kayawellhealth · 6 months
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How to lose belly fat without any exercise
A healthy diet and regular exercise will help you get defined abs. Nonetheless, it is difficult to go to the gym with your hectic schedule. If you are experienced.
ing similar concerns, we have your back. Perhaps exercise isn't your thing, but there are ways to lose belly fat. These home remedies will show you how to lose belly fat without exercising. 
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drvineykhatri · 1 year
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withherbs · 1 year
Home hair treatment for dry hair | Hair moisturizing method
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kayawell123 · 4 years
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Ayurvedic remedies for grey hair
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oursatosan · 5 years
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عمرك جربت وصفة طبيعية بالبيت لمعالجة امراض جلدية مثل الحروق ونجحت؟ أو عمرك جربت تصنع خلطة من مواد طبيعية تشفي مرض معين؟ حطولي تجاربكم الشخصية بتعليق او ارسلوها برسالة حتى اشملكم بكتابي الجديد 🥰 ان شاء الله وبأذن الله #writing #كتابة #وصفات_طبيعية #صحة #تغذية #وصفات_طبية #اعشاب #خضروات #فواكه #بشرة #صحة_الشعر #القضاء_على_الامراض #افكار_صحية #عادات_يومية_نفعلها #طبخ #وصفات_صحية #معالجة_الامراض_بالطعام #home_remedies #health #beauty #skin_care #hair_care #food_that_heal #food_that_harm {#وَمَا_تَوْفِيقِي_إِلَّا_بِاللَّهِ_عَلَيْهِ_تَوَكَّلْتُ_وَإِلَيْهِ_أُنِيبُ} [هود من الآية:88] (at Glendale, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByZkZUggWap/?igshid=cyj6r51s3c4u
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sassywizardwizard · 4 years
Symptoms and signs of High Blood Pressure how to know that you have high blood pressure
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newsreportnews · 4 years
अगर आपके घर और परिवार में भी किसी को तंबाकू की लत है तो आज हम आपको बताने जा रहे हैं कुछ ऐसे आसान उपाय, जिससे आप तंबाकू खाने की लत को छोड़ सकते हैं।
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extreamx · 5 years
Free Consultation with Doctor Contact us: - +91 9999216987
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the-fennex · 4 years
10 Herbs That Help Burn belly fat
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kayawell123 · 4 years
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Home Remedies for Cold And Cough
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themodernvedic · 7 years
Uses and Health Benefits of Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller)
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The name aloe vera is derived from the Arabic word "Alloeh" which means a shining bitter substance and "Vera" which means true in Latin. The plant is called "kumari" in Sanskrit and "Ghritkumari" in Hindi.The leaves of aloevera produce two substances – the gel, which is more or less water with several other nutrients mixed in, and the sap, which is also known as aloe latex. In the 1950’s many processing techniques were used to preserve aloe vera gel but they failed because, over heating Aloevera gel nullifies the gel, making it useless for everybody. But in the 1970’s there was a breakthrough in processing techniques and they successfully stabilized the aloevera leaf gel by using natural ingredients and cold pressing. They also found a way to separate the rind and the aloin. These new found processing techniques have created a new market for Aloe vera.
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How to Use Aloe vera Leaf ? There are two parts to an aloe vera leaf: The gel is what most people are familiar with, which is an odorless and a clear liquid stored inside the innermost part of the leaf.When ingesting aloevera, its gel is the safest part of the plant. Aloe latex or juice, seeps from the leaf when it is cut. This aloe latex is yellow in color and has a bitter taste. Aloe latex has laxative properties and can cause serious health complications if used too often.
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Aloevera Leaf for Skin The aloevera leaf contains gibberellins and auxins which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which stimulate the growth of new cells and prevent scarring in healing process of acne. Aloe vera gel increases the water content in your skin and leaves your skin hydrated, without making it greasy or oily.
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Aloe Vera Gel for Ageing Symptoms You can make a moisturizing antiaging pack with aloe-vera gel, olive oil and oat meal. You just have to add one tablespoon aloe-vera gel, 1/2 tablespoon olive oil and 1 tablespoon instant oatmeal in a bowl. Mix them to form a paste. Now apply this paste on your face. Wash your face with cold water after 30 minutes. Aloe-vera gel as a Moisturizer You have to peel off the outer layer of aloe-vera leaf to get the aloe-vera gel. Scoop out the gel with a tablespoon and store it in a container. Now you can gently massage this freshly scooped aloe-vera gel on your face to hydrate your skin and moisturize it. You can also store the rest of the gel into a refrigerator to prolong its shelf-life for further use. Aloe-Vera Gel for Blemishes and Acne 
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You can add one tablespoon aloe-vera gel with 2-3 drops of lemon juice to make a paste, which helps in reducing blemishes and acne. Apply this paste on your face. Go to sleep with this face-pack for best results. Wash it off in the morning. Aloe-vera for External Wounds, Insect Bites and Sunburn
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Aloevera has antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties due to which it heals external wounds, insect bites and sunburns. Aloe-vera gel acts on the epithelial layer of skin when directly applied to the affected area, helping the skin to retain its moisture. Aloe-Vera Leaf for Hair
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Aloe vera contains proteolytic enzymes that remove dead cells, and help in the regeneration of new cells. It also helps in infusing moisture to the scalp and hair, thus restoring the scalp's ph (5.5 - slightly acidic). The antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of aloe vera help in fighting against scalp infections. Aloe vera gel helps in the treatment of dandruff related problems,thus promoting hair growth. Aloe-vera gel can be used as a leave-in conditioner for your hair since it can condition your hair better than any commercially available conditioners. Aloe Vera Gel with Castor Oil To make this hair growth concoction you need to add 2 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with 1 tablespoon castor oil. Then gently message this on your scalp and keep it overnight. Rinse your hair with a herbal shampoo for better results. Aloe Vera Gel with Coconut Oil
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You can mix aloe-vera gel with organic coconut oil to solve your hair problems. You can also store this mixture in a refrigerator.
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Aloe Vera and Egg Hair Mask  You can make aloe vera and egg hair mask by simply grinding freshly cut aloe-vera leaf and mixing them with a raw egg. Mix them together and apply the paste on you hair for 2 hours. After 2 hours wash your hair with cold water. This hair mask can be applied twice a week for a longer, shiny and thicker hair growth. How to Use Aloe Vera Juice for Health
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Aloe-vera is rich in antioxidants which bind with the free radicals and help in managing the inflammation caused by oxidative damage. This damage is caused due to the free radicals present in your body, that damage your cells. It has anti-inflammatory properties which soothe the stomach lining and the esophagus. Aloe-vera also helps in fighting against pathogens, that cause gastrointestinal problems. Its anti-inflammatory properties diminish all inflammations inside and outside your body, and help in alleviating bowel irregularities along with intestinal problems. Aloe Vera Juice Preparation  To prepare aloe-vera juice you need to cut off a leaf of aloe-vera and then peel off the outer layer. Remove the aloe latex, which is the yellow sap that lies underneath the outer leaf. Then you can scoop out the gel and carefully wash it to remove any residual sap. Place the gel in a blender and add water and honey to it. Blend all the ingredients to prepare your aloe-vera juice.
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dailyblitzs · 5 years
Headache is actually a problem associated with the nervous system and neck. Waking up in the morning with a headache means wasting the whole day. Headache is a very common problem but sometimes it is so fast that it is difficult to tolerate.
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100% Cleanse Your Kidneys | Best Drinks to Clean Your Kidneys at Home | Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda
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mykidneytreatment · 5 years
Swelling in a Body Result of Kidney Failure or Not | 8 Home Remedies | किडनी सूजन कम करने के 8 उपाय
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extreamx · 6 years
Free Consultation with Doctor Contact us: - +91 9999216987
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