#homeless patients
20001541 · 5 months
maybe if we get an ending where afos humanity is fully on display and he makes peace with yoichi it'll finally put an end to the "afo was born evil and will always be pure evil no matter what" takes that are STILL persistent even after 407 dropped.
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sollilua · 1 year
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Nightmarch Day 12 – Eldritch
"Don't go outside after midnight. A stranger with mysterious powers now lives near the town"
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elekid · 2 months
guys i just now opened discord for the first time in months
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franki-lew-yo · 3 months
Me: I can take horror media. I'm not a scaredy-cat anymore.
Also Me: *immediately skips past or leaves the room when the disabled person, animal, child, elderly, or innocent person of any marginalized group dies*
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jvzebel-x · 9 months
#so the hospital group that diagnosed my stroke as an anxiety attack&let me sit in their er for roughly five hours is in the news#bc body cam footage came out showing them having called the police on a patient who was 'refusing to leave'#despite the fact that he 'had no medical reason for being there'.#he had ODd&they had given in narcan. he was also homeless. so all the actual rules about watching a patient post resus#went out the window in favor of calling police&being incredibly cruel about it.#the man died at the police station. where they took him bc they looked him up&he had bench warrants.#they couldn't process him bc he was totally unresponsive. they tried tho. best believe they tried.#&when they had to explain why they were didnt try to get him medical help they released the body cam footage.#prob the only time they didnt throw tantrums over it too seeing as it successfully shifted the blame.#the hospital has had to apologize publically for the 'failure' on their part.#i cant even put my feelings into words.#ive said it once ill say it every fucking time learning medicine was not&is not hard. its not worthy of special note.#its something you do bc you care. &if thats not the case i hope you die of the medical neglect you would force onto those#who come to you for fucking help.#pathetic. absolutely fucking pathetic.#i might not ever be able to work in traditional medicine but w stories like these why the fuck would i ever want to?#why would i ever want to be associated w willful fucking murderers? bc thats what medical neglect from a medical pro at their work is.#fucking murder.
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bunnihearted · 1 year
#anyway so yeah im so sick of hating myself. of missing out on things and being too scared to go after things i want when i have the chance#so sick of almost being 25 and having spent almost 6 years alone in my room missing out on life#and my mom and sister might be moving in the not too distant future#so i have to try to get my life together for real now!!! or homelessness will be awaiting me :D#what i will try to do.. is start going to the gym (w my mom so i dont have to deal w the anxiety of an unknown place by myself sksk)#i'll workout 3-5 times a week. every week. i like going to the gym so if i just get started i dont have a doubt i'll not be able to do it#i'll focus on finishing my english class. hopefully in december even if i have the possibility to get it extended a few months#then i'll start my other 4 classes in january#i'll be patient and wait for my ultrasound and get the gallstone situation fixed (latest in january if i need surgery)#(and i have to try to make sure i eat properly so i dont wind up with b12 deficiency... i cant eat anything without pain but i have to..)#also i have an appt at the psychiatric in mid october. and im still waiting on what my healthcare center says. hopefully i can get cbt#if possible i will really really try to apply for jobs as a personal assistant sometime between january-may#if i have a job instead of being on wellfare i will 1) have way more money 2) not feel constabtly anxious abt being rejected and homeless#i'll stop caring abt me being 'old' and a late bloomer. the planet is dying. who cares if im 28 and start university????#i'll take my time to finish high school. and the thing is i really should get a job before starting higher vocational education#bc the program i want to start i HAVE to have a laptop. and theres no way i can afford that now. cant even save up to it#also need to find and put myself up on waiting lists for student housing/apartments so i can actually move#i hate this city and i need to get the fuck out of here!!!!#but the world is crazy rn and it's super hard to find places to live and find jobs but it's not impossible so i need to try#i cant live like this & i have no idea how tf i'll manage to be a normal person and have a life but i need to try bc what else am i gnna do?
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softenji · 5 months
Sometimes I wonder if I’ve just gotten pretty lucky in life when it comes to doctors or if Connecticut just has a better health care system than everyone else in America because whenever I see the usual list of complaints about health care stuff I’m like. I literally cannot relate to this 🫥
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puhpandas · 2 years
Um, while I have your attention, spoilers for the books:
Gregory was revealed to be Patient 46.
okay so I just looked this up and apparently it's from the GGY tales from the pizzaplex book.
tbh I'm not that upset if they do this right. when you take away the piles and piles of headcanons for Gregory's character he doesnt have a lot going on. him being patient 46 would actually give him a character and explain a lot of things about him that were mysterious before. like why he was just. inside of Freddy at the beginning of the game. and why there are a bunch of camps made around the pizzaplex that looks like someone lives in them.
it would also make plenty of sense why Gregory's picture is in the newspaper. I remember seeing his silhouette and just seeing it as more proof for the homeless theory, but now it actually seems like his brain was hijacked like Vanessa's and his whole life was just screwed over.
I'm excited to see more about this in the DLC (if they even touch on it...). for all we know the book series could be not canon and this all means nothing. it's a real possibility based off of fnafs track record 💀
and since patient 46 has female pronouns, that means Gregory is trans! hell yeah!! ‼‼
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niteshade925 · 8 months
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if i had a nickel every time house md has repeated a name that belongs to a main characters sibling id have two nickels. which isnt much but it's weird it has happened twice
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tramontane-fire · 2 years
If you're allergic to NSAIDs/Toradol (especially Toradol), the medic will think you're drug-seeking and you won't get pain control.
If you have called the ambulance before in the last month or so, the medic will think you're malingering and you won't get pain control.
If you're yelling and screaming and writhing around in pain, the medic will be annoyed and you won't get pain control.
If you are stoic, the medic will think you're not in that much pain and you won't get pain control.
If you ask for pain meds, then the medic will see this as proof positive that you are drug-seeking, and you won't get any pain control.
If you don't ask for pain meds, the medic will assume you don't need any, which is good because starting lines and pulling drugs and documenting med administration is hard, and the hospital will probably give you something anyway (maybe, after a long delay), and you won't get any pain control.
If your pain is chronic and flaring up, the medic will think (wrongly) that the pain control protocol only covers acute pain and you won't get pain control.
If you are being picked up at a jail or a prison, forget it (and lord help you if you have a serious illness in general).
If you're street homeless, forget it.
If you have a history of substance use, you're screwed.
Well gee, Kit, you say, then who the heck does get pain control in the ambulance?
Really gnarly trauma patients. Large burns, visibly broken bones, people who resemble raw hamburger meat.
But in general, no one else reliably gets pain control.
It is terrible. We are terrible about treating pain prehospital (and in hospitals).
If it's happened to you, I'm sorry, and it's not your fault.
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scientia-rex · 6 months
For the most part, my approach to prescribing hormones is “sure,” but I will note that the one thing I lean HARD on patients about is smoking. If you’re transgender, and you’re on hormones, the number one thing we want to protect is your cardiovascular health. That’s frankly the number one thing I want to protect in all my patients, but anyone taking exogenous hormones is at higher baseline risk. And the best thing you can do for your heart is DON’T SMOKE. It’s a bitch to quit, and I didn’t even smoke much or long before I quit in my late teens, and I STILL didn’t enjoy quitting and had smoking dreams for years. It’s harder to quit than just about anything else up to and including crack and heroin, and that’s coming from a patient of mine who recently passed in her early 60s who’d done all of those things—for years and years—but eventually was able to quit everything except smoking. And that killed her. She developed severe COPD and eventually called to say her blood oxygen saturation was dipping into the 70s, which is incompatible with life. She was lucid enough to decline medical care, including refusing to call 911 or go to the ER. A week later, after both I and one of our outreach nurses had contacted her to ask her to please go to the ER, I got a notification that she’d been found dead. She had been so frustrated that she wasn’t a candidate for a lung transplant.
One of my oldest trans patients is in her late 50s. She’s had blood clots that went to the lungs. Repeatedly. Smoking raises that risk. Estrogen raises that risk. She’s a veteran with PTSD; of course she smoked.
These aren’t theoretical. These are humans I’ve cared for over years of their lives. I have been rooting for them—my beloved former addict, who spoke without shame about her years of homelessness and drug use in the city; my queer elders, who are slowly trading in their motorcycles for power scooters. I want everyone to live their fullest, best life.
Smoking doesn’t fit into that. Please don’t smoke. I don’t want you to die like that—not now and not later. I want you to have the future that you may not be able to see yet, but exists.
Since I moved home as an out queer, word got out, and there’s a whole apartment complex of lesbians in their 60s to their 80s who come see me—sitting next to their wives in the office, nagging about blood pressure meds, tattling about not having gotten the shingles shot they said they would. To be clear, when I was growing up in town, I knew no lesbians. Not one. I knew one gay kid in my class, which eventually turned into two. We were it. To see these women living decades with their wives and being able to squabble like any couple in my office over who was supposed to bring their home blood pressure cuff in for us to check it… it means the world to me.
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mohammedaldeeb · 2 months
⏰ 🚨 attention please🙏🚨
I am Dr. Mohammed Aldeeb,🩸💉 a dedicated specialist in emergency medical care from the Gaza Strip.
💊 🩺🩹
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For years, I poured my heart and soul into my work at Al-Shifa Hospital, striving to be a doctor of great repute,
caring for the wounded and the ill with compassion and skill.💉🩹
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the devastation of war disrupted our lives and prevented us from serving our patients at Al-Shifa Hospital😣💔,
forcing me to leave my cherished home and the familiar walls of the hospital that had become my second home, a place of comfort, peace, and beautiful memories of my work.😔
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As I left behind the echoes of laughter and camaraderie with my colleagues, patients, and friends,😰
I embarked on a painful journey southward. I bid farewell to the streets where I grew up, the corners I sought refuge in😥😭💔, and the colleagues who felt like family.
Memories of my formative years and the countless lives I touched during my tenure at Al-Shifa 😣and other medical facilities, such as Friends of the Patient Hospital and the Indonesian Hospital, overwhelmed me as I struggled to come to terms with the upheaval.😔😥
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Despite the adversities that besieged me,
I held fast to my dream of becoming a successful doctor. 😀😁✌💚
I was fortunate enough to study medicine at Al-Azhar University, from which I graduated and later served as a teaching assistant, imparting knowledge to aspiring medical students with unwavering dedication. 😀🙏🖤
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The idea of specializing in internal medicine drew me back to Al-Shifa Hospital, but sadly,
the brutal war destroyed it, shattering my hopes.In the midst of the chaos and destruction brought by war🥺😣💔
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I sustained multiple injuries and narrowly escaped with my life. 🥺
The sanctuary of my home, a place of peace and beautiful memories, was completely destroyed, leaving my family and me impoverished and homeless. 😣💔😰
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Yet, amidst the ruins, a glimmer of hope persists as I continue my work at Al-Aqsa Hospital😀, extending a helping hand to those in need without expecting anything in return. I draw strength from the humanity and love instilled in me by my teachers and mentors during my years of education and service.✌😁❤
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Today, we find ourselves taking refuge in a humble tent, ⛺ 😭😣💔
stripped of our possessions and livelihoods. The loss of my job, my home, and some of my loved ones is a heavy burden to bear. 😢
Nevertheless, I refuse to succumb to despair, holding on to the belief that brighter days lie ahead.
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With a heavy heart, I reach out to you🥺🙏💚
dear reader, seeking your assistance in securing safe passage for myself and my family from the chaos and brutality of war in Gaza. 🥺🙏🇵🇸🍉💔🖤💛💝
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With your kindness and generosity🥺, I hope to reclaim the path to achieving my medical career, 🩺💉🩸
becoming a specialist in internal medicine, and returning to help my people.
This would enable me to provide care for my loved ones and contribute to the healing of our wounded nation.Your compassionate aid would mean the world to me and my family.🥺🙏❤🇵🇸✌
Please note that our campaign is vetted
Thanks @90-ghost ... link vetted
Thanks @el-shab-hussein ...link vetted
Thanks @mangocheesecakes ...link vetted
Thanks @horrorhorizon...link vetted
Thanks @nabulsi (number 212)
With gratitude and hope,💜💙
Dr. Mohammed AldeebGaza Strip
WhatsApp: 00972599095244
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ana-bananya · 3 months
List of organizations and fundraisers you can donate to to help Sudan:
The numbers are simply to help me keep track of how many links I've added since tumblr has a 100 link limit on posts.
Most of these links will take you the posts I've made about these fundraisers that provide brief summaries so you can check for verification and see where your money is going.
‼️ indicates that a fundraiser has experienced a decrease in donations or has been without donations for some time
Last progress update done on Aug. 9th 2024
Sudanese American physicians association
Sudanese American Medical Association
Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
Save the Children
Sudan Solidarity Collective
Sudan diaspora networks Sudan benefit fundraiser
Darfur Women Action Group
Fight Hunger in Sudan: The Khartoum Kitchen appeal
Nas Al Sudan
Twitter thread with actions that can be taken to support Sudan
Help Sudan- Sudan Relief Fund
Relief and Rehabilitation for Disabilities Support (HRRDS)
Sara's (Bsonblast) link tree for Sudan
One Million Sustainable Pads Campaign (€42,744/€200,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Sunduq Al Sudan - support grassroots organizations in Sudan
School Supplies for Sudan - $10,000$10,016/$10,000 raised
Save El Geneina initiative
Food Baskets in Sudan
Action Against Hunger
Mutual Aim team fundraiser for Congo, Sudan, and Tigray ($39,223/$35,000)
Help house a homeless disabled Sudani in London (£4,158/£4,500) ‼️
Emergency Fund for Sudanese Family ($24,271 CAD/$25,000 CAD) ‼️
Help us escape the war in Sudan $55,210 raised
Help Sajida and her family evacuate from Sudan ($37,953 CAD/$50,000 CAD) ‼️
Help Eman and her family evacuate (£38,573/CHF38,475) ‼️
Help Eman's extended family evacuate ($1,126/$30,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help Randa's family evacuate Sudan (€20,375/€27,000) ‼️
Support Sakina's Family's Journey to Safety ($10,030/$10,000)
Help Sudanese refugees stranded in Ethiopia (£38,573/£30,000)
Help Aalaa evacuate and get treatment for her mother ($13,525/$20,000 - VERY low on funds)
Support a Community Stuck In Sudan ($22,872/$40,000 - VERY low on funds)
Save Omiama's eyesight (€5,225/€14,725) ‼️
Help Abudjana rebuild after war (£3,195/£5,000) ‼️
Help a Sudanese student finish med school ($2,170/$2,500) ‼️
Help a family of 13 evacuate Sudan ($1,780/$20,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help Refugee’s escape Sudan Conflict ($14,109 CAD/$31,000 CAD - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Safe Passage ممر آمن- Help a mom and her kids escape war ($6,299 CAD/$7,000 CAD) ‼️
Help Medical Students in Sudan (€1,586/€350,000 - VERY lowonfunds) ‼️
Help Mujtaba's Family Escape the war in Sudan ($5,775/$18,527 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help Raise Money for Displaced Sudanese Families in Egypt this Eid
Amal for Women
Help dialysis patients in Sudan
Help Yumna's Family Escape War in Sudan - $5,066/$5,000 raised
Sudan Emergency Appeal
Help Mehad's Family Fly to Hope ($2,493/$5,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Medical and sanitary supplies to support women & children in Congo, Nigeria, and Sudan ($420 CAD/$3,000 CAD - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help Sudanese Families escape from war (€10,351/€50,000 - VERY low on funds)
Help ThomaSerena recover from war (€1,814/€5,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help Asjad and her Family Escape War in Sudan ($16,915/$20,000)
Help support families impacted by war (supporting the Basmat Wasal, Sameh Makki kitchen appeal, and medical supplies for Northern State hospital initiatives) (£59,133/£80,000)
Emergency aid for Ahmeds family to escape warzone in Sudan (£3,727/£10,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help A Family Flee Sudan’s War (£732/£10,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Support families in Kalma IDP camp - £16,170/£16,000 raised
Help a Sudanese Doctor Continue her Education in Egypt ($3,232 AUD/$9,100 AUD - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Support financial aid for Gezira medical students in sudan (£1,347/£2,000) ‼️
Asala's family - evacuation and medical treatment ($4,777/$30,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help a Sudanese family flee war and afford medical funds (€3,242/€13,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Sudan Children's Cancer Organization ($16,739/$55,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Support for Sudanese Refugees in Cairo ($6,050/$25,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Support for family affected by recent events in Sennar paypal campaign ended - $2,514/$20,000 raised
Help Salma's family get to safety (£3,465/£6,000) ‼️
Bring Mohammad Esa's family back together (£1,345/£3,700 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help two medical students evacuate Sudan with their family ($754/$45,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help Nour Rebuild Her Life and Career (£551/£5,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help a displaced family escape Sudan Genocide (£10,683/£30,000 - VERY low on funds)
Support Muhammad's Artistic Journey Amid Sudan's Turmoil ($2,679/$25,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
10K for Sudan famine relief, organized by AUC_SICC ($8,317/10,000)
Al Geneina Trauma Center Gfm shut down Al Geneina's campaign, please see other ways to donate here
Support Alaa, her husband, and their children (£4,516/£5,000) ‼️
Help Yousif and his family evacuate ($35/$15,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
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tidepoolalgae · 6 months
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giftedpoison · 9 months
Trying to have a general conversation about the homeless population with someone who works in a mental health one step program that's sees 20% of people not finishing the program and ending up in the homeless encampment down the road.
I'm just so appalled honestly. By how they talked about it. Saying those 20% choose it. And called the program a crutch. And saying they had 3 months to get their shit together after being inpatient for mental illness where everything was handed to them.
And I'm over here fucking screaming internally. Because there's so much wrong with it and I don't even know where to start.
Like first off the program helping with job search/housing. I doubt it. Because 3 months after being inpatient for God knows how long, is not enough time to find a job. It took me 2 months to find a job after leaving my job where I was deadass in charge of a whole department. AND THE JOB I GOT? A seasonal position for the holidays.
Not to mention even if they miraculously got a job that pays well guaranteed they would not find housing. I made 17$ an hour and no one would lease me a one bedroom apartment. I once was rejected from an apartment when I made 15$ an hour. Because I didn't make $18. The rent was $650 a month.
And she also said the program shuts people out of the program after 3 tries (which is 9 months total but obviously that would be sporadic) and they have to find somewhere else.
Which like they have a limited radius of where they can feasible travel so what the fuck there.
And when I said 3 months seemed short. She was like well they were in patient first before the 3 months so obviously it's short.
NOT obvious bestie babe. That's worse actually. But I was at work when I was texting this person and I also didn't feel qualified to speak on it knowing I knew little about the program and also wasn't that educated on homelessness enough to be considered credible.
She also said she thinks of that memoir Glass Castle that we had to read junior year of high school. And how the authors parents chose to be homeless so clearly people just choose it for no reason. (Which I don't remember much about it but Im pretty sure at least one of the parents were struggling with some sort of addiction)
And I made sure to be clear that is 100% a minority situation and that there's almost always differing factors involved. And she was like yeah it's just so insane and the program can't figure out why it's happening and that's what they are looking into.
meanwhile I'm screaming because I'm not even college educated and I can see the glaring issue like a bright ass LED light. But whatever.
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