#honestly i LOVE the fact that they're pumping some of these out every once in a while for most of their gaming franchises xDD
alexcutecolly · 1 year
Hello, my dumb vore-infected ass is replaying Kid Icarus Uprising... Also known as, my vore awakening. Why the hell is that swallow sound effect in Chapter 23 so good??? Like, it even has a slight trail off, which is a little hint that something (or someone) is sliding down with it??? Also, his taunting throughout the level is immaculate... And the extra detail that the music in the 'land' portion of the level has a heartbeat in the background of it. UGH. So good.
Hi there! I've watched the chapter twice from someone's playthrough on YouTube and OMG that swallow sound effect?? With the screen fading to black too??? It's nuts!!! It does seem to let the player realize what has just happened! x3
Also... Can I say that I *love* Hades and his taunts? xD Being a pred must bring so much entertainment to him, he clearly *adores* voring souls and "lesser" beings and poking fun at them while they're inside his innards! x3 Like when he wants to eat Pit all of a sudden during the fight at the beginning of the chapter, and then calls him a 'bad chicken nugget' for surviving the fall into his stomach (something even Hades himself is surprised of, btw xD) x3 I admit some of his jabs were a lil off-putting for my taste, but almost all of them really hit the spot! x3
I actually never knew of his existence as a character in the Kid Icarus games (tbf I've never played any up until now, and the only characters I recognized were Pit and Lady Palutena xD), but he's amazingly charming and funny as a villain! (Dunno if he's the real main bad guy of the game, but the dialogue in Chapter 23 seems to imply he is xD)
Also I didn't expect him and Pit to actually start a morality discussion on the 'eating souls and reformation' topic, especially considering the latter was fighting for his life in the former's belly xD the fact that Hades was quite interested in the subject, but at the same time so uncaring for the fate of those he ate really makes sense for a character like him x3
Btw I'd personally *love* being swallowed by Hades! x3 He gets a 9/10 in Pred Points x3 💕
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edwinspaynes · 6 months
theories on the images?
Yes, let's go!
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Starting with the ship I don't care as much about so that I can get to the others, which happen to be my 3 favourite ships of all time, LOL.
At first I was really confused because I didn't notice Mark and thought that it was Kieran and Cristina and a horse. There was a brief moment where I thought Mark might have turned into a horse. I do not think this is the case, lol.
So the displayed items for them are:
Horse (I'm assuming a steed of the wind hunt)
A bow and arrow
Just two arrows
The Fae King's crown (perhaps just a character symbol of Kieran)
The three rings (that I am speculating are wedding rings!)
I think it's likely that Kieran and Mark will in some way briefly be drawn back to the Wild Hunt and take Cristina with them. They will, in my opinion, likely be married in some kind of Wild Hunter ceremony.
I don't think I can get more in-depth than that because I honestly do forget a lot of TDA and don't have a ton of opinions, but yeah! I will say I'm also really curious about why Cristina is silver while Mark and Kieran are both gold. Perhaps it marks her as a Shadowhunter rather than a Hunter? We shall see.
I am PUMPED to see Will and Tessa again, they're my OGs, my little darlings. And LOOK THEY'RE GAZING INTO EACH OTHER'S EYES, 10/10 cannot wait for this.
The symbols surrounding them are:
The Eiffel Tower (not a surprise since Cassie said the story was set in Paris)
The Arc de Triomphe (once again, another symbol of Paris)
What appear to be cards or tickets to something
What looks like a magical snowglobe or crystal ball of some variety
A devil tail wrapped around a pitchfork.
The first two just tell me that the story is set in Paris. But I'm the most fascinated by the snowglobe because it gives off a sort of... ethereal vibe. Look at the symbol in the middle - it looks like a magical talisman, probably something psychic/fortune-telly. Maybe they get their fortunes read and the tickets are for a fortune teller.
This brings us to the devil pitchfork and tail.
We know that the story is set very shortly after Clockwork Princess, meaning that Tessa doesn't know the ins and outs of her demon heritage yet. It feels likely that in this story she'll discuss it with Will a bit...
OR. Or. And I like this one... Belial tries to possess Tessa while she is asleep and the Angel Ithuriel protects her. Belial talks about this having happened in the All Places Hell chapter of Chain of Gold. This would be really interesting because I've long thought I wished to see Tessa have some even indirect interaction with Belial. OH MAYBE WILL FIGHTS HIM OFF TOO YES.
Okay there that's it.
Babies, my babies. I love them so fucking much, they and Thomastair are by far the ones I'm most excited to see again. So let's unpack the Herondaisy corner THOROUGHLY.
First, I do appreciate the fact that Cordelia is still running (but, as @angeldaisies said, she is running side by side with James now and I am going to cry happy tears yet again.) Anyway, it also amuses me that she's running and James is like, reaching after her. She's going to do something brash and brave and impulsive and her and he's going to be adoring it every step of the way and I love that for them both.
So, symbols!
The chess piece (a self-explanatory symbol for their relationship that we all know and love)
The throne
Two pomegranate halves on either side of the heart
I can't think of what the throne is for, but it's very possible imo that it goes with the chess piece because - and I am willing to do a longer essay on this someday that isn't today - the final battle in ChoT is... a chess game. That ends with James, the king, on the Coronation Chair. And this throne in fact looks very much like the Cornonation Chair.
This brings me to something interesting, which is the idea of the symbols inside the hearts vs outside the hearts. I am only going to explore this for Herondaisy and Thomastair because that's what I'm doing.
In any event, James and Cordelia are the only couple to be inside the heart with no props. The other ships all have something with them - Cirenworth for Thomastair, the snowglobe for Wessa.
I am wondering if perhaps the things outside of the heart are things that the story is missing. Will and Tessa wanting to go sightseeing and getting stuck with dark dealings instead; Thomas and Alastair wanting to find Zachary who is missing (I'll get there) but instead feeling stuck at Cirenworth.
In this case, the Coronation Chair represents the past, as does the chess piece that Cordelia is running towards.
Now, I might be reading too much into that. But I'm musing and I like it.
I have 0 idea of what the Pomegranite may be - fertility? Feels too early. Katherine of Aragon? Long dead. Temptation to the underworld? ...Maybe.
In any case, I think and hope that this is going to be their honeymoon story. I want to see them in Istanbul SO BADLY and as angeldaisies pointed out the epilogue of ChoT sets that up nicely. The second wedding runes could be a flashback... maybe James is what's tempting Cordelia <333
I am DYING with excitement for this one as well as Herondaisy's, if I don't get it ASAP I may wither and die in a blob of sadness. But I WILL get it and thus I will thrive. Herondaisy, Thomastair, Arianna, Wessa... the harvest is come.
Inside of Thomas and Alastair's heart, we have their figures running as well as a building that I'm fairly sure is Cirenworth.
Other symbols outside the heart are:
Zachary's pram (rolling downwards, away from the heart)
A car (driving upwards, away from the heart)
A baby shoe
A top hat
Assuming that the hat is Alastair's because he canonically wears hats. And remember in Chain of Gold what he did? He lost his hat.
Absolutely and 100% believe that this story will be about Thomas and Alastair losing Zachary and having to find him. Thought this before, but think it even more when analyzing the symbols.
Since it's a romcom, maybe it's like a heist romcom - they need to follow clues like the baby shoe and the pram rolling about to try to find him (watch him be nursing with Sona or something lmao). But yeah, and their car is gone maybe, so they don't know how to get around or look, and hijinks ensue.
I think this will be set while they're helping Sona move into Cirenworth, by the way, and when they move into Cornwall Gardens. Which I LOVE. HONEYMOON STAGE THOMASTAIR 10000/10.
Please don't get to attached to my theories or headcanons, and know that I am not too attached to them, either. I'm speculating for fun, and there is no way I am not going to love Thomastair or Herondaisy stories. Like, I'd read an entire book about either of those ships making breakfast cover-to-cover 100 times. This is just what I think based on symbols.
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crystalelemental · 11 months
Unit Teambuilding - Mix Red
I debated whether I even wanted to do this one. If I'm being honest, I really struggle with this. When I do these teambuilding things, I like to at least run by the structure of "how does this perform on an F2P budget," giving at least one team that's all F2P aligned allies to showcase how it holds up. This is true for the limited pairs especially, since I personally consider nothing to be worse than a limited pair requiring another limited pair to perform.
Joke's on me though! DeNA has absolutely created worse, by introducing the concept of hey, what if the only way to get a pair was to pay for it, and you still had to roll the dice? Also what if it was Red, my personal most hated character in the series now? And what if, just hypothetically, we made him with Venusaur, and then gave him identical tools to SS Leaf so he's effectively better in every way? What if that?
General Overview So I'll talk about him, but I'm not teambuilding. Because truth be told? No one should pull on this. And keep in mind, I'm one of those that was Variety Neutral. I don't love those, but if they're a favorite or they had something interesting going on you wanted, sure, go for it. EX colors were never that important to me. I think the outrage around Variety Scouts was at least somewhat overblown.
This, though? People honestly aren't mad enough. If this game had a robust competitive or co-op mode, I can promise you, this would be the thing that killed the game. Because now you have to pay to keep up at all.
Fortunately, Masters is making many a questionable financial move, but is not, as of yet, requiring anything. It's aggressive monetization, no one can question that, but it's not like Mix Red is a necessity. Or, to be brutally honest, even all that good. Yes, he has some very nice debuff tools, including both offenses (randomly) and -2 AoE Sp Def per Buddy move. Yes, he gets his baby cheat skill to always crit and never miss. Yes, he gets Grassy Terrain on his Max Move (they didn't even do GMax because they know how bad Damage Field sucks) and his first sync, thanks to being a Field pair.
He also has worse Sp Atk than Piers. Granted, Archie proved ages ago you can work around such limitations with the right tools, so mild complaint. The bigger issue is that his Buddy Move is conditional on Grassy Terrain, and he only gets two activations. And if you want to debuff Sp Def quickly for a sync, you're popping Max Move right away. Terrain ends roughly after second sync, and is gone forever. I expected Red to be overblown given his presence, to the point I fully anticipated these Mix pairs being a response to the Ultimate Battles they're going to pump out. But this? This barely keeps up with Gauntlet, much less the endurance contest Anabel is shaping up to be.
So if he's not that next level powercreep answer to the new hardest content...what is he? A Grassy Terrain support, and a Grass-type damage dealer. Well great news, chucklenuggets! Adaman's still top dog, and physical still dominates the Grass meta! Your own single-target damage is base 180; good but not exceptional. And that shrivels up to Razor Leaf once your Terrain dies. So you're hardly breaking new ground as a Grass damage dealer. There's an argument for him being the Special counter part to SS Acerola. It's a bad one, but it's there. But there is no competing against SS Lyra with this guy. Her utilities massively eclipse his own thanks to guaranteed flinch.
For a pair that is exclusively paid for, who has no new costume and no unique EX, this is...bizarre. It's not bad, but I wouldn't consider it the best pull of the month. I don't even consider it top three. In fact, I'd probably say all the PokeFairs are better than this guy. Yes, even you, Elaine. At least you have supreme Gauntlet potential. Red just feels really, really weird. You'd expect a paid-only pair to be game-breaking, but...he's just kinda regular good-ish.
And I think I know why. It's the 300 scout point thing, isn't it? They honest to god think that 300 scout points is being too generous, on a paid-only scout. They earnestly believe that cutting the scout points is a level of "accessible" significant enough to hold back on this pair that costs the equivalent of like $200. That "easier to pity" is enough to hold back, despite how much is demanded for it. Let this be a lesson to you, friends, about what this game truly is. This is gacha. Anything that isn't maximum exploitation is to be considered an act of supreme generosity, and comes with them taking something away in turn. Nothing is free, and they hate you for having money that isn't going to them. Don't fucking pull this Red.
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moonlitberrry · 4 years
not so popular
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➀ ᴀ/ɴ: based from what wonho wore last halloween i'll be following in pursuit of this school themed au where he's a football player and you're his best friend off the same year and i won't disclose that you're a nerd in this but be whoever you want. kinda christmas theme actually
➁ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: football player! lee hoseok/wonho x reader
➂ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff, school au
➃ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: none
once the football team opened vacant spots for new comers that's where wonho popped in
he trained a whole lot for this to join the football team and that include:
working out and staying fit
he plays as their new tight end offensive line
you wouldn't worry much about his well-being since he never skips meals or anything just like a couple of people who would prefer protein bars and drinks instead of other food
he uses that but also eats
he healthy boy
always attends practices and would never skip a single one unless there's an emergency
have grown popular in the football team quickly after one game
he was really nervous in playing in their first game like,
he can't focus and kept jumping like a lil bunny all around, trying to convince himself
"i can do this, i can do this."
"of course you can, hoseok!"
he felt so relieved that you’re always there with him. you’ve always been there with him ever since childhood
the both of you are friends since grade school and have always hanged out in each other’s homes. whenever wonho’s parents were out he always stay in around yours
as usual some people and a few of your friends thought that the both of you were a couple because of how close you are with him
you refused 
you weren’t in a denial but you just saw him as one of your family members, like a brother and everyone respected that
no one from your classes ever decided to push you about your relationship with wonho and you were glad they stopped because it gets annoying when they do
so, you’re comforting wonho and his anxiousness over playing in the field
at first you’re not allowed inside the locker room of the football players until a few of wonho’s teammates, the captain, let you in
you almost resulted to kicking one of them until they let you in but decided against detention than anything else
wonho would flip and ask you how you end up there
once you were by wonho’s side you comforted him and pat his back, telling him you’ll be cheering him on 
he keeps asking questions regarding his worries
“what if i mess up?”
“this is my first game, omg omg. this is my first!”
“oh hoseok, you won’t mess up. you’ve been practicing this all week. kill that game!”
because of your encouragements, it made him more pumped up into playing on the field
his teammates found it impossible to bring his mood up, but somehow you’re able to cheer him up for every crisis he receives
from that day on, wonho’s teammates allow you inside the locker room every time wonho becomes nervous 
ever since wonho’s first game his popularity grew
he became busy over the following years that the both of you hardly even talked to each other
you proposed on talking every night but he’s always tired after practice or hanging out with the guys
he promises to hang out with you, which resulted to movie nights every month 
the both of you scheduled on every friday night of the week but wonho kept canceling your plans with him
he’s very guilty about it
he wants to spend time with you everyday like before, but the both of you grew busy over your academics and school curricular activities 
expect random texts from your boi
to: [ your caller I.D ]
from: hoho
hey! have a great day, don't forget to eat your breakfast. i got you a pancake bunny :D see you then!
when you got downstairs you found oddly shaped pancakes but it cutely formed into a bunny
with whip cream as the tail
because he's whipped for you, get it? :'D ahAHa i need to stop laughing at my own jokes
a cute lil bunny just like him
you never cared how different it looked like, it honestly looks unique and cute making you snap a photo of it and save it for keep sakes
almost everyday whenever he had the time he would always leave little small texts to you which you happily see at any given time of the day
and you text him back the same kind of affection and his heart goes CRAZY
you don't know that yet because the both of you hardly see each other but when he looks at you he has heart eyes
that whipped that you aren't aware of but anyway
you wish you could see him in person somehow
i mean, you do see him in school but he's usually busy with practice so you weren't sure
he also found a new group of friends recently that are not much of your status level
they all seem nice but you're not exactly sure on how to talk to wonho's new friends
somehow you find his name being off and across the campus of how a lot of people thought he was cool and how much a couple of them had a crush on him too
you aren't lying, you also find wonho that way
except for the crush
there is no way you would be crushing on your best friend, that would be awkward to handle
but you did
and you didn't know how to handle it
but one night
you get to hang out with him again after so long and it made the both of you relieved
thanking it all to your holidays break! (happy holidays! :D)
wonho made you pick out the movie for the both of you to watch while he chose the food
ever since then
he NEVER changed
well except for the fact of being really obvious of how much he likes you
would sometimes consult a couple of his friends on how to talk to you about it
and or ask you out
i mean he has asked someone out before and you were aware of it until he broke up with them around some year ago
so yes, boi is nervous
what else didn't change from him?
oh yeah, ramen
expect two bowls of ramen that he prepared for the both of you to have
"i. really. love. ramen. owki?"
"aww, more than you love me? ;("
"... but i do love you."
you laughed it off and decided to eat but he was serious though
it made you stop and stare at him like,
wait wait wait
you love who?
"i love you, (y/n)... i really do."
ok so you actually thought he liked someone else and not you
he has a bunch of admirers recently that you can't count how much because THEY'RE A LOT
and wonho is hot so
oh wow look im rhyming
you can't blame them for it but i guess you stole his bunny heart already
for a very long time really
"i actually thought you liked someone else."
"you might think that way but you never failed to cross my mind ever since we were busy. i like talking to you and ever since we were separated like that it made me miss you a whole lot, you know?"
and here you are, gradually melting
honestly, the both of you don't know what to do next but one of you should speak
"i'm so thankful to have this time with you again. so, will you spend it now with your best friend?"
"oh hoseok, not best friend."
"iM nOt yOur fRienD aNymOre??? D:"
"no, but my boyfriend, silly"
this made you laugh at how cute he is
"well in that case ;)"
of course, made the move to kiss you first right on your break with him
had the need to initiate it right when the both of you confessed
"time to watch some sweet holidays flicks to start the day with my favorite person"
"oh, absolutely"
that's not your last kiss though
kisses you a lot lot ever since then
also made a make shift headband where a mistletoe hung
only wears it when the both of you are alone and he can have his sweet time of kissing you,,, under the mistletoe
he just wants your affection, owki?
he just wants all of your loveeee
but wow though, your friends cheering you both for finally getting into a relationship
they thought it was so obvious
that the both of you would like each other at some point
and you guys did ♡
so this is not over guys, i got a little more info as football player wonho aight?
you always come to his games of course and he always asks for a kiss before a game starts
its to boost up his energy and you're just,
"don't you have a lot energy already?"
he won't stop whining about it
honestly just wants your kisses and your love
and so it became a habit of you kissing him before a game starts
when he looses you give extra affection
when he wins he will take you out somewhere or just host up a lazy date at your place
he always ask for a hug or a kiss every after practice
"babe, i'm home! now how about a-."
"i'll give you a kiss after you shower-."
always sweaty after practice, the sweat of hard work
you only give him a peck on the cheek after he's done with practice but no cuddle until he showers
you would always help him catch up whenever he misses a class or two because of practices where a big game is on
boy lacks a bit of sleep so yes
always remind him to pack extra food and water just in case
sometimes you would do it because he forgets
am i done now? yes yes i am finally done.
« back to hoho masterlist
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Their best sexual characteristic | Haikyuu!! Headcanons 』
Part 5/?
Characters: female!reader, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Sakusa Kiyoomi
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), 18+, explicit descriptions of sex, headcanons, imagines
Attention: All characters in this series are aged up to be at least 18+
A/N: These headcanons really are getting longer each time 😫 But I had a surprising amount of fun writing these ones. Hope you can tell that by reading them! Previous parts are linked at the bottom of the post. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! ♡
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Miya Atsumu
» His dirty talk
First off: that voice. I think y'all know what I'm talking about literally orgasmic
It's so deep, and smooth, and relaxing in a way that just gets you going. There's just something about it that makes you rub your thighs together if ya get me
And when he presses his lips close to your ear, his voice feels like he's caressing you all over yes all over
You basically get high off his voice. Cloud nine ☁️😍
He absolutely loves to talk dirty to you, telling you exactly what he's going to do to you, how pretty you look with your mouth around his cock, or how you're taking him inside you so well hnng
He's got a knack for choosing exactly the right words, and it gets your pussy dripping and aching for him
He always says about how your pussy feels like it was made for his cock
It fits so snug. Loose enough that he can fuck you whenever, but tight enough that he has to work for it
Astumu really loves teasing you – taking his time and priming you with his dirty talk, experimenting with just how close to the edge he can get you when he's hardly even touching you confident little shit, I love him
And it's pretty close
He's exactly the kind of guy to take over an hour making you desperate and horny for him, enjoying the view of your sensitive body squirming beneath him, craving some kind of release
Seeing you like that for him, all just with his words and the occasional well placed hands, boosts his ego to no end as well as making him literally rock hard, aye papi
And the sounds you make when you're a hot, horny mess~
Lord, he wants to record them on his phone and play them back full volume when he jacks off
Honestly, he just wants to record you in general. Take a video of you mewling for him. Maybe snap a pic from above of you with your top pulled up over your tits, nipples hard, thighs pressing together, and with the most desperate look on your face so he has it...you know...for later...
But he'd never actually do any of that without your consent, just to be clear
He'll do this until all you want – all your can think about – is having his cock inside you
And he can be ever so slightly mean and make you beg for it, with that cocky, lidded gaze and a faint smirk again – the little shit. But I love him
"What is it that you want, babygirl? I need to hear you say it. Don't be shy. Use those big words of yours."
But he'd never be so mean as to deny giving it to you. He always planned on fucking you until you can't walk please, oml
Besides, while he's been getting you all riled up, he's been getting just as flustered and desperate. He can just hide it pretty well because he relishes the process
And it's not all just talk, either. Astumu really delivers prime dick 🙌 let me tell you
But the dirty talk doesn't stop there
He uses that voice of his and those delicious words to drive you closer to your climax, his words getting cruder as his hips get sloppier, praising you to no end
He's not shy about what he thinks. He's incredibly straightforward about it
You're making him fucking horny? He'll tell you. Your pussy is the best he's ever fucked? He'll tell you flat out while he's pounding into you. He thinks you look beautiful stuffed with his cock? He won't even hesitate
Communication is key, ya know?
Astumu is a great sexter, too. He has you rushing home on a regular basis to get dicked down omw, lol
And he can't resist whispering dirty nothings in your ear in public, watching you twitch as you get flustered and needy he thinks it's really fucking adorable
The hottest shit since fire was discovered
But underneath that confident, teasing exterior, he's actually super soft for you
You mean the world to him, and his dirty talk is just a declaration of it. His little way of saying 'I love you'
And he's just as whipped for you and your pussy as you are for him and his cock
Awwww. Guys, true love is real 🥺
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Miya Osamu
» He loves mutual masturbation
Is it a kink? A fetish? Yeah, pretty much
There's just something really fucking hot to Osamu about getting each other off/getting off in front of each each other
Like, stroke his cock while he's fingering you, and he's cumming in 2 minutes tops
Does it fully replace regular sex?
Nah. Osamu is still down to jump your bones, like, 80-90% of the time lmfao
But he's a pretty practical guy, you know?
He knows that people don't always have the time or the energy, or sometimes even the enthusiasm, to go ~all the way~ every single time
Even for a quickie which he is a fan of, tbh
So he sees mutual masturbation as a great alternative
You both get what you want, you get to do it together, and it really, really turns him on win-win, tbh
Plus, this way, he generally gets a better look at you while you two are going at it he loves a good view
He's a ~connoisseur~ if you will
Osamu is also really into thigh riding and dry humping not just for practicality, either
It's not uncommon for you to crawl onto his lap or thigh when he's busy at home and you're feeling needy, and slowly start grinding on him to get his attention
He might try and ignore you at first, play a little game of will-he-won't-he before he stops doing to whatever it was he was doing before and gives in to you
He'll never turn you away if you're desperate enough to start riding him like that. He's like, 'Damn, she really wants me, huh? 🥵'
Even if he wasn't horny before, he sure as hell is once you start rubbing yourself against him like that
He doesn't even really understand his fascination with all this stuff himself. Like, is it the fact that you're still wearing clothes? The extra friction? The intimacy? The neediness of it? Who knows 🤷‍♀️
All Osamu knows is that it makes his dick stand up faster and straighter than a patriot hearing the national anthem, lmfao, sooo....
He tries to let you do your thing when you're grinding against him like that, but his hands normally find their way to your hips and start firmly working you down into his crotch or thigh, harder and faster
He just can't help himself. The more he gets turned on, the more is hands wander they're kind of cold and it sometimes makes you jump or shiver
If he was being entirely honest, he'd admit how much he loves the feeling of your wet pussy sliding against him, or the feeling of your juices seeping through his trouser leg, making a beautiful, glistening mess but he's rarely that honest, unlike his brother, lol
Definitely the kind of guy to casually lick his fingers after making you cum around them 👅 he may or may not kiss you directly after
His face can be a little hard to read sometimes, but he gets this particularly hungry look in his eyes whenever he's turned on that sends a tingle up your inner thighs *eyebrow wiggle*
The proximity when you're getting each other off is a big win for him – the heat, the panting, the intensity, the little or not so little sounds that escape your lips~
It's all so steamy. It really gets his blood pumping to his diCK
When he's turned on, he gets a little blush across his cheeks that spreads to the tops of his ears you love seeing it from your vantage point when you're straddling him
One thing is certain, though, and that's that he wouldn't do this kind of thing with just anyone
There's something about mutual masturbation, thigh riding, etc. that's very intimate and personal to him, and he'd only do it with someone that he really loves and, perhaps even more importantly, trusts
It's an honour, my gal 😌 He doesnt open up to just anybody 🥺
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
» His cum kink
So, a 'cum kink' is pretty vague, as it can mean literally almost anything to do with cum make sure you do you research, my peeps
But Sakusa has a pretty specific cum kink, and that's that his goes inside you
Doesn't really matter if it's your mouth or your pussy I'm not going to say ass, because I feel like that's a big no-no for him
He just likes it going inside you. Swallow it, hold it in by laying on your back with your legs up – whatever. All good to him
It's not a breeding kink thing. It's actually surprise, surprise because it's cleaner. Less mess
Now, Sakusa holds great pride in being able to make you cum, and duh he likes the feeling of himself cumming. He just doesn't want it getting everywhere
Cum is a nightmare to clean out of stuff!! And he wears a lot of black, so it's not a good mix!!
Legit, don't get cum stains on black clothes, guys. 100% not a good time 😭😭
The reason for it isn't the hottest or most romantic thing in the world, but like I said before:
He loves cumming inside you
Just, for the love of God, don't let it all flow back out again please. If not for his sanity, then for your own, because he will fucking go off 😭😂
Condoms are normally a must again, for hygiene reasons
Wrap that shit up, my dudes
But if you get to the stage of your relationship where you're wanting to try going raw and maybe have a baby then~
Damn, this man is going to absolutely destroy your pussy 😩
And if you happen to have a little breeding kink yourself, then you're in for a treat, my gal~
He'll definitely play it up just for you, and will not shut up about how he's going to fill you up until you're fucked out and your pussy is stuffed to the brim with his cum
When you're done, he'll literally take a firm hold your legs and keep them up in the air to stop his cum escaping *sweats in breeding kink*
Rest in pieces if you have a bad gag reflex, because Sakusa enjoys deep-throating, and literally cumming straight into your stomach lmao, and he's a big boy, so prepare yourself
Again, no clean-up = ideal
He can normally be a little rough, but he is the GOD of hate/angry/frustration sex. Like, taking out his stress and frustration in bed just makes it even better
He can be a little iffy about giving you oral or fingering you, though. 'Tis a bit messy for his tastes
He doesn't like to make you do all the work, though. It makes him feel lousy
So one time he offered to finger you while wearing a pair of those latex gloves that doctors wear lmfao, gold star for Kiyoomi. He tried 😭
And I'm not even remotely exaggerating when I say he will outright refuse to have sex with you if you have a cold
Exchange of bodily fluids when you're ill is a big NOPE did you honestly expect anything else? 😭
This isn't even about his kink anymore. Whoops 🙃
Part 1: Oikawa, Daichi, Kuroo
Part 2: Ushijima, Suga, Bokuto
Part 3: Iwaizumi, Akaashi, Asahi
Part 4: Kageyama, Noya, Tendou
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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So my life has gone to shit.. I dont trust anybody anymore, and honest to god I cant help but keep thinking of ways to end it. My mom keeps telling me how to feel about this whole thing, that I should be grateful that i got in finally to see a specialist. Reality is I dont even trust those subhuman animals anymore, and frankly they're gonna have to earn my trust. After 4 fucking years, my life, my future being ruined. My mental health going downhill, all for the second time now. Add on to that, I dont get any meds for the pain so this has pushed me into addiction now for a second time. I've been dehumanized and humiliated, treated with nothing but the utmost disrespect while being stigmatized for being mentally ill, transgender and a recovering addict for most of it. They ignored me for 4 years, my body is damaged, and frankly help just might have came too little too late. I wont just suffer through the next one, the next time this happens I'm gonna end my life, my suffering on my own god damn terms. Atleast I still have control over that..
Fuck the canadian healthcare system. Some days I honestly just want to start selling drugs, and fly to a country where I can just pay to play and get the best care in the god damn world. Cause 4 years now I've been telling them to refer me to a specialist, I've been telling them that it's probably crohns or some other GI issue. They need to do a colonoscopy and a scope to find it, so that's what I would ask for. I would never get it, so i more or less gave up on the healthcare system. They would leave me on the floor thrashing in pain for hours. Treating me like a drug addict in withdrawal when I didnt even have any opioids in my system. I would be lucky if I got an IV for fluids, and even more lucky if they pumped me full of a bunch of over the counter drugs and others that didnt work like gravol, tauridol, buscopan, zofran, and haliperidol. I would tell them each time, that this was the hundredth time they tried gravol, and it doesnt help people when they're screaming in pain. They treat the nausea. Its bullshit because I am in so much pain that its making me nauseous and until they get rid of the pain, the vomiting is just gonna continue. They always treat me like I'm full of shit, and when I turn out to be right and continue puking, thrashing and screaming in pain, they just get angry at the fact they were wrong. Our doctors and nurses are a bunch of sociopathic, apathetic adult children who in my experience take pleasure in watching you suffer. The worse I get the more they smile. They are so stupid, blind almost because if their stupid fucking machine says I'm ok then I guess it's all in my head. They only think that theres nothing wrong with me because theyve only ever done a blood test or an xray. Never ever once have they done a single test that would have found the issue, crohns cant be found just on a blood test. The emergency room doctors think it can be, my family doctor and everybody else I've talked to says otherwise.
On January 1st I was having another flare up, and they shoved me in the psych observation room because they genuinely didnt want to deal with me. They ignore me, and I keep going in because I want help. I dont want to end up relapsing again cause I cant take the god damn pain! But nope, I get treated like a crazy person now.. they did it against my will. And they even tried to take my phone and my keys. I was puking constantly, I needed water to keep hydrated and they left me for 4 hours, locked in, no meds, no help or nothing. So I just cracked.. I had nothing to barf in, to wipe my nose with, or to wipe the cold sweat off me. So I puked in every corner of that room, I puked beside the bed especially because a mop wouldnt fit in there. I pissed in the corner, I would hack up some phlegm and spit it all over the floors and walls, I blew snot rockets on every surface too! After a while some nurse came in and gave me a barf bag. I threw it on the floor and just continued to puke over every hard surface in the place. I was puking every 5 seconds I swear, and the doctor finally came in at 3 hours and 15 minutes. At 3.5 hrs they give me two pills. I straight up tell them there is no point in even taking them. I couldnt even keep water down and these people are stupid enough to make me take pills? Come on. You need to hold it in for atleast an hour to see even the most minimal affects. I was puking every 5 seconds, to the point that I puked before I took the pills, and I puked them out the moment after I swallowed. They had given me a fucking gravol tab, and some Ativan, the latter of which I couldnt even hold under my tongue long enough. I barfed it onto the floor when it was half dissolved. They come back with this clear liquid shit in a shot glass. I swallowed it right after I puked. The liquid burned my insides, and i puked that shit out even quicker. I asked them to give me IV medications for that exact reason, I always ask for IV medications cause its literally a waste of your time and mine to just pump me full of pills when I can't keep them down and they hurt my tummy as they dissolve. They tell me to just "breathe deeply and relax" and to "just try jayden, you gotta try", so then I try, and when they end up being wrong, and I can't take shit. They end up saying that I'm manipulating, that I'm drug seeking or I'm not trying hard enough to make it work. Absolute bullshit, over the course of 4 years I have quite literally told them what to do. I have multiple family members with this disease, and my grandmother was ignored like this too. She told me to ask them for a colonoscopy and a scope, and to ask them to treat the pain, not the nausea cause the pain literally causes the nausea. The sooner the pain is gone the sooner I can be normal and tell them what's going on. Instead I'm left to suffer in the worst pain a human being can feel. I get treated like shit and told it's all in my head. I gave up on getting a diagnosis in year two. I just want to shoot dope whenever the pain comes. Dope atleast takes it away, after all they would be giving me some of the strongest shit they have at the hospital if I was some boomer with a sprained ankle. It would take the pain away. Thats for sure. Being a mentally ill, drug using, autistic tranny they just see that. I get nothing. No help, no answers, not even some relief when my screaming can be heard far and wide.
I want to die right now, and I keep trying to think of a painless way to do it.. buying $400 worth of street fentanyl and slipping into a nice, peaceful opioid coma seems like a wonderful idea right now.. that would end the fucking suffering atleast..
I wont be wearing a colostomy bag. Colostomy bags arent sexy, they are fucking disgusting and you cant just be body positive when you have a fucking bag full of your own shit hanging off you, and your only way of having penetrative sex sewed up permanently and taken away from me. Not like I could even be a decent fuck for anybody at this point anyways. Its painful to shit, let alone anything else. I dont want to give up food either. I love food, food is literally my life and the only way I have to bond with certain people! Like my family for example. Nothing makes me just want to slip.into that coma more then the worry of the future.
Will I be sitting at a family gathering eating bland gluten free, dairy free, all organic 100% vegan fair trade horse shit on a plate while my family actually gets to enjoy the food I used to be able to eat? Moms spaghetti, grandmas meat pies, the baked goods, fresh tomatoes out of my garden and others. A good fucking steak even? Cause honestly a birthday isnt a birthday if I dont have my birthday meal.
I know for a fact my body is damaged from 4 years of suffering. I used to bounce back, now it takes the wind out of my sails for a month.
Needless to say, I just want to fucking die more then anything else. Positivity and anything I love is gone, and all that I have left is knowing that Alberta health services, coast mountain health services, providence health services, and interior health services have all fucked me in the biggest way humanely possible. So thankful for free fucking healthcare!!
You get what you bloody well pay for!!
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
75 Criminal Minds Prompts
Some of these can easily go very, very dirty, and yes I’m talking about Morgan and Garcia conversations and honestly would it be a list without them?
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1 “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you’ve really stopped to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. ― Hotch
2 “Life is a hell of a thing to happen to someone.”― David Rossi
3 “Destroying a book is like…destroying a whole world.” — Diana Reid 
4 “Trust me, kiddo. I’ve been here before.” ― David Rossi
5 “I’ve always heard every ending is also a beginning. We just don’t know it at the time. I’d like to believe that’s true.” — Emily Prentiss 
6 “He is the perfect man. He doesn’t hog the covers, and he poops in a box.” — Emily Prentiss 
7 “Went on a diet last night. Lost 185 pounds.” — Dr. Tara Lewis 
8 “Marital bliss followed by marital diss! Of course. Why didn’t I think of that?” — Penelope Garcia
9 “I don’t take kindly to being blown up. In fact, it kind of pisses me off.” — Derek Morgan 
10 “You know, I've learned that, in the short time I've had the privilege of being a dad... it heals wounds, just being there for your kid.” — David Rossi
11 “What makes you feel confident?” “Statistics.” — Derek Morgan and Dr Spencer Reid
12 “NAME , believe me when I say this, I've never known a normal day in my entire life.” — Dr Spencer Reid
13 “The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss.” — Dr Spencer Reid
14 “No one gets therapy these days without a healthy dose of medication.” “What are you implying, NAME?” “That everyone is medicated.” — Dr Spencer Reid and Penelope Garcia
15 “He/She doesn't give a damn about black or white. The only color that son of a bitch cares about is green.” — Dr Spencer Reid
16 “I don't know everything. I mean, despite the fact that you think that I do.” “I never said that. When have I ever said that?” “Every day since I met you!” — Dr Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan
17 “I never have any normal fans.” — Dr Spencer Reid
18 “Hey, Baby Girl, whatever you’re doing, drop it.” — Derek Morgan
19 “Talk to me, Baby Girl.” — Derek Morgan
20 “There you go, Baby Girl, that’s sweet.” — Derek Morgan
21 “Give it to me, doll face.” — Derek Morgan
22 “Hey, doll face. Ready to work some magic for me?” — Derek Morgan
23 “Hey, silly girl. I love you, you know that, right?” — Derek Morgan
24 “Hey girl, you’re on speaker. Behave.” “Or what, you’ll spank me?” — Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia
25 “It was once said that love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to.” — Derek Morgan
26 “Hey baby girl, I need you to work that magic of yours.” “Rub my lamp, release the Genie.” — Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia
27 “You really are afraid of the dark.” “I'm working on that.” “You should work a little harder.” — Derek Morgan and Dr Spencer Reid
28 “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, pump your brakes. What is this about?” — Derek Morgan
29 “Oh, and if you hate sad stories as much as I do, you should leave the room right now, 'cause this is super sad!” — Penelope Garcia
30 “Enchantress of all things possible, use your imagination.” — Penelope Garcia
31 “My least three favorite words strung together: I don't know.” — Penelope Garcia
32 “Hello, my pretties. I have seen the wizard and he granted my wish.” — Penelope Garcia
33 “She knew where to toe the line between right and raunchy.” — Penelope Garcia
34 “OK, let me get you on a secret: Guys, we don’t do well on subtle clues, OK? You got to be direct, straight up. Just tell him exactly what you want!” — Derek Morgan
35 “It’s who you are, Baby Girl. You see the beauty in everything and everyone no matter where you go. That part of you is never gonna change, and I won’t let it.” — Derek Morgan
36 “NAME, people need to know that they're important and sometimes you forget that.” — Hotch
37 “Don't you have something better to do?” “Than to annoy you for three hours? Hell no.” — Hotch and Derek Morgan
38 “I think, deep down, we're all capable of unspeakable things. Where it starts or what you call it, I don't know.” — Hotch
39 “NAME, this is the job, and I need to know that you can be objective.” “And I need to know that I can be human.” — Hotch and Emily Prentiss
40 “Scars show us where we have been, they do not dictate where we are going.” — Rossi
41 “You don't need to do anything you don't want to. Understand?” — Rossi
42 “Just be careful. That ego of yours is going to get you in trouble." — Rossi
43 “Somewhere along the line, I put myself first. I admit it, but I can't go back and change it." — Rossi
44 “It could be that, after all of these years, I rewrote history." — Rossi
45 “Time will pass and slowly you will find how much it hurts. And, maybe, you'll find something else to fill that empty space." — Rossi
46 “Where you headed?” “Nowhere in particular.” “How will you know when you get there?” — Rose and Gideon
47 “Only a man would waste $50 trying to win back that $3 stuffed animal.” — JJ
48 “This is my favorite part. This is where you hang yourself with your own tongue. So, please keep talking.” — JJ
49 “My father/mother believes that children shouldn't be shielded from the realities of the world. I do! Isn't that why we read them fairy tales in the first place?” — JJ
50 “Oh god, please tell me you don't have a crush on a fictional character.” — JJ
51 “You are the best ever.” “Aw, and you're the most perceptive.” — JJ and Garcia
52 “I once dated a guy/girl who washed his/her car more than he/she washed his/her hair.” — JJ
53 “Don't tell me what I want and don't want.” — JJ
54 “You do what it takes to protect your family.” — JJ
55 “Look, I don't speak smartass.” — Michael Russo
56 “How's it having NAME around?” “You can have him/her back whenever you would like.” Hotch and Garcia
57 “So, NAME, when are you and NAME walking down the aisle?” “Hey, whoa, whoa. Baby steps. Baby steps.” “When NAME says "I do", it'll be a national day of mourning for single men/women everywhere.” — Rossi, Morgan and Reid
58 “Ugh! This heat is brutal!” “You know, it isn't so much the heat as it is the humidity.” “At some point, it doesn't matter how you look at it. It all sucks.” — Derek Morgan and Dr Spencer Reid
59 “Need a minute?” “So, so badly.” — Matt Simmons and Penelope Garcia
60 “Hey. I came as soon as I could. What's wrong?” — Matt Simmons
61 “We ask questions, and we come home.” “No creepy weirdness?” “No weirdness.” “Good, 'cause I'm about full up in the creepy weirdness department for one night.” — Matt Simmons and Penelope Garcia
62 “Ooh, what about this one? Sunny, two-bedroom. It's close to work. And it's in your price range.” “NAME, you're moving? You don't like change.” “That's true. Change is my kryptonite. But the apartment is no longer a sanctuary. I have a new neighbor. Window's right here. He enjoys doing naked kung fu. Some things you cannot unsee.” — JJ, Simmons and Garcia
63 “Thank you.” “For what?” “For being you.” “Aw, thanks. I don't know how to be anyone else.” — Emily Prentiss and Dr Spencer Reid
64 “When a woman tells a man about her feelings, she doesn't want him to fix her. She wants him to shut up and listen.” — Emily Prentiss
65 “I just feel I can't understand others' emotions if I don't deal with my own, you know?” “The best way out is always through.” “Too bad it's not always the easiest one.” “You're not kidding.” — Dr Tara Lewis and Rossi
66 “It helps if they think you're crazy. They don't argue.” — Diana Reid
67 “I don’t hate you ... I’m just not necessarily excited about your existence.” — Dr Spencer Reid
68 “There are many paths to the same place. Trust me.” “Just so you know, you sound like a fortune cookie.” — Hotch
69 “I’m always right. Also, you’re secretly in love with me.” — Penelope Garcia
70 “I just gave the bartender my number in Roman numerals. If he/she figures it out, he’s/she’s worth a shot.” — Dr Spencer Reid
71 “Shh, the adults are talking. When it’s your turn to speak, I’ll give you permission. Okay?” — JJ
72 “Hey, mama, tell me something I don’t know.” — Derek Morgan
73 “Talk dirty to me.” — Penelope Garcia
75 “Hey, don’t make me spank you when I get back.” “Don’t listen time him/her, NAME, he’s/she’s all talk.” — Derek Morgan and Dr Spencer Reid
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For You: 4 O’Clock
Taglist: @jineunwootrash​ @jamies-kpop-reactions​
Chapter 15: Our Story
The mere seconds that Mom spent staring at me and Taemin, slackjawed in the doorway, might as well have lasted forever.
I think we wouldn't have looked half as guilty if we hadn't flinched lightyears apart from each other at her gasp, but it was our instinct to run and hide. As it turns out, we didn't melt or fade in the light of discovery, but we certainly did burn.
"Oops!" Mom almost giggled as she tiptoed back into the hallway and closed the door with a soft click. Like she had done something wrong, she apologized. "I'm sorry! Lei, I just came to tell you that dinner is ready. Come down whenever you get hungry!"
Before I could speak even in a timid squeak of a voice, I heard Mom's footsteps retreat down the stairs. Because tense silence had fallen over my room, I heard Donghae ask, "Where's Lei? Is she okay?"
And I heard Heechul say, "She's not curled up in bed with her radio crying her eyes out to SHINee again, is she? I thought we were past that phase!"
I went red in the face because I had certainly grown a bit past that phase, but only because I had Taemin— the real-life person— to curl up with. Thinking only that Taemin was a million times more comforting than any CD had ever been-- and that's really saying something since you know well that music was my best friend before Lucas— I glanced at him.
From the foot of the bed where he had tucked himself into a humiliated ball, Taemin sprang to his feet and started pacing around in the dark.
"Oh my God," he wheezed, nearly tripping over his shoes. "She caught us. Your mother— my manager— caught me in your room. She caught us kissing. She caught us kissing in your room. She caught me kissing you on your bed in your room. She caught me whispering into your mouth that I love you on your bed in the dark in your room."
I had been flustered before Taemin became a human embodiment of anxiety. A fact about me: I strive for balance in almost every situation. If somebody (take Lucas for example) is bouncing off the walls, I will sit perfectly still. If somebody is frowning, I am trying to make them smile, even if it's the briefest, dimmest sort of smile. If somebody (like Taemin was that night) is in a panic, I am level-headed.
So when Taemin tugged at his hair, whining, "She's going to kill me. And if she doesn't kill me, she'll make me break up with you, and then that's gonna kill me. Shit, shit, shit."
"She is not going to kill you," I said confidently because I knew Mom like the back of my hand. Granted, I didn't know every detail of her life before me, but I knew her well enough to know that she wasn't angry. Mom never apologizes when she isn't sorry. She never apologizes when she's mad.
I was kind of joking when I said, "If she wanted to kill you, she would have sent Heechul and Donghae flying up the stairs, and—”
"Shit!" Taemin hissed. Profanities didn't suit him. "Super Junior is going to kill me!"
Slightly wavering in confidence, I assured him, "No, they're not. Mom isn't going to say anything to Super Junior."
Besides, I rationalized to myself, Yesung, who would have posed the biggest threat to Taemin's life, already knew that we were together. If Yesung didn't kill Taemin at the Christmas party, I figured that we were in the clear.
If Taemin hadn't been pacing so quickly, I might have tried to catch him in my arms to kiss his worries away as he had done for me. Given that kissing had led to this tension, though, he might not have appreciated the affection. Maybe it's a good thing that I didn't try to kiss him.
Taemin collapsed onto the edge of the bed and buried his face into his hands. When moments passed in silence, I took the chance to say, "She won't make us break up either, Taem. She just-- she was probably just shocked because she didn't know you were here. On top of that, she has always thought that Lucas and I are a thing, so—”
Into his palms, Taemin groaned, "She probably thinks you're cheating on Lucas with me or something! That makes everything a billion times worse!"
"It's more likely that she just realized that Lucas and I were never together. I mean, I've told her often enough that the message was bound to sink in sooner or later." After pulling Taemin's hands away from his face, I laced our fingers together. I gave both hands a gentle squeeze. "I get that this isn't how we wanted Mom to find out about us, but she had to find out somehow."
To tell you the truth, I was relieved that she found out in this private aspect of life and not through a tabloid expose.
"I know that you wanted to keep this-- us-- a secret so we could be roommates on tour, but we couldn't hide in the dark forever."
And to tell you the truth, I didn't want to. I wasn't eager to pen some press release or anything, but I think I was outgrowing that compulsion, that dependence on secrecy and shadows; they didn't comfort me anymore.
From everything that happened over those past few months, I learned that secrets are damning. At least in my own home, I wanted to live openly and honestly. Maybe Mom's unexpected discovery made that possible.
Stunned by my lack of humiliation, slackjawed because, for the first time, Taemin was embarrassed while I was not, I realized out loud, "I think— I think I'm glad that she found out." Drawing a deep breath, the kind that makes you realize that you've been holding your breath for far too long, I admitted, "I think— I think I've wanted her to know for a long time. Maybe forever."
Silence ensued as Taemin breathed heavily. Deeply. Inhale, count to ten. Exhale, count to ten.
My mouth opened, probably to explain that I nearly told Mom all about us on the drive to Grandma's house on my debut anniversary, but Taemin's stare took my voice away. He blinked at me. The spark in his eyes made me think that he wanted to smile at me. In hindsight, I guess he didn't. Taemin always smiled whenever he wanted to smile, and he didn't offer me the smallest grin for the rest of the night.
"I have to go," he breathed before stepping into his shoes.
That deep breath I had just drawn passed through my lips all at once. I said the wrong thing. There is nothing worse than when the truth— the full and absolute truth that rings in the deepest part of your heart— is the wrong thing to say. How can anyone regret telling the truth? How can anybody want to snatch the truth out of the air once it has been released?
My stutter did not pass unnoticed despite my efforts to hide it with a smile. Taemin sat back by my side, took my face into his warm hands, and pecked at my lips. The kiss was over before I even realized it was happening.
"I love you, baby," Taemin promised. I swooned less at the affirmation of what I already knew and more at the variation of his name for me. He tucked some hair behind my ear. "Go down to dinner, and I'll talk to you later."
Rising to my feet in time with him, I said, "I love you too. Forever, Taemin."
Because I didn't want to watch him scramble out of the window, because I was at great risk of begging him to stay for dinner with Mom and Donghae and Heechul and Lucas— my family— to once and for all drag our remaining secrets into the light, I walked away. From the vanity, I grabbed the old photograph that I had yet to return to Donghae. I don't think I closed the door behind me on my way out of the room.
I tiptoed down the stairs, quietly hoping that Taemin would follow. Or maybe I was hoping that I would return from dinner to find him waiting on my bed with open arms. In the end, I was disappointed, but I didn't feel like a fool for daring to hope.
. . .
It turned out that Lucas's description of the rivalry between Donghae and Heechul was not all that dramatized.
Sandwiched between the two men at the dining room table, Mom looked nothing like the fairytale queen I imagined she would become in her happy ending. The squabbling must have gotten under her skin, etched those lines into her forehead, weighed down on the corners of her lips, and sharpened the glare she hurled at Heechul for a (probably offensive) comment that I hadn't heard over my thoughts as I reached the foot of the stairs.
"Lei!" Lucas cheered, pumping two fists into the air, because he was no longer alone with the adults. "Where've ya been?"
I couldn't narrow or roll my eyes at Lucas. He had no way to know that I had been kissing Taemin all day. He didn't have any clue that Mom just walked in on the most intimate moment of my life.
Blushing slightly under everybody's stare— smiling only because Moms smiled first and reminded me that everything was okay— I hummed, "I was just counting the stars."
As I sat in the seat next to Lucas and across from Donghae, I sat the picture frame onto the table. I met Donghae's gentle gaze and nodded. "I believe this belongs to you."
"I believe it does!" Donghae beamed and took the photograph into his hands. "Is this a new frame?" He asked as his thumb traced along the infinity symbol.
"Yep!" I omitted the fact that I had broken the original frame on that night I peeled his poster off the wall. "I— I hope you like it." I would have bashfully dropped my gaze onto the table if Donghae were the kind of person anyone could look away from. He looks right through the soul, you know, and I was finally comfortable with that.
While he untied one of the white threads around his wrist, Donghae swore, "I love it, Lei!" He motioned for me to hold out my wrist.
I watched, smiling, as Donghae knotted the infinity bracelet for me. All I could think about was my ribbon around Taemin's wrist. All I could think was that Donghae's thread bracelet was a ribbon too. We were tied together. Soulmates. Forever.
Then, my eyes were drawn to his red thread ribbon. Mom wore-- wears— one identical to that. They were tied together too. Soulmates. Forever.
So don't fault me for disagreeing with Taemin's belief that everything was falling apart with Mom's discovery of our kiss. It was clear for anybody to see (if they knew where to look) that happiness wasn't contingent upon the idea that everything will be okay. Everything was okay. Everything is okay. Happiness had arrived.
Except it wasn't happiness. The warmth spreading through my chest and painting life-- which had gone from dull shades of gray to pale hues with Lucas to sporadic brilliant bursts of color in the night with Taemin— was named joy. I read once that joy is forever, and I believed it then, and I believe it still. So, for the first time in a long time, as I looked at Donghae and Donghae looked back at me, I was not afraid for the sun to rise. I was not anxious because the sun had risen.
"It's not fair!" Heechul shrieked, pounding his fists on the table. "I practically live here, and the girl still favors Donghae!" Staring at me so intently that I thought his eyes might pop out of his head, Heechul demanded, "How come we never exchange gifts at the table, huh? I've been crashing on that couch for however many years, and you've never given me so much as a high-five!"
I raised my hands in total sincere surrender. "Look, I'm not picking favorites. I love you both. And if you start getting annoying and demanding me to pick favorites-- well-- let's not get into this again."
Donghae pouted into his glass of water. "You mean Yesung is still your favorite?"
And Heechul groaned at the ceiling, "Why am I not surprised?"
And Lucas chirped, "You gotta love Lei's unfailing loyalty!"
As I started forking through my dinner-- a salad because a.) my mouth was entirely too sensitive to the spicy noodles everyone else could slurp without watering in the eyes, and b.) I was trying yet another diet-- Mom caught my eye. She was watching me, smiling knowingly, determined to see me blush.
Uninterested in attracting any of the boys' attention, I subtly raised my eyebrows, trusting that Mom wouldn't say anything to expose my intimate information.
"You're not busy tomorrow are you?" I swear, she winked at me and I almost choked. "I was hoping that you could meet with me tomorrow. Nothing too serious, just a quick check-in on that project you've been working on."
Obviously, there was no project. Mom was just trying to tease me a bit and ensure that I made time to tell her about the events that led to the kiss that took our breath away.
Donghae and Heechul didn't know any of that, though, and they started pestering me about the project— "Is it a new song?" Heechul asked, and Donghae guessed, "Is the agency letting you write a ballad?"— while Lucas watched me through eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"Would you two hush?" Mom hissed at Donghae and Heechul. "Just let Lei keep her secrets for now!"
Mom and I laughed together and the others looked at us like we were crazy. That's okay, though. I didn't mind their stares. I was too happy that Mom saw me; I was too happy that there would be no more secrets between us come tomorrow morning. If I had it my way, I decided, there would never be another secret between us for the rest of our lives.
"I always have time for you," I told her through a grin. "Just name the hour, and I'll drop everything for you."
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I had until 9 o'clock in the morning to decide what I wanted to tell Mom. Once I walked into my bedroom, I flipped on the overhead light, nabbed an empty moleskine notebook from the bookshelf, and sat at the desk I hadn't used since the long past poetry-writing days. Having grown significantly since then, I had to pull that little lever that lowers the rolling office chair.
Several of the pens that I dug out of the top drawer had gone dry, but I finally found one-- a dark almost-black blue-- that worked. I used it to map out the constellations, everything that happened before the kiss. Debuting with SuperM, giving Taemin my ribbon, the first game of Truth or Dare, crying that night in the garden, falling asleep with Taemin every night in America, the NCT Dream VLive incident, the Great Come Apart in Grandma's dining room, the roller coaster that was the Christmas party, visiting the wishing fountain where Baekhyun gave me a flower crown, kissing Taemin throughout New Year's Night and into New Year's Day.
I poured all of myself into that story, this story. On these pages, you can find me: my fears, my dreams, my hopes. I hope you love me as much as I love you. I know you do, Mom. I know you do.
By the time I lay me down to sleep, it is 4 O'Clock in the morning. Now, I wait for the sun to rise so I can share everything.
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shoujocentral · 5 years
Symphogear S1- Now this is MY kind of anime!
Every once and awhile when I'd log onto Twitter, I'd see people saying "watch Symphogear" accompanied by images from the show. From looking at the pictures, I assumed it was just another magical girl show like Precure but with less magic and more... techno. Oh, and apparently they sing while they fight? Sounds kinda dumb...
Buuuut... I have heard that there's some yuri content? Maybe I'll give it a try. I mean, I'm always open to watching new stuff, even if it's just a silly little kid's show 😅
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Well........ color me hooked.
I have to say, this show is not at all what I was expecting in the best possible way. It feels a lot more like a Shounen action show along the lines of Fullmetal Alchemist or Neon Genesis Evangelion than a Magical Girl show (if that's even what it's supposed to be). Today, I'm going to be giving my first impressions of Senki Zesshou Symphogear season 1, which will be spoiler free for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
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So what is Senki Zesshou Symphogear about?
In the not too distant future (next Sunday A.D.), Japan is under attack by monsters known as Noises, the likes of which cannot be killed by military weapons. The only thing that can kill them are girls clad in weaponized armor known as Gears, which is activated and powered by singing catchy techno-pop music.
One day, a girl named Hibiki Tachibana is caught in the middle of a battle, and one of the Gear users, Kanade Amou, sacrifices herself to save her. Two years later, Hibiki discovers that a piece of Kanade's Gear was embedded in her chest during the fight, giving her access to the Gear's powers. Hibiki is recruited by the Disaster Relief Squadron, the organization that created the Gears, to help defend Japan from the Noises.
However, Kanade's former girlfriend partner, Tsubasa Kazanari, sees Hibiki as nothing more than an obnoxious, naive girl trying to be Kanade's replacement. Will the two learn to work together, defeat the Noises, and possibly uncover a deeper plot to all the attacks?
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Symphogear's plot might not be the most original thing ever; evil monsters attack, teenage girls transform into superpowered warriors to fight them, evil mastermind tries to take over the world, etc. But what makes this story stand out is it's unique approach to the fights. Having the Gears be powered by music, resulting in every fight being accompanied by a song, is either a genius way to amplify the fights, or a genius way for the producers to sell a techno soundtrack.
I was worried that the constant use of insert songs would become repetitive and annoying, but on the contrary, they heightened my enjoyment! The fights in Symphogear are easily my favorite part of the show: fast-paced, badass powers, lots of screaming, and downright brutal at times! Hibiki has officially joined the ranks of my all-time favorite battle cries, right up there with Goku from DBZ and Souma from Kannazuki no Miko.
If there was one thing I had to nitpick, it would be that most of the fights take away the credibility of the Noises. They're supposed to be this terrifying threat to Japan that can't be harmed by the military, but as soon as the Gear wielders show up, they're reduced to nothing more than cannon fodder as Hibiki and her comrades seem to waltz through them without breaking a sweat.
Thankfully, the versus matches between Gear wielders are much more balanced. My favorite has to be Hibiki vs Chris (see above), but then again, any fight with Chris is an absolute win!
Hibiki Tachibana
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Hibiki is your typical genki girl protagonist: optimistic, hyperactive, naive, and pure. What makes her a more compelling hero, however, is her slow growth into becoming a strong Gear wielder. Unlike most magical girl protagonists, who seem to master their powers after one line of "EH?! What just happened to me?!", Hibiki takes time to learn how to fight. She starts out with the mindset that she has to be Kanade's replacement and thus tries to fight just like her. However, she eventually comes to invent her own battle tactics that work much more in her favor. Mainly, punching the everloving shit out of everything in sight.
Hibiki is, in my opinion, a flat character done right. She doesn't go through any personal growth or development throughout the show (learning to fight doesn't count), but her belief that all humans can get along if they communicate and desire to protect people just because she wants to is the cause for most of the change in the people around her. The world is in a dark place, and Hibiki is the light. She doesn't need to change, because she's exactly what the world needs.
Tsubasa Kazanari
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From what I've learned, Tsubasa is a favorite amongst Symphogear fans. Me personally, though, I have a few issues with her character. Now, I have nothing against brooding, damaged characters. In fact, Tsubasa's recovery from Kanade's death and learning to cherish her own life was incredibly engaging... for the most part. Sorry, but I can only take so much edge. Her constant repitition of "I am a sword, I exist only to fight" grew old after the first 10 or so times.
Also, while I love her overall development, I feel that her acceptance of Hibiki was a little rushed. For the first four episodes, she hates Hibiki for carrying Kanade's Gear to the point where she tries to fight her to the death. Then, after another fight sends her into a coma, she has a (extremely gay) hallucination of Kanade telling her to get over herself. Next episode, she's treating Hibiki as if they've been friends the whole time. Did I miss something? Did Hibiki even apologize for saying she wanted to replace Kanade? Did Tsubasa apologize for trying to shishkabob her?!
Development aside, her fighting style is awesome and unique, and leads to the best choreography in the show. Hopefully as I watch more seasons, my opinion of her will improve.
Chris Yukine
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Best Girl. No questions. Anyone who disagrees is wrong. Deal with it.
Jokes aside, Chris is my favorite character of the show bar none. Maybe I just have a weakness for evil-turned-good characters, but I adored her "don't take no shit from nobody" attitude and her soft side emerging as the show progressed. And let me tell you, Tsubasa would have no right to brood if she knew what Chris went through as a child. I won't give anything away, but just a few brief images and harsh words were enough get the picture across and tug at my heartstrings.
She also had my favorite Gear and fighting style in the show. If there's one thing that always gets my blood pumping, it's gatling guns and an endless supply of missiles. Seriously, I could watch this girl fight for hours.
Kanade Amou
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A moment of silence, ladies and gentlemen.
Kanade would be my favorite character if we had gotten more of her. But alas, she has to die in the very first episode. DAMN YOU, PLOT!!!
Even though we get very little of Kanade, she makes it her mission to leave a lasting impression. Her sacrifice at the beginning sets the tone for the rest of the show, and her flashback is the best of the bunch. I got hard chills when she transformed for the first time. Let's just say she's psychotic in all the right ways.
Kanade died for our sins. Remember that... 🙏
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Our main villain of the show. That's it. There's really nothing much else to her. She's cruel, manipulative, and powerful beyond belief, as most big bosses of these kinds of shows are. She was honestly my least favorite part of the show.
Fine's motivation is incredibly confusing on first watch. I had to go back to pause and read the subtitles multiple times to understand her backstory, but maybe that's my fault for being a slow reader. On the other hand, the explanation as to who she is and why she's so powerful comes right out of nowhere and doesn't seem to connect to anything the story had been building up to that point. Also, by the time I understood her motivation and actually found it a little intriguing, she dropped the dreaded "I'm going to take over the world" line. Aaaaand.... all my interest just went out the window.
There is a twist involving her connection to a certain other character in the show that I genuinely didn't see coming, but in the end, it wasn't nearly enough to make up for her shortcomings.
Miku Kohinata
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God bless this little angel. Miku is a precious cinnamon roll who must be protected at all costs. Thankfully, Hibiki's got it covered 👍
Words cannot express how much I love this girl. She may be only a supporting role for the time being, but good lord, does she support! It always broke my heart whenever she tried to spend time with Hibiki or talk to her, but the Disaster Relief Squad kept pulling them apart. I know DRS is classified, but Miku deserves better than to have secrets kept from her! Life sucks when your girlfriend best friend is a superhero...
Well, that was a mouthful. There's a lot more characters in this show, but I don't really have much to say about them. However, while we're on the subject of Miku, let's move on to the reason I checked this show out in the first place, and the reason I'm sure most of you read my stuff.
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No sooner did I finish this show did I start looking up HibiMiku fanart 😍
I was expecting a fair dosage of yuribait going into Symphogear, but mother of all that is gay, did I get an overdose!
First and foremost, the main ship: HibiMiku. These two are dating. Nothing anyone says will change my mind. They compliment each other perfectly, with Hibiki's energy and Miku's sweetness... HHNNNGGH! IT'S TOO PRECIOUS! I sincerely hope these two get more time together in the next few seasons. Now if only they'd stop with the damn F word...... 😡
Next up, TsubaKana. This one seems more like it was one-sided feelings on Tsubasa's part, judging by how dedicated Kanade was to fighting the Noise. Regardless, you don't just lose all sense of your humanity and self-worth after your "partner" dies. And all that hardcore blushing in the flashbacks and naked cuddling dream sequences... nah, Tsubasa was hella hot for Kanade. Sadly, our lord and savior was taken from Ms. Brooding too soon.
Finally, there's Ryoko Sakurai, the DRS's head scientist. She was initially hinted to be gay, what with her being all too eager to have Hibiki undress and wanting to "pop her cherry" (yes, an adult said that to a 15 year-old). However, after a certain conversation occurred, it seemed more like she was straight or at least bisexual, if all that dirty talk wasn't just teasing.
I've heard future seasons introduce more potential couples, so I'm keeping my eyes open and my yuri goggles on tight 😋
I enjoyed the first season of Senki Zesshou Symphogear through and through. As someone who enjoyed Akanesasu Shoujo and Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka, I have a soft spot for shows about badass girls kicking monster ass and unleashing their inner yuri. Overall though, I think Symphogear might be my favorite of the bunch so far. It has its fair share of flaws, sure, but I think its positives outweigh the negatives by a long shot. If I got this much enjoyment out of the first season, I cannot wait to see what the following seasons have to offer!
Symphogear delivers a fun, action-packed story with colorful characters, kickass fight scenes, head-banging music and plenty of yuri content. Anyone who loves Magical Girls or Shounen battle shows needs to check it out!
Rating: 8/10
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go binge Symphogear G. See you next time, my fellow yuri lovers!
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dorotheajanegilmore · 5 years
Devil’s Daughter [Dean Winchester]
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Previous: 1,2,3,4
Chapter five
Rowena was at the bunker before lunch and had her candles, potions and herbs set up ready to do a blood test. I learned that Rowena Macleod is Crowley's mother and a witch. Sam also warned me that she can be a little scary and to be careful with what I say around her.
"So what do I have to do again?" I gulped, looking at the giant ass knife she had presented in front of a small bowl.
"It's alright dear, nothing to be afraid of." Her calm and soothing voice made me feel at ease, her accent helped her to sound jolly and sweet and I for one needed that right now. "I just need a wee drop of blood for the spell."
I nodded and held out my hand. She took the knife and trailed it along the back of my hand. I hissed in pain, clutching Dean's arm as a large gash appeared, dripping blood into the bowl.
I watched my hand heal before my eyes, the skin knitting itself back together so unbelievably quick.
"Sorry bub, I'm afraid we'll need a little more." Rowena told me before mercilessly dragging the knife across my hand once more, this time digging it a little deeper. She seemed to be smiling and humming a happy song to herself, as if she was enjoying hurting me. The blood filled up the bowl and she nodded. "Perfect. Thanks, Doll."
"Jacky boy, you're turn." She sung and Jack held out his hand. Rowena used a different bowl and sliced across his hand too. As he bled into the bowl, she looked between us. "You know, you both have the same cheekbones. Very lucifer-esque . And you have the same blonde-ish brown hair, oh I don't know. You definitely look a like."
I looked at Jack and noticed that we did in fact have similar features, however that idea was dropped when Rowena added, "Then again, Jack does look an awful lot like Cass so I guess looks don't mean a thing."
"Isn't Castiel, Jack's uncle?" I posed the question and looked around for a response.
Castiel nodded. "Technically, yes. But I look at him as more of a son." Jack smiled, was genuinely touched that Castiel loves and looks out for him that way.
I smiled and rest my head on Dean's shoulder, feeling myself becoming very sleepy.
"Rowena, what's happening?" Dean asked as he looked down at the sleeping Elle on his shoulder.
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"This spell is a tough one, Deano. It's gonna wear them both out." Rowena told him honestly as Jack fell onto Elle, causing more wait to be added to the hunter. Dean grunted and looked at Sam for a little help.
Sam places Jack on one couch and Dean places Elle on the other. Rowena continues her changing and burning of herbs as she mixed a drop of Elle and Jack's blood.
"How do we know if it's positive?" Sam asked, receiving a small glare from Dean. "What? This isn't exactly a normal paternity test."
"They're not exactly normal people." Dean added sarcastically.
"Hush you too." Rowena scolded as she tried to concentrate. "Well know if the blood separates, that means it rejects the connection. If it mixes and becomes one, then congrats. It's a girl Luci."
Rowena used a spell to awaken me and Jack and asked us to chant with her. We sat either side of her holding hands, forming a circle around the pentagram she had made with red string.
"Ooh look, look." She squealed in excitement, shaking mine and Jack's hands to get our attention.
When I opened my eyes and saw what she was looking at I gasped. Our blood matched, we were related.
"I told you she was the one." Rowena said to Crowley. "I used Lucifer's blood to find you, Elle. I knew it was you, dear!"
I shook my head in disbelief. If this is really true, my entire life has been one huge lie. "So...what does this mean?" I asked. "What do you need me to do?" I hurried to my feet, breaking the circle with Rowena and Jack.
Crowley stepped forward and folded his arms in front of himself, standing confidently before me. "Well we'll need to unleash your powers. You've spent your entire life as a human so they'll be weak, we need you to be in top form to be able to put Lucifer back in his cage."
"And how do we do that?" Sam asked from his seat on the couch.
"A series of tests?" Crowley offered up, pulling a face of uncertainty.
I rolled my eyes and placed an annoyed hand on my forehead. "Any chance, while you guys figure this out, I can go home and see my family?"
Sam and Dean shared a look, seeming to be able to silently communicate. Dean cleared his throat and nodded. "I don't see why not. But we'll be coming with you, just to make sure you don't run away. Ya’know?"
"I get it." I shrugged. I really do. If this Lucifer is as bad as everyone makes out, he needs to be locked away. And if I'm needed for that, in whatever way, so be it.
"Can I come to?" Jack's smile faltered and he looked hurt. "I've just met you, I don't want to lose another person."
I smiled and stepped over Rowena's spell bowls to get to him. I reached up and pulled him into a hug. "Of course you can." I told him. I felt him hug back and release a deep breath.
I pulled the red leather jacket Rowena gave me closer to my chest, feeling the wind coming from Sam’s open window as
Dean drove. Sam directed from the passenger seat while myself and Jack sat in the back with Castiel, playing twenty-thousand questions.
"And what's your favourite colour?" Jack added, rambling like a child in a candy shop trying to list all his favourites.
I shrugged, I didn't really have one. But I didn't want to upset him so I answered. "I guess it would have to be burgundy. You?"
"Probably blue." He nodded, proud of his choice.
“If you two are finished playing teenage sleepover games, Elle can you try some of those exercises Rowena told you about?” Dean raised a brow at me, looking at me through his rear view mirror.
I narrowed my eyes at him and shook my head. “No, I don’t think I will. You see there’s something about being in a car with breathing people that’s telling me not to try and use powers I’m supposed to have in case, oh I don’t know, I could hurt someone?”
“Who cares? Give it a go.” Dean shrugged. He was just curious as to whether or not I actually have power now that Rowena’s confirmed my true parentage.
Rowena told me to close my eyes and picture the blood flowing through my veins. To incision every pump of my heart. To focus on my breathing. So that’s what I did. I held my hands out in front of me, just behind Sam’s seat.
I pictured my heart and blood flowing through me, and then I heard gaps. I opened my eyes to see a small ball of red wisps forming in my palm. “What the...” I couldn’t form a sentence as I started at the energy glowing in my hands.
Jack looked at me with tear filled eyes as Dean pulled over to the side of the road. Castiel gave me a thumbs up and rushed around to open the door for me, not wanting me to break the energy ball.
Sam and Jack watched from the car as Dean slammed his door and ran around to keep an eye on me. He glanced around at the empty field and quiet road before pointing at a tree. “See if you can throw it at that tree.” He was breathless as he spoke, almost mesmerised by the power in my palms.
I gulped before nodding. I felt the wind pick up, blowing the black borrowed dress and my hair. Here goes nothing I guess. I twisted my hand and sure enough, the power followed, seeming to flow out of my fingers. I pulled back one arm and the energy ball stretched, with one mighty throw I sent the red ball of energy at the tree.
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My hands flew to my mouth in shock as the tree hit the ground with a massive thud!
“Oh my god!” I shrieked. “What the hell! What the actual hell!!”
Dean laughed and shouted, “You did it!” He pulled me into a bone crushing hug and lifted me from the ground, twirling me around in excitement.
Castiel stood back, looking from the tree to my hands. He mumbled to himself, voice full of concern, “What else are you capable off?”
Next: 6
Tags: @lilulo-12 @vicmc624
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shoujocentral · 5 years
Symphogear G- Sequelitis Strikes Again...
So, after watching the first season of Symphogear, finishing it in three days, and being hooked in an instant, naturally I was pumped to get to the next season to see what they would do with the plot, what new characters we'd get to see, how the old characters would be expanded upon, and how much more awesome the fights would get. And... would it be too harsh to say that it basically failed on most of that criteria?
Okay, yeah it would. But still, the reason this review took so long to come out is because I found this season to be a chore to get through. I still had a lot of fun, don't get me wrong, but it was a far cry from the excitement and investment I experienced in the first season. Where exactly did Symphogear G go wrong? Well, let's dive into that now.
Once again, this review will be spoiler-free for any who haven't seen the show yet.
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What is Senshi Zesshou Symphogear G about?
After the events of the first season, Hibiki, Tsubasa and Chris along with the DRS are working with the esteemed Dr. Ver to preserve Solomon's Cane, a device that Finé used to summon Noise. However, it is soon revealed that the doctor is evil, and working with a terrorist organization known as Federal Institutes of Sacrist (FIS), and with Solomon's Cane in their possession, they now have control of the Noise.
On top of that, three new Symphogear users appear, only they are working on the side of FIS. The leaders of the three, Maria Cadenzavna Eve, claims to be the new reincarnation of Finé's soul, and she also possesses a dark version of Gungnir, Hibiki's Symphogear. With such a formidable ally, FIS demands that the world's governments relinquish all control to them, lest they unleash the Noise upon them in an all-out assault.
How will our heroes stop this new global threat? And why are a group of Gear users working for the enemy?
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At first, I thought the plot had a lot of intrigue and potential. While the first episode didn't grab me by the balls like Season 1 Episode 1 did, I was still interested to learn about the villainous Gear users and how the enemy's nefarious schemes would unfold. Unfortunately, if I could describe the execution of said plot in a single word, it would be "unbalanced."
Basically, the first half of G had great character and plot setup, but I found the fights somewhat lacking. Then, by episode 8, the fights had returned to their usual epicness and badassery, but the plot and characters had taken a turn for the worst.
Whereas Season 1 felt like it was continuous building and building with each episode, stuff just... happens in Symphogear G. Characters motivations are set up, but either forgotten or completely changed halfway through the show. It honestly felt like the writers were making G's story up as they went along.
The issues I had with Season 1's story are present here as well, in that the villain's motivation is incredibly confusing and not made 100% clear until the last couple of episodes. FIS's main goal is to save humanity from the Moon, which will soon crash into the Earth due to the damage it endured from Finé. However, they go about this by... killing people? I understand innocent bloodshed is necessary in most evil "save the world" schemes, but is this really the best way to convince the rest of the world that you're here to help?
Either I'm just really dumb, or Symphogear just isn't very good at explaining things.
Another thing that bothered me about this season was the usage of Swan Songs. In Symphogear G, there's not one, but TWO methods that allow Gear users to sing their Swan Songs without dying. "Tension? Consequences? WhAt ThE hElL aRe ThOsE?!"
However, the worst part about this confused and structurally unbalanced plot is how it affects the character development.
I'm going to cover the three lead characters and Miku very briefly (cause there honestly isn't much to talk about) so we can discuss the new characters in more detail.
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Remember how I praised Hibiki in Season 1 for being a flat character done right? Well, in G, the writers attempted to give Hibiki somewhat of an arc by having the villains call her a "hypocrite." At first, I was intrigued as to what they meant by this. Then, there was a point where Hibiki went Berserk again, and I figured "Oh, they mean that because she can't control her Gear, she's a danger to the people she's trying to protect!" Nope. Once Hibiki returns to normal, she never goes Berserk again, and her plot becomes about her dealing with the Gungnir fragments slowly killing her from the inside. Soooo... why is she a hypocrite again? An excellent question! ...that's never answered. Weak.
I wasn't the biggest fan of Tsubasa in Season 1, finding her over-the-top EDGE a bit too much for my taste. However, I will give credit that she at least had an arc. In G, she does absolutely nothing. She has no arc, no motivation, and contributes nothing to the plot (thankfully her strict, yet compassionate personality is left untouched). I initially thought she would have some conflict with Maria, given that the two had a bit of a standoff in Episode 1, with Tsubasa angry at Maria for possessing Kanade's Gear. Much like Hibiki's Berserk Mode, though, this conflict was never expanded upon or brought up again, relegating Tsubasa to a glorified background character.
Chris was my favorite character in Season 1, with her fiery tsundere personality and redemption arc. But much like Tsubasa, she suffered the fate of being pushed to the sidelines. Chris started out in a tough spot, transferring into Hibiki and Tsubasa's school and bearing little to no social skills. This new environment throws her for a loop, especially when a group of her classmates try to befriend her. I interpreted this as Chris not only struggling with social anxiety due to her hatred of people in Season 1, but also still harboring some guilt over her actions and not feeling worthy of friendship or care whatsoever. Okay, fair enough.
Well guess what else the writers forgot about?! 🤪
And alas, let's talk about Miku...... Oh my sweet little angel, what have they done to you??? Miku was the heart and soul of Season 1; she was Hibiki's emotional support; her Sun that warmed her whenever she felt dark. In G, she's just useless. The writers, like Hibiki, try to give her an arc (that doesn't start till episode 6...) where she wants to protect Hibiki from the Gungnir killing her. The way the writers execute this promising arc, however, is nothing short of insulting. Long story short, she fails to protect Hibiki in any single way. Instead, Hibiki ends up being the one still protecting her. Good job, Symphogear G.
With all that out of the way, I can FINALLY move onto something more positive. While I may not like what G did with the protagonists, the same cannot be said for the villains. These people are what made this season enjoyable to me.
Maria Candenzavna Eve
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Maria is objectively the best character of the season. I really don't see how anyone could argue otherwise. She has a gut-wrenching backstory, a clearly defined motivation, and every action she takes, while not always the most logical, makes sense to how she is feeling at the time.
Maria's sister, Serena, who was also a Gear user, used her Swan Song to save FIS from an out-of-control experiment. Immediately following this, the scientists berated the deceased Serena for destroying something they had put so much work in. Maria was enraged by the idea that they would do this to someone, a child nonetheless, who had just sacrificed her life for them. However, instead of retaliating and seeking revenge on FIS for this, Maria dedicates her actions to protecting human lives so that Serena's sacrifice wouldn't be in vain. And unlike the rest of FIS, she actually goes out of her way to avoid killing anyone! Of course, she eventually learns the hard way that saving everyone may be an impossibility...
Also, she gets one of the most adrenaline-pumping and yet emotional fights, accompanied by her kickass battle song, which is probably my favorite of the entire series now.
Kirika Akatsuki
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Hot-blooded, cheerful, and insistent on ending every sentence with "I say!" Kirika is nothing short of a joy to watch. She's a welcome entry in the villain faction, which desperately needed someone lighthearted to counteract the dead sister angst. Of course, this doesn't mean she's is without her own conflicts.
Kirika's main drive is, aside from saving the innocent, protecting her girlfriend best friend Shirabe. She's constantly trying to cheer her up cold-hearted friend and remind her that what they're doing is the right thing. However, this protective instinct leads to a discovery that changes her for the worst, and the rest of the show is her tragic and slow descent into madness, leading to a heartbreaking scene in the final battle that left me going "damn, they went there."
Kirika's Gear is cool enough, but not my favorite. It's mostly just a scthye and boomerangs, making it not much different from Tsubasa's Gear. Or at least, her Gear isn't as impressive as our next antagonist...
Shirabe Tsukuyomi
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Cold, distant, but ruthless in combat (beware the quite ones), Shirabe is a great foil to her lover friend Kirika, or "Kiri-chan" as she likes to call her. One could say that Shirabe is an emotionless husk, but as the story plays out we learn that, like most tsunderes, this is merely a mask to hide how much she cares for the people around her. She harbors a deep respect and admiration for Maria and an unbreakable bond with Kirika.
Shirabe bears a strong resentment towards Hibiki, being the one to drill home the fact that she's a "hypocrite" (for reasons I'm still not hugely clear on...). She believes that FIS is the only hope humanity has for survival. Of course, once her idol, Maria, starts to lose sight of this goal, Shirabe becomes conflicted, and starts to question which side is right. I love it when villains don't know which path to take. Such delicious angst! 😬
As much as I love Chris' Gear, Shirabe's may just be my new favorite. Her pigtails transform into mechanical arms with sawblades! She can spawn a giant sawblade to ride around on like a giant wheel! She can turn into a giant robot with sawblades for arms! Y'know, I'm starting to think I like saw-based weapons...
Professor Nastassja
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My only complaint about this character is that no one ever made fun of her name.
Prof. Nastassja, or "Mom" as Maria, Kirika and Shirabe call her, is the serious, straightforward thinking mastermind of FIS's operations. She was there when Serena died in front of Maria, and after seeing her determination to protect people, she decided to push Maria towards their ultimate goal of "saving" mankind from the Moon crashing. Thankfully, this woman actually has a head on her shoulders, and comes to realize that killing people probably isn't the best way to save them (who'da thunk?) and thus sets out on a path of redemption. Damn, what's with villains this season realizing that they might be wrong? I love it!
Of course, on the deep end of the villains spectrum, we have the only one who doesn't realize the error of his ways...
Dr. Ver
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Just a sample of the many amazing faces this guys makes.
Everyone loves a good psychopath. And oh boy, does this guy really underline the "psycho" part of that word. Constantly laughing manically, making theatrical gestures, spawning Noise with an itchy trigger finger, and declaring loud and proud that HE is the hero of this story. I could watch him for hours.
While Dr. Ver's motivation does stem from FIS's overly convoluted plot, he makes it very clear that he has his own agenda. He may claim he strives for the salvation of humanity, but his actions say otherwise. And that's why he's so great. He doesn't have a complex backstory or a redemption arc. He's just evil through and through and he loves every minute of it. As Alfred once said to Bruce Wayne: "Some men just want to watch the world burn." 😈
Alright, that's all the new characters out of the way. Time to move onto my favorite section before I wrap things up...
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The yuri content this season was, like the rest of it, a mixed bag. The best way I can sum it up is that it took one giant leap forward, and another giant leap back.
First and foremost, our star couple of the show: HibiMiku. Or they would be the star of the show if they had more screentime. Yeah, G really did this couple dirty. They don't even hold a conversation together until Episode 6! And then they throw in the whole conflict of Miko wanting to protect Hibiki. I guess the writers were relying on the sentiment they'd built on HibiMiku from the last season, but I feel like the two could've have at least TALKED about Miku not wanting Hibiki to fight before throwing her into the action. There was one scene twowards the end with the two of them that really got me in the feels, but it was hardly enough to make up for the whole lot of nothing we got from the rest of the season.
Second, we have the two that ultimately saved the yuri content in G: KiriShira. They look good together? Check. Complimenting personalities? Check. Emotional support? Check. Each character has their own motivation and arc outside of their relationship? Check. These two are not only absolutely adorable together, but unlike HibiMiku, which is more implied (even though there shouldn't be any doubt they're dating), KiriShira actually gets a love confession! I haven't seen that in a magical girl show since Sailor Moon Crystal when Hotaru confessed to Chibi-Usa! I'll have to see more of these two before I can say for sure, but I might actually prefer KiriShira to HibiMiku at this point. Gonna have to see how the rest of the series plays out!
Symphogear G is a considerable step down from Season 1 in my opinion. While I absolutely adore the antagonists and love (MOST) of the yuri content we got, the story and protagonists just didn't do it for me this time around, which is a shame considering how much I liked them in Season 1. The fight scenes in the first couple of episodes were less than impressive, which had me nervous, but they thankfully stepped up towards the end, delivering one hell of a climactic finale.
Also, I'm not gonna lie, the final episode got me choked up.
I may have been to hard on this season when I started this review. Despite my numerous issues, I still enjoyed myself throughout and I am looking forward to the next season. I sincerely hope my issues with the plot and protagonists are rectified because I do love this series. What's done well in G is really good, but what fails in G really fails. Oh well, not every season of a franchise can be a masterpiece. I'm just praying that it's all uphill from here. 🙏
Rating: 6/10
Hope you all enjoyed! I'll see you in my review of Symphogear GX, my fellow yuri lovers! ❤️😊❤️
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