#honestly i hope all the dogs and cats get adopted
There's a dog at my local shelter, one named Eddie Munson.
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holostarz · 6 months
my problem is i think most of p5s ships are cute and thats why i almost always am down for some form of polythieves
usually i just lump all the guys together cause all those ships are just so good to me??? and i mean like, every combination of them, even without ren. ill ship ryuji and yusuke. and i also love goro with either of them. ryugoro and akekita are so rare but theyre so nice?? they all just. clenches fists. theyre so good ot4 pegoryugorokita
goroann besties is real in my heart. also goroharu being like the Cursed besties ever in the end like. my god they have such a wack and unhinged platonic soulmates/kindred spirits potential. goromako rivals forever my guy they are so fucking funny. and ryukoto is kinda cute...
i think shumako is nice but its just not my cuppa tea. they are dear friends and i do love the image of ren and makoto being a bit rivalcoded and butting heads over phantom thievery and how to lead the team best. and goro is weirdly the one who can actually somehow stop arguments before they happen and get them to compromise.
makoto is NOT the mom friend okay she is the bossy and protective older sister friend. and she is smart and sensible but not immune to her friends infecting her with Stupid. ren is the mom friend. and the dad friend. best of both things. :)
ren: its hard raising 8 kids when youre in high school and an 18 y/o whos like if a divorced widow was a boy 😔 sojiro: what happened to your husband??? ren: he was lost at sea goro: ren, look at this dog i saw on my way here ren: i can still hear his voice
meanwhile i love futago half siblings headcanon. so while goro and makoto are a little more sibling rivalry coded, futaba is still goros actual gremlin sibling who will bully him to death. meanwhile, futaba is actually adoptive siblings with ren. these two are WAY more sibling coded than goro and futaba ever.
and when futaba starts trying to do similar Sibling dynamic things with goro. goro is like ??? "ren, futaba just came in here. stared at me. burped. and then left. what does this mean." and ren is like. "oh is there food? theyre probably telling you theres food and to come out if you want some. or if this is your first time seeing them today they could just be greeting you." and goro is like ????? but louder this time
i love shujin trio poly... and i default to them being the OG Cule. shuann? v cute love them. ryuann? also cute and honestly v funny of how messy i imagine their hookups being. like they keep breaking up and eventually finding their way back to each other. sometimes i see them as sibling coded, too, more than anything else. overall i just love these three together they are the tomodachis of all time they are partners for life
i also love ryuharu. and harukita (yuharu?) theyre really cute.... then theres good ol makoharu and annmako (makoann?) and i love them too... honestly love hifumi and makoto too?? i think they would be huge fucking dorks together... perhaps.... rivals, even?
goro and hifumi being friends... good shit. hifumi and yusuke being close friends? plz... and ren and hifumi are just. wahh i love them theyre so good. even futaba and hifumi could be cute, honestly.... wtf
and we cannot forget ANNSHIHO,,, forever. my GORLS.... lesbiabs of my heart.
anntaba is a rare one but theyre also v cute to me... and if they arent girlfriends i love the idea of futaba having a crush on her and then realizing those feelings are actually just Admiration and Gender envy. i also love the idea of morgana finding out his crush on ann is ALSO GENDER ENVY RELATED.... we love nonbiney morgana. hope is genderless
and makoto is always being an older sister to futaba. yutaba is nice, too. i honestly see futaba and yusuke being aspec and theyre platonic soulmates and in a qpp. and ofc sumitaba my beloved... i love sumitaba a lot
i adore ryusumi too like oh myg od,,.. wahh.... the sweeties. sumikita is so rare but like. i think they could be kinda cute too?? sumigoro is V platonic soulmates to me like my god theyre so. clenches fist. honestly whole royal trio tbh is just. "they can make each other worse" and each of them thinking "thank god im the normal one here" thats it thats the whole dynamic. and its so funny.
shusumi is cute too but honestly i think i prefer both ren and goro have somethin of a platonic soulmates or older sibling dynamic with sumire. they have adopted her okay. sumiann isnt one i see a lot either but they.... THEM.....
any mishima ship is super funny imo but like, theyre cute. love yuuki having a crush on ren but like. the game makes it near impossible for you to actually be fucking nice to him so i always get the vibe that ren would rather keep him at a distance, even tho they appreciate him and care about him.
its okay tho cause i say hes good friends with the OG trio + shiho and they vibe. yuuki crushing on goro, to his own horror? hilarious. and weirdly enough shiho and ren?? idk what their acronym is. but. oh my god. theyre actually weirdly cute? but i see them having disaster twins energy. theyre absolute menaces.
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birdwonder · 11 months
Do you think any of the creepypastas would be okay with a s/o that has a few dogs and cats? Have a good day!!
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A/N: GOOD question... also sorry this is late !! i was on holiday <3
EYELESS JACK would rather you didn't have pets, his heightened senses mean that he can smell and hear them a lot better and it just isn't pleasant. Besides, what can a cat or dog do that he can't ? He's got good senses, can protect you, keep you company, got sharp teeth and hell if you just want something to put a collar on- ... But if you already have these pets, he'll only mutter complaints now and then but is happy if you are. Probably did want a dog once-upon-a-time so he could kinda get into it eventually, as long as they aren't scared of him.
MASKY definitely is a dog guy and I'm thinking Will Graham-core where it's a man who wears plaid in the woods, with loads of pet dogs. Yeah, he'd be fine with it just as long as they all behave. As for the cats, they're not his thing but if they leave him alone then he'll leave them alone. Definitely thinks it's cute how you dote on them, your loving nature towards them being something that makes him drawn even closer to you.
HOODIE doesn't seem to mind. He seems to love giving the dogs and cats little scratches, finding them nice company while he lurks around your house. If you live together, he helps take responsibility for them under the circumstance you don't get any more - not until one passes away. You find him talking to them in silly ways sometimes. He looks at one of your cats and shakes his head as it climbs all over his stuff, "don't walk around here like you pay bills, freeloader." If he can't be bothered to walk them though, he's 100% saying they're your pets and he doesn't have to do anything. Would prefer the cats.
TICCI TOBY does NOT want pets !! His whole life animals have been afraid of him so he's convinced it wouldn't go well for him to meet them. When he sees you have so many pets, he stays far away from them. You likely have to help him warm up to your pets and vice versa. If they tend to bite and scratch, its best you keep Toby away from them. But if any are particularly docile, it might be emotionally healing for him to have one rest on his lap. However, he is a jealous man and will scowl if you pay more attention to those animals than him. Oh, your dog just did a trick ? Well look at what he just learnt to do with an axe ! JEFF finds the amount excessive. One pet is enough and two is pushing it. Still, he likes to watch how you handle them with care and if they keep you happy, he's not going to mess with that. At first, he wants them to leave him alone, shooting glares at the pets even if they're friendly. But he'll get over it and learn to like them somewhat. He'd honestly like them more if they were friendly with him but were tearing up everyone else, now that'd be fun. But nope, just regular domestic animals. He ain't helping look after them unless you adopt one together, then it's like your fluffball kid. He'd also rather have a dog pls. JANE tries to be fine with it but god the fur ? She really hopes they don't shed a lot and if they do, keep them out of your shared bedroom. They're not allowed on the bed but she'll compromise with the couch if they have to. Constantly stocked up on lint-rollers to get fur off of your clothes. Likes the cats more for sure. She thinks you're crazy for having so many pets but doesn't want to diss it since you clearly love them. Eventually, some motherly instinct will kick in for some of them and she'll want to sew some cute accessories and clothes for them. Also gets them loads of collars to colour-coordinate to your outfits.
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You're The Worst | Chapter 1
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Pairing: Touya Todoroki x Reader
Word Count: 875 words
Summary: Paw's and Claw's has a fun staff. However, the nosy bad boy, Touya, loves to pick on you. What will happen when he notices the array of bruises hidden under your sweatshirts? Maybe he isn't so bad after all.
Author's Note: So, this fic idea has been in my mind for a while. I hope everyone likes it. This will be a multi-chapter fic as I don't have a ton of time to write. Oof. Please be patient with me. Also, I inserted my cat Thomas because it's almost been a year since he passed, and I think of him every day. I know. So self-indulgent.
TW: Domestic Violence (Not from Touya), Fem!Reader, Violence in general (There will be a fight, not in this chapter though.), drinking, smoking, cursing. Let me know if I missed anything!
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“That looks like shit.”
Good god, I wish he would just shut up. This is the third time today he’s butted into my work.
“No, it looks great Touya. You’re just an ass with shit handwriting. Jealous much?” We looked over my work. The sign looked great honestly. I really outdid myself this time. In delicate script it read “Tom” adorned with little hearts around the name. I put up the sign on Tom’s’ kennel, a large grey and white cat sitting at the farthest possible corner of the kennel away from the door. “Do you have his bio?”
“Of course, what am I? Incompetent?” He made quick work of putting up his bio underneath the name card I made. He typed his up like normal. I gazed sadly at the big tom cat sitting in the cage. “Hey doll, he’ll get adopted. You always get too attached.”
I grimaced at the pet name. He always looks for a way under my skin. However, he took it upon himself to never call me by name. I need to come up with my own for him. Maybe he’ll leave me alone if I come up with something heinous.
“Some of us have hearts, jackass.” Wait, that one fits. Still not original enough. I glanced at him to see him already staring at me. If looks could kill. You would think working in a shelter there would be nice coworkers here. Everyone else was nice. Not this guy. His intimidating look didn’t help his case. Tattoos were everywhere but the one on his face gets the most frowns from potential adopters. The row of flames over his left brow. Wait is that… “Touya, did you redye your hair? You should do a better job of not getting that shit on your skin. You look insane.”
“Why you lookin’ at me so hard? Like what you see?” My face was already showing my irritation before, but now I could feel it twist in disgust.
“No. The hair dye stains are really not doing it for me.” I do a swift 180 degrees and make my way out of the cat room and into the lobby once more. “Hey Toga! Any new applications come in?” Her face lit up as she looked up at me. Her sharp canines stuck out as she smiled.
“(Y/N)! We had one come in for Mochi!” She was practically jumping out of her chair. “Dabi! Come and look at the place!” Touya leaned over the counter and looked down above the monitor as I walked around the desk. It was a beautiful house in suburbia with a huge fenced in back yard. “Mochi will love it, don’t ya think?”
“He’ll love it little vamp.” I said. My eyes hovered over the screen to notice the time. “You should head out. It’s 5:30! You know the boss won’t be happy about you staying over too much.”
Toga pouted, but I was right. Tomura gets so pressed when she stays over. It must be that big brother dynamic. She got up to gather her things for the evening and shut down the computer. “He’ll be fine, but I’ll tell him you guys said hi!” With that she gave me a big hug and skipped towards the door and out to the parking lot. Touya turned and stared at me as soon as he had locked the door. Without saying a word I got to work cleaning the lobby. Working with animals was messy and there was a mix of dog and cat hair being swept up. I heard Touya’s heavy boots moving towards the hallway leading to the dog kennels. I instantly relaxed and continued my chores, completely blocking out my thoughts.
“Doll,” My body was on autopilot as I put away the cleaning supplies. “Don’t ignore me doll. It’s time to bail.” I quickly finished putting things up and grabbed my bag. Both our footsteps synced as we made our way to the door. Touya held the door open. “Ladies first.” I could hear the cockiness in his voice. He wasn’t going to get a reaction out of me so late in the day. My car’s taillights blinked as I unlocked it. Today was a hot one. The evening sun was shining on me. I pushed up the sleeves to my sweater and was nearly to my car when I heard Touya’s deep voice closer to me than expected. “That’s a nasty bruise.”
The sweaters I wore for the last 6 months were to avoid these questions. It was no secret Kai, my boyfriend, wasn’t the best guy. His record was a mile long. No one would know he mistreated me, however. Kai made a good show of being a loving boyfriend while also being a piece of shit in every other aspect of his life. He won me over with gifts and treated me like a princess. He said I was his perfect girl. Do men treat perfect girls like this?
“Mind your business.”
Touya’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not a dumbass, (y/n).” With that he got in his black 5.0 mustang and pulled out of the parking lot leaving me standing next to my car.
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 1 month
#32: "i thought you didn't like cats?" :)
good morning michelle! thanks for asking!
32. “I thought you didn’t like cats”
Mickey wasn’t joking about wanting a pitbull, apparently. 
Ian thought he was, kind of. Or he didn’t think he would make any effort to actually go about adopting one. Which is why he had to blink at the sign in front of them, Wags to Wishes Animal Shelter. It was all MIckey’s doing, he got Ian out of bed on a Saturday morning, he must have looked the place up himself, unbeknownst to Ian, and he drove them over bright and early, brimming with excitement.
“You know the complex might not let you get a pit bull, right?” Ian pointed out as they stepped through the door. 
“Already talked to that bitchy manager, we’re good to go” Mickey said confidently. He looked around and stepped up to the welcome desk. “Hi, we’re here to see the dogs available for adoption. I called yesterday about the pitbull puppies?”
“Mickey?” the lady behind the desk asked curiously, her blonde ponytail bobbing as she cocked her head. “I’m Shannon, we spoke on the phone.”
Ian looked between his husband and the woman in disbelief. He realized that Mickey had jumped through hoops for this, something his husband was almost never willing to do. His eyes widened as he watched Mickey accept her handshake with a smile that was downright genial, polite even.
“Who are you and what the hell did you do to my husband?” Ian whispered as they followed the woman through the double doors. 
“She has the puppies” Mickey hissed back. They were met with the sound of barking from all directions, and all the various dog smells a person could expect from a kennel. He was a little off guard, frazzled and disoriented, though charmed by the image of his husband crouching down at the first gate, wiggling his fingers and grinning softly when the two dogs, thin and tawny like coyotes, licked and sniffed at them curiously, fluffy tails wagging. 
The next one actually had Mickey cooing adorably, a chunky bulldog nipping at his fingers excitedly despite the age evident in the grey around her muzzle. 
Shannon walked off briefly with a promise to check back on them, and Ian was mostly content to watch his husband interact with the dogs for a while. “I didn’t know you like dogs so much” Ian commented.
“Yeah well, always liked them” Mickey said honestly, fixated on the black lab holding his head up so that Mickey could scratch lightly at the bottom of his chin. 
The kennel was big, there were a ton of dogs and Mickey was dedicated to meeting each and every one of them personally, so Ian didn’t feel all that bad about wandering off. He wandered around the little room until he found a door labeled “Cat House” he motioned over to one of the volunteers to ask if he could open the door and got a friendly nod in return. 
Ian walked in hesitantly, sitting on one of the benches and looking around at the scattered cat towers, toys, and many many cats lounging and playing and snuggling up together. Ian sat in the quiet room for a while, he hadn’t meant to ditch his husband, but he was so delighted as different cats periodically slinked over to check him out.
A fluffy orange cat put both paws on his knee, light as a feather as she stretched out impassively, before moving on, a couple especially friendly cats head-butted him curiously, winding between his feet on the floor and accepting Ian’s gentle scratches. 
Finally a small, pitch black cat poked it’s head out from under the bench Ian was sitting on, materializing from the shadows and hoping elegantly up next to him despite his little legs. He peered up at Ian with round amber eyes before he ducked his head back down and crossed behind his back, slinking over his hip and climbing into Ian’s lap, making himself at home. 
Ian ran careful fingers from his head down between his protruding shoulder blades, watching at the cat’s eyes drooped until he was faintly purring against Ian’s thigh. 
That’s how Mickey found him, a little while later, when the cat decided he was interested in pawing at Ian’s fingers drumming on his thigh. Mickey and Shannon eyed him from the doorway.
“Oh! You’ve met our favorite little void kitty” Sharon said excitedly. 
“I thought you didn’t like cats” Mickey spoke up suddenly. 
“I like cats” Ian defended. “I’m just-“ He sneezed violently as the black cats tail flicked near Ian's nose as he stood frustratedly and circled again before laying down “a little bit allergic.”
Mickey watched him with a smile. “I was comin’ to get you to go look at the puppies,” Mickey started. “But I don’t think you want to look at puppies, do you?”
Ian scrunched his nose, “not really. I don’t think we know enough about having a pet to start with a puppy, and our apartment is a little small and boring for a puppy. Sorry, Mick, I just don’t think now is the time. In a few years we want a yard and a little more space, I just think that would be better.” 
Mickey sighed, coming to sit next to Ian on the bench. The cat looked up at him, sniffing the air hesitantly, he fixed Mickey with an inquisitive look but seemed content enough to have the underside of his chin scratched by a tattooed knuckle.
“Um” Shannon cut in hesitantly. “We’d all be thrilled if you two were interested in that cat but I would let you know he comes with a few behavioral issues.”
“What kind of behavioral issues?” Ian asked, looking up with watery eyes, allergies really getting to him.
“Well some of these cats were rescued from a hoarding situation. Void kitty was one of them and he came in as a bonded pair, they were both sick and he got better, but his buddy didn’t so he can get withdrawn, a little low energy some times, he's still mourning. But he’s super sweet the rest of the time.”
“He’s available for adoption?” Mickey asked. 
“Yes! And Void kitty isn’t his real name, it’s just what me and a couple of the girls call him that as a joke” Sharron said excitedly. 
“What would you do about those allergies?” Mickey asked suddenly, turning to Ian. He took in his husbands watery, pink eyes and nose “you’re starting to look fucking crazy.”
“They make pills for that” Ian insisted. “And I think there’s a shot now, you just do it once every couple months or something.”
“And you can take them?” Mickey asked, thinking about the long list of warnings that come with Ian’s medications.
“Yeah” Ian said, grin widening.
“And you want this cat?” Mickey said, poking the black cat lightly on the top of his head, causing him to open his eyes in confusion, baring his tiny fangs. 
“Yeah” Ian said, sniffling a little.
One year later 
Mickey had been very insistent that the cat was not allowed on the bed, ever. However, some mornings he woke up with the little cat curled up next to his head, blending in with his black hair against the white pillows. 
Void didn’t sleep with them every night, he’d retreat into the shadows of their apartment for a couple days, only showing his presence in the food that disappeared from his bowl. But when he was feeling social, he’d sit patiently on the spare chair at the kitchen table, waiting for both Ian and Mickey to sneak him other table scraps. He liked sitting on the toilet while they showered and curling up on Ian’s lap the best. 
But on the mornings he slept in their bed he’d make a big show of climbing over Mickey’s face to curl up onto his chest, staring him down with a focused, admiring gaze. He seemed to like when Mickey stared back, talking to him quietly. 
Ian had a whole folder full of photos from those kinds of mornings. ‘my boys’ with the black heart emoji, Mickey even got him to turn a couple of the pictures into selfies of the three of them, Void laying on his back between the two of them, his pink nose and yellow eyes the only thing that gave the idea that the misshapen black lump between the two of them was a cat. 
Mickey insisted that he was getting his pitbull someday soon, his bazooka. Because according to him, cats are for pansies, but it didn't change the way he loved their mornings in bed with little Void.
hope you enjoyed this!
also mickey does get a pitbull puppy one day, but puppy ownership is not for the weak or uninitiated so they get a kitty for now
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Coming Home 
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~3k
Summary: You bring home a gift for Wanda
A/N: Here’s the story of how Fletcher came around.
Warnings: Fluff!
You’d been struggling with this decision for a few days, and you still weren’t completely sold on the one you made. You double check your phone to see if your wife responded to your text, and you frown when you see no new notifications. You sigh as you get everything loaded into your car before getting in. You’d left Boone at home today just to make sure that he didn’t interfere with your plans, and you’re eager to hurry home and see him.
You hadn’t left him for a while and he was not happy about it at all. You’d heard him howling until you made it two floors down in the elevator. Wanda had promised to watch him and give him time outside, but you knew that she was busy too. You drive a little faster to cut down the commute, and you reach out to the seat beside you to make sure you don’t jostle the other passenger too much.
“Sorry little one.”
You smile when you hear a quiet high-pitched meow and you have to resist the urge to open up the carrier to pet the kitten. You’d been brought a pregnant cat a few months ago and you’d honestly never seen anything cuter than 6 freshly born kittens. They’d been fostered for a few of months, and someone had brought a few of them back in earlier this week. Apparently, the rest had been adopted and these still hadn’t found homes. You knew you shouldn’t do it because you don’t have time for a kitten right now. You watched two of them leave yesterday, leaving just the one grey tabby and you finally cracked.
You knew that Wanda sometimes envied the fact that you had Boone and that he was so bonded to you. He liked her well enough, but between the two of you, there was certainly an obvious favorite. Wanda had wanted him to love you and you him, so she was fine with this. You just occasionally noticed that she’d shoot the pair of you a longing look when you lounged on the couch together.
For this reason, you decided to try and surprise her with a pet of her own. You know you can’t handle two dogs right now, and Wanda has never expressed interest in another one. For this reason, you’re using the excuse of having this unclaimed cat at work to try and give Wanda a friend of her own.
You hope this doesn’t backfire and Wanda’s receptive of the idea. You suppose you’ll figure out shortly. You pull up to the compound and drive to the garage. You take a deep breath once you’re parked and you turn off the car. You look to your passenger with a smile before getting unbuckled.
“Let’s see how this goes, kitten.”
Wanda is making dinner when you come home. It had been a trying day for her and she’d accidentally broken her phone by dropping it in the sink. She was too tired to figure out getting a new one, and between feeding and walking Boone again she was running low on energy.
She yawns as she reaches for a lid to cover dinner before she glances over to Boone. He’s sitting in his bed grooming and Wanda’s about to go sit on the couch when she hears the door open. You’re quiet in case Wanda is resting, but the smell that greets you as you walk through the door is enough to tell you that she’s cooking. Boone comes to greet you first and he runs over to you in excitement and an angry grumble to remind you that he’s not happy about being left behind today.
“Hi, buddy. Yes, I know. I’m sorry, but look.”
You show Boone the carrier that he’d already noticed and let him sniff it before pulling the kitten away. You don’t want to stress her out, and you’re about to walk toward the kitchen when you hear your wife’s voice.
“Y/n, is that you?”
You smile at your wife’s question, and you take a deep breath as you prepare for this. You’re only just wondering if you’re in over your head when Wanda appears around the corner.
“Hey, Wands.”
Wanda’s smile drops slightly as she looks to her wife and dog, and then back to her wife. She’s carrying something that Wanda immediately realizes has an animal in it, and she doesn’t know how to feel about this. She watches as you gently set it on the ground, waving Boone away so you can open it and pull out whatever is inside.
“Y/n, what’s...?”
“Now don’t be mad. I wanted to surprise you with her.”
Wanda watches in surprise as you pull out a tiny grey kitten from the carrier. She’s so small and furry, and Wanda’s already terrified of stepping on her. She watches as Boone comes toward you and you lift the kitten out of his reach, but still close enough for the shepherd to see her. You walk toward you wife who hasn’t said a thing, and you offer as smile as you try to explain yourself.
You give her the short answer of how she’d arrived at the clinic and you only frown a little as Wanda shoots you a skeptical look.
“And you wanted to keep her?”
You nod at this as you mention once again that you’d gotten her as a gift. A gift that you were starting to think Wanda didn’t want. You walk towards her and try to hand her the kitten, but she doesn’t even hold her hands out as she looks at the squirmy, mewling creature.
“Yes. I got her as a gift. So you’ll have a fur baby too.”
Wanda finally reaches out to touch the kitten and she almost jumps when she suddenly turns and tries to get closer to Wanda. You frown as you try to get your wife to hold her.
“Do you want to hold her? She likes you.”
Wanda just looks at the kitten for a few seconds before she offers you a smile but shakes her head. She practically runs to the kitchen and you sigh in defeat before you place the kitten on the ground watching to see how Boone reacts.
“Um, I need to go check on dinner.”
You don’t stop her from leaving, but you sigh in disappointment as you watch the pets greet each other. Boone mostly just sniffs the kitten who goes between attacking and rubbing her entire body on his paws. It’s an adorable sight that cheers you up a little, and you have to stifle a laugh at the sight of Boone knocking over the kitten with the force of his tongue licking her face. You pick up the little one before heading to the kitchen and trying to see what Wanda was really doing.
“Cats are dirty, right?”
After a dinner that was fairly normal despite completely ignoring the presence and the subject of the kitten you’d brought home for your wife, you and Wanda decide to spend time in the living room. When Wanda asks this, you turn to the other side of the couch with a confused look. She’s sitting as far away as possible from you and the kitten that you have on your lap, and Boone who’s sitting at your feet watching curiously. You quickly shake your head as you turn to your boy with a smile.
“Actually, they’re usually cleaner than dogs.”
Wanda doesn’t seem pleased by this answer, and she thinks about everything that she knows about cats. This isn’t much, but she thinks about the cat that lived outside of her apartment building when she and Pietro lived in Sokovia. It left them gifts every morning in the form of steaming, smelly piles of poop, and Wanda was always unlucky enough to step in them. She doesn’t want a cat in her house to spread this kind of mess around, and she doesn’t care how cute and fluffy she is.
Wanda tries to figure out how to say this and you wait patiently as your wife collects her thoughts. You want to know why Wanda is so against having a cat. They’re honestly much easier and lower maintenance than dogs. Your wife also seemed like more of a cat person.
Wanda glances to you and then the kitten who’s making biscuits on your stomach. She hears purring and she tries not to melt at the sound as she tilts her head slightly.
“Is she using a litterbox yet?”
This question doesn’t surprise you because as soon as you got Boone, you realized that your wife was very adamant about potty training him. Having a young, male, and at the time, intact dog made her realize that teaching him where he could and couldn’t go to the bathroom was an essential part of ensuring her happiness. Not only did cleaning smelly accidents not make her happy, but it made her regret not finding a dog that was already trained. She knew it wasn’t his fault, but the accidents early on just motivated her to work with you to train him quickly.
You glance down at the kitten and nod as you scratch her chin with a smile. She’d been trained to use one as soon as she was able, and you’d put one in the laundry room when Wanda agreed to let her stay.
“She is. She’s very good at it.”
Wanda just nods and offers you a noncommittal sound as she thinks about this. She wonders if the cat being dirty is the only reason why she wouldn’t want a cat. She thinks about how hot and cold they can be, and how needy too, but she knows that a lot of people like them. You tell her all the time about the cat lovers at work, and she wonders if this could ever be her. Watching as you help the cat onto the ground to greet Boone again, Wanda decides that maybe she’ll try. She would like to have a fur baby of her own, and a dog is too much work…
A couple of days pass with you doing most of the work to keep the still unnamed kitten occupied. You’d had enough foresight to bring her home on a Friday in case Wanda didn’t warm up to her like you were hoping. This gave you the weekend to help her get used to the compound, at least your rooms here, and having a new family. Wanda was mostly working or steering clear of the cat as if she was afraid of her. When night time came and you would settle in the living room to catch up or watch something on TV, the kitten would come with you and rest either with you or Boone.
Tonight, she decided she wanted to sit on Wanda’s lap, but your wife wasn’t very receptive to the idea. She stood up and went to get more snacks, not that you really needed any, and you frown as she leaves to the kitchen. You’re beginning to think that you’d just gotten yourself a cat, but you supposed it was just going to have to work for you. Wanda wasn’t obligated to accept your gift, but you are mostly disappointed that you’d failed to give her something she’d like.
When you finish the movie you’re watching, you decide to take some time outside to smoke. You’re tense and craving it, so you leave Wanda to read her most recent night time book. The last one had been a murder mystery you’d convinced her to try, and she’d ended up having dreams about it for nearly a week. You’d wake up to her squeezing your arm painfully, and you decided to let your wife stick to her normal genres.
Boone follows you upstairs and you both spend about an hour outside before you decide to call it a night and go to bed. You head downstairs back to your rooms, and you stop short of calling for Wanda when you see her still in the living room. She must have fallen asleep reading because her book is discarded on the coffee table. You plan to wake her but you notice something that makes you hesitate to do so. You see that the small grey kitten is curled up on Wanda’s chest sleeping peacefully, and you take your phone out for a photo.
Your decision of whether or not to wake Wanda up is taken from you when the kitten shifts and starts to make biscuits. You hold back your ‘aww’ as you watch Wanda wake up and the kitten on her chest stretch sleepily before purring happily.
“You’re both so cute.”
When Wanda wakes up and immediately hands you the cat, you think this is just a one-off and she’ll go back to avoiding the grey tabby again.
It only takes two more days for Wanda to break and start to bond with the kitten that she definitely hasn’t named. You’re coming home from work tired from a long day, and you nearly trip over Boone who runs in front of you to find his new fur sibling. You find it adorable how attached Boone already is to the kitten. They both really enjoy spending time together, but the kitten clearly has an attitude and likes to do things on her terms.
For instance, last night the kitten had stepped all over Boone to find the best place to rest. When she settled on his chest she curled up to sleep, only to have Boone shift which made her slide down onto his neck. She released her first growl since coming home, but luckily she was just displeased and moved back to where she was with a huff. She kicked at his front leg in irritation, but that just earned her a series of licks to the top of her head. You’d gotten most of it on video and you watched it earlier today when you felt overwhelmed by the difficult clients you’d had.
As you watch Boone run into your rooms, you look around for your wife with a tired smile.
You walk toward the kitchen at the sound of dishes being set in the sink. You find Wanda shooting you a smile as she finishes tidying up. She’s been cooking for the past hour, and she’s glad to see that you’re home. Boone runs in front of you and comes to greet her with a wagging tail. It’s at this time that you realize that Wanda’s not alone and your smile widens as you watch Boone greet his sibling.
“Welcome home, detka.”
Wanda was wearing comfortable looking pants that she’d paired with an oversized hoodie that she usually wore for movie nights. It’s not until you see a small wiggly bulge in her pocket that you realize why she’d done this. You greet your wife with a kiss on the cheek before you look down to see a small furry head pop out of her pocket to greet Boone. You look up again and see Wanda’s sheepish look, but you don’t give her time to be embarrassed before you’re speaking up.
“How’s she doing?”
Wanda reaches down to scratch the kitten’s head, and you love how the tabby looks up and purrs loudly at the action. You and Boone watch as Wanda’s face lights up as she talks about her day. She’d worked for a bit, but most if it she’d spent lounging around the room and spending time with her new kitten. She realizes as soon as she started paying more attention to her that the kitten was very cute and surprisingly well behaved. She’d seen her use her litterbox, play with her toys and some dust bunnies on the ground. She liked to scratch things though, so she’d ordered multiple scratching posts and a cat tree for her. You’d been surprised to come home and find the living room filled with cat things, but you didn’t comment and only smiled smugly when Wanda’s back was turned.
You were glad that she seemed to be growing more attached to her kitten.
“She’s doing great. Either running around like she’s feral, or cuddling with me on the couch…and in the kitchen.”
You aren’t surprised to hear this, and you just nod in understanding. You’re hesitant to ask what’s on the tip of your tongue because you don’t want to pressure Wanda, but you’re curious and can’t help yourself. You scratch Boone behind his ears before moving to his chin when he looks up at you.
“Have you thought of a name?”
Wanda doesn’t even try to hide the fact that she’s had a name for two days, and she nods with a grin. She takes her cat out of her pocket and holds her up to kiss her nose. When Wanda holds her cat to her face and you watch the tabby nuzzle against her, you struggle to decide who’s more smitten.
“I was thinking Fletcher.”
You reach out to scratch Fletcher with an approving look. You only get a millisecond of attention before Fletcher turns back to Wanda and continues to rub her face against your wife’s. Oh she’s such a goner. You can see Wanda totally spoiling this cat rotten in the future. She might even make Wanda cave and let her sleep on the bed, but that probably won’t happen for a while.
“I think it’s great, Wands.”
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delcakoo · 1 year
any thoughts on txt x hybrid!reader??
OH EM GEEEE anon i havent thought of the reader being the hybrid too much but tbh that sounds so fun and cute 😕😕 here r some things i just came up w on the spot lol 🧌
yeonjun talking ab how his apartment’s been feeling empty so the members encourage him to go adopt a hybrid roomate and he ends up falling for u and ur big eyes n’ fluffy puppy tail <3 you’d be all shy and innocent for a grand total of two days to lure him in, but the second u warm up ur real self comes out and u turn into the most hyper playful puppy ever !! jun would probably be surprised and taken aback at first, but he quickly grows to love it sm especially since you’re constantly showering so much attention on him n’ making him feel all special; always making him play games w u, asking for cuddles n even asking him to teach u how to cook so u can try and make him meals for when he comes back from work :0 then when the boys come over you get so excited about meeting ur owner’s friends that you’re just all over them; resting on soobin’s chest while he scratches behind your fluff ears while gyu rubs your legs that’re across his lap! ofc it’s all in good fun, but yeonjun would get jealous and pouty right away at the lack of your cute eyes on him and as soon as their gone, he’s the one throwing himself onto you for once !! demanding cuddles n’ hugs etc etc 🫶
on the other hand, soobin would see how cuddly and enthusiastic you are with his hyung; the way his mood skyrockets the second you give him any kind of affection, and how cute your tail and ears looked when they’d droop after yeonjun scolds you for biting or playing with something you weren’t supposed to. so of course he finds himself at the adoption centre himself, ready to find a companion of his own that’ll shower him in the love he so desperately craves <3 soobin was honestly expecting to drive home with a dog hybrid himself, but instead, his attention was stolen by you — a siamese cat that sat on the ground carelessly, not even sparing him a glance. when the employee tells him that you don’t like humans and they’re losing hope in ever finding you a family, soobin practically throws his money at the man’s face, determination flaming in his soft eyes T-T they’re like, “y/n this guy’s adopting you for some reason” and ur just like “😟… damn he must be a perv or smthn” and poor soob just blushes 😞😭 he just wanted to be someone that could make u happy yknow, since there must be a reason u aren’t a fan of humans :(!! after bringing you home, you were vv on guard and scared despite ur attempts of acting nonchalant and calm. the first few days you’d mostly hide in your room or sit on the ground and just,, stare at whatever soobin does, and he’d tried to talk to you, but you weren’t very good at holding the conversations and clearly preferred silently spying on ur owner’s every move instead <3 however!! after another whole week of going out together, watching movies and shows you’d been dreadfully missing out on at the adoption centre, and late night conversations in the living room resulted in you finally opening up to him, and soobin was more than excited ab it !!! he’d learn the way that you’re actually a very sassy and playful cat, you two would banter a lot.. BUT late at night your soft side would come on and your favourite thing would be just to lie on soobin’s lap while he scratches your head; eliciting soft purrs and rumbles from ur chest <33
that’s all the juice i have in my brain for now LMAOO 🫶 i shall maybe expand another time ‼️
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bp-trio · 7 months
you’re watching….
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Outfit | Makeup | Hair style | nails
( ALL IN ENGLISH ) ( questions searched on the web about Sol)
"Hey, I'm Sol and this is the Wired Autocomplete interview," Sol said smiling. Sol was given aboard. A medium-sized board where the questions were stuck with a paper and she has to peel it off to open the question. “Let’s see what you all are curious about”
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"Have you ever googled yourself before?" Interviewer.
"No. I try not to."
"Alright, first question," Sol said before carefully peeling off the sticker that was covering the full question that was searched on the web about her.
[ WHAT ]
"What is Sol’s full name? My full name is Solaire Victoria Raeya Ivanov and I know it's a long name. But my parents liked it." Sol answered and smiled.
"What does Sol like in a guy?" Sol chuckled at the question. "Wow, did someone actually search this on the web?" Sol asked as she looked at her staff behind the camera and giggled. "What I like in a guy is honesty and just be good to me."
"What is Sol’s net worth?" Sol smiled at the question. "why do you guys care about this? but to be honest I don't even know what my net worth is."
"What is Sol's zodiac sign?" "Aquarius, I am. Fun fact, I actually share a birthday with Rosé. I was told recently about some of the characteristics of the Aquarius. Think I maybe have like, three of eight."
"What is Sol's phone number?" "That is a question I won't be answering. I don't give my number to anyone. So, it is maybe impossible to get my number. Sorry." Sol said and smiled blandly.
"What is Sol's accent?" Sol laughed at the question. "Honestly I have no idea. I would say British on most occasions. it also depends on where I go. When I got to America. my accent changes to American English and when I'm in Paris, I speak in a Parisian accent. Or these days it feels like I’m getting Aussie accent because of Rose. It is a bit confusing I don't know what my accents are." Sol chuckled.
"What is Sol doing right now?" Sol exhaled and chuckled " Talking to you. that's so funny people would google that. what is Sol doing now, like Google's gonna know"
"What was Sol's first song?" "The very first song I wrote was for my mom on her birthday when I was like six years old, and it was about when I grow up, can I be as pretty as you? when I grow up, can I wear your dress? and still, my parents and my siblings make fun of me sometimes."
Sol throws the medium-sized board on the floor and grabs the one handling to her.
[ DOES ]
"Does Sol have pets?" " Yes, I have 4 pets, three dogs and one cat. I have Shiba Inu named Cain, Samoyed named Chico, white Pomeranian Cece, and a Manx cat named Cleo. I adopted all of them from a rescue shelter. They are my angels."
"Does Sol speak Spanish?" Sol smiled. "Yes, I can speak Spanish because I taught myself and I'm proud of myself for doing that because I can now communicate with my fans who speak Spanish," Sol said and continued smiling as she peeled off the sticker that covers the next question and read it.
"Does Sol play guitar?" "Yes, I do play guitar. In fact, I play a lot of instruments. My grandpa taught me how to play the Violin and Piano. during my trainees days, I learned to play drums, electric guitar, ukulele, recorder, flute, and Saxophone recently. since I have much free time this year because of the pandemic, I spend my time mostly learning new instruments and learning online." Sol answered and nodded.
"Does Sol has tattoos?" "That’s a secret" she giggles, “but I do, I have four tattoos and each one of them has a meaning.”
"Does Sol watch anime?" "Do, and my top three animes are the seven deadly sins, my hero academia, and One Piece."
“Does Sol know how to play games?” “Yes, I love playing games. It’s my hobby.”
[ CAN ]
"Can Sol sing?" Sol laughed at the question. " I bloody hope so, otherwise I have no idea what I'm doing here."
"Can Sol rap?" "Yes, I can rap. I’m the lead rapper in the group."
"Can Sol drive?" "I can drive.  I actually passed my driving test the first time. I do really love the freedom of just getting in your car and going wherever you want."
"Can Sol come to my birthday party?" Sol laughed."I wish I could but I think you would have to speak to my agency and my manager about that."
"Can I date Sol?" Sol laughed and grinned. the staff also laughed "that's an interesting question. Maybe but I think you would have to speak to my agency and my manager about that too." Sol said and shrugged with a chuckle.
[ HOW ]
“Okay last board, How old is Sol?" Sol read off as she peeled the tap. "I'm 26 years old."
"How to get Sol's face?" Sol laughed. "Seriously? I don't know. surgery, I think?" Sol said and shrugged with a chuckle.
"How did Sol become famous?" Sol chuckled. " by releasing good music."
"How many languages can Sol speak?" Sol smiled. "I can speak 7 languages. Korean, English, Japanese, French, Mandarin, Spanish, and Russian I'm hoping to learn Thai and German by next year." Sol answered.
“How does Sol stays in shape? By working out.” She stated. “I don’t like dieting and I was extremely bad at it. When I was training to be a singer, I had this extremely diet and I just failed. I couldn’t resist my love for ice cream.”
“How does Sol keep her hair healthy?” She smiled, “I use a specially made shampoo and conditioner provided by my wonderful stylist aka Lina.”
“Well, that’s it?.” She asked, throwing the cardboard away when the staff members nodded. “It’s been fun! They weren’t as scary as I thought they would be.”
“I hope you enjoyed the video, thank you. Mwah.” She says, staring directly into the lens and blowing a kiss at it.
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cocozydiaries · 8 days
more mha dr asks!!!!!!!!!!
do u have any ideas for your hero costume etc.
anyone you're excited to meet??
any sort of idea on what you look like (physical description ig)
YESS MORE ASKS!! love these sm coz i gotta dig through the depths of my mind to answer them.
question when you guys ask me stuff do you like the overly long answers or should i keep it short? coz like the original answers were wayy longer this is literally me tryna keep it short😭 i actually have a problem
Hero costume:
tbh like most things i’m leaving this one for when i shift there but unlike most things it isn’t coz i want my subconscious to decide. Honestly i do not have the sense of style needed to come up with a good hero fit HOWEVER my drself does!!
i definitely want smth either pink or blue. me and uraraka are gonna be twinin🤭!!
i also know that i want smth kinda flowy. i loooove dresses and i mean i feel like smth flowy would just match my water based quirk yk?
i don’t have any inspo but honestly i’m probably not gonna look very hero like😭
anyways might be kinda odd but i looooove magical girl type of outfits sm! and before y’all go “but that’s so impractical for hero work!” not for me it’s isn’t 🙄
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i genuinely did script i have a magical girl type of concept tho but still sorta practical to work in😭
Who i’m excited to meet:
i already know ik them in my dr but i cannot wait to meet my dr family! might be kinda cringe but i actually just might like my family??
i scripted in my cr sibling’s because idk🧍‍♀️. tbh i just can’t imagine being anywhere without them😭
i also can’t wait to meet my cat!! My family adopted a ton of pets because rich people but I specifically ended up with a stray cat i found at the pharmacy.
funnily enough that’s actually smth that happened to me here! except my mumsies said i can’t have the cat so instead the pharmacy took her in but i still get to visit her whenever i go there (she’s so lovely i love her sm!) anyways in my dr i ended up getting to adopt her instead. happy ending yippee.
AND I CANT WAIT TO SEE HER SHES LITERALLY MY BBY☹️ i also scripted (for my own mental health) that pets live wayyy longer now by like 10-20 whole more yrs coz i cannot imagine any of my kids dying before me
if you were wondering the total amount of pets we got a cat, dog, snake, and duck. and like random bird feeder thingies my parents added to the garden. the whole food chain ong
ig i’m also excited to meet up with some old childhood friends? Genuinely asking tho would it be weird to meet up with someone you used to be really close friends with but haven’t seen in a few years😭? Me and my drself are both baffed.
AND OCHAKO ML🫶🫶 i’m gonna meet her at UA probably BUT I HOPE I MEET HER BEFORE THAT TBH😭 but trust we’re gonna be besties
i scripted i’m super good at baking coz she mentioned she likes sweet stuff so i’m gonna spoil her with all sweet stuff i make😈 devious plan
Appearance stuff:
since this is a safe space… i feel i should share that i did in fact change my appearance. I don’t have a specific face claim (i wanna be surprised tbh) but mostly i just changed some of my facial features to their best version. looksmaxxingcore unironically i fear💔
i scripted that my face looks pretty and whatnot (in a very like unique way coz ugh she’s so different and quirky and unique🙄) but i still look and feel familiar to myself.
Also idk if you guys have heard that theory but like apparently after spending enough time with someone you start to look like them? Ik that theory generally means like clothes and aesthetic rather than actual facial features but i did script that even tho me and my siblings are adopted we somehow look similar to each other and our parents.
But the biggest change is probably my hair. in a reality where i can have any hair colour and you think i’m not going pink?
anyways i scripted that i have like pink streaks of hair in my otherwise black hair!! gonna match so well with my hero outfit!
smth like this!!
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tbh it doesn’t matter coz i do dye my hair often so i’m probably gonna end up with a ton of different hair colours anyways
aside from that my hair is still its lovely curly self! i love my curls and never wanna get rid of them but i did script if i like straighten my hair that it STAYS straight even if i sweat and whatnot. i haaaaate when you get those curly little wisps peeking through coz of that😭
anyways that’s all for now! i love answering asks sm so this was real fun but i also love hearing about ur mha drs SO TAG ME IF YOU POST ABOUT THOSE
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campbyler · 1 year
hi!! you guys are so so so incredible and i admire all of you. i just wanted to ask a silly silly question 😭. what members of the party do you guys think are cat people and what members of the party do you guys think are dog people? (or they can always be both)
thank you!! i hope you guys have the best day and i hope you guys are looking after yourselves! 🫶🫶
hi hello!
ok so. after some deliberation, we don't really think the members of the party are Aggressively Cat People or Aggressively Dog People. for a lot of them, we ended up saying that they like both 😅 so here's our thoughts:
dustin - is a cat person because he grew up around cats and is more comfortable with them but is also cool with dogs too (also feel like he'd like reptiles honestly)
el - definitely loves both dogs and cats, and honestly, i think el's just an animal lover in general!!!
will - sorta similar to dustin but reversed, is a dog person bc of growing up around dogs, but does like cats a lot too
lucas - more of a dog person probably, but not in the aggressive "oh i hate cats" kind of way and would definitely be fine getting a cat one day
max - starts off as more of a dog person and initially Does Not Know What To Do with cats but then meets one and falls in love and is now a dog and cat person
mike - lowkey allergic to both but leans more dogs initially, until like max, he interacts with a cat and quickly begins to love them. would def adopt a cat someday (they're easier to take care of)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
I know you're primarily doing Bumbleby, but ever since the Big Cat RWBY post where Cheeta!Ruby and Snow Leopard!Weiss where introduced, I kept wondering about what Animal!JNPR would look like.
Rather than giving them feline dopplegangers as well, my mind instead kept returning to canines, domestic dogs specifically.
Dog!Jaune would a Golden Retriever, because obviously. He'd be owned by Pyrrha before she came to the zoo/animal reserve Jaune works at. Picked up as something of a runt from the litter, and the only male pup amongst all the sisters because why not.
Dog!Pyrrha would be something that looks imposing but would only be dangerous if provoked or goaded, maybe something like a Rottweiler. Or better yet, a Dobermann! Dobermanns are fiercely loyal to their owners and are known to bond with one person only. Owned and cared for by Jaune after he found her in an dank alley with, of all things one could expect, an arrow in one of her back legs.
Arkos happens by chance when both Jaune and Pyrrha are taking their dogs out for a walk in the local park. There's a whole meet-cute scenario that brings the two together and bish-bash-bosh, both Jaune and Pyrrha end up with a significant other they each believe to be out of their league.
Dog!Nora can't really be anything else but a Samoyed. Sure, it'd be funny to have her be like a massive wolfhound or something, but I think the Samoyed is basically perfect. Nora's boisterous, active energetic and playful and so is the Samoyed. If you can keep a handle on her, she's incredible to have around.
Dog!Ren on the other hand was harder to pick. After some searching however, I managed to come across the Chuandong Hound. They're described, among other things, as noble, loyal, and dignified. All of that describes human!Ren quite well I'd say. They're also protective of the people they care about and are known to stand guard if strangers come up to their owners, only to lower their alertness if their owners are fine with them.
Dog!Ren and Dog!Nora would both be owned by an established Renora couple. When they adopted them as pups, Nora named them like that on a whim because she thought it was hilarious. She still thinks it's funny now, now that the dogs are all grown up.
All four dogs, despite their vastly different personalities seem to mesh incredibly well when they all meet each other for the first time. The same goes for their owners but that's to be expected really.
Anyhow, whether you decide to do something with this or not, I just needed to get this out.
Big Cat AU is 100% funny, fluffy and lovely by the way, definitely hope to see it come back from time to time.
Whew! This was a long one for me to go through, so I apologize for the delay here.
I like the idea of Pyrrha being a doberman! But maybe keep the ears floppy instead of cropped for her. Adds to her wanting to be "normal".
Jaune is definitely a Golden boy, but I don't see him being one of the AKC purebread floof boys. No, I want him to be the shaggy, dark blonde slender boys. They have more charm.
Nora.... I have to disagree with the Sammy. I can honestly see her being a Terrier. Specifically a Jack Russel Terrier. Those little crackheads are so loving, but absolutely crazy when they get into hunting mode. Considering her backstory, I can see her being a terrier mix.
Ren's definitely works! Never heard of a Chuandong Hound before, but I can definitely see it. Otherwise maybe a black and brown Chow Chow.
I'll have to do the Dog Days AU in a different post, but I'll try to do one soonish! I just need to get an idea. If you think of a prompt before I do, shoot me an ask!
(Funny thing is: I'm not that big of a cat fan. I'm a dog person, so the fact that I'm writing a Big Cat AU is hilarious for me! I'm glad you're enjoying it though! I enjoy writing up blurbs for it.)
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arccanine · 22 days
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I'm realizing I really don't even think to post about the things going on in my life anymore. But I want to share the joy of Pepper with anyone who will listen, and express some of that love that soon won't have anywhere to go anymore.
Last year, for my birthday, we adopted the kindest soul of a ferret I've ever met, Pepper.
Earlier that year, we'd had to put our last ferret, Mishka, to sleep, which was devastating not only to us, but to our remaining ferret, Cinnamon, who had always had a cagemate to play with. She was incredibly depressed being alone, refusing to eat more than the bare minimum and spending so much time curled up asleep in the bed they used to share.
It took us a while to feel ready to "replace" him in our lives. But after six months or so, our hearts were healing, and our remaining girl was still so lonely, so we began to keep our eyes open. We'd half-jokingly look at ferrets in towns 6 hours away right before some long trips, debating whether or not we wanted to break our 2 ferret limit to pick up a bonded pair, since that seemed to be the only option available nearby no matter where we looked.
And then one day, there was a single ferret listed only a few blocks away from our home.
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She was 3 years old, raised by a teen girl who no longer had the time for her now that she had A Boyfriend (no hate btw, I think it's a funny and dumb reason, but I'm honestly so grateful to any owner who realizes they're not giving their animal the care they deserve). While Cinnamon and Pepper were interested in each other, Pepper was raised alone with cats and dogs and didn't properly "speak ferret", leading to a lot of miscommunications with body language. We also slowly realized she likely has neural crest disorder (sometimes also called "Waardenburg Syndrome", but that term is really just reserved for humans) — a product of the rampant ferret inbreeding problem with big box sellers like Marshall's. Which essentially meant she was a little bit slower, a lot sleepier, and had some difficulty reading body language, but she was otherwise a healthy and incredibly affectionate ferret.
I remember being doubtful and not ready to get invested in a new animal if she wasn't going to be a good fit with Cinnamon. I actually remember a few times talking to Taran and wondering if we should consider finding her a better home, since it seemed like they were really struggling to connect.
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But sure enough, Cinnamon and Pepper grew to love and understand each other despite the not-perfect communication — starting with sleeping together, cuddling, grooming each other, and finally figuring out how to properly play fight (something Pepper was incredibly excited to learn, if not too much so lol). Cinnamon put on some weight again, and Pepper began to open up and show off her silly side.
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After a month or two, they were perfect little buddies. She became a part of our little family and our outings — a required member for our weekend restocks at the pet store, park visits, or whatever outdoor events were happening around town. The daily wake-up scritches where she would throw her whole body against your hand, rubbing her face into your fingers and against the soft blankets to help her rub the sleepiness away. The play routine, watching her discover the joy of being bowled down the hall and running back for more, loving chasing you, being chased, climbing tubes, getting into places she shouldn't be, or searching for her next sugar fix (which we wouldn't actually give her, but that sure didn't stop her from trying).
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But this all came to a halt last week, when Pepper woke up shivering and wouldn't stop, mouth covered in painful-looking ulcers. We immediately rushed her to the emergency vet. We remained hopeful through the week — we'd caught it early, she was healthy (if not a little pudgy) to help buffer the loss of appetite, and she was receiving medicine to help her fight any possible infections or stomach ulcers. We got her in for bloodwork on Wednesday and let them keep her a few nights to help give her around the clock care while we waited for the results.
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It seems like she very suddenly suffered from what we can now only assume is kidney failure. We remained hopeful that this was just the start of a new period of her life where we'd have to give her a little more daily care or maybe some medication, but after they ran another bloodtest, we found out that despite the constant care, nothing had improved, and her prognosis was suddenly much more grave. We learned all of this on Friday afternoon, and decided to take her home with painkillers to help keep her comfortable and loved before we were ready to let her go.
It hasn't even been a year since we got her. And we love her so damn much. It's like I wish everybody else loved her as much as we did, so I could at least feel like she's being mourned properly when we'll finally have to put her to rest.
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I wanted to dress her up for the halloween market again, I wanted to watch her bound through the forest to sniff and dig at some more of that dirt, I wanted to take her to the park some more and let some more kids meet an animal they've never seen before — letting her charm them by being a little animal that loves their gentle touches. Her squinty little eyes, the way her ears flatten back as she accepts your kiss on her head, the way she chittered like a little bird when she was happy or excited and running around, the way she rubbed her face and whole body on our fake grass, the way she gently licked at Taran's nose while he held her even now as she's slowly dying.
I don't know what else to say other than I just wanted more time. More of what we already had. That it hurts so much that I was expecting more, that she was completely fine the night before, and that I was wrapped up in the monotony of the day to day that I didn't realize it would be our last good night together.
It feels so cruel that some ferrets can live for 8-10 years, and that some barely scrape 4 just because the companies pumping them out don't give a shit about their quality of life. But we've done absolutely everything we could, she went into it as healthily as she could, and we can be at peace knowing it's just her time now. There's nothing else to do now other than keeping her comfortable, saying goodbye to our favorite places and favorite people, and reflecting on all of the joy she brought us in such a short amount of time.
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Love you, Pepperoni. Thank you for everything.
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bibiopic · 5 months
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my handsome little guy. my partner and i adopted sweet when he was one. his previous owner lived in bellingham and couldn't keep him, so she put him up for adoption on craigslist. i made the drive up and beef drove us back. he wasn't neutered, so we made the decision to keep him solo, gave him the run of our home. it was an amazing choice, honestly; rabbits are (sometimes deeply) misunderstood pets, and he was well-behaved enough that after some light preparation (high pile carpet-havers, beware), he could be trusted just about anywhere you'd trust a cat or dog. we have spent every moment since the day he came to live with us loving him like a son. sometimes it feels impossible that he's actually gone. eight years can pass you by pretty fast. it's getting a little easier to think about sweet in the past tense, but it's still hard. i am so thankful that whatever was hurting him is over now, and so regretful that we'll never know if it was something we did wrong by him, or if we could have even done anything at all. what i miss the most is being able to sit side by side on the floor and rub his tiny face while he crunched his teeth at me. one of my fondest memories is getting to feed him a little bundle of spring greens from the first garden we grew at our apartment. for the last eight years, any time i was sick, or nauseous, or my head hurt so bad that thinking made me want to end it all, sweet would just sit with me and be. we kept each other alive.
whatever the truth of our being here is, if such an absolute exists, i'll never be much for stuff like heaven. but i do hope that he is so so so so so happy, wherever it is that bunnies go after this place.
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setagaya-division · 11 months
A sound of something being dragged is heard until it stops in front of his residence’s entrance and then, his doorbell suddenly rings.
“Sir, we’ve got something delivered to you!” 
Once he recalls that the owner of that voice is none other than the delivery man who usually works in his neighborhood, the glasses boy can’t help but cautiously approach the doors for a quick check through the peephole. He must be certain first that what’s on the other side of the doors isn’t something that would bring harm to him and his family. 
Not finding anything suspicious but a sight of some kind of vehicle(?) in front of his residence, Elliot makes up his mind to go check it by himself.
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Looking closely at the vehicle, he finds out that it’s a brand-new bicycle with a fairly spaceful basket below. Checking up its basket which seems to be large enough to fit the medium-sized dog in, there his blue eyes meet other two gifts wrapped in cloth and one envelope sticking out.
“To Elliot Shimizu of ENIGMA
Firstly, Happy Birthday to you and greetings to the Setagaya Division.
This letter was written from a certain division a bit far away from Tokyo —Somewhere where you may take interest in since there are a herd of wild deer allowed to roam around in the town. This time we’ve got some presents for you.
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The box with a fragile symbol is from me; It's a double-walled mug. With its gap between two layers, it can prevent heat from burning your fingers and prevent condensation at its outer surface from making your mug wet. It has a cute design too, so that’s a plus!
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The next gift is from my friend, Asahi. This time around he chose to make the nerikiri called ‘Ajisai (Hydrengea)’ for you! It is named after Japan’s signature flower that blooms in the rainy season (and also the same flower that flourishes around our old man’s place). Oh, don’t worry about the ingredients. This wagashi is made from rice flour, shiro-an (white bean paste), agar, sugar and some food colorings, so that even vegan can enjoy them!
And how don’t we talk about the last present. It’s an E-bike with the basket beneath the saddle. The bike’s size isn��t too unwieldy so I think it’s good for maintenance and many more activities; like taking your pets for a short journey, or maybe it can even attend your errand at the supermarket. Honestly, I think our old man definitely have some soft spot for hard-workers.
P.S. I also heard from my classmate’s dad the vet around here that there is a very young man started assisted the veterinary work in Tokyo, perhaps that’s you by any chance?
Hope y’all blessed in health and have a nice year
Yuuya Kanata, Nara Division”
———Somewhere in the town where the deer roam free
“Saigo-san, do you happen to see Ojou-chan anywhere? I think I’ve lost sight of her just now.”
“How would I know about that? I’m not your fucking cat.”
“…Lately I’ve often found her snuggling around my computer when I’m not looking. Maybe she just prefers a warm place.”
“You two really get along huh? First time we met, you looked like a total mess bringing that furball into my house.”
“That time I only got some scratches…”
“‘Some scratches’ you say. That time your entire arms were all covered in plasters.” 
“That’s her instinct to defend herself.”
“And she did attack me once I just wanted to inspect something!”
“That was because you made her feel unsafe!”
The fact is ...for some reason (but do cats really have any reason?), the kitten they adopted seems to attack anyone who tries to touch her except her favorite human.
As Elliot finished reading the letter, he looked up at the e-bike. To say he was a little intimidated by the machine would be an understatement. To be honest, he had always detested motorized vehicles after finding out that some of them caused stress and anxiety to dogs due to unnecessary noise they make. It also didn't help that Elliot didn't know the first thing about riding a bike, let alone a motorized one. He much preferred to walk, as it was good for the environment and a person's well-being. Plus, didn't you need a license to ride a motorized vehicle, anyway? Elliot never saw reason to get one, especially since he was so young. ...But just leaving the bike there after it had been given to him would be rude and hurtful to the person who gave it to him.
"Maybe... I can have Mina-san or Yorii-san teach me how to ride it..." He thought, before heading back into his house to observe the other two gifts he had received. He was particularly interested in the mug. To say he loved the design on it would be an understatement. He smiled as he made sure to use that cup the next he got. Picking up one of sweet treats from his final gift, Elliot took the leap and bit into one. His eyes grew round as his mouth absorbed the flavors of the white bean paste.
Looking at the other three uneaten ones, he debated between leaving some for his siblings. He knew Yorii loved anything that was sweet. He wasn't sure about Mina-san, but he knew Yorii would just eat hers if she didn't. Nodding, he took one more treat from the plate and left the rest sitting on the kitchen table. He smiled as he headed back to his study room, very happy at how this day was going.
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leqonsluv3r · 4 months
I just wanted to come by and say YOUR ANIMALS ARE SO ADORABLE HFVBUEDSIJWOC!?
Always wanted to own something like a hamster or guinea pig (I went through a small phase so ik both are kind of different) but your cats too?
I need to see more of your cat! Coming from a literal cat lover who feeds about ten cats and grew up with over ten cats. (Becoming the crazy cat lady early, and honestly here for it.)
The dogs are so adorable too! THE LITTLE HEAD TILTTTT! I'm literally so giddy cause seeing animals makes my day so much better. I NEED TO HEAR MORE!
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I seriously hope you'll say more about your pets I AM INVESTED
AGAIN, i will always speak about my pets. i have no qualms (even if it’s annoying asf).
i’ve had three guinea pigs total. i had one when i was younger, his name was buddy. the second, luna and i got her when i was still in high school, the third is willow. the first two have passed on, bless their little hearts :,) my best advice is if you want a guinea pig, go for it. make sure you have tons of room for them to run around. eventually get it a friend and give it lots of love. AND DO UR RESEARCH!!! I CANNOT EMPHASIZE THAT ENOUGHHHH!!!!
MY CATTTTTT!!!! (i’m a massive cat lady lol, it’s concerning and i’m only 20 💀)
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some fun facts about my cat for u 🩷💐😻
- he’s a maincoon mix (have no idea to this day what he’s mixed with)
-he was a gift from my dad, one of the best gifts i’ve ever received to this very day
-he was adopted from a kill shelter. the people that had him before neglected him so much. (manz literally has abandonment issues. he was declawed and left to live off trash in an abandoned apartment when they found him)
-he quite literally sleeps on my face to the point i feel like im going to suffocate (he has zero personal space)
-he lives outside but ironically hates it at the same time
-he talks to the birds at our birdfeeder when the weathers nice (cutest thing ever istg)
-he’s named after stewie griffin from family guy (bc he’s a baby and a lil shit at the same time)
-he hates my dogs (they get all up in his shit for no reason 💀💀 so he throws hands)
-he loves sleeping in the bathroom but hates baths 💀
-he sleeps on my squishmallows frequently and leaves my bed covered in hair clumps 🥲👍
-he’s always eating but everytime we go to the vet he’s at a healthy weight(???) (fast metabolism ig???)
my dogs are a completely different story, istg. copper i cannot stand sometimes but i love him. sadie is the biggest sweetheart but her breath is god awful (shh, don’t tell her i said that)
ANYWAYS :,) there ya go 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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Not As Expected 
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~6.7k
Summary: You and Wanda have a baby
A/N: Apologies y’all. I know very little about birthgiving. also very stressed atm so I will be in and out today. Mostly out. Enjoy ...
Warnings: Angst, very vague descriptions of labor
You’re woken up from your dream about infinite dogs by a swift kick to your shin. You jump in surprise that eventually becomes pain when you open your eyes and realize what just happened. You sigh inaudibly as you look to your wife beside you who is predictably restless. She’s muttering under her breath and shifting occasionally as she dreams about something you’d probably never be able to guess.
Since reaching the third trimester, Wanda has become a regular occupant of the many different pieces of furniture in your house. She seems to have very little energy these days, and you often come home to find her sleeping on the couch in the den, or upstairs under the covers in bed. You don’t mind the sleeping because you know how tired your wife is, and honestly when she’s asleep she doesn’t have time to fret about your baby’s imminent arrival.
Despite having everything prepared, the nursery is fully stocked and decorated, and the house has been child-proofed as much as necessary for an infant, Wanda still is anxious. She often flits around the house looking for something that needs fixing, or rearranging in the already finished nursery that she’s redecorated twice. She decided that she wanted to change the theme from clouds to baby animals and you just obediently went to the store and helped her in any way possible.
You’ve been anxious throughout Wanda’s pregnancy too because despite knowing that she was mere weeks away from giving birth, the previous attempts at getting pregnant have made you fearful. You had given up trying getting pregnant, and you and Wanda had talked about adopting. You’d actually matched with several children, but they never made it to your house due to biological family conflict, or incompatibility issues. After a few months of trying that, Wanda expressed her desire to try and get pregnant. She was at the compound maybe once monthly, but otherwise she was a stay-at-home mom to their cat, two dogs and rat so she honestly had nothing better to do.
She’d posed the question like this and despite rolling your eyes at the idea, you’d eventually decided that it was worth a shot.
Your wife had been excited about the prospect of being pregnant in a way you’d never been, and you were glad that it had only taken a couple of tries with IVF for her to get to this point. She was thrilled and despite the early sickness, mood swings and now constant soreness and fatigue, Wanda was still excited. She was ready to be a mom to a human baby and she just hoped to give birth to a healthy, happy one soon.
You and Wanda had talked about it a lot, and despite being curious, you both had decided to wait to learn the sex of the baby until they arrived. It was a little difficult preparing for them this way, but you’d been against the pink vs blue thing from the start so you were all too willing to buy anything and everything for your kid. You of course had bought so many stuffed animals that they filled almost half the crib, but Wanda let you do it and enjoyed watching you excitedly arrange them around the nursery.
Overall, Wanda’s pregnancy had been pretty painless, and you were grateful for this. She’d only had mild sickness and cravings early on, and her mood swings were usually manageable and easily solved with cuddling. Your friends and brother-in-law stopped by often to check in and they all promised to help when the baby arrived. You were very grateful for this and you wouldn’t hesitate to ask for assistance because you were exhausted and Wanda was even more exhausted. You were also eager for your family to get to know your little one. You’d all been waiting a long time for this.
You had it easy compared to your wife, and you knew that. However, when nights such as this became more frequent you started to wonder if this was still true. You loved your wife, there was no question about that, but you couldn’t say that you loved being woken up in the middle of the night. Most of the time Wanda would talk in her sleep or move around so much that she jostles you. When you were particularly unfortunate like tonight, she’d hit you because she was dreaming.
You watch as she continues to dream and you consider your next move. You don’t want to wake her up because she hadn’t felt good before going to sleep, but you do try to move away a bit so you’re out of striking distance.
This works about as well as it usually does, and as soon as you pull away from your wife she stirs with an irritated whine.
“Come back.”
You’re not even sure if she’s awake when she says this, her eyes are still closed, but you know better than to try and resist. You merely sigh and move back towards your wife and pull her into your arms. Maybe if she settles, she won’t kick you again. You’re not convinced that this is the case, but you manage to fall back asleep before you’re proven wrong.
When you wake up next the sun is up and streaming in from between the curtains. You shift so it’s not shining in your face and it’s in that moment that you realize your wife isn’t in bed. You frown and sit up as you look at the clock to see that it’s late. It’s 9 am and you’re wondering how you slept in so much.
You slowly get out of bed because you’re only half-awake before you glance to the bathroom. The door is closed so you knock but after a few seconds of no response you open the door carefully. You call out for Wanda again but she doesn’t answer and you quickly see the bathroom is empty. You frown before deciding to go downstairs figuring that your wife might be in the kitchen. You walk down the stairs and immediately see your two shepherds standing in the kitchen watching and waiting for something.
You realize what that is as soon as you spot Wanda standing at the counter in front of the ingredients she’d gathered to make her breakfast. Her hands are planted on the counter and she’s bending over slightly in a way that makes you think she’s going to be sick. You hurry the rest of the way to her, ignoring your two dogs, as you try to figure out what’s wrong.
“Wanda, are you okay? Are you in pain?”
You wait anxiously as Wanda takes a deep breath before shaking her head. She turns to you with a forced smile that does little to make you feel better, but you don’t have time to ask again before she’s offering an explanation.
“I’m fine, Y/n. I was just going to make breakfast, but then I started to feel weird. I’m better now though.”
Wanda is about to grab the eggs in front of her, but you’re still a little concerned so you reach out to stop her. You take her hands with a frown and wait until she’s looking at you to ask. You notice that both Rogue and Boone are anxious, and you don’t think it’s because there’s bacon nearby that you’re not sharing.
“What do you mean weird? Are you having contractions?”
You’d been worried about Wanda not telling you when she was feeling poorly since the beginning of her pregnancy. She didn’t like to bother you and you’d only tried to tell her a dozen times that it wasn’t a bother, and that you wanted to make sure she was comfortable. She’d done a good job since her second trimester, but now you’re nervous again. When you see her gaze dart away from you and to the duo on the ground that was whining at this point, you realize that something was off.
“I started having them yesterday, but they stopped fairly quickly so I thought it was nothing.”
You’re probably staring at her incredulously, but you don’t notice as you try to think about where the bag you’d packed for your sudden emergency trip to the hospital is located. It was already in the car, wasn’t it?
“You’ve been having contractions since yesterday?”
Wanda shakes her head as she tries to explain better because she can tell you’re panicking and she doesn’t want that. You don’t need to panic about this, it’s fine.
“No, just for about an hour, but then they came back just now. They’ve stopped though.”
You shoot your wife an appraising look before you nod in understanding. You look back to the food that’s out and you decide that you’re going to make breakfast. You say this and Wanda tries to argue but you shake your head before leading her over to the counter to sit down.
“If you want you can help from here, but I can handle it, Wands.”
She just sighs in defeat and you can’t help but smile victoriously as you finally take a second to greet your dogs. You scratch the two of them at once because despite learning to get along, they are very jealous whenever the other one gets attention. You’re only a little worried about how they’ll react to a baby taking all of your time.
“Hello my handsome boys, were you keeping your mommy company?”
They both try to lick you and you laugh before waving them away toward your wife. They’re not allowed to be in the kitchen and they know this, but sometimes you aren’t super strict. You’ve been trying to do better since Wanda was moving slower and didn’t need to be tripping on your dogs. She’s almost tripped over Boone when he’d snuck up on her while she was cooking once, and you’d freaked out.
You loved your pets, even Fletcher, but you had become increasingly stressed by the idea of them adjusting to your newborn. You knew none of them would be alone with them, but they were all young and energetic creatures that sometimes didn’t understand calm. You had a feeling it would be fine, and there would just be an adjustment period. However, as the vet and the main caretaker of the fur children, you felt responsible for them and their behavior. You watch as the duo leave you and walk over to Wanda who reaches down to pet them with a smile. She’s glad that Boone and Rogue were able to get past their initial disagreements and they were almost as close as Boone and Fletcher at this point. The older shepherd had gravitated more towards Wanda once he became more comfortable with you two and especially once you moved back home.
He was often found at Wanda’s side no matter where she was, and you loved that she had a good relationship with him. You would have felt guilty if both dogs had gravitated towards you. You finish washing your hands and turn to the stove which lets you face your wife and you can’t help but smile as she coos at the duo at her feet. She pats her lap as you’re mixing the eggs and you watch as both Boone and Rogue try to jump up to put their feet in Wanda’s lap.
They grumble at each other in annoyance but Wanda shifts so she can accommodate both of them and they stretch so they can lick her face in a sloppy kiss.
“Good boys. You’re going to be such good older brothers, hmm?”
The dogs just whine in response and you laugh as you check to make sure the pan in front of you is hot before pouring the eggs in. You consider what Wanda says as you start to stir absentmindedly. You imagine the three of you all cuddling with your pets as a big happy family and you find yourself smiling. It’s all you’ve ever wanted, to have a large family with your wife and be able to enjoy a life separate from the mob. You’re sure raising kids will be stressful, but as long as it’s not life-or-death stressful you’re ready for it.
“Y/n. “
You hum slightly in acknowledgement as you turn off the stove once the eggs are finished. You’ll let Wanda eat these while you make her bacon and then you’ll make yourself some. You realize that Wanda hasn’t responded and you frown slightly as you look up to see her staring at you with a slightly panicked look.
“What? What is it?”
Wanda looks down to her stomach and then the floor where the dogs are both sniffing a small puddle and she tries to take a deep breath.
“I think my water just broke.”
Natasha Romanoff was bored and it wasn’t even 9am. She had gotten up at 4 as usual, gone for her normal run and trained with her sister already. She didn’t have anything scheduled until 10, but she hated to just sit around and do nothing. It was Saturday and she should be happy to have time to relax before her day really begins. She’d spoken with Pietro yesterday, and there was way too little to do for a Saturday. She’s not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but she’s trying to figure out what she can do to fill her day when her phone rings.
She sighs as she reaches for the device with an uninterested look. She expected something work-related, but she sees it’s you and she’s quick to answer it. She sits up with a smile.
“Hey, Y/n, what’s up?”
You try to sound as calm as possible because you are really trying not to worry too much. You know that Wanda will pick up on your stress which will only increase her own, so you speak in an almost uninterested tone as you continue to speed down the road.
“Hey, Nat. I have a favor to ask if you don’t mind.”
You glance over to Wanda to see that she’s breathing deeply and trying not to flinch in pain as her contractions continue.
“Sure kid, what do you need?”
You clear your throat before speeding through a yellow light. This is a normal thing for you, so you’re not showing any signs of stress at all. Definitely not.
“Well Wanda’s in labor, and I was wondering if you could meet us at the clinic.”
Nat doesn’t register your words completely given your almost lackadaisical attitude and she just nods in confirmation. It only takes her a second to curse and jump up and find her keys before she’s rushing out the door.
“She is? Wow, ok. We’ll be there soon!”
You and Wanda had discussed at length where you should go for the redhead to give birth. The compound had been your first thought, but Wanda didn’t want that. She found it stressful to go to work where people would undoubtedly hear or see she was pregnant. She’d only been so willing to be pregnant because you both agreed to keep it a secret for as long as possible. This meant not visiting the compound after a few months when she started showing, and then not spending time out in public until they were born. You’d gone along with it because you wanted Wanda and your baby to be as safe as possible.
For this reason, you and Wanda were on the way to a smaller, private clinic that had agreed to host her when the time came. It only took the doctor you’d chosen knowing about it for the entire thing to be possible. She owned the clinic and was a good friend from a former life that could guarantee anonymity for the two of you.
Your first call had been to her to make sure that today worked, not like there was much of a choice given how things were progressing, and she’d said that she was already at work. She’d told you to come on in, but not to hurry because it sounded like it could still be a while before the baby came. You’d told Wanda this and she’d relaxed as much as possible with the sharp pains continuing to surprise her.
“Thanks, Nat.”
When you and Wanda arrive, you’re only a little surprised to see that Nat and Yelena are there already. You smile at them before you hurry to get out of the car so you can help your wife. You can tell that she’s in pain and you hate that there’s not much you can do about it. Well there’s not really anything you can do about it unless you count asking the doctor for an epidural or pain meds stat.
“Hey, Nat. Yelena. Thanks for coming so quickly.”
The duo just nods and Nat’s smiling as she helps you open the passenger-side door and reach for your wife. Wanda’s smiling but it looks vaguely like a grimace as she greets her friends who despite not showing it, in Yelena’s case at least, are excited to be here with you two.
The family has only been waiting for years to have the two of you to have a kid, and now that it was happening, they were over the moon. Wanda waddles her way across the short distance from the car to the clinic doors. Everything had already been arranged and the group of four were met by a nurse and quickly led to a room.
“Good morning, everyone. Are we ready to have a baby?”
You watch as Wanda smiles slightly as she nods in confirmation. You assist her as she’s walking and you feel your heart rate start to pick up at the realization that it’s happening. You’re about to have a baby.
Wanda’s voice breaks through your slightly panicked state and you turn to her as you help her sit down on the exam table. She’s shooting you a worried look and you frown automatically because she shouldn’t be worried right now. You want her to be as calm as possible for this sure to be stressful and physically draining process. You’re going to do your best to make sure this happens.
“Are you okay?”
The question seems ridiculous to you given that your wife is the one who is about to push a baby out of her. You nearly laugh at her question but you realize why she’s asking as soon as you nod in answer.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m great. So ready for this.”
You wait as patiently as possible as things get set up and Wanda is examined. You are grateful that there’s a privacy screen because some of the noises you hear are making you nauseous. You feel like a wimp but you’re tired and you are a vet for a reason. You do your best to hide any sign of discomfort as you squeeze Wanda’s hand with a smile.
“How are you feeling, my love?”
The redhead smiles at you despite the fact that the strengthening of her contractions makes her head swim. She is glad to have you here with her despite your reservations, and she’s only a little worried about how long this is going to take.
“I’m okay, thank you for being here with me.”
You lean over to kiss your wife as you glance to your friends who are in the doorway only occasionally glancing in.  You know that at least Yelena is as squeamish as you are, and Nat’s on the phone with someone, probably Pietro. She’ll keep him updated and he won’t come until closer to the delivery time. Wanda will be stressed if he’s here too early because he’s bound to rile her up one way or another. Not to mention, the older Maximoff surely doesn’t want to see this part.
“Of course, Wands. I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”
Of course, as you say this you consider what you left at home and how you’re certain that someone is going to have to check on your pets. You can’t help but smile and Wanda’s watching you so she doesn’t miss it. She shoots you a curious look that turns a little pained as a particularly strong contraction hits her.
“What’s with the smile?”
You turn back to Wanda and you take a moment to brush the stray hairs from her face with a smirk.
“I was just thinking about how the boys have certainly eaten your eggs and bacon at this point. Fletcher probably helped.”
Wanda’s eyes widen as you mention your quick departure and how you hadn’t taken time to clean up breakfast before heading here. You’re not really worried. You’re more amused than anything, but Wanda is starting to stress which makes you realize you should have kept this particular thought to yourself.
“Oh no! Fletcher is going to be blocked, and the dogs are going to vomit and--.”
You shake your head as you squeeze her hand and try to distract her from the frantic thoughts as she imagines the chaos that could be happening at home right now. You kiss her cheek before reminding her that you have a lot of family, and you’d already asked someone to check on the kids at home.
“No, no. Everyone will be fine. Piet’s going to check on them. You just focus on here and now, okay Wands?”
The next five hours feel like 10 as you and Wanda wait to meet your baby. Wanda is honestly the one doing all the work, and you’re just sitting by her side as she nearly breaks your hand and cries off and on. It’s a relatively easy labor despite its seemingly daunting length, but Wanda delivers a healthy baby girl and you couldn’t be happier.
You’re exhausted, but you know that compared to your wife you had an easy time. She’s sleeping now after you reassured her that you would look after your baby, and the whole family is standing in the room as they all look at the new addition to the family.
“Oh my god.”
“She’s so tiny.”
“Are you going to tell us her name, kid?”
You can’t help but smile as you shake your head as you stand and pass your daughter to her uncle first. He’d been running back and forth between here and your house to check on your pets and to make sure he wasn’t in the way. The only ones who’d hung out for the entire time was Steve as he stayed nearby to make sure nothing went wrong. He’d been on guard for so long that he was nearly falling asleep where he stood. It’s only after Pietro was finished cooing over his niece for now that Steve perked up. The baby was passed to him and he jumped slightly as he tightened his hold on the little one.
He didn’t want to imagine what would happen to him if he’d dropped her.
“Not yet guys. Wands wants to be awake to break the news, so I wouldn’t hold your breath.”
You smile slightly as you turn away from your precious bundle that looked miniscule in Steve’s arms to look to your wife. Wanda finally looked relaxed and you brushed some of her hair out of her face. She was sweaty and undoubtedly sore, but you were going to let her sleep for a while.
Nurses would come back and take your daughter for a bit, and although you planned on staying with Wanda, you’d asked Nat to go with her and not let her out of her sight.
It was unlikely, but you wouldn’t put it past someone to try and kidnap your baby and you’d rather be paranoid than heartbroken.
Pietro sighs dramatically, but its effect is dimmed by the fact that he’s still beaming. He’s so happy for his sister, and you, because you’d waited so long for this. You finally had a kid and he couldn’t wait to spoil her. Pietro says this and everyone laughs as Yelena finally gets her turn with her niece as well. She looks to the little squishy chubby face and she falls in love immediately. She kisses her cheek before turning at the sound of the door opening behind them. She sees some nurses in scrubs and realizes that they need to do their thing. She hates to let her go, but she knows she’ll be in good hands as her sister follows the trio out of the room.
“She’ll be plenty spoiled with all of the family she has.”
Wanda’s still groggy a few hours later when she wakes up to an unexpected presence on her chest. She frowns slightly and is about to shift and roll over when she feels a hand on her arm. She opens her eyes to see you holding her still as you meet her gaze with a smile before looking back to your daughter who’s nursing.
“Sorry, she was getting fussy. Little one has an attitude already.”
Wanda smiles at this as she looks to where her daughter is cocooned in blankets and being held against her chest by her wife as she feeds. She reaches out to hold her, and at that moment she realizes how tired she still is. Her arms are sore and she almost drops them until she hears her daughter coo as her eyes open.
“Hi there little one.”
Wanda smiles widely and tearfully as she takes a moment to interact with her baby. You just watch in admiration as your daughter tries to follow your wife’s hand. She blinks and you almost cry when Wanda starts to cry again. You’re sure she has a headache from how much stress she’s been under and how much she’s cried. You’re glad to at least see that she looks happy, and you sigh in relief as you sit down next to your two girls.
“How are you feeling, love?”
Your hand is still on Wanda’s arm and she sighs happily as she turns to you with a smile. You move closer so you’re able to kiss her cheek, and she hums happily before turning back to the little bundle that’s fallen asleep at this point.
“I’m great, detka. I’m so happy…and tired.”
You smile at this and nod in understanding before looking around to see if there was anyone nearby. You are sure that Wanda would like to go home and sleep, but you honestly can’t remember if she’s supposed to stay here for a while. You are sure your friends are lurking around somewhere, at least Steve and Bucky, and you grab your phone before offering Wanda a sympathetic smile.
“I bet. You did so well though. Do you want me to see when we can go home?”
Wanda nods tiredly and you start to dial Steve’s number when you notice someone walk by the door. They glance in quickly so as not to see anything they shouldn’t but once they realize the coast is clear they’re shooting both you and Wanda a smile.
“Hey there. How’s it going in here?”
Wanda turns at the sound of her friend’s voice and she smiles as she shrugs half-heartedly. You wave Bucky in and smile as you watch him look to your daughter who you still haven’t called by her name yet. You and Wanda had talked about potential names once you realized that you were having a girl. You didn’t want to know initially, you liked the idea of being surprised, but Wanda had been adamant about needing to properly prepare, so you’d given in. In the end, the only difference between preparing for a girl vs a boy was the name. You bought many pink things, blue things, and everything in between.
Both you and Wanda were on the same page about raising a kid. You wanted to do it together and you wanted to do it in a way that would give your child a freedom that neither of you had.
“We’re getting a little tired. I was about to see when they’re all good to leave.”
Bucky nods at this as he looks over his shoulder briefly before smiling as he steps a little closer. Wanda’s stopped nursing at this point and you’re helping her hold your snoozing baby as you wait for an update. Bucky says that he’ll figure this out and he disappears leaving you to turn your attention back to your tired wife.
“We’ll get out of here soon, okay? Then you can rest as much as you want.”
Wanda smiles at this and thinks about arguing, but she stops herself when she realizes you could be telling the truth. Despite just having a baby and both of you being exhausted, you would be shocked if you didn’t get a chance to rest after this. Yelena had left earlier with a vague comment about picking up a few things, and Nat had gone with her. Pietro was back at your house and you wouldn’t be surprised if by the time you got there your friends had shown up.
They’d been adamant about helping you both once the baby arrived, and you couldn’t be more grateful. Despite wanting to spend every second with her, you are truly exhausted and would like to sleep for the next 6 days. Wanda doesn’t have that luxury, but she can still rest between feedings and take some time to recover.
You had underestimated the toll that being pregnant would take on her, and labor had somehow been more intense. You knew that she was fighting the need to sleep now as you watch her eyes flutter closed periodically. You were certain that once you got home and you were in a safer place, she’d pass out. You can’t help but reach out for her and wipe some of the sweat from her brow as you lean further into her.
“Is there anything I can do for you, Wands?”
She smiles sleepily before shaking her head and glancing at you with tired eyes before checking on her daughter.
“No thank you. You being here right now is all I need. I might fall asleep if we can’t leave soon though.”
You laugh at this and despite what you assumed earlier; Wanda does actually fall asleep right before you’re given the green light to leave. You wake her up briefly so she knows that she’s heading home, and you help her into a wheelchair before taking your family home. Steve and Bucky confirmed your suspicions that everyone is at the house, and you smile before shooting your sleepy wife a knowing look.
“That’s great. We’ll officially introduce everyone to her.”
When you’d said this, you had meant the members of your family that were people. However, now that you sat beside Wanda on the couch as the redhead carefully held your daughter out for your dogs to greet, you realize that they were an important part of this process as well. You’re pleased when Boone and Rogue sniff your daughter and don’t seem to mind the new presence in the house. Whether or not this will continue as time passes, you’ll just have to see, but for now the duo just sit at Wanda’s feet and watch as the rest of the family interacts.
“So are you going to finally tell us her name?”
This comes from Pietro who’s sitting in one of the chairs across from them with an expectant look. He’s still smiling and you’re sure that his face hurts especially after Wanda breaks the news. You honestly didn’t have a strong preference for names like she did. Your family was unfortunately mostly gone at this point, and despite wanting to remember them, you didn’t feel the need to borrow their names. Wanda on the other hand was a little more attached to the idea of giving your daughter a meaningful name, and you had no problems with this. You smile as she sits up a little and tells her brother, your friends and your dogs who are all paying close attention to you two the name she’d chosen.
“Everyone, meet Natalya Y/l/n- Maximoff.”
Everyone’s face lights up and Yelena has to bite back her initial retort of jealousy when she realizes who your daughter is named after. Although it’s very close to her sister’s name, she recognizes the twins’ mother’s name. Pietro smiles widely as he stands up to hug his sister, and he nearly trips over the dogs as he collapses next to the younger, tired Maximoff.
"That’s perfect, sestra.” He says something else in their first language that you vaguely understand. You watch as Wanda smiles brightly and kisses her brother’s cheek in thanks. He then turns his attention to his niece to play with her little fingers.
You watch him for a moment before your attention goes to your smiling friends. You can tell they are all pleased and you wonder how you’re going to tell them that you have not chosen godparents in an official way. You and Wanda had both decided that your family was unconventional and this should be no different. She wants all of your family to have important roles in your daughter’s life, so they were all going to be unofficial, official guardians.
You hug them all and Yelena sneaks behind Wanda to try and get Natalya’s attention. She can’t help but reach out and try to poke the baby’s cheeks and you just laugh at this as you address Nat’s amused look.
“Is this going to get confusing?”
Wanda catches the tail end of this question, but you laugh before she can offer the solution you came up with. You shrug slightly as you claim that it won’t be that difficult to differentiate between the two.
“Nah, you’ll be big Nat while she’s little Nat.”
Nat laughs at this as she sits down on your other side and pulls you into another hug. You relax and feel your eyes start to grow heavy, but the sound of growling catches your attention. You sit up quickly to see what the problem is, but luckily Boone and Rogue are just fighting for your wife’s attention. You keep watching them as they come to an agreement and Rogue is allowed to put his head in Wanda’s lap while Boone just sits at her feet.
Wanda smiles as she reaches out to pet the shepherd’s head which makes him pant happily. He tries to nuzzle closer to her, but he realizes that Natalya’s in the way. He whines slightly but decides to take a different approach that surprises you.
“Ow, bud, what-?”
You cringe and watch in confusion as your dog climbs into your lap so he can get closer to your wife. You’d said that you were grateful that he liked Wanda so much, but this was slightly annoying. Luckily you were too tired to care and you sigh in defeat as Rogue’s tail wags as he licks Wanda’s face with another whine.
Wanda smiles and she goes to scratch her dog with both hands once Yelena decides that she wants to hold little Nat.
“Little Nat. You’re a cute little thing, aren’t you?”
Wanda quickly gets a face full of fur and you reach out for your other dog so he doesn’t feel too left out. You scratch him with a smile before looking to Steve and Bucky.
“I might need some help getting upstairs if this keeps up.”
You’re only half kidding because by the time that everyone gets their turn to cuddle with little Nat, both you and Wanda are asleep on the couch. You’re cuddled up with Rogue who is luckily no longer sitting directly on top of you. He’s curled up next to Wanda’s side and his head is on her leg as he goes between napping and watching everyone around him.
He knows all of these people and he likes them fine, but he’s not used to having them all in his house with his people and it’s stressing him out. He’s tense where he lies protectively next to his sleeping mothers, and he can’t help but want everyone to leave.
No one notices as he looks over to where Nat is placing little Nat in her small bed. Everyone moves over to the kitchen to get drinks and discuss getting some food and groceries for you two. They are coordinating who will do what when Rogue jumps off the couch and heads toward the sleeping baby. Boone is still lying at Wanda’s feet and he sits up and watches as Rogue sniffs around the bassinet. He barks in warning when the other shepherd sticks his face in, and everyone in the kitchen turns to see what’s wrong.
You and Wanda are still asleep, but when little Nat starts crying you wake up with a groan. By the time you look over to see what’s going on, Nat is beside your dog and reaching out for him as he continues to sniff the crying baby. You fly off the couch and unfortunately wake Wanda in the process as you hurry over to make sure nothing’s wrong.
“What is it? What happened?”
You quickly realize that little Nat is just scared, but you’re not sure what set her off. You look to Rogue who is whining slightly as he’s held still by Nat’s grip on his collar. Boone is up at this point to investigate and you quickly reach out for your baby with a frown.
“I think he just scared her.”
You’re not sure which dog Nat’s talking about, but you don’t get to ask before Rogue whines louder and tries to move closer to little Nat. You frown in confusion and maybe your brain is still a little foggy from sleep but you reach out for him with a smile and scratch his head.
“You can let him go, Nat.”
You didn’t realize that Wanda was up until she’s near shouting at you. She’s wide-eyed as she walks over to where you and the rest of your friends have started to gather. They’d abandoned their plans when the dogs started to wander around. They didn’t seem super interested in Natalya initially, but they knew they needed to keep a close eye on them. They’d only looked away for a second.
“Wands, it’s okay. He was just saying hi.”
Wanda looks to you and then your shepherds nervously as she tries to figure out if you’re telling the truth. Rogue is still looking at the calming baby in your arms as you rock her gently. You might be a little tired when you kneel down on the ground so your dogs can greet their new sister, but you’ve always been a good judge of character. Whether it be people or animals, you’ve always been able to tell what they intended to do.
Wanda has to stop herself from yanking you back to your feet, but you shoot her a smile as you promise that it’s fine. You just want to see what they’ll do and you know that Nat is only a breath away from grabbing Rogue again, so you’re not worried.
“He just wants to make her feel better, isn’t that right, Rogue?”
The shepherd continues to smell the still sniffling baby before he throws out his long tongue and licks little Nat’s face. Your daughter’s eyes widen as if to say ‘what was that!?’ and you can’t help but smile as Nat sneezes when Rogue’s fur rubs against her face. You pull your daughter away and hand her over to your wife who you know is dying to look her over. You sigh as you reach out for your dog and pet him with a smile. You look over to both Nats, the younger one is sleeping in her mother’s arms, and you can’t help but lean over to kiss her before doing the same to your dog.
“I knew you’d be a good big brother.”
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