#holly fallout 4
malewifemrhouse · 4 months
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20 ghouls ! ! i added another 29 to this file. more from fo4 and fnv, and a bunch from fo3 since ive now played it ! i want them all to look special :]!!! Here's the wip i posted previously!
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mossballs-jpeg · 11 months
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when Stitches visits the Slog for the first time
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bellamontwasright · 1 year
I think a fun horror flavored fallout fic would be a what-if where Preston Garvey being gaslit by his own men and a faction of mutated vampires/extraordinarily polite super mutants/cannibalistic chemhead cultists.
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gaqalesqua · 8 months
Nora brings supplies to the Slog as the ghouls’ summer heat kicks in.
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charliesvarietyhour · 29 days
can they jam?
quick and dirty "analysis" of whether or not the fallout 4 companions can play an instrument. hold my hand and play in the space with me <3
(these are all headcanons. they might not be yours, but they are mine. if you find these upsetting, that's okay! you can scroll away, my feelings won't be hurt <3 okay, i love you have fun)
no i am NOT writing this instead of finishing the jude/preston diptych that i've been procrastinating on for three months. and actually how dare you for implying that. you're no longer invited to my fallout themed birthday party.
Ada. Can play little tunes by beeping at different frequencies. Would do this with her friends when they had music nights around their campfire.
Cait. Fabulous sense of rhythm. Always drumming some kind of beat.
Codsworth. Hums frequently. There's nothing in his programming that should allow him to do this.
Curie. Not only can she not play instruments, but she is criminally tone-deaf. She should probably stick to the lab.
Danse. Singing voice like an angel. Too shy to sing publicly. So if you catch him singing to himself, you'd better shut up and hope he doesn't notice you if you want him to continue.
Deacon. "I'll never tell!" (No, he cannot and he is embarrassed about it.)
Dogmeat. Howls on-key. Like, scarily on-key. Better-than-you-can-sing on-key. Are-we-sure-this-dog-is-just-a-dog on-key. I cannot stress how unnatural it is. Nobody acknowledges it when you ask them. Dogmeat wags his tail.
Gage. Used to play bluegrass instruments (dulcimer, fiddles, guitars, banjos, etc) with his brothers. He can also make instruments and can tune them by ear. He doesn't do either anymore.
Hancock. Knows some chords on the guitar but prefers to listen to music. He has a nice, deep humming voice, though.
MacCready. No. But he has a pitch-perfect whistle. Very cool!
Nick. Call him Billy Joel the way he's a Piano Man. Great with music theory and can read any sheet music. Human!Nick did not have this talent. It's important to me that you know that.
Old Longfellow. Virtuoso. Can pick up any instrument and is an instant savant. You will never ever ever ever see him do this. This is how he preserves what little sanity he has left.
Piper. She tried learning Hot Cross Buns on a hand-carved recorder when she was a kid and quit when she wasn't immediately good at it. No.
Preston. Was the Lead Harmonicist in Hollis' regiment. He still has it on him, though he hasn't played since Quincy. Can also pluck a tune on a guitar or banjo, but those are less convenient to carry with you when traveling long distances.
Strong. Cello. No, he will not elaborate.
X6-88. No and he looks at you like you're an idiot if you ask. (He secretly wants to learn.)
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vaultfrozen · 3 months
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— ᴡᴇ ꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʀɪɴᴋ ᴏꜰ ᴛᴏᴛᴀʟ ᴡᴀʀ, ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴀꜰʀᴀɪᴅ. fallout 4 sole. defrosted by holly.
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ghoul-foolery · 4 days
Dirty Windows | 24
Hancock x Nora - A Fallout 4 Soulmate AU
Fic Summary:
Hancock never thought he would find his soulmate. Once a common occurrence, soulmates turned into a bit of a rarity after the bombs dropped. It was to be expected when there was an influx of people getting shot in the face on a daily basis. So when Hancock discovered that he had a soulmate he was ecstatic; all of the people in the Commonwealth, and he was one of the lucky few.
Too bad his soulmate didn't want anything to do with him.
[ 1 ] <- [ 19 ] [ 20 ] [ 21 ] [ 22 ] [ 23 ]
Two weeks had come and gone since Nora had taken up residence at the Slog, and she was sure that if she ever had it her way she’d never leave. The people were so willing to accept her into their social circles, and that in itself was borderline mind blowing. Striking up conversation with the Sanctuary crew felt so stilted, so forced. Perhaps it was because the expectations for her in Sanctuary were so high. The ghouls in the Slog didn’t expect anything out of her, but they were more than willing to teach valuable post-war life skills and Nora was an incredibly eager student. In the midst of it all, under Arlen’s gentle guidance, Nora was learning how to build a water purifier. 
All it took was a passing complaint about Sanctuary and the water purifier debacle; about how they seemed to assume she just had that sort of mechanical knowledge, or would be able to magically procure one. It was just some idle venting as she visited with the older ghoul in his workshop; nothing more, nothing less. Arlen had hummed thoughtfully, then promptly guided her out of his workshop, telling Nora to go offer Jones and Holly some help in the garden. It was a couple hours later, as she was chopping tatos for dinner, when Arlen emerged from his workshop. He called her name, and once she reached him, he passed her a slip of ancient notebook paper. It was a schematic, a blueprint. In clean writing off to the side, he listed the required components, and what sort of machinery she could dig around to find them. 
“If you want to get the parts, we can work on it together,” he had told her. His gentle smile was so fatherly, so caring. Nora couldn’t help it, she pulled the man into a tight hug. 
It felt as if Nora had cashed in every ounce of good karma she had saved up. No one in the Slog would accept any compensation for their time, and tutelage. No one would accept caps as a thanks. It didn’t feel like it was nearly enough, but all they would take from her was her gratitude and on some days they made that seem as if it were too much. Or, Holly would just get a little fed up with all the thank yous, and would tell Nora to stop saying it…
Though Nora still experienced moments of extreme guilt when she realized how little progress she had made when it came to finding her boy, it was quickly quelled when she reminded herself that she didn’t know how to survive on her own. If she managed to find Shaun, she wouldn’t know how to take care of him, she barely knew how to take care of herself. Nora didn’t want to be the reason why her son fell ill, or went hungry. So she learned what plants were acceptable to eat. She learned how to harvest vegetables, and razor grain. She learned how they stored their meat, and how to keep it properly preserved. And with Arlen Glass’ help, she would learn how to create a source of clean drinking water. Baby steps were still steps.
After accepting the blueprint from Arlen, Nora finally ventured away from the Slog to hunt down the supplies that she needed to build the water purifier. Every morning, after helping with breakfast, Nora would set out to scrounge up whatever scraps and machinery that she could. She siphoned gasoline, she hoarded fan belts, screws, and bolts. She would haul bags of gear back to the Slog, depositing them on Arlen’s workbench before setting out again. In the evenings, after she got back, Nora would help with dinner and then take a shift at evening watch. In the midst of it all, as she worked, as she traveled, her and John got to know each other.
They would go through daily idle chatter (”How was your day, dear?”), then continue on with any number of things. They covered a vast spectrum of topics, from favorite colors and foods, to more philosophical things. John divulged childhood memories, and awkward teenage experiences, and Nora would follow suit. As the days went on, Nora found herself becoming incredibly fond of the man. He was charismatic, and he was a whole lot smarter than he gave himself credit for. He was loyal to the people he considered his, and as loyal as he was he was even more protective. Nate would have loved him. The more Nora got to know John Hancock of Goodneighbor, the more certain she was that Nate and John would have been fast friends. They were both stubborn and loyal to a fault. They were both strong, and capable men, and even though she had only known John for a short while, she knew without a doubt that both men would bend over backwards to make her happy. John had helped her with so many things. She owed him so much. 
Bit by bit, she gathered the things on Arlen’s list and, after days of meticulous searching, she had everything that they needed. She stopped her daily wandering, and took up a spot in Arlen’s workshop where, together, they started constructing the water purifier. 
“Sounds like all he wants from you is a chance,” Arlen said, passing her a pair of needle nose pliers. “When you’re ready, I think you should give that to him.”
Arlen Glass had become her best friend, her confidant. After giving her tea on her first night he had somehow become a post-apocalypse father figure. His guidance helped Nora rediscover her confidence.
“Nate would want me to be happy, but – Ouch!” she recoiled, eyeballing a small bleeding cut on her finger. Nora leaned in close to the chassis of the under-construction water purifier. She nearly stuck her head inside as she searched for what had done the damage. “But I’m… afraid, I guess?”
“Afraid of being happy, when you think you shouldn’t be allowed to?”
Nora’s eyes shot to Arlen’s in surprise. Arlen was usually a little more gentle with his advice. He would pass her the seeds, but he would let her plant and sow things on her own. He wasn’t typically so blunt, but having heard Arlen’s story, she understood where he was coming from. He’d had a family, a beautiful one; but he had sacrificed happiness for work, and then he lost everything.
“Well when you say it like that, it sounds dumb,” she grumbled almost petulantly. She turned her attention back to their project.
Arlen chuckled in that airy way of his as he said, “You smile when you talk about Nate and John, you know. I don’t know if you’ve noticed.
Nora’s gaze tore away from her project yet again. Arlen had settled back in the old chair in his workshop. It was his typical sitting place whenever he read his morning paper. Instead of reclining back in the chair he was leaning forward, knees on his elbows, with a small, knowing smile. 
“You’re a smart woman, Eleanor. You should know that you wouldn’t be betraying Nathan by finding happiness again. If he was anything like you’ve said, he would want you safe, and happy. He’d want you to love and be loved.”
There was a sudden tightness in Nora’s throat. She did her best to swallow it down, and turn her attention back to the purifier but Arlen was suddenly at her side, cupping her face in his hands. They were hearty, weathered and overly textured, but they were also warm and grounding. 
“It’s okay for you to be happy, Eleanor,” he said it slowly, deliberately. “It’s okay.”
Nora’s hands rested over Arlen’s as she warbled, dangerously close to crying, “What if I fall in love with him and—“
“Honey, I think you might have already. Even if only a little bit.” The statement was like a kick to the gut, delivered with a smile. It knocked Nora’s world off its axis. Arlen continued, “If there is anything that can be learned from loss, it’s that you need to love the people in your life as strongly, and as fiercely as you can, because we never know when those special people will be taken away. Just remember, he will never replace Nate. You have a big heart, Eleanor. There is space for John in there, too.”
“Okay,” she said, her voice tight. That’s all she said because that’s all she could muster. 
“I’m not saying that you need to hurry up and stop mourning; and I’m not saying that you need to hurry up and fall in love.” The old ghoul placed a kiss to the crown of her head before leveling his eyes with hers. “But you need to know that it’s okay when you do. Grief doesn’t have an expiration date. If you wait for it to go away naturally, you’ll be waiting for forever and a day.”
“So it never goes away? It’s… This? Forever?” The guilt for growing fond of another man, the feeling of replacing someone she loved, the lingering dredges of hurt that hung around in her chest.
Arlen withdrew, turning his eyes to the in-progress water purifier, and then the pieces of an old Giddyup Buttercup. “They say that time heals all wounds, but it doesn’t. It just makes it easier to deal with.”
“Hey, smoothskin!” It was Wiseman’s voice, calling her from the front of the pool house.
Nora closed her eyes, swallowing at the lump in her throat, “Yeah?” She called out as Arlen picked up the needle nose pliers, and took over the task at hand.
“You got a visitor!”
The frown that had been marring Nora’s features deepened. Damn near every single person she knew who would want to visit her already lived in the Slog. Unless it was Preston for some reason. Or John. She was too aware of the way her heart leapt. Slowly, she peaked out of one of the broken windows to get eyes on the visitor. From a glance, it wasn’t anyone that she recognized from Sanctuary, and it most definitely wasn’t John. Nora’s hand immediately began to drift down to the pistol holstered at her thigh. 
“Go on,” Arlen said. “I’ll finish up this bit, and we can pick it up later.”
“Mm?” He hummed, haltingly. 
She placed a hand on his forearm, leaning in to kiss the older man’s cheek. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”
He tossed his head and said again, “Go on.”
With no small amount of hesitance, she left Arlen’s shop, stepping out into the early evening air. It had been a warm day, enough so that Nora had unzipped the top half of her vault suit in favor of adorning an oversized t-shirt. The arms of the suit were tied securely around her waist, and her hair was tied back into a ponytail. Her hands were greasy, scraped, and she could make out the dark smear of oil across her nose. She wasn’t really dressed for company, but she supposed that she never would be. 
Stepping around the building, Nora cleared her throat. The newcomer turned to face her. A smoothskin, like her. He wore an old conductor styled hat, a long coat, and he had a rifle hanging off his shoulder from a makeshift sling that looked to be fastened from an old belt. As she grew closer, she noted that he was handsome. Cheekbones that she could cut herself on, a proud, straight nose. Tanned, blue eyes, and a confident smile. 
“Well,” he said at length, “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
Nora held her distance, fishing an old rag from her pocket so she could start cleaning her hands. The tenuous grasp on her emotions turned steely as she stared the stranger down. No one would know that she had been on the brink of crying (ugh, again) thirty seconds ago. She eyed him warily, “Do I know you?”
His smile grew, “No. But I know you.”
The man’s eyes followed her hand as it dropped down to her side, resting casually by her pistol. Off to the side, she could see Wiseman tense and reach for her own weapon. 
Suddenly, the man laughed, “Calm down, girl! Shi-oot, I’m a friendly.” He’d almost said ‘shit’ but he had redirected. She didn’t know why, but that seemed important. She’d stow that away for later.
“You’ll have to forgive me, but I don’t believe you.”
“Why don’t you, uh…” his index finger tapped his temple. 
At this point, the Slog ghouls knew that Nora had a soulmate. It was hard to keep things secret when the space was so open, and communal. Especially when they noticed just how much she seemed to talk to herself. She couldn’t find the ability to look any of them in the eye and just insist that she was a touch crazy.
Without breaking eye contact with the stranger, Nora opened her end of the bond and reached. “John?”
The answer was immediate, ”What’s crackin’, doll fa – shit, is that MacCready? Fuck, he works fast…”
“You know him?” she asked, feeling the tension drain from her shoulders. She hadn’t realized she was holding her breath. Wiseman waved his hand, catching her attention. He made a gesture, indicating that he was going to be inside. She nodded, mouthing a silent ‘thank you’.
”Yeah, I know him. He’s out that way runnin’ an errand or two for me. I didn’t expect for him to get to you for another week or so.”
“Wh-why didn’t you tell me that he was coming? I… God, I was getting freaked out.” It could have been another one of those sickos from the drive-in. It could have been someone much, more worse.
“Easy, angel,” the man known as MacCready drawled. “I told you, I’m a friendly.”
”Don’t you call her that, you little shit.”
Nora snorted, then immediately covered her mouth to stifle her laughter. She wanted to be irritated, dang it. The second he had made arrangements for someone to come meet her, she should have known about it. She composed herself, dropping her hand. “He said your name was MacCready?”
“Yep! RJ MacCready, and you must be Nora,” he held out his hand, and Nora reached to shake it. Only for her hand to be lifted, she watched with almost wide eyes as he pursed his thin lips to plant a kiss to her skin. 
”Goddammit, MacCready!”
MacCready stopped, a mere centimeter from making contact, and then he snickered, giving her hand a firm shake. He was laughing, eyes glittering with his amusement. He seemed to be banking on John seeing the interaction, and had been aiming to irritate Nora’s soulmate for fun.
”Tell that little fucker that he ain’t gettin’ paid for shit!”
It didn’t matter how much she wanted to be angry, she couldn’t even manage a bit of irritation to shoot in John’s direction. 
“He mad?” MacCready asked, his smile stretched from ear-to-ear..
Maybe it was the total relief that she felt, but Nora couldn’t help but laugh as she replied, “He seems to be a little annoyed, yeah.”
Tag List: @takottai / @a-little-pebbl  / @yamatra
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fandomtrumpshate · 7 months
Unlisted Fandom Challenge
Two days ago, at our last Unlisted Fandom Challenge update, we had a 3-way tie for first. Today? One of those fandoms has taken the lead AND a new fandom that hadn't had even a single signup before has jumped all the way into a 4-way tie for second. Your fandom could do the same, in the hours still left before signups close!
At present, our leaderboard looks like this:
7 Danny Phantom
5 Carmen Sandiego (2019) 5 For All Mankind 5 Tortall 5 Yu Yu Hakusho
4 Ace Attorney 4 Alan Wake/Remedyverse 4 Formula 1 RPF 4 Ted Lasso 4 The Goblin Emperor Series - Katherine Addison 4 The Stanley Parable
3 Greek Mythology/Religion 3 Buffyverse 3 Bungo Stray Dogs 3 Call of Duty 3 Detective Conan 3 Dragon Ball 3 HBO War 3 Kingdom Hearts 3 Persona Series: 3-5 3 Professional Wrestling 3 Realm of the Elderlings - Robin Hobb 3 Shades of Magic - V. E. Schwab 3 The Mummy films 1999-2008 3 Undertale
Given the way Carmen Sandiego came from *nowhere* to tie for 2nd place, a single signup really can shake things up! And for the next few hours, signups are STILL OPEN! Do the thing!
The rest of our unlisted write-in fandoms under the cut for length -
2 Ghosts (TV) 2 Black Sails 2 Cosmere 2 CSI 2 Cyberpunk 2077 2 Dead Friend Forever 2 Death Stranding 2 Dice Punks (podcast) 2 Dimension 20 2 Donten ni Warau / Laughing Under the Clouds 2 Dracula 2 Dune 2 Firefly 2 Glee 2 Guardian/Zhen Hun 2 Hermitcraft/The Life Series SMP 2 Imperial Radch Series 2 Inception 2 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 2 Mob Psycho 100 2 Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury 2 Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint 2 Ordem Paranormal Quarentena 2 QSMP / Quackity SMP 2 Riverdale 2 Saw 2 Slow Horses (TV Show) 2 South Park 2 Stormlight Archive 2 The Bear (TV) 2 The Empyrean - Rebecca Yarros 2 The Folk of the Air (Holly Black) 2 The Radiant Emperor Series 2 Venture Bros 2 Voltron 2 Wolf Pack 1 1670 1 A Court of Fey & Flowers 1 a league of their own (TV series) 1 A Plague Tale (Videogame Series) 1 American Gods 1 Among Us 1 Bandom RPF (Bad Omens) 1 Bandom RPF (Lorna Shore) 1 Bandom RPF (Motionless In White) 1 Beastars 1 Bendy (and The Ink Machine/Dark Revival) 1 Horror 1 Bioshock 1&2 1 Blue Beetle 1 Blue Eye Samurai 1 Books of the Raksura 1 Boondock Saints 1 Breakfast With Scot 1 Bunny - Mona Awad 1 Buzzfeed Unsolved/Watcher Entertainment RPF 1 Cabin Pressure 1 Cats the musical 1 Charlie's Angels (2019) 1 Cherry Magic 1 Chronicles of Narnia 1 Cobra Kai 1 Coffee Talk (Video Game) 1 Criminal Minds 1 Death Note 1 Devil May Cry 1 Dexter 1 Digimon 1 Discworld - Terry Pratchett 1 Disney Theatrical Animated Universe 1 Divergent 1 DMBJ (Grave Robber's Chronicles) - Xu Lei 1 Dream SMP 1 Dungeons and Daddies (podcast) 1 Endeavour/Morseverse/Inspector Morse (ITV/Dexter) 1 Ensemble Stars!! 1 Fallout Video Game (Bethesda) 1 Falsettos 1 Fargo FX 1 Farscape 1 Fire Emblem (4-10, 13, 14, 16) 1 Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Friends at the Table 1 Game Changers Series - Rachel Reid 1 Grantchester 1 Green Creek 1 Grey's Anatomy 1 Grimm 1 Gundam (see below for details) 1 Hatchetfield 1 Hawaii 5.0 1 Hello From The Hallowoods 1 High School Musical 1 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni 1 Hollow Knight 1 Honkai Star Rail 1 Horizon Zero Dawn 1 Infinity Train 1 IT (Movies - Muschietti) 1 Jeff Satur - music videos 1 Julie and the Phantoms 1 Kushiel's Legacy 1 Law and Order 1 Legend of the Galactic Heroes 1 Live Free or Die Hard (Die Hard 4) 1 London Spy 1 Lovecraft Mythos 1 Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic 1 Magnificent Seven 1 Mary Grant Bruce's Billabong series 1 Mrs. Davis 1 My Little Pony 1 Nancy Drew (CW Series) 1 Narcos (TV) 1 Nine Worlds Series - Victoria Goddard 1 NU: Carnival 1 Omori 1 One Direction 1 Orphan Black 1 Outlast 1 Paranatural 1 Phantomarine 1 Re-Animator 1 Resident Evil/Biohazard 1 Sex Education (TV) 1 She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 1 Simon Snow Series 1 Skins (UK) 1 Slam Dunk 1 Starry Musical 1 Succession 1 Sunless Sea 1 Super Sentai 1 Sweeney Todd 1 Team Starkid 1 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 The Adventure Zone: Balance 1 The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension 1 The Adventures of Tintin 1 The Artful Dodger 1 The Good Place 1 The Greenhollow Series - Emily Tesh 1 The Hollows - Kim Harrison 1 The Last Kingdom 1 The Left-Handed Booksellers of London - Garth Nix 1 The Lunar Chronicles 1 The Mechanisms 1 The Pairing (Casey McQuiston) 1 The Saint of Steel 1 The Shadow Campaigns - Django Wexler 1 The Terror (TV 2018) 1 Three of Hearts 1 Tin Can Bros 1 Tower of God 1 True Detective 1 Twilight 1 Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold 1 Wayfarers (Becky Chambers) 1 Weak Hero Class 1 1 Westworld (TV) 1 Yellowjackets 1 Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
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houseofpurplestars · 4 months
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[Image id: digital art of Holly from Fallout 4 in a pin-up pose wearing a red dress. Digital art of Beatrix Russell from Fallout New Vegas, holding a whip in each hand /end id]
Look i dont have any fancy csp stuff so i just gotta do my best with my discontinued autodesk sketchbook 🤣😅😭
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oraeliaa · 4 months
Fic writing, in google history
Things I googled this morning, between the hours of 8:30 and 8:50, to write my fic-
Naturally Occuring Pectin
1950s dress patterns
Muscle placement on ribs
Cowboy traditional muscle growth
Shirtless cowboy
Arthur morgan RDD2 shirtless
Arthur morgan Red Dead Redemption 2 Underweight
Arthur morgan Red Dead Redemption 2 shirtless
Fallout 4 Ghouls
Holly Fallout 4
What I've decided - if Holly, a ghoul, has titties, then Cooper can have a slim but normal physique, ain't no way we get through an apocalypse with the only ghoul body fat being stored in the boobs
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slocumjoe · 1 year
A ramble about Preston Garvey and a self-indulgent revision of the entire Minuteman questline
TDLR: The Minutemen faction sacrifices writing and Preston’s character as a means of shoveling errands and busywork at the player.
Preston’s issues as a character are entirely Doylist, meaning the fault of outside forces. His writing, his concept, his themes, those are solid. This is not a racehorse that broke its leg and was still sent down the track, like some characters. This is a horse that was hale and hearty, but they made it run in circles around cars in the parking lot instead of putting it in the race. 
This essay is not going to be my most coherent one. Preston’s issues are so apparent, so in your face, it kinda feels like a waste of time explaining it. Just look at him and anyone with two braincells to rub together can see. But a lot of things in Fallout 4 sticks with me, even when I’m not in a Fallout 4 mood. Preston is one of those things. So neglected, so misused in the game, I couldn’t stop thinking about the bastard. 
Before we get into what Preston is, in-game...what was he meant to be?
And you know what? 
He’s close to Danse, post Blind Betrayal.
Preston Garvey started his military career as a fresh-faced, bright-eyed young man, who wanted to be another gun protecting the Commonwealth against whatever would harm it. He always had his faction’s best interests and ideals in mind. The first to wave the flag, the first to say the motto, the first to pick up a gun for it. He didn’t want heroism, or glory. He wanted to make the world a better place. It sounds cookie cutter, cliche, so sugary-saccharine. But this is the wasteland. This is in a world where everyone else seems content to succumb to futilism, to pretend there is no Better for the world. 
Preston Garvey is, inherently, part of a rebel army. The Minutemen were a militia, a guerilla army of farmers and their children, banding together against the oppressive totality of raiders, mercenaries, anyone who would rather gnaw on bones than build to ensure everyone was taken care of. The Minutemen are the fuck you, we want to recover and heal faction, to the raiders’ fuck you, I have a right to wallow in the ruins.
The legend herself, the icon, the Queen, Ursula K. LeGuin once said;  “The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist; a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain.” The MInutemen might look like your average, boring heroes (we’ll get into why), but it is inherently badass to look at the literal End of the World and decide, no, actually, we don’t want to lie down and die.
Preston Garvey is not a boy scout, the Minutemen are not mall cops. They are furious, determined, and most dangerously, optimistic. 
A young Preston Garvey joined under a blue banner, served under it for years...and watched as people who saw money, power, glory, took that banner and tied it into a noose.
Joe Becker died, and having not chosen someone to take over as General, all of the colonels squabbled for the position, wanting the fame, the cushy office. These people weren’t Minutemen, not at heart. The faction had grown so large, there was bound to be people looking only at the resources, what was in it for them. Preston, still a young man, but quickly losing his naivety and faith in his fellow Minutemen, watched as these colonels dropped their altruistic acts and demanded they get theirs.
And then Quincy happened.
The Minutemen were in disarray, following the Mirelurk invasion of the Castle, lacking a home base and their radio communications. But Colonel Ezra Hollis, potentially the last Colonel who gave a shit, heard that Quincy was under siege by Gunner forces, and he led his small, out-gunned squad to do whatever the fuck they could, until another Colonel came to provide the needed fire support. Hollis’ Minutemen succeeded in driving the Gunners back, and holding them off, but their help from Colonel Marbury never came. Preston watched as his Colonel refused to give up and let Quincy fall...and he watched as Clint, a ten-year veteran, betrayed everyone, chose money and a winning team over what was right. 
Quincy fell. Preston Garvey watched as the refugees fell in a line, running for safety. Watched his comrades, who he had been fighting against impossible odds with for days, dropped with them. 
Preston Garvey died, and I can tell you where. At one house, to the right, down the street from the museum, where the last other Minuteman lay dead in a yard. Where he became the Last Minuteman. Even if there were others who would call themselves such...they weren’t Minuteman, not really. The real Minutemen tried to save Quincy. Everyone else, who gave up, never believed at all.
Preston was still fucking furious at the hedonistic cruelty people indulged in and called inevitable. But he was alone, a failure, and had lost any reason to believe that there was a possibility of continuing. A point, a reason, yes. But the optimism...without that, there was no Minuteman army. 
Preston is Danse Post BB, because he’s freshly disillusioned from his faction, horrified at the truth and betrayal. He has lost his identity, his values, unsure of where to go, if there’s anywhere to go. And then...salvation walks down the street of Concord, and walks him and his group back up the road to Sanctuary. Sanctuary.
And then comes in the fucking dialogue system (FDS) and the fucking radiant system (FRS), armed with folding chairs, to beat Preston Garvey’s rich character into a bloody, twitching pulp. We cannot talk about Preston without talking about how his faction questline plays. We simply have to, because it’s like a shotgun wedding from hell.
Let’s start with the very first quest in the Minutemen. Preston, while running for his fucking life from gunners, then ferals, then raiders, has somehow heard through the grapevine/radio he doesn’t have that Tenpines has a Corvega raiders issue. He asks you to do it because he’s busy guarding Sanctuary. Okay.
You go to Tenpines, Corvega, and back, and whoop, you are now Minuteman general. 
You START THE MINUTEMEN as THE LEADER. Even fucking MAXSON waits for you to at least bump Danse off before making you a Paladin, but nope! Starting at the top, ending at the top. This kills progression in all senses. There is no sense of gaining ground, the Minutemen start with a General. Skyrim gets mocked for making you the leader of all factions, but good god, at least you had to earn it by sticking with them. 
So, bad start. 
Then you do some settlement stuff...which is handed to you in the worst fucking way. The FRS. 
Where is Preston getting this information? How are people sending it out? Ignoring the logistics...it’s just boring. You talk to Preston sometimes, and he always says Go Here, Do This, Come back. Do this enough times, Preston wants to retake the Castle. At this point, you don’t have any men, it’s just you and Preston- wait, who the fuck are these people?! We’ve had soldiers this whole time?! Who hired them?! You take the Castle and it’s admittedly cool, if not a pain to restore for all your- okay, wait, I can only bring settlers? Where are all the men I supposedly have, there’s three soldiers here! Three soldiers, this is just a Clearing the Way radiant quest, but the moving in folks helped me kill the mirelurks! 
Ugh, fine. You keep traveling, Preston gives you more- Preston?! I killed a Mirelurk Queen specifically for the radio tower, so I could get quests from the radio! Why is Preston still dispensing quests? It discourages you from talking to him, because you’ll get busywork cluttering your quest log. You can’t talk to Preston Garvey. You can’t fucking talk to him without doing him a favor first. 
Y’know what makes this even more abominable? You are said to have soldiers, who could be doing this instead! Why am I going after kidnapped settlers when we have soldiers?! The General still has a kid to find and the Institute to explode! SPEAKING OF...
The Commonwealth Provisional Government was started by the Minutemen, and ended by the Institute. This is never brought up again. And it’s not even Preston who talks about it, it’s Nick. The Minutemen have very real reason to want the Institute gone, and a good excuse to get the player to want to destroy the Institute beyond “grrr synths/they took my baby.”
Anyway, you go get artillery from Ronnie Shaw at some point, build it in your settlements, and...make your farmers man them. Not soldiers. I know you can deck out your settlers with armor and weapons, but the fact that you have maybe 5 constant, non-random encounter soldiers, all at the Castle, is...it makes it feel hollow. Where is my army, Preston? Who am I leading?
So, you do the Main Quest, blow up the Institute. Blah blah. Blow up the Brotherhood, too. Blaaaaah.
Either way, let’s get into fixes. And by fixes, I mean, complete rehaul.
First thing’s first. The entire questline is bad. It’s radiant quests and then boom boom Institute. It starts and ends the exact same way, you being the general. Second thing, we need to go back to the old dialogue system; no more YES, NO, WHAT, SARCASTIC. Actual dialogue. Back to Fallout New Vegas’s system, that relied on all stats and perks. Actual conversations with branching paths.
Saving Preston at Concord is fine. Works. It’s the first radiant quest that sucks ass. Throw that system out entirely, and I do mean entirely. Don’t save it for anything, it needs to go. It cannot remain. No being sent to Tenpines because Preston heard from a little birdie.
Instead, you work with Preston and the survivors to fortify and set up Sanctuary.
First, you work with Preston to shore up Sanctuary’s defenses. As you work with him, he’s polite, but curt. Professional, but not warm, open. He expresses gratitude, but definitely not trust. He doesn’t know you, he doesn’t know what your motives or wants are. You can tell him about Shaun, but he’s still not sure about you. He can’t afford to be and will tell you that outright, but...he needs someone to go see if anyone survived Lexington or Concord. He knows his other Minutemen split up with other survivors, he doesn’t know if they made it out. You can offer to go find them, or stay and protect Sanctuary. If you go, the other survivors will set up Sanctuary on their own without your help.
If you stay and Preston leaves, you plant crops with Marcy, getting to know her and potentially, she cracks and shows some vulnerability. She doesn’t soften right away, she’s still traumatized, but you get to see why she’s the way she is now. She just lost her baby, her home, all of her friends and family. Was just failed by the people who swore they’d protect them all. Betrayed by them. 
Then, you work with Sturges to get a water pump/purifier running. Sturges will tell you about Quincy in some detail, explain how it went to shit. He talks about how the Minutemen were needed more than ever, but crapped the bed at the last minute. Sturges says he thinks there’s a place in the world for the group, but with the last living soldier clearly reeling from everything that’s happened, he thinks it’s safe to say the Commonwealth is on it’s own. 
Next, it’s the bed situation with Jun. He barely says a word, only quietly thanking you for your help. If you choose the right dialogue options, he’ll say you remind him of Colonel Hollis, very brave and kind, even when it was a bad idea to help. Hollis didn’t survive, but you did. Maybe it’s not all bad, maybe Hollis wasn’t wrong, just of bad luck.
After, no matter who goes to find the bodies of the other Minutemen and Quincy locals, some Corvega raiders attack Sanctuary when they come back. It’s only a small scouting party, looking for Mama Murphy. You kill them, and Preston is freaking out and about to pack up and keep everyone moving farther. It’s up to you to calm him down and offer to go kill them. If you’ve picked certain dialogue choices before and Sanctuary has a high defense score, Preston will join you on the trip to Corvega. It’s on this journey + throughout it you can tell him about the fate of his comrades, or he tells you. If he doesn’t accompany you, you two talk about it when you get back to Sanctuary after killing Jared. 
Either way, It’s here that Mama Murphy tells you about Diamond City, not in the museum.
You do the main quest now, and when you get to Diamond City, you overhear people talking about the Quincy massacre, and what a shame that the Minutemen are gone. Someone talks about how McDonough forced all the ghouls out, and they moved up to the Slog, but now the Slog is having mutant troubles. From there, you can go decide for yourself if you want to do the Minuteman questline. The first few quests were just to organically show you the settlement system, dialogue system (the old, good one), and dungeon crawling, the explore-loot-return loop. It’s here that the Minutemen branch off from the main quest.
If you choose to save the Slog, you have the option of saying you’re there on Minuteman business, even if you’re not a Minuteman. Choosing this is what gets you in the faction proper. 
You can keep finding settlements and offering help. Doing this, Preston eventually catches word through Diamond City Radio and demands to know what the fuck you’re doing. You have a lot of options to choose from, but only the altruistic, optimistic ones will earn Preston’s trust. Anything else, he might just try to kill you, if you, like, say you’re doing it for money. But if you’re doing this for good reasons, he’s on board. Surprised, unsure this will end well, but...hey, if you want to try, he won’t stop you. If Sanctuary has enough settlers, defense, and you’ve turned enough settlers into guards (which have a different character tag, when assigned to defense posts), Preston will offer to accompany you, and that’s how you get him as a companion.
So, you and Preston wander around, doing quests, and helping out settlements. Help enough settlements, they’ll realize hey, we’re all on good terms with this Minuteman, and this person who’s basically a Minuteman...let’s just get the Minutemen back, yeah? People band together, settlements you’ve provided for will get settlers on their own. Eventually, people at settlements approach you and offer to help, what needs doing? If you have a settlement quest/errand, you can assign them to it, and they’ll complete it for you. This snow-balls until you’re taking over the Castle, for all these guns-for-hope to gather around and manage trade routes and work. You get the radio tower. You get an army. You get artillery, automatically built at every settlement in a designated spawnpoint.
It’s here that, by popular vote, you’re offered the position as General...but you can turn it down. You can hand it to Ronnie, or Preston. Both of of them agree, no, the people and the new Minutemen want you, but they’ll take it if you pass enough dialogue checks. Ronnie will run the Minutemen like a hardass, fierce and cynical to deter a second collapse, but Preston runs it like a community. He believes that cynicism was what killed the first Minutemen, and that constant reminder of who and what they do this for will keep motives pure. No matter the general, the Minutemen are now a solid force in the Commonwealth, stronger than ever, making everyone piss their pants. And it got this way because you wanted to help. 
It’s at this point that Preston’s conversation about his depression unlocks, and his romance. 
But the fun begins when the Gunners take a modicum of offense to all this.
Sanctuary is put to the sword, the Castle is attacked, and best of all, the old Colonels show their face, either on the side of the Gunners as bosses, or trying to weasel their way into the Minutemen again. Preston loves killing all of them, hates sparing or talking them down. These fuckers left him, Quincy, the Commonwealth to die, they are traitors, they are pure scum. 
The Minutemen, they fight back. You take squads into Gunner camps and clear house, take it over. People stop working with or hiring the Gunners because they don’t want to piss off the General, whoever that is. The Gunners aren’t on the ropes yet, but they’re staring down Minutemen barrels and it’s only a matter of time before this explodes into someone getting wiped off the face of the earth. 
Somewhere in-between looking for the Institute, you get kidnapped by Gunners and taken to Quincy. They’re using you as either a hostage, intending to kill you to prove a point, or torturing you for fun, taking the piss out of the idea that the puny militia could ever stand up to- hey, why am I hearing gunfire?
Preston and the Minutemen storm Quincy, putting it under a siege not even the Gunners could ever have hoped to accomplish. If the Minutemen were dog food, the Gunners are kitty treats. It’s a swift, brutal execution of every green-wearing bastard. They don’t even have time to prepare before Preston himself kicks the door down and frees you, then runs back out to continue bashing people’s heads in with his rifle. You meet up with Ronnie, and she points you down Preston’s warpath, gently asking if you can go stop before he gets himself killed trying to throttle Clint. As you chase him down, you see Clint up on the highway, looking down, before he walks away, presumably to meet Preston. 
You can go find Preston, kill Clint before he gets to him, or go kill Baker first. If Preston gets to Clint, you’ll hear him screaming bloody murder before they start the fight. They’ll fight until you go finish Clint off. Once Clint drops, Preston has something of a nervous breakdown. Ronnie and other Minutemen show up, she takes over and tells you to finish clearing Quincy with the other soldiers while she gets Preston out of the fight. You can listen to her, or insist you stay with Preston. If you stay, you clear the way for Ronnie’s group to get back behind Minutemen lines just outside of Quincy. Baker can be killed by NPC Minutemen, so you don’t have to worry about it too much.
The Minutemen have Quincy again, Preston is recovering from his panic attack, and Ronnie is foaming at the mouth at the idea of going at Gunner HQ. You can agree or disagree. If you’ve been killing the Colonels, Preston will think that the Gunners are in such bad shape, it’s only a matter of time before they kill themselves with infighting, just as the Minutemen did. If you’ve spared the Colonels, he’ll want to finish off the Gunners, as they’re still too organized and armed to leave alive. If Ronnie is General, the Minutemen attack Gunner HQ anyway, no matter what, but if not, the player can influence Preston or make the decision themselves.
Laying siege to Gunner HQ cements the Minutemen’s place as the strongest army in the Commonwealth. With this ending for the Minutemen, non-important/notable raider hideouts will be cleared automatically, either because soldiers killed them, or the Minutemen were so oppressive, they couldn't find anyone to raid. Other factions will speak more carefully to you, be gentler when describing their intentions. Maxson and other BOS soldiers, if you join them, will mention that being so close to the Castle was unintentional, and they’re nervous about the Minutemen turning their artillery on the Airport. You’ll have a harder time getting the Brotherhood to go to war with Minutemen in this ending. Everyone in game will acknowledge what the Minutemen become, through your efforts.
If you let the Gunners dissolve, you’ll see Gunners having left for raider groups, groups of them killing each other, Gunners trying to get in with the Minutemen. Those Gunners, if you’re general, you can take them on, kill them, or turn them away. General Ronnie will kill them, General Preston’s choice depends on if you have been more merciful, or grudge-holding. People will comment on the Gunners wasting away into little more than scavengers, and with enough time, if you go to Gunner HQ, you find it empty and abandoned. People are less scared of the Minutemen this ending, as they didn’t obliterate the most dangerous local  army in a show of total force and revenge. The Brotherhood is more likely to go to war with you, less intimidated, but the Railroad will offer their spy network if you agree to help them rehabilitate and save synths, provided you’ve spoken positively of synths.
Either ending, the Institute will try to destroy the Minutemen, as they destroyed the Commonwealth Provisional Government in the past. But now, the Minutemen have the firepower and intel to destroy the Institute, or take it over, if you so choose. Even if you don’t follow Shaun, if you choose to or convince General Ronnie/Preston to spare the Institute and use it for the Commonwealth’s benefit, you are left with it under your control, enforced by the Minutemen. 
So. What does this revision do?
I dislike when people portray him as an innocent, gentle little sunshine boy, and not as an army vet who survived where none of his fellow soldiers could. This man has an edge to him. He isn’t a small sad puppy, he has something of a mean streak in canon. In this revision, Preston has opportunities to demonstrate layers of his character, showing how his trauma and guilt has effected him. You get to see it for yourself, rather than hear about it. You can see him break down in Quincy, you can see him resist the idea that strangers can have good intentions, you can see him rebuild his hope for the Minutemen and himself. And you can also see him lose patience for people who have wronged him, want to cut down anyone who would threaten his people, be kind of irrational and lashing out.
I also dislike that the Minutemen have no visible effect on the wasteland, nothing you can actually see. No one else sees it, either. Here, people will acknowledge the Minutemen’s power. And, c’mon, in game, you are the only one doing anything. In this rehaul, you get things started, but people will be active participants in restoring the Minutemen, will build settlements for you. You can go decorate and fiddle around, but you won’t have to worry about water, food, beds, and defense, they’ll get it sorted themselves. The busywork is also passed off to soldiers, who you could potentially catch in the action as they clear out mutants or save kidnapped settlers.
And the finale of facing off against the Gunners, and either destroying them, or brushing them off as a decaying tantrum with guns, gives the Minutemen something to do for themselves, beyond the Institute. You’d have to lock off Quincy and Gunner HQ, so the player can’t clear them without going through the questline, but that’s fine, other quests do that. But the Gunners are never brought up, not really. It also lets Preston confront his greatest trauma and come up victorious, even if it hurt, and when deciding on the fate of Gunner HQ, lets him evolve as a person and take influence from the player, depending on their relationship. 
I think, as the de facto companion for his faction, Preston’s arc needs to be directly tied to it. The other companions don’t really have this either, but Preston got the short straw in that he was his faction. Everything came from him and was turned in to him. He became a dispenser for quests instead of one person in this group, with his own ideas about how to run it, his own fears and guilt about how it failed the first time. He doesn’t reflect the Minutemen, their ideals. Who they are as a collective.
Deacon, Danse, and X6 have their own massive writing issues, but it’s clear that they are representations of their factions. Deacon is an all-over-the-place trickster type trying to keep shit together, the Railroad is a clown car trying to smuggle slaves to safety. X6 is a cold, ruthless, logical Terminator, the Institute are cold, sterile, ends-justify-the-means scientists. Danse is a stern, no-nonsense soldier with a good heart under the Power Armor, the Brotherhood is a tight-knit brotherhood, an army with good intentions that often forgets who those good intentions are meant to serve. 
Preston...he’s a good guy, a traumatized one. The Minutemen...you have 5 nameless “Minuteman Soldier” NPCs, and Ronnie. So...the Minutemen is Preston, Preston is the Minutemen. He isn’t allowed to be Preston, who is a Minuteman. He’s Preston the Minuteman. 
That’s a damn shame.
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Meet Holly from the Slogs in Fallout 4!!
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“I'd still like to know your answer, though. So tell me, would you date a Ghoul?”
Holly is a ghoul living at the Slog in the Commonwealth in 2287. Holly is a flirty female ghoul living and working at the Slog, a settlement initially set up by ghouls forced to leave Diamond City.
Holly will ask the Sole Survivor if she is looking good, and if one responds that she does, she will say that the Sole Survivor is looking "pretty damn fine" and asks them if they could see themselves dating a ghoul.
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bellamontwasright · 1 year
The Family is one of those factions where everybody dresses weird and is so kind to newcomers that it seems off. Their usual scheme for establishing new Family bases relies on that niceness being taken at face value.
Location: The family targets settlements that are struggling, either with outside threats they don't have the fire or man power to face head on or with quality of life things like clean water and food. People who are desperate and in need of help are easier to win over. People who are grateful to you are easier to talk around when they find out about the cannibalism.
2. Isolation: The family works to cut off the settlement's ties to other factions, this is usually the easiest part. People aren't too attached to bad managers, after all, and if the settlement was in poor enough shape for Holly to pick it out, it's likely because of that enemy faction.
3. Acclimation: Slowly but surely introducing the gritty details behind what they do to the non mutant human population of the village. No settlers are harmed, but their enemies (usually raiders and slavers as to avoid any sticky ethical quandaries) are harmed excessively in full view of the public. Members of the Family may make offers to share their food with inclined settlers as a way to gauge reactions.
4. Sublimation: The previous leadership of the settlement is replaced by Holly, oftentimes this is a violent coup. The settlement loses its previous name and any inhabitants that rebel against the family at this point are killed quickly and disposed of without being harvested. (This is important, you can't show the settlers that you're willing to eat a former friend)
5. Reformation: The settlement, now a few months into Holly's run as "mayor", is an official family outpost. Any original inhabitants still present are fully in line with what the Family has been telling them.
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elvishdemigod · 6 months
About Me
Figure I'll put this here so I can meet peeps, avoid certain people, etc.
I'm genderfluid and only feel comfy with He/She/They, though if you want to refer to any name, call me Demi I'm also bisexual, demisexual, and demiromantic
I don't feel comfortable saying my actual age, but I am in the 20s
I'm also anxious, especially with new people. But I am trying!
I have memory issues after a head injury so pardon if it seems like I've repeated something, or said I didn't realize something even if I already talked about that thing.
If you're coming from the falling-apart-corpse of Wattpad, lemme now what your @ was I can know if we were chill there. My Wattpad is Here And my Ao3 is Here
Fandoms I'm in: - Fallout - Adventure Time - Riordanverse - Dabble a bit in Bluey - A little in Silk & Steel (The Ariana Nash series) - Ever After High and (G1) Monster High
My current hyperfixation is Fallout 4, MacCready, and the ship between MacCready and my OC David
I love tea and learning about different types. In spring, I like to just go out and figure whether or not a plant is good to make tea with.
I'm into baking cheap and easy old fashioned recipes (I blame Dylan Hollis for this).
Also somewhat goth. I love memes. I want to say I enjoy writing fanfiction, but I actually enjoy imaging it. I scream at my blank Docs
I'm an artist so might post stuff I made occasionally
I'm gonna try remembering to tag my specific posts with #elfdemiposts or #elfdemiarts to make it easier for both others and myself to sort through, as well as #The Merc x The Cannibal for ship stuff between my OC and MacCready. But I have crap memory so... I will try though!
My art will have the logo of Elvish with the center line of E and the dot of i being a shooting star. So just in case some buttface tries to claim my shit as theirs...
My DNI: - Pedophiles - Zoophiles - Homophobes - Transphobes - Proshippers (Unless you do it as a coping mechanism from past trauma, just as long as you're not projecting it to IRL stuff) - Misogynists - Misandrists - Anti-Pitbulls (I trust the dog I had from puppy to old age more than I trust the humans who have 100x worse cases against fellow humans) - Roleplayer accounts (Nothing against RPing. I just personally feel very awkward and uncomfortable with it. You can still chat with me normally if you're a roleplayer)
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the-malewife-ever · 2 years
its 5am. i am very tired. i do not want to go through and pick out all the best responses when i have a test today. so what youre getting now is:
every single character that was submitted [unless i didnt feel comfortable adding them to the data]
^ this includes:
- i didnt feel comfortable putting them in [they are a kid is the most likely answer]
- they break the rules
and goodnight everyone im going back to bed you get your pairings later today. feel free to demand your malewife be in the pairings in the notes of this post all you want but be nice
and sorry to the ppl checking the tags in the search bar for ANY of these characters
read more because we got 301 and then some submissions:
The Top Submitted Characters:
Crazy Dave [Plants Vs Zombies] - 14
Kazuki Kurusu [Buddy Daddies] - 8
Hero [Omori] - 8
Saul Goodman/James McGill [Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad] - 7
Tatsu [Way of the House Husband] - 7
Thoma [Genshin Impact] - 7
Laszlo Cravensworth [What We Do In the Shadows] - 5
Percy de Rolo [Critical Role/Vox Machina] - 5
Ron DeLite [Ace Attorney] - 5
Brett Hand [Inside Job] - 4
Puss in Boots [Puss in Boots] - 4
Sanji [One Piece] - 4
Spamton G. Spamton [Deltarune] - 4
Got 3 Or Less Votes:
9 [9 (2009)]
Adrian Graye Vernworth [The Owl House]
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug]
Alador Blight [The Owl House]
Alistair Theirin [Dragon Age]
Andre Legris [Innocent/Innocent Rouge]
Asgore Dreemurr [Undertale]
Axel Summers [Lemon Soda and Coffee (Webcomic)]
The Baker [Into the Woods (1991)]
Bandit Heeler [Bluey]
Barry Draxum [Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]
Beacrox Molan [Lout of the Court’s Family]
Benny [Fallout: New Vegas]
Bilbo Baggins [The Hobbit]
BJ Hunnicutt [MASH]
Bob Belcher [Bob's Burgers]
Briefers "Brief" Rock [Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt]
Brock [Pokemon]
Bruno Buccerati [JoJo's Bizzare Adventure]
Bruno Madrigal [Encanto]
Calculester Hewlett-Packard [Monster Prom]
Caleb Wittebane [The Owl House]
Cardan [The Folk of the Air trilogy by Holly Black]
Cecil Palmer [Welcome to Night Vale]
Chakotay [Star Trek Voyager]
Charlie Kelly [It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia]
Chisaki Kai (Overhaul) [My Hero Academia]
Chris Pearson [Dan Vs.]
Chrom [Fire Emblem Awakening]
Clay Rockridge [The Sexy Brutale]
Colin Robinson [What We Do In the Shadows]
Connecticut Clark [FlorkofCows/The Saga of Clark]
Cove Holden [Our Life: Beginning & Always]
Cyclonus [Transformers (IDW1)]
DaLey Vigil [The Great Ace Attorney]
Daniel Cain [Re-Animator]
Darius Deamonne [The Owl House]
Dedue Molinaro [Fire Emblem Three Houses]
Dick Grayson [DC Comics]
Dick Gumshoe [Ace Attorney]
Do Hyun Soon [Flower of Evil]
Ed [Our Flag Means Death]
Eddie Munson [Stranger Things]
Elliott [Stardew Valley]
Faria [Thrilling Intent]
Flex Mentallo [Doom Patrol]
Fox Mulder [The X-Files]
Fukuo [Kiki’s Delivery Service]
Furio Giunta [The Sopranos]
Gao Yizhi [Iron Widow]
Garmadon [Ninjago]
Garry [Ib]
Geto Suguru [Jujitsu Kaisen]
Gilbert Nightray [Pandora Hearts]
Gomez Addams [The Addams Family]
Grover Underwood [Percy Jackson Series]
Hannibal Lecter [Hannibal]
Harrier du Bois [Disco Elysium]
Hazama Masayoshi [Samurai Flamenco]
Heinz Doofenshmirtz [Phineas and Ferb]
Herlock Sholmes [The Great Ace Attorney]
Hordak [She-Ra (Netflix)]
Howl Jenkins Pendragon [Howl's Moving Castle]
Hugh Neutron [Jimmy Neutron]
Hugh Test [Johnny Test]
Ianto Jones [Torchwood]
Ignis Scientia [Final Fantasy XV]
Ingo [Pokemon]
Izzy Hands [Our Flag Means Death]
Jake Sully [Avatar]
James [Pokemon]
Jason Todd [Batman]
Jesus Christ [The Bible]
Joel Hammond [Santa Clarita Diet]
Johnathan Harker [Bram Stoker's Dracula]
John Silver [Treasure Island (1988)]
John Watson [BBC Sherlock]
Jonathan Byers [Stranger Things]
Kaiden Alenko [Mass Effect]
Kai Satou [Your Turn to Die]
Kaito [Vocaloid]
Kakashi Hatake [Naruto]
Katsuya Serizawa [Mob Psycho 100]
Ken [Barbie]
Kermit the Frog [The Muppets]
Kim Dokja [Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint]
Kim Gongja [SSS-Class Suicide Hunter]
Kingsley [Papa Louie Games]
Kisuke Urahara [Bleach]
Klavier Gavin [Ace Attorney]
Kojiro “Joe” Nonjo [Sk8 the Infinity]
Laurance Zvahl [Minecraft Diaries]
Lazarus Bleeze [The Hex]
Leon [Pokemon]
Lestat de Lioncourt [Interview with the Vampire (TV Show)]
Lieutenant Columbo [Columbo]
Light Yagami [Death Note]
Link [Breath of the Wild]
The Lobby Boy [The Hotel Podcast]
Loid Forger [Spy X Family]
Luigi [Mario Franchise]
Luo Binghe [The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System]
Mac McDonald [It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia]
The Man in the Yellow Hat [Curious George]
Manolo Sanchez [The Book of Life (2014)]
Mario [Mario Franchise]
Marshall Eriksen [How I Met Your Mother]
Marvin [Falsettos]
Mendel Weisenbachfeld [Falsettos]
Me [The Mod]
Michael [The Good Place]
Miles Edgeworth [Ace Attorney]
Min-Gi Park [Infinity Train]
Minato Namikaze [Naruto]
Momo [Stray]
Mr. Mime [Pokemon]
The Narrator [The Stanley Parable]
Naven Nuknuk [Epithet Erased]
Oliver Queen [DC Comics (Green Arrow)]
Olruggio [Witch Hat Atelier]
The Onceler [The Lorax]
Palamedes Sextus [The Locked Tomb]
Paper [Inanimate Insanity]
Peeta Mellark [The Hunger Games]
Percy Jackson [Percy Jackson Series]
Peter Nureyev [The Penumbra Podcast]
Preminger [Barbie: Princess and the Pauper]
Qifrey [Witch Hat Atelier]
Quirrel [Hollow Knight]
Ramsey Murdoch [Epithet Erased]
Randy Valentine Jade [Dialtown]
Redd Rockridge [The Sexy Brutale]
Reigen Arataka [Mob Psycho 100]
Ronaldo [The Vampire Dies in No Time]
Rouxls Kaard [Deltarune]
Roy Mustang [Full Metal Alchemist]
Ryoji Kaji [Neon Genesis Evangelion]
Ryuuji Takasu [ToraDora!]
Samwise Gamgee [Lord of the Rings]
Sasuke Itachi [Naruto]
Satan [Puyo Puyo]
Satoru Gojo [Jujitsu Kaisen]
Seven [Zero Escape]
Shinya Fujikawa [Corpse Factory]
Sig Curtis [Full Metal Alchemist]
Silco [Arcane (Netflix)]
Sojiro Sakura [Persona 5]
Sokka [Avatar: The Last Airbender]
Soldier [Team Fortress 2]
Spirit Albarn [Soul Eater]
Spongebob Squarepants [Spongebob Squarepants]
Steve Harrington [Stranger Things]
Steven Grant [Marvel]
Suoh Tamaki [Ouran High School Host Club]
Sword Boyfriend [Transistor]
Tanjiro Kamado [Demon Slayer]
Thomas Sharpe [Crimson Peak (2015)]
Tohru Adachi [Persona 4]
Tom Wambsgans [Succession]
Travis Matagot [Campaign Skyjacks]
Tsukasa Jinguuji [Fabiniku (Life with an Ordinary Guy who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout)]
The Tumblr Boyfriend [Tumblr]
The Twelfth Doctor [Doctor Who]
Tyrell Wellick [Mr. Robot]
Vanitas [Vanitas no Carte/The Case Study of Vanitas]
Vash the Stampede [Trigun]
Victor Nikiforov [Yuri on Ice]
Waymond Wang [Everything Everywhere All At Once]
Whizzer Brown [Falsettos]
William "Spike" Pratt [Buffy the Vampire Slayer]
William “Dex” Pointdexter [Check Please!]
Yeza Brenatto [Critical Role]
Yoo Joonghyuk [Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint]
You [The Voter]
Zagreus [Hades]
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Hello there how are you?
Uhm random question, you dont happen to still have your ladynoir fallout playlist and to be kind enough to share it or do you??? Asking for a friend : )
I don't have it as an actual spotify playlist, but I do have a list of the songs that I associate with that ladynoir era, which I am happy to share! Basically the playlist is half-canon/half-fanfic. It's like a season 4 AU where Ladybug and Chat Noir really did have a serious falling out that lasted a pretty long while. And while Chat did still help with akumas sometimes, he kept to his own mostly. Some of the songs only vaguely match up with it, but I'll put in little explanations for the songs here too so that you can know what I was thinking.
Waiting in the Wings from Tangled the Series [Chat singing this as he becomes more and more sidelined by Ladybug]
Drift Away cover by Caleb Hyles [Chat feeling like he and Ladybug are drifting apart]
Lovers’ Eyes by Mumford & Sons [Chat starting to be angry with Ladybug, but still loving her]
Waiting in the Wings (reprise) from Tangled the Series [Adrien about Gabriel]
Dead Mom from Beetlejuice [Adrien about Emilie]
Lost In the Woods from Frozen II [Chat Noir]
brutal by Olivia Rodrigo [Chat/Adrien as his anger at everything grows]
I Couldn’t Know Someone Less from Daddy Long Legs [Chat to Ladybug when she starts to be his “boss” (specifically the "why would you set me free only to imprison me?" line)]
Waving Through A Window from Dear Evan Hansen [Adrien feeling alone]
Head Above Water by Avril Lavigne [Chat feeling like no one cares]
Happier by Marshmello [Adrien thinking Ladybug will be happier without him]
To Build A Home by The Cinematic Orchestra[Chat before the fallout]
Life’s Too Short - Outtake from Frozen [Them fighting before the fallout]
Crossing the Line from Tangled the Series [Chat and Ladybug fall out]
I Won’t Hold You Back by Toto [Chat leaving]
Make It Right from Prince of Egypt [Ladybug saying she can make it right, but Chat saying there’s nothing she can do so she leaves]
Let You Go by Joshua Bassett [Chat saying goodbye]
The Next Right Thing from Frozen II [Ladybug after Chat leaves]
What Baking Can Do from Waitress [Marinette stress baking after the fallout]
Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi [Ladybug reflecting back on everything]
True Love - Ballad by Jordan Fisher [Ladybug realizing what she’s lost]
good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo [Chat being angry because he thinks that LB is okay and has moved on when he hasn’t]
I Knew You Once by Hollie Allen [Ladybug after the fallout)
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again from The Phantom of the Opera [Ladrien singing]
If I Could Take This Moment Back from Tangled the Series [both of them feeling regret for their actions]
Iris cover by Kina Grannis [both of them while they're "broken up"]
Learn to be Lonely from The Phantom of the Opera [Chat while he’s Rogue Noir]
I Don’t Wanna Love Somebody Else by A Great Big World [they still love each other]
I’d Give Anything from Tangled the Series [Ladybug wanting Chat back]
Did I Make The Most Of Loving You from Downton Abbey [Ladybug asking about Chat]
Payphone by Maroon 5 [Chat starting to regret his choices]
Far Too Late from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cinderella [Ladybug feeling like it’s too late to get Chat back]
Always Remember Us This Way from A Star Is Born[During the "break up", them remembering the good times]
When We Were Young cover by Madilyn Bailey [After the ladynoir fallout Chat looking back...both of them stark back on the past]
Hello by Adele [them starting to call out to each other]
Meet Me On the Battlefield/Battlefield by SVRCINA [Them seeing each other in fights but no where else]
Life’s Too Short (Reprise) - Outtake from Frozen [Learning to see each other’s points of view]
Say Something by A Great Big World [them wanting to talk but not having the courage to]
Beautiful Ghosts by Taylor Swift [Chat trying accept the loneliness]
Wondering from High School Musical: The Musical: The Series [Both of them wondering what would have happened if things were different]
Pictures in my Head from The Muppets [Remembering the happy past]
Stay With Me by Sam Smith [Both of them thinking it but never saying it]
Just Give Me a Reason by P!NK [Chat looking at this point for any reason to stay]
Space Between from Descendants 2 [Them starting to reconcile]
What’s Up Danger from Spider-man: Into the Spider-Verse[Chat Noir returns]
I Still Have Faith In You by ABBA [Ladynoir come back together]
Confident by Demi Lavato [Ladynoir fighting Shadowmoth together]
Seventeen (reprise) from Heathers [After the battle]
After All by Michael Buble [them falling in love with each other again]
And that's it! Sorry I didn't have it as a real playlist! Hope it scratches the Ladynoir fallout itch! Happy (or sad) listening!
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