#honestly anon this made me laugh
misc-obeyme · 9 months
Imagine giving Beel the idea to put music while having sex and stuff, and the first and only song MC puts is Custer by Slipknot JSJDJSJDJS
Hang on, is this a reference to something? I seem to remember that song being part of a trend or a meme or something...
Normally I'm all about having sex to a metal playlist, but that song might be a little much. I think poor Beel would be so confused.
Beel: Are you sure this is what you want playing right now, MC?
MC: Are you questioning my sex playlist?
Beel: Nope.
He doesn't wanna argue because listen, if it makes MC happy, he's all for it. And he's probably too horny to care about it enough to pursue the question. It's fine, he'll just start thrusting on beat and then he gets into it lol.
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yourdaddyfigure · 10 months
Can we at least ask questions about your Tumblr crush? For example, do they have a Tumblr?
Okay, so I’m going to leave this here and let you reread what you sent me anon 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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evansbby · 11 months
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agustdiv1ne · 8 months
just an anon popping in to ask if youve seen the preview clips of sookai on return of superman where those two babies gave them a peck on their cheeks and if youve been as emotionally damaged as i am 🥹🥹🥹🥹 and i simultaneously also hear my ovaries screaming LOLLL
yes. i cried. i don't rly like kids (well. some of them are cool idk) and i am sooo scared of getting pregnant HOWEVER that clip made my little grinch heart grow three sizes 😭😭😭 they are so good with kids wtf i would maybe consider going through the hell of having kids if one of them was the father </3
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here friend, thinking about how not only (as pointed out) that this season of OG is mediocre but LS has also been pretty Meh and remarkably for similar reasons. So because I have too much time on my hands today and too little willpower to be productive, here I give you my vaguely thought out character parallels between the two shows this season, and how they've made the season frustrating.
Eddie and Nancy: Both of these characters have had no plot or arc all season. Basically they're moral support and comedic relief.
Maddie and TK: Both have had a sort of half plot to themselves but ultimately are there to be supportive, be sad when their loved ones are in danger, and generally remind us Madney and Tarlos exist.
Bobby and Mateo: Both had exactly one plotline to themselves, both those plots came out of nowhere, and both were centered around another character that was mentioned maybe once before.
Athena and Paul: Both had a single plot centered on their past that was actually interesting and believably important for the character (though in LS at least it didn't require its own episode away from the group). The problem was that there was little to no follow up or any sense of closure, we're just kinds left to assume some sort of conversation happened.
Chim and Tommy: Both have been fairly visible this season (definitely Tommy more so than Chim except for the last few OG episodes) and had some pretty good best friend moments. But both had had incredibly frustrating plots that just didn't make sense or serve a purpose (Chim forgiving his parents and Tommy - a Mom - trying to one up an actual child).
Hen+Karen and Judd+Grace: Both were strong points for the their shows season (I'm firmly of the belief Tomorrow was the best episode of either show this season). Only a relatively minor complaint for both, namely the WTF did this come from of the Denny plot and that Grace's recent storyline has the 5th crime investigation on what's supposed to be a weewoo show.
The 911 Guest Cast and Owen: Basically these always seem to drag the show out of the firehouse and into some bullshit no one asked for. The exception is Ravi, who is the equivalent of Owen when the focus is on him being a captain to his team.
Buck and Carlos: Frankly both their plotlines have been a mess (though Buck has twice as many as Carlos), didn't go anywhere, and are full of missed opportunities for character development, especially in the realm of having an honest conversation with their parents.
If you've been keeping score I have left out of the list Marjan. This is because between the shows I feel like Marjan's character has been handled the best, even almost perfectly. We got backstory, character building, and even a cute dating plot.
Anyway hope you enjoy my afternoon musings!! This is also in part me trying to pretend this season is over (for OG at least) and I can draw these parallels instead of facing the fact we have 2 more episodes to slog through.
Bestie, were is the lie????
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This is so spot on though and I laughed so hard when I read this! I've been...not necessarily avoiding but certainly not reading any LS spec because I'm just to tired to do that and OG but whooo boy am I side eying some of the stuff I've seen floating around. LS pulling the old RNM line of Tarlos having to "earn" their wedding like 🙄🙄🙄 Plus there was something about "tragedy" striking and WHY would they need more new drama when they had a whole unexpected WIFE that got sort of brushed off and the resolution for that happened off screen, and Carlos DIED and then it was just like, never mentioned again, and TK is going into his wedding without his mom. There's already so much there, why on earth would they need to invent something else?!
And don't get me started on OG doing the same thing but also packing the guest cast with a thousand people to wrap up Buck's 700 arcs he's got started that they just did nothing with until the last couple episodes apparently. I am...so tired.
Agreed though that the Marjan stuff has been good this season when she had stuff going on! I honestly don't know WHO was in charge of OG seasons 1-3 and the arc planning and pacing because Timmy is over on LS and it's having the same messy issues as OG in that regard when OG had like, the PERFECT formula those first few seasons. What was going on over there?! And more importantly, how do we get it BACK?!
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vivid-vices · 1 month
sorry to disappoint y'all but i'm not going to kill myself. i am, however, going to be back to answer the actual questions i got asked later because i need a break from this app after reading all of that.
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amywritesthings · 7 months
Are you caught up with jjK?
LMAO ABSOLUTELY NOT, I started Demon Slayer actually 😅😅😅
I told people to watch it because season one was hottie nation, and now I'm footing the bill for my favorite people's therapy bills LSKDFJALSDF LISTEN I HAD NO CLUE WHEN I REC'D IT, I WAS JUST SO GOJO DICK-MATIZED AND THEN I READ SHUBIYA AND WENT WOW ACTUALLY I THINK I MESSED UP?? sorry if you were a victim of my thirst
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jackross-v · 9 months
Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy Dazai supremacy dazai supremacy
28 of these in my inbox and every one makes me like the character less.
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kyleecarrigan · 8 months
Another creep who‘s obsessed with killing sentient beings. Piece of shit.
Idk what to tell you man. If you cannot handle that I find animals (I’m gonna assume you’re talking about animals here) that are already deceased, wether it be randomly walking through the woods or the lakeshore, roadkill, or where hunters dump carcasses/ bones and I choose to use what I find to make art and to see that an animal is beautiful even in it’s death. Then that’s a you problem, not a me problem.
No one made you visit my blog. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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chocolatespyro · 8 months
they didnt use the "I AM BOT, THE ONE AND ONLY!" clip for the bot plush announcement I am so mad /j
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constantvariations · 1 year
These hate anons make it so obvious when they're reacting to their fragile little white egos being bruised, don't they. Here you are talking about the real Black Panther Party and how they've been smeared by the government and media, and the only ""rebuttal"" dipshit wonderbread anon has is to imply that you're an Adam stan. They're just so pathetic it's hilarious. Like hey anon, go read up on Fred Hampton too while you're at it cause he doesn't get brought up enough imo. Absolutely incredible man, stolen from us far too soon by a disgusting racist government that was scared of the fact he was uniting people of all colors in his movement. I will never stop being angry about what happened to him.
It's honestly incredible the leaps folks will make to turn someone else into a bad guy. Even funnier is I do like the concept of Adam, not enough to be called a stan I think, but enough that his and the WF's potential is a major factor in why I conceived of my rwby rewrite
The civil rights movement and every single activist in it was done so dirty. Completely unforgivable. May their souls know peace and joy
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writersmorgue · 8 months
i would pass away
still debating. although i don't know if it's the Adult Wisdom finally kicking in or just bc it hasn't hit me, but it's not affecting me like i thought. i mainly feel bad for accidentally sexting him with no warning which was not my intention but is definitely how it came across.
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peachcitt · 2 years
when you first started advertising (lmao) metamorphosis summer and shit i was like 'okay another epic peachcitt fic. this is gonna be fun' but like. BUT LIKE. (it's not fun i feel like im going nuts) oh my god. like. anna i understand now i Get why she was going insane why she is going insane why she plays catch with it in the yard and parades it round the grocery store on her shoulders and takes it out for milkshakes on fridays i UNDERSTAND. 2022 will always be remembered for metamorphosis summer. it's winter for me but it's so insane it's like getting slapped with a heatwave anyway. it's just That iconic im losing it it's just on my mind all the time i want to make a movie out of it peach every chapter is just. my brain feels like its a hamster going nuts in its wheel is this what drugs feels like is it is it is it in the 0.00000001% chance im encouraged to try something do i just say 'no thanks i have something even crazier its called metamorphosis' do drugs even compare-
scrolling through the pre metamorphosis teaser posts are kILLING ME THE SNIPPET YOU POSTED 'adrien's chest swells and breaks and ends' thank you for whatever the hell is wrong with you that possessed you to write lines like that in adriens pov because what. the. hell. adrien has the most insane thoughts and nino has the most insane dialogue and marinette is in eternal suffering
also is the rest of it going to be adrien's pov? or is it going to switch between? also do you ever edit tiny bits even now or is it 100% no more tweaks the fic is Done it's just posting it now and making everyone go mental
we should advertise metamorphosis the way gabriel advertises adrien just. put it on billboards everywhere. anna scribbles cover art blown up to 672 square feet of space for everyone to just stop and stare at in awe and nearly get hit by vehicles at (ok maybe not that last part) and then they go and read it and just. pass out. that is what writing (and art) like this deserves. fanart stuck up on the walls and the windows metamorphosis propaganda everywhere let's go
i will say one of the first things i did after reading this ask was go to @anna-scribbles and tell her i'd just gotten the funniest ask. she said you're invited to milkshake fridays
also this is such an interesting thing to say about the summer of it all!! for some reason while writing it i was just. struck by the feeling that it had to take place in summer, that it was all about the heat and closeness and loneliness of summer, so i like that the feeling transcends current cold weather. that's nice to hear. as for drugs - maybe. who knows. i don't really know what it's truly like to read metamorphosis because i wrote it.
"thank you for whatever the hell is wrong with you that possessed you to write lines like that" this is the best thing anyone has ever said to me. i want to get it framed and hung up on my mirror. also - i love that you're going insane over that little pre-metamorphosis-release snippet without the context. i hope you'll enjoy it when you see it in the fic
great questions! metamorphosis is 16 chapters long. im all about the rule of equals (that may or may not exist); 8 chapters for marinette, 8 for adrien.
as for edits: it's all mostly done. before i post each chapter, i give it one (or several, depending on how my week goes in between chapter releases) more read through(s) and fix up any phrasing i don't like, grammar funkiness, and pacing. for chapter 8, i even switched the order of a couple of paragraphs just because i thought it would be better that way. i would say it's not 100% done but rather 97%
you should team up with anna since y'all seem to share ideas on pr for metamorphosis. that can be something y'all discuss on milkshake fridays
thanks for reading<3<3
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ilostyou · 8 months
Does this mean you’re no longer a side blog? :(
darn there goes my fun quirky personality trait 😔
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Missy WHAT ARE YOU DOING make the repetition stopppp
Teeheehee ^-^
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ihatebnha · 2 years
ok but bakugo
No but the way this has me fucking fuming on his behalf…………. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO you’re so right. The calm but cold anger, the silent stare, the “I’ll throw that yolk at you, if you touch this…” All Bakugo.
Don’t you ever do that to him tho. Anyone, tbh. I stg. Yolks are hard to make like that!!!
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