#hook x female reader
plentyoffandoms · 2 months
Hey boo!
I've been obsessing over this song and I feel like you would be able to create an amazing smut piece from it.
I would, of course, love it to be Hook or Ricky, but any wrestler could work.
Main Masterlist ♡ Wrestlers Masterlist ♡ Hook Masterlist
Hook x f/Reader
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Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Smut under the cut. P in V. Unprotected sex. Outdoor sex
Gifs and photos do not belong to me: 1st gif @junglehooks
Requested by @wwenhlimagines . I hope you like it.
Tyler - Hook
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Red wine and roses
Your carousel spin me round
Round, round, round
The two of us were sitting on the balcony of our hotel room. Looking up at the night sky, we could see the stars clearly out here tonight.
It was a perfect night. The moon was shining down on us, and I swear I saw a shooting star, but that could have been just my imagination as her pussy was squeezing my cock just perfect way.
My hands gripped her hips as she leisurely moved up and down atop of me. Her hands gripped my shoulders to steady herself.
We both know we
Don't want us, oh we
Inside, we're screaming so loud
Loud, loud, loud
I am biting the inside of my cheek to keep from moaning loudly, not wanting to alert anyone who may be out here, looking up at the night sky.
I didn't want them to see her, how I should only see her, but she was making it hard for me to stay quiet.
"Come here." Was all I said as I placed my hand at the nape of her neck and brought her lips to mine for a heated kiss.
The two of us moaning into the kiss, finally being able to make some type of noise.
When the horns start playing, and you can't stop shaking
The bloodlust runs to your cheeks
Then your mind starts racing, and your bones start aching
It's time to let him know what you need
"Tyler, I need you." She whimpered against my lips as she pulled back, her pace slowing down even more.
"I'm right here, baby." I told her as I sat up and started to kiss and bite her neck, working my day to her chest.
"Please." Was all she said.
"I got you, baby."I pulled my cock out of her, I flipped us over so her back was now on the lounger. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped her legs around my waist.
Fuck me like you mean it (like you mean it)
Make me believe it (me believe it)
Walk the wire, it's alright
I gripped my cock and slapped it against her pussy, making her shiver. She knows what is going to happen. "Be quiet for me, baby, and I'll reward you."
She didn't have time to cover her mouth as I slammed into her, fucking her hard and fast.
She was biting by shoulder, trying to keep quiet, and I swear she broke skin, but I didn't care.
Not with the way her whole body was gripping me oh so tightly.
Love me like you need it (like you need it)
'Cause I can feel it (I can feel it)
Take it higher, show me why
I fucked her all over this balcony, just not caring anymore if we got caught. I fucked her through each orgasm I was able to pull from her body.
I knew she was getting tired, as she slumped over the table, but never once said the safe word.
She wanted me to fuck her until she passes out or says our safe word.
Keep my composure
I think it's over
Her cherry lips knock me down
Down, down, down
We are now on the lounger once more, her atop of me as I fuck up into her. Our bodies were sweaty, but I just need a couple more minutes. I am so close. So very fucking close.
Take it slower
Getting closer
But then, she lets out a sound
Sound, sound, sound
But then, it was like a dam burst inside of her. She cried out my name loudly. It seemed to echo in my ears.
Her body went stiff, as her pussy squeezed my cock for the final time tonight.
She collapsed against me, just as I groaned her name, trusting sloppily into her as I came.
The two of us hold onto one another as we catch our breaths.
I bring my lips to hers and gently kiss her, and she tiredly kisses me back.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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wrestlersownmyheart · 9 months
In Dreams Chapter 2 (Hook X Older Female Reader)
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Title: In Dreams Pairing: Hook X Older Female Reader Summary: Hook meets the woman of his dreams. Literally. The only problem? She is married in actuality. And her marriage is not the happy one she tries to portray in reality. Not to mention Y/N has a secret she failed to reveal in their shared dreams.  Can Hook persuade her to leave her husband and seek the safety of his love instead? Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with AEW. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination. Content/Trigger Warnings: Through the story as a whole–Domestic Abuse against a woman, some sexual harassment within AEW
Chapter 2
“Geez, Hook! Ease up!” Jack Perry tapped his hand against the canvas repeatedly, signaling his submission.
“Your brain isn’t in the game today. You’re working way too stiff.”
“Sorry,” Hook mumbled and stood to his feet as Jack did. “I guess I have my mind on some stuff.”
“Yeah obviously,” Jack grumbled, rubbing his aching neck. He took his long, wild hair down out of its man bun, and began grabbing his things for a shower. “How about we pick up where we left off later, before the show, and you get your head clear.”
Hook nodded and moved over to the punching bag as Jack prepared to head to the showers. 
He’d not dreamed of–nor seen–Y/N for two days. He’d dreamed of their forest, but she hadn’t shown up. Which told him she most likely wasn’t sleeping.
Or she’s not real. His mind played games with him and he didn’t like it. At all.
He was frustrated. And worried. And confused. It was odd to feel so many things at once. He wasn’t used to it. And he didn’t like it. It was too new to him.
“Y/N where are you,” he thought aloud. “And, are you okay?”
Frustrated he blew out a sigh and threw a few more punches into the punching bag.
He didn’t like feeling so vulnerable. He’d never met a woman that just immediately affected him this way. Which… he thought, no woman has ever made me feel this way. And so quickly. There was definitely some higher power at work in their friendship. 
Which–Hook couldn’t deny–he hoped for more than friendship. And that was just silly. She was in his dreams. All he had was her first and last name to find her by. And that was if he wasn’t losing his mind and she was a complete figment of his imagination.
“This is crazy. But not impossible.” He thought. And thought some more. He needed more information. Just an approximate idea of where she lived, again if she was indeed real. And then he could find her online, he was sure of it.
The hard part would be getting her to divulge such information. She seemed pretty reluctant to tell him. Why, he didn’t know. He knew she was married. That didn’t sit right with him for obvious reasons, but there was something else. Her gaze went dark the one time she told him of her marriage. 
“Maybe they’re on the verge of splitting up,” he reasoned out loud. “Otherwise, it looks like she’d be happier about being married.”
A sly grin spread across his face.
“Well, Mr. Y/L/N can move aside because Hook is coming to town.”
You scrubbed at the counters with your sponge and sprayed more Fantastic cleaning spray as you cleaned the kitchen. “Just because we live in an old house, doesn’t mean it has to be a mess,” you grumbled to yourself. 
You had virtually no help with the housekeeping. You worked, you cleaned, and you took care of Sienna, and not to mention Derek. You paid the rent and bills despite the little amount that Derek brought in with his unemployment.
You were in a word: Exhausted.
You had indeed caught another cold, thanks to the ice water Derek had splashed on you. It was getting worse day by day too. You now had a fever of 103. But you had no time to stop and rest and take care of yourself. You’d not slept in two days due to your jobs and chores around the house.
“Lord, please help me out of this situation. And help me protect Sienna.” You prayed aloud and wondered what the solution could be. Whatever you did, it was going to endanger Sienna and you couldn’t handle that. At all. It was unacceptable.
What if the next time he attacks you, you kill him in self-defense?
You scoffed at that thought.
You couldn’t bear disecting a frog in junior high, but you were going to manage to kill your husband?
You shook your head and tossed the sponge in the sink, disgusted.
Glancing up at the kitchen’s wall clock you saw it was time for Sienna’s night time feeding. So you began getting a bottle of formula ready.
It was your favorite time of the day. You would feed Sienna while just talking to her. Sometimes, you’d tell her about how you were going to get them out of the situation they were in. And sometimes you’d sing to her or tell her a story. 
It was usually the most peaceful part of your day.
As long as Derek was snoozing in his recliner, that is. He usually took a nap after supper. 
Like he needs it, you thought bitterly, going to the stairs with the baby bottle. A moment later, you were in the nursery and lifting Sienna from the playpen. 
“Time for your bottle girlie,” you whispered softly. The baby instantly latched onto the bottle and began drinking down the formula.
“I promise, somehow we’re going to get out of this mess.” You told her.
Suddenly, Hook’s image came to your mind. 
The way he ran to you when Derek was attacking you. The way he demanded to know where you were so he could help you… Even though he had no idea about Derek being abusive he still wanted to help you.
“If only,” you said again for the umpteenth time in the past couple of days. 
Feeling a tickle in your chest, you turned your head to keep from coughing on Sienna, and let out a harsh couple of coughs. You could hear the rattle in your chest as you coughed and you worried about getting bronchitis or a respiratory infection.
“That’s all I need,” you thought out loud. “Especially if I pass this on to Sienna.”
You sat down in the little rocking chair next to the baby’s crib and rocked her as you fed her.
Within minutes, the infant finished the bottle of formula and had drifted off to sleep. So, you gently stood to your feet and deposited her into the crib, before heading to the bathroom and changing into your nightgown for bed. You decided to watch a little tv before you went to sleep so you could clear your mind.
Laying down on the bed, you turned the television on and flipped through the channels to find something to watch. You came up on TBS and paused hoping a good movie might be on. But alas, it was some wrestling program called AEW Dynamite. Rolling your eyes, you watched a moment just to see if it got interesting. Some long haired guy had just been “German suplexed”--according to the announcer, onto the hard canvas and the opponent held him there for two slaps of the canvas. 
This is where you got interested.
There was something familiar about the wrestler that performed the beautiful German Suplex. He raised up, stood to his feet. And your jaw practically hit the floor. 
It was him! 
He was real after all!
Tears burned your eyes for so many reasons then.  One being that you weren’t going crazy. Another being the unfairness of meeting Hook in your dreams–why couldn’t you have met him in reality? And finally, the fact that you were married to Derek. He’d never let you go. And Hook would no doubt try to fight him. Which, seeing Hook in the ring showed you he could more than take care of himself, but still. Derek wouldn’t fight fair.
Shaking your head, you laid your head back against your pillow. “How is this possible?” 
Growing sleepy despite being so shocked, you watched the rest of the program, hoping to see Hook again. But, no such luck.  Disappointed at the end of the show, you closed your eyes to rest them a bit. In only seconds you were in your forest. Why you always met Hook here, you didn’t know. But it was absolutely beautiful.
You spun around and saw Hook jogging for you. You met him halfway and ran into his muscled arms. “I’m not crazy,” you exclaimed, smiling up at his face with tears in your eyes. “You’re real!”
“How do you know that,” Hook asked you, brushing some hair out of your face.
“I saw you on tv! You’re a wrestler!”
Chuckling, he nodded, and returned her hug. “That’s right. And I know you’re real too. I just do. In my soul.”
“Why did we have to meet like this,” you groaned. “Why couldn’t we have met in reality.
“We can, ya know?” Hook said. “Tell me where you are.”
“Not yet, Hook,” you replied softly. You actually had no intention of telling him where you lived, but you didn’t want to admit it to him and hurt his feelings. That was the last thing you wanted to do. “Maybe after we’ve gotten to know each other better.”
“But what if these dreams don’t keep happening,” he said. “I’ll never see you again.”
You swallowed hard. You’d actually thought of the exact same thing. But it was a chance you had to take. “I’m sure… I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot of each other in our dreams.”
“What are you so afraid of?”
You looked up at him. “I’m not afraid,” you lied.
“Liar.” A small smirk crossed his handsome face.
“I’m married, Hook. I’m not just going steady with someone, I’m married. Till death…” You shuddered, “Till death do we part.”
“You don’t sound so happy about that,” Hook’s brown eyes trained on your face.  “There’s always divorce, you know?”
You scoffed. If he only knew.
“Yeah… I uh, I tried that and it didn’t go so well.”
“Let me guess, he fought you for most of the money, huh?”
What money, you thought to yourself. But you went along with his explanation. It was as good as any. “Something like that.”
“Okay, you wanted to get to know each other, let’s take a walk and talk a little.” He took your hand and guided you forward.
“How old are you,” you asked first. “You seem pretty young… I think I’m too old for you anyway, Hook.”
“Oh yeah? How old are you? I’ll tell you if you tell me.” “I’m (Insert your age).” “I’m twenty-four.”
“See?” “Not really. I see a beautiful woman that I want to be with.”
You flushed and turned your face away.
“Don’t tell me you don't feel the same way, Y/N. Because I can see you do.”
“It doesn’t matter, Hook. I can’t do this. Not romantically.”
He stopped walking when you did, scanned your face a moment with his dark gaze and said nothing for a long pause. 
“Okay,” he finally said. “If friendship is all you want. I’ll respect that. No wait, I won’t either.” He rubbed his hand over his face. “Y/N, I’m falling for you. And like I said I always make sure I get what I want. I am going to fight for you. And I won’t stop till you’re mine.”
Your breathing went ragged and sharp. You didn’t know how to reply. You were frightened because you knew Hook spoke the truth, but despite your fear you found yourself encouraging him. “I don’t want you to stop. Just know that you have no easy task ahead of you.”
“That’s all I needed to hear,” Hook smirked at you and took your hand again, leading you down to a small river. You both sat down and dangled your feet in the refreshing waters.
“So, tell me about yourself,” he said, still holding your hand. 
“Like what,” you asked, unsure of what you should or shouldn’t tell him.
“Well, let’s start light. What’s your favorite color?”
“Purple,” you said immediately. “Like light purple. Sort of lavender.” You angled your head and looked at him. “What about you?”
“Green,” he answered. “The color of fresh, healthy spring grass.”
“Lovely color,” you remarked. You were very aware as his thumb stroked over the back of your hand. “So you're single?”
“I am,” he replied. “But if I wasn’t, I would be now,” he said, staring at you purposefully. 
“Do you like kids?”
“My turn to ask a question,” he teased, squeezing your hand gently in his. “Do you like kids?”
“Yes. I love them.” You hedged. “Do you?”
“Yes,” he answered. “I’ve not been around many, except for a few fans of my work, but yes, I love kids.”
“Tell me about your job,” you asked, subconsciously moving closer to him, “Does it hurt?”
“Some of it, yeah,” he admitted. “But some of it is just made to look like it hurts. For entertainment, of course. It’s a great job. I love what I do.” He looked over at you and smiled. “What do you do?”
“I…. don’t do anything near as glamorous as you.  I just work at a department store and a convenience store.”
His eyes went a darker shade of brown then. “A convenience store,” he nearly demanded. “Like, as in the places that are notorious for being robbed?”
“It’s a job, Hook. And beggars can’t be choosers when it comes to income.”
“I want you to quit. Do something else. Anything else.”
“Okay, Tarzan,” you chuckled sarcastically, “I can’t quit one of my jobs. I need the money too badly.” You swallowed hard. “I’m poor, Hook. You might want to reconsider wanting to be with me.”
Hook’s face went mischievous. “Leave your husband and be with me. I’ll make sure you never have to work again.”
“I want to work.”
“You know what I mean. You could work if you chose to but you wouldn’t have to.”
You nodded, “I get what you mean. But, Hook, I can’t leave him. Maybe I am being punished for marrying the wrong man. Maybe meeting you is my punishment. I’m seeing what I could have had.”
“Maybe this is what we can both have,” Hook whispered, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing the back of it.  “I still want to kiss you.” 
You smiled shyly and shook your head. “If you find me you can kiss me.” You froze then. The words were out. There was no taking them back. How could you be so careless? “I love a good dare,” Hook said, kissing your hand again. “And I never lose one either.”
You chuckled nervously. “I would expect nothing less,” you teased.
Suddenly, you were awakened to your alarm going off.  Derek lay snoring beside you in the bed. Groaning softly in disgust, you climbed out of the bed and made your way to the bathroom to shower and start your day.
Why do my dreams have to be so quick, you wondered, starting the shower water. I don’t get near enough time with Hook. 
Undressing, you stepped into the shower and cleaned up for the day ahead of you.
“I think these heels would go perfect with your outfit,” you told a customer who had asked for your assistance in shoes. “They’re very elegant.”
“I think so too,” the customer gushed. “I think I will like this whole ensemble a lot.”
After a couple more minutes of chatting, you led the customer to the service desk in the center of the store and began ringing up her purchases. “Is there anything else I can help you with today?”
“No, I think this will do,” the customer replied, “Thank you.” 
You scanned the last of the items and totaled the purchase. “That’ll be $146.57,” you told her. “Would you like to pay with your Beall’s charge card today? You’ll save fifteen percent if you do.”
“Yes, I think I will, thank you,” the woman replied, getting her card out of  her checkbook. She handed it over to you and waited while you performed the transaction.  The merchant copy of the receipt printed out and you handed her a pen, indicating for her to sign it, and then you quickly printed out her copy of the receipt. 
“Thank you for shopping at Beall’s. Have a nice day,” you said with a smile and handed the woman her shopping bags. The woman smiled and nodded in return and then headed away toward the store’s entrance and exit, where she left and walked toward her car.
“Hon, you got a minute?”
You froze.
Derek. What did he want? The only reason he called you “hon” was for show amongst any customers and your co-workers.
“What is it, Derek? I’m at work right now.”
He put his arm around your shoulders and guided you toward the children’s department. “The guys want to go do some drinking,” he said in a low voice. “I need some money.”
You gaped at him. “What happened to your unemployment check? I-”
“Done spent it,” he said, a sheepish expression crossing his face. He pulled you behind a rack of onesies, and you knew it was to hide the two of you from view. You dreaded what would come next. “How much money have you got,” he asked.
“The only cash I have is for Sienna,” you said, shaking your head. “It’s for her formula. She’s almost out.”
His hand shot out and grabbed your arm. Discreetly, but very tightly. “I want that money.”
“You’re not getting it.”
You knew you would pay later, but he was not getting SIenna’s formula money.
“Give me the money,” he hissed, clamping his grip tighter on your arm.
You cried out very softly, knowing better than to make a scene. “She’ll go hungry, Derek. I don’t make enough milk for her. I can’t… won’t let her starve..”
“You’re gonna pay,” Derek growled in your ear, then he kissed the side of your head–for show–and laughed. “No problem, hon. I’ll see you after work.” 
With that veiled threat, he left and you dreaded when you had to go home.
If you want on my tag list just ask! 😀
@oreillystolemyheart @lookalivesunshine-x @shortyiceheart @vebner37 @thiccc-rider-mcintyre @kalliravenne @swamptrashwithasideofsass @beardedbarba @emisrose @sweetpea-1970 @sassymox @pikapuff-316 @heavymetalgirl420 @bigpsychicbagelauthor @darktammy @waywardwrestlewritingwaif @sultryfandoms @blondekel77 @demonqueen29 @amariemoore @letsgivethisonemoreshot @thelastemzy @springgirlwaiting4fall @vampirepixi @wwenhlimagines @louisianalady @swthrt890 @librathepheonix13 @justanerdwholikestoread @kiwiedge @ironshamelessyouth @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore @moonwolfdemonprincess21 @moxkindagirl @jstarr86 @oliviasinematic
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yanderehsr · 11 months
I just recently read the astral express crew x klee! Reader and I just fell 😍. Klee reader is an adorable menace to society. How would the astral crew react to reader secretly tagging along with them during their adventures like klee reader just hid inside their backpacks and when they open it they saw klee reader and just panics cause they’re in the middle of an unknown planet. Bonus if klee reader just runs off to meet the citizens and unknowningly turn them platonic yanderes!
Klee reader and their army of platonic yanderes..... I could see that happen😑
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour
You hid inside of Caelus backpack, he was way to strong to notice any weight change. Finally, you could go on an adventure with your entire family. It wasn't until Sampo came in to save them all that someone noticed you, that someone being Sampo himself.
You put your finger up, hushing him, you know that they would never allow you to do this, well Sampo wouldn't tell, it could even be fun. He brings the trailblazers to the underworld, he does keep you around for a bit, he was lonely and you made him feel not that.
He had to let go of you when Seele walk past him and notices you, she just grabbed you and walked away, no child should spend time with him. She takes a second look at you and just decides to spend some time with you before taking you to Natasha.
And so this continues, you meet everyone, one by one, somehow without the trailblazers knowing you're there. They only find out when they get a call from Himiko, she sounds paniced, she can't find you anywhere, and then they see you, talking with Hook, she was clinging to you for dear life and glaring at anyone getting too close.
Now it's their turn to panic, and you just smile back, like you didn't just sneak away from the astral express. After they all return, they will put you in a room, making sure to lock it so heavely that not even your bombs can make you escape.
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konigsblog · 1 day
toxic!reader who impregnates toxic!könig... they're toxic in different ways, you could say (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
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dollveis · 6 months
˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ SHE'S A LADY AND I'M JUST A LINE WITHOUT A HOOK — masterlist.
FEATURING. college loser!ellie x popular!reader.
summary. in which you said the first name that came to your mind to stop getting harassed over stupid dating rumors. or in which you say you like ellie williams and she's been having a crush on you since she saw you.
content warning !! these are general warnings, each chapter will have it's own warning. unrequited love, family and childhood trauma topics will be touched (not coming from reader's part), ellie actually has a shitty self-esteem, slowburn, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort.
vi's sticky note. im kinda excited for this one, i've been wanting to post something for a really long time, either way i cannot and i won't promise anything but i will try my best to complete this series. i don't have the whole thing planned yet except for some specific scenes and a bit of how i want the story to go so we'll see. this is heavily inspired by a manhua called 'she's also cute today' and by ricky montgomery's song 'line without a hook'.
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⠀⸝ CHAPTER 1 !⠀— ⠀you're a pond and im an ocean. trying to excuse yourself from dating rumors you end up saying ellie's name when someone asks you who you like. (chapter in progress.)
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deadlymistletoe · 8 months
Birthday Wishes
Pairing: Pirate!Killian Jones/Captain Hook x f!reader
Genre: Romance, fluff
Description: As your birthday comes to an end, you begin to doubt that Killian will show up, however when you go to your room there’s a surprise for you.
Warnings: None - fluff, insinuations/mentions of smut.
Word count: 1333
You let out a silent sigh as you caught your gaze going to the door yet again, tearing your attention back to your friends.
You knew better than to think he would walk through the door, you truly did, but a girl could hope.
So when you blew out the candles on the frosted cake, your mother reminding you to ‘make a wish’, your mind immediately conjured an image of a dark haired, red vested, leather wearing man.
If only. The cake had been cut and shared out, guests mingling and laughter filling the room as they ate, and he still hadn’t come.
A nudge to your side drew your attention from the half eaten piece of cake you were picking at to your best friend sitting beside you. Your table was otherwise empty as you looked up, meeting her knowing, sympathetic gaze.
Your affair with Killian Jones was unknown to all except the pirates first mate, and your best friend. She had once jokingly commented that if you ever eloped that she would have to be the maid of honour and Smee the best man.
You hadn’t had the heart to tell her that such a thing would likely never happen. That a pirate like him would never marry a nobleman’s daughter like yourself.
“He might still come. There’s time.” She tried to encourage you even as plates were cleared and collected, the party drawing ever closer to an end.
You sighed, shaking your head as you placed your fork down on your plate, letting the server take it away. “He’s not coming. I might as well accept it. He wouldn’t risk getting caught just for this; he shouldn’t.”
Your friend’s gaze turned disapproving. “Don’t downplay your feelings, Y/N. Pirate or not, if the man loves you as much as he seems to, he’ll be here.” Her lips twitched, although you could tell that she was completely serious as she spoke her next sentence. “And if he doesn’t turn up, then he’s a bastard who doesn’t deserve your love, and I’ll make sure he knows it too, fearsome captain or not.”
You rolled your eyes as the two of you moved towards the door to see the guests beginning to leave out.
She lowered her voice, giving you a reassuring squeeze on the hand. “Seriously though, he probably just got delayed. I’m sure if he knew how you were feeling now he’d be here in an instant.” She winked, “Maybe he’ll make up for it later with some hot pirate sex.”
You choked on the very air you were breathing, brushing off the concerned looks of your passing godparents as heat rushed to your cheeks. You shot your friend a glare before you both burst into what could only be described as a fit of giggles, earning yourselves confused looks from those left in the room.
Shortly after your friend left with a promise to talk tomorrow, you made your way down the halls to your room. A forlorn feeling had taken hold of you once you were on your own, and you desperately hoped that at the very least a letter would be waiting to wish you happy birthday even if the pirate himself couldn’t be there.
As you turned to face into your room after shutting the door, a breeze washed over you and your eyes were immediately drawn to the curtains fluttering, the window wide open - definitely not how you left it.
You hurried over, cautiously peering down into the garden below. No one. You frowned reaching out and pulling the shutters closed.
You were about to turn around when a hand brushed against your waist and you jumped sucking in a sharp breath, ready to scream, when the hand moved to place a finger against your lips and a familiar voice sounded in your ear.
“Shh, love. You don’t want to get me kicked out, do you?”
You let out a silent breath of relief, relaxing back against the figure behind you. A wave of happiness crashed over you, the forlorn feeling gone with that one sentence.
“Killian.” You murmured as his hand went back down to curl around your waist, holding you against him. You could feel the cool metal of his rings through your dress. “I thought you weren’t coming.”
His voice was low in your ear as he answered, thumb rubbing over your hip. “I’m sorry I’m late. I wasn’t sure your parents would appreciate a pirate crashing the party. Besides, I had an errand to run and it took longer than expected.”
You turned around in his arms, hands going to his leather covered shoulders as you eagerly drank in his features. Ocean blue eyes outlined in black. Lips slightly parted. Dark hair falling across his forehead. You couldn’t hold back your smile now that he was finally within arms reach. “I guess I can forgive you. How did you even get in here? We’re on the second floor.”
He flashed you one of those crooked smiles that made you melt. “Pirate, love. Or did you forget?”
You giggled, shaking your head. His smile widened at hearing your laughter, blue eyes sparkling with his own amusement.
You sighed, resting your head against his chest as he drew you closer. “I’m glad you’re here. I thought you might have forgotten.”
His arm tightened around your waist, lips brushing the top of your head in a light kiss. “I could never forget your birthday, love. I could never forget you.”
“I love you.” You whispered, “Leather and all.”
You pulled back slightly, tilting your head up to look at his face. “Now, are you going to tell me what errand was so important, by any chance?”
He stepped back even further, a strange look in his eyes as he gazed at you, and your brain seemed to short-circuit as he took a small leather pouch from inside his coat.
“I know you won't be able to wear it in front of your family, and I understand if you don’t want to go forward without their blessing, but I had this made from jewels I came across on my travels - they reminded me of you. I picked it up on the way here.”
Killian swallowed, and you vaguely registered the wetness in your own eyes as he dropped down to one knee in front of you, flicking the pouch open and letting a silver ring fall onto his palm.
Tendrils of silver wove around around two gems - one the colour of his eyes, the other of the dress you were currently wearing, and you could remember once commenting to Killian that it was your favourite colour.
Your eyes went back up to the man in front of you as he spoke, “I know our relationship has been uncertain at times, and there will always be challenges in a relationship like ours, but I am certain about you, and that will never change, so what do you say? Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” You whispered, feeling him slide the ring onto your finger as you held out your hand. You sniffed, using your other hand to wipe away the tears that had escaped as he stood up and wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m really hoping those are happy tears, love.” He murmured into your ear, and you laughed.
“Yes, yes of course they are. This is the best birthday ever.” You pressed your lips to his before he pulled back just enough to speak with a smile.
“I’m glad. Now, I believe I heard something about ‘hot pirate sex’ as I passed a window downstairs?” He raised an eyebrow at you, amusement shining in his eyes as a light blush covered your cheeks. “How about we make that happen, eh love?”
The last coherent thought you had that night was that tomorrow you would have to tell your best friend that her elopement fantasies would be coming true.
Your birthday wish must have worked after all.
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greenaway-torres · 8 months
To hear them say how beautiful I am laid out in front of them. How pretty my pussy is when it’s dripping wet. Then they’ll take their time, breaking me and making me whine under their touch. Make me so weak and near helpless. When I try to run away, they’ll just pull me even closer to them.
“Where you going, girl? I just want to make you prettier. Imagine how good you’ll look when I ruin you.”
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Cruel Summer Ch. 2
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Cruel Summer Series (Coming Soon) | Chapter 1 | Donations | Thoughts & Feelings
You looked down at your lap, “yeah…that's why I’m waiting on a text, I told him last night that I wanted to be more than friends with benefits…I’m falling in love with him! You should see the things he does! And the things he says to me!” you got up and walked over to your bag, “anytime we have dinner together, he always makes me a paper ring, every time.” you pulled out the small clear container full of cute colorful paper rings made from different menus. “Okay, that's some wedding reception bridal party speech shit,” she raised an eyebrow. “That is seriously so cute.” you smiled pulling out a little notebook, “he even drew this cute little archway, from the spot where we first kissed one night in New York...on Cornelia Street.” you bit your lip grinning down at the drawing he’d made for you.
“Ready?” Your assistant brought you back from your mind. “I…” you let out a huff of air before the door opened and you ran out on stage grinning and waving at the crowd again. Megan, your assistant, who’d been with you since the beginning of your acting career, watched on the monitor in the back.
You grinned watching the crowd go wild as you laughed softly. “Wow…you know you guys are just amazing. Truly. I had no idea you’d be so much fun!” you laughed again as they cheered. “I wanted to take a moment before I started my surprise songs for the evening.” you laughed as they cheered louder. “You guys mean so much to me...my music, you know, is how I communicate a lot of what I'm feeling, what I'm going through, and expressing everything I can’t bring myself to say.” You smiled looking up at the nosebleed sections as they clapped and whistled.
You bit your lip a little as you laughed softly, “So…tonight's special because….” you couldn’t even get the words out as the crowd roared in excitement. “I think it’s just better if I show you! So, if you could turn your attention to the screen behind me,” you said, turning toward the screen, as the new album cover rolled out of the screen, you grinned, tears brimming your eyes as the crowd screamed out in excitement. Looking at everyone and walking away from the microphone to just take in the moment as everyone snapped photos, recorded you.
You looked out over the crowd, locking eyes with Chris again; his girlfriend was jumping up and down beside him, screaming excitedly, but he stared at you, smiling softly like he was proud of you. You looked away before walking back over to the microphone. “I had planned to sing you guys a very nice surprise song…but I’ve changed my mind….I’m going to debut a song off my new album!” you grinned and started to strum the guitar in your hands.
“Make sure nobody sees you leave
Hood over your head, keep your eyes down
Tell your friends you're out for a run
You'll be flushed when you return
Take the road less traveled by
Tell yourself you can always stop
What started in beautiful rooms
Ends with meetings in parking lots
And that's the thing about illicit affairs
And clandestine meetings and longing stares
It's born from just one single glance
But it dies, and it dies, and it dies
A million little times”
You laid beside him in bed, laughing as he told joke after joke, enjoying each and every moment with him. “I have a present for you,” you told him as you kissed his shoulder, before sitting up and wrapping the sheet around you as you moved over to your bag and pulled out a small box. You gave it to him and watched as he opened it. “Y/N….you didn’t,” he chuckled, pulling out the small burgundy bottle. “I can’t believe it. Is it the same one we saw in that shop?” he grinned as you nodded and curled up beside him again. “I knew how much you loved it, so I went back the next day and bought it.” you said softly as he leaned down kissing you deeply.
“I can’t believe it, this was the same cologne my grandfather always wore. I can never ever find it." He smiled and kissed you again. “That's because it’s discontinued. But you have this bottle, you can always keep it on your bathroom shelf,” you whispered as he smiled down at you. “This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten baby, thank you” he kissed you passionately pulling you into his embrace.
“Leave the perfume on the shelf
That you picked out just for him
So you leave no trace behind
Like you don't even exist
Take the words for what they are
A dwindling, mercurial high
A drug that only worked
The first few hundred times
And that's the thing about illicit affairs
And clandestine meetings and stolen stares
They show their truth one single time
But they lie, and they lie, and they lie
A million little times”
Chris held a playful grin on his features as he stood on one side of the island as you stood on the other, giggling, a can of whip cream in hand as he held chocolate syrup. “If I disarm myself….are you gonna disarm yourself?” he smirked, raising an eyebrow. You laughed nodding, “Yes! But you put yours down first!” you bit your lip as he began to lower his, suddenly he squirted you with chocolate syrup all over you as you sprayed him with whip cream laughing loudly.
He darted around the island, laughing as you wiggled against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. “Wanna call a truce Kid?” you laughed and nodded as you pressed your lips to his nose. “Truce.” you said softly. “Truce.” he smiled and bent down kissing you deeply again.
“ And you wanna scream
Don't call me "kid"
Don't call me "baby"
Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me
You showed me colors
You know I can't see with anyone else
Don't call me "kid"
Don't call me "baby"
Look at this idiotic fool that you made me
You taught me a secret language
I can't speak with anyone else
And you know damn well
For you, I would ruin myself
A million little times”
As the song came to an end, tears brimmed your eyes again and you kept your head down for a moment trying to will them away. The crowd erupted in cheers, applause, and screams. You looked up smiling at everyone as they continued to cheer. As you looked out through the crowd, your eyes landed on him again. He stared back at you with an expression you didn’t quite recognize. He looked away from you and whispered something to his girlfriend before walking off.
You smiled at the crowd and waved as you looked around, suddenly you dove into the stage and began getting ready for the next set. You looked at Megan as she eyeballed you. “You were not supposed to sing a song off that album. It doesn't even come out for two more damn months!” She sighed checking your social media’s. “Oh my god…..it's…everyone loved it.” she looked at you as you smirked “yeah….not everyone loved it.” you walked over getting on the platform in your final outfit of the night, “Let’s go make some memories,” you took a deep breath. Something felt better within your heart. He was finally understanding how he crushed you.
Coming up on stage, you grinned as the crowd knew what album you were singing from next. You laughed to yourself as the music started and they began to clap and jump around. You stood there in a blinged out tshirt dress, a fuzzy jacket and your diamond thigh high boots. You sang your heart out, dancing, smiling and waving at the crowd. You barely met Chris’s eye line again and when the show ended, you took your time bowing and waving around to the crowd as they cheered and applauded you.
“What an excellent show tonight!” Megan grinned at you as you walked backstage smiling softly. “I agree, it was great.” your head snapped around at the sound of his voice. Chris stood there, the petite brunette clinging to his side. The air was thick and the tension could be cut with a knife between the two of you. “Chris, hey!” you tried to snap out of it quickly. You smiled at him and his girlfriend. “Hi there! Did you enjoy the show?” you smiled asking her. “Hi! Hello! Sorry! I'm Ali!!” She grinned darting toward you.
You gasped as she hugged you tightly. “Ali!” Chris snapped, pulling her off of you. You looked behind you as the guards came running, “No it's fine. She’s just excited, it's okay, really I know them, they're friends of mine.” you smiled at the guards as they nodded and stood off to the side keeping an eye on her. “We’re friends?!” She giggled as Chris rolled his eyes a little. “You are my idol! I love everything you’ve ever done! Your music helped me through some very dark times in my life, you have no idea how much you mean to me.” Ali said quickly. You smiled sweetly at her. “Aw, Thank you Ali, yes of course we’re friends.” You grinned at her. “Why don’t I go get changed and we can hang out for a little bit,” you stated, looking from her to him. Ali turned to Chris and clasped her hands together. “Oh my gosh, can we Chris?? Can we please?!” she begged as he let out a breath, “uh yeah, but I'm sure Y/N’s real tired so we don’t wanna keep her up all night okay?” he smiled as she jumped up and down excitedly.
“Um, we’re staying across the street, The Inn at Meadowbrook, why don’t you come by and we can all grab some dinner at the restaurant in the lobby and then hang out on the back patio. It’s gated, no paps.” Chris smiled at you as Ali grinned. “It’ll be great!!” she watched as you laughed softly “yeah, absolutely, I’ll go change and meet you guys there.” you said as they smiled and left.
Megan followed you as you walked back to your dressing room. “Do you really think this is a good idea? Hanging out with him and her?” she asked as you entered the room. “It’ll be fine, I’m fine, and it might lead the press away from what else I’m working on.” you said smiling as you grabbed your lounge clothes and got changed. “I guess…just worry about what’s going to be said.” Megan sighed as you smiled softly. “It’s okay, just relax, and take the night off.” You walked out of the building, getting into your car quickly hearing fans screaming for you.
You’d managed to get inside the hotel without being seen and walked into the restaurant, noting how empty it was. “Rented it out for the night,” Chris said, coming up behind you. You turned and looked at him, looking him up and down. Dark blue jeans adorned his lower half, while a black t-shirt and red plaid button down fit his torso perfectly.
He stretched out his arms and pulled you into a hug. For a split second you wanted to bury your face into his neck and remember how it felt to be curled up with him. But, you knew better than that now. You knew he didn’t actually care about you.
You pushed yourself back and smiled softly at him, “best we don’t try anything other than a friendly handshake.” He threw his head back a little and gave you a “ah, I understand” before holding his hand out. You slipped your hand in his, holding it a moment longer than you should have before finally dropping it. “We can sit anywhere,” he spoke into the looming silence. “Oh, well why don’t we wait for-“ “hey!!!” Ally’s voice shot through the Restaurant loudly causing you to flinch slightly.
“Ugh couldn’t find the shoes I wanted to wear but it seems here my little Chrissy wrissy bear had put them in his suitcase!” She laughed, wrapping her arms around his as he stuck his hands in his pockets. “Oh, isn’t that sweet?” You commented with a smile. Dinner was going to be….great.
Once seated, by a window per Ali’s request, you began looking over the menu. “They have a fantastic burger and fries here as well as an awesome tenderloin,” Chris told you, causing you to look up at him. “God you can be so dumb Chris,” Ali laughed and shook her head “don’t listen to him. He doesn’t realize what us girls go through to stay in such perfect shape. They had a great grilled chicken salad,” she buried herself back in her menu, before she set it down. “Be right back gotta run to the little girls room,” she kissed Chris’s cheek and got up leaving the two of you at the table.
You set your menu down and let out a small sigh, “I think I’m going to get my dinner to go…I’m pretty exhausted and…” “Ali’s a lot. I know. She’s not normally like this…..well she is but it’s usually much more toned down. Why don’t I go talk to her and you order?” Chris said as he stood. You sighed “Chris…does she even know about us?” You asked softly. He looked down before he shook his head. “No, I’ve never told anyone.”
You sat back and watched him walk toward the bathrooms, why were you doing this to yourself? You felt that familiar pain upon hearing, “No, I never told anyone.” He was the one who had your heart in a Vice grip, even now, and you thought having dinner with him and her was a good idea? You were clearly insane.
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A Shadow’s Tale
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Azriel x Pirate female!reader
summary: A new arrival to Velaris, aboard of your ship are presumed human legends. After the dead of your father, Captain Hook, who was allied to Hybern, you make the choice to break those bonds and ally with the High Lord of the Night Court in the upcoming war. However, it is easier said than done, for the distrust is big and you must prove yourself worthy of an alliance.
word count: 1200+
a/n: first time writing ACOTAR fanfic, characters do not belong to me except for the FMC, everything else is based on the book series by Sarah J Maas, however this is inspired only, does not relate directly to the actual story!
warnings: none
“As your second, I’m supposed to warn you they will not accept you that easily” Bonny said while pacing in front of your desk, “The High Lord is known to be relentless, and after all your father was an ally to Hybern.” 
“My father’s poor decisions is what led me to do this.” You spoke standing up and resting your hands on your table, “Hybern left us with nothing, but we do have something that even the High Lord of the Night Court can’t say no to.” 
“If he even lets you in his court, what do you think he will say about the fact that pirates do have magic?” Bonny came closer and whispered, “Stolen magic.” 
“How would they know? There’s zero knowledge about our kind and even if there were, it’s most likely rumors created by foolish humans.” 
“What if—“ 
“Enough! Bonny… We should be arriving soon, and I expect your discretion about any private issue regarding our… abilities.” You straightened and adjusted your jacket. Bonny only nodded with a frown and I smiled. “Great, I’ll do the talking, keep your eyes open. I’m sure they already know of our presence in their shores.” 
Navigating through the wards of Velaris was somewhat exciting. You couldn’t help the giddy feeling. Hybern destroyed your family and stripped you of your riches and your life, but gave you something that was by far more important. A way through wards, spells and concealments. Which is how you and your crew entered the City of Starlight through the sea between the mountains. You got a glimpse of the city buildings in distance. The weather was warm and the sky was blue with very few clouds. Two blurs in the sky got your attention and that’s when you knew it was time. 
You went into your cabin and grabbed your hat and tighten your boots. Two thumps were heard outside followed by a couple shrieks and you smiled to yourself. You walked out finding the Highlord’s General and Spymaster with drawn swords pointed at Bonny and Sebastian. Your mates were kneeling on the floor, unharmed, their hands up in surrender. Exactly how you had instructed. Harmless. That’s how everyone should appear to the Night Court. 
You had left your sword back in your cabin as well. You didn’t want to seem like a threat. 
“Where’s your captain?” The long hair general asked with a tone of authority and you simply smiled kindly at him opening your arms. 
“You’re the Captain?” A scowl from the spymaster and you raised your eyebrows at him.
“How did you cross the wards?” The general asked and you smiled at him once more. “Do you not speak our language? How did you—“ 
“I understand you just fine,” you said with your best silky voice, “however I did not invite you to my ship nor do I recall making introductions.” You stepped forward and they directed their swords at you making you stop and lift your empty hands gaining a small chuckle from you. 
“What’s your name and what are you doing here?” The general asked and you noticed the red gems from his suit glowing brighter. 
“I will disclose my name to your Highlord seeing as my business is with him.” 
“You first respond to us, then we decide if you get so much as a look in his direction.” You scowled at them shaking your hand. 
“I’m not armed, my men are not armed, I present no threat to any of you and yet, you doubt my intentions.” You stated innocently.
“These wards have been up and reinforced by every powerful highlord for millennia, you want us to believe you come here with such power to break through and not consider you a threat?” The spymaster’s turn to question you and you blinked. 
“I suppose you have a point, but let me propose a bargain.” You smiled, “I will anchor my ship on your shores while you announce my arrival to your Highlord, request a meeting with him on my behalf, and I shall wait for a response. I will not come near your little village until further notice and we all can be civil.” 
They looked at each other and the general laughed, actually laughed! Your smile fell away. 
“Azriel,” a command from the general to the spy master and a blur of shadows surrounded you tying your limbs close to your body. You grunted and fought against the restraints but to no avail. 
You saw Bonny and Sebastian getting up to attack but you shot them a pointed look that said to stay down. You looked at the two gigantic figures. 
“Is this really necessary?” 
“My men will collect your crew. You’re coming with us.” No laughter left on his voice, another shared look and you thought you were going to fly but the spymaster came close and the next thing you saw was a mist of darkness as he lightly touched your arm. Then you felt yourself falling to the floor your knees and hands hitting cold concrete. 
You didn’t say a word as you saw the spymaster looking at you from the shadows through the bars of a cell. You looked around noticing the cot and the a bucket. You tried to get to your feet but your legs gave out because of the months at sea. You heard Azriel scowling and you shot him a glare. 
“Find it funny do you?” 
“Yes actually,” he said darkly coming closer to the bars looking down on you, “You seemed so sure of yourself in your little boat and now you can’t even get up,” he sighed “it seems to me you’re all talk.” He purred and you crawled to the cot and pushed yourself up sitting on it. 
“Yet you still feel the necessity to keep me in a cell, behind iron bars, while  keeping your distance.” 
“I don’t gamble with my prisoners.” 
“You must be the life of the party then,” you joked. 
“I don’t party either.” He said and you saw a glimpse of amusement on his eyes.
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” You tilted your head and you waited for his response, he only scowled and went back into the shadows. “You could at least tell me where I am.” 
“In the dungeons.” He deadpanned. 
“Oh really? And here I thought this was your five stars hotel?” You put your hand over your heart and rolled your eyes, his gaze on you. 
“You talk too much.” 
“You talk too little.” 
“I assure you you will be regretting asking for more on my part.” 
You laughed loudly. 
“What? Are you going to whip me or something?” You noticed him smiling darkly and you swallowed hard. “You wouldn’t…” 
He raised his eyebrows and you only stared as he came closer, you didn’t even noticed when he walked through the bars as if they weren’t even there. You staggered back in the cot and he lowered himself putting each of his hands on either side on you. His face a couple inches from yours. You stayed very still, your eyes not leaving his. His gaze was dark and intimidating as he said: “It will depend on how willing you are to talk.” His breath was cold on your face and it smelled of morning breeze and a hint of cherry. 
You smiled a little eyeing his mouth and then his eyes. 
“You have a taste for cherries,” you noted and his brow furrowed. 
Something shifted in his gaze and you swallowed again. It was probably a terrible idea to flirt with this male. After all you knew of the stories of his tortures. But you couldn’t help yourself as you felt his walls coming down a little.
He was about to reply when a darker presence filled the room and he walked away from you going back to the shadows. The cold gaze back on his face. The cell became colder than it had before and your heart was beating wildly as you felt darkness and talons trying to rip at your mind. 
Your breaths came faster and you were painting when you heard his voice. 
“I do not take lightly unwelcome guests in my Court, Miss Hook.”
Next Chapter
Let me know your thoughts and based on those I'l either continue or just pretend this never happened lol <3
If you wanna be tagged on the next one also let me know :)
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dem0nic-darling · 11 months
The First Of Many Passionate Nights (Captain James Hook x AFABReader) 18+
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As requested by @disney-girl67
Content Warning- Oral (Fem receiving), Praise, Dirty talk, Fingering, Unprotected sex, Cream pie, Breast kink
Sypnosis: Since the moment your eyes had met in the tavern the two of you had felt a connection, and what better way to explore that connection than to spend a passion filled night together.
James downed another pint of ale with a sigh, his mood soured by the days unsuccessful attempt at capturing Peter Pan. "Cheer up now Captain, I'm sure you'll get him next time." Smee said, patting him on the back as he waved over a tavern wench to refill the somber captains mug. "You say that every damn time, yet that boy always slips through my fingers no matter what I do." His brows furrowed as he thought of the deranged child that took his hand.
"Here you are sir." A sweet voice said, pouring him more ale. He looked up to thank the tavern maid only to find himself speechless as his eyes met your stunning (e/c) ones, that shimmered like the finest gem. You gave him a shy smile, fidgeting with the material of your dress. Smee, sensing the tension, took his leave to seek out his other crew mates.
James cleared his throat, hoping it wasn't too late to salvage your first impression of him. "Forgive me if this is too forward my lady, but might you consider gracing me with your company." Your smile, though it remained shy, brightened. 'What a lovely sight' he thought to himself as he admired the beauty of your features. "I'd be happy to sir, but I'm afraid I can't." James nodded, hoping his disappointment wasn't too evident on his face. "My shift ends in about half an hour, I'd be more than happy to accompany you then, if you don't mind waiting that is." You quickly added, hoping that he wouldn't decline and simply move onto the next woman who came his way. A smile pulled at his lips upon hearing your words. "It would be my pleasure Miss-?" "(L/n), (L/n) (Y/n)." You replied. "A lovely name for a lovely woman" He planted a kiss on the back of your hand, bringing a blush to your cheeks. "I'm James Hook, Captain of the Jolly Roger." He continued, releasing your hand. He couldn't help but miss the way it felt in his own rough and calloused one. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Captain James Hook." You said, hoping he hadn't noticed the blush that remained present on your face. "I assure you Miss (L/n), the pleasure is all mine."
You offered him another radiant smile as thanks, before scurrying off to tend to some other patrons as your boss yelled at you to 'quit 'yer flirtin' and git back to work.'
The rest of your shift was spent stealing shy glances at the rugged yet well groomed man, that resulted in a flushed face as you found his gaze was already intensely locked on you. By the time your shift had finally ended you were left flustered and needy, the way James had looked at you causing arousal to pool in your panties.
"Sorry to have made you wait, Captain Hook." The man placed another kiss on your hand before offering you his arm, which you gladly took. "Please, call me James, Miss (L/n). And I assure you, you are a woman I'd gladly wait for." His words brought another blush to face, something he reveled in, knowing his words alone could put you in such a state making his cock harden in his trousers. "You're too kind Captai-James, and in that case please call me (Y/n), it's only fair."
You closed your eyes as the salty sea air of the port washed over you as James escorted you to his ship, stealing glances of your cleavage that spilled over the top of your dress and jiggled as you walked.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from the magnificent wood structure before you, every aspect of it its own masterpiece. James chuckled at your reaction, your awe at his ship making him overflow with pride. "I take it you like it." He asked, leading your stunned form aboard. "Like it? I love it, I can't believe you get to captain something so beautiful." You gracefully trailed your fingertips over the smooth wood of the bannister, admiring the craftsmanship while James did the same with you, drinking in your stunning beauty. The sight of your plump breasts barely contained by your dress making his Adams apple bob and his hard cock twitch.
Your presence made his rage towards Peter melt away, replacing it with desire for you. Despite it being your first meeting the sight of you leaning over the ships bannister with eyes filled with wonder seemed so natural. The peaceful moment suddenly came to an end as a violent wave crashed into the side of the boat, rocking it and making you stumble. Panic overtook him, causing him to pull your body back into his, securing it in a tight grip. The sound of your surprised gasp pulling him out of his panic, only to quickly replace it with a new one as he realized what had caused you to gasp wasn't just his sudden embrace, but the fact that you could feel his bulge pressed into your ass.
"Forgive me for my repulsive behavior Miss (Y/n), I can't apologize enou-" You quickly silenced him with a kiss, thankful you weren't the only one plagued with sinful urges. You broke the kiss only for him to smash his lips back onto yours with more passion, groaning as you returned the sloppy kiss with just as much feverish intensity. With you tongues still intertwined in a sinful dance he took you into his arms and carried you to his quarters.
Upon dropping you onto the bed he finally released your now kiss swollen lips only to trail his lips down to the tops of your breasts that spilled out of your dress. "May I?" He asked, caressing the buttons of your dress. "Please, James~" You whined, arching your back and pushing your chest into his hands. He hurriedly undid the buttons of your dress with his remaining hands, before tearing open your corset with his hook, careful not to mar your delicate flesh.
You let out a loud moan at the feeling of the cold metal of his hook gently grazing over one of your breasts, while he groped the other with his hand. The feeling of the tip of his hook lightly scraping and flicking your nipple was a pleasure you had never before experienced and never wished to go without experiencing after this. You couldn't help but let out more small moans as he sucked your other nipple into his mouth, nibbling it briefly before releasing it with a 'pop' and trailing down further to your quivering pussy concealed only by your drenched panties.
He pressed light kisses along your inner thighs before pulling down your panties with his hook. "May I worship you love?" He asked, lightly tracing the lips of your pussy with his large calloused fingers. You gave him a feeble nod, anticipation thrumming through your veins. Pleasure coursed through you as he eased two of his fingers inside you, his mouth quickly joining them, latching onto your pussy with verocity. The overwhelming feeling of his fingers thrusting into you while he hungrily lapped at your pussy, his stubble lightly scratching your inner thighs, quickly had you writhing in pleasure. The feeling of his thick fingers curling into your sweet spot while he sucked your sensitive clit into his mouth was what pushed you to the peak of ecstasy, making your body tense as you tugged at his black curls, your eyes rolling back in your head as he greedily drank up your release.
"Forgive me love, but I can't hold back any longer." Still coming down from your climax you could only watch as he frantically tugged off his clothes, letting out a grunt at his stiff cock finally being freed of the confine that was his trousers. He gave a quick peck to your lips before slowly pushing his large cock into your pussy, mesmerized by how your small pussy wrapped around the inches of his cock. "You're taking me so well love, fuck! Such a perfect cock-sleeve for me!~" He groaned out as you let out small whimpers and pants at the feeling of being stuffed full of him.
"James please~" He had never heard a more beautiful sound, your pleas more tempting than a sirens call. "Please what love?" He gently caressed your face, lightly tracing patterns into the plush skin of your stomach with the tip of his hook. "Please just fuck me already!" You whined, tears of frustration threatening to spill from your eyes from the unbearable lack of movement. James found himself unable to refuse, being just as desperate as you were. "You asked for it love." He began to fuck into you with powerful deep thrusts. The way his shaft rubbed against that sweet spot inside had you clenching the sheets in ecstasy.
The creamy ring that formed at the base of James cock had him groaning. "Fuck love, you're a filthy little thing aren't you?" His eyes captivated by your breasts which jiggled with every thrust flickered up to fucked out face, your stunning eyes glazed over in bliss. "On...only for yo...you James~" You whimpered out, brushing a few of his ebony locks out of his face. He growled, throwing your legs over his shoulders before abusing your cunt with an intense ferocity. "That right? You want to be my own personal whore, stay on my ship so I can flood this sweet pussy with cum whenever I want?!" You could only moan and frantically nod in response, the way his harsh thrusts pounded into your cervix leaving your mind fuzzy and littering your vision with stars.
"Take my fuckin' cum then whore." His rough fingers aggressively massaged your clit, making your release wash over you in intense waves. You let out a string of moans, raking your nails down his back as you were lost in pure bliss. James quickly joined in your ecstasy, the way your pussy milked his cock combined with the feeling of your juices dripping down it, pulling him over the edge and tearing a loud groan of pleasure from his throat. You clenched around his twitching cock as his warm cum was shot into your womb, letting out a whimper as he weakly thrusted inside your sore and battered pussy in order to fuck his seed deeper.The both of you too lost in pleasure to notice the large tear he had left in the mattress with his hook.
Keeping his softening cock inside you he pulled your exhausted form on top of his in a sweet embrace, laying your head on his firm chest. "Do you mind if I spend the night?" You timidly asked, afraid that you had been the only one to feel a connection and he would send you away having already taken what he wanted from you. Such thoughts quickly dissipated as he looked down at you like you were the finest treasure he had ever come across "You may spend as many nights as you wish." Your heart swelled in your chest at his words as you happily nuzzled your face into his chest, your eyes drooping with exhaustion. James placed a kiss on top of your head. "Sleep well love." He said softly, as the two of you lulled off to sleep in comfortable silence, both hoping that this was only the first of many nights you would spend wrapped in each others tender embrace.
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plentyoffandoms · 5 months
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Main Masterlist ♡ Hook Masterlist
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Warnings: Some swearing. Descriptive sexual acts. Oral (m receiving) unprotected sex. Cum swallowing. Unprotected sex, p in v. Mention of spitting, throat squeezing, anal.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs and photos do not belong to me.
Requested by @brideofinfamy . Hope you like it
WC: 1065
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I was standing in the opposite corner when it finally happened.
I knew it was going to happen.
When she finally had to kiss fucking Ricky Starks, to show the wrestling world that the two of them are dating.
I had to bite the inside of my cheek when it I watched it happen. Ricky was babbling away about nothing, like usual. Only enjoying the sound of his voice, when he dropped the mic, wrapped his arms around her waist and slammed his mouth against hers.
I watched as my girlfriend kissed her fake boyfriend with just as much passion as he was giving her. I watched as he placed his hands on her ass and squeezed.
That is when she broke the kiss and, and I came charging at him. Bryce signalling that the match has started.
She got out of the way and stood in his corner, just as she was told to do. Cheering on the arrogant son of a bitch, while I had no one in my corner, even though all I wanted was her.
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I won, making our feud go on even longer. I stormed backstage, ready to knock the living shit out of Ricky for real this time, for pulling that ass grabbing stunt in the ring, but I found him and her in a heated discussion.
I slowly walked towards the two of them, wanting to hear their discussion. "You had no right grabbing my ass Ricky." She was seething. Her finger was poking his chest.
"Oh, come on, babygirl, it was all for the fans." Oh, how I wanted to smack the smirk off of his face.
"One, you do not get to call me that, ever. Two, you run things by me because I will not be manhandled by you. Or I will go and talk to Tony and end this fake romance before you can even blink. Got that?"
Ricky held up his hands in mock surrender. "Got it."
He saw me there, gave me the middle finger and turned around, and walked away.
"Hey, baby girl." She instantly relaxed and turned around to face me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her flushed against my chest, putting my face in her neck, and just breathed in her scent.
"I know you're not happy, Ty."
"Of course I'm not. I had to watch him grab your ass. I had no idea he would do that, and you just let it happen." I knew I missed up with the last bit of that sentence because she pulled out of my arms and looked into my eyes, searching for something.
"You really think I wanted that to happen? You heard what I said to him. Ty, I never wanted that. Fuck, I didn't even want to kiss him."
"Sure fooled me." I was pouting. I knew everything she said was true, but all I could see was him and her making out in my mind.
"Come, let us go talk in private before we have an audience." She grabbed my hand, and we started to walk somewhere private, with my eyes on the floor.
My eyes were half closed, my mouth was open, as little whines fell from lips. She was bouncing in my lap, biting her lips, moaning my name as here and there.
"You really think I would let Ricky fuck me where anyone could just walk in?" Her questioned surprised me.
"No, baby." I moaned, as she squeezed her pussy around my cock. "Look at me, Tyler." I forced my eyes open and looked into eyes.
"You think that he could fuck me until I turn so stupid that I can only think of is your name?"
"Fuck, no." I love it when she gets like that. So out of it as I fuck orgasm after orgasm out of her until she is just a mess. Her juices soaking the mattress below us, and my thighs and my cock. She has never looked more beautiful to me than she does at that very moment.
"You're the only man I have ever let fuck my ass." I gripped her hips when she said that, knowing that is true. I wanted nothing more than to fuck that hole right now, and it was like she read my mind.
"When we get back to the hotel room, you can fuck it yeah?"
"Gonna make me cum." I groaned. Trying to force myself not to cum. I didn't want this stop.
"Only man, I have ever let cum inside me with no barrier."
I whimpered her name, not knowing how long I can hold on.
"Only man who makes me scream so loud that the neighbours call in and complain."
She kept listing everything she let's me do to her, or I was the only man who she had ever allowed to do to her.
"Love it when you wrap your hand around my throat, squeezing it just right as you fuck me."
"Only man to ever let spit in my mouth."
"Only man I have ever blown while he is driving."
"Shit, the only man who has ever made me cum with just his cock alone." She cried out as she came, still bouncing in my cock as she orgasmed.
The combination of her orgasm and her listening to everything I have done to her, I was close. So close to finishing.
But she knew it. She always does.
I groaned at the loss of her pussy as she got off of me, but that groan was replaced with the long drawn out moan of her name as she wrapped her lips around the head of my cock, and started to bob her head.
I didn't last long. I was already close to being with, but I never last long when she blows me.
With a shout of her name, I came. She quickly swallowed it all, not wanting to miss a single drop.
My chest was heaving as she pulled her mouth away from my cock.
"Finale one. The only man who I will ever swallow for. You have ruined me for anyone else, Ty."
She was rubbing my thighs as she gave me a soft smile.
I cupped her face in my hand, running my thumb across her bottom lip. She kissed it. "I love you, baby girl."
"I love you too, Ty."
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
This is me projecting for sure, but can I request a female reader x Hook? She meets him at a convention meet and greet and he ends up being really into her. Feel like this is kinda cliche but I’m supposed to meet him in two weeks so I am projecting/lowkey manifesting👀 😂😭
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Pairing: Hook x Female!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Meet and Greets
Imagine Requests: Open!
Note: YOU'RE MEETING HOOK!? Ugh lucky! I just met Brian Cage a 2 weeks ago! Ugh I hope to meet Hook one day! I hope you have fun!
Follow My Main Blog!: @dirtywrestling
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Your stomach clenched tighter as you saw Hook's fluffy brown hair in view. You bit your lip to see him looking up at the person in front of him and smile. His smile melted your heart in way you never thought someone could. You grew even more nervous as you realized you were the next person in line to speak with him.
It seemed like your legs were becoming wobbly with each step you took. Watching the person in front of you leave in excitement you looked at Hook to see he was already looking at you with a large smile. "Hi!" He greeted.
"H- Hello." You gushed, walking up to the table. You handed him a piece of paper with a drawing on it of him.
"Holy shit, is this me!" His eyes sparkled as he admire the art work.
"Yeah, I uh have been working on it for awhile." You blushed as he grew excited over your work.
"This is amazing." Hook's eyes never left the paper as he grabbed a marker. "Who can I make this out to?" He popped off the lid.
"Y/N." You said sheepishly, biting your lip as you watched him autograph the drawing. "I'm a big fan of you." You finally admitted.
"And I'm a big fan of you as well." Hook gave your art piece one last look before handing it to you. "Do you post on Instagram?"
"Of my work? Daily." You smiled, carefully grabbing the sheet, making sure not to ruin it.
"Well, how about I give you a follow so I can see all your amazing art work?"
You stared at him in disbelief. "R- Really?" You fumbled to grab your phone, looking up your Instagram username. "Here, it's this." You showed him your profile picture as he pulled out his phone with a smile and put in your account.
"And, followed."
You looked at your screen to see Hook was officially following you.
"Come on, can't leave without a picture." Hook stood up from his chair as you made your way around the table, he wrapped his arm around your waist and held you tight, smiling towards the camera. Once the flash went off me whispered in your ear. "I'll text you later."
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yanderehsr · 11 months
Hii! How have you been? I'm sorry for doing another request but your way to do and write is wayy to good! Can I request another platonic yandere with the characters you want with a diona or klee!reader I know, I know another child reader request. But I love the platonic stuff it's very cute! 😭💞 Sorry if I spelled something wrong, I'm still learning english! Have a good day!!
The characters I want? You fool, you have given me too much power🙂
And due to the fact I posted a platonic yandere with klee!reader, I will choose Diona!reader
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Tingyun: She thinks that everything about you is too cute to be true, everything from the cat ears and tail to your tsundere attitude. It's just all too adorable, tries to spend as much time as possible with you.
Tingyun feels jealous whenever you spend time with anyone who isn't her, can't you just be hers, her cute little kitten. She sees you like a little sister, but in a possessive way. You are hers just accept that, or does she need to take you away from others to make you understand.
"My sweet kitten, no need to struggle. I'm just taking you home"
Hook: She tried to reqruit you, but you rejected the offer. She gets mad, how could you reject Pitch-Dark Hook the great. She tries to follow you around sneakely, she's bad at it but hey, she's trying atleast.
Hook wants to touch your ears and tail, they look so fluffy. She sees you talk to other children and she gets jealous, you shouldn't talk to them, can't you see that she is right here. She will cling to you, glaring at the other child.
"Go away, can't you see that she is property of Pitch-Dark Hook the great"
Seele: You were a child that she always saw when walking past the bar. It made her stop in her tracks immidiatly, what is a child doing working at a bar. She asks you why and you answer is that it is so you can take down the alcohol business.
Seele is now always walking past that bar to check in on you, make sure that nothing has happened to you, if she sees even one scratch on you, she will drag you away, you will not work there anymore. But don't worry, she will beat up anyone who stands in the way of your protection.
"Stop crying, I am just making sure you're safe"
Yandere Tingyun makes my brain go brrrrrr
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Captain Hook x reader- This is wrong, isn't it?
Description: Pirates were notorious for kidnappings but you never thought it would happen to you
AN: There could be a part two if people want it
Based on a request by @disney-girl67
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It was meant to be just a normal day, hanging out with friends, relaxing away from work and just having a good time but as soon as you saw that stupid ship approaching you knew that the day was not going to go how you had planned it.
The pirates in the area were notorious for kidnapping and there had been a rise in people going missing that everyone had presumed were them. Now you found yourself becoming one of those people, you had lost your friends running away from the beach and were now being chased by pirates who were hooting and hollering behind you.
You had no idea what would happen if they caught you so you were trying your best not to get caught, running through the trees and breathing heavily. You hated running, hated it with a passion so this was probably your worst nightmare.
Suddenly, a man with long hair jumped in front of you laughing loudly and showing his gold teeth, you gasped and turned to try and run away from him but were stopped by another pirate. You quickly realised that you were surrounded by the pirates who all sneered at you before simultaneously jumping forward and grabbing you.
You felt their hands wander all over your body before you were lifted from the ground, no matter how much you wiggled or moved around you couldn't get out of their grip and you soon found yourself being dropped onto the wood that was the pirate ship.
As you looked around all you could see were pirates, some were sneering, some were laughing and others were staring blankly. You continued to look around until you heard a voice shout, "everyone back to your posts."
Black boots entered your vision as the man who spoke walked closer to you, "Mr Smee," the voice asked, it was smooth and made chills run down your spine, "take the girl to my quarters."
You were then pulled to your feet and dragged down some stairs and thrown into a room by a fat man who stuttered his way through a sentence. And then you were left alone.
You took a moment to breathe before you began to wander around the room which you believed to be the Captain's quarters. Your wandering was put to a stop when the door swung open and in came the man who had spoken before, he was muttering to himself before he stood to his full height and looked at you.
"Do you know who I am?" he asked, taking the red hat from his head and placing it on the desk. You nodded stiffly and answered, "You're captain hook."
"Good!" he stated, walking to sit down by the desk, "I've been watching you for a while now," Your eyes bulged in surprise at what the captain has said, "I saw you one day on the beach and knew that I had to have you." His voice sent more shivers down your spine, that wasn't normal, was it?
"What?" you asked, your voice shaking as you trembled, your mind swirling with thoughts, you couldn't deny that the captain was attractive in a unique way and being on his ship send shivers of excitement down your spine. That must not be normal?
Captain Hook smirked down at you as he walked closer, "I knew that I had to have you when I saw how beautiful you are, you're gonna stay here with me," you started to stutter slightly but quickly quietened when he continued to speak, "you're going to stay here with me forever and be my right-hand woman."
This was wrong.
Was the only thought that was spinning around your head.
This was so so wrong but why did it feel so good...
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missglittersmiles · 4 months
Noble To The Core- CH. 1
Descendants × Fem! Reader
Summary: y/n has thoughts of what was when a letter addressed to her comes.
•| ⊱ Sleepy Week ⊰ |•
Love. Oh, it's such a wonderful thing to not only feel, but to have. Love can be as plutonic as loving your friends and family or it could be romantic. There's so many ways to love as well. The language of love is as vast as the sea.
The expression of love has been dumbed down to five categories. Gift giving sounds materialistic and even crass, but it's always nice to receive something from a loved one. What makes it even more special is if it was made by hand. Acts of service is always a treat when the loved one is doing it out of the kindness of their heart. Even if they have a hard time and struggle a bit, it's the thought that makes one smile.
Then there are words of affirmation. It's always nice to hear them say how much they care even if you know. Physical touch does what words can't explain as sometimes a comforting hug can go a long way. Lastly is quality time. Spending time together always deepens the bond between two people. They could be doing the simplest thing such as having dinner or something more out there like climbing a cliff.
Love was truly one of life's greatest gifts.
So what did y/n do wrong?
Half of the isle must have heard of her break up with Hook. They had been going steady building a fine foundation for their relationship, but she went and wrecked it. The foundation was too weak so when she put her foot down for the first time, the floor broke.
Thinking more on the history of their relationship made her realize that maybe they were doomed from the start. High school relationships don't last after school, so middle school relationships don't last that long either. Would it be considered a miracle that they last nearly three years? Who knows really. The memory of how Hook shot an arrow through her heart flooded y/n's mind.
It was middle school during lunch. y/n was sitting with Carlos, it was only the two of them since the other three decided to skip school. Carlos almost followed their lead, but she knew he'd feel bad for leaving her behind at school again. There was no talking y/n out of skipping no matter how hard he and the others tried.
He told a white lie to them about how his mother found out he had been skipping school. That he's not allowed to miss another day or else he'll regret it. They moan and groan at the explanation yet ultimately let him off the hook. He didn't want them knowing that he was willingly hanging out with the resident dullard.
Even though the memory is only a few years old, y/n remembers the conversation they were having like it was yesterday. They were talking about the rumor of a ghost walking along the beach during the witching hour. It was a hot top amongst the younger residents of the isle. y/n and Carlos were simply exchanging what they had heard and their thoughts.
When a boy barged into the conversation. y/n automatically recognized who he was. Harry Hook was infamous for supposedly stabbing an older boy’s eye who had been his older sister's ex. No one is sure what parts are embellished. All that is concrete is that his older sister's ex lost an eye.
She didn't know too much about him aside from that and seeing him constantly with his two friends. Uma had blue hair and always had something to say about Mal. Gil seems nice, but has a bit of a thick skull.
Completely disregarding the conversation going on Harry turned his attention to y/n. His light blue eyes pierced into her which caused an uncomfortable pit in her stomach. Not being able to withstand the self-conscious feeling she shifted her eyes down to her sandwich. He'd go away as long as she didn't react to his words or actions. Carlos was with her too and she's sure he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. They've always had each other's backs.
What she shouldn't have done was assume that he was there to cause her trouble or mock her just like everyone else.
Just as Carlos was going to open his mouth, the Scottish boy spoke up. "I’ve heard it said that kissing is the ‘language of love.’ Would ye care to have a conversation with me about it sometime?" Both of their eyes widened at his words, completely bewildered at what caused him to say such a thing. y/n nearly snapped her neck to look at Harry to see who he said that to.
Yet there he was looking at her with a cheeky almost shark-like smile. His eyes, they might have been the brightest thing y/n has ever seen. They were as bright as a cloudless sky yet deep as the salty sea. At that very moment his eyes were the most beautiful thing y/n has ever seen.
"Didn't you tell Mal the same thing yesterday?" Carlos questioned with a grimace. Harry huffed slightly at the accusation and pulled his eyes away from the girl to glare at Carlos, "No. I said, what does it feel like to be the most gorgeous girl in the room?" Carlos wouldn't admit it, but Harry did have a scary face that held him back from telling him to back off. What didn't help was that Harry wasn't all bark because he's seen him and Jay get in a number of fights. It was safe to say that there was a low chance of beating Harry in a fair fight.
y/n shifted her eyes back down as she spoke up. "I wouldn't be opposed to having a discussion about love with you, but you'd have to take me out to see if you're worth any time and effort." Carlos nearly popped his eyes out of his skull. Harry seemed nearly just as surprised then quickly hid it with a toothy grin.
"I know this great restaurant- my friend actually owns it."
"I have a curfew, I have to be back home before five." A sense of disappointment crawled up y/n's spine as her heart beat like a drum to hear his response. At the same time Carlos' anxiety began to simmer down.
Curfew. Not every kid had them and even then if you did have some would see you as uptight. Even then the bare minimum usually for a curfew would have been seven or eight. Five was just too early and y/n was always a 'prim and proper' person for as long as Carlos has known her. Though whether that was a good or bad thing was debatable, but today it seemed to have saved her Carlos thought.
"Tomorrow then?"
She suddenly sucked in a large amount of air through her nose. Holding her breath she responded with a yes. "Great, meet me at the dock tomorrow at one."
Just like that y/n was indoctrinated into Uma's group. Since Harry is closely followed by Uma and Gil.
y/n didn't care too much about Mal's thoughts on the matter. Evie and Jay's opinions didn't matter either. All that she was worried about was Carlos. His group has finally found a reason to distance themselves from her aside from being a wet blanket. Mal can call her a traitor, two-faced, and prissy dullard all she wants. Carlos is the only one that was really friends with her.
The two had a conversation about the sudden shift in the group. It was surprisingly short with Carlos expressing that he was honestly fine with everything as long as she was alright. Which made y/n happy to hear that she hadn't lost her only friend for a boy she wasn't even too sure about at that time. That happiness was dampened when he explained that they couldn't hang out or even talk publicly.
As much as it hurt her to hear that, she understood. You wouldn't want to stand up for the local self-righteous dunce that is supposedly a traitor. It would give you a weird look and maybe even a target for some bullying.
Slowly they began drifting apart, leading y/n to regularly visit Ursula's Fish and Chips. There were a few times they hung out like the good old days, but those were far and few between.
Everything felt so flowery being around Hook. Things seemed a little brighter. This was something new and exciting. Then there were those moments of tenderness that pop up ever so often that made everything sweeter.
As sweet as it was, they'd always be shortly followed by a sour taste. Hook seemed more interested in working with his crew which was fine for the most part. y/n can understand that the world doesn't revolve around her. Still it made her a little sour whenever she gathered the courage to ask to do something together and be turned down because he has business with the crew.
She took up a job as a cook at Ursula's Fish and Chips to just be around him a little more. Maybe even try to build some sort of connection with his two closest friends. Which seemed to work slowly. It wasn't uncommon for her to be the butt of a joke or a victim to a prank. She always laughed it off. The last thing she needed was to show vulnerability and make the crew think she couldn't take a joke. That sour taste would permeate to her mouth as she'd listen to Hook laugh along with the others. She'd try to tell herself that she was being too soft like everyone said. She needed to toughen up.
Though what turned everything from a candy sour to a spoiled milk was the flirting. Hook couldn't just keep his mouth shut. y/n doesn't need to hear him spout some cheesy line to a customer. She doesn't want to hear how he thinks some other person's face looks pretty. Angry jealousy would silently build up within her before being put out like a fire. Was there something wrong with her? Was she being too possessive? Did he really mean what he said to that person?
Even after she admitted how uncomfortable it was seeing him openly flirting with others. He just cupped her face in his hands and said, "You're so cute when you're jealous." He never answered if he meant what he said. It felt like he was dancing around the topic rather than taking it head on.
She should have stood her ground rather than being drawn in with his pretty words and eyes. It was stupid. She was stupid.
Breaking things off seemed like a good idea when they were arguing. They needed to back off and give each other some time, but she nearly forgot that her "friends" were really his. She had cut off any semblance of a friendship with someone that wasn't her family. Did that mean she was really an outcast now?
Who wanted to be around a boring prissy dullard? No one. No one aside from Carlos maybe. Though that was a big maybe and y/n frankly didn't want to be rejected. She couldn't mentally take the risk of being turned down by possibly the only one she had left. She didn't want to learn if everyone else on this island thought of her as annoying. Not even hate, just annoyed by her presence.
Right after the break up, she quit her job at Ursula's and with nothing else to do laid in bed. She's tried converting all these pent up negative emotions into her drawings, but it has become so draining. Writing her feelings out was just as tiring. So she slept and slept. She was over sleeping so much that her older brother called her Sleeping Schlump. She couldn't be called Sleeping Beauty because she had no beauty to begin with. Of course her mom told her brother off for saying such a thing.
As much as y/n hated her older brother and thought he was the textbook definition of ignorance. He was right. She was sleeping away the days and didn't care right now.
y/n had always felt somewhat alone but this seemed like a new level. There wasn't anyone waiting for her to come hangout with. There probably wasn't anyone outside her family who cared about her. Maybe she'd be forgotten to rot away in her bed. Sleep until she doesn't wake up.
Then one morning there was frantic knocking at her door. She could hear her mom's muffled voice come from the other side. Telling her to get up and that she has a letter. The thought of what it could contain was mystifying to an extent just not enough to get her out of bed.
"Who is it from?" y/n asked as loudly as she could.
"It's from Auradon. These people from outside the isle came and handed this letter saying it was for you. We haven't read it since it's yours."
With that information y/n rolled out of bed to see what it was about. Opening the door with a creek, her mother handed her a scroll. Even before she touched it she could tell that it was expensive. Once it was in her hands her mom quickly said, "Come downstairs to read it. Me and your dad want to know what it says."
y/n wanted to huff out a small laugh at how nosey her mom was, but she could understand. Anyone would be curious to know the contents of the letter. They made their way downstairs and into the living room where y/n sat down on the worn-out couch.
Slowly she opened the scroll as if it was an ancient text that could fall apart at the slightest pull. Then quickly realized that she was holding it sideways before holding it upright. She read over what it said which put a puzzled expression on her face. "What does it say?" Her mom asked scooching closer to y/n to read what was written.
Speaking up y/n's voice sounded confused as if she still didn't understand what it meant. "It's an…acceptance letter for Auradon Prep?"
Noble To The Core Masterlist
I hope you enjoyed reading. Constructive feedback is welcome and encouraged.
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ssadumba55 · 1 year
Masterlist: Archived Fandoms
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All my writing for Hamilton, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Newsies, A Series of Unfortunate Events, 101 Dalmatian Street, Zootopia, Wall-E, Ratatouille, The Maze Runner, Descendants, Once Upon A Time, Hook, She-Ra, The Incredibles, My Little Pony: A New Generation, Wizards of Waverly Place and Captain Marvel will be linked here!
*I do NOT wish to receive further requests for these fandoms. They're archived for a reason, I'd like to leave these up for people in those fandoms to enjoy but I reserve the right to delete anything on here without warning
Imagines full on one shots with your favourite characters
Thomas Jefferson Permission to Court? (Gender Neutral Reader)
King George I Missed You (Female Reader) Don't Need Riches (Gender Neutral Reader)
John Watson Can't Sleep (Gender Neutral Reader)
Sherlock Holmes He's a Jerk (Gender Neutral Reader)
Newt Scamander Awkward (Gender Neutral Reader)
Sirius Black Muggle (Gender Neutral Reader) Deal (Female Reader) Intimate (Female Reader) Try Again (Gender Neutral Reader) Reunion (FtM Reader)
Remus Lupin Girlfriend? (Female Reader)
Queenie Goldstein Lovely Thoughts (Female Reader)
Harry Potter Hogsmeade (Gender Neutral Reader)
Klaus Baudelaire Happy Birthday (Gender Neutral Reader) Alone (Gender Neutral Reader) Letters (Gender Neutral Reader) Jack London (Gender Neutral Reader) Yours (Gender Neutral Reader) Substitute (Gender Neutral Reader) Valentine (Gender Neutral Reader) Moving On (Female Reader) Not That Easy (Gender Neutral Reader) Bad Day (Gender Neutral Reader) Anniversary (Gender Neutral Reader)
Duncan Quagmire Christmas Party (Female Reader) Jealous (Female Reader)
Isadora Quagmire Special (Female Reader) The Ersatz Elevator (Female Reader)
Violet Baudelaire Falling for You (Female Reader)
Baudelaires Island Days (Gender Neutral Reader)
Davey Jacobs First Kiss (Gender Neutral Reader)
Doug Father's Day! (Gender Neutral Reader)
Delilah Sick Day (Gender Neutral Reader)
Judy Hopps What Parents Do (Gender Neutral Reader) Halloween's Scary (Gender Neutral Reader)
Wall-E Holidays (Gender Neutral Reader) Fourth of July (Gender Neutral Reader)
EVE Thunderstorms (Gender Neutral Reader)
Wall-E & EVE Robot Child (Gender Neutral Reader) Earth Day (Gender Neutral Reader)
Newt One Chance (Female Reader)
Minho Hopeless (Male Reader) Wherever, Whenever (Male Reader)
Jefferson Scar (Gender Neutral Reader)
Killian Jones Hooked On a Feeling (Gender Neutral Reader) Flower Shop (Male Reader)
Rufio I Wish Pt. 1 (Female Reader) I Wish Pt. 2 (Female Reader)
Scorpia Leaving (Gender Neutral Reader) Is This What Love Is? (Gender Neutral Reader)
Justin Russo Third Chance (Gender Neutral Reader)
Carol Danvers Don't Give Up (Gender Neutral Reader)
Remy Halloween Dish (Gender Neutral Reader) Fancy Feast (Gender Neutral Reader)
Headcanons Headcanons related to these characters
Being Friends with Duncan Quagmire (Gender Neutral) Baudelaires and Quagmires React to you Saying you Love Them (Gender Neutral) Klaus Baudelaire with Secretly Soft Reader (Gender Neutral) Baudelaires & Quagmires React to Metalhead Reader (Gender Neutral) Playing Overcooked with Linguini and Colette (Female Reader) Dating Remy the Rat Would Include (Gender Neutral) Warning Linguini and Colette About a Leak (Female Reader) Linguini and Colette with Child! Reader (Gender Neutral) Being the Oldest Incredikid With No Powers (Gender Neutral) Reuniting with Twin Sister Catra (Gender Neutral) Being BFFs and Roommates with Adora (Gender Neutral) Dating Alphabittle Would Include (Gender Neutral) Harry Hook x LaBouff!Sparrow!Reader (Gender Neutral) Dunklaus Headcanons
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