#hope you enjoy them nonetheless
afoxysunny · 10 months
I hate that peppers are technically fruit so count these as spite fueled creations
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At home all over Fructera's shores - the Pepper Crabs!
Looking for something actually fruit-y?
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socks-nco · 9 months
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Piktober Days 2, 3 and 4: Space dog, new friends and treat!
Heres a bonus clip from my second pikmin play through of me giving Oatchi a treat…I’ll let the video speak for itself XD
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holocene-sims · 5 months
happy birthday to me 🎂
as a gift to y'all on my (not) special day, on this semi-okay monday, i am restarting my story queue 🎉
oh yes, everything the stars promised is so back! and running again at 2 posts at 8 and 9 PM EST for the time being 🥂 i'll slow it down if necessary, but 2 posts a day seems to work pretty well!
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novakiart · 9 months
Best spider man comic?
oh!! I'm going to stick to self-contained comics that you can just hop right into
i loooove the amazing spider-man annual #1 (2018) by saladin ahmed. the take on peter & venom's relationship (told through venom's pov) is really really good
peter parker: the spectacular spider-man #310 (2017) by chip zdarsky has been recommended a lot and for good reason!! strong emphasis on peter's relationship with average new yorkers (and vice versa). will make you feel feelings
spine-tingling spider-man #1-8 (2021-22) also by saladin ahmed is a great little self-contained story for spooky season!!! it's a marvel unlimited exclusive rn but physical copies are set to come out soon and a sequel is in the works!!! i love juan ferreyra's traditional art so much too
deadpool annual #2 (2014) by christopher hastings. ok I'm cheating because it's a deadpool story BUT it deals with peter's anxiety and spidey senses going rampantly out of control because he's 1) convinced random new yorkers are chameleon and therefore are out to get him and 2) he has not gotten any sleep because of this. deadpool as the voice of reason is pretty fun. it's just a lighthearted little one-off plot (bros keep bros secret identities safe)
mary jane & black cat: beyond #1 (2022) by jed mackay is also another cheat but you should read it anyway (don't let the bad cover dissuade you). peter is unconscious in the hospital and attracting unwanted attention because he's suspiciously got both mj and black cat looking after him, and their resulting team up dynamic is really fun! mackay's standalone black cat stuff is pretty great too
are these, like, the best spider-man's 60+ yr run has to offer? probably not! but they're fun little stories if you're dipping your toes into the comics
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jacobsbigmelons · 1 year
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after waking up from my nap, i am now only thinking of Jacob (edit. and pain. did i mention pain? yeah pain)
i’m so very sorry but after having one angsty thought now I need to make it happen (reqs i see you fear not!)
A shot not worth shooting
Jacob Custos x Male reader(?)(idk if this necessarily counts but let’s roll with it)
angst, reader character death, slight gore descriptions, reader turned werewolf, arguing, maybe ooc jacob? i legit have 0 clue how he’d act
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The tourniquet Abi applied to your thigh a little while ago helped stop the profuse bleeding from your thigh, your wound, slightly exposed to everyone since your pant leg was ripped from the top definitely wasn’t the best sight to see.
“How do you feel?” Kaitlyn said as she stood in front of you, your arms wrapped around your one healthy leg as your wounded one laid to the side. “I don’t know…I feel like my senses are overloaded or something.” You slowly laid your head on your knee as to try and ignore the very apparent headache that’s made it’s way ever since your encounter with…whatever that thing was.
“Do you remember what it looked like? We couldn’t really decipher a lot from how panicked you were a bit ago…” Dylan said, tilting his head in slight curiosity incase you’re able to give any information. “God like…a human but a dog? it moves like a dog but looks like a human? I don’t know, I really don’t.” It became clear with your hands now beginning to run through your hair as a means of trying to sooth yourself that something was wrong and it wasn’t because of blood loss or anything.
An hour maybe two went by, you were able to muster the willpower to find yourself with Jacob close to the dock, the quiet lake was peaceful despite the crickets and their chirping. Your leg was surprisingly not too painful when you walked, could be that the tourniquet is numbing it or maybe your mind is at way too many places to focus on the pain. You two sat on the dock as Jacob held you his arms as a way to sooth the fear from earlier.
Your forehead laid upon Jacobs forearm as his pulse from his wrist was distinctly becoming more and more apparent to your ears, a slight ringing accompanying the random fixation. Your heart rate picked up, your fingertips became numb, your saliva glands kicked into overdrive but not before Jacobs voice brought you back to your bearings. “You okay?” He said slightly concerned while his thumb rubbed against the back of your hand.
“Sorry I…I think my adrenaline from earlier is barely fading away or something, so i’m feeling pretty tired.” You gave him a small toothless smile before resting back onto his forearm. A half hour went by before Emma, Kaitlyn and Dylan were in the building behind you two. Their voices slightly heard made you in a way feel more safe knowing your friends are with you. You should feel more comfort, even secure knowing they’re there right…? Those thought peered into your mind, you only felt safer for just a few seconds when you realized they were there so why is your heart racing so much? Why is your breathing beginning to get a lot more heavy?
“Babe you okay?” Why was your breathing becoming so much faster? your healthy leg more fidgety? The smell of iron in the air so much more apparent? Louder voices? when did they get here…why is everyone so loud…when did you get on your side? “Why the fuck are they making that sound?!” Kaitlyn said, her gun in her hand, trying to find every excuse she won’t have to use it.
The groaning- no growling coming from you was throwing everyone off track, Jacobs hand on your back wasn’t helping and everyone trying to make sense of it only added to your irritation. If they weren’t already freaked out, the sudden, very loud blood curdling scream you emitted definitely would. Your legs picked yourself up without you even trying to get up, you were practically clawing at your face while trying to figure out any way to stop this sudden overwhelming feeling.
Jacob took it as his sign to back up from you to the others, though everyone freaked when Kaitlyn backed up slightly as she aimed down sights directly at you. “Kaitlyn! what the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” Jacob snapped “You can’t just shoot him!” Dylan chimes in “Shut up! both of you!” Emma also chimed in. You were merely making whimpers at this point before you finally looked behind you at Kaitlyn, directly in her eyes as a barrel of a shotgun was pointed right at you. “Kaitlyn please for the love of god put the fucking gun down please!” Jacob pleaded, clearly not understanding the situation at hand. Dylan’s quick back-stepping elicited Emma even Kaitlyn to do the same which eventually Jacob followed too.
Your heaving breaths had this disturbing addition to it, a noise almost like reverb which made everyone on edge. Until you quickly returned to loud whining as you fell back to your knees as the clawing at your face was happening again. “R-Run, fuck you guys need to get out!” Your voice now with a disturbing echoing reverb of your voice made way. “Guys let’s just fucking go” Emma demanded, Dylan nodded along with her “What?! We can’t just fucking leave him-“ Jacobs sentence interrupted by your now booming voice “FUCKING RUN, JUST GO AND LEAVE ME ALONE.” You screamed out as Emma practically had to yank Jacob before he even got the chance to think, the others running behind them. “Why the fuck are we leaving he needs fucking help!” Jacob yelled “Did you not see him?! He’s becoming one of those things, Nick did the same shit…kinda but still the same-“
The sudden howl made it all obvious what was happening, Jacobs denial not wanting to believe what you are now, though his thoughts don’t last long before a loud growl through the trees somehow caught up with the group. “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck what the fuck is actually happening” Kaitlyn said to herself, Jacob had a cold sweat as his mind put everything in perspective unfortunately. What he didn’t know was the silver bullet cocked into the shotgun. Their run was cut short as you leaped out at them in hopes for your first kill, though you were just barely off Kaitlyn immediately aimed right back at you again.
“Dude it’s fucking y/n, you can’t shoot you just- you can’t.” Jacob begged as his hands were trembling “So what? let him kill us? I can’t just not do anything” Kaitlyn said, her gaze on you for as long as possible, thought her one mistake was staring at Jacob for just that split second. You took the opportunity and ran disturbingly quick at the group, Emma’s screams and Dylan’s panicked screaming for Kaitlyn to shoot brought her focus right back to you.
You…the councilor that everyone felt like they could befriend? the councilor that was that perfect mix of sweet yet sarcastic? The councilor now boyfriend of a pretty yet dumbfounded guy? Kaitlyn can’t shoot, she wouldn’t do that to Jacob. Or at least that’s what Jacob thought. The sound of a shotgun filled the air, Jacobs balled up fists hiding his gaze from you, the others quiet.
The writhing of your newly transformed body tried to fight its way back to life in any way it could, the bullet hole going right through the shoulder. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck this didn’t just happen” Jacob tried to reason with himself as he finally turned just a bit as your now limp body laid on the dirt road. Your limbs twitching as the abnormalities began to slowly revert back to much more of a human look.
Kaitlyn couldn’t help but drop her gun after coming to terms with what she had just done, both of her hands now covering her face out of guilt as she muffled apologies, unable to look anyone in the face. Jacob couldn’t bear what he was feeling as he once again looked away before staring Kaitlyn down, his eyebrows creased with anger. “YOU FUCKING SHOT HIM?!” Jacob screamed taking a step towards her “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU WANT ME TO DO?! LET HIM JUST KILL US? DID YOU?” Kaitlyn retaliated, moving her hands from her face.
Both had red puffy eyes, their voices cracking from fighting with one another. Emma’s lament pulled the two away from one another as she was now next to your body, now back to its human form. Blood pooling beneath your corpse as Emma couldn’t help but weep for what happened. Dylan merely sat, hands around his head trying to contemplate the last few minutes. “This night has to be some fucking nightmare” she cried as her accusation was proven false by just how real your body felt, the blood that covered her hands as she felt your lifeless body.
At this point the two were done fighting, now slowly making way to where you were. It didn’t take long before the four councilors sat next to you, as dangerous as it was with whatever these things roaming the forest were, they couldn’t leave. Let alone Jacob.
His hat somewhere along the dirt, his hand holding yours, begging to feel some kind of sign you’re still alive. Though your lifeless, bloodied eyes only stared at Jacob with lost hope as you breathed your last breath awhile ago.
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krystaldeath · 1 year
Tang and Scorpion Demon friendship headcanons? Please?
Hell yessss
* Scorpion Demoness LOVES to listen Tang’s stories, both of old legends and of his adventures. He may or may not make himself sound more heroic than he actually was, and she may or may not know that he is. She lets him do it anyways; he’s having fun, so why ruin it for him?
* I think she’s also a bit of a foodie herself, so they really bond over good food. And therefore a lot of their hang outs either end or start at Pigsy’s! (She sometimes feels like the third wheel when it’s her and Tang that are meant to be hanging out bc of him and Pigsy bicker-flirting; she gets back at him tho by gushing over Spider Queen)
* I think she’s super strong. Like so strong she doesn’t even realize her own strength. They pass by the arcade Mei and MK like to play in and decide to try a couple games, one being a test of strength type game. She breaks it the second she touches it. They immediately run away from the crime scene
* Bc I am incapable of not including my ships in some way: Double dates! The first one is always as hell bc. Well. Spider Queen not only flirted with Pigsy (and Tang but that did Not work), but also kinda maybe planned on eating them? Haha, it’s okay she’s past that now! Doesn’t mean she won’t tease them a bit and mumble something like “This would taste better with some mortal blood mixed in” as she sips on her drink, side eyeing the scholar and pig man. Meanwhile Scorpion Demoness is just clung to her arm and when she asks “What was that, sweetie?” (Unaware), SQ just smiles sweetly and says “Nothing~!”
* Tang: Really? Spider Queen? Sure she’s pretty (from an aesthetic point not romantic of course), but she’s evil!No offense but you can do better! SD: … A Pigman- Tang: HES AN AMAZING COOK AND A KIND MAN!!! HE IS ALSO A LOVING (while strict!) FATHER!!! HE’S A DILF SCORPS-! SD: Augh, no, Tangy!! Don’t call him that! Tang: A /DILF/!!!!!!!!
* Now this kind of doesn’t work with most of my headcanons but the scenario is in my head now so: They wingman for each other but by trying to make their respective crushes jealous; SD gushes about Tang like she’s interested in him around/to Pigsy and vice versa. This backfires in the sense that they do get jealous but now SD is banned from Pigsy’s and Tang almost gets eaten again
* They have a book club that’s just the two of them at first but she convives Tang to let Yin, Jin, the purple demon lady (idk what we call her), and the… Little guy… forgot what he’s called, join them! It is the most chaotic and rowdy book club there has ever been
* SD always wanted to have a cliche sleepover and Tang is more than happy to indulge her. They paint each others nails (neither are very good at it; SD is a margin better tho and gets better over time. Tang does not), do face masks and play games like MASH. SD maybe suggests doing a spooky activity like chanting Bloody Mary 3 times in the bathroom. Tang maybe has a heart attack when supernatural stuff actually starts happening. They maybe have to call MK and Mei to save them from said supernatural stuff. They talk about their crushes, oooh~
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sacri1egious · 24 days
i'm sorry for being super inactive lately ; here's a reminder that i love you all && hope all goes well !! <3 i'll try to be active once insecurity stops beating my ass. /lh
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hooved · 1 year
Wrt your poll, I follow you for aesthetic posts, funny posts, and your art! I orginally followed for tf2 posting too but I think both of us have shifted focuses away from that fandom? But the quark posting is endearing to me and it's interesting reading all the little details you notice about him. I haven't watched DS9 at all but I'm becoming progressively more tempted to cuz of your posting 👍
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braceletofteeth · 2 years
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AKK during his 'most handsome man on earth' minutes
— for @srabaskerville
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gayangelcrimes · 2 years
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I am not from this world...
For @destielgaysex 's 1k celebration event, day 2! blue || kripke era
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nemmet · 2 years
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bttf bingo christmas card prompt 1: gift 🎁
“can i get you anything..?”
“no, marty, you’ve already given me everything i need…”
(am i really going with a friendship is the true gift message? yes, yes i am. happy holidays to these besties.)
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s-talking · 8 months
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⊰ @chronicparagon ⊱
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Exposition Post 4: Type Affinities
Tagging @fangaminghell, @alltheoutsinfreeeee, @lurker-extraordinaire-657645, @kiroons-hyperfixtations and @lemonade-juley for the exposition post subscription alerts.
Every Aura Wielder can manipulate one or two kinds of type energies, depending on the typing of their spirit/bonded Pokemon. The type energies they can manipulate are referred to as “type affinities” or simply “affinities”.
Affinities, in turn, can be separated as “primary affinity” and “secondary affinity”. Despite the terminology’s implications, primary and secondary affinities have no overall effect on the Aura Wielder aside from indicating the order of which type energies the individual could manipulate. Primary affinities are the first type to manifest once the Aura Wielder has awakened their potential, followed by their secondary affinity (if they have one). 
By this logic, if an Aura Wielder first gains the ability to manipulate ice energy after awakening their potential, then developed the ability to manipulate water energy some time later... this wielder’s affinities would be Ice/Water. Ice being their primary affinity, and Water their secondary affinity.
For most Aura Wielders, they can only have two affinities at most naturally. In the nigh-improbable case that an Aura Wielder gains a tertiary Ghost affinity, for them to access this power, they must swap out one of their pre-existing affinities to “make room” for the Ghost affinity. Chances are, it is the primary affinity that will be swapped out in favour of the tertiary affinity while the secondary affinity is paired with it to form a new combination. The wielder can freely cycle between their primary and tertiary affinities at will. 
In addition, type affinities also grant the wielder special attributes as well as weaknesses related to the element it concerns. For instance, the fire affinity renders the Aura Wielder immune or supernaturally resistant to fire/extreme heat, but makes them vulnerable to water energy and may even develop a mild case of thalassophobia (fear of large bodies of water).
Another example would be a wielder with the electric affinity. They can harmlessly absorb electricity as long as it doesn’t go beyond their threshold, which can be stored for future usage. However, they must take care not to absorb too much at once and/or too quickly, or else they would severely injure themselves. Such wielders may even develop an odd fascination with thunderstorms.
Even then, these are only a general statement on the effects of the wielder’s type affinities. What is true to one wielder, may not apply to another even if they have the same type affinities. The experience varies greatly from individual to individual, so it is always best to ask them directly about the subject rather than try and hazard a guess.
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toxicpineapple · 1 year
Hello I heard you like Rantaro Amami! I read through all your headcanons of him and honestly,, my heart is full. It’s hard to find good stuff for him that isn’t just killing game/angst/other things that are hard to read cause it makes me sad so. Lately it’s been nothing but me writing non despair Rantaro x OC fics in my head but your hcs were comfy and helped fuel my brainrot. So thank you for that I appreciate you 💕
oh thank you! i have a lot of rantaro fluff and hurt/comfort on my ao3 ToxicPineapple as well if you're looking, he's my favourite :)
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sunstar121 · 2 years
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I'm from the prairies so Tumble Town just. hits every niche I adore. anyways howdy this is my empiressona Chris 'Silver Bullet' Star, one of Tumble Towns fastest messengers and part time ranch hand !!
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fast-food-fish · 2 years
the tragedy of being a liability
all of my thoughts come from this incredible tiktok :)
i have always resonated with the idea of being too much for people. i always felt like i cared too much, like i fell too hard, loved too fast. i as afraid that it scared people, so i hid that part of myself. i used to be so earnest, back when i was 6 and didn’t understand the devastation of being different. i used to fantasize about best friends that i didn’t have. i rewatched love, simon today and i think leah says it best when she talks about how she isn’t a casual person. it’s reminiscent of jules in euphoria talking about how she falls in love so fast it’s embarrassing.
when i started dating my first girlfriend, i had had a crush on her for 3 years, i told her i loved her, because i thought i did, but i didn’t. when i dated my second girlfriend i told them i was falling in love with them, because i was, but i also wasn’t honest about who i was. i would hideaway all of my problems to allow myself to focus on theirs instead. the relationship didn’t last, neither did my third, where i did the exact same thing. and i think part of the reason i hide so much of myself all of the time is because i don’t want to find out that the high isn’t worth the pain.
i’m a romantic, but i’m also a disaster. i cry, i scream, my anger can be burning red, i have a lot of emotional baggage, and while not necessarily the torture taylor swift was originally talking about in blank space, i deem it torture. to have to be my shoulder to cry on. to listen to me bemoan my problems. as ariana grande said, “i know how good it feels to be needed” and i do, that all my last two relationships were. but i don’t want to allow myself to need someone, because i don’t want them to realize that it isn’t worth it.
i type this while i’m waiting for my partner to come and console me after a fight with my sister. this is probably the third time this has happened this week. i need them, and that scares me. there are a lot of songs that i would use to describe our relationship, but the one i’ve always resonated with the most is peace by taylor swift.
so i ask you, love, is it enough that i can never give you peace?
i hope to god it is.
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