#hopefully it will be in s4 but there’s only 6 episodes so I don’t know if they’ll have the time
nirby-wirby · 1 year
“We’ve been watching you for some time.” And you only decided to come recruit him and get him out of there now? The Commission waited and waited until they knew Five would be desperate enough to take any offer they made him. The Handler waltzed in as though she was his savior when anyone could’ve done that years— decades even!! — earlier. But they waited and let him spiral until they knew that he’d accept whatever offer came around to get him out of the post-apocalyptic hell hole he was in.
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Ok I’m finished being sad and am back with the delusion byler s5 proof
Long post warning also spoiler warning
1. First of all the most obvious one. They’ve been building up this whole relationship since season 1. It would be really weird for them to just suddenly abandon it.
2. Related point, but Mike’s character. You’re telling me he suddenly went from loving Will with his whole heart and making everything about Will to just suddenly ignoring him? The only explanation is internalised homophobia (you make me feel things I believe are wrong so I’m just gonna seperate myself from you so I don’t feel that) nothing else makes sense.
3. It’s pretty much confirmed that Will likes Mike with that painting scene so 50% of the way there!
4. The painting scene itself. Surely at some point Mike will talk to El about it and it will be revealed that everything Will said was just coming from him and not El. Then Mike will hopefully go and kiss him. Please.
5. Once again the painting scene, but Mike’s reaction this time. When Will was talking about it, Mike had the biggest most lovesick expression on his face ever. And then when Will said El “commissioned it” (I was crying so hard like he put so much effort in and he just sacrificed it to push El and Mike closer even though it was killing him) Mike’s face just dropped instantly. It was incredibly obvious he wanted Will to say he made it.
6. The season 3 ending. Bruh when El said I love you and kissed Mike, he did not look happy. He didn’t look angry or anything, he looked CONFUSED. as in, why am I not happy??? confused. I’ll tell you why you dumb oblivious fuck it’s bc you’re not in love with her you’re in love with Will.
7. Mike’s speech was basically all lies (I’m gonna make a seperate post about it bc it would take too long) AND he had to be pushed into saying it. So. Many. Times. Will had to talk him into it even when El was literally DYING. He has failed to say I Love You to El every single time he’s actually looking her in the eyes (even when she’s literally explicitly asking him to say it). Why? BC HES LYING!!!
8. That last shot of s4 with El standing in front of three couples. Jopper, jancy (idk about these guys), and BYLER. they’re always paired together in everything and what would be the point of not to make them a couple? They don’t do this with any one else who wasn’t dating or had previously dated, like Lucas and Dustin, so they’re not just “best friends”.
9. All the tension. Lip staring, lovesick smiles, longing glances, really just them checking each other out all the time. Either Finn and Noah have something to share with the class or they’re being told to act like that.
10. Once again, we know the ships have been planned since s1. El was literally supposed to die at the end of that season. M*leven being endgame doesn’t make sense. Plus most of their kisses before s3, Millie had to talk them into.
11. (Lol) The costume design. Are you telling me it’s a coincidence they literally wear nothing but blue and yellow for the entirety of s4? Blue and yellow meet in the west???
12. That part with the “he’ll come crawling back to you” with El about Mike. And did he? No! It took him so long to apologise. HOWEVER. Literally the next episode he literally does that with Will after their fight. BIT FRUITY OF YOU MIKE!!!
13. Once again, the I love you fight. Mike is was SO OBVIOUS what she wanted you to say. He “didn’t want to say it bc he were scared it would make losing El more painful”? He was going to lose her BECAUSE he didn’t say I Love You. So why exactly can you not say it???
Byler will be canon. Do not lose hope guys.
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
Hello I was the one saying they may be exaggerating the almost kiss I hate to be right lol but I get it watching the episode I get it would be just not right. I sort of agree with your anon about Elton confessing, from a 'drama factor' stand point. But where does that leaves us? A whole season of Gina trying to choose between both (when one of them is probably WORKING AT SCHOOL)? REALLY? that sounds awful I'm sorry is GMW all over again. Hope they don't go there
Yeah I can’t go through what I went through with GMW. I need a firm conclusion. I’ve seen a lot of rumors flying around that this might be the last season. I am not going to take a stance one way or the other right now, but if it were, it would feel like wasted space to keep the p*w storyline through s4. I said this before, but every season has a beginning, middle, and end that makes up a bigger whole to a show. So while characters and storylines remain relatively the same, a good show is going to give every season ✨some✨ firm conclusion. This is a GOOD show. There. I said it. I genuinely believe the people who see the parallels, ins and outs, and progressive storylines to the show can see how much love, time, and attention has been calculated into it. Which gives me faith that the p*w breakup was the natural conclusion to this season.
To hopefully clarify what I mean, let me explain it a different way. Ricky and Gina are the troyella of the show. Their arc from season to season literally revolves around the other. This means that each season is a different lesson or side to them we’re seeing. I’ve been rewatching The Office (something we can easily see hsmtmts draw from) and Jim and Pam are the same way. As you watch the show, their arcs and growth constantly revolve around each other.
1: Pam dates Roy, Jim pines (I don’t count this season so much though because there were drastic changes to the characters and how storylines were written that make the show basically start at S2)
2: Pam sets a wedding date while dating Roy, Jim leaves, Pam breaks up with Roy
3: Jim dates Karen while Pam pines
4: Jim and Pam date
5: Jim and Pam get engaged
6: Jim and Pam get married and have a baby
7-9: (condensed because they start to feel the same): Jim and Pam have another child, we watch Jim take on a dream job, and the ups and downs of them being married.
Rina is doing the same thing:
1: Ricky and Gina meet and become friends
2: Ricky relationship and gina pining
3: gina relationship and ricky pining
4: (hopefully) overcoming any personal anamolies that keep themselves from dating each other/finally getting together
With Jim and Pam, I really appreciate that we got a good amount of story for them through the whole show. We saw them build, get together, and their life in a relationship. I really hope we can get a season 5, so we can see rina in a relationship, full fledged for an entire season and what that might look like. It’s just to give us a better idea of how much these two characters really needed each other. With Jim and Pam, we can see their growth and how happy they truly are once they’re together because we get to experience that. I think the pay off for a slow burn ship like this is getting to see them date, not just the build up and finally seeing them kiss or decide to be together.
I feel like watching the natural progression of things in comparison to the other shows, p*w won’t have an ily. The MOST I could see them do is Elton tries to confess but gina rejects him because she’s much happier with ricky or realizes she will be happier with him. I feel like the only episode this would make sense in is episode 8, so if we don’t see it then, I don’t know that we will see it s4.
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nikadoesanart · 3 years
My predictions on BSD getting animated going forward
I’ll be taking a look at the novel page counts (Japanese and English) and comparing them to the screen time they’ve gotten so far and then using this to predict how long the remaining light novel adaptations will be (approximately). At the end will also be my rough prediction/hopes for the order of some of these being adapted. I say some because I have yet to read what there is so far of the gaiden novel translations, the main story manga has essentially still been on the DOA arc almost since where the anime left off, and I personally think that it’s currently too soon for Storm Bringer (aside from money purposes).
Note, most of this was written well before the anime 5th anniversary livestream but the announcements wound up not affecting it. I then of course made adjustments as needed account for the novel content we do have so far, both in Japanese and in English (officially).
Page to Episode Count
Not counting the afterward, ads, etc for the English/US copy, Japanese is including it
Also all eng page counts are using the Yen Press release and jp page counts are taken from the fandom wiki
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*148 is purely counting the Untold Origins portion of the novel. If we also count the A Day at the Agency short story that’s included before it (56 pages), then we get the full 203
Also the English page count for BEAST was noted before the English release date but after page counts have been posted by affiliated retailers, so subtract a couple pages from the written count of 176 for the time being to account for the afterward and possible character sheets being included
Now that we have our page to episode counts (as of April 5th, 2021), let’s find the actual content run time of what we do have animated so far.
Seasons 1-3 and the OVA all have the same episode length/duration. Each episode is 23 minutes, and we can subtract 3 minutes on average from that to account for the OP and ED being played. This leaves us with an average of 20 minutes of BSD story content per episode. So on average, each of the first 3 seasons contain 240 minutes, or 4 hours, worth of story content.
Dead Apple’s total run time is 91 minutes, with the OP and ED making up 9 of those minutes. However, we do have a bit of the story content being played while the ED is playing (as sometimes happens in the anime as well). To keep the math simple, I’ll be approximating story content time at 82 minutes.
Apply these numbers to the novels that have been animated so far and this is (approximately) what we get:
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Now let’s use these numbers to predict the screen time needed for the other novels
Note that we can’t really use Entrance Exam as a fair measure because of how much got cut out (just compare the run time of it to Dark Era and it speaks for itself). However, the numbers for Dark Era and Dead Apple are the best ones to use, as they both have minimal changes between anime and novel and both have official English translations currently available. Take out the approximate time taken up by OP/ED and and the numbers pretty much match up.
So with that being said, we can estimate Untold Origins (only) at approximately 3 eps/60 min and 55 Minutes at 1h 40-55min/100-115 min or 5-6 eps if it doesn’t get a movie. We can also estimate the A Day at the Detective Agency short story at the beginning of Untold Origins to take up about 1 ep, probably even a bit less.
1+ 3 + 5-6 = 9-10 episodes which isn’t enough for a full single cour season unless they all get put into one big OVA season, but also 10-11 eps (or less) seasons are a thing (ie. Fugou Keiji: Balance Unlimited, Blood Lad, Black Butler: Book of Circus, The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of a Holy War, FLCL)
My personal predictions/hopes for the anime adaptation timeline going forward
This is considering the manga content, current “pausing/stopping points” what wouldn’t be too awkward, each of the novels relevancy/necessity to the main story manga, and assuming we continue with single cour (12-13 ep) seasons
Hopefully/ideally a 55 Minutes movie
S4: ch 54-70
Early S5 (preferably) or end of S4: Untold Origins or A Day at the Agency
S5: ch 71-88/around where we are now?
A Day at the Agency can, in my opinion at least, be chucked in at any point either as a single episode OVA or as the light novel content for s4 (maybe not even taking a full episode and then starting ch 54 in the last few minutes for example). Keep in mind that the current DOA arc is a long one and has plenty to it, so personally I think it may even be better to not include a novel adaptation in a future S4, as it would likely already be a right squeeze content wise. Remember, we also have a few XX.5 chapters that are continuations of the chapter directly before them.
I still need to read what’s currently available of the gaiden novel fan translations but it can probably be adapted at any point as well. I’m estimating approximately 5-6 eps as an OVA series. I don’t really think it would get a movie, partially because you can make it only so long, especially since it’s an anime movie and unlike Storm Bringer, it doesn’t have Chuuya to practically guarantee the profit.
BEAST also doesn’t directly impact the main story and can be adapted at virtually any point. However, seeing as we do have a live action confirmed for it and it’s page count lines up very closely with Dark Era, it can be either 4 eps or (more likely in my opinion) a movie, as it can be considered almost stand alone content.
Personally, I believe it is currently way too soon to animate Storm Bringer as it came out only a little over a month ago (as of writing this) and has minimal plot necessity as of ch 91, but I do believe it should be either split into 2 movies (a part 1 and part 2) or it would need 8 episodes, likely as an OVA season. If it were to get animated sooner than 55 Minutes or Untold Origins, which I believe to be very unlikely, I feel that it would almost certainly be driven by the financial gains of Chuuya being included, and his popularity alone. Reminder, SB is about Chuuya and not SKK. Dazai’s appearance in SB is proportionally a very small percentage and he’s not even mentioned in the official plot summary.
However, you can argue that SB is starting to have some relevance now, with the recent mention of the Order of the Clock Tower in ch 90 and the increased relevance of sealed ability weapons in ch 91. However, I really do believe that you can’t adapt Storm Bringer before 55 Minutes because of Standard Island and its treaty, it also talks about sealed ability weapons, knowing who Wells is, and 55 Minutes canonically takes place during the “downtime” portion of S3. In fact, here’s Asagiri’s words directly from the Afterward (translation by Yen Press):
“this volume didn’t take place in the past, but rather sometime after the tenth volume of the manga. In other words, it’s a tale about the ‘usual’ detective agency in novel format.” (55 minutes, p 237)
Untold Origins also should be adapted sooner rather than later (at least compared to SB in my opinion) because it’s about Ranpo and Fukuzawa’s shared past, which becomes increasingly relevant ch 70 onwards, as well as the need for the ADA being founded (which ties in with Yosano’s backstory in ch 65-66).
In regards to whether I think each of these would be better suited to a movie adaptation or as multiple regular length anime episodes, it’s mainly due to page count and partly due to the budget difference between the two, as well as how difficult I think it would be to animate each of these based on what needs to be drawn. The anime industry isn’t the fastest to switch to newer technology, hence why we see issues with 3D blending sometimes. I really do think that at the very least, 55 Minutes deserves the movie budget because of how detailed and complex the architecture of Standard Island is described as, as well all the mechanical parts needed for the final battle of the novel. Hate the lizard mouths introduced in Dead Apple all you want, but you can’t deny that the 3D cgi was blended very smoothly. For any of the other novels to be movies, it’s more so because gaiden and BEAST can be considered their own stand alone stories that don’t rely too heavily on the main story in terms of when they take place and get adapted. I feel that SB is more likely to get its own season or an OVA season more so due to its length, but multiple part anime movies have also been done before (ie. the Fate/Stay Night: Heaven’s Feel movies), so it’s not entirely impossible. Especially considering that merely having any Chuuya screen time means that you can expect the profit and popularity to really go up, especially with SKK being on screen together (regardless of whether you love or hate how the fandom tends to push a shipping POV on them).
These are all of course just my hopes and predictions and estimates based on information currently available, so take them with some salt. I’d love to hear opinions on how, when, and why each of the currently non animated novels should be adapted going forward. Also please stop begging the relevant BSD official Twitter pages for SB to be animated next and go read the other light novels you Chuuya simp
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
Riven x Musa
Ok, so I keep seeing posts everywhere that basically badmouth S8 and after seeing ten seconds of the trailer (YIKES to the animation, what’s wrong with the industry that they are making everything anime? Powerpuff Gen Z, I’m looking at you – obs: I didn’t watch it fully yet) I can see where some of the criticism is coming from but anyways…
My favorite Winx!couple EVER has always been Musa x Riven since I was kid and first watched the show (Netflix is not helping ‘cause I ship them even there).
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I remember yawning at Bloom/Sky, rolling my eyes at Stella/Brandom and making a completely incredulous expression that I could literally feel forming on my face at Helia/Flora (can anyone say ‘unrealistic’?). Timmy/Tecna are a second favorite.
And why my Winx OTP are Riven x Musa followed after Timmy x Tecna? Because it reflects real life. In real life you’re not gonna stumble into people whose real and deep relationship problems are solved in twenty four minutes (not even that considering that some episodes present the “problem” half-way through said 24 minute-episode).
The breakup between Riven and Musa in S6 (spoilers everywhere after all) was one of the most mature breakups in the history of breakups with the hope for the future (yes, I’m completely ignoring S7, sue me, the whole thing was one huge filler anyways). And, after reading a lot of opinions on both ends (defending Musa/attacking Riven and defending Riven/attacking Musa) and watching the episodes in question (reuniting through reconciling) I think I can give my own analysis.
Since Musa AND Riven (individually and as couple) are my favorite characters in Winx, I think I CAN give a fairly unbiased view (hopefully).
*clears throat*
Ok, keep in mind that I’m defending BOTH of them, because I ship them too hard not to.
Musa Being OC (sometimes being called ‘brat’): C'mon, people! Musa and Tecna are OC since S4 anyways, where are the tomboy and the nerd? With the sneakers, T-shirt and comfortable-looking clothes? Noooo, now they all need neat skirts and hot pink high heels and long, glamorous hair. Do they look good? Of course, but and I would totally be less pissed if there was ANY indication on the reason for the change. Are they just maturing? Expressing themselves differently? Crowd mentality? Tune and Stella finally broke Musa down and Tecna followed soon after? Was it just to please Riven and Timmy? ANYTHING (even the 'pleasing a boy’ would at least be A reason - a ridiculous one that would piss me off, but A reason none the less), was just a sudden impulse that took?
Sure, we can talk about “character growth” until we are blue in the face, but the matter of the fact is that there was none.
The changes we see in Musa and Tecna are basically the creators making them more like the rest of the Winx (I’m including Aisha in this too, where is the sporty girl that matched the boy’s interest in extreme sports? C'mon! Even Bloom and her Girl Next Door looks are replaced with Bratz and Clueless-level of outfits).
Is anyone really going to look me in the eye and say Stella wasn’t a shallow (if friendly and good-natured) Mean Girl? She got better, but as I re-watch the show (currently in S3, meaning almost half-way through the content), Stella still worries more about her hair than anything else even while under literal fire.
More and more, Musa, Tecna and Aisha are losing their identities and what made them, IMO, the more badass Winx.
How did the two on the left went from this…
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… to this:
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Yeah, yeah, Musa still sings, Tecna still technobabble and Aisha is still a Warrior Princess but Aisha was the first one to go Bloom and Stella on us with Musa and then Tecna following soon after. It’s not just their clothing style, it’s the way they carried themselves too.
Right now? The only thing keeping them apart is their BF blues (different kind of blues) and some personal interests (singing, shopping, tech, the whole drama with Domino/Sparks, etc). But that’s IT, their personalities are going down the drain!
Sorry for the long-winded text, but the reason I’m expressing my disappointment at their change is because Musa’s reaction fits it. S6 we have such an AMAZING breakup (didn’t even think that was possible, WTH, right? Amazing breakup?) only for her to be mad as hell at Riven at S8? Bad writing, that has been dragging her (and the rest of the Winx) down to becoming just one unilateral, shallow character (the Specialists are also falling into that pit, what in the world did they do Helia in S8? He sounds like Thor telling about his “brave exploits” there, yikes). And continuity what? What continuity? Do they even remember how the breakup was written?
But ok, let’s put the Audience View aside for a moment and focus only on the In-Universe terms.
S6: You’ll always be my hero.
S8: What on EARTH are you doing here. 
I laughed a bit, the contrast just got to me but instead of getting mad at one or the other like most of the fandom, I laughed.
Musa followed that by saying that Riven has not maintained contact and just in that I would be beyond pissed as well and giving my support to Musa. WTH, Riven? I think that each season is more less six months to a year? Sort of? Still, zero contact for so long even after ending on amicable terms and wanting to stay friends? And he went off on his own! A text now going, “I’m not dead” would be the bare basics for Musa not to worry herself bald!
BUT then I also read comments about how this was a two-way street, why didn’t Musa call either? That’s unfortunately something that I very much doubt will ever be explained. One of those: did it or didn’t it? Musa could have called and went straight to voicemail with no signs of life from Riven or she might not have called and just expected him to call as if feminism were dead and all initiative must come from the guy (which doesn’t even fit because they parted as friends).
Since we have no info on the above, I put it on both of them. It’s not fair to say, “HE should have called!” or “Why didn’t SHE call?” because we don’t have fricking context. So the only thing we can take is: no contact.
BECAUSE I put the lack of contact on both of them, Musa’s reaction was a little too much, however, Riven shows up all smirks and leaning against a tree with his arms crossed and I would have flashbacks to S1 if it wasn’t for the animation style that made all the guys look like girls. Dude! Not the time for that kind of posture. Not saying that he should be all sheepish and rubbing his arm as if he had done something horrible (again: we don’t have context on the no contact) but a more neutral approach was warranted here. Nobody does themselves any favors with that kind of attitude no matter what how high of a horse they may be (rightly or not) riding on, if anything I would react like Musa solely on that one.
Next episode we have that Riven convinced the guys to follow the girls in some mission and Musa was angry. Again: I would be too. WTH? Yes, yes, they helped and if it wasn’t for them, the Winx would gotten seriously injured but Musa did have a point saying that this demonstrated that they had no trust in them and need their hand held, it was no sanctioned mission like on Earth after all. BUT, Riven does something that I would never expect from in S1-4: he explains, he reasons it, he puts it in all the words that he does trust Musa and co and that he only wanted to show that he’d be there for her (you know? One of the main issues in S6 that made them breakup in the first place? His inability to conciliate Specialist work with supporting his girlfriend and ultimately failing or feeling like failing in both?) and Musa still pouts, crosses her arms, and turns around. Geez. I expected that one from Stella, not Musa. I think the closest Musa has ever come to THIS was back in S2 when Jared explains that Riven was the one to recommend that he interview Musa and yada yada yada and she got mad and stomped off on the poor guy that didn’t even understand what was going on (only to immediately apologize to Jared and recognizing that it wasn’t him that she was mad at… like I said: what character growth?).
Riven then goes to show that he indeed grew when he asked for advice from Sky and Brandon (WTH, right? Can we picture that happening back in S1-3? He very grudgingly would LISTEN to UNSOLICITED advice from Nabu and Helia in S4-6). And does a very, very goofy and embarrassing show of affection. Yeah… again… I can picture Stella loving the light show with her face for IDK how many people to see but not Musa (although can we really blame the guy after the series went out of its way to make Musa all Stella-like? Clothes, attitude, the only thing missing is making Riven carry her shopping bags around and call him “Shnookums” (although the mental image is already enough for me to fall over laughing, just for the face Riven would make). Still, I have to count that one against Riven if only because (as much as the show gives only lip service to it) Musa isn’t Stella.
Riven being mind controlled (again) aside, those two are back together. And on the overall? Riven showed more growth than any other character in the show COMBINED (he is the Zuko of the show), that doesn’t go to say that he didn’t make mistakes since coming back in S8 (but that was more a guy trying to win back a girl than… betraying his friends for a pair of nice legs or… IDEK like in S1 – where, mind control or not the show itself made sure to make it clear that he had free will) or that he is now the one out of Musa’s league. I think that NOW it can actually work… if the show allows him to keep the progress, Musa is the next to see her flaws and work on them (which she showed to be able to do since S2) and put effort in the relationship. The difference between them is that Musa can actually work on herself and the relationship at the same time. That’s not me saying she is better than Riven in any way, everybody has their own pace and their own way to cope, to improve and to self-reflect.
I still root for them.
PS-IDK why, but I read posts about how Riven changed so much and posts about how all his progress disappeared and he is now back to his S1 attitude and I’m just cofused. Yeah, different of opinions and so on, but such opposite opinions on the subject of a guy whose relationship was focused on three episodes? 
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willthecleric · 4 years
i really wanna have hope that byler will happen, and i agree with all of the subtext you've pointed out, i just have a really bad feeling that they're not gonna pull through :( i haven't watched the movies on the s4 list, so maybe that's why i feel less certain, but i'm just generally unsure that it will actually happen, despite really wanting it to? how can you be so sure that it will? love ur blog by the way! :D
Aww, thank you so much! Well, I used to have doubts too, so I get what you mean. But remember a few different things:
1. Mike is clearly written as gay, seeing as he is very much comp het in S3 (bisexual boys can imagine themselves in love with females, it isn’t some foreign concept and ‘something old people do’). Many straight guys found Mike’s behaviour with El strange. For a reason: he was trying to be straight and took it too far. He was especially mimicking Lucas. Seeing Mike as gay also recontextualizes a lot of his behaviour in S1 and S2. I just don’t understand why they would make Mike gay and give him so much coding for it if they were planning to have him with a girl. Makes more sense to have him bisexual or straight then. I’m not exagerrating when I say that Mike’s main story arc is about him realizing he is gay and coming to terms with that and accepting his love for Will.
2. When originally writing the S1 script, El was supposed to die. They changed it, my guess, because she helped them with a few plot points (mainly as a beard for Mike). I’m not sure why they’d have wanted her dead initially if Mileven was planned as endgame. That on top of Mike being gay is another strike against Mileven.
3. El is way behind Mike intellectually. Mike is very smart, and El doesn’t even know what a State is. It just doesn’t work and Mike is way older than her intellectually. It is creepy and will just get worse and worse. Not sure why they would do that if Mileven was meant to be endgame.
4. The Duffers parallelled Mileven with ET and Elliott multiple times in S1, and told Finn that Mike saw El as an alien or a puppy. Not at all romantic. Mileven was paralleled to Dustin and Dart in S2. In S3 it was mentioned that Mike saw El as a pet. Mike doesn’t trust El. He couldn’t answer when she told him to trust her, and changed the subject when Max said he doesn’t trust her. Mike was also justifiably upset about El spying on him (which El never felt bad about). Mike lies to El and El stalks/spies on him. Most of S2 Mileven was El stalking and spying on Mike and they used ominous music (so clearly it is not meant to be romantic). Mike had no idea she was watching him, and we saw in S3 how he would have felt if he found out about her doing that. They danced to a song about a stalking ex. Multiple movies hint that El stalks Mike in S4 (which is supported by her in S2 and S3). Those S2 Mileven scenes weren’t meant to be romantic, they are meant to be creepy. Not that I blame El. She is confused and doesn’t understand. She doesn’t know any better. The Duffers hate Mileven. They have dissed it many times (which kaypeace has shown examples of).
5. Mike and El do not share interests or even seem to like each other. El thinks Mike’s interests are dumb and that he talks too much. They don’t trust each other, and trust is essential to love. Period. Neither even sees the other as a person. She has been a tool/weapon to him. And an alien/puppy. It’s a part of his using her as a beard. He doesn’t feel bad about it because he doesn’t see her as a person. He did feel some guilt over her death, but most of him wanting her back in S2 was wanting her to fix him. His attitude problem and issues with Max in S2 were about his growing feelings for Will, NOT about El. Mike was angry at Hopper at the end of S2 because he blamed Hopper for keeping his beard away from him. He thougnt if El was there, he would not have these feelings for Will. Mike blamed Hopper for everything. Why he was so angry with him in S3. And El doesn’t see Mike as a person either. To her, he is a sense of comfort and normalcy, like her teddy bears and Hopper’s shirt. She also projected a soap opera character she liked onto him. El only found Mike attractive when she thought he was a bad boy. She didn’t know if she liked kissing him after months of making out. She referred to him as her first boyfriend, implying she was thinking of dating others in the future. There is a reason why she came to Mike three months after the main events of the season. Comfort. She lost her dad and was moving away from her new home. She was seeking normalcy. Mike is that to her.
6. They made the ending with Mileven ambiguous as far as if they are dating or not. Which idk why they would do that if Mileven was the main ship. Why make it ambiguous? I think it was intentionally done that way. El was acting romantic while Mike was more platonic in nature. I think that is to hint towards them not being on the same page. As I mentioned, numerous movies and show canon hints to El stalking Mike and spying on him. Multiple movies have Mike frustrated and not interested. And we already saw how he felt about El spying on him. I think El believes they are dating and doesn’t get it when Mike and others tell her that they are not. She doesn’t understand.
7. They made numerous Mileven and Byler parallels in S3, of S2 Byler moments redone for Mileven, and things happening between both ships in the same season. Byler always won by a landslide. They completely destroyed Mileven instead of building it up, which makes no sense if it’s endgame. Mileven had poor development from the start, and if they wanted to pull it off, makes more sense to work hard to build them up instead. Also driving away the fandom so it’s not popular anymore... why do that? It makes no sense. Queer baits don’t do that. Seems more like a straight bait to me.
8. In S1, homophobic Troy was: shoved by Mike (who is gay), forced to piss his pants in front of the school who laughed at him, had his arm broken, and was made to look like a fool. This shows what they think about homophobes. They also have posted LGBT+ positivity on Twitter. They are not homophobic and do not support homophobia. They are not going to work to please a bunch of homophobic Milevens.
9. According to multiple movies and show hints, Byler is essential and key to fixing everything. The Never Ending Story was repeatedly in S3 for a reason. It’s a hint. Not just at Will being the chosen one instead of El, but also... ‘and there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never ending story’. It’s outright telling us that Byler is the answer. Not only because rainbows are a gay symbol in itself, but Mike is also connected to rainbows as a part of his coding.
10. Multiple movies hint that Stranger Things is a book written by Mike for Will, sharing his story and their love story. Mike is the character who wants to be a writer, and the episodes are called CHAPTERS. That supports Stranger Things being a book. And the book is always written by the Mike character for the Will character. They let it be known that Mike wants to be a writer. It was mentioned as his career goal in his yearbook page, and he writes most of the D&D campaigns (besides the one that Will wrote).
11. Byler is the biggest and main relationship of the show. It’s the relationship that gets the most development, the one that gets the most romantic scenes, the one that gets the most coding by far. And every single pairing (minus Jopper and Ted/Karen as far as I can tell) parallels Byler while it is healthy and happy. The moment that stops being the case, they start paralleling Mileven. Not a good sign for Mileven. And Mileven only parallels Byler a lot because Mike has been using El as a substitute for Will (something that is mentioned by the Mike character in a number of movies, using the El character of the movie as a substitute to the Will character).
Hopefully this helped you (and anyone else) feel better about things. 😃
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gra-sonas · 4 years
I know you might not know, but I always love your responses anyway so I thought I’d ask. Tyler is set to be in only 10 of 13 episodes for S3, right? Do we know which ones he will not be in? Or is that still a mystery? Isn’t he a series regular, why is he only in 10 episodes? I love Alex/Tyler which is why I ask. I’m bummed we won’t get him in every episode. Here’s to hoping we do get him for all episodes of S4.
Yes, I don’t know, and it’s driving me nuuuuuuuts. :P
As of now - 9 episodes wrapped, 4 episodes still left to film - and only going by when Tyler was not in Santa Fe (according to his social media), I’d say that Alex probably won’t be in 3x02, 3x05 and 3x08.
Please keep in mind, that this is just an assumption. I hope it’s correct tho, I’d rather he’s missing those three eps than any of the later (hopefully somewhat “Malex-heavy” 🤞) episodes of S3. 
And no, the 10 episodes/season thing is not a myth. Jeanine, Nathan, Lily, and Vlamis are the only actors with 13 episodes/season contracts. Amber, Heather, Trevino and Tyler all have 10 episodes/season contracts.
During S1 and 2 we were very lucky, bc they managed to sneak in* an additional episode featuring Tyler/Alex in both seasons (so 11 instead of 10 eps), but I don’t expect this to happen again (I mean, I’d LOVE if it would but I won’t get my hopes up). 
* ”sneaking in” an additional episode costs the show money obviously, it’s not like they just film scenes at a different time that then magically show up in an episode he’s officially not part of, it’s an official thing, and Tyler will o/c be paid
We’d all love for him to be in every episode, but imo it’s unlikely to happen. Mainly bc of money (RNM has a small budget and they have a rather large core cast), but also bc of Tyler himself. 
From what I understand, he rather appreciates that he’s only in 10 episodes. They are in Santa Fe for 6-7 months for each season, having three episodes “off” means, he’s  able to go home to LA and spend time with friends and family (and snuggle the goodest girl!) occasionally. If the show’d be filming closer to or in LA, I could see it happen (if money wasn’t an issue), but considering how things are, it just doesn’t seem very likely. 
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forever-animated · 4 years
TDP Season 4 Preliminary Predictions, Part One (1-12)
So with S4 in production, no trailer in sight, and a TBA release date, it looks like there’s still a wait before we get any news on the upcoming season.
That being said, we do have some information to go on regarding what might be in store for our favorite characters. (Previous SDCC interviews, the recent Instagram Live and Reddit AMA with the creators, Callum’s Spellbook, and of course, Through the Moon.)
So I decided to put together some preliminary predictions based on the info we have so far. My desire is to create a TDP S4 bingo board just before the season airs, so that gives me 24 guesses/predictions to come up with (not including the free space). I’ll probably tweak most of these once we get our trailer, since I’m sure it’ll provide more insight as to the direction of the show.
So without further ado, here are my first 12 TDP S4 preliminary predictions...
1. Spring 2021 Release
During the Reddit AMA at the beginning of October, the creators gave the following update:
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Since it’s been over a month, we can safely assume they’re in production now.
From what I understand, pre-production is mostly writing and storyboarding, possibly voice recording as well. If they’re in the production phase, that means animation has begun.
Let’s consider the turnaround time for past seasons. S1′s airdate was September 14, 2018; S2′s was February 15, 2019; and S3′s was November 22, 2019. This means that there was only a five month gap between S1 and S2, and a nine month gap between S2 & S3. 
The gap between S3 & S4 has been longer than both of those. But considering that we’ve had a global pandemic and that we’ve been waiting on Netflix to greenlight more seasons, this is to be expected. We only heard about the renewal back in July. Assuming the team started work around that time, they’ve already been working for about four months. 
If we estimate that it’ll be another five months before we see S4, (nine months in total, same as the wait between S2 and S3), that means it will air around April 2021. Of course, it could air before or after - depending on how long production takes. But I believe it’s safe to say that we could be seeing TDP S4 air in spring 2021. 
2. Timeskip < 6 Months
We know from interviews that there will be a timeskip between S3 & S4. If you’ve read Through the Moon, you know that there’s a few weeks in between the end of S3 and the beginning of the graphic novel, and that the events of the story happen in the span of about two weeks. So we can estimate that it’s been about a month between the end of S3 and the end of TTM.
We also know there will be a bit of a timeskip between TTM and the start of S4, per the Reddit AMA, but we’re not sure how long that will be.
My guess? The timeskip between S3 & S4 will be six months or less. 
I was initially going to play it safe and say “less than three years,” because anything more than that would require a recast to account for teenage Ezran. (And given how much the creators and fans LOVE Sasha, I doubt a recast will ever happen in the show.) 
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But realistically, I don’t think the timeskip will be more than a half a year. The events of TTM imply that the story is very much moving forward, and anything too far in the future would give the audience too much to be caught up on. So it’ll likely be only a few months of a gap between seasons, and definitely less than six.
3. New Clothing & Hair for Characters
Many of the characters in ATLA received either new hairstyles or clothing between the seasons. So following that logic, and given that Ehasz is behind both shows, it stand to reason the same will hold true for TDP.
The creators have confirmed that Callum will be going “sun’s out, gun’s out” for S4. (Their words, not mine.) This makes sense since he now knows how to cast mage wings, and he wants them to be readily accessible at a moment’s notice.
We also see that Rayla’s sporting a new cloak when she leaves at the end of TTM, so she’ll likely have this for S4 as well. 
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Ezran may get new garb as well, as he settles into his new role as king.
I also think it’s possible that their hair could change as well. Rayla’s on her own now, so her hair will probably just get longer. Maybe she’ll braid it or wrap it up in a ponytail to keep it out of her face. If Callum returns to Katolis, he might get a haircut in-between seasons. But if he goes straight out to search for Rayla, his hair might be even longer.
Either way, new hair and clothes seems like a given.
4. Older Zym
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The creators have assured us in prior interviews that Zym is still very much a part of this story. It is called The Dragon Prince after all.
That being said, I think it’s possible we’ll see a slightly older Zym next season, especially due to the timeskip. I doubt he’ll get much bigger. He’ll probably go from being the size of a puppy to the size of a full-grown dog. And I don’t think he’ll talk yet. That seems like it won’t be for many years in the future.
Still, I think we can reasonably look forward to seeing an older Zym.
5. Mid Season Rayllum Reunion
I already have a post highlighting the reasons why I think Callum and Rayla will definitely reunite in S4, as I know many fans are wondering if they’ll spend the whole season apart. 
But I think this reunion may happen sooner rather than later. By that, I’m guessing it’ll happen at the midway point - either episodes 4 or 5.
This gives us the chance to have three or four whole episodes with them apart, which seems like a reasonable amount. Then we get their reunion, which’ll likely be it’s own episode. Then we get four or five whole episodes with them together again, dealing with the fallout of Rayla’s decision, working together, and hopefully reconciling by the season’s end. This seems like it could be a nice, tidy arc for them to have for the season, so that’s what I’m going to guess will happen.
Plus, it’ll have us feeling all the feels.
6. Janai’s Brother Wants the Throne
It’s been confirmed that Janai and Khessa have a younger, unnamed brother. We know nothing about him, and the creators decided not to comment when asked about him during the AMA. This means that he’ll likely be an important player for S4.
One of the writers (I believe it was Devon) also confirmed via Twitter that Janai is next in line for the throne after her sister’s death, calling her Queen Janai. 
This raises a very interesting potential plotline for S4. What if Janai decides to ally with the humans that helped during the battle at the Storm Spire? What if her brother is not happy about this? Letting a human into Lux Area was the reason Khessa died, after all.
What if Janai’s brother decided to make a play for the throne - either by contesting Janai’s rule, threatening civil war, or by trying to usurp the thone?
The creator’s have mentioned that despite the Zym being returned to Xadia, there is still a long road to peace between the elves and humans. They alluded to an “event” that makes Ezran aware of this.
Unrest / war between the Sunfire elves could very easily be what they’re talking about. And Janai’s brother wanting the throne could very easily be the catalyst for that.
7. Aaravos in the Shadows
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Many fans are speculating that our main characters may now finally become aware of Aaravos’s existence in the series. As for me? I’m not so sure.
Keep in mind, outside of Viren, Claudia, and perhaps a handful of Sunfire elves, no one else in the show knows of Aaravos’s existence. He’s been keeping to the shadows, pretty clearly using Viren as his puppet. 
With the end of S3, he’s in the cocoon, leaving Viren and Claudia on their own. We don’t know how long it’ll take for him to emerge, or even what form he’ll take when that happens. But we do know that he’ll be back for S4, per Erik Todd Dellums. (And apparently, he’ll have an even sexier voice.)
I imagine he and the dark mage fam will have their own arc in S4, which may eventually intersect with whatever the main cast is up to, but not for awhile yet. As for Aaravos himself, I think he’s playing the long game. And I think part of that means staying in the shadows as much as he possible can, while he consolidates power. The goal it seems is to make his form stronger and stronger, and eventually finding a way to leave the mirror realm entirely. Why would he want to play his cards too early?
So with Viren and Aaravos out of the way for much of S4, who does this leave as the main antagonist?
8. Sol Regem, Main Antagonist
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Enter Sol Regem. It’s been confirmed that we’ll see him again, after all. And we know just how much hatred he has for humans. He was hellbent on frying Callum to a crisp, even after he had agreed to return the human kingdoms.
It was revealed that Sol Regem was once revered by the Sunfire elves, before he became a symbol of rage and bitterness. Still, this reverence is an important part of Sunfire history.
This is something Janai’s brother could leverage if he’s looking to usurp the throne and pit the human-hating Sunfire elves against those that are loyal to Janai. With the literal Sun King on his side, he becomes a formidable foe.
This could be the event that leads Ezran to act. Will the humans who fought at the Storm Spire come to the aid of Janai and her people? Will the Dragon Queen weigh in on this matter? Will they need to gather the other elemental dragons together in hopes of defeating Sol Regem? (If so, this is a way we could bring Rex Igneous into the story.)
This might be a bit of a stretch, of course. But it does lead for an interesting direction for S4, and S5 as well, and would be a way to introduce more dragons and keep Zym and his mother in the story. 
And, as I stated in my Rayllum S4 reunion post, this gives Rayla incentive to stop hunting Viren and shift gears to focus on the more emergent threat. Which in turn could reunite Team Zym once again.
9. Rex Igneous Eats a Jelly Tart
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It’s pretty much a given that we will meet Rex Igneous (the Earth dragon) in this season. You can see a sneak peak of him in Callum’s Sketchbook, which has the following caption:
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It was also revealed by the creators that some “very important figures” would be eating jelly tarts in upcoming seasons.
Given this information, it doesn’t seem farfetched to imagine that Rex Igneous will be one of those figures.
10. Soren & Ezran Adventure / Bonding
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Soren used to share his screen time with Claudia, but now that she’s out on her own with her dad, he’ll need a new buddy to share screen time with.
I nominate Ezran, mostly because S3 dealt a lot with their relationship, and it just makes sense to continue to develop this in S4. Plus, Ezran’s the king and Soren’s the guard. Where he goes, Soren follows.
So it makes sense that they’ll have an adventure together in S4.
11. Dramatic Claudia Reveal / Confrontation
I had this on my list for awhile, but Ehasz tweeted this and nearly confirmed it:
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I think we’re going to get either a really dramatic reveal or confrontation between Claudia and another character. Either Viren, Soren, or possibly Callum. (I don’t think it’ll be Rayla, since she has no real connection to Claudia.) Or perhaps it’ll simply be a dramatic reveal for us, the audience.
Either way, stuff’s going down.
12. Callum Learns Moon Arcanum
The creators have mentioned that Callum will be learning more of the primal sources in future seasons. I think it stands to reason that moon will be next for him.
S3 already showed him starting to grasp a lot of the fundamentals of the source - both in their evasion of Sol Regem and in casting the spell to see Rayla’s parents. Through the Moon builds on this even more, with him using moon opals to cast more moon magic, and learning even more from Lujanne regarding the nature of the primal.
Being separated from Rayla might be the push he needs to finally unlock the arcanum once in for all. Perhaps it’ll be key to tracking her down, if he goes after her.
If not, perhaps understanding Rayla’s past and the decision that she made, and their reconciliation is what will trigger it.
Hard to say for sure, but I feel like this will relate to Rayla in some way. And it will definitely happen in S4.
Okay, that’s it for now. I’ll do a part 2 eventually and go through my last 12 predictions.
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i’m at the halfway point in season 7 of gilmore girls (just finished 7x10!) so here are my rambling thoughts that no one asked for!
1. i don’t care that my ship is broken up and i have to endure lorelai and christopher being MARRIED... i like season 7 more than season 6.  i was so relieved to be done with season 6... there was so much tension between EVERYONE.  there were some good moments (the scene of the gilmores fighting at the end of 6x13 is one of the best moments in the entire show), but i felt so stressed watching the entire season. 2. speaking of lorelai and christopher... why the marriage, WHY?!  honestly i always thought they’d get back together at some point, and i thought a good time would be when lorelai and luke were broken up.  mostly just because i view christopher as the perfect representation of lorelai’s past and luke as her present and, symbolically, lorelai learning and accepting that her and christopher are not a good fit would mean she is finally leaving that part of her life behind.  however... that could have been done without the complication of marriage.  you mean to tell me that the show has been building to lorelai getting married since s1 and it finally happens spontaneously like this? off-camera? with CHRISTOPHER?!  nope nope nope 3. i’ve really over-analyzed lorelai’s love life... but i actually like all three of the guys she is paired with - max, christopher, and luke.  however, again, i view them all as three distinct representations: max is the kind of guy lorelai would have imagined herself with (but their love is built on fantasy); christopher is the guy from her past that she has to finally let go of (love built on nostalgia); and luke is the guy that fits perfectly with the life she has built for herself and the person she grew into (love built on reality - they feel like true partners).   4. okay, actually, i USED to like christopher, but around the third time he came back (s4? s5? who knows), i got really annoyed with him.  because all he did was just dance back into lorelai and rory’s lives whenever it was convenient for him and he kept getting their hopes up.  it was wrong and i loved when lorelai told him off for it (s3? idk anymore).  that could’ve been the conclusion to their relationship.  but nahhh, he had to come back in s5 (in peak jerk form), then s6, and now s7... i am so tired of this man. 5. i’m not as invested in rory’s love life as everyone else, but i like logan.  i do think he and rory have become kinda boring in s6 & s7, but i still think their pairing makes the most sense and i really like them together.  ultimately i just want rory and logan to become a kick-butt journalist team. (or to both be uber successful and travel the world together) 6. luke has made all the difference this season, tbh.  luke in s6 felt annoyingly out-of-character at times... he feels much more like himself here.  man has he gone through it though.  first lorelai ends their engagement, then kirk destroys his diner, then lorelai marries christopher, then he finally gets to bond with april only for her to move across the country... ouch.  i haven’t seen how the custody battle plays out, but i hope it doesn’t end too devastatingly.  it’s a good storyline, though - far better use of luke & april than s6.  i’m really hurting for luke. 7. i really need lorelai and christopher to end things soon though. i don’t think i could stand it if lorelai and luke just got back together at the very end (though that’s how these things typically go...).  the last scene i saw was emily coming to lorelai’s to tell her that marriage is more than just the ring... i’d LOVE if emily influenced her decision, especially after her parents have been so blindly pro-christopher. 8. characters i desperately need to see more of: lane, paris, and emily. (more friday night dinners!) 9. what the writers did with lane though... PREGNANT?!  i always thought the show should fittingly end with someone pregnant, but LANE?!  no words.  and with ZACK?!  their relationship makes 0 sense.  i just wanted to see lane living her best life as a successful drummer... and instead this.  though i keep imagining what it would’ve been like if dave was able to stay on the show... replace zack with dave and it probably would’ve been a cute storyline.  maybe not the pregnancy, but their progressing relationship. 10. i have been a huge paris stan since her very first episode.  right away i knew she was gonna be my special character.  i don’t know how everyone else feels about her, but i just want her to succeed at everything and have the world.  plus she is so freakin hilarious.  i loved her more in the chilton days - her storylines at yale have been meh.  but hopefully she gets one decent storyline (or episode!) before the season is over. 11. rory, lane, and paris needed more scenes together.  actually lane and paris becoming a power duo would’ve been fantastic. 12. i need lorelai and emily to have a very strong bonding moment before the season is over!!!  my top demand (besides lorelai and luke)
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
Main Takes from My Hero Academia Season 4
So now that episode 25 had aired, Season 4 of My Hero Academia has come to an end. Which means a long wait till the next one. Personally I binged most of it (having started binge watching a few months ago and stopping at Season 3 since Season 4 was still near midway), I got my dates muddled due to Self-Isolation and thought we were on Ep 24 instead of 23, so I’ve had to wait for the last 2, but it was fine since the final 2 are more backdoor mini-arcs to the next season.
Initially when S4 ended I wanted to do a full review, but I found myself writing tldr levels of stuff while still in the first arc, so I’m just doing quick bullet takes
Sadly, some spoilers are unavoidable, and even I was unable to be spoiled from S4 and manga stuff thanks to recommendation algorithms and haphazard/not-so-cryptic comments in threads. However, I don’t wanna spread that so if you’re not caught up on Season 4 watch it, Spoilers are below.
So Season 4 was wild, and exciting and did a mighty job swelling my stone of a heart XD But the main things I took from S4 was as follows
Obviously, Protect Eri at Every Cost in Every Currency
The Fast Tracking of All Might’s time coming to a close feels intentional as if to constantly put us on edge with the fact that Deku will be without his father figure
Never let a subordinate attack the main villain
Buff Tintin Mirio and Deku are the perfect buddy system
Team Fatgum is a wholesome well-rounded unit
We should’ve seen at least some of Tokoyami’s work study if you were gonna hype up Hawks 20 episodes prior
People think Chisaki was old enough to have a 6 year old kid, though age does seem to be deceptive as Gentle and La Brava show
Ryukyu, Nejire, Uraraka, Bubble Girl and Tsu could’ve had more active screentime, and Deku’s mother should’ve gotten a smidge given how Deku was in a literal Yakuza raid
Tamaki’s Quirk is awesome but poses a lot of morally questionable hypotheses on how far it can go, also Suneater is a badass nickname
Mina can involve breakdancing into any situation
Kirishima is a strong and brave man who deserves all the praise he got
It was also great to see that not everyone has the ‘Legs moved before thinking’ moment and it doesn’t diminish a person if they don’t have it, it’s also nice to see someone look up to someone else other than All Might, being number 1 doesn’t mean you’re everyone’s favourite.
No homo but Fitgum got them features
Toga is much stronger than I gave her credit for, I mean I knew she was strong but she stabbed Aizawa without her quirk while wrapped in his scarf threads! 
Mirio proves that you don’t need a quirk to be a hero, it just helps a bit, that boy didn’t give up
Chisaki’s plan was...odd actually, Eri can rewind sure but he can literally break down and reshape people, couldn’t he just mess up someone’s physiology and de-quirk them?
100% Deku is a force (though I reserve the disdain that Chisaki went for the cliché ‘big monster but my main body hangs out of it’ route)
Never sleep on the League of Villains
Uraraka and maybe Tsu were probably more traumatized than they let on, it’s not easy to get over holding a dying man in your arms
How do you hide a motherfucker as big as Gigantomachia in a forest!? He has a literal radio around his neck. Also I feel like Kurogiri could’ve escaped if he wanted to...
How did no-one think that Camie was compromised she acts completely different to Toga and she showed her quirk, wouldn’t they know what her quirk was from her file anyway?
That teacher needs therapy, and a long holiday
Seiji and Present Mic should do all the commentary
Bakugo has good leadership skills, but the license course didn’t really resolve his public abrasiveness
I do wanna see more of cross-school activities, more Inasa but also more Ms Joke and her lot
Aoyama was never gonna be the traitor, the dude is far too Cheesy
I was actually glad to see the Pussycats, and that Ragdoll is well now even if quirkless, for a while I thought she would be a vegetable or worse a Nomu
Sato’s image of Bakugo and Todoroki in a 70s Disco movie is hilarious and I will fight those who disagree
Be still my Kamijirou heart, the boy gave up a Maid Café to encourage her love for music, also her voice is beautiful
I still can’t stand Monoma...
Hatsume should just mark herself down as Deku’s official support mechanic, like his Lucius Fox because she just comes in clutch with what he needs
Deku should’ve really thought about using 20% in small bursts on his own, it’s okay he didn’t but let’s not forget that the boy has a brain on him
Gentle is the complete opposite of Chisaki; while Chisaki had the intimidation and evil plan he lacked a lot of personality outside of ‘Don’t Touch Me’ and ‘Yakuza Rights’, Gentle has more a nuisance who wants to be famous, but he has personality oozing out of every pore
Gentle is also proof that ‘legs moving without thinking’ doesn’t always work, had he saved that person his life would be much different just like how Deku’s life would’ve been different if All Might didn’t step in. But sadly he was subjected to a vicious environment where everyone rejected him. Hopefully he can get a second chance to be good, because even some of his criminal activities had good intentions in them
The school festival episode was just euphoric fun, also Bakugo’s ‘we won’ face was great
The new top 10 is interesting, but Ryukyu was robbed. She fought a monster of the Hassakai and lost placement!? I’m also surprised Nighteye wasn’t in the Top 10 given how powerful his quirk is and how he was able to bring heroes of multiple agencies together. Glad Jeanist is alive I do worry a little about Kamui though, he keeps getting mentioned for his ascent as a ‘promising young hero’, also people really thirst for the tan bunny
I cannot get a read on Hawks, his quirk is cool though
This Liberation front seems key for next season
Todoroki’s hot sister is still hot...what do you mean that’s not relevant!?
High End is pretty dangerous, but heroes should really aim for the head with these things (I do like the little touch that Nomu abilities differ by their colour)
Endeavor’s redemption arc is earned, it’s still not there yet but it’s important not to fast track it, he’s owning up to his mistreatment rather than expecting forgiveness and that is a good way to build to it, he had his United States of Smash moment and it was a gloriously animated fight
This spells bad things for the hierarchy though that the Number 1 and 2 had to work together to stop a monster sent by other villains, it diminishes the chart structure and Dabi knows that...plus he probably wanted to stick it to his old man because he’s obviously a Todoroki
Did not expect to see other One for All holders! What does it mean!? And why is Deku just a hand and half a head? Is it just a show that he’s only 20% at his power? Season 5 is gonna be crazy
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Final Season Spec Game
I was tagged by @kombellarke
1. Which character are you most excited to learn the endgame of: Bellamy Blake. Clarke Griffin.
2. Which character are you most excited to learn the backstory of: I’m not sure we have any real backstory left to explore in that way. So no one.
3. One character who deserves a new look: For the love of god, give Bellamy and Clarke new looks. How come the rest of them can find jeans, good fitting pants, casual shirts and the girls can all get blow outs etc.. but Clarke still walks around with that.. hair, jesus, and the grounder clothes, my god. And Bellamy who looks so good in black pants and a well fitted jacket, is walking around in sweaters looking like blankets. 
Give my loves new clothes and new looks!
4. Two locations you want to revisit: EARTH. Just get me back to earth.
5. Three brotps you hope get more screentime: I don’t really have any brotps. Though, I probably wouldn’t sue anyone if Clarke and Emori have more scenes together.
6. Who will get the happiest ending: I would give up my entire family for a happy ending for Bellamy and Clarke. But I still think this show will end in a bitter-sweet way and I’m not sure what “happiness” looks like in a “bitter-sweet” world.
7. Which minor or new characters you want to see more of: Gabriel and Diyoza.
8. Who will eventually snap Jordan out of the funk we see him in, at the end of 6x13: Literally have no idea what’s going on.. 
9. Who will be the first to tell Bellamy he can’t immediately run into the Anomaly after Octavia:  I don’t think he will run into it at all. I think he will at some point (and probably “disappear” or find himself in trouble) but I think he/they will have a plan or a semi-plan first since they don’t know the anomaly. And THEN shit will hit the fan.. 
10. To reference Monty’s ‘do better’ mantra: Clarke. 
11. To say ‘go float yourself’: Hopefully no one.
12. Random object or prop you would bring back for Season 7 if you could: I wish we could have seen more of Clarke’s drawings. Or seen other characters look through it (other than Murphy) so they could have had some damn compassion for Clarke. And the Rover. I know Bob had a “love/hate” relationship to the Rover, but it’s special to fandom.
13. Book One storyline/reference you want to see back for Season 7: Now that we know “book 1″ and “book 2″ didn’t actually mean anything for the story they are telling, I just chuckle when people reference that, lol.
I want Bellamy and Clarke to finish every single unfinished conversation from s1-s4. Every single one of them. Then I want Bellamy to hear Clarke’s radio calls. There has to be more to them. 
14. Dead character you would like mentioned: Wells, Harper, Monty, Jasper, Finn (only if they do ANYTHING with Clarke/Raven, then go back to the source).
15. How do you think Hope and Octavia know each other (from season 6): They spent time together in whatever timeline/world they lived in. And I think they spent years together, since we still don’t know how long Octavia was there but I’m not sure if Octavia ever met grown up Hope. 
16. How do you think it all will end? I think this whole thing will have something to do with a virtual world kind of thing. We know from the crew gifts, there’s something about “if this was a test bla bla”. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if this whole thing is an ALIE thing. Different chips/worlds/tests; what would humans do if they were dropped in different timelines/worlds.
Above all, the only wish I have, is for Bellamy and Clarke to be in a modern world, with modern clothes, modern stuff, modern houses etc.. Just even if it’s only for an episode, please.. sigh.
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it. :)
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amwritingmeta · 5 years
21 Supernatural Questions
I was tagged by @deletingpoint - thanks for the kind words, girl!! Made my day! You rock the block! And yes don’t mind if I do join in, this looks fun. :P
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
I’d seen stray episodes before - I’ve absolutely no clue which ones - but then I binged S1-6 in 2013 while being ill with the flu and I was hooked before it came up, because I loved S1-3 and the brother dynamic and thought it was a really awesomely well-written piece of television, but when they introduced the will-they-won’t-they-make-this-uber-masculine-guy-be-into-guys-and-specifically-the-guy-with-wings I was pretty much gone for. So I caught up on the show and watched it until a few episodes into S9 (don’t judge me, I was surface watching and couldn’t get with the program at the time because why wasn’t Dean gay already??) and then I quit watching for a few years because I couldn’t stand the grey area and the uncertainty. I also wasn’t invested enough to stand it, tbh, and felt, naw, I’ll get back to this if it ever seems like they’re actually gonna do anything with this thing they’re hinting so strongly at. Picked it back up while S12 was airing and here we now are.
2. Who is your favorite in TFW?
But the other two might get jealous!
(okay, it’s Cas)
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW?
They’re the holy trinity and none of their character progression works without all of them taking up their allotted space in the narrative and how can you not love them all what is wrong with this question why am I hyperventilating why aren’t they beloved equally gaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
(but Cas is my favourite)
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs!
I sincerely can’t, but I can tag a few people whom I very much appreciate and whose answers to this questionnaire I would be intrigued to see: @godshipsit​ @charlie-minion​ @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs​ @waywardliliana​ @natmoose​ @purgatory-jar​ @myed89​ @inacatastrophicmind​ @rustling-pages​ @angelneedshunter​ @nerdylittleshit​ @obsessionisaperfume​ @assbuttboyfriends​ @misskittyspuffy​ @starsinursa​ @postmodernmulticoloredcloak​ @casismybestfriend​ @mittensmorgul​ @elizabethrobertajones​  - you’re all like bursts of colour and glitter glue and I’m happy you’re around! :) (btw I always find it awkward to tag specific peeps because there are so many of you lovelies that I would honestly tag so just know that this most likely includes you) (yeah that’s right) (YOU) <3
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural?
7. John or Mary?
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Sam: my first impression of him was very coloured by my impression of Jared as Dean on Gilmore Girls, so to hear someone call Jared Sam and then this Sam call someone else Dean was a bit jarring while watching the pilot. My earliest opinion of Sam was that he was kind, good with people, skilled, independent and, yes, haunted by past choices.
Dean: Immediate impression was oh, he’s one of those guys, and then almost straight away that first impression was blown to bits and everyone knows that he’s very, very easy to fall in love with quickly, so my love for him grew strong within a few episodes, for sure. First opinion formed holds until this day: someone who’s lost and who’s searching for a way home. In every sense of that sentence. 
Cas: Holy shitballs, who’s this now?? was pretty much my first reaction to Cas’ entrance. It blew me away. It was an absolute game changer. It made me sit up. It made my brain go... are they... are they going to make Dean Winchester... is Dean Winchester into men?? And because on my first watch I’d not seen the little hints of this that now are so damn glaringly obvious, the chemistry between Dean and Cas literally made a lot of shit click into place for me regarding what I was potentially actually watching, and raised my emotional investment sky high considering the possible social commentary baked into the overall message of family and identity, and yeah, that still holds true to this day.
Jack: I was ready to fight tooth and nail for him after 12x19. That episode is still one of the best 42 or so minutes of television I’ve ever seen. The plant of Jack as a needed push for Cas’ progression hit me in the heart, and once it clicked that Jack represented the holy trinity of Heaven, Hell, Humanity, and how he might narratively prove a knitting point for TFW, something for them all to rally around, well, I was pretty much done for.
9. What’s your favorite season?
This is a really hard question because watching a season from start to finish means taking all of it in, and all of them - when start-to-finished - I feel are rather outstanding, but twist my arm and I’ll say: S1 or S4 or S5 or S8 or S9 or S11 or S13 (I can’t narrow it down to just one season alright?) and S14 and looking at what we have so far with this unfinished season I’d name S15, definitively.
10. What’s your least favorite season?
Oh, man. Make a girl sweat. So, here’s the thing, I genuinely see each season as adding something valuable to the whole, you know? I suppose S6 drags a bit, but I really like the tone and the noir sensibility of it, so I wouldn’t really call it my least favourite, but if I were to choose one season to binge over a weekend, S6 wouldn’t necessarily be first pick.  
11. Opinions on Destiel?
Ah, yes, the obligatory essay question. Please see attachment. *points to blog*
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits?
Look, to my mind, the reason Dean and Cas aren’t together yet is character related. They need to get their fucking ducks in a row. (and then those ducks will hopefully be fucking all over the place) (okay that’s graphic bird sex but you know what I mean) (not literally Dean and Cas dressed up as ducks and fucking) (but like... good stuff for the eyes will be happening that isn’t necessarily fucking feather related) (wait) (oh ffs brain!!) (you HAD to go there didn’t you??) (moving on) (or rather answering the question) --> I don’t believe they queerbait, no. 
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)?
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*chills are multiplying* 
I love Chuck as the Big Bad, sincerely, but oh mannnn Michael.
15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
Yeah, this questionnaire has been in drafts for a while now so um... I mean, the Lucifer plot line as it pertains to SAM should reach a satisfactory conclusion, but as it pertains to Lucifer’s play for Jack and breaking God’s toys etc. yeah, no, done.
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)?
That’s too relative to their highly linked, and yet wholly individual relationship with their past and lingering sense of trauma. I think @deletingpoints reply was something along the lines of: Can you measure trauma? And I agree. They’ve all been deeply traumatised at different stages of their life and they’ve all dealt with their individual trauma in different ways. 
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode?
I’m sorry, what? I thought you just asked me to pick one favourite episode out of 3678916236363487236783 times infinity. This is mathematically impossible and since I’m sadly not fluent in math and have absolutely no access to any type of calculator or abacus or, I don’t know, a neighbour who happens to make amazing fucking latte and dresses in knits and is attractive in a non-conventional way and also happens to be a math genius, I must reject the question outright and plead the 105th. (i.e. I cannot possibly)
18. Do you like case episodes?
Where’s that gif of Dean going Dude Yes?
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19. Who do you relate most to in TFW?
Darling Cas. Socially awkward and lost but growing into his own skin Castiel. My God, I love him so dearly. There are not words for how much I relate to him, or for what he’s done for my personal self-reflection, or how much I’m now re-relating to his need to push himself out of his comfort zone and dare. I owe him. *hugs into oblivion*
20. Why do you like Supernatural?
Ohhhhh, goody, one of those multi-choice questions. Is it:
a) because of the absolutely stunning character journeys 
b) because of the absolutely smashing world and all its mythology 
c) because of the underlying social commentary and the intricate use of subtext to effectively, though subtly, bring ideas linked to the conscious/unconscious sides to us into not only the use of already mentioned mythology, influencing the world building, but also wholly guiding, impacting and giving momentum to the already mentioned stunning character journeys
d) all of the above
e) all of the above, and a little bit more that would take an actual book to relay
E. It’s E. All the way the answer is E. 
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be?
I’d bring back Eileen and holy moly Shoshanna is coming our way. And I don’t have a character to kill off tbh. Let them live, I say. :)
I genuinely tag EVERYONE. Go on, everyone, you know you wanna!  :) xx
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themikewheelers · 5 years
We're not in Hawkins anymore more means a new setting. Which means new people, which means new characters, ugh! Call me a downer but for sure the Duffers will add more characters and that sucks. They already have a lot of main characters and secondary characters. They can't even properly develop the ones they already have! It already feels bloated with so many storylines & so little episodes. Adding a new kids group bc will & El make new friends? A nightmare. Literally a nightmare.
Listen not to be rude but. Can we please go. One new season. Without everyone whining about new characters. There hasn’t been a single new character announced yet. I doubt there will be any new mains. Yeah ofc there’s gonna be new ppl in a new location, but there’s not gonna be a whole new group of main characters??? And maybe, just maybe, not all characters NEED to be developed, bc some characters are purely supporting characters who have no meaning themselves so complaining when small roles aren’t given a ton of screentime is completely missing the point of the character.
Again not to be rude but I’m TIRED. Yeah this show has a lot of characters and has added new ones each season........ just like practically every other show on the planet? We’ve got 12 main characters rn. Possibly 11 depending on Hop. Possibly 13 if u count Erica but honestly I don’t bc I don’t think she’s gonna have a big role going forward. Out of that 11-13, only 2/3 of them weren’t in s1. 2 more were in s1 but not as mains, and out of those two, Steve u could argue was basically already a main in s1 even if he wasn’t credited so, and of COURSE Will needed to be made a main.
Now out of those 2/3 new, are ppl still gonna complain? Robin is essentially one of the biggest fan favorites after only one season, and if u don’t think that matters, I understand, but her role in the plot was still huge and she’s definitely important in them developing Steve. And for Max, just, can u even imagine the show without Max at this point? It’s crazy to think there was a time when the party was only five. Ppl have been calling her unnecessary since the day they announced her character, and personally I thought we were past this. Erica is the only one of the new mains that I can accept some criticism that she was unnecessary, bc she did kinda stop having a direct role after she opened the elevator door, but still, she was a character that a lot of ppl loved, introducing someone from Lucas’s family was important imo, and also, she’s just one character. She didn’t get a lot of screentime at all, so I’m not gonna accept any claims that her inclusion somehow took away screentime from anyone else.
We’ve got plenty of other characters, some even credited as main cast members, but main cast member =/= main character. Would u call Karen a main character? Billy? Probably not. Going into s4 I think they already have a good balance. It’s likely Erica’s role will be demoted, I’m also expecting Murray’s role to be bumped up, bc doing so would be a big key to the plot. Same with Brenner, but while he’s likely to be a main cast member, once again that’s not the same thing as a main character. There’ll likely be a slew of new supporting characters, as every show does, bc new storylines rely on it, and we might get one or two new mains, but no, we will not be getting a group of new main characters. There will be no “nightmare” where a group of new kids is introduced as Will’s new friends to be new major characters. Well have the same characters as always. Well have our 6 kids. Well have our teens. Well have Joyce, and hopefully Hopper. And personally I think the show has done a rlly good job balancing its characters. There’s definitely flaws at some points, but imo its flaws have not at all come from having too many characters to balance. And to an extent, it’s normal and a good thing for a show to not balance its characters perfectly. Some main characters are simply gonna have bigger roles than others. I love characters like Lucas and Dustin to the ends of the earth, but lbr, would it rlly make sense if they were given as much screentime and development as characters like El or Will, who are the central figures to the show’s whole plot? So yeah, they don’t get as much screentime, but even with that they’ve been developed v well and imo given justice each season
Also, just a reminder bc nothing gets under my skin as much as this, stop. complaining. about. things. before. you. watch. them. Every damn season ppl have been getting bent out of shape about every little thing only to actually watch the season and realize it’s not a big deal. I don’t know what new characters we’ll get or how they’ll be written, but can we at least wait until the season is out before complaining about its writing? thx
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inevitable-anna · 5 years
Escape The Night Spoilers S4X10
Here it is, guys! My final S4 reaction post. It’s been a long, funny, yet sad journey.
Anyway my series review should be up at sometime tomorrow.
For now, I hope you enjoy this post.
Is that the society lady? Jael? Or Ryu? Who is she with?
So this lady went into the museum for a mission.
Whoever this is, she is a badass!
Uh oh, here's The Collector.
Don’t open it! It’s what The Collector wants you to do! Don’t listen to her!
Oh no. What’s happening?
Waaahhhhh? She's the Gorgon?
Well, I didn't see that coming. Although I do like that they’ve given The Gorgon a backstory.
Watching the intro just hurts now that pretty much everyone is dead.
The way Colleen's smile falls when The Sorceress betrays them.
Oh sh*t, The Collector is alive again.
OMG it's Benjamin, Lucy, High Tower, The blue harpy, a vampire from S2, the guardian from S1, and The Carnival Master!
"It's like bloody Christmas everyday!"
Ohh yes! The Sorceress vs The Collector round 2!
The Collector definitely is gonna win.
Okay, they can kill The Collector by turning her to stone. Pity that The Gorgon is dead.
Egyptian exhibition is first up.
1/7 emblems found!
Joey: "The plan is to stick together."
Monsters: *come running in*
The group: *screams and runs in different directions*
Joey: "The plan has failed. And now it's every man for himself."
Now they have to help Garuda pay his penance in Hell? Hell naw, he bludgeoned Tim to death!
I wasn’t expecting Colleen to burp when she's scared.
Colleen got captured! :(
Joey: "If one of us gets captured we need to stick together and rescue them."
Colleen: *gets captured*
Joey: "Nm, lets go get the note."
Colleen trying to volunteer to be evil is actually sad to me, she's so scared of dying for a third time, that she offers to betray her friends.
Carnival Master, please don't sacrifice Colleen! She's the only the one left that I like. :(
Colleen: "you speak a very similar language to my newborn baby. I have a newborn baby."
Carnival Master: *chanting*
Colleen: "I have a newborn baby."
Carnival Master: "Shut up!"
Okay, Colleen trying not to get murdered/sacrificed is sad yet sort of funny?
Bretman: "Look, right here. Right here. I've got your back."
Colleen: "This is really uncomfortable, so maybe... we can, you know, this is not a good angle for him over there. You know, there's... it's a mess down there. You don't want people to see that, but that could be my power that I kill people with, just show em the vag. It's terrifying down there now."
Carnival Master: "Do you ever stop talking?" I love how the CM doesn't actually sound angry, he sounds genuinely curious.
Bretman: "The warrior statue is probably the one that looks the most warriorie, like obviously." No, Bretman, really? I thought it would be the one holding a ton of grapes!
Colleen: "I'm telling you, it's like a reflex, like I'm terrified so I can't stop talking. I also desperately need water, I have like cotton mouth."
Colleen: *in confessional* "I know I'm like p*ssing off these monsters and that means they're probably gonna kill me even sooner, but I literally can't stop talking." Well, at least, it’s stalling for time?
Yay, they saved Colleen!
Omg! Joey, Bretman, and Colleen are hiding under the table and they are so squashed together! How did they even fit under there?
The Collector and The Sorceress are still fighting?!?!?? I guess it keeps them both occupied from trying to find the guests
3/7 emblems found!
"Where flesh becomes stone." So Mortimer or the Gorgon's lair?
I feel like the whole ETN fandom just forgot that Mortimer died... again
The Gorgon's killer? So The Minotaur?
Wait! If that's The Minotaur's severed head, then who killed The Minotaur? Because Alex ordered The Minotaur to go back to the labyrinth and stay there.
Joey hiding behind that statue is hilarious! It reminds me of that scene in 'Aladdin' where he hides behind the strongman.
Joey ducks down under the statue and immediately sees its butt.
4/7 emblems found!
To get the sword that will turn The Collector to stone, they have to cover Excalibur in the Gorgon's blood. Lovely!
Yes! The Gorgon is gonna get revenge... even if it is from beyond the grave.
5/7 emblems found!
That map is the challenge grounds where Tana and Justine where for the first challenge. The Black steps are the stepping stones they need to use to get to the red one, where the emblem will be! I think? Are the flesh-eating scarabs still there?
Yeah, I was wrong.
6/7 emblems found!
For the final emblem they have to play a tune on the drums
7/7 emblems found!
I feel like the reason it's so quiet is that the monsters are gonna try and ambush the group.
Oh, they have to trap the monsters to get them out of the way, so the groups can turn Excalibur into The Sword Of All Legends.
It worked!
The monsters are now inside the exhibition cases! :D
Since we see a close up of all the monsters in the exhibition cases, I think the woman playing the harpy is quite pretty.
Although at 25:23 am I the only one thinks that Lucy looks scared?
Spell time... and they messed it up already...
*Spongebob narrator voice* “1 year later”
Yay! They did the spell! And it worked!
The Sword Of All Legends looks amazing! I want one!
The Sorceress is dead... again.
Joey: *stabs The Collector and turns her to stone*
Me: "YEAH! That's for Liza, Gabbie, Destorm, Tana, Justine, Alex, Tim, and... and Ro..."
The vault is open!
Is that the box that corrupted the Gorgon?
Grab the sphere and RUN!!
That box has the same Cthulhu looking thing as the 'Cursed God' statue last episode. The one that the caveman touched and I think got possessed by.
Joey just opened the soul jar... but what is going to happen to those souls now? Are the guests from this season in there or... like what was the point?
Aww that soul was Liza! At least she's not in Hell like I thought she was.
They opened the portal!
Bretman and Colleen are through!
Me: “Hoe, don’t do it!”
Joey: *runs back inside the museum*
Me: “Oh my god.”
Yep, he's going back for that stupid box.
Joey! You idiot! (No hate on real life Joey.)
29:42 Mat realising that Ro isn't with them... it’s so sad, I wanted her to live and be reunited with him.
Mat: "What happened?"
Bretman: "I don't know."
Colleen: "He didn't come through."
Me: "That's because he has to leave this season on a cliff hanger so they can make S5"
Joey opened the Cursed God's box... like a dumbass. (Again, no hate on real life Joey.)
And he's gotten sucked into the box. Like The Collector said to the Gorgon, "Looks like there's a trace of evil inside you."
Although I think that I would like to see a series where Joey is actually the big bad.
And that’s my final reaction post done! Woah, this has been a journey, and it’s been lovely to share it with you all. :D I hope you all enjoyed my posts about this season.
Hopefully, I shall be able to do another reaction series for S5, if there is one. My series review should be up tomorrow if everything goes according to plan.
But if any of you have an ETN questions for me, whether it’s about my favourite characters or something completely different, I would love to answer them! :D
I hope you have a lovely day!
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untapanimedraw · 5 years
Winter 2020: First Impressions  - the rest of the shows
Haikyuu!! To the Top! (S4) - What can I say about this show, it’s more Haikyuu!! It’s absolutely fantastic. This is a bit of a slow-burner so far, very reminisce of season 1 so far, a lot of learning and training. It might seem to be a bit of a let down after the action-sakuga-fest that was all of season 3, but character growth is just as important and despite it being a number of years since season 3, the story picks up right after that insane high, so the flow of the story needs to reset its equilibrium. So a but of a slow lul is important before the boys to go Tokyo to kick ass!
Isekai Quarted (S2) - I mean, it’s more of the same except with the shield hero and gang in the other classroom. If you liked season 1 you’ll still like it, if you didn’t then don’t bother watching. That said, I love it. 
In/Spectre (Kyokou Suiri) - This is definite my surprise show of the year. It’s so fucking good! It’s one of those shows like Bunny Girl Senpai of last year that lives or dies on the quality of it’s conversations rather than any action or sakuga. And dear lord does it deliver. The MC is so freaking adorable, I love her. Please watch. 
RikeKoi - I’m getting serious Wotakoi vibes from this show. There are so few shows that are about adults or college students that honestly I’ll take anything that has this age range. And as a comp/sci graduate myself, I can’t help but love these complete dorks. And holy fuck main girl is perfect. A ponytail that moves on its own, an absolutely banging bod, and tights that remind me of Miru Tights. It’s a masterpiece and the two MCs are fantastic together. Please watch. 
Infinite Dendogram - This and Bofuri are the 2 VRMMO shows this season and honestly Bofuri is the clear winner of the 2. In fact Bofuri is in my top 5 of the season. This one might be lower than Darwin’s Game which is an edgy death game show, so that’s not a great rating. It’s not exactly bad but it feels like it’s wasting the potential of the shows setting by focusing so hard on fairly bland MC and his maid weapon AI partner. I’ll probably keep watching it, and I hope it improves, but it probably won’t. At least it looks pretty good. 
Nekopara - Cat girls. What more is there to say? Considering this is from an eroge where the goal is to fuck the neko girls, this show is surprisingly tame and wholesome. Definitely one worth watching. 
Toilet-Bound Hanako-san - The art-style in this show is very unique. It feels like there isn’t actually a whole lot of animation in the show, because the show is presented to us in frames of animation where the rest is beautiful art background. The story is almost secondary to the visuals, but it holds up in its own right. A very good show and should be seen. 
Dorohedoro - Man, I so wish that this show could get the amount of eyeballs it deserves, but alas, it is in Netflix jail. That said, there are some quality fansubbers taking it on this season and for that I am very glad. The art and character designs are so fucking unique I hardly know what to say other than please watch it. It’s one of those shows where you’re not entirely sure what exactly is happening, but you know you definitely want, nay, need to keep seeing more of it. Watch it now if you can, or at the least when Netflix releases it from Jail. 
Ishuzoku Reviewers - This show is a show of true culture. I’ve been saying ever since I heard it was getting an anime adaptation that I can’t believe it’s getting an anime adaptation. I read the manga, I knew what it was about. It’s a group of adventurers traveling around and trying all the brothels of the different species of succu-girls. Turns out the anime decided to make this a hentai, but without the direct penetration shots. Episode 3 though, that took things to another level. This was being aired on funimation as a censored version that was basically unwatchable, so I’ve been surfing the high seas to find high quality uncensored versions. And they exist, and they are absolutely fantastic. However, apparently funimation forgot to look into what the hell the show was before they promised to not only air the show, but also to provide a dub. Cause after the first episode dub attempt they completely dropped the show. There’s still 8 episodes left, so hopefully a fansub group or two will step up and champion the cause. 
A Destructive God Sits Next To Me - I’m normally down for wacky chunni shenanigans, but I just couldn’t get through the first episode, so it got dropped. 
Smile Down the Runway - I really wasn’t sure what I was going to think about this show. It’s about a girl whose dream is to be a supermodel for her dad’s clothing agency and walk down the catwalk during Paris Fashion Week, but she’s too short. It’s also about a boy she meets at school who just wants to be a fashion designer and loves to make shows. I did not expect that the show would pull a bait and switch and for the majority of the focus to be on the boy and not the girl. I also did not expect to be shedding a few tears by episode 2 because I was so emotionally invested already. It went from a show I was unsure about, to being a show I’m now going to be eagerly looking forward to each week. 
Hatena Illusion - If I had to drop another show, it would be this one. It doesn’t really do anything great, but it’s not offensive in anything and is at least moderately enjoyable. Plus, I started it so now I feel like I have to finish it. But I don’t hate it. A solid 5-6/10. 
Natsunagu - I wasn’t able to find an english sub version of this and the reviews I did see said it was mediocre at best. So this show never got started. 
Now for a few thoughts about the continuing shows I’m watching:
My hero Academia S4 - The Overhaul arc was a slow burn that led to a spectacular explosion with some insane hype levels and some very hard emotional hits. I’m glad we’re now headed into the Culture Festival arc as the show feels like it needs a little bit of lightheartedness to get us back to a good equilibrium. 
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - This arc feels like it’s kinda spinning it’s wheels and dragging things out longer than needed, but these characters are so fun that it’s fine. 
Ahiru no Sora - Moar backetball!! This show is just a solid sports anime. Can’t wait to keep watching. It’s a full adaptation with 50 episodes and only 16 or so have aired. 
Babylon (The last couple episodes) - Talk about shitting the bed. The ending of this show ruined so much setup and promise. It leaned hard into the philosophical and should have leaned into supernatural. Such a disappointment. 
Kabukichou Sherlock - This show continues to be a pleasant surprise every week. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the season plays out. 
Blade of the Immortal - I’m a bit behind, but this show continues to deliver. 
Re:Zero Director’s cut - Damn, I actually forgot how much I actually like Re:Zero. It’s a masterpiece that I had somehow forgotten was a masterpiece because of how I binged it when it originally aired. This double episode format is honestly even better. The first season I continuously wanted more and more, but with a double length episode every week, I feel like I’m getting just enough to satiate me until the next week. I’m sad that come the spring it’ll be back to 1 normal length episode a week lol. 
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Why is S4 Fucky
I know we've probably waxed poetic about this, but I needed to clear it all so that I can work in the theories.
Also @delorb thought that Johnlockers only disliked s4 because of no canon Johnlock, so to them and all the others who think so, here's why s4 was fucky.
1. Sherlock says to John and Mary that he knows exactly what he's going to do, but says doesn't really know about it to the govt officials.
2. Sherlock's behaviour towards Mary is weird at best, showing WAY too much affection for someone who literally tried to kill him.
3. And he's suddenly trading John for Mary on a case? I mean the three eventually go together on it, but he says that she's better than him, when last episode he was literally praising John (pretty damn smart) in his MP.
4. John is writing his blog but it's actually a .jpg file??? Like did literally no one on the editiing team notice just HOW noticeable that was?
5. Sherlock forgets whether the victim was a girl or a boy (your daughter... Sorry- son.) Smartest guy around indeed.
6. Mary jumps in front of the bullet, so since SHE has he time to do so, Sherlock would have had the time to jump away, and yet the greatest consulting detective of all time couldn't figure that out? Also, Moftiss broke their OWN rules that they'd made, making Mary's death too dramatized ( a bit spurt of blood and you do flying backwards)?? Why?
7. John is somehow blaming Sherlock completely for it, and giving him a note via Molly that we don't ever get to read. Mary in his head and a goddamn angel all of a sudden?
8. Also, John Watson, literally known for his loyalty, apparently cheats on his wife? (Though we're still expected to root for their marriage and believe it was a happy one?)
8. Mary sends a 'Miss me?' Note (What IS that all about? Constantly comparing her to Moriarty if they don't want us to make that connection?)
9. Sherlock is high As a kite, about to OD, and John cant be FUCKING BOTHERED TO EVEN CHECK UP ON HIM? Ruining a character arc much?
10. Also, Eurus dressing up like John for Sherlock and Sherlock for John (all dark haired, mysterious, and doesn't do this with OTHER people but she'll make an exception for John?) To LURE them. Ok. Ok.
11. "Is cup of tea code?" Like why do they fuck us up like that?
12. Culverton Smith is literally dressed up like John?
13. John is beating the SHIT OUT OF SHERLOCK? John Watson who once punched an officer who called Sherlock a freak? Hitting Sherlock until he has to be admitted to the hospital?
14. John doesn't even THINK of saving Sherlock unless Mary tells him thorough a CD? HOW did the two survive before she told them how to breathe?
15. The whole the Hug™ scene just... God. And Irene still making John jealous? This isn't really a point but that scene made me teary...
16. Eurus shooting John with a gun that was definitely NOT a tranquilizer, and then we have NO EXPLANATION of what happened next? Are we supposed to forget it ever happened? Please tell me.
15. Please don't even get me started on this one. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
16. Again we start with this weird horror house thing and we have no explanation to how things progressed till here?
17. Mycroft talking about the whole Secret Sibling Story™ like Henry Knight in THoB except Sherlock DELETED an entire person from their life who lived with him for years and not just one tiny scene of his life.
18. Eurus being able to get out of Sherrinford but still going back in????? WHAT? WHY?
19. There is a motion sensing bomb. Which grey escape alive. By jumping out of the fucking window. Ok. Fuck pHysics. I get it.
20. Sherrinford is shaped like a heart... Seriously look.
21. They write an entire message on the sand in big ass letters and the most secure place ever doesn't notice?
22. Sherlock not realizing there's NOT a glass in front of him when he's literally two cms away from it? The audience I understand, because of their cinematography (brilliantly done, btw, but lacking logic. Also if we've come to that point. EURUS' THREE DISGUISES WERE MIND BLOWING i didn't have a single fucking idea they were the same person)
23. Sherlock not listening to John when he says Vatican Cameos? Thank you Moftiss for properly destroying their friendship arc.
24. Also those torture rooms were more of a torture for John that Sherlock? Anyways.
25. Eurus connects them on the phone with a little girl, but the girl was actually in her head. So who were they talking to???? Can Eurus also change her voice to a tiny girls? Ok.
26. Apparently Eurus and Moriarty planned all of this in five minutes? In which they just basically creepily mirrored each other's actions and eye-fucked? And Moriarty made all these recordings before his death? Like he knew all of this was going to happen, and her Eurus only did all of this years after his death? Why the delay?
27. (Also NONE of the Johnlock fans wanted the ILY scene to have been with John instead of Molly, and here's why: )
28. The whole shoot either John or Mycroft was really painful, but anyways. Now they're apparently transported to Sherlock's Childhood home and Eurus is able to have people make fake walls all around? Wow that's pretty resourceful.
29. Also the place has a fake dog bowl labelled 'Redbeard' so either Victor Trevor ate out of a dog bowl or Eurus knew Sherlock hasn't figured it out. But that can't be possible, because when Sherlock entered she was amused that he still didn't know ('oh, you still don't know about Redbeard do you?.)
30. John is in a well, and is chained to the said well, though later in the episode he climbs out of it with a rope, because the chain fucking dissolved in the water?
31. Also, John in Sherlock's head could break every bone of a persons body while naming them, but this real John can't tell if he's looking at HUMAN OR ANIMAL bones? Did Moftiss have a personal vendetta against John to destroy him so completely?
32. Also when John is about to die in the well, Sherlock's only response is 'Try not to drown?' The same Sherlock, who,in TEH, stole an motorcycle, rode all the way to a bonfire, jumped into the fucking fire to save John, all bbecause of a text. Wow. Are the same people writing the show anymore?
33. Also a point worth noting. Mycroft sends Sherlock to Eurus, who knows the truth about redbeard, and who could catch him unaware by the fact that he's actually a HUMAN and not a dog, without telling him the truth. Or did Mycroft also repress his memory and turn him into a dog?
34. We save the little girl (with whom we'd been talking on the phone) in eurus head, and eurus too, who wanted to kill Sherlock, but that's cool, everyone near him is trying to do that these days.
35. Sherlock and Eurus are now best mates (and hopefully she wont try to kill him again, but that's okay) and her family visits her, baker street is okay really, like what bomb ever exploded? Just the mirrors broken a and the wallpaper needs replacing that's it.
36. Also, Mary the Dictator is back at it again, telling John and Sherlock how to live, along witH little messages like (I know what you two could be if I'm not there) and life at baker street is back to normal. (Also John never really apologised to Sherlock for beating him to death, but then again, everyone tries to do him in these days.)
37. Also no one talks about the trauma, or literally anything that happened?
38. Also everyone was wearing blue and EVERYTHING was blue until the last few scenes?
Of course this may be just bad writing, but I find it hard to believe that. Maybe there's another reason?
Please feel free to add, or discuss.
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