#shigaraki survivalist
ignitification · 4 years
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So, how does it feel to hate God's Favourite?
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mha-quotes-and-such · 3 years
Hey! You up for a sorting game?
Who on the League do you think is the pickiest eater? And the less picky? Like, on a scale from "refuses to eat their favorite food if the seasoning is off" to "can and will eat things off the floor that no one knows how long has been there".
When it comes to the League ‘picky’ and ‘will eat food off the floor’ are two very different cases lmao. In order from least to most picky:
Toga: Will eat most things, or at least try them once. Has definitely eaten food off the floor tho claims not to
Giran: Would not eat food off the floor but Will eat some of the most atrocious foods you’ve ever seen
Magne: She has a LOT of opinions about food, but will still eat most things anyways. Like Toga she will eat food off the floor but won’t admit it
Dabi: He Is a bit of a picky eater but also very much a survivalist. Will not touch ketchup but would eat a live spider if necessary (or if it was funny)
Compress: He will eats a lot of different kinda of food, but they’re all held to a really high standard. This man will eat the wildest meals but immediately lose his appetite if theres a bit too much salt
Spinner: Very picky but feels bad about it. He’ll never give anyone a hassle over food even if he’s dying inside at the thought of having to eat it
Shigaraki: The pickiest eater to ever exist. Only eats chips pretzels and soba unless absolutely forced to touch something else. However he will eat anything off the floor even if he wasn’t the one to drop it
Kurogiri: Pickiest simply because he doesn’t have to eat and usually chooses not to
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amysgiantbees · 3 years
MHA villains in DND
They all have the criminal background unless stated otherwise.
The League of Villain's - Servants of All for One
Tomura Shigaraki is a human transmutation Aberrant Mind sorcerer. His magic went wild when he was younger resulting in the death of his family. He’s a magical prodigy - that level of power in a child is unheard of. That’s why he got recruited by All For One as far as he’s aware. His best spell is Disintegrate (before he can get it it’s fire spells). His calling card is chopping off an opponents hands, taking one and leaving the other on their disintegrated ashes so the body can be identified. He’s proficient in all games. He’s also a follower of Hextor and All for One. He has a cursed ring on his finger. It’s called the Master’s Gift. It allows the wearer to use 5 chargers of the disintegrate spell but the wearer has to touch the thing in question with all five fingers, cannot control the target beyond that so anything they touch with all five fingers disintegrates if they’re not carful, and they cannot remove it. He takes the hands as flesh sacrifices for his master after the end of a battle and ceremonially burns them. 
Amendment - Actually the ring is a cursed ring. Try to take the ring off and you get disintegrated - if you don’t use a remove curse spell. The ring has five charges a day - five fingers, five charges. The wearer has to touch another person’s hand with the ring hand with all five fingers, such as a handshake. If they do that person is disintegrated completely except for the hand they were touching. If the wearer touches an object then it disintegrates entirely.
Toya Todoroki/Dabi is a half-elf multi-classer, red draconic blood line sorcerer and an Oath of Vengeance paladin of Sargonnas, god of vengeance and fire (after he changed his name). He also has complicated feelings around Sirrion, god of fire and change. He has the Eldritch Adept and Survivalist feats. He uses a greatsword.
Himiko Toga is a changeling Phantom rogue. Actor and Lucky are her feats. She likes the god The Mockery, god of violence and treachery best. She always makes sure to have at least five bloody tools (usually knives) on her for The Mockery. She uses daggers. 
Jin Bubaigawara/Twice is a teifling Arcane Trickster. He has a complicated love/hate relationship with Ralishaz, god of ill luck and insanity, and his dad. He uses a light crossbow and daggers. Or we go with that he’s an ex warlock for a servant of Ralishaz - it could be a squirrel demon heavily based on Ratatoskr - he ended up being so devoted and power hungry that he stopped being able to tell where he ended and Ratatoskr started. Ending one day with him trying to kill Ratatoskr by injuring himself instead. Giving him the long scar on his head. Ratatoskr healed him and let him go because he said he’d be useful one day. But made sure to let him know that Twice will repay him in a big way. So Twice still has some of his warlock powers but can’t improve them any futher and is now training in Arcane Trickster. He has to cover his head to hide his scar otherwise he can’t stop thinking about Ratatoskr’s promice lurking over his head and what it means for his new family. He’s human in this version. 
Shuichi Iguchi/Spinner is a lizardfolk Samurai fighter. He has the Dual Wielder feat. He follows Semuanya, lizardfolk deity of survival. He distrusts chaotic gods, only follows true neutral, neutral and lawful evil ones. He uses twin short swords. 
Atsuhiro Sako/Mr. Compress is a Bloodline of Glasya Tiefling arcane trickster. He likes trickery gods, like The Traveler, or Leira. He has the performer and actor feats. He has a Charlatan background.
Magne is a goliath path of the berserker barbarian. She has the Polearm Master and tavern brawler feats (maybe Telekinetic too). She has a soft spot for Boldrei, goddess of community and home. She uses a halberd. 
Goto Imasuji/Muscular is a goliath berserker barbarian. He follows Erythnul, war god of envy and slaughter. 
Mustard is a tiefling circle of spores druid and a follower of deities like Incabulos, Talona and Morgion. 
Gigantomachia is a rock giant. 
Moonfish is a vampire rogue archer. Or a pet albino Thousand Teeth (like a giant extra toothy croc) of Shigaraki’s. He told Toga they could get a pet and this is what he came back with. 
Yakuza/Thieves Guild of Musutafu
Kai Chisaki/Overhaul is a Night heron Aarakocra (One of the types of animals in the Septuagint that is “clean” or kosher). He’s the Yakuza captain. The Yakuza being a primarily Aarakocra/bird adjacent humanoids lead branch of the Shie Hassaika. He has been planning for a while to collect evil and morally grey artificers and inventors to destroy the “sickness” that is magic. He has a particular hatred for races like elves and fey who are inherently magical. He hates Incabulos, god of plague and famine, Talona, goddess of disease and poison, Morgion, god of disease and secrey, and magic gods like Mystra, Boccob, Wee Jas, Solinari, Lunitari and Nuitari. He is an Undying Warlock and has the feats Wild Talent and Metabolic Control. 
Hari Kurono/Chronostasis is a clockwork soul sorcerer crested pigeon Aarakocra. He uses a staff in the shape of a clock hand.
Joi Irinaka/Mimic is a Simic Hybrid armourer artificer. 
Chizome Akaguro/Stain is a Vampire fighter rogue multiclass. He has the dual wielder feat. He hunts adventurers who dare call themselves heroes who he deems unworthy. He’s an aggressive follower of Kiri-Jolith, god of honour and war.
Danjuro Tobita/Gentle Criminal is a human Arcane Trickster rogue. He follows Sune. He has the charlatan background. 
Manami Aiba/La Brava is a gnome College of Whispers bard. She is a devout follower of Sune and has the acolyte background. 
Kagero Okuta/Giran is a human Inquisitive rogue. He’s the head scout and fence for the League and Thieves Guild. 
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linkspooky · 5 years
League of Villains vs Meta Liberation Army
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The end of the My Villain Academia arc ends with the swerve of both the meta liberation army, and the League of villains working together. This however, was most likely planned from the start as every single character that gets development this arc Himiko, Twice, Spinner and Dabi faced off against their foil in the Meta Liberation Army Curious, Skeptic, Trumpet and Apocrypha. 
The fact that most of these characters survived their encounters means we will likely see continued interactions between the Villagin’s League members and their MLA counterparts for the sake of development. More of their foiling underneath the cut. If you want to read about Shigaraki and Redestro I already covered it [here]. 
Himiko vs Curious
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Curious and Himiko resemble each other heavily on the surface, and have a lot of elements in common with their characters. They’re both the femme fatalle archetype of their groups, and dress in an overtly feminine way. Magne and Apocrypha are also female members of both respective groups, but they are not femme fatalles in the way that Himiko and Curious are. 
A femme fatale sometimes called maneater or vamp, is a stock character of a mysterious seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers and who deliberately leads them into dangerous or even deadly situations. She’s a commonly used in literature, able to entice, enchant, or even directly influence others sometimes to even supernatural extents. They’re tied mythologically to archetypes of enchantress women, or women who use some kind of magic or ability to seduce and deceive men.
One of the most common traits of the femme fatale includes promiscuity and the rejection of motherhood. Femme fatale, french literally translates to disaster woman it’s the appearance of a woman that leads ultimately to the destruction of the male. 
Both characters are connected to the Femme Fatalle archetype, not just in the hyper sexualized way they present themselves. Himiko herself is a vampire (fitting for someone who can be called a vamp) she also is capable of taking the appearance of other people to enchant them and lure them into a sense of false safety when they are around her. She’s also a serial killer who falls in love with men, and becomes motivated to kill them, making her a literal bringer of disaster for the men she becomes interested in. When Himiko took the appearance of Cammie in order to get closer to Izuku, that scene has a lot in common with the typical femme fatalle ploys, women tries to use womanly charms to deceive the male main character. 
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While Curious lacks the kind of quirk that would increase her ability for deception like Toga has, she uses her position as a reporter and an executive in the meta liberation army to keep people under her sway. We see them literally at her beck and call throughout the entire fight, and because she’s able to control the crowds so effecitvely she almost kills Toga. Another important detail is intrepid reporter is a pretty common femme fatalle character archetype especially in noir stories, the woman who would do anything, even use her seductive wiles to get the story. Curious is also blue skinned, which is most likely a reference to mystique one of the more famous femme fatalle super heroes. (Considering that Toga’s power is just... literally mystique from X Men her coloring makes a lot of sense).
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Curious also reflects Toga’s relationship of bringing disaster to other people as well, she turns her own loyal followers into bombs the same way that Himiko stabs the people that she loves. 
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While they are on the surface the same character, this is where they actively begin to differ. Himiko’s motivations are internal, she’s driven by her own obsessions, whereas Curious has an external motivation her primary motivation is to capture a story about someone else’s life. They are both people that obsess over others and try to make them theirs by stealing some part of them, Toga that person’s appearance, Curious by changing that person’s narrative stealing their story away for her own gratuitous use.
 However, their motviations are entirely different, Himiko knows what she wants inside of herself  and is incredibly intune with her own desires mostly following those. Toga is so full she’s overflowing. Her greatest desire is to live as herself, and for Toga living as other people is just an expression of living as herself. 
While Curious finds her own self lacking. If Toga is overflowing with self identity, Curious is lacking. Which is why she steals the story of others instead, trying to make up for what she sees as missing in herself. She’s jealous, because Toga knows what she wants out of life, and is living a life true to herself and seems to be enjoying it much more. Toga lives an eventful, attention grabbing life, and she tries to change Toga’s headline to strike back.
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Curious dies too quickly to be a fully fleshed out character, but there’s a lot you can infer from her projection on Toga. The most important thing to remember for all four of the MLA members is that they are most likely people who have been raised from birth to devote themselves to the ideals of the MLA in a cult-like fashion. Rikiya tells Curious that her writing is lacking in something, that it won’t move people. Curious herself is someone who lacks heart, which makes her the polar opposite of Toga who always lives true to her heart in an almost love crazy fashion. 
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However, if you assume Curious does not really believe in the cause of the Meta Liberation Army but rather it was sometyhing that was forced down her throat, therefore she does not have any ideals of her own what she is yelling at Toga makes a lot of sense. 
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Curious had no chance of a normal life if she was born into the MLA. Which means to her, Toga is someone who was given a chance at a normal life and turned away and chose to become a villain instead. Which is probably why Curious is so desperate to make Toga a martyr for their cause, not only for projection and jealousy reasons, but also because if Toga really were someone who was driven crazy by her quirk and suppressed by society then Curious’ world view would make sense. What she had been taught since birth was right after all and the framework of the world was not wrong. She doubts it but ultimately, she chooses to try to reinforce her belief in the MLA propaganda in the end rather than challenge it. Toga loves her life, Curious does not. 
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So you have someone robbed of a normal life trying to convince herself that she really believes in all this stuff, facing off against someone who had a normal life but instead just chose the life she wanted. Toga is comfortable with her life, she believes this is her normal life where she is accepted by the LOV, whereas Curious is not. This difference is also why Curious ultimately dies, because Toga loves her life enough that while she does chase after her obsessions she actually has highly trained survivalist instincts and will run away, or bail when things become too dangerous to protect her own life. Whereas, we see Curious get lifted into the air before she’s dropped but she makes no move to save herself and instead dies still thinking about the story she is going to write.
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Twice vs Skeptic
There’s also a contrast in how the other characters react to their grievious injuries, Curious gets false sympathy from the MLA members, whereas Twice genuinely caring and wanting to protect Toga ends up fighting for her sake. We see Skeptic only react to Curious’ death by calling her a valuable asset, whereas Twice is genuinely distressed. 
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The reason that Twice and Skeptic come into conflict is also because of Curious death. Skeptic wishes to kill Toga to avenge her, while Twice wants to protect Toga. 
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Once again these are two characters that have a lot in common on the surface. They share designs where most of their face is obscured, Twice because of his mask, and Skeptic because of his bangs. They are characters who act as the comic relief for their groups, and have little to no social skills. Both of them have a tendency to get in the face of other characters rudely. Both of them have overexaggerated and dramatic mannerisms and body language. 
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Their quirks are also similiar, Twice creates doubles of things and Skeptic changes things into human sized objects that they can control. They can both create minions with their abilities, but Twice’s have free will and can turn against him, whereas Skeptic’s are just puppets with no consciousness. 
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While both of them are an odd combination of social, and antisocial. Twice is the one who wants friends the most, but also tends to be rude and have no idea how to pick up on social cues, and also in life was a jobless burnout who had no friends or relatives to sympathize with his problems. Skeptic is the only member who specifically fights to avenge a fallen member of the MLA. Skeptic is also pretty devoted to Redestro the same way that Twice is to the league. However, he’s also tactless and inside his own head in the same way twice is. 
They start the ar with complete opposite social status. Twice is a mess psychologically and otherwise, and was living basically as a homeless vagrant on the absolute bottom of society. Skeptic may also be a weirdo, but he’s a succesful tech ceo and on top of that a prodigy who is hailed as a genius despite his eccentricities. 
Twice is also someone who has little to no control over his own life, whereas Skeptic being a highly rich and influential CEO who had control of all the cameras in the city and also the ability to manipulate those puppets is a control freak who focuses on making everything go exactly his way. 
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His want to repay the league is what strengthens Twice in the end. The genuine connections and his acknowledgement of his mistakes, made him stronger. Whereas Curious’ subservience to the MLA, and his own perfectionism end up causing him to come crashing down just while Twice is rising up. 
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Spinner vs Trumpet 
An important detail between the MLA and the LOV is that the Liberation Army members are all subservient. They regard themselves as nothing more than tools serving the cause which is why they don’t mind all charging the guy disintegrating people with a touch at once, or being blown up to be used as a weapon against Toga. Whereas, while Shigaraki is still the leader the LOV members are allowed to question him, talk with him as an equal, and even poke fun at him. Shigaraki is seen as one of their own.  
The arc starts with Spinner calling out Shigaraki in front of everyone, and also questioning him to no consequence at all. Shigaraki was not even going to get violent he was just asking Spinner to wait to let him explain himself. 
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Spinner joined the league out of empty admiration of Stain and soon realized the reason he was staying with the league had nothing to do with Stain anymore. He didn’t believe in Stain so much as the feeling that Stain gave him, that he could change things. Spinner’s entire arc is him coming to terms with this, that he’s not really motivated to act on his own, he’s no one special on his own, he’s a follower that wants to cling to another person’s dream.
Spinner and Trumpet are different as can be on the outside. Trumpet is a charismatic and succesful politician in the upper crust of society, who also has a transmitter quirk that lets him provide power to his followers that trust in him. Spinner is not a leader in any sense of the wrod, and he’s alsoa discrimminated against member of society. 
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Trumpet is someone with a useful quirk, connections, a high social status and a social group he is a part of with people who are willing to trust him with their lives. Spinner was just a neet who got bullied too hard. He was one of the dregs of society. Not only that even though he has a lizard quirk that changes his whole body, his quirk does not even give him that many powers. He’s not even useful quirkwise as say Tsuyu. According to his profile he has the weakest quirk in his whole family of lizards and can only stick to a wall. 
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Trumpet and Spinner are the same however, because they both try to change the world based on ideals that are not their own. They’re followers who cling to other people’s ideals, and try to make other people’s visions real. Spinner admits this, while Trumpet is in denial.  Trumpet is also a hypocrite, he claims that he believes in quirk liberation and treating all quirks equally then goes out of his way to degrrade Spinner based on his quirk. Spinner is also a hypocrite in that he doesn’t actually care that much about Stain’s ideals, and only gives the most token adherence to them but again he is someone who knows that he’s just a cosplayer. 
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Trumpet is a mebmer of a cult trying to make Destro and Re-destro’s dreams come true, and despite being a politician and a leader he’s fiendishly devoted to someone else. That, and his quirk that relies on inciting others rather than fighting himself makes him a natural support member to. 
Spinner’s goal becomes to support Shigaraki, which is different than his empty worship of Stain, because Spinner got to know Shigaraki as a person and decided to support him after that fact. While he may just be clinging to Shigaraki, one he knowingly does it, and two this time around he chose to support Shigaraki as a friend instead of just an empty cosplayer. They are both support characters who are weak on their own but fight on the front line anyway. Spinner makes up for his lack of a quirk with violence and sheer effort. Whereas, Trumpet actually does not need to put himself in harm’s way as his quirk would work perfectly find without him standing in front of everybody. Trumpet is naturally suited to lead but doesn’t, Spinner isn’t even suited to fight on the front lines which is why we see him try so hard to change and put the effort in. 
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Spinner grows, he gets to know the person he is supporting, and decides to support them because he wants to help them with their trauma and lighten their personal load. Trumpet continues to follow ideals that aren’t his, and refuses to admit his personal connection with Re-Destro and therefore he fails to grow and ends up losing. Spinner witnesses Shigaraki’s triumph, while Trumpet observes Re-Destro’s fall, because unlike Spinner he was never able to be there for Re-Destro as a person. He only ever saw him as the symbol of Destro, and left Re-destro alone in his burdens until Shigaraki came to liberate him. 
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Dabi vs Apocrypha
This one is most likely going to be the shortest because not a lot about Dabi or Apocrypha’s characters were revealed during their initial fight. The two of them however have a lot of similiarites from the start, they both again have obscured faces. Apocrypha’s face is entirely covered by their hood the entire time, if Dabi is Touya then his dyed hair and stapled together face and burn marks serve as his disguise. They both only go by one name, Apocrypha is given no real name even though the rest of the MLA members have them, and Dabi is the only LOV member who we only know their alias and not their real name. 
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They both follow extremists seeking to revolutionize. Dabi follows Stain’s ideals, whereas Apocrypha follows Re-Destro. There’s a lot of similiar and opposites at play between them, the most obvious being fire and ice. 
Also in their real apppearances, once again if Dabi is Touya that means he looks far more like his father Endeavor and even inherited his father’s quirk, but his actual ideals of becoming a villain and trying to reform the hero system are in rebellion to his father.
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Apocrypha has an ice quirk and resembles Rei, however her ideals are not in rebellion but rather she accepts and spits out everything the MLA told her and buys into their propaganda completely. While looking like, and having an ice quirk like Rei, she lives ironically by Endeavor’s values that having a strong quirk is more important than anything else.
Apocrypha was even raised in the same way presumably Touya, and Todoroki were raised. That is she was trained from a young age, not allowed to go to school or socialize and worked only on developing her quirk. She was raised by Re-Destro specifically for the purpose of becoming a strong quirk user the same reason Endeavor bred children, however unlike Dabi who hates his father for this Apocrypha believes this makes her special and chosen.
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Once again these are opposite reactions to the same abuse. Touya choosing to disregard what his father tried to force him to learn, and Apocrypha trying to accept it and live up to her role as the tool, and weapon she was raised to be. They are opposite reactions, but both of them are still victims of abuse. 
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Apocrypha also carries out the role that she was perfectly born to be, not only has her quirk experienced a serious upgrade in the same form of Shigaraki’s, but she also can control it perfectly. While Touya’s quirk is in exact opposition to his body, and trying to use it burns his body even worse. Touya the rebellious child could not be a tool even if he wanted to be, he’s thrown out as a failure, burned by his own quirk. Apocrypha fits into the mould that she was raised as perfectly, the willing tool, but because of that she doesn’t question the way she was raised, see how she’s been used, and overall failed to develop as a person. There’s a reason her face does not show underneath her parka, it’s because she’s entirely lacking in a sense of identity or beliefs of her own besides what the MLA told her to believe in.
Apocrypha and Dabi are also both close to their respective leaders. Apocrypha has fondness for Re-Destro and was trained personally by him, however in the end she’s just a devotee, a sycophant. While Shigaraki and Dabi do not get along on the surface, Dabi is also given much more freedom and trust in the league because he’s allowed to go off on his own on several occasions he is basically Shigaraki’s number two. 
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As opposites as their beliefs are, their methods are shockingly similiar. Remember, I know the MLA’s beliefs are bad and they are all hypocrites ultimately, not to mention they have parallels to their real world ableism in comparison to their views on quirks. I am not saying that Dabi and Apocrypha have similiar ideals, they’re the opposite, and Apocrypha’s are definitely more twisted. However, the two of them have similiar methods. They both believe in killing those who do not fit their standards.
Dabi follows Stain, who killed heroes who were not good enough heroes, and even heroes who were not true to the spirit of being heroes just as an example. While there are definitely corrupt heroes, people who were innocent were caught up in it as well as casualties. Iida’s older brother may have only been a career hero who treated it like a dayjob, but not only is Iida’s big bro a genuinely good person he also uses his corporation in Vigilantes as a way to employ as many people as possible in hero work so therefore even people without immediately useful quirks can contribute on their own. Quirk elitism, and individualism are definitely what created Endeavor’s circumstances, because he had a powerful quirk he’s accepted as a hero despite what he did to his family and having no ideals of a hero.
However, at the same time Stain took out somebody who was basically Endeavor’s exact opposite. Older brother Tensei literally was against individualism, and promoted cooperation and helping people without traditionally strong quirks and letting them have a chance to help the hero industry because teamwork and greater efficiency would result in more people saved. However, by culling, and focusing on trying to create really strong individual heroes to hold the system on their backs Stain is in fact achieving the opposite of what he wants with his methods. He’s endorsing individualism, and right of the strong, the things which allowed Endeavor to become so corrupt in the first place. 
Basically by achieving everything alone with strength, Stain becomes a reflection of the corrupt, strength obsessed, hero system that he despises so much. Apocrypha said those who do not have strong quirks are better off dead.  Dabi regularly kills people who do not meet his standards for following Stain’s ideals.
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If they do not meet a certain quality, Dabi will treat them as fair game to kill.  (Though to clarify Dabi’s want to rebel against Endeavor or even kill him is not something I see as wrong, it’s more like how he burns random thugs on the street, some of which probably had families or loved ones too. Considering Dabi’s entire motivation is that he comes from a broken house it’s in direct opposition to his ideals). While the ideals are different, Dabi is employing the same methodology as Apocrypha here. He suffers from the same dangerous extremism that even pushes him to act contradictory to his ideals, and makes him do things he regrets. 
It’s not just something that will eventually counteract his ideals, (because once again Dabi does not believe what Endeavor tried to force on him, but he does use brute strength to try to accomplish his ideals because it’s the only viable option for someone like him, or all he knows) but it’s also incredibly unhealthy for both of them in the end. Apocrypha is barely a person, and Dabi is burning himself from the inside out every time he pushes himself to extremes to make his ideals a reality. 
It’s not only destructive to other people, it’s destructive to themselves. Which is why it’s a trait both of them should grow out of if they are going to have continuing arcs in the story. 
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weebsinstash · 5 years
Do you happen to have any headcanons for any other bnha poly couple by any chance besides erasermic? Like NSFW stuff would be great but maybe domestic ones as well?
hmmm... half the battle of this post is trying to decide which couple to use honestly 😂 there are so many possibilities with this series, you know? There's also the matter of whether to make this yandere/kidnapped scenario or just general stuff but I'll make it work ~
Let's go with.... Dabi and Shigaraki, since I also had another request for just general ideas for them cause hoes be thirsty.
--you'd think these hardened criminals wouldn't be very cuddly and you'd be wrong. These touch-starved mfs feel most at ease when they're cuddling you. They crave the quiet tenderness that can only be found from each other or their darling
--since there's that one Smash chapter of the whole "island survival" deal and Dabi got super into the survivalist shit, I wonder if he can cook? Shigaraki sure as hell can't. Lanky hand boi is a garbage disposal for whatever you or Dabi make. Shigaraki can cook but only if it's really simple and he prefers not to. He gets a little spoiled about "his own personal chefs"
--whether you got titties or ass or thighs your entire body is squishy fair game and also a pillow
--Shigaraki is slowly getting Dabi into more video games and if you aren't already a gamer you're his next target
--tbh while sex god Shigaraki is tempting I occasionally like the idea of him totally flustered by sexual stuff. Blow him and he'll get really blushy and noisy, potentially even losing his self control and grabbing your head to make sure you swallow him down as he cums
--I feel like with each other Dabi and Tomura would be switches, occasionally wanting that feeling of dominance and control, while with you they're almost exclusively tops or power bottoms
--I've said it before and I'll say it again: occasionally competitive sex to see who can make you cum the most and the hardest
--rife with sexual tension y'all, these boys got a lotta tension and pent up needs to get out
--they both kind of brag to each other whenever they do something that makes you happy or gets you off or whenever you do something cute or sweet for them
--one way or another you're going to get spitroasted
--weak gag reflex or not you're gonna learn how to suck dick real good bc both of them love getting head from you
--they love holding you but there's something tender about being the little spoon that they both secretly enjoy but won't admit to
--they have problems being very upfront about their feelings especially if they feel like it makes them look weak
--they both have praise kinks and if you're not causing a surge in their egos you're making them super flustered
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twxntrash · 6 years
Discern the Truth ch. 1
Regular Day in an Irregular Scenario
The warm air tickled Shio’s face as she slowly came to, a breeze brushed against her skin and she slowly opened her eyes to stare up at the clear blue sky above her, white clouds gently rolling by above. The day was nice, beautiful even.
Pushing herself up to sit, Shio rubbed some sleep from her eye and swiveled her head about to look at her surroundings. The dorms looking as pristine as ever, a few students talking by picnic tables and a few were walking towards the university centers building. If things were different, she would have just shaken it off as a regular day at a college as freshman. Though a problem with that was she was still in high school, so it was hardly regular.
Shio turned her head to look forward, a frown forming on her face as she stared up at the towering metal wall that left her and the others trapped on this campus.
Nothing about this day was regular, nothing about this situation was regular.
One week ago Shio had been preparing for a violin recital, something she enjoyed greatly, it was her talent after all. Six days ago she woke up on this enclosed campus with fifteen other students. Six days ago she found she was forced to participate in a killing game forced upon them by a twisted black and white bear.
Of course that caused strife among the students forced here and it was no easy task for Shio to get the others to calm down and worth together. Though she wouldn’t really call it working together for some as much as it was a tolerance and uneasy peace. Still, she wasn’t sure how it happened, but she had become the de facto leader of the group after taking charge on the first day when everyone else was in a confused and scared mess.
It wasn’t a role that Shio wanted to take, but if it meant she could prevent someone from being killed like Monokuma wanted, then she’d gladly take the reins and try to keep everyone safe.
Her classmates were… oddballs, some of them. But, Shio was sure that they could get along and be friends. It might be hard with some, but she had hope and determination on her side! She even already had a few she could consider as a friend.
Daichi Akemi in particular she thought as she spotted his messy blue hair and red neckerchief as he headed out of the door to the dining area of the university center. Unlike the others, who’s talent they knew and remembered, Daichi seemed unable to remember his which painted him with some suspicion early on. Some of the others refused to trust him simply because he couldn't tell them what his talent was, but Shio had been able to dissuade the mistrust, or at least get them to keep it to themselves. Even Shio remembered her talent with the violin. The two just gravitated naturally to each other on the first day, working to explore what parts they could together of their prison, getting to know the others, she liked to think that her and Daichi made a pretty good team.
And she wanted to help him, help him remember his talent and help him find his confidence. The guy always looked like he was about to jump out of his skin and she could only imagine that if the tension rose in their situation, it would not affect him well. He was a ball of anxiety and she wanted to help keep him grounded.
There were others of course. Yuu Kobayashi was sweet, she didn’t seem to hold any sort of ill will towards anyone and Izumi was a force of energy and cheer. Even among the guys, Hayato Himura, though he kept to himself, seemed genuine, he had no interest in participating in a game where they killed each other and Takahiko Saikawa made it clear that he wasn’t afraid to give a black eye to anyone who even tried. The others, she couldn’t say for sure, she didn’t want to distrust her friends, but she couldn’t say she knew what went on in their heads.
But she knew that they could work together. It might be hard, it’d take some work, but Shio was confident that they could work together and put a stop to this horrible game they had been put in.
She’d even begun to notice that some had even began moving towards each other, developing little pairs and groups of their own, and that pleased her. She rarely saw Takahiko and Yuu separate, for example, and she often saw Aito lingering near them like he wanted to join but wanted to keep a distance at the same time. Even Hikaru and Kasumi tended to stick near one another, and of course there was herself and Daichi. It was nice to see the others were making their own friendships and teams, and not isolating themselves from the others.
What really worried her though, wasn’t just the fact that they were trapped in this campus and being told they have to kill each other to get out. It was the crucial piece of all of this that no one else seemed to remember, the part that made this so much worse than what it already was, the similarity to-
“Uehara-san,” Shio looked up, her train of thought broken, to see Daichi had reached her and gave him a smile. He didn’t meet her eyes, running a hand through his messy blue locks and keeping his other in the pocket of his jacket. “Do you want to head to the meeting spot? It’s about time we all get together.”
The meeting spot. It was nothing more than an outdoor seating area a little off to the side with a stone bench in a U shape. Shio had suggested that they keep some form of regularity in their lives while here, and among the ideas had been a daily meeting to discuss anything they had discovered or any problems they found. Its purpose was to try and strengthen bonds among each other while also working to find ways out of this prison.
They’d meet up every day at five, right before dinner, and so far over the two days it seemed to be working well enough. Only Mitsuru complained about it, but Shio had a feeling Mitsuru would complain about everything if given the chance.
But she kept smiling as she pushed herself up, brushing some black locks of hair behind her ear, “It’s that time already? I guess I lost track of time, thanks for reminding me,” she hadn’t actually forgotten, she’d been well aware of the time, but the gratitude made Daichi feel better so she’d give it to him. “Let’s get going, Akemi-kun, it’d be awkward if we were late.”
He didn’t say much, but smiled and walked at her side as they made their way across the grass to the area just hidden behind a corner of the dorm.
There were a few already there.
Aito Shigaraki was sitting on one end of the stone bench, his white hair as messy as always with the heavy bags under his eyes and disheveled clothes. He was the Ultimate Forensic Pathologist, and from what Shio understood that meant he studied dead bodies. She hated to admit it, but Aito kind of creeped her out. Sometimes he looked unhinged and he made it clear that if someone died he’d love to take a look at their insides.
On the other side of the spectrum was Izumi Hayasha. Despite earning her talent for being a thief, she wasn’t a bad person as far as Shio could tell, if she looked past the whole being an actual criminal thing. When Mitsuru challenged her on the first day for “trying to control them” or something, Izumi stepped in and backed Shio up with how she was the only one trying to do something other than panic while Mitsuru was doing nothing. She even promised not to steal anything from the other students, unless they did something to make her mad, and so far she’d been trustworthy. Daichi seemed to like her well enough, too.
“Hello, Hayasha-san, Shigaraki-kun,” Shio greeted with a smile as she took a seat at the bench, the stone felt warm against the bright sun. Daichi took a seat beside her, situating himself between herself and Shigaraki, as though the lanky individual would try and attack her. She knew that he distrusted Aito and a part of her wanted to chastise him for not having faith in their friends, but chose to bite her tongue. It’d do no good to draw attention to him right now when Aito didn’t seem to notice or care.
He didn’t even respond to her greeting with more than a small hum as he fiddled with mangling the flower in his hand.
Izumi on the other hand smiled brightly and leaned over the stone bench, “Aah~! Shio-chan, it’s so nice to see you again, it’s a beautiful day today, isn’t it? Though these past few ones have been just lovely as well. Not nearly as lovely as you, though,” she smiled and it was brighter than the sun. “And Daichi-kun, you’re looking as handsome as ever, though I still think it’d be nice of you if you’d give me your neckerchief, the warehouse in the campus doesn’t have one like that.”
Daichi blushed and didn’t look at her but gripped the red fabric around his neck, “Sorry, Hayasha-san, but, like I said before I’m not giving it up.”
The thief just giggled and waved it off. Shio was happy to see her in such good spirits like usual, she’d be worried if Izumi suddenly became solemn.
Gradually the other students started filtering in, some on their own and some in groups of two or three until all sixteen were seated and the meeting was ready to commence.
Beside Izumi sat Hayato Himura the survivalist, and beside him was Ren Taikiyo an actor. The screenwriter, Yuu Kobayashi sat between him and Takahiko Saikawa, a Taekwondo champion. Goro Kobe, an obnoxious Go player was between Takahiko and herself while Daichi was stuck sitting next to the figure skater herself, Mitsuru Kita.
From there it went to Hikaru Yoshii the residential adrenaline junkie and racer, and Kasumi Sasaki, a graceful dancer. Eisuke Watanabe, the Ultimate Archer sat next to her, and next to Eisuke was Tsubasa Watanabe the basketball player and then Kousuke Nakamura, the photographic memory. Taiyou Adachi sat between Kousuke and Aito, being the only one to not disclose his talent but rather keep saying he had a different talent whenever asked.
There was some murmuring among the group and Shio brought her hands together in a clap to quiet down the chatter and start the meeting. Monokuma had begun breathing down their necks lately about no one being killed, they needed to come up with a plan.
“By the sounds of things, no one’s found anything new,” Shio began which was followed by a few disgruntled mutters and sly remarks tossed about by her classmates. But she clapped her hands again to bring attention back to herself. “That’s fine, that’s fine, we’re still trying so that’s what matters.”
There was a loud groan and she turned to look at Goro. “Some are trying harder than others, but not like that matters,” he responded, his eyes on Mitsuru.
The figure skater let out an offended gasp, “What are you insinuating?” she demanded.
“Exactly what it sounds like.”
“Mitsuru, everyone is putting in more effort than you are,” Kousuke snipped, his eyes narrowed at her, “last I checked, all you’ve been doing since we got here was eat in the dining room and complain. I don’t think you have a right to be insulted when someone calls you out on it.”
“I would have thought that as someone from such a rich and fancy home as yours that you’d know; some people are meant to work while others are meant to sit back while others do the work for them,” Mitsuru retorted, crossing her arms over her chest, “Obviously I was not born into this world to do menial labor and hard work like the rest of these bums. But I guess your upbringing wasn’t nearly as proper if you’d let yourself fall to there level.”
“Of maybe I’d like to get out of here more than I’d like to hang onto egotistical pride like a certain pretentious brat.”
“Why you,” Mitsuru curled back a lip, “I have half a mind to slap you right now.”
Taiyou began laughing as he leaned forward to watch, “Oooh~! Are we gonna get to see some rich brats duke it out?” he asked loudly, a wide grin slapped across his face, “Ten monocoins on Mitsuru-chan!”
“Please! Q-tip can take her, hands down,” Hikaru shot back, “Twenty that he wins !”
“Excuse me? Who are you calling a q-tip?” Kousuke snapped, almost rising from his seat, his attention moved from Mitsuru to Hikaru. A few snickers and cackles turned into laughter from multiple people and the arguing started to spread.
So the whole everyone being friends was clearly still in the works.
Trying to dissolve the situation quickly and get things back on track, Shio raised her voice, “Guys? Guys!” she yelled over the bickering, they gradually quieted back down to look at her. “Please guys, we’re friends here, we don’t need to be arguing when we need to stick together, right? How do you expect us to take on Monokuma if we start arguing so easily?”
A few of the students murmured but no one really spoke up, all looking at the ground or away from Shio, some bitter and others guilty.
Trying to raise the mood, Shio smiled at them all again. “Even though it’s not going to help us find an exit out of here, I was thinking we could do more things as a group than just the daily meeting,” she said, fanning her fingers out and tapping them against each other. “Just something to help us grow closer, help keep a unity among the groups.” It was vital to forge a strong bond with everyone, strong enough that no matter what Monokuma might throw their way, it won’t cause them to betray one another.
“Eh?” Taiyou asked, raising a brow, “What sort of activities did you have in mind, my dear Shio-chan? Don’t tell me you want us to scrapbook together, or sit around a campfire singing songs, I don’t know if I could handle that much friendship!”
“Hey, come on the campfire sounds pretty fun if we throw in some smores,” Ren snickered harmlessly, sticking his tongue out a little so that the metal stud at the tip peeked out past his teeth.
So maybe she shouldn’t bring up that digging up a pit for a campfire and spend some time at night together was one of her ideas. Didn’t seem like the group was going to take that one seriously right now so she’d push it off to a later date.
“I don’t know about that, but, we do have a lot of space outside,” Shio said as she began thinking, “we could find some kind of game to play. The gym has lots of sports equipment in there, so we could find something that would let everyone play in there.”
Tsubasa raised her hand after Shio said that, “There’s a lot of baseball gloves and balls in the gym closet, as well as plenty of baseballs and a few bats. There’s also some flags if we want to play capture the flag, and a few footballs, as well as the American ones,” she said and then scratched her cheek, “though I don’t know the rules to that one.”
“That’s fine,” Shio grinned as she looked at the athlete, “I shouldn’t be, but I’m surprised you remember everything that’s in there.” Tsubasa blushed when she said that and Shio took that as a cue to turn to the others again, “Even if we don’t want to get dirty playing a sport, between the school store and the warehouse, I’m sure there’s plenty we can do together.”
Hayato gave a small laugh from his end of the bench, “You sure are intent on keeping us as a united group, aren’t you, Uehara-san?” it was less of a question and he had a smile as he said it, but it looked tired.
She didn’t falter and with a feeling of determination in her gut, Shio nodded her head. “Of course I am, Himura-kun. You guys are all my friends, so I’m going to do everything I can to keep us all alive,” the words were genuine. Even though she only knew the group for a few days, she cared about them like she knew them for longer. They were her friends, even if they didn’t feel the same, and she wanted to keep her friends safe.
What was so wrong about that?
But as soon as she finished speaking, someone began gagging from behind her, a fake retching noise in response to her desire for all to survive. “Uuuugh! How boring!”
She felt a chill run over her, and beside her she saw Daichi go pale in the face at the familiar, overly cheerful voice. He wasn’t the only one, others had gone pale, while some went red in the face from anger, heads swiveling to stare at the intruder.
With a walk that was more of a waddle, Monokuma marched around until he was right in front of the group, staring at them with his mismatched eyes and ever present grin. “All this talk of unity, bonds, friends and sticking together, ooooh! I can feel my stomach churning. You’re going to make me sick at this rate!”
“Why should we care about your health?” Takahiko asked dryly, eyes narrowed at the robot. “You don’t seem too concerned with our wellbeing, so why should we be with yours?”
“Yeowch, you cut me with those harsh words,” the bear complained, an air of gloom surrounding him, but it was gone as quick as it appeared. “But that’s not what I’m here for, not at all! My health can wait because I’m sure that your talk of friendship and teamwork will be ending soon!”
Shio stood up, hands on her hips in a defiant stance as she stared down at the bear, “You’re wrong, we’re not going to stop working together just because you want it,” she said firmly. She was the leader of this group, she had to make sure she always stood up against Monokuma, here was no different. “Why are you here if it wasn’t to complain? If it’s to tell us to kill each other, we’re still not going to play your twisted game.”
But the bear let out a long sigh, “Man you are no fun, no fun at all,” he whined. “But you’re right. As things are now, there’s no way you guys will start the killing game, and that’s just so boring. So I had to think long and hard, I skipped sleeping last night just to come up with this idea, you know?”
“What idea?” Kasumi asked from where she sat, playing with the sleeves of her shirt, Shio noted they were becoming increasingly more frayed as her nails picked at the strands.
Monokuma let out a maniacal laugh as he stared at them all good and hard. “I was thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and then it hit me! You guys have the place, the tools, the possible victims, but no reason!” he exclaimed. “Now, I would have thought the Graduation rule would have been reason enough; kill someone to get out of here, but nope! You guys are pickier than that!”
A reason? “Are you talking about a motive or something?” Shio asked, feeling her heart beating louder in her chest. Did he come out all this way to give them something to motivate each other to kill? Whatever he was going to throw at them, it wasn’t going to work. They weren’t that easy, they were stronger than him and wouldn’t fall for the devil’s temptation like he wanted them too.
“Oooh, that’s exactly what it is,” Monokuma sang, “I thought it was about time to give you all a motive!”
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ignitification · 4 years
So, no more OfA or future wielders.
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Or rather:
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(Shigaraki Survivalist, if you are reading this, I cannot express how much I am suffering right now, especially because this comes fron his grandma. Really, Theory time soon.)
We really can't have anything, huh.
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ignitification · 4 years
It’s me the Shigaraki survivalist again lol
It’s cool you don’t agree I guess I just want to get my thoughts out
You said it’s unrealistic for Deku to save Shigaraki and them to work together—but the way I see it is that’s exactly what the story has been building up to. In a world where nothing is really “unrealistic” I really truly think it’s very in the realm of where the story is going. Shigaraki does look tired, because he has never been given a break. The thing is, BNHA isn’t a tragedy! (I think Hawks’s arc will be a tragedy but that’s a whole different discussion)
I just cannot see how Deku will be crowned “the greatest hero who ever lived” meanwhile the one person who needed him most is lying there dead. It just doesn’t feel convincing, especially in a shonen story. As far as the story is concerned, Shigaraki is still a child and never had a chance to grow up (it’s a coming of age story for Deku and Shigaraki). And you can’t celebrate being the greatest hero who ever lived while a “child” is dead. And I 100% expect Shigaraki and Touya to be very difficult to save (kinda like Kota from the training camp arc, but Deku saved him didn’t he?)—they’re gonna decline the help at first obviously. They have no reason to trust heroes, which is why I think Deku and Shoto are going to have to prove that they mean it—and they will, because they do.
I just feel like Shigaraki dying completely cancels out Deku’s main goal of “saving everybody”—which has been his thing since the beginning. Shigaraki was, in the eyes of the narrative, All Might’s responsibility to save, and he failed. Not only is Deku going to have to clean up the OFA/AFO mess, he’s gonna have to clean up the mess that All Might could have prevented (I’m not blaming All Might completely but as far as the story is concerned, and All Might is concerned—he definitely bares some responsibility for Tenko’s fate).
It’s as you said we don’t know what Horikoshi is going to do, but a girl can hope lol
I just don’t feel like the story is going to end with the message of “not everybody can be saved”. I just feel that there is so much more hope in this story than people give it credit for! Shonen typically reeks of hope and optimism, and even now BNHA still has that hopeful, optimistic energy, not grimdark realism. I think Horikoshi will pull this off and it’s gonna be awesome. And if you are right and Shigaraki does die, I honestly will consider it a huge waste of a character who could have and should have been saved, just like Touya, who I also think is 100% going to make it out alive.
Hey, Shigaraki Survivalist!
Glad you’re putting you opinion out here. 
Getting onto matters, I would like to maybe clarify my statement: I do not think it is unrealistic for Shigaraki and Deku to work together (I think rather that it would be absolutely fair, and maybe cathartic) and I do agree that is what is likely to happen, sooner or later. 
As for BNHA not being a tragedy, I think that it already is. Look at how Touya, Shigaraki and the same Izuku grew up: discriminated against, bullied, neglected and abused. If this is not a tragedy, I do not know what is. But if by that you meant that the general mood of the story is supposed to be one of instilling hope and instead letting people know that there is always a way one, and that there is still some possibility of saving if there is a will. I fully agree on that. The themes in BNHA are the real tragedy, but you are absolutely right when you say that the message is ‘People make mistakes. But that’s not the end. They can change and correct those mistakes, apologise, amend. Things can change.’ and not ‘Not everyone can be saved’ (even if, here, I would like to argue that Twice’s death message is exactly that but I don’t want to digress).
Also, not going to lie, I really like the positivity I feel from your message. It puts a smile on my face thinking that there is someone out there fully believing that salvation will come because there is someone who wants it to come. It’s a good thing. It’s a thing I, for one, do not have so thank you for doing that, this really brightened my evening. 
Now, onto a more heavy part of the post. I wanted to talk about All Might, and how he did fail, even if not entirely by himself, to save Shigaraki. First of all, I would like to notice the particular panel which tells us that ‘You can save only those you can reach’. 
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This panel is telling in more ways than one. All Might specifically addresses Izuku in saying this, while not literally meaning it (or at least not expecting Izuku to understand it so literally). All Might ( and I talked about it here) is a character which sets up the bar high for Hero standards (and is seen as an idol so far gone, that no one could ever possibly reach him) - and that is exactly why Izuku bears this 'lesson' stoically and tries to save everyone ever more than before. Because if All Might could do it, Izuku feels like he should be able as well (while not considering the disproportion in between them, and I mean in experience and just relatively emotionally).
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I mean Izuku feels a high burden with OfA, and to deal with AfO, and sometimes he can get very much extreme - but exactly for that, as you said, he would never feel as if he succeeded if he does not manage to save Shigaraki. Because if All Might is capable of brushing this aside, justifying himself by saying that he couldn't have done anything to prevent it and that it is impossible after all to save everyone, Izuku is not. Izuku feel so deeply that he cries for others, he rages for others, he longs for others with a great smile on his face because that is what it's expected of him.
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And he likes to fulfil those expectation, whether that kills him, injuries him or anything else (as we saw him being all bandaged up in 299 and with no sign to recover any soon). 
However, this what I mean when I say that Tomura looks tired: 
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He fails to understand how him not being saved is not actually a fault of someone (heroes/society, you name it - even if he does realise much later), but his first instinct as a kid is to blame himself and to tell that this, is is his punishment. He deserved it. And he does deserve to a degree what has happened to him since, because he is guilty of something he will never be able to forgive himself for and that is why he is they he is now.
I do think, that Touya, even being more self-destructive than Shigaraki, is an easier subject to save. I am not saying this because I think Dabi’s trauma or problems are easier to solve, but because Shouto understood him (to some extent) and with the sentence ‘I am him? referring to Touya and his intentions he is unwillingly showing us that Touya’s path to redemption (summed with Endeavour’s arc) are all pointing at Touya being saved, no matter how bad the situation gets. He, still scarred and lonely, does have a family out there caring for him. Or at least wanting to get to the bottom of things and not leave him to burn to death, alone. Again.
Shigaraki, on the other hand, does not have such a thing. Kurogiri has been captured, AfO is using him and the only guy who thought of Tomura as a human being, other than a bad villain, is Deku. I do not want say that this is not enough, but with all the burden that Izuku is already carrying at the moment, can he also bear on himself the weight of saving Shigaraki? I really hope he does, but as anyway as it will be, I think that Deku will try. He will try to get that hand reaching out to Tomura and even if skeptical about it, I hope Shigaraki takes the chance and takes it. He does deserve a break. He deserves a blanket, a cup of steaming tea and a hot long nap in a warm bed. A hug is optional. 
One of the themes I never touched upon is also, the found family of the League and Hawks. I really am waiting for more insight into the League’s members feeling for Twice, and maybe holding a funeral. I am also waiting for them to discuss Hawks. 
On which, my last point for this post: Hawks’ story, serves as a parallel to Dabi’s. We see how the abuse can bring to two extremes: one becoming a villain and focusing on hate, and the other focusing on idolising and becoming a hero (and in the meantime trying to forget everything else). I want Hawks to face consequences for his actions, and I want him to understand that he, too, is a victim and that atoning for his father’s crimes is not the way to go. He also needs to break free of the past and let go. I really hope that instead of clinging into past ideals and Endeavour, he realises that there is something highly wrong with the society he is fundamental part of and that he break free. If he doesn’t, as has been already put out there by some amazing posts I read, it will after all end in tragedy. Once a friend told me how Hawks was a tragic hero, and I might disagree but I do think that the name is fitting. But it’s not like that will change things. Only we can - and I hope everyone realises that.
p.s. Look at this panel, during the last moments of fight between Shigaraki and Deku.
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And after that the realization of Izuku, that Shigaraki, who he does want to save is not only suffering internally, but as well externally, because of AfO and whatever is going on. Exhausted beyong recognition.
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Look at Shigaraki's form. He looks like he is right about to collapse. There is a hand stretched out, in help, in resignation, in sadness, in pain. But his other hand is almost clenching, hard, noy wanting to let go. Tomura is after all trying to fight the entity within him, while also trying not to lose himself and look out for everything that might come in its way outside.
And finally, there is someone who looks through the hand on his hand, through the cracks of his identity, through every wall Tomura has put in between himself and others in order to protect them, and himself, from the absolute monster he thinks he is.
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And it's, at the same time both ironic and daunting how these same words are also the works Deku speaks to Kacchan while saving him from the Sludge Villains. There is a direct parallel between Katsuki, who had hated Deku while being afraid of being inferior to him and that did not want his helo because he would feel too weak, and Shigaraki, who has no will of getting himself saved by anyone, but especially by the kid that denied him the objective of gaining OfA and defeating everything and the same kid who seems to feel something other than disgust for him. Both Katsuki and Shigaraki are opposites to Izuku.
So, if Izuku saved Kacchan, who in return saved Deku after accepting the fact that he and Izuku, are, after all, hero AND friends who care about each other, it would be nice to see where this is going to go with Tomura. And see if, maybe, just maybe, it is possible for Shigaraki to stop being Shigaraki and be Shimura Tenko instead.
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ignitification · 3 years
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-`,✎ Masterlist
- of things I have written, and which sometimes I refer to.
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How to tag properly
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Izuku Midoriya and Shigaraki Tomura
The story is about how Midoriya Izuku
Why Deku leaving UA has to do with the Vestige Talk
Deku and Shigaraki
The Todoroki Family
The Todoroki Legacy
Cold Flame (Todoroki Touya)
No other Choice (and why the only way for Dabi to reach his goals is to publicly expose Endeavour)
There is nothing worse than not being chosen
Endeavour as a bad written character
Shigaraki Tomura
The Objectification of Shigaraki (+ @bewarethecrow wonderful addition^^)
Theory Time
The UA Traitor
Where being Quirkless is not an Outlier
Random Theory Time ! UA Traitor + Experiments (Nezu)
Number of OfA (I)
Number of OfA II: Shi - Ku (Insight into number 4 & 9)
Number of OfA III: Shinimori Hikage (4th user + insight into number 8 & 9)
Numbers of OfA IV: Shigaraki Yoichi
Colour Analysis
Colour Analysis I: Midoriya Izuku - Green for Hope, Red for Burning Passion
Colour Analysis II : (LOV Series I) - Shigaraki Tomura
Colour Analysis III: (LOV Series II) - Dabi
Meta and Hot Takes
The Determination to be Saved
Villains - The Origins
Double and Half Wills
Same Mistakes (Shouto and Katsuki)
No Face Behind the Mask
301.5 - Tale of Perspectives
Sense of Detachment in Hero Society
Two Sides of the Same Coin (Ch. 310 Parallels)
All for Outsourcing
Break the Wheel
What the Future Holds
Are Heroes Fighting a War so they can be at Peace?
About what is Deku doing
About Deku saving Shigaraki
Shigaraki Survivalist
Will Endeavour sacrifice himself?
The Todoroki’s mess
Why the Villains need to Heal, ‘not to be stopped’
The Villains’ Fanclub
Lady Nagant’s response to Overhaul
Mr. Compress’ role in the LoV
Deku resembling Shigaraki (chapter 317)
AfO’s Ending
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Dissecting Whatever is Happening in JJK (Ch. 145)
The Heian Period: The When and the Why
The Culling Game
JJK 149 & Frustrations (+ Finale Brief Discussion)
Original Cursed Technique
The parallels between Makima (CSM) and Yuki Tsukumo
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ignitification · 3 years
What do you think will happen to Shigaraki. Will he get control oh his body back. Or is AFO in control till the end. I hope he doesn't die. I'd love to hear your thoughts after this recent chapter, it seems like they are hinting at killing him and saving him. I'm scared for him. Has your view changed.
Heh, this is a difficult ask for me because, as far as I looking forward to see what will happen to the character, I also understand why people call Horikoshi an unreliable narrator. However, on a general gist yes, I do think Shigaraki will have his body back, and possibly far away from AfO. It would be nice to narratively see this happen before Izuku saves Shigaraki however. Shigaraki breaking free from the shackles of AfO on his own is in my opinion the peak of Shigaraki's character arc: he was a growing child during USJ, and then evolved until being an adult in the PLW, and now he needs to break free from his 'parents', or better authority figure, which if AfO.
Before, I used to think that it would be someone fitting for the thematics of the story ('Not all men are born equal' and the overly positive representation of heroes despite their shortcomings) that Izuku would fail to save Shigaraki, and Shigaraki would die unhinged and a pawn until the end, fulfilling the prophecy put out in 'You cannot save everyone'. But the thing I realized (and cemented in stone after Chapter 305) is that this is Izuku's story of becoming the greatest hero, and as the Shigaraki Survivalist pointed out in this ask, it would be a waste of plot to kill off Shigaraki, and it would fail to fulfill the first premise of the story (which is again Izuku becoming the greatest hero). At the same time, I see why you are afraid (I am too, I have trust issues towards authors) because, as happened time after time, things which seemed to be forthcoming were denied. But I am quite sure that Shigaraki is surviving, until they bring down the real Villain Boss (AfO). I am not entirely sure about the end goal of the story, but it is highly unlikely that with all the parallels set up that Tenko, Touya or Toga would die and not be saved. They will. This isn't AOT, after all, and the story is about validating Izuku's view, changing the society for better - not to continue the status quo (which has brought us to the current disaster).
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