#hong kong protestors
psychotrenny · 8 months
It was so funny how people used those 2019 Hong Kong protests as proof of how brutal and authoritarian the CPC were, because the Chinese riot cops were so much more restrained than any of their US counterparts. Like this was most obviously demonstrated during the 2020 BLM protests but even at the time you had the protests at Ferguson and Standing Rock as recent, high profile examples of how they treat political dissent over in the US. I'm not even saying that the Chinese are above all reproach I'm just pointing out that USA is in no position to criticise other countries for their treatment of protestors
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apas-95 · 30 days
Thoughts on Tiananmen Square? While the people protesting there were counterrevolutionaries, I’m against the killing of civilians under almost any circumstances, and unless the protesters were randomly stabbing people walking by and were completely unable to be stopped by lethal force (which they weren’t I’m pretty sure), they didn’t deserve to die.
The key point with regards to your concerns:
Firstly, the entire incident is a terrible tragedy, and an incredibly sore moment in China's history.
Secondly, the incident was massively exaggerated and exploited by the western powers - no killing or large massacre took place in the square itself, the deaths that did occur took place in the streets surrounding the square, in clashes between protestors and initially unarmed soldiers. Buses full of soldiers were burnt alive, and the corpses of soldiers were strung up on lightposts. Nobody involved deserved to die.
Leaders of the protest movement, spurred on by the west, escalated the incident to violence. One such leader, Chai Ling, who had arranged a US visa and left the square prior to the end of the protests, said
The students keep asking, “What should we do next? What can we accomplish?” I feel so sad, because how can I tell them that what we are actually hoping for is bloodshed, for the moment when the government has no choice but to brazenly butcher the people. Only when the Square is awash with blood will the people of China open their eyes. Only then will they really be united. But how can I explain any of this to my fellow students?
After sending in unarmed soldiers, who were beaten to death and lynched by foreign-backed protestors who were openly trying to incite a violent response, the Chinese government managed to peacefully clear the square (much to the disappointment of the western press). The deaths of people who had been spurred into violence against their own countrymen was and is a tragedy, but no massacre of peaceful protestors occured.
The incident as a whole is, again, an utter tragedy, and a dark moment, but the government's handling of it was, all things considered, level. While it is not something easily discussed, it is certainly an experience that was learned from, and, in the recent Hong Kong protests, more developed riot-control techniques resulted in zero deaths from clashes between police and western-backed protestors, as well as the early defusal of the situation through the seizure of hidden weapons and explosives.
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collapsedsquid · 4 months
“This strike is illegal,” said Melissa Matella, associate vice president of Systemwide Labor Relations. “UAW’s decision to strike over nonlabor issues violates the no-strike clause of their contracts with UC and sets a dangerous and far-reaching precedent that social, political and cultural issues — no matter how valid — that are not labor-related can support a labor strike.”
And that's why the University of California strongly condemns protestors in Hong Kong and Georgia.
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basedhighsenberg · 5 months
When ISIS was literally lighting Kurds and other minority groups in the Middle East on fire, your biggest concern was wagging your finger at people for calling ISIS "ISIS"
When the Hong Kong protestors starting getting destroyed by Chinese police, you people cheered on the CCP and clapped every time reports of protestors getting killed got out
When farmers in Europe started going after local governments for trying to tax and regulate them out of existence, you used class-based dialectics to argue they were "Kulak capitalists in need of purging" because they owned their own farming equipment
We know what you are, hence why we're not helping you
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generallemarc · 2 months
On election interference
You know what Russia and China want more than anything? Hatred. To them, it doesn't matter who wins so long as we're all too busy hating each other to focus on the outside world, so long as we're so unwilling to trust one another that we're incapable of getting shit done. If a member of Congress would rather vote down aid to an agreed-upon American ally just to spite The Other Party, that's a victory for them. You wanna fight foreign interference? You wanna keep America American? Don't treat The Other Party like the second coming of Hitler/Stalin/Judas. If you talk about Rethuglicans or Demonrats, you're giving Putin and Xi exactly what they want. Support whoever you want-vote for them, donate to them, hell volunteer for them if you can. But if they don't win, accept it as the result of living in a democracy instead of automatically demanding that the government/military void the results of an election just because you don't like it. If you think that's a thing that only The Other Party does, you are wrong due to either 2016(when a worrying amount of Democrats did it) or 2020(when a worrying amount Republicans did). We survived four years of Trump and four years of Biden-regardless of who wins, America will still be here afterward. But since this is a democracy, it's the people who control how our society will look, not the government. Do your best to make sure we're still the America that the Hong Kong protestors of 2019 looked up to.
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5-7-9 · 2 months
This panel is pretty funny 😂 just because of how wish fulfillment it is
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Like, you wish this happened, huh?
I don’t like it when stories use their citizens as some kind of monolith hive mind, they just suddenly get inspired to do good or bad for no reason or the reason is too superficial. It bugs me, what can i say? 🤷
Interesting part to note is how they treated people taking up Joker's masks though.
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Joker’s mask seems to be what gives these hooligans the freedom to cause mayhem. I’ve already said it before, but this comic treats Joker’s smile as insincere, something to hide, fake. As if being allowed to a secretive identity removes guilt over responsibility. Like when internet trolls can’t be tied to their face. This is expanded on through Alex Kayes the best. Although I don’t like her character’s existence, she highlights the part of Joker’s legacy that was perhaps misguidedly applied to Joker. Social media and public outcry.
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Remember Logan Paul’s infamous apology video? James Charles? Etc. social media people? The comic even got the YouTube logo on it.
Red Flag is having a political podcast 🚩😙 sorry~ but if you’re anything like Andrew Tate, the alt-right pipeline is one you don’t want to stay in. Don’t believe everything you hear.
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“It’s about sending a message” …was it hate speech? Jkjk. But this is exactly what Heath Ledger’s Joker’s mission in The Dark Knight Rises movie by Chris Nolan was like.
He was also described by Alfred as “Someone people just want to watch the world burn” with absolutely no reason to be evil, he just is evil 🙃 So there is some similarity to Punchline to this movie’s Joker.
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Social media and the constant criticisms done by people reacting and adding their own stuff like idk tiktok i guess? Oh right, the comic said it, yeah. Idk any tiktok challenges like this one, so no video example 🤷
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Joker War was also mentioned in other comics. I think it’s interesting how Bao Pham’s origins with Joker and Harley was, and his eventual rise to being Joker Hunter and protecting his city. Then i think he left eventually (idk). Huh.
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More Punchline, this time from oftentimes copaganda and all times police commissioner Jim Gordon! More teenagers that support Punchline being bullies, what else is new. I totally forgot what I wanted to say, so I’ll just skip to the end of what I really wanted to comment on. Y’know I only recently learned about this so that’s why I’m talking about it but I think it was really awesome that Joker 2019 traveled all the way around the world because people were using his face masks in activism. That’s the positive side of having a brand, DC comics can go across countries and be recognizable. The more recognizable you are, the more people hear you. That’s what happened in the case with the Joker from the protests in Lebonon, Chile, Hong Kong, Bolivia, Colombia, Spain, Catalonia, and Ecuador (there may have been more but idk). (Warning! Talks of death and possible SA in this video!)
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(I’d like to take a special time to acknowledge the Iraq Joker (mustafa makki kareem) since I found a rather in-depth interview video of his efforts). (This was 4 years ago, so I’m afraid the political landscape of Iraq has taken a turn… I hope he’s okay).
An interview with some Hong Kong protestors that wear masks to protect their identity. Interestingly enough, this video calls the mask similar to Batman :)
Also they mention reasons for hiding their identity, and methods!
There’s a few clips of Bolivia’s Joker too
Some faces of Lebonon Jokers (this video is edited with TDK Bane’s message but the original video isn’t allowed in my country?)
More edits of Chile Lebonon and Hong Kong (again, original video linked in description but unavailable to me)
In fact, that’s what happened to the Joker 2019 movie. Nowhere in the comics had Joker been depicted as he was in that movie, a victim of an oppressive system. That movie essentially took back a villain and made him this icon. That was the first time ever after Joker’s further evilization after “The Dark Knight Rises” and “Death In The Family” and “The Killing Joke” made Joker one of the evilest Batman characters (considering the ever so slightly sympathetic side to the rest of the rouges). Not to go off on it, but I think it really was a good thing for Joker. I think his criminalization crossed a line at some point, so in a way, this makes up for it.
Of course, even with all of this, it’d be unfair of me to not mention all the bad that did come from Joker. I will not discount that. And no- the 2012 Aurora shooter James Holms had orange dyed hair and is NOT inspired by Joker, he didn’t even know the movie was going on, fyi. • The Florida man Lawrence Sullivan who was arrested in 2017 for allegedly pointing a firearm at an officer. (I reached my 10 video limit 😭). • The recreation of Joker 2019 bus killing scene with suicidal 24-year-old Kyota Hattori in Tokyo train. • The “Gypsy Crusader” or Paul Nicholas Miller was a popular troll that liked to cosplay as Joker in the 2019 movie and comics Riddler while making jokes (i think he did offensive humor?) of the “radical” alt-right stance. (Ironically, the racists didn’t want a Roma descent racist on their side 💀). He was arrested for possession of an unregistered rifle and a lot of ammunition. He also lived in New Jersey…
• 2014 Jerad Miller from Las Vadas Nevada shot two police officers and one bystander dressed as the Joker with an accomplice. Essentially doing a murder-suicide when they then shot themselves. He posted videos to Youtube of his messages. (I think there was some mental illness going on? But idk) (there is also mentions of political stuff like angry at drug laws and the corrupted government and a swatsika?) (yeah idk, it was confusing).
Yes, the criminal turned devil turned sympathetic villain leads to multiple interpretations of Joker, who would’ve guessed? (sarcasm). Even London and Clermont mocked their presidents with the clown face. It’s not entirely black and white 🤷
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Still, despite all the flaws in Joker 2019’s movie, all the good that came out of it… I feel as though it outweighed the bad. So, it’s not easy to hate it. Shout out to this video analysis essay that made me critically think about the Batman movies!
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Only about the Ringdoll BJD thing. Honestly from what I've been told Ringdoll is on the shit list of a lot of Chinese collectors. An oldie Chinese diaspora on the BJD hobby side has talked about all the drama surrounding Ringdoll and how they're kind of a looked down on as a company amongst certain circles of collectors. Like how they recycled old doll sculpts, and then tried to sell it under a new name, might actually be the one you mentioned. And some other big production problems.
In the Anglosphere/European side of the hobby some of the more deep lore collectors have RD on their shit list for making literal Nazi dolls, armband and all, but with one of those "not really a Hakenkreuz but we know what we're seeing" black on white on red armband, with a suspiciously obvious Nazi uniform. It's gotten scrubbed off most RD pages, but older archives still have the promo pics featured.
Another shitlist reason is their open support of the violence against the Hong Kong protestors by the pigs CCP police, especially since it was on their English page as well, which meant a lot more people saw it in the Western hobby. A lot of people tried to make excuses and make Ring doll the victims, until a lot of Chinese people came in and said that not a single other Chinese doll company made a stupid fucking comment and that Ring doll was definitely not forced or anything like that, and that people should stop making excuses for Ringdoll's bullshit.
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When you get down to it, China and Britain are both beautiful and wonderful cultures that have contributed immeasurably to world culture…and also have their share of atrocities and horrors in their history. However, I don’t get the feeling that Britain is doing anything nearly as bad to its queer population at the moment as what China is doing to protestors in Hong Kong or to minorities like the Uyghurs. And if you want to confront and deal with human atrocity…not all of it comes from Euro-American imperialism and China is really more of an oligarchy that literally involves corporations in its government and engages in very dubious ventures for African resources. Isn’t that just as bad as anything Europeans have ever done?
Me when I make immeasurable contributions to world culture
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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Daily Life in CHAZ
Tents have been pitched next to the abandoned police station and local medics, artists, civil servants and restauranteurs have flooded the zone in order to provide their services. It’s estimated that about 200 residents are currently occupying CHAZ and have come from all over the city of Seattle. On June 9th, they established the “No Cop Co-op”, which hands out free water, hand sanitizer, snacks, masks and kebabs. An intersection was cordoned off to provide “teach-ins” which are basically soapbox lectures on how to run a co-op and how to build effective communes. Other speakers educate people on police brutality and protesting tactics moving forward. A large screen outdoor cinema was set up with a large projector and portable toilets were donated from the Seattle Transportation Department. Additionally, homemade riot shields are being made and distributed to everyone in the commune. Going forward, local zoners also hope to build a cohesive labor movement that can spread across the Northwest. National organizations like CODEPINK support the commune stating “police are the real instigators.” Local activists in CHAZ have decided to use a pink umbrella as their symbol to show solidarity with those in Hong Kong whose techniques have been copied by protestors all over the world. As mentioned earlier, street medics have flooded the zone and play a major role. Many of them are college educated and have experience being in the field during protests. They also have created medic tents in order to deal with the future conflicts that they will surely have with the police.
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comrade-onion · 5 months
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Advice to the Students
Student movements have often proved to be pivotal in bringing about radical change. From the Civil Rights movement, to anti-Viet Nam War protests as well as more contemporary examples such as Black Lives Matter and, of course, the ongoing student protests against the genocide in Gaza. One thing that all of these movements have in common is that they all faced and are currently facing vicious backlash from those in power, with riot police and even the national guard being sent on unarmed protesters, injuring and killing scores in the process.
In order to maintain this movement and to fight back against the crackdowns, the encampment and protest movements across the United States and the world will need to prepare, organize, and militarize.
Firstly, it is imperative that the protesters know that their action, no matter how peaceful, will be met with violence. And it is in these circumstances from which the necessity to defend themselves and fight back will arise, a series of tactics on resistance will be listed below, I hope they are of use and are accessible to any and all who need it.
Bricks: Bricks are easily accessible to the majority of protesters and can be used in a multitude of ways to disrupt and defend. Aside from the obvious uses, bricks can be alternatively used to build and alter structures in a way that slows down police or national guard advances with minimal violence.
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During the Hong Kong anti-government protests in 2019, protesters utilized bricks to build small structures (such as the ones seen above) on roads and passageways. These brick roadblocks are extremely effective at slowing or even halting oncoming traffic. When these structures are hit by the wheel of a vehicle, "the block on top falls and helps buttress the other two."
Umbrellas: Umbrellas, if utilized correctly, can be a great defensive aid if protests become heated. They can be used to deflect against projectiles fired at you by police, such as tear gas cannisters, water cannons, and pepper spray. They can also be used in the construction of makeshift barriers and walls utilized by the protesting parties.
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PPE: When attending a protest, encampment, or any form of civil disobedience, it is of utmost importance that you come prepared for it to go south. Police arsenals include a wide array of weapons and chemicals such as tear gas and pepper spray, and the site of the protest might be equipped with cameras that can later be utilized for facial recognition. Wear face and eye coverings to protest from pepper spray and gasses as well as to protect your identity. Always be ready to defend yourself in the case of physical confrontation.
Random Stuff:
• Makeshift barricades can serve as great protectice instalations at best, and serve as a way to buy time for yourself and fellow organizers at worst. In my opinion, they should be present at every encampment.
• Look out for one another, co-operate, and maintain order. From this point forwards treat your encampment as you would treat a small breakaway state. You are under attack, and only through planning and organization can you maintain order and safety for the members of your protest. Everyone needs to contribute what they can.
• Don't bring a knife to a gun fight, be ready for anything, rapid escalations at these types of protests are not unheard of.
Last but not least, this is in no way an incitement to violence. Merely a set of advice protestors can follow to defend themselves and their comrades in these turbulent and unprecedented times. Share this post with those who you think can benefit from it. Much love, solidarity forever 🇵🇸🏳️‍🌈🇿🇦❤️
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Tibetan Uprising Day 2024 and a Half-Forgotten Human Rights Disaster
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Protesters on Tibetan Uprising Day at Pariser Platz. Berlin, March 10, 2024. Photograph by me (Edith Haimberger). All rights reserved.
"Tibetans inside Tibet: We are with you!"
— sign at Berlin protest on March 10, 2024
The red, yellow and blue colours of Tibet's flag flew across the Pariser Platz square behind Brandenburg Gate on Sunday as some 80 protesters gathered for Tibetan Uprising Day.
Reeducation camps for Uyghur Muslims in China, more rarely developments in Hong Kong, and controversies around the Dalai Lama who is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, may dominate international news headlines.
But the plight of inhabitants in the Tibetan region that the protestors portrayed in signs, speeches, and information panels yesterday is no longer common knowledge.
A youngish man in jeans and a puffer jacket, who was walking across the square on Sunday, asked the police officer beside him who had mentioned Tibet, "Was ist das?" ('What is it?') The police officer, at least, knew the answer.
Miniature History In 1950 the Chinese People's Liberation Army invaded the remote region bordering Nepal. Ever since then, the autonomy or even the independence of Tibet has been hotly disputed, as well as the measures through which the ruling Chinese Communist Party governs the country. Tibetan Uprising Day marks the anniversary of a revolt in 1959.
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Image: "Tibetexpedition, Kloster in Samada." (Tibet Expedition, Convent [or Monastery] in Samada.) Photo taken by Ernst Krause in 1938. Uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archives.
'Many of us standing here today,' a speaker wearing traditional embroidered clothing told the crowd in Berlin, 'have never been in Tibet.'
Instead the protesters on Sunday were often exiles, many second-generation.
Their relatives in Tibet face systematic repression.
"Menschenrechte für Tibet" "Freiheit für Tibet"
— 'Human rights for Tibet' and 'Freedom for Tibet.' Signs at the Berlin protest on March 10, 2024.
The Berlin speakers accused the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of cultural genocide. Children as young as 5 years old are sent to residential boarding schools where they are educated as Chinese, while Tibetan language and culture are forbidden.
Monasteries and convents that were destroyed in the mid-20th century and only partly rebuilt in the 1980s remain vulnerable.
The Chinese government has been building massive hydroelectric dams in Tibet. Permission from Tibetans is not asked, a reporter from Tibet.tv said at the protest in Berlin. Instead, entire villages and monasteries, dating back even to the times where Europe was in the Middle Ages, are destroyed.
Local Tibetans who protest mega-dam projects are arrested and, at times, beaten.
A-Nya Sengdra, a nomad in Qinghai province, is in the middle of a 7-year prison sentence on charges like 'provoking trouble.' In a 2020 press release from the UN's Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, experts say that he had been active for example against "illegal hunting and poaching of endangered animals."
As his prison sentence continues, friends are worried for his health.
Outside Tibet, in his Indian exile of Dharamshala, the Dalai Lama has also spoken enigmatically about his successor as spiritual leader. He is 88 years old. The reincarnation of the Dalai Lama has a spiritual dimension for Tibetan Buddhists, but the Chinese Communist Party — a secular body —wants the next Dalai Lama to be approved by them first.
But, also explaining why Tibet is seldom in news headlines, it is difficult to obtain information from within the region. Writing for the Human Rights Watch website in 2022, an expert spoke of
draconian controls on the flow of information between Tibet and the outside world *
The Heyday of International Awareness of Tibet In the 1980s and 90s and early 2000s, Tibet was a cause célèbre. Actress Sharon Stone and actor Richard Gere, who are Tibetan Buddhist, spoke out in favour of its independence. The Tibet-inspired American fantasy film The Golden Child (1986) earned $149.4 million at the box office. In 1997, two films followed: Kundun, directed by Martin Scorsese, and Seven Years in Tibet . When this reporter arrived in Germany in 2006, a string of Tibetan prayer flags crossed above a neighbourhood street. Tourists were drawn to Tibet — this has not changed: it is estimated that 15 million of them visited in 2015. But Tibet was not just famous in cultural spheres. In 1989, the Dalai Lama won the Nobel Prize for Peace.
Tenuous links exist between Tibetans in countries like Germany and Tibetans in the Tibetan Autonomous Region. But the CCP's surveillance extends beyond international borders. Telephone calls may be monitored, participation in protests by Tibetans in exile become a problem for relatives.
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Young women at the Tibetan protest in Berlin, Germany, speak out against the Chinese Communist Party's gathering of DNA as part of a surveillance programme. Photograph taken by me (Edith Haimberger), on Sunday, March 10, 2024. All rights reserved.
Surveillance within Tibet is so severe that human rights organizations and activists reported in 2022 that the CCP are gathering DNA on a large scale — of hundreds of thousands of people, including schoolchildren — to track dissidents.
The Tibet Initiative Deutschland and the Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, two non-governmental groups, co-organized the Berlin protest on March 10.
The Gesellschaft noted on their social media that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will travel to China in April.
In Tibetan communities in the country and abroad there are conflicting opinions on how to resist the Chinese Communist Party. Peacefully, through classic forms of protest? Through self-immolation?
"We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."
— Quoted during the March 10 protest. From Martin Luther King, Jr.: Letter from a Birmingham Jail (1963) [Wikiquote]
A speaker from the Tibet Initiative Deutschland described his group's campaign to persuade municipalities across Germany to raise the flag of Tibet over their town halls for Tibetan Uprising Day in solidarity. Over 400, he said, had agreed.
Efforts at the federal level by the German chancellor, foreign minister, and others on behalf of minorities' civil and political rights, however, are apparently often undermined by German corporations.
A representative of the Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker told the crowd in front of the German Foreign Ministry yesterday:
Corporations doing business within China — the German foreign ministry reports in its China-Strategie publication that there are 5,000 of these — lobby for silence, fearing financial losses.
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
I should anchor my predictions on the current wave of China protests; I don’t think they are going to “go anywhere”, for a few reasons; one being that so far I have seen minimal desire to really fight hard lines drawn by security forces or anything like that. The protestors aren’t being violently confronted in the main, and they will do things like push through barriers or the like but there is no sense that the state is the ‘enemy’ going on. We wont see Hong Kong style police fights outside of a few flare ups.
Secondly, Zero Covid was/is broadly popular in China. Its hard to grasp that on the outside, but Covid was built up in the imagination as a nightmare disease, citizen buy-in was actually quite large. As individual cities got locked down their charity drained, but most cities in China have not been locked down like that. These protests are about Zero Covid, but there is going to be a substantial portion of the country who opposes these protestors, proud of the Zero Covid achievement. Enough to make things like police defections a non-starter.
Still the CCP has clearly being wavering on Zero Covid, not fully but increasingly unwilling to eat the costs of the policy. Once the protests fade I expect them to be used to internally justify, very quietly, continued easing. I am personally someone who is less negative on the decision-making apparatus of the Chinese state, so this part is the most against-the-grain, but its where the smart money is imo.
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I was curious about lgbt rights in china and came across this absolute gem 
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Wikipedia wtf do you mean by “unknown” under the header of military. You can’t just like ask? Somebody knows the answer to this it’s not like some undiscovered part of science. Why doesn’t “not explicitly prohibited by law” qualify as an answer? If there’s some complication or nuance you can just link to that or try to explain it wtf is ‘unknown’ supposed to mean?
I swear getting basic information on China on the anglophone internet is the most wild process in the world. You’ll find ten articles being like “the evil inscrutable machinations of the eternal enemy are impossible to decipher but I, the China whisperer, have uncovered the duplicitous plot behind why they* do incredibly mundane thing or fucked up thing that every other government also does” and one article that talks about how its actually a utopia and then veers off on a wild tangent about how those Hong Kong protestors had it coming and every single one of them was on the CIA’s payroll.
*’They’ will be used in a really vague way that the author can pretend means “the Chinese government” when called out but really seems to imply a sweeping statement about all Chinese people given that the author will justify their analysis with various references to Chinese culture I learned in 3rd grade as if that makes them an expert.  
English speaking internet treat China like a real place that exists and not a mysterious fantasy land to project onto challenge (impossible).
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de-mykel · 6 months
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Lawrence Gipe. Hong Kong (Pro-democracy protestors at Landau Park) , 2019.
Russian drone painting #5
oil on canvas
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oneheadtoanother · 1 year
China spied on Hong Kong activists using TikTok, lawsuit claims
Taipei, Taiwan – China’s Communist Party (CCP) can access user data collected by TikTok owner ByteDance through a “god credential” that it used to monitor and track Hong Kong activists and protesters in 2018, a former ByteDance executive has claimed in a lawsuit.
In a court filing, Yintao “Roger” Yu, a former head of engineering at ByteDance in the United States, said that a special committee in Beijing had a backdoor to firewalls erected by ByteDance to protect user data and used this access to spy on users in Hong Kong.
“Protesters’, supporters’, and civil rights activists’ device identifiers were tracked in addition to their network information, SIM card identifications, and IP addresses,” Yu said in the filing lodged this week in a San Francisco court.
“This information was used to determine both the users’ identity and locations. The TikTok app stores all the users’ direct messages, their search histories, the content viewed by the users, and duration. From the logs, I saw that the Committee accessed the protestors’, civil rights activists’, and supporters’ unique user data, locations, and communications.”
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hotteoki · 1 year
Hey if you don’t mind me asking, why don’t you support Jackson Wang? I have relatively less knowledge of kpop but I’ve usually seen people fan over him regardless of their “loyalties” so to say. So I was curious of the reason (meant out of curiosity not with the intent to attack <3)
no worries! i understand that it’s unreasonable keeps up to date with every second of every artist ^^ i’ll try to explain everything the best i can
just adding a tw for violence & brutality in case!
i’ll begin with how most of his extremely loyal fans aren’t from hong kong (where he’s from and where i’m from), so they don’t understand how china, for years, has been vying for control over hk again since the handover of hk from england. the chinese mainland government runs muslim conversion concentration camps, inflicts police brutality on hk peaceful protestors for freedom, arrest anti-government hk citizens now without proof, ban and filter several social media apps to prevent the rest of the world from knowing what’s happening in hk & so much more.
if i wasn’t a wasian living in england i shit you not i’d probably have been arrested years ago for even mentioning the government (minors don’t get special treatment)
and now my problem with jackson wang is that he HEAVILY supports the government and by heavily i mean waving the flag of china around instead of the hk flag that he had once proudly carried in 2010s, telling fans to call him ‘china man’, positing publicly on weibo (a chinese social media app) about him loving china and how it’s his mother country etc you get the idea (which i see where he’s coming from considering his parents are actually from mainland china and simply moved to hk to raise him)
that’s mainly my problem with him, how he betrayed his own people and has ZERO shame in doing so. and what hurts the most for me is ever since 2016 when i first became a kpop stan, he was my first ever male bias. i had immediately grown an attachment to him because he was from my home, and he wasn’t ashamed to show that by constantly speaking cantonese, saying how he misses hk etc. seeing my own ex-bias who had once inspired a young me betray not only his people but my 10-11 year old self really hits me deep
(this is more of something that just irritates me personally) but i also cant stand how his fans are so quick to threaten me with death threats when i try to speak up, fans that aren’t from hk and have no clue about the situation and refuse to listen to me, it just adds fuel to fire
this was a lot more than i thought i’d say 😭😭 but i hope you understand why i can no longer support him :) if you’ve read up to here, thank you for listening, it means more than you think <3
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