#hope x finch
lesbiansaltzman · 9 months
TVDU (The Vampire Diaries Universe) SHIP BRACKET
ROUND 1, BATTLE 23: Stexi (Stefan Salvatore x Lexi Branson, The Vampire Diaries) VS Hinch (Hope Mikaelson x Finch Tarrayo, Legacies
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kanthony · 2 years
hope and finch sorry fruity
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fandoms--fluff · 11 months
Hello I just wanted to ask if you can do one where Hope has a little sister is another daughter of Hylie and Klaus is named Crystal Mikaelson, she is the light of Hope's eyes and she is the key for Hope to turn on her humanity crystal age is 6 months
The Little Key
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Baby female Mikaelson reader x Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: swearing, thats all
A/n: I did change the oc name to just y/n, cause that's what I'm used to writing and the age is a bit bumped up to around almost a year old to fit better with the fic, but she's still female. I hope you like it 💗
Josie bounces you in her arms with one of her hands on the back of your head while you're crying your eyes out. Your sobs and crying are silent, wanting your big sister and everyone can tell you miss her even if you can't speak coherently yet.
You remember the feeling of another woman but she's been gone a long time. Now it's only Hope, your big sister, you have that same feeling with.
Josie holds you close and stands up from the couch in the living room, trying to quiet and calm you down a bit. Lizzie, Kaleb, MG, Finch, and Cleo are the only other ones in the room. They're all standing or sitting, trying to come up with a plan to get Hope's humanity back.
They hear heels clicking on the hardwood floor, "Hmm, I can help you with that. Stop trying" Hope walks into the Library with her arms crossed.
She glances at you for a moment before quickly moving her vision over to everyone else standing up now. Cleo starts a spell on her, but Hope picks up on it straight away and knocks the witch out with an easy spell. The older witch falls back onto the couch, unconscious.
"Hope, what are you doing here?" Josie asks, hiding your face under her jean jacket so you don't see any other incidents that may come.
"Do I need a reason to come back to my old school?" Hope rhetorically says.
You let out a loud whine, tears subsiding, hearing your sister's voice and wanting to go to her. You manage to escape from under Josie's jacket and make a grabby hand toward Hope while your other hand is holding onto Josie's shirt collar.
"What about your baby sister? The old you would have never been this unthoughtful" Josie exclaims, tightening her grip as hard as she can without hurting you.
Hope laughs with a scoff mixed in, she says, "This is your big plan? Saying some tiny touching thing about my sister and then insulting me? Heh, you can do better".
She started to walk over to the brunette twin. Lizzie moves quickly and stands in front of you both.
"What? You really think I'd hurt my own sister and the girl I had the smallest crush on for a measly week?" Hope chuckles at the taller girl.
She raises her hands and snaps the heretic's neck effortlessly before she could answer. After, she casts an immobilization spell on everyone except you.
Vamping over, Hope takes you into her arms and leaves the school before the spell wares off.
All of your tears immediately subside and your breathing levels out as you cling to the tribid.
She walks into the abandoned Mikaelson mansion that your guys' family used to live in for around two years. She's been staying in the house since a week after she turned her humanity off.
Hope walks up the staircase after locking the door and enters the room which she's taken, which is Klaus', or used to be anyways.
She puts you down on the bed and starts pacing back and forth. A second later you raise your hands up, wanting to be back in your sister's arms.
"What the hell is wrong with you, why'd you take her. There was absolutely no reason to, ughh. No, no way am I turning the damn thing back on. I see what your doing" Hope rambles to herself and her mind trying to get her to flip it back on, ignoring your pleas to be back in her hold.
"Hhh-o,mmhh" you whine, not being able to pronounce it.
You keep trying over and over, not being able to get it right, and Hope paying no mind to your babbling.
She can already feel her switch flittering between off and on, but she pauses as soon as she hears the word that comes out of your mouth.
"Ho...Hop... Hope" you finally pronounce correctly and yell out to your sister.
"What'd you just say?" She walks over and finally picks you up from the made bed.
"...Hope," you say again.
She closes her eyes, trying to fight off her switch, but after some time it was no use. Opening them back up slowly, she looks down at you in her grasp, holding onto a lock of her wavy auburn hair.
"Hey y/n/n, I'm sorry. I'm here now sweetie" Hope holds your tiny frame against her tightly, not wanting to let go.
You lay your head on her collarbone with a hand still in her hair, content and happy being back with your big sister.
"You said your first word" she whispers into your hair and kisses your head.
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angelic37 · 1 year
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DIMENSION HOPPING | Right universe, wrong Doctor
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trihedaburden · 1 month
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Moodboards for two of my upcoming fics.
First moodboard is for my college AU fic "hey baby, won't you look my way (I can be your new addiction)" and will have Penizzie, Hosie and Lethan.
Second moodboard is for my past and future fic "you can only hate what you could love (if things were a little different)" and it'll have Penizzie, Posie, Finsie and unrequited Hizzie (it'll go between past and future for each chapter and will have intertwining moments to do with canon but still be an AU).
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ninja-cat-alien · 5 months
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Sunbeam comforting Finchlight
I drew this scene from a fanfic I'm reading, called Be my friend, be my love by SpiderNoIr on Ao3
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mostlybroadway · 1 year
oh be a fine girl, kiss me
dedicated to gray, the finch to my crutchie <3 @athousandboxjumps
jack was staying at the jacobs residence, something he did a lot after he and davey finally admitted they liked each other. crutchie saw it the moment davey and les arrived at the world (jack didn’t offer to sell with just anyone) and he was happy for his brother, he truly was. he was also selfishly relieved that he didn’t have to hear the both of them pining anymore. it was nothing short of excruciating.
crutchie also loved jack being away for another selfish reason: he had the penthouse all to himself. he could stretch out a bit more in the morning, and leave his clothes to dry on the railing (which jack usually despised—“too much clutter”). he also could have guests. not that he couldn’t before, but this was different.
finch was different.
crutchie was a lot better at hiding his feelings than jack was. he knew how to hide his blush and suppress his smiles when the boy he liked so much laughed at his jokes or held the door open for him. it was a pathetic, schoolboy crush. and he had had years and years of practice hiding his affection for men. he could get killed for his feelings. and unlike jack, he wasn’t daring. he was daring once, and now he only had one good leg.
but he liked finch. hell, he really liked finch. and having him up in the penthouse instead of jack was a welcome breath of fresh air.
“you see that one up there?” finch said, pointing at a cluster of stars. that particular night, they were stargazing as best they could through the light pollution in new york. finch knew all the constellations, which definitely didn’t send crutchie’s heart ablaze. “that one’s ursa major. ursa minor is somewhere nearby, but she’s hard to see in new york.”
she. finch called all the constellations “she”. crutchie tried hard not to swoon.
“that’s a shame,” crutchie replied meekly. “i would have liked to have seen her.”
finch sighed. “i’m sure she would have liked to have seen you, too. you’re nice to look at.”
crutchie prided himself on how he could conceal his feelings. but finch cortes was making that harder and harder by the moment.
they sat in silence for a while. not an uncomfortable, awkward silence, but a welcome one. a warm, soothing silence. like somehow, being together was all they needed to be okay.
but the silence was broken, as silence often is. not that crutchie minded. “i learned about the stars in school. before i left.”
“yeah. astronomy was my favorite subject.”
this wasn’t shocking at all. even when jack was still around, finch would find his way up the fire escape. usually, he just sat by himself and looked up. sometimes crutchie joined him, but sometimes he just let him be. he was absolutely stunning looking up to the sky, smiling to himself. he always did want to fly away like a bird and become one with the sky.
suddenly finch was nervous. crutchie could tell by the way he wrung his hands. “there is this saying. it’s a dumb saying. but it helps signify stars by their heat.”
and finch explained: every star was given a letter based on its heat signature. O, B, A, F, G, K, M. he didn’t know which meant what, but he knew every letter.
crutchie was in awe. “that’s… lovely. but what is the saying?”
finch giggled anxiously. “it’s real weird.”
crutchie turned to be face to face with finch. he could have sworn he saw blush upon his cheeks. “i’m okay with weird.”
“it’s ‘oh be a fine girl, kiss me’.”
and crutchie immediately burst into guffaws.
“man! i bet you use that on all the girls!” crutchie laughed, lightly hitting finch’s arm. but the latter wasn’t laughing.
“ha. yeah. i mean, wait. no,” finch stuttered.”
crutchie paused. “no?”
“i’ve never used that on a girl. i…” finch gulped. “i wouldn’t use it on a girl.”
he wasn’t sure what he was hearing. “you’re not making sense, finch,” crutchie replied. though a part of his brain nagged at him that he might know exactly what finch meant.
“there’s a reason i’m telling you this, crutchie. you.”
and suddenly it all made sense. but instead of saying something profound about his feelings and how they had only grown the more time the two spent together, crutchie instead replied, “but i’m not a girl.”
and finch laughed. a loud, hearty laugh that made crutchie’s insides flip. “i know, but ‘oh be a fine guy, kiss me’ don’t sound the same.”
crutchie was beaming. “so you want me to kiss you?”
and finch laughed harder. crutchie could get drunk on that sound. “yes! i’m tryin’ to make it obvious!”
and before he could justify himself more, crutchie kissed him. and suddenly every constellation in the sky seemed dim. crutchie had all the light he needed right in front of him.
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utsukushiatsushisushi · 10 months
Okay I finally finished my 3rd every 3 year rewatch of Person of Interest.
I just love this show so fucking much! I have watched many many many amazing tv shows and NONE of them are as amazing as POI. I tried watching it with a bit of a critical lens and found a miniscule amount of flaws. It's just PERFECT.
Please bring this show back. I NEED IT!!!!!!!
#Root is ALIVE 2k23
#SHOOT is ALIVE 2k23
#The Machine is ALIVE 2k23
#POI is ALIVE 2k23
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spinningerster · 1 year
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genshinluvr · 1 year
Burning Desire
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You and the men are exploring the Chasm to search for the flower dubbed the Scent of Spring. A rare flower that is the last of its kind. While trying to pull the flower from the cracks in the wall, the flower sprays a strange powder all over you. When the flower sprays powder all over you, you end up inhaling a large amount of it.
Note: Welcome to a new smut series by yours truly, me! Thanks to the requester, there is a new smut series where every man gets their own smut fic and the readers get to choose who's starting the smut series and who will be next after the previous character! This request was sent in before the harem had 25 people, therefore I am making it into a new smut series other than Crave. There will be a poll per chapter and whoever gets the most votes will be the one to start off the smut, and whoever is voted the most after that character the started the smut fic (for example: Aether), will be the next chapter. Instead of making the reader drink an aphrodisiac, I decided to have the reader inhale it. Anyway! I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: No smut in this part (darn), but there are some implications of sex and masturbation. Reader inhales a large amount of sex pollen/aphrodisiac.
Word Count: 9.2k
Burning Desire "chapters"/routes: [1], [2], [3], [4]
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You have recently decided to work for the Adventurer’s Guild! Kind of. The Akademiya and the Adventurer’s Guild decide to team up and let the Akademiya students explore around and take on an adventurer’s task. You are tasked to investigate the Chasm and find a mysterious flower that went extinct thousands of years ago. Rumor has it that there is only one flower that managed to survive the extinction, and you are on a mission to find that flower.
When you informed your twenty-five boyfriends about your task in the Chasm, they were hesitant to let you go to the Chasm. Not because they didn’t trust you but because it’s the Chasm, and many things can go wrong down there. Plus, it’s hard to tell whether the air conditions are safe down there or not. Hence why miners would go into the Chasm with finches in the cage— to test whether the air quality is good down there or not. At least, that’s what you can recall. 
“Why the Chasm? Why not somewhere else that isn’t dangerous, like the Chasm?” Aether asks, leaning back in his seat while gazing at you worriedly.
Al Haitham chews on the inside of his cheek, his eyebrows furrowing. “Did they assign you the Chasm?”
You shake your head. “I chose to go to the Chasm! There’s this rare— I’m not sure if I should call it rare— flower in the Chasm. It’s the only flower that managed to survive while its fellow species went extinct. Because botany is what I specialize in, I want to find this flower, bring it back to the Akademiya, and have it studied,” you explain.
“And you want to go to the Chasm alone?” Tighnari asks, staring at you with wide eyes.
You quickly protest, “No, no! I’m not! I was hoping you all would go to the Chasm with me and keep me company!” You say, fiddling with your thumbs.
The corners of Childe’s lips quirk up after hearing your response. Childe gets up from his seat and walks over to you. Childe wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you to his chest, and caresses your face in front of the other men around you two. You and Childe hear collective scoffs and groans from the men.
Childe has a shit-eating grin on his face. “Do you all hear that? My precious snookums wants me to keep them company to the Chasm!” Childe exclaims dramatically, resting his cheek on your head while rocking you back and forth.
“You mean us, Harbinger. [Y/N] wants us to join them in the Chasm while they search for this mysterious flower for their Akademiya research,” Diluc interjects, rolling his eyes.
Childe rolls his eyes and mouths “whatever” to himself while suffocating you in his arms. It wasn’t hard to convince the others to join you in the Chasm while you searched for this flower. And now, here you are, walking through the Chasm with your beloved boyfriends following behind.
Your professors at the Akademiya have been raving about this mysterious flower when you were a new student at the Akademiya. Despite the professors raving about the flower, they were afraid of going to the Chasm to search for the flower, which is a bit ironic because most Akademiya scholars would risk it all for their research and experiments. 
The flower is dubbed the “Scent of Spring,” and you’re not entirely sure why the flower is called that when none of these scholars have gotten close enough to the flower to smell it. While the scholars at the Akademiya have some knowledge of the flower, the knowledge did not help you and the men find this flower. You only know what it looks like.
You hold the sketched image of the “Scent of Spring” in your hands. “It looks like an apple blossom! And the colors are supposed to be a gradient of light steel blue and a medium slate blue,” you murmur, stroking your chin.
“It’s dark down here. How are we supposed to find this mysterious flower in a place like this?” Kaveh asks, squinting to search the darkness ahead of you all.
You shrug, following behind Albedo (who has the Lumenstone Adjuvant). “I’m not sure! It should be somewhere in the Chasm, but my professors and the other scholars weren’t clear on where the flower can be found,” you sigh.
“Sounds like they don’t know what they’re talking about. What if they led you on a goose chase, and they’re watching our every move to get what they wanted?” Cyno asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
Oh, dear archons. You sure hope the Akademiya scholars aren’t leading you on a wild goose chase. This is part of your assignment and research project. You will be disappointed if you go through all that trouble just to find out the flower doesn’t exist or the scholars already have it.
Albedo hums thoughtfully, shining the Lumenstone Adjuvant in another direction in the cave. “I don’t think a couple of scholars are capable of doing that. But if they attempt to do that, we won’t let it happen,” Albedo murmurs.
“How does a flower thrive in an environment like the Chasm? It’s underground, away from sunlight. There’s no way a flower can survive without sunlight,” Scaramouche interjects, kicking a pebble across the cave.
“Well, there are plenty of plants that can grow without sunlight, Scaramouche. I find it strange that a flower can survive in an environment like the Chasm. We can barely breathe in some areas of the Chasm,” you mutter, propping your hands on your hips before looking back at the sketched image of the flower. 
The area all of you are in is dark and wet. It’s disgusting, but the air is breathable compared to other areas of the Chasm you all explored a while ago. It’s kind of a win. The sound of water dripping from the ceiling in the cave is all you can hear. As you and the twenty-five men continue to walk further into the cave, the sound of the waterfall running gradually becomes louder.
Venti points forward. “Maybe the flower survived in the Chasm because of this stream that is connected to the waterfall!” Venti theorizes, skipping ahead of the group.
You stop in your tracks and think about what Venti had just said. He’s not wrong. While the air in the Chasm is unbreathable in some areas, there is a source of running water in the Chasm that could be keeping the flower alive. You and the men progress into the cave, the waterfall getting louder and louder the more you all approach the end of the cave.
“Are there any other descriptions given about the flower other than its color? Does it glow in the dark? Is there a strong scent?” Heizou trails off, looking around the cave to search for the flower.
You shake your head. “My professors didn’t give me any further details about the flower other than it being dubbed the Scent of Spring,” you say dramatically.
“And what does the scent of spring supposed to smell like? Spring?” Itto asks, making a “pfft” sound and walking over to where you stand and props his arm on your head, using you as a personal stand. 
You shrug your shoulders and move Itto’s arm off your head. “That, I do not know! However, I think that means we should start sniffing flowers,” you say, pulling out your flashlight and begin searching for this rare flower your professors and the scholars in the botany department have been raving about for who knows how long. 
You believe once you have given the scholars the flower, they will try to find a way to bring back the population of the extinct flower. Though, you wonder if they will continue to revive their population if the flower ends up being dangerous to inhale or be around. Now that you think about it, there are dangerous plants throughout Teyvat that are used for experiments to create new medicine or cure for diseases.
“Once you find the flower, what are you going to do with it?” Ayato asks, his eyes landing on the giant mushroom in the Chasm.
The giant mushroom in the Chasm illuminated the area. You shine the flashlight around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the flower the Akademiya scholars have been talking about nonstop. You hum and prop your hand on your hip, thinking about what you will be doing with the flower once you find it.
“I’m going to give it to the Akademiya, but I want Albedo and the others to get some research done on it. It wouldn’t be fair if I find something rare and immediately hand it off to the scholars at the Akademiya,” you say.
Dottore smiles and throws his arms around your shoulders. “It’s sweet how you’re putting us ahead of the scholars,” Dottore coos, pinching your cheek with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Since this is for [Y/N]’s assignment, let’s not distract them any more than we already are. They need to focus and find the flower,” says Baizhu, crossing his arms over his chest.
You mouthed a “thank you” to Baizhu before proceeding on your search for the flower. Everyone is scattered around the cave, searching for the Scent of Spring. You’re not sure why it's dubbed the Scent of Spring because surely the people would have known what it smells like if they come across it. But because the flower is in the Chasm and no one has gone near it, you find it hard to believe that the flower smells like spring. Plus, what does spring smell like other than flowers? Every flower has its own unique scent.
After searching for about fifteen minutes, you see a medium-sized flower between the cracks in the wall. The flower is sticking out, and it’s shaped like an apple blossom and has the same color gradient that was written down on the piece of paper in your hand. The sound of your gasp alerted the men, and they all ran toward where you were standing.
Kaeya points at the flower. “Is that the flower you’ve been searching for?” Kaeya asks, inspecting the flower from a safe distance.
You nod slowly. “I believe it is! It’s shaped like an apple blossom, it has the same color gradient written on the paper, and it’s the only flower in this area,” you murmur, reaching forward and touching the petals. “It’s really soft, too,” you add.
“Now that we found it, how should we extract the flower from the area without damaging it?” Asks Thoma, tilting his head to the side and scanning the flower in front of you.
You pull a glass case from your bag and place it on the ground, putting on rubber gloves and preparing to take the flower out from where it’s residing. There’s no guarantee you’ll be able to pull the Scent of Spring out of the cracks without damaging it. It’ll be ironic if it dies the minute you pull it out from the cracks, even though it survived for thousands of years while its own kind went extinct.
When you tug on it, you notice the stem is quite thick, almost as wide as a branch. Not only was it sturdy, but you noticed there was some powdery substance on the flower itself. Even though you know little to nothing about this particular flower, you know that most flowers in Teyvat do not have a powdery coating on top of the petals. You rub the powder between your gloved thumb and index finger, testing its consistency.
“That’s odd. I’ve never seen a flower that has this powdery coating on it,” you murmur, leaning your face closer to the flower to inspect it.
“Does it smell like the Scent of Spring?” Kazuha asks, watching you examine the flower closely.
You shrugged your shoulders and gave a whiff of the flower. After whiffing the flower, you have concluded that the flower has no scent at all. Therefore whoever named the flower needs to rename it because it doesn’t smell like spring, nor does it smell like anything at all. It does have a hint of an earthy smell, but that could be coming from the rocks and the dirt it’s planted in. 
You shake your head. “There’s no scent. The Akademiya scholars will need to rename it because it has no fragrance at all,” you say, proceeding to gently grab it by the stem, lightly tugging on it.
When you tug on it lightly, it does not budge. Not even a little bit. You furrow your eyebrows and pull on the flower harder. The harder you pull on the flower, the more you realize the flower isn’t going to be budging anytime soon. Before you know it, the flower sprays the powder all over you. You freeze and release the flower, blinking at the men, who look at you worriedly. 
You breathe in the powder, feeling the powder inhaled through your nose. You coughed and began hacking, punching your chest, doubling over while in a coughing fit. Gorou panics and runs toward you, only for you to shake your head frantically and gesture for him and others not to come any closer.
Gorou whimpers, looking at the others worriedly. “[Y/N], are you okay?” Gorou asks softly.
You calm down after a few minutes and take a deep breath, wincing when you feel the powder in your throat and lungs. You take deep gulps of air and straighten up, looking over at the flower. The flower no longer has a powdery coating on its petals, which was strange because it made you assume the flower never had any powder coating in the first place. What was that thing that coated the flower? Unless it was the flower that spits the powder at you as a defense mechanism?
You stroke your chin. “How strange,” You mutter.
Xiao scoffs. “Yeah, no kidding. You were hacking your lungs up a few minutes ago, and now you’re acting like everything’s okay?” Xiao asks, propping his hands on his hips while narrowing his eyes at you.
You clear your throat, swallowing your saliva. You wince and rub your throat, sniffing the air lightly. You can still feel the powdery substance in your nose, lungs, and throat. It feels awful. It’s almost as if you purposefully inhaled cinnamon or breathed in cinnamon. Your nose begins to itch, making you take your rubber gloves off and rub your nose, hoping to get rid of the itchiness in your nostrils.
Zhongli approaches you and places a hand on your shoulder. “Dearest, are you alright?” Zhongli asks softly.
You wave Zhongli off and nod, but you don’t brush his hands away from you. “Yeah! I’m fine! Totally fine!” You say, giving the men a strained smile.
Before any of the men could speak up, you squeeze your eyes shut and sneeze into your elbow. You quickly act like nothing has happened. The men stare at you, and you stare right back at them. You cough into your elbow to clear your throat. You can still feel the powder lingering in your nose, lungs, and throat. You look over at the flower, and you still don’t see any of the powder coatings that you have inhaled. Whatever the powder was, you only hope it’s not a drug that will negatively impact you and your health. Just when Tighnari was about to open his mouth to say something, you sneezed again.
You rub your nose and groan. “Oh my gosh. I can still feel the stupid powder,” you groused.
“We should head back to the abode and get you checked out,” Dainsleif says, now standing beside you.
“What about the flower? It wouldn’t budge when I tried to get it,” you mutter, pointing over at the flower that looks delicate.
Pierro sighs and closes his eyes. “We’ll get it for you,” he says, looking over at Capitano and nodding.
Capitano walks toward the flower wedged between the cracks in the wall. Capitano grabs the flower by the stem and begins to lightly tug on the flower to see how stuck it is in the gaps.
“Okay, but please be care—” 
Capitano grunts and rips the flower from the wall; the flower is still intact and in good shape. Somehow. You look at Capitano blankly, who turns toward you and holds the flower out to you. You, Dainsleif, and Zhongli stare at the flower in Capitano’s hand.
“The flower was firmly planted in the cracks. You need to put more force when you pull the flower out from where it was planted,” Capitano says gruffly.
You grab the flower from Capitano’s hand and place the flower in the glass case. The flower is beautiful, but you’re upset the flower sprayed the powdery substance at you. And now you have to get checked up to see if the powder has any effects on you, your lungs, your nose, and your throat. Other than the lingering feeling of inhaling the powder, you feel fine. You close the glass case and put it back in your backpack, putting the bag on and rubbing your nose with the palm of your hand.
Pantalone looks at you worriedly. “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t feel strange, do you?” Pantalone asks.
You shake your head. “I’m feeling okay so far! But, we should get to the abode quick. I need to find a safe place to store the flower, then shower to wash this,” you gestured to your body, “off.” 
Tighnari, Albedo, Baizhu, and Dottore walk up to you. Albedo, Tighnari, and Dottore pull out cotton swabs and begin to swipe at the powder on your body and put it in a glass test tube. You blink at the men and watch them pocket the test tube, acting like nothing has happened.
You shake your head with a deep exhale. “I’m assuming you’re all going to put it under the microscope to see what the powder actually is?” You ask.
Albedo nods and adjusts his glove. “We’re also going to run some tests on it to see what the powder is made of,” replies Albedo.
You and the men start walking back to the surface of the Chasm. You made sure the men walked ahead of you while you walked behind them. You don’t want to risk the men inhaling the powder while you walk in front of them, and a gust of wind blows the powder to their faces, making them inhale it. Upon arriving at the abode, you take your shoes off and rub your nose. Your nose is still itching, your throat no longer feels weird, but you can feel the powder lingering in your lungs.
“Are we going to the lab, or are we going to the infirmary for my check-up?” You ask, scratching the back of your head. 
Other than wondering where you need to go for the check-up, you really want to take a shower and wash the remaining powder off your clothes, hair, and body. The powder got everywhere (it covered you from head to toe, pretty much), and it bothered you.
Tighnari hums and taps his chin. “That’s a good question,” Tighnari hums, tapping his foot on the ground.
“Wait! I’m going to take a shower first, then we can start with the check-up,” You said.
You turn around and quickly walk up the stairs to your bedroom. While you are showering, you scrub every nook and cranny with a loofa lathered in a sakura blossom-scented shower gel. You want to make sure to scrub and wash away the powder sprayed at you. 
You might have to dispose of the clothes you wore to the Chasm. You don’t want the powder to be lingering around or spread on other things in the abode (like the men’s clothes). So far, you’re not feeling anything from the powder. The only thing it’s doing to you is making you cough and sneeze occasionally.
You changed into clean undergarments and clothes. You wrap your hair in a towel and submerge your clothes in the water to make sure the powder dissolves into the water. You continue with your skincare routine, making sure to scrub your face for a long time with cleanser. 
After your skincare, you walk to your bathtub and drain the water, wringing your clothes dry once the water is completely drained. Once the clothes are wrung, you toss them into a trash bag and take them downstairs, your hair still dripping wet from your shower. You open the trash can and throw the trash bag into it, ignoring the looks the men are giving you.
You clear your throat and turn to the others with a smile on your face. “I’m ready for my check-up now! Do we go to the infirmary, or are we going to get it done in the lab?” You ask.
“Why did you throw your clothes away?” Baizhu asks, pointing at the stainless steel trash bin.
You shrug your shoulders. “I’m throwing them away just to be safe. I soaked them in the bathtub and wrung them dry, but I’m not risking anything!” You huff, propping your hands on your hips.
Dottore approaches you and wraps his arms over your shoulders. “We’ll be conducting a simple check-up on you in the lab. You haven’t been showing any medical emergencies since we returned to the abode. So, I believe we’ll be doing it in the lab,” Dottore explains, turning to look at Tighnari, Albedo, and Baizhu, who nod in agreement. 
You and the twenty-five men walk to the laboratory in the basement of the estate. You sit on the closest chair and wait for one of the four men (Albedo, Baizhu, Dottore, and Tighnari) to start the check-up. While Baizhu’s checking up on your eyes, throat, breathing, and your heart, the other men ask you various questions.
“Did you feel strange when you breathed in the powder?” Ayato asks.
“Not really,” you shake your head, “other than coughing and sneezing because of the powder, I feel alright. Although I did feel the powder going into my throat and lungs when it sprayed on me.”
Dainsleif furrows his eyebrows and watches you closely. “Can you still feel it?” Dainsleif asks.
You take a deep breath, only for your breath to get caught in your throat halfway, making you cough. You wince and nod to Dainsleif’s question. “I can still feel it, but not as much as I could earlier,” you croak.
“Here, drink this,” Childe says as he hands you a cup of water. 
You give Childe a grateful smile and grab the cup from his hands before gulping the water. After a few more questions from the men, Baizhu concludes that you’re healthy and there’s nothing wrong. But Baizhu did advise you to keep a close eye on your health and body in case anything changes overnight or over the next few days. That is something you don’t mind doing, and you’re planning on doing it anyway.
You look at the flower in the display case in the laboratory. It’s in great condition. Nothing is torn or crushed, thankfully. You get up from your seat and walk toward the display glass. As much as you want to start your research on the flower, your breathing in the powder is already too much for you to deal with. Especially when you have coughing or sneezing fits every now and then. 
Kaeya notices the look on your face while you examine the flower. “Oh, no. You’re not conducting any experiments or research right now, bunny. What you need to do is rest,” says Kaeya, crossing his arms over his chest.
You pucker your lips. “I know, Kaeya! I just wanted to make sure the flower is in good condition! After all, Capitano did rip the flower from the cracks,” you say, looking over at the tall man.
Capitano shrugs. “You attempted to be gentle with the flower, and it wouldn’t budge. Therefore, I took it into my own hands and got you the flower you need for your research,” replies Capitano.
You turn toward the flower and continue where you left off. The powder. The flower didn’t produce the powder again, making you wonder if the powder was only temporary or if it’ll make the powdery coating again if the flower was still in the cracks. Even if the flower did produce that powder as a defense mechanism from predators or (in your and the Akademiya’s case) people who want to take the flower from its habitat, the flower did not create any more powder after it sprayed you the first time.
Pierro raises an eyebrow at you. “What’s on your mind, little one?” Pierro asks.
You press your lips into a thin line and shake your head. “Way too much, that’s for sure,” you sigh.
“I think you should take a break for today! We returned to the abode from the Chasm not too long ago. It’s been a long day for all of us, and you should spend the day with us relaxing and doing nothing!” Itto proclaims, pulling you to his chest and patting your damp hair.
You snort and let yourself melt in Itto’s arms. “Alright, I’ll take up on your offer,” you say, reaching up and tapping on Itto’s nose lightly.
Itto scrunches his nose and rubs the tip of his nose against yours. You giggle and wrap your arms around his waist, pressing a kiss on his cheek. Itto lifts you up and carries you out of the laboratory with the other men following behind. Some were muttering about how Itto is hogging you for himself and how it’s not fair for everyone else. It’s Childe that’s muttering about it, the others were giving Itto silent glares and looks of disapproval. Itto collapses on the couch with you in his arms, wrapping both his arms and legs around you while smirking at the others that groan loudly.
Diluc rolls his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose while shaking his head. “Itto, can you not hog [Y/N] for yourself?” Diluc asks, frowning at the Oni clinging to you.
Itto gives Diluc a cheeky grin and shakes his head, tightening his arms and legs around you while you lay on Itto’s chest limply. After almost a year of dating these men (holy shit, has it been nearly a year?), you have decided not to fight off their affections and clinginess unless you want them to become even clingier. Therefore you have accepted your fate and let these men smother you with love and affection.
Xiao pulls out his polearm and looks over at Diluc from the corner of his eyes. “Do you want me to do something about it?” Asks Xiao.
Diluc shakes his head, continuing to narrow his eyes at Itto. Itto ignores the look almost everyone is giving him by burying his face into your neck and closing his eyes. You and the men lounge around the living room for the rest of the day. You and Thoma end up making pizza for everyone to eat— you and Thoma made a lot of pizza since everyone has a big appetite. Once the pizza was done cooking, you all dined in the living room with your pizzas, catching up with what had happened at work and school (since you’re an Akademiya student).
The day soon winds down, and everyone has finished their pizzas and is scattered around the living area of the estate. Since Itto decides to hog your attention, the others have decided to do it back to him by doing the same. You were passed around from man to man to snuggle with them. Each time Itto tries to snuggle with you, you’re taken away from his grasp by another man, leaving Itto to pout and complain to the others.
You’re now lying on Pantalone’s chest, slowly dozing off. After consuming about five slices of pizza, you feel really full and really sleepy. Pantalone is reading a book while combing his fingers through your hair, lulling you to sleep. Just when you’re about to fall asleep, you feel someone press their hands against your forehead. You crack your eyes open and see Al Haitham and Kaveh standing in front of you, bending down to examine you.
Kaveh smiles at you, brushing your hair away from your face. “Sorry to disturb your nap. We were just checking up on you,” Kaveh says softly.
Al Haitham lightly smacks Kaveh’s hand away from your face before caressing your face. “How are you doing? Do you feel off in any way, or do you feel okay?
Kaveh scowls at Kaveh, crossing his arms over his chest. You rub your eyes sleepily, continuing to lie on Pantalone’s chest. You stare at the ground, trying to process what’s going on. How do you feel? Well, for starters, you shouldn’t have eaten too many pizzas because now you’re feeling exhausted because of the number of carbs you’ve eaten.
“I’m tired. I’m also very full,” you grumble, yawning. “I shouldn’t have taken up on Itto’s offer of having a pizza-eating competition. Now I feel like I’m pregnant,” you mumble, rubbing your tummy.
“And you beat Itto in the pizza-eating competition. I’m surprised he stopped after four slices of pizza,” Venti interjects, propping his hands on his hips.
You nod. “Me too! And he’s very competitive, and yet he stopped eating after four slices,” you grumble, looking over at Itto, who gives you a sheepish look.
Cyno hums and strokes his chin, glancing at Itto and then over at you. “I guess he didn’t want a pizza-of it anymore,” Cyno commented, shrugging his shoulders.
Everyone around Cyno groans and gives him a side-eye. You snort and shake your head, burying your face into Pantalone’s chest. Whenever Cyno sees an opportunity to crack a lame joke, he will take it. You feel something stir inside you, making you freeze in Pantalone’s arms, making him look down at you curiously. 
Pantalone scratches your head gently. “What’s wrong?” Pantalone murmurs, tilting his head to the side to get a better look at your face.
“I don’t know. I feel something strange,” you mutter, sitting up and straddling Pantalone’s lap. “I can’t really explain it. Health-wise, I’m fine. Physically, I am fine as well.” You tap your chin before rubbing your face. 
Maybe it’s the effects of eating five slices of pizza, but you don’t think that could be it exactly. What you are going to do is go to bed and take a nap because the sleepiness is catching up to you at full speed. You get off of Pantalone’s lap and rub your eyes, yawning and stretching your arms in the air.
“I am going to bed now. It’s been a long day, and I think sleep is what I need,” you said, rubbing the back of your neck before glancing over at the clock.
Scaramouche gets up from his seat and walks over to where you’re standing. “I’ll take you to your room if that’s okay with you,” Scaramouche offers, holding his arm out for you to take.
“Yeah, sure! I don’t mind!” You say, linking your arms with Scaramouche.
Heizou holds his hands up to stop you and Scaramouche from leaving. “You’re just going to leave us all without a goodnight kiss?” Heizou teases, pouting at you while batting his eyelashes at you.
You roll your eyes playfully and snort. “Ah, I see! How could I forget about our bedtime rituals?” You ask, unlinking your arms around Scaramouche’s arm.
The bedtime routine for you is to bid each man goodnight with hugs, kisses, or both depending on the man. Usually, it would take a while for you to bid everyone goodnight because one man wouldn’t want to hand you over to the next person because he wanted to hold onto you longer— which is where you are currently at: stuck in Zhongli’s arms and his refusal to hand you over to Thoma.
You poke Zhongli’s biceps. “Zhongli, I need to bid Thoma goodnight before going to bed. He’s the last person,” you pout, repeatedly poking him.
Zhongli tightens his grip around you with a sigh. Zhongli leans down to your ear, pressing his lips on your ear. “Must I let you go? How about you stay with me for the night?” Zhongli murmurs, closing his eyes.
“Hey! If I can’t have [Y/N] sleep in my room tonight, then no one can!” Aether complains loudly, plopping down on the couch with his arms crossed over his torso. 
You reach toward Thoma. Thoma grabs your hands and pulls you toward him, attempting to pull you from Zhongli’s grasp. Zhongli tightens his grip around you and narrows his eyes at Thoma, who is struggling to release you from the former archon’s grasp.
Thoma laughs breathlessly. “Come on, Zhongli! I’m only going to be bidding [Y/N] goodnight! It’s not like I’ll be stealing them from you for the night,” Thoma rolls his eyes playfully. 
Zhongli rests his chin on your shoulders. “Then you can just say goodnight to my dearest and call it a day,” he huffs, burying his face into your neck.
The men watch Zhongli and Thoma plays tug-of-war with you for the next five minutes. You end up breaking the tug-of-war by batting at the two men like a cat. You give Zhongli a look before slowly walking toward Thoma, wrapping your arms around his waist and narrowing your eyes at Zhongli, who narrows his eyes in return.
“Who knew the God of Contracts is clingy,” Kazuha chuckles, shaking his head.
Gorou leans toward Kazuha and whispers, “I don’t think I would want to be Zhongli’s competition. He’s more possessive over [Y/N] than we all are.”
To be fair, all of the men are possessive over you. And you gotta admit, you love it when the men are possessive over you. Who wouldn’t be? Imagine having twenty-five attractive men wrapped around your finger, and they’re willing to rip an arm off of someone if they (the person that isn’t in the harem) touch you? Despite you loving the men’s possessiveness over you, you did set a boundary they cannot cross, and they respect those boundaries of yours. Plus, they may be possessive over you, but they’re not overly possessive to the point where you cannot talk to anyone that’s not them, nor do they prevent you from doing things you love and going outside the abode.
You unwrap your arms around Thoma and walk toward the stairs. “Okay, goodnight!” You said, waving at the men and running up the stairs to your bedroom.
The next day, you’re rudely awoken from your sleep by the feeling of throbbing between your legs and your body being overheated. You look around your bedroom sleepily and panting. You sit and toss your blanket off your body. Your body is covered in a thin layer of sweat, nearly soaking through your clothes. You’re not entirely sure if your menstrual cycle is close or not because you’re feeling unbelievably horny.
You end up taking a shower to wake up and cool your overheated body. And now here you are, sitting in the bathtub, letting cold water rain down on you while you try to find a way to relieve this feeling between your legs. You’re not a prude. You’ve masturbated to relieve yourself before. But this feeling is stronger, and it's unavoidable. Therefore, that is what you did in the shower for the next fifteen minutes— trying to relieve yourself and soothe the aching between your legs. Did it work? No, it did not work at all.
After your failed attempts of trying to relieve yourself, you step out of the bathroom. The only bright side is that you’re not covered in sweat like how you were when you first woke up. Well, rudely awoken from your sleep, to be more specific. You’re tempted to go back to bed and sleep the horniness away, but you know it won’t be going away any time soon. Your thoughts are interrupted by someone knocking at your bedroom door.
“Who is it?” You ask, slowly walking to the door.
“Oh, good! You’re awake! Are you ready for your check-up today?” You hear Tighnari ask.
You sigh in relief. A check-up, right! That’s what you need right now so you can know what’s going on with your body. 
You grab the door handle and open the door. “Is the check-up going to be now, or will it be after breakfast?” You ask.
Albedo shrugs. “Whichever is good to you. We can give you a check-up before breakfast if that’s what you prefer,” replies Albedo.
“Can we do it now? I’m not feeling well, and I don’t think the check-up should be delayed any longer,” you said, leaning your head against the door frame with a shaky sigh.
Tighnari and Albedo look at you worriedly before taking you to the laboratory in the basement of the estate. While escorting you to the laboratory, the three of you walk past the other men. They greeted you, but you were busy telling Albedo and Tighnari the issue to acknowledge them. The men ended up following you, Tighnari, and Albedo to the lab.
In the laboratory, you’re sitting at the examination table. Baizhu takes your temperature while Dottore presses the back of his hand against your forehead. You’re very warm, almost like you’re running a fever despite feeling healthy. Unless you count the heat coursing through your veins and bubbling inside your guts to be unhealthy.
“Let me make this clear: you woke up feeling like you’re a dog in heat, and you were covered in a thin layer of sweat,” Scaramouche says, leaning against the wall.
You nod hesitantly and narrow your eyes at Scaramouche’s comment. “That is correct. Although I wish you didn’t include the ‘dog in heat’ part,” you reply, fidgeting in your seat.
Itto looks at you quizzically. “Are you sure you didn’t wake up from a wet dream? It happened to me before, and you know how that ended,” Itto says, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You do; you do know how it ended. It ended with Itto using you like a cocksleeve for almost three hours. That man is an Oni. Therefore you’re not surprised that he can go on for that long. Heck, he could go on longer if he wanted to, but seeing how worn out you were, he decided to stop at the three-hour mark. You couldn’t walk for the next few days, and you made Itto carry you around the estate as punishment. Then again, it’s not like Itto was forced to do it. He offered to carry you around, and you accepted his offer.
Ayato rolls his eyes after hearing Itto’s comment. “You did not need to mention that at all, Itto. You could’ve stopped at the question,” Ayato mutters, crossing his arms over his chest with a sharp huff of breath.
You think about it for a minute. It’s possible that you could have woken up from a wet dream, but usually, you remember your dreams. If you did have a wet dream, you wonder what it’s about because it made you feel like, according to Scaramouche, a dog in heat. Maybe it is a wet dream, but the heat inside your core and the throbbing between your legs feels unbearable. You’re trying to keep yourself together and not fall apart in front of the men. 
“Are you guys sure it’s not the powder that is causing [Y/N]’s body to act this way?” Thoma asks, looking at you worriedly.
Your eyes widen, and you nod, pointing at Thoma. “Yeah! What he said! It’s most likely the powder from the flower that’s causing me to feel this way!” You exclaim.
Kaveh hums and looks at the flower sitting in the glass case. “Since you, Dottore, Baizhu, Albedo, and Tighnari have yet to experiment or study the plant and powder, I’m not entirely sure if that’s something we can automatically confirm to be the reason why you’re feeling this way,” Kaveh comments, tapping on his chin.
“Then what else could be affecting [Y/N] this way? They didn’t eat anything weird, and I’m sure it’s not a wet dream Itto claims it to be,” Al Haitham interjects, narrowing his eyes at Kaveh.
You run your fingers through your hair with a frustrated sigh. You know it’s the flower that’s making you feel this way. You’re the only one that got sprayed by this flower, and you inhaled large gulps of this mysterious powder. Days before going to the Chasm, you felt fine. You didn’t feel like a dog in heat. There’s no pit of fire in your core that is raging days prior to going to the Chasm.
You rub your temples with a frustrated sigh. “Is there a way for me to…. Stop this feeling? Or at least put it on hold, or make it less torturous?” You ask.
Archons, this is so frustrating. How else are you supposed to calm this heat in your gut? It’s driving you insane, and you want it to stop. It feels like you have a fire pit in your core, burning wildly, inextinguishable.
“The best we could tell you is to masturbate, but I’m assuming you already did it,” Dottore says, raising an eyebrow at you, the corner of his lips quirking up.
You huff and look away, your face becoming hot under his and the other men’s gaze. “So much for helping,” you mutter. “It’s gotten to the point where it starts to hurt a little bit,” you add, swinging your feet back and forth.
“Maybe whatever you’re feeling will go away as the day progresses. I think the best thing Dottore, Baizhu, Albedo, and Tighnari could do is give you medication,” Cyno comments, looking over at Baizhu, who walks up to you and hands you a small pill.
“This should help ease the pain you’re feeling. If the pain worsens, or if the feeling you’re experiencing right now progresses, please let us know,” Baizhu instructs, stroking your hair.
You grab the cup from Gorou’s hand and swallow the pill. After swallowing the pill, you and the men walked back upstairs and got ready for breakfast. The medication sort of eased the pain, but it did not quell the heat in your core.
You tried your best to ignore it, but the heat is hard to ignore because of how strong it is. Once you have finished breakfast, you excuse yourself and retreat back to your bedroom. The feeling of needing to be relieved died down for about four hours. It’s still there, but it’s not as bad as when you first woke up. You’re able to take a peaceful nap without being rudely woken up by the intense throbbing between your legs.
While you’re napping in your bedroom, the men are in the laboratory, trying to figure out what the powder could be. The flower does not have the powder on it, even if it's been almost twenty-four hours since you and the men have taken it from the Chasm. Dainsleif stares at the flower intently, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
“I find it strange how the flower had powder on it before we discovered it. What’s even more strange is how the flower didn’t produce any more of the powder,” Dainsleif mutters.
Childe shrugs. “Maybe the reason why the flower didn’t produce any more of that powder is that we ripped it from the roots,” Childe suggests, stroking his chin while pacing back and forth in the laboratory.
Diluc looks over at Dottore, Albedo, Tighnari, and Baizhu. The four men are conducting experiments on the powder that is sprayed all over you. The flower continues to sit in its case, untouched. Diluc runs his fingers through his red hair and sighs.
“A Mora for your thought?” Kaeya asks, standing beside the wine tycoon. 
Diluc pinches the space between his eyebrows and sighs for the umpteenth time. “It bothers me that we can’t find a way to help [Y/N]. It’s affecting them so much that they had to request to take medication to ease the pain,” Diluc replies. 
Aether and Heizou approach Kaeya and Diluc.
“If it’s something we’re suspecting, then there might be a way to help them ease the pain,” says Heizou, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.
Xiao narrows his eyes at Heizou from across the room. “Why are you so calm about this? Do you not care that [Y/N] is suffering?” Xiao demands, pushing himself off the wall and walking toward Heizou and Aether.
Xiao is now standing in front of both Aether and Heizou, his arms crossing over his chest while he glares at Heizou, who blinks at him calmly. Aether laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, and Aether pats Xiao’s shoulders. Xiao doesn’t flinch. Instead, he continues to stare at Heizou with a small glare.
“I think Heizou is trying his best to remain calm. We won’t be able to find the solution to [Y/N]’s suffering if we’re all panicking and hovering over them constantly,” Aether explains.
Over at the table where the four men are conducting the research, Venti trots up to the four men and peek over their shoulders with curiosity. Albedo is looking at the powder from under the microscope, and they’re all wearing masks to prevent themselves from inhaling the powder.
“I highly suggest you wear a mask when you’re entering our area. It’s not safe if you’re with us unprotected,” says Albedo, handing a surgical mask to Venti.
Venti shrugs his shoulders and puts the mask on over his face before gazing at the four men curiously. “So! Do you guys know what the powder is?” Venti asks.
“They’ve been inspecting the powder for a while now. It can take some more time for them to figure out what it really is,” Pantalone hollers from across the room.
Gorou hums and plops down on the loveseat in the laboratory, resting his elbow on the armrest. “Do you guys think the flower produced that powder, or did someone else put the powder on it so it can prevent people from taking the flower from the Chasm?” Gorou asks while his ears twitching with worry.
Capitano nods. “It’s possible that someone could cover the flower with the powder. If it is true, then we’re going to need to find out who it is,” Capitano answers, leaning in his seat.
Kazuha sighs and leans his head back, closing his eyes. “How long will it be until we get the results back?” Kazuha asks, turning his head in the four men’s direction.
Dottore slowly looks away from the test tube and takes his mask off before approaching where the others are gathered in the lab. It’s been almost an hour since you retreated to your bedroom to get some sleep. Therefore, it has been nearly an hour since he, Albedo, Baizhu, and Tighnari have been working closely to find out what the powder is made of and what it does to the human body.
“It shouldn’t be taking longer than two hours if there are four knowledgeable people working together to get the results,” Pierro mutters, his eyes scanning the laboratory with disinterest. 
Kaveh sighs loudly, leaning against the wall with his head tilting forward. “And how much longer is that? I feel like we’ve been down here for way too long,” Kaveh complains aloud.
Al Haitham rolls his eyes at Kaveh. “Can you not complain for the day? All you do is complain about the littlest things, Kaveh,” Al Haitham says, shooting a glare in Kaveh’s direction.
Kaveh scoffs and is about to retort when the other three men begin muttering to themselves. Everyone looks in their direction and slowly approaches them, stopping three feet away from where Albedo, Tighnari, and Baizhu are standing.
Heizou looks at the three men curiously. “Did you guys get the results?” Heizou asks, raising his eyebrows at them.
Tighnari, Albedo, and Baizhu look at each other worriedly. The three men nod and take their gloves off, tossing them into the trash bin. They all give each other looks as if they’re mentally debating with each other to see who’s going to announce the results to everyone in the laboratory.
“We should’ve known what it was in the first place,” Tighnari sighs, slapping his forehead with a deep frown.
Aether looks at them anxiously. “What are you guys implying?” Aether asks, clenching and unclenching his fist.
“The powder that sprayed all over [Y/N] is a—”
Gorou and Tighnari perk up suddenly, their eyes widening, their pupils dilated. Back to your room, you wake up, and the medicine has either worn off or it wasn’t strong enough to diffuse the heat in your core. You kneel on your bed, curling up into a ball and groaning and whimpering. The aching between your legs has grown immensely. You feel your underwear becoming damp. Your wetness dampens through not only your underwear but also your sleep shorts.
You roll off your bed, bumping into your nightstand. The water pitcher and glass cup tumble off the nightstand, shattering into millions of pieces. You groan and fall to your knees, hugging your lower abdomen and whimpering softly. You didn’t know whether you wanted to clean the mess off your bedroom floor or continue to writhe in pain on the floor.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you chanted, pressing your hot and sweaty forehead against the wooden floor of your bedroom.
The heat in your core feels like a cramp. It hurts a lot, and you don’t think there’s any medication downstairs that can ease the pain. Not even masturbation can quell the pit of fire in your core. It hurts too much, and the ache seems to only grow even more.
Ayato sighs. “Well, go on! What is it?” Ayato asks, raising his eyebrows at Baizhu.
Baizhu sighs. “The powder that sprayed all over [Y/N] is an aphrodisiac. It’s sex pollen,” Baizhu says.
Cyno raises his eyebrows at Tighnari and Gorou. “Why are you guys acting that way?” Cyno asks.
“We need to check on [Y/N] immediately,” Gorou orders.
Everyone runs back upstairs to the estate and toward your bedroom. You lay on the ground, curled up in a ball, your sweat getting on the floor of your room. At this point, your clothes are drenched in sweat, and your underwear is completely soaked through. You want to feel humiliated, but you’re too hot and bothered to even feel a pinch of embarrassment. 
Loud sets of footsteps and chatter are coming up from the stairs. Your eyes widen, and you quickly get off the ground and crawl to the door to barricade the door with your body. The door handle jiggles. You quickly reach for the door handle and lock it to prevent anyone from coming into your room.
Childe curses under his breath. “Snookums? Are you okay?” Childe asks, banging on the door lightly.
You let out a shaky breath. “I’m fine, Childe.” You whisper, leaning your head against the door. 
“No. You’re not fine. We found out what you accidentally inhaled back at the Chasm,” Diluc replies, pushing Childe away from the door.
You sigh and press your lips into a thin line, fanning your overheated body with your sweat-soaked t-shirt. You’re tempted to strip off all your clothes, but the painful ache between your legs and the heat in your core is making it hard for you to do anything besides remain sitting where you’re at.
“You inhaled a large amount of aphrodisiac. We’re not sure whether the flower produced the aphrodisiac or if someone purposefully covered the flower with it to prevent people from taking the flower,” Capitano replies, leaning against the door frame.
You let out a breathless laugh. “That makes sense. No wonder I feel like a dog in heat,” you croak, closing your eyes and resting your head on the door.
“Please, let us in. We can find a way to help you with what you’re going through,” Kazuha pleads.
You shake your head, knowing the men won’t see it. As much as you want the feeling to go away, you can’t have the men be involved. You would rather ride it out and wait for it to disappear from your system.
You swallow the dry lump in your throat. “It hurts so much, but I don’t want any of you to get involved. Let me ride it out, and I’ll be fine,” you whisper.
Dottore sighs and rubs his forehead. “That’s the problem, [Y/N]. The only time the aphrodisiac will wear off is if you do something about it, not ride it out alone,” Dottore explains.
You curl your toes, run your fingers through your hair and start to pull at the roots. Your breathing is labored, your chest is heaving, you feel so hot, and you want it all to go away. 
“I don’t want to force any of you to help me with my issue,” you mutter, wiping your sweaty neck with the back of your hand.
You wince when you feel that the back of your hand is also sweaty. You’re so hot. Not even the cool air in your bedroom can cool you down. Heck, you think if the men were to leave you in Dragonspine, the sheer cold wouldn’t bother you one bit.
Dainsleif sighs and close his eyes. “You’re not forcing us to do anything, sweetheart. We want to help you, and seeing you suffer is the last thing we want you to go through,” Dainsleif replies, trying to open your bedroom door, only to no avail. 
“We? All of you are going to take turns rearranging my insides, or is it going to be one person that does it?” You mutter, wiping the sweat from your eyebrows with the collar of your shirt.
Xiao looks at the men from the corner of his eyes. “I would prefer to have you for myself. I don’t like sharing,” Xiao states.
Itto perks up after hearing Xiao’s response. “Yeah! Me too! If there’s someone that can help you ride through this wave of sex pollen, it’s the one and Oni!” Itto says, pointing at himself with his thumb.
You laugh nervously, rubbing your neck. “I don’t know how long this aphrodisiac is going to be in my system, but for now, I think one person should suffice,” you murmur.
“Do you have a preference in mind? Immortals? People with furry ears? Old people? People with eyepatches and masks?” Venti trails off, looking at the men around him.
You shake your head. “No, I don’t have a preference. If I did, I wouldn’t be dating all of you now, would I?” you mutter, closing your eyes.
“Alright! Now that’s settled, we’ll send in someone! Just open the door, and whoever is chosen will step into your room to help you with your problem,” you hear Heizou say.
“Okay,” you mumble.
You unlock your bedroom door and slowly crawl away from the door. Everything is silent, other than the faint sound of your panting. You hug your knees to your chest, digging your fingernails into your calves. You watch the doorknob slowly turn, and the door cracks open.
Note: DUN, DUN, DUNNNN! Who could it be!? Ready to choose who's going to be the first one to get their smut in this new smut series? Click [HERE] for the poll for whichever character you want to be the first one to get their smut! As the story progresses, the men who already have their fics will be removed from the poll and previous polls will be closed. As for new characters, they will be added, but they will get their smut if they get the most votes. If no one gets voted, then I will choose and my close friends/mods in my discord server get to choose their favorite Genshin man to go after my choice [that is if people don't vote] ✨ Anyway, to my new and/or returning readers, please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for my Isekai'd!Reader one-shot series and my overall taglist: @xyji, @chirikoheina, @yoru-trash, @kaoyamamegami, @kwelibeeery, @deartoru, @luminarymoonlight, @toobytub, @ins4nebish, @bokuto-kinnie, @honeybedo, @exhaustedcommunist, @jadedist, @mompt2, @chalksdreams, @thelost-in-time, @ventisweetheart, @hispasian-otaku, @juuuuuj101010, @alteeeeyang, @samarill, @testsubject0012, @irisxiel, @emilymikado, @mabie, @vinnie-w, @n8mareee, @bajifairyy, @heyimkay, @milkpeanuts476, @eliciana, @blesstosuisen, @goldeneclipsedragon, @jjvr4yxc, @sovermike-21-blog, @vox34, @wynncrites, @skyyyyackerman, @undecidingfate, @nightlysunn, @faeryminnyx, @simpcreator, @lucifarts-boxers, @urlocalheizousimp, @sunlightstarr (Accounts that I was unable to tag have been removed. Those who don't want to be tagged in certain stories are not tagged in this particular post. Remember to check your settings if you're allowing people to mention you/tag you in posts or not)
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mxeve0 · 6 months
Atticus Finch X Virgin! Fem Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI, oral (m receiving), p in v, hair pulling, slight degradation??? idk we'll see.
Context: You babysit for Jem and Scout sometimes, whenever Atticus calls, but this time he calls for a different reason. Also it's your first time but he doesn't know that.
Grab a glass of water or smthn and settle down cos this one is LONGGG
Not Just A Baby-sitter
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also he is so this song argue with the wall
It wasn't often that you were called over to the Finch's house, but when you were it was usually just to watch Jem and Scout, to make sure they didn't burn the house down or anything. However, when Atticus rang you a couple minutes earlier, during the middle of the day when the kids were at school, you couldn't help but wonder why.
You knocked on the door, straightening out a crease in your skirt as you waited. The door opened, Atticus stood in the doorway, looking, well, not his best. His hair was ruffled and messy, his glasses were askew, the top few buttons of his shirt were undone, as well as his...fly? You looked away quickly, hoping he didn't notice how your eyes trailed down him, examining him carefully. However, he didn't seem to have noticed as he grabbed your arm, pulling you into the house and shutting the door behind you.
"Sorry about this doll," he said quickly, sliding his hand down your arm to grab your hand, leading you into the kitchen. "It's just, I've got a problem you see, and, well, it could use a woman's touch," he explained, the colour of his cheeks darkening slightly as he did so.
"No, it's alright," You said softly, curiosity lacing your voice. As the two of you reached the opposite end of the kitchen, Atticus spun you around, pinning you against the counters now behind you. You start to gasp, but you were cut off as he abruptly pressed his lips against yours. As one of his hands reached up and caressed your jaw, and the other snaked it's way around your waist, you couldn't help but melt into the kiss. You wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him closer, feeling the bulge that threatened to spill out of his open fly.
The pair of you broke apart, breathing heavily as you look up at him through your lashes. Behind his glasses, his eyes were soft and compassionate, glossed over with sympathy and...guilt? His hands found their way to the zip on the back of your dress, undoing it slowly.
"If, at any point, you want to stop, we can," Atticus said as the zip reached the end. You smiled at his gentlemanly-ness, slipping the dress off and kicking it away. Wrapping your hands back around his neck, you watch as he examines your body, trailing his fingers down you gently. A small smirk tugs at the corners of his lips for a second, before he quickly places them back on yours.
You reach one hand up into his hair, tugging at it gently, whilst your other hand reached down his back, pulling him closer towards you. His shirt is rough against your bare skin, which his hands continue to explore. Atticus pauses the kiss to lift you up onto the kitchen counter. As you wrap your legs around his waist, you let go of his hair and start to undo the rest of his shirt buttons. His tongue grazes your bottom lip, begging for entry, which you allow.
His hot breath travels down your throat and you can taste a slight hint of red wine, whilst his hands reach behind you to undo your bra. You slip his shirt off and throw it, along with your bra, vaguely in the same direction as your dress. Atticus pulls away and rests his head on your shoulder. For those few seconds, all that could be heard was the heavy breathing that came from both of you.
"Have you been drinking?" You ask in between deep breaths. He looks up at you with puppy eyes and smiles gently.
"I may have had a glass of two, but I'm completely sober if that's what you're worried about," he says as his hands begin to fondle your breasts. You rest your head on top of his as he bites and pulls at the skin around your collarbone, leaving small marks.
As you trace your hands up and down his back, Atticus moves his hands away and replaces them with his mouth. He pulls gently, biting slightly a few times, but not enough to hurt. In fact, as his mouth continues to work on your breasts, you can feel a heat rising in the pit of your stomach, and your hands begin to mindless tug at the top of his trousers. Feeling your neediness, his mouth comes back up to meet yours, smiling as he kisses you passionately.
"Yeah~?" He says teasingly, grabbing your hands with his and using them to push his trousers down, just enough to make room for his bulge. Your eyes widen automatically as you take in the size of it, and you quickly try to regain composure. You feel his smile as he presses his lips against yours, his hands coming up to support your neck.
Pressing your lower shin into his crotch, Atticus moans quietly, letting you deepen the kiss, exploring his mouth with your tongue. Reaching up, you guide his hands down to your bare thighs. His hands were rough, but his movements were gentle and soft as he squeezed your thighs, ever so slowly moving closer towards your panties.
You pull away from him, breathing heavily as you rest your head on his shoulder. Looking down, you hooked a finger of the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down to reveal more of his happy-trail. Feeling the blood rush to your cheeks, you nuzzle into his neck, attempting to hide away as you pull the waistband all the way down. You feel as his dick springs up against his stomach, and you can't help but trace your fingers up and down, realising how big it actually is. You hear Atticus laugh breathlessly, so you look up to meet his gaze.
"Your face is getting warm," he smiles, looking down at you through his glasses. He pushes his hips forward, his dick gently grazing the wet fabric of your panties. You moan involuntarily, pushing your head back into his neck. Atticus kisses the back of your neck, slipping his fingers into your wet folds, earning another moan from you, which was muffled by his neck.
"Please~ Atticus," you whispered, trying to push your hips forward on the counter in an attempt to get some more friction.
"Alright," he smiled, wrapping his hands underneath your thighs, picking you up off of the counter. Placing you on the floor, Atticus spun you around by your waist and pushed the top of your back gently, bending you over the counter. You gasp as the cold countertop presses against your tits. Atticus pushes your legs further apart, and you can't help but feel slightly vulnerable in this position. "Are you ready?" He asks as you feel his dick graze lightly over your pussy. You nod and hum in approval.
"Sweetheart I'm not going any further until you say it," he says, leaning over you, his chest warm against your back. "Are you ready?"
"Yes- ah," you reply, feeling his tip brush against your folds. Atticus hums softly, standing back up straight and grabbing your hips to align himself. You bite your lip as he pushes his dick into you, stretching you out as he moves slowly. It hurt, but it was bearable. His pelvis is warm against your ass as he pushes his dick in as far as he can. Your back seems to arch automatically, as your brows furrow whilst you moan. Atticus stays still for a while whilst you get used to the feeling. You begin to rock back and forth gently, silently begging him for some kind of friction, which he allows.
He pumps into you, slowly at first whilst his hands grip your hips and thighs. You rest your head on the counter while you grip the edge of it tightly, breathing heavily and moaning involuntarily. Hearing Atticus whisper little praises made you realise that you'd never done this before, and you never would have imagined it would have felt this good.
"Ah, good girl~" He whispers, just loud enough for you to hear. You whimper faintly as his grip on your hips and thighs tighten. Propping yourself up on your arm, you try to turn around to look at Atticus, but the position stops you from looking at him properly. Noticing this, he moves one hand and presses down on your lower back to keep you in place whilst he grabs your jaw with his other hand, forcing you to look at him.
"You want to watch me ruin you? Hmm?" He teased, his voice laced with lust in a way that made you melt. He let go of you, and your head seems to whip back around. His hand reached up and tangled around your hair, pulling your hair hard, forcing you to lean your head back. A moan escapes your throat as he pumps into you at a steady pace. You listen as he whispers little things under his breath, and how your breathing becomes heavy.
"Att- ah~ Atticus, please go- go slower," you beg as your legs shake uncontrollably. He lets go of your hair and your head flops down onto your arms. Resting his hands in the middle of your back, Atticus slows down to a gentle pace, allowing you to catch your breath.
"You alright doll? I didn't...hurt you did I?" He asks, leaning over you slightly. You shake your head.
"No, I've just, never done this, before," you manage to say between heavy breaths. The air is quiet and heavy with thick tension as Atticus stops completely, pulling himself out of you and pulling your shoulders to stand you up straight.
"You've never...oh my," he mumbles as you turn around to look at him. One hand is resting on his hip while his other hand fidgeted with his glasses. You could see through the lenses that his eyes were glazed with guilt.
"What's wrong? You know, I'm glad that my first time is with you," You smile, desperate to continue. Reaching up, you grab his hand and bring it down, placing it in between your thighs. He smiles and chuckles quietly to himself. You feel the heat rising to your cheeks as his fingers work in between your folds.
"Alright darlin'," Atticus says, wrapping his hands around your thighs and lifting you up. You connect your lips to his as he places you down on the kitchen table gently. As the two of you separate from the kiss, he pushes you back down slowly, keeping one hand on your back to stop you from falling.
You rest your head against the wood as he pushes your legs apart, lining himself back up with you. Your legs wrap around his waist and your hands grip the edge of the table as his pushes into you. His dick went in easier this time, but it was still a little tight.
As his hips meet yours, Atticus leans over you, grabbing your hand and bringing it above your head, interlocking your fingers with his. You wrap your other hand around his neck to steady yourself.
He pumps into you at a steady pace, slower than before, but still hitting the right spot. Your legs tighten around him and you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck, trying to muffle the involuntary noises that escaped your throat.
"Ah- you sound so good- sweetheart," he whispers, leaving little kisses along your neck. Your back arches as you feel an unexplainable sensation building in the pit of your stomach. You whisper his name, it being the only thing you can manage to say. He groans above you, letting go of your hand and gripping your hips. His grip is tight, and you know it would leave bruises later, but you were too overwhelmed to focus on that right now.
"Oh, Atti-" Your voice catches in your throat and your lower back lifts off the table and your legs shake wildly. He smiles and loosens his grip on your hips, watching you come down from your high.
You sigh and wipe away the few tears that had formed in the corners of your eyes. As your breathing slows, you sit up on your elbows, your gaze meets his. Atticus pulls himself out of you, groaning quietly as his dick throbs. He was close, you could tell.
You slide off the table, sitting on your knees, your eyes level with his dick. His hand reaches down and grabs your jaw, forcing you to look up at him.
"Now be a doll and make sure I finish, won't you?" He asks, a smirk tugging at his lips. Your heart skipped a beat; you had never seen him so demanding before. You were going to, of course. It was the whole reason he called you after all.
Reaching your hand up, you wrap it around his hard cock, pumping it slowly. You rest your other hand on his thigh, continuing to stroke is dick, occasionally pausing to graze your thumb over the head.
Atticus tangles his fingers in your hair, gripping it firmly and pushing the tip to your lips. You take the head into your mouth. Continuing to pump his shaft, you use the tip of your tongue to tease his slit, earning a stifled moan from him. He pushes your head further down. You gag a little as it touches the back of your throat, and Atticus apologises, slightly letting go of your hair.
As you continue to bob your head up and down, you could feel his cock throbbing in your throat. His breath was becoming quick and shallow; you could tell he was close.
"Ah~ darlin' I'm gonna- oh god." Atticus groans as he thrusts into your throat. You can feel the cum hit the back of your throat, and you try to pull away but he holds you still. Slowly, he pulls his cock out of your mouth, leaving a small string of cum behind. He smiles as he watches you swallow.
"Stay there sweetheart, I'll get you cleaned up," he says, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. You hum quietly and sit back against the leg of the table, watching as he gets you a glass of water. If you weren't sure before, you were definitely sure that you loved him now.
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sstormyskyess · 7 months
so glad i came across your blog. wondering if youu could write simon riley x f!reader where she was a former royal marines and he didn't know and found out after she got called back for a mission. maybe she's a captain?
thank you, love
Glory Days
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author's note: thank you for my first request!! i’m glad you found my blog and thought me worthy enough to request something for me 💜 i hope you enjoy!
cw: fluff, military reader, fem!reader, simon being anxious
word count: 1900+
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader "Finch"
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♡ Being in the Royal Marines wasn’t necessarily something you were embarrassed about. It was more a matter of wanting to get a fresh start at being a regular civilian, far away from the battlefield. That’s why your previous enlistment never came up in conversation when you met Ghost and got to know each other better.
♡ When you and Ghost eventually entered a full relationship, he was surprised by how understanding you were about his occupation and the things that came with it. You were also very curious about his military activities, something that no other civilian in his life ever had been.
♡ It was about a couple years into your relationship when you got a letter from your previous commanding officer, requesting your services again since they thought your skills would be valuable for that specific mission.
♡ You were hesitant to accept, but eventually you did and you found yourself on your way to meet with your commanding officer and talk business. You didn’t know, though, that your very own boyfriend would be serving on the same mission.
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Delta 2-1.” Captain Price says with a smile on his face. You smile in return and give him a firm handshake. “Please, call me Finch.” You correct him happily. “The pleasure is all mine. I’ve heard good things about you and your task force, Captain.” You put your arms behind your back with perfect poise, and give a nod toward the main building, walking off with Price in tow.
Simon stares from across the tarmac. His thoughts were racing, confused out of his mind. He almost had to remind himself to breathe, the amount of questions bouncing around in his head taking over all other thoughts, even his base instincts.
That’s why he almost imperceptibly jumps when a hand lands on his shoulder, tapping twice. He glances over to the person connected to said hand: Soap. “She’s one hell of a question mark, eh, L.T.?” He joins Simon in staring at the direction you and Price walked off to, shaking his head. “Heard she’s gonna be serving in place of Price. You know anything else about her?”
Well, he certainly did know about you. A lot of things about you. Why? Because you were his girlfriend, possibly soon to be fiancée. The only thing he didn’t seem to know about you was why exactly you were here, talking to his superior and ready to head out onto the same battlefield he’d been preparing to deploy into.
“No.” He answers simply. There was a reason Soap didn’t recognize her. He did his very best, and would do anything to keep his personal life and professional life separate; that’s why no one on the task force knew that he was romantically involved with anyone, save for Laswell. She knows absolutely everything, as much as it got on his nerves. At least she was good at keeping a secret. But now, here you were, present and apparently active in his work life. He sighs and looks over to Soap. “Tell the old man I’ll be in the weapons’ locker, if he asks.” He walks off and ignores whatever Soap was questioning him about.
♡ Ghost was shocked that he didn’t know about this particular part of your life, and he was even more shocked that you were actually considering going out on the field.
♡ It wasn’t that he doubted your abilities—quite the opposite, actually—but he was worried you’d get hurt. He was a powerful man but even he still managed to get hurt sometimes. So, knowing that you’d be at risk had him shaken up.
Simon lets out a heavy sigh. “Love, I need you to promise me you’ll be safe.” Simon has his hand on your shoulder, looking you up and down in the heavy tac vest you were adorned in. It was something he never imagined he’d see on you; it was pretty attractive, in all honesty, but he isn’t particularly focused on how attractive his lovely partner was.
He’s mostly concerned about the fact that you were about to be heading onto the field, assigned to a different team and dropped off in a location multiple klicks from where he would be. You shake your head and rest your hand on top of Simon’s. “I’ll be alright, Si. I promise.” You give him a comforting smile, taking his hand and holding it in yours. “This is nothing I haven’t done before.”
You look over Simon’s face, meeting his brown-hazel eyes and inspecting them: reading his thoughts. His eyes were so expressive, just as long as you knew what to look for. You could tell he was overly worried. You could also tell that he was fully prepared to blame himself if you got hurt out there. You swing his hand back and forth slightly, your own thoughts coming to the surface.
“You’ll be careful too, right?” You ask, your thumb running along the back of his knuckles. Simon sighs again and squeezes your hand in return. He was a calculated man but he was still susceptible to making decisions that would save his team, even if he would be putting himself in danger. Having you on the field with him was bound to make it worse.
But regardless, the last thing he wants is to distract you. Him getting himself into trouble was bound to draw your attention away from the mission. So, he nods and pulls his hand away, thinking for a moment. He wraps one of his arms around your waist then pulls the bottom of his mask up with the other.
Your eyes widen for a moment, taking a look out of the small alley between the buildings to make sure no one is watching. He takes your chin and rests his forehead on yours, kissing you gently. You lean into it, reaching up to his cheek to caress it. The two of you meet eyes once you pull away and stand there, gazing into each other's eyes for a few moments before Simon finally pulls away. “We’re wheels up soon. Let’s move.”
♡ He wasn’t expecting it, but experiencing the version of you in the heat of battle had him falling in love all over again. That commanding tone of voice and your proficiency with a weapon in hand, even after your years spent in retirement, were absolutely enrapturing to him.
♡ He wouldn’t have thought this of himself, but it seemed like watching you in your element made him realize that maybe he was attracted to that kind of power. You being his superior was only the icing on the cake.
“Delta Team, push up to the RV point!” You bark into the comms, the sound of grass and foliage cluttering your words. “Roger that, Finch. Move, move, move!” Simon honestly didn’t think he could fall in love with you even harder than he already has. Hearing you calling the shots over the comms was almost hypnotizing. He’d never heard your voice like that and it was a beautiful thing. He had to keep focus, though. He had his own team to direct.
Getting to the RV location was quite the hassle. Under a barrage of enemy fire—standard bullets, grenades, RPGs—keeping your team alive was a downright nightmare. But you managed it, the sight of Simon’s signature mask bringing you a slight bit of relief. “Ghost, sitrep, how long ‘til the charges blow?”
He doesn’t get the chance to respond before your eyes widen all of a sudden. “Look out!” You shout, shoving him to the side and toppling yourself down to the ground beside him. He grunts, looking at you confused before a sniper shot ricocheted off the ground right where he was previously standing.
“Snipers to the north, get down!” You call, taking Simon’s fallen rifle, getting into position to return fire, and quickly taking out the initial threat as though it was as easy as walking. If you weren't focused on calculating the best strategy out of this particular setback, you’d be able to see the stars in Simon’s eyes, his mind committing the sight of you expertly counter-sniping and potentially saving his life to memory. He didn't get much time to dwell on it any longer before he got dragged to his feet and rushed toward the nearest treeline.
♡ Once the operation was complete and you both got back to base with nothing but minor injuries, he finally had time to relax with you and reverse the roles, asking you an endless amount of questions about your time in active service, engrossed in the various stories you shared.
♡ Ghost listened carefully as you showed him the scars he had seen many times before and explained the story behind each one. He’d never asked before out of politeness but he got to appreciate them more fully now that he knew the details of each one.
A trail of goosebumps rises in the path of Simon’s fingers running along your spine. “I got that one a couple years into my service.” You recall, thinking about the scar he was tracing gently. His mind wanders as you talk, your voice soothing him through the imagery your story evoked.
“What about this one?” He rubbed his thumb over an old bullet wound on your side. You shift in your place on the tiny military-grade cot and sigh softly. “That was right before I retired. Sniper managed to hit between the plates.” His eyes widened at that, just a bit.
“And you managed to survive?” He chuckles softly when you nod. He leans down and pecks you on the cheek. “That’s my girl.” You blush, burying your face in the pillow beneath your head, making him laugh a bit again. He runs his hand through your hair, his fingers gentle. “So strong.” He squeezes the nape of your neck softly and feels the knots in your muscles, massaging them.
There was a peaceful silence between you two before Simon sighs. “What are you doing after all this?” You pick your head up just a bit, one brow raised. “What do you mean?” He pulls you close when you sit up to face him fully.
“Once this operation is over. Are you going to stay now that you’re back in?” He watches you process the question quietly. It was a good question. You didn’t really know what your plan was at this point. Leaving the service was a good choice on your part. You were happy just being a normal person, not constantly worrying about dying every time you left your bed.
But even so, being out on the field again was exhilarating. You didn’t imagine it would be a feeling you would miss, but now you were having second thoughts. Plus, it was wonderful being able to protect Simon yourself, knowing that as long as you were there, he was going to come back alive. You bite your lip in thought, before looking back up at him.
“I think I may stay. I’m not sure.” You run a hand up his shirt and over his back, your nails gently trailing against the scarred skin. He hums, his fingers starting to drum against your hip. “Don’t worry, Si. It’ll be okay. Promise. Plus, you need someone to make sure you don’t get yourself hurt.” You smile, kissing along his jaw and up his cheek. “I know, love, I know.” He smiles back, burying his face in your shoulder.
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We will protect you. Part IV
Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader
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Description: ADA and you discuss, what you manage to uncover, with the rest of the Gang. But, you never expected to see three particular names in the list.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language.
Part III
Part V
You were sitting one of the couches in the living room, between Yosano and Kouyou. You and ADA returned home fifteen minutes ago and were telling others, what happened today.
ADA members were the ones, who did most of the talking. They explained in details, what they do to Stalker. And it was impressive in their own way. Yes, today, they mostly used physical power, but, some people only learn, that dog us angry, only when said dog bite them. And, while it was strange to have Dazai of all people using raw power, you feel so grateful towards him for protecting you today. You were grateful towards all Armed Detective Agency members, Katai and Natsume for today's protection.
Ranpo finally stopped talking and took a list of Stalker's accomplices from the table.
"With Stalker's phone we had some evidence, that will help us punish them severely. But, we need to punish a few more people. Stalker's accomplices..."
Everyone's gazes became darker. Ranpo start reading out loud. Poe took Stalker's phone and Katai turn on his laptop.
"First names, Emily Glover and Eugene Porcher..." You sighed, hearing these names.
"My university professors. They are responsible for job assignment during Charity Fair."
Poe start scrolling through Stalker's phone, trying to find Stalker's chat with anyone from this two.
"No... No... Found it! It seems, that Stalker posed as poor shy crushing student, who just want to see you from afar. And the café were the best option for them, because of all this windows," Poe's hands were shaking because of anger. "Your two professors didn't even question them, after you started to tell everyone about the Stalker."
You rub your forehead and lean your back on Yosano. She immediately put her hand on your head and start playing with your hair.
"Okay... Next?"
Ranpo cleared his throat.
"Johnathan Burke, manager of the café..."
This time, Katai clarify his reasons.
"Stalker pay them for keeping you on Closing Shift."
Ranpo named the third accomplice.
"Samson Beck, police officer, it seems, he and Stalker knew each other. Ollie Foster and Lennie Finch, two students. They..."
You finished.
"Don't like me. Especially after I moved in with you."
Ranpo nodded.
"Yes, unfortunately. And, there are three more names. I have never heard them before. Justin Blackwood, Angela Blackwood and Tory Swanson."
You perked up, hearing these names. You jumped from the couch and snatched the list from the Ranpo.
"And here I hoped that it was a hallucination and I didn't see these three names."
Everyone stared at you. You quickly explained.
"Justin and Angela are my uncle and aunt. [C/N]'s parents."
Kunikida adjusted his glasses.
"I assume, they also liked to call in the middle of the night?"
You mumble something and shrug. You took a pen from the table and start spinning it, trying to calm down.
"Maybe? At least, they never called me in the middle of the night. As for Tory, she is my cousin, I guess. We are not blood related, she is Justin's niece."
Atsushi looked puzzled.
"Okay... What do they get from helping Stalker?"
Poe, who was checking chats, spoke.
"Well, they mentioned something about... inheritance and old hotel. And, being ready to help Stalker get you."
You snatched the phone from Poe and stare at the screen.
It was true. You recognize your aunt's number.
Blue ink from broken pen coated your hand. The plastic remains of the pen fall down on the floor. You were breathing hard. You gave the phone back to Poe.
"Because of inheritance... They are ready to destroy my life... Sold me to a creep. And here I thought, they wanted..."
You breathe in and out.
You glance at your dirty hand.
"I need to clean myself up."
You turned away and left the living room.
You frantically soaped your palms. Hot water were burning your hands, but you didn't care. A million thoughts fly in your mind and none of them were pleasant.
You were crying.
One week ago you got a message from Aunt Angela. She said, that she and Justin wanted to visit you the following week. You were happy to see someone from your family again.
But, with that family you don't need enemies.
You heard, how someone open the door. You catch Kouyou's reflection in a mirror.
Then you were embraced by her. Kouyou whispered.
"You can cry as much, as you want, Dear Flower. I will be there."
You sobbed, hiding your face in her chest.
"They were thinking about inheritance... They didn't care about me!"
Kouyou lightly pet your head.
"Don't worry, everything is going to be alright. We won't let them hurt you. I won't let them hurt you."
Kouyou cupped your face. You looked directly in her cherry-red-eyes. She kissed away two stray teardrops from your cheeks.
"I promise."
You hugged her again.
"It's just... I thought, that they are my family. That, they, at least, shouldn't be against me."
Kouyou kissed your temple.
"Not all families are supportive. But we will support you. Always."
You sighed.
"True... Can we stay like this for a moment? Then we will return to a living room?"
Kouyou nodded, placing her hand on your head.
When Kouyou and you return to the living room, others looked troubled. You were standing with your back turned to her while Kouyou hugged you from behind. You explained everyone about your aunt's messages. And about wanting to meet you.
Right in the middle of explanation, you got another message from her. You read it out loud.
"Hey, [Y/N]! Let's meet tomorrow and have dinner together! Your uncle and I will wait for you at the "Sakura" restaurant."
You raise an eyebrow. "Sakura" was a wanna be Japanese restaurant. Cheap, with bad food. Because of that, during Charity Fair, they almost had no clients.
Good place for a kidnapping. You rub your forehead. You are getting a headache.
Mori stand up. He came closer to you, stand near Kouyou and put his hands on your shoulders.
"Don't worry, My Darling Guiding Light, tommorow, you will be under protection of Port Mafia. And we will show them, what will happened to people, who cross you."
You looked at Mori with gratitude.
"Thank you, Ougai. So..." you looked at others, fixing your gaze on Port Mafia members. "Who want to meet my family tommorow?"
That night you spent in your room.
But you weren't alone.
Once again, you were in a middle of cuddle sandwich.
You were laying face to face with Kouyou. You ran your fingers through her hair, that she let down. Koyouu's fingers were massaging your temples. From time to time, she ran her fingertips up and down your face.
Mori was spooning you. He put his chin on the top of your head. Your legs were intertwined. His hands were wrapped around your midsection. From time to time, he gave you an affectionate squeeze.
And, once again, you felt safe.
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Liar Liar
Pairing: Rooster x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol consumption
Request: nah
Word Count: 2.4k
Synopsis: Based off a text post by the lovely @mrsroosterbradshaw02, find it here :) and check out their other stuff it's so good !!
a/n: yo!!! first topgun fic!! this one is silly and fluffy and was so fun to write!! hope you enjoy :]
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*not my gif! creds to owner <3
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Walking into the Hard Deck, arm linked with Phoenix's, it didn't take long to spot a familiar group of aviators gathered around the pool table. It was a Friday night and you all had just finished up another day of grueling training. 
So it was no wonder that everyone flocked here, in desperate need of some drinks and whatever antics the guys had planned. 
"Well if it isn't Phoenix and Finch," Hangman's smile grows ever wider as he catches sight of you two, "Care to join us  ladies?" 
"Only if you can handle getting your ass handed to you, once again." Phoenix says as she accepts the pool cue that Bob was holding out to her. 
Hangman puts a hand over his chest, "You wound me, honestly. But if I were you I wouldn't be too cocky." 
You roll your eyes, "You speaking to yourself there, Bagman?" 
The group around you lets out a chorus of "ooohs" as Hangman holds up his hands, "Hey I'm just setting up for what's about to go down." 
"The only thing that's about to go down is that ego of yours." Phoenix mutters as she lines up her cue. 
Leaning your back against the bar, elbows resting on the counter, you let out a chuckle as you watch the bickering continue between the two pilots. 
"They won't ever stop, will they?" You turn your head as a voice comes from next to you. Rooster mirrors you as he stares at the group surrounding the pool table. 
"Says you." A chuckle comes from your throat, "Whatever you and Hangman have going on is nothing compared to this."
Rooster gasps dramatically, bringing his beer bottle to his lips. You can't help the way your eyes flick towards them as he takes a drink. 
"Hangman just has it out for everyone in his own weird… flirtatious way." Rooster says as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. 
You fake a shudder, "Eugh. I don't know what he's doing but it certainly isn't flirting." 
That earns a laugh from Rooster and a part of you tries to ignore the way the sound of it makes your heart flutter. You feel heat rise in your cheeks as you glance away from the curly haired man, shaking the thoughts from your head. 
"Well," Rooster sets his beer down on the counter and takes your hand in his own, "One thing we know for sure is that he's good at causing trouble. So, if you'll excuse me malady, I gotta go to the rescue of dear Bob over there." With a wink and a kiss to your hand, Rooster is leaving you breathless. 
The action was so small and natural but God did it make your heart skyrocket. At that moment you're sure that going 10 G's would've been easier on you than whatever you were feeling right now. 
A smile creeps its way onto your face as you watch Rooster make his way towards Hangman, the pair immediately falling into a friendly bicker match as Rooster picks up a pool cue. 
A wave from Phoenix finally peels you away from the bar, "You trying to hide from us, Finch?" She asks as she hands you a drink. 
You gladly accept it and nudge her with your elbow, "Hide from you? Never." 
Her laughter mixes with yours as you seemingly melt into the group of aviators surrounding the pool table. The night goes on in a haze of loud music, drinking, and some well needed laughter. 
After what you guessed was a couple of hours passed last call, Penny was ushering you all out onto the beach, "You're drunk, kids, go home!" She says as all of you collectively wave a drunken goodbye to her. 
There's a string of words that fill the air that you're pretty sure aren't English as everyone heads towards the water together. 
"What was that?" Fanboy says, his voice very loud as he squints in the direction of whoever spoke. 
"No idea. Let's swim." Payback answers him. Before Fanboy can speak he's being dragged into the water. As he's pulled along he grabs onto Coyote, and the group of them tumble into the waves. 
You watch them go, your face warm from the alcohol and mind blissfully fuzzy. "Mav will kill us if they drown." Bob says from next to you, his arm slung across Phoenix's shoulders. 
"Oh don't be a downer, Bob. Let's join them!" Phoenix laughs before taking his hand and taking off towards the water. 
In her drunken state however, she ends up doing more of a sideways run than anything, leaving you clutching your stomach as you laugh at Bob's attempt to steady her. 
"They're pretty cute, huh?" An arm across your shoulders makes you jump, but doesn't yet suppress the giggles escaping you. 
Hangman stands next to you, his smile wide as he watches his friends make complete fools of themselves. 
Reaching up behind Hangman's back and resting your hand on his shoulder, you finally stifle your laughter, "Sure. But don't let Phoenix hear you say that or she'll-" 
"Oh darlin' believe me, I've heard just about everything on what Phoenix can do to a man, and.. don't repeat this but," He leans down to whisper in your ear, "She kind of scares me sometimes." 
A laugh shakes your body as you give Hangman a playful shove, the movement making you stumble a bit, "Oooh I fucking knew it." 
He holds a finger up to you, "Do not repeat that." He warns, but the slurring of his words takes any hint of a threatening tone out of his voice. 
You cover your mouth with both hands, the two of you letting out silent laughs. "Holy shit I'm so drunk." You wheeze as you lean over, both hands on your knees. 
"Oh!" Hangman claps his hands, his voice still shaking slightly with laughter, "Y'know who else would be just so cute together?" 
You look up, wiping the tears from the corner of your eyes as you let out a breath, "Who?"
He leans in, a shit eating grin on his face, "You and Rooster." 
You shove at his chest, "Oh shut up." You say, shaking your head as you walk towards the water. The sand grows cooler and the laughter of the others grows louder as you get closer to the gentle waves lapping onto the shore. 
"Oh, come on! Don't pretend like you don't have feelings for him, Finch." Hangman practically whines as he follows you, his hand grabbing yours. 
He pulls your hand up and spins you, the motion making you laugh, "Who I have feelings for is none of your damn business." You say, patting Hangman's cheek. 
He rolls his eyes and lets out an exaggerated sigh, "Oh, but I know who has feelings for youuu." His voice grows into that of a sing-song tone. 
You raise an eyebrow at him and cross your arms, "Bullshit." 
Responding with nothing but a grin, Hangman steps next to you and points a little ways down towards the water. You follow his finger and find your eyes meeting Rooster's. 
With a wide smile on his face, he gives you a wave before being tackled to the ground by Coyote. You watch as his curls disappear under the water, only to resurface a moment later. Your face grows warm at the way his laughter fills the air, his smile shining under the moon. 
"Damn, you're whipped girl." Hangman mutters next to you. You jump, having momentarily forgotten he was there. 
"Bagman you better not be flirting with my wingwoman!" Phoenix calls over to the pair of you, her hand outstretched as she points to the man in question. 
Hangman points to his own chest before looking around and then back to Phoenix, "Who, me?" 
"Yeah, you. Who else?" Phoenix asks as she walks over, completely soaked and flushed.
You chuckle, "Don't worry, he's not. Besides, I wouldn't let him." You reassure her. She grins at you and nudges your shoulder with her own, "I know you wouldn't."
"Ouch." Hangman deadpans. 
"If you're not… being yourself, then what are you doing?" Phoenix asks, Bob joining her side. 
Grinning again, Hangman pats your shoulder, "Well I was just about to show our dear Finch here a little something." 
At the look on Phoenix's face, Hangman immediately back tracks, "Okay, wait. No, not like that. Here-" 
Hangman pauses as he chuckles, his voice still wavering a little as tries to collect himself. You begin to wonder if he's actually serious about his insight on Rooster liking you or if he's just… very very drunk.
"So, earlier, right? During pool, I told Rooster that his ears turn red when he lies." Hangman explains to you, his smile wider than you've ever seen it before.
Oh he's definitely way more drunk than you thought. 
You glance towards Rooster, who is still splashing around like a kid with the others. 
"Well, do they?" You ask, turning back to Hangman. 
"Nope." He states. 
You cock your head to the side, a confused smile playing on your lips, "Then why did you tell him that?" 
"Because I can do this." Hangman says simply before cupping his hands around his mouth and yelling for Rooster. 
The curly haired man pauses mid run and turns on the spot, swaying slightly as he looks over, "Yeah?" 
"Hey, do you love Finch?" Hangman asks, the question almost making you choke as your hand shoots up to your mouth in shock. 
Eyes wide, you look over to Rooster. 
Who is covering his goddamn ears. 
"No…" He says slowly, his hands clasped around his head as he stares doe eyed at the crowd looking back at him. 
Your mouth falls open and Phoenix reaches over and pushes it closed. 
With a pleased look, Hangman looks back to you, "What did I say?" 
But you don't look at him. 
You don't even acknowledge him. 
Because all you can see is Rooster. 
You just see him with his stupid hands still over his stupid ears and his stupid curls. 
"Stupid." You mutter, your eyes locking with Rooster's. 
"Wha- me?" Hangman asks, his voice distant to you. 
"No. Me." You say as you begin walking towards the man who has not taken his eyes off of you since he told the most obvious lie you've ever heard. 
As you near him, he finally uncovers his ears, his eyes wide, "Finch, I-" 
He never finishes his sentence because you're grabbing the front of his Hawaiian shirt and pulling him towards you. Your lips connect with such fervor that you almost surprise yourself. 
His lips feel soft against yours and the feeling it fills you with is something so unexplainable because God, finally. 
Pulling back to catch your breath you look up at him, hands still clenched tightly in the fabric of his shirt. 
He stares back, his expression that of shock. In an instant it hits you what you just did and you step back, hands fidgeting stupidly in the air, "I- you- sorry, I-" You give up as you let your face fall into your hands. 
"Sorry." You mutter again, your voice muffled. 
Gentle hands on your wrists pull them away from your face. You blink your eyes open as your chin is lifted up to Rooster's face, his hand moving to cup your cheek. 
"Stop apologizing." He says quietly before leaning in and kissing you. What you can only explain as relief floods through you, making your knees go weak. 
Or maybe it's the fact that Rooster's kissing you because holy shit can he kiss. Reaching up, your hands find the back of his neck and are tangled in his hair as you return the kiss. 
His hands travel down your body and find their home at your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him. 
You kiss him harder before breaking off just enough to breathe. Pressing your forehead against his, you can't help the smile that grows on your face.
Leaning back slightly to look at him, your hand traces its way to his face, thumbing over the scar on his chin. He stares at you, his eyes filled with something that you've never quite seen before. 
Looking at him. Just… looking at him, you feel at home. 
"What is it?" You ask, watching as his eyes deepen in thought. He blinks at you, a smile playing on his lips. 
"I love you." He says simply, his voice quiet. He kisses you again, this time more gentle. 
You feel all the meaning and love behind it and can't help but absolutely and completely melt into it. 
"I love you." You say against his lips. You can feel him smile and it feels as though he's the fucking sun. 
You can taste the alcohol and salt from the ocean on him but everything feels so wonderful and perfect that it only adds to it all. 
He loves you. 
Bradley Bradshaw loves you. 
And you love him. 
Unknown to you during yours and Rooster's exchange, the others are just watching as if their favorite show is on. 
"Told you I'd be the one to get them together." Hangman says as he looks away from the pair of you, his signature grin plastered on his face. 
"It would've happened one way or another." Phoenix says, her arm slung across Bob's shoulders, who nods along with her words. 
Pushing up his glasses, Bob chuckles, "True. But I'm glad we can finally stop suffering as they cast longing glances at each other." 
"God but imagine what we have to put up with now." Fanboy says, shuddering. 
Letting out a sigh, Hangman cracks his knuckles, "Oh we're about to see some grass ass PDA. All thanks to everyone's favorite matchmaker." He says, pointing to himself. 
"Oh, you cocky son of a-" Payback starts before slamming Hangman into the water. 
The others follow suit, their screams of laughter pulling you and Rooster apart to look at them. 
"The hell are they doing?" You ask as you watch Coyote all but chuck Fanboy into the water.
Rooster hums as his arms snake around your waist, "Dunno, but it looks fun. C'mon!" He shouts before scooping you up and running towards the waves. 
You let out a yell of surprise and grip onto him, "Bradley Bradshaw you put me down!" You shout, laughter shaking your voice. 
"Well if you insist, Honey!" He bellows before throwing you into the water. 
The chill of the ocean shocks you at first but then fills you with vengeance as you surface, "Oh you're so dead!" You yell at him.
You're certain that true fear crosses Rooster's face before he takes off running, screaming for help. 
You may love him, but that won't keep you from absolutely obliterating him in the ocean. 
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random-thot-generator · 10 months
Love Thy Frenemy + Ch. 7
(Frenemies/Tenderness AU)
SEVEN: Can't Let Go
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Summary: A week has passed since the argument in the alley, and Reader's hurt has been replaced with a seething anger that leads her to make a spur-of-the-moment decision out of spite. However, her poor choices lead to a potentially dangerous situation.
(PLEASE MIND THE TAGS. This chapter could be triggering for some readers.)
Warnings/Tags: Profanity, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Bad Coping Mechanisms, Allusions to sex, Threat of dub/non-con sexual situation, Brief Violence - Reader's a scrapper, Threat of violence though not acted upon... yet, No use of Y/N
(Notes: Ngl, this was a bitch to write. I had no less than three other alternative versions of this chapter, before choosing this one, but thankfully had some help along the way. Massive props to @glitterypirateduck for the much-needed advice and input. I ended up leaving the badger out, babe, but I hope you like the chapter, regardless. 😉👍)
[Image via TENOR]
Word Count: 5020
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Chapter 7
...I ain't tryna find fate, it's too late to save face I can't get away, maybe there's no mistakes
You break me, then I break my rules Last time was the last time too It's fucked up, I know, but I'm still
Outside of the party, smokin' in the car with you Seven Nation Army, fightin' at the bar with you Tell you that I'm sorry, tell me what I gotta do 'Cause I can't let go...
—Post Malone, 'Chemical'
The walk to work is nice.
Blue skies and tattered clouds arch overhead, the remnants of puddles from an early morning shower reflecting the first sun you've seen in days. The world smells fresh and green and new, the signs of spring brightening your mood. It makes you feel light, the first time in a week you've felt like lifting your head to look around.
The first time since your fight with Riley.
You push the thought away. You're not going there today. Not again. You worked through the worst of the hurt and disappointment, and now you've settled into a comfortable, quiet fury that you keep wrapped around you like a warm blanket when the chill of loneliness creeps into your bed at night. You don't miss him, you don't want him, and you sure as hell don't need him. He's just one more bitter lesson you've had to learn the hard way. You won't make the same mistake, again.
Well... not again, anyway.
A car beeps its horn behind you, and you glance back to see Jerry Finch, the lorry driver who delivers the kegs to the pub, waving at you from a black sports car. You give a half-hearted smile and wave back, your steps slowing when he steers his car to the curb.
His window rolls down, rap music thumping before he turns it down. Leaning on his arm in the open window, Jerry tips his chin down to look over his aviator sunglasses at you, a smooth half-smile on his lips. "How ya doin', Dee? Headin' to work?"
You nod, stepping closer to his car, trying to ignore the way he looks you up and down before meeting your gaze. He gives you an appreciative smile and ticks his eyebrows up, ever the flirt. You sniff in amusement and squint against the sun to see him better. "Morning, Jer." You nod at his car. "No lorry today. This your day off?"
He gives you a charming, almost boyish smile and nods. "Yeah. Had some business here in the village, though." He glances down towards the pub, then slants his gaze back to you, thumbing at his bottom lip. "I can give ya a lift, if ya like. Goin' that way, anyhow."
You hesitate but then nod in acceptance. It's just an acquaintance from work offering you a ride, nothing wrong with that. He smiles and motions for you to get in, once more letting his eyes wander over your figure while you settle yourself into the passenger seat and put on your seatbelt.
"Thank you," you murmur, glancing up at him, then away. Jerry's never been one to hide his interest, taking every opportunity to flirt with you when given half a chance. Of course, it makes you feel good to have a handsome man flirt with you, but it also makes you a little leery, too. You try to be nice, but you don't want to encourage him, something that Fiona fusses about every chance she gets.
"Bloody hell, Dee, give the bloke a chance. He's got a good job, he's good lookin', fit as fuck, an' he's gaggin' t'get with ya. What can it hurt?"
Rationally, you know Fi is right, but you can't help yourself. There's just something about him. You can't put your finger on it but being near him just feels... off. You clear your throat and look out the window, your eyes catching on a dark gray Gladiator parked in front of the Tea Room.
You can see him standing inside through the tall Georgian windows, chatting with Margie, the owner. She's handing him a bag and a to-go cup that you know will be filled with English breakfast tea brewed strong, with a splash of milk and two sugars, the way he likes. Your heart squeezes in your chest as you watch him exit the building and get in his truck.
Riley's been avoiding the pub when you're on shift. Fiona says he's been showing up in the evening, sitting in his usual spot while nursing his Dewar's. She also doesn't fail to mention Tessa Harker has been chatting him up quite a bit lately, too. It hurts to hear it, but you only give a tight smile and mutter, "Good for him," much to your friend's irritation.
Fiona and Ollie have both noticed the way you and Riley have been avoiding each other, but apparently Riley has kept mum about the argument, as have you. You had wondered if he would spread word about your other job at the Grind out of spite, but no one has mentioned it so far, and for that you're relieved, but you're still wary of what he might do with the information.
"So, what time ya gettin' off work?"
The question draws your attention back to the big man sitting beside you. Did he notice you staring, you wonder. "Um, I get off work at five."
"Then what?" he persists, and you know where this is going.
You shrug, keeping your eyes focused straight ahead. "Then back home, I suppose."
"Come out with me, instead," he suggests, shooting another one of his charming smiles your way. "There's a nice Italian bistro in Blackheath. I deliver to 'em. Nice place, good food."
"Oh, um, well..."
He chuckles and reaches over to pat your knee. "No rush, sweetheart. Got all day t'think it over, yeah?"
Again, the feeling that something is off with him comes to the fore of your brain, but you smile, regardless. "Yeah, sure. I'll... think about it," you reply, knowing your mind is already made up. You just have to think of a nice way to let him down. Again.
Jerry gives your knee another pat, which turns into a sly caress that has you flinching away. He huffs a laugh at your reaction, giving you a playful 'just-kidding' grin, before he lifts his hand and places it back on the wheel. He has big, beefy hands, thick fingers with blunt tips, a working man's hands. You usually find that attractive, have often admired Riley's large hands and long, supple fingers, but for some reason, the sight of Jerry's ham fists curled around the steering wheel makes you feel uncomfortable.
The car comes to a stop in front of the pub, and you're quick to unbuckle your seatbelt and open the door. "Thanks for the ride, Jer," you say, one foot already resting on the pavement.
"Think nothin' of it, love. Glad t'give you a ride anytime," he murmurs, suggestion heavy in his tone. He flashes another smile at you, winking again. He does that a lot, and you find it annoying. "I'll stop by later, see if ya want to go out for dinner, yeah?"
"Y-Yeah, sure. Okay."
You get out of his car and sketch a little wave as he pulls away, then turn to head inside the pub, only to come up short. Riley's standing right in front of the entrance, arms crossed over his chest, dark eyes fixed on Jerry's car, which is now rounding the green.
"Friend o' yers?"
It's the first words he's said to you since last Sunday in the alley, and the way he says it instantly gets your hackles up. You square off with him, casting a disparaging look over him. The proper thing would have been to offer you an apology, but you know better than to expect anything like that from him. Instead, he leads with a question that sounds both accusatory and insulting, all at the same time.
"Shouldn't you already know? That's what you're good at, isn't it? Keeping tabs on me?" you snap, glaring at him.
You make a point to bump his shoulder as you pass by him and enter the pub. He's on your heels in an instant, following you through the door, obviously irritated by your response. You ignore him as you round the bar, pulling the strap of your bag over your head before placing it on top of the bar to take out your phone and a paperback.
"Wot? Ya got nothin' else t'say, doll? Tha's not like ya."
Your eyes snap up to glare at him. "Thought we said all that needed to be said last Sunday," you hissed at him, trying to keep your voice down, knowing Ollie would be back in his office.
Simon plants both hands on the bar and leans in, his dark eyes scathing as they pin you to the spot. "I wasn't finished talkin'. It was you that fuckin' ran off," he growls in return, but manages to keep his voice to a low rumble.
Your brows shoot up in mock surprise. "Oh! How terribly rude of me. I suppose I should have stood there until you were finished insulting me." Your eyes narrowed as you sneered at him. "Fuck you for that, by the way."
He's wearing his black surgical mask today, so his angry scowl is more evident than usual. He shoves off the bar in a fit of temper, hand coming up to jab a finger at you. "Like I told ya last Sunday, me an' you need t'talk, an' this time yer goin' t'bloody listen to wha—"
Your snort cuts him off. "We have nothing left to discuss. You made your opinion of me quite clear. But hey! At least I know where I stand with you now. Don't worry, though. I'll keep my distance. Wouldn't want to embarrass you by being seen associating with a slag, right?"
"Dammit t'hell, Dee! I never fuckin' called ya that. I never thought that. Would ya just bloody lis—"
"Riley, lad!"
You both turn to see Ollie heading your way, a pleased smile on his face. Shooting Riley one last venomous glare, you turn your back on him and make for the swinging door leading into the kitchen, his frustrated growl giving you a sense of grim satisfaction as you slip through the door. Fuck him. You hope he stays pissed off for the rest of the day.
You can hear the two men talking as you go back to hang up your jacket, eyes wandering over the unused kitchen as you pass through. What you wouldn't give for a kitchen this size, and here this one sits, unused and abandoned. You had mentioned a time or two that adding a small menu would bring in more business, but since the last cook quit, Ollie hasn't been too keen to fire up the kitchen again. It's a pity, really.
"Dee, love."
You glance over your shoulder to see Ollie standing at the service window. "What'cha need, Ol?"
Mind makin' me an' Riley a cuppa an' bringin' 'em to the office?"
You frown, wondering what happened to the tea you had seen Riley with before. You shrug it off and nod. "Sure thing, Ol. Be right out with 'em."
"Thanks, love," he says, rapping his knuckles before disappearing from sight.
You rinse out the electric kettle and fill it with water, then plug it in and switch it on before grabbing three mugs and the tea tin. You consider making Riley's tea wrong, just for spite, but that would be petty, even for you, or as Riley would call it, bratty. You sniff. He's a fuckin' brat. A bratty arsehole.
You scoop instant coffee into your own mug then add the tea bags to the other two cups, before going to the fridge to take out the milk. It's become routine for you to make both men's tea, your hands going through the motions while your thoughts wander back to Jerry and his dinner invitation.
Your first instinct is to turn him down, as you have all his other invitations, but the memory of how pissed Riley looked as he watched the other man drive away gives you pause. He always did eye Jerry with open suspicion, his instant dislike of the other man never something he tried to hide. He's never said why he doesn't like Jerry, but it didn't change the fact that it would probably piss Riley off to learn you were going out to dinner with him.
Maybe you are petty after all, because now your mind has changed. You are going on a dinner date this evening after work.
Setting your mug of coffee in the window to retrieve later, you take the other two mugs with you out of the kitchen. Rounding the bar, you head towards the narrow hallway that leads to the bathrooms and Ollie's office, walking slower to not spill any of their tea. You can hear their voices through the door as you stop to announce your presence. It's Riley who opens the door for you, not bothering to move out of your way as you slide past him with an irritated expression.
"Move, ya big lump," you grumble lowly, which gets a soft sniff of amusement from him. Arsehole.
"Ah, thanks, love," Ollie says, reaching out to take his mug. You set Riley's on the edge of his desk near the old club chair where he always sits. "Mind closin' the door on yer way out?" Ollie asks.
You give a nod, turning around to see that Riley is still standing in your way. You go to step around him, and he steps in your way again. You blow out an aggravated breath and raise your eyes to his, the urge to shove him again making your hands twitch. When he quirks a brow up at you, you grit your teeth and glare at him. Then an idea sparks in your brain. You look back over your shoulder at your boss.
"Say, Ol. Ya mind if I cut out a little early this evening? I've got a dinner date with Jerry the lorry driver."
Ollie nearly chokes on his tea before he manages to get his cup set down on his desk. His sharp eyes dart between you and Riley, an odd expression on his face as he tries to make sense of what's going on. He finally clears his throat and gives a curt nod. "Yeah. Sure, love. No problem."
You give him a sweet smile that turns spiteful when you turn your head back to the man in front of you. "Thanks, Ol," you reply, meeting Riley's furious glare. "Excuse me. Need to get back to work."
You can see his hands balling into fists, and it sends a thrill of sadistic glee through you. You'd rather die than look away from him right now, a smirk appearing when he has to hold his tongue and step aside for you. By the time you reach the hallway and close the door behind you, you're damn near giddy. The smirk on your face grows to a full-on wicked grin by the time you reach the bar again.
Satisfied with the good, hard poke you've just given the proverbial bear, you begin your prep work, humming a catchy pop song under your breath.
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You manage to avoid any more close interactions with Riley, though he hangs around the bar your entire shift, giving you a baleful glare every time you draw near. You make it a point to ignore him, chatting with the other customers, talking and laughing like you weren't bothered at all by his brooding presence. You see him visibly stiffen when Jerry comes swaggering in, his signature charming smile already in place.
Before he can speak, you step to the bar and offer him a sweet smile. "Hi, Jer. Ollie said I can leave early, so we can go whenever you like."
Jerry can't hide the surprise on his face, but he swiftly recovers as he leans an elbow on the bar to bring his eyes level with yours. "Good. Been thinkin' 'bout it all day," he murmurs, his eyes drifting down to your lips.
You stiffen, discomfited by the look in his eye, but try to hide it by ducking to grab your bag from beneath the bar. When you raise up again, a pleasant smile is plastered on your face. "I just need to grab my jacket and tell Ollie I'm leaving, then we can go."
"'Course, sweetheart," Jer replies, watching you as you round the bar and head for the hallway. He catches Riley staring at him and lifts his brows, giving him a smug little smirk, which you honestly think is stupid of him. Despite Jerry's size, you have no doubt Riley would mop the fucking floor with him. You roll your eyes. Men and their stupid bloody posturing.
The sooner you get this over with, the better. This game is quickly losing its appeal.
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Jerry offers to take you home to change if you want, but you decline, honestly not comfortable with the idea of bringing him up to your flat. He seems a little perturbed when you turn down his offer but then shrugs and drives to Blackheath, instead.
As he said, the little bistro is nice, the food delicious. The conversation is lackluster, though, but you weren't really expecting much. Beyond talking about himself, Jerry doesn't seem to hold much interest in other topics. Big surprise.
Once you're back in the car, he drapes his arm over your seat and leans in, a sexy smirk on his face. "So, where to next, sweetheart? Your place or mine?"
Your brows shoot up in mild surprise. "I thought this was just dinner," you reply, crossing your arms over your chest. "Moving a little fast, don't you think?"
He tips his chin down, giving you a knowing look. "C'mon, Dee. We're both adults here. I've seen how you an' that other barmaid check me out. Not that I'm complainin'." He gives you one of his smarmy winks, and you fight the urge to wrinkle your nose in disdain.
You sniff and give your head a small shake. The audacity of this bloke. Did he honestly think you were just going to drop your knickers because he bought you dinner? "Yeah, I think I'd rather go home by myself. I have work in the morning."
Jerry draws back, blinking. "Are you serious?" When you roll your eyes, he scoffs and tilts his nose up, as if he can't believe you are turning him down. "Whatever. Your loss, sweetheart," he mutters with a slight sneer and starts the car.
The drive back to Banfield is tense and awkward, but you honestly prefer the silence. When Jer finally speaks up, you startle out of your thoughts. "Mind if I take a shortcut?" he asks, his tone off-hand.
You shrug. "Fine with me." If it gets you home quicker, you're all for it.
Yet when he veers off the main road onto a country lane, you frown. You aren't familiar with this particular backroad, but from the direction you're going it doesn't look like you're heading towards home.
"Are you sure this goes to Banfield?"
Jer slants a condescending look at you, a shitty little smirk pulling up a corner of his mouth. "I drive for a livin', sweetheart. Ya really think I'm goin' t'get lost on the way to bloody Banfield?"
Your eyes roll up, but you hold your tongue, yet after another five minutes with nothing even closely resembling civilization in sight, you can't keep quiet. "We should be in Banfield by now. It's just a ten-minute drive from Blackheath. Are you sure you took the right road?" You glance around at the dark, unfamiliar landscape. "I don't even know where the hell we are right now."
"I took the scenic route," Jer drawls, waving a hand. He then drops it on your knee and gives it a squeeze. "Chill out, sweetheart. We'll get there. Eventually."
Apprehension creeps up your spine like the drag of an icy finger. You don't like this. This man, who you really know nothing about, you now realize, is driving you out to the middle of nowhere. "Maybe you should turn around."
Jerry glances over at you again, and this time the look in his eye makes the small hairs on the nape of your neck stand on end. "Maybe you should try to relax." His hand slides up your leg to grip your thigh. "I'd be happy t'pull over an' help ya with that, sweetheart."
And there it is. The reason for getting you out here alone. You aren't even really surprised, always knowing in the back of your mind that there was something off with him, though you chose to ignore it this time, just to spite Riley.
Hindsight really is a bitch sometimes.
"Jer, I told you I wanted to go home," you murmur, trying to keep your voice low and even.
He huffs, a smug expression on his face. "C'mon, Dee. Stop playin' hard t'get. It's jus' me an' you now. Your boyfriend doesn't have t'know. I can keep my mouth shut. It'll be our little secret, yeah?"
"My boyfriend?" you blurt out, confused.
He rolls his eyes. "Oh, right. Sorry. Your friend," he sneers and then scoffs. "Don't act like ya don't know who I'm talkin' 'bout. That scarred up freak with the mask who's always up yer arse."
"What the fuck did you just say?" you choke out, fury strangling your voice. You're ready to claw out his eyes for what he said about Riley.
Jerry waves a dismissive hand at you. "Enough with the games, Dee. I know ya only went out with me t'make him jealous, an' I'm fine with that, really, but don't ya think I deserve some sort of... ya know, compensation for playin' along?"
Rage consumes you, hot and prickling beneath your skin. "Take me home. Now!"
The cold, flat look in his eye chills you to the bone. "Not 'til I get what ya owe me, sweetheart. Don't look so offended. I doubt this is the first time you've paid up for somethin' by lyin' on your back."
The hard slap you deliver to his smug face has him swerving across the narrow road before he slams on the brakes, sluing the car around in the loose gravel. You only manage to free your seatbelt before he grabs you.
"Are ya fuckin' crazy, ya bitch?" he yells in your face, shaking you hard as he shoves you back against your door. "Ya could'a killed us!"
You jab your thumb in his eye for his trouble. He bellows in pain, releasing you to clutch at his face, freeing you to reach behind your back to paw at the latch. The door flies open under your weight and dumps you out backwards onto the gravel. When his hand seizes your ankle in a crushing grip, you frantically kick out with your other foot. Though you're unable to see from your position on the ground, you revel in a brief moment of satisfaction when you feel it make solid contact with his head, and he yells in pain again. Yanking your legs free of the car, you scramble to your feet, snatching your bag from the ground as you sprint for the woods.
Too terrified to look back, you run headlong into the tree line. You stumble through the undergrowth, feeling the spindly branches and thorns tear at your clothes and snag in your hair as it rakes bloody scratches into your exposed skin. You trip over tree roots and stub your toes on stones hidden beneath the moldering ground cover of dead leaves. All the while, Jerry is bellowing like an enraged bull as he thrashes through the foliage somewhere behind you, shouting threats and curses at you the whole time.
When you inevitably fall flat on your face, you skid across the forest floor to hitch up at the base of a huge oak. You have just enough time to crawl behind its massive trunk before Jerry comes crashing through. When you hear him approach, you clap your hand over your nose and mouth to muffle the sound of your gasping breaths, terrified he will hear you. Your eyes go wide when you see him pass by your hiding spot close enough that you could reach out and touch him, if you wanted. Scared beyond reason, you press your back against the rough bark of the oak and pray he doesn't see you when he pans the flashlight on his cell phone around.
A strangled noise issues from his throat before he growls out a frustrated, "Fuuuck!" You can see him pacing back and forth as he rakes his hands through his hair. If you didn't know any better, you would think he was panicking. "Crazy fuckin' bitch," you hear him seethe under his heaving breath, growling again. "Fine, ya stupid cunt!" he shouts at the dark woods, throwing his arms up in the air. "Find yer own way home, then!" He then turns around and stomps back the way he came, still uttering curses.
You don't dare move, not even when the sound of his heavy footfalls fades away. You don't dare move, not even when the only thing you can hear is the wind rattling the tree branches overhead. You don't dare move, not until you at last hear the distant sound of a car motor rev to life, the sound gradually diminishing until you can't hear it any longer. It is only then that you are brave enough to slowly stand up on your shaking legs, only to lean once more on the trunk for support as a sob finally tears free from your chest.
You remain that way for several minutes, trying desperately to regain your composure, even as your brain keeps circling around the notion that Jerry's departure is some sort of ruse to lure you back out into the open. It's the idea of spending a cold night alone in the woods that finally has you lifting your head to take in your surroundings and evaluate your situation.
At first glance, it seems pretty dire. You have no idea where you are, you're too scared to venture back onto road for fear of Jerry lying in wait somewhere, and it's pitch dark out tonight, not even the wan light of the moon visible in the overcast sky to help guide you through the woods.
Your only real option is to call for help.
Reaching into your bag, you take out your phone, cursing under your breath when you drop it due to your trembling hands. The glow of the screen is a small comfort as you unlock your phone and open your contacts list. You stare at the emergency number, finger hovering.
If you call the police, there will have to be a report filed, and then there will be an inquiry to investigate your claims. You already know it will be your word against Jerry's. His solicitors will no doubt drag your name through the mud to discredit you, and he will probably still get off with nothing more than a light slap on the wrist, if he even gets that, because he actually didn't do anything to you, at least not physically. Hell, you had done more damage to him than he had to you. He could claim you attacked him, and he wouldn't even be lying.
You look back down at your phone, one name standing out like a beacon in the dark. When you see that name, you think of home, of safety, the two things you want most right now. You select it and hit the call button, holding the phone up to your ear and praying there will be an answer. Your breath catches in your throat when you hear the line connect.
"Whad'ya want, Dee?" a gravelly, annoyed voice growls into your ear, and a sob escapes your throat, you are so relieved to hear him.
"Ruh... Riley? P-Please, Ri... please. I n-need you..."
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No one in the White Dog knew what to think when the usually quiet giant that sat at the end of the bar suddenly erupted out of his seat, the bar chair toppling over. "Doll! What's wrong? Where are ya?" he barks into his phone.
He apparently doesn't like what he hears.
"He fuckin' did what?! " he growls, a look of pure murderous rage igniting in his dark eyes. As he listens to you, however, his rage is tempered by his troubled concern. "Are ya hurt, love? I swear t'God if he―" His hand clenches into a trembling fist, even though his voice is now a low rumble. "Please don't cry, love. I know, I know, but I'll find ya. Ya know I will. I'm on my way right now. Just... keep yer phone on for me, yeah?"
He's already making for the entrance as he says this, the murderous look returning as he mutters, "I'll kill that bastard," before he barges through the door. He hits it with such force, it slams into the outside wall hard enough to shatter the frosted safety glass. He doesn't even acknowledge it as he runs to his truck and tears off down the street with a bark of tires the next instant, leaving a silent pub full of stunned onlookers in his wake.
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mekochansblog · 7 months
Five Hargreeves x reader (draft I had a while ago why not post!)
When Five proposed to you it was something magical, well with the apocalypse on the background and the only person that went was Dolores. Overall it was beautiful for you. When the handler contracted you and Five you both decided to take it. You both had hope that the handler was going to help you guys out in getting out of that hellhole. It was always something different with her. It was only when she tried to separate you and Five did you knew she was a fake ass bitch. She always tried to get in between you and Five’s conversation and will try to touch your husband. For you, you found it intriguing how she was trying so hard to get your husband’s attention when all he had a his focus on was; you. He was like a flame himself. Glittered, drew green eyes. Five was sculptured by gods, his sharp jawline, his dimples, his beauty marks his lean body and his skinny waist. Whatever god was up there, you thank them. They decided to give you a handsome husband.
When Five and you were in your last mission he decided it was time to finally go to his family. Funny enough you jokingly told him that the equations where off, but he dismissed you with a wave of his hand and told you that if it was you can come at him all you want. He gave you a final long look; he had looked at you a thousand thousand times, but there was something different in his gaze, an intensity you knew about. You grabbed his hand and gave him a peck.
“ Pour toujours Miele?” You told him softly with a soft look on your face. He looked at you with so much love and adoration and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“ Pour toujours amore mio.” Five said also. You nodded and gave his hand a small squeeze which he did too. He jumped with you following and well both of you guys landed on the ground. You felt different, you didn’t felt old. You slowly looked up and looked at the people that were in front of you and Five. You nudged Five and finally looked at him. Your eyes widened from the shock of his face, you screamed and that’s when he looked at you with an annoyed face. Yeah did you forgot to mention that you get this random bursts of energy? Five didn’t noticed until two years later from being friends. He was used to it, his family wasn’t. He got up and he helped you out once you stopped screaming like a lunatic. You both walked not after knowing Five’s calculations were wrong, in a way you were also right, but he never listens to you, well sometimes he does but it goes from one ear to the other.
When you both “saved” the first apocalypse, well more like tried because it went to shit later on, Five grabbed your hand and looked at you with so much love and adoration and gave you a quick peck on the cheek. You knew that whatever will happen you will always find him.
“Attraverso meglio o peggio il mio amore?” Five said when he finally gave you a quick peck on the lips. You smile with so much love and slowly giggled.
“Finche morte non ci separi tesoro.”
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