#hope to incorporate it in the weekly wardrobe
positively-peachy-143 · 2 months
Good morning Tumblr!!! You know what time it is chat OOTD!! :D (also feel free to reblog these with your own ootd if you'd like!)
Here's the fit for today, both with and without the jacket
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thekeytoz · 7 months
Weekly Trend- Red Ballet Flats on Pavement 
    As the weather cools, the easiest way to transition your summer wardrobe into your Autumn closet is to add a pop of red. From sweaters to scarves, warm tones are staples for Fall. However a new focus has been placed on bright red accessories this season, most notably cherry red bags and scarlet ballet flats. 
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  Incorporated in runways such as Sandy Liang and Simone Rocha, these slippers have made their way out onto the street and into the circles of It-girls and Pinterest- connoisseurs. Originally popularized by the likes of Brigitte Bardot, the movie star requested tomato red flats to wear in the film And God Created Women (1965). Decades later Chanel created their signature toe-cap pumps, and slowly these shoes have seen their resurgence into the trend-cycle in 2023.
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These shoes have been dressed up and down and every direction; from white mini dresses and lace to regular jeans and a t-shirt, they create a statement without the effort. Celebrities of varying ‘aesthetics’ have thrown on a pair for everyday use. Sofia Richie rocked her Jacquemus’s backless ballerinas during New York fashion week, the same time Sophie Turner dined with Taylor Swift wearing a similar pair. Olivia Rodrigo currently is  often seen in red; if not a dress, then the crimson shoe makes an appearance. 
  Because of the minimalist appearance of the shoe, it has the ability to work with seemingly almost any outfit. The potential to be timeless is hopeful, as while most trending shoes are specific to one brand/designer (ie. adidas superstars, slip on vans, black converse, sambas), These incredibly versatile shoes can be made by anyone at any price point. While a popular version is sold by Prada for upwards of $950, a more accessible version is sold by Steve Madden for $79. Even further, Primark sells red ballet flats for less than $10. 
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How can one not invest in a pair at this rate?
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A stroll through Magnolia Park
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One of the weird ironies of living in the US and having family, friends and colleagues abroad is the vast, iniquitous gap in vaccine availability based on where you live, and, more particularly, whether you live in a poor country or a rich one.
Vaccine Apartheid is a global terror and horror, but that’s not the “ironic” part. That would be the American vaccine deniers who have effectively killed the dream of herd immunity, and taken anti-vax from a threat to public health to a threat to civilization itself.
The way this manifests is often quirky and personal — like the news that some of my beloved cousins in Canada and the US have become anti-vax, anti-mask conspiracists, losing themselves in the Qanon cult.
They’re never far from my thoughts, but doubly so yesterday. You see, here in LA, we have high levels of vaccination and a general lifting of restrictions that — in contrast to the premature “re-openings” elsewhere that led to lethal outbreaks — feel prudent and safe.
That’s given my neighborhood — Burbank’s Magnolia Park — a new vitality. The centerpiece of the neighborhood is a couple miles’ worth of pedestrian friendly, retail, dominated by independent and idiosyncratic retailers that draw people from all over the city.
Many of these did not survive the pandemic, but a heartening number of them held on, and it’s great to see crowds out there on a Saturday. Yesterday, I rode my bike up to one end of the strip, outside Porto’s, the regionally famous Cuban sandwich shop, locked up and strolled.
Magnolia Park’s retail is dominated by vintage clothes and memorabilia stores, a legacy of our proximity to the studios (Disney, Warner and Universal are all a few minutes’ drive), which created demand for wardrobe and set pieces, and a supply of post-shoot surplus items.
It’s also got some great restaurants, like The New Deal. Unfortunately, thanks to Burbank’s antiquated blue laws, almost no one has a real liquor license (wine and beer licenses are easy to get, but spirits licenses are all but impossible).
The sole exception on the strip is…unfortunate. Tinhorn Flats (AKA “Tinfoil Hats”) is a fake saloon with a nice back garden that had one of those rare liquor license, and paired it with mediocre bar food. The best thing about it is its fantastic neon sign.
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The worst thing about is that it’s owned by mask-denying, covid-denying far right Trumpian conspiracists who defied public health orders, flooded their social media with culture war bullshit, and became a rallying point for every Bircher, Klansman and Qanon in the Valley.
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I do mean “rallying point.” As Tinhorn Flats waged war — installing generators after its power was cut, removing the boards over the door, etc — it hosted weekly Sat gatherings of unmasked, unhinged conspiracists waving American flags and signs decrying “Hollywood pedos.”
They’re still out there, every Sat. If you’re one of the many people who comes to our great family owned grocery Handy Market (whose neon is better than Tinhorn’s!) for their weekly Saturday parking-lot BBQ, you’ve seen ’em, screaming about frazzledrip and “small business.”
They were there yesterday, between my stops at The Mystic Museum and Halloween Town, two of our three goth superstores (the third being Dark Delicacies) — Burbank will costume you, sell you an articulated bat skeleton and fill your bookshelves.
Then you can tour the museum-grade replica of the horror section at a 1980s video store:
and buy merchandise from a wholly hypothetical slasher summer-camp:
It’s such an odd juxtaposition, to be walking around a neighborhood that is making a brave recovery from the lockdown, stopping in at these improbable, scrappy shops, and then walk past these superspreaders screaming in front of the chainlink-surrounded derelict bar.
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But my first fully vaccinated Saturday stroll down Magnolia was rescued by a discovery at Halloween Town: the discovery of Round2’s “Haunted Manor” model kits, cheeky remakes of the classic “Zap/Action” MPC Haunted Mansion kits of the 1970s.
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The original models were from the high-water mark of Haunted Mansion merch, the era of the UV-paint-doped “changing portrait” cards, the magnificent board-game, and Randotti skulls, models and plaques.
They ingeniously incorporated rubber bands into their interiors to create pop-up effects, like a corpse that popped out a grave, causing the poor grave-digger to spin about. Between the kinetics, glow-in-the-dark plastic, and a good paint job, these were just fantastic.
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Even if you never owned one of these kits, if you read comics in the 70s and early 80s, you can’t have missed their distinctive, brilliantly conceived full-page comics ads. Small wonder that these kits sell for stupid money in the secondary market.
The Take2 models (sold under the Polar Lights mark) are not quite replicas of the MPC models (presumably they couldn’t get a license), but they’re fabulous reinterpretations of the vintage designs and I love the renaming (i.e. ”Play It Again, Sam” becomes “Play It Again, Tom”).
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Alas, I couldn’t find any sign of a Polar Lights remake of the MPC Zap/Action Pirates of the Caribbean models (whose ads were even better!).
After all that, I confess I didn’t buy the kits (though I may go back today and rectify that). My daily work-load is so high that I’m lucky if I can manage to carve out half an hour every couple days to read a book, let alone put together and paint a model.
But of all the aspirational hobbies I’m wishing I was engaging in, assembling these models tops the list. Building a “Grave Robber’s Demise” kit wouldn’t quite be a “nature is healing” moment, but I know it would give me joy.
In the meantime, I hope you get vaccinated, too — and if you’re ever in Burbank, be sure to patronize our wonderful indie stores (and don’t miss Iliad Bookshop, one of the great used bookstores of the region!).
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paganquestionmark · 2 years
i read...
Old Stones, New Temples
by Drew Campbell
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Overall : 7 / 10
Ironically, I came away from this book with a much worse opinion, mainly because the last chapters drag. I don’t care about mixing my own loose incense or how to order things off The Internet, which is charmingly quaint from the mighty year of 2000.
It does a pretty good glossary of the “what” and the “how” of Hellenic polytheism, but also has some “why”.
The why is why I’m here.
Most of us know the myths from school and, aside from #aesthetic or a Close Encounter, why did any of us turn to this faith?
Quote, where he quotes an ancient philosopher and responds, emphasis mine:
Men live by the hope of reciprocal favour — charis. ‘It is good to give fitting gifts to the immortals’ — they will show gratitude. … but the Homeric gods can always say no, without giving any reason. … Does this mean ritual is a waste of time? Hardly. The human spirit needs a point of focus in order to fulfill its potential, and religious ritual provides just such a focal point.
A lot of emphasis in the community is on Xenia, which is obviously important, as it’s also a epithet of at least 3 gods I can think of. I find a lot of people almost Christianize it in a “be good to your neighbour” sense.
A big part of Hellenic ethics is self-improvement, Arete, pursuit of personal excellence. Virtue.
As inspiring as the Theoi are, we do not always have a life charmed by the divine. I’ve had extended fallow periods. During then, when I felt the gods’ silence and disconnect, there is still
. Things we can do, to honour the gods. Virtue is something that is done, rather than something that we have. It is a practiced skill.
Ritual vs everyday life
This is something that differs between certain pagan recon religions, as well as Wicca. How ceremonial should ritual be? How seperate should the sacred be from the everyday life?
First off, I can’t connect to the sample rituals at all. They’re group-based, even the meditations, and riddled with Ancient Greek language. They act out myths, do call-and-response, etc.
I think ceremonial aspects should be profoundly understood. If you don’t know why you’re doing what, you’re just following the motions at best, LARPing at worst. You may still feel a connection or have results. But, your experiences could be that much deeper if you understand the aspects of ceremony you do incorporate.
There’s no explanation for any of it, which irritates me.
The most common ceremonial element is another language. Why do we use Ancient Greek to contact the gods? I don’t. There are certain words and concepts that don’t have clean translations, but I don’t hail Zeus in Greek.
If you do, why? Do you think it’s just polite? Go deeper. Are you expressing a form of xenia, of honouring guests at your altar, far from their origins? Find reasons to why you practice that make sense to you, in a sacred way.
Funnily enough, my answer comes in the book:
Indeed, to think about the gods, to seek knowledge of them, this seeking was both matter of personal piety and of public practice; there was no separation between workaday life and honouring the gods.
There’s a scene in a Doctor Who episode where they go to Pompeii (I know, Rome, but bear with me), and some bratty young son has mouthed off. The mother snaps at him to say apologies to the household gods. He rolls his eyes and flicks lustral water at the idols, making a very insincere apology.
I love it.
It’s insanely disrespectful. It hurts my spiritual heart.
But it’s real.
It’s part of everyday life. In this case, disciplining a son and teaching respect. There isn’t big cleansing, hymns, or circle-casting. No wardrobe change, solemn lighting of incense, sowing of barley, or procession. Only a drawling, “Sorry, household gods,” flick flick. There is zero division between the everyday and the sacred.
And, that’s what I hope to have with my own praxis.
I hope to do a weekly ceremony, with libations and hymns, and I’m even learning some Greek on Duolingo...
but every other day I want to apologize for Hestia for swearing in front of the hearth, or thank Hermes for letting me get home safe. Just a quick word, a pour of something sweet, and that’s that.
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buck-nialled · 4 years
Empty Pages - R. Mendes (1)
NOTE: @fanficshawn​ @mendesficsxbombay​ @lonelyreputation​ @shawn-youth​ this is for all of you and your ask for a continuation! this also might be a series now? and i also might do a tag list so if you like where this is heading let me know, and also if you want to be added to the taglist okay thanks i hope you guys like this!!! prologue
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Raul would not dare to even touch a colored pencil, or crayon, or anything alike following that horrid day in fourth grade. It would be weeks later, on the bus ride to their local zoo for a field trip that Isabella and Connor would be seen holding hands by their peers, who would talk about it the entire day and inevitably crush Raul’s heart. Not obtaining his muse, and even more so, the lack of passion the boy suffered through his elementary and middle school years made any art class a challenge. His fourth-grade art teacher took note of his downturned lips and hasty scribbles immediately during Raul’s next art class. His work failed to incorporate everything that made it superior to his classmates; attention to detail, the shading, and shadows, the correct proportions, etc. The teacher held Raul after class to question him. She was flabbergasted as to how his work had morphed into something below average in twenty-four hours but was given no answer on Raul’s end other than a shrug.
He observed his inconsistent lines and was not proud of them. But Raul knew it would save him a repeat of what happened with Connor and Isabella and decided that was enough reason to quit. Nobody paid attention to his longing stares each time his mother passed a mural on one of the city's buildings, or how he found himself lost in the arts and crafts aisle with each visit to the grocery store he tagged alongside his mother to. He would deny any assumptions made that his love of art truly never died out because it was still very much something the boy adored. However, Raul did try many things to extinguish the evidence of such, like picking up wooden acoustic in his fifth-grade music class. However, by the second chord Shawn tried teaching him, he turned impatient and nearly smashed the guitar had it not been for Shawn's frantic hands aiding him to set it down with care back into its stand. He recounts a time in his sixth year, where Peter tried helping him study for their upcoming quiz on the metric system:
“Come on it’s simple, remember the acronym,” Peter instructs, looking at Raul. He turned away from the textbook with a nod, recounting the word trick taught to them earlier that week.
“King Henry died by drinking chocolate milk.” He recited verbatim, earning an enthusiastic grin from his brother.
“Right! So, there are kilos, then?”
“Hectas.” Peter hums, urging Raul to continue down the list. “Then…decis?”
“Decas.” Peter sighs, eyes shutting tightly in disdain through his bifocals.  “Decis is later, after base and before centis.” The younger reminds.
Raul made a mental note that night to not pursue a career as a chemist. He began trying out for sports and found that the hand-eye coordination skills he developed from years of video games had not followed him onto the basketball court, nor baseball field.
But by eleventh grade, a couple of things had changed.
The summer leading up to school, Raul invested in a wardrobe change. The standard style he had held before was slid into the back of his closet and swapped for a leather jacket, some dark washed jeans and as many neutral-toned tee shirts, his allowance could swing him. Walking into school the first day, Shawn and Peter were still in awe leaving the same car as him. Whispers were multiplying in the hallway with each step he took to his assigned locker, a smirk donned on his lips. Passing by the lockers lining the walls, he shoots a wink to a group of sophomore girls, sharing hushed whispers and squeals over how well his arms filled out the dark leather.
Raul turned into a bit of a health junkie over the three-month break. The determination to bulk up and match the physique to his threatening attire drove him out of bed and to the weights each day. As much as he would like to claim that it was to make him feel good, that was far from the truth.
As he found himself adjacent to the junior lockers, he halted in his steps. The quirk on the corner of his pierced lip (that was also a new addition) disappeared within seconds upon the sight of Isabella, tugging on Connor’s hoodie strings and giggling flirtatiously while staring into his eyes. Raul pivots, now face-to-face with his two younger brothers, who had been trailing behind his confident steps slow and with caution.
“What the hell? I thought you said they broke up, like, two weeks ago?” Raul mutters furiously, a fire ablaze in his eyes as he stared down Shawn.
“That’s what Brian told me,” Shawn shrugs. “They must have worked things out,” he chuckles apprehensively.
“We shouldn’t be surprised. They’ve been on and off for years now.” Peter cuts in.
But this was the year she was going to be mine, Raul thinks. He did not have too much time to ponder over this new information, though. Not too long after he was caught dumbstruck, he and his brothers turned their head to an office door opening nearby.
“Mendes!” He locks eyes with the older man, adorned in a plaid shirt and tie. “I’ve been looking for you.”
Mr. Newman would happen to be on the list of things recently added to Raul’s routine. But weekly meetings with the school’s guidance counselor was not a voluntary decision by any means. The boy still does not understand how his mother guilt-tripped him so easily to attend these chit-chats with a man he barely knew all because of this “phase” (as his mother labels it) he was suffering.
“Why don’t you step into my office?” Avoiding any wandering eyes—mostly Isabella’s shimmering, emerald pair—he obeys Mr. Newman’s request and follow’s the counselor’s motioning arm. He settled into the chair sat across from Mr. Newman’s desk and already regretted his decision to do so when he hears the door click behind him.
“So, tell me how your summer was.” The man takes a seat across from Raul, behind his mahogany desk holding a plaque with his name inscribed into it.
“Fine.” He shrugs.
“You look different.” Raul raises his eyebrows. “Did you get a new haircut…or closet?” The man muses with a smile. Raul’s expression, however, is unchanging.
“Look,” Mr. Newman brought his chair closer, tucking his legs beneath the desk. He folds his arms over one another and lays it against the wood, “I know this is strange to be talking to some older guy who you don’t know all that well…this is just for your mother’s sake, okay? Just do it for her. You don’t even need to say too much! I’m just here for your well-being and as a mentor, if you need advice on anything.”
“So…I don’t really have to tell you anything, then?” Raul ganders.
“Well, it’s nice to open up to adult figures in your life. Believe it or not, I’ve experienced a lot of the same things when I was your age. That being said, if you don’t feel comfortable you don’t have to—”
“Oh, sweet! Thanks, Mr. Newman!” Raul hurries, swinging his backpack over one of his shoulders and bustling out of his office. He barely catches the sigh leaving Mr. Newman’s mouth, and his mumbled, “good chat.”
Strangely, Raul gained his confident stride back amidst his walk to first period English. A year ago, he probably would have been offended by Mr. Newman’s off-guard expression to his clothes. But he admits now that shocking those around him was much more exciting than he pictured. Nobody expected Raul to walk out of his house looking like this today. They were expecting him to wear the same worn jeans and graphic tee shirts now lining his closet floors. If anybody remembered his lanky figure of sophomore year's past, his defined biceps and triceps were surely a sight to see now. Maybe this element of surprise Raul was building could keep him satisfied, just for a little while.
Maybe it would catch the attention of more than just the sophomore girls at the lockers. This charade could end with Isabella wrapped up in his arms and playing with his jacket in front of Connor. This was his new passion, nevermind that his muse had never changed. He had yet to figure that part out.
Right as the bell clanged and echoed throughout the halls, Raul’s foot planted itself on the floor of his English 3 class.
“Raul Mendes,” his English teacher’s eyes narrow, flicking between him and the attendance sheet, “it would have been disappointing to mark you tardy your first day back, but not surprising.” She comments, tone remaining tepid.
“Oh, haven’t you heard?” Raul chuckles, sliding his form into one of the desks in the back row. “Something’s different about me this year.”
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What is your relationship with food?
Trigger Warning: If you are struggling with an ED or are navigating your own topsy turvy relationship with food, please contemplate whether or not reading my experience will be helpful or harmful to you in this moment. Much love.
What is your relationship with food? That’s the question that prompted me to start this blog. A person didn’t ask me this question, I saw it in some advertisement, I couldn’t tell you what it was selling. My eyes glazed over the ad bar at first but then as the words sunk in, I realized that my answer is lengthy. And incredibly complicated. When I read the question again, I recognized a pit in my stomach and felt compelled to get to the bottom of that discomfort. 
As many young women can probably relate, food is my frenemy. Can’t live with it, can’t live without it (literally!). Food means so many things... sustenance, community, comfort, creativity, an expression of love, to name a few friendly connotations. Food’s dark side can’t be overlooked, however: hunger, restriction, bingeing, purging numbing, isolating, addicting. I’ve experienced both faces of food. 
Over the years, I’ve tried improving my relationship with food but it remains thorny. External relationships are like mirrors into the internal emotional world. This blog is an attempt to reflect on my emotions as well as the ways in which they tie into my health habits. These habits have ebbed and flowed over the years but through reflection and acknowledgement of my ups and downs, I go forward seeking balance and self-compassion.
At an early age, I began associating my body image and weight with the food that I consumed. I started demonizing certain foods and becoming compulsive about what and how much I was eating. I checked my weight every single morning. That number dictated my entire day. A pound lost? Glorious! A pound gained? Failure. 
Eventually, I grew exhausted of such restriction. I wanted to break free. I was angry at the confinement and rigidity I had forced upon myself. Gradually, I would rebel against the hungry ache in my belly by gorging myself with as much food as I possibly could, reaching for any and everything in my field of vision. In the immediate aftermath, I would feel defeated and heavy with self-loathing.
I cycled through restriction and binge. A loop many struggle to break out of. My personal life has brought many blows and losses over recent years. Each one has come with a different phase of food. When I lost a loved one, I lost my appetite with her passing. Nothing was appealing. Yet, the weight I lost and the “ideal body” I attained were meaningless. 
During the processing of my grief, I reflected on my body image preoccupations and became disgusted with myself for being so obsessed with my external appearance. In the shadow of immense loss, I felt furious with myself for ever caring about such trivialities. So again, I rebelled and swung the other way: I ate until I could barely move. I stuffed all of the awful feelings and distracted myself with fleeting tastes. 
Beyond my eating habits, I just generally stopped taking care of myself. I stopped exercising, wearing makeup, shaving... my morning face washing became occasional as opposed to routine.** Subsequently, my body and mind reflected this lack of TLC. I gained 15 lbs thereby alienating my entire wardrobe, felt physically horrible--achey and lethargic, broke out in painful cystic acne all over my face, got rashes on my face and abdomen (probably from stress), and became increasingly emotionally distressed. My sleep was disturbed by my late night snacking, my self-esteem and confidence plummeted as my body felt unrecognizable, and as a result, I isolated myself and withdrew from social situations.
Some of these issues continue to linger but I have made progress. I see a therapist and I am working on my grief reaction as well as regulating my emotions. Due to an injury, I haven’t been able to use my typical stress-outlet of exercise. I go for slow walks and I’m trying to incorporate creative outlets like art. I am starting to meditate and doing my best to observe with non-judgment. Every single day, I try to approach situations with self-compassion and patience... exploring challenges with curiosity instead of criticism. 
All of these present a unique challenge. But, I realize I am planting the seeds. It will take me days, weeks and months of repetition before they feel natural and like necessary parts of my day.
While I am trying to incorporate healthy habits in various realms of my life, I still struggle to rein in my eating patterns. When I am stressed, I go straight for comfort food. It is my friend in loneliness and my mood lift in times of sadness. It is a crutch that lets me hide away and remain stuck. The deeper I dig myself into weight gain and just feeling YUCK (over-stuffed and groggy because of the heaps of sugary munching), the less I want to get out there and live my life to the fullest. My distracting relationship with food has taken away from the richness of life because of the things, the beauty I haven’t been able to focus on.
On this blog, as I work toward balance, I will be documenting my experience with food and my experience as I follow a regimen to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable manner. This weight loss is to return to my healthy, normal weight as an active young woman. I naturally have a small frame, as does each of my family members. Prior to my complicated voyage with food, I was innately lithe.
After my aforementioned mega-rebellion against all things material and self-care and consequently feeling awful, I believe I have more clearheadedness toward weight regulation. I seek to care about my appearance while not being all-consumed or vain. I aim to approach weight loss through health--nutritious foods and choices that make me feel good from the inside out--as opposed to a projected “ideal body” to “achieve.” I can confidently say that right now, at my current weight and soft edges, I love my body and my reflection in the mirror. It is curved, womanly and tender. That being said, loving my body does not mean that I cannot shift my shape and continue to love it as it evolves. 
I am not focused on the number on the scale but I will be using a scale to document my numerical relationship with gravity. In my experience, when I do not weigh myself, I easily become frustrated by what appears to be a lack of progress. Seeing weekly weight changes has been helpful to me in the past but I plan on being particularly careful that I stick to scheduled weigh-days as opposed to checking frequently which can become discouraging in its own way. Additionally, I will be using a rough calorie count each day. Again, without much structure, I find myself guesstimating, either over or under, and then getting frustrated by the lack of precision and throwing in the towel. My approach includes numerical data which can be helpful to some and harmful to others. This is what I believe works for me and I plan to adjust accordingly if needed. I will be sharing weight lost but not SW, GW.
(If anyone is reading this, lol) I welcome any accountability buddies but want to stress that this is not a blog to encourage unnecessary or unhealthy weight loss practices. If it hasn’t been made obvious, I in no way advocate for disordered eating habits... I have experienced both restrictive and bingeing sides of EDs and each has brought emotional and physical suffering. 
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk! Lol. Just wanted to get everything off my chest! I hope that sharing my personal story invites some connection out there in the worldwide web.
I am excited to get started. Day 1: Sept. 29, 2109, check!
**I don’t mean to suggest that having or not having these habits is inherently healthy/good or unhealthy/bad. All of these are personal choices and ideally, they should come from a place of self-love, not neglect as it was in my case.
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223: 23 Ways to Have a Great Start This Fall
“The French have a special word for it, La Rentrée; in English it is simply referred to as ‘Back to school’. However we choose to call the September post-vacation return, and no matter how far our schooldays are behind us, few would deny that this really is the moment in the year that shouts ‘new beginnings’, ushering in a renewed sense of resolve and purpose that has far more potency than any January resolution. As grown-ups, the brand new pencil case and shiny new pair of school shoes that signal a fresh start are replaced by the new-season updates that we hope will deliver so much more than just the latest look: the confidence-boosting coat, that uplifting new shade of lipstick . . . But it really is the change of attitude that matters most, the yearning to be smarter, more balanced – in short, the eternal quest to finally get life ‘right’.” – Lucy Yeomans, editor-in-chief Porter magazine
The attitude we approach anything with undeniably plays a role in how successful the endeavor we are embarking on will play out, and while here in the states businesses don’t shut down entirely for the month of August or July as well sometimes as they do in France, when Labor Day travel winds down, there is a shift in everyday routines, expectations at work and at school, and a mental shift is expected to occur.
The French expression “À la rentrée” is loosely translated to “See you in the fall!” (literally translated to “at the return”), but it is understood September is the date at which all will return – from their extended vacations, from their respite from school, from everyday expectations and regular activity that occurs the other 10 or 11 months out of the year. 
Studies have shown, repeatedly that taking the time to literally get away from work, putting down the technology and truly being on vacation can have highly beneficial effects on the brain. When we allow our brains to rest and think freely – problems magically seem to have solutions, creative ideas spring up like daffodils in early spring and we are renewed and reenergized.
So no wonder the French celebrate the return from their vacations. September and thereafter offers an opportunity to put our best self forward, to, as the quote above states, ‘finally get it right’. And while nothing will ever be perfect, improving and fine-tuning will always continue to bring different results than if we did the same thing over and over again.
Over the past handful of years, I have written posts to help ensure a strong fall. With one short list here, and another short list there, some of them shared a few similarities, while also offering new ideas. However, none of them have been a podcast episode, and now I have a few more items I would like to add. So today, I’ve made a list of 23 ways we can all welcome the beginning of fall (or spring for my southern hemisphere readers!) with optimism, hope and the best possible path too living a more balanced and enjoyable everyday life. This is the actual list I look at each year (and as I mentioned, it is tweaked and improved each year as my life evolves), and I have organized into arenas of our lives: health, wardrobe, beauty, organization, sanctuary, and regular balance/tranquility. In some arenas, things may be moving along quite well, but perhaps in others we know we could improve. Home in on where areas you want to improve, and take a day, or a few hours in a quiet, relaxing setting to curate a life that excites you to wake up to each day. 
Overall Health (physical & mental - peace of mind included)
1. Ask yourself this question, “What has made my life more enjoyable these past 2-3 months?” or “What routines/habits have made my life easier, healthier and brought more contentment these past 2-3 months?”
Often when our schedule changes with the summer months, we unconsciously change our ways of living, ways that we love (or not so much as it will depend upon the individual). However, I have a feeling, you have a few habits that you will miss when the fall season begins. Ask yourself, and be honest, is there any way you can bring them into your year-round routine? Can or should you shift your priorities if it indeed is bringing so much joy and satisfaction into your life?  Remember, simply because we used to do something one way or do something at all, doesn’t mean we cannot stop and incorporate something more fulfilling. In fact, we should.
2. Create a default capsule weekly menu & establish a food shopping plan.
~Learn more about TSLL's seasonal capsule menus here (summer will be posted this Wednesday - August 22).
3. Stock your Épicerie
As I was taking my lunch break today, I was reminded that I needed to restock my favorite balsamic vinegar which reminded me that having our épicerie stocked and ready for whatever meal we’d prefer to cook is a simple thing to do now to enhance the seamless flow of a day that has little time to wiggle. Here is a post to remind you of the necessities to have on hand.
4. Plan a regular fitness routine that works with your daily work/school demands. Be honest with yourself about what you can achieve. You don’t want to burn out and quit altogether. Remember it is consistency that will make the difference. So choose activities that blend enjoyment with challenge.
5. Balance your budget and know where you stand financially. Due to your schedule potentially changing, financial expectations may change as well, so know exactly where you are and how much you can spend.
6. Make appointments now
Just as our schedules change, so do the schedules of our doctors, dentists, aestheticians and other professionals we wish to make appointments with. While their schedules may have been more limited, but as well, with more availability during the summer months, often that changes in the fall. So why not be proactive, and design your schedule with what works best for you by making those appointments early?
Optimal Organization
7. Clean your home/office/bedroom/car thoroughly. It will simply make you feel better when you enter each and every time.
8. Purchase any necessary supplies for your office, desk and planner
9. Spruce up and stock up your handbag
Whether you have found your favorite go-to day handbag, take a few minutes, to clean out, and then restock for the new season. Chapstick, Tide-to-Go, hand lotion, breath mints, a favorite pen, anything to get you through your day – stock it up, and then toss the rest so that it is neat and tidy.
10. Assess your wardrobe
On Saturday September 1st TSLL Fall Seasonal Shopping Guide will be posted here on the blog (no longer do you need to subscribe to receive it!). Full of splurge and save items when it comes to the new trends as well as many items I have hand-picked for your fall capsule wardrobe, knowing exactly what you need makes the shopping easier and brings fewer regrets. (Have a look at the 2018 Spring Shopping Guide here.)
~Shop TSLL Capsule Wardrobe Boutique here to view the essentials for each season.
11. Take anything to the dry-cleaners that you’ll be wearing for fall (coats, tops, dresses, skirts, sweaters, etc)
12. Stock up make-up supplies that are running low. Visit your make-up counter for make-up to try out the new fall products.
~Why Not . . . Automate It? 12 Ways to Improve the Everyday
13. Confirm and/or schedule your regular hair appointment
14. Plan/Schedule Beauty Routines and/or appointments. From the beauty routines you can do at home - pedicures and manicures, to the seasonal facials at your local spa to not only give yourself a luxurious hour or so to relax, but also help your skin, tend to these appointments is a way to feel and look your best, but also find a balance in your everyday routine.
Creating Regular Balance & Tranquility
15. Stock up or put together a home pampering kit (bubble bath, truffles, wine, candles, music, etc). There will be days when your heels are ready to be taken off, your mind is a jumble and emotional stamina has been exhausted. Be prepared in advance and have what you need to relax stocked and ready to go.
16. Do you have a travel coffee mug or water bottle that works? For only $15 make sure you have a reliable mug that you can take with you to meetings, lectures, on the commute to help you get your day started off right.
17. Create a morning routine to look forward to and set the right tone for the entire day.
~11 Ways to Start the Day 'Smart'
18. Create a bedtime ritual
The amount of sleep we receive each night is a strong determiner in the day we will have, so be cognizant to the small details that you have control over. You might be surprised of the significant benefits you will reap each evening when you turn in. A few things to try: remove the television and all technology (especially your phone), light a soothing scented candle (lavender, chamomile, bergamot, jasmine, or sandalwood) – this is my favorite as it has a fantastic scent and lasts for 60 hours, write in a gratitude journal to end your day on a positive note, meditate (find out how & why here), or read a book.
19. Order or Check-Out/Put on Hold Reading Material to Enjoy
I can’t wait for the time to snuggle in when it’s raining out or I’ve wrapped up my to-do list, and dive in. A true simple luxury. And since now I have the time to peruse and put them on my wish list, I can rest-assured I will always have reading material to enjoy.
20. Pick up a journal
As I mentioned above, the daily ritual of writing in a gratitude journal is a simple idea to end the day on a positive note. And even if you’ve had one of those days, there really are things to be grateful for – check this list if you find yourself at a loss for what to write down. Simply taking note of positive events (or non-events – the car didn’t break down!), can be a wonderful reminder that things are going better than we might have first thought.
Create a welcoming sanctuary
21. Visit your local nursery
Fall plants will begin appearing at nurseries to finish the blooming season – check out mums, daisies and sunflowers. Add a few to your porch or vases throughout the house.
22. Look closely at your home's decor
Perhaps you traveled this summer, or maybe you attended a course in which you saw personal growth and a shift in what you value and/or love. Welcome in who you now, let go of what no longer inspires you, and create a space that best reflects you and welcomes you home as well as you guests. 
Putting It All Together
23. Set your intention
Often when a yoga class begins, one of the reminders at the beginning of our session is to set our intention – what do we wish to receive or achieve by attending class – do we want to push ourselves further, do we simply just want to make it through class, do we want to be more aware of staying focused and letting go of outside thoughts – whatever our intention is, it is ours. So what will your intention be for the fall season and beyond?
Choose one, write it down and reflect upon it from time to time. Create daily rituals and habits that help this intention become your reality. I think you will be surprised that what you focus on, you are more likely to create – much like the attitude we bring to any new venture or beginning. If we’re excited, that excitement spreads and invigorates, but if we’re leery or cynical, moments of wonder are less likely to be enjoyed and discovered.
Wishing you a lovely start to a beautiful new season, and thank you for stopping by.
~PODCAST NEWS: Season 5 will begin on Monday September 3rd, and the new schedule for Season 5 will be shared right here on the blog on Monday August 27th in lieu of a podcast episode. Don't worry, there will always be a motivating post to kick off your work week - right here on TSLL blog. I will explain the entire schedule (there will be 30 new episodes in the coming 12 months) and share specific dates when episodes will air. Looking forward to another season and so tickled we have had such an amazing four years!
~11 Ways to Start Your Day "Smart"
~Why Not . . . Gradually Prep for La Rentrée?
~11 Steps to a Fresh Start
~The Importance of a Daily Routine & How to Create One You Love, episode #164
Petit Plaisir:
Mini Portable Chargers
RAVPower Mini Portable Charger (seen below)
Anker PowerCore+ mini lipstick size portable charger (many different colors)
Hengtai Gaotok mini portable charger (multiple colors)
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~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #223 ~Subscribe to The Simple Sophisticate: iTunes | Stitcher��| iHeartRadio | YouTube | Spotify
Tune in to the latest episode of The Simple Sophisticate podcast
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bravonovel · 3 years
My Royal Kidnapper novel read online - Prince Thayer and Kennedy Gilby - Bravonovel
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My Royal Kidnapper
My Royal Kidnapper novel is a romance story about Prince Thayer and Kennedy Gilby.
Blurb : Kennedy Gilby works hard for years for the promotion. Before she takes the risk, traveling to the country she never heard of for the assignment, she meets a green-eyed, smoldering hot, and devilishly handsome Thayer that any woman will wrap their hands around him. She just broke up with her ex, yet she’s already dreaming of His Royal hotness in disguise. When she learns the real identity of the arranged to be engaged prince, she runs away. Thayer Camren Gattewarde Braynburd works hard for the monarch. When the King becomes ill, Prince Thayer decides to bring a woman of his own choice even if the time is not on his side. The moment Thayer lays an eye on Kennedy, he knows she’s the one. He is used to getting what he wants. When he realizes he’s madly in love with her, he kidnaps her, not only once but twice. To Kennedy, she’s not ready to give up her career and her ordinary life, but the charming prince is willing to give up his title to make his future wife fall in love.
You can read this novel online on Bravonovel and keep track of the latest chapters
My Royal Kidnapper novel Chapter 1
My life just takes a detour.
My playlist blasted on my Airpods. I didn’t give a crap taking off my sunglasses as I entered the lobby of the 45th story building, ignoring the incredulous looks from the receptionist in a dark blue uniform throwing at me. At the back of my mind—what, bitch?
I punched my floor number as I entered the elevator. A few ladies and men in suits joined me. 
I hoped Siena came to work early. I was not in a mood to answer her twenty questions right now.
Thankfully, I arrived on the 20th floor. I excused myself from where I stood at the back. As soon as the elevator shut closed behind me, I took off my Airpods and checked my watch—I was two minutes late, which never happened since I started my intern at Style four years ago.
My heels clomped heavily along the tile floor. Pairs of eyes pinned at me as I followed the aisle toward my cubicle, ignoring my bleeding heart. I threw my bag on my desk, took off my eyeglasses, and shoved it into my bag. 
Taking a seat, I hit the power button on the desktop. I had been good at compartmentalizing. What was so hard of ignoring a bad breakup? It was not that he was the only one has a dick in town. 
My hand froze around the mouse by the clearing of the throat. Not much of trying not to get someone’s attention when you arrived late, eh? 
“What?” I focused my gaze on the screen.
“You’re late. It never happened. Ever.” It was Serenity. We started our intern the same day. 
“I woke up late,” I lied. In truth, I barely slept last night. I had not gotten a blink on an empty stomach. I couldn’t swallow the food when upset—no, raging mad like a bull seeing red. 
“Don’t you set your alarm like three hours ahead? Your alarm is on the nightstand, and you have a phone, Kenny.”
I clicked the folder on the screen, even if I could feel her searing stare at me. “I’m working. I should compensate my two minutes late, Sere.”
She snorted. At the corner of my eye, she crossed her arms over her chest. “Your eyes told me that you’re right. You didn’t get enough sleep, but that’s not the Kennedy Gilby I knew, babe. What’s wrong?”
I shut my eyes closed and inhaled deeply before I looked at her. Serenity was kind and loving. She was the kind of friend that you wanted on your side. The kind of friend who agreed to your terrible decisions because she didn’t want to hurt your feelings. She was also adorable with her big bright blue eyes and curly long bronze hair. Of course, all of us working in Style was fashionable with free wardrobes weekly.
“He broke up with me.” I sighed. 
“What the freak—” She looked around when she figured her voice came out louder. “That freaking Gorilla Raoul?” Her eyes grew even bigger. “What happened? Didn’t you just move in with him two months ago?”
That son of a bitch. He was persistent in asking me to move in with him. Then he just broke up with me with the clichest speech of the clichiest—it’s not you, it’s my crap. To be honest, something just shifted the moment I moved in. We’d been dating for almost a year now, and it was good. Then he just went cold feet on me.
“He told me it was not working.” Well, he was right. We hadn’t had sex in two weeks—either he said he was tired, or he had a deadline to meet. Apparently, working in one of the best architectural firms needed a lot of his time.
“He’s an a-hole, Kenny. You deserve someone better.” That was what I thought. Serenity was the kind of friend I wanted right now. She squeezed my shoulder. “I’ll help you move out. I know just the right movers.”
I pasted a small smile on my lips. “Thanks. Now can I get back to work?”
“I understand. You’re still in the denial stage. If you need a drinking buddy, I’m here.”
I rolled my eyes. “You could barely take a single shot. Siena and Faith are better drinking buddies, but you’re welcome to tag along and be our DD. I could use a drink or two.”
“Count me in then.” She smiled.
My chest constricted again. I understood that sometimes, men freaked out when they used to be living alone. They needed some space, but I couldn’t think of any reasons why he broke up with me. He was kind and considerate. Sex was great. So what had gone wrong? I didn’t think there was a third party involved because Raoul had been thoughtful and faithful. He would never cheat on me.
I jerked in my seat. “Hey, Sien.” 
“Is he the one who put eye bags under your eyes?”
I didn’t have much time to put on eye patches. “I don’t know what are you talking about, Sien. I just got insomnia last night.”
“Wow! You looked lively without sleep. How much did you consume caffeine?”
I stared at Siena—the man-hater, but she had a strong personality. She could deal with difficult people. I always envied her strawberry blonde. 
“I’ll be fine tonight. I promise to take two cups of Camomile tea.” I wanted to roll my eyes, but it was cut short when our big boss emerged from her glass office door.
I rose from my seat. Today, she would have a big announcement that I’d been waiting for for almost three years now. My skin tingled in anticipation. 
If there was the Devil wears Prada, Madam Alessia Hearst, our Executive Editor wore Hermes from bags, scarves, and belts. Louboutin for her shoes, and I didn’t have to mention the choice of her jewelry and watches. She had her own stylist, but she barely agreed to interviews. She took her private life seriously. If she did, it only focused on her job, not her personal life. 
Alessia Hearst remained a mystery to me. But man, she was sophisticated, classy, and stood tall at least five feet, nine inches tall. She always kept her chestnut hair short. What I loved the most was her medium skin to my Porcelain.
“What the hell is wrong with your eyes, Miss Gilby?”
I gulped. I could feel everyone’s gaze on me. My face heated when Alessia kept her gaze on me, waiting for my reply.
“I had a hard time looking for a new apartment last night. I was planning to move out of my asshole ex’s apartment—” My hand clamped my mouth.
My colleagues chuckled around me, but I was also known to have confidence. So, I stood straight and rolled my eyes.
“What’s funny with moving out? We women should never depend on men. When a relationship can’t make you happy anymore, then get the hell out of it before it strangles you, depresses you. It’s ugly. Your mental health is important, and the pain will heal than staying in a toxic relationship.”
The entire floor went silent—a deafening silence.
Wow! She must be single.
“Now, my announcement. I’ll be taking a week’s leave starting on Monday. When I come back, I’ll be announcing my chosen candidates for our new senior editors. Now back to work.” She turned around.
Disappointment cut through me like a knife. I’d been working hard for the past years. I knew if I was good at it and not. What the hell was wrong with announcing it today? Was she planning to change her mind when she came back?
After a few seconds of excruciating silence, she called my name. Yay!
“Kennedy?” Alessia just called me by my name. She was still holding the door for me. Oh, my God. This is it! 
Heat rose to my cheek.
“Yes?” I strode in her direction. “Alessia.”
She did not reply but closed the door behind us. It was not the first time I was in her office. The creative lighting and geometric designs had her personal touch. Incorporated with bold colors, it added sparks of creativity, excitement, and at the same time, a calming effect.
I took a seat on the sofa a few steps away from her desk.
“I’ve checked your portfolio carefully. I admit that I was hard to be pleased and impressed.”
“Thank you.” I smiled.
“You’re good at what you do—” But I felt there was a but at the end of her sentence.
Crushed by disappointment, I dropped my gaze. 
“Oh, for God’s sake, Alessia. Just get to the point.”
Continue to read the chapter 2 of the novel My Royal Kidnapper
Read more exciting novels on Bravonovel App
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thelightningstreak · 6 years
In Defense of Fanfiction: A rebuttal to the belief that Chronicles of Narnia is “not fanfiction”
It has come to my attention that an individual (@crnkl, sorry if Tumblr can’t identify the name because there are so many crnkls) thinks my post “In Defense of Fanfiction” is a, in their words, a “load of shite.” They go on to say that “most of those examples aren’t the same as creating new situations for existing intellectual property—the Chronicles of Narnia and other CS Lewis works use biblical themes and character inspirations, but they’re not ‘biblical fanfiction.’”  
I invite crnk or others of the same opinion to defend their belief using sources beyond their opinion. In general, it seems that we are operating under different definitions for the word “fanfiction” itself.
Consider the following definitions of “fanfiction” from various sources:
·        Oxford Dictionary: fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc.
·        Dictionary.com: a fictional account written by a fan of a show, movie, book, or video game to explore themes and ideas that will not or cannot be explored via the originating medium; also written fan fiction, also called fanfic
·        From Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged (2014): (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) fiction written around previously established characters invented by other authors
As we can see, the definition and very characteristics of “what is fanfiction” are slippery to some extent. However, all of these definitions suggest that fanfiction is a derivative work that intentionally borrows elements (especially with regards to character and setting) to further expand upon a pre-existing medium. A recent survey in 2017, “Towards a Definition of Fanfiction,” shows that 88% of responders agree with fanfiction being a derivative work of an original one. (In general, that survey’s an interesting read for many reasons!)
Now, let us apply these definitions to my list. Despite the many examples I provided, I see that crnkl focuses solely on C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia as not being a valid form of fanfiction. I hope that they will consider the following pieces of evidence to support my argument that it aligns with the definition of fanfiction.
C.S. Lewis himself admits the Narnia series is a derivative of the biblical story. Before his death, he wrote in a letter, “I asked myself ‘Supposing that there really was a world like Narnia and supposing it had (like our world) gone wrong and supposing Christ wanted to go into that world and save it (as He did ours), what might have happened?’ The stories are my answers. Since Narnia is a world of Talking Beasts, I thought He would become a Talking Beast there, as He became a man here. I pictured Him becoming a lion there because (a) the lion is supposed to be the king of beasts; (b) Christ is called ‘The Lion of Judah’ in the Bible; (c) I’d been having strange dreams about lions when I began writing the work. The whole series works out like this.
·        The Magician’s Nephew tells the Creation and how evil entered Narnia.
·        The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the Crucifixion and Resurrection.
·        Prince Caspian, restoration of the true religion after corruption.
·        The Horse and His Boy, the calling and conversion of a heathen.
·        The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the spiritual life (especially in Reepicheep).
·        The Silver Chair, the continuing war with the powers of darkness.
·        The Last Battle, the coming of the Antichrist (the Ape), the end of the world and the Last Judgment.”**
(The source for this letter is Narnia Beckons and “Bluspels and Flalansferes: A Semantic Nightmare,” in Selected Literary Essays, Walter Hooper, ed. (London: Cambridge University Press, 1969), 426. Retrieved from: http://www1.cbn.com/books/deeper-truth-behind-chronicles-narnia)
As we can see here, Lewis himself strongly pulled the exact plot and progression of biblical stories, and even descriptions of biblical characters, to flesh out his own plot and characters. He basically wrote an “Alternate Universe” fanfiction of the story of Jesus Christ (a “what if” scenario where the same character is in a different situation/setting). 
As noted by teachers/professors Kelly Bahoric and Elizabeth Swaggerty, “Authors of fanfiction do not simply follow the “blueprint” of the original work; rather, they incorporate elements of canon, such as plot, setting, and characters, and use these elements as a way to create new stories that extend upon the existing universe (Black, 2009b; Thomas, 2006).” In addition, they note, “Fanfiction with elements from multiple source materials can be more aptly called alternate universe fic, or AU fic. AU fic takes the characters from a particular work and places them in a different time and/or setting.” 
This is entirely what C.S. Lewis has done with the biblical character of Jesus Christ, as well as with several other Narnia characters that parallel the behaviors of biblical characters, including even biblical and various mythological references to talking/anthropomorphized animals. Critic Austin Cline, in his article “C.S. Lewis and Christian Allegory,” goes into further detail about many biblical parallels (article in the Sources section of this post). However, he also notes, “The problem is, Lewis either wasn’t capable of or didn’t think highly of subtlety. The Christian allusions in the books come on fast and strong, with little apparent effort to construct a story that might exist independently of the religious references.”  (Emphasis mine.) 
Regarding the setting of Narnia itself—Lewis took the name of “Narnia” from a real city in Italy (now called Narni), which was known as Narnia during medieval times (Brockhaus). He therefore did not create the name himself, nor is it a surprise that Narnia is full of medieval-style culture, hierarchy, and clothing, given the medieval history of the real city. Various features of the city and its roads also appear in the setting of the fantasy world Narnia, with a statement  from Lewis’s personal secretary, Walter Hooper, that Lewis made these connections intentionally after being gifted an old Latin atlas that included the city of Narnia (Brockhaus). 
But what about other more “original” factors in the books, like the adorable character of Lucy who does not have quite the biblical overtones of say, Peter or Edmund (who acts like Judas)? C.S. Lewis was inspired by one of the inhabitants of the real town of Narni—Lucy Brocadelli of Narni, who was known as a very religious child and deeply in tune with the spiritual (Brockhaus). Lucy Pevensie is little more than a fanfiction of that very saint.
All of this is to say that typically, the more “original” a story sounds, the more hidden or unknown its inspirations are. C.S. Lewis directly lifted a wide variety of pre-existing material, both in setting and with characters, to create the hodgepodge that became Chronicles of Narnia.
For all of the above reasons, Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia series therefore qualifies as derivative work, or fanfiction. Although I might perhaps revise my statement that it is biblical fanfiction--it is that as well as a curious nod to other forms of fanfiction (including real person fanfiction). 
Bahoric, K., and Swaggerty, E. Fanfiction: Exploring In- and Out-of-School Literary Practices. Colorado Reading Journal (November 4, 2015). Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280531703_Fanfiction_Exploring_in-_and_out-of-school_literacy_practices. Accessed March 3, 2018.
Brockhaus, Hannah. Here’s the Real-Life Catholic Village that Inspired CS Lewis’s ‘Narnia.’ Catholic Online (December 29, 2017). Retrieved from: http://www.catholic.org/news/international/europe/story.php?id=76623. Accessed March 3, 2018.  
CBN. The Deeper Truth Behind the Chronicles of Narnia. Movieguide Magazine. Retrieved from: http://www1.cbn.com/books/deeper-truth-behind-chronicles-narnia. Accessed March 3, 2018.  
Cline, A. C.S. Lewis and Christian Allegory. ThoughtCo (March 8, 2017). Retrieved from: https://www.thoughtco.com/c-s-lewis-and-christian-allegory-249779. Accessed March 3, 2018.  
Klink, F. Towards a Definition of Fanfiction. Medium (May 30, 2017). Retrieved from: https://medium.com/fansplaining/towards-a-definition-of-fanfiction-178d4c681289. Accessed March 3, 2018.  
Williams, R. Why Did C.S. Lewis Write Narnia? Publishers Weekly (March 8, 2013). Retrieved from: https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/tip-sheet/article/56256-why-did-c-s-lewis-write-narnia.html. Accessed March 3, 2018.  
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weeklyhumorist · 3 years
Reasons I'm Still Wearing A Mask (That Have Nothing to Do With Secretly Being a Crocodile)
It’s been a few weeks since the CDC lifted its mask guidelines and I, the esteemed Dr. Human Notacroc, feel I must voice my dissent! Already I am seeing droves of maskless people and I fear someday soon I will be all alone in my stalwart masking. I wear a mask to protect others—not to obscure a hypothetical snout full of sharp teeth that I might, hypothetically, have and might, hypothetically, intend to eat you with. My sole motivation is the safety of my fellow humans. I bid you too remain masked for the following reasons:
  No vaccine is 100% effective. No matter how small the chance of infection is, you have to be careful. Think about it this way: crocodiles only kill 0.5 people every year, but you still wouldn’t go swimming with one, would you? No, it’s much safer to stay here, on land, where there aren’t any crocodiles, have never been any crocodiles, and will never be any crocodiles. So wear your mask, stay out of the water, and maybe come over for tea sometime next week? No, don’t invite anyone else, come alone. When I send you my address, don’t be alarmed if it seems to be in the middle of a swamp. Just drive out to the bayou, walk a few meters away from your car, and I’ll come out to meet you.
  It will ruin my outfits. If nothing else, think of the fashions. My typical look is an oversized trench coat that covers my entire body neck to claw—I mean foot. That leaves no room for accessorizing anywhere but the head! A mask and a large wide-brimmed hat are the perfect addition to the ensemble. Sure, this conceals all of my facial features, but that has nothing to do with obscuring the rough green scales that I don’t We’ve all spent the past year incorporating masks into our wardrobe, are we really ready to give that all up? Even if you don’t use a mask to hide your snout, scales, and beady eyes, are you really ready for the world to see your entire face again? But I will be seeing you for tea, right? Don’t tell anyone else that you’re coming.
  There are variants. It feels like every day a new variant is popping up, and we can’t be sure the vaccine is effective against them. Variation is the spice of life, but I’ll stick to regular spices thank you very much! Speaking of spices, could you maybe eat some cinnamon every day for a week before our tea party? No particular reason, I just really enjoy the taste. Not that I’ll be tasting you. No, I am not salivating at the thought of a human cinnamon roll. This is a normal amount of saliva for a human to have.
  Virtue signaling. It’s important you wear a mask to let other people know you care about their safety! When I see someone maskless, I think “wow, I don’t want that person anywhere near my mouth.” Not that I want you near my mouth either, I’m speaking purely hypothetically here. But a maskless face has become unappetizing—of course, not meant in the literal sense, I’ve never eaten anyone’s face—in the public consciousness. So keep your mask on solely so people know you’re a good person (not as in a good person to eat, but a good person in general, I don’t know why we keep bringing up eating! I’ve already had my three meals for the week).
  I hope I’ve managed to change your heart, or at the very least, your mind. I, for one, will continue wearing a mask, maybe forever, and I hope you do as well. It would be kinda weird if I was the only one wearing a mask right? People might start wondering, and might look a little too close at what’s beneath.
  But that’s neither here nor there! What is here, or at least will be here soon, is you, over to my place, for tea! I’ll be serving my famous ‘death rolls.’ No, don’t worry, the name is just a funny joke and does not literally refer to a crocodile’s predatory habits. I don’t even know much about crocodiles after all. I’m a human doctor scientist who serves human tea to his fellow humans. I can’t wait to have you over!
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  Reasons I’m Still Wearing A Mask (That Have Nothing to Do With Secretly Being a Crocodile) was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
Corey Moranis’ New Collection Brings a Bit of Spring Into Your Wardrobe
Dance and design, what a match made in heaven; and the campaign for jewellery designer Corey Moranis’ newest pieces is heavenly indeed. Through the movements and gestures of Winnipeg-based dancer and choreographer Kaja Irwin, her Spring collection comes to life, and at a time when elevating experiences are most appreciated. Moranis will inspire you in other ways, too, through her donation commitments to COVID-19 relief—recipients change bi-weekly and have included Food Banks Canada and the Women’s College Hospital—and ways she’s staying connected to her community. We caught up with the Toronto-based creative to find out more details about the collection, her ultra-calming playlist, and what went down during the Scarborough Bluffs video shoot with Irwin.
Tell me about the new shapes found in the Spring collection. What were some inspirations you were working with?
The newest shapes from the Spring collection are all very loopy! I was inspired to come up with more organic and figurative shapes than [seen in] previous collections. Being able to produce a flower, for example, was really exciting, and the loop bracelet has an ornamental feeling inspired by the spiral on a Greek column. It’s fun and challenging to bend loops out of Lucite, so a lot of results come from experimenting. I’d love to expand on these shapes in the future.
What was it like working with Kaja for the campaign? Why did you decide to incorporate dance into the video?
Kaja Irwin is one of my closest friends, and collaborating with her on a project has always been a dream of mine. Through dance and video, it seemed possible to create a heightened experience for my audience. At the heart of the project was being able to show the jewellery come to life with movement—transforming in different light or from different angles—and also to see how it can magically transform you; putting on jewellery can make you feel like you have a superpower!
Working with Kaja and filmmaker Michele Ayoub was so much fun. Michele helped to really drive home the concept, the idea that Kaja would be having this moment of re-charge and transcendence through meditative movements and the magic around and on her; that she would be breathing herself into a dream like state.
Our question to Kaja was how would she, as a modern dancer, interpret breathing poses, Tai Chi, yoga, and facial massages into individual movements that could be repeated, like meditation. The movements that she came up with were so creative and beautiful. We were doing all of this back-and-forth collaboration over Google Drive, video, and the phone as the three of us were in different cities at the time. At one point, I sent Kaja a YouTube video of someone doing a stretch for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and she turned it into the most magical full body dance move. She can really turn the most ordinary movement into something so graceful.
Making it all come together at the Scarborough Bluffs on the day we filmed the video was truly amazing. We were all watching Kaja and falling in love with her. I should add that she is also very professional as there were lots of distractions at the beach, and she remained focused and composed the whole time! A few examples—people jet skiing in our shots, beach fights, and bonfire parties…. We have some hilarious BTS footage that we may share at some point.
How are you staying creative and optimistic during quarantine?
I am still working a bunch to keep things running at Corey Moranis headquarters, but I am focused on putting together content that will be fun and engaging for my community, like a playlist of songs that really soothe me. They’re small things, but they might be a point of connection with my customers. And I’ve been connecting with organizations who are working to support the Covid-19 response—it’s been inspiring to see how people are getting creative to help, and being able to donate even a little bit of my sales to their efforts makes me feel like the work I am doing matters, too, and keeps me feeling optimistic. If I think too far into the future, where things are a big question mark, I get anxious because I can’t control what is going to happen at the moment and can’t plan accordingly. So, I’m really focusing my creative energies on the present.
A couple of weeks ago, we put together a colouring contest to encourage art therapy and relaxation at home. One of my favorite illustrators, Alëna Skarina, designed a colouring page with a dreamy, sparkly girl to colour in and float away with. We had over 100 submissions and were blown away by all the talent and creativity. I’m using one of the winning entries as my Instagram logo for the next month! Included in many submissions were personal messages about how each person was doing and how doing some art made them feel. It was very heartwarming.
[And] we’re planning a live dance class with Kaja…. Stay tuned for more details on this. It’s going to be so nice.
Who are the recipients of this week’s donations from your sales?
One of my next donations will be to my friend, [clothing designer] Christine Alcalay’s fundraiser. She is making masks for Healthcare Professionals and donating them across the U.S. She has already donated around 1,500 masks and I want to support her goal to keep these amazing frontline workers protected. She gives me hope! Also, if you’re looking to buy a mask for yourself, you can do so on her site and the proceeds will go towards offsetting her material, labour, and shipping costs required to get these masks to health professionals.
The other place I will be donating to is a small art gallery in Winnipeg called Blinkers. Two of the founding members have helped out majorly at Corey Moranis headquarters over the last couple of years, and I am very grateful. They are incredibly hard-working and put so much passion into creating amazing opportunities for artists, which is so important.
Photography by Shelby Fenlon.
What are you hopeful about when it comes to the fashion industry coming out of COVID-19?
I am hoping that this pause in the fashion industry will provide a moment to breathe, think, re-evaluate, and make positive changes. I think as terrible as it is, this situation is forcing some good soul searching.
I am currently evaluating my business and trying to get in touch with what really matters to me. I am looking at the whole picture on a business and personal level. Usually, the crazy fast pace of the fashion industry mixed with the level of multi-tasking required to run a small business is so intense, it doesn’t leave much time to absorb and evaluate. I am hoping to come out of COVID-19 with clearer business and life goals that stay true to my own set of beliefs and standards.
Everyone I know in the fashion industry is so incredibly hardworking, passionate, creative, and inventive; I know they are here to stay and will make it through COVID-19 and that gives me a lot of hope!  We deal with a lot of uncertainty and challenges in this business and still make amazing things happen, so I know we will get through this and continue keeping it up. I also think that COVID-19 has really emphasized the importance of supporting small businesses and I am hopeful that this will continue and only get stronger.
What kind of interactions have you been having with customers since self-isolation started?
I have had many kind and supportive interactions with my customers and community since the start of COVID-19. With the stores I work with, there has been a lot of understanding, support, and flexibility going both ways. Even if an outcome is undesirable for me, I know that each one of us is losing a lot right now, and that we are doing the best that we can to get through this time. We all want to see each other on the other side!
With my direct customers and community, I feel lucky that I share a special connection with them, which is part of being a smaller business. The support I’ve gotten has lifted me up and made me feel that I will be okay. I really am just wishing everyone the best, and sending waves of strength and love.
The post Corey Moranis’ New Collection Brings a Bit of Spring Into Your Wardrobe appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Corey Moranis’ New Collection Brings a Bit of Spring Into Your Wardrobe published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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25 Powerful Prompts to Help You Pick Your New Year’s Resolution
Often we pick resolutions that we think we should do. We should put ourselves on a diet and start going to the gym. We should do anything we can to lose weight. We should stop eating ______. We should get organized. We should have a capsule wardrobe. We should make more money. We should go for the promotion. We should read a book a week. We should be ________ or ________.
And, not surprisingly, we don’t stick to these resolutions.
Because who wants to follow some arbitrary goal? Who wants to follow someone else’s rules? Who wants to maintain a resolution or intention that doesn’t connect to a deep desire? Who wants to do something they actually don’t want to do?
The new year is a time of hope and optimism, said Simon Niblock, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Austin, Texas, dedicated to helping men and their partners overcome some of life’s more challenging experiences. Which is wonderful, because we can take that enthusiasm, energy and joy and channel them into creating resolutions that truly nourish us on a deeper, more meaningful, more fulfilling level.
Below you’ll find questions, activities and considerations, to help you reflect on what you actually want to experience, savor and strive for in 2019.
Ask yourself: How do I want to feel at the end of 2019? said Elizabeth Gillette, LCSW, an attachment-focused therapist, who specializes in working with individuals and couples as their families grow at her private practice Heirloom Counseling in Asheville, N.C.
Pick a word to guide your actions, such as “courage” or “integrity,” Gillette said. “How will you align your actions and behaviors with this word?”
Focus on less. “Resolutions are not always about doing more of something,” said Kirsten Brunner, MA, LPC, a perinatal mental health and relationship expert in Austin, Texas. “Sometimes it is about doing less or cutting something out.” She suggested asking: “In what activities or areas did you feel the most drained in 2018? How can you commit to doing less of these activities? Or [how can you] make adjustments to make them less draining?”
If you’ve already picked a resolution, ask yourself: “How and why did I connect with [this specific] resolution? Am I choosing this resolution out of obligation…?” said Niblock, founder of Man Up Therapy, a therapeutic service assisting men in overcoming the stigma of seeking mental health services.
Consider what you’d like to learn about yourself in 2019, Gillette said.
Focus on funny. “Laughter is relaxing, healing and energizing – we can all use more of it,” Brunner said. Think about what really makes you laugh, and then incorporate that into your daily life.
What memories do you want to create? Gillette said. “We can’t always control the course that time will take, but we can set intentions to create memories that feel good and satisfying.”
Honor your natural tendencies. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? According to Brunner, introverts replenish their energy with quiet, solitary activities, while extroverts get filled up with social, interactive activities. “Think about which activities fill up your personal gas tank and commit to doing two of those on a weekly basis.”
Reflect on your resources. Think about what you already have to meet your resolution, and what you might still need, said Niblock. For instance, maybe you’d like to hire a therapist or coach, or take a class.
Create a list of priorities, Gillette said. “How does this feel different than a resolution?”
Think super small. Brunner shared these examples: Every night, ask your partner how their day went. List three things you’re grateful for every morning. Drink one glass of water as soon as you get up. But make sure there’s a big “why” behind your bite-sized commitments. That is, make sure that your small actions are connected to your core values.
Name one hope for 2019, and identify the incremental steps you need to take to fulfill it, said Niblock.
“Think back to a time in your life when you felt the happiest or most fulfilled,” said Brunner, co-author of the forthcoming book Birth Guy’s Go-To Guide for New Dads: How to Support Your Partner Through Birth, Breastfeeding & Beyond. Think about the specifics and reasons for this. “How can you incorporate what was so beneficial to you into the New Year?”
Reflect on your most important relationships. According to Gillette, “What did you do well? What could you improve? What was missing? Relationships give us the opportunity to not only grow individually but recognize our growth through our interactions with others.”
Reflect on your relationship with yourself. What do you need to build a stronger, more forgiving, more compassionate bond with yourself? More alone time? A perspective shift? Sessions with a therapist?
Create a collage of words and images that you connect to. Think of this as a vision board for your inspiring intentions. Use it, too, as a reminder of the path you’d like to stay on in 2019, should you veer off.
Imagine you’re 80 years old. “What will you look back on and wish that you did more or less of?” Brunner said.
Listen to a guided meditation (like this one on YouTube) that helps to ground and center you, and to reflect on a truly meaningful resolution.
Improve your self-talk. Brunner shared one method for doing that: List the “things you want to believe about yourself or manifest in your life. Write them down as if they are happening right now. Read them to yourself at least twice a day.” For instance, she said, you might jot down: “I am whole and complete, just the way I am,” or “I accomplish everything I need to in a day.”
Consider your relationship with technology, and how you can make it work for you. For instance, if you’re frequently, mindlessly checking social media on your phone (and feeling awful about yourself), Brunner recommended “uninstalling your social media apps before dinnertime so that you aren’t tempted to check them in the evening.” Think about how technology can add to your life, instead of taking away from it.
“Choose three key words that would represent the way you want to experience the year ahead,” Niblock said.
Appeal to your senses. What do you want to taste, smell, see, hear, and feel in 2019?
Schedule weekly or monthly check-ins in 2019. Use this time to reflect on how you’re really doing, what your needs are and whether your resolution still feels genuine and meaningful. Because you are allowed to change your mind, and to change. You are allowed to change resolutions if you’d like. You are allowed to abandon them altogether.
What do you think would be fun to do? Often as adults we become very serious (understandably). What would happen if you let fun, play and curiosity create your resolution?
Put on your favorite music and get out some art supplies (whatever you have on hand). Think about the new year, and what you’d like it to look like. Then start drawing, painting or coloring. Don’t think much about it. Just let your hands work. Welcome whatever arises. After you’re done, reflect on what you’ve created. Does it provide any hints for the resolution you’d like to set? Or maybe it simply reminds you to add more art-filled sessions into your life.
When setting resolutions, the key is to do what works best for you. Maybe that’s a simple, clear-cut, practical goal that inspires you. Maybe that’s a single word that guides everything you do in 2019. Maybe it’s something else entirely.
Either way, a meaningful, fulfilling resolution originates from you. From your heart. From your soul.
Happy New Year!
from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/25-powerful-prompts-to-help-you-pick-your-new-years-resolution/
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adaniellelife · 6 years
I’m not one for New Year resolutions, but I do like to set myself goals, some silly, some very silly, some more dreams than goals, and some just to motivate myself to get my arse into gear and to ignore the fear, and I also like to think that each year I learn from the previous, the good and the bad and hopefully make a change if needed. This year I think a change is in the air, I feel that 2018, is the year that I start listening to me, what I want, not what everyone else is doing, or expects me to do, what I love, enjoy and ultimately I think that’s what you guys will want to read and see, hopefully!!!
You see, 2018 will be my 9th year blogging here on Fashionista Barbie, scary right, I started it with no fanfare, no long-winded post on what I thought my blog would be, I just used it as an outlet to mainly share my love for the red carpet. Things have definitely changed, for the better, don’t get me wrong I still love the red carpet, but I also love that my blog is a personal extension of myself. It’s funny that I hesitated so much in the early years about putting myself on the blog, I really didn’t want too, but as soon as I did it really made me so connected with all of you, my amazing supporters, and now it would seem so wrong not to continue that. But, I also know that I’m not a super stylish, on-trend or even popular style blogger, my outfits, as one blogger said recently, are apparently “generic”, hey, I know she meant that as a criticism, but I don’t feel that way and that’s what’s wrong sometimes with fashion blogging, if we aren’t all wearing the same must-have affiliate product then we must be ‘generic’. Is it so wrong that I actually want to wear my style posts more than the 10-45 minutes it took to shoot it? 
I’ve been wrestling with this concept of newness for a while, everyone searching for the same locations, the same looks, down to the same ‘inspired’ poses, don’t get me wrong that’s not just blogging, the whole fashion industry revolves on revisiting previous ‘inspiration’, but when you want to get off the train and do your own thing, where do you even start.
For me, it’s about losing the fear, I’m bursting with new ideas and direction for my blog and freelance life, you see I don’t blog fulltime, I actually love that I’m also a journalist as well, but the past two or three years I’ve really been crippled with fear of failing, so when you don’t want to fail, you don’t push yourself to even try, and that’s where I am, I’m stuck in this limbo of doing the everyday work, but not pushing my creativity – whether in my writing or photography, and I’m hoping that this year I can be brave enough to at least try. 
I think the starting point to achieving my goals is actually this blog post, pressing ‘publish’, I can’t tell you how many times I written a similar blog and not actually published it, as once it’s out there I really have to do something about it. The next is getting back to the basics, focusing on my passions and getting organised, which is another thing that hasn’t been on my side for a while, I really do need a schedule. I’ve said a lot about not wanting a schedule as then I wouldn’t be as creative, but I think that was an excuse to put off things I was actually scared to do.
So, I’m thinking one of my goals is to aim for two-three blog posts a week, I was thinking Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, where I will share a weekly style post, interior inspiration, shopping trend guides, as well as interviews with people who inspire me within this crazy industry, which is one the projects I’ve wanted to do for so long but I’ve always been scared that everyone would say no, it’s not as though I have much social clout to promote them, but you know, just maybe they will see that I’m trying to do something new, bringing together the elements of this blogging community I loved at the beginning, and hopefully showcase to you guys someone new that you’ll want to follow. It’s the thing I always say that blogging has over magazines and big websites, blogs are personal, we invite our readers and followers to take the journey with us, and I actually think that’s something we’ve actually forgotten a little over the years. 
I also want to share more of my photography, I know I have spoken before about maybe doing a separate blog for my photos, but I want to incorporate it in here on Fashionista Barbie as well, and I was thinking a monthly photo journal sharing my 35mm film pictures. You see that’s my big project this year, 35mm film, I’ve bought myself an Olympus Trip 35 as well as, an Olympus OM20 and a stack of lens, and I’m fingers crossed if I can get my office/studio renovated this year I will also get myself my own darkroom so I can do all the processing myself. I can’t express how excited I am to give this a go, I’ve already put in my first film for processing and I can’t wait for it to come back so I share with you. 
I’ve wanted to do this for years, but again, there was that nagging ‘fear’ sensation, not sure why, as if the photos are crap, I don’t need to share do I, but I thought it might be fun sharing my experiences, reviewing these cameras, and the hope is that it will help my digital photography as well, as with film you really do have to think more about light and I’ve become so lazy with the auto button that I needed a push to make my imagery better. 
There are tons of other goals for 2018, like I want to learn French, I did it at school but not much since and I always kick myself each time I go to Paris that I can’t speak more, so this year I want to give it another shot. Also, just think how much fun jumping on the Eurostar will be when I can actually have a conversation in French. I also want to get cracking on my novel, I think 10 years working on the same piece is too long, I’ve either go to finish it or start over, either way, I want a manuscript written by the end of the year. 
Then I have a few dreams, I want to travel more this year, house renovations make that a little difficult, but I have Iceland, Copenhagen, Venice, Prague, Berlin, Canada, and New York on my list. I’ll be happy if even one of these comes off, but have the fun is in the planning, and I’ve already got dedicated Pinterest boards in the works. 
I also would like to get a few more rooms transform in the house, first up, the main bathroom that is an urgent one and the first project of 2018, I also want to do my walk-in-wardrobe, as well as our bedroom, and track down the perfect corner sofa for the snug. To be honest, interiors is such a passion of mine, I’m excited that I will be able to share more of it on Fashionista Barbie now I have a canvas to transform, and I know a lot of you have been asking when you will see more, don’t worry I have a monster couple of blogs coming showing off my new kitchen that I’m super happy about. 
What’s on your 2018 goals list? 
My Style: Missguided – Pink Oversized Boucle Coat **Top tip – size down, it is very oversized** // BrandAttic – Studded Multi Strap Ankle Boots // Asos – Influence Keyhole Frill Sleeve Floral Midi Dress // New Look – Belt // 
2018: Goals, Dreams and Fears I'm not one for New Year resolutions, but I do like to set myself goals, some silly, some very silly, some more dreams than goals, and some just to motivate myself to get my arse into gear and to ignore the fear, and I also like to think that each year I learn from the previous, the good and the bad and hopefully make a change if needed.
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aniresnyc · 7 years
   You guessed it! Orange is absolutely one of my all-time favorite colors to wear during the summer season. When I say I love this color I am not kidding! Everything from clothing accessories to shoes, nail polish and last but not least orange inspired makeup are definitely a weekly trend in my summer wardrobe. It’s such a vibrant color and looks great against glowy sun-kissed skin and highlighted hair.
Here are some of my favorite orange items to wear in the summer:
MAC Lipstick in Luster: 
This color is amazing! I absolutely love it so much! It is a highly pigmented sheer lip color that builds color as you layer. So if you’re in the mood for something soft and want to only add a hint of tint, just sweep the lipstick gently across your lips one time. On the other hand, if you’re in the mood for a bold tone just keep layering until you get the color and definition that you want. I definitely get lots of usage out of this lipstick. I love to wear this color especially when I wear black clothing in the summer. It unquestionably adds an essence of summertime to your look.
  Shop Similar Items:
Essie Nail Polish in Meet Me at the Sunset: 
  This is one of the greatest investments that I have incorporated into my nail polish collection. It is an amazing color to sport on your hands and feet this summer whether you’re taking a trip to the beach or having a casual lunch date with the girls. This color is surely set to turn heads and have everyone asking, “hey where’d you get that color”? It is definitely salon approved in my book.
    Shop Similar Items:
    Dip Dyed Halter Dress by Calvin Klein:
This is one of my fav dresses to wear in summer. Orange alone is a bold color that can over power your skin tone if not worn in the correct fashion. The transition from white to orange is seamless, and in fact compliments your skin tone. When wearing orange you should definitely stand out more than the color of your outfit does. Try wearing one item that contains the color orange and pairing it with other summer like colors.
  Shop Similar Looks:
  Orange Bathing Suit:
Guys! I even have an orange bathing suit! That goes to show you how much I really love this color. It is a cool two piece swim suit that I purchased from Century 21 about two years ago. It’s designed by Ralph Lauren and I’m sure there are definitely similar ones to this out there. See ya at the shore!! 
                Shop Similar Looks:
  Orange Studded Shades: 
These Shades are a stunner for the summer. This is another famed item that I in fact purchased from Century 21. These Prada studded frames look nothing but amazingly cute on your face. A slight cat eye that never goes out of style can definitely be worn for a while.
These were just some of my favorite orange items that I like to wear in summer. I hope that I have encouraged you to incorporate this fantastic color into your daily summer routine. I would love to hear what some of your favorite colors to wear this summer are!
        Shop Similar Looks:
Orange You Glad I Didn’t say Banana (Favorite Colors to Wear this Summer) ​    You guessed it! Orange is absolutely one of my all-time favorite colors to wear during the summer season.
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pixstream-blog · 7 years
[Doctors’ Review] 10 Best Diets Out Of 4,99 Diet Plans To Lose Belly Fat
[Doctors’ Review] 10 Best Diets Out Of 4,99 Diet Plans To Lose Belly Fat
At the beginning of a new weight-loss plan, many people are extremely motivated and hopeful. Most people do not stick to their plan. What makes it possible for some to lose weight and to keep it off. They must know some type of magic trick that allows them to do this! What is it?
When you want to lose weight, the first step is always to decide what your specific goals are. Have you calculated how much weight you want to lose? What is your overall goal for weight loss? What about clothes? Would you like to go down a size or two, or maybe fit into your current wardrobe better? Are you looking to increase your endurance our are looking to improve your physical appearance?
Writing down your weight loss process can help you to stick to your plans. Having a weight loss diary keeps you on the right track because you are recording everything you consume. Keep a running tally on your daily food intake to maintain success in your caloric allotment. You should also keep track of your weekly weight; record your losses or gains in the same journal. Including graphs in your weight loss journal can be very motivating.
Making decisions about what to eat while you are hungry is not a wise choice. Therefore, you should plan ahead what you are going to eat. Have some healthy snacks with you at all times. A great way to eat healthier while also saving money is to bring your own lunch rather than buy it.
A successful weight loss plan incorporates physical exercise and a nutritious diet. Find an exercise that you enjoy enough to do several times a week. If you don’t enjoy doing certain exercises, find some fun activity to do as a replacement. Go for a walk with your friends when you hang out. If you enjoy dance, why not enroll in one of the many dance classes available? Do you feel an urging to get outside in the great outdoors? Do it!
While this may be apparent, avoiding having junk food around will help you refrain from eating it. Keep your house full of delicious, low-calorie treats, such as trail mix, fruits and vegetables, and nuts. You know what you shouldn’t be eating, so stop buying it. Do not buy junk food in the first place.
Enlist the help of your friends for losing weight. It is advised to set up a support systems of friends and family to help keep you in line during times of stress while trying to lose weight. They can be a treasure to your emotional well being when you feel like quitting. When you are losing your motivation, lean on these people for additional support.
Click Here To Read More [Doctors’ Review] 10 Best Diets Out Of 4,99 Diet Plans To Lose Belly Fat
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frenchkisst-blog1 · 7 years
[Doctors’ Review] 10 Best Diets Out Of 4,99 Diet Plans To Lose Belly Fat
[Doctors’ Review] 10 Best Diets Out Of 4,99 Diet Plans To Lose Belly Fat
At the beginning of a new weight-loss plan, many people are extremely motivated and hopeful. Most people do not stick to their plan. What makes it possible for some to lose weight and to keep it off. They must know some type of magic trick that allows them to do this! What is it?
When you want to lose weight, the first step is always to decide what your specific goals are. Have you calculated how much weight you want to lose? What is your overall goal for weight loss? What about clothes? Would you like to go down a size or two, or maybe fit into your current wardrobe better? Are you looking to increase your endurance our are looking to improve your physical appearance?
Writing down your weight loss process can help you to stick to your plans. Having a weight loss diary keeps you on the right track because you are recording everything you consume. Keep a running tally on your daily food intake to maintain success in your caloric allotment. You should also keep track of your weekly weight; record your losses or gains in the same journal. Including graphs in your weight loss journal can be very motivating.
Making decisions about what to eat while you are hungry is not a wise choice. Therefore, you should plan ahead what you are going to eat. Have some healthy snacks with you at all times. A great way to eat healthier while also saving money is to bring your own lunch rather than buy it.
A successful weight loss plan incorporates physical exercise and a nutritious diet. Find an exercise that you enjoy enough to do several times a week. If you don’t enjoy doing certain exercises, find some fun activity to do as a replacement. Go for a walk with your friends when you hang out. If you enjoy dance, why not enroll in one of the many dance classes available? Do you feel an urging to get outside in the great outdoors? Do it!
While this may be apparent, avoiding having junk food around will help you refrain from eating it. Keep your house full of delicious, low-calorie treats, such as trail mix, fruits and vegetables, and nuts. You know what you shouldn’t be eating, so stop buying it. Do not buy junk food in the first place.
Enlist the help of your friends for losing weight. It is advised to set up a support systems of friends and family to help keep you in line during times of stress while trying to lose weight. They can be a treasure to your emotional well being when you feel like quitting. When you are losing your motivation, lean on these people for additional support.
Click Here To Read More [Doctors’ Review] 10 Best Diets Out Of 4,99 Diet Plans To Lose Belly Fat
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