store.  
"[No answer.]"
"...if they went, they'd be done by now."
"[True.  But he always answers in two rings.]"  Gaster shook his head.  "[Except when his battery dies.]"
"...it's normal to worry, but...I'm sure he is fine."
Gaster gave him a crooked smile and nodded.  
A rack of clothes tipped over and Papyrus burst out of the mess.  "MY APOLOGIES FOR MISSING YOUR CALL, FATHER!  I THINK UNDYNE...DROPPED MY PHONE SOMEPLACE IN THIS STORE!  ...DID YOU SEE IT?"
"[How did you -]"
"I believe it!" Undyne said, popping out of the clothes on the floor.  "Hey, why don't you call his phone again, so we can see if we can track the ring tone!"
Gaster shrugged. "[Let us all get something to eat after we find it.]"
"Great!  I could still eat like a thousand burgers," Undyne said.  
Grillby covered his face with his hands.  "...yes.  Let's just...leave."  
"[Grillby is shy around these humans,]" Gaster explained.  
"...thank you." Grillby was not used to being called "shy."  "...sometimes people are difficult."  That was true, at least.
"[Grillby thanked you.]"
They all went and got burgers over Papyrus' loud objections.  Papyrus ordered a salad and a milkshake and complained about the overpowering grease smell.  
After Undyne polished off her weight in hamburgers and cheese fries, she tossed some money on the table.  "I still have a billion errands to run!  Thanks for the food, though."
Papyrus looked confused.  "I THOUGHT WE WERE--"
Undyne elbowed his head.  
"Oh my god, Papyrus, let's just go!"  
Grillby watched them run out of the building.  Through the large pane glass window, he saw them hurry right back into the store they'd just left.  He looked back at Gaster, and noticed he was obliviously fussing with his phone.
"......I'm tired," Grillby said.  He still had a full night of work ahead of him.
"[Let me take you back home.]"
Grillby nodded.  He liked when they walked together, and he could make sure Gaster didn't get too cold.  He kept his arm over Gaster's shoulders.
Gaster was singing.
It was more like humming, with a strange high staticy buzz that almost seemed to form words when Undyne concentrated.  He signed along with his humming.
Grillby was next to him in a neat green sweater.  Someone (Sans) had stuck several bows to his back, and he hadn't noticed.  There was also one stuck to the side of his glasses that he had noticed, but he had left it where it was.  
Grillby tinged blue under his glasses.  He playfully pushed Gaster away.  
Papyrus kicked open the kitchen door and burst in, carrying an enormous fruit cake on a silver platter.  "AND SINCE THERE'S NO PLACE TO GO,"  He sang.  
Sans, dozing on the couch next to Undyne, mumbled along with the last line.  "let it snow."
That was freaking adorable.  Undyne wanted to punch the couch cushions into fluff. Gaster leaned towards Grillby and blinked at him like he was trying to bat his non-existent eyelashes.  Grillby turned even more blue and gave him a very quick smooch.  
"Alphys!"   Undyne turned away from boring Sans towards the love of her life, on her other side.
Alphys was in the middle of chugging a mug full of alcoholic cider.  She coughed and said, "Uh...Undyne!  Y-yes?"
"This place is so FULL of the holiday spirit, it feels like it's going to EXPLODE with it any minute now!  We have to open presents before it's too late!"
Alphys laughed. "It's a real emergency!"  
"I need you to see what I got you!"  Undyne sighed.  Toriel was still in the kitchen with Frisk.
"W-well...how about we give each other...a tiny present beforehand?  To, uh, release some of the pressure?  I can go first."
"WHAT YOU ARE DISCUSSING SOUNDS VERY ILLEGAL," Papyrus commented, but he didn't appear to be particularly bothered.
"Lay it on me!" Undyne said.  She held out her hand, assuming Alphys had whatever small gift it was in her inventory.
"Uh...ok. I'll...just..."  She turned red and took Undyne's hand.  Alphys' glasses fogged up in embarrassment as she gave Undyne's fingers a quick smooch.  
"HEY!" Undyne grinned.  "No fair giving me the best present first!  And I got you the same thing, too, which TOTALLY ruins the surprise!"
They kept each other distracted until it was time to open their other, easier to wrap presents.  
This was Gaster's first Gyftmas since his return, so Undyne wasn't surprised when present opening got slogged down during his turn.  She settled in.
"your turn, bro," Sans said, after Gaster had opened his poorly wrapped gag gift. 
"I WILL RETURN SHORTLY!"  Papyrus fled the room and Undyne jumped up to help.  
He had ten different boxes, and nothing was breakable, but she didn't want him flinging them around the house after she'd helped him pick them out.  They ran back and dumped the whole load of them onto Gaster's lap.  His lap wasn't large enough to hold them, so a couple rolled over to Grillby.
"man, don't sell yourself short," Sans said.  "carrying all those was a tall order."
"YES I SUPPOSE I DID RETURN TALL-Y," Papyrus allowed.  
"[What is all this?]"  Gaster asked.  He opened the first box he put his hands on and took out a soft black turtleneck.  Papyrus had written "NUMBER ONE GASTER" in glittering fabric paint on it, instead of the preferable but risky "NUMBER ONE DAD."  "[Oh.  That is very sweet.  Thank you.]"
The next box had the dapper looking hat they had watched him seriously consider. Papyrus had written "COOL DAD" on this one.  One by one, Gaster removed each of the items of clothing from their wrapping, and held them up to show off the slogans Papyrus had painted on.  Undyne couldn't tell from Gaster's face how he felt about them.  
He finally noticed the card, lost in all the boxes, taped to some now loose wrapping paper.  Gaster opened it up and seemed to read over it a few times before setting it down.  Black globular tears started to pour out of his eye sockets and Grillby shuffled away and held out a handkerchief to him at a safe distance.  "[THANK YOU, SON.]"  He sniffed and blew into the handkerchief.
They passed the card around, but Undyne didn't have to read it.  She'd sat by while Papyrus paced around trying to figure out the correct wording, and she'd giving him her reassurances that he was saying the right thing.
Toriel opened her presents next, to give Gaster a little time to settle down, and Grillby shifted back over to sit right next to him.  He said something, quiet, and Gaster rested his head on Grillby's shoulder.
Undyne watched Grillby quietly set a box in Gaster's hand, and Gaster took out his own gift and handed it to Grillby.  Undyne looked away and gave them a moment of privacy to exchange their gifts.  
The adults had all had a little too much cider by the time the last gift was opened and properly cooed over.  Undyne crumpled up the wrapping paper into one huge ball and left to slam dunk it into the outside garbage.
Papyrus thought she was taking a little too long.  He found her in the kitchen with a mouth stuffed full of Toriel's famous snail puffs that she too-rapidly swallowed when Papyrus opened the door.  
"Hey!"  she said, voice raspy, tears leaking out the corner of her eye.
"Y-yeah!" Undyne said, coughing.  "Man, I don't know what it is with booze, but I want to eat half the food in this house, and right now!"
Papyrus didn't like to hear that anyone was hungry around him, so he let her have some of the chips from one of the bags Sans always seemed to open but was always too lazy to finish.  This way, she wouldn't be eating food that was meant for later.  No one wanted to see Toriel in a bad mood.
"I mean, they go into that exact store all the time.  That's why you thought you'd find something he liked there."
"Yeah, it was really great.  Man, Papyrus, you've been a really good friend, you know?"  She crumpled up the chip bag and tossed it.  It landed in the trash can without hitting the sides.  "And now I'm getting emotional!  What the hell!  It's gotta be the booze!  What did she put in this stuff?"
She sniffed, just once, and then hugged him back so hard he felt something crack.  "Of course I love you, you gangly nerd!"
"Like you said!  Let it all out!"
"Wow, Papyrus." She laughed.  "You sap!  Let's get back to the party before we start to get weird about it."
"Yeah, that's it.  I'll spaghetti your bolognese if we don't get back to the party."  
"Well, it sure isn't!"  
There was a half-tipsy cheer when the two of them returned to the crowded living room.  
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wannawrite · 7 years
All You Would Ever Be
Wanna One's Kang Daniel X Reader [ fem ver ] Fluff bullet point ver. wanna one masterlist produce 101 masterlist • you, Seongwoo and Daniel are the Trio™, a sub unit from your actual clique of like idk a lot of friends ??? there are different units like jinhwi • Jinyoung isn't the only one in his unit who has fallen for someone else. You have too • and Seongwoo is going to get you together hello, @collecting-smiley-taehyung  welcome to your scenario okay i need to stop it's the stress of exams, really anyways, I hope you like your scenario and THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING US SO OPENLY IM IN TEARS 💕 thanks for the request beb. hope you don't mind I did it in bulletpoint style, I'm working on requests in the midst of exams so my scenarios aren't the best right now 😭 maybe scenario ver ? but that will take me a longer time - Admin L 
• okay • so • you are Daniel and Seongwoo's best friend • like best best best friend out of the people in the 101 clique™ • since there are so many people, subunits are bound to form and Ongniel has their own Ongniel is science!™ but • you + Ongniel = Trio™ • Daehwi + Jinyoung = Jinhwi™ • Woojin + Jihoon + Sungwoon = pink sausages™ • Taehyun + Kenta + Hyunbin + Sanggyun + Donghan + Longguo + Taedong = JBJ • but the 101 clique members loves and supports each other regardless of the number of subunits that formed • anyways • everyone is super close and loving it isn't rare for people to fall in love • Taehyun fell for Daehwi but otter is in love with Sungwoon • sometimes its messy but that's okay • but for you • it's REALLY messy • you like Daniel • simple right? • but Daniel is your best friend and literally, you've known him all your life • he treats you like his little sister • and as much as you love him, you don't want that • you want to be his girlfriend • luckily, you're amazing at suppressing feelings • like you went to a haunted house with the W1 unit™ and didn't scream the whole time but Jisung ended up crying • later though, you collapsed on the floor and screamed your lungs out • delayed reaction basically • but no • conceal, don't feel • don't let Daniel know • it's hard work because you two grew up together and still live in the same neighbourhood so naturally • wherever you go • there's a Kang Daniel • supermarket? • he's there buying eggs for his mother • gas station? • he's there sending his uncle's car for washing • the park? • he's there jogging in a thin tank top that makes your eyes pop out • and your heart explodes • he should have found out by now but you pray that daniel's oblivious • jokes • he's known you all your life he knows everything about you • like how your ears turn red before your face does • or how you hide under your blankets • how you under the bed when it's storming • how you stole one of Daniel's cats once • he didn't know for a good hour or so • you just took the nearest cat and ran so you weren't exactly sure what its name was • ring ring • 'hello?' • 'y/n, did you take Peter?' • 'who tf is Peter? idk them? no? I just left your house wdym' • 'bye felicia i'm on my way to yours' • yeah but that's a story for another time • Daniel is like a part of your family man • your parents adore him so much and bonus! they're super super close with Kang family • your mother was best friends with his mum in college it's cute • you and Daniel spend time around each other's houses so much you leave a bag of your things there and vice versa • lately, Ong has become so close to both of you, he's there too • oh my god • Seongwoo knows everything • e v e r y t h i n g • no one even told him ??? how did does he find out • so Seongwoo kind of becomes the middleman • wingman • since he knows that you are practically in love with Daniel you might as well rant your ass off to him • 3 am Facetime with him bc you want to talk about how handsome Daniel looked today • Seongwoo is surprisingly a good listener and offers advice sometimes • 'i just want to kiss him! ugh!' • 'uh-huh. me too sis.' - Ong Seongwoo, about Kang Daniel,2017 • little do you know • Daniel calls Seongwoo for exactly the same things • he whines about how adorable you are to Ong for hours • honestly it's driving Ong madddd • he just wants ya'll to get together • partially because it'll be super frickin' cute • partially because you two would stop whining to him • also partially because the 101 clique would expand its number of couples • imagine the amount of • 'i'm a man but my heart is pounding' • instances • many indeed and everyone is happy :") • so one day • Ongniel is over at your house and Daniel goes downstairs to grab another packet of jellies for your movie night and Ong just • 'yo Y/N, Daniel likes you too' while stuffing a handful of popcorn into his mouth • you nearly choke on your soda • Ong doesn't help you but smirks when you stare at him in disbelief • he nods in confirmation when you ask • 'omgomgomgomgomg' • 'AOMG' stan AOMG • now the two of you conspire to form a plan to confess, Daniel has absolutely no clue • during the movie, you just casually lounge your head on his shoulder • in his lap • sometimes your legs intertwine with his • then again, this isn't anything unusual because you guys are too close man it's hard • and Daniel seems to be keeping a straight face :( • you are sad • maybe he doesn't like me anymore ??? • nah sis you thought • Daniel's sweating so badly and his insides have turned to mush • what is a normal, regular heart rate? he swears he needs to be sent into the ER asap • basically, Daniel dies every single time you're around him • he's trying so hard to hide his feelings it hurts • Ong is abt to give up • you tell Ong your worries abt confessing • 'what if he never speaks to me again!' • 'idw to break our friendship' • '(ง •̀_•́)ง' • 'if Daniel rejects you, he can fite me' • your other best friend rubs your shoulder encouragingly, smiling • 'don't worry, Daniel whines about you a lot. he definitely likes you too. go for it, Y/N' • 'how long has he stayed on the phone talking about me?' • 'hmmm, the record was 4 hours just talking about how cute you looked with your new hair' • get you a man who hypes you like that • the whole 101 squad pretty much knows you two are in love with each other • but no one actl wants to tell ??? you ??? two ??? • okay sis • but this carries on for about a month before you suck it up and decide to tell Daniel • Ong is like • 'YASS' • he's running and jumping around your living room throwing glitter and rejoicing • next thing you know, Jisung is on the phone and Ong is screaming the details at him • yeah • so Ong schedules really cute day for you to get pampered. • spa day. get your nails done etc etc • he even books a table at some fancy restaurant even though he knows you two might get kicked out • but he hopes you two will control yourselves because it's a date and not a 'hang out' • he tells Daniel he set up a blind date for him • Daniel is like 'hell no, why?' • Seongwoo just smiles and pushes him more • so he ends up getting all dressed up and makes sure to steal Ong's credit card • you're slipping on your cute kitten heels and freaking out while Ong and Jisung try to fan your face so your makeup doesn't melt off • 'I spent two hours on that face, don't mess it up!' - Sungwoon, about your makeup, 2017 • Seongwoo drives you down to the venue and escorts you to that restaurant • Daniel is late lol • you face the other way so he doesn't see your face when he walks in • he's flustered asf, apologies spilling out of his mouth • silently curses in fear he messed up when you still won't face him • you look familiar ?? then again, he's never seen you so dressed up • Ong went all out and booked a table at the most prestigious restaurant in the city • 'My name is-' • 'Kang Daniel.' • his jaw drops open when you finally speak and turn to face him • hE'S LIKE SODISOHXIS SEONGWOO • 'oh my god. y/n? did Ong trick you into something?' • you shake your head and smile, reaching over the table and grabbing his hand • here goes nothing • 'Daniel, I want to date you.' • woAH DANIEL LOOKS LIKE THE HEAVENS HAVE OPENED AND AN ANGEL HAS COME DOWN TO B L E S S HIM • he's a blushing mess and stammers out the first few words which makes you giggle • there's this satisfied, boyish grin on his face and he dreamily says • 'okay sure' • for the duration of the whole meal, there's skinship • hands touching in between bites, your heels meet his Louboutin's and he promises to buy you a pair someday • ya'll cute • you realise how much you love him, there's so much conversation and you realise you're in love with such a wholesome, real man • :") • at the end of your dinner, Daniel drives you home in the car you've been in a hundred times • but it's the first time as his girlfriend • and it feels different • he admits to liking you for a long time now which makes you blush • he walks you to your door as usual but unlike the normal goodnight hugs he gives you • you lean in and peck his lips, thanking him for the date even though you initiated it • Daniel drives home with the silliest, dreamiest look on his face • Ong and 2Sung are celebrating and he's lowkey sad he'll be third-wheeling in the trio • but that's okay bc he loves you both and wants ya'll to marry • you guys actl do • besides, he'll have his hands full working on how to get 2Sung together
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readerinsertz · 7 years
Kagami x Reader x Aomine lemon pls ! If u cant , it's ok ! I like ur blog !
Rating: Explicit, MDNI
WC: 4.5K
Warnings: 18+content, MDNI, afab!reader, poly relationship, threesome, minor manhandling, sub!reader, Dom/Sub dynamic, MxMxF, possessiveness, strength kink, spanking (mentions of paddle), slight praise kink, pet names (princess, babygirl), teasing, orgasm control, doggy, mention of vibrator and overstimulation, oral (male receiving), facefucking, double penetration, finger sucking, mentions of pet play, minor cowgirl, aftercare.
AN: I made it extra smutty since you requested this such a long time ago
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The sound of chopping fills the kitchen; you are busy preparing a late lunch for your two boyfriends. A glance at the clock on the oven tells you that it’s just gone half three. You turn back and look out of the window in front of the sink but can’t spot Kagami or Aomine. From what you can recall from when you had gotten up, after being awoken by your two hot boyfriends between your thighs, they had left early to go play some one-on-one at the courts. In the time that they have left, you have managed to do most of the housework. The laundry is done; the rooms are cleaned and you are starting on the food. On normal days, you rarely do the housework- it is a chore mainly for Aomine as you help with homework and Kagami makes the food. Today, though, you have done most of the work, knowing that the boys have had a pretty hectic last few weeks; having been busy training for the start of the basketball competition.
The opening of a door has you frowning and taking a step back out of the kitchen to peer at the doorway. There, crossing the threshold are your two boyfriends. You can sometimes tell who had won in their match; Aomine would stroll into the apartment as if he owned the thing, sauntering up to you and whisking you to the bedroom where he would take you with such raw power that you often felt you were about to be devoured. Kagami, on the more rare occasion that he did win, never managed to get to the bedroom before he was sinking himself into you.
As it is, Kagami thunders through the hallway towards you. His eyes are burning and you can see the way his muscles are bunched up, almost in anger. His eyes darken when they spot you standing there, only in his old Serin basketball jersey. Since he didn’t wear it to official matches anymore, you were allowed to wear it whenever you wanted (whenever you wanted to be fucked)
“Kagami-kun, Aomine-kun, you’re back,” you begin. Kagami doesn’t let you finish whatever you were going to say- though it’s hard to think when Kagami is staring at you so intensely you think he’ll burn holes into his top- before he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. You shriek at the manhandling and are rewarded with Aomine’s deep chuckle. Tossing your head up, you glare at him but falter when you take him in. He’s wearing a loose navy tank top over black shorts. On his left arm is a black thermal; it’s so tight it looks more like a second skin. Unconsciously, you rub your thighs as you take in the way it clings to the muscles on his arm. Both thighs are also encased in the black material, bringing your attention to his fine thighs. Kagami had thrown you over his shoulder so quickly you hadn’t been able to get a good look at him. Somewhere in your mind, you hope that he’s also wearing his thermals and that they would fuck you in them. They had done it before and, honestly, you had thought they had looked like actual Greek Gods.
You are thrown onto the bed and would have bounced from the force had Kagami not immediately pinned your body to the bed. He stays on his hands and knees above you for a few seconds, enough time for you to see that his eyes are mostly black, surrounded by a thin ring of red. His mouth descends down onto yours and all your thoughts disappear. The man kisses with the same power he has on the court and it is all you can do to keep up with him. His tongue snakes into your mouth and dominates the kiss; as a result, your hands curl into the material covering his broad shoulders, nails digging into his skin as you toss your head back for a breath. Kagami moves to suck a hickey on your neck, your back arching when he bites the flesh afterwards. The male places a soft kiss to soothe it, less as an apology and more in pride. Before you can reprimand him- you have classes tomorrow for God’s sake- he’s kissing you again. The male groans into your mouth when your nails scratch along his scalp as you go to grab his hair.
Kagami’s large, calloused hands ran up your thighs, pushing the hem of his top up on your frame. His hands spread over your hipbones and he draws back to look at the sight of it- his large hands almost being able to wrap around the entirety of your hips. You mewl as you feel him subconsciously grind into your centre. The noise has his attention snapping back to you and he leans in to kiss you again, his tongue sliding along the backs of your teeth before curling around yours. Movement in your peripheral vision forces you to turn towards it. Kagami pouts as you leave his kiss, biting the bottom of your lip in punishment. You stare, flushed and breathless, at Aomine who’s leaning on the doorframe. He’s stripped on his way to the bedroom and is now only wearing his boxers. Without meaning to, your eyes run down from his blue eyes to his lips, pulled into a half-smirk that you find hot, and then down his neck to his pectorals. You know he’s full-on smirking as he watches you check him out, eyes unable to stop following the lines of his body.
Kagami becomes jealous of your lack of attention, one hand sliding up to catch your chin and tilt your head back to his. The kiss he gives you is much more demanding and when he finally pulls back, sending a look to Aomine, your lips are slightly bruised. The bed dips down as another weight settles on it. Kagami squeezes your body where his hands rest, left hand resting on your right ribcage, his right one cupped behind your head. It’s possessive and, though your eyes are rolled back into your eye sockets as you continue to grind against Kagami, you know it’s the red-haired male’s way of telling Aomine to back off. You can tell that he lost their match and so is going to fuck you in such a way to prove that Aomine isn’t better at everything. You’re more than down with his plan.
Somewhere along the line, Kagami lifts you up and drapes you along his chest, one arm wrapped around the small of your back to keep you balanced; you are fairly certain that you moaned at the small display of strength. The position forces you to straddle his thighs and, in the state of arousal you are in, you don’t even notice your hips rolling and gyrating against the hard flesh poking the inside of your thigh. You’re brought back from the haze that Kagami’s actions have put you in when you feel a sting on your butt.
“Stop that,” he growls at you and you instantly obey. He grins at you and tells you, “Good girl.” You moan at the praise and try really hard not to move and make him angry again. But by the way your butt is stinging you are willing to reconsider. 
A body drapes along your back. You sigh and let your head fall back onto Aomine’s shoulder. He chuckles deeply into your ear, hands coming up to play with your breasts. Aomine pinches your nipple, rolling the hard nubs and laughs at your sounds of pleasure. Kagami swats your butt again as you lose your control over your body. 
“You’re being a bad influence on her,” Kagami tells Aomine. The dark skinned man just grins at him, lowering his mouth to suck a hickey on the back of your shoulder. Kagami glares at him and snakes a hand beneath your pants. You suck a breath in as his fingertips brush against your clit. You’re unable to keep the breathy moan in the second time he circles the flesh, putting more pressure in the touch so you are forced to arch your back. Kagami thankfully takes pity on you and slips one finger into your wet hole. He crooks the long finger inside of you and you let out a pornographic moan as pleasure singes your nerves. “God, you’re wet,” Kagami mumbles into the top of your breast.
“What do you want, princess?” Aomine drawls, still playing with your boobs. You moan out louder and force yourself to arch even more, hoping he’ll get the message. Which ‘he’ you are neither sure of nor care.
“Use your words,” Kagami orders, slowly slipping his finger out of you.
“No!” You yell, both hands shooting out to wrap around his wrist to stop him from leaving you. “Please, please…. pleaseeeeee,” it’s the only thing you can say and you repeat it desperately.
“Hmmm, do you know what she wants?” Kagami asks. His finger stops moving, not pulling out but not pushing in either. You’re desperate enough to disobey his order to stay still and move your hips back and forth so you’re fucking his stationary fingers. Your eyes slide close at the returned pleasure and a breathy exhale leaves your plump lips as you picture how obscene you must look. Two twin groans begin to paint an idea of how lewd you really look.
“I don’t know. Maybe she wants you to stop.” Aomine grins and seems to take pleasure when you make a broken sound, trying to plead with Kagami to not do that. Your eyes begin to water with fear that he’ll actually stop. Kagami sees it and his face softens.
“Hey, now, baby girl, we’re not going to do that. We’re just teasing you.” He pushes his finger in until you’re taking him to the knuckle and then curls the digit so he strokes your G-Spot. You chant out something that may be their names or may be a chorus of “thank you"s. Kagami adds a second finger and begins to scissor you open, switching it to fingering you in an unhurried way. You fling your upper body forward, wrapping your arms around his large shoulders to ground yourself and hide your flushed face in his shoulder. Kagami chuckles at your cuteness, it rising to laughter when you bite him softly on the part of his neck that joins his shoulder.
All of you are forced to move in order to let Kagami strip. While he does that, Aomine keeps your attention to stop you from falling out of the headspace you’re in. He presses open mouth kisses along your shoulders, his finger trailing softly along the sides of your breasts. You giggle at the ticklish feeling and are delighted when you feel Aomine grin into your shoulder.
“Does my princess enjoy that?” He asks, breath fanning along the back of your neck. Your neck is one of your most sensitive parts of your body and it breaks out with goosebumps. You can feel your pussy throb with need and you take control, a hand wrapping over Aomine’s right one and dragging it down your body to cup at your sex. “Naughty,” Aomine whispers into your ear but slips a finger into you anyway. Of the two of them, he’s the most likely to give in to your demands and pleasure you, unlike Kagami who’s more strict on obedience and punishment. You moan as one of his fingers fills you up, better than if you had two of your own in you. The blue haired man lets out a noise deep in his chest when he feels just how wet you are.
“Move,” Kagami barks, getting back onto the bed without any clothes on. You’re surprised that Aomine, such a dominant in bed, obeys with little fuss, moving to rest in front of you. He moves a little way away, letting Kagami take charge. It’s less common for Kagami to take control, he’s still shy in bed even after a year and a half of dating, but when he does both you and Aomine are fully pleasured. Kagami seats himself behind you and wraps a hand around the back of your neck, the tightness making you groan. He applies pressure and you bend until your top half is laying on the top of the bed. The position leaves you with your ass up in the air, exposed to the man behind you. You don’t have time for any insecurity to bubble up in you as Kagami breathes, “beautiful,” whilst his hands caress the sides of your thighs. You hear a groan as his large hand wraps around his shaft, indulging in a few jerks before he presses his large dick to your entrance. His left-hand wraps around the entirety of your left hip as he slowly sinks in. Both of you groan at the pleasure.
Once Kagami bottoms out, he stays still and waits for you to become more comfortable. You take a deep breath as you feel him so deep inside of you. Kagami’s thumbs are rubbing soothingly into the flesh of your hips. Stretching your body out a little, your hands slide in opposite directions along the duvet cover until your head rests on the part of Aomine’s thigh that meets his hip. Biting your lip, you push your forehead into the muscle and almost purr when long, dark fingers thread through your hair. It relaxes you enough to lose the small feeling of discomfort- more weirdness than anything- that comes with Kagami being inside of you. You push your hips back as far as you can, which isn’t much since you’re basically flushed with the basketballer. A moan bubbles out of your mouth as you feel his grip increase slightly on your hips and hear a groan above you as the red-haired male lets his delight be known as you wiggle your hips.
He pulls back until the tip of his head remains inside of you before thrusting back in. Involuntarily, your eyes close, head tipping back as you moan in pleasure as his thick cock seems to split you open. Kagami keeps the hard pace, allowing himself to go as deep as possible, one large hand sliding up the front of your body to clasp your breast and pinch your nipple just a hairbreadth away from being painful and soon you feel yourself teetering on the edge of release. You feel Kagami drape his chest along your back, and you sigh in delight as you feel the lines of his muscles dig into you, his head turning so he could whisper huskily into your ear, “Don’t cum.”
You shoot your eyes open with a yelp and look at him from over your shoulder. He only smirks back at you, angling his hips so that he slides over your G-Spot. It has you whimpering as pleasure floods through your body, almost but not quite enough to get you off. You wonder what’ll happen to you if you did cum. You feel Kagami’s chest vibrate as he laughs and realise that you had accidentally said that out loud.
“I’ll spank you twenty times with that wooden paddle you hate. Hard enough that you’ll be feeling it when you sit down at school for days.” A shiver rakes down your spine at the thought of that and you feel your pussy clench. Kagami’s hips stutter as your walls clamp down on him like a vice. “You just tightened. You really must like that idea,” Kagami hums and continues, “it isn’t punishment if you enjoy it. Maybe I’ll give you thirty instead….. Or I’ll give you twenty and shove your pink bunny vibrator in your cunt, full power for an hour and see how many times we can make you orgasm.”
You have to bite your lip to stop you from cumming at his words. Two large hands wrap around your own, fingers weaving through the fists you had formed; Aomine’s digits lace in between yours, stopping you from pressing your fingernails into your flesh again, his thumbs lightly rubbing over the crescents dotting your palms. You look up at him, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes as you silently beg him to not let Kagami do what he had promised. Aomine only shrugs his shoulders.
“That’s what happens if you disobey, princess. And don’t bat those pretty little eyes at me, you gotta pay the consequences,” Aomine’s voice dips down an octave as he purrs the next words out. “Is the pleasure of coming really worth the punishment?”
You decide it isn’t and so try and take your mind off of the feelings Kagami is giving your body. Thankfully, he’s gone back to shallowly thrusting into you, letting you come down a little from your almost orgasm. You turn your head and nuzzle in between Aomine’s legs, the material of his boxers scraping against your cheek in a pleasurable way, your tongue coming out to rub against the wet spot that has darkened the fabric. Aomine lets out a groan, tipping his head back a little and letting his right hand tangle into the roots of your hair. You mouth his erection, the material of his boxer-briefs becoming increasingly more damp by your ministrations until Aomine snaps and tugs his underwear down enough to free his dick. He barely has to guide your mouth to it before your lips wrap around the head. Without hesitation, you lick up the bead of pre-cum, peering up through your lashes at him as innocently as possible whilst tonguing his slit. Unknowingly, your hands slide up the bed to rest over Aomine’s knees to keep you stable. Aomine’s hips thrust forward reflectively, groaning down at you. It’s not enough to gag you so you push yourself, sliding your mouth further down his cock. Relaxing your throat, you deepthroat him, taking him in until your nose brushes the blue hair at the base of his dick.
“So good, princess,” Aomine croons, fingers holding your hair out of your face so he can get the best possible angle of you blowing him. You swallow around his cock, breathing cut off a little. When your jaw begins to ache from being held so wide, you pull back and kitten lick the tip. “Doing so well for us.” Praise continues to spill from Aomine’s lips and you take it in with a smile.
A hard thrust from Kagami has you moaning as his thick cock drags along your G-Spot. Aomine, in turn, groans at the vibrations around his dick, fingers squeezing your hair at the stimulation. Kagami’s hands snake along your body until they are gripping your hips. You know that he’s about to really fuck you and you let your bottom half go limp, knowing he’ll hold your weight up. You turn your attention back to Aomine and move your right hand off his knee, laying it against his left one in your hair. You squeeze it whilst deepthroating him, looking up at him and hoping he got the message. Judging by the way his pupils dilate, he understands what you’re trying to tell him.
“Are you sure?” He asks in concern and you softly nod your consent, grinning when you notice his Adam’s Apple bobs as he swallows. He shifts so that he isn’t sitting with his legs folded under his thighs and is instead kneeling, knees digging into the mattress. It had escaped your notice that you had replaced your right hand on his knee until he had moved, forcing you to glide your hands up his thighs to let him reposition. With one hand on the mattress below you to help you stay upright, your other hand lays flat over the very top of his thigh, fingertips resting on the bone of his hip. “Signal?” Aomine croaked out. You roll your eyes at his precaution but nevertheless pinch the top of his thigh twice. “Good girl,” Aomine praises and he rethreads his fingers into your hair, cradling your face with both hands.
You let yourself relax fully, knowing you’re completely safe in their hands, and should you use the slightly different version of a safe word, both would stop immediately. Kagami’s hands rub up your back and he praises you as you go pliant in their hands. The soft moment ends a second later as they both begin to thrust in and out of you. The tears in your eyes finally fall as Aomine fucks your face, his thumb wiping the watery trail away. You can hear him softly mumble something, probably praising you on how well you’re taking his cock but you’re too busy revelling in the floaty feeling they’re making you feel. Somewhere distantly in your mind, you wonder how fucked up you must be to enjoy, and get off, to being used like this. A sharp jab from Kagami, hitting your G-Spot right on has the thought disappearing. You become a bit more aware of your surroundings when you hear a familiar noise above you. In your pleasure-muddled state, it takes you a few seconds before you conclude that it’s your two boyfriends kissing, albeit messily, above you. It makes you groan and buck as you understand that the two males love each other just as much as they love you- and just as much as you love them.
You become more restless under them and they understand immediately, one of Kagami’s hands slithering over your hips so he can circle your clit. You whine, jumping at the stimulation and almost choke on Aomine’s dick that’s thrusting relentlessly in your mouth. You have to swallow several times around him, trying to regain control of your breathing.
“You’re taking us both so well, (Name),” Kagami tells you in a deep voice. He continues, the words falling from his lips as if he didn’t even know he was speaking. “F-fuck you look so good like this….. Maybe next time we’ll tie you to the bed and leave you there, gagged and with a toy in you. Would be a great thing to come home to.” He groans into your shoulder. “Or maybe we’ll put a collar on your neck, cat ears on your head and a butt plug with a tail in you. Make you crawl around the house on your knees… Would you like that? To be our kitten?” You wail your answer as best as you can. Kagami groans as he feels your walls clamping down on him, signalling your impending release. “Go on, cum for us,” he breathes, rubbing your clit unrelentingly until you break. Your visions whites out as you’re finally granted the release you’ve been wanting. You must have blanked out because when the floaty sensation finally dissipates long enough for you to get your bearings, Kagami is draped along your back, panting like he’s just completed a marathon. Your eyes dance along the bed, tracing the tanned arms that are on either side of your head. Kagami is leaning heavily on the bed, one hand in a fist next to Aomine’s knees, the other holding onto his thigh to keep him from fully crushing you. The absence of a dick stretching your lips has you looking up, only to see Aomine jerking off in front of you. Kagami shifts all his weight on his left hand, right hand cupping your chin and opening your mouth. You stick your tongue out and a few seconds later Aomine cums, streaking your face with white strands of cum. A majority of it lands in your mouth but you keep your tongue stuck out and allow Kagami’s pointer finger to lazily drag through the white emission painting your face, scooping more of Aomine’s cum into your mouth.
“Swallow.” You do so, lips closing around Kagami’s digit which is still in your mouth; you use your tongue to thoroughly clean his finger of the cum. Kagami groans at the display and lets it slip out. Without your consent, your body goes boneless and you fall onto your side on the bed; Aomine and Kagami shuffle so their bodies are flushed against your front and back. You hum in content, feeling safe as Kagami wraps a muscular arm around your front. All three of you lay there for a few minutes, letting your bodies recover from the intense sex you had just had. Eventually, the feeling of Kagami’s cum leaking out of your hole makes your face scrunch up in distaste and Aomine takes it as his cue to get off the bed and find a washcloth. All three of you regularly get tested, and you are on the pill, but you still use condoms most of the time, if only to save from the cleanup. The fact Kagami hadn’t used a condom is the final clue on the outcome of their one on one.
You wiggle back into Kagami’s warmth and spoke quietly, eyes not opening as you relax in the post-sex glow, “guessing you lost again?” He grunts behind you, squeezing your left hip as an answer. You wait patiently for Kagami to rouse himself from the light slumber he is in to answer fully. His fingers dance along the skin of your hip, moving up to brush under your boob and then down, just missing the apex of your thigh and continuing to your mid-thigh and before repeating the process. You force yourself to keep some attention on his wandering fingers- it wouldn’t be the first time that one of them managed to get you going for round two with some seemingly innocent finger tracing.
“… Yeah. I’m still not good enough. I need to do a lot more training before the tournament begins. Aomine beat me 7-5.”
“7 to 5 is still pretty good. I remember when it was really low, you are progressing,” you tell him softly, shuffling so you can look at him over your right shoulder. Aomine emerges from the bathroom just as you finish your sentence, obviously listening in on your conversation from the bathroom.
“As much as I hate to admit this, she’s right, you’re improving all the time.” He walks over to where you two are spooning, you only noticing then that sometime after he had left the bed he had put his boxers back on, planting his right knee on the bed. He has two damp washcloths in his left hand; his right-hand slides up your leg and carefully moves it so he can clean you up, not so delicately throwing the other one in Kagami’s face for him to clean himself. He takes them both back once you’re suitably cleaned up, going to throw them in the sink of the adjacent bathroom. He’s not gone awfully long but when he walks back into the bedroom, he’s greeted with the sight of you riding Kagami. 
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