#hoo boy this was fun to write
mediumgayitalian · 8 months
Nico has gone soft.
He’s gone soft.
“What,” he growls, yanking open his cabin door.
That’s the issue with it all — a year ago, if someone came pounding at his door, in the middle of the night, for literal minutes as he desperately tried to ignore them, he wouldn’t even bother with words. He’d come out swinging; fists or sword or both.
But look at him now.
Using his words.
He’s a pacifist.
“Can I please sleep with you,” blurts the interloper, and both of them go very intensely red at the same time.
Nico drags his hand down his face. (Because he is furious, not because he’s trying to hide his glowing cheeks.) “Solace, I swear to all that is holy.”
Will waits for him to finish. Nico chooses not to, letting the threat hang in the air. Will can imagine what Nico wants to do to him. Hopefully it involves screams of pain and agony, because that is the vibe he is sending.
“I — please,” whines the biggest thorn in Nico’s side, when it becomes obvious he is not opening the door any further. (Will even shivers, pitifully, and Nico refuses to notice the tank top and unwisely short shorts he’s wearing as PJs. That’s his problem. It’s October. Camp-monitored weather or not, he should know better.) “Please please please can I sleep here? Just for tonight?”
The issue is that he really does look so pitiful. His nose is red, slightly, and his eyes are big and blue and shining in the faint light of Greek fire torches, and the pout on his face is just short of emotionally moving. He glows in the moonlight, too, freckles shining like dotted stars; all of him awash in silver like a marble statue of Hellenistic tragedy.
Nico sighs.
Will brightens.
Nico opens the door, just a little.
Will darts inside.
Nico is a weak, weak man. Truly.
“You have your own cabin,” he grouches, scowl twisted and potent and pointed in Sun Boy’s direction. Will either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care, rocking back on his heels and observing the cabin as if he hasn’t been inside dozens of times to harass Nico in dozens of different ways.
“Never been here at night,” he muses, and Nico seriously considers collapsing to his knees and yelling at the top of his lungs. (But he is the dignified Ambassador of Pluto, King of the Shadows, so he does not. Instead, he vows to wait until Solace is finally gone, so he can wallow in peace.)
“Feel free to return to your own cabin at any given time,” Nico says pointedly. He ignores the second pout he knows is aimed at his back, crawling back into his bed and beginning the slow, meticulous process of layering himself in his fourteen and a half blankets.
“I can’t!”
The mattress springs of the spare bed across from Nico whine in protest as Will throws himself dramatically upon it. Nico refuses to look at him, and also refuses to ask the question Will is trying, with great difficulty, to make him ask. If he wants to march in here and make himself a nuisance, he can do it without Nico’s help, that’s for damn certain.
Will huffs. “It’s too dark in my cabin.”
There’s a second as the words travel from sparks in Will’s brain, to less abstract thought, to language, to a sound beginning with vibrations in his throat and floating through the air, tickling the delicate hairs in Nico’s ear and re-translating themselves to sparks inside his own brain. It takes but a moment, a millisecond, a delay too small for either of them to register. In that moment, Nico closes his eyes and wonders, clearly, to himself: is this really better than living alone on the streets, hunted nonstop by monsters? Is it?
“William,” he says, very, very slowly, ignoring the reflective, chirped Not my name! in reply. “William, I am going to kill you.”
See, every cabin has its quirks. Zeus’, for instance, resembles a mausoleum. (Nico should know. He’s picnicked in several.) Athena’s resembles a library, sleeping and living an afterthought. His own cabin, remodelled after whatever fool made it look like Count Dracula’s wet dream, now closely resembles his bedroom in his father’s palace, were his bedroom shared and less frigidly unwelcoming.
Apollo’s cabin is made of solid gold. The interior is painted with bright, overlapping murals made by generations of talented artists, fairy light strung across the ceiling and curled around bedposts, sun lamps and skylights peppering every square foot. Warmly lit and welcoming, in the inside, eyesore on the outside. Nico wouldn’t be able to find the shadow of a speck of dust in that cabin. He has no idea how anyone sleeps.
“William,” he repeats, incredulous. Four of his blankets slip from their meticulous pile, and Will stares right back, wide-eyed but unafraid. “William, please use your fucking eyeballs.”
Will gasps. Hand pressed to his chest, genuinely aghast, like Nico had just insulted his mother.
“Nico!” he chastises. “Language, lordie!”
Nico refuses to smile.
He refuses.
“Solace, this place is made of shadow. You are full of shit, telling me your cabin is too dark. Literally what are you yapping about.”
Will holds his gaze for a moment, still glaring. But stubborn as he is, Nico has the better glower of the two of them — Will is more practiced at the silent treatment. He huffs, relenting.
“Jus’ feels dark,” he mumbles, so quietly Nico has to strain to hear him. “‘N it’s quiet.”
“Is this about Kayla and Austin going home this year?” he asks softly, awkwardly.
Will nods miserably.
“Well — I mean — in that case —”
He stumbles over his words, face glowing. He doesn’t know how to say what he wants to say without embarrassing himself, without missing the mark — you’re welcome here, Will? Of course you are? I answered the door for you, Will? I let you in, Will? For anyone else, I would have slammed it in their face, Will? I have before?
“Just — sleep it off,” is what he ends up saying, wincing as soon as the words leave his mouth.
Will snorts. “Yeah, lemme just dodge the crushing loneliness with a quick five hours.”
“Piss off, you know what I —” Nico frowns. “Five hours?”
“It’s two somethin’ in the morning, darlin’. I’ll be up when the sun rises.”
Nico glances at the blackout curtains hanging from the window frames.
Not this time, he thinks, as quietly as he can.
“Right,” he says. He waits a beat. “Goodnight, you pain in my ass.”
Will beams at him. He can’t see it, but he can feel it, practically, the glowing warmth of it, and he shoves his face in his own pillow before he does something embarrassing like smile back.
“Night! Love you bunches.”
He screams slightly into the silk pillowcase. “You are the biggest dweeb in the world.”
“Shut up. I love you too. Sleep immediately or I’ll gag you.”
“Yeesh, Nico, let’s discuss our fantasies before we dive into any —”
“I am going to kill you to death, Solace, I swear on the palace of my father —”
“Okay, yeesh, Prince of Darkness, I’m kidding, I’m kidding.”
Will’s snickering is an annoyingly welcome sound in the usually silent cabin. Nico ignores it for his own peace of mind, waiting for it to fade into even breathing before he lets out the breath he was holding, sagging into his bedsheets. He peaks over the mound of blankets and pillows, eyes adjusting easily to the dark, and traces Will’s lanky frame; on top of the covers, because of course he is, bare leg hanging off the side of the bed and arm hooked around his own head. He’s been asleep for a few minutes at most, but his curls already frizz and tangle in a messy halo all around his head, as if he’s been tossing and turning for hours. His mouth is parted just slightly, Cupid’s bow pink and pursed.
“Love you, stronzello,” he whispers again, fondly, and smiles as his own eyes flutter shut.
(He wakes up at noon to Will rushing around the cabin, panicked, shoving his feet into his flipflops and buzzing about being late to his shift. He brains himself on the door frame in his rush to get to the infirmary.)
(“Karma,” Nico calls to his retreating back, snickering.)
(He thinks he’ll let Will sleep over more often.)
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heroines-of-olympus · 4 months
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Reyna’s not allowed to die, so it’s okay actually, the parallels don’t matter 🙏💕😌
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entguarde · 1 year
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Unimaginable, unimaginable
[Image ID: A digital bust painting of a wood duck against a dark background. The duck depicted is a drake in breeding plumage, his head an iridescent dark green with white stripes. His neck is reddish-brown, leading to white spotting which then becomes the white feathers of his belly. His wings are tucked behind himself, and the body feathers covering his wings are golden. His beak and eye are both red.
He is shown in a warm, golden lighting with high contrast, as if he were standing near a sunset. The light reflects off his feathers slightly, giving him the appearance of glowing against the dark background. He is staring at the viewer. End description.]
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
11 timkon for the devotion ask 😁
11. “I’ve already died once. I would do it a thousand times over again to keep you safe.”
also prompted by @blueforget-me-not, @cas-and-their-refusal-to-write, and @chaoxfix !! (phew this one's popular!)
"Absolutely not."
Tim whirls on him, glaring. "You," he hisses, jabbing one finger into the S-shield on Kon's chest, "are vulnerable to magic. That thing," and he points at the unnatural, glowing storm raging outside, "is full of insanely powerful magic that could fucking kill you. You're not fucking going."
Kon's jaw is set in that infuriatingly stubborn way of his; the glint in his eyes is nothing short of mulish. "Somebody has to get to the middle to stop that wizard freak. It's only gonna get worse if we don't do anything. And Cassie's already hurt. I'm going."
Not for the first time, Tim curses his own vulnerability. Curses that he's the best pilot among the four of them. Curses that the storm is raging too fiercely to just leave the plane on autopilot. Kon is determined to throw himself into harm's way, and Tim can't even come with him.
He turns back to the controls, glances at the anemometer; the wind is still rising. Ominous purple lightning crackles across the clouds all around them. The image of Kon flying down towards the sorcerer only to get struck from the sky by three hundred million volts of magic flashes through Tim's mind; it takes more self-control than he'd like to admit to not flinch.
"Cassie's hurt because she already tried confronting him directly, alone." At least his voice comes out steady, if a bit taut. "You think it'll go better if you do it instead?"
Another lightning strike shoots by, so close it nearly knocks the plane from the sky. As it is, everything outside goes bright white and the sensors scream; by the time Tim wrests the plane back under control, they've dropped five hundred feet, and he can see the churning, frothy waves down below.
"At the very least, I can distract him while you find a place to land safely," Kon says, ever-so-graciously not rising to the bite in Tim's voice. "'Cuz you're talking a big game about me getting killed, but it looks to me like just trying to fly out here is probably gonna get you killed. And I mean, I've already died once. I'd do it a thousand times over again to keep you safe."
It would have been kinder if he just punched Tim in the gut.
For a moment, he can't breathe; panic and hurt and fury and terror all sweep through him in an excruciating rush, and his grip tightens on the throttle so hard it hurts.
"Really?" he hears himself say, lashing out in automatic self-defense. He hates this, hates fighting with Kon, hates what he's about to say because he knows it's cruel, but he can't stop himself in time as the words pour out. "You'd put me through the survivor's guilt and the grief and everything you know I went through once already, a thousand times over? Didn't know you had that kinda viciousness in you." He laughs humorlessly. "Kinda impressed, if I'm being honest."
For a moment, there's nothing but the sounds of beeping sensors and the howling wind. For a moment, Tim is terrified Kon has just vanished, thrown himself into the heart of the storm without another word—
But then warm, strong arms wrap around his shoulders and chest, and Kon's cheek presses against his hair, and Tim can breathe again. Kon is leaning over the back of his chair and just holding him, and Tim can breathe.
"That's not what I meant, and you know it, Rob," Kon murmurs. His breath against Tim's ear sends a shiver down his spine. "But I... you're right. I shouldn't have said... I mean, I... well, we can—we can talk about all that later. Right now, let's just..."
"Sorry." Tim takes one hand from the yoke to lay it over Kon's wrist, just for a moment. His heart is still thundering in his chest, a mirror of the storm outside; he doesn't need to ask to know whether Kon knows. "I didn't mean it. You're not—you're the kindest person I know."
"Tim." Kon holds him a little tighter. "It's okay, dude. Let's just focus on getting outta here for now, yeah?"
Getting out of here. Not confronting the sorcerer. Tim sucks in a breath. They do need to get Cassie some medical help, and some time to strategize can't hurt. Hopefully, he won't grow too powerful before they can double back and take him out.
"Okay," he says, and rubs his thumb over the pulse point in Kon's wrist before reluctantly dropping his hand back to the yoke. The wind outside buffets them relentlessly, despite even the formidable stabilizing tech built into the Batplane; he can't afford to keep his hands off it for too long.
Lightning flashes again. It's a little easier not to flinch.
"I'll run distraction outside," Kon says. "But I promise I won't confront him. Just get you a little breathing room to fly."
Anxiety spikes again in his chest, but Tim nods. He trusts Kon, and Kon is more than capable of playing a distraction while keeping a safe distance. "...Be careful."
Kon somehow, breathtakingly, manages to laugh despite it all. "C'mon, Rob, you know me. When am I not?"
He drops a quick kiss to the top of Tim's head, then vanishes before Tim has the chance to answer. Tim misses his warmth immediately.
It's fine. He'll hold Kon to that promise to talk later. For now, all that's left to do is to make it out of the storm.
50 Prompts About Devotion
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griffther · 1 year
there’s so many ppl enabling me in the notes of this post, so here enjoy some Thoughts i’ve had about the nurseydex maine road trip so far:
they do a road trip up the coast of maine over fall break their senior year so that nursey can see acadia national park while the leaves are changing
william “acts of service” poindexter decides that it is his Responsibility as nursey’s captain and fellow d-man to become maine’s official tour guide barbie. he plans the entire thing out and even prints them little itineraries and maps and shit because this boy is nothing is not Efficient
nursey makes them stop to see every single lighthouse they go anywhere near just to be a little shit (there are 65 lighthouses in maine, this would take So Long even if you just stopped at like a quarter of them)
the only canonical reference i could find for any actual locations in maine in the comic is that dex said his uncle who owned the lobster fishing boat he worked on over the summers lived in portland
(a side note to the above, i find this hilarious. portland is an pretty solidly liberal urban city - imagine a very small boston - and not somewhere you’re very likely to find small family-owned lobster fishing boats, at least in my experience. it would make way more sense for his uncle to live somewhere like rockland but i digress)
dex is 100% positive that nursey would Love portland so he carves out two whole days of their trip for them to stay with his uncle and explore. they go to the art museum and old port and the port head lighthouse and the top of the world lookout at fort sumner park and all the little shops and hidden places dex had found from living there every summer for years
nursey does end up loving portland but it might be more about the boy that shows it to him
even though his uncle lives in portland, i am still personally convinced that dex’s family mostly lives around the rockland area. i will go on a rant about nursey meeting dex’s close family another time, but while they’re in rockland, nursey continues his dedication to seeing all the lighthouses he can by forcing dex to make the almost mile long trek out to the breakwater lighthouse with him (don’t think about them standing alone next to this little building almost a mile out from land. the wind is chilly and strong and it makes dex’s hair look ridiculous and his cheeks flush and nursey definitely doesn’t want to kiss him ITS FINE ITS CHILL)
dex has them make a detour up to bangor and surprises nursey with going to see stephen king’s house. he doesnt understand why people are interested in looking at some dudes house At All but he does know nursey would love it so he does it anyways. the fence is cool and nursey gets so excited he almost face plants jumping out of the car, so dex counts it as a success
some random places i feel like dex would make them stop at along the way: freeport (nursey is both so confused and so delighted by just Everything about that place, but he loses his mind over the mcdonald’s and the ll bean outlet), ogunquit (dex purposefully takes highway 1 instead of the maine turnpike going towards portland so that they drive through ogunquit and he can see nursey’s face when he realizes they’re driving through the single gayest town he’s ever seen in his life and it’s in southern maine), moose point state park (there are a billion lil state parks in maine but i just randomly like this one in particular idk i think it’s cute), camden hills state park (it’s too foggy when they get there to drive up to the top so nursey makes them go on a hike instead so they didn’t “waste their time.” they get lost within like 10 minutes and are wet from the fog by the time they make it back to the car like 2 hours later), the desert of maine (it’s kinda boring to dex bc he’s seen it a dozen times since he was a kid, but nursey gets enthralled by the science behind it so it’s worth it), cushing (this is where the famous painter andrew wyeth lived at the olson house and was the subject of a lot of his work and i just feel like nursey would have fun seeing this place)
when they eventually make it to acadia, nursey ends up spending like two solid hours just sitting at sargent peak staring out over everything and desperately scrawling out lines of poetry into his notebook (dex spends most of those 2 hours staring at nursey but somehow doesn’t notice that nursey definitely isn’t writing about the scenery)
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I've heard some rumors of people believing that HOWDY is actually the bad guy of the whole thing because he didn't "care" about Eddie's well being with the bowling balls, and that he's selling the neighbors inedible stuff. I'm just like.. LEAVE MY FELLA ALONE PEOPLE, HE'S JUST A SALESPERSON.
HA yeah i mean i know i made a joke about that the other day, but uh... no. i Highly doubt that has any merit. he really is just a salesman. and a bit of an asshole. it's part of his charm <3
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vulturereyy · 1 year
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Where Chivalry Went To Die - Chapter 3: Resonance
“Sir Hegemol. First of my Great Knights,”  
The water had wet the very ends of his beard. 
“First of his rank; First to gain my trust, ”
He craned his head upwards, attempting to escape the rising tide, only to find his efforts met with the runoff from a new gutter. 
“First Royal Tactician, Right Hand to the King himself,” 
The old knight’s eyes squeezed shut as the rain swallowed them as well, hands bracing on either side of the prison, if only to lift his head just a bit higher. “First of us to fall.”
Hegemol’s mandibles struggled to part as they were seized by the cold, drawing in a desperate last breath before the water claimed his mask.
“First of us to fail Hallownest.”
The city, the lights, the cries from the citizens were drowned out as he found himself swallowed wholly by the rain.
"What say you, to the people you abandoned?"
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dawnslight-aegis · 9 days
12. quarry
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Before aught else, Zenos yae Galvus was a hunter. The chase, the thrill of battle, these were the things that made him feel what he thought others must mean when they spoke of joy. And though he had hunted all his life, only once had his quarry proven herself to be more than prey, fangs and claws sharp enough to rend and tear, to bring him to an ecstatic bloody end even when empowered beyond what his flesh could withstand.
In falling to her in battle, and in rising again after death, he had but one purpose – to make himself worthy of her attention once more. As she had grown stronger, her appetite whet with the blood of so many, including his great-grandsire, so too had he. Long had he imagined the sanguine conflagration that would consume the star when next they met, but when the moment came, he found her… distracted. Lesser beasts called her hero, called out to her to save them, as if they were worth her notice. The ones she surrounded herself with served as chains, fettering her to the ground when he wished for her to fly, to ascend to the heavens with him as was her right.
And so he had come to the conclusion that he must be the one to set her free.
The Ascian droned on, his mummer’s farce playing out as he’d devised, but Zenos paid him no heed. His focus was on the borrowed flesh into which his friend’s soul had been bound for safekeeping, a conveniently fresh corpse, preserved by the cold. He recognized her immediately, her rage and her hatred blazing forth like a star. Would this, at long last, be the thing that drove her to heights of fury yet unseen? High enough that the rest of the world would fall away, and all would be left is her drive to bury steel in his heart?
He could scarcely wait to find out.
His revelation that all the chaos and destruction of the so-called Final Days was for her brought little reaction, far less than he’d hoped. Impatient with his role in the opening act, he hastened towards the next, to which this entire display had been building.
Empty flesh slumped forward on his father’s throne, pallid and lifeless with no soul to inhabit it. If blood shed in her name did not move her, what of blood shed by her hand?
Zenos caught the body’s chin and tipped it back, his gaze ever-searching. What would it be like, to compress his own essence to fill such a tiny form? To know her, all of her, from artery to nerve-ending to the tips of her delicate fingers? To slake his hunger within her flesh, and watch her own hands rip away the chains that bound her? Would she be able to feel the impression of him after he had gone, the way he molded her entrails to accommodate him?
The corners of his mouth curled up in anticipation, and his thumb brushed over her bottom lip. Tonight was a night for new experiences, for satisfying curiosities. And was it not typical that an invitation for dinner be followed by a kiss, before body and soul were joined?
He leaned down, close enough to feel faint breath on his face, before pressing his lips to the body’s own. They were soft under his own, full and warm, but slack. Motionless. The act brought on no heart palpitations, no rush of desire, as he had always read it should – but the sound of his friend scrabbling to her borrowed feet behind him made his entire body flush warm with satisfaction. He would have to try this again, while she was within the flesh, if it brought such reaction. Perhaps she would bite back, bury teeth into his lip as her nails clawed his skin. Perhaps she would sink a dagger into his ribs and twist, bones cracking and blood spilling.
A scream of stymied rage echoed off the twisted metal around him as he released her body, and then, released his own.
For a moment there was nothingness, and then –
Zenos opened his borrowed eyes, immediately noting how well he could see in the gloom. So too was his hearing keener – the hum of machinery behind him was not muffled, as it was in his own body. He knew where every sound was in relation to himself, vibrations picked up by the glossy black horns on either side of his head. He trailed stolen fingertips over the curve of them, wondering what it would be like to grasp and pull, to shatter in his own hands.
Time enough for such musings later, and he reached for the aether around him as his friend darted nearly within reach, her movements sluggish and clumsy, the brilliance of her life dimmed by stiff, dead flesh. After a moment he was outside, snow crunching beneath his feet. He could have let himself be carried all the way to her allies’ pitiful encampment, butchered them without thought or mercy, but the spilling of blood was not his sole aim. No, now he was the quarry, and she the hunter – if she could escape the labyrinth that the Ascian had built for her. He would see whether it was her flesh that gave her the strength to stand against him, or her soul.
So he set out to the south at a leisurely pace, acquainting himself with her form. The strangest change was her center of gravity, making hips the pivot point rather than chest or waist. The first few creatures he slew he did so inelegantly, relying on the strength of arms that were much smaller than his own. Strange too was the thick, heavy tail – at first he fought it, but quickly he learned its value as a counterweight, lending him a greater balance. The effect was a body that was small, but nearly impossible to bring to the ground, and Zenos delighted in the knowledge. Every small detail he committed to memory, already planning ways he might exploit her vulnerabilities, and compensate for her strengths.
By the time the encampment came into view, he was comfortable within her flesh, nearly as much as within his own. He moved with an almost sensual grace, enamored with the way her strength always came back to her hips and thighs, leveraging their power behind every swing.
Two of her companions came running, relief on their faces and questions falling from their lips, and Zenos could only smile. Soon they would be naught more than viscera spread across the ground, no longer able to distract his friend with their honeyed words and false declarations of friendship. They did not understand her, thinking her some valiant champion, a savior of the meek, when he knew better. She was a predator. It was a simple thing, to call out to his bound voidsent, that it might bury scythe in flesh until it caught on bone, but a flash, too fast to see, struck the avatar and sent it away with a scream. Instead of a pool of spreading blood, there was a man, lance in hand, and –
The obstacle.
Of all the burdensome creatures that shadowed his friend’s existence, hers galled him the most. Nearly as strong, but with all the disgusting honor and virtue that was falsely ascribed to his friend. She was the one who held the reigns, who kept glorious power collared and chained like a hound with composure and restraint. When his friend should have submitted to the desire that he knew ran in the marrow of her bones, her eyes filled with fury and seeing only him, it was that woman’s pale hand who reached forward and tugged her attention away, whose words brought her to heel as no one else’s could.
And it was her he would most enjoy removing from the board, axe buried in her chest to pry open the ribs, and leave her bleeding heart to run dry in the snow. Perhaps he would bring it back, present it to his friend as an offering of his regard, his sincerity.
With a thought, he resummoned the voidsent, his borrowed body’s vast reservoir of dark aether perfectly suited to the task. He gave enough to the starving creature for it to gorge, its form more solid and real as it flew at the man who had once, like Zenos himself, worn the flesh of a dragon. Another day, Zenos would like to pit his own strength against this one, who stood often at his friend's shoulder, guarding her back, but tonight, he had more important things to concern himself with. Like removing the woman who stood in the place of honor at his friend’s right hand, a place which was rightfully his.
With all the power his soul and her body could muster, he brought axe to bear against the so-called Warrior of Light, hammering her back. She managed to turn away his assault, but she was forced to remain on the defensive, giving ground rather than be crushed beneath the weight of the heavy blade. A cry out from one of the lesser others broke her attention for the tiniest sliver of a moment, and Zenos lunged.
Narrowly, narrowly, she brought shield up in time to protect herself from being cloven in two, but rather than the axe blade being turned away it bit deep into steel, and he felt bone shatter and muscle tear under the force of it. The woman screamed in pain, and Zenos grinned, wide enough that his friend’s fangs bit deep into her lower lip, flooding her mouth with the taste of her blood, headier than the finest wine.
It was only thanks to his borrowed body’s expanded range of hearing that he registered the whistle of metal through the air quickly enough to keep from being impaled by it, jumping back, ready to turn on whoever had deprived him of the chance to savor the kill – only to be faced with a broken corpse, clotted blood oozing from gouges in its flesh. And behind the dead eyes – fury. Sublime, beautiful rage like he had never seen from her before, that quickened his blood and wakened his desire. There, there was what he had sought! And in a flesh not her own, weak and magicless, given life only by the strength of her will.
A raw scream ripped through paralyzed vocal cords, shredding them with the force of it, as his friend launched her borrowed body into her true one, tackling him to the ground. Such was his pride in her endurance he did not avoid the collision, as he could have, but let her bear him down, arms curving around the cadaver she inhabited like a lover. How sweet it would be when next they met in their own flesh, how many ways he knew now to inflict pain, to force her past her limits and bring her to the brink of that greatest of ecstasies? To watch the life bleed from her eyes, or have her face be his last sight, as his vision faded again into nothingness?
Even his failure to kill the other one was nothing to him – the injury he had inflicted would leave her weakened, bereft of her shield and spirit broken, enough that surely even his horde could finish the job, when next she met them in battle. He need not concern himself with her any further.
His dear friend stirred in his arms as the Ascian cackled and plotted, and Zenos leaned forward to murmur, low enough that only she could hear, words uttered in her own voice: “All your hate, all your rage, you will render unto me.” She would surrender it to him, and he would do so in kind, and it would be glorious, transcendant, divine. Truly, only the form of a god would be worthy of her, and they would see if her strength would be enough to lay low even the eldest of the world’s divinities.
As the return of his borrowed body’s rightful soul forced him out, he fought, for one brief moment, to remain – to entangle his essence with hers, so that she might know, without a shred of doubt, that they were one.
That they were the same.
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circesays · 2 years
Previous Part | Next Part | The Beginning
“I do not understand.”
“If anyone in this server can help fix lore stuff, it’s the Lore Master himself!”
(He couldn’t take his mind off of the terrifying view he’d taken in from the gates of Gobland.)
Oli and his companion finally crested the hill, gazing over the unique froglight trees below.
“But Pixlriffs is currently-”
“I know what you said, strange cowboy child, but I’m me and he’s him and I don’t know the first thing about lore! I write songs and poetry and lament my woes.”
(And Oli hid his frown behind grand gestures and dramatic dialogue, but internally, he was afraid. Afraid of this unfamiliar world.)
(Afraid of what had happened to his friends.)
“If you say so, OrionSound. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
So the two unusual companions descended into the orchard, the sun setting in the distance and casting the valley in darkness.
Above, froglights glittered and glistened, softly lighting the surrounding area. The trees swayed gently in the breeze, causing Oli to shiver slightly in his torn outfit. The leaves glowed the colors of their fruits in the dark, various pastel pinks and mint greens and sunshine yellows.
(Oli could not help but look around in awe. This must have taken weeks to grow, hours spent carefully coaxing the trees with magic. Pix never failed to impress.)
The child drifted forward, his form slightly above the ground, like a puppet dangling on strings, before stopping abruptly.
Ahead stood Pixlriffs, his back to them as he inspected the growth of a younger-looking froglight sapling.
Oli had to physically cover his mouth to stop his horrified gasp from escaping.
Pixl was absolutely covered in strings, from tied around his ankles to wrapped around his eyes. Shimmering green threads that weaved and looped, all leading upwards before fading from view.
(Because Oli remembered the strings in the air. Hundreds of strings flowing overhead, each glowing forest green and starkly contrasting the twinkling night sky.)
(Because Oli remembered looking up and thinking, “Oh, Joel, what have you done?”)
The historian turned and smiled at his guests, seemingly oblivious to his situation.
“Ah, Oli! Nice to see you above ground, finally! Welcome, welcome to the froglight orchard. What do you think?”
“Yeah, it’s great. Amazing, even. Superb,” Oli rambled in reply, glancing away nervously to lock eyes with the young ghost.
The historian chuckled, (yet it sounded wrong, not quite his friend, not quite Pix’s-) ever humble, and gestured around. “Thank you. It took a while, I have to say.”
Oli took a couple of steps toward his friend. He didn't understand. Why? Why was this happening?
(And he reached out to the universe, asking, what do I do?)
“Yeah you don’t say! Custom trees? Glowing fruit? It’s amazing sir Pixlriffs, truly. Inspiring enough to write a ballad in its honor, I’d even say!”
Another laugh. “A ballad, huh? I wouldn’t go that far, but if you have one in mind…”
(And the universe reached back, giggling, to whisper: “what you always do.”)
He flashed a fake grin and gestured towards Pixl’s chests. “You wouldn’t happen to have some string and wood, would you?”
The lore man laughed, walking towards his chests to rummage for supplies. “I have a whole spider farm underground, take what you need!”
(“how would music even help?”)
So Oli strung together a lute with crafting magic and love and you are the universe.
And he held it gently, sitting on the roots of the largest froglight tree.
(“Because it is how you love.”)
And Oli began to sing.
“Ohhhh, Pixlriffs, creator of…such…life!”
The man laughed, shaking his head.
“Ohhhh, Pix, immune to all strife~!”
The child hummed, smiling slightly.
“Ohhhh, my friend, all wrapped up in string.”
The historian paused and frowned, his brow furrowing.
“I’m here to free you and I’m here to sing.”
A nervous smile. “That’s enough, Oli.”
Oli stood up and danced a bit away from Pixl’s (not his Pix, not his friend-) reaching hands.
(The words and notes came easier. Unbeknownst to him, Oli’s eyes began to glow with an amber light.)
“You’ve been gone for so long, it’s hard to believe,”
“That the lore master could no longer see,”
“But don’t you worry and don’t you fret,”
“Because good ol’ Oli could never forget!”
(And Pix fell to his knees, some of the threads slipping away and vanishing.)
“Bring back my good friend,”
“Away with the lore!”
“Cause’ the gods up above don’t got good things in store.”
(Faster, faster, glowing strings unraveling at the seams-)
“But together I know it will all be okay.”
(And TheOrionSound knelt before his friend, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows.)
“Cause’ no measly strings can keep Pix away!”
(And the last string unraveled.)
Pixlriffs opened his eyes.
“…it worked? It worked! I can’t believe that worked! Ooooooooo, my rhyming skills have never been so on point! That was incredible!”
(Oli’s glow faded away, and the universe smiled.)
“…Oli?” the lore master stumbled to his feet, steadied by his friend, who scrambled to support him.
“Yeah, it’s me! Are you feeling back to normal?”
And Pix laughed, a true, real laugh this time. “This feels like a scene from one of your anime. Thank you for saving me.”
Another beat. He suddenly paled.
“Oh no! How could- oh- oh no. I forgot. How could I ever forget?”
Pixlriffs’ desperate eyes locked with Oli’s. “We need to go to Tumble Town. Jimmy- Jimmy is in danger.”
Off to the side, the child’s eyes widened as he floated forward eagerly. Pix jumped when he noticed the young figure.
“Uh, what? Who?”
“That’s the thing Pix, Timmy’s already in danger.”
(And the child was full of hope he had thought he’d lost.)
“You freed him. You- you can free us? You can save my family?”
Twin smiles met the young nervous face.
“I think we could manage that,” Pix replied gently. He summoned two dodos with a sharp whistle.
“Let’s leave first thing in the morning.”
(Far away, floating high above the ground, a god frowned as he felt something... odd. Something wrong.)
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necromeowncy · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
I've been tagged by @pewterkat ! Thank you for tagging me! :D
How many works do you have on Ao3? Currently at 23! 22 for Final Fantasy XIV and 1 original work.
What's your total Ao3 word count? 182,581 at the moment! But I have thousands upon thousands more in WIPs that I should probably post at some point. lol
What fandoms do you write for? Mostly Final Fantasy XIV for the WoL x G'raha ship, but I'd love to publish some Karlach/Tav fics at some point for Baldur's Gate 3. (I have a high elf wizard that's in love with her.)
What are your top 5 fics by Kudos? 1. Heat - a heat fic. Pure smut. Very horny. 2. Delights - a collection of short kink fics. Also very horny. 3. Fantasies - a visual novel about sexual fantasies. 4. Here at Memory's End - the first wolgraha fic I've ever written. Slowburn love story from ARR to the end of Endwalker. 5. Reflections - A collection of shorter fics that fit in with Aedric & G'raha's story, as well as other MSQ characters. (Some of my best prose is in here, in my opinion!)
Do you reply to comments? I do! Sometimes it takes me several days/weeks/months, but I always try to. Sometimes social batteries are low and it takes me a bit, but I read and appreciate every single one, and go back and read comments all the time to feel loved.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My Lightwarden AU, Unrequited. It's a bad end to Shadowbringers in which Aedric turns into a Lightwarden. It's angsty, but also supreme monsterfucker. I went full-blast monsterfucker on this one. Still a favorite to this day.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hm. Most of them? lol. I am a romance/fluff/erotica writer. They all have happy endings.
Do you get hate on fics? Not really on fics themselves, but on social media. I just block though. *shrugs*
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Oh honey. Yes. (That's an understatement.) I seem to specialize in "soft nerds who are into BDSM/kink". I love soft service dom/sub who learns to let go and enjoy. I love the desperately horny. I love the enthusiastic consent. I love soul mates who fuck each other as if every breath, every touch, every movement of body against body is proof that they are here. That they are together. That they are loved and safe. One of my favorite fics I've ever written is Verdancy, an introduction of sorts of Aedric & G'raha's dom/sub BDSM journey. Though the most on-brand quintessential Aedric & G'raha smut is definitely Bibliophilia, in which the two nerds fuck in a library.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written? I do not write crossovers, but I wouldn't be opposed to it! I'm not sure which crossover though lol
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge, but I'd be 100% okay with it if I'm asked first!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? In a way? I have a small WIP with my friend (he doesn't have an XIV Tumblr, but he's on AO3 as Indasha) in which our two WoLs and G'raha are bound together as the three Fates. So a bit of a poly ship. (Gee, Aedric, how come you get two catboys? lol) My friends and I had a vaguely Greek Gods AU. If people want, I can post snippets and screenshots from it? Just send me an ask if interested, I guess haha
What's your all-time favorite ship? Seeing as how this is my XIV/writing blog, it's very obviously WoL x G'raha Tia. 🥺 They mean so much to me.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I intend to finish every single of my WIPs, and I never consider them abandoned. Ever. Instead, I'll give a preview of what I'm currently working on, when I have time to write lately: - Vampire AU (we all know this lol) - A fic about shibari/bondage called Vermilion. G'raha ties Aedric up. G'raha POV. - His Inflorescence, part 2. I'm over halfway done.
What are your writing strengths? I think my strengths are showing moments of intimacy and vulnerability. People have told me I'm good at combining the horny with the soft, too.
What are your writing weaknesses? Writing scenes with more than two characters lol Also, dialog. I always feel like I'm horrible at it.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I speak French, but don't know where that would ever come up in my fics? (Maybe Ishgardian curse words lol)
First fandom you wrote for? Oh boy. When I was 17 years old, I wrote two fanfics for Axis Powers Hetalia. I liked Sweden/Finland. I'm no longer in that fandom, but they're still a very cute ship to me, even after 13 years.
Favorite fic you've ever written? While I love most of my fics, Hunger, my Vampire AU, is my favorite of all time for many reasons. It's the first fic in which I wrote an original plot that's not influenced by canon events at all. It's going to be the length of a novel, when finished, most likely. Once it's done, I may stick it back into the writing soup and let it simmer and see if an original novel comes out of it. Who knows.
If you read this far, consider yourself tagged! :D Especially if we are mutuals.
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lu-sn · 2 years
The man tilts his head back leisurely, blows out a thick haze of smoke before leaning forwards and sliding a photograph across the low table.
"His name is Vegas," the man says. "Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakul."
The boy sitting on the other side, who up until this moment has carried himself with an infuriatingly self-righteous air, blanches at the sound of the name. "You want me to take out a Theerapanyakul?" he hisses.
The man laughs, deep and full-bodied and condescending. "Believe me, kid," he says, gesturing at the photo with his cigar, "this one's gonna be real easy."
"He has recently, shall we say — fallen from grace," a smooth voice says from the darkened corner of the room. The woman standing there swirls the wine in her glass delicately, blood-red lips curving into a smile. "Stripped of his title, exiled from his mansion to a small apartment on the west side of the city. He's injured, too — multiple bullet wounds to the stomach, still in recovery. And his bodyguard count is pitiful."
The boy stares at the photograph of Vegas. The fire slowly returns to his eyes. "How many guards? Do you have their patrol schedule?"
The man passes him a folder, and the boy flicks through it rapidly. "Four guards in total. Their rotation puts two of them on the property at any time, but their coverage has lots of gaps." He nods at the floorplan that the boy is now scrutinizing. "Optimal entry points are marked on there, along with the time windows when they're most accessible. Your odds are best at night."
The boy grins. "Sounds easy." He looks up at the man, then glances over to the woman. His grin falters. "Is there a catch?"
The woman glides over, perches on the settee next to the man as she flicks another photograph between her fingers. "This might be the catch." She slides it over, rotates it to face the boy. "Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham. Vegas's boytoy of the month."
The boy snorts at the plain, placid-looking man in the photo. "So, not a threat."
"Not quite." The woman crosses her legs, rests an arm on her knee. "He's an ex-bodyguard. Used to work for the main branch of the Theerapanyakul family."
"Apparently Vegas rotates through men like tissues," the man sneers. "Uses them," he waves his hand aside, "and tosses them away. But his type is skinny twink, or overly fawning. Pete doesn't... quite match his MO."
"He's seduced other men away from the main branch before," the woman adds. "Never a bodyguard."
"He any good?" the boy asks.
"We don't think so." The woman purses her mouth. "He was guarding the main branch's castoff son. The invalid who never leaves the house. If he was of any use, he would have been guarding the real heir."
"Kill him if you need to," the man says boredly. "It's probably easier that way. Expect him to put up a fight, otherwise."
The boy nods sharply. "Understood."
The man looks at him for a long moment. Then he smirks. "You get this right, kid, and you're in."
The boy straightens up immediately. "Yeah?"
"Yep. Boss says so. You'll be family proper. This job's a big one, important client and all that."
The boy smiles wide, crazed with adrenaline. "I won't let you down, sir." He rockets up, drops into a deep bow.
"Good," the man hums. "Dismissed."
Once the boy leaves, the man turns to the woman. "Want to make a bet?"
The woman scoffs. "The kid's dead meat. You can't get me to bet on him." She sips at her wine. "No one's expecting him to pull it off."
"You think this Pete will be an issue?"
"If he's gullible enough to switch sides for a man? Not in the slightest." The woman leans back, self-satisfied. "But Vegas always has a trick up his sleeve. Time to find out what it is."
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tanaleth · 1 year
Finished Miego story!
Just a cute, fluffy little ship fic where I'm sobbing into my sleeve for some inexplicable reason.
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Details: 18k words, 6 chapters, takes place between 3-4 and 3-1 while being as canon-compliant as I could manage. AO3 doesn't have an archive warning for caffeine addiction, but if it did, I would use it.
Spoilers for T&T, but if that's an issue you probably won't be reading this anyway—yes, @pchberrytea, this is a callout—but regardless, please enjoy if so inclined.
MVP status also goes to @bluekaddis and @theggning for listening to me brainstorm/yell/keysmash. Thank you all for your support in these trying times of tragic lawyer feels.
Read on AO3.
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semperintrepida · 1 year
A chapter in which Kyra struggles to keep her anger under control while Deimos recuperates enough to leave.
Now that your fever has broken, you spend the day deep in slumber, catching up on the rest you didn't get in delirium. The hut thrums with the threat of your presence. I keep my eyes on you and a hand near my knife whenever I have to be inside.
It's dark when I return from closing up the barn. You're still asleep, and stay asleep even as I put together a meal of chickpeas mashed with fennel and a pinch of salt, eaten with a handful of dried figs and the last chunk of bread. I wash the bowl when I'm done, tidy up the shelf of dishes and tools, then bring the whetstone down and begin sharpening my knife.
My arm moves, the blade slides and hisses for a long while, but then a quiet sigh from the bed pulls me out of rhythm. Your head turns, slowly, in time to watch me test the blade's edge against my thumbnail. Sharp enough to cut to the bone if I need it to. I set the knife aside and bend down to the pot warming on the hearth. Fragrant steam rises when I tip its liquid into a clay cup, the sharp scent of laurel slicing through the earthier willow bark. Your eyes follow me as I bring the cup to the bed.
"I mean you no harm," you say, sitting up to receive it. Our fingers don't touch. You cradle the cup in your palms, hunching over with your face within its vapors.
"If you truly meant that, you wouldn't be here." I sit on the bench, my guts boiling, and heat rises through the caverns within me, chest, mouth, the space behind my eyes where the pressure likes to build. I pick up the whetstone and manage not to hurl it. "How did you know where I was?"
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everydaydg · 8 months
That wierd time manga was on the 3DS eshop
Available only in Japan and France
Dokopon Choice
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While looking for MH Stories on hshop (not gonna sugarcoat it, that was what I was doing)
I ran into something that caught my eye... a strange name Ive heard of every MH game on the platform so something was off when I saw a name I didnt recognize.
MH Flash... huh?
It coudnt be a game considering it was literarly 75MB and there were like 7 different volumes
looked it up and realised that was a manga... I thought it was going to be some sort of tie in bonus, like a series of 3D videos, because I never heard of anything like the 3DS having actual manga publications but...
No that wasnt the case actually, it was just a whole issue of Monster Hunter Flash
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The menu did leave me asking some questions. it didnt look like something capcom themselves made, instead a platform that was made by a third party which lead to the question
"are there more of these?"
yes. there were.
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And so I present to you one of the neatest things ive ever ran into while looking into the 3DS's catalogue
The French and Japanese eshop's selection of digital manga!
"どこぽんちょいす" - "Dokopon Choice”
Sadly its french equivalent had no such name holding everything together
No this is not homebrew, no this isnt a joke. This happened.
Where do I begin...
The 3DS has a neat history with ebooks
There were two services that provided ebooks on the system, these being: HONTO for 3DS and Dokodemo Honya-San. both exclusive to japan.
Honto had a more general ebook line up. no manga
Honya-San was kinda like that but you also had a whole lot of manga baby
So where does Dokopon Choises fit into this?
Well Dokopon Choise was the name for standalone releases of things found on Honya-San
Imagine it this way, in Honya-san, releases are treated like DLC
Through Dokopon its treated as its own app.
Purchases of Dokopon apps and Honya-San books are treated as separate so you could end up buying the same thing twice (its actually aknowledged on every dokopon release on the eshop, be careful that you dont buy the same thing twice by accident)
Both were managed by Librika, a digital book distribution company
That leads the question as to why I didnt make this post about Dokodemo Honya in general as that service has alot of things to talk about
Well Honya-San didnt make it out of japan... The only one that got out of japan was Dokopon Choise which is why I want to focus on it.
its an incredibly neat oddity for the system
Some day Ill have to do more propper research on HONTO for 3DS but for now lets focus on the french manga
So Japan makes sense but... France? why france of all places
Well from what ive read, apparently out of most countries in Europe. France had the largest audience for manga, which made something like this profitable.
Even then because of the small selection that made it over, it mostly feels like a small experiment more than anything
The french eshop had the following series:
Professor Layton
Little Battlers Experience
Rock Lee (Manga spinoff)
Blue Exorcist
Monster Hunter Flash
Inazuma Eleven
Beyblade Metal Fusion
Beyblade Shogun Steel
List of series originally found on GBAtemp by user "Asia81"
I did go ahead and verify this list and indeed. this was everything that came out of this in france.
All of these with various amounts of volumes released. I believe the series with the most volumes on the service was that of beyblade metal fusion at a whopping 11 Volumes
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What an odd bunch. France never got Dokodemo Honya san in any shape or form. only these series.
I wonder if the experiement worked out in any way.
Something I find wierd is that some of the ones here never got a Dokopon release in Japan. They most likely were stuck on Honya San
I sadly dont have any pricing information on these, there is alot I havent been able to find about the french releases... I hope some day more about these comes to light
So what about Japan? well to start, the selection was waaayy bigger
98 volumes of multiple series made it into the eshop. Thats quite a substancial increase.
(The following list is comprised (mostly) by the localised names of the series for the sake of making it easier to read. Romaji will be provided for some so they are easier to look up
and so you can see a few familiar names -w-
its also organized in order of release on the service)
The JP selection was:
Attack on Titan
Love's Reach
Detective Conan
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Screaming Lessons
DRAGON BALL (colored version)
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid
Monster Hunter Flash
Yozakura Quartet
HUNTERxHUNTER (colored version)
Sweet Devil Laugh - 甘い悪魔が笑う
Today, Our Love Begins (Kyō, Koi o Hajimemasu)
Grandpa Danger
Kuroko's Basketball
Kitchen Princess
My Little Monster (Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun)
Hell Girl
Hell Girl R
Thermae Romae
Stardust Wink
Lotte's Toy!
Spice and Wolf
Ayakashi Hiougi - あやかし緋扇
The World God Only Knows
Monster Hunter Orage
1st grade, 5th group, Ikimono-gakari - 1年5組いきものがかり
Kings of My Love - Oresama Kingdom
Hozuki's Coolheadedness - Hōzuki no Reitetsu
Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple - Shijō Saikyō no Deshi Kenichi
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Space Brothers - Uchū Kyōdai
We Were There - Bokura ga Ita
Tonari No Atashi - 隣のあたし
Shugo Chara!
Kids on the Slope
Inazuma Eleven
Super Mario-kun
Blood Lad
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
Sgt. Frog
Gakuen Basara
Nobunaga Concerto
Monster Hunter Play Manga
To Love-Ru (color version)
Prince & Hero - Ouji to Hero
2.5D Boyfriend - 2.5 Jigen Kareshi
iShoujo - i・ショウジョ (color version)
Aoha Ride - Ao Haru Ride
Ane Doki
Ichigo 100% (color version)
Tokyo Ghoul Remastered Edition
Hatsukoi Limited.
MY GOD thats alot more stuff than the french eshop
Something I would like to note is that these were sold as multi packs on the eshop. Tonari no Atashi has a Vol.1-10 pack which retailed at ¥4,400
The prices for the packs with multiple volumes are all over the place but they tend to float arround ¥1,800 to ¥5,125
Price depends on the amount of volumes offered and the series.
Jimikoi and 2.5D boyfriend were the cheapest of the entire lot at ¥400 and ¥880 respectively
And the most expensive release was in fact Tokyo Ghoul Remastered at a whopping ¥7,000 for Volume 1-14
The list here did not include prices because most of these had multiple... multi packs like dragon ball.
Dragon Ball had like 1 pack for every arc and that would have been a pain to keep up with. maybe some other time I will go ahead and organize that info.
Something I found interesting is how the file size for the JP manga are considerably bigger than that of the french releases, most likely due to the french releases not being in multi packs.
The French releases were 75 MB a pop. No multi packs to my knowledge.
While the japanese releases often go over 200 MB. Most likely due to having most of the volumes in one singular download.
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Keep in mind that the list here is only for what was on Dokopon Choise. Dokodemo Honya-San had even more things... but sadly due to the nature of it being a digital platform and its downloadable content not being shown on the eshop... I cant find more info on what was on the service...
Most I have is tweets of people talking about the service.
I found a tweet that showed how JOJO was on the service, ive seen tweets mentioning people reading nichijou on the service too
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Photo by Twitter user: TOUTO_jojoDR
Original Tweet
I also sadly I cannot check on the application itself due the service shutting down and no clear archive of this stuff being out there. some day ill find a way to look more into this
Dokopon Choise got new releases from 2013 all the way to 2016.
Last release being Nisekoi in Japan.
I sadly dont have data on when they released for french audiences, I just have data on the JP releases.
All of the releases under Dokopon Choises were removed from the eshop in January 31, 2019
and subsequently, Dokodemo Honya-San got removed in 2020
Users could buy manga up to February 28, 2020
And they could redownload their stuff up to July 30, 2020
Luckily for anyone who purchased content on the 3DS, they had a chance to move their 3DS library to their web library.
Honya San wasnt only on 3DS, same as HONTO, it had a web client under the name Dokodemo Bookstore
To my knowledge it seems like users who still have the app, on their 3DS, with downloaded books can enjoy them just fine.
And despite Librika merging with MEDIA DO in 2019, it seems like Librika still operates their digital bookstore to this day on mobile platforms.
What an odd piece of nintendo history isnt it.
I thought I was going to make a short post for once but no I ended up having to do a bunch of research for this. Because if I didnt... who was going to talk about the damm book services on 3DS.
I think making the list of manga on the service was the worst part.
But yeah! I recommend giving these a shot! even if you dont understand japanese, its still really cool being able to show off manga on your 3DS outside of the homebrew manga reader.
Ima leave this off with two silly tweets about boobs being uncensored on the release of Dragon Ball on the platform lmao.
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"What the Hell! The 3DS is increasingly becoming a wonderful piece of hardware that creates special fetishes in children!!"
That is going to live in my head rent free for a month LMAO
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humblemooncat · 1 year
Heard a strange rumour that Ki'to seduced the Lord Speaker with dark magic
Ki'to lets out a long, exasperated sigh, "The Lords and Ladies of Ishgard truly have nothing better to gossip about? Really?"
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"I deal in dark magics, yes, but none would ever be used on any of my husbands save in their defense. Is it so impossible for them to believe that the Lord Speaker could fall for a Miqo'te? Or is it just because it wasn't them that he fell in love with? Big Bad Moon Keeper stole your man and now you're mad? Grow up" He storms off, tail flicking behind him.
Ayyyy, guess who found a rumor that he's heard one too many times?
Any time he's in the Pillars, or at a gathering with Aymeric, you can bet he overhears rumors like this by the dozen. 'Surely the Lord Speaker would prefer an Elezen like himself', 'He must have used some dark methods to seduce him. I mean, just look at how easily he made peace with the Dravanians! It has to be some sort of dark arts', 'Warrior of Light or no, I hear all of his people are savages from the wilds', the list goes on and on.
Eventually it even made him self-conscious and the two had to sit down for a long talk. It was a while after that before he could stomach going back to one of those parties.
This is why he prefers the company he keeps at the Forgotten Knight. Sidurgu and Rielle were with him for the Dark Knight journey, and know what those powers can and cannot do, and folk in the Brume are generally not that interested in the affairs of Lords and Ladies. That and there's a respect for Ki'to there, as well as a growing respect for Aymeric.
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shivunin · 1 year
Hi there! 💜
For the WIP asks... What about 6 and 9? :3
Thank you for asking, Arja! <3
(question list here)
6. Does this chapter/fic have any twists that you’re proud of?
I'm answering for the fic instead of the chapter, but there is a scene in the Black Emporium that I think will be a little unexpected, but I'm really (really really) proud of it. I don't think there are many twists in this fic in general, because it's really about the kind of slow healing that must be done after a deep hurt. Recovery has its ups and downs, but it's not necessarily as plot twisty as other types of plot.
9. What is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far?
hehehe well, I love writing a good argument, so here's this from the most recent chapter:
“And you,” he snapped at last, unable to bear the silence, “Would you rather let yourself be pummeled than allow me to do my job and block the blow?”
“What?” Elowen said, turning toward him, and Cullen looked at her at last, “But you—”
“You stood between me and that—that thing. You—and you do not even have a shield! Why would you—”
“You’re too important to lose, Cullen,” she said, frowning, “Of course I stepped between you. No shield? I had a barrier on the whole time, or I’d be a bloody smear on the floor by now.”
That was not reassuring. Cullen scoffed and looked away again, hands tightening on the reins. 
“I am too important to—can you hear yourself? You’re the Inquisitor. I am only the—”
“I don’t know why you’re angry with me. I was only—”
“Only showing a potent disregard for your own safety,” Cullen snapped, “When I’d read the field reports I thought they must surely be exaggerating. You said you wanted to know how to protect yourself better in close combat—I thought you intended to do so in the way it was meant to be done, with ample protection and forethought. I did not think you would be throwing yourself bodily at threats instead of—”
“Instead of what?” she snapped, angry at last; Cullen did not think he had ever heard her properly angry before, save perhaps when she’d raised her voice to him in Haven over the message from her clan. 
“Instead of allowing you to be exposed to a substance when we don’t know what it might do to you?” she said, “Instead of—watching someone I care for be beaten to a bloody pulp?”
“You are supposed to let me—”
“Let you stand between me and danger? Cullen, despite the way you’re acting right now, I am not one of your charges. Either you have faith in what you taught me or you don’t, but I won’t apologize for taking a blow meant for you, and I won’t take it back. I do this every day when I’m not at Skyhold; I know how to handle myself, no matter what you seem to think.” 
Cullen sat back in the saddle. His horse, alert to his every motion, began to slow immediately. Elowen didn’t stop; she looked at him over her shoulder when she finished speaking, and face was fixed in an uncharacteristic frown. 
“Be angry with me if you have to; I’ll be here when you’re actually  ready to talk.”
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