#hope you like it Pine!
hihereami · 1 year
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The Keeper is charged with maintaining balance between all of the various realities. Their job is to put those who have fallen out of place back where they belong. (Tales from The Fringes of Reality)
The role of the Moirai was to ensure that every being, mortal and divine, lived out their destiny as it was assigned to them by the laws of the universe. For mortals, this destiny spanned their entire lives, and was represented as a thread spun from a spindle (Greek Mythology)
I've wanted to illustrate something for @thefringespod for awhile.
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skelenova · 9 months
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idk they're kinda cute 2gether...
timothy belongs to @pinetreevillain
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fexiled · 4 months
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@stanuary Week Two: Possess & Sacrifice
"tough break, sixer! good luck getting your brother's help hiding those journals when he can't remember even having a brother!"
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quickandsilvers · 1 month
The Spy Who Loved Me
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Peter Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: Getting stuck in an elevator with a world-renowned Xman wasn’t on your 1984 bingo card. Guess you’ll just have to watch the hours tick by on Peter Maximoff’s ‘aces as fuck’ scooby doo watch. Ruh roh.
Warnings: a few sexual innuendos, awkward Peter (what’s new?), pining and flirting blah blah blah
Word Count: 6604
Taglist: @kaismanwich @evpeters87 @pretzel-bunnie @icannot3 @bluerthanvelvet444
Autumn, 1983. 9:32 PM.
As the amber glow of the sun casted its final rays upon the skyscrapers of New York, nightlife was in its full swing. With bustling crowds congregating inside bars and nightclubs, the thunderous bass of pulsating music infiltrated the streets, cranked up to a volume that would cause most to go prematurely deaf. It was both exhilarating and overwhelming.
And yet here you were in one of New York’s many Federal Bureau’s, swamped up in piles upon piles of paperwork, empty coffee cups and inkless biros.
The irony was not lost on you; your version of nightlife was much less enthralling than the lively congregation outside. The vibrant atmosphere was in sharp contrast to the monotony offices of the government building, where the only sounds that accompanied your sleepless nights were the tapping of keyboard keys and the rustle of pages turning as you pored over the endless stream of reports assigned to your person. It involved much more papercuts and sleep-deprived hours of endless jotting down and thinking galore.
Oh, so much thinking. Why couldn’t criminals make your life easier and be a bit dumber, huh?
Your limbs felt leaden with fatigue as you stepped onto the elevator on your floor, clutching papers in your hands tightly. The day had been painstakingly drawn-out, and yet you still had more grueling hours of paperwork waiting to be completed. Shifting awkwardly, you bundle the stack of paper in your hands into one arm, using the other to strain forward and press your floor number. Stepping back with a relieved sigh, you rest against the cool elevator wall for a few moments of much-needed peace.
The lift in your precinct was relatively new, a far cry from the ancient clunkers that polluted much of New York. It was constructed with a considerable amount of precautions and safety features after the Pentagon debacle back in 1973.
News broke out about a group of mutants slipping past security and breaking out the most dangerous mutant extremist known to man: Erik Lensherr. Aka Magneto. Aka totally-terrifying-and-would-definitely-make-you-barf-out-if-you-ever-saw-him-in-person.
Since the television broadcast of that day had instilled copious amounts of fear and paranoia for government safety and security, all federal structures had been fortified beyond necessity.
You’d argue that it was rather pointless though, considering the fact that the main culprit of the offense was now a bigshot, crime-fighting, golden retriever-esque Xman, who spent his days teaching total babes how to play Mrs. Pacman in the arcade. His felon days were over, exclusive of the frequent petty theft misdemeanors you found yourself documenting more times than you could count.
That’s right, you. Of all people, you were assigned the job to file all reported items Peter Maximoff had got his speedy hands on. From road signs to whole arcade machines, you were left documenting his shenanigans night and day, feeling as though you were one binder away from being put in a straight jacket.
You would be lying if you said you expected this task, working for a major federal agency, no less. Petty theft crimes were most often dealt with by the numerous police precincts in the city, however the government decided that the renowned speedster was a different story and needed to be dealt with “efficiently.”
Hah. Efficiently, your ass.
You mourned the times you could’ve simply been doing nothing at home instead of sending out forms for the speedster to sign for his pardoning. After all, it wasn’t like you could take any further action against someone who frequently saved the world from total destruction. The forms were only a mere slap on the wrist to the Xman, and moral condemnation had no effect on someone who had the freedom to act as he saw fit.
But that wasn’t your problem. Atleast, not for the next 48 hours. If you really cracked down, you could knock these forms out in a few hours, having the rest of your weekend dedicated to rotting on your couch, trying to get through as many seinfeld seasons as possible until your dreaded return back to work. A night in with sitcoms and unhealthy, borderline radioactive takeaways was all you needed right now.
You patiently wait for the doors to move, sealing your work week to a close in its mechanical grasp. Just as they begin to whirr shut, a blurred hand sticks through the gap, waving up and down rapidly for the sensors to detect its presence. They begin to open once again, and your eyes laid upon a broken-legged man. He possessed a bizarre pair of crutches adorned in stickers, and not to mention a peculiar taste in fashion. In fact, he practically blended in with the elevator walls, somewhat like a chameleon.
Peter Maximoff. Quicksilver. Hero to all. A royal pain in your ass. You were probably holding several of his reports in your hands right now.
Was he trying to haunt you wherever you go? If so, he’s doing a damn good job at it.
You gawk as he hobbles in, seemingly unaware of your existence as he leans up against the back wall, leaving his crutches standing up beside him. With a motorola dynatac in his hand, Peter’s eyes crinkle in amusement as he grins into his cellphone.
“Look Scotty, pick a side, dude. Yer get mad when i use Charles’ card at kohl’s…yes use.. I don’t fuckin’ leech off of it!..., but yer also get mad when I try cookin’ fer myself fer once!” He waits impatiently for a second, shifting the phone between his cheek and shoulder as he balances back onto his crutches.
Peter sighs after a long pause, “I know I left the stove on, but what can my impaired self do in that situation? What else do yer want me to say?” Peter rolled his eyes, albeit grinning. “..C’mon, It wasn't that bad, it was just a lil’ flare up! Ororo handled the blaze, and it was nothin’ compared to jeans disaster in the danger room.”
Something about the way Peter spoke was so casually amusing. He always seemed unfazed by his life's predicaments - never really taking anything all that seriously. He was unapologetically himself and had this carefree attitude that you envied more than you'd like to admit.
Absent-mindedly sifting through your papers, you contemplate the situation, wondering what Peter could’ve possibly done to anger Cyclops to that extent. He seemed to have read your mind though, as he pfftbs, lolling his head back lazily onto the elevator wall.
“The cabinets aren’t that fucked up! Just because yer lead training sessions now doesn’t mean ya can boss me arou-“
The loud sound resonates around the small space as you jump, a few papers going awol and falling to your feet. You reach down immediately, scrambling to pick them up.
Peter flinched as his ear was pressed into the speaker; as a result, his phone began to slide down from his shoulder. He caught it with the side of his face, wide-eyed and neck craned in a way you can’t imagine is comfortable.
“...What was that?”
“The cabinets.” A gruff, new voice sounded from Peter’s phone, unimpressed and beyond fed up with his bullshit. Peter, throwing his head back, barked out something between a wheeze and a snort, clearly thriving off his buddies’ misery.
Reaching out, you stetch to grasp a rogue file that had fallen by the speedsters feet. Hearing his giggles subside, you look up to see a wide-eyed Peter. He leans against the wall to use a free hand, grabbing his phone as he glances at your position with cheeks dusted pink, perplexed.
Just then, you realise that you are face-level with his crotch. Zoinks.
You both remain in deadly silent prolonged eye contact at the altercation, and you can only assume that your complexion is equivalent to that of a tomato, only further adding to your humiliation. Squeaking a small ‘sorry’, you immediately turn away and stand up, returning to your claimed spot of the elevator with askew papers bundled in your arms. The speedster’s scent followed you as you retreated, almost enticing you closer as the aroma of sweet cinnamon and natural leather seized your senses, lingering around the room.
Peter took advantage of your avoidant gaze to sneak a glance at the hella cute girl he had been totally unaware of. He takes a mega quick glance at his super cool green and blue Scooby Doo watch. A nice pop of colour to his metallic ensemble. The time read 9:47.
Four minutes. Four long, long minutes that he had been ranting like a lunatic down his phone, without the knowledge that an ultra-hot babe was standing next to him, probably confused and now completely put-off by his antics.
Why was she lookin’ at his junk, anyways? Did he forget to zip his fly? His head whips down. Nope. Wait. Was he hard? His head whips down again. Nope. Not yet, atleast.
Huh. Guess some groupees are just hella intense.
Peter’s mind reeled back to a few minutes prior. He didn’t do anythin’ embarrassing, did he? You probably thought he was a mess.
Oh fuck, did he look like a mess?
A blurred hand moves to fix his untamed mane, but only messes it up further as he moves it out of his eyes and in opposing directions. An angered muffle sounds through the speaker and Peter brings it up to his mouth with a stutter.
“I- I gotta go, Wolvie!” He panics, watching your fingers as they attentively sift through your stack of papers. The voice on the other end protests immediately, making explicit threats to the speedster. The sound of creaking hinges and snapping wood made him wince. But hey, there wasn’t much that he could do now, other than get his ass handed to him upon his arrival at the mansion.
Peter cuffs his hand over the phone speaker and makes a muffled sound, feigning losing connection.
“My service must be cuttin’ out dude! Talk time is runnin’ out too!” Peter paused to make more sounds, really selling his story. “Sorry man, nothin’ I can do ‘bout that! Tell Charlie Brown I'm mega sorry and I'm comin’ as quick as a one-legged man can go!” He makes kissy noises down the phone, only further angering the shouting man on the other side.
You definitely thought he was a mess.
Peter hung up abruptly and swallowed, looking towards you with a sheepish grin and gesturing his Motorola towards you. “That guy, huh?” He scoffs awkwardly, somehow stuffing the brick of a phone halfway into his pocket before running a hand through his hair once more.
It’s funny, really. Despite the amount of groupees wanting him to sign every limb on their bodies, Peter never gets any better at this. The talking-to-women thing, that is. Not to toot his own horn or anything, but Peter considers himself a master of scribbling on polyester brassiere. It was always the same thing; the initials ‘QS’ with the tail shaped like a lightning bolt, and a first-class smiley face on the side.
You let out a breathy laugh, about to ask what exactly he had done to assault the communal kitchen in such a way, before you stop yourself. Despite the loud conversation, you weren’t sure if you should bring up a private phone call. Instead, you respond with a curt nod.
Peter liked your laugh. It was a breath of fresh air within the cramped elevator, and certainly sounded better than the obnoxious honks Scott emitted, sounding somewhat like a vehicle. He guessed that Scott’s laugh simply replicated his engineerical profession. If that was true, Peter thinks you must work alongside angels sent from heaven itself. Hell, he’d volunteer to be your magical harp in an instant. Would let you play with him anytime. Hah.
As Peter opened his mouth to speak, an abrupt jolt sent you wobbling back into the wall before he could get a word in. He lets out an involuntary ‘eh?’ in confusion as the phone in his pocket tumbles to the floor, the antenna snapping off. Another lurch of the elevator and it came to a halt, cutting out with an ear-splitting creak.
The elevator had not yet reached a point beyond the metal walls outside, where you could see out the large window panes. Panic surged through you as the confined space seemed to shrink further. The silence in the elevator was deafening, and the uncertainty of the situation only heightened your anxiety. You couldn't muster the courage to look up at the speedster, fearing his reaction to the predicament.
Finally, his voice broke the silence, its calmness providing perhaps a glimmer of reassurance.
“Huh. The elevator stopped.” He hums in a matter-of-factly tone. Okay, maybe not. What do you have on you to salvage? Maybe a scrunched up, expired airhead in the depths of your pockets? Would that get you through the night?
Using a sticker-adorned crutch to reach the panel, Peter abused the call button before pressing the ground floor, both controls ceasing to function.
“Yer gotta be shittin’ me, it's stuck!” He groans, a little more panicked now “Wolvie’s not gonna believe me! Fuck!”
You attempt to swallow your nerves, yet fail as you stare at your feet. Peter, however, seemed more worried about the reaction of his superior than the fact he was trapped in a confined space by heavily reinforced elevator doors. Doors that could keep you locked in here for the foreseeable future. Would that be so bad? You weren’t a die-hard Quicksilver fangirl to say the least, but the man certainly wasn’t half bad to look at. Oh, but you’d kill to be binging seinfeld right now.
Trailing your gaze back up, your eyebrows furrow as you bear witness to said man attempting to pry the elevator doors open. You watch on as Peter anchors his good foot onto the side of the door for leverage, all whilst reciting murmurs of self-motivational idioms. He releases a choked-off groan. You chalk it up to either his effort into opening the door or his injured leg supporting the rest of his body. Either way, the speedsters' attempts were fruitless.
For what seems like an eternity, you open and close your mouth much like a fish out of water, completely baffled at the sight before you. And maybe even more so baffled as you intently ogle the bulge of the speedster’s biceps through his jacket, contracting and straining from his efforts.
Okay, wow. Keep it profesh, dude. Don’t you hate this guy?
You clear your throat, preparing to pose a question. Peter immediately whips his head around to face you, remaining in the same awkward position as he relaxed into a lazy smirk, despite his red cheeks and heaving chest. He tilts his head to the side, kindly signaling you to say something.
“Are you sure it's broken?" You ask softly, your voice perhaps quieter than you expected it to be, "Have you tried the fire alarm or stop button?”
Silence followed for a moment, and you felt yourself tense up.
“ ‘course babe,” Peter answers, relaxing his hand for a second to rest it against the door. “But have no fear. Who needs a stupid fire alarm when you have me?” He graced you with an award-winning grin, jutting out a thumb to eagerly point to himself. You ease up a little, humming as a flash of light reflecting off his watch catches your eye. A grinning Scooby Doo stares back at you and you resist the urge to laugh, comparing the speedster more to Scooby’s miniature counterpart; Scrappy.
Another agonizing minute passes, and you continue to exchange glances as Peter occasionally looks over his shoulder towards you for reassurance. A smile lingered on his lips, it was warm, and you were tempted. Oh, so very tempted. Silence permeated the air as you stood there idly, and you couldn’t help but feel the need to inquire again.
With one final heave and the door moving not an inch, Peter stumbles back into the wall, a sigh of alleviation exiting his mouth as he relieves the pressure on his mending leg. With crimson cheeks he began to shrug off his metallic jacket, letting it drop to the floor next to him.
Peter’s gaze flickers up towards you guiltily, knowing that you were on edge in such a confined space and wanting to get out ASAP. You felt your heartstrings being tugged as he presses himself back into the wall, giving you as much space as possible in the cramped elevator. Somehow, you found that was the last thing you wanted.
Silence ensued again for a few moments too long. You felt a warmth in your face and looked away immediately, finding yourself swayed by a peculiar boyish charm.
You looked up as he blinked, silver eyelashes flickering in the overhead lights. Your heart leapt. Peter Maximoff had the charisma that many girls found hard to resist, and perhaps you were no different from any other groupee than you had thought.
“How long do you think we’ll be in here?” You manage to get out as his stare remains fixated on you.
“Until maintenance decides to do their job, I s’pose,” He responds with a chuckle, resting on the handrail behind him.
“Oh, okay,” You reply shortly, averting your eyes again as you copy his movements on your own handrail.
“I hope i'm not that terrible company, toots.” Peter strives to make a joke. It fell flat on its face however, as you only respond with a half-assed huff of laughter, running your hand through your hair worriedly.
“N-no, it’s not like that,” You assure, feeling slightly red. You see the corner of his eyes crinkle in your peripherals, a visible smile forming on his face.
“I’m sorry, I just feel a little claustrophobic right now,” You explain anxiously, watching the ceiling as if it were about to fall and seal your fate.
Peter’s smile faltered at your mental panic. “Hey, uh- it's okay, it's just a maintenance issue. The elevator’s not gonna fall er anythin’. There's like a.. bajillion failsafes, ya know?” He huffed another laugh, readjusting his crutches under his armpits. Your tension slightly eased as he acknowledged the tense circumstances, but you still couldn't shake off the nerves entirely. The sound of his voice brought an odd comfort, making you feel slightly less alone in this confined space.
“Hank was tellin’ me all about their mechanics on this long-ass drive to the Pentagon. Yer know the-'' You nod in confirmation, very familiar with the building “-yeah. We were there fer.. somethin’ totes legal and business related.” He swallows, grinning. You crack a knowing smile, showing the speedster that you knew exactly what he was talking about.
Peter focuses his attention towards his discarded silver jacket on the floor. Balancing on his crutches, he uses his good leg to splay the jacket out next to the back wall. He looks back up at you almost expectantly, grinning as you raise an eyebrow quizzically.
“D ’ya wanna sit? I don’t want yer hobbling around like me if we’re gonna be here fer a while.” He offers, gesturing his casted leg towards you with a playful scoff.
You accept, thanking him as he placed one of his crutches in the corner, using his free large hand to splay across the small of your back. He hobbled slightly as you shuffle backwards to slide down the wall. Gripping your shoulders for support, he shakily sits down next to you, legs splayed out as he rests his other crutch across his right thigh.
You flush at the newfound closeness, copying his stance as you stretch your legs out. In the process your foot kicks something solid, and you look back to see the motorola on the sleek metal floor, broken beyond repair. You feel almost guilty, despite doing nothing wrong.
“Sorry about your phone.” You say softly, giving the speedster a remorseful smile.
Peter returns with a genuine grin “It’s a-okay babe, don’t worry ‘bout it. I'll get Xavier ter buy me a new one” he waves you off nonchalantly “-a work-issued phone ‘er somethin’.”
“Shouldn't you be spending the professor’s money on something more worthwhile? A new kitchen, perhaps?” You tease, nudging the Xman’s shoulder with your own.
“Hand on heart, babe. Wasn't my fault!” Peter’s hand flies to the very right side of his body, the opposite end of where his vital organ actually was. “I was cookin’ fer the kiddos since they didn’t want ter go through with Hank’s taco tuesday night, bless ‘em, but it turns out i’m pretty inferior too.”
“Is it really that bad?” You ask, surprised “A man with six PhD’s can’t cook?”
Peter shudders, screwing his face up into a look of disgust as he lays a hand on top of your own, squeezing it as though he had undergone something traumatic. “His food is a mix of something bad and something.. even worse, babe. Hank’s too experimentative, ‘n that shit should stay in the lab. The man added eggplants to our enchiladas. Eggplants. How crazy is that?!”
You snort, throwing your head back in comfortable laughter as he giggled with you. “I mean, i’m a man that’ll eat anythin’ yer put in front of me. But that pairin’? C’mon!”
Snickering further, the thought of impending doom eased gradually out of your mind as you found yourself relaxing. Peter’s fingers drum against the back of your hand, instilling a calming flow as you focus on the rhythmic taps.
He clears his throat. “So uh- yer work here?” The speedster gestures to the ID hanging off your neck, your photo and FBI logo showing.
“Just your average desk jockey at the moment, but I'm training to be an espionage agent.” You nod after a brief pause “...hopefully.”
Peter caught your eye with a confused blink, tilting his head with a puzzled smile. You catch onto his perplexity, dumbing the definition down to much simpler terms. “A spy.”
He blinked again, this time in realisation. “That’s totally rad! Yer don’t look like one, though, so I was pretty confused. Thought yer were talkin’ ‘bout that snail food...”
“That’s escargot, Mr. Maximoff.” You snicker “And I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but we ‘spies’ aren't all wearing stilettos and gun holsters on our person.”
Peter grinned as his hand left yours to ruffle his hair, something you found him doing often. “Suit yerself. But if I was the bad guy and yer were in that getup, I’d let ya capture me in an instant.” The words rolled off his tongue so smoothly that you found yourself falling further into the figurative arms of his speedy grasp. “ ‘n scrap the ‘Mr. Maximoff’, babe. ‘M just Peter.”
A bright blush crept upon your face once more. You waved the speedster off dismissively, not used to having comments like that directed towards you, let alone by a man who belonged on the front cover of a People’s Sexiest Man Alive magazine.
“So, Peter,” You test out his name, enjoying the way it sounded as it left your mouth. He grinned dopily, liking it too. “Why are you here?”
Peter looks around to check the coast is clear before coercing you closer with two fingers, making a quick ‘c’mere’ motion. You oblige, his lips now inches from your ear and soft silvery hair brushing against your temple. “I could tell ya, but then I'd have to kill ya.” The soft whisper sent currents down your spine, and the speedster didn’t miss your shiver as he pulled back, winking.
Peter seemed to have sensed your flustered state, swiftly moving onto another topic. “Like actually though, yer an undercover spy. That’s sick!” Peter hyped you up.
You shrug dismissively “I-it’s not exactly like the films. I’m more of an investigator than what you’re thinking.. and I’m not out on the field much, if at all.”
“Damn, yer still gotta be a total whizz though, right? Ter work for a federal agency?” Peter questioned with a genuine intrigue in your profession, a dopey grin adorned on his lips.
You brush it off once more with a simple shrug and a giddy smile, albeit with a newfound warmth and pride in your heart at his interest. A pause prolongs throughout the cramped room as you lean your head back onto the wall, staring at the uncomfortable bright lights until your retinas are screaming for you to avert your gaze.
Peter put his hands behind his head, staring at his feet in thought. He cocked his head as he saw that his silver shoelaces had unraveled. Maybe he should've asked you to tie them whilst you were down there earlier, nuzzling and befriending his junk. He grinned, savoring the memory in his mind and preserving it in a metaphorical polythene sleeve, just like his beloved original mint-condition records at home.
Woah! Slow down there, Don Juan! This chick barely knows you!
A comfortable silence lingered in the air for a few moments more, before Peter gently nudged you with his shoulder, looking over at you whilst his head stood resting against the elevator wall.
“I could be yer Tiffany Case.”
You furrow your brows. What?
“Yunno, Diamonds are forever, ‘56? Sean Connery, Jill St. John? I could totally be yer main bond girl!” Peter reiterated, gesturing his hands in his hair like the bouffant style the woman was infamous for wearing.
You snort a true laugh at the thought, turning your head to face him. He was already looking at you, grinning at your reaction to his buffoonery.
“Shouldn’t it be the other way round?” You query. Peter shakes his head adamantly. “Nuh uh, Ms. Double agent. Besides, I'd totally rock it in a showy little corset dress, don’t cha think? The choker an’ all?” He quipped, seeming happily expectant for your answer.
You snort further and he gasped at you in mock offense, nudging you slightly with a half-hearted ‘hey!’, to which you shrug and state that you would be rather under-qualified for the job. Jumping out of moving cars and escaping the clutches of hungry alligators weren’t exactly your areas of expertise.
“Yer think? Ya more of a Velma, huh? It’s a-okay, ‘m flexible. I could be yer shaggy too, y’know?” Peter nudged you again, each contact of clothed skin sending bolts of electricity down your arm. You sensed that he was hinting at something, although very subtly, as he couldn’t flee if you shot him down. Like you ever would, that is.
“Oh please, you’d be scooby.. no, scrappy! The watch says it all.” You gesture. Peter raises his eyebrows, a flicker of astonishment in his eyes, surprised that you took the time to notice that little detail. Your remark wasn’t even a compliment, in fact it was meant to be taken as slander, but he paused for a moment as his heart thumped faster than usual, a little dazed.
The overhead elevator bulb flickered as Peter gazed at your face. He swore then he could see you in an entirely new light, in a way that had his hands going clammy and stomach leaping in a mix of excitement and anxiety.
Peter watched, transfixed as your tongue glided across your lower lip, moisturizing them as your hands fiddled with the ID badge hanging around your neck. He wanted to hear you speak again.
“I’m callin’ bullshit, babe. In every spy movie the powerful female lead always carries her gun in a thigh holster. That’s just how it goes!” He shrugs “I mean, the only exception was this chick I met in ‘83. But I didn’t check if she had one, scout’s honour! She’s Charles’ girl.”
He carelessly flung three fingers in the air, knocking off the goggles that were once cushioned on his head in the process. He guessed they were slung somewhere across the elevator as your eyes trailed their path, but Peter paid them no mind. He cleared his throat awkwardly to grasp your attention.
You pfft, “Maybe you need to lay off the 007 films for now, no one wears anything like that.”
Peter squints his eyes, as if checking your own for signs of lying. “Whaddaya say yer let me check sometime? Ya sure yer got no secret compartments anywhere? Can't be too safe as an Xman, huh?”
“I Wouldn't be a very good bond if I was conspiring against my main girl, would I?” You tease, matching his expression. You gesture to his t-shirt, “And I’d never harm an Earth, Wind and Fire supporter.”
Peter’s eyes lit up as he sat further upright now, grasping your hand tightly. “Yer like Earth, Wind and Fire?!” You grin at his giddiness, “Hell yeah! I saw them back in ‘79.”
He squeezed your hand in his, sighing contently as he ruffled his hair with the other. “I like ya taste, and yer currently holding the hand of an incredibly handsome and painfully humble man, so yer taste in this department ain't half bad either, babe.” He shot you a grin.
You hit him slightly in the chest at his unbridled cockiness, but still not wanting to let go of his hand, and neither did he. His grip stayed intertwined with yours in a stalemate, both of you unwilling to relinquish. His gaze was just as unwilling, staring you down much like a fox.
All Peter wanted to do was make you smile again. To see you laugh again. It hurled him into the midst of a typhoon, with a zero percent chance of survival. He was right in the epicenter, the eye of the storm.
In true Scorpions fashion? You were rockin’ his emotions around like a hurricane, sending him into a love-struck frenzy. I mean, come on! It’s the 21st night of September, cupid! Little early sending those arrows, ain’t it bud?
In his daze, Peter barely registered the sudden clunk of the elevator. Not until you yelped and sunk your nails into the skin of his hand did he register the movement of the steel floor, and he gripped onto you even tighter. Tight enough that it surely hurt, but you didn’t protest as you shifted yourself onto your knees, using the handrail above to lift yourself up. With the aid of your hands, Peter eased out of his seated position, careful to not put any unnecessary pressure on his leg.
The lights on the buttons flicker on as you watch gleefully, the floor number beginning to move from seven to five, getting closer to your stop at the third floor. Your claustrophobic nightmare had come to an abrupt halt. Peter felt a strange sinking feeling in his stomach, though. As glad as he was to get back to the mansion, he wanted to stay with you. To get to know you.
He needed to see you again.
With a silent curse, Peter cleared his throat, “Hey, uh, babe?” You turn around expectantly. No backing out now, casanova. “Feel free ter totally hurl me down this elevator shaft or whip out your concealed gun if I'm wrong but- and yer never know when ya might need an elevator buddy again… so…” Nervousness clearly oozed from every fibre of his being, shown by his clammy hands and averted gaze, every unanswered second feeling like an hour.
Your clear confusion sent him into a malfunctioning frenzy. He just wanted this over with, yet he couldn’t find the words.
“Ijustwantedtoknowificouldpossiblyyyyyyygetyournumbermaybeandwecouldgooutttonadatee?” A jumbled string of words flies out of his mouth like word vomit. That wasn’t very Peter Franks of him.
His question completely flew over your head, and Peter mistook your taken-aback stature as rejection and his heart plummeted into a sad, mushy mess. As a wise Roos Tarpals once said: ‘Yousa in big doo-doo dis time.’
Peter immediately back-tracked himself, trying to ease the gauche tension that was gradually becoming more prominent. “Whaaaat?! Whosa spaked dat?!” Yeah, that oughta do it. Nice one, jar jar binks.
“Woah! Slow down, Motormouth! Not everyone is a Gungan. Tell me again.” You exclaimed, bewildered. The silence was permeable as you were waiting expectantly. His mouth went dry. Ooh mooie mooie, was it too quick to say that he might be in love with you? You understood his references. You were perfect, and now the pressure to not mess up was inordinate.
Peter hadn't felt this anxious before. Not when he fought Apocalypse on his own. Not when his матушка had walked in on him watching something totally not PG13. Not even when he asked Crystal Amaquelin out in 8th grade, via note, only for her to laugh and share the heartfelt message around with her rather intimidating gaggle of giggling friends.
The entire school knew about it in less than an hour, even Peter’s Civics teacher, Mr. Rivera, of whom then placed the younger speedster next to his unrequited crush for the remainder of the year. Gee, doesn’t he owe him for that one.
Peter had grown since then. He had completely put it past him soon after he had once removed all traces of putty from the windows in Mr. Rivera’s classroom, only for every pane to fall one by one as his favourite teacher slammed the door behind him. It was golden, and Crystal laughed too. Psscht, not like Peter cared anyway…
Was the yelling and exclusion worth it? Absolutely. Peter still felt a little bad about the fine mama Maximoff was given, though.
But truly, he had grown. A real glow up, infact. He bet that Crystal Amaquelin would now jump at the chance to go out with him, with the soft silver hair all his groupees fawned over and those fuckass reading glasses he had now gleefully parted from. And not to mention the severe hayfever that had plagued his summers as a child, where he would spend his days walking down the school corridor with his red, watery eyes and running nose.
Awh hell, why was he torturing himself with the thoughts of his younger, dorkier past? You were in front of him, waiting, absentmindedly chewing the inside of your cheek. Or perhaps it was a nervous tic? Either way, he’s got a good chance of blowing this with you. Slim to none odds of coming out of this with an in-tact ego.
Peter repeats his words. Atleast, he thinks he does. It was like the muscles in his jaw seemed to be doing all the talking involuntarily. Pfft. Even his body was sick of him. So why was he trying his dregs of luck with you? It seemed like you have a good life ahead of you, without the speedster whizzing past and leaving a whirlwind of destruction in his wake.
Whatever he said, Peter hopes it was coherent this time. And by judging the look in your face… well.. actually, no. He has no idea what's going on in that pretty little head of yours, and to put it frankly, it’s killing him. Cause of death? Interaction with a female. Peter would’ve been sure of his untimely demise if it weren’t for the pounding sound of blood pumping through his head.
Mere seconds go by. To Peter, it’s hours. He needs to check you’re still functioning. Embarrassed, the speedster rubs the back of his head, awkwardly grinning at you. A few silent moments to many, he finally breaks the tension by maturely asking:
“You aiiight?”
Upon hearing no response from you and seeing your flushed cheeks, his grin grew even wider as he snickered.“Whew- So, I guess that means I’m still good lookin’ enough ter make the ladies blush, huh?"
Peter’s deflecting. He knows it, and so do you. The sense of rejection is crashing down on him like an array of polished oak cabinets. And he’s just about to conjure all the strength he had left to pry open those pesky mechanical doors open when-
“You got a pen?” At long last, a response. Granted, it wasn’t exactly the yes or no Peter was expecting, but a response nonetheless.
Patiently, you watch as Peter scrambles for the blue felt tip marker in his trouser pocket, the one he used to colour in the dope skateboard one of the kiddos drew on his cast. He sighed in relief as he found it, thrusting it towards you with an award-winning, yet uneasy smile.
You thank him as you flick the lid off, scrawling your number in the corner of one of your documents. It was hard to remember your digits as Peter’s gaze burned into you, along with the sound of his shallow breathing. Amidst the tension, you couldn’t help but detect a tingling, giddy feeling in your stomach, transporting you back to your days as a teenager. Mustering a shy grin, you hand both the marker and paper back to him. Peter took it like it was priceless, immediately memorizing your number in his head in fear that it would somehow disappear off the page.
Peter knew that his dreamlike half-hour had come to an end when the elevator pinged at the third floor, gliding open effortlessly as if those very same doors weren’t sending Peter into an early retirement from trying to force them open. You hum cordially as you break away from the claustrophobic room, stepping into the monotony office that you’ve never been so elated to see again. You turn around, watching the speedster press the ground floor number with the end of his crutch. “Not your stop?”
Peter grimaces, sighing exuberantly “Nah, still got another couple floors with the mystery machine.” He pats the wall as if it were an old friend. It reverberates with a loud echo, making him wince. Just then, the doors begin to shut before you interfere, wedging your foot in between them so they detect your presence. They open back up again.
“You’ll call me, won’t you? If you have time?”
“Fer you? Anything. That’s a promise.” Oh boy, Peter’s turning into a lovefool already.
You grin “Don’t go breaking any more cabinets, Shaggy.” Your foot slides away from the elevator.
“Who, lil’ ol’ me?” Peter gasps in mock offense “Like, sorry Velms, but that's a promise I can't keep, man.” You giggle and he grins triumphantly, watching as the doors begin to close and you wave goodbye, hollering one last thing to the speedster.
“I hope mystery incorporated doesn’t give you much trouble!” Clunk.
Once again, Peter is left alone with his thoughts, accompanied only by the sounds of the conveyance machinery whirring down to the ground floor. He uses this time to fumble for his walkman on his belt, trapping his hair underneath his over-ear headphones. With a click he presses the play button, just in time as the elevator doors ping open once more.
Readjusting his grip on his crutches, Peter hobbles out of the building, the sounds of Aerosmith’s ‘Love In An Elevator’ blaring at full volume. He glances down with a smirk at the piece of paper you gave to him, documented with his name and recent items he had swiped from a local record store; and jackpot! Your number, clear as day, scrawled onto it. Finally.
Peter knew his plan would work someday. He sorta had a knack for this spy thing. In truth, stopping that elevator was the best thing he’d done in a long while.
Shame about his phone though, that was the only thing that happened on accident. Ruh roh.
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lunarin64art · 2 months
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That feeling when he can't stand to see you that way, no matter what you do, no matter what you say😩😭💔
#scott pilgrims precious little life#scott pilgrim vs the world#spvtw#spto#scott pilgrim#wallace wells#lisa miller#scollace#kim pine#natalie adams#envy adams#don't rlly know if I like how this turned out but oh well;;;#hope its obvious that this is based on the song “Scott Pilgrim” which the creation the comics were inspired from#the lyrics always make me think of Wallace and Lisa's feelings for Scott every time I hear it#ofc you could also relate it to Kim especially since the singers voice kind of reminds me of her#but overall the lyrics fit these two much better since Scott never truly “saw them that way” despite how long they've liked him#and they always seem happier to see him compared to Kim#Im surprised tho that I havent yet seen anyone draw these two together now that their dialogue parallels have been acknowledged more lately#also tho I wish more people pointed out that they both got cucked by red heads LOL#and Kim and Envy actually do look really similar when scott first meets them#makes me wonder if Scott subconsciously went for Envy since she reminded him of Kim (which would be fitting given that you could argue that#Envy dated Scott because he reminded her of Todd. Since he and Scott are confirmed to be meant to be seen as similar to one another#so much so that even their first and last names rhyme#last thing I'll add tho is that while Wallace and Lisa are very similar even personality wise#the one big difference is that despite that whole conclusion on vol4 of Scott not cheating on Ramona with Lisa because he loves her#the writers apparently think it would be “organically correct” for him to have an affair with wallace LMAO#but I guess we shouldn't be surprised since Wallace and Ramona are both in the front of the official valentines art which is clearly#a deptiction of Scotts wet dream or smth (oh and you could also argue that Wallace and Lisa parallel on that art since they're both#shirtless with white socks.. which could be a reference to how lisa wears skimpy clothes for Scott and Wallace often only wears boxers#to like sexually frustrate Scott for fun or smth
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chronicowboy · 2 months
every part of you (simple as that) | 2.8k
"Do you ever think about having kids?" The words fall from Buck's lips the moment Tommy returns from the bar with their beers. He flounders a little, mouth opening and closing like he can suck the words back in. To his credit, Tommy only blinks in surprise and takes a second too long to unwrap his fingers from the neck of the bottle when Buck reaches for it.
"Uh, no, not really," he says carefully, evenly. And Buck's only the tiniest bit disappointed that it doesn't fluster the man more. Tommy just joins him in leaning against the railing of the gazebo, hip and shoulder solid points of contact that Buck relishes in. The warm, strong weight of Tommy against him soothing the pacing dog in his chest. "I mean, I used to. When I still thought I was straight." He huffs a little laugh at himself, and Buck shares in it. A new feeling, wistful amusement. The years lost to a question you never thought to ask, or one you couldn't find the courage to answer. "It's what you do, you know? You find a nice woman, you get married, you have kids."
"Mm," Buck hums ins agreement, taking a sip of his own beer. It's a thought he's had countless times, a thought he continues to have, but now it's not always a woman standing up there at the altar with him. "You don't think about it now?"
"I never really considered it. Not with the job and everything." Tommy sighs, deep and heavy, before turning to face Buck head on. Something raw and vulnerable creeps into his eyes, and Buck finds himself standing a little steadier ready to catch whatever fragile thing Tommy is about to hand him. "The army, firefighting, Harbour. My mortality has never been a sticking point for me. I was always thinking: well, if I die, I die."
Buck sucks in a sharp breath, the words slicing through his skin like shards of a mirror long since shattered, settling in his gut like a stone of dread. How many times had he thought the exact same? How many times will he have to pay for his own carelessness by caring for someone he could lose so easily?
"I've made sure to live a life that would leave very little behind," Tommy continues. "Or I had. Until recently."
"Oh, yeah?" Buck raises an eyebrow, heart skipping once then twice. "What changed?"
"I think..." Tommy's voice is low as he sways into Buck's space. "I think I found something to stick around for."
(OR: buck comes out to chris at the wedding)
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faragonart · 4 months
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"It sure is, isn't it..."
(A little continuation from this...)
Ridel had always wanted to see the Steppe... and Vatii always wanted to show him.
(ft. @pali-himbo 's Vatii)
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heynhay · 1 year
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so part of my klance renaissance has obviously included haunting ao3 and can i just say this one by @thespacenico was especially lovely. drew a lil somethin.
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chirpsythismorning · 7 months
What they're saying is s5 is going to have Hawkins High School as one of the locations for the plot. What I'm hearing is jealous Mike opportunities...
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silentsamlikesham · 8 months
I was surprised there wasn't more fics like this for the fandom. Macho boys need to be soft sometimes....
Zoro x Sanji
Sanji’s shoes click rhythmically off the cobblestone pavement as he stalks towards the ship. His eyes watch the cracks in the ground and the uneven bumps in the stones until they fall away to crooked lines etched into the wood of the dock.
He doesn’t lift his head as seagulls circle him, their sharp eyes catching the few bags Sanji has dangling from his wrists. He doesn’t take in the sight of sailors throwing barrels onto ships or jostling past him in a hurry to grab more rope, and food and booze from the carts that sit on the edge of the ships. 
He doesn’t flinch when the seaside breeze cuts through his hair, plastering it across the wrong side of his face as he climbs onto the Merry. Not even the splash of sea water from below, that soils the cuffs of his pants, can rip him from the haze of his foul mood.
The first time Sanji glances up from the floor, is to watch behind him as Zoro reaches the bottom of the rope ladder. He takes a brief hiatus from his gloom to watch smugly as Zoro struggles to use only his legs to get aboard.
One of his arms is coiled around a barrel of beer, the other is weighed down by as many shopping bags as Sanji could throw at him, topped with a box he’s balancing between his bicep and shoulder that contains large heavy pieces of meat. 
The swordman seems to sense he’s being watched because he peaks a look up at Sanji, his eye’s just visible under his bandana.
“You going to help me, Curly?”
Sanji tsks loudly, his brief smile at the other’s struggling twisting into a frown again as he remembers just how pissed off he is.
“Screw you, Mosshead.” 
The clack of Sanji’s dress shoes echo across the deck of the ship as he storms off towards the pantry, the door to the kitchen banging loudly behind him as it slams shut.
Zoro blinks slowly, shaking his head as he convinces himself not to think too hard about what has set the cook off. Knowing how temperamental he could be, it could be as simple as an eyelash grazed his eye, or maybe he had to buy a bruised fruit or something.
Zoro decides to ignore the temper tantrum and instead focuses on getting over the side of the ship and safely onto the deck. He kicks the door to the kitchen open, not feeling bad when it slams loudly against the cracking wooden wall. It’s not his fault someone had shut it when they knew his hands were full, and Zoro was not dropping any of stuff in his arms until he knew he’d never have to pick them up again.
“Oi, watch it moss for brains.” Sanji snarls, already halfway through unpacking one of the half full bags he’d decided not to throw at Zoro.
Zoro noisily drops everything from his left arm, the sacks opening and almost spilling their contents, while the box dents on one side. With both arms Zoro carefully drops his booze barrel onto the floor, the only thing he cared about getting safely back to the ship.
“What the hell, idiot. You better not have bruised anything.” Sanji seethes, storming forwards, his eyes not even on the products.
It was clear the cook wasn’t upset about the door, or the dropped goods. No, Zoro knew by now his rival was itching for a fight. Well, if that is the case,  he’d give him one. 
“What’s your problem, Ero-Cook? You don’t like how I handle them, then you carry them.”
Like expected, his blonde crewmate sucks in a breath before he easily spins his hips and launches a kick at the side of Zoro’s head. The hilt of a sword catches the edge of his ankle, stopping the impact by mere centimetres.
“Isn’t your job on this ship to be the pack mule?” Sanji hisses, leaning forward enough that Zoro can feel a flick of spit hit his chin. “Can you do anything right?”
The next few clashes between the pair are nasty. A pinch of hurt mixes with a wave of fury and frustration as Zoro matches the tempo of the other’s hits. They block, dodge and slam into one another, a litter of bruises and bumps being left in the wake of their moves as they throw insults back and forth.
It’s nothing new, nothing unusual between them, but it feels strange to Zoro. Sanji doesn’t feel like he’s letting off steam, not when one shoving kick almost breaks a rib, or when the next kick almost comes crashing down on his skull at practically full force, hard enough to crack bone. The cook clearly seems upset with him.
“What-” Zoro slams the hilt of his second blade into the side of Sanji’s knee, unbalancing him, “is your-” He steps further shoving into the cook and knocking him back onto his ass, the tip of Yubashiri pointing down at him “fucking problem?”
Sanji’s glare trails from the tip of the blade up to Zoro’s face before he growls back “You. You ruin everything.” 
With that, Sanji uses a kick to knock the blade away before he pushes forward, barely lifting off the ground as he tackles Zoro at his knees, knocking him onto his back and briefly winding him.
He probably could have taken the hit, but he’s so surprised that he doesn’t even realise what the cook is doing until he feels two sharp knees digging into the inside of his elbows. His arms are pinned, stretched outwards with his swords as far from his opponent as possible, as Sanji sits heavily on his chest.
Zoro’s so startled by the approach that he goes to swing his head, to whip the sword in his mouth at the hot head, but before he can, Sanji has taken the sword away. For a moment, Zoro thinks he’ll join Sanji in feeling murderous, but some of his anger is quenched when he realises the cook doesn’t toss the blade away, but instead places it carefully above Zoro’s head, just out of reach of his mouth. 
“You couldn’t just keep your mouth shut at the market, could you?” Sanji pants, pushing as much weight into his knees so he can, watching Zoro flinch as they push through muscle and pinch at nerves.
“What are you talking about, shit-cook?” Zoro tries to move his arms, he knows he’s strong enough to lift Sanji’s scrawny legs off him, but for some reason, nothing happens.
“You just had to butt in about booze right as I was getting somewhere with that beautiful blonde-haired beauty. You had to open your stupid mouth and ruin it.” 
Sanji thinks back to the lady, all curves and soft lines and a small timid smile. The brief laugh she paid him for a weak joke was enough to make Sanji float. He’s sure he could have charmed an evening with her while they were stuck on this island, but big mean and green had to ruin it all, as usual.
“That’s what this is about? You striking out with yet another clueless chick?” Zoro continues to struggle, becoming perplexed that his strength seemed to have left him.
“Don’t call women demeaning shit like that.” Sanji snarls, only refraining from hitting the green bafoon when he notices the other looking worried at his arms twitching uselessly beneath Sanji’s hold.
“It’s not going to work, Mosshead. I’m leaning on a weak point in your arms.” 
Zoro’s attention turns back to Sanji, his brows furrowed in thought as though he wasn’t sure to believe the blonde or not.
“Apologise, and I’ll move.” Sanji bargains, his temper subsiding as a feeling of victory settles in his chest. 
“Eat shit.” 
Sanji grins at the discomfort on Zoro’s face, the sweat breaking out across his forehead as he struggles to get himself back in a position of power. The blonde decides to lean his upper body back, a show of how long he is willing to wait for Zoro to cave. His hands fall lazily behind him as he goes to rest one of them on Zoro’s stomach. 
The movement surprises the swordsman, the hand going unnoticed until he felt gentle fingertips dragging across his ribs, pushing at the taut skin. The lack of sight, mixed with an unusual place for Sanji to touch him is enough to cause Zoro to flinch, to let the smallest involuntary gasp through his lips as his breath hitches and his eyes widen in genuine surprise. 
Maybe he didn’t notice?
“Oho, what was that Marimo?” Sanji, having literally felt the hitch in breath beneath him, stares curiously at his hand, then looks back at Zoro’s face, the faintest dusting of a blush growing on his cheeks as he suddenly refuses to meet Sanji’s face.
The cook might have just taken the reaction as having hit a bruise, but the discomfort on Zoro’s face makes Sanji curious. So, he does it again.
This time his fingers brush relentlessly over the spot, the touch getting softer as he realises it elicits more of a reaction from the man beneath him. Sanji can’t help the grin that spreads out across his face as the pieces start to click together.
“Oi, Marimo.” Zoro glares a hole through Sanji as he meet’s his gaze, his blood boiling at the sight of the smug expression on the assholes face. “I didn’t know moss could be ticklish.”
Zoro tries to keep his face neutral as he opens his mouth to deny it, to tell Sanji he’s an idiot and to get the fuck off him before he skewers him, but before he can…Sanji squeezes his hip bone, his long fingers coiling into the exposed hollow of his hip.
He thought with all his hard work and training over the years that he could have held back his reaction, hardened his mind until he felt nothing. It doesn’t work. Not with Sanji’s weight holding him down, his arms and swords useless for once, his rival’s touch soft against his skin. This was new, this was terrifying, and this was something Zoro had never prepared for.
He lets out a bark of laughter, his face whipping to the side in embarrassment and panic as he tries to will the flush climbing up his neck away. 
Sanji forgets to be angry, forgets he was ever upset, forgets completely about the blonde that started this whole scene. He can feel the echo of the laugh through Zoro’s chest, can feel the panicked breaths that follow against his thighs. His eyes are locked on Zoro’s watery smile, not used to seeing such a shy grin on the swordman’s face. 
He squeezes again, Zoro’s eyes twisting shut as though not being able to see what was happening would be enough to make it go away. He loosens his grip slightly, scratching the area instead, his nails bluntly dragging across the cotton of Zoro’s shirt as a groan from his mouth turns to soft giggles.
Sanji is pretty sure he’s forgotten how to breath. It’s like he’s afraid to. That he’ll make too much noise and miss a single sound coming from Zoro’s lips.
“Didn’t think a brute like you could giggle.” Sanji teases eventually, pausing his assault long enough to see if Zoro will answer him, if he is capable of speech.
Zoro is pretty sure he’s going to die. His chest is tight after less than a minute of this. He can’t think, he can’t breathe, his hip feels like it’s been electrocuted and now Sanji’s words are burning him. He can feel the heat radiating from his skin, the tension in his limbs will surely snap at any moment. When it does, it’s likely he’ll melt into the wood of the floor.
“What, no quip back?” Sanji is laughing now, joyfully too, not his usual cruel cackle that he uses to taunt Zoro mid-fight. 
“Shu-huh-ut up!” Zoro gasps, trying to regain his composure. 
He can’t remember the last time someone had pinned him like this, and certainly can’t remember a time when someone ever tickled him like this. He hadn’t even considered he was ticklish, not since he’d grown up.
“Aw Marimo, that’s not very nice.” Sanji’s eyes are practically shining as he leans back with both hands now on Zoro’s stomach, all ten fingers curling into the soft dip just below Zoro’s abs. 
Zoro’s eye’s practically bug out of his head at the sensation. Any thought of shutting down his nervous system disappears as he lets out a stream of loud laughter, his legs curling and kicking out behind Sanji, his back arching off the ground, nearly hard enough to push Sanji off him. But the blonde was able to stay on top, his laughter joining Zoro’s.
“Oh, mosshead. I think I’ve found a way to indefinitely win our little fights now. Let’s hope no one outside the crew finds out about this, eh?”
Sanji’s words are too much, too condescending, and sweet and frustrating. 
“I-Ihh- I’m go-ahah-gonna cut yo-oho-you’re fucking tongue ou-ouaha-out.” Zoro warns, deadly serious for once. His threat sounding ridiculous though as his voice cracks at the end, his laughter hitting a shriek as Sanji traces a spot just above his pant’s line. 
Sanji hums, unimpressed. His hands disappear from Zoro’s stomach and for some reason that’s worse. Zoro’s gaze snaps from the door to the kitchen back to Sanji as he desperately tries to anticipate whatever the fuck the cook is going to do next. 
He’s too slow though because he doesn’t feel the hands shoving under his exposed armpit’s until it’s too late. Not being able to drag his elbows into his sides is torture and his shrieking continues as his nerves tingle from his chest all the way to his fingertips.
“I don’t think the world’s greatest swordsman is the only title you’ll ever earn; clearly most ticklish swordsman is already yours.”
It’s the worst comment so far. Mainly because the cook has just fucking admitted he think’s Zoro can achieve his dream. The compliment is weird and warm enough to have butterflies fluttering in his gut while his lungs seize in his chest. His face is beetroot red at this point as Zoro starts to feel like he’ll never escape.
But just as he thinks this, Zoro registers his legs, which have been twisting and convulsing this whole time…Sanji is settled on his chest. Zoro’s legs are completely free. He mightn’t have trained his kicks like the cook, but he can still swing them as well as any other competent fighter.
As Sanji opens his mouth to tease him further, Zoro moves. He brings his knees up with as much force as he can in his position, and they hit Sanji square in his lower back. He knocks the cook forward just enough that one of his knee’s shifts from where they were pinching the nerve in Zoro’s arm and in a blink of an eye he goes from a laughing mess to grappling Sanji’s waist, rolling the pair over until Zoro finds himself nestled in between the blonde’s legs, his hips pining the other’s down.
Sanji is blinking owlishly up at the ceiling, disorientated, and confused at how he ended up in this position. 
Zoro wastes no time in hopping up and falling back down on the other’s thighs, preventing any kicks or twists that might come his way. He gives Sanji a second, relishing in the horrified expression on his rivals faces before he digs both his large hands into every inch of skin he could on the blonde’s stomach and is rewarded by a loud wheeze followed by a stream of curses and laughter as Sanji loses it beneath him. His whole being wiggling and convulsing and suddenly Zoro doesn’t feel as embarrassed or weak.
He was going to kill the blonde, tickle him to an inch of his final breath and make him promise to never try this shit again, to beg and cry for Zoro to stop...
But the heated feeling dies in his mind as soon as he thinks it, because Sanji laughs like it means nothing. Like he doesn’t care that he’s being lit on fire by Zoro’s touch. He meets Zoro’s eye like they’re sharing a joke over a drink, like they’ve just surprised yet another unsuspecting crew, he looks at Zoro as if they’re friends…and it kills Zoro. Destroys him in a way he’s not expecting.
So, he stops, his fingers stilling when Sanji’s eyes gather tears and his face is as red as Zoro’s own.
He doesn’t tease him, doesn’t trust himself to say a single word when his mouth has dried, when it feels like cotton in sitting in the centre of his tongue. 
“Tr-ucahaha-truce. Plea-ahah-se Marimo.” 
Zoro stares at him until Sanji squirms uncomfortably at the silence. He watches the emotions swirling in Zoro’s eyes, his face it’s usual mask of secrecy. The idiot looks lost, like he’s stuck on something particularly complex.
Sanji hasn’t a clue what could be happening in the green idiot’s brain, so he doesn’t push him. Not when he’s still menacingly looming over him, ready to pounce. 
Sanji handles him the way he always does when he needs Zoro to comply without needing him to actually agree with him.
“I’ll let you drink a bottle of the good booze if you let me up?”
Zoro grins then, the tension washing away as Sanji offer him something familiar, something safe. 
He grunts as he stands, surprising them both when he offers Sanji a hand up. 
He takes the hand, letting Zoro pull him to his feet, surprised when the other pulls him close, his breath tickling Sanji’s ear as he hisses “You tell anyone about this, and not even the world’s best sake will save you.”
Zoro pulls back then to glare as threateningly as he can at the cook. Sanji looks stricken, maybe a bit intimidated for a second before he bursts into laughter. Zoro pouts at the response, forgetting none of his intimating tricks work on the pervert.
Sanji gooses his side as he dances out of Zoro’s reach and towards the drinks stash, laughing as he replies over his shoulder. 
“Next time I won’t forget to pin you properly, moss for brains.”
The threat sounds more like a promise, like Sanji is already planning his next attack. It makes Zoro uncomfortable, afraid, and slightly excited. The same mesh of emotions he always gets from fighting with Sanji.
Maybe, this would be another form of release for them. Another way to pass the time on the ship and let off some steam.
He tries not to dwell on the fact that a tickle fight was far less acceptable for a pair of terrifying warriors than genuine bruise inducing sparring.
Who could judge them out at sea? Who would learn of what they did on the grand line behind a closed kitchen door.
Zoro wanted to hear that laughter again, wanted to see that grin across the cook’s face…and maybe, he admits quietly in his brain as he takes the first gulp of his drink, he was looking forward to having the cook tease him like that again.
To beat him with a soft touch, rather than a short blunt one.
Zoro needed to drink the entire bottle placed in front of him before he lets his thoughts continue, before he reaches a conclusion, he’s been avoiding for months now.
He holds out his empty cup and receives a scoff in return as Sanji fills it again, the two of them clinking their next glasses together in a silent ‘cheers’.
They’ll figure it out, whatever this is.
They’re nakama after all. 
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cbmagus49 · 1 year
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Whooo, that was a lot! I only got properly started on these like a week ago; I’ve been back at school for the first time in like 3 years which is really eating up my executive function, and with all the crap that happened in Jan/Feb on top of that I wasn’t even sure I was gonna do Forduary at all ^^’ Not half bad for a very very very last minute mad rush to get something out before the late entry cutoff deadline :D
(I am so tired T^T)
I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to do for the prompts this time around, and eventually ended up making two sketches for each prompt! ...buuuut I absolutely did not have time to do all of them with how late I left it so I just picked my favourite for each week to polish up. I’m probably not gonna finish the others, but I liked how the rough blocking was turning out and I thought the progression of all of them together looked pretty cool, so since I didn’t wanna just not post them I’ve put all the thumbnail sketches under the cut so you can see ‘em ^^
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colorfulcosmoscat · 4 months
I ask u to consider...
(In response to your request post hehe !)
..Scott and Knives parallel-playtime with babysitters Kim and Ramona
Something like Knives furiously doing little crafts and dumping glitter everywhere except the paper, while Scott is just trying to line up his sonic figurines by release date :']]
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the kiddos!!!! :D
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A loud thud. Someone dropped a book a few tables away and Harry stirs besides him making a noise as he settles, but still doesn’t wake up, deep in his slumber. Draco looks around to see if anyone notices but no one is paying attention to them, to Harry specifically.
Only Draco pays that much attention to Harry. Always has, always will.
Arms crossed on the desk, supporting his head, Harry face is towards Draco and has been ever since the class started and he fell asleep mid lecture. He hasn��t move since, just stirring every now and then.
Draco doesn’t wake him, doesn’t have the heart to do so, not to Harry who drags himself around the castle looking death on his feet whenever Draco finds him in the corridors. Draco loathes the sight of those dark bags under his eyes, a permanent feature ever since… Since.
There’s another noise, a bang, and then a yelp. A crease appear between Harry’s eyebrows, mouth pouting a little in discontent at being disturbed in his sleep. Draco has to suppress the urge to smooth the frown with his thumb. Quick glance away to make sure no one pays them any mind, slowly, Draco raises his hand and put his finger over the crease, of course he does.
Draco is a weak weak man.
Light as a feather his touch lingers, as he lets his thumb trace the edges of Harry’s face, mapping his features ever so softly, delicate, tracing the invisible cracks Draco sees with so much clarity, much to his own cracked mask.
First his eyebrows, then his nose, the curve of his cheeks. He traces the golden skin that seems to glow under the light of the sun pouring from outside. A contempt sight leaves Harry’s lips at Draco’s dutiful administrations and Draco cannot take his eyes away from him.
Funny thing, imagination. Makes your mind wonder about the impossible, like what your life would’ve been if you didn’t make the mistakes you made or who would you be if you were someone else. Anyone.
Anyone. Anyone. Anyone.
Or, when the mind is as twisted as the man, it makes you wonder how the lips of your so-called enemy would feel under yours. No, not an enemy. Hasn’t been for a long time. Are they as soft as they look? Yes. Yes.
The noise around them increases suddenly and because he has been so lost in Harry, Draco doesn’t notice the class is over. Only when he sees movement in the corner of his eye, ginger hair approaching, Draco snaps his hand away.
“Alright, mate?” Weasley eyes the sleepy form of his friend first and then, looks towards Draco. Draco nods.
“Harry, wake up, the class is over,” Granger shakes Harry’s shoulders a little bit, to wake him up. And then, a little rougher when he doesn’t stir the first time.
Eventually, Harry awakes, startled at first wildly looking around, fear settled on this features but quickly melts as his gaze lands on Draco besides him. His body visibly sags in relief.
“Time to go, Harry,” Granger repeats and Harry looks away, gathering his things quickly, shoving them without finesse in his book bag. “We have to hurry if we want to catch Hagrid,”
“Yeah, yeah, coming,” Harry makes a motion with his hand towards the corridor so they can wait for him outside. With a final glance on Draco’s direction, they go.
Draco tries to linger but his things are all packed and ready to go so he doesn’t have an excuse to stay. Without looking his way, he adjusts the strap of his book bag and walks away without a word.
“Draco, wait!” Harry calls after him and Draco stops and turns around.
Harry’s things are packed and he stands in front of him, hair a mess. Draco wonders, not for the first time, how it would feel under his touch.
Harry shuffle on his feet. “Thanks for not telling on me, that I fell asleep in the middle of the class, I mean.”
Draco nods. “Don’t you worry about it. All is well.”
“Yeah okay,” he tries to advert his gaze, two seconds later his eyes are on Draco again. A warm pleasant feeling invades Draco suddenly. “Also, er, I just wanted to let you know some of the Eight Years are planing a party in our common room before the hols and I was thinking that maybe you want to go?”Harry’s cheek turn the prettiest shape of pink with every word he says and Draco gets a little lost at the sight and takes a few seconds extra for his brain to register what he just said.
“I— I don’t think anyone wants me there,” he says, swallowing the shame.
“I want you there,” Harry frowns in confusion, as if the thought of anyone not wanting Draco is preposterous.
Now is turn Draco’s turn to feel his cheeks on fire. “I— I’ll think about it,”
“Yeah, okay, fair enough,” Harry smiles the most dazzling smile at him and Draco can’t help to return the favor, only with a most reserved one.
“Harry!” They heard Granger call.
“Coming!” Harry shouts, never taking his eyes of Draco, “See you later?”
Draco nods, “Yes. Later.”
And with that, Harry turns around and walks out. Draco hears his voice fade alongside Granger and Weasley’s and waits another five seconds before walking out himself feeling lighter than he ever has been.
If that night, Draco’s dreams are plague with wild raven hair and beautiful pink cheeks, that’s no one business but his own.
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jacky-rubou · 1 month
I had a dream where Ford acts like Dipper and makes a list of all the things he thinks he should apologize to his brother for and then he tells Stan to sit in the chair and makes Stan promise to listen to what he has to say until the end and without interruptions. Ford finishes apologizing for everything he thinks he should apologize to Stan, his brother gets up from his seat and gives him a hug saying he forgives him. But Ford is confused because Stan didn't specify what exactly he forgave, only for Stan to respond "for everything". Then the two of them start crying and hug each other tightly.
this was so cute i couldn't just not write a ficlet about it haha (hope you don't mind, but inspiration struck lol)
"Hmmm?" Stan acknowledged while half-listening, his eyes still focused on the project in front of him. Clothes haphazardly loomed in a big messy pile to his left, a few duffel bags to his left, and a vain attempt to do it all alone had his attention all to itself. His mind found only a brief moment to worry as he folded and tucked a plain white shirt into its spot at the bottom, lost in the action.
At least, until he realized Ford hadn't responded. Stan glanced over his shoulder and swore he saw his twin stuff something into his coat when he caught his eye. Stan gave him a raised eyebrow, glancing at the spot of interest until Ford sheepishly turned away. Stan shrugged and continued his work, finding comfort in the idea of this tedium leading to the trip of his dreams despite how long such a thing would take for just one person to do.
But Ford was still just... standing behind him. Awkwardly. In the way Stan couldn't pretend wasn't just like how he'd wait for room to speak when they were in school and he needed to speak to a teacher. Always uncomfortable and unsure if he was being bothersome for having a question or needing help. Stan could even hear him muttering under his breath, like he was psyching himself up. If Stan was being honest, it was quite annoying that Ford wouldn't just say what he wanted instead of making a big painful deal about it.
"Just spit it out, Ford. I'm waiting," Stan blurted, irritation sneaking its way into his tone that only gathered a gasp and immediate withdrawal from Ford, "...what is it? Better be important, heh..."
"Nothing... it's..." Ford took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, "It's nothing... Just pretend I didn't say anything..."
"Ya can't just say that and think I'd believe ya. What is it?" Stan asked once more, fully turning around to find a sight he wasn't expecting. Ford was looking down, his eyes visibly watering and his throat swallowing heavily. Ford caught his staring and just... sucked it all in at once in a single moment to gather himself that felt all wrong. "What's wrong?"
"I told you it's nothing, just... let's get this all packed..." Ford walked over to stand next to Stan and began to pack clothes for their trip before Stan could even protest that there was certainly something wrong with how strongly he's deflecting. "Then we can get on that trip faster, yes?"
"Ford, you're trembling. Tell me what's wrong before you mess up all the clothes," Stan saw the sloppy way that Ford was packing, quickly devolving into just tossing shirts and pants in with no regards to order. But instead of making his brother tell him what was up, it only seemed to make him more upset. Stan grabbed his hand before he could toss anything else into a bag, finally pausing him enough for his eyes to well up. "You know you can tell me anything, right? Did something happen?"
Stan let Ford go and he stepped back, looking more and more like a sad cat with every moment. He peeked into his coat for a moment, nervously turning away before the sound of crinkling echoed in the small bedroom. Stan simply stared in confusion before Ford turned back and cleared his throat for the last time.
"You might want to sit down. And I... I would like it if you just... heard me out," Ford requested, soft and delicate as a leaf in the fall. Stan frowned, concern etching on his features as he found an empty spot on the messy bed to sit. "I'll say my piece and then... we can forget about it before dinner. Maybe even by lunch."
Ford chuckled but there was no humor in it. Much less his face, which was twisted in pained sorrow. Stan couldn't help but search Ford's eyes for an explanation that didn't leave him confused and wanting to punch whatever or whoever clearly upset him this much. Ford took a few deep breaths and Stan could see him fighting for his life to say what he wanted to in his expression.
"Promise me you won't interrupt, that you'll just hear me out," Ford requested quietly, patting his coat for the mysterious thing he'd been hiding the entire time. Stan nodded. "Just... just say it in words. I need to know I'll be heard..."
"I promise," Stan tried to tamp down the initial annoyance at the theatrics, realizing it was important to Ford that he listen, "You're worryin' me, Ford. But that doesn't mean I won't listen."
"No need to be worried, just..." Ford sucked in a breath and tensed all up like he was scared of something, "I have something important I have to get off my chest before... well, nevermind all that."
Stan stayed quiet, watching Ford's face contort into something that could only be described as pure guilt. He refused to look Stan in the eye as he began, holding himself tightly as he began to speak what he'd clearly been meaning to say the entire time. Stan listened, his job to get these clothes and stuff packed momentarily forgotten as Ford checked his coat once more.
"I am sorry. I am so sorry. I can't say that... enough," Ford swallowed thickly and looked to his feet, "So I guess I'll apologize for everything, one by one. Before we get on a boat and let this travesty ruin our relationship again."
Stan didn't know what he meant with 'this travesty', finding only concern at every possible connotation. But still he stayed silent, paying the utmost attention as Ford began to list off everything he thought he needed to apologize for with a voice that was only trembling.
"I am sorry for not considering how West Coast Tech would've made you feel, for not... thinking our dream was viable... for abandoning our dream so soon..." Ford began with a choke, a place Stan never expected him to start with, "I should've known it would upset you. I should've asked if you were okay with it. I should've defended you in that stupid principal's office. I should've rejected it. I'm sorry I didn't."
Stan wanted so badly to speak up, to say that that wasn't fully fair, finding his lips tied at the promise he'd made moments earlier. Ford was barely holding together at the first thing he'd listed, sucking it in with a frown.
"I am sorry I assumed the incident was a sabotage. I should've known you'd never do that. I'm..." Ford glanced at Stan's face before looking at the ground again, pain within his form, "I'm sorry I let Pa kick you out without so much of a word of protest. I ruined your life. I'm so sorry."
Stan stayed silent as Ford apologized for not reaching out to him sooner. For thinking badly of him, even though Stan wouldn't have known. Stan fought with his mind at the idea of stopping Ford from continuing, feeling something soothing at the words acknowledging unspoken hurt. But Stan... felt something wrong about it at the same time that disconcerted him that he couldn't place as Ford spoke on.
"I am sorry I only called you to be an 'errand boy'. I should've known what you'd think of that after you were homeless for a decade," Ford sighed softly, curling in on himself as memories flashed across his face, "I am sorry I didn't just let you burn the journal. I'm sorry I fought you and I'm sorry I... I fell in the portal and made you work for so long to get me back..."
"What..." Stan spoke before he could think, his mind reeling at just what Ford could be willing to apologize for. Ford looked at him and Stan cleared his throat apologetically at the broken promise. "Sorry... sorry, just... involuntary. Go on..."
"I'm sorry I punched you out of the portal. I'm sorry I didn't thank you. I'm sorry I said I was going to kick you out. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you or try to make amends..." Ford went quiet, quieter than he'd been throughout this little speech, and took a quick glance at the inner side of his coat like he thought he was being sneaky about it. Stan didn't call him out, simply heard him out like he'd promised. "I'm... I'm sorry I had to erase your mind... to... to see that you were better than... the entirety of, well, me.
"I'm sorry this trip didn't happen until a week from now, 40 years after when it should've been... I'm sorry for..." Ford paused, his breaths shuddering even more than they had been, "I'm sorry for being a completely inadequate brother to you. I'm... I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
"You don't have to say anything... I-I don't deserve to be forgiven. I just... wanted to get it off my chest before I trap you on a boat with me," Ford finished with his pose looking disconcertingly like how he'd hold himself after he'd been bullied as a kid; hands hidden behind his back, his head down, a nervous frown on his face that betrayed something deeper... Stan couldn't stand it. "In fact, you don't even have to go on that boat trip if you don't want to. I can't imagine wanting to live with me for an extended period of time now that I think of it. I'm sorry for not considering that before rushing you into it..."
"Hey, hey, none of that, 'kay?" Stan stood up and touched Ford on the shoulder in what he hoped was a comforting gesture. Ford looked at him and Stan could see something break behind his eyes before it happened on his face and he melted into him. Stan hugged Ford and whispered comfort in his ear before deciding it was best to give his poor twin some closure. "As far as I'm concerned, it's all water under the boat. Or however that phrase goes. I forgive you."
"For what part of it? Letting you get kicked out? Punching you? Or..." Ford fell silent, lost in thought as Stan wondered how he could've misunderstood 'I forgive you' to be only for one thing. "Or maybe the late trip?"
"No, no, Ford... you don't get it..." Stan sighed, only watching Ford become slightly panicked before he explained further with a small frown, "I mean all of it. I forgive you for everything."
"Even the errand boy stuff?"
"Even the errand boy stuff..." Stan repeated with a nod, letting out an involuntary 'oomph!' when Ford squeezed him tight in hug reciprocation. Stan blinked, finding himself almost surprised to find tears in his own eyes. Ford shook with tears of his own, barely able to keep his composure.
"Th-thank you..."
"Of course, Ford," Stan led him to the bed after noticing how unstable he was, keeping an arm around him the entire time. "I hope you know that I love you and want you on this trip."
"I... I still don't understand why... I can never make up for what I've done to hurt you..." Ford sighed softly, a tired frown on his face that was lifted slightly at Stan's kindness. He reached into his pocket to pull out what he'd been hiding the entire time, and Stan could only feel his heart sink. "I still have so much more on this list I didn't mention..."
"You and Dipper really are more alike than I thought, huh?" Stan chuckled lightly, though his eyes wandered and widened at some of the things on the list he managed to catch before Ford turned it from view. '-I'm sorry for being a burden' and '-I'm sorry I took your guest room' were the next things on the list, though crossed out with the words 'too needy and annoying' written as an excuse to skip them. "Ford... you're fine. You needed the guest room. I hardly think that makes you a burden... or any of that..."
"I should've stayed in the basement like I said I would..." Ford murmured before Stan turned his face to him with a stern frown, "What? It's true..."
"No it isn't. Stop lying to yourself or I might just slap you," Stan poked a finger in his direction, watching Ford shrink back before softening up, "You mean a lot to me, Ford. I told you that I forgave you and I meant it. Let me rip up that list and then maybe we can work on healing together, hmm?"
"But I can't make it up to you! Why are you being so nice to me?" Ford cried, pulling away only to start weeping, "You're supposed to be mad at me..."
"Hey. Let's not talk like that, eh? You're mean enough to yourself," Stan pointed out, yanking the list out of Ford's hand before he could protest and tearing it into shreds, "If you want to 'make it up to me' or whatever, you can start by helping me pack for our trip. Not like you need to or nothing."
"I guess I can live with that..." Ford sighed in resignation and before Stan could reiterate that he didn't need to, started folding clothes and putting them away without another word, "Serves me right..."
"Ford, it's not that serious. Here, I'll help you," Stan put himself back into the work, folding clothes and tucking them away without letting Ford do too much of it. Ford looked to challenge that idea, quickening his pace until Stan finally put a hand on his shoulder to pause him again. "Ford. I love you. Remember that. Don't work yourself to death over anything, okay?"
"Okay..." Ford stopped folding clothes, turning to Stan with a sheepish frown. He took one look at Stan's concern and outstretched arms before breaking and falling into Stan's arms once more. No dry eye existed in that small bedroom, the sound of sniffling and warbling clear. "I love you... so much... I wish I hadn't tried to deny it for so long..."
"Shhh, it's okay. I forgive you. Love you too."
Stan couldn't sweep the pieces of that blasted list into the trash any faster.
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ishipallthings · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark Additional Tags: Cuddling & Snuggling, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie), Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Pining, Domestic Fluff, Future Fic, Fix-It, Morning Cuddles, Feelings Realization, First Kiss, Getting Together Summary:
Tony looks down, and blinks in surprise when he sees Steve Rogers’ ever-blue eyes gazing sleepily back at him, his head resting lightly on Tony’s chest.
“Well,” he says finally, wincing a little at the dryness in his throat. “I’m not sure I ever figured you for a cuddler, Cap.”
Two times Tony Stark wakes up cuddling Steve Rogers—nine years apart.
My 2023 @cap-ironman Holiday Exchange fic for Mistymoon27, pining and cuddling and post-EG happiness! ❤️
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starcurtain · 5 months
Another Haikaveh Fanfic I Want to Read
It's a 5+1 compilation but it's just all the super soft, embarrassingly domestic moments Alhaitham is daydreaming will happen after he and Kaveh finally get together (he is certain this is going to happen someday)... Plus the timeskip where the best one actually comes true, of course!
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