#honestly making everything AFO's fault
codenamesazanka · 30 days
Shigaraki/Tenko wanting to destroy the false sense of peace All Might and Heroes created
Shigaraki/Tenko wanting to destroy everything that lead to the existence of that house, which he conceptualizes as the embodiment of rejection and injustice in the world. Be a Hero for the Villains.
AFO basically literally created that house
Shigaraki/Tenko helps defeat AFO
Deku telling him 'you already destroyed it' is... apparently Shigaraki/Tenko having finally gotten rid of the true cause of (his) rejection and injustice? main antagonist's big problem that represents an overarching major issue of the story/in-universe society... solved? (main antagonist's big problem that represents an overarching major issue of the story/in-universe society not actually being the problem he thought it was but now also solved?)
No longer a need for there to be a Hero for the Villains, Shigaraki/Tenko dies.
Heroes not to be blamed in the first place. also fuck everyone else and all other 'actual' outcasts I guess.
#i understand that Tenko not having 'supposed' to be rejected doesn't mean the rejection didn't occur for the other League members#but taking that away from Tenko/Shigaraki - leader of the League of Villains - wanting to be their champion#symbolically being their collective grievances and wills condensed into one#taking that away makes the story a lot weaker#GOD what happened#nalslastworkingbraincell#honestly making everything AFO's fault#and making Tenko's main issue being his despair toward himself (created by AFO)#allowed for the (seemingly for now) clean resolution of 'get rid of the both of them' possible#It's AFO's fault? Kill him! Problem solved#Tenko's issue not actually *harm caused by other (non-AFO) people* but instead *harm caused by his self-conceptualization/his own self*?#Tenko's projecting his own self-loathing and anger onto the world and causing trouble for everyone and making his crusade meaningless?#let him die too. Pity but problem solved!#AFO gave him the specific quirk that was Decay because it was such a brutal and deadly quirk that would guarantee rejection#you cannot tell me he could've been fine after manifesting Decay if only AFO wasn't there to tell him he has an innate need to destroy#not after what we've seen of Shinsou and Toga#other 'normal' people would not have let him live a normal life#that *is* also very much a problem that should be addressed#but it was AFO who gave him Decay and Decay was also actually not naturally existing#so everything's fine! no changes for anyone!#all this could've been saved if this was transferred to AFO - AFO also seen as a victim of societal apathy#especially since he was BORN A TRASH RIVER RAT ORPHAN#but he's just a lonely guy who was too unpleasant to form real relationships#so. only real issue Hero Society ever had that needed to be addressed was civilians being too hard on Heroes#gotta love them more and demand less of them#yippee
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bibibbon · 6 months
MHA and mixed messages
Every series has a message that it sends to its readers whether it be something unique or cliche there is a message but with MHA A LOT OF ITS MESSAGES OR ARCS SEND MIXED SIGNALS. This really ruins the story because you have mixed messages like :
Anyone can be a hero ( only if you have quirk). This message of anyone can be a hero is instantly ruined the moment izuku gets OFA and then hori tired to bring it back with making mecha all might which makes me even more angry because if it were anyone that should of and deserved to become a quirkless hero it should of been Izuku
Forgive your abusers ( it was your fault in the first place). The poor todorokis and how badly endeavour abuses them all. I hate when hori and general endeavour stans try to minimise the amount of abuse enji inflicted on his family which varies from physical to financial abuse. I don't think enji should of been redeemed at all like honestly there is no way to redeem that man. I can go on and on about how badly done the arc is and how by making the todoroki family blame themselves for touya made NO SENSE AT ALL.
Anyone can be saved ( half of the villains weren't redeemed and shigaraki). This one has me so pissed honestly. Heros are there to save people or the idea that anyone can be saved but have any of the villains been saved and do they even want to be saved. The current leaks literally show shigaraki calling himself the incarnation of destruction and there is izuku somehow still trying to save him?!?! Like tell me how that's gonna work because it really isn't.
Someone with a provisional license can legally use their quirk ( Izuku gets in trouble). Izuku should of never gotten in trouble for fighting gentle criminal. He done everything legally and literally didn't break any of his bones. He took down gentle criminal without any fuss, almost no property damage and allowed the festival to still go on but somehow he gets in trouble ?!?!
Violence is never the answer ( bakugo exists and is popular). What I mean by this is that bakugo can be as violent as he wants towards ANYTHING and people will think highly of him and love him.
Doing bad things is bad ( have the hero's do bad things that the villains would get hate for). This has happened multiple times MHA seems to carry this idea of oh the villains can't do that because it's bad but it's ok if the hero's do it because they probably have a good reason. This can be seen with having shinso brainwash gigomachia but then it turns out that it's ok because machia has always had a grudge against AFO after abandoning him.
THERE ARE MORE IAM PROBABLY FORGETTING (this is all I can currently remember that really bother me)
So overall, MHA has a lot of mixed messaging that really really harms the story and characters. How are we supposed to believe in messages like anyone can be saved when in reality they can't. Stuff like this shows you how horikoshi fails at show and tell because all he usually does is tell not show and when he shows something it doesn't match up with the tell he tells us.
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hamliet · 2 months
How does "AFO gave Tenko Decay" theory being confirmed takes away from Tomura's agency? I'm just trying to understand your point of view. Of course, AFO is saying that none of the decisions Tomura made were his own, but that's simply an exaggeration of what we already knew. We already knew that AFO groomed him and that he was the reason Tenko saw the world in a certain way and why killing was a normal thing to him. And we knew that AFO expected Tomura to wish for more power. So what changed? AFO didn't make people on the streets ignore Tenko, didn't manipulate heroes into not seeing villains as people, and he didn't manipulate Tomura into wanting to destroy everything instead of becoming the new king of the underworld. Tomura made the decision to kill all heroes and destroy Japan. AFO being the one who created Tomura, which we already knew for years, doesn't really take away from the fact that it was Tomura who hurt and killed all those people. And if it does somehow take away from his villainy and the fact that he was the one who decided that he wanted to lash out at the world, shouldn't have people complained about this years prior to this? Because AFO being the main reason for Tomura being a villain was made obvious a very long time ago.
Same person as in the ask about Tomura's villainy not being taken away from. Forgot to add, but we have characters that did bad things and did mean them but are still should be treated as people - Dabi and Toga. None of their agency was taken away. Dabi chose to kill people fully aware, no agency being taken away here. Same with Toga. AFO never was their behind their villainy, he's only the reason why Touya survived. AFO is being sympathised with - through Yoichi. Who is the only one who was genuinelly upset seeing his brother die, and who is the only person AFO ever actually loved in his own way. The only person all of this OFA hunt and vessel-raising was done for, from AFO's perspective. Redemption, atonement and salvation are something one has to want, it's a choice someone has to make. He is treated as this Evil because AFO had all the opportunities to change and never took them. He can't trust people because it would mean giving away something from himself. He is someone who got stuck with emotional maturity of a toddler and could never make the right choice - and it's not his fault. The narration from his backstory is very much sympathetic too.
You're welcome to disagree with me, Anon. But the irony is that you're stating exactly my problem with it: that it's
simply an exaggeration of what we already knew.
Although I'd argue it's more like shooting a spider in terms of exaggeration. Like, there's escalation, and then there's "are you okay" levels of exaggeration. And when you have an exaggeration to this level, you better have a good reason for it. That spider had better be hoping to end the world. But here... that's not the case.
My main point is that: if it doesn't add anything to a story, it shouldn't be there. Yeah, that's harsh, and enjoyment is something added, etc. But, at its most stringent, a plot twist must add something to the story--to its meaning, to illuminate the past chapters, etc. This doesn't do that, which you're kind of even pointing out yourself. And it's such a big reveal, given a horror factor, that it doesn't work to just ignore it either.
I think AFO literally orchestrating Tenko's BIRTH is like... so out of the realm of "grooming." It's into the realm of "defies reasonability and is almost laughable." It's not a parallel or commentary on real life society with subtext, which BNHA has tried to maintain for a long time. Instead it's like... it's such an escalation that it shatters immersion.
What does this add to the narrative? Honestly, it adds nothing that we didn't already know and makes what we already knew "oh wait not actually the most important part," and hence it's not a good reveal.
Like, it wasn't foreshadowed. Was anyone thinking that AFO had orchestrated Shigaraki's birth? It wasn't really implied at all. The quirk thing was implied, but this is just... a dramatic escalation.
It adds nothing in a subtext sense either. Predators irl seek out children who are vulnerable. They don't orchestrate literally everything from creating their very existence by urging their parents to have kids.
The funny thing is that I'm not actually opposed in theory. But in execution, it's bad. See, as much as I'm saying "this is ridiculous," it's because the story as set up didn't set this up.
It could work much better as commentary on social realities like the Todoroki quirk marriage. However, as is, it's nonsensical given that we know AFO was looking at other kids as possibilities. So it also has a whiff of retcon. Again, it could have worked if the story had played more into the god complex or hinted that Kotaro was being manipulated or whatnot. But BNHA hasn't done either of those things. So again I ask, why?
Thematically, one of my favorite aspects of BNHA is society's nuanced flaws. Yes, the flaws that hurt Shig all still happened. Tenko was still ignored. So if society is a problem, then why does Horikoshi need to portray one geriatric dude with a weird interest in strangers' sex lives as the entire reason Shigaraki even exists? Does this add to that theme? It does not.
It adds nothing beyond making it a moral necessity to save Shigaraki.
We also don't have any hint that we're not to take it at face value or to think it's a distortion; Deku isn't challenging him on this. It'd be easy to throw something like that in there, but it's not there.
Anyways, this is my opinion. You're welcome to disagree, and like I said, I'm still cheering for Shigaraki.
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myherobirdbros · 8 months
BNHA Chapter 403: Review by Birdbros
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First let me just say that baby Toshinori is so cute I can't breathe. Now, to the actual review. I love that his childhood was good and beautiful. That he didn't grow up in tragedy and had a loving mother and potentially the reason why he's so invested in being a hero. Because she didn't discourage him and instead fostered his dream so he could be proud of who'd he become one day. Also may I just say that this entire All Might arc has been giving. It has given so much and I've loved every second off it because honestly some people needed to be reminded why this man was the number 1 hero. Still though, just the thought of his mother dying and All Might having to take on the world and fix it without here breaks me in a way I can't fully explain.
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Yeah no, nop, no. I won't let you do this. He's not gonna die. Not All Might. Not after everything. I refuse to accept it. He has so many other steps to take Okay! Stop it. What do you mean and end of an era?! AFO you absolute fucking clown, do not hurt him! I mean it!!!!!!!
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Damn..... he really cut off Toshinori's backstory just like that. Wtf man. We rarely get this man reflecting about himself and you had to go and do that!!!! The fuck is wrong with you!!!!! I hope you die a painful death AFO it's all you deserve you piece of shit......I'm getting way too emotional *sigh* Okay, let's try and be more logical here. Now that All Might hasn't been able to use Bakugou's quirk it means Bakugou might come back right? My boy might finally come back and save him, right? Right?! I mean it makes so much sense. Feels like the story has been building up to this. Midoriya fighting to win and Bakugou fighting to rescue. Like a reverse role. Please please Hirokoshi. You can't have taken Edgeshot from me and Katsuki too. You can't T_T Don't Nobara me man, please. Also once again, fuck you AFO your arrogance will def be the end of you. Toshinori won't die a hero because HE WON'T DIE AT ALL!
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Thanks a lot Stain. Seriously thanks man. You could not have done anything but lose your quirk to this man (turns out I lowkey hate Stain *sigh*). Ugh, I know it's not really your fault and you sort of tries to save my man a little while ago but fuck, did you have to lose your quirk to this loser too?! I'm already mouring Hawks damn it. I can't do this anymore. Look at Toshinori's face T_T No one should ever make him look this hopeless, ever. This shit is illegal. Also, imagine loving killing someone so much you literally tear your mouth wide open joker style, the fuck AFO, the actual fuck? My dude you really need to sit down and finish that ancient comic book of yours because this aint it fam. This really aint it. You're so villain it's not even funny anymore.
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Shoutout to Tobita (my absolute favorite villain - he makes me so soft protect him at all cost) and star's crew who just like me would have hesitated to fire at All Might. I love you all and I hope when Bakugou comes back he beats the shit out of AFO for you. (Horikoshi do not make a liar out of me). Also psycho eyes AFO. Once again this man does not fail to creep me out. Die!
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Is he... is he planning to tear All Might in two? Is he really about to do this?! WTF WTF WTF STOOOOOOP. I can't do this. My sanity cannot handle this. Someone stop him! Fuck Midoriya crying is breaking my soul. This is not okay. I'm not okay. Shigaraki you bitch stop laughing! Everyone just stop. This can't be happening T_T This is so grusome I'm legit tearing up. And Midoriya's eyes is killing me. This is so wrong so so wrong. Someone please please please.
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I...... Oh my God..... my baby. My baby. He's back!!!! He's back yall. I..... Katsuki..... oh sweetheart T_T
I'm so emotional I legit walked away from my screen to take a break from this rollarcoaster. Thank you thank you thank you Hirokoshi! Thank you!!!! Also can we take a second to appreciate the beautiful art people. U.I exploding, Midoriya's tears blowing in the same direction. The light that shines on that tiny figure on top of U.A and then that zoom in on Bakugou's weathered figure. It's all so *chef's kiss* beautiful. I'm in love. And def will print this panel out and hang it on my room because my baby is back!!!!!!!
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I take that back. I'm hanging this up. Me and Best Jeanist sobbing over this right now. Our baby is alive!!!!!!! But look at him, he's so tired and haggered and back from the dead. He deserves a nap, not to fight a psycho who can't just quietly go into ground and never come back. Also theory: now that Bakugou has essentially come back from the dead, might his quirk have evolved to the extreme edge like we've seen for many before him such as Touya and Uraraka? And since Katsuki literally died maybe his evolved even more? My biggest hope. Beat his ass Katsuki. Make him regret that he was ever born.
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Not a bakudeku shipper but I'm 100% a bakudeku friendship apologist so this, seeing Midoriya look up, tears flooding from his eyes because he's so fucking terrified he'll lose his mentor just like he lost his childhood friend only to then look up and see Bakugou is doing something to me I cannot explain. And Katsuki.... Katsuki with the ancient All Might card he's still holding onto for dear life. Katsuki remembering their baby selves. Katsuki being so out of it but standing up to fight for All Might like All Might stood up to fight for him at Kamino..... *sobs hysterically in a corner* Also the symbolism of All Might always having looked back at his past because all the steps felt so important just to now look forward because the steps his kids are gonna take are the important thing for him now..... yeah I'm not okay.
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This is truly the beginning of a new era huh. Bakugou and Midoriya, carrying on All Might's dreams and hopes..... Hirokoshi you bastard. How can you do this to me. WTF MAN WTF!!!!!! And look at Katsuki's eyes. The explosion within them. It's so beautiful. I love it so much. And now him and Izuku's feelings are one; they'll save All Might and redefine hero society.
*stands up and applauds like crazy* There has been several misses for me in this manga but moments like this is why I'm happy I never gave up on it.
Welcome back Katsuki darling. Welcome back, it's been too long.
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class1akids · 2 years
Can you think of the reason why deku calmed down so quickly ? I mean Ofc i don't want a rage deku but i thought he would struggle a bit more before he calmed down!!
I think Mirio got through to him and I'm fine with that.
We still don't know exactly what made him snap (looking at the AM-card twice will be important obviously, beyond just the surface "Bakugou is closest to him" thing), but Mirio physically grabbing him, shaking him, telling him that he needs to put aside the guilt and fight because there is still hope - combined with remembering how everyone counts on him and Banjo's words worked.
I think by now he also knows how AFO operates (the blowing up of the villa, blowing up Nagant's head) and they all were told not to fall for the taunts (see also Hawks' and Endeavor's fight).
So I think knowing that he can't save anyone if he loses it again is a big motivator. I also like that Mirio doesn't tell him it's not his fault, but tells him to put away the guilt for later.
I've honestly been somewhat skeptical about Mirio being in this fight (because I don't really like his character - but he's starting to grow on me now), but I think being Sir Nighteye's pupil, he brings to the battlefield a lot of the All Might heart/idealism personified and shows that the spirit itself can make a difference, even if he himself is too powerless to deal damage.
His character is better suited to show that than Deku's right now, because Deku has all the power, so it's hard to show that something works because of his spirit, rather than because of his power.
I have to say, I liked this chapter a whole lot better than the previous one. Instead of the hype saviour, we get the flawed, overwhelmed kid Deku is, who still needs others to win, and who can pull himself together only because others are both helping him and counting on him. I think that's a much better framing than Deku just being all perfect, coming in with some hype kick and saving everyone alone and fixing everything by himself.
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kitsunefyuu · 8 months
The way this new chapter has gone, either way we lose. Bakugo just fights AFO then we get the unsatisfying ending of AFO getting defeated by Bakugo.
Bakugo and AFO are somehow dragged into the Shigaraki and Deku fight, then Deku gets robbed of his moment and has to share the spotlight with Bakugo which robs Deku of his chance to shine. Frustrating chapter in general, especially how Bakugo can join the fight after dying quiete literally while Shoto passed out after not a lot of action.
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At the moment, I'm just going to wait and see how it's handled. I enjoy the way everything drawn and how it looks but that what makes everything hard to swallow. It really feels like Izuku just... He doesn't matter as much to the story anymore. It not even in a power of friendship way it like he was just kind of brushed to the side a bit. Only there for his super powers.
Which is what makes it WORST. This whole Arc has been me being like where Izuku!? And it ain't all Bakugou fault if we are truly honest Hori literally never showed or allowed Izuku to have his in depth fight with Shigaraki. It been shoved to the side then it like oh Izuku going to try and save All Might! He going to- then BAM here Bakugou moment and it like, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? WEREN'T YOU 'DEAD'?
Note I wasn't expecting him to stay dead or anything but I certainly was not expecting him to be up and walking. Or like Edgeshot to be a worm I am still reeling so might not keep up with the manga. I need a break I have things I actually need to focus on in real life not whatever Horikoshi is doing with this arc.
The final Arc should be Izuku showing the fruits of his labor... And honestly it more like it just checking off a list. Like let resolve all these things, oh yeah random heteromorph discrimination and slima oh and machia brainwashing- Psych he hates AFO now with NO BUILD UP OR EVEN HINTS. Like Holy shitake it ain't even just Bakugou that the problem he's just an easy target it EVERYTHING!
And Shouto has been SUPER shafted narratively his father and brother got more development while he barely allowed to share only struggle then pass out. This final arc is just burning ME out with it check boxes. It everything that a mess, Bakugou just reminded me of how much I been disliking this 'final arc' since his death.
I swear @marunalu has said all there needs to be said on Bakugou but he ain't the only reason for the bad taste. But... I guess if you're a little kid or have simple desires, no depth required, it not really bad it cute. Not like any reader deserves anything it Hori's story in the end so I'll just... Be stewing on it and got to be honest it ain't only because of Bakugou there a lot of things going on.
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marunalu · 2 years
Class 1A vs Deku arc literally undermined Deku's valid and noble reasons for leaving UA. Deku had trauma due to the war and had regrets about not being able to stop an incomplete Shigaraki. His fear of putting the people and his loved ones in danger after remembering what happened to Shoto, Bakutrash, Aizawa, GT, Nejire, Ryukyuu during the war was all the reasons he left UA. He already has lack of self worth due to being told worthless and useless and abused for 11yrs and when he became desperate to find Shigaraki it started to become worse with him not taking any breaks and all of this was before the encounter with Nagant . Watching Nagant explode and AFO's declaration only reinforced his fear and trauma and it's why he left all might. His state of mind became worse and he stopped caring about himself anymore.
However when class A arc started, all of his trauma, fear were thrown away. The arc painted Bakugou as innocent and an angel while blaming all might for Deku's lack of self worth when the person to really be blamed was Bakugou due to years of bullying, calling Deku useless and worthless, telling him to kill himself. The whole arc was a disgusting with Ochako and Iida agreeing with the trash when he mocked Deku. He also had the audacity to project himself on to Deku. Even Bakugou's apology was trash and Class A were just watching again. The most saddest part is that none of class A knows exactly what Bakugou did to Deku. They don't know that Deku's lack of not taking himself into account, his lack of self worth was a result of Bakugou's bullying, calling him useless and worthless. In the end the arc Undermined Deku's reason, his trauma and glorified his chief abuser.
The worst of it for me is what happened after Bakugou's apology which was narrative having Deku putting himself down and saying Class A were way ahead of him as Hero when they didn't do shit compared what Deku has done since the start. Then Deku Apologizes which was not necessary considering Deku was right to say they can't keep up. So what is Hori saying now? that Uraraka due her speech is a way better Hero than Deku? Bakugou is a better Hero than Deku ? Iida is a better Hero than Deku? Does Deku have to now learn on how to be a hero from class A when said class A didn't do anything compared what Deku has done?
Sorry for venting it's just i had High Hopes for the solo arc but am utterly disappointed with the story now. I understand Deku needs to share his burden with his friends but it should have been organic by making him realise that he Izuku (not Deku) matters and how much he means to them and that he can rely on them. Not by undermining his choices and reasons and especially not by putting him down.
Yeah the izuku solo/vigilantes arc had so much potential and hori did throw it out of the window! But honestly I think that was mostly his ex editors fault! Thanks god, that guy got replaced!
I agree with you and I understand why you feel so dissapointed and angry! I get why class a did what they did. They love izuku and wanted him back, but in my honest opinion they used - at least at first - the wrong methods. The 2 things that pissed me off the most, were first iida and ochako being SO FUCKING COLD to izuku at first and siding with bakugou, whos first action was to mock izuku again, when it was absolutely clear he wasnt in the right state and second, momo creating a fucking "asylum chair" they wanted to use to drug izuku and drag him back to ua against his will - she lost A LOT of my respect for her in that moment and I dont think she will ever win it back! I will not go into detail again, about everything wrong with bakugous apology! That whole abnormination of an apology was nothing more then the biggest insult to human intelligence and 95% of the fandom did eat that shit up!
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razorblade180 · 1 year
My Hero Manga Stuff
Ya know…I’ve liked villainous characters before and the rude people; some might say I’m too sympathetic to multiple things perspectives. That being said, I never excuse their actions and the current circumstance. So I absolutely mean this when I say…
If Endeavor ends up having to kill Dabi or Dabi dies at all by the end of this; that’s perfectly acceptable. Now I know that upsets a lot of people, but that’s okay. At this point there’s a section of the fandom that hates Enji no matter what he does regardless of its actually his fault or not. They can’t be pleased unless it’s him dying and that’s pretty wild.
People want to argue it would make Shoto’s efforts and the story meaningless, no it wouldn’t. If Enji kills his own son it solidifies that if his atonement and safety for his family means him not being around or resenting him, then he’ll still do it because it’s not about getting to an ending where he’s still in their lives. He’s not fighting for that right. And isn’t like he’s been disregarding or regressing to old mindsets since his arc.
Trusting his family, acknowledging his wrongs, facing them, listening, and asking/letting others help. He even is addressing Dabi as Touya, but none of that means this ends pretty because Dabi himself doesn’t feel wrong or wants to change. Not only is he at the point where he’s basically a flaming corpse, but Shoto developed an entire move to contain him but Dabi does not care. He’s still killing and ramping. If he were to die then it wouldn’t be fault on any of his family or heroes. He rejects all opportunity despite them trying and despite it being upsetting Shoto, the message he can gleam for that is while it’s invaluable to try, you can’t save a person who doesn’t want to be. Dabi is after friends, family, civilians, everyone. There’s a point where being concerned for him can’t take priority or else everyone else who matters to him will die.
I’ve always thought Dabi is cool and his story is interesting, but there’s also a point it becomes the most selfish and less about tragic for me personally. I originally thought Enji personally pushed to do a move that burned him regardless of his well being and led to his “death” but no! Endeavor was never shitty enough to let a child burn to death; he wasn’t even there at the incident! Dabi is fully aware that he got stolen off the mountain so his father could not find him and was then trained viscously to be stronger than him. Dabi saw the memorial and life going on and while he’s definitely right to be upset and messed up in certain regards, he did nothing to change his own circumstance after the incident. Enji never hid him like a secret, didn’t look, or stopped thinking about him. He was misled to think Dabi was dead which made him spiral into worse habits! So all his monologues about Endeavor being the absolute worse fall a little flat when you realize all of his mistakes didn’t lead to Dabi, but it was several mistakes and All For One orchestrating to make it the worst thing possible.
It’s why I really don’t get Dabi stans when hating Enji so feverishly because yeah, he definitely did terrible things, but a portion of how he became was the byproduct of All For One capitalizing and off of Touya’s tragedy and Dabi never going back. AFO is evil, so I never expect him to do anything good. Enji is a fuck up, but partly do to circumstances and knowledge he wasn’t aware of that could’ve radically changed his mindset and actions if Dabi actually tried returning, who is also a victim in the beginning. Honestly Enji and Dabi have both been played by AFO for personal gain.
I guess that’s all I wanted to say. It just feels so bizarre how this late in the story people still want to put everything on Enji when he can’t be accountable for everything without people truly believing Dabi willingly killing people of his choice is entirely Endeavor’s fault and that’s insane. After all, Deku says it best, “It’s your quirk, not his.”
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meeko-mar · 2 years
HONESTLY, yeah. I don't get agree with Katsuki staying dead either. First, it just plays into the trope of "character finally opens up, get development and whatnot and then dies" and that's like the worst trope ever.
Second, I feel like a lot of people say that he should stay dead because they don't like Katsuki, not even thinking how horrific a CHILD in a WAR dying truly is.
How is that "closing his arc"?!
I really, REALLY can't understand how watching Katsuki do all the work, hit his highs and lows throughout the story, for 8 YEARS of this manga, makes it feel "REWARDING" to see him die in the final hours.
Like, I have been digesting this for weeks now and I still don't get it, how is that a good ending for him? How is that satisfying? We, or the majority of us, have been rooting for him this whole time. We knew he'd figure it out. Because this is ANIME, of course he will.
He's already demonstrated his will to sacrifice his life, both for Izuku directly, and for others. We KNOW he gets it now, but is it really necessary for him to ultimately HAVE TO pay that price? Is that required?
When you pair it with the OTHER theme at work here, which is the Adults doing their diligence and protecting the younger generation! The fact is, Katsuki is around three Pro Heroes who are NOT WILLING to let him be a sacrifice to this war. They are the ones now making the sacrifice so that Katsuki can make it through this war, even if it does cost one of them their lives.
You're right, Katsuki is still a CHILD in a WAR and has once again become a casualty due to his heroism (AND the fact that SigarAFO personally and explicitly targeted him, so it's not even entirely his fault)
People rag on Pro and adult characters so much in MHA for neglecting to protect their children, students, protoges, and here is Horikoshi laying out some of these characters TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for one of those children. Here are the CONSEQUENCES.
He's acknowledged that oversight in the characters and is making it relevant. He has AFO reflecting on how unfortunate it is that so many Pro adults have abandoned the cause and made the minor students to pick up the slack and pay the price for it. We have Jeanist, Miruko, and Edgeshot risking everything to save Bakugou so they don't have to lose a child, a promising student, on the battlefield before he's even 18. We have the American guy, Agbar(?) saying that they OWE IT to the younger generations to FIGHT AFO instead of joining him so that they can have hope for the future. We have Tenko seeing the pros trying, desperately, to revive someone who he just killed, and wonders, WHY DID NO ONE TRY THIS HARD TO SAVE ME, when I was still ALIVE??
Horikoshi is making all this MATTER. And Katsuki's death was one of the vehicles to express this theme, that the adults have to take responsibility and protect their charges instead of simply making them clean up their mess.
Honestly, what an interesting theme, considering that's BASICALLY reflecting current times in real life, with older Gens NOT taking responsibility for their effects on the world and doing right by the younger ones... 👀☕
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violetlunette · 2 years
I saw your anti-lov posts and god do they explain everything i dislike about the league.
The thing is, i like the concepts of each league member, but the way they're handled just falls completely flat.
The one i think the most about is Mr Compress. I love phantom thieves and they're my favourite character archetype (which is why i also like monoma and sad that hori caved into fan pressure to make him a joke character after his initial introduction, but thats another rant). Mr Compress, until that dabi revealed himself, NEVER hinted at the whole stealing for the greater good angle. Hell, gentle is more of a phantom thief than Compress is! It feels like it was tacked on to give him a motivation which sucks since he could have been an interesting character.
He's supposed to be a thief with morals yet i see no morals from him or the league.
Honestly its the same issue with stain. Show don't tell. We are told Stain wants to get rid of 'false' heroes and the corruption of society like we are told Mr Compress wants to reform society for the better. We see them senslessly kill people with no regard or indication that they are part of the corruption. We are told society is corrupt but never SHOWN.
We never see greedy heroes and the sole 'evil' hero was endeavour and even then he gets 'redeemed' (he's working towards it but the point is he's the only one we can point at and say 'your fucked up'). We never see the heroes be corrupt or hoard wealth or any of the sort! We don't ever see how heroes perpetuate the cycle that produces villains which makes the league unsympathetic.
This extends to bakugou as he should be the perfect cautionary tale embodying society faults and how heroes focused less on saving and more on money and fame. So many characters had the chance to be that but they get put in the right and their consequences ignored.
And even then, the league's action never addresses any systemic issues. We don't see them exposing endeavour or other heroes like them (that was all on dabi and he just wanted to hurt endeavour so not selfless at all), we don't see them exposing quirk discrimination nor do we see them HELP ANYONE! if theyre meant to be revolutionaries, they need to care for people OUTSIDE of each other! But they don't so they all end up as morally bankrupt villains who pretend to be noble.
And even then, there's a teeny tiny detail that the 'moral' members should have had a problem with.
The nomus.
Why do the other members of the league never question the nomus? I doubt none of them know the implications that a person was experimented on and turned into a puppet. Why was this not something spinner (the most 'moral' member) took an issue with? In fact, I'm surprised that wasn't a plot point for the league! Why weren't there more people who took issues with Nomus and how they were produced? It feels very strange to ignore to me. That could have easily been a reason why other villains didn't like the league! They experimented onto people! Why are the implications of the nomus so heavily ignored?
It infuriates me since the MLA are right there and are already much more complex villains who could have shaken up society and bring into question the heroes better! There's a hero in the MLA! Why couldn't there be more? Why are the league, the ones who don't have a distinct purpose nor do they do anything ASIDE from destruction the central focus? Oh right AFO and all that.
TLDR: i really don't like how the villains in the series are handled as what they say never matches with what we're told and we never see the corruption heroes perpetuate. I'm also confused on why nomus are glossed over in universe from a 'holy shit these were people' stand point and i also wish the MLA were the central antagonists rather than the league as they make more sense and can showcase hero society better.
Now sweetie, don’t hold back! Tell Looney how you really feel. (Lol, no, I love this.) And YES. Yes, to all this. There was potential, but either Hori didn’t know how to handle the villains or someone at Shounen Jump got in the way. And you brought up a good point about the Nomus. Why does no one even blink at this shit? I also love that you brought up the fact that despite the manga constantly saying that the heroes are just as bad as the villains, there is a significant slant between the two. And guess who has the higher moral ground? (hint: NOT THE TERRORISTS!!) The LOV of villains at the end of the day is just a bunch of entitled kids throwing a fit that can’t do what they want. Yes, bad stuff happened to them. No, it shouldn’t have happened. No, they didn’t deserve it. But that doesn’t justify all the terrible things they did. But I digress. The MLA is a lot more compelling as a) they’re more of a threat, b) They have a leg to stand on as they tried peaceful protests in the past but were ignored.
BUT YES!! The nomus are the most wasted and glossed over plot point! And two of them were childhood friends of two main characters! (Izuku and Aizawa.) Plus, think of the angst if AFO had been smart enough to use Nana’s corpse as a nomu! Wasted! The nomus were WASTED!!
But oh well. As said in the past, I intend to do a deeper dive when the manga is finished. But you brought up some amazing points!
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 300: Days of Our Todorokis
Previously on BnHA: Hawks was all “hey Jeanist, wanna go on a road trip with me to my mom’s house?” Jeanist was all “you know it,” and so they hopped into Jeanist’s jercedes and took off. Hawks took a nap and had a flashback to his Dickensian childhood living in a abject poverty with his jerk mom and jerk dad, thinking heroes were make-believe until one day Endeavor arrested his dad and Baby Hawks was all “OH SHIT.” And then he saved a bunch of people, and the HPSC was all “what do we have here,” and blah blah blah, you know the rest. Back in the present, Hawks was all “well my life is currently in shambles, but on the plus side there’s no one bossing me around anymore so that’s pretty cool,” and then decided he was going to talk to Endeavor. Fandom was all “I can’t believe Hawks would side with his childhood hero over the man who burned his wings off and posted a video calling him a violent murderer who took after his abusive dad,” so that was fun and stuff. I can’t wait to see what piping fresh takes this new chapter will bring.
Today on BnHA: Our old friend Carbonation Carl tries to loot a Starbucks and gets his ass kicked by a senior citizen. Society is all “YEAH, WE’RE REALLY STARTING TO GET SICK OF THIS SHIT.” Old Man Samurai is all “this room won’t stop me because I can’t read it” and abruptly decides to retire, which, fun fact, is literally THE LEAST HELPFUL THING ANYONE HAS EVER DONE. Anyway so then a bunch of other punkasses follow suit, and while I won’t say that I’m actually starting to root for Stain to kill some peeps, just for the record I’m not not saying that either. Back in the hospital, Endeavor cries some tears because his life sucks, and then is confronted by his entire family, LED BY QUEEN REI, FIRST OF HER NAME, BACK IN BUSINESS AND LARGE AND IN CHARGE. Rei is all “fuck feeling sorry for yourself, we have a rogue Murder Son on the loose” and I swear to god I have never felt so alive.
so here we go! and just for the record, even though the last two chapters have been phenomenal, I don’t necessarily have any sky-high expectations for chapter 300, mostly because chapters 100 and 200 consisted of Mei Boobs, and Toadette and her horrific quirk lmao. so go ahead Horikoshi, what are you gonna pull out of your hat for this one
oh, back to this stuff again. sob
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I guess there was only so much time we could spend having hospital antics and exploring Hawks’s past before we got back to dealing with the whole “the world has gone to absolute shit” issue huh, lol
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what’s with these bizarrely cute Noumus. why do I want to pet them
so the narrative text is going on about how people have been super paranoid about the Noumu ever since the USJ incident a year ago. so yeah, I guess the fact that there are now a bunch of them confirmed to be running around is really freaking people out even on top of everything else
wtf is happening here
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what did this poor lil glass ever do to anyone. r.i.p.
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tsk tsk tsk. my man has graduated from snatching purses to raiding cafes. going after that big money. this man has no business sense whatsoever lmao
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lmao so that was fun. and now we’re cutting to Wash!! omg. look at him
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he’s so dedicated. too bad you don’t have a car like Best Jeanist. probably takes a while when you’re just running everywhere
you see?? you were too slow!!
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NOOOO, GRANDPA. he defeated Pepsi Pete, but lost his life in the process. this is too tragic
anyway so the good news is that the cafe has been saved! but the bad news is, there really isn’t much of a cafe left. huh. I guess that’s one of the reasons why people are supposed to get a license to use their quirks like this
oh snap and now everyone is coming outside, and they’re none too happy to see poor old Wash over here
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seriously Wash, get a bicycle or something. also the way this guy is gesturing so dramatically with his hand in this sort of “YOU SEE!! YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!” manner is sending me
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“the heroes had dwindled away” okay real talk you guys, it is literally only a matter of time before they press-gang the children into picking up their slack. I still don’t know how to feel about that, but it is happening one way or the other regardless. Child Soldiers 2 Electric Boogaloo. wonder if we’ll see a rise in vigilante action as well
-- no fucking way
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wow. so he didn’t do a fucking thing while the rest of the top ten were being turned into red mist in the previous arc, and now that it’s all over and they need his help more than ever, he decides... THAT IT’S TIME TO RETIRE. holy shit. “fuck you” doesn’t even begin to cover it my guy. you stand there and soak up those boos you coward
ohhhhhhh shiiiiit you guys. oh shit
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the “I am not here” breaks my fucking heart for real though y’all. oh man. everything he worked for is gone just like that
(ETA: okay so a couple of the takes I’ve seen on this make it seem like All Might is somehow the bad guy here?? “this is what happens when society puts a bunch of glorified cops on a pedestal”, “finally the cracks in hero society are showing”, etc. etc. so, just a friendly reminder that this isn’t happening because of too much trust and a lack of critical thinking; this is happening because the villains killed all the heroes and broke a bunch of murderers out of jail. it’s happening because an organized league of terrorists succeeded in terrorizing, and so society is now understandably awash in fear and panic. like, it’s just wild to me that AFO is RIGHT FUCKING THERE, and yet week after week fandom still has their “IT’S ALL THE HEROES’ FAULT” signs still up on their lawns. BUT WHATEVER, MOVING ON.)
also though, so exactly how much time is passing here now? I wanted to go straight back to the hospital and see what happens with Deku and the Todorokis. please don’t tell me we’re jumping ahead sob. my aaaaangst
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sob. yeah I was talking about Old Man Samurai actually but YEAH. HEY THERE ENJI
also is this entire hospital actually run by characters from Super Mario Bros though. first Yoshi and now this guy, come the fuck on that is not a coincidence
lmao they stuck him in another one of these cavernous creepy hospital rooms
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wtf is it with Horikoshi and these giant fucking rooms lately. Kacchan’s in chapter 298, then Tomie’s colossal house furnished with like one table and a TV, and now this. and the weirdest thing about it though is that “huge space with nothing to fill it up” is like the exact opposite of what you’ll usually find in Japanese homes lol
so now Enji is just sitting there thinking things like “my head is fuzzy” and “I’m alive” lmao okay. not quite all there yet, huh. I’ll give you a minute
I’m so fucking curious as to who his first visitor is going to be omg. either way it’s going to be interesting af, and either way fandom is probably going to feel some way about it but OH WELL
okay now his thoughts are getting more coherent! and he’s remembering Touya, and feeling regret for freezing up and forcing Shouto to deal with everything instead
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ohhhhhhh man
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okay, I mean I didn’t expect you to, but so instead then you’re just going to do... what? lie there and wallow in regret and self-pity for the rest of your life? son you know that’s not how we deal with our problems here in Shounen
though also, I totally do get it though. honestly, thinking on it, I probably would have been disappointed with any other response. but so this is where the rest of his family (including his adopted son) come into play now though, because like it or not they’re all in this thing together. and so friends, I am once again asking you WHO IS GOING TO BE THE ONE TO VISIT ENJI FIRST
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holy shit I’m so excited lkjlklhlglkasdsjldfk
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the way she has him by his collar lmaoooo. “lol nah you’re not going anywhere pal.” damn straight, siblings have to be ride or die in situations like this. banding together for survival. strength in numbers
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love how Fuyu has absolutely no idea how to segue into THE SINGLE MOST AWKWARD CONVERSATION SHE’S EVER HAD, so she just GOES FOR IT in pure small talk mode like they’re meeting up for brunch somewhere
lastly while I can’t wait for more of this delicious Natsu angst, I also just have to say that Enji has as much reason to cry right now as anyone on the planet. you can’t deny that being confronted by your not-dead-but-you-thought-he-was-dead son who’s all “SURPRISE DAD I GREW UP TO BE A MASS MURDERER AND I HATE YOU AND EVERYTHING IS ALL YOUR FAULT AND NOW I’M GONNA MAIM YOUR OTHER KID” with a side order of “EVERYONE HATES YOU AND SOCIETY IS CRUMBLING AND NOTHING WILL EVER BE GOOD EVER AGAIN” is enough to bum pretty much anyone out. there’s a Pagliacci the Clown joke here somewhere. BUT DOCTOR, I AM THE NUMBER ONE HERO
oh man lol he is seriously falling apart
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damn. like you guys, I’m sorry, go ahead and cancel me, but I do feel compassion for the man. it’s therapeutic for me to see an abuser actually feel remorse and be truly sorry and want to change and want to make it up to his family. and it’s also compelling as fuck to read a narrative about a family that’s trying to grapple with that, because let me tell you straight up, as someone who’s done a version of that song and dance -- it is exhausting. it is a piping hot mess. it’s a gigantic mishmosh of extremely volatile emotions that all somehow all contradict one another. love, hurt, hope, anger, betrayal, resentment, attachment, longing. it’s something you can both be desperate for and also want nothing at all to do with. and attempting to portray all of that and write about it is a monumental task, and one which Horikoshi has done so, so delicately thus far, and damn but I appreciate it. anyway, so I’m here and I’m ready for my latest helping of Todoroki Fam Feels you guys
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oh my god look at this lady folks
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(ETA: btw guys, seeing Rei handle this crisis like an absolute champ despite everything she’s been through is everything, though. I’m reminded of Hawks’s line last week about people sometimes unexpectedly finding liberation when they’re backed into a corner. like things may be shit but goddammit her kiddos need her.)
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oh my god. oh my god oh my god. AND FUCK YOU HORIKOSHI FOR CUTTING IT OFF THERE sob. it’s like each week the wait for the next chapter becomes more painful. the Todofam is about to get real, and on top of that Hawks is gonna crash the party at some point down the line, and on top of that we’re still waiting for Kacchan to have his own heartfelt discussion about What The Fuck Are We Supposed To Do Next with his best friend who’s currently in a coma. all I want to do with my life is read about these three things, and all I can do is simply wait as they are portioned out in agonizing, addicting little installments every week
anyway! tune in next time as we answer the question of whether or not fandom will finally run its train of logic all the way through to its natural conclusion and somehow manage to cancel Noted Abuse Apologist Todoroki Fucking Rei. don’t act like it can’t happen. you all know nothing is sacred lol. anyways but I’m ready for anything lol, bring it
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 327 Spoiler Analysis: Home Sweet Home
OH MY GOD, GUYS!!!  DEKU GETS A BATH!!!! 🎉🛁 🧼   My broccoli boy finally gets squeaky clean, gets some sleep, and we finally get some R&R time with the Class 1-A kids.  It’s not close to the happy-go-lucky days of old, but it’s some time with the kids nonetheless.  I’m glad Horikoshi put some heart and humor in this chapter because god knows we needed it.  But, let’s be real, this is the calm before the storm:
The chapter starts off with what everyone and Horikoshi has been wanting for Deku since he went on his mission: A motherfuckin’ bath 🛀 🧼🛁!   Kaminiari and Kirishima lead the Class 1-A boys to carry Deku into their side of the UA Alliance bathhouse (looks real nice btw) and give him a good power-wash.  The whole sequence is very comical!  The boys are rushing in and poor Deku has this O_O face on him like “what is happening?” 😂 We also see some of the boys butt naked 😳  It’s clear that Horikoshi had fun drawing this thing and it was fun to read 💚
Bakugo is with them of course and you can actually see his scars from when Shigaraki stabbed him.  He’s not bleeding, but you can see those scar patches on his skin.  I’m curious of how fan artist are going to draw him from now on.  I would like to see that fan art 👀
There’s also some bubble sfx coving Bakugo’s crotch and a translator said it might say dick or penis.  I’m curious what the officials will say.
But, Bakugo being Bakugo is still aggressive towards his classmates.  More playfully than before, but still.  He reminds everyone that he still intends on being the best there is and that everyone is still his rivals (also friends, Bakugo).  HE EVEN MAKES AN ATTEMPT TO CALL DEKU IZUKU!  LIKE HE ALMOST SAID “DEKU” BUT HE CHANGED IT TO IZUKU AT THE LAST MINUTE!  AND DEKU SAYS THAT CALLING HIM DEKU IS JUST FINE LIKE THAT ANGER THAT ORIGINATED FROM THE NICKNAME ISN’T THERE ANYMORE AND IT’S A FREINDLY NICKNAME BKDK FRIENDSHIP GROWTH YOU LOVE TO SEE IT 🧡💚  
After Deku’s bath, he’s sitting in the commons talking to the rest of Class 1-A.  Well, most of them.  Mina tells Deku that Ochako and a few other students went to bed after everything became ok again.  So, I definitely didn’t see Tsuyu, and it looks like Shoji, Aoyama, and Hagakare weren’t in this chapter either.  Ochako I understand; her speech must’ve been emotionally taxing.  Aoyama and Hagakare are the top suspects for being the traitor in the fandom and this isn’t helping their cases.  I don’t know about Tsuyu and Shoji though.  They’re both mutant-types, but characters like Ojiro or mutant-like people like Jiro, Mina or Tokoyami didn’t get outcasted.  Horikoshi did hint that Shoji would be getting something soon.  But, I really am just speculating here.
Now that Deku’s back, everyone has questions for him.  Though I understand why, this has gotta be overwhelming for Deku.  At least they’re not mad at him for hiding OFA.  They seem very understanding actually.
Then my ❄️🔥 boy, Shoto Todoroki, comes in all handsome right out of the baths 💙  He’s drying his right side while you can see a steam cloud on his left.  So, it is canon that Shoto drys himself naturally with his heat. His entrance is so pretty that even Mineta’s questioning it (shut up, Mineta, you’ll never be as beautiful as him).  And yes, I might be a Shoto simp, don’t judge me I see y’all too 👀
Anyway, Shoto asks everyone to let Deku sleep since that was pretty much the whole reason they brought him back.  Problem is, Deku can’t because he really needs to apologize to All Might for abandoning him.  AND AFTER HE SAYS THAT THERE’S A DETAILED PANEL OF SHOTO POINTING TO ALL MIGHT LIKE “UH, MIDORIYA? HE’S RIGHT THERE” AND ALL MIGHT LOOKING FROM THE WINDOW LIKE A HORROR VILLAIN WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE 😭
All Might comes in and apologizes to Deku for not being able to support him when he needed it, but Deku says that All Might support him more than enough.  Mina also scolds All Might for not saying anything when he left.  She wants All Might to apologize to everyone for that.  Though I’m glad Deku and All Might have reconciled (I honestly thought that last convo between them was going to be THE LAST for a hot minute), Mina has a point.  All Might did bail on all of them without any warning.  Kinda messed up in general.
All Might apologizes and he is going to fight with everyone regardless of his physical state so that he can see that flame continue to shine.  However, he warns the kids that they got info on the villains and that the final decisive battle is coming soon.  If the whole “Final Arc” thing hasn’t been hammered into your head, there you go.  I’m also glad that Stain’s speech did end up motivating All Might further.  Who knew?
So, All Might is off to help Endeavor since he’s got unfinished business to take care of.  But, the kids are wondering why Endeavor (and probably Hawks) isn’t entering UA entirely yet.  Shot reminds them that Endeavor is still connected to Dabi and that his presence alone would cause more discourse.  People’s minds can’t change that easily.  Shoto of all people would know.  
As Deku FINALLY SLEEPS 💤 and Shoto puts a blanket over him (possibly warmed by his left side 🔥) 💙💚 Shoto acknowledges how his presence might be making people anxious too even though it’s not his fault at all (thank you, Kirishima for doubling down on this btw ❤️🪨).  But, things are different and Shoto’s going to show that so that everyone can be at ease like he wants as a hero.  There’s even this sweet small smile on his beautiful face as he says this.  He’s grown so much and he’s pretty to boot I love him so much *HANDS IN FACE* 💙❄️🔥 
And now Jiro steps up and says her piece.  That she knows how hard it is to convince everyone to change their minds for the better.  Like with those two critics from the Culture Fest.  Even so, they accomplished this before, so she thinks they can do it again.  She even gathers all the band members to emphasize on this.  I love how Jiro uses her earphone jacks to rally the band and how she literally drags Bakugo by the shirt for a cute group shot.  None of these kids are afraid of Bakugo anymore LOL 😂!  Also, Momo is the tallest out of all of them in this line up shot (except for Bakugo who’s still being dragged on the ground).  I think she’s roughly 5ft 6-7 inches?  She’s the tallest of the girls I know that, but damn.  She towers all of them.  Even me...  She’s also very pretty in this shot and it’s her birthday as I’m posting this, so happy b-day Momo ❤️
And we get a beautiful panel of Jiro leading everyone to make sure that they’ll go beyond with making everything better than it was before.  We get a nice group shot of the rest of the class agreeing with her with a smile including Shoto with a small one (did I mention that I love him?) 💙💙💙 And Deku’s in the center still sleeping away.  I hope he has good dreams *kisses forehead*💚  And go Jiro for stepping up to the plate too 💜!  All these kids have grown so much.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel. 
Finally, the last pages show Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist going somewhere, maybe Tartarus.  They got info out of Dr. Ujiko via polygraph and the Nomu Research Group at Central Hospital.  They predict that they have 2 months until Shigaraki’s ready to go again, so they’ll need 1 month of preparation.  But, the info Stain gave All Might gave them more info.  His letter ended up being a personal letter to All Might (Stain really is that nuts...), but there was a microchip in the blade Stain left containing the security records from Tartarus.  It’s not stated how this info affected the mission at hand, but it sounds like it has to do something with the time frame.  So, I’m curious if they have less time to prepare or more?  Given how this is the Final Arc, Imma say less.
Finally, the teaser asks “How are the villains moving?”  I wonder if that means we’re switching to the villain’s next week.  I would love to hang out with the kids more, but I would also like to know what our villains are up to.  Like, where the hell is Himiko Toga?  Is Spinner still questioning shit?  What happened to Mr. Compress after he mauled himself to help Shigaraki and the others escape?  Also I think we need more info on this dude’s backstory given he’s the grandson of the famous Robin Hood villain who’s name definitely didn’t escape me... 😐  Is Dabi laughing his ass off from the utter chaos he started?  Is AFO still smiling like the evil mastermind he is?  Is Shigaraki as crispy as he was earlier?  I was going to ask about Twice but... 😭
So, yeah!  Love this chapter.  Really good transition chapter into whatever happens next.  I’m kinda sad we didn’t see Deku fight off more past villains during his vigilante days.  We got Muscular and Overhaul and I think that’s it?  Didn’t see any of Overhaul’s minions or that teeth-blade villain (Fish-something?; he broke out, but we haven’t seen him since) or Re-Destro or his goons.  I don’t count as Gentle or LaBrava as villains anymore and they were never truly evil to begin with.  Regardless, it was a really cool arc to see a more dark side of Deku.  I’m really glad Horikoshi made great use of his bunny hood and metal mask finally.  Deku really did look demonic for some time.  Also, seeing Deku badass is always a plus.  And seeing the deconstruction of hero society and the possible reconstruction of it was really good too.  Not everything is sunshine and rainbows, unfortunately, but we can do our best to make it that way.
I’m also glad that we finally got our kids back in top form.  Not just being heroes, but being teenagers too.  They all had great moments especially Iida, Ochako, and now Shoto as they should.  But, Bakugo’s apology was peak for me.  Over 320 chapters of development and build-up lead to that moment and it really is one of the best in the series.  It lives in my head rent free.
So, we got 1-2 months in-manga-time until what is probably the final battle of the series.  God, I can’t believe we’re actually nearing the end of this series.  I started reading it back in 2018 when shit was rough for me. I found this series after listening to the music and reading the hype around it.  I watched the show then I read the manga and it really helped me.  Saved me from a dark place actually.  I will miss this series when it’s done and I will be greatly for the joy Horikoshi has gifted us.  I’ll try to save the farewells for later.  I’d say this series has at least 1-1 1/2 years to go.
Me @ the kids and All Might:
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ignitification · 3 years
It’s me the Shigaraki survivalist again lol
It’s cool you don’t agree I guess I just want to get my thoughts out
You said it’s unrealistic for Deku to save Shigaraki and them to work together—but the way I see it is that’s exactly what the story has been building up to. In a world where nothing is really “unrealistic” I really truly think it’s very in the realm of where the story is going. Shigaraki does look tired, because he has never been given a break. The thing is, BNHA isn’t a tragedy! (I think Hawks’s arc will be a tragedy but that’s a whole different discussion)
I just cannot see how Deku will be crowned “the greatest hero who ever lived” meanwhile the one person who needed him most is lying there dead. It just doesn’t feel convincing, especially in a shonen story. As far as the story is concerned, Shigaraki is still a child and never had a chance to grow up (it’s a coming of age story for Deku and Shigaraki). And you can’t celebrate being the greatest hero who ever lived while a “child” is dead. And I 100% expect Shigaraki and Touya to be very difficult to save (kinda like Kota from the training camp arc, but Deku saved him didn’t he?)—they’re gonna decline the help at first obviously. They have no reason to trust heroes, which is why I think Deku and Shoto are going to have to prove that they mean it—and they will, because they do.
I just feel like Shigaraki dying completely cancels out Deku’s main goal of “saving everybody”—which has been his thing since the beginning. Shigaraki was, in the eyes of the narrative, All Might’s responsibility to save, and he failed. Not only is Deku going to have to clean up the OFA/AFO mess, he’s gonna have to clean up the mess that All Might could have prevented (I’m not blaming All Might completely but as far as the story is concerned, and All Might is concerned—he definitely bares some responsibility for Tenko’s fate).
It’s as you said we don’t know what Horikoshi is going to do, but a girl can hope lol
I just don’t feel like the story is going to end with the message of “not everybody can be saved”. I just feel that there is so much more hope in this story than people give it credit for! Shonen typically reeks of hope and optimism, and even now BNHA still has that hopeful, optimistic energy, not grimdark realism. I think Horikoshi will pull this off and it’s gonna be awesome. And if you are right and Shigaraki does die, I honestly will consider it a huge waste of a character who could have and should have been saved, just like Touya, who I also think is 100% going to make it out alive.
Hey, Shigaraki Survivalist!
Glad you’re putting you opinion out here. 
Getting onto matters, I would like to maybe clarify my statement: I do not think it is unrealistic for Shigaraki and Deku to work together (I think rather that it would be absolutely fair, and maybe cathartic) and I do agree that is what is likely to happen, sooner or later. 
As for BNHA not being a tragedy, I think that it already is. Look at how Touya, Shigaraki and the same Izuku grew up: discriminated against, bullied, neglected and abused. If this is not a tragedy, I do not know what is. But if by that you meant that the general mood of the story is supposed to be one of instilling hope and instead letting people know that there is always a way one, and that there is still some possibility of saving if there is a will. I fully agree on that. The themes in BNHA are the real tragedy, but you are absolutely right when you say that the message is ‘People make mistakes. But that’s not the end. They can change and correct those mistakes, apologise, amend. Things can change.’ and not ‘Not everyone can be saved’ (even if, here, I would like to argue that Twice’s death message is exactly that but I don’t want to digress).
Also, not going to lie, I really like the positivity I feel from your message. It puts a smile on my face thinking that there is someone out there fully believing that salvation will come because there is someone who wants it to come. It’s a good thing. It’s a thing I, for one, do not have so thank you for doing that, this really brightened my evening. 
Now, onto a more heavy part of the post. I wanted to talk about All Might, and how he did fail, even if not entirely by himself, to save Shigaraki. First of all, I would like to notice the particular panel which tells us that ‘You can save only those you can reach’. 
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This panel is telling in more ways than one. All Might specifically addresses Izuku in saying this, while not literally meaning it (or at least not expecting Izuku to understand it so literally). All Might ( and I talked about it here) is a character which sets up the bar high for Hero standards (and is seen as an idol so far gone, that no one could ever possibly reach him) - and that is exactly why Izuku bears this 'lesson' stoically and tries to save everyone ever more than before. Because if All Might could do it, Izuku feels like he should be able as well (while not considering the disproportion in between them, and I mean in experience and just relatively emotionally).
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I mean Izuku feels a high burden with OfA, and to deal with AfO, and sometimes he can get very much extreme - but exactly for that, as you said, he would never feel as if he succeeded if he does not manage to save Shigaraki. Because if All Might is capable of brushing this aside, justifying himself by saying that he couldn't have done anything to prevent it and that it is impossible after all to save everyone, Izuku is not. Izuku feel so deeply that he cries for others, he rages for others, he longs for others with a great smile on his face because that is what it's expected of him.
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And he likes to fulfil those expectation, whether that kills him, injuries him or anything else (as we saw him being all bandaged up in 299 and with no sign to recover any soon). 
However, this what I mean when I say that Tomura looks tired: 
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He fails to understand how him not being saved is not actually a fault of someone (heroes/society, you name it - even if he does realise much later), but his first instinct as a kid is to blame himself and to tell that this, is is his punishment. He deserved it. And he does deserve to a degree what has happened to him since, because he is guilty of something he will never be able to forgive himself for and that is why he is they he is now.
I do think, that Touya, even being more self-destructive than Shigaraki, is an easier subject to save. I am not saying this because I think Dabi’s trauma or problems are easier to solve, but because Shouto understood him (to some extent) and with the sentence ‘I am him? referring to Touya and his intentions he is unwillingly showing us that Touya’s path to redemption (summed with Endeavour’s arc) are all pointing at Touya being saved, no matter how bad the situation gets. He, still scarred and lonely, does have a family out there caring for him. Or at least wanting to get to the bottom of things and not leave him to burn to death, alone. Again.
Shigaraki, on the other hand, does not have such a thing. Kurogiri has been captured, AfO is using him and the only guy who thought of Tomura as a human being, other than a bad villain, is Deku. I do not want say that this is not enough, but with all the burden that Izuku is already carrying at the moment, can he also bear on himself the weight of saving Shigaraki? I really hope he does, but as anyway as it will be, I think that Deku will try. He will try to get that hand reaching out to Tomura and even if skeptical about it, I hope Shigaraki takes the chance and takes it. He does deserve a break. He deserves a blanket, a cup of steaming tea and a hot long nap in a warm bed. A hug is optional. 
One of the themes I never touched upon is also, the found family of the League and Hawks. I really am waiting for more insight into the League’s members feeling for Twice, and maybe holding a funeral. I am also waiting for them to discuss Hawks. 
On which, my last point for this post: Hawks’ story, serves as a parallel to Dabi’s. We see how the abuse can bring to two extremes: one becoming a villain and focusing on hate, and the other focusing on idolising and becoming a hero (and in the meantime trying to forget everything else). I want Hawks to face consequences for his actions, and I want him to understand that he, too, is a victim and that atoning for his father’s crimes is not the way to go. He also needs to break free of the past and let go. I really hope that instead of clinging into past ideals and Endeavour, he realises that there is something highly wrong with the society he is fundamental part of and that he break free. If he doesn’t, as has been already put out there by some amazing posts I read, it will after all end in tragedy. Once a friend told me how Hawks was a tragic hero, and I might disagree but I do think that the name is fitting. But it’s not like that will change things. Only we can - and I hope everyone realises that.
p.s. Look at this panel, during the last moments of fight between Shigaraki and Deku.
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And after that the realization of Izuku, that Shigaraki, who he does want to save is not only suffering internally, but as well externally, because of AfO and whatever is going on. Exhausted beyong recognition.
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Look at Shigaraki's form. He looks like he is right about to collapse. There is a hand stretched out, in help, in resignation, in sadness, in pain. But his other hand is almost clenching, hard, noy wanting to let go. Tomura is after all trying to fight the entity within him, while also trying not to lose himself and look out for everything that might come in its way outside.
And finally, there is someone who looks through the hand on his hand, through the cracks of his identity, through every wall Tomura has put in between himself and others in order to protect them, and himself, from the absolute monster he thinks he is.
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And it's, at the same time both ironic and daunting how these same words are also the works Deku speaks to Kacchan while saving him from the Sludge Villains. There is a direct parallel between Katsuki, who had hated Deku while being afraid of being inferior to him and that did not want his helo because he would feel too weak, and Shigaraki, who has no will of getting himself saved by anyone, but especially by the kid that denied him the objective of gaining OfA and defeating everything and the same kid who seems to feel something other than disgust for him. Both Katsuki and Shigaraki are opposites to Izuku.
So, if Izuku saved Kacchan, who in return saved Deku after accepting the fact that he and Izuku, are, after all, hero AND friends who care about each other, it would be nice to see where this is going to go with Tomura. And see if, maybe, just maybe, it is possible for Shigaraki to stop being Shigaraki and be Shimura Tenko instead.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 3 years
Bnha 319; 'Friends’
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In this chapter, finally, people around Deku decides to do something about Deku’s self destruction and being lonely wolf.
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Though, his self destrution and lack of self worth is literally related to Bakugou’s constantly bullying him and society/pro heroes using him as weapon. Deku is treated as worth as long as he has quirk.
(Thanks for ask btw, @shiroi-no-kumo-blog​ , i am fine, hope you too.)
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Its good thing that Deku is called out for his flaw but Bakugou is the last one who has the right to judge Deku about it cause its his direct results of Bakugou’s own actions. Bakugou’s and society heroes’s unable recognize their own mistakes making them act as hypocrite. This is how Shigaraki was treated too. Deku, Shigaraki etc they were constantly abused so of course, all that abuse would have effect on them but it still became their fault for reacting that abuse in unhealthy way whether its self destruction or destruction or both.
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Btw, i am not even surprised by Endeavour’s behavours. He was so focused on Shouto in Endeavour agency arc but now, his all focused on Deku. He is now ignoring Shouto cause he isnt he chosen one. Deku is. After all, Endeavour’s priority is always his job as hero. Again shows how less he changed. But i am really glad that Shouto is realizing it and calling him out for it.
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I guess the best part of this chapter is finally kids calling out adults for their mistakes. They recognize it, they dont blindly follow anymore.
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Especially Uraraka. She used to stay in backgrounds and trusting adults to do their job but after she saw how heroes acts, she decides to do somethings without not depending on adults. She is also the one who find Deku, finally showing her skills, she is much more than it seems. Until now, she just stayed in foreshadows but now, things changed. She understand that she has to do something.
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And yes, There is also parallel between Deku and Shigaraki.
Deku and Shigaraki were always distanced from the main group.
Deku is distanced cause of Ofa legacy, he has to sacrifice himself for main group. There were always distance between them cause Deku became worthy cause he has Ofa and he feels like he has to pay for it. This is why he never really felt part of them, despite having good times.
Shigaraki is distanced cause he is chosen one as Afo’s biggest tool. Like, there is always league and Shigaraki, he is the leader, he is not part of the group. Though i dont think he realizes how much he cares about them, he just unconciously helping them, reaching out to them, he doesnt think too much when he does that. And its not just him releaving his past cause even before, Dabi didnt reveal his past, he was still look more part of the group than Shigaraki cause in the end, they all gathered together and listen their leader.
So just like how Deku’s friends decides to help Deku cause the yrealized he needs help, league will do the same probably BUT their ways is different.
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League is a group Shigaraki started, main thing that brring them together is freedom, doing whatever they want, being theirselves. Their feelings, thoughts, needs matters. Thats why they respect each other’s decisions, this is why their relationship is much more stronger then class A.
Like, even though its emergency, they still let Toga go. They are worried when Dabi gets hurted but they still let him to do cause this is not a place when one will force another to do something they dont want to. Its respecting other’s decision. So yeah league will try to help Shigaraki but i think one of the last things league would do is stopping Shigaraki with violence. This is the difference between league and class A.
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Class A cares about Deku but in a way, they still try to put him down. They says they have no choice but we didnt even see them to trying.  Instead of forcing him to go back to UE,  maybe hanging out with him on streets would be better. Of course, Deku needs to rest and all but this is wrong way to do.
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Even this scene is literally parallel to chapter 1. Once again, Deku is being crushed down by violence for acting free against society. This is not a good presentation (especially for people who are supposed to be Deku’s friends).
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Source; https://twitter.com/manga_addict1/status/1413176610468114438
And since this scene is also parallel with villain academia Shigaraki explodes arc, we can see the same thing with Deku. Sad part about this is at least Shigaraki wasnt fighthing against his friends but Deku is. Its ironic that chapter name is friends cause right now, class A is more like society heroes than Deku’s friends.
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Deku is drawn as villain while class A is drawn as hero. When something like this happen, usually the ones who drawn as hero wins so class A probably will win but i honestly dont want that. 1- I dont want them to put Deku down with violence 2- they shouldnt just go back to UE, after everything happenned in manga.
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A few chapter ago, we saw Stain so maybe he will involved and take Deku with him. As much as i want Deku to be okay with his friends, they should understand that they cant call him out with violence so i want them to fail this time. Maybe after learning properly reaching out to Deku and understand how they just cant solve everything with violence, hopefully then they can finally success. Well, we will see.
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I dont think so but maybe, i am not really sure, again we will see.
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that-bajan-kid · 4 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 293 SPOILERS
(These children used their one collective brain cell and decided to rush head first into the arms of Death with zero fucks given)
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Oh that orange hair is not a good look on Shiggy. Izuku looks adorable in anything I can't argue.
We get an adorable panel of Eri eating a cracker/cookie next Lemillion bursting forth from the ground once more. Izuku ask him how he's here rn and apparently this boy has just been chilling at Nighteye's agency, which is conveniently not to far from here. He had to of had his quirk for a while now if he was at the agency right?
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Omg look at Eri!! She's so cute I literally have to point her out whenever she's on screen. I don't make the rules here, that's just how it is. And Ochako is doing her hair!!!! I'm gonna explode from the cuteness. And all that other stuff they're talking about is important to I guess.
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They're all babies. She looks so happy to help out too. The little bounce she does when she looks back at Dadzawa for permission. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-
Mirio is asking for back up cause even he can't take on 4 NHEs by himself. So of course Bakugou, with the two holes in his abdomen, leaps in to action even tho he really shouldn't. I swear these kids are all suicidal.
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THESE FUCKING KIDS AND THEIR LACK OF SELF PRESERVATION IS GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF ME I SWEAR. Also, I believe the time is now upon us my brothers and sisters.
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(Edit: I just realised I've been spelling his fucking name wrong this whole time. My brain just autocorrected it to the proper spelling and I didn't even noticed lmao. Please forgive me.)
Of course Spinner thinks it's cool. IS JEANIST FUCKING CRYING LMAO
I like it. It's very Katsuki Bakugou and not nearly as bad as the first two. You go, Dynamite. Man, I can't wait to see the fandom's reaction to this. How many people are gonna throw a tantrum cause its not Ground Zero? Or fucking Kacchan?
Mirio says he thinks it's funny and Dynamite says it's not meant to be funny. Mirio quotes Nighteye speech about there being laughter and you to balance out the sorrow and apologises for the absolute disrespect he just showed my son's new hero name.
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Enji, sweetheart, I know your in shock about your dead son not being dead and that you're literally on death's door, but Shouto is going to fucking die if you don't move your ass. I'm not mad and I understand why you're not doing anything right now. But, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, i would sacrifice you in a heartbeat if it meant saving Shouto's life. Don't get me wrong, I like your character a lot, but you dying would be a nice end to your redemption arc if you end up saving Shouto. And at this point I honestly don't care about what happens to Dabi. He's trying to kill my son. Fuck that guy lol. Doesn't mean I don't like him tho.
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Why are people defending this guy again? Cause of his trauma? Don't get me wrong, I like Dabi as much as the next guy but if his death means Shouto gets to live, I don't have a problem with that either. Dabi and Enji are in the same boat.
My boi Deku coming in clutch with Black Whip even tho he really shouldn't be to save his best friend. Dabi's gonna try to burn him too, I can feel it coming. Also Izuku is thinking about how his arms and legs don't have any strength like that's the only thing wrong with them. He'd be lucky if he can even move them when all of this is over.
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"Don't put this in a Doujin" I am deceased. Cris is no longer among the living. She has ascended to the heavens. Who ever this translater is, they're doing God's work. I can't wait to see the discourse about Izuku's speech in the tags. I can already hear the "Izuku is defending Endeawhore therefore he supports abuse #canceldeku2020" posts in my head. Anyway, I like what Izu says here tho, it's very much in character for him. I also like his Froppy inspired Black Whip: Projectile Vomit Mode. Very unexpected tbh.
Izuku yells "You are not Endeavour" and Dabi responds with "No shit, Sherlock" and asks if Izuku pities him even a little bit and I wouldn't fault him for straight up saying "No" considering everything Dabi has put him and his friends through. Hell, if I was Midoriya I wouldn't even be trying to get through to him rn. A trait I strongly admire about Izuku. Dabi goes on to say he is the culmination of all of Endeavour's sins and we get a panel showing threads snapping and I don't know if it's supposed to be what's left of Izuku's mental stability or Dabi's. Or if it's an actual thread snapping. Dabi goes on to spout some bullshit about how evil will never prosper and justice will crumble now that he's shown the naive citizens of Japan who to blame, which is the heroes apparently.
Uhhh so that snapping thread I mentioned earlier is actually the carbon fibre wire Jeanist is using to keep Machia contained and like all of them just snapped like twigs. Dabi continues his speech about how chaos now reigns supreme while everyone panics about Machia. Meanwhile Deku is having a moment.
Correction, Endeavour was the one having a moment and has decided to take action despite his obvious condition called dying. He rockets his way towards Machia and bitch slaps him in the face and immediately follows that up by saying he feels numb. He totally gonna die and I'm totally gonna feel sad about it. I'm already tearing up.
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I knew it was gonna work. Never doubt my gurl Creati. She's the smartest kid in class for a reason. It feels like it took forever but it was probably only a few mins. I can't wait for everything to go wrong again. Also, everyone who thinks Endeavour is either going to die or, end up with a debilitating disability, raise your hand 🙋. Mans suffering from the most severe case of heat stroke to ever stroke and is running on burnt lungs and he was impaled by Shigaraki/AFO. He's not having a fun time.
I think it's safe to say that Eri won't healing anyone after this. It looks like all her quirks energy went into giving Mirio his quirk. Meaning all these injuries that the heroes are getting won't be magically disappearing. Aizawa isn't getting his leg back, Izuku's arms are probably never gonna work again, Gran Torino is fucking dead just like Endeavour's career, and Endeavour is probably gonna fucking die too. Cause Shouto doesn't have enough trauma in his life.
Time for me to venture into the tags and see what the latest discourse is. Can't wait for everyone to call Izuku an abuser sympathiser even tho he called out Endeavour during the sports, or say that the heroes are somehow abusing Eri like Overhaul did cause she gave Mirio his quirk back even tho she clearly wanted to do it. The chaos fuels me.
Until next time.
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
BLEACH spoiler incoming: Or it pulls a Bleach with Dabi and it turns out that just like Gin and Hollow Ichigo he was actually good all along. Like: Dabi is nomufied but not brainwashed. He let AFO think that he's on his side tricking the lie-detector-quirk with his genuine hate for Endeavor. Everything bad he did was on AFO orders :P . And in reality Dabi did everything in his limited power to take down AFO and his LOV. awesome. disappointment for everyone. :D
BLEACH continued: Truly, the "Dabi is not real, Touya was never a villain"-ending is truly superior to all. And funnily, it would have more foreshadowing than the "good all along" moments in Bleach. Honestly, those two looked like a sadist and a genocidal maniac the whole time but then: Gin wanted to take revenge for his friend and needed to get close to the big bad so became his second-in-command. And Hollow Ichigo was only ever protecting Ichigo. Bleach has mastered the art of the asspull.
Let's see if BNHA can top Bleach when it comes to a terrible ending for it's characters XD
Y'know, I could have accepted that Gin was just trying to get revenge for Rangiku if he had actually done something. Sure, he revealed the weakness to Aizen's overpowered sword but it didn't really matter in the end considering that he eventually ditched his zanpakuto's power and it wasn't even an issue for Ichigo's final fight with him.
Anyway, to get back onto BNHA, the fact that Dabi being a Nomu or at least modified like No. 6 was in Vigilantes is such a worry for me. People are already jumping at any chance they can get to excuse his behaviour and Hori giving them something valid to blame it on instead of letting his villain be at fault makes me worry so much.
The fandom already likes to act that Touya and Dabi are two different people after all...
How Dabi went from being one of the villains I enjoy most to someone's whose story I just want to be over...
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