#hopefully I will start writing again soon
munsonluhvr · 2 days
mechanic!eddie munson x receptionist!reader, no warnings. ❀ part 2 & part 3 coming soon...
“No, that’s not-“ Joyce Byers begins to say as she gently pushes you to the side of the register with a frustrated, yet gentle, sigh. “It’s like this,” she says, pushing the metal buttons of the cash register, making the cash drawer pop out towards you. You frown, biting your lips as embarrassment creeps across your cheeks. On the other side of the register, the teen-boy customer looks between you and Joyce with an impatient look. 
It’s your first day as the new receptionist at Munson’s Timeless Tune-Ups, a car repair shop owned by Wayne Munson and his nephew Eddie Munson; though, so far, you’ve only met Wayne. Joyce, the current receptionist, is moving to California for a ‘new start’ she told you, and you are learning her ways, or trying to learn at least. 
It’s only 1pm, and already your head is beginning to ache. Since 7am, you’ve been learning how to work the register, schedule appointments, and learn automotive terminology in order to tell Wayne and Eddie the issues the customers are having with their vehicles – and you’re starting to wonder if you’ve made a terrible mistake in applying for this job. 
“You’ll get the hang of it, y/n. Don’t worry,” Joyce says, offering you an encouraging smile though you question her transparency. So far, you haven’t figured out the register quite yet. She moves a few paces to the side, pulling out a box cutter from her back pocket and bending down towards the small pile of cardboard boxes that rest behind the counter. “Mind helping me with these?” Joyce says, gesturing towards the boxes. You nod, leaving from behind the register to help. 
Together, you and Joyce cut the boxes open, revealing various types of air fresheners and other car accessories, placing them neatly on the racks on the wall. Munson’s Timeless Tune-Ups is a small, humble shop, the register adjacent to the garage area where the Munson’s fix the cars. The office is small, the register placed on top of a wooden table. Off to the right, the wall is covered with things to purchase, small pamphlets explaining different car issues. The windows that line the wall allow for ample sun to flush into the office, making it bright. 
Behind you, the telephone rings loudly, causing you and Joyce to jump. Joyce drops the product she holds back into the box and moves towards the telephone. You hum softly, continuing to place the little packets of air fresheners onto their hooks. You’re living in your own mind until Joyce inhales sharply and then places the phone back onto the hook. “Y/n, I’m so sorry to have to do this, especially on your first day, but my son Will needs to be picked up from school,” Joyce says, moving quickly to collect her jacket and purse from the chair. “I don’t think the Munson’s have many cars left to do so you won’t have to worry about using the register, hopefully they’ll give you exact change.” 
You try to maintain a smile, though panic is beginning to settle into you. You barely can use the register, somewhat know how to schedule appointments, and ask the right questions to write down for the Munson’s, but what are you to do without Joyce? “O-Okay, Joyce.” 
“Just be sure to lock up, the keys are on the hook by the door.” Joyce gestures towards the door that leads into the garage part of the shop where a set of keys dangle on the hook. You nod, biting your lip again to ease your anxiety. “Good luck.”
“I hope your…“ you begin to say as Joyce pulls the door open. “…son feels better,” you finish, though Joyce is gone before you can finish your pleasantry. You sigh to yourself, looking at the several boxes that are left to unbox, price, and put onto the wall.  You continue your work, pleased that you at least have something to keep you busy until the shop closes. 
Off in the distance, somewhere in the garage, you can hear Wayne and who you assume is Eddie, chatter back and forth, listening to the radio loudly. Occasionally there is a loud bang, a clank, of the last of the customers cars behind repaired. Your fingers are laced with angst, the anticipation of not knowing how to use the register, or anything really, making it hard to concentrate.
Working in the quiet of the office is disturbed when the chime of the front door signals a customer. Placing your hands on your knees to lift you up, you turn towards the door ready to greet the customer but the male standing in the doorway is covered in grease, dirt marks tattering his bare arms and glistening chest. He has long, dark, curly hair, a red bandana covering the top of his head. This must be Eddie. 
“So, you must be Joyce’s replacement. Y/n, right? Aren’t you pretty,” Eddie says bluntly, moving towards the water dispenser in the corner of the office. Your eyes widen, goosebumps raising on your skin as you watch him walk past the front of the register. “Thanks,” you mumble, looking down at the surface of the register counter. 
“Wayne said this is your first day on the job,” Eddie says, glancing at you. His eyes graze the length of your body as you places a small, paper cup underneath the spicket and then push the lever for water. “How’s it going so far?” 
You flush under his sight, feeling every curve and inch of your flesh under scrutiny. You clear your throat, trying to glance at Eddie casually. God, he’s so gorgeous. “F-Fine. Joyce had to leave but I think I can manage.” 
Eddie hums, taking a few paces to sit in the chair that’s a few inches from you. He sighs loudly as he sits, kicking his feet out to rest on the register counter, blocking you in. He leans his head against the wall, looking at you. “I’m sure you can, I believe in you,” he says with a wink. You smile, then look away, sitting on the stool directly behind the register. 
He’s wearing a white, cotton tank top, that’s now see-through due to sweat. His jeans are covered in dirt marks, his yellow steel-toed boots now dark brown with dirt. His fingers are covered in silver rings, a silver chain adorning his defined chest. You feel your core begin to melt. 
“I just need to rest a minute, the garage has been so busy today,” Eddie says, leaning his head back against the wall and closing his eyelids. “You don’t mind, do you?” 
You shake your head, glancing at him quickly. “Of course not. Plus, it’s your shop.” 
“My uncle’s shop, I merely work here. Plus,” Eddie says mimicking you, “you were in here in silence and I had to come in here and disturb that.”
You shrug, a little smile creeping across your mouth. “I don’t mind the company.” 
Eddie hums softly again, opening his eyes only to flash you a little smile. You two sit in silence for only a moment when the last customer saunters into the office. “May I pay?” he asks, looking between you and Eddie. You nod, turning away from Eddie and to the customer. 
The panic begins to set in again as you stare at the metal keys of the antique cash register. You take the yellow slip from the customer, looking towards the bottom for the total that Wayne has written. You recall Joyce’s protocol on how to use the register and you follow them confidently, feeling Eddie’s eyes on you. You punch in the numbers and wait for the cash drawer to slide open – but nothing happens. “Um,” you say nervously to the customer. “Sorry, let me try again.” 
You try again yet come to the same result. You clench your jaw, heat beginning to creep up your neck. ‘Why me?’ you think to yourself.
“Let me help,” Eddie says, taking his feet of the counter. He stands up, sliding up beside you close enough that your arms brush. He punches in the total on the register, a few other buttons, and the cash register opens up with a ding! Your fingers work quick to take the customer’s bill and exchange it with the exact change. “Have a nice day,” you murmur, moving to sit back on the stool, your line of sight aimed at the floor.
Once the customer leaves, Eddie moves around from behind the counter, moving towards the front door where the customer left only seconds before. “It was nice meeting you, y/n. I can already tell I’ll be hanging in the office a lot more.” Eddie says, turning towards where you sit on the other side of the office. Before you can reply, Eddie slips out the door. 
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kiwi-baby19 · 3 days
I 18+ mdni
Jongseob was never one to keep his love from you. He wasn’t afraid to show you how much he appreciates and respects you BUT when it comes to you being naked in front of him (or under him) it’s almost impossible for him to control himself… you are his alcohol and there’s nothing he loves more than getting pussy drunk. The moment that he’s face to face with your clit. In between your thighs. You know it’s going to be a long night. He knows what you like. He know you love getting tongue fucked by him. But that’s not saying he doesn’t love it just as much.
Jongseob always thinks of ways to make you feel the most pleasure he can provide. He’s done it all, but one day he got an idea to get a tongue piercing. Seeing somewhere online that it makes head more pleasurable than it before, he knew he wanted to get it just for you. And he did. Keeping it a secret from you until you see each other again.
The next time he saw you he didn’t waist any time. He was between your legs within seconds. Feeling his hot breaths. His hungry stare ready to dive in. He looked up and locked eyes. Ready. As soon as his tongue makes contact with your clit you feel the cold metal. Sending chills up your spine making you moan. The more the piercing rubs against your soaking pussy the louder you get causing jongseob to smile against your clit. Seeing how good he’s making you feel makes him want to get more from you. Diving back in. This time sticking his tongue in and out making you scream. You felt so much pleasure, you reach down both hand full of jongseob’s soft and silky hair, forcing him closer and deeper. Getting you closer the more he fucks you. His moans sending vibrations adding to the pleasure.
He start sucking and not long after you cum with a loud moan. Legs shacking and you dripping cum. He looks at how fucked out you are. His creation. Proud that he got you like this from only his tongue. A smug smirk on his face.
But of course he will never forget to take care of you after and makes sure he cuddles you to sleep. Reminding you of how much love he holds for you. Apologizing for getting ahead of himself. You reassuring him that you enjoyed every second of it. Only the next day you get the chance to get a good look at his piercing. Amazed and a bit hopeful that the same will happen again tonight;)
~This is my first time ever writing something like this or writing anything in general! Hope you like it and I’m open for criticism on my writing skills! Looking to improve to hopefully write more in the future!! Thank you<3 ~
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the-starlit-authoress · 5 months
Prompt #2
"You're fired."
Hero stared at villain in confusion. "I'm- what?"
"You can't fire me! You're my nemesis, not my boss!"
"Yeah and I want a new nemesis, so you're fired."
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saltydoesstuff · 1 year
Every Universe
"I love you." She uttered, barely above a whisper. "I love you in every universe." "Do we end up together in every universe?" He asked. "No," She replied, and the painful memories of those life times flashed behind her beautiful eyes as she reflected to the 'back then's. Yet, she smiled, "But I love you anyway, how could I not? My soul yearns for you, even before it had come to know you. It remembers, I remember." "Does it hurt?" She was silent for a moment, "A lifetime without you hurts more then a lifetime when we are not together." "I love you." He blurts out unthinkingly, desperate. He reaches out for her hand, taking it and holds it in both hands in a grounding grip. She looked down at their hands and smiled, relishing in the bitter sweetness. "I know." She confesses quietly. She held his hand tightly, trying to ignore the buzzing within her body- threatening to tear her apart atom by atom. "But you aren't mine. Not this time."
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abrushwithdeath · 1 month
((I'm gonna try to be around a little bit today, so let me know if you want me to send memes your way!!!
This goes for people I'm already writing with AND anyone I haven't had a chance to write with yet, by the way <3))
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bunnihearted · 4 months
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fauville · 26 days
hello hello, sorry i've been absent again! here's sneak peek of chapter four, hehe
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dollsuguru · 1 month
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clovariia · 21 days
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you take the moon and you take the sun!
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creeps-and-pasta · 1 year
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glad to be back, baby
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mooodyblue · 7 months
hi yaallll, did you know i have a ko-fi? of course you're in no obligation to donate! if you enjoy my writing and asks and feel like liking/rbing/commenting isn't enough—donating is always a great way to support !! ^^
i'm unemployed due to family issues so really !! anything helps 💖
as always, your comments and rbs/likes are always sooo so appreciated!!!!!! even when i'm taking breaks, it's so nice to see people still come back from time to time and read my fics for the first time 🫶🏼
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theloveinc · 13 days
sorry i been so chatty lately i just love and miss u all. anyway got two helix piercings and a conch when i was in the netherlands and BRO they are healing so good so far !!
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sysig · 1 month
I know the last one was very recent but needta take another week off lol, Weekly TV Guide will be back next week ♥
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suga-kookiemonster · 3 months
*slams hands on table* Did I hear a FOLLOW UP FIC??? FOR EGO??? Yes please!!!! Would love to see more in the hoe chronicles!! (But pls don’t feel rushed, take your time fleshing ideas out!)
yesss! 😁 i'm still fleshing it out, but hopefully i should have it ready soon. and you're right, i should totally pop out a hoe chronicle or two in the meantime 🤔 right now, i've been slowly breaking my little writing hiatus with dabbling with my IT!jungkook fic that has been in my drafts for literal years lol. that and my timetraveler!joon fic, which is taking more of a mental load than i anticipated. i'm feeling good about IT!guk tho, so fingers crossed i'll be able to share it with you soon! 💜
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orcelito · 9 months
FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i finished & posted the ITNL 14 re-edits, WHICH MEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm officially done with my re-edits project!!!!!!!!!! :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ive been thinking a lot today about my plans for ITNL 15, AND i have tomorrow off, so if all goes well i'll be able to start writing again. TOMORROW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and if the chapter grips me like i expect it will then... hehehehehe
could be an update in as little as a few days, depending. i'll keep u guys updated
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deityofhearts · 5 months
I collect a lot of stationary for someone who has no reason to use all this stationary
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