#hope this makes sense LMAO
devotioncrater · 8 months
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here's my OFMD S2 delulu conspiracy board for possible endgames & their Gay Mess Risk Assessment. based from S1 + first 3 episodes of S2
the Gay Mess Risk Assessment is informed by how these four characters intersect and relate to one another
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aramais · 1 year
I will admit though, seeing people call jay their least favorite brings up some interesting discussion about the differences in her characterization vs chip & gillion’s. the latter two are more ‘obvious’ in their presentation - chip is a trickster who ultimately has a heart of gold, and gillion is a warrior with a self-sacrificial attitude that comes from his religious trauma. this is absolutely not to say that they’re cliché or uninteresting, but that they more easily fulfill character niches that fandoms easily endear themselves to - or in other words, they’re more ‘blorbo-able’. think those uquizzes that try to determine your favorite character archetype.
conversely, jay is more understated - especially at the start of the series. we know now that she was putting up a front as a double agent, but that made it harder to determine what her ‘deal’ was, which definitely informs people’s first impressions of her. and while she’s gotten her big character development episodes now, they haven’t had as much resolution as moments like gillion’s confrontation with the dunjon elders or chip’s decision to stay with his crew. instead, jay’s moments like escaping her father or calling her grandmother were ended with an underlying sense of tension.
thus, her conflicts aren’t as clear cut because her sense of self and relationship with her family - two of her character’s driving factors - remain muddy and hard to pin down. this does not make her a better or worse character than chip or gillion, nor liking those two more mean someone is unable to appreciate subtlety. it’s just that her development is more gradual than milestone based. that means that for those who tend to be drawn to characters with more striking narrative arcs to follow, which is common in fandom, jay is a less appealing option.
that being said: jay ferin the world ‼️‼️‼️
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planetdream · 9 months
thoughts on the svt members and exhibitionism GODDDD
the first two to come to mind are my gemini besties <3 i think jun and hoshi are both kinda perverted about it. in my mind, soonyoung will literally whip his dick out in front you, usually at times that he isn't supposed to—like in a dimly lit section of the club, or right before he goes to answer the door, knowing fully well that someone is on the other side—touching himself with hopes to tease n distract you (and perhaps garner the attention of others); but never lets you touch him. you can only marvel at him, beg him with your eyes but regardless he's not going to do anything (until later, maybe, if you're in the club or at semi public place; i think hoshi would like public sex (and on a completely other note, he has definitely mooned someone before)). junhui, I think, is quite similar. he wants to be gawked at and admired as if he were art. maybe even worshipped, or treated indecently. he thinks that posing nude for an art class might intrigue him, wonders what it'll be like to have all those eyes on him, drawing him, some people in the class perhaps focusing extra on drawing his dick to accuracy (also probably wonders what would happen if he gets hard with all those eyes gazing on him). is more than likely into nude beaches.
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locallygrowndaikon · 2 months
Woah this is actually pretty sick
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landograndprix · 1 month
What’s your view on what Lando said about trump?
I want to start with; this man has like one braincell and I doubt that thing even worked for a single second last night with the high he was probably on
that being said, I do wish he'd shut his mouth for once. I've got to admit that I've been big time uneducated about the last few months when it comes to trump, biden and all that but I do know that man doesn't deserve the light of day.
I'm also convinced lando doesn't know a single thing about his own politics in the UK, let alone know anything about politics in America. Or is even slightly interested in the whole thing (I doubt any other white, privileged race driver is)
could he have said anything else or nothing at all? Absolutely but if your CEO is all 🥰 yaaaaay trump in the house omg 😍 I doubt anyone in the team would've said differently.
If there's one thing I learned more than anything this year is that I've stopped with putting high standards on any of these men & apart from lewis, I can't think of another driver who wouldn't have said the same thing or something similar.
I'm not trying to talk things right and I'm not trying to baby him. That's a grown man and should be held accountable for the bullshit that leaves his mouth but there's also no bad intent with what he said. And this man just won his very first race, I doubt he cared about anything else for the day.
I've gone through so many emotions yesterday with trump showing up, Charles dabbing up Jake Paul (still disappointed in you jetta) and child predator James Charles traumatizing Max.
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nonuggetshere · 7 months
I heard you talking about scenarios concerning your AU, specifically this one. And I had this question a few times but like, did Flower have a cryptid pregnancy or what? I feel like it would be noticeable if they were carrying or if they disappeared for a few hours to lay them. A bit more of a really, really dark turn of events, they just don't lay the eggs in time and get sealed with them... You could probably imagine the absolute hell that would be...
In these AUs specifically Flower doesn't look obviously pregnant just for the convenience. Like if they weren't wearing clothes it'd probably be a little more obvious but otherwise they don't look it. It's not exactly a cryptic pregnancy because they are aware of it they just don't show obvious symptoms and manage to hide the ones they do have.
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hwiyoungies · 11 months
there's a good example for this whole age "discourse" thing. say it wasn't kpop but rather some disney star, let's go with miley cyrus when she was doing hannah montana, she was 13-18 when she was doing that show, a show that was crearly meant for an audience of a similar age, so if any adult was investing any big amount of time of that it did raise some eyebrows because why are you watching a show that is meant for kids when there's content made for you (there's a lot of nuance within that as well but still). sure you could've enjoyed the songs, maybe watch the show with a kid from your family but you never invested any more time on it besides that because you were not the target audience. the difference with kpop is that they're putting kids of the same age range miley was when doing that show, but the target audience is not the same, it's adults, it's whoever wants to consume kpop, so at surface it seems like there is not any issues with it because, hey, if i'm the target audience why can't i enjoy this? why can't i spend my day enjoying this content made by teenagers even if i'm an adult? if you take all the context out it's odd no matter how you put it. "but context matters!!!!" sure, it does, but shouldn't the safety of the teenagers matter more? shouldn't we be more worried about why these companies keep debuting younger and younger kids instead of if we're being accused of being a weirdo? like ask yourself why is it weird to possibly like a disney show but not weird to like a kpop group with teens the same age as the disney star as an adult
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illfoandillfie · 2 years
A Different Kind of Eduation: D Is For Double Penetration (Chapter 11)
Pairing: Professor!Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
Series Summary: After being broken up with for not being kinky enough, Reader seeks out her professor to give her some private tutoring so she can win her boyfriend back.
Chapter Summary: Roger's kink lessons continue with a quick exploration of a few different topics.
Warnings: Modern AU, smut (18+), slow burn romance, dom/sub dynamics, dom!roger and sub!reader, professor x student sex, dialogue heavy, biting, hair pulling, nipple clamps, spanking/slapping, discussion of choking (though none occurs in the smut), anal sex, double penetration, light degradation (use of whore/etc), some discussion of dom!reader x sub!roger, sex toy (dildo)
Words: 11,699
A/N: boy howdy it's been a little while huh. Anyway, I'm still working on this series, it's just taking longer than anyone expected fjskfjskfs. Hopefully I can have the next part up a little quicker but 🤷‍♀️ who knows.
As always *** indicates the smut scene though there is a little bit of a demonstation of the nipple clamps and biting before the smut, during the theory part of the lesson.
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Taglist: @labessieisallama​ @deakyclicks​ @jennyggggrrr​ @drowseoftaylor​​ @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely​ @ilovequeenmorethanyou​ @johndeaconshands​ @borhapbois​ @stardust-galaxies​ @cherries-n-rocknroll​ @rogersslave​ @scorpiogemini
@80s-roger @libsterslobsters @okilover02 @cjand10 @dealorgirl32 @youngpastafanmug @onceuponadetectivedemigod @zeida​ @demo-wise​ @yuillfandomqueen @tie-ur-mother-down​
It wasn’t until you were back home that you began to feel weird about the oral sex Roger had encouraged you to try. You sat at your desk, laptop closed in front of you, and stared into space thinking. You weren’t really sure how to feel about it. It hadn’t been bad but part of you wished you had enjoyed it more, enjoyed it as much as you usually enjoyed what Roger did to you. But then when you thought about it more, you couldn’t help but feel worse that you’d wanted to enjoy it when you’d never really enjoyed it with Dylan. He was the whole reason for your lessons with Roger. If you enjoyed oral sex with anyone it should be him, so maybe it was for the best you’d not loved it from Roger. The conflicting emotions swirled around your head so, in an attempt to distract yourself from how it felt, you opened your laptop to go through the notes you’d taken. Afterall facts were facts no matter who had gone down on you. Plus, it was something of a ritual you had anyway – tidying up the hurried notes you took in class, highlighting things that would be of particular use or that you needed to focus on in your revisions. At first it was something you just did for your uni classes but since the tutoring with Roger had included so much note taking, you’d found the habit useful after those lessons too. The only problem was that you couldn’t seem to find the page of notes. At first you were just confused, checking you hadn't accidentally saved them in the wrong folder but, as you thought about it, it slowly dawned on you that you’d not made any during the lesson. And that made you panic. Without the notes there was nothing to prove it was a lesson. And that was the whole agreement you and Roger had come to – he would lecture you on safe BDSM practices and you would make notes and then do the practical part of the lesson. But if you didn’t take notes then was it really a lesson or were you just sleeping with your professor? A small distinction perhaps but it felt huge in that moment.  
You let the panic wrap you up for a minute, eyes out of focus as you stared at the screen. Of course, the first time you’d done a lesson on oral sex you’d not made many notes. Roger had said it wasn’t an easy area to do theory on because you knew about it already so by that logic the receiving side of oral should be the same. You let out a thoughtful hum. Perhaps if you’d been doing straight face sitting, without the stool, Roger would have spent more time talking about the safety side of it and you’d have been able to take notes. He had talked about blindfolds a bit, but you’d sprung that on him and he probably had more detailed information that circumstances didn’t let him get to. Perhaps he’d retroactively teach you about blindfolds in another lesson, or maybe the next time you had your period and weren’t up for doing practical lessons, you could ask him to go over it again so you could take notes. The more you rationalised it the less of a big deal it seemed. So by the time you were ready to go sleep you could barely remember why you’d been panicking at all. And by the time your next tutoring session rolled around you were quite excited.  
You glanced at the curriculum before you drove to Roger’s house, but the previous week’s surprise lesson had thrown the plan out of sync, and you weren’t sure what Roger would cover – whether he’d abbreviate or skip what was meant to happen the week before or if he’d stick to his plan only a week out. You’d intended to ask once you arrived at his door but he’d distracted you with an odd demeanour. He was all friendly banter and loud laughter like normal but it was almost too much, like he was overcompensating for something. You might have been left to wonder what had happened except that one of the first things he thought to ask was whether or not you’d remembered your laptop. And then he’d asked again halfway through dinner, as if to double check. You suspected he was as thrown by the lack of notes taken the previous week as you’d initially been and determined to take twice as many this week to put him at ease. So, when you did finally move to his study, you’d already begun pulling your laptop from your bag before he could remind you to. He smiled at that and seemed to relax, tension falling from his shoulder as he picked up a whiteboard marker.  
“So what are we doing this week, Roger? I had a look at the curriculum but I wasn’t sure what your plan would be since last week was so....off book.”  He let out an amused breath through his nose, “Well, my original plan was to start something last week and continue it in this week’s lesson but I think we should be okay to do it all in one hit. I want to go through a few smaller things with you. Things that often wouldn’t be the focus on a scene but can be used to enhance one in conjunction with bigger things like bondage and impact play.”  “Like what?” you asked, curiously.   Roger started writing things on the whiteboard as he spoke, “I want to cover biting, nipple play, hair pulling, and breath play.” He hesitated for a moment and turned back to you, “There's one other thing. It’s not quite the same as the others but I’d like to at least talk about even if you don’t want to include it in the prac.”  You waited a beat, leaning forward in your seat.  “Double penetration.”  “Oh! I know what that is!”  Roger blinked, surprised by your outburst, and then laughed, “Well that’s half my work done for me.”  You laughed too, sinking back into your seat.  “I know I just said these things aren’t likely to be the focus of a scene but double penetration, or DP, can be. And I was thinking our prac could experiment with DP and use the other things we cover to enhance the experience for you. Plus I think it’s a small enough topic, since it’s really just combinations of other sorts of penetration, that we can cover it alongside the other things.”  “Okay, if you think we can get through it all then I’m up for it.”  “Let’s start then, with something easy. Something we’ve already tried a little of. Nipple play.” 
You were halfway through writing the heading when you paused to ask a question, “Isn’t nipple play just like....playing with nipples?”  “Very astute,”  “You know what I mean,” you said with a small eyeroll, “How much theory can we go into when it’s just touching nipples. We’ve done that just as part of foreplay or wrapped up in other kinks.”  “That is a fair point,” Roger conceded, “I suppose a more accurate title for this part of our lesson is nipple clamps.”  Your eyes widened but you edited the document without a word.   “So, we’ve talked about how pain can cause pleasure for some people, and we’ve played with that idea in regard to impact play and bondage. Clamps are related to that sort of area of BDSM, especially the bondage stuff. I'm sure you’ve heard of them before.”  “Yes but I’ve not tried them.”  “That’s probably not a bad thing because they’re one of those BDSM things people assume are a lot less dangerous than they really can be. But first lets clarify one point. There’s a couple of different things people can mean when they talk about clamps. The one a lot of BDSM beginners are familiar with is the clothespin, the same sort you hang laundry up on a line with. Typically wooden, very cheap, easy to get a hold of. On the next tier, if you’re willing to spend a little more, there are alligator clips that you can buy from sex stores. Those are worth the money because they’re usually adjustable so you can change how tight the squeeze on the nipple is. And a lot of brands put silicone or plastic “caps” over the points of the clip to make them a little less uncomfortable.”  “Isn’t discomfort the point?”  “Yes but you don’t want to much discomfort or things stop being sexy and just start being the bad kind of painful.”  “Okay, so clothespins and alligator clips. Any others?”  “Well next is what we call tweezer clamps. I’ve got an example of those.” Roger dug into his pocket and pulled out two thin metal objects.   You held out your hand and Roger dropped them into your palm so you could get a closer look. They were small and had a tweezer shape except there was a bar across the middle connecting the two arms together and each arm was capped off with a purple silicone bit.   “These are good for beginners because they’re generally a little gentler than the other sorts. More of a squeezing sensation although they can feel a bit pinchy too. Easy to adjust – you just move that bar closer to the purple ends to make it tighter. And these ones have cute little heart shaped charms dangling from the end which is always a plus.” He paused so you’d have enough time for his humour to sink in. “These are the ones we’ll be using if you do want to try them. But theres two other types. Magnetic, which are little balls that, like the name suggests, uses magnets to attach to each side of the nipple, and clover. Clovers tend to be used more in hardcore pain play, torture scenes and that sort of thing. They have a spring hinge which keeps them in place but also causes a very intense pain sensation.”  “But we’ll just be sticking with the easy ones?”  “Yes. Would you like to give one a go now? You know I like to demonstrate during our theory.”  “Okay,” you said, curious about the new toy. Besides, it was better to figure out now if you liked them than halfway through the prac scene when it came to that.   “You’ll need to, um, expose yourself. Just a little.”  You quickly took off your bra from under your shirt, setting it down on the desk beside you.  Roger moved around the desk to better reach you and then asked you to stand so he wouldn’t have to bend over.  “Here, hold this up,” he said softly, pushing your shirt up so he could see your breasts. You watched him more than what he was doing, caught him smiling as he looked at your chest.   “They really are very nice tits,” he said softly, cupping them gently.  You pressed your chest out further, the compliment making you feel all tingly and warm.  Roger cleared his throat as he moved to play with your breasts, drawing his thumb over one areola. “Gotta make sure the nipple is hard enough.”  “Of course.”  “Actually...”  Surprised laughter bubbled up in your throat as Roger leaned forward and took the nipple between his lips, swirling his tongue around it. His hand wrapped around your back to keep you steady and close as he worked on stiffening the nipple, licking and sucking at it. You melted into him, not getting an abundance of pleasure from his actions but enough to make you feel light and happy. It was almost disappointing when he stopped, wiping away some of the excess saliva with his fingers.  
“Right, now that it’s hard,” Roger said, valiantly trying to find his professor voice again, “here’s how you put a clamp on. First off, you’ll notice these tweezer clamps have long arms and the dangly bit on the end so you want them hanging down. Different sorts attach differently and may point up or to the side but these ones should point down. So hold the silicon tips under the nipple and move them up until they fit on either side. Everyone’s nipples are different though, so some people find this easier than others. Spit can help just to slick things up.”  It felt a little odd as Roger eased the clamp into place but only because he had to jiggle it around a little to get both sides comfortably in place.   “And then, once it’s situated, push the middle bar up. That’ll tighten the clamp which means it shouldn’t fall off even with some movement. Tell me if it gets too painful though.”  You nodded, watching as Roger adjusted it. As the bar rose higher the squeeze of the clamp got more pronounced and you had to stop him when it was roughly halfway up, the sensation verging on a tight pinching.  “Good girl,” he said, brushing some of your hair back, “How do you like it?”  “It’s kinda strange but not bad. Feels...tight. Not sure it’s all that arousing yet though.”  Roger chuckled, “No, well, as I said clamps are mostly used to enhance other kinks or even just otherwise vanilla sex. You’ll feel more the longer they’re on.”  “Do I get to put one on you? Or is this a chicks only thing?”  “Oh you definitely get to put one on me.”  You giggled as Roger handed you the second clamp and lifted his shirt up.   “Fun fact, Me-” his voice cracked and his breath stuttered as you leaned in to replicate the attention he’d paid you, pressing your tongue to his nipple.   “Go on, what's the fun fact?” you said, pulling away just enough to be able to speak before licking at him again.  “Uh, um, well, some women can actually achieve orgasm through nipple stimulation,” he paused again when you hummed in agreement, “b-but actually it’s entirely possible for men to- to, uh, do the same.”  “Very fun fact,” you giggled, moving back again, “I think it’s hard enough now.”  “Yes,” Roger shifted, briefly palming himself though he tried to be subtle about it, “I think so.”  You smiled to yourself as you lined the clamp up with his nipple, “like this?”  “Yeah, just like that. Now tighten it. Tighter. Y/N, this is not my first time with clamps, tighten it more.”  “Alright, alright,” you said, pushing the bar higher.   Roger told you to stop when it was close to the top of the arms, virtually right under his nipple.  You flicked the little dangly charm which made Roger breath in sharply, “it suits you.”  “My old mistress said the same thing.” 
Roger dropped his shirt and you did too, noticing that the clamped nipple was more sensitive, the fabric brushing against it enough to send a shiver down your spine.   “Some safety stuff and then a couple other points I want to quickly mention and then we’ll take them off. So firstly, clamps are not designed to be left on for more than eight to fifteen minutes depending on the type and the person’s anatomy. I tend to err on the shorter side as well, just to be safe”  “What happens if they’re on too long?”  “Well, for one thing, the longer they’re on the more painful they can become. But, more seriously, because they’re applying a lot of pressure to a very small area you run the risk of losing sensation in the nipple entirely or even causing nerve or tissue damage. Which is why I said they’re more dangerous than a lot of people believe.” He let you finish typing those notes before he said, “Now a couple other things just to be aware of in regard to nipple play. Some clamps you can buy will come on a Y shaped chain that has a third clamp designed for a woman’s clitoris. It’s exactly the same as clamping your nipples but probably a bit more sensitive. And definitely don’t leave it on for extended periods of time. There's also a toy called a nipple sucker which works similarly to a clamp but it doesn’t have direct contact with the nipple, it goes over it and makes a seal around the nipple which draws circulation to the area and makes it extra sensitive. It’s a somewhat gentle alternative if the pain of a clamp is too much, and in fact I find they can work a little better since they can also encompass the areola which is actually more sensitive than the nipple itself.” He paused, “I think that’s everything I had on nipple play accessories. Obviously you can use things like feather ticklers and bullet vibes and all sorts of things as well, but the clamps were what I wanted to focus on. So why don’t we take these off and then we can move on to biting.”  You nodded and Roger walked you through removing the clamp. Even just sliding the bar further down the arms made your breath catch as blood rushed towards the newly freed nipple.  Roger hissed as he removed his clamp too, “Feels good right?”  “Yeah,” you said softly, although the sensation was already beginning to subside.  “Wasn’t expecting that to give me a semi but I guess we’re both learning things today,” Roger said thoughtfully, but before you could do more than giggle he said, “Let’s move on so we can get to the prac. Biting.” 
“How much can you really teach me about biting?” you asked. It seemed like it barely registered as a kink.   “Well, I did intend for all of these to be somewhat brief.” Roger gave you a look over his glasses before pushing them further up his nose, “So officially it’s called Odaxelagnia. And it does count as a form of sadomasochism, albeit a mild one.”   “Really?”  “Absolutely,” Roger said seriously, pushing his glasses further up his nose, “Biting can range from light nips through to skin piercing chomps. In fact, there's a whole chapter about it in the karma sutra which lists eight different styles of biting.”  “Eight?!” You exclaimed, surprised, “Isn’t it all just skin between teeth? How can there be so many different types?”  “Well, some of the differences account for pressure or how firmly you press into the skin. That’s the difference between softening a bite with your lip or using both jaws to press hard. And then some of them are things like scoring or dragging teeth along skin or creating a hickey. I’ve added a PDF of the relevant Karma Sutra pages to our files but what I really want to focus on for the moment is the safety aspects. I’d say there are less risks involved with biting than some of the previous areas of kink we’ve looked at, but there's a few things to be mindful of. Any guesses?”  You thought for a moment. Biting wasn’t something you’d ever really considered the safety aspects of and the only thing related to biting you could think of was the marks left behind. You weren’t sure it was what Roger was referring to but you suggested it anyway, if a bit haltingly.   “Trust yourself more, Y/N, marking is definitely important to consider.”  You smiled, feeling a little proud of yourself.  “Marking can be a big part of why people enjoy biting. It can be a way of conveying affection or even ownership if that possessive dynamic is a turn on. But not everyone likes being marked and sometimes even if they do, they have obligations that dictate where they can be marked. It might be they have to work the next day and their uniform doesn’t cover an area, or they might have a massage or gynaecologist appointment booked in and they don’t want to deal with the awkwardness of having a big bite mark on them. Human teeth marks are very distinct, recognisable, and hard to explain. I know you were okay with other marks but would you be okay with bite marks?”  “Yeah, absolutely. Although I'd prefer them to be easy to hide.”  “Luckily a lot of the best places to bite are easy to cover up with clothing.”  “Is this like spanking where there are parts of the body that are safer to hit than others?”  “Yeah, it is. Basically you’re looking for anything fleshy that’s not too close to vitals – arse cheeks, stomach, biceps, thighs, breasts.”  “But isn’t neck biting like, super common?”  “Absolutely. But I’d put it in the slightly more risky category. Places like wrists and back of hands, genitals and nipples, lips, tongues, earlobes, and yes, neck. Basically they’re still quite common places to use your teeth but you want a bit of a softer bite because there's less fatty tissue in those places to protect you as much. Shoulders are another place good for biting but you want to aim for the meaty areas and not where the bone is sitting.”   “Huh,” you said, fingers fast against the keys, trying to get down everything he’d listed when you paused, an idea occurring to you, “Is there a difference between inner and outer thighs? Because the inner thighs are more sensitive so it stands to reason you’d need to be more careful with them.”  “That’s a good point. I think the insides of the arms and thighs are some of the places to be most careful. You’re right in pointing out they’re more sensitive and, while they are quite fleshy, they do also hold a lot of arteries and veins so are more prone to bruising and, worst case scenario, a too hard bite could cause internal bleeding there.   “Holy shit.”  “But that’s why we talk about things first and why we’re careful about how hard we bite. Generally the biggest worry with biting is if you’re breaking skin.”  “Wait, like, making them bleed? People do that?”  “Of course people do that. Blood play is not something I intend to go into with you, but it definitely does exist. And biting can be a fun way to approach it. It opens up all sorts of vampire or werewolf or other monstery creature role play scenes. But skin breaking can be accidental too. Sometimes a tooth that’s chipped or broken can be sharper than normal and can cut skin without as much pressure as would usually take. And sometimes the person you’re biting just has easily damaged skin. So it’s always a good idea, whether you intend to break skin or not, to brush your teeth before a scene you know will include biting. As you would know, the mouth has a lot of bacteria in it, and the last thing you want is for a bite mark to become infected because of it.”  “I think the last thing I’d want is internal bleeding but I see you’re point.”  Roger laughed, “okay yes, that’s probably true.”  “How do you know what a too hard bite feels like?”  “That’s a good question. I’m not sure you can always tell as the biter, but there's a few things you can keep in mind to help stay in a safer zone. Bigger bites are going to be less risky. The space between the jaws effects the overall sensation and the further apart the jaws are when they start the bite, the less of that stingy type of pain you’ll get. Bigger bites tend to be more about pressure than pinching the skin. Plus it’s easier to do bigger bites on fleshier parts of the body where theres a little more protection anyway. But the good thing is most people will give you some sort of pain indication as you bite them. If someone starts saying ‘ow, ow, ow, fuck’ it's probably a sign you should stop.” 
Roger watched as you finished typing your notes and then asked, “How would you feel about a demonstration?”  “Where would you bite me?”  He hummed in thought, “Do you have a preference?”  “Well, my bra is already off, and my boobs are usually mostly covered up so maybe there?”  “I could do that. I promise it won’t be that hard and I’ll try not to leave too much of a mark.”  You gave a jerky sort of half shrug, “I said I don’t mind if you marked me.”  He smiled softly, “I will be very happy to mark you properly during the prac, when I know I can reach places no one else will see. But I don’t want us getting caught.”  “Yeah, no, me neither. Whatever bite you think is best Sir.”  Roger groaned, “If you’re not careful Y/N I will have to take you over this desk before we even finish the theory. Now stand up, lift your shirt up and stay still so I can bite you.”  You did as he asked, thrusting your chest out more as he leaned in towards you, trying not to look too pleased at how riled up he was getting.   Roger dropped his eyes to your breasts again. His hands rested on your waist but slowly rose as he leaned in, as if he were trying to get as close to cupping you again as he could without actually doing it.   You drew in a deep breath as you felt a warm puff ghost over the top of one breast, the one the clamp hadn’t been on.   Roger licked over the spot and then quickly pressed his teeth in.  You gasped as you felt the pressure increase, the sensation not quite painful but verging on it. If Roger pressed even a little harder you were sure it’d cross that line into a more pinchy and painful sensation, but he didn’t and so it remained just a pleasant squeeze.   He held it for a couple of seconds before he released you again, licking over the spot once more to sooth it.  
When he stood back up, wiping a little saliva from his lip, his eyes focused on the spot he’d just bitten and you looked down to examine it too.   There was a small mark, a light indentation where his teeth had pressed. It made you feel oddly pleased.   “It’s not deep. It’ll probably fade before you leave. Looks good though, if I do say so myself.”  You nodded, grinning at him, “I think it’s only fair if you get a matching one.”  “I remember when you used to complain about demonstrating things on me.”  “That was different,” you said defensively, dropping your shirt again, “I know Dylan wont ever let me handcuff him to the bed. But I bet he wouldn’t complain if I bit him.”  “Mmm, and how does that explain your excitement about the clamps.”  “Oh that was just because I like teasing you.”  “We’ll make a switch of you yet, Ms Y/L/N.” Roger chuckled, “Where do you want to bite me?”  You felt warm and blushy and had to look away, the eye contact you’d been fine with a second before suddenly too much, “Umm, I don’t know.”  “What about my arm?” Roger asked, clearly taking pity on you and already beginning to unbutton his shirt.   “You’ll tell me if it’s too hard, yeah?”  “Of course,” he pulled one arm out of its sleeve, his shirt hanging off him as he stretched it out towards you.   Moving closer, you gently took his arm, one hand at his wrist, the other under his upper arm. You’d touched his arms before, squeezed his biceps as he’d fucked you, felt the muscles move though they were softened by age and infrequent activity. This was different though. You could see the goosebumps that broke out as you touched him, feel his pulse quicken under your fingers around his wrist. You heard his breath as you leaned forward in a quick move and closed your teeth on his bicep. You pressed down with your teeth a little more, just a little firmer, and then let go, replacing the bite with a soft peck of your lips.  When you glanced up at Roger, checking if you’d done alright, he was stood with closed eyes and a furrowed brow. It was a delightful sight that made your stomach do a backflip, and suddenly you were eager for his theory lesson to end.   “I think that looks alright,” you said to get his attention, tracing a finger over your toothmarks.   He cleared his throat and angled his arm to better see it, “Yeah, very good. That was a very good bite. Not too hard at all.” He still seemed a little dazed, so you returned to your seat, trying not to peak at his crotch to see if he was any harder.  
Roger still seemed a little flustered but he pushed on with the lesson.  “Hair pulling next. This is another thing people often try to copy from porn. The problem is, professional porn is all staged and they aren’t really pulling people’s hair, it just looks like they are. So there's a lot of misinformed people pulling hair in unsafe ways. What image does the idea of hair pulling in a sexual situation conjure for you?”  You thought about it for half a second, “Well, a woman on her hands and knees being taken from behind. And the man grabs the end of her hair and tugs so her head is pulled back.”  “That, I would say, is the same for a lot of people. But, it’s the wrong way to do it. Tugging back like that will put enormous amounts of pressure on the sub’s neck and, if it’s done too hard or too fast or in the wrong direction, it can severely injure them. There are cases of hair pulling gone wrong that have led not just to pinched nerves, but also to fractures and breakages. It’s very serious and very important it’s done correctly.”  You were becoming less and less shocked at how life-threatening poorly performed kinks could be, so you barely batted and eyelid at Roger’s dire tone as you noted it all down.  “The correct way to do it is much more controlled, but the dom also needs to know their own strength and be very calculated about how much strength to use. This’ll be easier if I demonstrate as I explain.” He moved towards you and held his hand out with fingers spread wide. “Basically, think of your hand like a big comb. You want your fingers spread so you can get a proper fistful of hair. The more hair you grab the less likely you are to break it or pull it out of your partners head. Then start at the nape of the neck...”  You shivered as he moved out of your field of vision, his hand moving into position and then sliding higher up your head.  “Keep your hand as close to the scalp as possible, you want to be grabbing hair near the roots not the ends. Then when your hand is at the back of the head, or the crown, tighten your fist.”  There was a tug as Roger did exactly that and pulled his fist back. His grip was tight and you felt the pull against your scalp but it didn’t hurt too much and there was no strain on your neck.   “Now,” Roger let go and gently brushed your hair back into place with his fingers, “you can also grab hair at the sides of the head but generally speaking that feels less pleasurable than the back of the head. Also, it’s not always easy to do on anyone that has shorter hair but lucky for the both of us, I like a little length.” He grinned and ruffled his own hair which nearly reached his collar, “So why don’t you stand up and try giving mine a tug.”  You stood and gave Roger took the seat.  “Show me your hand,” he said when he was ready, humming in approval when he saw your spread fingers.   His hair was soft and your fingers slipped easily through it as you dragged them up his scalp. It was easy enough to grab a fistful and it didn’t even occur to you to be worried about doing it wrong. You felt totally confident in his instructions and your ability to follow them. And you were gratified to hear Roger make a little sound in the back of his throat as you tightened your fist and tugged gently. It made your cheeks warm and your stomach flutter in excitement. He really liked when you took control and you were beginning to think you might too.  
“Very good,” he said as you extracted your hand and he was free to stand up once more. “How’d you find it?”  “Oh, yeah really good. Umm, I could definitely feel how much control that method gives the dom and the security of it. Very different to what I’d initially expected.”  “Good, that’s exactly right. That control can be very useful for making a sub stand up or kneel down without putting excess pressure on their neck or shoulders. And it leads us nicely into the final thing I wanted to show you today – breath play, specifically choking.” Suddenly any hint of the playful, teasy, excited tone Roger had had during his other explanations was gone. He seemed much more serious and it made you sit up a little straighter in your seat.   “At the risk of killing the mood a little, this is the most dangerous thing I’m going to show you today. Possibly the most dangerous thing I’ll show you in any of our lessons. It’s not something I play with a lot, though I do have some experience on both sides of it. But I’ve only ever done it with people who were experienced doms or subs and had done training about being safe with it. And this is not something I intend to include in any of our scenes. I am showing you today because, like a lot of what we’ve been over in this lesson, choking comes up in porn a lot and lots of people want to try it. Which is fine, it can be hot and exciting, but a lot of people don’t do it properly and I want to make sure that if Dylan ever suggests it, that you will know how to be safe with it.”  Surprisingly, you hadn’t been all that worried when he’d mentioned it was dangerous, but it was still a relief to know he didn’t intend to take it further than this one theory lesson.   “Do you want to have a guess of why it can be dangerous?”  “Well, I’d assume because you’re cutting off air.”  “Exactly, yes. Although, if you’re doing it properly it shouldn't be restricting breath but causing a compression around the blood vessels. But even so, as we already know, the neck is somewhat fragile so there's a lot that can go wrong with choking. Problems don’t always come from the technique either, but from how it’s applied. It’s very easy to restrict for too long, or for the choking to aggravate an underlying medical condition. Sometimes the sub will pass out which isn’t inherently a bad thing but can result in injury if they collapse and hit their head or break something. And choking can make it very hard to communicate properly in regard to safe words or signals. Breath play is very easy to miscalculate and there have been instances of people being killed when they play with it. Not just beginners either. A little while ago the kink community was shaken when a person who was very BDSM experienced accidentally killed their long-term partner because they got the timing wrong. So, when I say this is dangerous, I mean it.”  You nodded solemnly, deciding choking was probably not something you’d ever seek to do after this lesson.  
“So the first thing we should look at is why, if it’s so dangerous, do people enjoy choking?” Roger paused, making sure you were taking notes again, “It’s all about endorphins. The restriction of air or blood makes the body release endorphins which trigger a high of sorts. And if you time it right and that high syncs up with orgasm, it can feel pretty mind-blowing. In addition to those biological effects, there’s also the psychological aspects. Choking, and all forms of asphyxiation really, are what we call edge-play. There’s a very intense threat of death which is followed by a huge rush of relief when you don’t die. It can also help people feel quite grounded because it’s hard to think of anything outside of that moment and so every day stressors become meaningless, and you just feel good. Which can be very nice, especially for people who find it hard to stay out of their heads during sex.”  “But still, all that danger. Is it really worth it?”  “That’s up to the individual to decide. There are no fully safe ways to play with asphyxiation but there are some ways to make it safer. When choking someone it’s important to be mindful of where you’re putting pressure. I said before you don’t necessarily want to cut off breath so don’t put pressure on the front of the neck.” Roger drew his fingers alone his throat to demonstrate. “You want the pressure to come not from the palm, but the fingers at the sides of the throat.” Again, Roger demonstrated, wrapping his hand loosely around his own neck and tapping his fingers where they should sit. “That’s going to cut off carotid arteries and so blood flow.”  You nodded as you wrote it down, “And how long should you do it for? The nipple clamps had a time limit on them, is this the same?”  “Not quite. Different people will feel the effects at different rates. Suffice to say, the longer you hold it, the higher the risk is. So instead of squeezing and holding, it’s better to do a series of short hold and releases for a few seconds at a time. It can also be a good idea to learn how to track arousal and timing of orgasm so that you can choke during climax but not in the leadup. And be mindful of how tight your grip is. One of the secondary issues with choking is suffocation hours later from internal swelling cause by a too tight squeeze.”  “Yikes.”  “Yeah, pretty much. There is one method I’ve used in the past which simulates a similar feeling to choking without placing hands on the neck. Instead you cover the mouth and nose with a hand for no more than 30 seconds. And to amplify the sensations you can apply a very light pressure to the sternum. You still have that control and the sub still feels the breathlessness and the thrill of pushing their limits, but it's a bit less likely they’ll pass out or cause irreparable damage. And then there’s also faking it. Placing a hand against their throat but with no actual restriction or pressure. The dom has to be very aware of themself and make sure they’re not accidentally squeezing, but again, it’s a slightly safer way of approaching choking that will give you similar sensations without quite so much risk.”  “And of course, safe signals would be important.”  “Of course. A tap out is a very popular signal but another chocking specific one I’ve used in the past is eye contact. Because as soon as you start to lose consciousness, you’re going to lose that eye contact and the dom can stop what they’re doing before it gets too far.”  “Are you going to demonstrate on me?”  Roger pulled his lower lip between his teeth, “If you want me to I can. I wouldn’t squeeze or anything, just show you how the hand should be positioned and how it should feel.”  “I’d be okay with that.” Your voice came out in a near whisper, the gravity of the topic making it hard for you to speak much louder.   Roger nodded and stepped back in close, swallowing audibly before he raised his hand and lay it against your neck. His fingers lay along the length of your neck on one side, his thumb firm on the other, just under your jaw.   You raised your head so he could have better access and felt his position alter just a fraction.   “So, what you want to feel is this,” Roger said softly, pressing his fingers a little firmer into your skin. It lasted all of two seconds but it was enough to make your heart race.  “Now will you demonstrate on me?”  You nodded as Roger pulled his hand back, standing up so you could better reach him. He stood still as a statue as you tried to imitate how he’d placed his hand, fitting your fingers against the side of his throat.  “Little higher,” He said softly, adjusting your fingers. When he felt you were more correctly in position, he lay his hand over yours and pressed down on your fingers to simulate the way you should squeeze. “See?”  “Yeah.”  Roger held your gaze for a moment longer and then let you pull your hand back, “So what do you think about it?”  “I’m not in a rush to do it any time soon.”  Roger nodded in agreement, “It can be quite confronting.”  “I mean, I think I can understand why it would appeal to people. It goes along with a lot of the stuff that we’ve talked about before – control and power dynamics and that – but it just seems so scary compared to spanking or whatever.”  “Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And I did really want to make sure you understood the risks involved in this one because it is something that a lot of beginners want to try. But it’s also something that can be sprung on you out of nowhere if your partner isn’t communicating properly. Studies have been done in the UK and a high percentage of women said that they had experiences with choking where it wasn’t discussed, it was just something their partner started doing without letting them consent to it or without talking it through first. And I’m not trying to say Dylan would do that to you, but I thought it would be better if you understood it fully before it came up with him. Anyway,” Roger was quick to move on, “I don’t want this lesson to end on such a heavy note. Although, if you’re not overly horny anymore I would understand. So let’s finish up with a quick chat about double penetration.” 
“I’d be okay with trying DP.”  “Oh good,” Roger said, slipping back into the more relaxed and playful tone he’d had before the choking part of the lesson. “There’s not a lot to go through that we haven’t already touched on before in our lesson about anal. Obviously not spreading bacteria from one hole to another, that sort of thing. But what we can discuss is how you might like to try it and if there's anything else we covered today that you’d like to incorporate into the scene.”  “Well I like the idea of including some biting and maybe the clamps too.”  “Absolutely we can do that.”  “Maybe a little impact play too? Nothing too heavy but a couple of spanks could be fun if we’re doing anal stuff anyway.”  “So you’d want to do anal and vaginal penetration? Or we could do oral and one of the others if that appeals more.”  “I’ve got nothing against oral if you want it but you know I prefer the other stuff more.”  Roger nodded, “Of course. But if we’re going to do this, I’m going to need a second thing to penetrate you with.”  “Shame I didn’t bring my plug with me.”  Roger chuckled, “Good thing I bought something else for you,” he pointed to the drawer bult into his desk.  You opened it curiously and pulled out a dildo. It was comparable to Roger though not as girthy and perhaps an inch or so longer. Plus it was a deep purple colour.  “I’ve already washed it so it’s ready to go whenever you want to get started.”  “I’m ready when you are.”  Roger chuckled, “I think you know I’ve been ready since we started playing with the clamps.” 
Roger followed you to the bedroom, pausing briefly to make sure he had both clamps. But you hadn’t even reached the bed before he was grabbing you by the waist and twisting you around so he could kiss you.   Your responding giggle soon turned into a gasp as his teeth scraped along your lip, the kiss rough and needy and only deepening as he took advantage of your parted lips. His hands slipped from your waist down to your arse, squeezing and tugging you in tight enough that you could feel his reignited semi pressing against you.   Blindly you reached for the hem of his shirt, releasing an impatient noise into his mouth as you pushed it up.   “Okay,” he said quietly, breath a little ragged after how thoroughly he’d kissed you. He pulled back just far enough to discard his shirt and then his pants, watching closely as you mirrored his actions.  Your bra had been left in the study and Roger sighed appreciatively when he saw your breasts fully exposed. Within a matter of seconds he’d surged towards you again, hands a little chilly but the warmth of his mouth making up for it as he kissed your chest, dragging his tongue over your skin and lightly nipping you with his teeth.   You shivered as his mouth trailed up to your collarbone and then your neck, continuing the assortment of kisses and light bites that left you warm and tingling. It was hard to think under such sensations but you knew you liked what he was doing so you pressed against the back of his head, wanting to keep him close, your other hand at his back.  Finally he found your lips again, sufficiently distracting you from his hand sliding through your hair so that when he tugged on it you let out a surprised little moan.   Roger chuckled and used his grip to tilt your head back, his other hand moving to straighten his glasses.   You were expecting him to speak, to make a comment about how easy you were to dominate or how much fun he was going to have toying with you. Instead Roger just looked at you, his gaze shifting across your face. He must have been able to make out some expression of submission or excitement because he looked far too pleased with himself as he gently righted your head and gave a little tug, directing you to walk backwards towards the bed. 
You had to blink a few times, his proximity and the feeling of your hair in his fist enough to make you melt as he ordered you to sit on the edge of the mattress.   Roger smirked at how quickly you obeyed, following up one order with another as his hand and his words directed you to lay back, legs still over the edge of the bed.   Laying back made you lose sight of him but not for long. Within seconds he was leaning over you. Not straddling, not laying on top like you might have wished for, just leaning over.   You reached out and managed to wrap a hand around the back of his neck, tugging him down into another kiss. His hair brushed against your fingers and you couldn’t resist the temptation, sliding your hand into his hair the way he’d shown you to.  Roger made a sound against your lips that might have been a moan and so you did the only thing that you could think of and reached out to the front of his pants. The purpose of the lesson had abandoned you and all you could think about was how much you wanted him.   Carefully he disentangled himself from you, loosening your fingers from his hair, and shook his head.  You would have complained except Roger chose that moment to make the clamps appear again, holding them up so you could see. Instead you breathed out an, “oh,” and nodded encouragingly at Roger.   He was gentle as he could be as he used a little saliva on his fingers to slick your hardened nipples and slid the clamps into place, slowly tightening them to roughly the same point he’d tightened the one during the lesson.   “Don’t they look so pretty,” he said softly, running a teasing finger around one areola, letting it bump the clamp on that side. He gave the other a little flick, smiling at the sharp breath you took in response.   You whined and reached for his zip again but this time Roger made a tsking sound as he moved away, “No sweetie, not yet.”  “Why not Sir?” you raised your head, trying to keep him in view.  “I want to watch you first. Afterall, I paid for that dildo. Only fair you show me how you’re going to use it.”  The thought made the room feel suddenly much warmer and you bit your lip at the very notion he was implying, but you couldn’t think of any counterpoints so just nodded your agreement.   Roger reached for your underwear as he said, “good girl,” sliding them off your legs and then instructing you to get more comfortable.   You wriggled further up the bed, the clamps moving with your body and stimulating your nipples with each shift.  
With a couple of pillows under your head, you were able to comfortably keep an eye on Roger where he stood, looming over you and eagerly watching your legs spread. It was difficult to draw your gaze from his face. Not even Dylan had seen you like that, doing something so intimate. On the odd occasions you felt like touching yourself, rather than letting your vibrator do the work, you made sure it was when you were alone. And only under the blankets. Knowing that Roger wanted to see made your heart race and your cheeks burn. But it also made you wet.   His gaze was unwavering as you nervously drew your fingers along your slit, spreading the wetness that had gathered, but he didn’t make any demands, or commands. He let you go at your own pace, let you touch how you wanted to touch. Even if that way was slow and hesitant. And the longer he watched, the less unsure your touch became. You could see the lust in his expression, the eager way his eyes followed your fingers, and something about that made you feel more confidant. It was easy to feel sexy when he was looking at you like you were.   You moved your fingers to your clit and saw Roger wet his lips with his tongue, like he wanted to taste you again. You let out a small hum and dipped the tip of a wet finger into your hole.   “Go on love,” Roger said, voice croaky with his desire to see more, “get yourself ready for the dildo.”  “Yes Sir,” you managed to whisper as you eased the finger deeper. You were already much wetter than before and it slipped in without much fuss. You thrust it in and out a few times just to be sure before you added a second finger beside it, the stretch more acute but not uncomfortable.   “Good girl,” Roger purred, leaning forward a little in his excitement.   You whimpered at the praise, beginning to fuck yourself a little faster.   Roger leaned forward again, bracing his hand on your knee as his other reached beside you.   You were confused for a second before he raised the dildo enough for you to see.   “You can do another finger, can’t you love? You’ve taken my cock and I’m much thicker than three of your fingers.”  All you managed was a nod as you pulled your fingers free and lined them up once more, working three of them into the tight hole.    Roger smiled and stepped away from your legs, moving to stand beside you, still holding the purple phallus. Carefully, he reached out with his free hand to brush your hair away from your face.   You could have melted at the sweet gesture had it not been instantly followed by him pressing the dildo to your lips with a growled, “get it wet love.” But all the same, you did as he asked, trying to keep your fingers thrusts steady as you mouthed at the silicone toy.   Roger watched lasciviously, as he manoeuvred the dildo around, making sure most of its length was brushed over your lips and tongue until it was slick with enough of your saliva. It was perhaps the most arousing oral sex had ever been.  
Finally, Roger seemed to decide that you and the dildo were both wet enough for the next part. Grabbing your hand, he guided your fingers away from your pussy and wrapped them around the base of the toy.   “Now, show me how well you take cock.” He stepped back towards the end of the bed so he had a good view as you whimpered and notched the tip of the dildo at your entrance.   You went slow to start, though you were warmed up enough that the dildo slipped inside you quite easily, but soon worked up to a quicker pace. And Roger egged you on, his voice husky as he offered praise and dirty talk that made your pussy clench and your hips buck.   “If I didn’t know it already I’d be able to tell you’re a slut from how easily filled you are.”   You whimpered at his words and his gaze, fixed on your pussy, and worked the dildo harder still.   “You look so gorgeous stretched around cock.”  From where you rested, propped up on the pillows, you had a clear view of Roger palming himself through his pants. It made you moan. Not least because the dildo wasn’t as girthy as he was, and you could imagine how full the real thing would make you feel.   But he wouldn’t give it to you. He kept watching and teasing himself and talking you closer to the edge.  “You think this is enough to moan over, slut? Wait until I fuck you up the arse.”  Every time he said something filthier than before your wrist would speed up, the dildo fucking into you faster for a little while. And then, when you couldn’t go any faster, you brought your other hand to your clit, desperately chasing a release you could feel rapidly building.    Roger helped out, tearing his eyes from your cunt long enough to reach over and flick one of the clamps. It bounced, tugging on the nipple in a way that made your breath catch and a curse fall from your lips. He did it a few more times, intermittently. Even if you knew it was coming (and usually you could work it out because he’d warn you not to stop fucking yourself as he leaned over) it was impossible to brace for and you’d find yourself hissing or whining at the dull tug of the clamp moving.   And yet, it was Roger toying with your sensitive, clamped nipples that finally made you cum. At least in part, you were still rubbing your clit and the angle of the dildo’s thrusts had it stroking some incredibly lovely spots and all of it combined into a delicious mix of sensations and you just couldn’t help the orgasm that rushed over you.   “Good girl,” Roger said softly, having stepped back just in time to watch you clench around the dildo, “Good whore.” 
You kept your fingers moving over your clit as you came, though the dildo had fallen still. When the sensation began to feel too much you let your fingers drop, bumping against Roger’s as he stroked your thigh.   “Good girl,” he said again, moving around the bed so he could better reach your chest, carefully removing the clamps from your nipples.   You breathed in sharply through your nose but Roger wasn’t content with that, adding a pinch to one of your sensitive nipples just to hear you whine.   You arched into his touch as he released you, his fingers gentle once more as he traced your breasts softly.  “Now, since you’ve had a nice orgasm, I think it’s time I did too.” His voice was low and deep and it made you shiver.   You nodded and gently eased the dildo out of you, holding yourself up on one arm, momentarily forgetting what else you’d gone over in the lesson and what he had planned.   But Roger hadn’t forgotten. His fingers raked through your hair and then tightened as he tugged you a little further from the pillows, pulling your ear towards his mouth, “What do you think you’re doing Ms Y/L/N? Did I say you could take it out?”  “No Sir, sorry Sir.”  “Remind me what the last thing we talked about in our lesson was.”  “Double Penetration,” you mumbled, embarrassed you had forgotten.  “Exactly. So why would you unstuff this cunt.” His hand came down as a light spank on your pussy and you jolted in his grasp.  “I forgot.” you mumbled, “But-”  “But what?”  “But, uh, but,” you tried to shake some of the fog from your brain though his grip prevented you from moving too much, and when you finally thought of an excuse it came out in a rush as you desperately tried to earn yourself some leniency, “Wouldn’t I have to take it out to get on my knees anyway?”  Roger laughed, “Who said I wanted you on your knees? I can fuck your arse just fine without you having to move.” He released your hair, letting you drop back to the pillows, but gave your cheek a little slap once you’d landed. “In fact, I prefer it this way so I can see those pretty tits and that drooly fucked out expression you get when I play with your arse.” 
You had a moment to recompose yourself as Roger sought out his condoms and lube but it wasn’t long before the mattress dipped with his weight as he knelt between your legs, his underwear gone. Both his items were placed aside so he could grab your legs, spreading them a little wider than you’d already had them, and then pushing them up so you were almost bent in half and he could see your arsehole.   “Hold them up while I get us ready,” was all he said before he tore the foil packet of the condom open.   You held the position as best you could, wrapping your arms around the back of your knees, though your legs still shook a little as you waited. The slick dildo rubbed against the back of your leg, making sure it was never completely from your mind.   Roger was partially obscured by your own body so you couldn’t see what his hands were doing but you heard him working the condom down his shaft, his breath hitching as he stroked himself, and then the cap of the lube opened. A moment later you jolted as his finger, cold with the stuff, gently stroked your hole.   He didn’t rush, carefully opening you up, though you were sure he had to be beyond hard by then.  
When he had two fingers knuckle deep, Roger reached out to grab your hand which was still holding the dildo, and unwound it from your leg. After his admonishment you’d thought to use it once more but he’d been so quick to position you that you’d not had the chance to, more concerned with keeping your legs where he wanted them. But now he pulled your hand into place, lining the dildo up with your cunt once again, pressing down until it slipped into you once more.   “Now keep that pussy filled and don’t you dare stop fucking yourself.”  You whimpered out a soft, “Yes Sir,” as you thrust the dildo, Roger’s attention on fitting another finger in your arse.   You kept a slow pace, adjusting to having both holes stimulated simultaneously for the first time, but Roger didn’t seem to mind too much. Occasionally he’d lay a spank on the back of your thigh, just to feel you jolt and watch you clench, but he was mostly concerned with making sure you were ready for his cock. Until finally he decided you were, pulling his hand away so he could push his length into you.   You sighed at the feeling, trying to raise your hips to make it easier for him.   Roger chuckled, “such a good whore, you just love taking it up the arse don’t you?”  You nodded but it wasn’t enough for Roger who spanked you until you choked out another, “Yes Sir.”  “Don’t stop fucking that cunt either.”  You realised that your hand had stopped moving as you’d felt his cock, and quickly pumped the dildo into you. It felt so much tighter now that you were filled from both sides and you whined at its drag along your sensitive walls.   “Good girl.” Roger growled as his hips rocked forward, bumping into you as he pushed himself deeper.   As Roger’s thrusts sped up you tried to match his pace, tried to move your fist in time with his hips, moaning as both cocks were sheathed to the hilt before pulling back to thrust forward again. But it soon became too hard to keep up. Sometimes his pace would falter as he felt your muscles clench, sometimes he’d reach forward with his clean hand to toy with your clit or spank you, making your hips buck and your hand slip out of sync. You gave up on trying to time it, instead just wanting to keep feeling as full and tight and good as he was making you feel. And you discovered that even with the dildo moving out of time with his cock, it still felt incredible. You were constantly stimulated. There was no break, no pause in the pleasure. No way to escape it. You moaned again.  
Roger kept talking, his knack for dirty talk hitting you full force as he told you how hot it was.   “S-seeing you take t-wo cocks,” he said through gritted teeth, “being s-such a whore. N-next time I’ll invite one of the others from our munch and they can h-help me fuck you. They could borrow my c-unt while I use my fa-vourite hole.”  The idea made you whine. It wasn’t something you’d ever found overly hot before, though you supposed you could understand why it appealed to others. But in the moment, with Roger’s cock moving in your arse, his hand gripping your leg tightly, his voice a rough growl as he spoke so possessively of you. It was intoxicating and all you could do was nod and moan.   Roger’s cock throbbed at how into it you seemed and all he wanted was to make you cum again so he held your leg steady with one hand as his other found your clit again.   “C’mon whore, cum for your Sir. Want to see my cunt make a mess all over that dildo while I fill your arse.   It didn’t take much longer. The combination of sensations and Roger’s filthy mouth encouraging you made it impossible to hold back and your thighs trembled as your released crashed over you.   Roger didn’t last much longer, content at seeing you satisfied and hungry for his own satisfaction. He thrust a few more times as you whined, your cunt becoming even more sensitive as you kept pumping the dildo into you in short sharp thrusts. And then he groaned, his eyes shut tight, his cock buried deep in your arse as he shuddered with his release.   You were panting when he pulled out. Roger gave your knee an appreciative peck which drew your attention further down the bed and you noticed your hand had stilled once more as you’d cum.   “Sorry, Sir,” you mumbled, hissing as you drew the dildo back.   Roger placed his hand over yours, “it’s okay Y/N, you don’t need to keep going.” His fingers were firm as he helped you ease the dildo out of your pussy and then took it from you. “You were so good for me,” he said placing another kiss on your knee, “I’ll be back in a second okay?”   You nodded and Roger shuffled off the bed to dispose of the condom. When he was clear you let your feet fall back to the mattress. 
“So was that okay?” He asked when he returned to the bed, this time lying beside you and pulling you into his arms.  “Very okay,” You said with a laugh, reaching up to push his sweat damp hair out of his eyes.  He leaned forward with a smile a kissed you, muttering the word, “Good,” against your lips.   For a little while that was all you did. His hands were firm and comforting as he clutched you close and you tightened your own hold on him as he kept kissing you softly while you both came down.   Finally he broke away, keen to know more about how the scene had impacted you, “So, you really did like it? I mean it sounded like you did...”  “I did Roger,” you said earnestly, placing your hand on his, although you couldn’t help but giggle a little at him. “It was fun and it felt amazing.”  “And you didn’t mind me watching you masturbate at the start?”  “I’ll admit I was a little uncomfortable at first. I’ve never let anyone see me like that and it felt a bit weird being so...exposed to you. But once I got out of my head, and once I saw how hard you were getting, it became kind of fun.”  “Well of course I was hard, you’re very beautiful and I was watching you masturbate.” Roger laughed, giving you a playful pinch. “What about all the hairpulling and biting stuff?”  “Very enjoyable. Especially when they were kind of to keep me in line or whatever. I really enjoy the Sir dynamic and they fit really well as ways to make me behave but also to make everything else feel even better. Although I don’t think you marked me nearly as much as you implied you would.”  “Oh I’m terribly sorry,” Roger laughed, “I think I can rectify that though.”  You squealed as Roger rolled you onto his back, fitting his teeth over the underside of one breast. As soon as a satisfactory imprint had been left he made another on your side and then, grinning, slid further down the bed to leave a third on your thigh.   All you could manage was to gasp his name, not all that surprised by his behaviour.  When he finally came back up he gave you another soft peck on the lips, “better?”  “Mmhmm,” you giggled, “Much more like what I expected.”  Roger resettled himself, pulling you into his body once again, “But it was good yeah?”  “Yeah, definitely. And that goes for the clamps too. I probably wouldn’t want to use them every time but they were fun and interesting. A little painful but in a good kind of way and something I’d be open to trying again in the future.”  “I’m so glad to hear that,” he said, nuzzling his nose into your neck. “Was there anything else you wanted to bring up? Anything that didn’t work or anything that surprised you?”  You thought for a moment, absentmindedly twirling a strand of Roger’s hair around your finger, “That thing you said about sharing me.”  Roger pulled back to examine your expression, “I didn’t really mean to say that. I know you said that Dylan,” you could almost hear his eyes roll, “would mention it and you didn’t like the idea so I’m very sorry if that was upsetting or at all distressing. It just sort of slipped out.”  “It’s okay Roger, I didn’t mind. I mean, it’s definitely not something I want to do for real but in the moment the idea was a little bit hot. I think because it played into the whole thing like I’d be so....I don’t know, so without control. And I knew you weren’t serious about wanting it to happen, it was just something you said because it sounded hot. Whereas Dylan....I think he’s always been at least a little serious about wanting it, even if he played it off as a joke or as unimportant.”  There was a quiet moment. You were thinking about Dylan and how often he made comments about letting his friends use you, too pre-occupied to notice Roger struggling to decide whether to say something.  
After a while Roger, with some effort, said, “A-and the anal?” which pulled you out of your thoughts and back to the present moment. “Was it okay even though we didn’t have your plug?”  You wriggled closer to Roger and grabbed his hand so you could play with his fingers, “It was wonderful. Maybe a little tighter than normal to start but that might also have been because of the dildo, I don’t really know. My legs are a little sore now and I think if we’d gone much longer I was in danger of getting a cramp, but it did feel really, really good. It’s one of the things I’m most pleased at discovering with you I think.”   Roger just leaned in to kiss you again but you could feel how pleased he was that you’d enjoyed it as much as you had.   It made your heart flutter and for the rest of the time you were in his bed you tried your best to keep your attention on him, to ignore the feeling in your chest and the thoughts you’d been lost in. 
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thetwelfthcrow · 5 months
If lewis and max are fighting for the championship next year who would you one to win? And if it happens would you probably write a racing heartbeats vol 2?
i would want the true winner to win. i'd want nothing more than an exciting season and if that's between max and lewis i just want the one who's better overall to win. of course i want lewis' 8th, but i also want max's 4th and onwards. i don't really prefer one over the other (surely, for lewis, time's ticking a bit - not that he's too old, absolutely not, but more so that i don't know how much longer lewis wants to be in f1 yk. max also doesn't want to be in f1 for another ten years but he's not aiming for a record breaking number either (unless he wins all from now on)). i just want a good, neck and neck season that has me on the edge of my seat every race and sooo excited for the results. they're both my favs, i want both of them to win!
i wouldn't write RH vol2 i think. RH is good enough as it is and will be. part of the magic of it was that when i started, i had no idea where it would lead. i didn't know, when i wrote the first chapter, that this would end up the most exciting season in f1, the tipping point, the end of an era and the start of something new. i published the first part on april 18th, two or so weeks after the first race. it was very spontaneous! doing it now would be un-RH like, from my side.
and they were also in their getting-together phase, which is something i'll always prefer writing over established relationship.
i think, realistically, anything post-RH in RH universe will be a short scene, a short story here and there. but i don't think i'll write a vol2. i think i've outgrown her a little bit, no matter how much i still love her. it's time for new 4433 fics !
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airshipvalentine · 1 year
I am so curious, what does highway andromeda mean?
LOL i'm glad you asked!! some friends and i are playing a game of end notes, basically a collaborative writing game where you write authors notes and comments in response to a fake fanfic for a fake fandom :) it's a fun game where you start with a lot of blank space and veeery slowly fill it in in the context of fandom & fan engagement. it's free on itch! i would reccomend giving it a read/play
the fandom we made up is highway andromeda, a fiction podcast about a space bounty hunter and the employees of Galaxy Gulp, which is i think a space 7-11/gas station?
so like. short version is a fake sci-fi podcast we've made up for funsies. :)
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sillytoosh · 1 month
🐰this is an interesting one
STARTING DEEP. i like it. :3
question: what do you think says the most about a person?
answer: this is tough because i feel like it can depend based on who ur talking too, but prob for me their personality/humor. like if you just meet someone and they are like being really egotistical/have a bad/offensive sense of humor you can tell if you want to hang around them or rather someone who is kind with a good sense of humor.
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its-tortle · 4 months
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— taylor swift albums as months of the year —
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crustgremlin · 5 months
I think a lot of people, esp younger people and those newer to the scene, kinda don't understand what "punks dress punk" actually means
It's not some kinda elitist thing, and it's not 100% mandatory if doing so isn't accessible to you for whatever reason
What "punks dress punk" means is that we dress for ourselves and in a way that deviates from societal norms/what is typically "employable" and "acceptable" because that's what punk is about, it's about deviating from what is expected and what is palatable
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yardsards · 2 months
laios when his party needed more members:
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ghosts-cyphera · 9 months
Everything you write is a banger 🫶 and you are RIGHT, ghost loves sloppy blowjobs but especially the noises like loves hearing his beautiful gf gag on his huge dick while staring up at him with watery eyes (please euthanize me)
you people are being so good to me like what on earth did I do to deserve this? I love you! thank you so, so much 💕🫶🏻 also… say fucking less, my love.
warnings/content: simon ‘ghost’ riley x gn!reader. blowjob, deep-throating, mentions of spit and tears. swallowing. slight degradation if you squint, but ghost only adores you! words: 762. 18+, mdni.
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Ghost’s calloused fingers caressed your cheek, and he lifted your head to look at him. On your knees before him you looked even softer and sweeter than you usually did.
So goddamn obedient.
From the sight, his cock—painfully erect—twitched above your face. Mere seconds earlier he had pulled it out of your throat, your lips releasing it with a soft pop: your body desperate for one of those breaths that he knew would burn your lungs from the mere intensity of your inhale.
He did love to push you to your limit. His sweetheart turned into a cock-drunk little thing. Lips glistening, eyes pleading for more. Your spit dripping down your jaw in a pretty little stream, lubing you up so fuckin’ nice and good for his use.
He’d been fucking your mouth—your throat—for so long, that by now, he knew your body felt empty without the weight of his thick length on your tongue.
And who the fuck was he to deny that from you, eh?
“Tongue out, darlin’.”
Not a hint of hesitation flashed in your eyes as you let him see the pretty pink of it. You were so goddamn fuckin’ beautiful like this: the sounds that passed your lips so goddamn pretty as he pushed back in.
“There ya fuckin’ go. Come on, luv, take it all, yeah?”
The thick weight of him in your mouth muffled out most of your gasps and moans, yet never the sound of your gags. So fuckin’ sweet, as he pushed into your throat, his hand on the back of your head helping you to align your throat better. To allow him deeper down.
“Fuckin’ ‘ell, baby, that’s it. Just like that—“
He could feel your throat relaxing around him once more. Your gags easing, your shoulders letting go of their nervous tension: the sudden ease allowing his balls to press against your bottom lip as he bottomed out.
“Fuckin’ right, doll.” He was downright seeing stars by then: your mouth so fuckin’ soft and warm and wet around him that had this been his first time using you like this, he would’ve damn sure passed out from the pure fuckin’ bliss. “My darlin’s takin’ it so fuckin’ good, yeah?”
Ghost’s fingers caressed your cheek, soft and adoring: so at odds with the mess that he was making of you. Sliding out, only to feed every last fuckin’ inch of his cock back down your throat, somehow only deeper than the last time.
“Fuckin’—eyes on me, yeah, luv?”
Your gaze found his in an instant: the beauty of your eyes only highlighted by the glimmer of your tears, accompanied by the softest twinkle of his darlin’ seeking his approval.
Your body was begging for more: only opening up further around the brutal size of his cock, allowing him to pick up his pace.
In and out: your spit running past your lips.
In and fuckin’ out, as you forced your eyes to stay locked with his. How fuckin’ scary he must’ve looked, towering over you with his goddamn mask on. 
Fuck, how he would make you feel so loved and adored after. Work so hard on showin’ you how much you meant to him.
Christ al-fuckin’-mighty.
His eyes blinking shut, Ghost leaned his head back as his fingers around your head tightened their grip. Now chasing after his orgasm, he listened to your gags and whimpers: the desperation of your spit dripping past your lips as he used you for his pleasure.
His sweet little thing.
His perfect fuckin' darlin’.
“So goddamn fuckin’ close, baby—“
Ghost forced his gaze to meet yours, and that—fuckin’ hell, that was all that he needed. Seeing the knit of your brows as your twinkling eyes begged for his cum down your throat, so fuckin’ well trained.
So fuckin’ sweet.
With a deep curse and a rumbling call for your name, his cock pumped thick ropes of his seed down your throat.
Chuckling, as your eyes watered.
Praising you, his voice low yet warm, as he felt you swallowing around him before he pulled out with a soft pop.
Smiling from pure pride, as Ghost crouched by you and drew you into the deepest of kisses, full of adoration for you.
For his sweetheart.
His little fuckin’ champ.
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masterlist | requests are open 💌
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the-habitat-sysblog · 19 days
DID therapist trying to be comforting: you know, you're not alone
me: yeah, that's actually the problem
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