#hooooooo my god this scene
extasiswings · 2 years
Sarah MacLean said “shaving is sexy, right?” And did not wait for a response and she is the MOST valid for that.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 9 months
Very short and sweet Serennedy Analysis of the Seperate Ways DLC
Obvious spoilers disclaimer but also this is NOT supposed to be a diss at any ships whatsoever!!!!!!!! I love them all!!!!!!! My current hyperfixation is just on Serennedy and I see a lot of potential for it in the DLC!!!!!!!
• Ok first and most obvious. Right at the beginning, the part everyone was screaming about in the trailer, is that Luis’ first thought is to tell Ada that there is One More Thing (tm) he has to do, and that’s to help Leon, and Ada’s IMMEDIATE reaction is to be like “….ok.” I have a feeling in this context that she KNOWS how much Leon means to Luis. She KNOWS that he’s HIS priority, and that’s why she lets him go
• Again more obvious scene, but when Luis sees that the room containing the medicine intended for Leon is on fire he RUNS THROUGH A BURNING FRICKEN BUILDING TO GO RETRIEVE IT. His immediate thought (in my mind at least) is that he doesn’t wanna see Leon die in the same was his Grandfather did metaphorically. He couldn’t save his Grandfather because he was powerless, and now he’s powerless to save the medicine that would save Leon’s life. Hell, he even says “it’s all gone!! That was my last chance to set things right!!!” When Ada questions him on why this was so important to him. It’s because he cares deeply about Leon and wants to set things right. God. I love him SO much.
• Also I’ve mentioned this before, but Luis seems a LOT more relaxed/ jokey with Ada, and if you ask me, I think that’s a sure fire sign that Leon’s been putting on an act to impress Leon. He wants Leon to think he’s cool and self assured so that he’ll like him more, and in a similar vein with Ada, he dies before Leon can see that REAL side of him. JUST when Luis opens up about Umbrella, he’s stabbed in the back. It’s so sad. Sobbing,, crying,,,,
• HOOOOOOO BOY THAT SCENE WHERE HE SAVES ADA???????? I LOVE that we see his hesitancy to run because he can’t decide wether it’s worth running off to Leon or helping Ada whose in more urgent danger and he chooses Ada because he’s a GOOD PERSON WHO CARES ABT HER,,,, BUT THEN WHEN ADA SAYS “go. Besides, you have a promise to keep” SHE K N O W S HE NEEDS TO GET BACK TO LEON. SHE KNOWS HOW MUCH HE CARES ABT HIM RUARGH. AND THAT FACE?????? OH MY GOD????????
• Holy shit his death scene…………. When he’s on the phone with Ada and he goes “oh, and take care of Leon for me will you?” HIS FIRST THOUGHT IS ALWAYS LEON. AND THEN HES LIKE “gotta go, Leon needs my help” AND HE CALLS OUT FOR HIM?????? AND YOU CAN HEAR HIM DYING ITS SO AHSNWHENEJE
• And then ofc we see the death scene from a distance where Leon rushes to his side and holds his hand, and I feel like that only solidifies their affection for one another to me. As my beloved mutual said, ‘Luis got to spend the rest of his life with Leon but Leon never got to spend the rest of his life with Luis’ I can’t. Brb I’m gonna go cry after writing this all.
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rottenbrainstuff · 7 months
BG3 playthrough: Last Light Inn
Spoilers below the cut
HOOOOOOO it’s my tiefling buddies from act 1!
…some of them!
………a very, very small amount of them.
Goddamn I was so happy to see them, smiled so wide to see those kiddos there, but SO sad to see what happened, and see how few of them were there. Dammon seems undaunted, the kids are making the best of a bad situation (Mol I take my eyes off you for one minute and you are making a deal with a GODDAMNED DEVIL), but fuck me, Bex crying by the bridge broke my heart, and Rolan being a dick at the bar made me so sad as well. I wonder if people dislike him because of how rude he is being here? Like, he’s literally calling me names and blaming my tav for things that aren’t my fault at all. But it didn’t make me mad at him - it only made me more sad. He’s totally drunk and angry and blaming me for things that don’t even make sense, because he’s so upset about his siblings. The more it doesn’t make sense, the more sad it is. Poor guy. I know he told me to fuck right off when I said I would save them, but I mean it, I will. I love Rolan. He’s such a fucking idiot. That’s my type I guess, idiot men who have no idea how fucking lame they are.
I’m really sad that Alfira isn’t here: it seems she would have extra dialogue about what happened to them on the road, some horrible details about what happened to poor Asharak, and exactly how Rolan and his siblings saved the kids. And it seems talking to HER gives me a little extra dialogue options for when I talk to other people. Ah well. Dark urge sacrifices.
As mentioned, Mol is already waist-deep into more trouble, and she’s considering making a deal with Raphael. What an interesting conversation this was. I tried to warn her off and she said, but no one is helping them. She is going to protect her kids no matter what she has to do, and if she has to make a deal to do it, then that’s what she’s going to do. I thought to myself, god, that sounds exactly like Zevlor. THEN, the very next thing she says, she mentions Zevlor, how he froze, and how she is going to do better. I’m sure the game did that on purpose, I’m sure that writing can’t be a happy accident. NO MOL NO. No deals with literal devils.
The conversation here between Raphael and Astarion is super super interesting, I think. Astarion can sound suave when he’s doing a seduction, but here more than anywhere else I’ve seen so far, it’s really evident this is only because of the practice he’s had. Talking to Raphael, it’s obvious he’s nervous, halting, even whining. 10 cha boy, truly. I love it.
The strange ox is in the stable outside. Dark urge has some options to talk to the ox and realize it has the same horrible murder fantasies that you have. It’s startling for sure but I don’t think it has anything to actually do with the dark urge: as far as I’m aware, the only thing that’s up with the ox is that it’s a shape-shifted ooze hiding out, right? Are oozes really just that murderous??? I was showing a friend of mine the ox scene, and wanted to aggro it to show them what the ox really looks like. I picked a dark urge option instead of the normal aggro option and…. wow. Dark urge isn’t playing around, huh. We were both surprised, lol. I’m playing a resisting durge so I hadn’t actually done one of these scenes before, lol. If you say the right things, the ox will be pleased with you and… hork up a gem. Thanks?...
This area is crappy. It just feels bad. Like, not even just the shadows, but the ground itself is all broken up and off-kilter. I now have, like, four different tasks to do, and I have no freaking idea what I want to do first. The first thing I guess is to decide how I want to get to moonrise… go with Kar’niss and the goblin caravan, or ambush them? I want to go with Kar’niss so I can meet up with him later at the top of the tower, but if I do that, I’m going to be stuck at the tower without a lantern for a while and I’m not really wanting to do that either…. Sigh. Not sure.
Fun note - my daughter who is also playing just got to the gith creche. She is really committed… for some reason… to playing a character who doesn’t really want to be nosy about investigating in other people’s property, or about stepping in and interfering where she is an outsider. Play the game how you want, I guess, but end result of this that she just stood back in the gith classroom and let Varrl get knifed, thus killing one of my favourite NPCs. I was…. Surprised…. With her choice. Lol.
I was also wanting to see what her thoughts were after talking more with the guardian. I wanted to know if an unspoiled player would think the guardian had something to do with, or perhaps even WAS, somehow, Orpheus. But, she mistrusts the guardian so badly that this thought apparently didn’t even cross her mind. So that’s interesting. She ended up stabbing the guardian, lol.
I still don’t know what I’m going to do next here. Sigh. Maybe I’ll explore around and do some of the small stuff, need to go save Rolan’s foolish ass, and then decide what to do about moonrise?…
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captain-stede · 2 years
a) your gentlebeard hands post has me wanting to paint for the first time in litchrally forever so thank you so much
b) AYO A JOHNNY BLOG????? superb
c) just you wait for me to make this painting because hooooooo boy
d) do you have anymore screen caps with their hands doing intricate rituals? because boy howdy hoooooo
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First of all sorry if I'm just answering this right now but I was on vacation the last few days and I completely missed the ask,
and second of all OMG????? I MEAN OH MY GOD?????? ONE OF MY POSTS ACTUALLY MADE SOMEONE TO PAINT AGAIN????? You can't imagine how happy I am to hear this, oh my god, oh my.
A Johnny blog hell yeah that man is my baby.
I actually took screenshots of just those moments but the whole kiss scene is HANDS™️
Anyway thank you for sending this ask, I'm so happy really you decided to paint again after my post 😭😭😭
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akampana · 3 years
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Continuation of this ask
Bedivere x Arturia - Ship it
What made you ship it?
TBH I was one of those few people who shipped it based on that like 2 second scene at the end of FSN. The Camelot Singularity just reinforced it. A lot came from the original Arthurian legend as well. Bedivere is similarly insanely loyal as he is in the game, and like in Fate lore, he’s been with Arthur longer than most.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
He journeyed so far for so long just to see her smile OH MY GOD BRB IM SOBBING HOLY CRAP CAN YOU JUST IMAGINE—
I’m a sucker for intensely loyal knights and I will always be. ALWAYS.
This man loved his king so bloody intensely. So strongly that his desire to see her survived the test of time. To be loved so much, so unconditionally for a thousand and a half years? Gods, that’s just too much, man. ;-;
And I absolutely adore how much it means to him to remain her knight, even if he tends to be insecure about the limb that he lacks, and how he believes he is nothing special in comparison with everyone else. I love that Arturia recognizes his strength and his worth, even if he himself can’t see it.
THIS, the MINDBREAK Arturia goes through when she tries to remember
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Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
All the other answers below cut!
Irisviel x Arturia - Ship It
What made you ship it?
I think I was bound to the moment I watched Fate Zero. When I was younger it was overshadowed by the feels Diarturia brought and not to mention Kiritsugu and Iri but this ship is damn good on its own.
What sold it though, is the argument she and Kiritsugu have in Episode 16, right after the last Saber and Lancer fight. Irisviel, who we all know loves her husband so much, forced Kiritsugu to answer Saber. That’s just how important Arturia was to her.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I think they both found in each other something they themselves lack. It’s actually kind of funny. Arturia is human, and yet she’s so heavily consumed by her ideals that she doesn’t act like one. Irisviel, on the other hand, is not human, and yet everything that she does and wants to do is exactly that.
Throughout the anime, Being with Iri puts Saber into such mundane, ordinary situations that it teaches her to live. The suits, the escorting, being a passenger instead of a driver, appreciating the water by the seashore, etc. It's like the woman wants to leave her with some appreciation for the world, especially when she herself doesn’t have all that much time left.
On Irisviel’s part, I think she found in Saber the companionship she would have wanted from Kiritsugu during the last few days she remained on the Earth. Arturia had been the perfect knight in shining armor, taking Irisviel around to see the world as much as they could amidst a war. If they’d just had more time, I have no doubt Arturia would have taken Irisviel even more places, you know?
It makes me sad :( but in a good way.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I’m pretty sure Irisviel would wear the pants in this relationship ya know what I mean? Hahaha
Much as I love this ship, I think that it becomes all the more valuable because of how it ended. To each other, they were this brief, fleeting feeling of happiness. A love that was so short and yet so strong.
Shirou x Arturia - Don't Ship it
Hooooooo boi. Hear me out, mkay ? But this is just my personal opinion so pls no hate
Why don't you ship it?
I’m gonna start out by saying I don’t think I need to, tbh. Hahaha there’s enough content for this ship being fed to us, so my liking it or not is immaterial. But the reason is well...I watched FSN and Shirou x Saber was...not the best thing about it (the best thing about it was the soundtrack omg iconic) Shirou comes off as a bit of a misogynist, and kind of immature, and the whole time it’s like he doesn’t really listen to Arturia at all. Plus, it’s kind of like he just likes her looks at times. The final deciding factor was the date scene. That was just unbearable.
But then I go online and I see all this good stuff about them. And my friend ships them cause they’re canon, right? So, I’m like okay, what if I judged too quickly, let’s play the VN...and I did. And I still didn’t like him with Saber at all. So, I played the next route, watched the next anime, trying to redeem 1st route Shirou as much as I could but it just....didn’t happen. I think I can safely say I tried to like them. I really did. But no.
What would have made you like it?
Removing the misogyny and the immaturity and letting him listen to her. Like he should have.
At no point in their interactions did it feel like they were standing on equal ground, ever. Either he was speaking over her or the opposite. So less of that and a lot more respect.
And when you compare this relationship to what he has with like with his other two love interests, it makes this ship fall completely flat. It’s pretty...bland and honestly kind of shallow. It’s like the story just tells you they’re in love but there’s no answer to why they’re in love. Make him fall in love with her for her without necessarily forcing his need to save everyone on her.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I may not like how they got there, but in the end Arturia was able to pass peacefully.
I acknowledge that Shirou was important and made a change in her life.
That ending scene where they meet after so long, NGL is pretty sweet.
A lot of my headcanons happen post-Shirou, so there’s also that.
Archer x Rin -Ship it
What made you ship it?
Tsundere x Cynic has gotta be one of the best dynamics out there.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
His true identity. The fact that she dragged him all the way across space and time to return as her Servant, that’s just bloody fate at work.
The fact that he keeps acknowledging she’s a strong Master despite his later conduct in UBW.
Archer is ridiculously crass and Rin is easily riled up. In the Fifth Holy Grail War, they had the best Master-Servant relationship period. They have this explosive chemistry that just works so well.
When he smiles at her at the end of the route, and you just know that Tohsaka’s gonna be stubborn enough to make sure Shirou doesn’t end up going down the exact same path.
I think it’s sweet that he ends up going along with her whims because he secretly likes housework.
Unlike the previous ship mentioned here, these two actually stand on equal ground with each other.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think it's exactly an unpopular opinion, but I think they really ought to have more official content y'know? Rin is important in every route, and Archer's the actual climax of UBW and also entirely significant across three routes.
Medusa x Sakura - Don't ship it
Why don't you ship it?
Because while journeying through the routes, I always saw Rider as more of a best friend/sort of motherly figure to Sakura.
Or that Rider fulfilled the kind of relationship that she wanted to have with Rin, while Sakura unknowingly filled the void Medusa's sisters left in her life. I thought she was more of a guardian angel really, not a romantic interest. Kind of like how Heracles was to Illya.
What would have made you like it?
If I could maybe forget about the threesome with Shirou and the implied romantic feelings Rider has for him in Ataraxia that would be great.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Sakura deserves all the happiness in the world and I really do believe that Rider could fulfill that.
Diarmuid x Cú - Ship it
What made you ship it?
oooh this probably sounds surprising since based on my content you'd think, no i dont ship this BUT I DOOOOOOO (i just happen to hc them as bros more often)
Honestly what did make me ship it is the parallels.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
IMO They have the biggest potential for hurt/comfort amongst all the ships mentioned here.
They can help each other get through their trauma. Their whole relationship would be extremely healing and supportive.
I love that Diarmuid seems to have idolized Cú Chulainn at some point and honestly who wouldn't be honored to stand beside him, no?
They could be up to the funniest shenanigans because Cú is chaos and Diarmuid would absolutely be an enabler because when he isn't angst-ing he's super damn chill.
Bros being bros hahahah...unless?
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not really. Maybe that I think Lancer Diar and Cascu would get along better and Saber Diar and Lancer Cu would also get along better but honestly any form is good this ship is good
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jennathearcher · 2 years
🎞 + the walten files
🎞 - what’s your fav scene?
oh my god there's so many
all the death scenes in particular are just HOOOOOOO but if I had to pick a favorite honestly I think it's Rosemary's death scene :P all the elements are just M W A H
the WHISTLEWHISTLEWHISTLEWHISTLE thing is echolalia food and holy fuck the way Bon's eyes move is just *shudders but also loves it*
and the reveal of what happened to her and the way the voice distorts just lkdjlafjkdjflaksdjflsdaf
also.......the phone call scene :P because of course 8D the way Jack just gets more and more frantic but you KNOW he's not even CLOSE to losing his shit completely yet and knowing what happened and what Felix was likely doing while Jack was leaving all of those messages it's just GUTWRENCHING
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id die for more camboy malec/magnus tbh. thoughts on when they finally get together? or any hot deets on what kinks they may try out?
I mean like i said, i like to think it's when they film themselves having sex in a more vanilla setting for whatever reason (maybe they just- WAIT SCRATCH EVERYTHING I JUST SAID I JUST GALAXY FUCKING BRAINED HERE
they get a request to do something with praise kink. like thats it. no humiliation, no intricate details or setting or fantasy, no toys, just plain old praise kink. "I just want to see Magnus getting fucked and praised. I bet he'd like that" - the requester probably. Same, tbh
it's way more lowkey than the stuff they have started to do on camera, you know. they're into some humiliation stuff, a lot of edging/orgasm denial, exposure - Alec will frequently turn to the camera and be like "dont you guys love seeing the way Magnus is my little bitch?" or, "you love being my pet slut in front of everyone, don't you? bet you're hoping that millions of people watch this, watch you get fucked like that-" but anyway, i digress.
the point is, theyre into some kinky shit, so that's usually what they do on camera. they leave the disgustingly sweet aftercare for the off-camera (theres something about it that makes Magnus feels way more vulnerable than he does when he's getting fucked in front of strangers) as well as their more "vanilla" or lazy sex. but a request is a request, and it's not like Magnus terribly minds being praised (or like Alec terribly minds praising Magnus, for that matter)
so, you know, they decide to do it, run the details of the scene over together, make their arregements and agreements - you know, the usual stuff for their job. making sure they're both comfortable and all. this one is pretty quick to sort out, since it doesn't feature a lot of potentially bad shit
it's just Magnus, wrists tied above his head, being worshipped and praised by alec
and hooooooo boy does alec worship and praise him. he's just running his hands all over Magnus' body, kissing him, massaging him, drawing these pretty dragged-out moans out of him, and telling him how beautiful he is, how much Alec loves hearing him, how much he loves his body. he tells Magnus he looks like art and smells amazing and that he drives Alec crazy, god, doesn't he know how perfect he is? How much Alec wants him? and Magnus is squirming under the praise and moaning and sighing so contendly and Alec rubs his clit slowly and kisses him, and basically, they're like, clearly making love
and they don't even realize it at first, because that's kinda what their off-camera sex usually looks like. but during that they are kind of deep in the fantasy and the fucking and each other, and they don't really realize how romantic and unbearably tender the whole thing is. and once it's over, they convince themselves it's just wishful thinking and their heads
but this time it's on camera. for the whole internet to see
and they don't even remember that, because they're so caught up on each other. and Alec keeps it up, eats him out, carresses his thighs, and Magnus moans and arches his beg and tells Alec he feels so good, and everytime Magnus sighs in content with the slow, but deep and satisfying way Alec eats him out, Alec moans in pleasure too.
and then once it's over Alec is just. lovingly stroking his face and telling him he did amazing and untying his wrists and kissing the inside of them softly. and Magnus is just boneless, perfectly content and satisfied, sprawled out like a cat.
and then Alec looks at the camera and kinda does a double take. it feels like their first time did, when he completely forgot they were supposed to be just working.
but he bounces back quickly and is all smirk and like "guess i wore him out- I'll let you guys know if there's any more action tonight" and turns off the camera and they kinda cuddle and that's it
meanwhile all the horny people who were watching the video have gotten diabetes and cavities, and are just like "hm,"
and then later Alec actually stops to watch the video (what? Its his job! And maybe he likes to rewatch Magnus getting fucked by him. Sue him) and hes like "hmm,"
because its so. jejduddidnd fucking OBVIOUS that he's ridiculously in love with Magnus, like, it's-not-even-funny in love. he kind of briefly wonders if Magnus knew all along and just. pretended not to. because uh jesus christ he clearly looks at him like he's the very foundation of the world
he's mortified for a while, and then he watches it again, kind of hoping that he's just panicking and it's not this bad (it is this bad). but then he sees that magnus- looks back at him the same way, when Alec isn't looking. that he is so responsive to all his loving touches, and doesn't seem uncomfortable in the slightest with them. he realizes magnus is making love to him back
so Alec is like...... okay call me crazy but i think i might have a chance.
so he calls Magnus and is all "so did you.... watch our latest video" and Magnus of course is freaking out because oh god Alec has seen the way Magnus looks at him and this is so bad because he knows Alec was just acting and playing it up for the requester but he had to go and lose himself in the fantasy and act like it was real and make their whole "friends-slash-porn-coworkers with benefits" thing weird. and Magnus is like "haha yea" and almost apologizing to him but Alec just takes a deep breath and, in true Alec fashion, just goes "so i guess it's out in the open. I fell in love with you. Do you wanna go on a date with me?"
and Magnus is like "of course! wait, what?" and Alec laughs himself hoarse at this response and Magnus tells him to shut up, he didnt process, he thought Alec would be mad at him, but yes theres nothing he'd have loved more. and they just keep teasing each other on the phone and making fun of their own oblivious selves and exchanging jabs until like, two am or something. they reluctantly let go of their phones to go to sleep and meet the next day for their first real date. and the rest is history
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tellywoodtrash · 5 years
khkt 07 - 09.08.19 lbs
on popular demand................
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i hate the title track of the show with lyrics. it's the singer's neha kakkar-esque voice i think. i only like the piano theme.
sona is too pure. no one in this show deserves her, honestly.
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but whew, the way he's looking at her.
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ravi bhaiyya is this show's khanna. instantly on bhaabi's side.
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cuteass fucks.
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the only valid sippys. protecc them.
lmao sona's house is soooooooooooooo extra.
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"baarish baahar ho rahi hai, mor ghar mein naach rahein hain!"
lmaoooooooooooooooo. sach mein, yeh ghar hai, ya goliyon ki raasleela - ram leela ki set?????
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hahahaha omg the lil headshake. i can't.
hohohohoho, symbolic removal of ghadi.
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aaaaaaaah that little reassuring blink he gives her!!!!!!!!!
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so soft.
ouff, he's soooooo moofat, no cushioning words, no sugarcoating.
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thank god he had the grace to apologize seeing her face change.
"dost toh aaj bhi nahi hai." oh. my heart. this is whyyyyy i want their relationship to have a solid foundation of friendship firsttttttttttt.
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sniff. sob. my heart.
"karan tumhare life mein abhi toh hai nahi; toh itna kyun affect karta hai tumhe?" says the guy who hasn't stopped dialing his ex's number for the last 4 years, and had a full-on weeping breakdown about her like, 3 hours ago.
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aaaaaaaand he's sliding into the next one.
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oh boo. oh baby. oh child.
raimaaaaaaaaa. iss show ki madaraati hui zinda (??) bhoot, jiske saamne aane tak koi sukoon nahi.
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ugh my heartttttttttttttt. he's so saddddddd. someone hugggg himmmm.
“kabhi wapas aane waali nahi” coz .......... she's dead? in a vegetative state? or just coz she got PR in amreeeka/canayda/austwayyylia and is never coming back to the motherland again coz "eeeeee, yeh kahan aaye hummmmm, how tackyyyyyyyyy"????
aise kaunse heere-jawharaat jade hue the raima mein, hein? ke iske baad hooooooo hi nahi sakta?
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lmao mummy ko bas bahaana chahiye to push her ship together.
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hahahahahahahahahahahha she’s worried kpk (sounds more like the plot of diya aur baati hum + roja?) waala scene na ho jaaye rohit ke saath.
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vimmi is as usual, my absolute favt. person on this show.
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this team-up is the most iconic and amazing ever. i love them both soooooooooo much.
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"samajhdaar toh main zyaada hoon nahi." self aware. good.
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sfdslksfjdslkfjlsdlfjdslffdj fanfic tropeeeeeee.
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hahahahahaha his petty ass. rohit, you very well know you didn't deserve her graciousness then.
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spoiltasssssssss malabar hill bratttttt.
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bowwwww chicka bow wowwwwwwwww
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the way he’s still looking at her even after she’s broken the moment!!!!!!!
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tacky ke bacche, teri toh main.....
lol i can't get over it that she has her show's theme as her ringtone.
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mummy is calling to ensure her child doesn't ruin the fanfic she's already 3 chapters deep into, in her head...
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lololololol malabar hill mein bhi light gayi.
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asdlkjdlaskjdlasjk too cuteeeeeeee.
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ugh this twit. isko dekhte hi mera saara mood kharaab ho jaata hai.
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lmao wtf rohittttttttt, why are you such an extraaaaaaaaaa freak????
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asalkdjsalkdjalkdjals itni jaldi baandh bhi diyaaaaa.
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like, there *is* a grownass dude living in this house, why not give his clothes?????
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aslkfjsdlkfjldskfjlsdkjf the jhadoo. lmaoooooo, i can’t with this idiot anymore.
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pls sona, i'm sure SOMETHING of pulkit's could have fit him!!!!
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lmao @ pari bitching about her unicorn slippers, and rohit explaining his weird immune system issues to her.
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[doorbell rings]
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"main toilet mein nahi chupunga, main keh raha hoon!!!!!!!" hahahahahahahaha
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suman should play desi narcissa malfoy. permanent expression of dung under her nose.
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and this dheent fucker tohhhh....
oufffffff no fighting early morning, pls!
i don't get this dad's character.... like he's all happy jolly nice and sweet with everyone, except rohit. it’s plausible of course, but like the polarity is just a little too much.
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just seeing this woman's face makes me wanna..........
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haaaye their silent communication.
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if you come for the Sass King™, you best not miss.
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oh ho apology.
when you gonna apologize to sona for shaking her like a ragdoll tho????
suman i need you to pls die at pehli fursat, you're really really really annoying.
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sippy breakfast excitement. honestly, waaaay too much enthu in the morning.
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lol gaye vimmi ke chances of seeing mahaepisode on large screen.
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pari is being a little snitch bitch. ugh i really cannot with these two Asshole Rastogis.
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lmao idhar toh ghanghorrrrrrrrrr blackmailing.
ouff ok i do not care about this painting nonsense. fwding.
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i do not care about this dude and his wife either. i don't even know the wife's name, that's how less i care.
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jesus h christ, is shirali styling this show?!?!?!?!?!??!? OH GOD WHY DIDN'T ANYONE WARNNNNN ME????? HOW COULD YOU PPL LET ME FIND OUT LIKE THIS??????
oh shit, now that i think of it, Irrelevant Sippy Brother™’s wardrobe is almost the same as shivaay’s..... all those atrangi suits. shit, i should have known!
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oh shiiiiiiiiit girl, you in LOVE love.
ugh don't care about pari and ISB. they give me michmichi.
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aye chup bait bey, literally no one is interested in your dumb character or what you have to say. ever.
lol sumit ko KPK mein netflix style prestige tv material chahiye.
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dr. sippy has wormed his way into sona's head, and she's questioning the drama of it all.
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oh shit that shady neta is calling.
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ugh it's an infestation of vile men around this poor girl. i feel like arming her with a can of bug spray to blast them all in their rotten faces.
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your wish is granted, sona!
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lmao the voiceover during the vamp's scene. i'm really loving the behind the scenes look at how these shows are made.
hahaha chachu got distracted by the cooking scene. saare ke saare sippys ek hi khet ki mooli.
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rohit is like chachu pls, it's not worth it, these ppl realllllly DO NOT care about accuracy, but akash just can't take it.
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"is baar MUJHE koi problem nahi hai." snort. medical scene hota toh abhi idhar bakheda khada kiya hota.
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rohit, pls know this is the exact emotion others experience when YOU start going on about medicine.
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lmao nethra is 1000% done with the sippys.
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ajit helpfully listing everyone's professions, in case KPK needs any consultants.
ohhhhhhhhhhh mama, i cannot wait till the sippys get to sumit.
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also look at the telepathy going on here.
chachu still ranting about how phitkari will not make cooker explode as he's dragged away by sippy bros ("arre gal gayi aapki dal, yaar....")
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the only time i'll support ISB is when he's up against this asshole.
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"yeh ranveer singh kaun hai???" lol kuch zyaada nahi hua?
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so far chachu has been most impressive with the intimidation.
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BUT!!!!!!!!! A NEW PLAYER HAS ENTERED GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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"bula; security bula. police bula. aur agar himmat hai, toh army bula."
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sumit gets points for trying to be intimidating, but oh man i can feel the tension building. aaj toh phitkari se bhi vispot ho hi jaaye.
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i just cannot fathom what its like to have THIS much arrogance and entitlement. must be soooooooo nice to be an upper caste cishet man with money.
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....................... sumit. serial mein kaam karte ho aur yeh baaaaaaaaasic sa serial wale plot mein hi phas gaye?????????? laakh lanat.
sona has same question.
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ok i have had enough of this sasta rahul roy. koi dafa karo yaar.
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"khamakhaa inke mamaji ko kyun disturb karein? iske liye toh hum hi kaafi hain."
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asjdlaksjdlaksjdlsk sippy strength.
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nethra is THE MOST unrealistic character of this show; coz no tellywood producer would be thisssssssss obliging to these shenanigans. like, can you even imaaaaaagine?
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oh pooja's here! i was wondering how come YK didn't come with sippy boys.
waise YK ki jagaah nishi ko aana chahiye tha. i would have loved to see her whoop sumit's ass from here to whatever backward bumfuck hellscape he’s from.
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lol adjusted her ring for maximum impact.
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oh i'm glad this relationship has been repaired!
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oh pls rohit yeh ainvayi ki naari shakti speech mat do. i hate when they make men do such performative bullshit. if they just HAD to have this, at least it would have been more believable coming from ajit or akash chachu, who haven't been shown to act like assholes to women around them.............
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and this idiot girl is falling for it. oh sona, aim higher pls. the bar is literally on the ground with you.
omg this speech is not ending onlyyyyyy. samajh gaye na bhai, bandh kar. tere ko hospital nahi jaana kya aaj?
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ajit is the tiniest sippy, but forever (ง'̀-'́)ง (ง'̀-'́)ง (ง'̀-'́)ง
he needs to meet gauri kumari sharma. they'd make the cutest pint-sized fighting team.
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*mais voice* aye challlllllllllllll naaaaaaa.
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i meannnnnn...... you coulda fired him at first offence, nethra. you're making this decision now, after his shit got to a whole other level? didn’t sonakshi deserve any of this when he misbehaved with her????? you're kinda responsible for enabling the godawful bastard till this point.
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........... were the sippys in a collective coma for the last two decades? like even if they don't watch it, who doesn't know that this is how tellywood handles actor replacements????
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rohit is on his high horse again. nethra is like chill tf out bro.
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ughhhhhh the fondness with which he's looking at her.
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"main dil ka doctor hoon, dil ka patient nahi. mere patients ko yeh sab khaana mana hai, mujhe nahi!"
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*takes biggest chomp of a samosa ever*
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sona’s reactions are most adorable.
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ohhhhhh my heart.
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ek thank you pe hi flat. ouffff, kya karoon main is ladki ka.
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ohhhhhhhhhh sheeeeeeeeeeeet, he saw the hoodie!!!
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"favourite toh hai, par itni bhi nahi. tum rakh lo." ughhhhhhhhhh cute; but again, girl have SOMEEEEEEE standards. you need to have some criteria other than "Y chromosome, age 30 - 40, occasionally polite to me."
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internetremix · 5 years
What are the crews thoughts on Game of Thrones???
Alex: i don't watch hbo i just go on twitter and get the full experience from 1500 very angry tweets about game of thrones
Kristen: Haha yeeaah these days you don't have to watch the show, you can just get it all via angry tweets and gif sets.
Atwas: Alex's method is the one I subscribe to as well, tbh. Maybe I'll watch the whole thing once it's over. Maybe not.
Kristen: HOOOOOOO I have feelings about Game of Thrones strap the fuck in.
I've been watching it with my dad since like... 2013? Which by the way watching Game of Thrones with your very conservative father is a weird experience and I don't recommend it but we're committed now, but uh anyway.
There's a lot of things I really love about Game of Thrones. I love most of the characters, the production value is amazing, it's beautiful to look at (until it's too dark lololol looking at you Battle of Winterfell), the music is absolutely gorgeous. The opening tbh makes me tear up as soon as the strings hit, it's just a really intense instrumental piece and I could honestly write an essay just about how that song makes me feel and what I feel like it's conveying and I'm a huge nerd.
But the show has had problems since like, season four? There's some real issues with how women are written in it, don't even get me started on how a whole lot of sex scenes magically became nonconsensual that were once noooot like that.And then there's the race issues and uh.... lots of little sloppy things getting sloppier as the seasons have gone on.
The thing that I find most frustrating is the post-books happenings, many of which, in theory, I wanted. But these things feel unearned, so they aren't what they should be. It used to be sometimes entire seasons would go to getting pieces around the board and then suddenly I guess Westeros is pretty fucking small and people can just fucking teleport or whatever. And then of course there's the stuff I didn't want, which is also happening, which feels worse because I'm like "this bad writing wasn't even a shortcut to something that might've been narratively satisfying".We're heading into the finale now and it's honestly kind of amazing just how much the show has absolutely imploded in on itself. I don't expect GoT to end happily, because it's not that kind of show. But I did hope that whatever tragedy or bittersweet victory we got would feel earned, and that's not happening. I was planning on rewatching the show once it was finished but now I don't want to- that's a huge timesink for something that ends up collapsing in on itself.
But at least we got Daenerys with her starbucks cup, which is my new favorite production fuck-up. Amazing.
Bro: Whomst with her what
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Juno: Oh No
Kristen: She finally got her coffee
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Uprising: I heard they kinda totally flipped daenerys' character around from what it was the whole rest of the show and that's kinda sad
Kristen: Yep. They claim there was foreshadowing and like. I can see how they'd claim that? But it wasn't well done. In the end her flip seemingly happened over the course of two episodes for very bad reasons.
Alex: “I am Not Here to Be Queen of the Ashes.”
Tex: I don't watch it so idk what's actually happening
Kristen: Neither do the writers
Alex: Daenerys became Mad Queen because someone gave her a venti for "Dennis"
Kristen: The ultimate "can I speak to your manager" rage
Alex: wait shit, i guess i should have answered this spam email from that one video i did
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Jojo: I like the dragon lady
Kristen: I have some bad news for you.
Jojo: Shh don’t spoil I haven’t watched... any of it
Alex: then i have some more bad news for you, you read this chat
Jojo: D arnit
Kristen: Jojo save yourself, don't do it. As I weep over the opening credits again and eat ice cream.
Phill: I loved every episode I've watched so far. the only problem is that western civilisation now has to deal with the equivalent of an anime going past the manga, and they're pissed.
Xander: RIP to all the parents who named their kids Daenerys
Kristen: Hahahahahaha. Honestly this only makes me want to name my kid Daenerys. I will not do it but man it's tempting. "WHY DID YOU NAME YOUR DAUGHTER AFTER THE MAD QUEEN??" "I have very high expectations."
Alex: "It's a boy!" "he is still daenerys"
Xander: The rumor come out: Kristen names daughter Murder God
Kristen: Please no, my kids can't have my name
Phill: Rumour come out: Kristen is pregnant
Xander: Kristen is pregnant?! STOP THE PRESSES
Kristen: Haha I am not. But I would like kids some day.
Kristen: I. Uh.
Alex: is kriscuit pregante
Kristen: Um.
Kristen: Yeah I'm pregnant with multiple hellspawn and I can't wait for my little bundles of bloodlust to burst forth so we can reign hell upon this earth
Alex: so, you know, average friday
Xander: Okay, but you don't have to brag about it. I mean like, you're pregnant, cool. Calm down.
Phill: You know, the American dream
Kristen: Hahahahaha. God that would be great.
"Okay so I've got the names all picked out."
"These are all the names of fictional tyrants."
Xander: Caligula Vladislav Trawcynski, get down here RIGHT NOW
Kristen: CALIGULA damn it is a shame Stephen would never go for that one
Xander: Okay but like phuck Stephen because Cal Trawcynski is a bitchin name
Uprising: queelag. my first daughters name.
Alex: and like dmp before you, no one but one person will get the reference, and i guess assume queelag is just a normal ass name
Xander: Just name your kid Cal. If Stephen asks what it's short for, respond with "How dare you speak to me."
Xander: Anyway, My daughter will be named Kristen. Kristen Rybitski. Because let's trap that name in pollock town forever.
Kristen: You monster
Xander: Even better: Kristen Trawcynski Rybitski. 
Or, in her most advanced form: Kristski Trawczynski Rybitski
Phill: You stop right there
Alex: skiskiskiskiskiskisskiskiski
Kristen: you are a monster
Xander: But to actually answer the tumblr question: It's real bad. I'm not super invested, but ultimately I don't care because HBO is about to get some amazing shows to replace it
Like Watchmen and His Dark Materials
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violentviolette · 5 years
okay but what is it about receptionists at dental offices being the most absolute pieces of shit? like is that a requirement for the job? to just be a raging bitch??
i made an appointment for my wife last week, when i made the appointment i double checked that they took our coverage and they said yes, they take aetna. apparently unbeknownst to me our coverage has two differnt branches, a private insurance branch and a medicaid branch. we have the medicaid branch. i didnt think there was a difference but hooooooo boy was i fucking wrong according to this upstart bitch.
i found this distinction out when, after giving her our insurance info, she came back to the window and literally sneered at us “um, this is medicaid” as if we didnt know and then proceeded to tell us that they dont take “that kind” of insurance. 
its been 7 hours and im still so angry. i kept my cool because my wife was already stressed and freaking out so i wasnt going to cause a scene but GOD DAMN did that take literally all of my fucking willpower because the entire inside of my brain was a five alarm fire telling me to reach through that window and spit in this womans face.
like ive never had a positive experience with a dental office receptionist. the last time i had to make an appointment, at a completely different place btw, i had to reschedule and that woman told me that she thought it was “incredibly rude” of me to reschedule when they had “done me a favor” by giving me such an early appointment because they usually make people with “my kind of insurance” wait a month.
like what kind of fucking bullshit
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deplcythebattery · 5 years
1, 3, and 7 for the Rocketman asks!
1: What is your favorite scene?
- hooooooo my god okay so this will take a while because I can't just choose one. Off the top of my head, Honky Cat is probably my favorite sequence, I adore the chaos and the different stages of Elton's journey to fame/money it depicts. The song is one of my all time favorite Elton songs too and all the little things Taron does, the little habits and movements and the tiny acting moments in that just blow me away, and I can't get enough of it. As an actor, watching Taron in that sequence fills me with joy and pride and envy (god if only one day I could maybe be half the actor he is) but the Elton fan in me? That part is kind of falling apart because that's when Elton gets addicted to drugs and becomes truly alcoholic and he thinks that's love. I could go on and on about Honky Cat okay
There are so many other moments I could relate to that broke my heart and I could see myself in. The suicide attempt at the pool? The lashing out in anger before Pinball Wizard? All the therapy scenes? Bennie and the Jets at the club?
But what I love most is the end of Yellowbrick Road where Elton marches into rehab, crystals and feathers falling, making the conscious choice to get better. That means so much to me. So fucking much.
(Honorary mention to the rooftop scene where Bernie doesn't ridicule Elton for leaning in but instead leans closer and goes I love you I fucking adore that too)
3: What outfit would you wear for a week?
- okay let's be real I'd wear any and all of his outfits I would fucking kill for any of them and I'm doing my best to live my life as fashionably and ridiculously as he does my fashion sense is There okay but the checkered jacket in Honky Cat is probably my favorite!!! I had to have it as my icon lmao I just fucking love it
I also adore both of the outfits where Elton is only wearing a gown, both the pink and the blue ones (no shirt, second time with pearls? Yes fucking please watch me do that when I get top surgery) also Bennie and The Jets club part of the scene that outfit was glorious and I need it
I would wear all and any of them for the rest of my life, including Bennie and the Jets queen outfit, not for only a week I'm not a pussy
7: Did you listen to Elton before?
- not too much, I grew up with a musician as my father who loves rock music so I heard Elton's songs throughout my childhood but I never actively listened to them on my own until I saw the movie (and it slapped me in the face, like the universe was calling me out and telling me to stop and think before I follow in Elton's footsteps and make all those choices myself and now he's all I listen to)
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babes-and-baddies · 6 years
LOV. memes. thoughts?
hooooooo my god yes i have MANY thots on the subject. this is completely a different tone than normal, but whatever. dont take it TOO seriously lol
Video game memes. Definitely knows who Fuckhands McMike is- but he also has decided that McMike is one meme the rest of the League can NEVER LEARN ABOUT. For safety reasons.
(They learn about it anyways. even Kurogiri refuses to call him anything other than McMike for a week. The other, less respectful members call him Fuckhands)
A total ‘LOL kek u triggered?’ type of guy
There is nothing you could do or say to convince me that Tomura wouldn’t be the type to vandalize Todd Howard’s wiki page- in fact, he’d likely try and use his underworld influences to allow himself access to the actual page. It’s a matter of pride.
‘like, nyan’
Surrealist memes. By that I mean, the type that genuinely make no sense, but you laugh anyways. Dabi is the only other League member who gets them.
Likes to take general meme formats and make them super-specific to her interests- they’re all super niche and shitty, but somehow they get really popular regardless. Often mistaken for a shitposter when talking about her life, despite her being completely serious.
A connoisseur of furry memes, often directed at/sent to Spinner. Actual conversation heard at the LOV headquarters:
Toga: *showing off furry meme*
Spinner: “You do know I’m not a furry right”
Dabi: “Yeah, he’s right, Toga. I believe they’re called scalies”
Spinner: “…I hate you both”
Vine references all the way. He’s the type to just suddenly start speaking in vine references without prompting. He’s so straight-faced about it, half the time those who don’t recognize the reference think he’s being normal but saying dumb shit; sometimes the others (usually Toga) join in.
If he’s gay/bi (personally I hc him as bi or pan, but that’s just me), he’s definitely the type to make dumb jokes about it whenever the opportunity arises.
Surrealist memes. Like Toga, he finds the stupidest shit funny. Sometimes he sees the most inane things and finds it hilarious because at this point his sense of humour is fucked.
‘that’s how it is on this bitch of an earth’
Dabs, but ironically
Not into memes per say, but he’s the type to make shitty puns whenever possible. Super sarcastic shit.
He tries to keep up with The Youth, but has long since learned it’s a lost cause.
You’d think Dabi would be the one who dabs, but no. Mr. Compress is.  (canonically)
I feel like he’s an older Millennial type who knows memes, but would often be old-school about it. Less vine references and more Can I Haz a Cheezburger.
He may not know the trends, but he knows the history. A respectable elder in the meme world.
Honestly. he IS the meme. As in, he actually is a meme, since his teammates (Dabi + Toga, primarily) have no shame and accidentally make a short video of him that somehow went viral after Toga posted it online. No one knows that they’re villains, and honestly, at this point it’s already out of their hands. 
(Jin doesn’t mind, though. If anything he’s proud of the whole ordeal.)
Has the ability to channel the pure energy of Danny Devito ala iasip. He has, on occasion, genuinely offered an egg in these trying times.
Basic, entry level memes. Knows all the big ones when they’re popular, and may occasionally learn a niche meme, but on the whole he’s quite respectably average.
nyan cat appreciation club member
Shitty GTA memes.
Lizard memes. He doesn’t particularly care about them, but by this point literally every lizard meme and lizard shitpost has been sent to him by the other league members so he’s just learned to accept it.
Knows memes, but is not super into them. She does generally enjoy vine though, and will happily laugh at any meme sent her way.
An honourable mention, despite leaving the villain scene early. He is definitely part of the meme generation, and as such the true scope of his memeing powers are unknown. Perhaps it was for the best he got captured when he did; while I do not know the exact nature of his memeing ways, they are undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with.
a memeless heathen
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childhoodtheme · 6 years
wtf all it takes is for me to see a screenshot from the betrayal scene in ep 11 and my heart will suddenly drop to the pit of my stomach and i’ll hear in my mind catra’s sarcastic “bye adora! i really am going to miss you” and the crack in adora’s voice when she screams catra’s name and the god damn background music which completely encapsulates the sheer hopelessness and despair of the situation hooooooo my god
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jhaskii · 6 years
Anyone can see who Jax's fave artists are. But who are her fave authors?
that’s a valid question 👀👀👀 i’m too much of a pussy to fucking tag them but here you go: (no particular order at all and @’s are by their ao3 handles)
ok this person archived their ao3 but their diayou & kanadiamari longfics were some of the first lls ones i’ve read and i LOVE the way they write, it’s so good… too bad they don’t make fics anymore…blease come back..
@/AleneShazam: OK LIKE. A LOT OF MY FAVORITE FICS COME FROM THIS PERSON. hello??? mmo youhane and their ongoing sequel??? every chapter update literally tears out my ribs by hand and kicks my exposed organs… it hurts but it’s ssososo  good. also they have an ongoing kanadiamari longfic too and HNNNNNGGGHHHHH
@/Fiorrella: at the time when i first read their fics, i didn’t really like yoha/riko that much but GOD their fics are one of the biggest reasons why i love them now. gorgeous writing too 💯💯💯
@/Uncle_Riko: they also helped get me into yohariko!!! catfish? that fic was iconic. a big fav. i absolutely love their youriko fics too, both “sailor talks” and “playing the part” are actually some of my overall favorites!!!
@/ZippyZapmeister: probably one of the few, or maybe the only, smut writer i feel comfortable reading from! i don’t read nsfw too often but bonnie’s the go-to. i actually really love the way their fics tend to have buildups and plot before the actual scenes and??? that’s so valid??? other than that, i love the way they write in general and their non-nsfw fics! they cater to a lot of rarepairs :^D
@/Shiny_the_Strange: GRANDMA!!! their first fic i read was “strawberry syrup” (yohariko) and i just HOOOOOOO HELLO??? they’re prob one of the first people i read diamaru from too 👀 love the amount of effort they put into their writing it’s so 😩👌
@/Swagyano: ema’s a big valid and their fake dating youriko fic is one of my favorites 💚 they also cater to a lot of rarepair ships which i really appreciate and they’re a fellow kanariko stan!!! please read their basketball/cheerleader au english is their second language but i honestly can’t tell the difference and their writing is great nonetheless!
i feel like…..there’s more writers but i either forgot their name or they didn’t come to mind yet KLSDHGKLD
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S1E20
Oh yeah, when I first recorded my reactions to the Ogre arc in this show, it was super late at night and it was on my birthday a few weeks ago. 
Not a good plan.
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post.
“He [Reggie] fell out of a window.  He’s dead.”  Yeah, you [Selina] pushed him out!
“And what happened tonight, you [Bruce] tell no one.  Not your buddy Detective Gordon, not your butler.  No one.“  *rage sniff*
Freaking... Selina!
*Ed beats the snot out of a couple watermelons*  Havin’ fun there?
Shiiit, he’s [the Ogre] after Gordon!
*Lee finds out that a cat broke into her apartment*  Keep the cat!  KEEP THE CAT!
“Either I [Jim] give up, like everyone else and live, knowing I let a killer go free or I keep on, and someone I love is killed.“  Barbara!  What about Barbara?
*slaps hands on desk with each word*  Why hasn’t Jim told Lee about Barbara yet?!?  What about Barbara?!?
“But I [Lee] do like that you [Jim] think of me as a loved one.”  “I do. Love you.“  *whimpers*
This is adorable ugghhh!
He’s [the Ogre] gonna go after Barbara!  I hate this!
I hate this!  UUGGGHHHH!!!
Barbara should not be allowed anywhere near clothes with fringes ever again because they look bad on her!
When you have long hair, don’t wear fringes with it!
Where’s Victor [Zsasz] been this whole time?  Shouldn’t he be doing continuous updates on Oswald’s club?
“Mr. Nygma, it [the bruises on Kristen’s arms] is none of your concern.“  He- oh my God- he [Dougherty] is abusing her [Kristen]!
[Ed] Give her your watermelon basket!
I like Bruce’s composition notebook that he carries around.
“I [Bruce] won't be alone. I've invited Selina Kyle.“   Aaaawwww!
“I mean, you know I mean, [Bruce] you're a healthy young lad and she's [Selina]  a very pretty young girl with a penchant of wearing, well, a little too much leather.”  “Alfred, it's not like that.“  Haha!
We’re gonna get another Bruce and Selina dancing scene?  Yay!
There’s nothing ominous about that waiting room [at the plastic surgery center] at all!
"’I specialize in fake boobs, but I got ethics. I need a warrant.’“  Hahaha!
“Detective.  I [the Ogre] didn't get a chance to say hello properly in the alley.“  Shoot.
Lee, blue looks good on you.
*Bruce sends numerous dress bags and shoe boxes for Selina*  Oh my GOOSSHHH!
“Van Groot- that's one of Gotham's oldest families.“  I AM GROOT!
*Maroni invites Oswald to sit and drink with him and Gertrude*  UUUAAAGHHHHH!!!
*repeatedly slaps hands on desk in panic*
“Hello.  Bruce Wayne.”  Aaww.
*Selina comes out in her dress*  Oh it’s pretty!
*absolutely squees when Bruce gets speechless over Selina*
Aah, that was cute!  Aah!
Take a shot every time they say “GCPD!”
Oh my God, they killed the mom [Constance van Groot]!
*Harvey finds her body laying in bed*  She’d been dead for a while!
‘Course there’s a thing [sculpture] made of ice.
Tag yourself, I’m that lady going “Aaaw!” over Bruce and Selina dancing!
“My son- he made one mistake.  One.  Anything else is lies.“  Really?
“I [Selina] guess that's where we're different, then.  'Cause if I had to do it again [kill someone], I would.  And it wouldn't bother me one bit.“  Oh my gooossshhh!
“I [Ed] saw the bruises [on Kristen].”  “And?“  And you’re [Dougherty] an abusive douche!
“I won’t let you hurt her.”  *slaps desk with each word*  ED!  DEFENDING!  KRISTEN’S!  HONOR!
“Later, Riddle Man!”   *sighs*  I know, I’m mad too, Ed.
“She [van Groot] was deranged. Cruel, even.“   Was she blonde [like the Ogre’s victims]?
“My son [the Ogre] is not a bad man.”  ...Are you sure about that?
He [the Ogre] had a facial deformity?  Ooohhhh....
OK yeah, at this point, I can’t stand Oswald’s hair... man...
There were a couple of goth girls at my old high school who had like that same color of hair
*gasps when Maroni threatens Gertrude with a knife*
Yo, nooooo no no no!
Ed, nooo.... that’s the wrong way to do it [look after Kristen]!
“I know what it's like to be one person on the inside, and have the world see another.  I lived like that.  And it almost destroyed me.  I can see it destroying you.“  *groans in panic*
*slams hands on desk*  Ho my Godd..... oh God...
I like this lighting in this scene [where Ed confronts Dougherty]
*gasps when Ed accidentally stabs Dougherty*  OH NO NOOOOOO!
“Oh dear.  Oh dear!”  OH DEAR INDEED!
“Oswald, have you done things you should not?“  Yes!  A lot of them.
Man, the acting in this show is really good despite all these painful hiccups from the writing room
*jaw drops when Oswald kills the delivery man*
Oh my God... AAAHHH!
*Oswald drags the delivery man’s body out*  That’s a lot of blood!
“ [The Ogre] Told me [Jim] not to believe my own press as the rising star of the GCPD.“  Barbara!”
*Jim realizes that the Ogre is after Barbara*  Thank you!
*Selina confirms the sketch to the Ogre*  Shoooooooot!
“Why?  Who is he?”  A serial killer!
Barbara, get rid of the beehive on top of your head.  Right now.
My God, they better not be pulling some “Fifty Shades of Grey” shit on us, I swear to God.
*End title pops up*  AAHHH MY GOD!
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abandonedabandoned · 7 years
WKM Livestream Live Thoughts
WKM Remastered
I wonder how much the house they rented costs
how MUCH is that TYYYler in the Windowwww
Y/N Districy Attorney, Yancy Nancy, Yes No District Attorney
Chef is the same dude? Maybe
Not looking forward to the breakdown scene
1st person videos is marks brand
how ELSE will they know hes the mayor
“Life is for the living”
“Life is ours to choose”
“Life needs a bit of madness”
The dance foreshadows EVERYTHING??
Detective pointing fingers
Mad at Mark
Damien is in the “upside down”
Chef is scary but working
All the detectives partners die, some in ironic ways
awww Ethannn
Kernal and Detective fight
GUN GUN GUN, oh russian roulette
The only one who cares is Damien
“the wife of ninja brian” What
out of the bluUUUUE
life is ours to shoOoOeEes
The skin color was just lighting, alright
who ARE all those dudes
‘killed’ doesnt do lightning
1:30 is an important time
Mayor is LEGIT upset
Kernal aint give a shit
Canon he HAS been in jumanji
broken wine? broken wine
1 am, and the rule of three?
hes been friends with kids
WITH mark since they were kids, ALSO with kernal too
so its NOT in 2017
Plenty of experience on the matter
“Not even all in the same day”
Kernal and Celine ran off
on the second floor and you go to the first???
thats not dark glitch, ah
i love how they keep saying Whip
tasteful wilford nudes
mark and wilford grew up in the SAME HOUSE
wants to provide for his family AND THEYRE ALL DOLLS IN HIS TRAILER thats actually cute
he wanted to be a tv chef!!!!!
shes trustworthy bc shes a pretty lady
celine jesus fuck
the placement WAS intentional!!
“why DOES markiplier is killed??”
“damien and celine are brother and sister” :v? possibl?
god this stream is so long
i love the gardener
ethan what the fuck
this is the greatest scene
she is possessed at this point and damien was with her when it happened
chef and george are bff’s someone draw that
celine did not kill damien so theres that
tyler never show that photo again
butler voice: fuck this shit im out (mmhmmmm) fuck this shit im out. i dont even know what the Fuc just happened, i dont even care, ima get the fuck up outta he(fuck this shit im Out)
its the upsidedown!
i LOVE the stalker wall for this
ive been watching this for like six hours straight
the house didnt want you to see it yet!!!!!
ohhh the newspapers arent canon shit
fun fact i tried to dial the phone number before i realized it was the FUCKING SONG NUMBER
i spell it as kernal no matter what mark fuck yall
:( wilford
oh my god they were roomates
thats a Dog. Go pro. mount.
iT wAs An AcCiDeNt
“madness” thats called Psychosis
thats Not mark saying its not fair
ok thats damien
celine stopped damien from talking about this
shot thru the heart. and youre toooo blame
did.... mark do all that stuff to himself?
emotion room emotion room
fuckin crazy echo chamber house
mark didnt think celine would be there
Dark is not celine and damien
Mark wanted to frame Kernal
wilford was sitting there with the cane and your body the entire night
dont break my heart again
im gonna fuck the house
“this is terrifyingly sad” YEAH MARK IT GAVE ME A PANIC ATTACK
OH dark Is damien and celine??
Clue -> Nightcrawler -> Origin Story
in conclusion FUCK YALL
mark asked kernal to drink, offered a game of russian roulette, 
thats marks canon tho
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