dirtdiggingqueer · 5 years
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The Four Horsepersons of the Queer apocalypse.......
SAVE US!!!!!
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spookie-black-cat · 6 years
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Did a redraw of that one thing from 2 years ago ❤
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queerpuff21 · 6 years
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A little appreciation post for some season 2 Carmilla Karnstein looks ❤️
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alwaysaslutforlexa · 6 years
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How?????? Wtf Tumblr?????
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askhollstein · 6 years
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Question asked by @mason010 : Laura and Carm: what are your favorite ways to surprise each other? Laura: I love surprising Carm with spontaneous dates! She loves them! Carmilla: Laura really loves when I buy her things for her “fandoms” and I love to see the look on her face when I bring her cookies and chocolate.
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andreiarcosta · 7 years
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Carmilla Karnstein ( @natvanlis ) and Laura Hollis power duo keeping it cool… and entering battle mode. 
My little homage to @carmillaseries <3
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jwldzl · 6 years
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I can’t believe this might actually happen 😘 “Let’s kiss like the French do” @natvanlis
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doublepyroz · 6 years
Imagine your OTP
A got into a serious accident and now they are freaking out in the ambulance because they’re so afraid B is going to leave them because of some possible big scars.
When B rushed to the hospital right after they are notified, A was still in surgery getting they injuries stitched and other check ups.
A was finally out of everything and now resting in their hospital room. B was already waiting for them in the room while the nurses were preparing the room for A.
They were talking softly and B was asking A what happened and how they’re feeling now when A suddenly started sobbing. B asked very concerning, ‘what’s wrong, baby?’
‘Will you dump me if I have a massive scar or get old or fat or just ugly?’ asked A. B smiled softly and said, ‘you are so cute. I love you and of course I wouldn’t leave you,’ B said as they sat down on the bed beside A, ‘I’m in love with you, not your body, not that it’s bad or anything cause you’re super hot. I fell in love with your soul, your personality, the way you think, the way you speak, and hell! Even the way you treat (pet’s name/sibling’s name). My mom told me this when I was young that people should fall in love with people’s eyes because they never change with time even when they’re old but meeting you make me realise I don’t need her advice because I’m in love with your beautiful soul and I know no matter what happens to you or me or the world, you’ll still be the same person I fell in love with. So don’t worry, my love, I wouldn’t leave even if you can’t even leave the bed for any reason. And who am I to leave you when things get tough? You held my hand while I picked the million pieces of myself up. You believed in my when I don’t even believe in myself. You, the best person ever lived, make me laugh when I was doubting if life is worth living. If I leave because you have a scar or look different than when we started dating, you have my permission to destroy the rest of my life completely in any ways. But I will never. You know what? I was going to do it during the New Years count down but screw plan when did we ever followed any of our plans!’ B started fishing the ring out of their jacket’s pocket, ‘ummm... just one more second,’ B said as they continued searching through all the pockets on them and found it in the tiny pocket in their jean where people used to shore their pocket watch, ‘I swear it was so much more romantic in my head,’ as B got down on one knee and said, ‘you know how horrible of a decision maker I am, but I have never be so sure of a decision I make in my life and it’s a huge one, you know, marriage and stuff...’ and skipping the recap on how they met to how B realise they are completely in love with A. ‘My knee is getting sore so i have to cut my speech short but (A’s full name), WILL YOU MARRY ME?’
A was crying so much at this point and replied, ‘no... I mean yes... but no you are still going to finish your speech,’ as B excitedly put the ring on A’s finger. ‘Damn it, I thought I can save the rest for our wedding speech!’ B muttered.
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force4kenobi · 6 years
Ok Tumblr you win. After seeing many,many,many posts about the amazingness that is Carmilla and Hollestein I finally checked it out today. Marathoned all of season 1 and am officially obsessed.
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kalierse · 7 years
I mean if Wynonna Earp wanted to do a wayhaught sex scene like they did in the carmilla movie, we’d all need to be out on oxygen !
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madd-muskan · 7 years
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My gosh YouTube is gayer than me 😂😂 I just typed CARMILLA
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holygresterhart · 7 years
But like tbh I have watched the Carmilla Movie 3 times already.
It’s so good.
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queerpuff21 · 6 years
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I will never get tired of seeing these two beautiful women together ❤️
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poemsforpersephone · 7 years
i like girls who resemble the sun; burning, brilliant, blinding, if you look for too long. the kind of light that lingers on your eyelids. i like girls who remind me of moonlight; who have a way of lighting the dark spaces in my mind on cold nights, when dawn seems like a distant dream. i like girls who personify the ocean; wild laughter and wide eyes, salt slick skin, arms raised as they sway as one with the waves, tide drunk and dizzy with the scent of the sea. i like girls who embody the earth; who ground with a touch. who fight off lightning and kiss like how rain tastes on your tongue when you open your mouth to the sky.
l.s. | i like girls © 2017
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a-writes · 7 years
Special: Memorial Day Bullet Prompt
Person A has been in the military for years now.
Person B has always waited, in faith and hope that A will come home.
No matter what, B will wait for their true love (A).
Eventually A gets to go home and B doesn’t know.
B answering the door in sweat pants and a hoodie with chocolate on their face and a tub of ice cream in their embrace.
The slow-mo spread of shock and delight spreading across B’s face when realizing it’s actually their A standing in the doorway.
The thud of the tub of ice cream and the “oof” from A when they’re tackled by B.
“Why are you in my sweatpants?”
“I missed you and I was watching Netflix...”
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andreiarcosta · 7 years
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Well, got the idea of making a halloween postcard of Carmilla ( @carmillaseries ), but then I thought: why not make an animated gif for the main characters as well?
Here’s Perry and LaFontaine kicking ass.
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