#hoozuki's coolheadedness
boymagicalgirl · 2 months
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Tezuka's Black Jack reference in S2 of Hozuki's Coolheadedness
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happycricketbox · 1 year
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I've been reading Hoozuki's Coolheadedness :)
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bellamer · 1 year
I feel like if these two met, they'd engage in in the nastiest, freakiest, weirdest sex. Like some "Close that window you're letting all the stank out" type.
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Kusuriuri would straight up be like "You better call into work tomorrow cause I'm about to suck the soul outta you."
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memo-logue · 1 year
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HKTK 2023
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hoozuki-michaelis · 1 year
It's hard for both demons to expressed their feelings for one another. So, both Hoozuki and Sebastian often spending their night reading books about how to understand each other and often writing poems and letters about their feelings in their notebook.
I can only imagine if Hoozuki tried to send a bunch of Haikus for Sebastian and he replied those Haikus with another British styled poems
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tuliharja · 1 year
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Megane Hōzuki.
Artwork: @tuliharja
Note: I’m fine with reblogging, but ask me first for my permission, if you want to repost my artwork.
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obscureanimeoftheday · 5 months
Obscure Anime of The Day:
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Hoozuki no Reitetsu
Aired: 2014
Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Seinen, Supernatural
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Where are the HnR oomfies at I am so lonely.
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doyouknowthisanime · 3 months
Do You Know This Anime?
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onikiribattousai · 2 months
Alastor: I've already sent good vibes your way, they're coming. There's nothing you can do to stop them.
Hoozuki: This is the most threatening way I've ever been cheered up.
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its-a-livie · 8 months
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Honestly this manga is the funnies thing! It’s what got me into japanology in the first place. It’s so fun and educational and twisted at times, and the characters are loveable yet unstable af… I love it sm!
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mokokone · 22 days
Mine! |Hozuki x Reader Oneshot|
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A/n: Decided to write something for this cool-headed oni. Hozuki needs more love.
Summary: Reader-chan has been avoiding Hozuki and he's had enough.
Paring(s): Hozuki/Fem!Reader
Warning: Fluff, jealousy, confessions, possessive behavior
Word Count: 1,148
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There's rumors are going around Jigoku (Hell) that Hozuki, the hardworking and highly respected top assistant to Enma Daioh, may have a soft spot for you.
It's difficult to imagine that such a serious and hardworking demon would take an interest in someone like you. It seems almost impossible that he would develop feelings for someone to the point of wanting to pursue a relationship.
It may seem unbelievable, but unbeknownst to you, Hozuki has been making it clear to everyone that you were off limits and he's courting you.
You are an oni who worked under the Fourth King, Gokan, alongside your older brother, Shosaki, who served as an executor for the dead. Whereas, your task is to assist in delivering documents of the deceased after their souls have been judged.
Over the past few months, you have been collaborating with Hozuki. Initially, you found him intimidating, like most people do, but now, you find yourself naturally drawn to him whenever you would pass by the fifth ward. You found yourself enjoying his company more and more, appreciating the insightful conversations and valuable advice he would offer during your visits.
His unique perspective and equanimity added a refreshing dynamic to your work together, making each interaction with him a rewarding experience.
"Are you leaving already, (Y/n)-chan?" Hozuki asked as he approached you just before you could walk out the door. You turned around to face him. He wasn't carrying his Kanabō as you nodded to him.
"Yes," you replied, and Hozuki nodded, his expression thoughtful.
"How's Shosaki?"
"He's been well. He actually asked about you; he hopes you getting enough rest and not overworking yourself."
"Tell him not to worry. I'm perfectly fine." He reassures.
"I will... Well i have to get going now," You smiled politely. "Take care Hozuki-san, hope to see you again soon." You say, thanking him for his well wishes.
However, before you could turn around and walk out, Hozuki stopped you. "...W-wait!" He suddenly exclaimed, gently grabbing your arm, making you stop and glance at him in question.
Hozuki wasn't quite ready for you to leave; his reluctance to see you go was evident in the way his gaze lingered on you. You're beautiful, he thinks, the way your kimono hugs the curves of your body so perfectly.
"I..." He starts but balks, as you noticed a small tint of red aligning his cheeks. "Listen, if you're not busy this evening, would you like to join me for dinner?"
You feel your face heat up at his words. He made it sound innocent enough, but the thought of having dinner with him made you somewhat anxious.
"I mean, if you want too?" He inquired.
You blushed before averting your eyes.
"S-sure," You shyly agreed, eager to be freed from the burning touch of the gorgeous demon in front of you. "I would l-love to."
Despite his stoic expression, your words pleased Hozuki greatly, as his heart beats rapidly in his chest. The feeling of joy that washed over him was undeniable, a rare occurrence for someone who often kept his emotions in check.
Though, he wished you would lighten up more around him. Sure, he knows he can be intimidating, but that doesn't mean you have to be shy around him. He silently hoped that you would realize that beneath his tough exterior, there was a kind soul yearning for connection.
"(Y/n)-chan, long time no see!" Suddenly came the voice of Nasubi, as he entered the room with Karauri trailing behind him. "How have you been?"
"Hey (Y/n)-chan." Karauri greeted you.
You immediately turned away from Hozuki, who'd let go of your arm as you acknowledged the two demons.
"Hey there, Nasubi, Karauri; it's good to see you guys as well.♡ I've been well." You tell them sweetly, flashing them toothy grin that displayed your fangs.
Both Nasubi and Karauri swooned at the sight. You're so damn cute that your presence alone filled the room with warmth, leaving them both in a state of pure bliss.
Meanwhile, Hozuki was gritting his teeth in annoyance. As he watched the interaction between you, Nasubi, and Karauri, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Despite his best efforts to remain composed, he couldn't shake the feeling of irritation that simmered beneath the surface.
Of course, he's glad you'd agreed to join him for dinner, however, Hozuki wished you would smile at him like that. He couldn't help but wonder if you found him scary or uninteresting compared to the others.
"When it's me...she doesn't..." Hozuki mumbled under his breath, making you turn your attention back to him.
"Hm? You say something, Hozuki-san?" You asked.
"Excuse us!" The cool-headed demon exclaimed to both Nasubi and Karauri as he suddenly grabbed you by your hand, making you flinch before dragging you off.
Once alone and outta sight, you're immediately pinned against the wall as Hozuki cages you with his body and his right leg in-between your thighs. Your heart races as you feel the heat emanating from his imposing figure.
"Ah~ Hozuki!? Wh-what are you doing?" you stammered.
"Why do you smile around others but not me? Do you not like me?" He growls, his piercing gaze locking onto yours.
"It's not... um, not like that, Hozuki. I do like you," you replied honestly, trying to steady your nerves under his intense scrutiny.
"Oh really? Then why do you always act shy around me? Am I that intimidating that I make you uncomfortable?" He inquired, baring his fangs as he leans in closer to your face.
You felt a shiver as his warm breath brushed against your lips. Cursing internally, you bit your lip as Hozuki shifted his thigh between your legs, his knee coming close to touching your womanhood.
"I...I," you tried to explain, struggling to focus on coming up with an excuse. There's no way you could tell him that you secretly desire for him to take control in every aspect.
Upon seeing how flustered you are, Hozuki chuckles, a sly smirk crossing his lips. "Oh, I see how it is. You want me to completely dominate you," he said tilting his head sideways. "Want me to make you mine?"
"Don't play dumb. I'm sure you're aware of the all rumors going around Hell. How I want to court you." He purrs.
Heat pooled in you lower belly as your heart raced, Panicking, you tried to push him away but he grabs both of your wrists, pinning them above your head and towered over you. His knee now pressing against you, hiking up the hem of your kimono and rubbing against your womanhood.
You moaned softly, feeling a rush of fear and excitement as you stood there, utterly defenseless in front of this overpowering demon who seemed poised to consume you at any moment.
"Hozuki-san~" you whimpered, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you locked eyes with him, your expression a mix of desire and trepidation.
"You're mine." With those possessive words, he leaned in and captured your lips in a heated kiss, claiming you completely.
You moaned, feeling a rush of desire coursing through your veins as his lips moved hungrily against yours. The intensity of his embrace left you breathless, lost in the heat of the moment. In that instant, all that mattered was the undeniable connection between the two of you, a fierce passion that refused to be denied.
The world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you locked in a timeless dance of desire and longing.
"Hozuki-kun! Where are you?" Came the voice of Enma Daio, echoing through the empty corridor.
Soon, both Hozuki and you heard gentle footsteps approaching, the sound growing louder with each passing second.
"Fuck!" Hoozuki snarled, and you could hear him clicking his tongue in frustration. His grip on you tightened for a moment before he releases you and pulls away, causing you to whine from the loss of heat.
Graphite eyes looked down at you, making you blush as he leaned down and kissed your forehead before removing his knee and helping straighten your kimono.
"This isn't over," he said. "I'll come get you once my shift is over."
With that, he kisses you again before walking off to go and greet Enma Daio, to whom he'd shot a sharp glare, making the King of Hell raise a questionable brow.
Enma, noticing Hozuki's sweaty and flushed appearance, inquired about his well-being as they made their way to the throne room.
"Hm? Why are you so sweaty and red, Hozuki-kun?" The King of Hell asked with a concerned expression. "Are you coming down with a fever?"
Meanwhile, you were definitely looking to you dinner date with the cool-headed demon.
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bellamer · 2 years
Something something, this man Hozuki is a secret freak in the sheets but he's waiting for someone to willingly drink his brain tissue miso soup, it's a sign that he's met a fellow possible freak in the sheets
Also, unpopular headcanon: Hozuki is a submissive so 😜
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webginz · 1 year
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i saw ppl make these with genshin characters and it was funny so i did it with hozuki & hakutaku
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mangatxt · 1 year
title: 🔥 eighth circle, third door to the left 🔥 (4.8k words, 1/2 chapters)
fandom: mob psycho 100
relationship: serizawa/reigen, serizawa & everyone
warning: major character death (kind of) (they're in hell so...yeah)
details: rated t, demon au, corporate au, employee/boss relationship, first meeting, humor/satire, found family, pre-slash, getting literally fired from your job
collection: written for serizawa week 2023
summary: It's Serizawa's first day on the job. He heard his boss is a real demon, but that's a good thing when you're the newest recruit at HellCorp. [Serizawa Week 2023 Day 2 - Fashion / Official Art]
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hoozuki-michaelis · 1 year
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No context, just two demons staring at each other
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