#ho trains
dprs99 · 1 year
Scandal at Maple Valley - Episode 37: The Phantom Phone Call
For all the visitors to Maple Valley, it was just another day in make-believeville. Maple Valley is an idyllic town with perfect weather enjoyed by happy people strolling pristine streets, greeting loving neighbors mowing weedless yards, watching delightful children sharing all their toys, while barkless dogs play with scratchless cats. The coffee at Ya’ll Sit Cafe is always hot and mugs never…
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foxeerailroadfox · 5 months
Video that I'm proud of
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projet52tchou10 · 1 year
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Semaine 32 • Croisement
Pas besoin de réfléchir bien longtemps pour ce thème! J'ai tout de suite pensé à nos "appareils de voie", que les gens appellent "aiguillage" dans le langage courant. Car ils se décomposent en une partie aiguillage (avec les lames mobiles permettant d'aiguiller le train dans l'une ou l'autre direction), la partie intermédiaire, et la partie croisement, comprenant le cœur, grosse pièce métallique permettant aux deux files de rail de... se croiser :)
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ghostreblogging · 4 months
Ok ok so hear me out Twins au. Danny and Damian are twins. And you know the whole story. Danny gets "killed " moves in with the Fenton's and becomes phantom. Ad Damian doesn't know that. Well the magician summoning Damian's dead brother to enact his revenge on him has a very bad timing
"Oh robin. Dont you know the dead can have fangs. I've heard of a little tale. Of how you killed your own brother. Your twin in a quite a cruel and merciless way don't you think?" The magician drawls on over the horribly over used repetitive lines.
But it still stops Damian in his tracks. He can see as his family stop and look at him. With the look of horror and well concern. And he hates it. He can feel their gazes on him and it burns his skin.
He stops and tries to yell at them. To do something. To stop dawdling around.
Until a right flash of green stopped him. The circle lit up as a clawed hand grasped the edge from inside.
Unfortunately the magician wasn't a phony.
The being slowly crawls itself out. It's wearing striped prison clothes with conically oversized shackles? Huh.
Damian muses to himself as he prepares for battle . Must represent his or rather their lives in the league of assassin's.
The being finally looks up and shouts
"Ghost crimes exist? What even are ghost crimes???" Dick whispered to Jason
"I don't know but I am so angry at the implications of ghost cops. " Jason replies
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the reason qimir never let mae see his face (as the stranger/sith) is because she needed a strong authoritative figure to latch onto (and possibly project a parental role onto). osha, though, already had something like that within the jedi order— something she chose to reject. thus, qimir had to present himself in a way that contrasted all the jedi ideals osha grew up internalizing. he’s attempting to draw her in through her need of deep emotional/personal connection. he brought her into his home, treated her as a guest, and reminisced to her about their shared past. he is attempting a literal seduction to the dark side. in this essay i will—
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kyonshi-8610 · 2 months
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more than one week i will be gone
translations and img descriptions in alt thing
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logray · 18 days
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TRAIN TO BUSAN (2016) dir. Yeon Sang-ho
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derkhue · 9 months
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Sung Jin Woo 🔥 Cha Hae-In
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eltristan · 7 months
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(everytrain should have this snowplow‡ on the front)
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doublejango · 5 days
Any tips regarding cloacas? Given your experience in the matter?
Biltz blinked and actually looked up from his notebook, where he had been scribbling down the next chapter of his epic Goetian Royalty fanfic, As the Egg Turns.
"Wh... oh. Uh. I mean. Basically you just, you know. Treat them like any other genitals. First off, just ask how the person with the cloaca wants to be touched? If you're lucky, they'll know and feel comfortable and confident enough to tell you, and then you got it fuckin' made, all you need to do is be a good listener and follow directions.
"But obviously, not everyone is up for talking about what they want done in bed. Some people are fuckin' shy, or inexperienced, and there's nothing wrong with that. You just go slow and like, experiment. I mostly use my tail and my lips, unless I got my glove with me--it's a uh, custom-made silicone glove to fit this." He flexed his overly muscular hand and forearm. "Got some good claw-covers inside it, so I won't scratch them up, and it feels like skin on the outside. But if I don't have that, I don't use my claws, cause the uh, skin? Can be kind of delicate. And even if St--if uh, cloaca havers, don't get hurt easy? You never wanna assume it's okay to hurt someone in bed, or that they're tough enough to not get cut up by your claws.
"If you're not sure what to do with the person you're fucking, ask them. Experiment. And if neither of you know what to do? Remind yourself, people have been doing this shit since the dawn of time. Or, I guess, if angels are horny, probably before that? Don't sweat it. Go slow. Watch your partner for their reactions. And respect whatever feedback they like, give you, you know?
"Anyway, listen fuckface, I got a hot steamy Goetian orgy to get back to and people getting all up on my case for not updating this fic enough. Get outta my office!"
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dprs99 · 2 years
Random Railroading Renditions
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iwtvdramacd18 · 1 year
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very normal funny innocent guy loves candy crush and paying off student loans and PPE
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kicksnscribs · 2 years
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"Ah, you want me to talk about the Twins huh?"
"Not much to say about em, really. Used to run the subway system in Iacon way back before all the slag hit the fan. Damn good at it too.
Nicest lads you'd ever met and practically inseparable! Where one went the other was close by, almost as if they were joined at the hip. Rough upbringin's will do that to ya or so I've heard
Couldn't believe it when i saw the white one on the side of the 'Cons, even less so when i realized he was by himself. We captured him one day as a POW one time. Took a lot of us to pull it off but we managed eventually. That's when I heard the story of what happened to his...I guess brother is what you humans would call them if you absolutely needed a word to describe him. Figured the 'Cons promised him a way to get him back somehow if he joined up with them and he took the offer in a desperate attempt to find him.
Though I doubt they ever did give him anything to really go by. Recruiters will say just about anything in order to get bots to join their cause. Especially when it comes to getting their servos on big, strong fellas like the Twins.
He eventually escaped us somehow; found a way to cut through his bonds and was lost to the night before any of us could even blink. Heh, and I thought his brother was the more crafty of the two.
What d'ya mean 'creepy' smile? Rude lil' thing aren't ya?
He's always been smiling like that. Well...not exactly like that but... you know that mech never had a frown on his face that I'd ever seen. Though I will admit there's something...different about that smile now. Not at all like what I seen back in Iacon. Something sinister...
Not the only one to notice it either. Ol' Rung reckons that being separated from his brother for so long did things to him. Spark twins can't be without one another for very long without it messing with their coding n whatnot, you know?
Though, Ratch knows more about the kid's situation than anybody here on this ship. Says that he apparently had done some things in order to get his brother back. Supernatural things. Things smart mechs should know to leave well enough alone.
Wherever that mech went to get his brother, he didn't come back alone....
Such a shame, he was always a sweet kid. Had a bit of a mobility issue but only when he was excited about something I think? Which was a good thing for all I care. You need to have joy in the things you love 'n he had that in spades.
Did not really understand the concept of personal space though 'n it sometimes got 'im in loads of trouble *laughs*
The black one? Whats there to say about 'im, honestly?
Incredibly polite mech, always there to lend a helping servo or two when needed, a little older than his brother i think? He would always mess with him about that little fact.
Very gentle in situations where his brother would be very harsh, but not like in a mean spirited way, more like an excitable way if that makes any sense? You would never think that what with the constant sour look etched on his face at all times *laughs*
Never liked to talk much. Though not for a lack of ability but more of a 'can't control his volume' situation. He can hit Siren levels of loud when excited enough about something or other and feels bad about it when he does. I don't mind it though, means he's found something to be happy about and that's a good thing in my book if that's worth anything.
Really hurt to hear that he went missing millennia ago. His brother looked absolutely destroyed when I saw him in that camp. I'm glad to see he made it back.
Primus the years haven't been good to him, though. Wherever he went it did numbers on his frame.
He creaks when he walks now, and his gaze has that look of a mech who has seen far more than he should have. He still has that gentle nature about him, though. Which is good, because I think he is going to need it if he ever hopes to succeed at getting those demons running through his brothers brain module out.
I got faith in them though, they're as strong as they are inseparable. They'll get through this like they did every other thing they faced,
[Pulled from the personal Datatracks of Ironhide, Chief of Autobot Security]
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fanofspooky · 1 year
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Get On Board To Survive!
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luxurysystems · 3 months
Me, to the kidnappers holding me for ransom: If you really think about it, Irwin R Schyster is such an iconic character. From his debut to his sporadic appearances in the mid-00s, he--
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