#hopefully i'll remember to fix that after i get home
spockandawe · 2 years
Hm. I want to say up front that it's not my intention to rag on any particular ships, or even anyone who gravitates towards a particular ship vibe, but I just looked up my new favorite pet ship for a character, and was devastated to find next to nothing, and further :C at the general trends when I skimmed the shipping landscape on ao3. Sometimes a ship is popular and I'm not interested but I can understand why it's popular, and sometimes I don't understand and I dig for (and find!) answers, and sometimes I'm left baffled and sit alone chewing on my thoughts in solitude, which isn't that wrong, but I'm in the mood to talk in front of people today, so it goes here instead of inside my head.
Thrawn. It's Thrawn.
And this isn't even exactly about Thrawn, because I've only got what little I've absorbed via osmosis and the original Thrawn trilogy under my belt so far, but the Thrawn trilogy was more than enough to give me a clear, clear picture of what I would want from a ship for him, because it's a character paradigm I've dealt with before (transformers, particularly, though the way transformers iterates on continuity means this isn't likely to be a universal truth for any character I bring up), but something about the landscape here didn't shake out the same way, if that makes sense. It's not just a Thrawn thing either, this is also a pattern I'm seeing play out with other characters (cough COUGH crosshair) where I have a picture of what I'd like to see happen, and that's not where popular opinion went. Maybe it's that transformers are much more... ageless and immortal, and that does impact the nature of character development in these series, I don't know but I went off in one direction, the crowd went off in another, and I want to understand, slash make plaintive noises about how tasty the food I'm craving would be if it actually existed.
Repeated disclaimer as a standalone paragraph: These are just my own shipping onions, people are free to do their own thing and have fun with it, I am just standing lonesomely next to the monkey bars at recess wondering why so many people are on the swings when monkey bars are lots of fun too, and wistfully thinking that it would be a lot easier for me if i understood the appeal of swings myself.
I am going to go back to transformers to talk about this, though. IDW1 continuity. Consider Starscream. Consider Prowl. If you really want to put in some character development work, consider Pharma. There are other characters who could apply, but these are ones that jump out to me as perennially favored blorbos, on a personal level. Also make note of Megatron and Soundwave and Whirl, though those two go in a separate bin for later consideration. So we've got a total of six brutally effective military (or military-adjacent) men, for slightly varying personal definitions of effective. Whirl's definition of 'effective' is not often the same as Soundwave's, but it's not always different from Starscream's. We are going to talk about characters who have made morally questionable decisions, who may or may not be happy with the outcome and/or morality of those decisions, but who I am interested in steering back onto a path that is less likely to end in evil despot-hood or a tragic death, because their stable happiness is important to me as a consumer of the fiction they appear in.
Starscream is an easy example. When I'm shipping someone with him, there is an INCREDIBLY limited zone in which knowledge of him in a more innocent youth, or a more idealistic youth, is a structural part of the ship. I won't say it can't enhance things, but I'm not interested in a ship where it happens because someone knew him as a fresh-faced baby with Big Feelings, or where someone learns he used to have Ideals and then got ground down by life. Like... okay. I'm glad you're having fun with that, truly! I've enjoyed stories like that, as occasional snacks! But If I am going to ship this character, I want to square up with years of stone-cold atrocities, terrible spite-driven decisions, current personality and habits, and confront all that. How much do youthful idealism and current regrets counterbalance that? Some, sure, but not a structural amount of 'some.'
Is there an emotional and/or vulnerable core in there that I would love to gain access to? Sure! But if I gain access to that by means of pure backstory, it's going to feel cheap to me. I need to confront who he is now. Sympathetic backstory can add seasoning, but it can't bear the entire load. If I want access to this man's heart, I need someone who is ready to take an emotional pickaxe to his exterior. I need someone who is ready to confront him head-on, whether the impulse is to fuckin FIGHT (windblade), stubbornly wear him down (cyclonus, wheeljack, bumblebee), or to have weird enough priorities to dodge defensive backlash and continue worming their way under his skin plating (rodimus, jazz). Most of these are autobots, and are people strongly not disposed to take sad backstory as a reason to excuse/accept current performance.
Now, not every character like this is cut from the same cloth. Pharma is, I think. By the story present, he isn't going to expose a HINT of vulnerable underbelly unless someone goes looking for it on purpose, and he's going to make them bleed along the way. I am trying not to let this essay get too far out of hand, so really quick, exceptions. Megatron. Megatron in IDW1 especially was a character willing to crack HIMSELF open and expose parts of Himself to outside scrutiny, because that was what it took for him to do his own rebuilding work. I think that opens up fascinating windows for romance, but the things he exposes that enable this aren't learning he has a history as an oppressed miner and was almost lobotomized, it's watching him in the present wrestle with the realization that the ideals he started with fell by the wayside and he was fighting and killing just to win, or watching him take in the scope of how many deaths he is personally responsible for. Whirl is a character who exposes his own vulnerabilities not... casually, but more casually, daring people to notice the ways he's fucked up in the same breath as he jokes about how he's nature's perfect lean, mean, killing machine. There's a self-destructive bent to him that leads to an erratic but not rare willingness to expose bits of himself to people who can use that against him, and it makes shipping him a wild roller coaster ride where anyone can jump into the car at any moment, as long as they're strong enough to hold on.
(I don't know what it Means, but note that cyclonus is a flawless romantic partner for all these men. he is truly the best of boys)
Circle back to star wars with a brief aside about crosshair. I don't necessarily know who I would want in a ship for him, I kind of 60% think that what I want isn't even best delivered in a ship, but most of this essay is framed in shipping terms. I want him reconciled with his family. I will be devastated if this doesn't happen, and that's my first priority. I don't want someone to walk up to him and be Soft with him and that fixes things. I will find that narrative cheap and unsatisfying, and my emotional takeaway is that it cheapens everything he put everyone else through. I want someone to grab him by the front of his shirt and yank him down and tell him he's being a real asshole and that he needs to stop, and I don't want it to be fast or easy, and in the process of getting him to pull the brakes on the egregious assholery, then things like feeling sad and abandoned can also be tackled. The order of operations is important! The order of operations defines the story priorities, it will define how jarring a change in direction feels compared to the canon jumping off point! Dramatic changes can be good, but it's the difference between pulling an unsignalled u-turn in the middle of a freeway versus doing it at a light.
Anyways. Thrawn. That's the point of those previous paragraphs that mention him not at all, but they're all relevant to what I want out of a ship for him. I'm still getting to know the extended EU cast, but by the time we arrive at the thrawn trilogy, like... it's hard to get a ship that satisfies my cravings in there, by the position we've reached at story present. I still have more extended universe characters to meet, but I recognize that he's kind of characterized himself into a corner (i will give a shout out to wedge antilles as my tentative manic pixie dream boy character, but that would be in the realm of crack treated seriously and with heavy plot, which isn't something i write well). So, like many writers have often considered, the sensible solution is to step backwards in time. Compare shipping Megatron and Impactor (emotionally complex/destructive hatefucking) at story present versus shipping them as Youths (rough and tumble friends who read each other's poetry).
But. BUT. Thrawn discusses that what he was up to shortly before the clone wars honestly.... aligns pretty well with who he is now. You have to assume that he's got less knowledge accumulated, that's just part and parcel with youth, but that he's pretty darn dedicated to the eventual empire's overall goals. After all, one of his first big projects was hunting down the Outbound Flight group, which is why he knows that the original jedi Joruus C'baoth is totes super dead. He was a stone cold motherfucker, and he seems to have been pretty darn young at the time, and still crushing it on the politically weighty career advancement front.
Okay spoilers what I am leading up to is Padme. Padme/Thrawn.
Look, my girl has a type, and that type is slightly evil overbearing men who have political ideals that are uhhh not quite aligned with hers. Rush, Anakin, and Thrawn would make a consistent pattern, that's all I'm saying. But she's also smart, and very capable of debating the ups and downs of the political positions she holds (anakin is not so great at this part), and someone like Thrawn is very capable of taking in dissenting voices, evaluating their merits, and being willing to change his own position without parsing it as a huge blow to the ego.
Not to get (continue getting) all homestuck over things in this tyool 2022, but pitch romance padme/thrawn.
First, this lady is absolutely surrounded by authoritarian asshats who roll their eyes at her when she tries to be like 'this is fucked up, actually', including her canonical husband, and she deserves better. Even if there are some major disagreements in what they think is best, give her someone who's willing to listen to her and take her advice. Anakin gets... jealous, and maybe she's chill with that, but also consider giving her a love interest with a natural knack for the dispassionate, disconnected side of political maneuvering, and who isn't going to flip his shit when she gets drinks with rush clovis. I don't want him to be totally remolded in the image of a good, wholesome boy, but I want her to be just enough aware of politics and his career and jedi temple happenings to get some kind of clue about the outbound flight project and argue him out of going along with the mass extermination. That is a longfic I would find so compelling.
Also, he has his silly art thing. It's ridiculous. I love it. Give him a love interest who hails from Planet Fine Arts, and who is just as willing to throw down about artistic theory as she is to throw down about politics. This is impossibly FASCINATING to me. I want slap slap kiss where the actual fight is her being like 'oh my god don't tell me you've never heard of this species' [keysmash] movement, it was a fundamental paradigm shift that echoed through all forms of their visual media and informs the interpretation of all works completed after 82 BBY, we learned about this in first grade, i stg--'
Now... I will say. That tying up padme this way has Some Implications about the future of the universe. So I wasn't going to say anything about time travel, but I will actually say that this is PRIME material for time travel fic. Maybe she doesn't remember how she died, or maybe she jumps back in time at some point before the end of the clone wars, old enough to know that shit is fucked, without the DIRECT knowledge to be like 'who wants to go on an 'assassinate sheev palpatine' road trip.' But knock her back to, say, Episode I era, give her a little time to make her way back into the senate somehow, let her clear the way for her baby self to have the romance she wants to have, and give her a weird romance with the blue military man who hasn't been fully baked in to his final form yet. Let her be frustrated that he can't see the way the universe is at the top of a slide down into absolute shit, and let him be frustrated that she has all kinds of information it's impossible to determine how she knows. And also that she thinks his art opinions are bad and he should feel bad. Let them work out their mutual frustration through hot angry makeouts.
Anyways, there are like eight total fics on ao3 and I am... devastated. I will make every effort to be the change I want to see in the world, but this dynamic seems so clear and spicy to me that I'm very sad it isn't all over the place. I'm sure there is enjoyment to be had without me projecting quadrants onto yet another fictional universe, but god, this would be so choice, and I'm so sad I can't go wallow in an existing pool of fanworks
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a-b-riddle · 25 days
Part Five
Can't stop thinking about the attempt of reconciliation and reader ain't having it. Our girl is going to be wilddddd y'all. Also goodnight. See y'all tomorrow (maybe)
You call Meredith when you get home.
You. Are. Fuming. She's not sure she can ever remember a time you using so many swear words at one time.
How fucking dare them? Immature? You're the immature one? You were the one trying your best to salvage four failing relationship meanwhile none of those assholes could be bothered to try and keep one. They had one person to manage: you.
"I wanna go out this weekend." "Wear something tight and borderline risk indecent exposure."
"You know what I always say," Meredith begins. "The best way to get over someone-"
"is to get under someone else." You finish. You weren't exactly keen on the idea of bringing someone to your bed just yet, but a little attention would do you some good. "I don't want to fuck someone just yet." You admitted. "I'm more on the getting drunk and making out."
"I didn't know we resorted back secondary school heavy petting?" She teased.
"University, Dear." You corrected. "I didn't peak until after I graduated."
"No." She argued. "You didn't put your books down long enough to realize that boys actually wanted to fuck you." You were glad she couldn't see you roll your eyes. "Saturday work for you? I have a late night Friday and won't be up for it."
"That works."
"Sorry." She apologized. "I plan on getting you absolutely smashed so I need to be ready to play the nanny. I know how you love to get drunk and run off."
It was true. You had always found it hilarious when you were drunk to just run. Quite literally run away. It got to a point during university where Meredith would handcuff you to her so you didn't stray.
"I won't run." Your sober mind promised.
"Uh huh." Meredith's tone told you that she knew that was a load of shit. "I'll text Tabs. Let her know the plan."
The next day at the shop was pretty uneventful. No more unexpected visitors. You still had them all blocked. Not caring if now they decided to offer up some bullshit apology.
Months. This had been a steady decline for six months. A text or a simply sorry won't fix this. You weren't sure anything could.
But it didn't matter. You were done and they obviously were too.
You had picked up enough take out to feed a family, but you didn't plan on making your lunch before work or cooking when you got home. The rest of the week you planned on just going through the motions until you could go out Saturday and hopefully get everything out.
You weren't paying attention as you walked down the hallway to your flat. Fishing in your purse for keys. You were at almost at your door when you saw him.
Sitting next to your door was a familiar face. A face you felt you haven't seen in forever.
“What are you doing here, Kyle?" Your voice was flat as you continued to blindly try and find your keys with one hand. Fuck. You really need to clean out your purse...
“My key wouldn’t work.” He explained. "So I’m out here.”
"I'm aware why you're not in my apartment since I changed the locks," you said, trying to keep your irritation at bay. "What I am asking is why did you come here?"
"You won't return any of our messages."
"You're all blocked, so technically I didn't really get any messages." "Besides, you don't get to complain to me about not responding to texts, Kyle Garrick." Your fingers finally wraps around them. God bless. "If you're here for your things, it'll have to wait. I have to sort through everyone's shit and I don't know whose is whose."
"We need to talk." He explains as you put the key into the lock, opening the door.
"Nah," you say scrunching your nose in that way he used to adore. "I'm good. But you can swing by tomorrow and pick up your things if you'd like." You say before trying to shut the door on him. You were stupid in thinking you could be faster than him.
"I know things haven't been good and I've definitely could have been better,'' he admits. "But can you at least try and let us apologize? Let us try and work it out."
"No." You answered, trying to close the door. Not caring if you had to resort to kicking his shins to get him out.
"Why not?" He countered.
“Maybe because I've already tried, Kyle?” You gave up on trying to shut him out. You were strong, but he didn't have any issues in besting you. “Because I actually tried with you. With all of you. You didn’t need to come here giving me excuses about your life being hectic because I’ve made the excuses for you.” You didn't miss how he practically flinched. He had always blamed his busy life. Family. Work. You stopped caring about whatever excuse he gave you and realized it was just that. An excuse. “I’ve been telling myself for months that everything you guys didn’t do for me wasn’t because you didn’t care about me. It was because of the stress of your deployments is the reason none of you tell me when you get back from until it’s time to fuck. I tell myself it’s because of the fucked up situation of me being with all of you that makes it awkward to meet your families. Families you all have that I now know I’m not worthy of meeting.” He wanted to correct you. You were. You were worthy. He was an idiot. “It’s not that I need your excuses to make me feel like what you did was justified. No matter what it was, it was apparently to you because you did it.”
He took a step back, processing everything you had said. He had been selfish. You were the reliable constant in his life. Someone he believed he never disappointed. Someone he couldn't disappoint no matter how many times he fucked up.
You took the opportunity to slam the door. Quickly turning the lock before he had a chance to open it back up.
That felt good.
You had spent that evening collecting their thing in case Kyle did show back up tomorrow. You wouldn't make their lives easier by sorting all their shit and organizing it. Everything. One box. Let them figure it out. You almost had a mind to add a shirt that you knew didn't belong to any of them just to have them argue over it. Or least make them think there was someone else...
You were almost tempted if not for the premise that you wanted them to realize this was their fault. Their fuck up. But now that you were officially all broken up, you were free game.
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exhaslo · 7 months
Kinktober Day 12- Miguel x Reader (Oral/Suit On)
*Requested by a Reader ;) *
  There was a small list of things that Miguel liked. Of course, you were on top of his list and sex; but, if there was one thing your boyfriend, Miguel, loved more than sex, it was eating you out. It was his best 'stress reliever' as he told you one night. Sometimes, you could not tell which was better. Miguel was just so satisfied with his face between your legs and you were head over heels with the overstimulation he gave you. Miguel had talent.
        You knew you were going to be on your back for hours when Miguel came home stressed. Sometimes you had to beg your boyfriend to ease up due to you needing to go back to work. Sometimes he listened to you and finished the night with his dick in your pussy, and sometimes he would make you cry his name as he licked your folds. Miguel would have you drench the bed with your juices and gloat in his accomplishments.
"Lyla, can you give me the run down?" You asked, sitting in your shared apartment. The AI appeared before you, humming,
"Rundown. Let's see, three anomalies that Miguel had to personally take care of....Aaaaaand one butt joke."
"Haha, he hates it when those Spiders talk about the assets." You teased.
        You knew about Miguel being Spiderman since the beginning. All it took was him saving you once. Miguel tried his best to pretend that you were wrong, but you were persistent. That night was the first night he ate you out. Complaining about you stressing him out about his secret identity. Of course, that was a lie. He just wanted an excuse to devour your pussy. Miguel was so easy to read sometimes, despite his hard looking dementor.
"Oh no." Lyla said suddenly, grabbing your attention.
"Oh no? What happened?" You asked. Lyla was glitching around, working on something,
"Something big is happening. I'll have to report to Miguel."
        Before you could ask anything, Lyla disappeared. She said something big happened. You knew what Miguel did for a living. You knew how important it was for him to keep everything in order. How important it was to keep the multiverse at bay. So when Lyla says that something big happened, it made you worried. Miguel worked way harder than anyone else. Hopefully, it was nothing that can't be fixed.
        It was getting late and you were starting to get worried. Miguel had not contacted you yet and you were struggling to get ahold of Lyla. You were pacing around the apartment, wondering if Miguel was okay. You turned the television on, wanting to distract your brain. Miguel was going to come home. He was going to be okay-
"No like, I was freaked out. There was Spiderman and another Spiderman and a pregnant Spiderwoman!? I was freaked out man. They were all chasing after another Spiderman!"
        You shut the television off. Well, that helped explain somethings. So Miguel had the whole Spider Society chase one Spiderman. Trying to think, you needed to understand what your boyfriend was doing. You vaguely remembered Miguel venting to you once while he was pounding your pussy. Something about an anomaly and holes in the multiverse because of it. You weren't really paying too much attention because you were so overstimulated that night, but it would make sense. 
"But chasing him throughout the city, I wonder..."
        You flinched as you heard the door slam shut. You were so lost in thought that you hadn't heard Miguel cussing. You hurried back to the living room, staring at Miguel. He was still wearing his suit, cussing under his breathe. He looked angry, even with the mask on. You hurried to him, hugging him tightly from behind. His muscles were so stiff. 
"Miguel! I was so worried! Are you okay, what happened?!" You asked, tightening your grip. Miguel let out a heavy sigh, calming down under your touch,
"Too fucking much. I need to destress."
"Hm? Okay," You said with a pout, knowing that he was going to tell you when your brain was fucked out, "Why don't you take off the su-"
"The suit stays on."
"It stays on." Miguel hissed lowly.
        You rolled your lips inward, staring at your boyfriend. He was really stressed out. Honestly, you found it kind of hot. He stood tall in his Spiderman suit. You let out a small 'yelp' as Miguel threw you over his shoulder. You were too busy staring at his muscles and ass to notice him getting closer to you. Arriving in the bedroom, you yelped again as Miguel tossed you on the bed. You whined towards him as he brought his talon against your chest. He ignored your complaints and tore through your pajamas.
"I'll buy you a new set." He grumbled.
        You stopped complaining since it just made Miguel more irritated. Though, that wouldn't be the worst thing. You gasped lowly as Miguel spread your legs with force. The bottom half of his face already without his mask. You weren't sure why, but watching your boyfriend stay in his Spiderman suit to eat you out was making you horny. Your own personal superhero.
"Ni siquiera he empezado y ya estás así de mojada. (I haven't even started and you're already this wet.)"
        Ohhhh, there was the Spanish. You loved it when Miguel spoke to you in his mother tongue. You turned to putty whenever he does. Hearing his low chuckle, you tried to hide your embarrassment. Your body shivered in delight as you let out a soft moan to Miguel's tongue. He started to lick your clit, wanting to give you the stimulation first. He did this whenever he was going to be between your thighs for hours on end.
        Your hips started to move as you felt Miguel's tongue twirl around your sensitive bud. His fingers just teasing your entrance, causing your body to burn hotter. You cried out as Miguel finally set himself to your hole. His tongue licking between your folds to taste you before having his main course. Miguel held your hips down, not wanting you to chase your high. He was going to give that to you.
        Miguel closed his eyes as he enjoyed the taste of your juices on his mouth. Your sweetness calming him down. The way your body trembled under his touch made him feel in control. Miguel placed your legs over his shoulders and gently bite the inside of your thighs with his fangs. He needed to feel in control. After everything that happened today, something had to give. You were going to be that for him. His delicious stress reliever.
        Lapping up your juices with his tongue, Miguel inhaled at the sound of your moans. Your body desperately trying to move, trying to ride his face. Normally, Miguel would let you, enjoying how easily he could make you break with just his tongue, but not today. Pressing his thumb against your clit, Miguel inserted his tongue into your already throbbing hole. Your whimpers turning him on more as he swirled his tongue around inside you.
        You whimpered as you held onto the bedframe. You couldn't reach for Miguel's hair since he was still wearing the mask. Moaning loudly, you twitched as you felt Miguel's tongue inside your pussy. You could feel the knot in your stomach burning hotter as he swirled around inside you. His thumb just toying with your clit. It was always too much for you, but never enough for Miguel.
"M-Mig...G-Gonna....S-So c-close," You cried out.
        Miguel continued to hold you still as he ravished your pussy with his tongue. You cried out, reaching your first of many orgasms to come. You could hear Miguel's joy as he lapped up the mess you made. Your body trembled as Miguel moaned to your taste, sending a vibration up your body. If only you could see his face! It wasn't fair how he got to watch you get fucked out, but you couldn't see his. You tried to voice your complaints, but Miguel responded with long licks.
"Shhh. Déjame disfrutar esto. Sabes tan jodidamente bien ahora mismo. Sé mi buena chica y quédate ahí y déjate follar por mi lengua. (Let me enjoy this. You taste so fucking good right now. Be my good girl and just lay there and get fucked by my tongue.)" He said from your pussy.
        You whined quietly, listening to your boyfriend. Miguel continued to eat you out, drawing out more orgasms from you within the next thirty minutes. He raised his head, his bottom face covered in your juices. Miguel chuckled as he watched you pant. Sweat rolling down your body with your face all blissed out for the night. He licked his lips, pumping two of his fingers into your soaked pussy. Your hips riding against his hand despite your overstimulation,
"Had a long day, baby. It isn't over yet either, so I'm gonna reward you for being so good for me," Miguel groaned.
        You reached out for your boyfriend, whining for his touch. Miguel removed his fingers, licking them clean before entering your poor pussy with his cock. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a passionate kiss as you slammed his cock deep inside you. He swallowed each of your mouths, allowing you to taste yourself with his kisses.
"Volveré más tarde. Asegúrate de tener tu coño listo para que lo devore nuevamente. (I'll be back again later. Make sure you have your pussy ready for me to devour again.)" He groaned.
        You agreed, of course, unable to think straight. Miguel pounded you until the both of you reached your high. Holding your hips in place, Miguel watched as a mixture of his cum and your juices soak the bedsheets. Oh how he wished he could clean you up, but not now. He grabbed a warm towel and cleaned up you, kissing the top of your head before heading out. He needed to finish this mess to come back to you. To make sure that you were still here when he came home.
        You kept your part of the bargain. Whenever Miguel returned, you were on the couch with your legs spread wide. A cute embarrassed pout on your face as you watch Miguel lit up like it was Christmas. This time, without the suit, Miguel ate you out for the rest of that night. ;)
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fandomwritingbit · 2 months
Sweet Girl pt.5
dbf/William Afton x (fem) virgin/reader
pt.1 - here. pt.2 - here. pt.3 - here. pt.4 - here.
Synop: Bored of the lack of contact you and William decide to bring wanking to the 21st century.
Warnings: Smut, masturbation, obsessive behaviour/thoughts for the both of you, corruption, coercion. Virgin reader.
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A/n: MATES, MATES, I FUCKING WROTE SOMMET. This is not a drill, I wrote something after weeks of nada and it's... well, it's mediocre. But it's something! This was not the part 5 I had planned but rather a dirty thought that ran away with me that I hope reads half decently.
Is this fuck proofread lmao, soz for any errors I'll try to fix them later on x
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You wake very confused, squinting in the light from your bedroom window that was much too bright for 8 in the morning, so you lift yourself from your sheets to check your phone: 9:30. You’ve overslept. Siting up properly you glace at your side table clock through sleepy eyes, needing to confirm the reality of the time, you set an alarm, what the fuck? You have plans today that are now going to have to be pushed up. 
You’re up like a whirlwind, messaging the friend you’re supposed to be having breakfast with that it’s now going to have to be a lunch, a late lunch ideally. Surprisingly they’re not too put out, they must be running late themselves. Crisis averted, you head downstairs to get yourself some coffee which will hopefully combat the awful feeling of having screwed your whole day up already. To be fair, it’s about time something like this happened to you, life’s been too easy for too long. Well, baring the odd relationship with your father’s friend, of course. 
Not wanting to tackle the coffee machine, which you swear is as old as you, if not older, you go for coffee granules and the kettle. A simple man’s brew, and that’s certainly how you feel today. You hadn’t bothered with dressing or throwing a dressing gown on, it’s a warm enough morning that you can stand in the kitchen in your pyjama shorts and vest without shivering, the only cold you feel is your bare feet on the tile. 
Your kettle clicks and you set about making your cup, ignoring the squeak of the backdoor  opening, you’ll greet whichever parent it is when they greet you, if the interaction can be delayed it’s for the best. You pour your water, but the sudden and crisp sound of a wolf whistle makes you overspill onto the counter. Sliding your phone out the way of the spillage, you turn to see the sniggering face of William and your heart manages to soar and sink at the same time, something only this man is able to do. 
Your annoyed expression melts into a flush, you know exactly why he whistled and you cross your arms over your chest accordingly, hard up to do anything about the shorts position high up your thighs. 
“Sorry,” He says without any conviction, still grinning as the coffee begins to drip off the edge of the worktop. Adding slyly, “You wouldn’t mind making me one, would you?”
You neglect to answer, going for an embarrassed, “What are you doing here?” instead. The man’s been in your kitchen for less than a minute and you already feel like you shouldn’t be here, for your own protection. Last time springs to your mind, involuntarily quickening your heart rate. He’d caught you off guard then too, then used you up and wrung you out, and you loved every second of it. You hate him for that, and the way your pussy seems to know when he’s in the room, it’s not fair. 
“Clearing out the garage with you dad.” He presents his palms in his own defence, the smug look of him shows his pride at begging her legitimately. “He told me you were out.” It’s phrased like a question, again making you feel like a trespasser in your own home.
“I’m supposed to be.” You explain without detail, averting your gaze from his and instantly remembering the mess on the counter, and now the floor. 
“Well, you’re a sight for sore eyes. Especially in that.” He laughs meanly, making you frown. You look pretty all annoyed at him, the furrow of your brown not doing anything to hide the heat on your face from the invasive way his eyes drink you in. And as if that wasn’t far enough he steps forward, sliding his hand over the silky fabric coating your hip. “Almost as revealing as that pretty little bikini.” Your back hits the surface behind you, he has a knack for cornering you, but you suppose it’s not exactly herding cats if the prey doesn’t want to run away. 
The comment hits home though and you remember exactly how easy it was for him to move that garment aside and- 
You’re pulled from that thought as his hand slides further, over your hip to your arse. “Stop.” You say a little breathless, not liking how he just grins at the word. “...My dad could walk in.”
“That didn’t stop you last time.” His tone is mocking, riddled with amusement at how you can’t seem to refuse him. 
“That was stupid… You make me stupid.” You mutter, pushing his hand away and trying to ignore how affected you feel already. “You need to stop.” You affirm, holding your voice steady to prevent the whine that threatened to accompany it. 
William leans closer to you, a mean joy practically emanating from him when your breath hitches. He speaks lowly, a gleeful edge warming you for him and doing everything possible to add to that stupidity “Are you going to make me?”
You just look up at him, your chest rising quickly less than half an inch from his. “...Yes.” You finally manage, nerves and need in your core making you hesitant. Your eyes are wide in wait for response, and the man holds firm just long enough that you panic. He reaches behind you for something before obeying your word, you realise sharpish that he’s plucked your phone from the countertop. 
Trying to take it back fails when he catches your wrist and flicks you away. You’re whining like a child, unable to help the discomfort flooding your veins at him holding something so personal. “William, give it back. What are you-” Your words die when he simply holds the phone in front of you and you hear the subtle click of your face ID unlocking it. 
You watch angrily as he steps away with the device, internally fighting the urge to try and take it back by force. 
He glances at your outrage, stoking it with, “You must have some dirty secrets on here to protest so much.” Shaking his head, he makes you wait whilst he does whatever he nicked your phone to do. Chuckling as he has to manoeuvre the screen from your sight when you try to at least see what he’s doing. “Relax, sweetheart. I’m giving you my number… You don’t want to entertain me now, then you can later.” 
You find yourself nodding when he hands you the phone back. 
Your day is spent, lunch and coffee with your mate over and done with, dinner with your parents finished. So you slip away to bed with your phone clutched to your chest, which is tight with forbidden excitement. Halfway through the day your checking of messages was fruitful, with one from William telling you that you’re going to ‘entertain him’ at 11pm tonight, and despite your naivety you know exactly what that means. 
The only way to combat your nerves is preparation so you pick out a matching bra and knickers set, light pink and lacy, you know he’s going to like them, perhaps too much if anything. Then a white nightdress, just see-through enough to give a hint as to the underwear underneath. 
Then it’s propping your phone up with a pillow and sitting cross-legged on your bed, checking to see it the view will be good, and it certainly will. From there, all you do is wait, your foot absentmindedly tapping away with the excess excitement, you’re aroused at the thought of it. A dirty video call with a bloke older than your dad, it’s everything you’re not supposed to do, a bad idea all around, but that just makes your panties that bit wetter. 
He’s a little late, but the very moment he calls you answer, not even waiting for a ring. It makes him smirk, such a sweet thing, ready for him, no doubt waiting for him. Fuck, if he was twenty years younger he’d scale the window and see it in person. 
You know you’ve given your want away by his sly expression, and he teases you by saying, “Eager, huh?” 
You pout, now hating all the effort you went to and trying to explain it away. “Well, I was expecting-I knew you were going to-” 
Somehow, even through your tiny phone screen he has enough presence to be able to cut you off. “It’s a good thing.” He pauses before adding with a snicker, “I doubt you’re as eager as me.” He shifts as he says that and your heart skips a beat at the thought of him touching himself already. It’s a power only he has ever given you, to know just how mental you make him and that power makes your core tighten. 
“Now, sweet thing.” There’s a nonchalance to his words that contradict the fact he’s palming himself over his boxers, he can’t help it, he can see the strap of your bra peeking out and the curve of your hips suggested by your nightie. It doesn’t pass him by that he’s fucking pathetic. “Have you got headphones, or do I have to keep my voice down?” 
You hadn’t thought of that, but you’re glad he did when you think how often you hear your parents tv through the wall. So you reach to your bedside drawer to retrieve your headphones, well aware that he’s watching you and trying to catch sight of whatever he can. And after a moment you plug them in and pop them in your ears, flushing when you realise that the sound feels a lot more intimate now. Maybe he knew that. 
“God you drive me crazy with all the tiny fucking clothes you wear.” He’s laughing but you know he’s not joking. You’re not in a position to laugh, how exactly can you tell him that he drives you crazy with everything he fucking does. From the tensing of his jaw to the delirious sensation of his voice on your skin. All of it has your body begging for anything he’s willing to give you, regardless of what your mind thinks. 
You can’t prevent a small smile on your lips though, “I don’t do it on purpose.” Even as you say it you know it’s a lie, you didn’t do it on purpose at first, now though, you want him to see you. 
“Don’t fucking lie to me, sweetheart.” He knows you better than that. You giggle, it should be illegal for him to read your mind that easily. “I’d wager under that nightie you’re wearing something nice for me. Like a gift to be unwrapped.” The look on your face says it all, when you bite your lip like that he wants to bite it for you. “Am I right?” 
You can hardly look at your screen, but you nod, barely able to sit still. 
“Fuck, let me see.” Something about how he’s speaking now is very telling and you revel in the feeling for a moment before shifting to sit on your feet. 
“Okay.” You sound so small and quiet you can hardly hear it over that arousal in your blood. Your fingers hook under the bottom of your nightdress, hesitant to begin the process and your eyes flick to the screen. 
You catch his gaze and he smirks, “Come on, you know I’d do it for you if I could.” That you are certain of, sometimes there’s such hunger in his eyes you think he’s a breath away from ripping the fabric off you. 
You do as asked, your panties straps revealed high on your hips guiding the sight up your stomach,then to the thin lace hardly covering your breasts. You were right, he does like it. Much too much. 
“God, you are like a fucking present.” You grin at that, watching the hint of movement you can see towards the bottom of the screen, and you core pangs with the knowledge of what he’s doing. Now sitting on your feet, you press your heel between your legs and jump at the jolt of stimulation it brings. 
Your lip is between your teeth again as you debate whether you’re brave enough to ask for what you want. “...Show me.” You manage in a surge of voice, you wish you didn’t sound as shy as you do. 
You hear William’s scoff of disbelief, he hadn’t expected you to ask that but he supposes it’s only fair. “Yeah?” 
You nod, watching eagerly as he moves a hand to change the angle of your view. The sight stirs you immensely, his boxers pulled down enough to let his cock free, he held it, touching himself at a slow pace. You rake the image for what you can see, his shirt pulled up to let you see the trail of dark hair that leads down to his length. A crazy part of you burns to press your nose against his trail, curiosity, or something dirtier you don’t know, but you know he’d let you if you asked. 
It’s with near fascination you watch his stroke himself, not noticing how you’ve begun grinding your pussy against your heel, your knickers are clinging to your slick but all shame is lost. 
“I didn’t expect you to want to see.” He sniggers, you recognise the thickness of his voice, remembering the pride in your core when you took him in your mouth, the heavy breathing of someone clinging on to their self restraint by the tips of their fingers. There’s precum on his tip smeared by each rise of his fist, it’s a dirty feeling and if you were in his reach he’d have it resting pretty on your tongue. 
Soon your movement isn’t enough anymore, your heat whines for better friction, the attention on your clit that he does just right. It’s written in your posture and the pinch of frustration between your brows. 
William’s voice affirms your need. “You can touch yourself, lovely. Don’t have to wait to be told.” 
“I know.” You reply quickly, embarrassed at how easy he’d jumped to that conclusion. If you were harder to read maybe he wouldn't have such a hold on you. 
“Or do you want me to ask?” There it is again, that mocking that shouldn’t speak directly to your slick, it’s condescending but you know in your heart that he knows better. You open your mouth to protest the teasing but you have no chance to. “Come on, show me how you play late at night, how you give yourself what you need.” He wants to seem like he’s humouring you but right now, with his cock in his hand, he’d beg to see just how you touch your perfect cunt.   
You’re doing it, shifting your position so you’re sitting properly, legs raised to let you trace over your bundle of nerves. The fabric of your panties quickly proves irritating, so you hurry to take them off, glancing repeatedly at the view on screen, dying to match the rhythm of him stroking himself, not wanting to miss anything. At the sight of your pussy bare for him, knickers discarded, he hisses through his teeth; now that is the kind of thing that gets a bloke in serious trouble.
“And the rest.” He adds, and you’re so lost in your new-found touch it takes you a moment to realise what he’s referring to, when you do you push the bra straps from your shoulders, shimmying the garment down so that your chest is free. Your nipples are hard from your excitement, all parts of you aware of the growing need in your core, begging for the release your touch promises. It should be familiar but with William’s eyes on you it takes you time to remember what you like. 
You rub your clit, the cues from your body calling for you to press your fingers inside your hole. You’re unable to reach like he does, but it’s enough to bring your end into sight and a soft moan from your lips. 
He’s chuckling watching how weak you become, like he’s not moving faster with the taste of release on his tongue. It takes a lot for him to ask the question burning in his head, he already knows the answer but hearing it from you is going to be delicious. “Tell me, what you think about, when you play with yourself, sweet thing.” The words are stilted with his involuntarily quickening pace, he’s close and it’s fucking stupid how much he needs to cum. 
“You.” You say instantly, voice cracking. Your head between my legs, fingers hooking inside, teeth on my neck as you line your cock up between my legs. You haven’t the coherent thought process to say that, it’s flicking images of past imaginings, you shouldn’t want to give yourself to this man as much as you do. 
William grunts, speaking through gritted teeth to try and remain somewhat controlled, though there’s nothing controlled about his frantic movement, nor yours. “You’re so fucking lucky I’m not in there with you.” 
It’s not a threat, you’ve seen the size of him, you’ve been delirious from just his fingers, but you want it. You want him in there with you. You want it all. 
He loses it at your wide eyed look, fucking his fist ‘til his cum is dripping down his abdomen.  You're not far yourself from the view alone, but you can hear his breathing, the groan right as he touches the peak. And your walls clamp around your fingers in stuttering waves of climax, you shiver with it, your legs unwillingly pressing together. You have to bite the inside of your cheeks to keep any noise leaving you, a startled thought of discovery hitting you out of nowhere. 
“Fucking hell.” His voice makes you regain your senses, he’s chuckling and the hand not coated in release slips out of shot to rub the bridge of his nose; why is it so much better when a pretty thing like you is watching? 
“William?” You’re shaky as you speak, weighing up what you want to ask, deciding that closed mouths don’t get fed. In response he tilts the camera up so you can see he’s listening, and you can’t help but hit screenshot at the sight of him so dishevelled. “Next time… I want you to be here with me.” 
He laughs, “Anything you want, princess. I mean it.”
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protective-mama-bear · 2 months
Smiling Psychopaths Headcanon: Lovesick reaction in seeing her 'precious friends' awfully injured or close to dying.
Haha? Angst, my fav food >:D
Twisted!Bubba Bubbaphant
"Twisty? Twisted?... Twisted?!!"
"P-Please... this isn't funny, Twisted... this isn't funny... TWISTED!!!"
"...I kill whoever did this... how dare they... How dare they hurt our boss... i promised... I WILL NOT LET THEM ESCAPE..."
"Nappy? Please wake up... please, my friend... don't you remember that you needed to help me with practised using guns?... y-you really should be awake, Mob... please..."
"Please don't leave me... you're the only person... that i think of my own family... like my own brother... p-please... stay awake for me, will you?"
"How dare they... How dare that insolent hurted my friend! Oh, this time... i will not let them escape... this time, they will understand to never... ever... anger the bear."
"Slasher? Are you here? Slasher!– oh my goodness! SLASHER!!"
"W-Who... Who dare do this to you!?... oh god, Pudding... p-please sweetheart, please stay awake for me... i'll call for Twisted to help... hang on for me... please..."
"I promised i'll hunt those foolish people down... i promised that i will make them feel nothing but regret for doing this to you, Slasher... you have my words."
Emotionless!CraftyCorn (the people that dare harm Lovesick crush is really wanted a death wish–)
"Spotlight? Is everything alright? You have been quiet... too quiet... i'm going in! Spotlight?– SPOTLIGHT!!"
"O-Oh... oh god... Spotlight! P-Please wake up, my dear Spotlight... d-don't do this to me, Spotlight... y-you can't leave me, you can't!... Spotlight... my sweet Spotlight... hang on, i'll bring you back to Twisted... stay with me, my love... please."
"How foolish... so very foolish... how dare they harm my sweet Spotlight... how f*cking dare they... oh, you can run, naughty cubs... but you can't hide from me, you have made a big mistake."
"That stubborn Lil Rascal! I told him not to catch up to them alone, those people seem dangerous... and i don't like this bad feeling that i'm feeling... i need to find him... fast."
"Violent? Violent!?... V-Violent? Oh god, VIOLENT!! Oh, dear Star! Who did this to you!? O-Okay, stay calm Sunshine... i know it hurt, but please stay calm, h-here, let me use this to wrapped up the wound... oh god..."
"Stay with me alright, Sunshine? I'm carrying you back to Twisted and hopefully he can heal you... now, don't try to be stubborn; you will get help, whether you like it or not, Violent... please Sunshine... thank you..."
"Sunshine is asleep... Twisted, i can't help but overhear that you wanted to see those 'people' that harm Violent... please, let me come with you... don't worry, i won't harm them too much because we both know that Violent want to do it... why i'm doing this? Well... nobody dare hurt my little cubs, and that including Violent."
Poison!Hoppy Hopscotch
"...Crap, i lost track of her. But again, it's no surprising since Poison is the fastest out of all of us... but it still awed me from how fast she can be... i need to find her, the last thing i wanted is for her to get hurt..."
"If i remember correctly, she would be right over–... POISON!! Oh dear god, Lil Hopster! Who dare did this to you!? O-Okay, stay calm... let's stay calm... god..."
"Your wound is deep but i'm sure Twisted can fix this but i needed to carry you for us to go back to the mansion... oh, Buttercup, please don't cry... i know it hurt but i promise everything will be fine... here, let me carry you... let's go home..."
"CP, dear! Can i ask you a tiny favor? Would you like to go with me in taking care a few... naughty cubs? I promised i let you have their meat after we're done. Haha, thank you CP, i'm sure we both will have a lot of... fun."
"So, this is the place? Violent say that CP was last seen visiting this AU... but she haven't come back to the mansion and what worried me more that it is past her dinner... that's no good, CP never late for food... oh, i hope she's alright."
"CP? Pumpkin?... is that? O-Oh dear... CP!!! S-Stay calm, Pumpkin! I'm heading over there! O-Oh heavens, so much blood! H-Here, let me wrap this up with this... shh, shh... i know it hurt Pumpkin, i know it hurts but bear with me, okay? We're getting you back to the mansion and let Twisted fix you up..."
"Oh, Pumpkin... don't worry, mama's here and she will never ever leave you... you're a strong girl and i'm proud of you; now don't cry, Pumpkin... let's take you back to the mansion. Here, let me carry you."
"Violent! Poison! Can you both be a dear and help me with something? I needed to take care a few insolents for what they done to my little cub, you know how i dislike someone hurted my favorite little cub~ now, don't worry, you both will have a lot of fun and beside... i'm sure you both needed some excitement right now, haha~"
And that's it! Man, writing this while hearing sad music is really helping it, lmao–
Twisted!Bubba Bubbaphant, Violent!KickinChicken, Mob!CatNap and Slasher!DogDay by @smiling-psychopaths
Lovesick!Bobby BearHug by me :3
Emotionless!CraftyCorn by @emotionless-craftycorn
Poison!Hoppy Hopscotch by @jumptothemoon
Corrupted!PickyPiggy by @picky-and-corrupted-picky
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General LU Headcanons part 1
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Heya! So I'm starting this blog with some general headcanons about the boys, I think I'll divide it in three parts so it's not too long. First up are Four, Hyrule, and Legend! Hope you enjoy :D
Part 2 Part 3
It takes him so long to emerge from sleep
Like he'll be in a haze for like 20 minutes, not able to form any coherent thoughts
Which is kind of a surprise because he's one of the early risers, and is super reactive once fully awake
He tends to talk to himself a lot, mostly when he does something or thinks through a problem
It's mostly to exteriorize all the noise inside his head tho
The others aren't as weirded out by it than he feared, and he's thankful for it
Whenever they're in a market or just in a town, he always finds himself drawn to craftsmanship
Like if they need to interrogate people about monsters and stuff, he'll go ask artisans mostly
He feels more comfortable around them
It feels like home
Also he likes to compare his work to other blacksmith's
He feels like he has a lot to learn still, and he's very curious about how the craft has evolved with time
He doesn't know first aid and the scent of blood makes him sick, but if his teammates need tending he'll do his best
He tries to see their wounds as metal work needing repairs
It helps him keep his cool
But he'd rather leave it to someone else
Another early riser, but he hates it
He loves sleeping in and wishes his body would let him sometimes
But oh well, when it's time to wake up it's time to wake up
He's a very light sleeper too, like the wind blowing in the leaves above would wake him up
He hates it
Botany nerd
Loves keeping track of the new plants he finds along the way
He always asks the Link from the Hyrule they're in if he knows about it, and will pick them up if he can't get an answer, to study them later hopefully
He rarely can, but when they have a moment he'll either find a plant book (and a Link who can read it for him) or straight up ask someone if they know about the plant
He's always so polite and genuinely curious, people can't help but answer
He accidentally set Sky's stuff on fire once when showing off his fire magic to Wind
Sky was too impressed to truly be mad at him tho
(Also Hyrule replaced all of the stuff that couldn't be repaired, don't ask him how)
He doesn't mind blood and grime and gore, but can't handle anything with maggots in it
He'll stitch up anything, he'll put bones back in place if necessary, but one bug? In a wound? Don't count on him
He can keep his calm even before the grossest injuries, which is why he's often fixing up the others after a fight
He rarely uses his healing magic tho, he knows he'll tire too easily, and he can't help them if he can barely stay awake
So potions potions potions
He's a gentle caregiver but you better do as he says when you're hurt
A heavy sleeper, and he dreams a lot, but he never remember them
Probably for the best if you ask him
He usually wakes late, but never truly rested unfortunately
That never stoped him from being immediately efficient and fully awake tho
He knows he has a reputation of being sharp and closed off, but he's a really good listener
He's the kind of person curse the world with you when you vent until you're in the right headspace to find a solution
He kind of encourages the others in their dumbest ideas just to see what'll happen
(not the too dangerous ones, of course)
But he's curious, and after all the adventures he's been through, he believes that if he survived all of this, surely Wild will survive trying to cook a bomb flower
He did, but Twilight almost died of stress
He's the one who helps Warrior with refilling their inventory when they're low on supplies
He's a great negotiator and can get them twice the supplies for the same price
He's sometimes even charming enough to get them all a free meal
It's his favorite skill
He doesn't mind blood but will not look at broken limbs
Not his own, not other's
He tries to keep his cool around the others to not make them panic, but he really hates broken bones
If one of them is hurt, he'll try to distract them and make sure they have water and enough heat
He'll also keep them in place if they move around too much for Hyrule or Warrior to work on them
He's not gentle, but he's still reassuring somehow
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severussnapemylove · 7 months
For @add-a-bit-of-neurospice <3 Took some editing time to get the story line right. AU, Severus and reader are childhood friends turned sweethearts. Sev doesn't become a death eater and he and reader leave Hogwarts together after graduation. Reader's dirtbag father is being troublesome. Tried to kept the details pretty neutral for the individuality of the reader. Title is from "Not while I'm around" by Stephen Sondheim.
Not While I'm Around
You and Severus had walked away from everything the day after graduation. You'd known each other since you were nine. Inseparable friends, first in Cokeworth, then Hogwarts. You were each other's confidant and protector, you told each other things no one else knew. And you both knew exactly why neither of you wanted to set foot in your childhood homes ever again. You'd found a cheap place to live and some work. And somewhere along the way of finding your own place in the world, you and Severus had realised how much you loved each other.
Unfortunately, walking out on your old life hadn't been as easy as you'd hoped. You didn't know how your father had found your new address. But seemingly out of nowhere he had. First it had been phone calls, which lead to you unplugging the phone from the wall. Then the letters. All of which you tore up and burned without reading. You didn't care what he had to say. It would just be the same manipulative, gaslighting spew it had always been. Your breaking point was when you'd gone to the shops one day and he'd found you there. Trying to push you into talking to him, saying that you couldn't just ignore family. You felt ice in your veins and sick to your stomach. Without a word, you pushed past him and almost ran home.
When you reached your flat, you shut the door hard and locked it before leaning your weight against the wood. The sound of the door slamming drew Severus's attention away from his writing and he hurried towards you, concerned at the state you were in. "Y/n? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked, softly. His hands tracing your face and arms, checking for signs of harm. You collapsed against his chest, tears finally falling and he wrapped his arms around you, half holding you up as he lead you to the small couch. "What happened, Love? Tell me." You stayed curled up in his arms with your head against his chest while you cried and told him about your father cornering you in the store. He stayed quiet till you'd finished and kissed the top of your head, "It's alright, my love. You're safe now. I won't let him near you again. I promise. And we'll be leaving here soon, remember?" You started to smile a bit at the reminder. Severus had secured a job at the Apothecary in Diagon Ally, you were moving to London soon. Hopefully far enough to finally be free of your old life.
The two of you stayed cuddled up on the couch for a while longer, before a knocking at the door startled you both. Giving you a reassuring squeeze before getting up, Sev went to the door and checked through the peephole. As he suspected, it was your father. Sev looked back to you, "Wait there, I'll handle this." he said before opening the door and walking out, shutting it behind him and keeping your father hidden from your view.
The man looked at Severus with distain, "Who the hell are you? I'm looking for my kid." Severus fixed the man with an icy glare and said coldly, "I believe y/n has already made their opinion of you clear. Leave, now." "I'm their father, you can't keep me away." The man spluttered. "A poor excuse for one. Y/n does not want to see you. Now leave, before you find yourself turned into something unpleasant and washed down a storm drain." Knowing he didn't stand a chance against Severus's magic, your father had no choice but to relent and headed down the corridor. Still fuming but intimidated by Severus's cold black glare and the threat aimed his way.
Severus went back inside the flat, locking the door behind him and casting a protection seal on the lock just in case. His heart ached when he saw you, curled up in a ball on the couch with tears silently sliding down your face. He gently freed your arms from your folded up position and pulled you up into a tight hug, "I've got you. He's gone, he won't be getting near you. And we'll be far away from here soon." You pressed your face against the crook of his neck, feeling your stress slowly start to ebb away. You'd always felt safe with him, ever since you were a child. Things would work out right eventually, and as long as Severus was there, the ghosts of the past couldn't reach you again.
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m-jelly · 1 year
Can I request Erwin x wife reader canon AU where he returns home after the Mission where they met the Beast Titan ( yeah he returned alive ) . His wife isn't in military but she is a business woman and she had gone to another town for work when Erwin also left for mission. While she is returning back in evening there r rumours that Erwin is dead and reader gets worried very much to such an extent that she cries in her bedroom holding Erwin 's clothes praying he is alive. Erwin returns late night with good news and he finds reader awake with puffy eyes and pale face wearing only his shirt on her desk with her documents but she is crying. Reader sees Erwin and tackles him into a hug on the floor and Erwin comforts her. They take a bath together where reader pampers him and then they make love to each other in bed ( Erwin has a prosthetic arm here)
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Return to me
Pairing: Erwin x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Married, canon AU, romance, angst, emotional, hurt Erwin, comfort, fluff, suggestive themes.
Concept: After returning home from a business trip you discover that your husband isn't home yet and people are spreading rumours that Erwin died in battle while facing the Beast Titan. Alone with your thoughts and a house full of your husband's things, you began your grieving process. While accepting the loss of your husband you get a surprise. Erwin comes homes.
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Your mind and body ached as you climbed out of your carriage and went inside the local shop. You released a long yawn and collected a few bits you knew Erwin would love. You'd been away for a couple of days and you missed your husband.
"It was a massacre."
"I heard that too. I'm not surprised. The scouts keep letting us down."
"Commander Smith is a joke."
"Mm, I agree. He's made a mess of the scouts. Part of me thinks he enjoys killing people."
"Thank the walls he died out there, hopefully whoever takes over will fix the scouts."
Your eyes widened at the two people gossiping. You dropped your things causing them to look over at you. You moved your gaze over to them and saw how white they looked as they felt embarrassed. You welled up as they hurried away from you and mumbled sorries.
You heard a muffled voice as your ears started ringing. Your vision blurred as your heart dropped in your chest. You started shaking as fear and panic set in. You didn't know what you were going to do if Erwin was lost to you.
You flinched at the shop owner's touch and voice. "Y-yes?"
He smiled softly. "I'll give you a reduction. Get yourself home and remember, it is just gossip."
You picked up your things and hummed. "Y-Yes, gossip..." You hugged your bag close as you paid for everything. "Thank you." You bowed to the man before hurrying away. You crossed the street and moved through the town a little before reaching your home.
You locked the door and carried out your usual routine. You went into autopilot because your heart and head couldn't handle the thought that Erwin might be dead. You went so far into the zone that when you returned to your thoughts you realised that you'd put two drinks out and two plates of food.
You gazed at Erwin's usual spot at your side. Erwin always loved being as close to you as possible, so there was this emptiness and coldness now he was gone. All you did was stare at his spot and not touch your food. You were trying to will Erwin into existence.
You clenched your fist tightly as a lump expanded in your throat. Your sight became cloudly as your wish was not granted. You stood up with such force that your chair screamed out. You glared at Erwin's spot and felt angry. You felt betrayed by him because of the promises of love he had made.
You turned on your heels and stormed into your bedroom to see how Erwin had left the bed before going on his mission. You clutched your chest at seeing your night dress and pillow close to his side of the bed, meaning the last thought in your husband's sweet head before leaving for his fatal mission, were you.
Before your mind caught up with you, you'd dropped to your knees. You screamed in agony knowing you'd never hear Erwin chuckle again, see him smile, feel his strong hands, or hear his sweet moans. You knew very well that you would never marry again. You would never be with another man because your heart belonged to Erwin Smith.
You cried on the floor until you felt like vomiting. You hurried to the bathroom and dry-heaved for a while before you were too exhausted. You sat on the floor for a while and just stared out at the room, but your eyes wouldn't focus. You were void of life or light.
You stumbled to Erwin's wardrobe and pulled out a shirt of his. You pressed it against your face and inhaled deeply. You closed your eyes and smiled at his soothing scent. You hummed a laugh as memories fluttered through your head. You wanted Erwin to be home in your arms. You wanted to protect him. Erwin had been hurt so much recently and you just needed him with you.
You slowly dragged your clothes off and pulled on Erwin's shirt. You stumbled to your office and plopped down in your seat. You stared at the papers all over your desk and felt no drive or passion to work. Without Erwin, you had lost all drive and inspiration.
You snapped your head over to look at the door. Your tired eyes widened as you took in your husband with a wooden right arm.
Erwin took a step closer. "My love, are you okay? You've been crying."
You raced over to Erwin and dove into his arms. "Erwin!"
Erwin stumbled back a little. "I'm here."
You clung to his back as you rubbed your face against his big pecs. "People said you died!"
"You thought I was dead?"
He rubbed your back slowly. "I'm sorry. It was bad, but I pulled through it all. We've been through a lot, huh? I got my arm bitten off, then I was jailed and beaten and after all that I ran off into battle." He sighed and kissed your forehead. "I got so consumed with the idea of what was in the basement and beyond the walls, I lost sight of what I had." He released a long sigh. "I just want a better life for you."
You rubbed your tears away. "I have the perfect life with you. I don't want to change a single thing."
Erwin cupped your face with one hand. "And I have come to see that I'm the same as you. I don't want to change a thing now." He captured your lips in a passionate kiss. "I'm done with the scouts. I'm too hurt and I want to focus all my attention on the woman of my dreams."
You giggled. "Oh, you."
"I would love to snuggle, but I am rather ripe right now and need to clean."
You gasped and grabbed his bag. "I'll help!" You dropped his bag on a seat before rushing over to him and grabbing his hand. "This way!"
Erwin chuckled as he stumbled after you. "You're adorable, you know?"
You gazed back at him. "I want to spoil my husband. I thought you died today, so I want to remind myself that you are here and alive."
Erwin smiled as you made a hot bath for him. He let you take off his fake arm and then peel his clothes off. He sighed as he felt relief at everything being taken off. He felt pretty gross after everything he'd been through. He had been so very close to death, but luckily all rocks thrown by the beast had missed him.
He moaned when you helped him into the bath and he sank down into the water. He closed his eyes as you used a sponge to clean every inch of him. He hummed a laugh as you scrubbed his hair of all the mess within it before rinsing.
He opened his eyes and gazed at you with all the love in his heart. He reached over and caressed your cheek. "Join me."
You pouted a little. "I would, but you need to relax."
"I would relax better if you were in here with me."
You huffed. "Okay."
Erwin smirked as you took off his shirt and then underwear. He reached over and ran his big hand over your plump bum. "I missed this body of yours."
You climbed into the bath as you smiled. "Well, this body missed yours."
He opened his arms. "Come here."
You shifted over before laying in his arms. "I'm so glad the rumours weren't true. I'm glad you're back with me."
Erwin squeezed you with his one arm. "Me too. You know, you were always on my mind out there."
You closed your eyes and listened to the beating of his heart. "I always thought of you."
He purred at you. "I love you."
You leaned up and kissed him. "I love you too."
"I am looking forward to tonight. I'm going to bury myself deep inside you. I'm going to move slowly and passionately. I want to remind you that I'm alive and just how much I love you."
You blushed a little as your mind raced. You shifted and straddled your man and felt something long getting hard between your thighs. You smiled softly as you played with his wet hair. "I will do the same. I want you to know how deeply I love you and how I'm not going anywhere." You crashed your lips against Erwin's. "My sweet husband."
"My darling wife."
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wikiangela · 7 months
seven sentence sunday
tagged by @daffi-990 💖
making more progress on alive shannon yaaay! this fic is gonna be such a mix of angst and fluff, and I hope i'll get the angst part right bc I'm not good at it, and so far a lot of after-accident stuff is turning out too cute lol (gonna fix it soon with the bombing lol) here's a lil buddie moment finally haha (they're not in love here yet but obvi there's always been something - and it's so hard to write them not in love and pining bc in my fics they're always in love already haha)
prev snippet
“So, it’s weird, isn’t it?” he asks, then takes a huge gulp of his beer.
“What is?” Buck asks carefully, grabbing the second bottle and opening it.
“This whole thing.” Eddie shrugs. “Shan being here. Was it weird?” he nods towards the living room, indicating Buck hanging out with her before Eddie came home. Buck thinks for a moment, not really sure how to answer.
“I mean, I guess a little bit? Not as much as I expected, we just watched TV.” It’s Buck’s turn to shrug. “It was fine. It is fine. A little awkward, but we literally just met, so hopefully that changes. Since, you know, she’s here to stay, and I’m- I’m, uh- I guess I’m here often enough, so I don’t want it to be awkward and stuff-” he stumbles over his words, suddenly not sure why it’s even important for him and her to get along. It would be so easy for them to just not see each other. It’s not like Eddie and Shannon are gonna hang out all the time now, after she’s better and gets back to her own life. All that’s gonna connect them after the divorce is Chris. So, really, Buck has no reason to want to get along with her beyond her staying here for now. They don’t have to be friends, and if it’s weird for a couple weeks, so what?
“Buck.” Eddie interrupts his rambling, his eyes softening. “I know what you mean. I- I kinda hoped you guys would get along, is that stupid?” he chuckles. And, well, it’s settled now, Buck has to make friends with her, doesn’t he? “Since you’re, you know, Christopher’s best friend.” he adds with amusement, and Buck beams. But then Eddie sighs and shakes his head. “And he’s so happy to have her around.”
“I noticed.” Buck smiles.
“Yeah. He loves being able to just go into another room and hug her, talk to her, have her help him with his homework, play games with him. Just have a relationship with her again. He’s actually-” he laughs. “He’s teaching her to play his favorite video games, and she sucks at it. So bad. He’s determined, though.” Eddie gets that look on his face he always gets when talking about Chris, so much love and fondness and adoration. It might be one of Buck’s favorite expressions of his. Not that he has any favorites, of course, that’d be weird. He’s not analyzing his best friend’s face and looks and smiles, and he’s definitely not making sure to remember every single one, mentally filing them carefully in the rapidly growing drawer with Eddie’s name on it in his mind.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gayarthur @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @eddiediaztho @housewifebuck @lover-of-mine @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @hoodie-buck @monsterrae1 @hippolotamus @ladydorian05 @forthewolves @honestlydarkprincess @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks @eowon @theotherbuckley @weewootruck @thewolvesof1998 @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @jesuisici33 @callaplums @loserdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @underwater-ninja-13 @thewolvesof1998 @giddyupbuck
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
The jealous to your possessiveness
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Pairing: vampire draco x @b-bewley1979
Summary: you get jealous after a small party and accidentally trigger your possessive husband because of your jealousy and Draco fixes both those problems…
Word count:1,045
Warning: p in v with no protection, fingering, dirty talk, possessive Draco, bondage, use of magic, kinda Dom Draco, light face slapping, [reader has a name]
A/n: I was extremely busy but I promised I'd finish this for you today so hopefully you like it
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Brandy pov
I huffed, slamming the door behind me. I can't believe he'd just let that girl sit in his lap like I wasn't right there! Who does he think he is? I went to the kitchen, deciding to start dinner. Time past quickly as I looked down seeing my clothes were filthy, as my hand stirred the ingredients with frustration. Draco finally got home coming through the window before transforming back to his human form in front of me. I ranted and raved under my breath as I turned my back. "Surely you're not still mad about that silly girl," Draco says, taking a few steps forward.
"I am not mad at the girl i-" "was jealous" he finished with a small chuckle. I turned with my eyebrow raised, placing the bowl down with force as I glared at him in his black suit. "Is that what you think?," I let out a dry laugh. "No, I was mad you allowed it to happen!, You have no power over me.” I turned away whispering, "you're not the only one who has people chasing them you know" but I knew Draco would hear, he had heightened senses. I could feel him glaring at me. He hums before saying “You sure about that?” Then all of a sudden I hear his whispers. My eyes blink open and I'm in our bed only now I can't move my hands.
I look up seeing them tied groaning. "brandy…" my head snaps towards the direction of his voice. "repeat what you said earlier and this time don't mumble it, you know how much I hate it when you do that" he comes from the shadows, his reddened eyes being what I spot first. I rack my brain looking for whatever I'd said before. My eyes widened and I looked away fearfully. "Ahh, so you remember!" He says walking over to the bed. "You told me you wouldn't use magic on my Draco! You can't-" "you are in no position to make decisions and clearly you have forgotten what I taught you! So I'll take this as the opportunity to remind you, I'll ask you one more time what did you say before" he growls, a chill runs up my spine at how quickly his tone changed.
"That-that you weren't the only one who had people chasing them" I Mumbled. "And who is chasing you my love? Because I promise, when I find out who it is I will kill them and bring their head back to you as a reminder" he warns, his hand squeezes my breasts till a hiss leaves me. "Who do you belong to?" His hand cupped between my thighs and I let out a whine trying to buck into his touch. "Who do you belong to brandy?!" He asked again, snatching his hand away. "you, you! Please please!" I begged. He hums in approval, letting his fingers sliding throw my folds sending a blissful tingle over my skin. "Knew you'd be wet for me, you always are, aren't you" he asks and I nod, a small uh huh leaving me.
He nods fingers driving in, causing me to yelp in surprise. He chuckles, cramming the two long digits inside at a steady pace. My hands lock tightly around the rope biting into my skin as my chest heavies with his thrust. "You're so good for me brandy, don't know why you worried about anyone taking your place. No one can ever replace you" he says kissing the skin of my neck, his fingers curl caressing my spot, my head falls back with a cry at the simulation. His fingers pull back tortuously as he sucks them clean. "Draco please!" I Whimper bucking my hips.
"I'm only taking my clothes off you needy little thing" he teased, removing his suit unnecessarily slow. He seemed to get off on my desperation. When he's finally done pulling away the dark suit, he moves between my legs, cock free, leaking into his hand. He strokes himself, making me smirk at the effect I have on him. He brings his tip to my entrance, rubbing through my slick before pushing the head in and pulling it out with a sigh before quickly shoving himself in awaking the burning ache inside me. I wrap my legs around him, pulling his lips against mine.
He groans, teeth latching onto me. His sharp fangs draw blood that fills my mouth with the iron taste. He moans, his tongue slipping past my lips tasting the red liquid, lapping at the cut on my skin. He pulls back, rutting into me at a brutal pace. My tied hands tugging as my back arches, my breath hitching with the moans I let out with his thrust as the bed rocks with my body.
His hands come to my breasts, pinch at my hardened nipples. "Draco!" My vision goes in and out with my twitching body. If he slammed any harder I was sure the bed would break. The feeling between my legs was twisted with a burning sensation and greed but I was bare at his mercy, clenching down on him being the only way to fully engulf him enough to fill the lustful desire to take him and not the other way around. "Come back to me brandy. Tell me what you want, don't make me read your mind" he says, slapping lightly at my cheek. The slight sting only makes me wonder farther as my eyes roll. "I need to- fuck!"
The words falling short as my skin prickles with the approaching of my finish. Draco chuckled darkly as he slams harder, provoking screams from me that fill our room with the sound. His head falls, lips sucking, nipping and biting at my neck as his hips start to slowly push me to my release. My fingers claw at the palm of my hand as the earth shatters, leaving me to float. "That's it brandy, come for me." He breathes out while I grip him tightly, causing his movements to falter. He plunges deeper as he cums, filling me full while whispering sweet nothings against my skin. His breath slows as my legs fall open from exhaustion. "don't ever doubt my love for you"
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Request open 👐
Draco's lovers and requests:
@alexxavicry , @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs , @thatwattpadobsessed , @kyracanwrite @animeloverfreak310 @imafangirl22 @amyclare04 @phildunphyisadilf @jac1ndaa
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sorcharavenlock · 10 months
40. Grand Theft Goat.
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I feel terrible about our fight the previous day. Loki stayed in the basement all night. I have the suspicion he is not used to apologising, so to show him I don't want to fight I make him his favourite breakfast:
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Pancakes decorated with gummy bears.
Before I can take a plate downstairs, he has floated into the kitchen.
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"I might have overreacted a bit yesterday..." Loki begins.
"You can't do that, Loki. You can't fly off the handle just because I'm talking to someone. And you can't threaten our friends or our friend's boyfriends. You were scary yesterday. I was scared of you."
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"I'm sorry," Loki looks sad. "I let my temper get the better of me."
"It's okay. But please, listen the next time. I would never do anything to hurt you, I promise."
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Perhaps in an attempt to make up for his bad behaviour, Loki does his chores without me having to ask him. He does the laundry...
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...and fixes a leaky faucet in the bathroom.
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I sit down intending to write. However, Loki's activities inspire me to do some chores as well. I decide to clear out the old shed. There are a lot of old planters we never use and if I get rid of them we can use the shed as storage.
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"That is odd," I think to myself. I can't remember having a water trough or a hay feeder...
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...or a blanket and toys. Are those Fenrir's perhaps?
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Suddenly, a miniature goat comes bouncing in between my legs and heads for the hay.
What the...?
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"Where did this goat come from?"
"Before you start yelling, understand I had to. The other goats were being mean to him!" Loki begins.
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"They were! they were all mean to him at the fair! That's why I had to take him home!"
"did you... did you steal this goat from the fair yesterday?" I ask rather baffled.
"No, I snuck into the farm last night," Loki admits. "I couldn't sleep knowing he was feeling sad and alone!"
"You stole a goat!" I am in disbelief. "You stole a goat because the other goats were mean to it?"
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"Yes! Now you understand! I had to, right?"
"How could you even know the other goats were mean to it?" I blink in confusion, I am not prepared to deal with this right now.
"Because I have the AllSpeak! I speak goat!" Loki eyes me innocently.
"You can't just steal a goat!"
"you can't send him back!"
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"Okay, fine," I sigh. "But I'll have to ring the farmer to pay for it, you can't just steal an animal! And you'll have to look after it!"
Loki smiles from ear to ear.
"Loki? Why is just armour chirping?" I ask suspiciously.
Loki blushes.
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"They were mean to her as well?" He eyes me hopefully.
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"Who? The goats?"
"No, the other chicks!" Loki explains.
"And you know this because..." I feel a headache coming on.
"..the AllSpeak!"
yeah, I should have seen that coming.
I don't believe for a second that the Allspeak covers animals as well, but it is very hard to say no to Loki when he gives me those puppy eyes.
"Fine," I sigh, mentally preparing myself for a complicated conversation with the local farmer. "But Loki, they are your responsibility!"
To my surprise, Loki takes his responsibility for the animals seriously!
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He names the goat "Hafri", which means "little he-goat" in old Norse.
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And he names the chick "Keila" which means "chicken".
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The animals soon settle in with all the other animals that live around our cottage.
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I reimburse the farmer generously for his stolen livestock, so much so that his wife drops by with a basket of fresh apples which I turn into a pie.
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Life with Loki is a lot of things, but certainly never boring. It is hard to stay upset with him for very long. His impulsiveness is part of the reason why I am so in love with him after all!
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That evening, everything is okay again between us!
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chaseadrian · 2 years
"you were literally all over me, not that i mind"
with steve pls? ty💖
hi shan!! hope u like lmao ive never written for steve so hopefully i did him justice <33
send me one + a st character
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"You were literally all over me," Steve spoke from the driver's seat, one hand on the wheel, the other combing through his hair over and over, smoothing the sweaty strands, "Not that I'd mind, u—under normal circumstances, but—"
He shook his head, swallowing.
"But?" You asked, eyelids sliding shut as you mooned over him, slouched over the center console of his car, head in your hand.
Steve fixed both hands on the steering wheel now, "It's just not you! Don't get me wrong I'm used to girls throwing themselves at me I—I love it in most cases, but you...you don't do that." He gestured between you, "We don't do that."
"Why don't we, though?" You slid a hand over his knee, and he jumped, his foot tapping on the accelerator, jolting you both, "Woah woah woah, see? This is exactly what I'm talking about. What's gotten into you tonight?"
Taking your hand back, you grumbled and rolled your eyes, "Liquid courage, Steve, just what I need!" You threw your hands up in the air as you spoke. You weren't slurring your words, but they'd barely registered in your brain before they were leaving your lips.
"I dunno why I didn't do it sooner, I think I'm like, afraid of alcohol? But those long islands, woo! Went down easy, and I just," You started slouching towards him again, fingers playing around the fabric of his sweater, "I really really want to kiss you. Actually, I've wanted to kiss you probably since middle school. Maybe even kindergarten."
The car came to a harsh stop on the side of the road while you rambled, and Steve threw it into park, closing his eyes and letting out a deep breath before he took your hand off of him.
"I've wanted to kiss you for a long time too. Not as long as you, apparently, but it's been on my mind."
Your heart caught in your throat, and you tried darting to his mouth only to be stopped by his hands on your shoulders.
"But, I'm not gonna kiss you when you're this drunk and you probably won't even remember this in the morning."
"Of course I'll remember it I won the quiz bowl senior year. You're the one who forgets stuff."
"I'm not—I...whatever. The point is we're gonna do this right, okay? I'm gonna tuck you into bed, make you drink a glass of water, and you're gonna wake up tomorrow with a monster headache."
He pet your hair with one hand, "I'm gonna take care of you, and we can revisit this whole 'kiss' conversation after you've gotten some grease in you."
You almost gagged at the thought, but Steve's eyes on yours were genuine, his eyebrows raised in concern. The smile on his lips was a comfort pushing against the fatigue settling into your body as you tried to focus on him, the appeal of sleep now crowding the desire to have his lips on yours.
"Hey, hey," He combed his fingers through your hair, drawing your attention as you blinked away the bits of sleep that were creeping in, "That sound good?"
You nodded, "Mhm, as long as you promise to kiss me tomorrow morning."
Steve laughed, "Maybe after you brush your teeth," He leaned forward and kissed your hairline, "Let's get you home."
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catreginae · 4 months
Thou Shalt Not Fall - The Better Mint
Four finally has a chance to work on a project he had in mind for a while - making something Warriors can actually put in his mouth if he wanted to tasted iron so badly.
Finally, Four got his turn. The portal took him close to the home he shared with his grandpa, and most importantly, his forge. He missed the forge, the warmth, the sounds, the time spent with his grandpa, and the joy of finally holding something he put hours of work into.
He needed the forge and all of the different tools in it for weapon maintenance. Maybe if he had the time, he would try to make something for Wild but most all, he still wanted to make Warriors something he could safely put in his mouth. It wasn't like he was going through the rings or anything, he still had the ones that Four originally gave him, but he still seemed apprehensive about using them. If Four was being honest, he also didn’t want to see if Warriors could digest solid iron if he accidentally swallowed one of the rings.
His plan was simple – a small decorative dagger at the end of a long chain that he could simply keep around his neck and pull out whenever the mood struck him. None of the edges would be sharp, ensuring that it would be safe for him to keep in his mouth and with it being attached to the chain, he couldn’t accidentally swallow it either. It didn't have to be a dagger, he could have put a solid chunk of rounded iron at the end and Warriors would probably still suck on it all the same, but Four just thought a dagger would suit him.
That, and he always liked to work on fine details. He always enjoyed the projects that required more use of his skills.
In hindsight, Four was surprised he didn't just walk right into the forge. Instead, he introduced everybody to his grandfather, who welcomed them inside so they didn't have to find out if Four's invitation was sufficient enough, then herded them all upstairs to finally get some rest since they found portal rather late into the evening. They had a lot more blankets than Four remembered but he dug them all out regardless so that everyone had more padding between themselves and the floor. He jumped into his bed and insisted that Warriors share it with it so that he would already be on a bed when he inevitably slept late into the afternoon.
Four didn't sleep long though. He woke up early in the morning, usually when Wild would get up to make breakfast if they were on the road, tip toed around everybody still sleeping on the floor, and headed downstairs. Grandpa was already awake, fixing himself some breakfast. From what Four could see, it seemed to be porridge – enough for everybody – and some fresh fruit for him to add on top.
“'Morning,” he said, his voice gruff. “Thought you would be sleeping for a while yet.”
“I have things I want to do in the forge... unless you need it?”
“Nah, I finished the last commission yesterday. Play around in there all you want.”
“Thanks! I'll try not to take up too much time though.” After all, he wanted to spend some time with his Grandpa too. It's been a while, unfortunately. He had a lot to do so hopefully, they had enough time for him to finish his gift for Warriors and finish all of the maintenance. As he entered the forge and waited for the fire to reach the right temperature, he put on his work apron and gloves and contemplated splitting just for the sake of doing so. It was a one person job but sometimes, it felt nice to split and have some unconventional company.
However, he was in a small house with no real way of keeping everybody out of the forge. Grandpa knew about his splitting ability and before this new adventure with all of the portals, Four sometimes split to help get some more work done if there were a lot of commissions. However, only Time knew of his ability, and he was pretty sure that this wasn't the way he wanted the others to find out.
Four was startled out of this thoughts by the squeak of the door opening, reminding him to oil the hinges before he left. He turned to the door and spotted Legend. Clearly, he was still a little tired with how he was still rubbing at one of his eyes.
“What are you doing here?” Four asked.
“Just wanted to see what you were up to. The house is a bit warmer now, figured you might have been in your forge.”
“I didn't know you were interested in smithing,” Four mumbled with a smirk. The only time Legend seemed to have any interest in smithing was when he helped out with the forge-less creation of Wild's sword and that was mostly because he didn't trust anybody with the ice rod. For some reason, he was more comfortable with loaning out the fire rod, but not the ice rod. Perhaps he didn't have as many of those.
“Eh, I used to be an apprentice for a brief time,” Legend added as Four started to collect everything he needed. He didn't have anything resembling a necklace for the charm he was going to make, so he would have to put one together. Maybe Legend could make himself useful and make the chain while Four made the charm.
Legend was smart enough to look at least a little sheepish about it.
“Another adventure. I thought about trying a career outside of the family and outside of the whole 'being a hero' thing, but I guess having a career just for me is out of the question right now. Maybe I should just wait another five years and maybe I'll finally be done with all the hero stuff. Hopefully.”
Four hummed in response.
“Anyway... what are you up to? Anything I can help with?”
“I'm making Warriors something he can suck on. He likes the taste of iron and I wanted to make him something that won't hurt him or he won't accidentally swallow. He has replacement rings for chain mail right now but I was thinking about making him a decorative dagger on a chain. You could do the chain,” Four explained as he fished out the much smaller rings and putting them on the counter for Legend. Legend approached, examined what he had to work with, and with a simple nod, grabbed a pair of pliers and got to work. Satisfied with what Legend was doing, Four turned to his own job – making the decorative dagger.
For a while, they didn't speak to each other until Legend was done with the chain and Four saw a good opportunity to reintroduce Legend to the fine art of smithing. It was actually nice to teach Legend when he was just observing and not risking a project by overdoing the ice rod.
Before Four knew it, the charm – a small dagger – was dangling by a chain. It was kind of plain, in that it was just a dagger and nothing special, but Four was proud of the detail he did manage to get to create. Legend whistled and gave it an appreciative nod.
“Very nice... but where did this come from? Like, you could have stuck a bunch of those rings on some twine and call it a day but you created this instead.”
Legend wasn’t wrong. Warriors probably would have been completely content with just having the chain mail rings on some string or a chain. He didn’t seem all that picky when it came to satisfying some of his instincts – just a little bashful about it sometimes. Four wished he came up with it so Warriors had something to suck on in the mean time.
“I just thought he should have something nice and I wanted to keep my skills sharp. Now, I just have to give it to him somehow.”
Ideally, it would be a surprise, but Warriors was asleep and he didn’t wake up well at all. Sometimes, he hissed but one time Wild tried to wake him up and Warriors snarled and nearly bit him. Wild was lucky he had good reflexes or he would have had to quite a nasty bit wound to contend with.
“Just get Wild to do it. He seems to like to seems to enjoy seeing how close he can get. It’s not my idea of a fun hobby but Wild already seems up for it”
Four looked between Legend and the newly made necklace before bolting out of the forage. “Wild!”
× × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
Four stayed in the forage until mid afternoon, finishing the maintenance and starting on a sword for Wild. It was far from finished but he did just enough that he could work on it on the road if he had to. Warriors was just heading down the stairs without a trace of sleepiness on his face as Four started on some tea, mostly for himself but he was brewing an entire pot if anybody else wanted some.
Warriors fished out the necklace from under his shirt. “I woke up with this around my neck?”
He thought Wild would put it nearby, not actually put it around his neck. He had to give Wild some credit– he was a lot braver around a sleeping vampire than rest of them were, even after a near miss with said vampire’s fangs.
“It’s for you. The little dagger is made from iron so can suck on that instead of the rings. I intended it for it to be nice looking and-” Four didn’t even finish his thought before Warriors popped the dagger into his mouth. He mumbled something but Four couldn’t understand it.
He did seem quite pleased though and that made spending the entire morning in the forage worth it.
So this is a follow up to Chapter 12 - The Bad Mint. There's a comment I got on that chapter on AO3 about how Warriors should get a decorative dagger to chew on! Now, he has a little decorative dagger charm to chew on! It's much better than the piece of sword he started with. I also didn't intend on this chapter being mostly about Legend and Four, but here we go! They're an interesting duo.
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haileybeehappy · 1 year
Fuck Buddies Part Two
Warnings : Smut. Daddy kink. Dom Harry. But also soft Harry.
Word count : 1.7K
First smut i've writen in a while :)
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Living with Harry was starting to get hard. The two of them had lost the title of fuck buddies and now they're basically roommates. Though the sharing the bed and making food together every morning and watching tv after class. Everything felt so, domestic and it was really starting to mess with her mind.
' ' '
"Y/n you're two hours on overtime and you look like you haven't slept in years," her co-worker and one of her only friends besides Harry. Alanah
"Yeah, I know. Harry was up all night studying for his Psych final and I have realized I cannot sleep if he is not in bed with me," she gives y/n a disapproving look. "I know I know," she groans.
"He is gonna break your heart y/n,"
"You're only saying that because Jeremy left your heart in tiny pieces," which earns y/n a towel being thrown at her. "I'm sorry," she laughs. "He was an ass and never deserved you,"
"Damn right, he couldn't make me cum to save his life," Alanah says while holding back a smile. The two girls die laughing in the empty coffee shop. Just as they fizzle out the bell above the door chimed.
"We're closed!" Alanah yells.
"I'm the taxi service!" that telltale British accent rings through the empty shop. "And if you're closed you should probably lock the door,"
"Yeah Y/n isn't too great and remembering rules," Her friend hints at her. Harry pops a quizative eyebrow. Y.n (this is so much easier to type and I am not gonna go back and fix everything sorry - _-) just shrugs. "Anyways you can take her outta here. She is on overtime and as much as I love her and need her here," she starts to push y.n out from behind the counter. "Take the bitch home," Harry gives Alanah a nod. "LOCK THE DOOR!" she yells as Harry pulls y.n out the door. She takes the keys from his grasp and locks the door behind them and taps twice on the glass as a goodbye and in return gets a wave from the short brunette behind the espresso machine.
"Did you even study today?"
"I got in some calc shit on my break," she shrugs. "I'll be fine, always am." as they approach the car Harry runs ahead and opens the door for her. Causing her heart to skip a beat. She rolls her eyes and hops in the car. He smiles at her through the window as he closes the door gently behind her.
"See that's how you close a door. You don't have to break the sound barrier by slamming my fuckin doors," he laughs. She smiles at him and pokes her tongue out between her teeth. All he can do is shake his head.
"Whatever, you love this shitty care more than you l..." she fades out the words and the air in the car becomes thick. They both remain quiet for the remainder of the ride. Once they come out single parking spot designated for y.n's apartment. She quickly slips out of the car and just barely closes the door behind her.
"There ya go!" she flicks up her middle finger as she walks away from him. "I knew you could do it" He runs up behind her and picks her up off the ground and she lets out a squeal.
"Oh my god! if you would just let me take the bus you wouldn't have to worry about your precious doors,"
"Yeah well I care more about you getting to work and home safe more than I care about my doors," he has is arms settled around her shoulders and they walk through the parking lot to the doors of the building.
"Whatever lets just hurry up and get inside before I fall over and sleep right here on the sidewalk," he struggles with the lock before it finally pops open after a lifetime. She runs in passed him and bolts to the elevator pressing the up button a million times to hopefully get the doors open before Harry can catch up to her.
"Fuck you y.l.n" his footprints come up fast behind her as the elevator doors open. He comes in fast pulling her into the elevator with him. He basically slams her into the wall with his hands grasping her wrists and pinning her to the crappy linoleum wall panels. His nose a breath away from touching hers. The air being exchanged between their lungs. "Fuck you," he whispers. His hands move at lightning pace connecting to the sides of her face as he connects his lips with hers. A moan escapes her throat as his knee come between her legs. The doors open with a ding and he separates from her. Intertwining his fingers with hers and pulling her to their now shared apartment.
Her fingers work to unlock the deadbolt and his hands move up and down her body and he presses kisses against her neck. She finally slips the key into the lock and his fingers start to play with the waistband of her jeans. They burst through the doorway like bull out of a run. Harry kicks the door closed behind him. His lips attached to her and her hands working at his belt. Fingers shaking and whimpering escaping her lips.
"Harry please," she pulls at the clasp she can't seem to get open.
"Oh look at my little baby whining like a little whore huh?" His hands come down over hers. "Try again, you gotta work for it baby," she whines and takes a deep breath and works at the cold metal clasp again. She finally unlocks the leather bindings and practically rips it off of him.
"Fuck," she whines. He places his hand on top of her head and pushes her down to her knees. She pulls down both layers of clothing and runs her hands from his knees to his hips. His hand grasping at her hair and guiding her mouth to him. Her lips wrap around his dick. Her hair is wrapped around his fist while she bobs up and down in his dick.
"Such a good girl," his head is dropped back his mouth hung open. His other hand resting right under his butterfly tattoo. "A good fuckin' girl," he pulls at her hair getting her to her feet. "On the bed, ready," she nods and goes to kiss him, and he backs up with a smile. "Good girls ask."
"Please Daddy," He still has a grasp on her hair and pushes a kiss against her lips. He spins her around and slaps her as she walks away. she runs with a squeal.
She closes the door behind her and starts to strip off her clothing. kicking them into the closet. She lays down on the edge of the bed with her feet dangling off side ass in the air. She lays for a while listening for any noise outside the door. Just about as she was going to adjust herself his footsteps. The door slowly opens and illuminates the small room. She can feel his presence behind him. His energy radiating off of him. She doesn't dare to move. All the hairs on her body stand on end. She whines and moves back. His hand attaches to her ass as soon as she moves.
"Don't fuckin dare," she lets out a whine.
"I'm sorry. I just miss you Daddy," he lets out a sigh.
"Fuck I've missed you too," his hands finally make smooth contact on her ass. Gliding his fingers over her warm skin. Her skin tingles as he moves up her back and he grips her shoulders. His dick is settled on her thigh and she pushes back against him.
"Daddy please," he is now bent over her completely his mouth right next to her ear.
"I can't wait to fucking destroy you," He stands up straight and grips her hair. Pulling her up to her knees. Against his body. "You're all mine, you understand?" she nods. "Words Y.n"
"Yes Sir," he lets out a groan to her words.
"Good girl," with that he slips his hand down between them and drops her to the bed. With one swift move he lifts her hips to him and slips inside her. She lets out a moan at the same time a hiss of air leaves his lips. "Fuck, such a good girl," He stays buried balls deep inside her unmoving. Waiting for her to adjust.
She starts pushing back into him. He instantly pulls out leaving just the head inside her and snaps his hips back to hers in an instant.
"Holy fucking shit daddy yes," she screams as he continues to pound into her. She can feel him against her cervix with every thrust.
"Look at my good girl. Taking daddy's cock like the good little whore she is huh?" His fist once again finds her hair pulling at the long strands.
"All yours daddy, only yours," she whines. His hips don't stop or slow down in what seems like forever. He finally drops her hair, grasps her hips and flips her on her back. Slips back inside her and buries his face in her neck. Moving slowly. Feeling himself drag against her walls.
"I've missed you so much," he whines. His dominating side fading away. Little whimper and whines escaping his lips with every thrust.
"Please Harry I'm so close," she whispers as she feels her orgasm coming closer and closer.
"Give it to me baby," with his soft words she clenches around him. Her walls spasming around his dick. He finishes inside her not long after her high finds her. He lays on top of her. His weight a comfort to her buzzing body. He stays nuzzled into her neck. His soft cock still inside her. They lay like that for some time before Harry rolls off her and pulls her into the crook of his arm.
"Holy shit, sorry I couldn't go longer," he laughs.
"Considering it's been forever I don't blame you," She places a kiss on his chest and goes to get up.
"Where you are going?" he asks as he pulls her back to his side.
"I have to pee you possessive caveman," she shakes him off and hops off the bed.
"Hurry back, I have at least to more goes in me," Harry screams after her. She can hear the smile in his voice.
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powluna · 2 years
Future Content - No Early Access
Hey everyone, just checking in from my vacation to address the current topic in the Sims community. After thinking about what I should do as a creator in the current situation, I've come to the decision to no longer offer Early Access content. As I could read it from EA's new policy, early access shouldn't be a problem, but I just feel more comfortable to make completely free content again.
The stuff that currently has a fixed release date will still be made public on that day, but the next releases won't have early access anymore.
From now on, Patreon will still serve as a way to donate to me so I can afford Sims packs and the programs I need to create CC. Basically the only difference is that you as a Patron won't get my CC before everyone else.
I know that by the time you read this and are a Patron of mine, it may be too late to cancel the subscription for next month and you may not be interested in continuing to give me money without getting something in return in the form of finished CC. If you want a refund for the month of August, just get in touch with me.
I would like to thank everyone who has supported me over the past few months and may continue to do so. Remember, I see you guys and appreciate every like and comment! The other patron benefits like polls and behind the scenes content will of course remain as they are. But maybe I can think of something else, we'll see.
For now I'm going back to my vacation mode and looking forward to my birthday in a few days (maybe you still remember my old name PowLuna58 hehehe). I'll be back at home on August 9th and hopefully the game is not that broken anymore so I can check out the new pack and the new meshes that came with it.
Lots of love
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misterewrites · 1 year
Year Two and a Halfish (Threads of Fate)
Hi! E here still alive. Been. a while. Sorry if you were expecting updates sooner my laptop was having some serious black screen issues and every attempt at sending it to get repaired is getting stonewalled and honestly it's infuriating and yeah. That happened. Hopefully this time it gets properly fixed and i can go back to writing consistently. I'm just using my mom's laptop to write in the meantime.
So it's super late but Merry Christmas @hains-mae! WOO! this is her gift that she requested at the time (I was pretty surprised when she wanted me to write this story but then i was promptly told she wanted her Solider Poet King for her birthday so that explained everything haha.
I started working on this a few days ago and unfortunately something happened here in America relates in a small part to the story. Honestly maybe I'm overreacting or overthinking it but I also know a lot of people read this story and i rather be overly prepped than accidentally not doing enough
Mae wanted a situation where Jason loses it after you, the reader, is injured. She gave me little requests like Robin's line and has to end in all warm feel goodness (cuz i am not legally allowed to write angst haha) so I have chosen that the reader is shot in the shoulder.
Yeah my little thing makes sense now.
It gets a bit intense, maybe? I can never tell cuz I'm writing it. Like i said I could be overthinking this but heads up. It also does end very sweet and homely and all that goodness so no worries. If you don't feel like reading it I understand.
Stay safe everyone. Lose yourself in a story whether it be mine or someone else's and just relax. breath. It'll be okay. Even if it seems like a lot right now.
So yeah hopefully I'll have my laptop fixed and we're all good but at least for now i have an alternate means of writing! Next is probably Mirror's Edge, Mae's birthday gift, Mirror's edge, another gift i owe but that's a personal one that won't be posted.
Be safe, take care of yourself and your loved ones. Wear masks (i know i know but remember you can pass them on to people with compromised immune systems.) remember to get the vaccine or booster cuz it'll help make it bearable. It's okay to just exist and be and let the world pass you by. One step at a time together. Also vaccine worldwide push for it cuz it's important and frankly whatever you feel is important. The issues that matter to you and remember. It'll be okay.
That's it for me! E is out have a great week and i'll see you really soon!
If you want to read this from the start you can find the whole story on this really awesome site right here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/29955270/chapters/73737858
For the rest of my work that includes some awesome original work (so i am told haha) Arcane Legend of Zelda and Soul Eater you can find that over here https://archiveofourown.org/users/MrE42/pseuds/MrE42
Summary: A few months later, you are trying to get to work when a very unfortune thing happens. For better or worse Red Hood is saving the day.
It’s pretty cold right now. I…I don’t recall ever feeling this cold before.
Wait. That’s not…true. I think. I’m pretty sure I’ve been this cold before.
Have I?
Whenever Mister Freeze has a snow day it gets really cold.
I feel for him, I do but...
God it’s cold. Or is it warm? My head is warm. Hands not so much. Feet freezing too.
Am I cold? I can’t tell. Everything is a lot right now. The floor is damp I know that much. I can see my breath frozen midair for a moment.
Someone is yelling, waving something towards me from overhead but I can’t focus. Everything’s a bit blurry.
Why does my side hurt? Fuck did I pull something again? I really hope not. I have work tomorrow. Eww wet too. Did I spill something?
Wait, no. Today. I have work today. Right now I think. What time is it?
Shit why do I feel weak? Arm’s shaking too. I didn’t forget to eat again did I? Ugh Jason’s going to kill me.
Hee, Jason. He’s soooo handsome. I have no idea why he wants out hang with me though. He is way out of my league. Like he’s fucking Batman’s son! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO IMPRESS THE ACTUAL SON OF BATMAN!?
Mister Wayne? Bruce? Bruce. No not Bruce. I’ve never met him, I don’t think I can be on a first name basis with freaking Batman if I’ve never met him. Well him him. I’ve been saved by the bats before. Few times actually.
I should really thank him for Jason. He’s just amazing.
Okay so maybe I drank a lot. Why am I thinking of Jason?
Ugh, this asshat is yelling at me still. What the hell does he want? He’s talking to me right? Ugh my head’s pounding, I can’t hear anything.
The guy seems frantic, keeps looking back expecting something but I have no idea what. He just keeps gesturing to his open hand. What the fuck does he…
FUCK! That’s right this asshole shot me!
I wince as the sound turns back on all at once: The angry honking of impatient drivers, the numbing chatter of a thousand people living in a concrete jungle as one. The adrenaline is making my senses so sharp I can hear the dripping water splatting against the cold floor of the alley.
I must’ve gone into shock without realizing it. I mean I was just shot so can you blame me?
My shoulder is burning with a white hot pain I only felt twice in my life: Once when Bane slammed a mailbox into me and when I was 12 and I was really trying to…
You know what? Not important. More pressing matters right now.
I remember now that my flight or fight kicked in: I was late to work and I tried cutting through an alley for a shortcut.
Terrible idea in Gotham I know but this one was brightly lit. I didn’t think anyone was stupid enough to try anything.
So naturally the universe decides to give me the one stupidest person who would try.
He waves his gun at me again (it was a gun. Duh.) but honestly I’m too wired to care. Plus he shot a hole in my favorite jacket! AND IT’S GOT BLOOD RUNNING DOWN IT! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET BLOOD OUT OF CLOTHING?! Really fucking hard.
Oh. Shit. I’m bleeding out. That’s probably important too.
I try to pick myself off the floor but he takes a step forward, threatening me with the gun again.
“I’ll shoot!” he yells.
Even now, with the last possible moments of my life slipping away, I can’t help but be a smartass.
“You already did you asshat! Shooting me again isn’t gonna make me want to give you my money anymore than the first time!”
Gonna die as I lived: Sassy.
He clicks the hammer on the gun, prepping it to fire again.
I…I feel numb. The adrenaline lessens the pain but it’s still mind dumbing. I just want to scream and fight and yell and go down swinging.
But that’s not who I am. I’m not some superhero or even a regular hero. I’m just a person trying to make my way through this chaotic journey called life. I couldn’t even get up and now because some idiot wants the 10 bucks and a very, very old video rental card to a place that doesn’t exist anymore in my wallet, it was about to end.
I could feel fear bite at my resolve, a dreadful overwhelming sense of finality wash over me. Goosebumps crawled down my skin, the air felt stuffy and too cold all at once as time slowed to a crawl.
I can’t even think.
I’m just scared. I don’t want to go out this way.
I took a deep breath and close my eyes.
I think of my mom, waiting for my phone call later.
I think about Jason Jr, a cat I adopted by accident cuz he had streak of white that was way too familiar. Feed them once and every Jason refuses to leave you.
I do my best to not think of him but Jason Jr leads to Jason the human: His piercing blue eyes that feel like he’s seeing deep into my soul. His messy black hair with that one streak of white that made him so iconic, so distinct from his brothers. The various knicks, tiny bruises, cuts and scars from years being Robin then the Red Hood. Invisible from afar but so, so clear up close.
I can hear his laugh, mostly teasing but with a hint of warmth when I do something dumb. The way shows off his prowess with a knife and how proud he beams when I clap excitedly. Wide smirks when we get into one of our playful chats and jabs. The small smile that graces his lips when he thinks I’m not looking. The quiet thoughtful look when something troubles him. A distance gaze only someone who has experienced for too much has.
I see Jason in my mind but I don’t want that. I want to look him in eye when he tries to be all broody and cool. I want to mess with his hair and tease him about his terrible tastes in books. I want to see him again!
Not like this. No fucking way. I have no idea how I’m going to go but I refuse to let it be like this.
I snap out of my stupor, time seemingly unmoved by whatever deeply reflective crap I just did.
He still has his hand on the gun. I’m still on the floor and this still sucks.
I prep my body, tensing and wincing from my aching shoulder but I try not to be distracted. One shot and whether it works or not, I’m not going to go quietly.
“JUST GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!” the man screams hysterically.
“Fuck you.” I spit out as I’m ready to make my move.
The red string tied around my finger slackens, distracting me at a really bad time but suddenly goes taut like someone is pulling at it.
A thud is all I hear and suddenly the guy is gone. Just vanished into thin air.
I weakly try to stand but my legs turn to jelly and honestly I’m not in fight or flight anymore. I’m in “the floor is nice and solid and I’m just gonna lay here” mode.
So I do just that and fall back on the floor and decide to exist for like the next ten minutes.
I mean I would’ve if something didn’t pick me up.
“Are you okay?” A voice asks, young. Younger than me at least.
“Umm.” I smartly reply.
The young man hums thoughtfully “You’ve been shot.”
“Yeah. That thing.”
“Shock.” He concludes before slipping my good arm over his neck and helps me over to a wall. I take this sec to look and am unsurprised to find Red Robin at my side.
“JA.…” Someone else from above calls out, nearly saying a full name before realizing his mistakes “HOOD!”
Hood? Jason. Jason is the Hood. Jason is here. God I’m tired.
He doesn’t respond if he is here.
A figure elegantly sails through the air, tucking into an impossible swan dive only a skilled master of acrobatics whose trained his entire life could manage so effortlessly.
Plus that’s Nightwing’s ass. It doesn’t matter where you land on orientation, everyone in Gotham and Bludhaven knows that ass.
“HOOD!” Nightwing shouts, less cheery goofyball as per his usual self and more firm. More worried.
Red Robin looks now and his practiced, measured posture drops. He doesn’t even bother to hide his brother’s name.
“Jason. Jason stop! JASON!”
Nightwing has already broken into a full sprint towards where I assume Jason is but Red Robin take a second to make sure I’m comfortable. He places me against the wall and hands me a thick cloth to press over my shoulder. A second later and he’s off. My eyes follow and land on Jason.
Except he’s not Jason right now. He’s Red hood and the difference is….staggering to be honest.
I…forget who he is, the brand of justice he deals out with harsh sentences. Somehow, despite how we first met, I managed to split Jay and Hood into two different entities. Two different people who never happened to be in the same room at the same time.
But now, seeing Jason rain blow and blow upon my attacker, I see it.
Jason favors his right side. He’s amberidext-something but that’s from years of training. He says it feels more natural to him, easier for him to focus on other things.
Red likes using the right too. He’s just a fraction faster using his favored side and it’s clear even with his build that he is quick and there’s power in each punch.
Jason is light on his feet but has a solid stance. He loves to boast how it takes all his siblings to hold back him even if he’s not really trying to break free.
Nightwing can’t stop him neither can Red Robin. They’ve all had the same training from the same teacher but they’re not the same. They all have their strengths: Nightwing was blessed with an inhuman grace (and ass). RR is as smart as Batman and just as capable as a detective.
But Jason? Just a force of nature. Pure muscle and strength only equaled by his mentor and with a will to match.
They could barely slow the battle crazed Hood. It took all they had to pull him back but I could see by the sweat on their brows that it was only a matter of time before he broke free from their grasp. He was like a shark that smelled blood in the water and he wasn’t going to stop until he felt the price of injustice had been paid.
Another figure descended from the roof, smaller in stature and wearing an all too iconic yellow and black outfit: Robin. Well the newest Robin since everyone here minus me was Robin at some point.
You know when you’re drained of adrenaline you get reeeeeeally out of it.
Robin cautiously approached the trashing Red Hood, well aware of how dangerous his brother could be.
“Todd.” Robin spoke firmly “This is wrong. You know this is wrong.”
“Yeah Jay!” Nightwing pitched in quickly “And that’s coming from the kid. Imagine how you’re acting if he’s saying that.”
Robin openly glared “Watch your tongue Grayson.”
“Guys, could we deal with the rampaging Jason before we start snipping at each other?” Red Robin pleaded with immense strain.
Nightwing tightened his grip “Jay please. They’re watching.”
Jason’s shoulders slump as realization dawned on him. I could physically note when the exact moment the fight left him.
And me as I promptly passed out.
I wish I could tell you after such a harrowing ordeal that I reflected with a deep and newly acquired profound understanding of my existence, the importance of living each day to the fullest and my place in the universe for really I am the instrument in which the universe….
Yeah no. I woke up on a cloud and instantly hated existing cuz pain is not fun.
I’m not exaggerating by the way. I found myself on the most comfortable bed I have ever been. It was like it was molded for me, shaping around my body in a way that didn’t aggravate my aches. I mean it didn’t stop them but I’ll take anything I could get.
“I see you are awake.”
I couldn’t even flail so I settled for screaming at the top of my lungs.
The most British older gentleman I have ever seen regarded me with a stony face of indifference though I swore I saw a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.
“I must admit I have never illicit that particular response before.” He said dryly complete with stiff upper lip “But I can see why it is Master Bruce’s favorite.”
I could feel my cheeks burn “Ah yes. Sorry I….sorry. Umm good morning mister…?”
The man gave a bow “Pennyworth. Normally I would ask you to refer to me as such but seeing as young Master Jason has spoken about you at great length and detail it seems only fair we are on a more familiar basis. Alfred is my name.”
I chuckled nervously as realization dawns on me “Yes. Please forgive me…Alfred? Sir? I…Long night.”
“I should say so what with that bullet lodged in your shoulder.”
I could feel my shoulder ache dully at the reminder.
“Ugh I gotta get to a hospital huh? Don’t want to get lead poisoning. Umm Alfred, sir, do you know if Gotham Blue covers gunshot wounds? My brain is still a bit scrambled.” I speak honestly.
Even his laugh is dry “Do not worry. I have taken the liberty of removing the round as you were sleeping. It made the process simpler and more efficient. A refreshing change of pace I will admit. My usual patients like to insist very serious gunshot wounds fall under the category of merely a ‘scratch’.”
I opened my mouth to reply but someone else answered for me “We’re bats Alfred. Comes with the territory that we get shot at.”
Jason sauntered into the room lazily but I knew he’d been worried: His hair was extra messy and matted, his shoulders slumped as his posture hunched over. His hands were stuffed into his pockets, probably fiddling with whatever he had inside. His gaze was intensely focused on Alfred but I could see him struggling not to look at me.
Alfred’s gave a slight smile “Ah yes. Forgive me Master Todd but I do recall there is quite the difference between being shot at and being shot in general. One many of you seem to have difficulty grasping.”
Jason shrugged, unsure what to say.
“Beg your pardon” Alfred turned to me “I must prepare breakfast. I shall be back shortly with some French toast and fresh bandages for your wound.”
With a polite bow Alfred briskly left the room and sent a scurrying of hurried feet racing from the door.
Silence, not awkward but still tense. The lingering sense of shame filled the air.
Jason wouldn’t look at me.
“Your siblings will be back soon.” I nudged him helpfully “If you want a private conversation I’d say we got like 5 minutes.”
“Twenty.” Jason mumbled uneasily “They really like to scatter to make sure no one is suspicious but Alfred and Bruce know us too well to fall for it. Alfred will suddenly find tiny and convenient issues around the house to prevent them from circling back and Bruce will track one or two down to have a quick chat.”
“Neat.” I said honestly.
Silence fell over us again but I knew it was because Jason was gathering his thoughts into words. When things really mattered he always took his time.
“I’m sorry.” He said, still refusing to meet my gaze.
I scoffed loudly “I wasn’t aware you shot me.”
“This isn’t the time for being a smartass!”
“It isn’t the time for being a dumbass either but here you are.”
“I know you saw me.”
I sighed deeply “Of course I saw you. What, do you think I never wanna see you again?”
Jason remained quiet.
“Look.” I tried to sit up “I’m not gonna pretend like I know what your life’s been like and what you did last night was…a lot.”
“Don’t move, you’ll make it worse.” He said but I ignored him.
“Make me Jay.”
Jason whirled around so quick I nearly didn’t see him gently push me onto back.
“Oww.” I wheezed but Jason held a firm yet careful hold on me “Cheater.”
“How? How did I cheat?” Jason gave a cutely offended look.
I snort “Alphabetically or chronologically?”
Jason glared “If you say Batman trained me one more time…”
“Am I lying?” I smirked “The most training I got was little league and I sucked at it.”
“You hit a homerun once” He offered helpfully.
I rolled my eyes playfully “I hit home, not a homerun. Big diff Jay.”
“True. Only you could hit the homebase and send it flying 5 feet.”
“Hey! It was 20 feet. Minimum.”
“Mhm sure. My bad.” Jason finally grinned “I suppose you also managed to get 5 points for doing that too.”
“Don’t forget the scholarship too! You always forget the scholarship.”
“Do not!”
“Do too!”
We stared at each other deeply for a moment before breaking out into laughter.
Well Jason did. I took one breath and suddenly I was violently coughing.
“Oww oww oww.”
“Idiot.” He mumbled as he tucked me into the sheets.
I gave a cheesy grin “Worth it.”
Jason raised a quizzical eyebrow.
“Okay no, not really” I admitted “That hurt way more than I was expecting.”
“Rest.” Jason threatened me with arms crossed.
I was too tired to care the words “Only if you’re here to keep an eye on me.” Tumbled out of my mouth before I thought better.
Jason shifted guiltily “Look I…”
In for a pound. I gently placed on my hand over his “We’ll talk about it later. For now it’s over and honestly I really don’t wanna think about it this second. I am just….really happy to see you Jay.”
He took my hand in his.
“You really need to stop taking shortcuts.” He scolded lightly.
“Hey!” I raised my free hand defensively “There were lights! What kind of idiot tries to rob someone in a well lit alley?!”
“The one that shot you yesterday.”
“No shit Jay.” I glared openly at him but all he did was smirk in response.
As beautiful as this moment was, I had to ruin it. A thought began to bother me and Jason noticed.
Jason motioned with his head “Don’t think too hard. Your body can’t handle the strain right now.”
“Oh shut it. You said Bruce was gonna intercept your siblings, right?”
“Umm yeah.” Jason was unsure where I was going with this “He pretends to be emotionally constipated but he’s very good at bed side manner and respectful with privacy.”
I nodded in agreement “Have you ever brought anyone to here?”
Jason’s face fell “Oh no.”
“Emotionally constipated? You’re being unusually kind today Jason.”
The doors flung open and in strode the one, the only, the myth, the legend and Jay’s father: Bruceman.
Shit I mean Batwayne. Brucebat.
Bruce motherfreaking Wayne gave me a million dollar smile “Hello I’m Bruce Wayne. It is so nice to meet you. Jason never brings any of his friends over.”
I could feel myself pale as I stared dumbfounded at his outstretched hand.
Then I promptly passed out.
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