#hob: stories should just continue forever :)
cuubism · 1 year
I was watching a video on Youtube of someone criticizing the anti-aging advices shorts on Tiktok and my mind went to Hob, the immortal 30-something, being horrified at people being afraid of growing old with a hint of jealousy as he knows that aging is something that he will never experience.
I went down SUCH a mental rabbit whole of "what even is aging, actually?" while trying to answer this. Like, is aging one's relationship with time? Because Hob definitely gets older numerically as time passes, even if his body doesn't change. Is aging about one's relationship with death, and its nearness? Or is aging about one's relationship to their body? Or is it all of the above?
Because if you are mortal, like... all real people, time does leave a mark on the body. But to say that aging is the body's decay is too simplistic because physical disability also changes your body's functioning without being solely associated with aging (though some disabilities do get worse with age so it's not separate either). Aging-related cosmetic content online is focused on not "looking old" but going from a child to a young adult is also aging, and makes you look older but not "aged" so to speak. When it comes to death, aging does bring you closer to death, but death can also come at any time, whether you're "old" or not.
So I thought about it a lot (too much) and I thought about Sandman as a story about stories, and how the story of a life has a natural arc to it, a rise and fall, and how that is what Hob doesn't experience. He lived through the rising arc of his life but there is never a proper falling arc, a conclusion. There are ups and downs, minor climaxes. But it always returns to this plateau that keeps going straight rather than ultimately falling to an ending.
And... I am trying to see whether I think Hob would be jealous of this or not. Curious, for sure, because he's curious about pretty much every experience. And I think there is some melancholy whenever he loves someone and they age past him, some thought of it would be nice if we could stay on the same life path, at least for a while. And I'm sure he's cared for elderly people at various points in his life too, and seen people age, and die of old age, and held their hands and been through that moment with them. And... I do think he would feel for these very young people becoming so concerned over appearance in the sense that it can take away from actually living life. Hob is all about experiencing life, not, you know, avoiding laughing so you won't get wrinkles. In that respect, I think he would want those young people to really live and appreciate those years instead of spending them fearing what's to come.
The only feeling I can associate with Hob when it comes to aging is gratitude, actually. Not even in relation to physical appearance. But gratitude that he gets to continue on and avoid the downward arc of the conclusion of a life. Although I think that very situation is disturbing to Dream, who's in kind of the same boat, I think Hob might say "well why should a story have an ending anyway?"
There's really only one thing that lingers, and it's the question -- what happens after? It's the one subject of curiosity Hob absolutely cannot sate without giving up all the rest. Do I think it haunts him? No, not really. Tickles the back of his mind sometimes, though, probably.
I think of this poem Aging by Rosmarie Waldrop:
Distant galaxies are moving away from us. Friends, lovers, family. Even the sky shifts toward red. Where every clearness is only. A more welcoming slope of the night. And I don't remember why I opened the door.
Pretty much every door in life is open to Hob if he's willing to commit enough time and effort to it. Except for maybe the most major one. And everybody else lives with this inevitability. Except Hob. Which... well, rejecting inevitability is kind of how he got himself into that situation in the first place. So it tracks. And it's what makes Hob's story so interesting because what is a life without inevitability like? Or, you know, a story without an ending?
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landwriter · 2 years
Sandman prompt: Dreamling roadtrip
"Remind me why I am allowing this," says Dream.
Hob casts a sidelong glance at him. Dream, in his car. Dream, stuck in the crawl of London traffic with him. Imagine that.
He reels off Dream's succession of unfortunate choices with poorly smothered glee. "Because your sister said you should spend more time among us humans, which you mentioned in passing to Matthew yesterday, who suggested a road trip, then had to explain to you that a road trip meant 'Just driving somewhere for a while', and you apparently you said-," Hob pauses to pitch his voice as low and poncy as possible, "'Ah, a pilgrimage, then. A journey for self-knowledge.' And Matthew said 'That's right, boss' and you said you would, in fact, be curious about such an experience."
"False pretenses," says Dream, darkly, under his breath.
"Indeed," says Hob, who thinks he loves false pretenses now. Matthew had shown up at his flat laughing so hard he couldn't even speak. When he finally recounted the conversation (after Hob had gotten very concerned and asked if Matthew needed a human counselor or an animal vet, and Matthew had shaken his head and wheezed 'No, a driver', before falling into fits of laughter again), Hob had immediately agreed.
"And then I canceled my plans for the weekend because I'm the only human you know who has a car, it turns out," (A reliable and bright red Vauxhall Corsa, thank you for asking.) "And because I'm a very good friend," he adds. He still relishes the new-word feel of it. It had only been four months since Dream had shown up at The New Inn. Hob was skiving off marking midterm papers for this, actually.
"Yes," says Dream. Hob realizes he'd skive off the whole term for this.
How could he turn down the prospect? His friend, literally strapped into the Corsa for at least the next several hours. Assuming Dream didn't leap out and flee on foot down the M1 - which seemed so thoroughly undignified for a being of Dream's station that Hob felt utterly assured of his company. It had all rather gone to his head.
"This will be fun," he promises. "Feel the grass under your feet, and that."
Dream looks out the window bitterly as a lorry overtakes them. Hob has never been the fastest of drivers. Never really took to it, to be honest. Bit of the medieval peasant in him, he thinks, can't quite make himself go over fifty miles per hour. But he's very safe. Hardly any accidents. Mostly minor rear-end damage.
"I see no grass," says Dream.
"Surely the Lord of Stories is familiar with figurative speech," says Hob, and glows under the heat of Dream's glare in reply.
"Anyways," he continues, "We're getting to that bit. Literally. In, uh, six hours or so? It's a great spot. But in the mean time, this is part of it too." Hob takes a hand off the wheel to gesture with a flourish at the sea of sensible hatchbacks and work vans around them, swimming like fish in the asphalt rivers of London's outer burbs. "Humanity," he pronounces, and the car drifts a little into the next lane. Humanity honks rudely at him and then accelerates safely out of Hob's radius.
Dream's sulking seems to have pushed him fully into the realm of catatonia, because Hob's passengers are usually more animated when he does exciting little things like that. Hob looks over in concern and this time the car barely follows with him.
"Bit rusty," he offers.
Dream deigns to snort softly at that. "My sister is far worse," he says.
Hob raises his eyebrows. It was hard to imagine Death bad at anything, frankly. Dream must see his look because he clarifies.
"Another sister. Delirium. An official of the carriageway stopped us. He would not have us continue our passage. So she gave him delusion of bugs crawling across his skin. Forever."
"Well, that's one way to get out of a ticket," says Hob, and makes a mental note to ask Death for a complete list of siblings and how to avoid angering them.
"He was being rude," adds Dream. He suddenly sounds very much like an older brother.
"Oh, fair play, then," says Hob affably. He'd had little sisters once. He understood.
They drive in silence for a few minutes. Hob thinks about putting on a playlist, and has just decided that nineties Britpop is perfect for this occasion when they pass a junction sign and he exclaims in recognition.
"The M25! Funny story, I know just the loveliest antiquarian book dealer who says his partner - uh, I'm assuming there, but if you heard the way he talks about him - anyways, his partner designed it. Some kind of high-flying civil engineer, I reckon."
"Really," says Dream. "A...high-flying...civil engineer." He sounds fascinated.
Hob hadn't expected Dream to be interested in road design.
"Something like that, definitely," he says, looking over to see Dream, staring at him, rapt. He looks back and brakes just in time to avoid hitting the car in front of him as it turns off onto the motorway in question. "Sorry. Saw him once in passing, actually. Dresses like you. Very fancy and dark."
"Perhaps you should keep your focus on the road, Hob," says Dream, but he sounds like he's smiling.
"Oh, we're not for a while yet," says Hob. Half truth, half optimism.
"Where are we going?" asks Dream. Hob beams. He's just won a bet with Matthew.
"It's a surprise" he says. "Now, have you heard of this band called Oasis?"
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tarotoftheendless · 6 months
Tom Sturridge: A Review
Disclaimer: I have ADHD, so, please forgive me if I jump around and go on tangents... I have lots of thoughts about this man and his projects, so....
At this point I have seen almost everything the man has been in. And I have thoughts about most of his work. I may have to do this review in parts as some of his work I need to re-watch in order to get my true thoughts out on it.
Firstly, Tom seems to enjoy choosing projects that are obscure, which I can appreciate. It fits in line with him not wanting to be in the spotlight and kind of live a more private life. In fact, The Sandman is both in line with the sentiment and yet isn't at the same time.
It kind of reminds me of Adam Driver and his filmography... and then Star Wars happened. Granted, Adam Driver has since been in the spotlight more, but he sure was uncomfortable with the attention when he was in Star Wars.
And I think Tom is the same. Not only does Tom come of as neurodivergent (it is just a speculation, not confirmed... I have observed his mannerisms and the way he speaks from many video interviews...), but he is introverted, doesn't have social media (though he might have at one point, though I think he got rid of all of it when his daughter was very young). There is something about him that screams "Don't perceive me" even with all the modeling he has done and him serving cunt on the Red Carpet. He does acting for the art not the fame, and I think he is handling The Sandman the same way. He always seems so uncomfortable at Cons... actually, it reminds me of how Jensen Ackles used to be at Supernatural Cons...
Anyway, I am sure I could go on and on about Tom himself, but I have thoughts about his films and shows. I will not be review The Sandman though... it's been done to death and I really don't feel like weighing in on it right now. But I would love to discuss in the comments about Tom himself with other Tom lovers if ya'll have something that you feel should be brought up about him.
I have seen the following projects of Tom's:
The Sandman - Dream/Dream of the Endless/Morpheus
2. Sweetbitter - Jake
3. Irma Vep - Eamonn - this was basically just a glorified cameo
4. Skin - Nathan
5. Velvet Buzzsaw - Jon Dondon - almost another glorified cameo
6. 3 Way Junction - Carl
7. Hello Apartment - Adam - basically a cameo... a sexy cameo...
8. Mary Shelley - Lord Byron
9. Double Date - John - a goth pretentious musician cameo
10. Remainder - Tom
11. Far From a Maddening Crowd - Sergeant Francis Troy
12. Effie Gray - John Everett Millais
13. On The Road - Carlo Marx
14. Junkhearts - Danny
15. Waiting for Forever - Will Donner
16. The Boat The Rocked/Pirate Radio - young Carl
17. Like Minds/Murderous Intent - Nigel Colbie
18. FairyTale: A True Story - Hob (A Fair) - cameo
I tried watching Journey's End and it was slow and depressing, so I never finished it... and I plan on watching Hollow Crown... but those episodes are basically films in themselves, so, that'll take forever... and I can't find a way to watch A Waste of Shame...
I have thoughts on many of these shows/films, so I will go though them in no particular order. And I might not have much to say about all of them because either there isn't much to say or I need to watch them again to fully be able to give my thoughts on them.
Jake is a traumatized 30 something bartender that hides behind sex, drugs, and alcohol... and he has no idea how traumatized he really is because the one person that has continued the trauma for him has also been his savior, according to him... and he has to believe that in order to cope with his life, his choices and what actually happened to him. He was absolutely groomed by Simone, and before the show got cancelled I really think they were gonna go there with his character.
I love Jake. I both love his bad boy tendencies, but what makes me love him more is who he is beyond that, beneath that. The episode where is really opens up with Sasha was really eye-opening. He is struggling, and he has to believe that Simone is his lifeline because otherwise his whole life has been based on a lie, "No one knows you like I do", which is word for word what domestic violence abusers say to their victims. He truly believes that Simone fixes things, he has to believe that otherwise he'll fall apart. Much like Frodo has to believe that there is good in Gollum, Jake has to believe that Simone is actually his protector. Everything falls apart if Jake faces reality, hence drowning in the sex, drugs and alcohol. The lies are better than the truth.
He hates himself and doesn't believe that he deserves love, so he believes Simone's narrative of being damaged and dangerous because it is easier than really breaking away from her control and standing on his own two feet.
It makes me sad that we will never get a season 3 of Sweetbitter because Jake was such a beautiful and fascinating character, far more than Tess. I don't think I would have wanted Jake to actually be with Tess in the long run, I think Tess was also wanting Jake to fill a role so Tess herself could grow and use him a stepping-stone forward, a "been there, done that" sort of thing. Tess liked the bad boy, and she tried to make it seem like she wanted to help him but I still think it was for her own gain rather than actually wanting to help Jake, and that is why she would have ultimately lost him. He would run to what he has always known; Simone. Jake needs someone that gives him space to breathe for once. Someone that sees him and hears him and helps him see the truth without wanting anything from him in return. He needs permission to live, truly, for himself rather than for others that always want something from him. He needs therapy and better coping skills... cuz yeah not being sober and burying his dick in everything he can is not helping him at all.
So, really, that's review of the character... and I think Tom did a great job playing an aloof yet interested character that is a bad boy. The song 'Hot n Cold' by Katy Perry fits him quite nicely, I think.
The Boat That Rocked/Pirate Radio
So, I saw this film years ago, probably around 2018/2019, before I had any idea who the fuck Tom Sturridge was. I remember liking it.
Then I watched again after seeing The Sandman and I have grown a lot in my leftist views... and oh boy... this film is so sexist, homophobic and really super okay with SA it is scary... Tom has gone on record saying he would never do the 'Switch' in real life, but holy fuck that is some toxic shit.
As far as young Carl goes, I don't think casting a 23 year old Tom Sturridge was the right move if they wanted the audience to believe he was a virgin. Tom has always been gorgeous, and this film is no exception. And he got expelled for smoking, cigarettes and weed if the implications the film made are correct, making him a bad boy sort of. Girls and guys alike would have gone feral for him. As awkward as he is, it is more charming than anything else.
He should not have forgiven Marianne and he absolutely shouldn't have forgiven Dave. He also shouldn't have been okay with SA of a woman that would've had seemingly no idea that someone else was having sex with her other than the person she wanted to have sex with. I know that we all love young Carl, and I still do and will, but he really shouldn't be let off the hook for considering and almost going through with an SA all because he didn't want to be a virgin anymore.
All in all, I don't believe young Carl would've actually been a virgin because of Tom Sturridge portraying him, but also, the toxic shit that he goes along with shouldn't be over-looked either.
I love this film and Tom's character, but yeah, 2009 was a different time...
Waiting for Forever
So, this film is basically unwatchable... except for Tom's Will Donner... and even then, we have got to talk about the toxicity of this film.
Will Donner is basically a Manic Pixie Dream Boy... and his mental health issues are not only not named but they are handled poorly and without care. AND STALKING IS NOT CUTE OR ROMANTIC. Period. He should not have gotten the girl in the end. That gives the wrong message... like oh yes, we need more incels thinking they can just try and try and follow women and be quirky and then they will wear us down enough for us to see how romantic it was all along.
Now, that being said, I do think that Will is neurodivergent, ADHD and autistic specifically, with PTSD/C-PTSD as well as some sort of delusional disorder that has him speaking to people/ghosts that aren't really there... not schizophrenia exactly, but close to it. And I really think that he had no idea that what he was doing with the stalking because of his mental health issues. He didn't know any better... still that is no excuse and Emma should not have chosen him in the end.
Will Donner has no idea who Emma is. He has an idea of who he thinks she is in his head and that is who he is in love with. It was 2011 and men in films often were rewarded for being in love with a woman even if he has no idea who she really is... and that is a problem. Will, as precious and charming as he is, should not have been rewarded for loving his idea of who Emma is... and he really should not have been rewarded for his stalking... I love Will, he is a cinnamon roll of a man, and I get he has mental health issues, I too have ADHD and autism, but he should have had to work through his own toxicity before Emma would ever consider him... but I really don't think Emma should have ever chosen him.
And that brings me to Emma... as toxic as Will is, Emma never deserved his love. She does not deserve him at all. Will was a last resort to her. She had to loose her father and find out her ex was a murderer before even considering Will as an option. And she is a cheater... Will does not come off as the type that would be open to anything other than complete loyalty and monogamy... at least if he is with Emma. I would think trust issues would be abundant in their relationship, which is a shit foundation for any relationship.
As far as the film goes... I am sorry, but it is not good. If we followed Will only, maybe it would have been better, but all the B-plots with Emma and her family and everything really tanked the film. Will and Emma have no chemistry... yeah, I love Tom and he played the character well, but yeah... not his finest choice in film. I would watch his character literally in anything else other than the film we got.
I also wanted to punch Will's brother in the throat. 2011 really had a fuck ton of stigmas towards neurodivergent folks and this film just reiterated that.
Like Minds/Murderous Intent
So, I watched this after The Sandman hype... and oh boy...
This film came out in 2006 and in Hollywood the only way you could be gay is if you were a villain... or magic... and Nigel nor Alex were not magic... so...
This film is so homoerotic that it hurts... I think if they had just kissed... or better yet, fucked, that would have solved everything. No murder... no incest... no necrophilia... just gay butt fucking.
But Nigel is a psychopath. And I am not sure if it started with Alex or not... Nigel seems to think that Alex was the one that was fucked up and then they had a mind-meld... and Nigel just was more okay with going with it than Alex was? Honestly, this film is confusing... because the narrator is unreliable. Who knows what the truth really was. Maybe Alex was right, maybe Nigel was... maybe both... either way, Alex ends up accepting it and being a toxic evil fucker too, so...
Also, Nigel and Dream are not the same at all... I am weirded out by everyone relating the two characters together. Nigel is a psychopath... Dream is just dark... and toxic sometimes, but Dream is not a psychopath. Ugh. They are not the same, fucking hell.
So... Tom's character in this is almost worse than Nigel... Danny is fucked up. Not only is he having sex with a minor, but yeah, the drugs and taking advantage of a vet was beyond fucked up. I am glad that Tom said that he took the role because Danny was so different from himself... which thank fuck that's the case because Danny is a nightmare. Though gurl.... that sex scene? Jesus... if Jake had you blushing with all his sex scenes, Danny has you dripping... and you know what the fuck I mean. Damn. I was watching this film with my partner and yeah, I had to take a moment afterwards to try to stop having my cheeks so red. It made me feel things I didn't exactly want to feel...
But yeah, fuck Danny... I don't think he should've been murdered in the end, but he was a terrible character.
I am not sure if this film was great... or even if Danny was necessary to tell the story, but yeah... maybe I will have to watch this film again to have more to say about it later.
Irma Vep
Ugh. I was kinda pissed that I had to watch 8 hours of this show and we only got Tom for about what, 15 minutes? Ugh! And he is hot... and toxic. A cheater and a liar. And him and Kristen Stewart? I want to know the history there so bad, because we all know that Tom and Robert Pattinson are besties... and then Tom has worked with Kris on the film On The Road too... and then he is taking her pants off and kissing her like that in this show? Fucking hell... makes me think Tom and her may have... idk, history beyond Kris dating Rob? There have been rumors... but idk how much of it is true... and old social media profiles have been abandoned and I am unsure if they are real or not, but there might be history... and this show, with Tom's 15 minute glorified cameo raised some questions about that.
This short film really moved the fuck out of me. I was balling my eyes out by the end of it and I had to sit with it for about an hour after I watched it. Tom's acting ability really shines through in just 11 minutes and it is just him, an Alexa-type voiceover and flashbacks with him and his husband. In 11 minutes. I was blown away by this short film and Tom and if you haven't seen it, you need to. All of the trigger warnings though; death of a loved one, grief, alcoholism, self-harm, suicidal ideation, bulimia-like actions... it's rough and very raw and real. But it is amazing and really shows how amazing Tom really is as an actor. You will cry and be in utter awe at the same time.
Velvet Buzzsaw
This film could have used more Jon Dondon... I do want to watch this again and give a more in depth review of this film and Tom's character in it, but yeah, I loved his South African accent and his pretentious ditzy character. He is funny, sexy and charming. It is a shame that they had to kill off his character.
3 Way Junction
So... this film felt like two films smashed into one and it was weird. Tom was brilliant in it, but I am not sure what the writer(s) was to say... also he would have died... 2 weeks in those conditions and not figuring out how to survive quickly? Yeah, he would have died. No one can survive 2 weeks like that. I do think I need to see this film again to give a better more detailed review on it and Tom's character.
Mary Shelley
I do need to see this film again... but I remember Tom's Lord Byron being sexy and amazing and well worth the re-watch for all Tom Sturridge lovers.
Effie Gray
The film is kinda boring, I'll be honest. But I do love Tom in this film. He plays a hopeless romantic well. It fits him quite well. I don't have much else to say about it than that. I did see this film for the first time before I knew who Tom Sturridge was, I love period piece films, so yeah. Watched it again recently, and I loved him in it, but yeah, the film itself is kinda boring.
Far From a Maddening Crowd
OMG! I wanted to flip a table when I realized he faked his own death. And then he comes back because he wants money? Bitch! He deserved a shot gun to the chest, damn. What a bitch. A hot sexy bitch that kisses women and grabs 'em by the pussy and then leaves, but a little bitch nonetheless. Tom, coming in and serving cunt and then dying. Goddamn.
I had no idea that Tom kisses a man in this film... I just watched it because it had Tom as the main character... and then that kiss happened... probably the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Fuck. I do need to watch this film over again to really get a feel for... well all of it... more. This film was confusing as fuck and it deserves a re-watch for a better understanding of the story and Tom's character...Tom...
There other films on the list of stuff I've watched but not all of them really need a review... at least not right now.
Does anyone else have any thoughts or comments of these films and or shows? What about Tom in general? I kinda just want to gush with Tom Sturridge lovers about his roles and just him in general. I know I could have gone more in depth on some of his roles, but I think some of his roles have stood out more than others.
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One BOSAS take that really gets on my nerves is the idea that Coriolanus never loved Lucy Gray. While there are some points to make for it, there’s a lot more to say about the story as a whole when you see it through the lens that he did.
Number one: The idea that Coriolanus never loved Lucy Gray makes zero sense and completely undermines how his relationship with her shaped his relationship with power, and his personality in general.
Let’s first look at the “present” (the main time BOSAS took place). Coriolanus is immediately attracted and drawn towards her, and continues flirting with her later. He enjoys the kiss before the games very much, and literally gives her his mothers compact. He also says that he’s never felt that way about anyone else before, so even if what he feels isn’t actually love (and who are we to decide?) if he thinks it is/was that’s good enough, because it influences how he feels about the whole thing in the end. These examples aren’t enough to conclude, as love is based on way more than just desire, so let’s continue.
Now, the “future” (after the huge fight, and the rest of the years up until Katniss’ games). This proves so much more than the “present” stuff. Firstly, there’s the fact Coriolanus was willing/ready to spend the rest of his life with her, if he hadn’t been accepted into officers school. You can still love people and put your career first, which is what he did.
He was also happy that Lucy Gray believed they were written in the stars and therefore forever intertwined (which they pretty much were), which if you didn’t love someone would be a pretty heavy thing to be told and put a lot of pressure on the relationship as a whole. Instead, he sees as a positive, even if he doesn’t believe it and the reason why is kinda weird.
Coriolanus, again, had never really been in love or even a relationship. The only other mention of past romance we get from him is a dare that Festus put him up to, involving lots of posca and some encounter behind an alleyway that got him the reputation of a player. That’s it. This whole romance thing is pretty new for him, so even if he wasn’t actually in love, he thought he was, and that means the same for him.
Let’s look at how it means the same for him. It’s gonna be quick (I think). Coriolanus vows to never love again. He hates the control it has over him. This alone is enough to convince me he truly loved her- the fact that he nearly went with her to live alone in the wilderness (although the fact he could’ve been arrested probs helped some too). He was well aware of what him loving her cost him, and that’s enough to convince me he did.
I see a lot of people quote the fact that he was unloving towards the fact that that he never loved at all, but we have to look at that as cause and effect instead of seeing it as the same wavelength if that makes sense. Like because he loved her, he knows not to love again, NOT he won’t ever love so he never loved her. Plus, we know he’s capable of love due to Tigris, we just also know he doesn’t value it and cares about his career more, due to Tigris again.
Also, I’d like to add on the fact that Coriolanus was excited to see Lucy Gray at the hob, wanted to spend time with her, and met her family. Like yeah these don’t mean love, but some of y’all are out here painting this idea that he never even liked her and that’s just SO wrong compared to love, which at least has a lot of layers and I can understand both sides.
We also know Coriolanus, after Lucy Gray “betrayed” him, says that he should marry someone he has no chance of loving. So, he did love her because he learned his lesson about love in general from her. He learned that he will always choose the capitol/power over love (how Lucy Gray shaped his relationship with those feelings and made them more clear), and that he really did love power lol.
In conclusion, while his feelings were clearly complicated, he did love Lucy Gray, and that shaped a lot of the story, both his own and Lucy Gray’s.
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thenightling · 3 years
My opinion on some of the Netflix Sandman rumors
We fans don’t have much in the way of substantial news about The Sandman Netflix series.  All we have are rumors and gossip.   I have compiled some of the rumors here along with my opinions on those rumors.  Consider this a disclaimer.  I am only a fan.  I do not have any inside info.   All the rumors here are ones that can easily be found on various sites online.   Now to begin...
Rumor: Morpheus will be captured in 1916 but will not escape until present day.  
This rumor has been confirmed true by Neil Gaiman on his Tumblr account and other Social media websites.  In my opinion this was wise because it enables Morpheus’ capture to continue to overlap with the real-world sleeping sickness outbreak of Encephalitis Lethargica.  
Rumor:  Michael Sheen is playing Lucifer.
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This rumor was debunked months ago by Neil Gaiman but I surmised that the one who started the rumor had found out he was playing Lucifer for The Sandman audio drama and had gotten confused.  I was right.   I DO however suspect Michael Sheen and possibly David Tennant will have roles in The Sandman Netflix series, just not the same role Michael Sheen had in the audio drama.
My Opinion: I’m all for Michael Sheen having a role in The Sandman Netflix series.  Him and David Tennant.  
Rumor: Doug Jones is going to be in The Sandman as a supporting character.
This rumor comes from two clues.  The first being that Neil Gaiman has spoken about his like of Doug Jones and Guillermo Del Toro almost did a Sandman adaptation with Doug as Morpheus.  Doug Jones even brought this up recently, which suggests that the subject might be on mind.   
My opinion:  Doug is an excellent character actor and I want this to be true.  He should be in Sandman.  I love Doug. And there are plenty of characters he could play.  Lucien, Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Doctor Destiny, various nightmares.   
Rumor:  Liam Hemsworth or Dacre Montgomery will play The Corinthian.
Opinion: I like Liam Hemsworth.  He deserves a shot but Dacre is also good.
Rumor:  Tom Sturridge is playing Morpheus.
Opinion:  I am 90% sure this rumor is true. There are a number of sources claiming the same thing.  Also just google how the man looks.  I think he’ll do a fine job.  I thought Oliver Farnworth would have been excellent too but I’m sure Tom Sturridge would be fine. 
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Rumor:  The Netflix Sandman series will see Dream take many forms including a female form.
Opinion:  This isn’t really new.  We saw Dream’s feminine side in Overture.  If it bothers you to see Morpheus might have a feminine side, you probably shouldn’t be watching something like Sandman anyway.
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Rumor:  Death will be played by a black woman.
The source of this rumor comes from Neil Gaiman saying something about loving the actress chosen for Death but feeling some people will complain.
Opinion:   ...So?   She’s an Endless.  She can look any way she wants.  I would have liked to have seen Jamie Chung in the role though.  She voiced her for the Death short that accompanied the Wonder Woman: Bloodlines Blu Ray.
Rumor:  Morpheus’ extended capture will effect his reunion with Hob.
My opinion:  Uhhhh Duh.
Honestly though this makes me VERY curious as to how their reunion will play out. I hope it is just as sweet as the comic. 
Rumor:  The Corinthian will appear fairly early in the series and even advise Roderick Burgess how best to contain Morpheus.
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Opinion: Well, according to the leaked Corinthian audition this is true.  I don’t mind it at all.  It makes sense. It fits.
Rumor:  Alexander Burgess’ story is now more sympathetic and he as well as his father will age slower because of Morpheus’ capture.
Opinion:  This seems likely based on certain leaks.  And I kind of hope this means Morpheus will be able to punish Roderick and not Alex.
Rumor:  Alex will now have an older brother who died during World War 1, a brother that Roderick preferred, and he takes out his grief on Alex in abusive ways. it also gives Roderick a new motivation for wanting to capture Death.
Opinion: This is likely true based on certain leaks from last February.  I have mixed feelings about this because sometimes parents are just assholes.  They don’t need a tragic loss to set off their abusive behavior.  It also made Roderick worse (in the comics) that he treated his only (known) son the way he did. It’s been recently established in the comics that John Dee was actually Alex’s half-brother.  I guess it all depends on how this is done. 
I also don’t think Roderick needs to be grief stricken in order to want to control Death.   This is a cliché, a cliché we saw in Disney’s Gargoyles and even in Hercules and Xena.  Someone loses someone they love and tries to capture Death in order to bring them back.  Roderick doesn’t need this trope.  He was an occultist who wanted to be a big shot in the world of early twentieth century magick users. In my opinion that should be enough but I’ll keep an open mind. 
Rumor:   They were supposed to start filming in May but it was delayed to late October because of Covid.  
This one is true.
Opinion:  Hurry up!
Rumor:   Roderick Burgess has no real magick in the show.
Opinion: Sadly this is likely true based on a character description leak from the casting call.  I shall miss seeing Sykes’ head explode...  Honestly I kind of hope this is wrong.  I’m tired of magick being diminished in comic book TV and film.   
Rumor:  The first season of Sandman will combine Preludes and Nocturnes with The Doll’s House.
Opinion:  This is likely true.  I’m fine with it.  It might flow better for TV this way.
Rumor:   The “A game of you” storyline will have trans people writing.
Opinion:  This makes sense  And this is pretty much already confirmed true.
Rumor:  The Netflix show will have the same cast as the audio drama.
Opinion: Though I would not mind this, I know it is not true. This is likely the result of an IMDB listing for the audio drama mistakenly calling it a show and some fans mistaking that IMDB page as being the one for the Netflix series.
Rumor: The Netflix Sandman series is canceled and the audio drama is all we’re getting.
This rumor is absolutely false!    It’s a stupid rumor made by those who had no idea the audio drama was happening before the pandemic even hit.   The audio drama is not compensation because there will not be a Netflix show.  Both will exist.
Opinion:  Shame on those leaping to this conclusion and spreading it as fact. 
Rumor: A character named “Ann” is being cast and she’ll be a major recurring character. 
Opinion:  I’ve seen this sort of thing before.  It’s how you hide what character they are trying to cast.  Clearly this is a major female character for the show and probably was a name used as a place holder for Death of The Endless or even Rose Walker.  I’m not too concerned about this.  Some fans are upset and already raging that they’re making up a new character just for the show, ala Chloe Decker in Lucifer.  I don’t think there’s anything to worry about here.
Rumor:   Tom Ellis will not be playing Lucifer.
Opinion:  Tom Ellis has wanted to move on from Lucifer for a while.  He wants season six of Lucifer to be its last.   Let him move on. Neil Gaiman also wants his Lucifer to be different from the Lucifer TV show version.  The Lucifer TV series deviated heavily from the comics and it might confuse people with the big differences in lore.  It is probably for the best that Tom Ellis not play Lucifer.
Rumor:  The Sandman is why Lucifer is being canceled.
Opinion: No.  Lucifer has been canceled three times now. In fact the first time it was canceled The Sandman TV series had not been picked up by Netflix yet.  Lucifer has had six seasons.  For a paranormal police procedural that’s a good, long, run.  Not everything can be Supernatural.   Forever Knight (and most shows of that type) only had three seasons.  Lucifer out lived the norm for its type of show and survived two cancelations.   Let it go.   Do not blame Sandman.  The Sandman is what gave us Lucifer, not took it away.  The Sandman is where the story of Lucifer quitting, opening Lux, and taking up piano came from. 
Rumor:  The Sandman is the most expensive show DC has ever made.
According to Variety this is true.
Opinion:  It probably has to be expensive.  Look at all the stuff they need to show us, the sets and special effects needed.
Rumor:  Lucien might be played by a woman.
Apparently this rumor started because some of the Morpheus auditioners let slip that they auditioned with a woman as Lucien.   
Opinion: I’m not sure how I feel about this.  I love the character of Lucien.  A a woman version might take a little getting used to. I don’t hate the idea, I just prefer how he appears in canon.   Further note, I kind of hope he has a full head of hair like he does in the recent comics.  There is a very high chance she was just reading his lines since at the time the role being cast was Morpheus, not Lucien.
Rumor:  The Sandman could air as early as Summer of 2021.
Opinion:  *Insert bitter laugh here.* I wish...
Rumor:   Alexander Burgess is gay.
Opinion: And in other news water is wet!
Rumor: Desire will be played by someone who identifies as Genderfluid or nonbinary.
Opinion: This is very likely true.
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upthenorthmountain · 4 years
Burning Bright
And this is my story for the @frozines zine! It’s set in my Flatmates universe, about three months after the main story. Enjoy!
Burning Bright
“Kristoff, mate! I have some excellent news.”
“What’s that?” Kristoff said, and mouthed ‘Sven’ to Anna, next to him on the sofa. She nodded and put her head back down on his shoulder.
“Since we now live somewhere with a garden, we have decided to throw a BONFIRE NIGHT PARTY.”
“And the fifth is a Friday this year so it’s perfect. You in?”
“Sure, sounds good. I think we’re free.”
“What?” Anna said, sitting up again.
“Bonfire party at Sven and Jess’s. On the fifth.”
“Ooooh! Yes yes yes that sounds amazing.”
“Anna doesn’t think she has anything better to do so we might pop along,” Kristoff said back into his phone.
“Do you need us to bring anything?” Anna said, climbing half onto his lap and leaning so that her mouth was near the phone. “Like any food or anything? Or any fireworks? Or any sparklers -”
Kristoff leant back out of her way. “Well done, mate, you’ve got her all over-excited.”
“We’ll bring sparklers!” Anna said.
“We’ll bring sparklers,” Kristoff said into the phone, deadpan.
“Oh, awesome, I didn’t think about sparklers. Don’t worry about food, we’ll do the food. I’ve got a leaflet here from the fireworks stall at Tesco. Do you think we should get the Alpha Supreme Selection Box, or the Jupiter Mega Box?”
“I think those both sound too big for your handkerchief of a garden.”
“You aren’t invited if you’re going to be a big chicken party-pooper wet blanket. Anna can come, but not you. She knows how to have a good time.”
“Please don’t set fire to my girlfriend.”
“I’m not going to set fire to anyone or anything. Promise.”
Since moving into their new house in the summer, Sven and Jessica had thrown several parties - a housewarming, multiple summer barbecues, and Sven’s birthday party, to name a few - and Kristoff knew what to expect. The firepit was lit in the corner of the garden, and had been dusted with a powder that made the flames change colour. There was a table of food just inside the back door, and coolers of ice and bottles just outside, as well as a steaming pot of mulled cider on the hob in the kitchen. Anna soon flitted off to chat with other people she knew, and Kristoff helped himself to a beer and a chicken drumstick and looked for a place to sit.
“So, when are you going to ask her to marry you?”
Kristoff jumped at the voice right behind him. “Sven, for god’s sake. And we haven’t even been together three months.”
“What? She’d say yes.”
Kristoff glanced over at Anna, sitting on the garden wall chatting to Jessica as she ate some corn on the cob. She looked up and caught his eye, and smiled; when Kristoff looked back at Sven, his friend was looking amused.
“She’d say yes,” Sven repeated. “Do it do it do it.”
“Shut up,” Kristoff said, mildly. “I’ll do it when I’m ready.”
“We’ve got ahead of you, you need to catch up.”
“We do not. The situation is under control.”
“Why wait?”
“Because proposing after three months is a crazy thing to do, it’s way too early -”
“- not if you know it’s what you want and you know it’s what she wants.”
“You guys were together two years before you got engaged.”
“Yes, but I’m lazy.”
Kristoff rolled his eyes.
“Whatever,” Sven said. “I’m going to start writing my Best Man’s speech anyway. And you can’t stop me.”
“Who says you’d be my Best Man?” Kristoff said, but Sven was already walking away to greet some new guests.
“Fireworks time!” Sven announced, once most of the food had been cleared away and drinks had been refilled. “I have put a bucket of sand to put the fireworks in, right over there -” he waved to the bottom of the garden - “And I have already nailed the Catherine Wheel to the trellis post, and I have a taper to light things and a torch to read the labels, so if anyone has anything to say about my safety measures then speak up now or forever hold your peace.” He looked at Kristoff, who said “Do you have a bucket of water?”
“What? Why?”
“In case of fire. And to put sparklers in while they’re still hot.”
“Yes, sparklers,” said Anna, rummaging in her bag and pulling out several packets. “Who wants a sparkler?”
Sven had walked off with a martyred expression; he returned after a couple of minutes with a bucket of water, which he placed at Kristoff’s feet.
“I will take a sparkler, thank you,” he said. “You know,” he added to Kristoff, “You can be a right royal pain in the backside.”
Anna handed Kristoff a sparkler, and lit hers from the firepit, then used it to light Kristoff’s. He lit Sven and Jessica’s while Anna made cheerful hearts and stars in the air.
Sounds like someone doesn’t want to be my Best Man after all, Kristoff so nearly said, before remembering that Anna - among other people - was within earshot. What would Anna say? It was niggling at him now, now that Sven had brought it up. He’d been happy enough just to be with Anna, but now - he wanted to know what she would say, if he did ask. Damn you, Sven, he thought. 
Anna drew a heart around his face with the last bit of her sparkler, dropped it in the bucket of water, and pulled him down by the shoulders so that she could kiss him.
“Stop looking so grumpy,” she said. “It’s a party.”
The box of fireworks contained a selection of Roman Candles in different colours. Sven held each one up and read out the name to cheers from the spectators (“This one is called Meteor! This one is Vesuvius! This one is called Golden Showers, I swear to God that’s what it says, look if you don’t believe me.”). There were also a few rockets, which had to be stuck into the bucket of sand very carefully, and then zoomed off into the sky to explode in a handful of coloured sparks.
Anna had started stamping her feet to keep warm, so Kristoff opened his coat and hugged it round her. “Does my hair smell smoky?” she said, snuggling back against him.
“Little bit. But it’s a nice smell.”
“Mm. A nice autumn-y smell. Ooh! That one was nice - can we go to the display in the park tomorrow?”
“Sure, if you like.”
“Last year they had doughnuts. I went with some people from work. Ooh!”
Kristoff kissed the top of her head. “Elsa not a fireworks person?”
“I know you’ve never met her, but I feel like you should know by now that no, Elsa is not a fireworks person,” Anna said.
“And now!” Sven announced, “The grand finale! The  pièce de résistance - the Catherine Wheel. Behold!” 
He lit the touchpaper carefully, and ran back to the patio by the house. The touchpaper burnt, and lit the whole wheel, which gradually started to turn. Everyone cheered.
But after a moment, the wheel ground to a halt. Flames were still spurting out of the sides, and there was starting to be an unmistakable smell of burning wood.
“Mate,” Kristoff said. “Mate, I really think -” There were now definite flames that were separate from the firework.
“The trellis has caught,” Sven said, “Shit -”
But Anna was already running past them, grabbing the bucket, and hurling the contents at the trellis. The cold water hissed into steam as it put out the fire, but with rather more of a clunking, crashing noise than she had expected.
They all stared at the smouldering trellis for a moment. Sven cleared his throat. 
“Firstly, Anna, thank you,” he said. “Quick thinking there. Secondly…”
Anna looked at the bucket she was still holding. It was not the one Sven had filled with water earlier; it was plastic, and rectangular, and, well, insulated.
“Secondly,” Sven continued, “That’s actually the cooler and you’ve just thrown all the beer halfway down the garden.”
“Woops,” Anna said.
“Good job there’s plenty more in the fridge,” Jessica said briskly. “Thank you, Anna.”
“Thank you, Anna,” Sven said. Then he nudged Kristoff in the ribs. “Looks like we didn’t need your bucket after all.”
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bensakindofmagic · 4 years
Chapter Fourteen
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A/N: there’s a hint of the bisexual, (i’m not definitively saying reader is bi, though you can totally see her that way if you want, but that’s not going to be a feature of the story. i just don’t want it to come off as insensitive or obtuse or anything, peace and love man) 
Warnings: British superiority, swearing (also I haven't proofread it so pls just ignore typos -- not that I spot them all usually, I'm so bad at typing)
w/c: 3.5k+
Chapter Fourteen
You were in Ben’s kitchen making dinner, having skipped out early while the boys were still in costume getting de-‘Queen’ed. The dinner was bubbling away contentedly on the hob and you had your music hooked up to Ben’s speaker. 
“Oohh, show me heaven, cover me, leave me breathless. Ooooohhh show me heaven please,” you sang at the top of you lungs, no doubt much to the chagrin of the neighbours, and swayed dramatically as you added some seasoning. You didn’t register the door opening or the keys being thrown down on the hall table. 
“I’m not denying, I’m frightened as much as you, though I’m barely touching you. I’ve shivers down my spine and it feels divine.”
You twirled with a flourish, belting without thought or care if you were in tune, only to see Ben standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips, biting back a laugh. You looked him dead in the eye and serenaded him, flinging your arms out in your best 90’s-power-ballad singer impersonation. You clutched at your heart and threw your head back, your face contorted into a pained, lovestruck cry. Ben finally broke and his face split into a grin, waves of rich laughter sweeping across the room above the music. When closed the small distance between you and took you around the waist you all but melted into his arms. 
“You’re such an idiot,” he bubbled, pulling you closer. 
“Well, you like the dorky ones, don’t you?” You rested your hand on his cheek and met his lips with your own. He was soft. You felt the weariness evaporate from his bones as your bodies met, skin on skin. 
When you pulled away he buried his face in your neck and sighed deeply, breathing you in. His breath was hot; it tickled your skin and you giggled. Strong arms wrapped themselves tighter around your waist, close enough that you could feel it in your stomach like nervous excitement. 
“You hungry?” you purred, stroking his hair. He hummed his affirmation into your neck and slowly detached from you. 
“This looks delicious Y/N, thank you,” Ben declared as you sat down to eat. 
“Mm, don’t get too used to it, I’m no 1950s domestic housewife that’ll have dinner on the table for you everyday.” 
“Believe me,” he grinned, “I know. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“So tell me, how was your day?” 
He frowned, confused, “You were there, you know how my day was.” 
“I know,” you said timidly, “I just want to hear it from you.”
“It’s what normal couples do, isn’t it? They get home from work and talk about their day,” you huffed. 
“Are we not a normal couple?” 
You rolled your eyes, “You know what I mean. How did you feel today? What did I miss while I was off running around sweating my tits off?”
“Okay, um,” Ben shifted in his seat, “I was pretty tired, I guess. You’re keeping me up late,” he goaded, a devilish grin dancing on closed lips. 
“You have no one but yourself to blame.” 
“I beg to differ little missy. You can’t come into the bathroom wearing nothing but a pair of knickers and expect me to do nothing.”
Your mind wandered back to the night before, what Ben had done when he caught sight of you in the mirror. You squeezed your thighs together. “Okay we can resume that discussion later, what else?”
He raised an eyebrow but continued, “Um, Joe was very impressed with how you handled Rami today, he wouldn’t shut up about how he could just see someone kicking off and causing a scene, but you just handled it perfectly. He was gushing about it all afternoon.” 
You shrugged, “I was just doing my job, I’m there to manage you guys so that’s what I did.” 
“Joe didn’t think so, he kept saying that you’re the best PA he’s worked with.” 
“Well that’s very sweet,” you inclined your head. 
“I think he’s right,” Ben said, eyes firmly focused on his plate of food. “I mean, I’ve told you before I think you’re great at what you do. You should be producing, top of the ladder.” 
“Maybe,” you hummed, unenthused. “I don’t know that I want to be a producer.” 
Ben looked up at you, “Really?” 
“I like working so closely with the cast. Maybe I’ve just been lucky this time, you guys were my first, and I don’t think there’ll ever be another job like this, but still, it seems a little lonely to me at the top.”
“So, you have no ambition to climb the career ladder?” Ben’s face said that he couldn’t quite comprehend the concept. 
“I have ambition, but I suppose it doesn’t take me upwards. I want to work on good projects with talented people. I don’t even know if I want to stay in the film industry forever. I might try something else one day.” 
“Like what?” 
“Who knows?” you smiled. You sensed that Ben didn’t understand, and looking to avoid a dispute, you hurriedly changed the subject, “Anyway, you excited for tomorrow?” 
Ben shifted in his seat, “Yeah, we kept talking about it today, Joe was rinsing me about whether I’ll look as good as Roger did as a woman.”
“Nah, I think it’ll be fun.”
You left the guys in makeup the next morning as you were needed elsewhere, but you weren’t mad. You were excited for the big reveal of them in full drag, especially Ben. The call came over the radio that they were ready for the guys on set, so you went off to collect them from their trailers. Your face grew with each one (you particularly delighted in seeing Gwil’s painted nails. However, when Ben stepped out of his trailer you stopped in your tracks. 
“God Ben, you make a terrible woman, I thought you’d be way better looking,” Joe jibed. Ben scoffed, and mumbled a “Fuck off” under his breath, but he caught your eye to see you biting your lip.
“Come on then, they’re waiting for us aren’t they?” Ben declared, and the boys went marching off to set. You skipped after him and whispered, “You look pretty.” He looked at you, raised and eyebrow and shook his head. You laughed and hurried after him. 
It was one of the most fun days on set; everyone was in good spirits and the guys were constantly larking about. Joe teased Ben constantly, much to his chagrin, but you shot him winks throughout the day. 
“You’re disgusting, your thighs are way too thick,” Joe mocked. 
“Mmm, thicc with two c’s,” you hummed as you walked behind Ben. You imagined sidling up behind him, wrapping your arms around his hips and leaving open-mouthed kisses all along his neck, but alas you had company. Still, your bisexual bits were buzzing. Ben caught your eye and frowned, intrigued, but you simply laughed and went on your way. 
“How is it fair that you’re so beautiful?” you chuckled exasperatedly while you were sat around for lunch. “You’re a prettier woman than I am!” 
Ben’s gaze snapped towards you, “You don’t actually think that?” 
“You’re gorgeous, I’d kill for cheekbones like that.”
“He is startlingly pretty,” Gwil affirmed. 
You pumped your eyebrows, “What, have you got tingly bits Gwil?” 
“Ben always gives me tingly bits.” 
Joe frowned deeply, but you conspicuously ignored him.
“You best not be trying to steal my man, Mr Lee.”
“I would never,” he winked. 
Joe took the piss out of Ben all through lunch, constantly telling him how disappointed he was that he didn’t make a more attractive woman, that Roger looked so much better. Ben laughed along and played his part, but kept glancing at you every few minutes. You smiled sweetly, but the ones he returned had an aura of the heartsick about them. You were following the guys back to set when Ben grabbed you by the arm and pulled you aside to a quiet corner, sheltered from prying eyes and intermeddling ears. He pushed your back against the wall and enclosed you in himself. He searched your face, but for what you didn’t know. “What’s up, Benny?” 
“What you were saying back there… you’re so beautiful Y/N, you know that right?”
“I know,” you said, struggling to keep a straight face. Ben was being so sweet and sincere but all you could see was the wig and the eyeliner and the bows. You twirled one of his curls between your fingers, “So are you.” 
He lifted his hand to yours, holding it still, “I mean it. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” His eyes bored into yours, desperately communicating his earnestness. 
“Thank you,” you breathed. He nodded, seemingly satisfied that you had understood him. “But I still think you make a seriously hot woman. Just look at that face.” You grabbed his chin and pulled him closer. 
Ben sighed, laughing. His tongue protended slightly over his bottom lip. 
You hummed, “It’s that little pouty face that you do. So innocent, like butter wouldn’t melt.” 
“You know I got that face from you. I watched what Roger did in the video obviously, but I did that face cause that’s the one you make.”
“Are you serious? When do I make that face?” 
“You used to do it all the time in bars when you were just listening to the music, daydreaming.” 
“Ben, that is my ‘I’m-trying-to-look-sexy-and-disinterested-so-men-will-want-to-chat-me-up’ face!” you gasped, embarrassed. 
“Well it worked ‘cause it made me want to chat you up,” he smirked. 
“Not that you bloody did, I had to chat you up.”
“That was definitely not chatting me up. You had verbal diarrhoea in my general direction.” 
“Oh shut up.”
“Make me.”
Your chest went tight as Ben smirked. Beneath all the makeup and costume he was still his cocky,   provocative self: a stallion of a man. Unintimidated, you thrust your lips to his and kissed him fiercely, owning his mouth with yours. You deliberately pulled away abruptly, just as Ben was expanding into you, and tucked one of his golden locks behind his ear. 
“I guess that was kinda weird for you.”
You shook your head, “You think that was my first time kissing a woman?” 
“It wasn’t?” You shook your head, giggling. “Huh, well that’s one thing we didn’t learn in ‘Never Have I Ever’.”
“Oh there’s plenty you don’t know about me, I’m full of secrets.” 
“Alright mysterious girl, what else don’t I know?” 
“Telling you would spoil all the fun.”
“Anyone seen Ben? And where the hell is Y/N?” you heard someone yell from set.
“What are you guys doing for bonfire night? 
“Oh of course, it’s the 5th of November today,” Gwil remarked. 
“Bonfire night?” Joe queried. “Isn’t that a fireworks thing like 4th July?”
“Oh Joe, my sweet, naïve American friend, it is nothing like that shitshow of excessive patriotism and fried food.”
“Hey, Independence Day is an important part of American history.”
“Yeah, a history that’s all of five minutes long.”
His mouth fell open like a goldfish and he looked around for someone who shared his indignation. 
“Rami, help me out here.”
Rami just laughed, “My heritage is Egyptian, their history is literally ancient.”
“Unbelievable,” he muttered, tutting. 
“I hear Blackheath does a great bonfire. Joe, we are going to show you the wonders of Bonfire Night.” 
“So, what exactly is this all about?” Joe challenged as you walked through the rows of stalls that evening, weaving between crowds of people. 
Despite the chill that crept through your many layers, a warmth pooled in your heart at the mayhem of sensations. The smells of many food vendors competed for your attention: hot dogs with onions and ketchup, toffee apples so sickly sweet, mulled wine, spiced and fragrant. Children giggled and squealed, people laughed merrily, and the bonfire crackled in the distance. As autumn was beginning to fade, the world was blanketed in earthy hues, reds and oranges and browns. The leaves were vibrant in their last flourish before death, glowing bright but so dry you could almost hear them crunch, and the fire engulfed everything it touched in a golden embrace. You inhaled deeply, allowing the atmosphere to seep into you, and grinned. 
“Bonfire night is a big celebration to commemorate when this bloke called Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and the King in the early 17th century, basically ‘cause he was a Catholic and they were Protestant. But he was caught laying the gunpowder and they executed him, so every year we light a bonfire and burn an effigy of him on the top, you know, kids make them out of papier-mâché, and we eat and drink and watch fireworks. 
“So you burn a papier-mâché man on a big fire to celebrate a failed terrorist attempt?” Joe frowned, perturbed. 
You laughed, “Exactly.” 
“Brits are weird,” he decided. 
Ben defended, “It sounds weird when you say it like that, but really it’s an excuse to have a good time.” 
“Come on,” you declared, “Let’s go to the bonfire.” You marched towards the blaze without waiting to see if the others were following. 
The fire was feverish up close. You were soon roasting under your winter coat, with your hair falling in gentle waves from underneath your wool hat and a scarf wrapped around your neck. It was so hot on your skin that you feared for the fate of your eyelashes, but you wouldn’t move away. You stood in awe of the flames as they leapt and cracked, dancing their vicious dance, sparks frolicking in the stars. You watched, mesmerised, until Ben caught up with you, threaded his arms around your waist, and rested his chin on your shoulder. 
“Isn’t is beautiful,” you whispered, filled with terrible wonder. 
He hummed his concurrence and nuzzled his face into your neck. 
“Wow, hot isn’t it?” Gwil remarked as he came to stand beside you. 
Joe scoffed, “Yeah, no shit. It’s a giant fire.” 
“Can you see the Guy on the top?” you prompted. The remains of the Guy were still there, propped on a chair like a throne, disintegrating into ash before your eyes.
“Oh yeah,” he mumbled, disconcerted. “Gwil’s right, this is really fucking hot, let’s go play the games.” 
You had an hour until the firework display, so occupied yourself on the fairground games. Rami and Lucy had wondered off together, no doubt for a romantic ride on the ferris wheel. The other boys were endlessly competitive, always trying to one-up each other on the games; you played along but mostly just laughed at them and their poor attempts at trash talking. Afterwards, you got mulled wine and held it in your hands, letting it warm your frozen fingers. You breathed in, cinnamon and orange and nutmeg swirling together through your senses, thinking that there really is nothing like mulled wine on a cold autumn night. You walked through the stalls as you drank, perusing the trinkets on sale, and Joe inevitable bought himself a huge bag of marshmallows like the big kid he is. You passed the coconut shy and saw the best prize was a teddy bear the size of a small child. You turned suddenly to Ben and grabbed his arm. 
“Will you win me the teddy like they do in the movies?” 
He laughed and fished in his pocket for some change. “You’re a hopeless romantic really, aren’t you?” 
“Through and through babe.” 
“You gotta knock off all six to win the bear,” said the vendor in a thick cockney accent. He had eight balls to do so. It was just a game but you saw the absolute determination on Ben’s face as he took the ball and lined up the first shot. 
He missed with the first ball, but muttered something about getting his bearings — to which Joe immediately shouted, “BEARings! Geddit? Cause he’s trying to get the bear?” You rolled your eyes. 
The next five shots where bang on, and the coconuts fell off their stands one after the other. You were starting to get excited when he missed with the penultimate ball. He one chance to get the final coconut. 
You went onto your tiptoes and leaned into Ben’s ear, whispering, “You got this baby, do it for me.”
He looked deep into your eyes. You bit your lip in that cutesy-but-sexy way the girl always does in the films, but Ben was all sincerity. His eyes skipped to your lips for a second before he turned, threw the ball, and knocked the last coconut off the stand. You laughed, incredulous, and jumped up and down before tossing your arms around his shoulders. Placing a big, sloppy kiss on his cheek you grinned like a cheshire cat. 
The vendor, somewhat begrudgingly you thought, handed over the giant teddy and you bounced on your heels excitedly, cuddling it tightly to your chest. 
“Are you happy?” Ben chuckled. 
“Very,” you beamed and slipped your hand in his, feeling warm and full. 
You found a good spot to watch the fireworks, ‘ooh’ing and ‘aah’ing along with everyone else. It was a beautiful display, and in the midst of all the families and groups of friends, laughing and cheering, you felt so at home in Ben’s arms. You spotted a young family nearby with a baby in the arms of its mother. It was all wrapped up in a coat and blankets, with big headphones on to protect its ears, but you could see the innocent wonder in its eyes as the lights flashed and sparkled in the sky. Its gurgle of delight reached you over the noise and squeezed your heart. Tiny, chubby fingers reached up and tried to grab the lights from their inky black perch. 
“How precious,” you whispered to yourself. Somewhere in your stomach that yearning for a baby stirred and writhed. 
Ben, behind you with his arms locked around your waist, rested his chin on your shoulder. 
“Feeling broody?” his voice rumbled in ear. 
You hummed, “Always.” 
Just then the baby turned and caught your eye, smiling widely.  You waved and it stretched out towards you. It’s mum noticed and smiled at you, bouncing the baby happily on her hip.
“You’ve got a few admirers,” Ben simpered, nodding to the older sister who had her eyes fixed on the teddy bear you were still cuddling. 
Laughing softly you detached yourself from Ben and knelt in front of her. 
“Do you like my teddy?” you asked her gently. She held onto her mother’s leg with one hand and sucked on the fingers of the other. Looking up at you through her eyelashes she nodded shyly. 
“Do you think you could help me come up with a name for him? I’m really stuck.” 
She frowned, pensive, then said decidedly, “Ted.” 
The laugh that flowed from you was full of the joyful delight that only children can offer. “I like that, how about Big Ted?”
She nodded enthusiastically, and stroked Big Ted’s arm. She looked at the bear with such fondness, such longing. 
“Do you know what, I don’t think my flat is big enough for Big Ted to live there too. Would you like to take him home with you? Do you think you could look after him for me?” 
Her little eyes lit up and looked to her mum eagerly. Mum just chuckled and said, “Are you sure? That’s very kind of you.” 
“Absolutely,” and turning to the girl you said, “As long as you promise to take good care of him.” 
“I will, I promise.” With a smile you handed over the bear to her — which was easily as big as she was — and she cuddled him close to her chest. 
“Thank you,” she whispered, so quiet you could barely hear it but none the less heartfelt. 
“You’re very welcome.”
It warmed your heart to watch the way she held that bear so tightly, and you were sure she’d get years of love out of it, and probably her baby sibling too. That knowledge was more than worth the ribbing you got from the guys for being so broody. 
“I worked hard to win you that bear,” Ben pouted, deliberately trying to make you feel bad. 
“And I appreciate it very much,” you cooed, placing a kiss on his pouted lips. “How about I show you just how much when we get home?” you added in a whisper. 
He seemed to like that idea. 
You wondered around until it started to get quieter and the chill seeped through your coats and into your bones, Gwil loudly complaining that his bollocks were freezing off. Joe seemed to be the least keen to leave. 
“I thought you were Mr Skeptical about Bonfire Night,” you teased. 
“Okay, to be fair this was really fun. I am fully on board with your super weird ceremonial burning tradition. But you have to be open to Independence Day.”
“In all honesty love, it sounds like a big barbecue and day drinking which is right up my street. You invite me to a 4th of July party and I’ll be there.” 
taglist: @anikatcmh​ @queen-turtle-boiii​ @orchideax​ @rogerspoison @my5secondsofneverland​ @mrsmazzello​ @ixchel-9275​ @radiob-l-a-hblah​ @devin-marie​ @rogmeddows​ @mercurycrowley​ @spaghetittiesbcimgay​ @valeriecarolinaw​ @saint-hardy​ @caborhapch​ @stephanie-everlasting @coldmuffinpartycloud​ @drowse13​ @shhhs3cret​ @blind-melon-taylor​ @ohsososophisticatedd​ @malfoybaby​ @littlepanda-love​ @leezie​ @shesakillerquueennn​ @borhapgrande​ @stfxlou​ @vangogh-groupie​ @dep-thx​ (just ask if you want to be added to the tag list! sorry if tumblr won’t let me tag you)
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thenightling · 4 years
Morpheus in a Masquerade (A Sandman / Lucifer fan fiction)
I finally wrote something for the Lucifer / Morpheus shippers.  This is a little saccharine. I hope you like it.  Though it’s not comic book accurate I borrowed the layout of Lux from the Lucifer TV series because it was just convenient for the story.   Again, this could get a little sappy.
I was in a rush when I wrote this. I’ll make corrections later.   
  Morpheus in a Masquerade
  “I walk across the dreaming sands under the pale moon: through the dreams of countries and cities, past dreams of places long gone and times beyond recall.”
           In his darkest and strangest hours, when Morpheus had thoughts he scarcely would admit to himself he wondered that perhaps Loki, Lucifer, and all the other iconoclasts of the various pantheons were right in their rebellion.  They wanted to leave and so they did.  There was no dramatic final exit.  They didn’t dread abandoning responsibilities as he did.  If only he had the bravery or selfishness and carelessness to do as they had done…but these thoughts were along the lines of words he would never dare utter, not even to himself.  He was dead now, right?   What did it matter?   He had escaped his role in the most absolute fashion possible…
           Morpheus walked along the beach of Hob’s dream in the perpetual eventide.   This was, for him, his Heaven, his sanctuary.  And almost every night he would walk and speak with his friend who always steadfastly refused Death’s gift.  How he admire’s Hob’s fortitude.   And how he, himself, liked it here.  He was at peace here.  Eternally residing in the dream of a friend wasn’t the worst way one could spend an existence after being an Endless.  And yet sometimes he felt certain old aches, like a mortal who had lost a leg and missed it terribly.          
           Lux was open all night.  It often was open all evening.  The owner stood at the very top of the stairs.  His hands rested in his pockets as he watched the dancers below. His blond hair kind of looked careless but it was the sort of careless that takes a stylist over two hours to impressively perfect.  Lucifer knew how to be stylish in all things.
           He smiled with pleasure at the Venetian style masquerade around him, the particular party he had orchestrated. Everyone wore a mask save for himself.
           It was good to keep a sharp eye on his guests. Even here in this mortal world. One never knows what might happen on a night like this.  He had been retired decades ago and it had been a considerably long time since anyone had tried to talk him into going back… Most of the gusts seemed to be enjoying themselves and the thob of the music was inviting and invigorating.  It was New Year’s Eve and the masquerade was well underway when the doors flew open and the elegant, dapper, figure, dressed in crimson red, entered the room. The being was androgynous and all-together beautiful.  This entity had dark hair and pale skin.  They were tall by mortal standards and elegant.  Lucifer recognized this gorgeous creature as Desire of The Endless.  Desire was wearing expensive-looking, dark, sunglasses that Lucifer could only imagine were hiding golden-yellow eyes.  
           Lucifer walked up to Desire and offered his hand as if he was the prince in a fairy tall ball meeting with Cinderella.  “What a pleasure seeing you here.”  He said with a charming smile.
           “Were you expecting me?” the Endless purred.
           “No.  But that doesn’t make it any less the pleasure.”
           “Charming as ever, Morningstar.”  Desire smiled a dazzling, perfect, toothy smile.
           A slow dance had started and they were both moving gracefully in what almost resembled an old fashioned minuet. The movements of Desire were strangely awkward at first as if they hadn’t danced in a very long time.  And then finally the eternally graceful endless seemed to capture the rhythm of the music in the sway of their hips and the elegant, cat-like, steps.       Lucifer enjoyed his companion so much that he did not seem to care or notice that their own dance was archaic when compared to the modern dancing around them.        
           “Do you ever miss him?”  Lucifer asked Desire with some seriousness that could be mistaken as taunting or even accusing.
           “That is an odd question.”  Desire said with a hint of contempt as if Lucifer’s inquiry had the potential to spoil their fun.
            Lucifer shrugged.  “Sometimes I do.”
           “Do you?”
           “But he clipped your wings!”
           “Only because I asked him to!  I liked his honesty.  I have always appreciated honesty.”
            Desire was frowning now.
             Lucifer continued.  “When he lied it was usually to himself but he tried to be truthful and I liked that. Sometimes it was brutal and sometimes…”
           “Sometimes what?” Desire suddenly seemed curious as if the conversation was just now becoming interesting to Desire.
           Lucifer spun his partner and dipped Desire. “Sometimes it was endearing.” He said, leaning close, as if to kiss Desire but stopping just shy of it. “When I asked him what I was like, do you know what he told me?”
           “How should I know that?”
           “Hmm… Yes.   He told me, ‘You were very proud, Samael.  But you were also very beautiful, and wise-- and passionate.”  
           “My brother said that to you?”
           “He did.  You know it’s funny.  As soon as I asked if you missed him, you knew exactly who I was talking about.  I think you do miss him…”
           “Do you regret it?” Lucifer and Desire were turning in circles on the floor and it seemed like everyone else has vanished around them.
           “Regret what?”
           “You know.”
           “You think I killed him?”  Somehow Desire sounded both offended and amused all at once as only Desire seemed likely to be able to sound.  This impressed Lucifer.
           “You know the answer to that.”
           The dance was over.   Lucifer raised Desire’s hand to his lips and kissed the back of Desire’s knuckles.   Desire cast two shadows.  One dark edged and sharp, the other dim and forever wavering.   And the scent was of summer peaches.  An excellent touch.
             “Are you all right, Morningstar, you seem distracted…”
           “Come up to my room,”  Lucifer invited.   “This whole scene is a little too public.”
           “I’m not sure I-“
           Lucifer smirked.  Now he was certain of his growing suspicion.  “Oh! What’s this?  Is Desire of The Endless suddenly shy?”
           “You offend me, Morningstar.   Never!”
           “Good.  Then come.”
           Lucifer took Desire’s hand and guided them up the stairs to his own private rooms.  Once there Lucifer shut the door and went to his private bar to prepare them each a drink.   “Do you remember the story…  The reason he would never dance…  Not even for his wife.”
           “Yes, I remember.”
           “Was that your doing?”  Lucifer asked.
           Desire smirked behind the designer sunglasses and took the offered wine glass.  “So what if it was?”
           “You humiliated him, didn’t you?  All those years I could never talk him into a dance, not once.  Not in Hell, not in The Dreaming…  And especially not on Earth.  But you danced with me.”
            “I am not Dream of The Endless.”
            “No.” Lucifer raised his glass as if toasting this fact.  “No, you’re not.   And I appreciate that in your effort to deceive me you never actually lied this entire evening.“
            “What makes you think I’m deceiving you?”
            “Do you ever miss him?”
            “You already asked me this…”
           “Hmm?  Oh, yes. I suppose I did.  Let me rephrase that.  Do you miss… being him?”
                Before his guest could protest Lucifer pulled off the designer spectacles. Just as he suspected they were not hiding golden-yellow cat-like eyes at all.  They were black as night with two pinpoint stars for pupils.  Beautiful and familiar.  Though Lucifer masked it well his heart nearly skipped a beat with delight and his theory being proven correct.  The rest of the illusion faded from the red garments and groomed hair to the scent of summer preaches.              Now the entity was taller and more distinctly male and no longer so androgynous as Desire of The Endless usually was. Taller and thinner.  The hands were still pale and delicate though.   Those were still feminine, the hands of an artisan.  The hands of a sculptor.  Lucifer had always liked Morpheus’ hands.              “Hello Morpheus.”             Morpheus said nothing at first, feeling like Rumpelstiltskin being found out in the faery tale.
         Lucifer set down his drink and the sunglasses.   Morpheus carefully put down his own glass of white wine.  He should have noticed that the drink Lucifer had prepared for them was his own favorite white wine though he also sometimes liked dark mead even if that was hard to find now.  
           Lucifer stepped to former Dream Lord.  “How does it feel to just be a dream, Dream?”            “I am not Dream of The Endless anymore.”            “No, but you are still you, Morpheus.  And you-“ he pointed an accusing finger, “once said you would never dance, not even for your wife. “            “I did not dance.   Desire danced with you.”            “Oh, please.  You were in Desire’s form.  It counts.“            “It does not count.”            “It counts.”            Morpheus was scowling.  Lucifer was enjoying this.  
             “Why did you come to me?” Lucifer asked.  “Why now?”
           “I- I wanted to tell you… you were right… “            “I was?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
           “I understand now why you quit.  I suppose I always understood.  I didn’t want to understand it… I had responsibilities.”  
           “And ever the drama queen, you had to do things the hard way.”            “You mock me.  I couldn’t leave my domain to ruin.   It needed a ruler.”            “Yes, yes, that’s all well and good.   So what now?”            “I am…  mostly satisfied with my new arrangement.  But I wanted to see you.  I wanted to say…”            “Dream…  Morpheus…” Lucifer put a finger to Morpheus’ lip as he knew Morpheus had done to many in the past.  “Shut up.   Shut up and dance with me.”              “I told you once, I don’t dance.  Not even for my wife.”            “You don’t dance…”  Lucifer reached into his own blazer and took from a pocket a carefully folded black domino mask of soft gauzy material and lace design.  “Then don’t be you anymore.”  He reached behind Morpheus’ head, working the mask over his tangled, thick, dark hair.              “Just like that?”            “Just like that. You’re dead.  You can be anyone you want.   It’s not my fault you chose to be a prudish ass of a dream.”            
           With the grace of a panther Lucifer reached with one hand for his mobile phone, a device Morpheus still seemed to find puzzling.  Lucifer pressed something and music started to play in the room.   And once again Lucifer lead his partner into a Waltz.
              The song that played was Sweet Morpheus by Inkubus Sukkubus. “Falling downward, your face I see. Falling downward, you can see me. In this madness I reach out for your hand Two souls in union, spiralling to the ground”
             And The ex-Devil, and the dead Dream danced together where no one else could see them.  And there was a silent and secret understanding between them as deep and as profound as love and maybe it was love.  Who knows with creatures such as these?  Maybe it was love. “I've touched your beauty, tasted your poison brew. You've held me closer than any man could do. Now, come, sweet Morpheus, there's lands we've yet to see. Unfold your comforting arms, and we'll fall endlessly.”
             Hob couldn’t remember what he dreamt that night.  He just knew it wasn’t his usual dream of wandering the early evening coastline with his friend.  But the next night a blond, posh, pianist joined them and he was humming a song Hob had only heard maybe once before.  And he knew the song would be stuck in his head that day. “How I love you, Morpheus, my soul has ached for you. You gave me comfort while life was so cruel. Your time is precious, I'll waste not what you share. Let's fall again now, as far as we would dare.”
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