#honestly honestly loves giving levi massages
rivangel · 2 years
i need more after war levi x onyankopon fics tbh show me how that happened, hange asking onyankopon to look after levi after their death, levi hating the idea and eventually giving in, they becoming close friends or maybe even more, i NEED it
YEESSSSS they’re literally the definition of a rare pair. i feel like onyakopon has hange and erwin’s traits combined if that makes sense? he’s a charismatic charmer but also silly and goofy, and very smart. yk this man is a passionate lover…
levi is so jaded after the war and he won’t touch his past with a ten foot pole anymore but onyakopon doesn’t ask. doesn’t even reference it, unless levi mentions something about the good memories and onyakopon beams and asks all demure for the story. he’s the type to help levi out with simple tasks his disabilities make a lot harder without asking. and he’s so patient. i just. i just i just
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l3viat8an · 10 months
2 words, Levi + boobs
He's such a pathetic little loser begging to suck and touch them, he just can't get enough. Also imagine waking up in the middle of the night to him sucking them, he just couldn't wait til morning <3
Two words I love omllllll-
‘n the first part is gonna sound a lil silly- probably- but it popped into my head and I don’t apologize :)
but Levi need to fidget with something 24/7 why do you think he’s always tapping away at his phone? It’s so he has something to do with his hands!!!
So obviously when you start dating his hands are gonna be on you more. Starting small like holding you hand ‘n playing with your fingers but as your relationship progresses….his hands move higher- like when you’re sitting in his lap and watching a new anime or whatever. Levi’s hands just resting on your chest, occasionally squeezing or you’ll feel his fingers pulling at your nipples.
It’s kinda weird he doesn't do it much during sex, but more subconsciously. doing it
Another example is like when you're both scrolling on your phones and you're leaning back against his chest, his hand would slowly, creep under your shirt and start squeezing.
It’s funny when Levi catches himself doing it too- his face burning bright red while stutters out an apology. Just remind him you really don’t mind-
Waking up to him sucking on them!!! >
Like your boobs just feel so good in his hands, so warm and soft~!!!
Levi thinks they deserve all the worshiping in the world and always makes sure to give them extra attention whenever he can. Like right now, while you sound asleep in his bed-
Levi slowly, carefully, crawls on top of you, sliding your shirt up, revealing your bare tits to him. and he just stares for a minute, watching as your tits rise and fall with every breath you take.
It’s looks so tantalizing, it’s like he can’t resist the urge to just…..touch them….just a bit.
so he gives in, his cold palm kneading your warm skin, ‘So, warm and soft…..’ he mumbles to himself, alternating between squeezing them roughly and massaging them almost lovingly.
Levi glances towards your face checking every few seconds minutes to make sure you’re not going to wake up, yet- a soft gasp falls from you lips when he gets a little bold and pinches your nipples,
Fuck it’s like you’re asking him to do this, to take care of them- how could he not?!
Your whole body shudders when little hot puffs of air hit your skin as he leans closer. can’t take it anymore, he needs them in his mouth, against his lips, to show you how much he loves them, loves you.
It’s honestly cute how much of a whining, panting mess Levi turns into as soon as he has a tit in his mouth. Your tits. suck, bite, kiss. he repeated this, kiss, bite, lick, suck…..until you finally wake up, finding an absolute mess of a demon practically drooling on you.
His warm mouth still latched onto your tit as, his big hand squeezes the other, making sure it doesn’t feel neglected until he decides to swap sides.
You can see a flash of fear in Levi’s eyes because you just ‘caught him’ sucking on your tits like a baby….whining too- But you just bring a hand up and push his bangs back, giving him a sleepy smile and sighing.
Fuck he could die happy, he mumbles something like, ‘Sorry I woke you up….’ but it’s muffled by your tit still in his mouth and he reallyyyyy doesn’t look sorry.
‘m not even gonna mention that Levi’s rutting his poor neglected cock against you the whole time and definitely cums in his pajama pants just from sucking on your boobs-
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belphegorbillickin · 1 year
Obey Me! Love Languages (+Side Characters)
(CW!): Yandere-ish behavior in the Levi, Diavolo, and Belphie sections. Diavolo is the worst out of the three.
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Nothing makes Lucifer much happier than simply spending time alone together, especially in bed.
(He practically jumps you every Devilgram I swear.)
He's more than willing to keep chaste if that's what you prefer though. Lucifer cherishes any and all time you spend with him.
He prefers to go somewhere private with you, where he can let his guard down completely and tell you exactly how much he appreciates you, but he enjoys calmer, more "mature" dates as well.
You don't even have to talk to each other, simply spending time together makes his (shriveled, blackened) heart swell and tension ease.
Although if you'd like to completely remove his tension…
(Have I mentioned that this man is even more desperate than Mammon and Asmo combined? Give this ancient babygirl a hug and a back massage.)
You may or may not be as busy as he is, but he still sees you being willing to spend what little time you both have together as a big gesture.
It certainly is for him at least, as he's far too busy to entertain someone he doesn't truly care for.
It may sound odd coming from an effectively "ageless" being, but time is honestly his most limited resource.
Lucifer's too much of a perfectionist and control freak to let you do anything big, but he deeply appreciates anything you do to make his life easier.
Even something as small as bringing him breathtakingly bitter hell coffee or a pen he forgot brightens his day considerably.
Of course, being the Avatar of Pride, he's more than happy to receive any and all compliments you give him.
They're not exactly uncommon, but he feels they sound so much sweeter coming from your lips.
(Lips he would love to kiss if you'd just let him…)
You know you've made it when Lucifer allows you to see his vulnerable side and trusts you enough to ask for help with the more serious, complicated tasks.
Something no other human, demon, or angel, will likely ever have the privilege of experiencing.
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It's canonically stated that whoever he loves is showered in riches, and I don't believe it's just from his latent power.
What better way for the avatar of greed to show he loves you than to be selfless and give you what's his?
Anything that reminds him of you is already in his hands before he can even think about it, paid for or not.
It can be something as simple as a pretty flower or a giant piece of furniture he thinks you'll look great relaxing in.
It's a shame it won't fit in your room, but that just means you'll have to come visit him in his more often. He totally didn't plan that though! (You know he did.)
He's also a huge showboat and always tries to go for the most extravagant options even if it doesn't actually add anything either of y'all would like.
Mammon was already pretty horrible at budgeting, but after becoming infatuated with you it's almost like he's actively trying to get into a ridiculous amount of debt with everyone.
It's only because he desperately wants to impress you and show how much you mean to him, by any and all means possible.
Of course Mammon would love to receive some gifts in turn, but I feel like, unless they were homemade or otherwise really special, he'd start to take it for granted and complain when it's not expensive enough.
It's not that he means to take advantage of you or doesn't appreciate it, but he is the Avatar of Greed after all, and you're feeding into it.
What really makes him feel loved is when you defend him publicly and happily turn down the others to spend more time with him.
He doesn't mean it in a nasty way unlike some demons, *cough* *cough* Levi & Belphie, but the way his brothers have treated him has worn on him a bit.
You know you've made it when Mammon finally feels secure enough to say he loves you with zero hesitation.
Alone, in front of his brothers, even in front of Simeon and Diavolo and the others. He'll scream it from the rooftops if you want him to.
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Leviathan is actually very generous. He's offered to buy things for his brothers and MC surprisingly often.
It makes sense in a way, as he doesn't really have to do much to maintain it. He can just drop the gift and run when he's nervous, rather than having to stay still while holding your hand or possibly tripping over his words and getting rejected when he tries to say something nice.
I bet he feels as though even if someone didn't like him they would at least like the gift, and then maybe they'll eventually like the source of all the gifts as well.
I could definitely see Levi trying to "buy" your love even if he doesn't realize it.
He's also very helpful when he wants to be, Satan even listed him as his most reliable brother.
It makes him feel good to do things for other people and again, he feels like maybe people will like what he does for them even if they don't like him the same way.
It's not as though he hates compliments and any other loving comments, but he's never really going to believe them until you've already "proven it" through your other actions.
If anything it has a very high chance of backfiring if that's your main way of showing affection, especially if you're a kind person in general.
Levi has got a nasty habit of twisting everyone's words against them and he's not gonna kick it anytime soon, regardless of any reassurance you give him.
His insecurities are far too deeply rooted and connected to his very existence as the Avatar of Envy to be soothed so easily.
Even gifts are a much better way into his heart, if you take the time to research his collection and support his hobbies that is.
Not only did you take the time to listen to what he says, but you spent all that time and effort tracking it down, waiting in line, or staying at the website refreshing repeatedly until you could buy it.
It shows him you're fully supportive and not embarrassed to be seen as a "weeb." That you won't pretend to not know him in public when he freaks out the latest Ruri-chan merch and proudly displays it on his person.
What really makes Leviathan believe you love him is getting jealous over him and turning down the others to be with him.
Especially if you made plans with them first and then ditched them for Levi when he threw a fit.
It's very mean-spirited, unlike Mammon who mostly wants reassurance. As Leviathan actually wants to feel them hurting, but again, he's a demon and The Avatar of Envy at that. Take the most jealous, unreasonable, and controlling person you know and multiple it by a thousand. That's what he has to deal with in his head 24/7, and though he does a very admirable job of keeping them as thoughts rather than actions, it's still a very heavy strain and things do slip out.
Levi will end up throwing a fit if you try to restrict his Ruri or TSL time out of jealousy, but any H-games and etc. are fair game so long as you promise to pick up the slack.
He'll even stop going to idol meet and greets for you, but it's only fair you start restricting your time with other people (including his brothers) in return, right? Right?
…Yeah, good luck handling that.
You know you've made it when Leviathan feels confident enough to regularly initiate physical contact and casually ask for your time and affection.
It's not that he doesn't like it, he's completely touch starved and has been fantasizing about initiating for a while, it's that he's completely sure he'll be rejected or mess it up somehow.
Or that it'll become overstimulating and he'll hurt your feelings by abruptly breaking it off when it suddenly becomes too much.
It means that you've brought his self-esteem up quite a bit, that Leviathan finally trusts that you won't suddenly make fun of him. That you actually like him for who he is and not in spite of it.
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Satan likes to show his love through gifts, acts of service, and the occasional sprinkle of affectionate words. Possibly even through poetry he wrote himself. He wants to show you that he's the superior choice. The reliable, practical, and in-the-know choice without being too stuffy and uptight, unlike some people. *cough* Lucifer *cough*
He also prides himself on his knowledge, and would be very eager to share said knowledge with you.
Feel free to ask him about any topic you want, chances are he at least knows a good book for it. If he somehow doesn't, then he'll gladly try to find one for you.
Just don't expect him to do your coursework or any other intellectual work for you. As much as Satan loves to be useful, he values self-sufficiency and growth even more.
He just can't understand wanting to cheat yourself out of a possible learning experience, and only wants the best for you.
What makes him feel loved is when you acknowledge his flaws but don't make excuses or demonize him for them.
When you don't push too hard for him to open up or spend all of his time with you, and instead set a schedule of sorts so the two of you always have at least some time together without it becoming too much.
He's not the biggest fan of physical contact though, as the circumstances of his "birth" meant that non-violent contact was rare until he finally calmed down and repaired the few relationships that he had. Truth be told, he also a bit afraid of hurting you. Satan's afraid that he'll instinctively lash out when you touch him suddenly, or that he'll hold on too tightly when he goes to touch you himself. You'd never know it now, the way he handles his centuries old books and week old kittens, but Satan is not gentle by nature. He won't shove you away or anything, but he will tense up and never initiate "pointless" physical contact even if he knows you love it until you let him approach it at his own pace.
You know you've made it when Satan finally opens up and doesn't avoid talking about his insecurities and weak points, or feel as though he's competing with Lucifer for your affection anymore.
When he feels free to act as he would like to instead of trying to compensate for his inexperience by imitating romance novels. When Satan doesn't feel as though he has to hide his purely demonic upbringing and everything that comes with it in fear of intimidating or scaring you off.
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I feel like Asmodeus' love languages are pretty obvious, as in he absolutely adores all of them, as he's got so much affection to give and is plenty eager to receive.
He especially loves spoiling you and dressing you up. It's as much for his benefit as it is yours.
It's the same with all the pictures he takes of the two of you. He considers himself very generous indeed for sharing your beauty with the world instead of keeping it to himself, unlike some people.
Asmo will tell you as much himself, in fact, he never grows tired of describing your beauty in every possible way he could.
You can't go more than a day without him comparing at least one aspect of you to some beloved art piece or wonder of nature.
And of course, you can't forget the physical affection. Asmo lives for the chance to run his fingers along your skin and drape himself across you.
Platonically, romantically, sexually, it's all amazing to him.
He also finds testing out all sorts of creams and lotions on you incredibly intimate and relaxing, despite always preferring to be the one being pampered before.
You know you've made it when Asmodeus allows you to see him at his "ugliest," whether that be physically or emotionally, and trusts that you won't leave him for it.
When he feels like you would still be with him even if he never did anything sexual again.
It may or may not seem like that big of a deal to you, but Asmodeus is incredibly insecure deep down.
He can't help but feel like he'll never be as loved as he was back in heaven all those years ago, and certainly not for the same reasons.
What Asmodeus needs is someone who will prove that wrong, that sees him as something more than to look at and get off with.
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"You didn't get me a snack? It's okay. I don't mind being stuck with you forever." (Slightly Used Handcuff Item - 2020 Valentine's Event)
Beelzebub makes it extremely obvious that what he wants more than anything is just to enjoy being by your side.
You don't have to do anything special or even talk, just showing that you're willing to spend time with him is proof enough of your love.
It's also how he shows affection. Like how even though he's not that interested in anime or video games, and Levi usually doesn't let him play (thanks to his messy eating and sticky hands,) Beel still goes into Levi's room surprisingly often.
Honestly, I'm not convinced part of it isn't at least partially from PTSD as well.
Beelzebub feels the need to stay by your side so that he can always be there to take the hit for you.
So that he can see you're still here with his own two eyes and not permanently gone the second he turns around.
What really makes him feel loved is when you look out for his emotional well-being and refuse to let him put himself last.
When you don't take his self-sacrificing ways for granted or come to expect them.
It doesn't matter how you show your appreciation, he's grateful for anything you give him, so long as you do it.
He is a bit insecure however. Both about his behavior and his appearance, as surprising as that may be to anyone who's seen him.
His demon form is associated with something most humans find disgusting after all. So he really appreciates any way you try to reassure him about it.
You know you've made it when Beelzebub is consistently willing to share his food with you.
Beelzebub arguably has the worst control over his sin and readily admits it. Belphie is the only other person he'd ever really share his own food with, and even then not all of it all the time.
But the ultimate test is when he's willing to go against Belphegor for you, even if it's just not immediately agreeing with everything he says.
Beelzebub feels very indebted to Belphie, no matter how many times he tells him it's fine Beel still feels like he has to do any and everything to make up for it.
So if he's willing to go against that, willing to risk upsetting Belphie, it means that you mean everything to him.
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Belphie's all about physical touch and quality time. Both in the sense of spending all of your time with him, and in the sense of not spending that time with anyone else, except Beel of course.
Not just cuddling in bed or taking naps together, but holding hands, letting him lean against you, and kissing are all things Belphie also really enjoys, and expects.
Despite getting embarrassed fairly easily by some of his brothers at times, it's almost impossible to ignore PDA when you lean into it like that, and he's desperate to stake his claim even in public. (Though his embarrassment quickly fades as he becomes more comfortable being vulnerable with you and his brothers again. His guarded, territorial behavior quickly turns into bragging and "tests of your loyalty" after that.)
Now, despite that he does expect you to respect when he wants his alone time, but Belphegor doesn't respect your boundaries all that well until you make him.
Not that he minds if you do try to force him to stop being as much of a spoiled brat though, he likes someone that can give as good as they can get so long as you do it with love.
He's another one that wants to watch you crush his brothers' hopes and dreams in favor of spending time with him. Not Beel though, never Beel.
Seriously, he likes to make out in public and actively fantasizes about his brothers getting jealous because of it in his devilgrams.
(He's also the most suggestive even after they started toning everything down. He gets implied sex and makes out several times a devilgram while other characters don't even get kisses at all sometimes.)
Belphegor is a Belphewhore when it comes to you. (Which is rather fitting, if you know anything about demonology.)
You know you've made it when this lazy cow gets up off his ass to do something for you, something usually only reserved for Beel.
Now, normally being compared to someone you're trying to date's twin brother would be a bad thing, but not in this case.
It just means the only one who will ever be equally important as his figurative other half is his twin, his literally magically and psychically connected other half.
The deepest form of trust is when he fully entrusts Beel's safety and happiness to you.
He may not seem as outwardly protective as his twin, but he is very much so, and he's become even more paranoid and codependent after being forcefully separated for so long.
Whereas Beel is more concerned with physical safety, Belphegor is more concerned with Beelzebub's mental state.
He knows his twin has a tendency to be self-sacrificing, full of guilt, and a bit too eager to take things at face value at times (despite being the emotionally intelligent out of all of them) for a demon. He also knows plenty of people would take advantage of that, intentionally or not.
Belphegor will act uncaring, but he's carefully monitoring your interactions with Beelzebub and paying attention to all of the shared feelings from their connection, intent on matching them up to see if you caused any of his poor moods.
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Lord Diavolo constantly puts himself into frustrating lose-lose situations.
He only really feels assured if you keep coming to him of your own free will, but he's so terrified of rejection and losing you that he rarely ever allows you to do just that.
He's always coming up with some brand new scheme or just outright forcing you to come to him, sometimes even physically, which only reinforces his bad habits and insecurities.
It doesn't matter how much you try to resist. Do you really believe you could do something to stop it when even several-thousand-year-old Lucifer and his strong-willed brothers can't? When even Barbatos couldn't? You'd need the power of God and anime on your side for even a small chance at that.
He'll literally pick you up or drag you if he has to, laughing all the while, refusing to take it seriously as you squirm even though he's really hurt deep down.
He tries to keep in mind that some people are "shy" and don't want to be dragged out all the time, but if you say, take the week in between his tiring plots to catch up on coursework and relax, he'll start to worry you're distancing yourself.
Diavolo's severe abandonment and boundary issues make it nearly impossible for you to challenge them without doing exactly what he wants, when he wants.
Who does he think he is, some kind of all-powerful demon lord or something?
Diavolo doesn't consider himself to be a big gift-giver, but he spoils those he appreciates regardless, and you receive his love on a completely different level.
He's just so used to opulence and never wanting for anything purchasable (easily or not) that he may overwhelm you with uncomfortably extravagant displays without even considering how the average human might react.
Want some chocolate? Diavolo will have Barbatos summon the most skilled chocolatiers immediately.
Can't find the perfect formal wear for yourself? He's calling in his personal tailors to make the most beautiful pieces of clothing you've ever seen in your life.
And yet despite all that it can still fall a bit flat at times.
Diavolo is the most flexible with this form of affection, but he can still be very inconsiderate in a sense.
He takes being told it's a bit too much surprisingly well, but he's fairly controlling about the gifts themselves.
You don't like the colors he picked? Too bad. It matches his own outfit and the color you want would match with the brothers instead and etc.
Sometimes it almost feels like the gifts are more for him than you, or that they come with hidden expectations rather than to make you happy.
Even though he really does want to make you happy, very much so in fact.
You know you've made it when Diavolo finally trusts you to come back to him on your own. Something that might take years and years of "absolutely perfect loyalty."
When he's not constantly sending you messages every time you're apart and doesn't try to force his way into every outing or private moment you have.
Quality time is still his main love language, giving and receiving, and he's still very aggressive in his attempts to spend time with you, but it's expressed in a (slightly) healthier way.
It does mean fighting against his very nature as a demon, even more so than he already does, but he's more than willing to try for you.
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Despite being quite powerful himself, people are often so used to taking advantage of him that they don't see him as much of a person compared to others.
He's rarely Barbatos and often "The Prince's Butler, who happens to be called Barbatos" instead.
Barbatos is targeted quite often by various groups of people, but few of them are after his attention specifically, instead of his power and connections.
He doesn't really allow himself to date in general. Besides not having the time for it, he's too worried about accidentally giving a spy or old Demon King loyalist an opening to cause trouble.
Whether that'd be because he's distracted or because he somehow ends up dating that kind of demon, Barbatos is rarely a risk taker when it comes to Diavolo's safety.
Even when he's liked it's usually for what he can do for other people, like Beelzebub wanting to keep him as his chef and Solomon eyeing his powers for example.
The only one who's really broke past that in the last couple of centuries has been Luke, who's come to be like an adopted son (or pet chihuahua) of sorts to him.
As much as the child loves to say he's using Barbatos, it's clear that the affection is mutual.
Now, a lowly human on the other hand? He'd worry about them being taken hostage or having loose lips, but otherwise they're fairly harmless. Barbatos has all the power in the relationship, just the way he likes it.
In a way, humans' short lifespans also helps to prepare Barbatos for the possibility of seeing your untimely death.
He knew what he was getting into, even if he's gotten far more attached to you than he ever intended to.
In a way, your presence eventually becomes synonymous with respite to him.
At first because of the physical aspect of entertaining you, but it slowly starts to be because of you specifically.
How sweetly you talk to him, really talk to him and not at him. The way you're so considerate in ways that even angels are not for a "mere butler."
Not much longer after that, it comes to be everything about you, even your smile becomes enough to make his day.
Besides being helpful, proving you're willing to "stoop down to his level" and "serve the servant" makes him much more willing to believe you're genuine.
In his (plentiful) experience, pretending to actually enjoy helping out in person is much harder to fake than anything else, especially for the snobbish nobles typically attempting to gain Lord Diavolo's favor.
Barbatos is another hardcore perfectionist who takes his work extremely seriously, who would rather die than let anyone else do it for him, especially since it would cause him to look as if he was "slacking." However, small things like drawing a bath for him, bringing him his favorite snacks, and giving him massages really helps him relax and feel loved.
He's also very fond of homemade gifts for similar reasons. The thought of someone going to all that effort for "just a butler" is very much appreciated.
Despite being such a perfectionist he'll accept the love put into almost anything you give him if it's made with care and free of the furry beasts he despises so strongly.
He'll have them all displayed properly in his room, in a way that will let them last longer, right next to everything Luke has made for him.
You know you've made it when Barbatos allows you to take care of him and ease his burdens.
When he'll allow you to wash his hair and pour tea for the both of you without stressing about how perfect it may or may not be.
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Solomon's main love languages are gift giving and acts of service, and yes, you're gonna have to eat his cooking and you're gonna have to like it.
More seriously though, I'd argue it's quality time and acts of service, both giving and receiving.
He may have an excess of years left, for the understatement of the century, but he knows not everyone else does.
So Solomon really cherishes what little time you're willing to give him, especially if it means ignoring the demon brothers in favor of him. Asmodeus included. Solomon needs to know you're willing prioritize humanity, and him of course, before he can really begin to trust you and let you in.
He's also very fond of physical touch, he's close to Asmo for a reason after all, but that doesn't actually assure him your love is true regardless of how much he enjoys it.
You know you've made it when Solomon is fully willing to become attached and admit it to himself, regardless of any potential heartbreak he may suffer.
When he's ready to tell you so, to make concrete plans about the future with you, instead of for you, and commit to them fully.
But he also really does want to see you eating his cooking, that he infuses with all of his love just for you, every day.
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Simeon is another tricky one, as he rarely allows people get close enough to see his more vulnerable side. Not even those that he was once brothers in arms with.
I believe one major indicator of Simeon being truly in love with you is when he's seeking out your touch.
When he's always brushing his fingers against your shoulders and grabbing your waist as he walks past, just to feel your skin.
Or even allowing you to come to bed with him, "just to cuddle, of course" he says, despite the major risks being that close poses for an angel already teetering on the edge. That's not to say that he doesn't express it through other means, like through the written word, but his playful brushes against you and sly smiles as he tells his white lies to get some alone time are something exclusive to your (not-so-secret) relationship.
He does however, always want to spend time with you. Even before he's ready to fully commit and be completely vulnerable around you.
You may or may not have that much time together after all, and he wants to spend as much of it as possible with you. Simeon also adores teasing the ones he loves, and that will most likely be the first bit of "personalized" affection he gives you. He just can't get enough of your embarrassed faces and mannerisms.
You know you've made it when Simeon is willing to trust you with all of his darkest thoughts and concerns.
When he can trust you won't judge him for his sins or try to guide him to any particular path.
When he's certain you'll stay true, and value and respect his guidance, no matter what form he's in or what he's done.
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It's a common idea I know, but I got an ask for it literally years ago and I wanted to dump my reasons onto y'all anyway.
The draft date on AO3 said I started it in the middle of 2021, which should explain exactly why I feel bad about taking requests.
Also shameless self promotion, but I have a full Obey Me! rewrite fic out now!
Please do note that this is a fully realized fem OC with her own personality, not a gender neutral reader insert, and there are a lot of potential triggers involved.
So please make sure to read the tags fully before going in!
But don't worry, everything else will stay gender neutral and reader insert! Nothing is going to change about that here or on tumblr.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Reaction to mc saying she's pregnant? Like they had NO idea. It's their child, maybe she hide it with magic or something and they generally couldn't tell, if that is okay! It's okay if not,
I just think it's a cute conecpt, like just pretend barbs doesn't look into the future,
Again it's okay is not! No pressure,
Wolf !
Hi, wolf! Of course it's okay! I hope you like it
they find out mc is pregnant after hiding it
-> brothers and side characters x mc (no luke)
mc's gender is not mentioned, but is pregnant, not proof read (somebody lmk if the tag is wrong)
content warnings: pregnancy, mild angst
he's a little offended (??) hurt (??) that you hid it from him, were you afraid of his reaction or was he scary?
regardless, lucifer loves both you and the child to death from the moment he finds out they exist
he's going to take great care of you (though he might come off as a little overprotective)
if you are standing up for a minute too long he will let you sit down
oh no, you were play fighting just yesterday, did he accidentally hurt you or the baby?
when those worries ebb away, mammon is so happy he's telling everyone at rad about it
yes he's sad you hid it for a long time but the happiness is way stronger than the hurt
'mc I'm gonna go to the mall to get baby's first gold bar' 'mammon the baby isn't even born yet-'
of course you hid it for a long time, imagine you're the child and you find out your dad is a gross otaku
you're gonna have to calm him down
it takes levi a while to warm up to the idea, but when he does he's really excited for his baby
he's going to want to read tsl to your stomach as a bedtime story (if the baby is a boy he wants to name him henry too)
satan is kind of in denial, if you were pregnant he would have known right? why didn't you say something?
he's never thought about being a father, he needs a moment to let it sink and do research on babies
but he warms up to the idea eventually, and he'll be the softest you've ever seen
satan got little children's books and those cute music boxes for when the baby comes
out of everyone, asmo would me the most upset you tried to hide it
but he loves you and the baby so he forgives you soon
asmo might not know how to be a father at first, but he's willing to learn and raise the baby with you
plus he's going to want one of those maternity photoshoots, but if you don't it's okay
yes he's not happy you kept it from him but baby :))
beel would do anything to make you and them happy
he's really worried you're going to get hurt though, if you're cooking together beel does not let you pick up a spatula or get close to the stove
also beel loves to hug your stomach, it's basically what he does every night now
he's not happy about it at first because he honestly did not want a child
but seeing you pregnant, realising you'd make a great parent, it changed his mind
belphie gets the best pillows and blankets so you can be comfortable while sleeping
if the baby is keeping you awake belphie will try to calm them down
he understands why you hid it from him, imagine getting pregnant with the demon prince's child- oh no are you scared?
it doesn't matter whether you are actually scared or not, diavolo will take his time to show you all is well, he's really happy to welcome his child
he took a picture of you and your cute baby bump, made it his ddd wallpaper and stares at it when he doesn't want to work
it took him by surprise, but barbatos can adapt quickly
he's really happy to be having a baby with you, he's ready to give you anything you need to make the pregnancy easier
do you want tea, a massage or something else? barbatos has got you
he can't wait to meet his baby, he doesn't want to use his powers and spoil it for himself
...so that's why you could eat solomon's soup last week without getting sick
he forgives you for hiding it, surely you had a good reason
simeon loves the baby so much he sings lullabies he used to sing to luke for them already, this man's face physically softens every time he sees the baby bump
but really, maybe you should stay away from food that randomly appears in the fridge that simeon didn't make
he's a little upset but that's okay, in all his years he's never felt this happy
he can't wait to hold his little baby for the first time
being a human too, solomon knows plenty of stuff about human pregnancy so that's great
'simeon why are you stopping me I'm just going to offer mc a sandwich I made'
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trashytoastboi · 4 months
Day of Envy - Leviathan
~NSFW Alphabet~
Warning: NSFW content ahead (whole bunch of this and that)
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex?
🎮 Understands the importance of it and is awkward but sincere about it. He’s usually so nervous and shy afterwards. He’ll ask if you want water, snacks? Pillow talk is akin to small talk in an elevator but he’s trying. Levi means well just lacks a little on the execution side of things, he’s never neglected it though and does make sure you’re well taken care of. Once he gets over his awkwardness then he practices a set routine that encompasses what he thinks you could use at that moment. Also Levi does quite enjoy having a bath with you afterwards. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners.) 
🎮 Call him a perv for this… (he’d probably like it) he’d say his favourite body part is your thighs and ass. He loves things he can grab and squish, and maybe if you’d let him, bite a little. It’s like a stress ball and he’s so pervy when he wants to be, you’d be lazing around, just playing a game and he’s using your ass as his own personal pillow. Makes him absolutely feral when he fucks your thighs or when you grind your ass against him, it makes him cum so easily and he gets so embarrassed. 
🎮 On himself- Levi usually spirals and goes into a bit of self-deprecating territory when you asked this question, if he really had to choose something. He’d choose his tail. He thinks it’s really cool. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
🎮 So you know how thigh highs exist? And Levi may have asked you to let him cum on them. He’d be rubbing his leaking cock between the tight fabric and your thigh, listening to how you call him a messy lil pervert and he’s cumming bucket loads. If you’re not wearing any of the very many thigh highs that Levi bought for you, then he’s honestly a sucker for cumming anywhere. Inside you, on your face, on your chest, thighs, mouth, ass, literally anywhere he’s not picky. He cums a lot, and it’s not like he’s super pent up anymore but he just cums so much, mini flood alert. Especially when in demon form when you’re dealing with twice the amount from his double dick situation. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs.)
🎮  Oh, Levi. You probably wondered what was happening to your underwear. Maybe that pair that you really liked has now suddenly gone missing. Little did you know, more than all that ero-manga, the occasional sexy game, or even character based sexy ASMR, Levi developed a new habit, stealing underwear. Specifically your underwear, could you even imagine how desperately he whimpers and whines, stroking his cocks so pathetically while he holds your underwear. His sense of smell gives the greatest weight to his fantasy, he could only imagine it’s you. His fantasy always changes but circled around what he would do, what he could do. Sometimes he leaves his door unlocked, putting his headphones on and blasting whatever he needs to get him off. He secretly hoped you would walk in, finding him in his shameful state. Berate him, look at him with that disappointment, only feeding into his masochism. What a series of desires such a devious act could elicit. The mere stealing of a piece of clothing has him getting so uncontrollably hard. Whenever he feels it's lost its scent, he'll simply procure another pair. 
E = Experienced (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
🎮 He’s the king of experience…At least in the game world. Knows just how and where to touch, the massage and tongue techniques, what works on just about every fantasy race- or how to turn the most uptight person into a total slut for his dick- of course all in his ero games. Levi had no IRL experience, I mean that kind of thing takes two to tango and is hard for an otaku who never leaves his room. Thankfully you’re here now and willing to teach him all the ins and out of the real deal.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
🎮  Any position he can fuck your thighs - Cannot stress this point enough at just how obsessed this man is with, specifically your thighs. He’ll bend you, twist you, hold you, pin you all the while he’s fucking his cock between the soft flesh of your thighs while panting like a dog in heat. He’d even apologize while doing it (he doesn’t mean it, not when it feels that good.)   
🎮 Reverse cowgirl - Ass man. He wants to watch as you sink down on his cock taking every single inch and all the way up again. His fingers would be digging into your ass while he’s helping you with your pace. 
🎮 Doggy - This one is his ultimate…All of his favourite things going on at the exact same time- he can bury one dick deep inside you, and have the other one pleasantly sandwiched between your thighs. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc)
🎮 He’s so stiff (no pun intended) most of the time, you find it odd how he’s still that shy considering when it’s nearly a daily occurrence that you’re doing something nasty together. On the other end of it sometimes he’s so ridiculously goofy and it’s never intentional. He’d propose a playlist to enhance your sexy time and it’s just the worst collection of meme songs (he thought he was onto something) 
H =  Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc) 
🎮 He’s completely natural down under, his hair is on the straighter side and fine. Colourwise it’s a dead ringer for the colour of his hair on top (which is really pretty colour you might add) Levi has offered to shave or trim should you ever find it to be unpleasant but you don’t mind it! So he keeps it natural. (Secretly uses conditioner a lot though so it’s all soft and stuff) 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect) 
🎮 Levi has all his little ecchi tendencies but overall he’s really sweet and loving in the moment. He always holds you close, kisses you a lot and will ramble on about how much he loves you and how amazing you are. You didn’t expect to get hit with the hundreds of “I love you, i love you so much” the first time you and Levi had sex but it’s so cute to hear how he says it even when his voice gets whinier. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
🎮 Did it so often that it’s like every second day when he’s needing a little outlet. Has a whole folder dedicated to his masturbation material. He's so messy about it too. Loves slathering his cock in lube, moving his hand while listening to the wet squelch and feeling how slippery it gets, will draw it out and wait for his favourite moment in whatever he’s watching/listening to until he cums and it’s so messy, Levi will even use his own cum to make it messier and go for a second round.  
K = Kink (One or more of the kinks)
🎮  Voice kink - You know this for a fact, you can make Levi cum just with your voice, he hangs on every word. Oh that slightly angered and stern tinge it takes when you’re upset about something just gives him shivers. 
🎮 Praise kink - Yes while Levi does have a massive thing for degradation and wants to hear you berate him, it coexists alongside a praise kink because telling him what a good boy he is and watching him cum in pants just from you praising him tells you everything you need to know. 
🎮 Uniform/Costumes - This gets honorable mention alongside crossdressing, because Levi just loves dressing up in his cosplays (even the female ones) and you can tell him just how pretty he looks while rubbing him under his skirt. 
🎮 Honorable mention for masochism 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
🎮 Prefers places he’s comfortable with- aka his bedroom. Especially like doing it in his bathtub ^^ It’s pretty cute honestly, the limited amount of space means the two of you are pressed and squished oh so close together with his tail slithering around you and the cold feeling of his scales just add that extra layer of sensation. 
🎮 Technically his room but VR offers A LOT of options. He could be in the middle of a busy city in his game while he’s fucking you in reality and all the NPCs in the city just go about their little lives while Levi is busy fucking you right there in the middle of the overcrowded city. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
🎮 You. Just you. You’re a whole beautiful being and you could just brush your fingers across his knuckles accidentally and he’s hard. You didn’t do anything remotely sexual or hinting and he’s getting hard. You talk with even the slightest hint of strictness to your voice and he’s on his knees. Levi is literally the easiest to get going. It's borderline pathetic. 
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
🎮 Public stuff Levi just wouldn’t be able to handle the anxiety of it and it would completely ruin the experience, he’d be too nervous and worried that it would overall be uncomfortable and unpleasant for him. Another thing Levi isn’t into is threesomes/sharing of any kind. He knows his sin all too well and the consequences would leave him too envious to find the experience enjoyable, he’d get jealous to see someone else's hands on you, making you moan or pleasuring you. The only exception to the rule is Levi would allow a voyeur, someone to watch. He’d like to see their envy, while he touches you knowing that they could never. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
🎮 Him and his little snakey tongue oh the possibilities, he’d really show his skills and work his magic. He’s so dexterous with his tongue, easily wrapping it around things, making it constrict a little or moving it in unimaginable ways. He’d practically be writing cursive with his tongue  between your legs. 
🎮 Receiving is the winner - Watching you messily deepthroat one cock, using your hand to stroke the other, before alternating and making those little gag noises on occasion and he’s just dying while watching you and he can practically see the smirk in your eyes as he’s falling apart or when you kiss both heads at the same time. Watching you struggle to swallow all his cum and it ends up just spilling out the corners of your mouth and then run down your face and chest 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc) 
🎮 Doesn’t have much self control for his desires and ends up ramming into you, hits it so fast every time you’ll have to make him slow down. Pull his hair, tell him to behave and then call him a good boy for listening. Levi will go the extra mile to cater to your desires and if you want slow he’ll do slow, if you want fast then he’ll do fast. (Although he’s always wanting to just go at it like a madman he’ll control himself if you tell him to) 
Q = Quickie (They opinions on quickies, how often etc)
🎮 He’s a walking quickie- he’s a suggestion away from pulling you into his room. Levi can cum so quickly too, so they’re perfect for him just a little something something before having to bear the pressures of normie society and RAD for the day. Morning quickies are his favourite and best to do it before the two of you get dressed because as mentioned before he always makes a mess. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc)
🎮 Levi has so many things he wants to try, there’s a whole list of those he wants to try with you. He’s not careless or stupid about it. Levi is meticulous in researching it, and he’ll tell you straight up everything about whatever it is that he wants to try. He gives you an out and places your opinion above his. Levi is ecstatic if you want to try something and thus far there hasn’t been anything crazy enough to make you decline a request. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
🎮 Well he’s a premature ejaculator most of the time. (Makes him cry and shit because he’s so embarrassed and you just tease him and it makes it worse) But he’s got the stamina to make up for it because he can go until you call it quits. He’s not a stranger to overstimulating himself and will keep going. 
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or on themselves?)
🎮 Oh Levi’s naughty little toy box~ That you accidentally stumbled upon and discovered his rather large collection of fleshlights and vibrators. You’ve added to it since then but yes Levi absolutely loves using toys! Gets all excited when waiting to try out a new one, especially likes the ones you use on him. Chastity cages, cock rings, hell even prostate vibrators. Lowkey likes it when you spank him a little too.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease?)
🎮 Prefers being on the receiving end of teasing and loves it when you’re mean to him and just won’t give in. He’ll beg and cry and you’ll keep denying him, even when he’s sobbing and whining he’s still loving every second. As for being the one doing the teasing, he doesn’t have much patience to do it plus he listens a little too easily to you. If you tell him to stop, then being the obedient cutie he is, he will. (Unless you made him jealous then strap in for some rare dom Levi time.) 
V = Volume (How loud they are? What sounds they make? Etc)
🎮 Whiney, sobs, gasps, the most pathetic sounding moans (but also the most adorable), loads of begging. He’s not loud enough to be considered obnoxious but he’s also loud enough to warrant getting his room sound proofed. He would literally die if someone had to hear him sobbing and begging for you to let him fuck you while you’re telling him to be a good boy and he gets all giddy over that. 
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character?)
🎮 He got so sad when you found out he was stealing your underwear :( not because you find out (he was actually hoping for that) but he was upset because you confiscated all the pairs he’d secretly hoarded thus far (you literally needed your underwear and this man was hoarding them??) It’s actually become like a reward system. Everytime Levi does something hard and goes out of his comfort zone he’ll get a little sticker on a cute card you made him. Once he’s done 10 hard tasks he’s allowed one pair of your underwear. (Rewards systems like games, are a great motivator for him.) 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes?)
🎮 Human form - It’s always the introverted nerdy boys packing the biggest dicks - Absolutely pleasant surprise for you though when you saw just how big Levi was, and honestly wondered how he managed to even hide something that big. Good 9 inches and girthy, prominent veins, downward curve (listen gravity just taking it’s just dues with a dick that big) He’s begging you to please stop with all jokes about him being big. 
🎮 Demon form - Surprise, double the fun. No seriously you couldn’t stop yourself from being floored :0 by the fact that his transformation gave him not one, but two big dicks. As for the physical changes you noticed scales on the base with a few stray ones leading up, and a larger more bulbous tip. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
🎮 High high drive - can’t help it, can’t even keep his hands to himself. It’s to the point of where he’s asking you on the daily for a little “quality” time. If you ever have an argument the best thing you can do is threaten sex ban for a week and watch him crumble. It only got worse after you introduced him to all the lovely pleasures of the flesh (is he sure he isn’t the real avatar of lust) 
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards?)
🎮 He gets really eepy, and quiet. He’ll seek you out in some way, wanting to lay his head on your chest or thighs, or he’ll pull you close and hold you all snug against him giving you little snuggles and nuzzling into you. The warmth of your skin against his cold body just warms him up and makes him feel so cozy that he’ll be falling asleep quite quickly. 
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf
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the-demonus-aunt · 1 year
Hello! I love love LOVE your work! If it's okay, may I ask if you could write about a MC who's has some chub and like how the demon boys love up on them during sex? ( like little tummy nibbles, how MC's tummy looks in rope bondage, ect.?)
I hope you're having an awesome day/night! Stay safe!
Loved this, thank you!
CN nsft. minors dni. reader has boobs (could be manboobs tho 🤤).
The youngest brother is a sneaky little bitch
He's also a sadist
He adores your chub because he loves pinching it
Grabbing you hard while fucking into you
Leaving oh so pretty bruises on your love handles
Biting into your soft skin like into a perfect bun
He adores your curves and loves seeing them covered in his marks
You're his, after all, aren't you?
This boi loves some chub - he doesn't wanna feel like he's about to break you when he's rough
Even better if you have a healthy appetite - what could be sexier?
He'll hold on to your hips and caress your tummy and give little kisses to your double chin as you sigh his name in ecstasy
He loves clinging to you - you're so warm and soft and he loves you so much
This boi is all about aesthetic
And damn you match his taste
He's got a thing for big butts. And big boobs. And thick thighs. And...really, he loves it all.
Nothing can compare to the image of you looking up at him, as his cum drips down your curves
There's nothing like the feeling of cumming all over your body and then admiring his work on the most beautiful canvas he's ever had
He might rub it into your skin, massage your whole body just to feel you up and make you glisten
The Avatar of Wrath truly thinks you're beautiful
He'll write poems about you and whisper them in your ear as he makes you cum
But frankly
There's one thing that just gets him off like nothing else
It's you sitting on his face and having him overstimulate you to tears as your soft thighs suffocate him
Honestly, if he ever has to die, he wants it to be like this
He'll grab your thighs and press them to his head even harder
Scratch along your hips carefully to make you shudder
Moan into you as his tongue teases you to a thousand little deaths
He's an otaku. He's used to hentai, so there are two things he gets way too excited by
First of all: boobs.
And by Dia, yours are magnificent. The way they feel so warm in his cold hands. The way they bounce when you ride him.
Secondly? He likes the jiggle.
The jiggle on your tummy. The jiggle on your thighs. The jiggle on your gorgeous ass.
He'll thrust into you extra hard, just to see it.
Too bad it only takes a few thrusts until he cums.
I suppose you'll just have to start over again. And again. And again.
Aftercare mostly consists of rubbing your stomach and planting kisses on your plumb adorable cheeks
Honestly, he's not really aware of your body type
It doesn't matter if you're fat, chubby or skinny - you're pretty, that's all he sees
However, he does crave physical touch and closeness
So when you're making out and you're on top, he'll push you down onto himself and press up against you
When he's taking you doggy style, he'll grab onto your body anywhere he can
When he's eating you out, he'll bring your legs around his shoulders and head just to have you everywhere around him
It's good when there's more of you, because that means there's more he can be close to, more he can touch, more he can crave
He always thought you to be pretty
But oh, the first time he saw you all tied up, he realised how beautiful you really were
The Avatar of Pride loves your chub
Because when he spanks your horny little ass, he can see the waves of the impact
Because when he puts robes around you, they tug at your chub so deliciously
Because he has a thing for thigh highs and he can't get enough of the pudge that forms on you when you wear them for him
Because it makes biting you so easy
Because he can hold onto you so well, when he fucks into that one sensitive spot you like - or when you ride him and he's about to blackout
Oh how he dreams of holding you again when he has to let go of you for just a second
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astridthevalkyrie · 12 days
thoughts on if levi had a little sister (maybe mikasa/isabel) in a modern au?
(this is a very very old ask! please do not send me requests they are NOT open. i'm just trying to clear my inbox.)
ringleader of the levi mikasa sibling train i love love love when people do it in a modern au (i love you "Parental Levi Ackerman" tag on ao3 mwah <3)
him in college her in high school. they both work but levi tries his best to ensure mikasa doesn't have to contribute to the bills and that any money she earns goes to herself, to save up for college or whatever she wants to pursue
mikasa brings him lunch after school and he always takes his breaks then so they can eat together. they're pretty quiet, honestly, even when they were kids they weren't the type to always be talking to each other.
they're also not very touchy with each other or with other people. mikasa does kill for a good headpat here and there, and levi never minds—he can always tell when she needs one. sometimes when they're watching something on tv together, she'll lay her head on his lap and he'll give her a small head massage.
when sasha's over levi tries his best not to be home because sasha is mikasa's only friend that cannot take a hint and always attempts to make conversation with him. "hey levi! you're out of cereal by the way. zeke told me you used to make shady deals with the janitor for free cleaning supplies, is that true? do you wanna take us to that new donut shop? i think you could use a donut. i could use a donut too. please buy one for me." mikasa doesn't stop her. she sits with a straight face and fights back her laugh while levi's glare only grows tenfold.
at dinner mikasa gives reports of her day like she's going through a to do list like "went to the grocery store today. picked up milk. then i hung out with eren. did chem homework. i don't like chem. teacher's stupid. pasta tastes good today." levi nods through it. he gets it.
when he picks her up after school she gets in the car and then eren waves goodbye but the second mikasa's hand goes up to wave back levi closes her window. she spends the rest of the drive looking at him like 😐
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thebellearchives · 1 year
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~ Intro / Rules
Hi friends! I’m finally opening requests for prompts!
I’ll be doing fluff and angst for now, I’ll be writing for:
Jujutsu Kaisen: Yuuji/Sukuna, Megumi, Nobara, Toge, Maki, Yuuta, Gojo & Nanami
Obey Me: Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Simeon, Solomon, Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephisto & Thirteen
Trigun Stampede: Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Millions Knives, Meryl Stryfe
If i didn’t add a certain character to this list it’s either bc i’m not familiar enough with their characters (ex. jjk’s Toji // Tristamp’s Legato) or I just feel like i can’t quite grasp their personalities in my writing (ex. Om’s Raphael)
I’m honestly much more comfortable writing canonverse shots but if you want your request to take place in an specific au i’ll try to follow along ~
if you want to request for a fem!reader go ahead! otherwise i’ll go for gn!reader
I’m not sure how many requests i’ll take, but i’ll probs let you guys know when my inbox is officially closed for prompts in a reblog (or you can check availability for requests in my pinned post)
prompt credits: fluff 1, fluff 2, angst 1, angst 2
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1.“I never noticed your eyes were this [colour].”
2.“Your heartbeat’s really loud.”
3."I like this, being so close to you."
4."You're so, so, so pretty."
5."I just - I'm breathless, okay? Whenever I'm with you, it happens."
6."You always know how to make me smile."
7."You'll always be safe with me."
8."I can't imagine being anywhere but here with you."
9."I sleep better if you're around."
10."I like this. A quiet breakfast with you."
11."I trust you."
12.“You keep staring at me instead of watching the film. What's up?"
13."When you laugh like that, it just - you're so beautiful, you know that?"
14.Puts head on the other's shoulder
15."You're the best thing to have ever happened to me."
16."You've got a fever. Of course l'm not going anywhere."
17.Suddenly feels around the bed to search for the other's hand / body when they're sleeping
18."I just feel calmer when I'm with you."
19."You're not in bed. I came looking for you."
20."What are you doing up? Come to bed."
21."I never thought I could feel like this, but you showed up. Now, it's like I don't wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling."
22."You're cold. Come here."
24."Do I smell breakfast or is that the house burning down?"
25."Honey, you look tired. Go sleep."
26."I want to move in with you."
27."You look like you could use a massage."
28."There's a spider in the shower!"
29."Did you eat all my oreos?"
30."We live together. You can't blame this on anyone else."
31."I've got a romantic surprise for you."
32."Let's just stay in bed."
33."I just want to lie here all day with you."
1."I really, really hate you!"
2."You mean nothing to me anymore."
3."I don't trust you. Not anymore!"
4."You disgust me."
5."How can I believe you after everything you've done?"
6."I should've known better than to trust a liar!"
7."Do not touch me!"
8."Get away from me!"
9."Touch me and it'll be the last thing you do!"
10."Just please shut up. I'm done with your excuses!"
11."How long have you been cheating on me?"
12."There's this new side of you and I don't like it!"
13."After all we've been through, you're just going to leave?"
14."Just pack up your things and leave!"
15."Go on! Leave like you always leave!"
16."When I look at you, I no longer see the person I fell in love with."
17."You really haven't changed huh?"
18."So you're just going to leave?"
19."It’s over between us. We are over!"
20."Get away from me! I can’t even look at you right now."
21."Please, look at me! Why won’t you even look at me?!"
22."Wh-why did you do this?"
23."How do you sleep at night, after all you’ve done?"
24."You… You never really cared at all, did you?"
25."That’s it then? you’re giving up, just like that?"
26."Yeah, I’m a bastard. Tell me something I don’t know."
27."How cute, you actually thought anyone cared?"
28."What can I do to make it up to you?"
29."It’s too late to fix it now!"
30."You can’t just show up again and act like nothing’s wrong!"
31."It’s not like we’re friends or anything, right?"
32."We’re not friends, we never were."
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fountainofrubies · 1 year
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BDSM basics and cuckolding - Tamaki Amajiki and Levi Ackerman Dom x Fem sub reader 18+
A/N: Not the two hottest men in all of anime, coming for you!
tags/warnings: Explicit sexual content, BDSM, Gentle Dominance, Submission, Flogging, Bondage, Roughness, Pain, Sensation play, Cuckolding, Voyeurism, Oral sex, Quirk fun, tentacles, genital descriptions, She/Her
🍋 One day, you bring up BDSM to your boyfriend. The conversation takes a surprising turn as your normally shy and awkward bean boyfriend finds himself so aroused that he gets unusually adventurous. You call up an old friend to show Tamaki the ropes… and the flogger, the collar and the leash. 😏
Tamaki sits beside you in your living room. He squeezes your thigh from the top to the bottom in a smooth, massage-like motion. He looks at you warmly, smiling as you turn to look at his face when he first grabs you. He has become a lot more open ever since your relationship had gotten serious. He loves everything about being with you. You’re adventurous, naughty, and sexy, but you’re also generous, helpful and kind. Tamaki loves the way you stop everything to soothe him when he gets swarmed with anxiety and all he needs in those moments is a reassurance or two from you. He loves the way you accept it and sit with him in it when his anxiety is resistant and it has to run its course. He loves you, which is why he makes sure to tell you that every day. He sees you lost in thought, so he decides to ask you, “What are you thinking about, Bunny?”
You laugh nervously, but you answer him. “Naughty things, sweetheart. I’ve been contemplating on whether or not bringing it up to you would be off putting though. Or maybe too early.”
Tamaki’s ears seem to perk up as he quickly focuses on you. “What kinds of naughty things?”
You think of how you want to bring up what you’re talking about. “Well, Tamaki, do you know what BDSM is?”
Tamaki shook his head. “I mean, I think it means kinky stuff, but honestly, that sums up what all I know about it.”
You tap your finger on your chin as you think. “I guess I was wondering whether or not you wanted to explore it with me. We can get a little kinky..pretty kinky or.. we can get VERY kinky.”
Tamaki felt excited, but wary. He was sure that he would find plenty of ways to create a multitude of awkward moments no matter what he chose. “What did you have in mind? I mean, what’s an example for a little versus a lot?”
“Well,” you start, “A little kinky, hmm, means that we could try different things and see what you like.. like dominance and submission, roleplay, bondage.. all sorts of things. We can take what we like or we can just throw the whole thing out. As for what I would determine VERY kinky, that would be more like.. bringing someone else in on the fun. Like having that person watch as we have sex or even.. For some couples, a person might like watching that person have sex with their partner even.”
Tamaki’s eyes widen as he listens and he starts to blush as he slowly begins to laugh, covering his mouth as he does so. “That would be so weird!”
You continue, “There’s no pressure in any case. You wouldn’t have to do anything at all that you don’t want to do.”
“What kinds of stuff do you want to do?” Tamaki asked, still flushed, but seriously wanting to know.
You blush a bit yourself, “Well, I would be willing to do it all with you Amajiki.” You smile cheerfully. “Well, maybe watching someone else have sex with you would be difficult for me.”
“Why?” he probed.
You fiddle with your thumbs, “Probably just fear related. Maybe I would be worried that you’d develop stronger feelings with another girl.” you admit, honestly. “That’s not to say that I wouldn’t be willing to give it a shot if it were something you really wanted to do. My knee jerk reaction is nervousness though.”
He rubbed his face. “I hate to say it, but when you first mentioned that, I imagined someone with you and it was oddly arousing for me. I mean, I’m kind of curious as to why it appealed to me like it did.” He laughs nervously.
“You aren’t nervous at all? About someone else being there?” You asked, confused because he is usually way more nervous than you are.
“I’d be more nervous if I was the one doing the ‘performing’, really. I don’t know.” he shrugged. He looks around the room nervously. “How would we decide who we would pick though?”
You answer honestly, “Well, we would find someone that we both agree on, but in all truth, I know someone who is very kinky. He’d probably do everything I listed off earlier if asked. He really gets off with this kind of stuff.”
Tamaki was definitely listening carefully now. “How do you know him?”
“Well, baby, I’ve been with him before. We met at a get together that was based on this sort of stuff and we got along very well. I asked for a very specific interaction and he complied. He wasn’t ever really interested in forming a long term relationship due to the way he likes to live his daily life, plus he has a risky job. He’s a captain in the military.”
Tamaki wasn’t really showing any sort of emotion as he spoke, “You wanted a relationship with him?”
Again, you are transparent. “I was willing, but he was very up front, so I accepted that and respected that.”
Tamaki blushed. “I will probably feel awkward at some point, being me and all, but we should do it.”
“Are you sure, Tamaki?” you ask, surprised. “I mean, you could always change your mind. I know him well, he would accept it and hang out during his visit if you decided not to go through with it.”
Tamaki shrugged, “I feel fine with it. I asked some of the tougher questions and you’re obviously honest with me. You always have been, so I don’t feel like I have any reason not to trust you. I can just observe. If we hate it, it’s not like we have to do it again anyway.”
“Do you want me to contact him?”
Tamaki nods, “Sure. Set something up. I’ll even participate in the phone call if that somehow comes up.”
You laugh, “You know, you seem to be feeling pretty adventurous these days.”
Tamaki smirked, “Well, you’ll be naked, won’t you? It’s worth it for the view” He grabs your shirt, pulling it playfully.
You message Levi, within minutes he calls you. You swipe the call open, a video of him popping up on the screen. He looks serious, this is usual, he greets you. “Little pet, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? You’ve got a boyfriend too? That sounds fun.” His smirk is very slight.
“Yes, he’s here with me, actually.” you say, smiling and pointing towards Tamaki, who leans into view of the phone’s camera. He politely waves hello.
Levi greets him as well. “Hello, my name is Levi. Good to meet you.”
Tamaki, slightly nervous, but also excited, replies, “Likewise, man! I’m Amajiki.”
Levi cuts to the chase, “The message she sent to me said that you’re new to kink. I wouldn’t mind stopping by and showing you the ropes. Your rules. Nothing will happen that you don’t sign off on.”
Amajiki nods. “Sounds good.”
Levi quickly confirms all of the details “Alright, I have the address, I’m free today and tomorrow. Does today work? I could be there by 7.”
Both you and Tamaki nod and then wave goodbye as Levi ends the call.
Now Tamaki is nervous. What comes out of his mouth is surprising though. “Ohhhh I’m so nervous! I am going to work off some of this energy! I think that I will get distracted soon enough and not have to worry about my thoughts. Maybe! Anyways, that’s the plan!” He walks to his usual workout spot and begins to do push-ups.
You smile, looking at your sweet cinnamon roll, absolutely impressed with his surprisingly adventurous attitude. “You seem excited.”
Tamaki laughs as he exhales after yet another push-up. “I am.”
Tamaki has already worked out, showered, gotten dressed and gotten ready for our get together. He is wringing his hands, but stops when you step out of the bathroom. His jaw drops. You’re wearing a sexy black, vinyl bodysuit that laces up the sides, thigh high stockings and tall boots that also look wet and shiny. On top of your head, you’ve got rabbit ears, bent in a cute way. “Bunny.. you look incredible.”
“This suit, it’s new. I got this for you.. along with some others too. Should I wear it tonight? Or save it, for just you?”
Tamaki is virtually drooling. “Wear it tonight, Bunny. I might not even have to deal with my nerves around people, I won’t be able to take my eyes off of you..”
You laugh sweetly, kissing him deeply. Moments later, there’s a knock on the door. You answer it and greet Levi. His dark hair gleams in the light. He is rather short, not shorter than you, but quite a bit shorter than Tamaki. He steps inside, looking upwards to meet eyes with Tamaki and everyone exchanges greetings.
Levi is plenty polite. He isn’t all laughs and smiles, but he is certainly amicable. He’s wearing dark clothes. It looks like it’s his uniform. He hangs a green cloak over the top of one of our living room chairs once we lead him in there. There’s a bed in the living room. You two set it up here earlier so there would be more room to move around and a better view for Tamaki.
“So,” Levi begins, “Where do you guys want to start?”
Tamaki, surprisingly, speaks first. “I want to just observe really. As far as things you two actually do, I’ll go along with anything that she agrees that she wants to do. I'm pretty interested in learning all about this kind of thing, if I do by chance, need or want something to change, I’ll let you two know. How’s that sound?” He walks over to a chair that is in the corner and sits down, having a view of the entire room.
Levi is looking at you now. He tilts his head towards Tamaki in the corner. “How much have you told him?”
“He pretty much needs to know all of it. He only knows about a few types of play really. He knows he likes the idea of cuckolding though.” you smirk at Levi as you finish that sentence.
Levi smirks back. “I’ll start from the beginning then. First, what would you like me to call you?”
You answer, “You usually call me Pet or Little Pet. That works for me.
Levi asks “Do you want this to be like our usual interactions in the past?”
“Yes sir, Captain Levi.” you reply.
“And sex? That too?” Levi asks.
“Unless Tamaki objects now or later, I’m all for it.” you answer.
Both you and Levi turn and look towards Tamaki, who leans forward in his chair while he nods and raises one of his hands, indicating that he is also fine with that. He looks calm, and interested. You feel a little flushed. He is so sexy. The sight of him makes you want to jump on him. You look back at Levi, who continues to talk. He is still as good looking as ever as well.
“So BDSM means bondage, discipline (or domination), sadism, and masochism. There are many kinds of kinks and practices that stem from that. Before we show you some examples, I want to explain dominance and submission. Our Little Pet here, she submits to me, I’m only ever dominant with her, or anyone really. It’s just my thing. She’s a switch though.” he says pointing at me. “That means she can do, and likes to do, both roles. Let’s say you like to be held down, controlled, bossed around. She’ll probably love to do that and more for you. Say you resonate more with my role while we are doing this, you may want to go for the dominant role. If she’s willing, she likes to submit also. It really just depends on what she wants when you two talk about what kind of scene, or play, that you want to do. I always want this to be clear though, dominance and submission are still something that must be agreed on and consented to. Your relationship is built on trust, right? Well, this works the same way. Whether it’s you or her who is submitting, there will always be a choice. You should always be free to consent to or say no to anything you want to say it to. So next, there are safe words. What’s our safe word, Little Pet?”
You answer, “it’s halt. I’m also fine with how we usually operate when we are together.”
Levi continues once more, “So her safe word is halt. If she says that, it means stop immediately. You don’t try to flex dominant muscles and become forceful, trying to prove that you’re in charge, because that’s garbage. It doesn’t mean that you can keep thrusting six more times because you’re so close. It should be an automatic stop. Levi sees Tamaki nod and he nods as well. “What you’ll see here today, is more of a soft approach to dominance, in my opinion, although pain will be involved. There are many types of doms, same with subs. Little Pet here, she likes a lot of soft dom stuff. When it comes to play, she loves all kinds of sensations. She loves tenderness. I can be flexible with what type of Dom I am, assuming it involves things I’m into. The kind of stuff she’s into, is the type of stuff that I enjoy being. I enjoy a great deal of things really. Lastly, these things are subject to change. She may want something totally different at some point or even tonight. Communication is key.” Levi looks at you now. “Well, if you’re ready, let’s begin.” Levi states with confidence. He walks over to the bed and taps on the edge, letting you know that he wants you to sit down.
You walk towards him and sit down in that exact spot. Levi touches your jaw, rubbing you very lightly. He runs those same fingers down the side of your neck and over your shoulder, making you shudder slightly. He reaches under your arm to run his fingers down the back of your shoulder, caressing you from that point, down your side, towards your hip. His fingers bouncing slightly over the cords laced together on the side of your vinyl suit. He speaks, lowly, his deep voice soft but nearly growling. “Good girl.” He’s praising you for coming to sit down on his command. “You look ravishing, Little Pet.” He puts a collar around your neck and secures it, flicks the bell that’s dangling from it, making it jingle. Then, he pulls out a leash, letting the small, black chain fall out of his hand and dangle as he holds the other end. He runs his hands down the chain, looking at you, his eyes focused but low as he hooks it onto the front of your collar. Holding it loosely, he puts his open hand on your chest and pushes you down sharply. “Lay!” he commands, nearly yelling, his voice deep, husky and strong as you hit the bed with force, the bell on your collar jingling.
You can feel Tamaki’s eyes on you, watching, assessing. His brow is furrowed as he watches, contemplating the situation. He watches your response each time something happens. Levi is leaning forward now, putting his knee on the bed, bending over to grab the exposed upper part of your upper neck, near your jawline as he kisses the other side of your neck near the collar. He’s swirling his tongue with the kiss. You shiver, your back arching slightly, your legs raising involuntarily. Levi hooks around your right leg and lifts it up as he moves back to down to the floor in between your legs. He kisses your thigh as he pushes your leg up over his shoulder, squeezing the outside of your thigh at the same time. You gasp, clutching the comforter underneath you. He kisses your thigh again, moving closer to your increasingly wet and hot center. He kisses it roughly, biting down on you softly each time he swirls his tongue. At this point, your legs are trembling, you moan as you squeeze the blanket you’re holding. Levi stands up, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up to his forearms. He grabs a black handle that is sticking out of his pocket and pulls it out. He holds the small flogger up, twirling it slowly, for both you and Tamaki to see. Standing beside you, he softly caresses the inside of your thigh with the tips of his fingers. “You want it?” he asks in a sexy voice. He looks at you as you nod eagerly, watching your chest rise and fall as you breathe harder. “So tell me.”
He lays his left hand down on you, flat, dragging his thumb slowly across your clit through the body suit, you squirm, opening your legs a bit more. You already know what he’s looking for. You pant, almost whining, “Yes, Captain Levi, I want it.”
Levi’s voice is dark, sexy and confident as he cuts his eyes sideways to make eye contact with you, “I know you do.” With that, it happens very quickly. In a flash, he raises his arm and brings it down hard, hitting you across the inside of your thigh. A popping sound rings out. The pain is immediate, you yelp, moaning and laughing softly afterwards. Tamaki’s eyes widen, he holds still though, noticing that he has the sudden urge to run to you , to protect you from pain. He watches intently as Levi runs his fingers up your thigh where he just hit you, causing titillating and thrilling feathery pleasure. Levi looks at you knowingly, “Yes?”
You know what he wants to know. You reply, “Three.”, breathing hard.
Levi looks back at Tamaki, “This is just how I like to do things, everyone has their own rules and their own ways that they communicate about this, but, me personally, I have her to rate the pain on a scale from 1 to 5. It lets me know if I’m being too rough.. or if what I’m doing isn’t rough enough. I always aim to push her to the brink. I pull her back so to speak once we arrive there.” He points at you with his thumb, “She really likes soft and gentle sensations once she gets there. That’s her thing.”
Tamaki nods, indicating that he understands what he’s being told and he looks over at you. You are already looking at him, face flushed and panting. You blow a kiss at him. He smiles.
Levi rubs his thumb across your clit through your suit again, which you know he does to prompt you to open your legs. As you do, he draws back and looks at you. He waits.
“Please.. yes.. Yes, Captain, I want more.”
This time, he hits you harder, the popping sound is much louder, as well as your cry. He waits for your answer. “Four, Captain.”
Levi smirks, “Alright, I know about how hard I want to hit now.” He looks at Tamaki yet again. “There’s all sorts of ways you can do this stuff too. Some subs like to be warmed up instead of being stung right away. Nothing wrong with that. Little Pet, though, I know what she likes.. Well, I know what she liked the last couple of times we’ve met, that is.” He turns his attention back to you, tapping his hip now. You lift your leg to rest your knee on his hip. He grasps your knee and starts flogging your inner thigh repeatedly. The pops come quickly, most of which make you cry out in pain. You tense up, feeling the intense burn. His aim is true, you’re getting close to yelling your safe word, but he stops after the tenth hit, being familiar with your limits. Not too shabby, Captain. Not too shabby at all.
You moan and gasp as you feel the pain subside. Levi kneels. He leans in and he licks you across your thigh where he just got ahold of you. You feel the soft, wet sensation, with him breathing hot breath onto you as he goes. He sits up straight and blows a thin stream of air onto your thigh, which strokes you lightly, cooling the area. You shiver, still moaning and breathing hard. Levi speaks in the same husky, attractive voice. “Enjoying yourself?”
You whimper “Yes Captain.” You try to calm your breath a bit, but it’s futile as Levi gets up and stalks around you to stand over your other leg. You put your knee on his hip without being asked. He grabs your knee and goes in on your other thigh, exactly the same way as he did the last. Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Your moans and screams are blending together. After the tenth one, he stops.
Tamaki shifts in his seat, watching you squirm. His cock is rock hard. What it is about this scene that’s arousing him so deeply, he isn’t sure. He adjusts his pants, so that his large, throbbing boner isn’t so noticeable. You saw this happen as your moans and your breathing began to quiet. Between what’s happening to you and knowing that Tamaki is finding himself aroused, you get really wet, rather quickly,
Levi pulls on the leash and you sit up as the collar presses firmly on the back of your neck. Levi pulls a paddle out of his bag, flipping it around smoothly in his hand. He tosses it on the bed beside you. He is holding rope in his other hand. “I think you know what I want, Little Pet.”
You assume the position, getting on your hands and knees and stretching your arms down towards your ankles, reaching through your legs. It takes only a matter of moments for Levi to expertly secure you so that you’re stuck in that position. He gets back up and picks up the paddle. Before he stands up straight, he leans in and licks you, moaning deeply as his tongue starts above your clit, runs straight down your pussy and past your hole in one smooth motion. The vinyl blocks a lot of the sensation his tongue would have created if he had licked you this way while you were bare, but just knowing that that was what he was doing is driving you crazy. You gasp, “Captain!” Your walls feel like they squeeze shut. You moan, exhilarated. Levi licks you again, the exact same way, making you squirm as you moan. Mentally, you feel like you’re absolutely flooded with desire. He stands up and pressed the paddle up against your butt.
“Little Pet. Tell me what you want.” Levi demanded.
“I want you to spank my ass until I can’t take it anymore, Captain! And then.. I want you to fuck me!” You’re so excited and aroused, you're basically yelling.
Levi smirks, “As you wish, Pet.” He smacks your ass hard with the paddle. You wince, whining. He hits you again and again, each time a little stronger than the last. Again, he hits your harder. Again, harder still. You lose count of how many times he hits you before you start openly screaming, with moans peppered in between you screams. He’s hitting you very hard now. One, two, three more times. The bell on your collar jingle continuously now. You’re wincing as you scream, your limit very quickly approaching. He hits you again, and it stings, he’s putting a lot of power into it now. “HALT!” you scream.
Levi’s hand comes up, on top of your rear as he stops mid swing. Tamaki looks concerned, but he’s also impressed with how much pain you were able to tolerate. He has always looked at you, being so sweet and kind, as a delicate rose. Levi takes a swallow of his water, taking an ice cube into his mouth, crunching it up. He rolls his tongue in it before he swallows it, and then he kisses your butt cheeks, licking you lightly. The cold sensation feels soothing to your burning skin. His tongue quickly heats back up.
He unties you, letting you sit back up. You notice that Levi is very hard, himself, noticeably bulging underneath his pants. Levi kisses you now. Deeply, passionately, and sweetly all at once. He kiss firm and controlling, it’s very different from the way that Tamaki kisses you.. not that you don’t get wet from a single kiss from Tamaki. You wonder how Tamaki feels thus far. You peek at him as Levi lays you down. Levi pulls the cords that are tying your body suit together on the sides, slipping it clean off of you. Tamaki is looking at you, his head tilted back, breathing heavily, his cheeks are washed with a light pink color. He looks like he is extremely turned on.
Levi picks up the rope again, eyeing you, contemplating. He picks one leg up, pushing your knee towards your shoulder, imagining where you’ll be bound. You smile as you come up with a naughty, brilliant, SEXY scenario in your head. You blurt out “Oh my, Captain.. I have an idea.”
Levi looks at you now that you’ve broken his concentration. “Speak, Little pet.”
You smile, nearly drooling. “I’m down for the sex for sure.. and I know that you always like to tie me up before fucking me… but why don’t you let Tamaki restrain me this time. He’s very talented.”
“Of course, I’d be happy to.” He holds the rope out toward Tamaki, inviting him to tie you up.
You gush at the thought of your clever, exhilarating, sexy idea. “Oh he won’t be needing that, Captain. He has other talents.”
Levi, intrigued now, turns to Tamaki. “Oh?” He steps aside, “By all means, Amajiki.” Watching Tamaki intently, he stretches a hand towards you, as if to offer you up.
Tamaki’s heart is pounding. He is so aroused that he’s biting his lip just to keep his mouth shut. He holds up a hand, wiggling his fingers, calling attention to them. He slowly grows five tentacles up into the air, making sure that Levi saw what they were and where they were coming from. After all, you don’t see a quirk like Tamaki’s every single day. Then Tamaki’s tentacles dart towards you moving in unison. His masterful control shining obviously as he quickly grabs ahold of you, securing you, lifting you off of the bed, his tentacles wrapping around your thighs, one bending around your shoulders and back and then wrapping around one of your breasts, another supporting you as it snakes across your back and cradles the back your head as it curls around to touch your cheek softly, as if caressing you with a lover’s touch. The other thinner one wrapped around your hips, underneath your belly button. Tamaki is so fired up that his nerves have fallen to the far back of his mind. Distracted by the steaminess of the scene, Tamaki boldly coos at you. “You like that, Bunny? You like the way I wrap all around you, don’t you?”
“Yes!” you moan as you squirm, his suction cups sucking on and letting go of your skin in multiple areas. You love Tamaki’s unpredictable patterns. Never knowing where he wants to squeeze you a bit tighter or to suck on you next.
All the while, Levi, with both eyebrows raised, turns to look at Tamaki. “Oh you guys.. now this is a motherfucking Saturday.”
Tamaki, holding you securely, pushes you at Levi, stopping right in front of him, lowering you to the perfect height for him to access you.
Levi, still with his eyebrows raised, turns once more to Tamaki. “Are you legitimately offering me the opportunity to get in on this?” You can tell that Levi is dead serious, even though we had previously agreed on sex with Tamaki being the one that does the restraining. It’s clear that Levi wasn’t expecting anything like this. His disbelief is amusing.
Tamaki laughs lightly, “It was Bunny’s idea.. wasn’t it Bunny?” he purrs at you.
“Yes!” you pant. “Oh yes!” Your heart is absolutely racing. Levi pulls on the tentacle closest to him as he comes close, testing it’s surprising strength. He uses it to learn forward to reach towards my collar and fish the leash back up into his hand. He runs his hand down the chain, wrapping the handle around his left hand and he reaches again with his right hand, squeezing my left breast softly while Tamaki curls around and squishes and squeezes the right one.
Levi kisses your lower abdomen, working down to your hot, wet lips. A strong wave of pleasure washes over you as he licks upwards, parting your lips, then twirling the tip of his tongue around your clit before flicking it multiple times. You moan and squirm, feeling Tamaki’s push and pull on different areas of your body. “Oh Captain!” you moan, trembling as he licks you more. Your hands clutch Tamaki’s tentacles, lovingly stroking them with your thumbs as you grasp them tightly.
Tamaki makes a satisfied noise as he watches. “Mmmmm.” At the same time, the tentacle playing with your breast stretches up to your mouth, making its suction cups available. You know what he wants. You pool together some saliva and you lick one of the large suction cups in front of your mouth to coat it and wet it. The tentacle returns to your breast and that same suction cup latches on to your nipple, sucking it, and ever so often, pulling it up, stretching your breast upward. Your body is full of pleasure and leftover adrenaline. Subspace has you moaning non stop as you feel all of these amazing sensations.
Levi stands up, removing his pants and undergarments as his hard cock finally makes an appearance. Levi’s cock is full, throbbing and very nicely plump. Memories of being pumped hard with it resurface as he puts an already slick condom on. As he approaches, caressing the insides of your thighs, he looks at you. “I just want you to know, Little Pet, that I can’t wait to experience this.”
“Yes Captain.” You tremble as he runs his cock up your lips, brushing against your clit. He also moans as you moan from the contact. He repeats this a few times and then he grabs the small of your waist and pushes inside of you slowly, listening to you whine as you arch midair. He pulls on the leash he’s holding in his hand, just to apply some pressure and then, after he pushes in slowly a second time, he starts fucking you hard. The bell on your collar begins to jingle again and rarely stops throughout this ordeal.
Levi grunts as he slams into you, holding the leash handle, he lets up on it so he can grab your waist and fuck your harder. He moans breathily, almost growling afterward. “Ahhh.” His voice is deep and rough, yet silky. His movements become even more greedy and passionate. He begins to talk to you, “You love this part don’t you? You love the way I fuck you and dive deep into you. Isn’t that right, Little Pet?”
You moan loudly, repeating yourself, “Yes Captain! Yes Captain!” You shake wildly as you try to curl up but you can’t. The tingling sensation calls all of your attention toward it. You begin to hump as desperately as you can as you start to come. Tamaki exhales forcefully as he watches you come. Anytime you come, he responds similarly. He’s just usually the one doing all of the pleasing and if there’s one thing that he loves, it’s pleasing you. You moan so loud, it’s just short of a scream and your body trembles and quakes in Tamaki’s grasp, your bucking stimulating Levi as you clench down on him repeatedly as he pumps into you.
Levi moans loudly himself, taking in the view, watching you struggle to move in Tamaki’s tight grip. “Ah! Ah! Mmm!” Levi is flooding with pleasure and excitement. “This is amazing!” he says intensely, pushing all the way into you and holding you there. He moves his hips slowly while fully inside you, just to put pressure on you and stir you as he reaches deeply into you.” Levi reaches up to your mouth, sticking his thumb into your mouth. You start to suck on it as he pushes into you with even more pressure. He continues, making eye contact with you as he pounds you repeatedly.
Tamaki, watching attentively, breathing hard, tightens up the tentacle that’s wrapped around your hips. As he squeezes you, he moves your hips in a circular motion, gaining Levi’s attention immediately. You moan as Levi thrusts into you with sharp, but short thrusts as Tamaki moves your hips in the same circular motion. Levi begins to push into you with deeper strokes as the tentacle begins to slither and move, slowly sitting you up, pushing you closer to Levi, but chasing down your hands and restraining them behind your back. Levi grabs your waist again, moving his dominant hand to your lower back and begins to thrust into you rapidly again, his breath getting much faster and much harder.
Levi winces, gritting his teeth after a huge wave of pleasure rocks him. He immediately gets sloppy with his thrusts, you know what’s coming. His mouth opens as he exhales deeply. As he moans, goes from wild, sloppy, extremely fast to short, spastic, but powerful thrusts. He leans in rests his head on your shoulder, facing your neck as he comes. He moans urgently but lightly with every thrust now, as he rides out the gripping orgasm.
After he’s done, he pauses there for a moment, resting his head on your shoulder. He pulls out afterwards and disposes of his condom as Tamaki lays you down. When Levi returns, he kneels, cleaning you with wipes. A look of satisfaction on his face as he does so. You moan as his slender fingers work on you through the wipes. Levi grabs another one and moves even slower, making a lot of the same movements all over again. “Thank you, little pet. Amajiki, if you two ever want me back, just let me know. This was way beyond what I was expecting.”
Tamaki responded politely, and then bid Levi farewell as he left, needing to return home. As you walk back up to the bed, Tamaki crawls on top of you, his large cock making itself known as he rests himself on your hip. You begin to grind on Tamaki, moaning lightly. He repositions so he can press his cock in between your legs as continue to grind against him. Things quickly become steamy as he moans into your ear. “I want you Bunny.” You pull against the waistband of his pants, indicating to him that all he needs to do it to take them off. He stands up just long enough to get undressed and then he lays back down on top of you, guiding his cock inside of you. You’re already wet, he slides in and out smoothly, opening you up. You moan softly as he makes love to you, covering you with soft and gentle touches, kisses and loving words. “You’re so beautiful.” he moans to you as he moves in and out over and over again. “I love you so much.”
After all of that time being aroused, it doesn’t take Tamaki terribly long. You both deeply love connecting in such a sweet and romantic way. Shortly after his movement becomes just a little more rapid, he bears down on you as he climaxes. His moans come in short bursts of urgency and he slowly rides the orgasm out. You’re clearly worn out, which was why he was even more gentle than usual. He cleans you up as you begin to drift off to sleep. He pulls you on top of his shoulder, making sure that you are lying on him the way you always crawl onto him before falling asleep. He drifts off to sleep as well.
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bloomingforerza · 2 years
short Levi and Hanji kink hc’s
notes from bloom: hi!! i’m going to write a levi x reader this weekend maybe. gonna think about what its gonna be about in the meantime.
tags: NSFW, dom levi, dom hanji tbh, bdsm themes, pervy hanji, yeahhh im not gonna tag the kinks y’all can just read it and find out ;)
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Levi Ackerman
⚔️ Levi is definitely a kinky man.
⚔️ He loves to be on top. When you try to fight him for dominance, most times you will end up being restrained.
⚔️ He won’t hold back. He’s very into overstimulation, and he loves making you scream. He loves when he leaves you sobbing into the sheets, making a mess all over the place.
⚔️ He’s probably also super territorial. If he sees any of the newbies trying to flirt with you, he’s for sure going to be extra possessive and horny that night. He will not settle for any other man trying to worm their way into your heart, even if he knows you’re loyal to him.
⚔️ He’s also super into nipple play. He’ll massage and grope them while he’s fucking you into his mattress. He’d love to leave hickeys on them, scratches, bite marks, all signs that you are his and his alone.
⚔️ I can’t really see him being too into petnames honestly, he’d probably call you brat and angel. Brat when you choose to be extra disobedient, angel when he’s praising/worshipping you
⚔️ Speaking of which, I think Levi would love to worship you. In a world so cruel, he’s been granted you, a true gift. He’d remind you how perfect you are every time he’s fucking you.
⚔️ He just wants to make you feel the best you’ll ever feel, and you can certainly say he’s succeeding. Sex with him can last for hours, and you’re guaranteed to cum at least 15 times, if you’re good.
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Hanji Zoe
⚔️ Loves to have her hands on you at all times honestly (when she can, anyways). One look at you and her hands are on your waist.
⚔️ She’s definitely into making you squirt. She’ll be fingering you, curling her fingers just the right way, sucking your clit harshly. It comes before you even know what’s happening, but it’s pure ecstasy. When you peek at her, the grin on her face is huge, but her face is drenched in the juices you let out.
⚔️ She’d love to call you sweet things like kitten and baby. They work well for degrading and praising you, especially when you’re needy for her.
⚔️ She’s super into all kinds of weird stuff, but she really loves anal. You could never explain her obsession with your butt and putting her fingers (amongst other things) in it, but she loved also just groping at your ass.
⚔️ She’s also probably into watching you masturbate. Hanji’s a real perv, she will spread you out, guide your hands to your pussy, and then sit back and enjoy the show. She’ll tell you what to do and control your orgasm.
⚔️ She’s wild but the aftercare she’ll provide you is nearly as good as the sex itself. She’ll give you gentle touches over your body, softly scratch your head, and remind you that you’re perfect and you did so well for her.
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akicult · 3 years
an anon asked for relationship hcs, so here you go <3
random levi headcanons
ft: levi ackerman, hange zoë
cw: fluff, levi’s smitten hehe, brief mentions of alcohol, hange being levi’s bsf, idk
- he’s always cold. everytime you lean into him to cuddle, you always shiver because of how cold he is.
- he’s protective over you. very. he doesn’t want to lose you, and often he fears one day he could.
- he’s not a social media fan, but he made accounts just to follow you and like your posts. you’re literally his only follower. he doesn’t even have a proper username or profile picture.
- for some reason, i don’t know why, but i feel like levi would love blueberries. like, he’s just always eating them.
- if you call him, he’s immediately answering the phone. longest it ever took was three rings.
- never, ever drinks. except for one time and he got super drunk after only having a couple drinks. such a lightweight.
- if you thought levi sober was clingy, oh boy. he literally couldn’t let go of your hand.
- he’s not super affectionate, though. you’re usually the one to kiss him first. but if you havent kissed him in a while he’ll slowly grow more upset & impatient.
- however, he will compliment you. even if he’s a little shy about it.
- “you look really nice.” basically translates to “you are absolutely gorgeous i can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you” in less words.
- you know what he really means.
- you always say i love you, in which he usually responds with a hum and a nod or a quiet “me too.”he just doesn’t usually express how much he loves you in so many words.
- how he does express his i love you’s;
- he makes you dinner every night. he’s a really good cook.
- always waits for you to finish showering before he flushes the toilet <3
- does your laundry & always makes the bed when you wake up.
- buys your favorite foods from the grocery store without even double checking.
- stays quiet if you end up taking all of the sheets when sleeping. it’s fine, he can use a pillowcase.
- listens to you rant even if your story is confusing and all over the place.
- let’s you watch whatever you want on tv, even if he finds it boring and asinine.
- he’s very gentle when he’s with you. he feels that if he’s too rough, he might end up hurting you. which is the last thing he’d ever want to do.
- loves giving you massages. if you look like you’re even in mild pain, he’ll always ask if he can rub your shoulders or something.
- not big on physical contact, but there’s nothing he loves more than your hugs. especially when you just come up to him and hug him.
- he loves that you already know how he’s feeling. the slightest change in his body language and you just know something’s off. even if he isn’t trying to send that message. the fact that you just know makes him happy.
- you like messing with him sometimes. like, if you’re just texting each other something so casual, even boring, you’ll just send him a nude mid conversation.
- he’ll just stare blankly at his phone for a second thinking about why tf u did that. then he’ll probably heart the photo & continue the conversation as normal.
- he would totally have a folder of your nudes tho if he knew how to do that LMFAOO
- the only time he ever uses his phone honestly to just interact with you. that’s it. his call list just consists of you, you, you, hange, you, you.
- hange calls to annoy him obviously.
- speaking of which, hange absolutely adores you. every single time they call levi, they’re going to ask to say hi to you at some point.
- hange always asked for your help in experiments.
- levi doesn’t like being controlling, but he hates when you help hange. he’s always anxious something is going to go wrong, but he’ll never tell you that.
- he has complained to hange about it though.
- “moblit is your assistant, why can’t he help you?”
- he made hange promise they would never put you in real danger. he’s scary when he’s serious, obviously hange said yes.
- better kiss him goodbye before you leave, or else he’s going to be a nervous wreck until you get home.
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rivangel · 3 months
Since you shared transmasc levi docs recently…would you write one again? I really love them. Something cute and intimate like first bath together maybe? With gn afab reader. Of course taller than Levi 🧡
Honestly no one portraits him as perfect as you do
sorry this took me so long sari!! :( i hope this was worth the wait :’)❤️
//gn!afab!reader | ftm levi
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“It’s not that bad.”
Levi says this to be comforting, but he’s not surprised when that doesn’t work to turn your fear off while a horror movie is on TV. It was a bad idea in retrospect. Despite him being shorter than you, and snugly fit in your lap, you’re doing your best to only peek over his bare shoulder.
“It might be that bad,” you say in a small voice.
Your massaging over his chest and surgery scars slow dramatically as the moment on screen intensifies rapidly in darkness; unfortunately you found no time for this chore until late and lounging on the living room sofa.
Whenever you volunteer to get something done for him, pretty much regardless of how easy, it’s always his habit to turn you down—then be more stubborn if you insist. One of the only exceptions to this (self-imposed) rule (“curse”, you’d say) has been his recovery from top surgery a few months ago. There being few textures that make him shrivel up inside worse than lotion, you’ve taken it upon yourself to help with his scar care. He never fantasized about walking around shirtless without scars as much as being flat, you had a spark in your eye when you offered to help, and he begrudgingly agreed.
He frowns and starts to shift. He stifles a grunt. “Let’s skip this part then.”
The remote is, tragically, sitting the coffee table plain as day but slightly out of reach, but leaning forward won't be fun (or easy) anyway. Not that that's going to stop him.
“Noo, it’s okay.”
He deadpans. You have to laugh. “You shouldn’t be doing so much, and my hands are lotion-y. I’ll be okay.”
“...Uh-huh.” He decides to take your word for it against his better judgment this one time. Mainly on account of your dirty hands. Partly because of that intense look in your eyes—you're taking his recovery just as seriously as you did on day one—and he'd be remiss not to feel a little soft about it.
Inevitably this “scary part” intensifies, silence with dread persisting, floor creaking as the main protagonist enters a bathroom. Annoyed, he starts to sigh. More uncomfortable to him right now is the sensation in your mild massaging just because of the persisting numbness.
When the creature leaps out of the darkness and flings itself at a character, you gasp aloud with a curse, arms wrapping around his waist tightly. He just hums, (cautiously) patting your hand for comfort. "You alive?"
You relax a little. Over his shoulder he gives you a noteworthy look. See?
“Oh, hush.”
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Relationship headcanons. pt 2.
GN reader x demon brothers
1 (Luci, Levi, Mams), 2 (Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie)
Warnings- Just fluff!
a/n. not fully proofread.
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Satan loves to read to you, even if you insist that you don’t need it.
It just makes him so happy to see you so relaxed, and then eventually asleep.
He just feels grateful that you’re comfy enough to sleep beside him.
Except lots of kissing.
Not even proper ones at that, sometimes it’ll just be a kiss where he presses his lips against your neck or shoulder and then calls it good.
He’s a lot less touchy than his brothers, excluding the kissing and whatnot.
He’s, oddly enough, not really the jealous type.
Unlike Mammon, he won’t get all bothered if someone’s looking at you.
He knows that you’ll be with him that night anyways.
Though he does get a bit bothered if someone visibly starts flirting with you and you don’t immediately shut them down.
He won’t say a word about it though, you’ll always know though (He’s totally obvious about it).
Satan loves you so so much, and it’s totally cute.
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Asmo really isn’t one for jealousy at all.
He’ll tease you, sure.
But he’s confident enough to know that you wouldn’t choose anyone over him.
Asmo is always ready and willing to drop everything and cuddle up to you if you’re in a bad mood.
If he finds you crying? He’d cheer you up and then give you a makeover before taking you out to dinner.
This man is (not so surprisingly) great with his hands.
So you’ll have to except lots of massages or cute new hairstyles every day.
He’d give you lots of gifts too.
Tons of matching outfits, lots and lots of jewelry and you can bet he goes all out on anniversaries and holidays.
He just wants you to remember that you’re his absolute favorite, and that he’d do any and everything for you.
100/10 boyfriend.
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Beel would take you out to dinner at least every other day, the other nights he’s showing off his amazing cooking skills.
He’s able to make so many different kinds of food, that you’re literally never bored of something.
If you enjoy cooking too, then you and Beel alternate cooking days.
He’s always so appreciative when you cook, eating every last bite and telling you how good it is as he devours it.
Beel also gives the best hugs of all the demons..
He’d squeeze you so tight that you feel like you’re being crushed, but he can also be so gentle.
It really depends on your mood, and he can read it really well
Beel would be the kind of ditzy boyfriend that everyone loves, but he’d only have eyes for you.
He loves making things handmade for anniversaries or birthdays, even if he’s not that good at it, he still tries his best.
Beel is so sweet and cute and I lobe him.
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Belphie has a fucked up sleep schedule.
So if you’re gonna date him, you either have a really screwed up one too, or you’re the complete opposite.
Opposites do attract.
He’d love to sleep with you, not anything sexual, just feeling your warmth and having your heartbeat next to his.
It honestly has him blush every time he thinks about it.
And if you have a proper sleep schedule, he’ll always try and wake up with you.
Maybe even just to eat a quick breakfast and go right back to sleep.
It’s the thought that counts (?)
Belphie would take you on as many dates as he could, he just loves spending all his time with you and seeing you happy makes him ecstatic.
Belphie loves having his head on you.
Whether your chest, your stomach, your thighs, your shoulder, or even in your hands while you give him little kisses.
He likes being right up next to you, making sure everyone knows that your his and he’s yours.
He’s be such a darling boyfriend.
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miekasa · 4 years
slow hands
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+ pairing: levi ackerman x reader
+ genre and warnings: fluff, some angst? but hardly, levi is the sweetest, please do not mistake his quiet affections for apathy or lovelessness
+ word count: 3k
+ summary: based off of a request about physical affection and acts of service being levi’s love languages—which i agree! i’m so happy you asking about that, i could write essays about how physical touch is important to levi, but instead, i will leave you with this for now lol
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i. in crowded spaces (so you don’t get lost, or so he claims)
Levi isn’t particularly fond of the way you like to go shopping in the inner walls. He is, however, fond of you; so he forgoes the prissy upper-class men and overall stingy aura of Wall Sina’s inhabitants just so you can get your favorite kind of bread and fruit.
Today, it seems like everyone and their mother wanted to visit the outdoor markets, despite the scheming merchants and obviously overpriced merchandise. From the crowd to the noise level, none of it is really up Levi’s alley; but he has to admit, watching people fail to successful haggle the price of eggs is immensely amusing to him.
What isn’t amusing is the way you keep stopping in the middle of the square, distracted by anything remotely shiny or with a pleasant smell you come across. Levi stops in his tracks, sensing a lack of your presence behind him; he turns around, and sure enough, you’re standing a few meters away, squinting at the price written above the basket of apples in front of you.
He sighs, trudging back to you, and watching from a step away as you scan over the fruit scrutinizingly. The merchant behind the stand does his best at selling you his product, boasting about how the fruit is fresh and hand-picked, and some other bullshit.
“These look good,” you muse to yourself, picking up a single, red apple in your palm for closer observation, “I could make a pie for the kids later.”
“Ah, pretty and she cooks, what a woman,” the bearded merchant smiles, adjusting his hat as he looks at you.
He only seems to notice Levi’s presence when he pushes forward just a little bit, looking at the apples, bored, then to the man, who speaks to him next, “Can I interest you in a basket, too, sir?”
Levi doesn’t respond with anything but a slight shake of his head, before looking back to you. You’re standing upright now, having placed your sample apple back with the rest, unfazed by Levi standing next to you; like you were completely unaware you’d left him in the first place.
He holds back a scoff. You can be so unaware of your surroundings at times, he honestly thinks it’s a miracle that you make it back from your missions alive. You’re also seemingly unaware of just how many inner wall pigs flirt with you, as you look completely oblivious to the advances of the merchant, who offers you two baskets for the price of one—the only caveat being that you allow him to take you on a date later that evening.
Levi lolls his head to the side, tired eyes gazing at the old man who tries to cut himself a bargain. He knows you’re prepared to give an overly polite and nonchalant response to wave the man off, but Levi doesn’t have time for your pleasantries today. 
Quietly, he reaches for your free hand, lacing your fingers together firmly before pulling you away from the merchant and the stand.
“Levi!” you call for him, borderline whining, “I wasn’t actually going to agree to a date with him, but the apples—”
“There’s a stand a few streets over that Hange claims is better than anything she’s ever eaten,” Levi grumbles, questioning under his breath about where the hell the piece of shit men in the interior get their audacity from, “And you don’t need two baskets. One is enough.”
Levi doesn’t turn your way, so he misses the fond look in your eyes and the small curve to your lips. He does, however, feel the way you wrap your other arm around his, leaning into him gently as to not disturb your stride as you keep walking.
“But I want to have enough to make a pie for the kids, later,” you tell him, slowly rubbing your thumb against the fabric of his blazer.
Levi scoffs audibly this time. “You don’t have to make shit for them.”
“I don’t have to do shit for anyone,” you smile, “But they’re just kids, Levi. Besides, I know you like pie, too, you big baby.”
Levi doesn’t say anything at that, only choosing to flash you an unamused scowl, before pulling you down a smaller, less crowded street.
“Let’s just get the fucking apples and go home,” he says, decidedly, passing by a group of MPs sharing a flask, “I don’t know how much longer I can stay in the interior without snapping some pig’s head off.”
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ii. during long meetings
Levi thinks that if Erwin weren’t Commander, he could probably make a living as a pastor with the way he preaches for hours on end.
It’s going on hour two of this long, drawn-out strategy meeting, and Levi knows that he’s not the only one about to lose his fucking marbles. Albeit, he’s much more composed than some other people around the table; he still wants to retire to his office for the evening. Even the mountain of paperwork waiting for him would be more entertaining than this.
Levi listens, admittedly a little more carefully, when you speak up, offering information about the layouts of a small town destroyed on your last expedition, where you’d lost a member of your own squad. Erwin nods, looking back down at his map to take your words into consideration.
Levi looks to his right where you’re seated, notices the guilt flash in your eyes as you think about your last failed expedition. It wasn’t your fault, and you know that; but he knows, more than anyone, how difficult it can be to lose one of your own soldiers.
Quietly, he lifts his teacup with his right hand, and places it down in front of you. He says nothing beyond an almost unnoticeable nod towards the cup once it’s within your reach, before looking back towards Erwin and Armin.
If anyone else seemed to notice his gesture, they don’t make it known. Except for Hange, of course, who flashes him a knowing grin before resuming her conversation.
Levi knows you’ve finished the tea when he feels your hand resting lightly atop his knee, tapping your index and middle fingers against his pants—a silent thank you. In the middle of his own conversation, he doesn’t turn to you or say much other than slipping his right hand on top of yours, loosely curling his fingers between the slits of yours.
His hand stays there for the rest of the meeting, his thumb rubbing slow, unidentifiable patterns into the skin on the back of your hand; an empty teacup, and a mutual gratitude between the two of you.
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iii. when you’re working too hard (or for too long)
If not the gigantic humanoid monsters out to swallow you whole, the paperwork is probably the worst part about being a captain in the Survey Corps. Levi would know, having spent countless nights up reading proposals, approving plans, signing documents, filling out death certificates.
It can be grueling work, even if it is, essentially, reading and writing whilst being sat at a desk. And while, sometimes, he can admit that the paperwork is more bearable than his own nightmares; he knows that for you, it holds no such solace.
If anyone thought that Levi worked himself to the bone, they must not have met you. Your meticulous mannerisms and work ethic could almost make him seem sloppy by comparison. It’s not uncommon to find you training yourself or your cadets into the ground, theorizing with Hange and Erwin, or—Levi’s personal least favorite—hunched over your desk, eyes scanning away at stacks of ink-ridden papers.
You must be five or six hours in by now, if he’s calculated correctly. The last time he saw you was around midday, when he’d been watching you spar with Jean. It’s dark out now, the other cadets and soldiers having retired to their rooms for the evening after dinner. 
“You’ll end up a hunchback if you keep this up,” he drawls upon entering your office. He watches as your head snaps up to him; he figured you hadn’t even heard him enter, seeing as you didn’t respond to his knocking. He wonders how it’s possible for you to be so aloof, yet so scrupulous all at once.
Embarrassed, more likely at your lack of awareness than his comment, you push yourself up a little bit, elbows on your desk and fingers crossed. “You’re not exactly one to talk, you know.”
Levi only hums at your jab, inching towards your desk. He likes the way your eyes track his movements as his proximity to you increases, stepping around your desk to stand behind your chair. 
“Sit up,” he orders, voice soft yet firm.
He waits for you to straighten your back, but frowns when you scoot your chair closer to your desk after doing so. He takes it upon himself to move your chair back, ignoring the terrible squeaking of the wood scraping across the floor. Well, at least that was an indication that the floors were clean.
“I can’t write if I’m this far from my desk,” you complain, just as the palms of Levi’s hands make contact with your shoulders.
“Good thing I’m not asking you to write anything,” Levi replies, digging the heels of his hands into your shoulder muscles. This would work better with your shirt off, he muses to himself, but this would have to do.
You open your mouth to protest, but your words fall short on your tongue, an exhale of relief coming out instead as Levi continues to massage your shoulders. Levi can feel you melting into his actions, your body going slack and the knots in your muscles uncoiling themselves. He counts about five minutes in passing before he hears your breath calm, too; the shallow exhales of your overworked body replaced with deep inhalations and extended sighs.
He lightens his movements as his massage comes to and end. The palm of his left hand runs across your throat gently, allowing him to tuck his thumb and index finger under your chin, and tilt your head backwards for you to face him. Levi’s thumb pads against your jaw line as you look up at him, and him back at you. 
Finally, he leans down, his lips making contact with your forehead for a gentle kiss, “You work too hard.”
“I learned from the best,” and just as gently, you reach your arm up and backwards, your palm clumsily finding its way to Levi’s hair, pulling him down, towards your lips this time, “You take such good care of me.”
“Obviously,” Levi mumbles, stealing another kiss between his words, “That’s my job, brat.”
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iv. during dinner time
The Mess Hall is among Levi’s least favorite places, for obvious reasons; but he does enjoy sharing a meal with you, and ensuring that you’ve eaten a full serving to sustain yourself.
He can look past Hange and Nanaba’s overly enthusiastic conversations, despite sitting directly across each other, Erwin’s sloppy eating habits, and the overall rowdy atmosphere of the Mess Hall, as long as he has you beside him to numb the pain. Which is why he’s been exceptionally grumpy these past two weeks, as you’ve taken to sitting with some of the younger cadets during dinner time. 
It’s not unusual and it doesn’t surprise him, or anyone really; everyone can see how much they all adore you. Especially Mikasa, strangely enough. Probably because of the way you treat Eren, and how much he and Armin look up to you; and probably because she was your first pick to fill a vacancy in your squad. 
He walks with you across the floor, the both of you holding your own tray of food—a watery soup, some bread, and a piece of fruit as a treat. He knows you won’t finish your soup, and that he’ll have to give you half of his bread to make up for it; but he also knows you’ll slice up your apple for him to eat in exchange.
So Levi is not too happy when he sees Eren waving your way, the clumsy idiot almost hitting Armin in the head from the uncoordinated shaking of his hand. You smile at the younger boy, turning your body to walk towards his table.
Levi, however, stops your stride before it can begin, pulling tactfully at the back of your shirt, and forcing you to turn back around. He pokes at the nape of your neck, gently pushing you forwards, and in the direction of the table where Erwin, Hange, Mike and Moblit are seated.
You seem to get his silent message, flashing Levi a sweet smile before turning to offer Eren a sorry glance as you continue to head in the direction of the table with your colleagues. Levi hums when you start walking again, following closely behind you, and turning back to offer Eren a not-so-sorry, not-so-friendly glare.
Levi was getting his apple sliced for him today, whether the brats liked it or not.
“You know, you should sit with them sometime,” you tell him, breaking his small loaf in half to dip it into your soup, “They admire you a lot.”
“I think they’d shit their pants if shorty even came near their table,” Hange jokes, earning chuckles from some of your colleagues.
Levi says nothing and refrains from rolling his eyes. He could care less about the admiration they hold for him, or for you. If Eren and Amin wanted to spend time with you that badly, then they should train their asses off and make it onto your squad.
“Oi,” you call to him, mocking his voice and tone, “Here, they gave us yellow ones today, I know they’re your favorite.”
Levi shoves you with his elbow affectionately, before taking the slice of apple from your hold. He chews gratefully, heart beating against his chest in admiration as you carefully place the rest of the slices on his tray.
He squeezes your thigh in thanks under the table once you’ve finished slicing both apples for him. Sure, he could do it himself, and sure he could technically see you in your room whenever he wants, but that’s not the point; Levi will be damned if he catches any of those other brats with his apple slices.
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v. when you come home
It’s not often that Levi becomes overly worried about your well-being, as backwards and apathetic as it may seem to other people. He trusts you, and knows that you’re stronger than you look—stronger than him, even—and he has no reason to doubt you; you’ve always come back to him.
But now, it’s going on eleven days since your squad was supposed to return from specially designed and assigned mission from Erwin himself, and Levi was beginning to let his nerves get the best of him.
He knows he’s not the only one getting antsy for some kind of message—any kind of sign at all—that you and your men were okay. Two days ago, Hange had pestered Erwin for the greater part of an hour about sending just one more tracking squad to look for yours; Mikasa and Armin hovered around for any news that you had returned, and that you’d brought Eren back unharmed; hell, even Mike had come to check in with him, rocking on his feet, asking Levi if there had been any news from you.
It’s dark out now, the day coming to a close, marking the twelfth night since your estimated return date. Levi sighs, untucking himself from his desk, intent on marching down to Erwin’s office and demanding he let him go look for you.
“You know we have to give it fourteen days, at least,” Erwin sighs.
“That’s a bullshit rule and you know it,” Hange interjects, having burst into the room only seconds after Levi; hung up on your lack of return just as much as he was.
Of course she is—you’re Hange’s closest friend. Not to mention, you’d taken Moblit with you on your mission, setting Hange’s work back significantly without the presence of her valuable second.
“I know,” Erwin nods, “But the first tracking squad found no evidence of any bodies. They’re most likely alive.”
“All of them?” Hange questions, incredulous and hopeful.
“That’s what we hope for,” Erwin responds, voice heavy. He looks to Levi, “She’ll come back. She always does.”
Levi knows that; he knows. But he still can’t shake this feeling. He opens his mouth to refute, when Sasha comes bumbling into Erwin’s office, heaving.
“Commander Erwin, Captain (Y/N)’s squad has just returned!” Sasha squeaks, “No casualties, four in the infirmary now with minor wounds, but nobody’s in critical condition, sir.”
Levi can barely register the young girl’s words, before he’s storming towards the infirmary, desperately searching for your familiar face amongst the soldiers in the cots. He sees Moblit amongst some of your other men and hastily asks him about your whereabouts.
“She had Eren,” Moblit tells him calmly, wincing slightly as a nurse rubs alcohol into the cut along his arm, “I thought she’d take him here—maybe in one of the smaller rooms across the hall?”
Levi nods, grateful, and moves so that Hange can squish Moblit with her affections, heading towards the hallway. He sees just a sliver of light coming from a room two doors down, and he doesn’t hesitate to search for you there.
He all but bursts through the door, relieved to find you tying and cutting a bandage around Eren’s forehead. Levi wants to scold you for taking care of someone else wounds before attending to your own, but he doesn’t have time for that right now.
You stand up straight after you’re finished wrapping Eren’s larger cuts, with barely enough time to register that Levi’s entered the room before he has one hand around your waist, and the other cradling the back of your head.
Levi can feel that he’s knocked the wind out of you, but that doesn’t stop you from slowly wrapping your arms around him to complete the hug. He tucks his head into the juncture of your neck, ignoring the faint scrapes along your skin.
“You’re back,” he hums, holding you a little tighter against him.
Levi feels your laughter reverberate through his own body, as you mirror his hold on you; your right hand coming up to cradle the back of his head, your fingers loosely coiling into his hair.
“Of course I am,” you hum, reveling in Levi’s shallow breaths that tickle your neck, “I’ll always come back to you, Levi.”
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shiftingparadise · 2 years
Author-chan your wonderful, thank you so much for the fic inspired by "dance for you" it turned out perfect, I loved it and it definitely exceeded my expectations 💕💕💕💕💕💕and I would like to know if you could do a fully nsfw part 2 please? (feel free to ignore)
You're so kind 🥹🥹🥹 thank you so much 🤍✨ It honestly means the world to me when someone tells me they like my stories x
I hope you like the way I wrote this one. It's definitely a softer Levi than I normally write, but I just think that he would be so cute and caring during his first time 🥺🤍
Word Count: 1172
‘A-am I hurting you?’, strands of black hair brushed over your forehead, your eyes closed with pleasure. ‘No, feels good’. ‘A-are you sure?’. 
You slowly opened your eyes, your hand softly stroking the back of his head. A certain ache appeared in your chest at the sight of his concerned eyes. You wanted to remember this moment, forever. Levi was a piece of art, even now. This was the first time you saw him so vulnerable, and scared… It was a sight you wanted to remember. 
‘Unlike you, I’m not a virgin’, you chuckled, earning a cold ‘tch’ in response. ‘Relax, you’re not hurting me’. ‘S-so I can move?’. ‘Please’, you arched your back, gliding your hands to his hips. 
You gently guided his hips to a pace you noticed he was comfortable with. Not too slow, not too fast. 
‘Shit’, he let his head fall onto your shoulder, his hand gently massaged your breast, ‘Feels so good’. ‘Hm’, your tongue grazed over your lips, eager for his taste. ‘Kiss me, please’. 
Levi’s eyes flew open when he heard your cute whimper. He’d been too caught up in the way your velvety walls were welcoming him that he forgot how sweet your lips tasted. He felt so insecure, so scared to hurt you, that he didn’t dare to move any faster, or slower for that matter. Were you even enjoying this? Your cute, little moans told him you were, but you were guiding him; telling him what to do…
‘Y/N?’, Levi stopped his movements, his crescent-shaped eyes locked on yours. ‘N-no, don’t stop, please’, you closed your eyes again, gently moving your hips, ‘P-please Levi, don’t stop’. 
He wanted to move, but your beauty had him mesmerized. The way you ached for him, for his touch… Something in him snapped when he finally realized that he was making you feel good, so good even, that you were begging him not to stop. 
‘S-shit’, Levi crashed his lips into you. ‘P-please Levi’. ‘What? What do you want me to do?’. He noticed your moans got louder, needier. You weren’t as cute as before, with your little whimpers, no. Right now, you sounded so, so desperate for him.
He knew you wanted him to go faster, but if he gave you what you asked, he would come within seconds. He couldn’t give in to you, not during his first time.  Not only that, but he still needed to get used to your warmth; to the way your breasts bounced when he trusted into you; the way your nails were digging into his back… 
‘Touch me’, you slowly guided his hand to where you needed him to most. ‘Like this?’, his digits slowly circled around your little nub. 
Honestly, he felt so lost. He really did. He wanted nothing more to make you feel good, to let you find your release, but he had no idea what to do. He never felt so insecure in his entire life. 
‘Fuck, just like that. Don’t stop, please’, your back arched in response, chin now pointed towards the ceiling. ‘Do you like when I kiss you here?’, his lips grazed over your ears before he pressed sloppy kisses on your neck. You eagerly nodded, a knot appearing in your stomach. 
So, this is what you liked? It must be since this was the first time he could feel you clenching around him. Maybe he could… 
‘And when I do this?’, his free hand softly wrapped around your neck. You didn’t even need to answer, the way you clenched around him again said enough. ‘S-so close, please, Levi’. 
Levi didn’t dare to slow down his movements or to move his fingers away from between your legs. He wanted nothing more than to know what it felt like when you came undone around him. 
‘Need you to come for me’, Levi’s eyes were locked on the way his member disappeared in and out of you. He loved the way you felt around him, so tight, so warm… He needed all of you. ‘Need to feel you clenching around me’. ‘Look at me, please’, your soft voice pulled his gaze away, ‘W-want you to look at me’. 
No, no, no. He couldn’t look at you. If he saw the way your head bopped up and down with every thrust, or the way your brows knitted together… Let alone when you looked up into his eyes with your glossy ones… He couldn’t look at you. He couldn’t come before you found your relief. 
‘Y/N if I do I’ll-‘, ‘Doesn’t matter’, a kind smile on your face, ‘I- fuck’, your eyes flew shut when his digits pressed a little harder on your nub, ‘I-I just need you to look at me’. ‘Okay’, he gently cupped your cheek, his eyes locked on yours. 
It didn’t take long before a line appeared between his brows, his breathing heavier… But the knot in your stomach grew by the second. You tried to keep your orgasm away for as long as possible. You wanted to come with him, but you couldn’t hold it back anymore. 
‘Y/N-‘, a guilty look in his eyes. ‘It’s okay, Levi, you can come. You made me feel so, so good. You did such a good job’. 
Your praises were all he needed to hear before he painted your velvety walls with his come. It took him a second before he could feel you clenching around him, as if you were trying to get every drop out of him.
‘S-shit’, your fingers were tangled in his dark hair, your head resting on his shoulder. ‘Did you-‘, ‘Hm’, you chuckled, your legs still shaking. ‘Good’, Levi smiled while letting out a sigh of relief, his head nestled between your shoulders and neck. ‘That felt so good’, Levi hummed against your neck, ‘D-did you enjoy it too?’. 
So insecure and concerned. This man was nothing the people made him out to be. He wasn’t a cold, heartless war machine. He’s a man who does whatever he needs to do to protect the people he cares about. He’s a man, just a man like everyone else, with feelings, insecurities… 
‘I did, a lot’, you gently stroked over his back, enjoying the way his body rest against yours. ‘Hm, good’, he drowsily responded, his breathing slowed down with every second. You tried to hold back tears when reality sunk in again.
This may be the first time you felt the warmth of his body, but it may as well be the last. The Corps was going to retake the wall. In the morning, you’ll be in your uniform on your way to Wall Maria, with no guarantee you’ll survive. 
‘I care for you’, a whisper that barely managed to escape your throat, ‘I care for you Levi, more than I should’. He didn’t respond, but the way his arm tightened around your waist, the way he nestled his head further against you… It was his way of telling you he cared about you too.
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bemylord · 4 years
what turns them on
characters: eren, armin, erwin, levi, jean.
warnings: nsfw, kinks, smut, aged up characters.
a/c: or what makes them get aroused
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eren yaeger
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- when you unbutton the top buttons of your shirt.
- morning stretching in the bed. when you just woke up and raised your hands up, stretching your back - he smells arousal in the air.
- lap strip. you're slowly getting undressed, kept dancing in his laps, biting your lips, all this in aggregate drives him crazy.
- when you focus on work. when you're reading some papers or thinking about forthcoming expedition behing the wall, and you don't pay attension to him.
'baby, can we go to the bed?'
you're kept reading paper, not hearing him. you clicked your tongue, let out a doomed sign, rubbing your temples. he went from your back, put his hands on your shoulder, gently rubbing them.
'you're tense, baby, and i know one good way to relax'
- when you're tired or tense, you'll have a soft sex full of affection and sweet whispering.
- you whispered something dirty on eren's ear. you signed your own death warrant, if you did it before mission.
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armin arlert
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- when he sees your stockings. only he.
- your wild hair after sex makes him goes for another round.
- actually he's the type of boys he'd do it in the slow pace with foreplay first.
- when you play with his hair and then do a back massage. he finds a massage smth initimacy, so take note of this.
- when you do an eyes contact with him, giving him a lovely smile and you put your head down with a pink blush on your cheeks.
- blowjob. ik this is kink but still, since you're soldier, you don't have much time on your sex life; but when you've and you do a blowjob - it makes him crazy.
- corruption kink. when you do pretend a good, innocent girl and when you're turning on into a naughty girl - trust me, he loves that.
'you're so bad, puppy, you know what bad girl have for their attitude?'
armin's punishment ruthless, but aftercare is divine.
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erwin smith
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- dom/sub kink and don't you dare try to be a leader. you won't be able to walk. but, honestly, it's turning him on: the way you're trying to be a dom, trying to act so bossy, knowing what you'll have. actually, this is what you want, right?
'babygirl, you know i'm top, righ-'
'no, i am top!' he glared at you with lust in his eyes, unbuckling the belt.
'on your knees and don't you fucking move unless you want to spend a couple of days in the bed' i choose last
- he isn't a monster you make him out to be, not towards you, but you need to know he's top.
- the thigh rub. during your dinner, you use your hand to gently stroke his thigh with slow, firm movements up towards his groin. feeling his erection grow and just stop it - he's yours.
- anal sex and choking kink - favorite one.
- when he is tied you up with his belt or clothes.
- every little games when you do to make him jealous. yes, you know how to make your captain went psycho.
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levi ackerman
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- he'd fucks you without a mercy if you were a bad girl.
- breeding kink if you deserve it. he's a clean freak, but watching how full you're with his sperm it's a view he'd burn it out in his head to return to this every night.
- when you were so focusing on killing titans. yes it sounds awful and disgusting, but he loves your willingness to kill creatures. punishment sex for being long away from him. yes, he loves your readiness, but he so scared to lose the person he loves all of his heart.
- lingerie. usually it's undershirt and underpants and seeing you in this clothes after an exhausted training - giving levi energy for perfect end of this day.
- when you distract him from work.
'y/n, stop kissing my neck, i've a paper work to do'
'do it, captain, i'm just gonna kiss you, nothing more, captain~'
and you knew what word 'captain' does to him; you knew he'll take in his office, fuck you hard, covering your mouth with a rough kiss.
- another one with a dom kink.
- gagging kink.
- it's just my imagination but still - when your clothes got ripped in the battle or training. just buttons or shirt. ok, next one.
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jean kirschtein
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- when you run your fingers on his body.
- jean'd fuck to the point when you can see stars if you show him ahegao. he thinks you're so sexy and liberated by how he fucks your hole.
- when you're covering your mouth while cumming. the way you're trying to be quiet not making loud sounds turns him on even more.
- giving him a blowjob, sucking his big dick, playing with balls and reached with one hand down to your clit - he realized that you're enjoying as much as he does.
- when you're touching yourself while he's doing some stuff.
'cum at least two times then maybe i'll give you my cock'
- playing with your clit, making it overstimulated, and then do it.
'i want you to give me your juices on my tongue before i'll fuck you rough'
- nipples orgasm. don't ask me. he'd lick your breast and nipples, squeeze 'em and bite 'em gently so you'd cum only by his touches.
i hope you liked it!
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