#hollyoaks i'm watching you
j-nightingalesb1tch · 7 months
bestie i am vibrating in my seat
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meusamatus · 2 months
Simon Walker | Watch Guide + Links
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Simon Walker is a character from the English soap opera Hollyoaks, played by actor Neil Newbon.
He's a character in Brendan Brady's storyline, and appears during the episodes aired from the 11th of May of 2012 to the 19th of March of 2013.
Where can I DL the episodes? What's the watch order?
2012 episodes
2013 episodes
Hollyoaks Later episodes
Edit: ONLY Brendan and Walker scenes
The watch order is episodes from 11/05/12 to 14/09/12 >> Hollyoaks Later episodes 1, 3, 4 & 5 >> episodes from 25/10/2012 to 19/03/2013. Here's a link to the Wiki where all his episodes are listed. Beware of spoilers!!
Do I need to watch the entire series, or can I start with the 11th of May?
You can start with the 11th of May. Hollyoaks has many different characters and story arcs, but Simon Walker is only relevant to Brendan's story. Even if you haven't watched the previous Brendan episodes, it's very easy to follow. Characters will bring up and explain past plots because the show has been running since 1995, and the showrunners don't expect viewers to remember everything. The basic summary is that Brendan Brady is a criminal / gangster / drug dealer that operates from his (half) sister's club, the "Chez Chez". How and why he knows Simon Walker is explained soon after Simon appears for the first time.
There's too many irrelevant characters / story arcs happening at the same time! I'm only interested in Simon Walkers' plotline!
Somebody clipped and uploaded the scenes pertaining to Brendan's storyline here, so you can watch just those. Simon / Neil appears for the first time in the video named (241), but it's been taken down so you'll have to download / watch it from the Drive link above. There might be some other numbers missing too.
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cod-dump · 10 months
Made myself nearly cry in the shower thinking about this and I need to inflict it on someone else :)
Simon's mum loved soap operas. Particularly long running ones like EastEnders or Hollyoaks. They may be over dramatic, but they helped her cope with her husband's abuse and she made friends with a couple of like-minded fans of the show. Sometimes those friends would invite her over to watch said soaps. Just to get her out of the house for a couple of hours. They became a life-line for her.
When her and the rest of the family died, Simon stayed away from their graves for a good couple of years, the guilt of their (from his perspective) blood on his hands haunted him. But he still did little things to try and stay connected to them: always giving bills to the homeless drug-addicts on the street corners for Tommy, pressing beautiful flowers he found on missions for Beth, collecting small toys for Joseph. For his mum, he started watching her soaps.
He was never interested in them as a child; they were too dramatic and moody for a child, but being an adult now, he saw the appeal in them. He would get caught up in the melodrama and even browse a couple of forums for the shows if he had the time. And as soon as he started going back to his family's graves, he would catch his mum up on her soaps and introduced her to new ones if he thought she would like them.
Now here where I started crying.
Johnny: Are you sure, Simon? I don't have to go up to the graves if you don't want me to. Simon: I do want you too, but I need to go alone first, yeah? I just- I'll wave you over once I'm done and then I can introduce ya.
Johnny nodded and let go of Simon's hand. Simon walked over and did his usual greetings to the stones, leaving his mother for last. He sat down cross legged facing her name and sighed.
Simon: Fucking hell, mum. You would not believe what has happened on EastEnders since I last saw ya.
Simon winded on and on about what had happened over that past year. Twists and reveals and complicated plot lines filled the air around the stone. He started to wind down his recap and reached out to touch the stone. His fingers weaving between the embossed letters of her name.
Simon: I hope you don't mind, mum, but I've found a new Soap.
A knowing smirk melted onto his face behind his mask.
Simon: He's just for me though. I think you'll like him. Not as cheesy as the ones you like, but I know you'd love him.
Simon turns to look at Johnny. He's looking up to the cloudy sky with a handful of flowers that Johnny insisted they stop and pick up. I don't want to leave a bad first impression. What were their favorites? Simon whistled to get his attention. Johnny spooked and gripped tighter on the flower stems. His attention came fully to Simon. Simon waved him over.
Simon: I know you'll like him, because I love him.
And if she were still alive, Mum Riley would say that was the cheesiest romantic line she had ever heard.
I fucking adore this 😭
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astarions-bride · 5 months
i never thought id find ROB content on my tumblr.com im literally kicking my feet giggling rn hes one of my favorite neil characters. so, i gotta suggest, spicy prompt 14 and 35 with rob?🤭 (and do u think ud ever write for simon walker? just curious!)
This turned more fluffy than I anticipated 😬 I'm trying my best to add as many Neil Newbon characters I can because I am OBSESSED with him 😩I would ABSOLUTELY love to write for Simon Walker, but I'm still in the process of watching Hollyoaks so I'm still learning about his character. I will, however, add him at some point 🥰
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"Does someone need a spanking?"
The words echoed in your hazy mind, seemingly said a lifetime ago, and you tried to control your breath as you collected yourself.
Your blurry eyes were locked on the hardwood floor, your heart hammering in your throat as adrenaline surged through you, and the muscular thighs you were bent over was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. Before you could think too much more a calloused hand landed on your bare backside once more, the skin painfully sensitive and throbbing, and the shriek you let out was completely involuntary. You could barely remember what you had done to receive this punishment, you had the vague memory of being bratty and challenging your lover, but couldn't think of what finally pushed Rob over the edge. Regardless he was taking your punishment seriously. Three more slaps followed in quick succession and the pain became unbearable.
A sob ripped from your throat as tears blurred your vison and you braved one more hit before you rapidly tapped on the leg your were sprawled over. Immediately you were hoisted up, your bruised ass stinging at the denim dragging across it, and those warm hands cupped your damp face in concern. Kisses were peppered over your face, one hand cupping your jaw to keep your watery eyes focused while the other anchored across your hip and brushed your skirt down. Rob's bright blue eyes were soft and you couldn't stop the small hiccupping sobs leaving you.
“Shh, don’t cry. You’re safe with me,” he murmured while kissing the tears from your cheeks.
"You handled that so well, sweetheart. I'm proud of you," he continued and his gentle praise soothed something aching in your chest and you leaned forward.
He easily met you halfway and placed a sweet lingering kiss to your trembling lips.
"Your punishment is over," he said quietly and you sniffled in response to his soothing voice.
"I'm your good girl?" you asked, heart aching and tears spilling over your cheeks despite you trying to calm down, and you were rewarded with another sweet kiss.
"Of course. My good girl," he said against your lips and you nodded against him.
He waited until your breathing got more stable, rubbing his hand over your back and shoulders calmly, and you eventually tucked your head underneath his chin to cuddle closer. The pain from your backside subsiding into a dull throb the longer you sat still.
"Let me run you a bath and we can cuddle afterwards, okay?" Rob offered and you smiled softly.
It seems some punishments are worth the reward.
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Hi and welcome to bulid-a-blurb! Pick a Neil Newbon character and up to three tropes, your favorite x Reader, and let me do the rest! <3
All blurbs will have a maximum length of up to 500 words!
Anon asks are on!
Okay, so, thing is; I'm stuck in bed being sick. What am I doing to kill time and feel better? Watch an awful lot of Neils work, ofc! So much so, that I cannot decide about whom to simp the hardest. Help me pick and put my thoughts for up to 500 words onto one character!
Characters to choose from:
Elijah Kamski from Detroit: Become Human
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Karl Heisenberg from Resident Evil 8: Village
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Simon Walker from Hollyoaks
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Rob from Extinction
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Win Spencer from Wallis: The Queen That Never Was
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Mark Griffen from Reverb
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Nikolai from Beyond The Rave
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Pictures from Pinterest.
Pick Your Reader:
x afab!Reader
x gn!Reader
Pick Your Trope(s):
Friends, Secrets, Betting, Forbidden Love, Stuck Together, Forced Proximity, Dead Dove (I mean it!), Everything Smut (Feel Free To Specify), Drinking, Drug Use, Everything Kink (Feel Free To Specify), And There Was Only ONE Bed, Whump (Feel Free To Specify), Mental Illness
Thank you for partaking! <3
Tagging a few who might be interested:
@ohlookapan @blueberrypancakesworld @queer-crusader @somethingblu3 @gothushi @wingswinger
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hazzyking · 7 months
Hazel King's Masterlist/Intro
I tried to tag every story with what is in it, every fic I post has a little warning of what to expect so please read those!!! also, this is an 18+ blog so read at your own risk!
I am taking requests, if you don't see the Fandom below, just ask first. I'm in alot of Fandoms I just haven't written for many yet!
If anyone has any suggestions to make this list look better or whatever PLEASE comment below 😭
Important info/ WIP update
Read this
Show and Tav:
Lovissa's Act 2 appearance
Wyll and Shadowheart Banter
A clip that broke my heart p1
Lovissa interacting with the group Act 2 part 1
Lovissa interacting with the group Act 1
Things that Lovissa and Astarion do that only happen in my head
How am I Holding up?
Astarion X Lovissa:
Day Walkers
The Bloated Giant
Act 1 Headcannons
Killing Cazador
This Kiss
Nothing Will Come Between Us
One Piece
Buggy x Reader:
Apologize p1 (Smutt)
Apologize P2 (Smutt)
As the World Falls Down
Buggy Body Part Headcannons p1
Buggy Body Part Headcannons p2
Scar Tissue (Fluff)
When your not Around (Smutt)
Law X OC
Ink (smutt)
Ame Newgate:
Ame The Rain Storm
OC Information
Summer Wine ((Ame X Choo))
Chapter One: Somewhere Beyond the Sea
Mihawk x Reader:
Just a guy in a Bar p1
Just a guy in a Bar p2 (Smutt)
Reno X Reader:
Wet, Wild and a little Flashy. (Smutt)
Sephiroth X Reader:
When No One is Watching p1
FF7 Story:
You'll never fucking guess this, but I'm re writing it again!
Holiday Specials ((multi fandom))
A New Years Kiss ((smutt suggestive))
SOA/ Mayans MC
Alvarez x Reader:
Appearances (Smutt)
Simon Walker x Reader
Behave (smutt)
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disasterbuck · 28 days
"ngl i'm still waiting for brendan to come back to hollyoaks" <- it's been 84 years and i don't go there anymore but god. me too.
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literally saaaaaame!!!! I stopped watching but if he comes back I'll be like 🏃🏃🏃
and also
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thanks to you I've just been staring at stendan gifs for ages and now I'm trash again????? like, I thought I was normal about them now. it's been ages. but nope I see them and fhesghskjghsjf
time to go rewatch it all I guess LOL
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corroded-collections · 5 months
I have just finished watching Brendan Brady's last Hollyoaks episode and I would like to make an announcement that I'm hopelessly in love with the man. thank you for coming to my psa
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castielmoriarty · 25 days
I feel the whole conversion therapy story had underwhelming end, we got no show down between John Paul and Declan. also Declan to been exposed but no he just died and become a murder cover up and no one even knows except Kitty and now Beau. Carter being a victim been completely ignored in favour of Lucas and by having him doing ott things and just tossed over as a lost cause and irredeemable. I also feel JP and Carter love story then was dropped in favour of Lucas and Dillon like screw you Hollyoaks, i take JP and Carter over them any day. I really am pissed at Hollyoaks, i seen people defending the ending but I think Carter did deserve a redemption arc. But guess we suppose see case with Carter there no fixing someone who doesn't want to be/ sees their views as right and refuses to change/accept himself and he punished for the things he done but yeah.... why isn't he allowed therapy, help and support when likes of ste, sienna etc get forgiven etc.
a lot of things about the storyline was weird. no scene between Declan and JP, just very odd, they seemed to hint at that happening and it then really felt like it was missing. not including James who has personal experience with conversion therapy ffs, which JP knew, it would have made so much sense for him to ask James to talk to Carter. no revelation about Declan, just having him die and disappear... like sure, the truth about him still can/probably will come out, but with him gone it will be very different from the kind of showdown a lot of us had imagined.
(James and Carter could have had a great dynamic and interactions btw, and them talking about their past trauma would have been gold.) it would also have been very typical and fitting for James to go talk to Carter without telling Ste, knowing how angry Ste would be about it. I fully expected that to happen, it's exactly the kind of drama that James has had repeatedly in the past. dropping the aspect of Carter's character that he's a victim, a very relevant and important part, seemingly forgetting about it. having him exit without having any important connection left, i.e., having lost Freya, JP, and what other friends he had. not sure that McShep was dropped for Lucas and Dillon though, I think that was just a separate story that didn't necessarily affect Carter's or McShep's stories at all. and then all the talk about him not being able to be redeemed when Ste got redeemed despite abusing Amy, Brendan got redeemed despite abusing Ste, and I'm sure this is true for A LOT of characters in Ho... I know David wasn't meant to stay longer but Carter's story could have played out very differently during this time. sure there are characters not meant to be redeemed, not meant to see the error of their ways, but Carter was so close so many times, leaving at least me with this really weird feeling of like, there having been no proper conclusion, no sense of catharsis, just being left hanging as a viewer somehow. the story doesn't feel DONE, which is really my main issue with it. I'm glad he didn't die, but this just sucks. if I had watched this not knowing anything, I would have said that it felt like the actor needed to exit sort of in a hurry, as we know happens sometimes with soaps. that's how the end of the storyline feels to me and a storyline really should not end with that kind of vibe, it's not good storytelling.
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santiagonex · 7 months
hello I hope you are doing well what are some shows you're currently enjoying?
tbh enjoyed gay books and movies more this year, shows have been kinda not it this year... after jack and rayane flopped the second they got together, it's just been getting worse and worse but i guess there have been some gems here and there to be fair... hearstopper s2 was good, the lake s2 was funny but not as good as s1, be my favorite was actually a decent bl which didn't follow the same tired formula of having main gay couple and side gay couple and other side couple with a lil sprinkle of random passive-aggressive behavior towards women... this one actually threw all of that away and became its own thing with an amazing female character so that was nice to see... bodies was actually decent and weirdly good show with a gay subplot.... but my favorite is for sure the new polish series on netflix absolute beginners which is apparently a controversial opinion to have since some americans people need to be told everything in text in order to understand some things told in visuals so i guess it's not for everyone but for me it was the only 10/10 show of the year... oh and everything now was a slay as well, i'd say my second fav show of the year... tbh there have been like over 80 new shows/seasons released this year alone so it's hard to keep up and find the good ones idk... as for shows which are airing week to week rn, i'd say there are zero i watch... un professore not giving simuel rn, bettys diagnose gay storyline kinda stale, that's about it... i'm watching the old craig/john paul storyline from hollyoaks for the first time rn so that's been fun... and i'm looking forward to mary & george (the trailer!!!!!!!), blutige anfänger s5 (i just know bruno and phillip gonna serve in this season since they lowkey got popular for a week or so during s4 and the showrunners know about it) and big boys s2
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trancetales · 5 months
Get to Know Tag
Apparently some people wanted to learn me? Thanks to @jay-avian and @thatndginger for your respective interest!
Favorite color: I like tealy turquoisey colours.
Song stuck in my head: Well now I'm thinking about it, I don't actually know. So I'm gonna go with Rihanna's Umbrella (ella (ella))
Spicy/sweet/savory?: Gimme the sweeties. Just not too many white Lindors. The two of you who tagged me both went with savoury, so there should be plenty of sweets spare?
Favorite food: I like marzipan. I enjoy eating it greatly.
Last song listened to: Well strictly speaking, it was the last thing on the Tower Unite soundtrack.
Dream trip: Just, visiting my friends in another country. Couldn't ask for anything more.
Last tv show/movie: Technically I've been watching Hollyoaks ongoing for several years? Otherwise I'm like half way through Fate/Zero.
Last thing I googled: "lindor", to check I had the name right. Lindor and Lindt are similar so I had to check.
Current obsession: I wanna say my own writing, and not writing it. To be honest, I think it'd be a little bit of a stretch to call anything an obsession right now. I always feel like a nuisance when I have an obsession anyway.
And since I dropped a question, I'll surprise nobody with Favourite animal: The noble ant
And, now I don't want to be a nuisance so I won't overdo it with the tags, but, @fanged-solace, @gltownsend, @leisoree, but like, only if you want to.
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i started this new netflix series called fool me once today, it’s sort of a murder mystery thriller kind of thing, but anyway emmett scanlan is in it, is it weird that I thought of you? (your blog convinced me to watch his storylines on hollyoaks and I was obsessed). i’ve only watched episode 1 so I’m not sure how big his role is but hopefully he’s a prominent character!
I FEEL SO HAPPY THAT YOU THOUGHT OF ME OMG. I always feel like I'm annoying people every time I post about Hollyoaks/Brendan. And fr, I legit miss seeing Emmett Scanlan in things so much. I feel like in 2014 I was seeing him in literally everything and now I never see him in anything! Let me know what you think of the show, I have heard mixed reviews but honestly... if Emmett plays a big enough role, might just watch it for him.
Also the fact that I convinced you to get into the Brendan Brady storyline makes me SO HAPPY hkgjdhfgkh thank you for telling me ❤
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meusamatus · 2 months
Would you happen to have most clips of Simon in Hollyoaks Later, especially ones where he looks completely feral? 😅 I've noticed it's hard to find the 2013 episodes on Dailymotion and other video apps
Hello anon! Neil was on Hollyoaks from the 11th of May of 2012 to the 19th of March of 2013. So he wasn't in 2013's Later spinoff series, but he was in 2012's! I'm currently dumping all the Neil / Simon episodes (Hollyoaks Later ones included) into a GDrive, and typing up a post to explain watch order, which I'll try to upload ASAP.
Meanwhile, have Simon saying "Mornin', beautiful" ♥
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 6 months
Will you watch Hollyoaks full time when Ste’s new story begins in January?
i don't have time in my life to watch it full time again so i will probably just keep skim watching each episode for bits i'm interested in, like the lucas/dillon plot and any stames related stuff
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astarions-bride · 5 months
i have somewhere I watch hollyoaks! i can send it later if you’d like!! someone has it all on google docs and another guy has a free patreon archive where i also watched hollyoaks later 2012
I was able to get a vpn and I'm watching it on Channel 4 on my laptop and so far it seems to be okay, but thank you so much anyways!
So far I'm really enjoying Neil Newbon's character 😍👌 he's so delightfully bad
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scrapyardboyfriends · 9 months
I saw the spoilers about Jacob seemingly having his own storyline (first time in forever lmao), and I hope this is a shift in the right direction regarding the younger characters. They are often treated like an afterthought. I watch Hollyoaks too, and the contrast is shocking - the young characters actually have lives of their own and stories that are well developed. Also most of the young characters are so much better developed than characters like Chloe and Jacob (I'm so over Chloe lol, she needs to leave hahaha). I get that Emmerdale has a general older audience than Hollyoaks, but that doesn't mean young characters need to be treated like an afterthought or a plot device, or that older viewers wouldn't be interested in the younger characters or storylines.
His own storyline? Or his own plot point in someone else's story, namely David's exit story. I feel like it's probably the latter.
They really have dropped the ball with the younger characters on this show repeatedly in the last 5-7 years and more really. I mean Belle had a brief little teen friend group but post killing Gemma, she really was very isolated aside from occasional Lachlan stuff and briefly Gerry but she's definitely had a hard transition into adulthood with few peers and she was probably one of the most developed kid characters. The rest never stood a chance.
It's interesting because I came into the show for Aaron's coming out story and he was 17/18 years old and he was so present and connected in the village. I mean the whole show was different then, better. But he was in lots of episodes. He had a real focus during that story and later during the Jackson stuff. He had a job at the garage that we actually saw him work at, which gave him plenty of interactions with Cain, Debbie and Ryan and various customers. He lived with Paddy, which gave him interactions with Paddy and Rhona and Marlon and Pearl. He had Chas as a mum, which gave him interactions with her and Carl and occasionally Jimmy. He had an actual friend in Adam and interacted with the whole Barton family. He also had his friendship with Victoria. And Adam and Holly and Vic and sometimes Hannah/Matty or Amy or Scarlett or Daz etc, really felt like they had a firm place in the show.
These days, these kids are just barely there most of the time. We had that brief period with Liv, Gabby and Jacob and sometimes Gerry or Noah etc that actually interacted and were friends but then I feel like post covid, they really all just stopped interacting. Their transition into adult roles was rough. They gave Gabby a baby, they married Liv off and Jacob....I don't know they killed his girlfriend and let him go to school to be a doctor? But Gabby is stuck in a perpetual loop of throwing herself at the wrong men and then getting angry and obsessive when it doesn't work out and it's exhausting to watch. Liv was stuck in her perpetual alcohol story until the caravan finished her off (RIP Liv) and now Vinny just floats around doing nothing and barely existing. Jacob is also barely there unless he's showing up to occasionally be a plot friend to Gabby, getting stabbed or getting to play doctor on Bob. And I guess he's occasionally spotted in his shop apron but what happens when David does leave? Does he lose his shop job? Does he keep it because Eric continues to own it and they're too complacent to every shake things up with a new family?
I don't know, with everything soooo plot driven these days, no one is really allowed to just exist as a casual character or have smaller plots. So unless you're desperately needed for someone else's plot or you actually get a big story, you're just hardly seen. And if you do get a big story, you're oversaturated for a few weeks until everyone is sick of you and then you disappear for three months until it's time to rehash the story because no one is allowed to just exist like a normal person. And the kids/young adults suffer a lot from this.
Like I know the actress who plays Cathy left to go do her exams or whatever but she had this big story, everyone was so happy to see her go for a while, and then they brought her back and just picked it up again like she didn't have a whole break and it's like "really...in the last three months, she didn't do any kind of growing?"
And then you had Arthur and Marshall who had a whole thing for a while and then disappeared for months only to come back and have them randomly arguing and breaking up. That sort of went the opposite route where you were like "wait what did I miss?"
April has been MIA for ages. Elliot and Angelica barley exist. Samson still barely exists. I regularly forget Sarah is even a character. Heath doesn't exist unless Cathy does. He didn't even need a reason to be off screen cause no one would even know he wasn't there.
Like I had some hope for this group when Arthur's coming out story was happening and Cathy's early PMDD stuff but then it all just fizzled out.
I just wish we could see these kids being friends, starting to work in the village and seeing them at those jobs. Seeing them hanging out at the cafe or seeing them go to the pub with their families. Something. I just miss when the show was less plot driven and you actually saw people exist in the village throughout their day. I always think about Aaron's little plot of getting his driver's license. That would never happen to day. I mean, yes it did lead to him going out that night with Adam and almost kissing him and kicking off his coming out story, but it still happened. The closest we ever got after that was Liv wanting her license but not being allowed because of her epilepsy that went nowhere.
But I mean, really all of the characters are suffering from the way the show is structured now. It's just that you still have a lot of adult characters who are relatively well established so it's less of a problem for them.
I want Jane leaving to be a sign of better times ahead but I really don't know. They just need to completely restructure and overhaul the show from the ground up.
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