#hopefully its over now‚‚ knock on wood
tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
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i recently got an INSANE number of bot followers, about two thousand in total i think,, the little dip in that spike is from when i report spam blocked for like an hour and then gave up,, but i think the influx of them has stopped so i can go back to reporting and blocking them
this graph is just insanely funny to me so i wanted to share it
they weren't even the normal women bots,, it was just blank blogs that followed the same 10 or so group of artists that i kept seeing over and over again
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some of them weren't even blank too they'd have random icons and banners and reblog stuff but they'd follow the same 10 blogs
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peachessndreamss · 17 days
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Summery : Cregan receives an injury while out hunting, his wife cares for him
Characters : Cregan Stark x f!wife reader (no use of Y/N)
Warnings : Cannon typical injury and first aid/wound care, cannon typical hunting
Word count : 4k
A/N : Cregan Stark I love yooou. Also, apologies in advance if this is the most boring thing you've ever read.
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Winter had arrived with devastating speed and brutality in the North. The first heavy snowfall had destroyed the last remaining crops left out in the fields and the woodpiles stacked as high as two men and just as wide had looked like enough to see them through two winters but soon began to deplete at an alarming rate. 
And when a great boar had been sighted at the edge of the Wolfswood, Lord Cregan Stark quickly called the men of his house to a hunt, knowing it was better to find the creature now and make use of it rather than let it be starved by the winter. 
They had set out in the pre-dawn, 10 men of House Stark, wrapped in layers of leather, wool and fur, mounted on the most surefooted horses the Winterfell stables had to offer. Lord Stark rode at the front of the group, his steward and close friend Martyn Snow riding beside him, the two of them talking as they disappeared from sight. 
Once in the Wolfswood Lord Stark had led the hunt, first on horseback as they tracked the creature deeper into the cover of the dense wood and then on foot, when the terrain had become too dangerous for the horses and the boar needed to be harried out of its hiding place.
Cregan had been moving slowly north, stepping over tangles of brambles and avoiding tree roots thicker than his thighs, the men of the group formed a large crescent shape as they moved slowly, hopefully driving the animal toward a clearing. One of the men at the end of the line gave a sharp whistle to indicate the group should stop, instinctively his head moved toward the sound and in that split second of distraction Cregan missed the rustling of dead leaves and the heavy breathing of an animal charging. 
The great tusk of the boar gored his left thigh. Cutting deeply through the skin to the muscle beneath, bright red blood immediately falling to the leaves at his feet. The power of the blow from the animal knocked him off his feet and sent him slamming into the cold ground, the back of his head knocking hard against a tree root. The metallic stink of blood filled his nose as shouts went up from the men of the household, they abandoned the hunt and gathered around their injured lord. 
“Get the beast,” was all he managed to say before the wintery sunlight faded from his view and he wasn't aware of pain or cold anymore. 
Lady Stark watched the hunting party return from the covered walkway between the Great Keep and the Armory. She expected to see Cregan leading the party, a triumphant smile on his cold reddened face with the great beast slung over the back of his stallion. 
Instead it was Cregan's steward, Martyn, who galloped in at the front of the procession, his horse wet with sweat, its nostrils flaring as it snorted. The animals rider didn’t look much better, the steward’s face was fearful and the same colour as the bark of the weirwood tree, his pale brown leather jerkin was darkened with blood. 
“My lady,” he called when he saw her watching, “Lord Stark’s been hur’, cut by the boar. Please send for the maester,” 
His words caused a lump of ice to form in her stomach, chilling her from her heart outward. There was always a risk when the men went hunting, and more often than not her husband returned home with some small injury or another but this had to have been serious. As she dashed into the Great Keep she caught sight of a wagon being drawn by two great horses, on the bed of the wagon a tangle of fur and blood, she fought a wave of nausea at the sight and ducked inside the keep. 
Her feet were light and silent as she reached the maester’s chambers, not bothering to knock on the old man’s door she threw it open with a crash. 
The maester was startled by her sudden interruption, jumping up from his stool at the desk with surprising speed and agility for a man who was nearing 70. He opened his mouth, ready to scold whoever had so rudely burst into his rooms, but his words died on his lips. 
“Lord Stark’s been injured in the hunt,” she said, praying her voice didn't waver and give away the fear that was gripping her throat like a claw. 
“Injured how?” The maester replied, moving toward the large wooden sideboard that dominated the room. On the shelves were jars, bottles and boxes containing every substance needed by a maester, and probably a few they didn’t need as well. 
“Gored, I don't know where, they've just arrived back, please come now,” she said firmly, not willing to keep Cregan waiting. 
The maester nodded and gathered his heavy leather case from the side, the bag was filled with sharp tools and simple herbs and mixtures for most every day healing.  He followed behind Lady Stark as she led them to the undercroft of the Great Keep, where there was a great deal of noise and disruption. 
The undercroft was a dark, cool, enclosed space usually used for storage, most days it would only see one or two visitors but now it was alive as men lit torches around the walls while others heaved Cregan’s limp form onto the huge oak table that sat in the centre of the space. They stripped him out of his blood soaked outer clothes and left him lying in his linen shirt and woollen trousers. 
The left leg of his trousers was ripped open at the mid thigh, revealing a 5 inch gash, skin and muscle had been torn apart and glistened dark red. A tourniquet above the wound had stopped most of the bleeding but his face was ghostly pale and his lips an unhealthy shade of blue. 
Lady Stark moved slowly toward the head of the table where Cregan’s closed eyes made him look almost peaceful, the maester went straight to the wound and began cutting away at his trousers. 
“Has he been talking?” he asked as he began to inspect the wound more closely. 
“A little, but he was unconscious for a minute or so after it happened,” the steward replied, standing by Cregran’s right hip, wringing his hands together. 
“Hello my love,” Lady Stark said softly, brushing her hand over his forehead, willing herself not to fall to her knees and weep when she felt how cold his skin was. 
His grey eyes fluttered open and blinked slowly, trying to bring his wife’s face into focus, the world around him seemed to shift violently, left and right, up and down but her warm hand on top of his head held him steady. 
“Now, what have you been up to?” she asked softly, as if addressing one of their children. 
Cregan’s whole left leg throbbed painfully and his stomach roiled with nausea, he swallowed once, finding his mouth and throat dry. 
“It's barely a scratch,” he croaked. Lady Stark gave a small huff that might have been out of amusement and stroked her fingers over the crown of his head. 
“‘Tis a dreadful looking scratch,” she replied, “still, the maester’s here now,”. 
Cregan hissed with the pain as the maester applied a green tinged ointment to the wound. Sweat broke out all over his body and he felt his hands start to tremble. 
“Did they get the beast?” Cregan asked, once the initial wave of pain had passed and faded back into a constant throb. 
Lady Stark glanced at Martyn who gave a small nod of his head. 
“Of course, and you shall have the beast's head for your chambers if you want”. 
He gave what appeared to be a weak nod before closing his eyes again and taking a deep breath. Cregan had known pain before but dislocated shoulders, broken bones and the sharp bite of Valyrian steel were nothing compared to this. 
At his thigh the maester had soaked a small piece of linen in a clear, strong smelling substance that he placed over the wound before tightly wrapping a clean bandage before removing the tourniquet tied high up his thigh. As the blood was allowed to flow back into the lower leg the colour returned to the skin but there were no signs of excessive bleeding at the wound. The maeester turned his attention to Lady Stark. 
“It’s as clean a cut as we can expect from a tusk, most importantly there’s no sign of dirt within, I have great faith that it will heal well,” the maester explained, wiping his hands on a clean piece of linen that was tucked into the belt at his waist. 
“I'll go to my rooms now and make a poultice to fight infection and in the meantime he can be moved to his rooms to ensure he's comfortable,” he added. 
With a small nod from Lady Stark the men still standing around the room went into action, they brought a stretcher and carefully moved Cregan from the table to the stretcher. He was then carried slowly through the Keep and up to his rooms. The masters chambers were the largest but the least used within the Great Keep, Cregan and his wife favoured the smaller but warmer Lady’s chambers, especially as they were the closest rooms to the children’s rooms. 
Once he was settled on the bed she sent for two bowls of water and a cloth before stripping him of the last remaining pieces of clothing. Unable to lift him from the bed to get his shirt over his head she cut the fabric straight up the middle with a small knife, pushing the two halves over his chest and cutting the sleeves apart to expose his arms. She also had to cut away what was left of his trousers, finding some of the material stuck to his skin with blood. 
Once he was as bare as the day he’d been born she soaked the cloth in warm water and set about washing him. Somehow the blood had managed to get up to his neck and down to the bottom of his left foot. She started at his neck, watching as droplets of reddened water ran down onto his chest and collected in the dark mess of curls that started at his collar bone, completely covered his chest and then funnelled into a thick strip that ran all the way down his stomach to the apex of his thighs.  
“I swear you're more beast than man sometimes,” she said softly as she dabbed at his chest, lifting the blood from his skin and hair. 
“It's the wolf in me,” he replied softly. 
Her head snapped towards his face, she’d had no idea he was awake and seeing his soft gaze on her face brought a wave of emotion flooding through her body. The usual surge of love she felt whenever she looked at him, intense relief at seeing his cheeks a healthy flushed colour after how deathly pale he’d looked before and bubbling anger brought on by the extreme fear that still sat in her stomach like a block of ice. 
“The wolf couldn't smell the boar sneaking up on you?” She asked as she felt tears burn her eyes. Cregan offered her a small, reassuring smile. 
“The wolf is more,” he paused a second while he thought, “passive...”. 
Unable to resist him, Lady Stark felt herself smiling and the two of them shared a laugh before she continued to wash him, revealing the pale skin under the dark curls and dried blood. 
“You're lucky it wasn’t more serious,” she said softly as she wrung the red water out of the cloth into a mostly empty bowl before dipping the cloth back into clean water, “if it’d caught on the inside of your leg you'd have been dead before they got you home,” she added, an icy edge to her voice as the fear that had gripped her throat now throbbed behind her eyes. 
“But I wasn't,” he placated gently, reaching out and taking hold of her wrist as she dabbed at his stomach.
“I'm fine,” he added when he noticed the tears gathering in her eyes and the angry wobble of her bottom lip. 
She snatched the hand from his, throwing the cloth into the bowl of clean water at her feet. The water splashed up, catching the skirt of her dress. 
“And what if you weren't? What if you weren’t fine?  Your son is barely 9 months old Cregan, do you expect me to hold the entire North until he comes of age? Fighting off every grasping lord from The Wall to Dorne trying to get to him and steal his birthright?” An angry tear tracked down her cheek.
“I cannot be regent, Cregan, I cannot be here without you,”. 
He reached out again and took hold of her balled first at the wrist, bringing her hand towards his face, pressing a soft kiss to her curled fingers. 
“And nor will you be,” he said softly, his lips still touching her fingers, “you and I are going to grow very old together, so old they write songs about us when we're all but turned to dust,”. 
She gave a small, watery laugh through her tears and pulled her hand out of his again. 
“Now you're just placating me,” she said, reaching into the bowl for the cloth and ringing it out. 
“Of course I am,” he replied with a smile, stretching his right arm up and settling it behind his head, the bend in his arm causing his muscle to flex and bulge under his skin. Were it not for the bandage around his leg he would have looked as if he was just relaxing for the evening. 
“I understand well that my most important duty is keeping you happy,”. 
Lady Stark scoffed at him and returned to the gentle washing of his stomach. A small smile tugging up the corners of his lips as he watched her tending to him so carefully. He'd been in a fair few scrapes before this one and was always happy to be tended to by his wife, the mixture of her gentle hand and sharp words always made him feel better. 
“Am I permitted to say how I'm enjoying your undivided attention?” He asked. 
“You may not say it” she replied, flicking her eyes to his face and catching him grinning at her. 
“I shall just think it then,”. 
They both fell into a tense silence as her cloth inched closer to the bandaged wound. The maester had said he would come by later that day to stitch the wound closed once it had time to dry and he could be certain there was no rot. Sweat broke out across his body as her gentle touch began to feel like needles piercing his skin, he kept his jaw firmly shut, unwilling to let a single sound of pain pass his lips.
“Would you take something for the pain?” She asked, not needing to hear him cry out to know he was in great discomfort, she wrang the cloth out again wetted it with clean water again. 
“I would rather keep my wits,” he replied, his voice strained. 
“Then perhaps a little when we’re finished and you can rest?” She pressed. She knew he disliked the effects of milk of the poppy but seeing him in such pain made her heart ache. 
“Perhaps,” he nodded before pressing his lips tightly closed, redoubling his efforts to stay silent.
She finished his bed bath at his left foot, cleaning the dried blood from the bottom of his toes and the ball of his foot. And all the pain that had passed before paled in comparison to the agony he felt as her hands gently tended the most ticklish part of his body. He fought with every ounce of willpower to stay still and not curl his toes and kick his foot out of her hands. 
Once finished she rung the cloth out one final time before standing and carrying the two bowls of water across the room and setting them aside to be cleared away later. 
“Will you sleep for a while? She asked him, moving back toward him and running her hand over his forehead before drawing a soft woollen blanket over his nakedness. 
Cregan nodded, suddenly feeling exhausted and wanting nothing more than to close his eyes and sleep until the dawn of the summer. 
“Alright, will you take a little milk of the poppy?” she asked.
He nodded again, opening one of his eyes to peek at her face. 
“And a kiss to sweeten it?” He asked, letting the corners of his lips quirk up just a touch. 
She laughed softly, taking the small bottle of white milky liquid from the table beside their bed. She unstopped it and helped him lift his head off the pillow, she held the bottle to his lips while he took a small swallow before dropping his head back onto the pillow with his eyes closed. 
“And to make it sweet,” she said, bending and pressing her lips to his. 
As she stood he opened his eyes again although she could already see he was fighting the effects of the milk of the poppy. 
“Kiss the babies for me as well?” he asked. 
“Of course,” she replied, stroking his forehead again and watching his eyes close as he finally gave in and allowed himself to be dragged into a dreamless sleep. 
She watched him for a few minutes, keeping an eye on the steady ride and fall of his broad chest. In sleep he always appeared to be younger, his features softened as sleep took away the worries and the duties he carried on his shoulders every day. 
Once she was happy he would sleep for a while and there was nothing else she could do for him, Lady Stark went in search of Martyn the steward, she knew he would be worried and was waiting for news of his lord and friend. 
She found him outside the stables, running a brush over Cregan’s stallion. 
“Is he alright?” Martyn asked as she approached him. There was a panicked edge to his voice and his face betrayed his worries. 
“He'll be fine,” she soothed with a nod, “he's made of strong stuff,” she added as she placed a comforting hand on his forearm. 
“I'm sorry he was hurt, my lady,” he said, already looking lighter knowing Cregan was alright. 
“You've nothing to be sorry for, he's a man grown and it's his own fault if he doesn't hear a boar sneaking up on him,” she said, making her voice playful and teasing. 
“I'll pray for him,” the steward said, returning to brushing the huge grey horse that stood patiently in front of him.
“Thank you, I know he'll appreciate that,”. 
She stayed talking to the steward a little longer, the two of them discussing how to make the best of the creature that’d been killed that morning. The sky was quickly darkening and the air turning colder by the minute, although no new snow had fallen that day there was a crisp smell of it on the air and dark, heavy clouds covered the sky, threatening a heavy snowfall that night. 
She left Martyn to his final tasks for the day and returned to The Great Keep, she went first to the nursery to look in on their children. The eldest, Aly, was playing on the floor with her nurse, the two of them racing carved wooden animals across the floor. She paid no attention to her mother when she entered the room, too caught up in her game, while their son slept in his cradle. 
She lifted the boy from his crib and carried him to a chair beside the fire where she sat, focusing on nothing other than the small sound of his breathing and the tiny movements as his chest expanded and contracted with every breath. 
After a few minutes Aly got up from her spot on the carpet, her wooden horse still clutched tightly in her small hand as she walked toward her mother. 
“Where's papa?” She asked, coming to stand beside the chair, reaching out her own empty hand to take her mothers. 
“Resting, the men went hunting this morning, do you remember?”. 
“Will he put me to bed?” Aly asked, letting the toy horse drop from her hand with a small thud. 
“Not tonight, I can do it tonight,” Lady Stark replied. 
The girl sighed heavily, like she'd received some truly dreadful news, her small shoulders slumping. 
“But Papa tells the best bedtime stories,”. 
“I know he does, and I’m sure he’ll have a very special one for you tomorrow night,”. 
After another heavy sigh Aly climbed up into the chair with her mother and younger brother, curling into Lady Starks chest and closing her eyes. The girl found a loose thread on the bodice of her mothers dress and begin to twist it around her finger, in a few minutes she too has slipped off to sleep. 
The warm weight of her children soothed the Lady’s fractured nerves, this wasn't the first time her husband had returned home injured, his body was a tapestry of scars, each one she'd lovingly touched and kissed in turn, learning his scars as closely as a traveller learns a map. 
When she heard the first spatterings of wet snow from the nursery window Lady Stark decided it was time for her to look in on her patient. Calling the nurse over and letting the young woman take the sleeping girl from her lap. 
“Let her sleep a few more minutes, then wake her or she’ll never sleep tonight,” Lady Stark instructed as she stood and carried her small son back to his crib. 
“And I'll be back to feed this one once I've looked in on Lord Stark,” she added, lowering him into the cradle and watching as he settled. 
The nurse nodded and smiled softly as she lowered Aly onto her day bed, covering the girl with a soft embroidered blanket. 
Cregan didn’t stir when the heavy oak doors of his chambers were opened and his lady wife stepped inside, she paused, watching him for a few moments to see that his condition was unchanged, the only difference was that he’d thrown the blanket off his body and was now lying naked, his whole body exposed to the cool air. Moving toward him she noticed his breathing was still easy and his cheeks were a healthy colour. She touched the back of her hand to his cheek and then his forehead. 
At her touch his eyes flicked open and he blinked slowly as the world around him came into focus. He made a small sound of approval that rumbled up deep from his chest as his eyes focused on his wife. 
“How are you feeling?” She asked softly. 
“Better for seeing you,” he replied, his voice gravelly. 
“You're a dreadful flirt Cregen,” she replied with a smile, knowing his ability to flirt was a far better indication he was on the mend than anything else would be. 
“Come lie with me,” he said, choosing to ignore his wife's chastisement.
“Only for a few minutes,” she replied, moving to the other side of the bed and climbing on it, settling herself beside him and placing her head on his shoulder. 
He wrapped one arm around her shoulders and encouraged her to roll onto her side, tightening her body to his in a familiar and comfortable way and she sighed contentedly. Her hand rested on his chest, her fingers pushing and playing with the dark curls of hair. Cregan turned his head and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, feeling the warmth of her body sink into his own flesh and bones. 
“I should ban you from future hunts,” she said, her voice muffled by having her face squashed on his shoulder, “make you take an oath never to put yourself in such danger again,”
“Even for you, I could not swear such an oath,” he replied, kissing her forehead again and keeping his lips pressed to her skin, breathing in the familiar and comforting scent from her hair. 
The two lay in silence for several minutes, Lady Stark listening to the steady and deep drum beat of his heart, the thumping sound reminding her that he was still alive, injured but alive and home with her and in their private moment it was easy for her to believe that was the only thing that mattered in all the known world. 
“But I can swear, it will only be death that keeps me from you,”.
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bunnylovesani · 9 months
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The Other Woman
Summary: An office relationship with the married Mr Skywalker doesn’t have the happy ending you were hoping for.
Content warnings: Smut with angst, infidelity, p in v sex, degradation, creampie
Wc: 1.5k
“How long until she comes?” Your voice tremors in anticipation as you rip off Anakin’s tie and claw at the buttons of his crisp collared shirt.
“Hopefully half an hour, I told her my meeting ran over” He pushes you down onto his work desk and his hands snake their way up your thighs, ripping the thin material of your tights apart completely once he got high enough.
“Daddy!” You gasp as the sound of ripping fills the office.
“No one’s gonna see, baby.” He murmurs into your neck as he plants sloppy kisses all over your collarbones before trailing down to your chest.
“Such slutty little outfits you wear, you trying to seduce your boss?” He rips open your sheer blouse hungrily and tuts when he sees how exposed you are. “Not wearing a bra around a married man. Should be ashamed of yourself.” He grumbles as he seals his lips around your nipple, sucking it forcefully while he kneads your other breast- wedding band glinting in the dim light.
“I’m such a slut, ‘m sorry, daddy.” You whimper at the way he’s attacking your tits, teeth grazing your delicate skin and leaving red marks. It’s true, you did feel like a slut; you’d had a crush on Mr Skywalker from the moment he hired you and you didn’t seem to care one bit that he was married.
“Bend over and I’ll teach you a lesson.” He pops your nipple out of his mouth, a trail of drool connecting you. “Now.”
You hop off his desk and position yourself over it, ass in the air while your wet tits pressed against the cold wood. You feel him hook his fingers over your panties and slowly drag them down, a groan escaping him once he sees your glistening arousal.
“Being a little homewrecker gets you this wet, huh?” You wince as his thick fingers trail down your folds, smearing the sinful evidence of your adultery everywhere. Your face burns with shame when you hear the familiar clink of his belt unbuckling, deepening in its redness when you feel the head of his cock prodding at your entrance.
“Tell me how much you want it.” He teases, slipping in the very tip for just a second before pulling back. “Beg.”
“I want it so bad Ani.” You squirm restlessly, aching with the desire to be filled “Please daddy, please! I’ll do anything for you.” Your sweet voice rings out sincerely.
At first you’d told yourself you’d never get involved with someone like him- that it was beneath you as a woman of upstanding moral character. Then after the first time you’d sucked his cock under the desk while he held a meeting, you comforted yourself with the reassurance that it would be a purely sexual relationship, nothing more. Now that the thought of him finally permeated your every waking moment, you had run out of excuses. You were in love with a married man.
“Oh, I know you would, baby.” He chuckles, sensing your fragility. He tries to be sensitive but he finds the way you debase yourself for him too amusing not to laugh at. “Take it.”
With one forceful thrust, he pushes his cock all the way inside you, the tight walls of your pussy closing in as if to claim him. His hand reaches round to clamp over your mouth as he brings you closer to him, the cold metal of the watch on his wrist sizzling against your burning flesh. Your body is set alight with desire once you feel him flush against you, his toned abdomen slapping against your ass as he pounds into you mercilessly.
You spot the framed photo of Anakin and his wife perched at the edge of his desk and you scowl at the unpleasant sight. Being made to stare at her mockingly beaming face while you’re giving your pussy out to him filled you with a foul possessiveness that caused you to extend your arm out and knock the frame off the table. Anakin pauses for a moment and peers over to observe the broken fragments of glass sprawled out across the carpet.
You don’t dare to look back and meet his gaze, instead burying your face in your arms as you arch your back further.
“So we’ve finally reached the point where you’re starting to get jealous, hm?” He pushes back into you frustratingly slowly, his thrusts deep but unsatisfying. “Answer me.” He wraps his hand around your hair and pulls you back when he’s met with silence.
“Yes! I’m fucking jealous. You shouldn’t be with her, you should be with me- you should be mine! I hate her.” You spit out venomously, taken aback by the resentment that seeped out.
“Show me.” He replies simply, eyes wide open and lips parted. Your heart leaps at the opportunity to prove yourself so you get up, swiftly swapping positions as you push Anakin onto the desk with more strength than you knew you had. He’s taken aback by your fervour and does nothing but lie back as you climb onto him, pencil skirt hitched up to your hips. You lower his trousers down a little more before sinking onto him, ravenous with the desire to be consumed whole by him and all that he is. He stares at you through narrowed eyes, disbelief flitting through them. It was no secret you had a big crush on him but he didn’t realise until he saw you just then- in the throes of passionate desperation, that it was clear as day.
“I love you, Anakin.” You whine, verbalising his worst fears. He says nothing back as you bounce on his cock, each rebound filled with more ardour and torment. The familiar twitching deep inside you let you know he was close so you ground your hips against his with the most fire you could muster, the squelching and slapping becoming resoundingly loud as you fought the blazingly painful feeling of him slipping away. His breath hitched and a deep groan rumbled from the depths of his chest as he grabbed your soft thighs and spilt his cum deep inside you. A numbness overcame you when you looked him in the eyes after his breath settled and it became clear; without a shadow of a doubt, you had lost him. Once he pulled out, you would never be one ever again.
“C’mon darling, get off.” He softly sighs, head bowed while you remain frozen in place.
“That was the last time, wasn’t it?” You ask, feeling a torrent of tears building. He screws his eyes shut as he nods hesitantly and you feel your heart being bloodily ripped out from your chest.
“It’s for the best. I don’t want to hurt you.” You scoff mirthlessly at the irony of his words.
“Do you not love me at all?” After debasing yourself in every possible way, all that was left to do was give him your ego to destroy.
“I love my wife.” He replies resolutely and you can almost hear the nail being hammered into the coffin that was your relationship.
Stumbling off the desk, you fall onto his leather chair and the world around you goes fuzzy. You can vaguely hear him encouraging you to get dressed as he gestures to the alarm clock on his desk but it’s not enough to puncture your daze. Before you can register what’s going on, he’s dressing you- slipping on your underwear and zipping up your skirt as “I’m sorry”’s spilled from his unfaithful lips. Your body was not your own- all you could focus on was not falling apart entirely as you were wheeled out of his office and left standing frailly by the elevator. He presses the button with a ding as he straightens out your blouse and runs his knuckles softly over your cheeks, staring into your eyes apologetically. “I really am sorry, baby.” He whispers as the elevator doors open with a chirpy ding. You retreat soullessly into the cold metal box as you see a woman brush past you.
“Oh, hey honey! Waiting for me?” Padme’s strident voice is heard as she steps out of the lift and embraces Anakin with a light chuckle.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He pulls her into a hug right before your eyes, his broad hand resting over the back of her head as he pulls her into his chest protectively- just like he did with you. “I’m all ready to go.” He announces absent-mindedly.
“It’s about time, we almost missed dinner! This company is really working you to the bone, you must be shattered.” She rambles on, still wrapped around him.
“Yeah, you could say that.” He mumbles as he stares straight at you, his mournful gaze permanently burned into your memory as the doors shut before you.
You hoped the whirring of the moving elevator would mask the wail you let out as you collapsed, the pain of your heart and soul crumbling too much to bear. You loved him. You loved him and you were going to have to find a new job.
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iliketangerines · 6 months
Can I request oneshot of Mk1 Liu Kang x Fem s/o Jinx (Dc comics) whose power is to give bad luck because of this power she always isolates herself in fear of hurting others when she tells Liu about her power he doesn't care and still loves her anyway; she is gentle and soft spoken please?
jinx, jinx again!
a/n: i changed the personality of the reader around, but i think it makes more sense
pairing: liu kang x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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Liu Kang wonders where you are
you were a powerful champion, one with the power to turn the tides of luck and turn the war towards any one side
he had created you in this timeline with the intent to protect Earthrealm, and yet, you’re nowhere to be found on any speck of the planet
and so Liu Kang set out on a journey to find you, going through the sands of time to try and locate you with Geras to bring you to his side before Shang Tsung or anyone else could use your powers for evil
Liu Kang sighs and rubs at the headache forming in his head, it had been days since he had started looking
and yet, you were nowhere to be found, finding the other champions had not nearly been this difficult and yet here you were, unfindable
Geras calls over Liu Kang and points to something in the hourglass, a piece of sand stuck to the side, stubbornly refusing to fall in with the rest of them
Liu Kang raises his eyebrow and picks out the sand and opens its threads to show its life, and there you were
he scrolls through your life memories, searching for where you are, but now he sees why you were so hard to find
your power to change the tides had manifested as bad luck, and it had driven you away from society and only heightened your anxiety
and that heightened your powers, which turned into a never ending cycle of you falling deeper and deeper into your powers
and your powers had kept you away from Liu Kang, from forming connections with the right people to harness your powers
and so you lived in isolation in fear of harming others
Liu Kang rubs his chin as he tries to find your exact location, and he hums as he finds you, isolated high in the mountains, somehow surviving on your own despite everything
he summons a portal and tells Geras that hopefully he will be back soon with you in hand, and Liu Kang disappears
it’s snowing, trees covered in the soft powder, and the birds chirp quietly into the air as Liu Kang makes his way through the forest
he finds your house in the distance, a humble cabin barely holding itself together, and he knocks upon your door
he hears some crashing from within a house and a loud thud before the door unlatches, and you peek out from behind the door, eyes wide as you stare at him
your fingers twitch as you notice his glowing eyes and his lack of winter clothing, and he asks to enter
you shut the door in his face, and he can hear yourself mumbling to yourself, before you open the door again and ask who he is
Liu Kang tells you who he is, god of fire and protector of earthrealm, and he tells you he is here to recruit you in the defense of earthrealm
you raise your eyebrows and then laugh, cackling and howling even as Liu Kang stands in front of you with a stern face
you raise your hand up into the air, and the top of the doorway falls down right into your awaiting hands, as if you knew it was going to happen
you shove it back in place before telling him that that was a funny joke, but he shouldn’t have been able to find you in the woods
you open the rest of the door to reveal the sharp blade you carry, and Liu Kang raises his hands in surrender, trying not to provoke you any further
but he can see the way your hands slightly tremble and how your breath comes out a bit stuttered as you hold the knife towards him
Liu Kang says he truly is a god and he summons flames into his hand to show you
you look at him in surprise and nearly drop the knife into the snow, and you fumble with it, managing to cut yourself in the process
you hiss out in pain and press your thumb into your mouth, trying to clean the wound as Liu Kang looks upon you
he tells you he has the answer to your plight, that he can cure your bad luck if you come with him to train and defend earthrealm
you look up at him with quirked eyebrows, surprised that he even knew of your terrible luck
he summons a portal behind him, one that led to his academy, and he gestures that you can take his offer, to control your powers and make friends and to build connection
your eyes dart between the portal and your rickety home, unsure if you should leave everything behind
you always had bad luck, and it drew everyone away from you
you bounced from home to home, from school to school as your bad luck harmed everyone else and you
now, you have a chance to get rid of your bad luck, to make the human connection you so desperately craved after years in isolation
you spin in a circle and step out from under the doorway as the top of it falls down again
you don’t catch it and let it fall into the snow as you take a deep breath and take Liu Kang’s hands
he’s warm, warmer than anyone you’ve ever experienced, and he gives you a small smile before leading you through the portal to your new life
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rinrinx2 · 7 months
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My Brothers Wife
Ran x (Y/N) x Rindou
Summary: A change of tides is on its way
Warnings: Mentions of S@, mentions of @bortion, language, mature content, kinda smut, angsty.
My brothers wife Masterlist
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You looked the young lady up and down, her skin pale, her eye bags dark as if she hadn’t slept in months. And worst of all was the physique as you caught small glimpses of it as her heavy brown coat would move around making it able for you to see the bloating of her abdomen and the swelling of her ankles.
“So, you’re the woman my husbands been fucking?” You asked rhetorically, without much care to how you spoke to her.
“Yes” she said with her head hung low.
“And why are you by my house door, begging to see me?” You questioned on.
“Well, this isn’t your house door this is Haitani Ran’s”
“Congratulation detective you’ve cracked the case. But I’m sure you know exactly how my house looks by now. Tell me how many times has Rindou brought you over there”
You watched as her faced turned in distaste as you spoke, you didn’t care if your words held venom to them.
You felt hurt and betrayed and when things finally started to feel hopefully you see the brunt of your husbands actions standing at your door step.
“I didn’t come here to argue with you” she spoke on looking you in the eyes.
“Then why are you here?”
The brunette took a deep breath, as if calming herself before she spoke on.
“I came here to ask for help” she said as she let go of all the oxygen in her lungs.
“Help with what?” You said now with a raised eyebrow.
“Help with the baby. This is Rindou’s” she said as she moved her coat open to display a semi round belly as a smile began crept onto her face.
The little restraint your held had snapped and Ran could sense it to all the way from his study, as he heard your chair scrape against the wooden floors.
“You asking me to help with your baby?!” You said now standing to your full height, as she remained seated at the opposite end of the table.
“Yes, you know we could work out something. Like help pay for medical bills and you know baby supplies. This whole secretary gig doesn’t pay the best”
“I mean that makes sense” you said with that fake laugh that lulled others into a false sense of security.
The young lady began to laugh with actually believing that you agreed with her.
“You’ve got some fucken nerve. You seek me out to ask for help because you got knocked up by my husband, so instead of trying to muster up an apology you go ahead and have the audacity to ask me to pay the bills of your kid”
You looked at the brunette starring daggers into her just as she did the same to you, now having a starring contest as anger shoot from each of your gazes.
“Get the fuck out of my house” you commanded.
“Like I said earlier this isn’t your house” she said now standing up herself, as she kept eye contact with you.
“Get the fuck out” you heard Ran say from behind you causing you to let go of your eyes on her.
“Make me. I’m not leaving here till use tell me where Rindou is” she said now changing the reason as to why she was invading your comfort of your home.
Without another breath wasted on her, you heard the clicking of Ran’s gun as he unholstered it from its casing. The loaded barrel pointing straight in her direction.
“You’d shoot a pregnant woman” she said in disbelief.
“I’ve done worst” Ran replied nonchalantly as he played with the trigger.
“Tell me where Rindou is” she continued on as she stamped her feet into the wooden floor, the wood letting out an aching noise.
“It’s not my fault my brother fucked you and discarded you. You should’ve taken his advice when it came to you getting pregnant.”
“Oh, and also scuff my floor again and you’ll end up laying dead on it” Ran added.
You watched as she turned around in defeat as she stormed to the door, her hand at the door knob as she turned it. So close to leaving until she tried to twist it and was unable to, and then suddenly the door flung open showing none other than Rindou.
“(Y/N) please talk to me about this” he said as he looked only at you not even noting the woman he’d been fucking or his brother aiming a gun at him.
“Perfect timing Rin, you can take your woman and both fuck off out of my house” Ran said with a smile as he moved to stand beside you.
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You don’t remember how long Rindou stood in the door way begging to get a word out of you or how long that young lady nagged on Rindou’s arm for him to spare her a glance, you could only recall Ran letting a bullet whizz pass the two of them missing them by a millimetre. A good enough warning to get the two of them to finally leave.
“You think you’re going to have a peaceful day then that shit happens” Ran said as he laid draped over your lower half just below your bump as you played with the tuffles of his hair.
You remained silent not commenting on Ran remark, rather keeping attention on anything other than the situation you were in.
And you let that silent build up until finally it snapped within and all your worries frame bubbling out like ocean foam on the shore.
“Ran, I feel like this is all my fault” you said as you stop playing with his hair.
Ran lifted his head from your lap as you tried to look you in your eyes as your head hung low.
“It’s not (Y/N)” he said softly as he tried to reach out for you, but you pulled away from his touch.
“I just feel like none of this would’ve happened if i just didn’t start sleeping with you, I’m like a slut I just can’t help myself when it comes to you” you said holding back tears.
“It’s just the effect I have on women” Ran said with a snicker trying to lighten the mood but it was when he heard your sniffles and saw the reflection of your tears in the light did he realise the severity of the situation.
“Come in don’t cry, it’s not your fault really. I played a part in this two and when we started seeing each other Rindou was already 3 months in deep with that secretary”
Ran said trying to comfort you but did little of the way of helping as you continued to sulk, now with your hands covering your eyes as you sobbed harder.
Your cries echoed throughout the room for what felt like forever and your mind plagued you with thoughts of guilt.
“You know I started seeing because I always loved you” Ran said quietly, more to himself than anyone as he now kept his gaze lowered.
“And I know you might think that I’m just saying that because of what’s happening but I mean it. I remember when Rindou and I went to that club and we saw you. I was going to go up to you but I saw the excitement in Rindou’s eyes and let him go after you. I thought nothing much would come of it and then I’d get to speak to you afterwards but I was wrong. You looked at him the way I wished someone would look at me and you laughed at all his horrible jokes and when things got serious between the two of you I would hope something horrible would happen so you’d call the wedding off, but nothing ever did. And on your wedding day when I saw you I nearly cried tears of joy because for a minute it almost felt like you were walking down the aisle to spend the rest of your life with me. So, when I heard about how Rindou was having an affair and how it was affecting your marriage and he was neglecting you it was like my luck had finally changed and I did my best to show that I cared even if I did it the wrong way….
…and I’m sorry it ended up like this, I should’ve just told you what he was doing instead of getting tangled up in this. So, if you’re going to blame someone blame me. I love you to much to have you feel the guilt of this all”
You eyes still wet from your freshly fallen tears as you heard Ran quietly speak as he remained unaware that you listened so attentively.
Ran finally looked up, seeing you sit puffy lips and red rimmed eyes that held so much admiration and love towards him.
For a moment neither of you said a word just the two of you slowly approaching each other until you felt your lips softly collide.
Taking in each other’s breath, feeling as his tongue swirled around yours.
His hands travelling along your sides, gently squeezing them as they moved venturing across your body.
His hands dipping in between your thighs as two fingers pressed against your clothed cunt as his other hand played with your ever hardening nipples.
His fingers finally moving your panties to the side as he began to play at the outside of your pussy, teasing your clit but never fully sinking in until you began to whine out in need.
“Ran please” you begged out.
But all Ran did was let out a chuckle as he bit you lip playfully as he pulled his fingers away.
“You’re gonna have to wait if you want more”
You looked over at Ran as you gave him a stare that could kill, while he licked at his fingers shooting you a smirk.
“You know we can just elope” Ran said licking the last of your remnants off of his fingers.
“Real funny Ran” you commented back at what you presumed was a snarky remark.
“I’m being serious. Rindou is on your case and I doubt that but job of a secretary is going to be any better. So, why not, just you, me and Ran junior over there”
“How about Hong Kong.Mikey has a sister headquarters up there, I could ask to supervise there I mean I heard they kinda doing shit so instead of Mikey being situated there for awhile I can” Ran said with all his attention on you now.
“What ya say, gorgeous?”
“If you make me cum then it’s a yes” you said teasingly.
“So, then it’s a yes” Ran said as he now moved back onto your body.
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Rindou walked into headquarters with full skin and new worry lines that a man of his age should not have dawned. He knew what he did was reckless and careless but he was trying his best to make amends.
And his thoughts of trying to fix things felt like porcelain falling onto the floor when he heard the voice of the woman who he dreaded.
“Rindou” she called out from the front desk trying to get his attention before he could make it to the elevator.
“Rin!” She called out louder this time.
The name calling finally irritating Rindou enough to get his attention, as he now stormed towards her.
“I told you not to call me that” he said through gritted teeth.
“I’m sorry it’s just I haven’t seen you since that day at your brothers house”
“And you weren’t suppose to see me since 5 months ago when I paid you off enough for you to live a new life” Rindou said in an irritated tone.
“I’m pregnant Rindou, you can’t just neglect that fact” she said with the same venom back towards him.
“Well Suki, you weren’t suppose to be now because we had an agreement”
“Oh that would make your life so much easier just to get rid of that wouldn’t it” Suki said with a scowl.
“Yes it would. God, you fuck me when I’m shit blown out of my mind which sounds like a fucking criminal offence because it is and now you knocked up and won’t stop harassing me”
“Well would you look at that, the gangster caring about the law how ironic” Suki said with a grin
“And let’s not forget to mention the fact that you are the one who neglected your wife enough for her to go find comfort by your brother, so you really are the one at fault.”
“Fuck you” Rindou said as he turned on his heels.
“You wish you could” Suki said with a laugh.
She watched as Rindou walked towards the elevator not even sparring her a departing glance. She hated how he hated her, she hated the fact that she was regret and mistake in his eyes.
When Suki got this job as a secretary a year ago she didn’t know that’s when she would see the man of her dreams, with his lilac mullet and charming gaze.
And when the time came when he was tripping his was over to her desk, barely able to hold himself up she knew that she had to take the opportunity. She had to somehow get into his pants, and when she did she took full advantage of it never once letting up from his dick as she let him cum in her over and over.
She loved Rindou and when she found out he had a wife she knew she’d love him more than you ever could. She knew everything about him, how he liked his coffee to how he liked to get his dick wet. And when she heard from a passing by Ran who was talking to Kakucho how he’d been neglecting you for his duties at Bonten she knew it be a waiting game till she was the new Mrs. Haitani.
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Rindou let out a sigh as he sat at his desk. His hands combing through his hair as he thought of the mess he was in. He couldn’t stand the time he was away from you, the house felt so soulless without you in it, no warmth from your love to keep it vibrant and he knew the way the situation looked just made you hate him more.
He couldn’t change the way you saw the situation with him being the villain because you saw him as some guy who was fucking the secretary and that’s why you neglected him, he wish he could show you that it wasn’t like that. All Rindou wished was that he’d be able to tell you was that he didn’t fuck his secretary on purpose she would come onto him when he was high off of whatever drug in some stupor unable to comprehend anything when she’d come after him. He would never fuck another woman, but how could he tell you that because you’d be upset at the fact that he was doing activities you told him to stop as well as still telling him that it takes two to tango.
Every way he looked at the situation he always came out with him being the villain and he hated himself for it.
Rindou let out a sigh as he threw his head on the desk. So distraught he hadn’t heard Kakucho enter his office.
“What’s gotten you like that” the younger male asked.
“My life is in the shit” Rindou replied not even lifting his head up.
“Yeah guess that’s been the buzz of the office, but don’t let it defeat you. Takeomi was in a similar predicament but him and his wife are stronger than ever now”
“Takeomi got taken advantage of by one of our secretaries, who got herself knocked up on your semen. While simultaneously neglecting his wife because he was so stressed with work that his own brother noticed and started giving his wife attention that cause the two to fall in love and have an affair that now had his wife pregnant” Rindou said as he had raised his head from the desk.
“I mean something along those lines but probably not the same details” Kakucho said with a nervous smile as he scratched the back of his head.
“Thanks for the support Kakucho” Rindou said as he dropped his head back onto his desk.
“Don’t mention it” Kakucho replied with a gleeful smile unable to read the severity of Rindou’s situation.
“Well anyway, Mikey called you into his office”
Rindou heard as Kakucho left his office as he began to pick himself up from his desk.
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Rindou walked through the corridors till he reached Mikey’s office with its large glass windows that allowed you to look into his office.
Large enough to give him the full sight of his brother talking to Mikey.
Rindou walked into his office not caring that Mikey and Ran were still talking.
“You called” Rindou said sluggishly, as he looked at him and Ran who were still talking.
“So it’s settled you’ll be going to Hong Kong then” Mikey said finishing up talking to Ran.
Rindou sat down in a chair watching Ran left without sparing his older brother a glance.
“So Ran’s finally leaving” Rindou said with a snicker.
“Matter of fact he is” Mikey replied which caused Rindou’s attention to be fully on Mikey now.
Rindou’s heart began to beat faster at the idea of his brother finally leaving Tokyo, it was as if his prays were being answered and he’d finally be able to get you back with his brother’s absence.
“That’s why I called you in here today. I need you to take over Ran’s responsibilities in Roppongi as well as few other areas since he’ll be moving to Hong Kong”
A smile began to spread on Rindou’s face at the news of his brother leaving. For the first time in a long time things were finally looking up for him.
“Will do” Rindou said trying to hold his composure.
“Yeah and please don’t fuck the areas in giving you any further than they are, ever since Ran’s been busy with (Y/N) his been disregarding some of his work”
“Don’t worry I won’t” Rindou said with a smirk full of hope.
“Yeah let’s hope Ran doesn’t do the same with since she’s going with to Hong Kong”
And the minute Rindou heard Mikeys words his smile fell.
“What do you mean she’s going with” Rindou questioned, already knowing the answer.
“(Y/N) is going with Ran to Hong Kong”
All rights reserved
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keraxxx · 8 months
Hate or Jealousy?- Part 3
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pairing- oliver quick x fem! reader summary: After the other night, Oliver is getting tired of hearing his name in your mouth so he takes matters into his own hands. warnings: Smut, oral(Oliver receiving), brat taming, praising, oral fixation (implied), cursing, somnophilia(implied), not proof read wc: 1.5k A/N: Hi guys! sorry this chapter took so long to get out that is completely my fault! Hopefully you like this chapter its kinda just smut with no plot but next chapter will have more i promise. Enjoy! comment to be added to taglist
Requests are open
Why did you let him do that? Your head was reeling and you felt sick to your stomach for the next few days. It’s not like you didn’t want him to do that.. no. It wasn’t like that at all. But you let him manipulate you into eating all because he touched you? God how pathetic. You were mentally beating yourself up for being so stupid. You didn’t want to eat but if you stop, who knows what Oliver will do next.
You’re lying in your bed, curled into a ball, knees pulled up to your chest. You have this blank expression painted on your face, as if you’re unable to comprehend a single thing in your life. You hear a soft yet firm knock at the door. “Who is it?” You say dryly. “Farleigh.” You hum quietly and he comes in, a concerned expression painted on his face. “What’s up with you? You’ve been acting weird for the past two days.” You bite your lip as you sit up, your hair a mess yet still framing your face perfectly.
“Shut the door..” You whisper and Farleigh obeys. He walks over to your bed and sits down. “It’s about Oliver.” You whisper making sure no one in the hallways can hear. “The other night we..” You trail off and Farleigh immediately understands. “Oh.” He stifles a laugh but you glare at him and he immediately stops. “Right. Not funny, sorry. What exactly happened?”
“Well.. he like..” You shrug and look away. “I don’t know. He was all like ‘Oh, you’re gonna start eating from now on’ blah blah blah, ‘you’re just like Venetia, you’re so beautiful.’” You inhale deeply as you recall the memory. Farleigh looks at you in shock. “Well..” He exhales and looks at a wall in your room. “He didn’t like.. force you, right?” You shake your head. “I wanted to. God! He’s such a weirdo but i can’t stop myself from thinking about him..” You sigh and Farleigh raises an eyebrow. “So you like him?” He chuckles.
“No.. yes? I don’t know!” You sigh dramatically as you lay back down. “Maybe i should talk to him about it..” You whisper as you bring your thumb to your lips and bite at the skin around your nail bed. “Right.. well! I’ll leave you to it.” He says softly as he pats your shoulder once more before heading out the room. You huff as you hear the door close. You really need to talk to Oliver.
You find your way to Oliver room, walking through Felix’s empty room and shutting the door. Oliver is sitting on the bed and he perks up. “Ollie..” You whisper, staying alert of anyone near the room. “What the fuck.” You whisper yell as you stay against the door, your hands behind your back as he feel the wood door. “Nice of you to see me..” He says softly as gets off his bed, walking towards you. “I enjoyed the other night..”
His voice.. there was something he was hiding behind his seductive tone. Was he lying or being genuine? You couldn’t tell. “Shut up.” You practically barked as he got closer, inches away from your face. “Why would I?” He smirks slightly as he places his hands on your waist. “Look at you..” He says softly as he looks you up and down, tutting to himself. “Perfect even after you eat.” He snarks and your face twists into a frown. “Get off me.” You don’t attempt to push him off though.. you let his fingers dance on your curves as he looks at your body. “Do you really want me to, love?” He sarcastically frowns as you avert your gaze from his. “God I hate you,.”
“You really fucking love me.” He whispers as he moves his head in front of yours so you’re looking at him again. “I know you do.” You lock eyes with him, your bottom lip quivering. He knew he was right. Well, partially. Love was too strong of a word.. you liked him, most definitely. “Gods sake..” You mumble as you gently push him off you and open the door to leave his room.
Everything that went down was too much. You liked Oliver and he fucking knew. That’s not a good thing.. at all. Just the thought of him made your clit throb.. the sight of him. Every time you laid in the field, body completely exposed to him, you enjoyed the attention he was giving to you. At first you didn’t, but now you did. Him observing your smooth legs and looking at your exposed chest did something to you and you didn't know why. This isn't good.
"Wait Ollie-" You moan out as he kisses your thighs, slowly getting under your covers as his hands trail up underneath your white shirt. You don't know what's happening. You woke up with Oliver kissing your neck. Everything was a bit fuzzy but fuck.. it felt so good. Your hands fly to the top of his head and your back arches up slightly as he kisses your clothed clit. "Ollie wha-" You grunt softly as you look down at him between your legs, hands resting on the sides of your ass. "You have such a big mouth.." He whispers as he tuts. "You should learn to be quiet and not gossip so much like your aunt." He trails his way back up to your face and you look into his eyes nervously. "You want my cock?" You can feel his breath on your lips and your mouth opens as your about to answer but he quickly covers your mouth. "Nod." You nod eagerly and he groans as he flips you on top of him.
You lean against the backboard of your dresser and you place your lips on his, allowing yourself to taste him. He quickly rips himself off you and shakes his head. "That's not the way to keep you quiet.." He scoffs as he lifts you up slightly, pulling down his pajama shorts, revealing his plaid boxer briefs. You want to moan at the sight of his hard cock yet you don't. You have to be quiet.
Oliver nods as you look down at it, hopping off his lap and eagerly bending over the side of him to slide down his boxers. You bite your lip as his cock springs out. You look at him and he leans his head back, his eyes locked on your pretty and plump lips. "Go ahead." He ushers and you slowly wrap your lips around the head of his cock. He shivers in excitement as your warm mouth swallows him whole. "Fuck darling.." He huffs out as you bob your head up and down his throbbing hard on, collecting every drop of pre-cum.
"You're so good for me.." He grunts out as he places his hand on the back of your head. "Good.. good.." Oliver whispers to himself as he controls your head. He pushes your head down, causing you to choke and sputter around the base of his shaft. He moves your head up and you pant, your spit falling down your lips. He laughs dryly as he looks at you. "You're better when your quiet you know.." You smile as you go back to sucking his cock, feeling him throb inside your mouth was something else. You could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter by the second. You tease him, your tongue trailing from his base to his sensitive tip. He grunts and his grip on your hair tightens. You swirl your tongue around him and without giving him a break, you quickly shove him down your throat again, softly moaning at his taste.
You could feel him becoming more frantic, his breathing getting heavier and his hips bucking up into your mouth faster than before. He was so close and you wanted him.. "Darling..." he whines out as he gasps softly, his cum shooting in your mouth and you push your head down so you can swallow it all, making sure not to miss a drop. He gasps as you pull yourself from his cock with a pop. You look at him and he eagerly places his hands on the sides of your face, wanting to taste himself on your lips. Seeing him so desperate was disgusting in a way yet you liked it. He pulled away and gently wiped your mouth. He pulled your head closer, fingers tangled in your hair and you groan softly.
"We need to be careful yeah? You don't want anyone else knowing what happened between us, right?" You nod and bite your lip. "Good.." He sighs as he gets up from your bed and pulls up his pants. "Farleigh is going to tell Felix but don't worry about it. I'll handle it tomorrow." He says and you look at him. "Wait you were eavesdropping on me and Farleigh?" He turns his head over his shoulder. "I told you to be quiet." He says smugly as he walks out your room, quietly shutting the door.
What the fuck.
Taglist: @l-ange-maudit @trashdemon04 @hahahafucku @powellssaturn @ihaterule14 @girlypop-06 @nolovinyou
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jinxxangel13 · 8 months
Phantom of the Night
Chapter 1
This will be a 141/female oc, with possible variations down the line depending on the route I take with a pairing.
Updates will hopefully be once a week, depending on my work schedule. So thank you everyone for being so patient with me!
Hope you enjoy!
~Masterlist~ -Next-
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The helo finally started its descent. The front of the vehicle housed a quiet man with a bright smile as he spoke into his headset to the only other person in the air with him. The woman sitting behind him held onto her seat with a joyous laugh at the man's jokes.
“Nik, stop or my stomach is going to burst!” The woman was finally gaining control of her breathing as he landed on the helipad perfectly. Not that she expected anything less from the Russian man who had become a friend over the course of the last few years they had known each other.
With a deep chuckle, Nikolai shuts everything down as she unbuckles herself and starts to gather her backpack and two large duffles, dropping them to the ground out of the door before tossing another duffle towards him.
“Come on, Nik. We’re already late because of you.” She joked towards him, jumping down from the helo without difficulty. Funny now that she thinks about it; she had seen recruits hit the ground like a sack of potatoes more times than she could count, and here she is able to do it in her sleep most likely.
“Says the one who made me late, Kitty Kat.” He rolled his eyes and followed after her onto the tarmac.
She shook her head at the nickname, taking the hair tie out of her hair to let her braid out of its bun and grabbing her bags to find her way through the new base in search of only one person.
The two of them were attracting many looks, Nik seemingly used to it, but the woman next to him was definitely uncomfortable with the eyes on her but kept her head up as they made their way through a set of doors.
Nikolai stopped at a standard wood door, knocking before walking right in. The woman followed behind him and set her bags right next to the door before looking around the room.
It was a moderate sized meeting room of sorts, multiple swivel chairs scattered around a large mahogany table that took up a majority of the room. Two fairly large men were standing in the corner farthest from where Nikolai and Kit were at the door, one of which sported a black balaclava with a white skull imprint on the front and a UK flag on the front of his tac vest, while the slightly shorter man had some sort of weird mohawk and an SAS patch on his chest. There was another man, younger than the other two, dark skin and short hair sitting on the opposite side of the table.
There was a TV stand set up in the corner behind an open laptop between the larger men and the youngest, with the woman the pair came in looking for was standing. The person in question was standing just behind the small screen, an average size woman in her mid forties with brown hair pulled out of her face. She was standing hunched over the laptop with a man in his mid to late 30’s, brown mutton chops and some kind of odd looking fisherman hat. 
A boonie hat? She hadn’t seen anyone wear one since she was younger.
“Kate Laswell, good to see you again, old friend.” The woman finally spoke up from next to Nik.
The older woman across from her snapped her head up to the voice. Kate's hard set eyes softened after taking the other woman in for the first time in what seemed like years, a smile appeared on her face as she relaxed slightly at the sight of the 5’9” woman. 
The woman next to Nikolai had dark hair that tumbled down her back in a long braid, piercing silver eyes that seem to observe everything all of the time, and olive skin that was only disrupted by the sight of freckles across her face. She wore a grey long sleeve shirt under a camo jacket, black cargo pants and boots expertly laced up, with a small neck wrap tucked into the back of her jacket,
“Captain Felis. You know it is always a pleasure.” Kate walked around the man next to her, holding her hand out to Felis, to which Kate was pulled into a much needed hug.
Both women checkled as they stepped back from each other, Kate turning to address everyone else in the room but looking towards Nikolai.
“Thank you for the safe travels, Nik. I appreciate not being thrown from a plane this time.” Kit nagged, shaking his hand before he nodded with a chuckle.
“One time, Kit. Laswell, Price, a pleasure.” Nik turned and walked back out of the door and shut it behind him.
Kit sighed as he left, looking back towards the group in front of herself and Laswell.
“Captain Felis, I'd like for you to meet Task Force 141. This is Captain John Price,” Kate motioned to the older man she was conversing with before Felis came in.
Price walked around to shake Kit’s hand, with her returning the firm handshake.
“Nice to meet you, Captain Price. Most people just call me Kitty, or Kit.” She shrugged with a gentle smile.
“This is Lieutenant Ghost Riley,” He motioned to the larger man with the skull mask. “These are my Sergeants, Gaz Garrick and Soap MacTavish.” Price nodded towards the younger dark skinned man as Gaz, and the mohawk as Soap.
Kit nodded to the three of them, recognition flashing in her eyes at their names, having seen their files from Laswell a few months prior to being requested on this particular base.
Laswell waved her hands towards the table to get everyone seated. Kit took a seat closer to the door with her back to the far wall and the door in her line of sight. Old habits die hard.
Price sat next to Laswell at the other end of the table, with Soap sitting next to him, Ghost standing behind them and next to the door, and Kyle sitting to Kit’s right on the other side of Laswells and across from Price.
“Gaz, Soap, Ghost. Captain Felis is going to be your doctor on base, and a field medic when needed.” Laswell passed a folder to Price, most likely Kit’s if she guessed correctly. “As well as a strategist and stealth specialist.” 
Kit took a deep breath, leaning her elbow on the table.
“I hope that’s the redacted version, Kate.” Kit chuckled softly, meeting Laswell’s eyes. 
Laswell shook her head with a gentle smile. “As if you’d give me access to any other.”
Both women laughed softly together, much to the confusion of the four men in the room.
“And don’t worry, boys, I know how to handle myself with anything thrown at me. That’s a guarantee.” Kit shrugged, eyes meeting everyone's gaze head on with no fear.
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oh-stars · 9 months
wc: 404 | cw: depression | gen rating | for @steddiemicrofic | Prompt: "hole"
He couldn’t escape it. Everywhere he went, it followed, it consumed, it overpowered. He’s had it for as long as he could remember, this hole in his chest. It was like he woke up one morning to it, shoving every emotion out of the way to feel the pulsing emptiness within. 
Demo-things and nailbats brought on tunnels and wayward children bleeding into secret bases and flesh monsters to end in a blaze of glory with mind-controlling wizards and earthquakes; they gave it power. The hole in Steve’s chest went from a small pit to a blackhole, unrelenting in its desire to numb him. 
Dustin was a good distraction for a while and talking things out with Robin sometimes made the hole shrink for a day or even a week. No matter what, it always came back. 
Steve burrows into the pillows and sheets of his bed, the one he shares with Eddie now. He clings to the pillow under his head, searching for the cool fabric to counter the blaze under his cover. There are no tears, but he feels like he’s crying – too numb to actually let tears fall. He wants to feel that relief Robin always talks about after a “good cry.” He just can’t.
He just wants it out. 
The door creaks open, heavy boots thudding softly against the old wood floor. “Dark day?” Eddie whispers as he sits behind Steve, a ringed hand carding through his hair. 
He shifts, careful not to knock Eddie’s hand off his head, to look up at his tired, wonderful boyfriend. No words, his eyes say it all. 
Eddie just nods, leans down to kiss his head. Because Eddie gets it. He has a hole of his own that takes over his days, trapping him in their bed for hours. He's the only one who just gets it. 
Steve watches Eddie change out of work clothes and slip into cozier ones. He pulls his hair into a bun, takes off his rings, and slips into bed. “C’mere,” Eddie says, already pulling Steve into his bare chest. The love he feels for Eddie won’t magically banish the darkness out of Steve’s chest, his affection can’t smother it into ash. But he does make it bearable.
They’ll lay there for the rest of the evening, like all dark days. And Eddie will hold him until Steve can feel something again. However long that takes. Hopefully forever. 
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n8doe · 2 months
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A.N — this is my first ever time writing about chris so i apologize if its not accurate 😥 i’ll get better overtime (i hope)
SUMMARY — after being alone in an apocalypse for years, you finally find the people youve known and got separated from since the beginning + your boyfriend (chris)
WARNINGS — very little gore is mentioned since its an apocalypse, lowercase letters intended, but other than that, nothing. also, the beginning might be boring so skip wherever you want
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you finally reach the edge of the forest, spotting a street ahead. the sight fills you with a sudden burst of energy, and you run out of the woods and onto the street. the hot weather of the unknown state hits your skin, causing sweat to drip down your neck.
you walk across the street towards a gas station, scanning for any signs of life. you desperately need to find gas and a car; the thought of continuing on foot with your shoes, which are on the verge of falling apart, is unbearable. the gas station looks abandoned, but you hope it might still have some supplies. driven by desperation, you approach the building, ready to search for anything that might help you on your difficult journey.
you knock loudly on the glass door of the gas station, making sure none of the dead are going to sneak up on you. after a few seconds with no response, you open the door, which rings a small bell as you step inside. the interior is dimly lit and dusty. you cautiously walk through the aisles, scanning for any useful supplies.
the shelves were almost empty and fallen over. debris covered the floor along with a bunch of dead bodies of the people who decided to take the easy way out. the bodies were melted into the ground, showing they had been there for ages. you carefully navigate around the fallen shelves and debris, trying not to disturb anything. the air is thick with the stench of decay, making it hard to breathe. as you move further in, you spot a small office in the back and decide to check it out, hoping to find something useful.
you twist the doorknob and try to push it open, but you realize something is blocking it. you slam your body against the door, attempting to push it open, but it doesnt work. you try one last time, and this time the door flings open, causing you to fall onto the floor.
you snap your head toward the noise of growling, seeing a dead body trying to crawl at you but unable to move. it had no legs and its arms were weak. you sigh in relief, crawl over to the dead body, and stab your knife into its head. then you notice a can of gas nearby. you immediately push yourself off the ground and pick up the can, revealing it was halfway filled. you let out a breathy chuckle and turn around to leave the office, but you stop when you see a pair of keys hanging off a hook.
you snatch the keys off the hook and walk out of the gas station, quickly spotting the car. you fill up the gas tank, toss the can into the back seat, and get into the drivers seat. starting the car, you drive away, not knowing where youre headed. hopefully, the roads will lead you somewhere safe, somewhere you can stay for a while.
after what felt like seconds, you heard a gunshot and your tire popped, causing your car to swerve and spin until you hit a tree. you groan as the airbags deploy, hitting you in the face. with the car flipped on its side, you have to crawl out of the window, broken glass scattered all over you.
once you exit the car, you look around and see no one. you feel a sting in your shoulder and look down to see blood running down your arm, soaking through your shirt.
“turn around,” you hear a man call out from in front of you, causing you to look up and see a stranger with a shotgun pointed at you. you stare at him for a few seconds. “now,” he demands.
you slowly turn around, raising your hands in the air, not wanting to cause any trouble. you hear his footsteps getting closer before you feel his hands patting down your sides, checking for weapons.
"you in a group?" he asks, grabbing the knife from your back pocket before backing away and pointing his shotgun at your head again. when you don't reply, he sighs and speaks in a stern manner, "look at me and respond."
you roll your eyes, turn around, and drop your hands to your sides. "no," you reply plainly, watching as he puts your knife into a bag on his shoulder.
he squints his eyes and looks you up and down. you have dirt and blood all over you, from both yourself and the dead. "whats your name?" you tell him your name, which causes him to nod and lower his shotgun. "follow me," he says, nodding his head before walking toward the woods.
"why would I do that?" you scoff, your eyes tracking his every move and reading his body language effortlessly. you groan and put your hand to your head, realizing the crash really messed you up.
"youre injured and alone. its not safe for a girl like you," he states.
"you think im not capable of handling myself?" you tilt your head. the man shrugs and starts walking into the woods. you shake your head before following after him.
after following the man for half a mile, you learn his name is ian. his camp is a motel surrounded by fences with guards patrolling every corner. you follow him to the front gate, watching as three men point guns at you while ian tries to talk them down.
“i have her weapons; shes not dangerous. she needs help because she was in a crash," ian explains, acting as if he didnt shoot your tire and wasnt the sole reason you crashed.
"take her to medical, then we'll send her off with supplies and a car. we dont have enough space for more people, ian," a woman with black hair said as she opened the gates. ian grabbed your arm and dragged you towards what you assumed was the medical area.
"’m sorry," he mumbles. "i'll make sure to give you extra supplies for wasting your time. i’ll be waiting outside for you once the doctor comes in." ian walks out of the room, closing the door behind him with a heavy sigh.
you knew it was a mistake to follow him here, but you did it because he also took your only weapon. you lie back on the bed, feeling the blood start to dry and become crusty as you wait for the doctor to come and help you.
you hear a lot of mumbling on the other side of the door before it creaks open. you look over, your eyes widen, and your body freezes. the doctor stops in her tracks when she sees you, a smile creeping onto her face.
madi filipowicz calls out your name before speed-walking over to you and hugging you. you hug her back, your face becoming numb from how big your smile is.
"do you want me to grab chris for you?" madi asks, pulling away from the hug and resting her hands on your shoulders.
you dont even know how to respond. you havent heard that name in years. youve been trying to find chris ever since the outbreak happened, but you found nothing. no clues, no leads—absolutely nothing. that was until a man named ian shot your tire and took you to his group.
you nod your head repeatedly. "youre amazing," you say. at your words, madi runs out of the room, her smile never leaving her face. you stand up from the bed and start pacing around the room. your hands are shaking, and your stomach is hurting. theres no mirror in the room, so you hope you look okay. you havent showered in a couple of months, and you definitely smell like shit.
the door creaks open again, and you turn around to make eye contact with chris. it had been years since you last saw him, each day feeling like an eternity. the thought of him had kept you going through the darkest times.
your breath caught in your throat. you took a tentative step forward, your voice barely a whisper. "chris."
chris’ eyes widened in disbelief. "theres no way…" he murmured, his voice cracking with emotion. he took a few steps towards you, then broke into a run, closing the distance between you in an instant.
you collided in a tight embrace, the world around you fading away. tears streamed down your face as you clung to him, feeling his warmth, his heartbeat. "i thought i’d lost you," you choked out, your voice trembling.
"i never stopped looking for you," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. he pulled back slightly, cupping your face in his hands, his eyes searching yours. "youre actually here. this is unreal.”
you nodded, unable to find the words. instead, you leaned in and kissed him, pouring all the years of longing, fear, and love into that one moment.
when you finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, his eyes closed. "i love you so fuckin’ much," he whispered, his voice filled with determination.
"i love you," you mumble, feeling a sense of peace you hadnt felt in years. in that moment, amidst the chaos of the world, you had found your home again in his arms.
"move aside," nick says, pushing chris away before hugging you tightly. a beaming smile lights up his face as he squeezes you, then lets matt and nate hug you as well.
"i thought you were done for,” matt says with a smile. "we saw most of the herd heading your way, and i seriously thought you were a goner.”
“im lucky.” you smile back.
"you shouldve heard how much that baby was whining about you in his sleep,” nate laughs, referring to chris, which makes you giggle.
"okay, you guys can reunite in a second. ian told me she got into a crash and shes badly injured. everybody out," madi demands, pointing towards the door. everyone groans and exits the room except for chris.
chris looked you up and down, "how the hell do you crash a car in the middle of an apocalypse?"
you debated whether you should snitch on ian or not, but you decided against it and shrugged. "i forgot how to drive."
"at least you can drive," madi mumbles as she cleans the wound on your shoulder. she glances at chris, who is giving her a harsh glare.
"a’right, dude," chris squeezes your hand before looking back down at you, his expression immediately softening. "i love you."
“i love you," you mumble, kissing his lips again before looking at madi, who is still cleaning your wound.
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hey guys, im sorry if this wasnt great 😥. I PROMISE ILL GET BETTER. please make sure to send requests—i need ideas and i want to write more. i'll write anything (nothing with nick that has to do with sexual or romantic shizz)
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skyward-floored · 1 month
More berry Link? More berry Link.
It’s been too long since I posted any writing with him, I missed my little guy. This is right at the beginning of his adventure, so hopefully you don’t need too much explain. Poor kiddo :(
Link ran through the village in a panic, barely taking in the smoking destruction around him and focusing only on getting home.
The general store had been ransacked, at least one house was gone from the main road, almost nobody was around and Link couldn’t find his sisters.
Some of them were always around this time of day, Del at the store, Lily under the tree at the edge of town, Coriander running around with one of the herding dogs, but Link couldn’t find any of them, and none of the few people he talked to knew where they were.
He already knew Iris was missing since she’d finally been hanging out with him when those monsters had shown up, but he’d never expected the village to be such a disaster. There must have been tons more of them then what he’d seen, he... hoped everyone was okay.
If they weren’t...
Link urged his feet to go even faster, and he almost tripped on the path up the hill to where his house sat. The gate swung wildly as Link ran past it, and he took in the scorch marks on the wood with a horrible feeling in his stomach.
He’d only been gone for a few hours, how could all of this have happened?!
...At least, he thought it had only been a few hours. Had that big monster actually knocked him out for longer?
Link finally reached his house, the windows dim. The front door was lying on its side, partially smashed in, and Link bolted inside, yelling for his sisters.
“Lily? Marigold?!” Link shouted, panic making his legs shake as he took in the mess inside. Broken class crunched under his boots, and the remains of a book were strewn around them, ripped and ruined. “Poppy?! Del?!”
Nobody answered him as he checked all over the house, and Link paused in the middle of the living room, his panicked breathing the only noise.
They were gone. His whole family was gone.
Link slid to his knees with a hiccup, his head pounding in time with his heart. His whole family was gone. And he hadn’t been able to do anything to stop it. If he hadn’t convinced Iris to help him look for the cuccos he’d let escape, she wouldn’t have been taken, and they both would have been here to help, and now... everyone was gone.
Then Link heard a groan.
Link jumped, hope rising in his chest, and he ran into the one room he hadn’t checked yet, his grandpa’s study. There were papers strewn all over the place, and Link looked around before spotting someone collapsed on the ground behind the desk.
Link scrambled over the papers, and got to his knees beside his grandfather, giving him a hesitant shake.
“Grandpa?” Link asked frantically, and to his relief, his grandfather opened his eyes, looking dizzy.
“Link... oh Link, you’re all right...” he said in a raspy voice.
“Grandpa, the cuccos got out and Iris got taken and there were monsters around and I couldn’t stop them and now everyone is gone,” he said all in a rush, tears stinging his eyes. “What happened?”
Link’s grandfather groaned as he began to sit up, and Link quickly helped him lean against his desk. It was a moment before he spoke, rubbing his head.
“Taken,” his grandpa croaked. “Your sisters... they’ve all been taken.”
“What? All of them?!” Link gasped, and his grandfather sighed, leaning his head against the corner of his desk.
“I’m sorry, Link. I should have told you more before this happened. I should have prepared...”
“Prepared for what? Grandpa I don’t understand!” Link said, a tear escaping down his cheek. “Did you know this was going to happen?”
Why hadn’t he told him? He wouldn’t have left if he’d known monsters were going to attack! And what did the monsters want with his sisters? What had happened?
“No, no Link I didn’t know,” his grandfather said, closing his eyes. “Your sisters... they are important. More important than even they know... and somehow the enemy found them.”
Link shakily wiped his face. “The... enemy?”
Sahasrahla exhaled, and opened his eyes, looking at Link with an expression he couldn’t totally figure out.
“Yes. Link, listen carefully... Your sisters are key to freeing an old evil, a powerful one. There are people in this world who would do anything to gain even a fraction of such power, and as such, are trying to loose it once again.”
Link’s head was spinning. “But... but why my sisters? What can they do?”
Sahasrahla took his hand, and looked Link in the eye, his usual stern expression turned to something more deeply important.
“You and your sisters are descendants of very powerful people, Link. This power runs in our blood, and has especially manifested itself in your sisters, more powerfully than has happened in a long time.” He Let Link digest that for a moment, then continued. “You’ve heard of the legend of the Seven Maidens?”
“Of course, Lily reads that one all the time,” Link said, throat aching at the reminder of his sister. Then he blinked. “Wait... you mean..?”
“Your sisters are six of their number,” his grandfather said gravely. “And with them in our enemy’s hands, I’m afraid things have gotten rather serious.”
Link stared, mind whirling with legends and myths, powers and magic, and then he hesitated, thinking further about the story.
“But what about the seventh?” Link asked, and his grandfather looked somewhat more at ease.
“The seventh, keeping to legend... should be Princess Zelda herself. But she is safe. And without her, our enemy cannot do a thing.”
“Indeed. He won’t be able to do anything without all seven maidens, and that gives us time,” his grandfather sighed, looking exhausted. “Her highness is well guarded, but I will alert her to the danger as soon as possible. Whatever puppet the demon has chosen will not be able to make their move yet.”
Link stared. “...What?”
Demon puppet?
“Never mind that now, Link,” Sahasrahla said, closing his eyes again. “All things in due time. Your sisters... by now they are out of our reach. But... they will need us. They will need you.”
Sahasrahla sighed. “So much to explain... I’m such an old fool. I should have been preparing you, not hiding you.”
“Grandpa, you’re not making any sense,” Link grumbled. His panic had leveled out now, weirdly enough, but he still felt like he might cry if he thought too hard about his sisters. Not to mention all this magic and legends and demons and... stuff.
His head was starting to hurt again too, and Link rubbed it, trying not to wince at the bump he could feel. Sahasrahla saw the motion, and sighed again, reaching out and setting his hand on Link’s shoulder.
“You’re hurt, Link. Let’s patch you up before we do anything else,” he said in a tired voice. “And you can tell me what happened with Iris.”
“Okay. But only if you get patched up too,” Link agreed quietly. His grandpa nodded, and Link helped him up and over to his desk chair. All he really wanted to do was rush out and find his sisters, but his grandpa had said they were out of reach... whatever that meant.
He couldn’t just leave grandpa here all alone. Plus his head really hurt. He would help out here, and let grandpa fuss over him for now. But then...
Link swallowed thickly, and firmly wiped another tear from his face.
Then he was going to find his sisters.
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fiftysevenacademics · 2 months
A Fairy Tale
Summary: Jin Ling tries to sneak a puppy into Lotus Pier but gets caught by Jiang Cheng.
Jin Ling walked as quickly as he could without attracting attention toward his room at Lotus Pier, but it wasn't easy to somehow look graceful and unbothered with the load he was carrying.
"Where are you going!"
The familiar voice pelted his back from across the courtyard. He straightened and froze but didn't turn around.
He heard Jiang Cheng's long stride angrily eating the gravel between them and tried to calm the squirming bundle inside his sleeve.
"Is this how you greet your uncle after a journey? Speak to me face to face."
Jin Ling turned while carefully crossing his left arm over his chest and the right beneath it to support and hopefully hide his left sleeve. He often defied his uncle with arms crossed and hoped he wouldn't notice the difference.
"Yeah, so what?" he wanted to say, but given the urgency of the situation, it wasn't wise to talk back.
"It was a long, hot ride from Jinlintai and I was going to come see you after bathing and putting on fresh clothes."
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. "Sure you were. What's in your sleeve?"
"Don't lie to me. I could see the lump wriggling from across the courtyard," Jiang Cheng scoffed.
Without meaning to, Jing Ling had been gripping the sleeve tighter as Jiang Cheng spoke, and a sad little whimper leaked out from beneath his hand. Instinctively, he jerked his hand away, and a fluffy black puppy tumbled out. Jiang Cheng caught it before it hit the ground and lifted the now frantically crying and kicking animal to eye level and glared at its face.
"This spirit dog was a gift from xiao shu! Give it back!" Jin Ling cried, grabbing the dog and cradling it against his chest, stroking its head to quiet it.
"Hmph. I suppose he told you all about how to care for and train it, too?"
"He didn't have to. I already know, not that you ever cared to ask." Now that his secret was out, Jin Ling was feeling feisty.
"Sure you do," Jiang Cheng said. "I guess you'll find out soon enough if you're up to the task or not. Let me see this thing."
He took the puppy and held it gently this time, scruffling the hair on its head and getting his hand licked in return. Jin Ling thought he saw the grim line of his lips break and a fleeting curve at the corners before he handed the puppy back imperiously.
"Take good care of it."
After that confrontation, Jin Ling had no desire to join his uncle for dinner, so he ordered a servant to bring his meal to his room with an extra portion of meat and rice for the puppy.
Jin Ling's room was some distance from the main halls of Lotus Pier, and Jiang Cheng's firm steps toward it reverberated on the wooden walkway that zigzagged around a lotus pond reflecting the full moon. He raised his fist to knock at Jin Ling's door. Laughter from inside caught his hand in mid-air.
He leaned toward the open window and peeked into the candlelit chamber. Jin Ling was rolling around on the floor with the puppy, who was jumping back and forth over his prone body to get a piece of rope he waved just out of reach. Every now and then, he let the puppy grab the rope to shake it, growling ferociously, and he could not help but laugh without restraint. Jiang Cheng watched for a few minutes, then left, stuffing down a wistful feeling in his chest. He would return tomorrow to reprimand the boy for not asking permission to bring home a pet.
Jin Ling awoke the next morning to soft snoring, spooning something warm and solid under the quilt. He retrieved the puppy from the bedding, its eyes blinking reluctantly against the light, and looked at the empty basket next to his bed.
"How did you get up here?" he asked.
Then he noticed a bad smell and saw, in the middle of the room, an almost neat little brown mound and near it, a puddle that was already beginning to soak into the wood floor.
"Bad dog," he whispered at the very moment his uncle's insistent fist sounded on the door. What should he do? Pretend to be asleep and hope Jiang Cheng went away? No, since when had that ever worked? Tell him he was dressing and to come back later? Might work if the window weren't open just enough to reveal the lie.
Jiang Cheng took advantage of his hesitation to swoop in uninvited, scanning the room with eagle eyes. Jin Ling bolted upright and clutched the puppy to him like armor.
"What's that on the floor?" Jiang Cheng accused. "Clean it up! And letting the dog sleep with you. Shameful."
Jin Ling scrambled out of bed and the puppy scampered to Jiang Cheng, its round belly swinging from side to side. He started to summon a servant, but Jiang Cheng snapped, "This isn't Jinlintai! Clean up your own mess."
"I didn't make this mess, and this is a servant's job anyway. Do you really want people to see me doing servant's work?"
"You let an animal use your bedroom floor like a toilet. The animal has an excuse: It doesn't know better. But you do, and it's your responsibility to teach the animal how to behave. Until it does, its messes are your messes, and you will clean them up."
Jin Ling felt heat rise to his cheeks because no matter how mean his uncle sounded, he was right. Living up to his uncle's expectations was the only way he would be allowed to keep this puppy. He stomped off toward the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with a bucket of soapy water and some rags.
Jiang Cheng was sitting outside holding the rope while the puppy tugged on it. He looked light, almost carefree, making Jin Ling feel awkward. He cleared his throat loudly when he was a dozen feet away, and Jiang Cheng jumped up, composing his face into its usual scowl and straightening his robe.
While Jin Ling sullenly cleaned up the mess, Jiang Cheng berated him.
"I thought you knew how to care for dogs."
Jin Ling, on his hands and knees, scrubbed at the floor without taking the bait.
"Puppies often can't wait till morning. You have to wake up and take them outside if they're going to learn they can't do this in the house. Didn't you hear it crying to go out?"
"I was asleep and must not have heard it."
"Is that why the dog was sleeping with you, too? Or did you take it to bed like a little girl with her doll?"
"So what if it crawled in with me while I was asleep? Who does that hurt?"
"It confuses the dog to sleep as an equal with its master."
Jin Ling threw the rag in the bucket with a splash and stood up, his blood boiling.
"How would you know, jiujiu? You've never even had a dog. Who are you to lecture me on how to train them?"
"You!!!" Jiang Cheng lunged for Jin Ling but the boy dodged, causing him to stumble and nearly fall. Jin Ling caught him before he did. Jiang Cheng steadied himself and pushed the boy away. Jin Ling wouldn't let his momentary upper hand go to waste.
"Well? Tell me, jiujiu. Where did you learn so much about dogs? I'm waiting." He tapped his foot impatiently.
To his surprise, Jiang Cheng sat on a chair near a table and poured himself a cup of tea, and spat it out after finding it cold. Jin Ling didn't know what to make of this or whether he should be scared, so he picked up the bucket and rags and set them outside, the puppy at his heels. When he returned, Jiang Cheng had poured himself another cup of cold tea and was sipping it pensively, having apparently changed his mind about its consumability. He picked through the remnants of last night's meal, still on the table, and fished out a morsel of chicken that he used to entice the puppy, who lay down at his feet after gobbling it up. When he reached down to pet it, the puppy rolled over to expose its fat pink belly, which Jiang Cheng stroked. Jin Ling had never seen his usually harsh uncle this tender.
"I once had three puppies. One of them looked a lot like this one."
Jin Ling's jaw dropped and he suddenly felt out of place standing in the middle of the room, so he sat at the table, too. Jiang Cheng continued, looking at the puppy instead of him, picturing his beloved Jasmine, Princess, and Little Love scuffling with each other on the grass.
"I was a lot younger than you. Three puppies were a lot of work to take care of, but I knew if I couldn't even properly train dogs, I would never be a good leader for the Jiang clan."
He picked the puppy up and set it on his lap. It stood on his hind legs to reach his face and tried to lick his mouth, but Jiang Cheng brushed its face away and gently nudged it back down.
Jin Ling was dumbfounded. Any person, or animal for that matter, that behaved with such familiarity would usually be smacked senseless but Jiang Cheng seemed to actually enjoy the attention and he realized how rarely he had seen his uncle this affectionate with another creature. He had always assumed Jiang Cheng had no close friends because his high status and responsibilities as clan leader made him both busy and unapproachable. But his xiao shushu, Jin Guangyao, was almost inseparable from his sworn brother, Lan Xichen. Nie Huaisang was friends with Jin Guangyao and many other people.
He had never seen Jiang Cheng with any friends. He spent his nights alone and his free time alone and received few invitations to social events that weren't about clan business. No clan leaders sought his hand in marriage for their daughters, nor did he have any lovers to the best of anyone's knowledge.
Jiang Cheng was the clan leader whose inability to control his subordinate had led to disaster, and if it weren't for his constant vigilance against the Yiling Laozu's return, and his intimidating temper, Jin Ling knew that his uncle would be one of the things the Jinlintai bullies teased him about. It occurred to him that if he was friendless because he was an orphan, Jiang Cheng was friendless because of his brother's betrayal. Neither of them had any control of the circumstances that had cost them the respect of their peers, which they had to constantly earn over unspoken protest.
"I didn't know that," Jin Ling said simply, hoping to tease out the rest of the story.
"My father gave them away."
Jiang Cheng petted the puppy harder.
"He had a good reason."
He swallowed and looked like he might cry before his stern face fixed itself. Jin Ling only had this dog for a few days and already couldn't bear the thought of even momentary separation. In that instant of weakness, Jin Ling recognized in Jiang Cheng his own loneliness, and knew better than to ask what his father's reason was.
"Have you thought of a name yet?"
Jin Ling had thought of a name and had been sure Jiang Cheng would threaten to beat him for it. But now a gap between them seemed to have closed, so he took the risk and said, almost rebelliously, "Fairy," fully expecting an upbraiding to break the spell.
Jiang Cheng looked surprised, but pleased. He held the puppy's face up to his and said, "That's a perfect name for your dog. Hello, Fairy."
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kaedeharakaori · 2 months
𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔 || 𝘍. 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘴 (Masterlist)
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SEASON ONE: We only see each other at weddings and funerals
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚゚ ⋆
New York, 2019.
Vanya paced the common room of their mansion, glancing at the old posters and magazines of her siblings. Something caught her eye, hidden within a bookshelf was her book titled; EXTRA ORDINARY: My Life as Number Seven. Written by Vanya Hargreeves.
She took the book from the shelf, turning the book to read the description printed on the back. Opening the book to a note she had written for her father.
I figured, why not?
- V.'
Pogo, coming from the lobby, turned his head to find Vanya. "Welcome home, Ms. Vanya."
In a quick motion, Vanya turned to Pogo and addressed him with familiarity. "Pogo." Walking over to him to give a warm hug. "Hmm." Pogo patted her back as a sign of comfort.
"So good to see you." He said as they both pulled away from the hug. He saw the book in her hand. "Ah, yes, your autobiography."
"Do you know, um..." Vanya started hesitantly, looking down at the book that was in her hand. "Did he ever read it?"
"Not that I'm aware of." Pogo shook his head.
She shook her head and looked off to the side, her eyes finally landing on the portrait above the fireplace, the portrait of Number Five.
"How long has it been since Five disappeared?" She asked Pogo as her body fully turned to face the fireplace. The sound of burning wood crackling, easing the silence that surrounded them.
"Its been 16 years, 4 months, and 14 days."
"What about Mika? Is she still here?" She asked, a bit hopeful to hopefully hear that she is still, atleast, breathing.
"Yes, Ms. Vanya. She's still somewhere inside of this house. As for Number Five, your father insisted that I keep track." Pogo replied.
"You wanna know something stupid? Mika and I used to always leave the lights open for him, and on the days that I would forget, she would do it herself.
Mika was so afraid that he would come back, it would be late, and the house would be dark, and he wouldnt be able to find us, so he'd leave again. So, she insisted that I come along with her.
Every night, we'd make a little snack and make sure all the lights were on, and it stopped as Mika..." Vanya reminisced, looking back at all the times where she and her sister sat and waited for Five to come back, hours into the night.
"Oh, I remember your snacks. I'm pretty sure I stepped in half those peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches." Pogo and Vanya shared a small laugh about it.
He glanced slightly at the painting and turned to Vanya. "Your father always believed that Number Five was still out there somewhere. He never lost hope."
"And look where that got him." She replied, a frown settling in her face.
Somewhere in the academy, Allison slides open a door to what seems like an old office, papers scattered across the desks, ink spilled on the floor, and files were everywhere.
She walked in and a common memory that all the siblings shared, flashed.
'Sir Reginald Hargreeves was working on his desk, scribbling away in a notebook, his pen making noises as he wrote down notes fast.
There was a knock on the door and without looking up, he sensed that someone walked in the room.
"The children are ready for bed, sir. They wanted to say goodnight." Grace, their beautiful mechanic mother announced, turning around to fetch the children, our dear old Reggie, still scribbling away in his notebook.
Sliding the door open, Grace motions to the children, their smiling faces brought a light into the academy, a light that soon, will never come back.
Once they saw that their father was still busy, the smiles on their lovely faces disappeared one by one. Grace sighed as she saw their father shake his head, still engrossed in what he was writing.
"Okay! Time for bed now, kids. Come along now." She cheerfully said, gesturing for the kids to leave. "Come along now."
You'd think that all of the kids left but no, Mika was still standing in the doorway. "Come along now, Mika, your father's busy. Five? Please, take Mika with you."
"He's always busy." Mika whispered silently, as she let Five pull her away from the office door. Once again, leaving Sir Reginald Hargreeves, writing in peace.'
Allison shook her head, shaking away the memory that flashed as she walks deeper into their father's old office. Slowly pushing forward as she hears rumbling from under the desk.
"Where's the cash, Dad?" There was whispering happening under the desk. Allison creeped up closer, suspicion was written all over her face. "Where's the cash?"
"Klaus? What are you doing in here?" Oh, would you look at that, Number Four, Klaus Hargreeves, was caught.
"Oh! Allison! Wow, is that you?" Klaus greeted his sister, standing up from under the desk. "Hey, come here." He was pulling Allison into a hug.
"Long time. Too long. Hey, I was hoping to see you, actually, because I wanted to get your autograph. Add it to my collection!" He put his hands under his chin, acting so sweet.
Allison saw the medical bracelet on his hand. "Just out of rehab?" Klaus denied and kept repeating it. "No. I'm done with all that."
"I just came down here to prove to myself that the old man was really gone." He started to fake his tears, Allison was still standing him with an amused face.
"And he is! He's dead. Yeah!" Klaus clapped his hands.
Their bickering continued until it was stopped by none other than Luther, who was standing in another door that leads into the office. "Get out of his chair."
As Klaus and Luther began to talk, Allison looked at Luther, there was something in her eyes that one couldn't really tell. Klaus got up to leave, his bigger brother asking him to drop something before he completely rushes out of the room.
Luther and Allison were left in the office to talk.
Hours later, the common room was occupied by a few of the siblings, Diego in a single couch, Allison was sat by herself in front of the coffee table sipping on a bourbon, Luther was leaning against one of the decorative tables, Vanya was nervously tapping her fingers on her leg, and Klaus was in the bar, drinking the last drops of alcohol that were left.
"I guess we sould get this started."
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Hello, my dears.
We're slowly getting
to the exciting part
I'd hate to leave
out a lot of details
So, I took all of them
into my own hands
Don't you love a little
family reunion?
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thefruitiestofbois · 5 months
We just needed time- pt1
"Listen up everyone!" Maria shouts, her back to the east gate entrance, holding a log book in her hands. The heat of the morning sun blistering onto my skin with the only relief a slight breeze swaying its way through Jackson. "I'm calling out pairs for today's patrols." I sling my rifle onto my shoulder before leading a horse out to the stables, stopping just before Ellie, Jesse and Dina. I'm extra cautious not to get even a millimetre into Ellie's peripheral vision, in fact I wouldn't even dare meeting those pale green eyes that held so much disdain towards me. As Maria calls out the names, my body freezes as she calls out mine and Ellie's names. Oh fuck me.
Shoving supplies into my backpack I jog over to Ellie, with my horse trailing behind, and she's adjusting her saddle and the two of us are the last ones left to head off.
"Wanna slow us down any longer or are you actually ready to go now?" Annoyance evident in her voice as she rolls her eyes and jumps up onto Shimmer. I mumble an apology- like a fucking coward. I mentally kick myself as I tail behind her and head off onto our route.
I kneel down, picking the white daisies from the ground bordering the stream, my horse a small distance away behind me. Ellie had gone with Shimmer on the alternative route, the plan being to meet up where the paths converged. It was safe enough, only minutes of distance by ride away from each other at any given point on the two paths in the woods, so we'd both be able to hear any struggle.
Flowers in one hand, I use the other to wipe off the thin layer of sweat off my forehead. This sun was not letting up, but there was only a few hours left of the sun this high in the sky. My ears perk up at the sound of an animal- probably a rabbit or a squirrel- snaking through the tall grass behind me. I dismiss it and turn to stroll down the path back into the woods and onto the converging routes. I remember at the start of spring, once all the snow and ice had melted away, there was no way to this stream unless you waded through the tall greenery but months of patrols, all of which probably had the same idea of seeing the stream and surrounding scenery out of curiosity, had worn down a path where the tall grass was replaced by shorter blades or patches of mud.
The decision to dismiss my instincts came back to bite me in the ass. Well a runner was coming to bite me- hopefully not in the ass. The achy cries gave it away, giving me time to evade it flung its body at me, jumping out from the greenery surrounding the worn down path. I have my gun trained on the straggler within seconds and I fire. It lurches downwards, grappling for my feet and I miss the shot. Daises still in my hand I leap backwards, tripping on a rock and this gives the runner the perfect opportunity to clutch onto my ankle, its teeth and vein stricken face ready to bite. Even with the wind knocked out of me from my fall, the adrenaline surges through me and I drag myself backwards, attempting and failing to kick away the straggler.
I keep slumping backwards and kicking it away, its cries almost washing away with the sound of the rushing stream as I get back to where I originally was. I deliver a kick with a brutish force in the centre of its face and I get the precious few seconds I need to aim my gun and shoot. The bullet lodges burrows into the space between the eyebrows- or wherever the eyebrows would have been if this thing was still human- and a deep red circle gushes out blood. Bullseye. I go to mentally high five myself before that raspy voice I hate yells at me.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Ellie rushes off of Shimmer and storms in front of me as I clamber to my feet, the daisies long forgotten and flattened on the floor with blood splattered on them. "I was waiting for you at the end of the routes and what were you doing, taking in the fucking view?"
"Nothing is wrong with me, it was one straggler and I had it. It's no big deal." I argue back, trying with whatever declining patience I have left for this girl. Ellie has had it out for me since day one. I can't hang out with Jesse and Dina, my own fucking friends, when she's there otherwise she throws a fit. Why? Fuck knows. All she does is throw disapproving glares at me or send venom seeped scoffs my way.
"Not a big deal? What if you had been bit? Then I'd be the one dragging your pathetic dead ass to Jackson." "I'm not going to die if I take a break for a few minutes. I am more than capable of handling myself." I say that last sentence with a firmness my tone isn't used to when talking to Ellie. Scratch that.My voice isn't even used to talking to Ellie anyway. It's always been her yelling at me for looking her way or giving me shit for 'not focusing' on patrols. Hell I can't even eat my dinner in peace without her making a comment.
"You think just because you're a semi-decent shot that you're suddenly invincible and-"
"I'm not semi-decent, I'm good. In fact, I'm probably the better shot out of all of us." I interject and she laughs in disbelief. She marches closer and she's close enough I can practically feel the anger radiating off her body.
"I'll get them to write that on your gravestone. Famous last words of the world's biggest idiot." Fuck patience.
"Alright what the fuck is your problem?" She takes a step back, almost shocked that I finally have the balls to call her out. Her jaw even sharper now that she's spitting her next words through gritted teeth.
"My problem is that your arrogance is going to get one of us killed." She jabs a finger at me with the same intensity of hatred that her eyes glare at me with before continuing. "All you care about is yourself. You think you're brilliant at everything and that you can just waltz in here and take everything and everyone I've worked so hard for just because you can." What the fuck is she talking about? I didn't take anything. How could I do anything to her without even uttering more than a greeting to her?
"I didn't take anything from you. Where is all of this coming-"
"You took Joel from me!" She cries and her voice splinters, all her hatred intensified to the point where it rattles through me. I swallow hard as all the puzzle pieces of Ellie Williams fit perfectly into place. Joel had died a year ago, maybe a bit longer now but I can't remember exactly. She's right. I can't even deny it. Joel Miller died because of me. Because he saved me.
The blizzards that winter were extreme. The wind screeched around us, piercing our eardrums. Anything less than a loud yell was inaudible. It all happened so quick and bloody. I remember tumbling to the floor as a clicker tackled me, it came from nowhere. Joel who was a few paces ahead heard me scream, he must have, and he rushed to me. Memories of him tearing it off me only for another runner to launch itself at Joel. He stumbled with a grunt and that was the last thing I heard from him before he was ripped apart from the throat. Tommy and Eugene were too far away to even hear the screeches and screams over the winds. He died in the middle of nowhere for a nobody. I had only been at Jackson less than a month and that was one of my first patrols. I can't even place where the patrol route was, only that I never went that way again. He didn't even know me. And I hated myself for it. I hated myself even more know realising Joel meant something to Ellie, unlike me, who meant nothing to either of them but I still survived.
I always wondered why Jesse and Dina were always so tight lipped whenever I asked them about Ellie. It’s not like I didn’t feel anything for him, for his death it’s just that I had made my peace with it. People died all the time in this world but Joel wasn’t just another person, he was Ellie’s person. And I took him away.
I say nothing to her as I drag myself back to the stream. What could I say to her? There were no words that could describe the guilt that consumed me and there was no apology I could possibly muster to give Ellie even the slightest drop of closure. I think even if I did have the words, I’d never have the courage to look her in the eye and say them. I pick new flowers to replace the flattened blood smeared ones and head back to my horse, passing Ellie without even so much as a look, my head down and heavy with shame. Before I can carefully place the flowers into my bag on my horse, I hear the quick thudding of Ellie’s boots on the ground getting close before she smacks the daisies out of my hand and delivering a harsh shove into my chest, sending me hurtling backwards. “Fucking say something you coward.” Another shove. “Do you have anything to justify taking away the one person- the only fucking person I loved?” She shoves me again and this time our horses shuffle around getting increasingly antsy. “I’m sorry.” Is the only thing I can bring myself to say, my own voice cracking as grief just floods through me, ripping apart any resolve I had. “I’m sorry that Joel died because of me."
The rest of patrol passed by painfully slow and unbearably silent but deep down I preferred it. The minutes ticked away and Ellie, with glassy eyes and a permanently locked jaw, didn't spare me a look even as we made it all the way back to Jackson.
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revisitingfandoms · 7 months
Idea Prompt 3- For the world, For them
We've focused alot on shadow Milk, why not someone else for a change?
He was the guardian. He'd been baked and born to be nothing but the guardian, yet when he met her... he felt the undeniable urge to be something... different.
He'd asked, pleaded and almost begged her to stay, yet her curisoity and determination to find answers led her astry.
Part of him.... didn't know what to feel. Something in him felt off, twisted in a sense. Finding her body- a mere husk of her and desolate, while it didn't hurt- he felt.. disconected.
Yet, almost a year after, a cookie is found in the woods. The cookie is bleeding badly, hidden within a large tree.
The thing is- he recognizes the cookie. Not outright but by the feel of him- by the descriptions of Pure Lily Cookie.
Before him- stood an aliing, weakened, and amnesic Pure Vanilla.
(The world needs its soul jam holders- it needs them alive- yet does that mean it needs them to be well? to be healthy? to be happy?)
(Elder faerie- look at where that got White Lily- Look at what its done to Pure Vanilla.)
(He could not leave beast yeast- yet his faeries, his soliders could.)
(The beasts were sealed and wouldn't it be so much easier to seal and fight them off with the current soul Jam weilders?)
He orders his soliders to bring Pure Vanilla back to the his kingdom and plotted.
(For the world- For them.)
(If they are to give everything to help everyone- should they not have rest? The right to be happy and healthy?)
It was weeks as he watched the former Pure Vanilla currently known as Healer cookie adjust to life here. The medical faeries took to him instantly and he'd had more then gained a few admirers. It fact- he'd even taken to teaching some classes- hopefully he would gain and apprentice soon.
Elder Faerie felt.... content.
(But it wasn't enough- his very presenence helped to surpress the seal- he just needed the other three now.)
In other words Elder Faerie goes a bit bonkers. He figures Jam users aren't well = beast can get out. So he figures, well since they can't seem to take care of themselves, he'll force them too.
This is also why the golden cheese kingdom is more up in arms about preventing outsiders and it becomes a rigorious process because they are tired of the kidnapping attempts. Pitaya dragon is pissed because she has to stop these fucking silver weridos from stealing her treas- Hollyberry cookie away, the hollyberry kingdom is freaking out about the fact ForestBerry/Tiger Lily was found and take by said silver weridos and they keep trying to do so with princess cookie, wildberry and royalberry, Jungleberry the bad bitch she is as knocked several unconious and all them are wary of her. Don't even bring up the cacao situation- the snow helps fend off the silver fiends who keep trying to nab the king and the price, but once the heavy snowing season stops all hands are off.
As for the beasts? They feel a sense of dread as awareness begins creeping back into them as the dreaded realization comes over them.
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captain-mj · 2 years
Hi!! Um, could we get more Price x Graves, but maybe Graves is on a mission with the 141 and Los Vaqueros and puts himself in danger to protect one of them? Something kinda ANGSTY. (Which hopefully leads to the team kinda trusting him more?) Thanks!
Assume this is in that one series (I'll probably do a masterlist of them soon)
Graves went with them. It was the first mission he had been allowed to go on since the betrayal and he was stupidly excited. Obviously, he kept his expressions neutral, tried not to draw too much attention to it in case they changed their mind or found it annoying.
He sat in the front seat with Price, nodding his head along to the music they chose. It wasn't what he preferred but he liked it fine enough and Price was humming along.
"So you actually wear the hat during missions?"
"Course I do. Part of the ensemble."
"He's trying to hide that his hair is thinning." Soap pitched in, smiling. Graves laughed a little but quickly quieted when Ghost made eye contact with him. Price kept insisting Ghost wouldn't stab him for no reason, but Graves wasn't sure what a good reason was to him.
He grabbed his gun and got out, humming quietly. They separated into pairs and he found himself with Gaz which was... awkward. Gaz didn't outwardly show any aggression like Ghost, or avoided him like Rodolfo did. But it was still tense nonetheless. He wished he could've gone with Price, but Price was going to where the bombs were which meant Soap was with him.
"Is his hair actually thinning?" Gaz broke the silence first. Graves thanked God for the first time that this group was rather chatty.
"No. It's not. He takes care of it almost as much as his facial hair."
"I can bet." Gaz didn't smile, but it was slightly tense and Graves was thankful for it. With the angle they were at, Gaz couldn't have seen it, but Graves could.
The faintest glint of a gun around a corner and a hand.
He slammed right into Gaz, knocking them both down. Gaz immediately started cursing, saying he knew he was a traitor and later, Graves could be offended but for now, he needed to see where that guard went. He held his breath and noticed something moving again.
"Shut it, soldier. We've been spotted. Radio in." He kneeling in moments, gun at the ready. He sat next to Gaz while he radioed in without a second thought.
The guy he had seen was stupid enough to poke his head out and Graves put him down immediately.
"Sorry for shoving you down like that. Wasn't sure if he was aiming." Graves smiled down at Gaz. He stood up but stayed over him protectively, giving him time to get back up. He looked down for just a moment.
Gaz smiled back. "No problem. Hell I didn't eve-"
The bullet went straight through Graves's chest. He felt it bash through one of his ribs. In his head, it punctured his lungs and filled them with blood, but in reality, it missed them by an inch. The force knocked him off his feet and he slammed hard into the ground.
His tactical vest did its job. Barely. Kept it from being lethal on impact at least, but as he lay on the ground, he didn't think that would last long.
It burned. The powder of the bullets spilling into his guts.
He heard another gunshot and prayed quietly that it wasn't Gaz. The kid was way too young to die like this. Someone grabbed him and started pulling him up. He recognized the gloves and frowned up at Ghost.
Ghost didn't say anything. Soap said he could read everything about Ghost's thoughts through his eyes, but Graves thought that was stupid. They looked like the deer he hunted in the woods. A feral thing that was harmless until you got too close. Then they'd gore you and leave you bleeding out. And right now, Graves was very, very close.
"Can you walk?" Ghost sounded like he was underwater. The waves swirled around him.
There was a creek where he lived when he was a kid. He used to hold onto the rocks at the bottom. One time, he collected one and his mom explained you couldn't do that. The water always knows when something is taken and one day, it'll ask for it back. He had quickly given the rock back.
Ghost hoisted him over his shoulder like he was a sack of potatoes. Graves groaned, feeling all the blood in his body shift down, pouring from the hole in his chest. His first mission and he was downed.
"Price is never going to let me go back in the field." Graves mumbled, blood dripping down his face.
Ghost was silent for a bit. "I'll put in a good word for you once you're healed."
"Thanks, Ghost..." Graves smiled, eyes starting to close of their own accord. "Wake me up when we get home, yeah? I hate car rides."
"What are you talking about, Graves?"
Graves woke up in bed. For a brief moment, probably due to the heavy painkillers, he wondered if it had been a dream. Then, the pain started to drip into his body, spreading through his chest like tree roots.
He groaned, the last thing he remembered was being picked up unceremoniously. He knew Ghost wouldn't do bridal style but did he seriously have to leave him with no dignity?
Maybe that was his punishment for being stupid and getting shot.
Someone's hand fell on his shoulder and he groaned again. His eyes were so heavy but he pried them open to look.
Price didn't look great. His hat was off, making him look naked. His hair was too short to be messy, yet he had managed. It looked like he had been raking his fingers through it.
"There you, sweetheart." Price said softly.
Graves slumped. "Mission success?"
"Soap and I completed it. Don't worry. Ended up coming back right now when you and Ghost got back."
"Gaz?" Panic started bubbling up in Graves immediately.
"He's fine. He went forward and found us. Alerted us to what happened so we could hurry up and get back."
"Good. Good. Swear if that kid died after I got shot." He groaned softly, moving a little too much.
He pressed the stupid painkiller button for more and immediately relaxed.
"He said you stood over him after knocking him on his ass?"
"Saw a guy couple yards away behind a wall. Thought he was aiming. Didn't want to take the chance. Got Sergeant Garrick and I on the ground and waited for him to pop back up. There was a second one." He closed his eyes. "So stupid. Know better than to just stand up like that. Made myself a giant target."
Fucking idiot.
"You protected Gaz and took the guy down. You lived. All that matters."
"Price, don't patronize me. I know a lot more matters. We succeeded today, but if I had... If I hadn't...." If he had been slower. If he had been standing any different. If, if, if.
Soft lips on his shut up his brain.
Price held his face gently, relaxing as much as he could without putting weight on Graves.
"I'm so glad you're okay, sweetheart."
Graves's heart stuttered in his chest.
"Everyone has been worried. Gaz especially. Feels awful for accusing you of trying to kill him."
Graves's throat started to close and his face felt flushed. There was a pressure behind his eyes that he was trying to ignore.
"If I cry, it's the drugs."
"I won't tell anyone, sweetheart." Price said gently. "You did just get shot."
Graves nodded, still trying not to cry anyway. "Price, go tell them I'm fine. And tell Ghost thanks for the assist."
"Course. Now, get some more rest."
"You need to, captain. Get some sleep. You look awful." Graves looked at him, very aware of the fact that he was saying this while shirtless in a hospital bed covered in bandages.
"And you look beautiful as always." Price smiled at him and Graves blushed.
"Stop it."
"Do you prefer handsome?"
"Get out of here."
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jessicanjpa · 5 months
An excerpt from this chapter of 2003. The Cullens have just moved to Forks and Edward is exploring the woods behind the house.
I was surprised to find the remnants of an old trail not far from the river. It hadn't been used in a long time; for most of its length, the only sign was a winding track of evergreens that were significantly shorter than their neighbors. A rusted tin can was the only other evidence that a human had ever passed this way. Maybe this path led to an old deer stand or something like that.
I explored here and there, finally taking to the treetops so I could follow the "path" more easily. I was finally rewarded with the sight of a big rectangle so regular that it had to be manmade. It was partially obscured by the overgrowth and the rotted branches that had fallen on it in recent years, but it was definitely a building. I swung back down to the forest floor, surprised to see not a deer stand or a spartan hunting shack, but an adorable little stone cottage.
It was like stepping into a fairy tale. I had landed just far enough away to use the little path of flat stones that led the way home to the front door. The decaying, broken roof was an eyesore, but everything else was perfect... in a crumbling, half-reclaimed-by-nature sort of way. Wild, meandering honeysuckle had completely taken over one wall. Nearly every stone was outlined and softened with moss. The arched door wasn't in the best shape, but it was made of sturdy oak that had easily outlived the roof.
I walked a wide circle around the whole thing. A stone chimney crowned the southern corner, and there was a little door in the back that opened directly into what probably used to be a garden. Now, it was just a little outline of rotted miniature fencing, completely overrun by natural growth. Only a single climbing rose plant had survived to tell the story of the former inhabitants, clinging to the mossy stones as if to escape the encroaching wilderness.
I reached out and gently touched its petals. Stubborn rose, I thought with a smile. It was a good omen; Rosalie and Emmett were going to love it out here. It'd been a while since they'd really needed four walls of their own to knock down as they pleased, but it wasn't every day we found a house that came complete with a fairy tale cottage, either. I was almost jealous.
I carefully inspected the rest of the exterior before easing the door open. Esme would want to know every detail, though of course she would soon be out here to see it for herself. I stretched my gift back toward the main house to her mind abuzz with renovation plans. She might not be able to get to the cottage right away. I grimaced around the tiny living room. The beehive fireplace was in good enough condition, but the wallpaper was an affront to all that was good and holy. Hopefully the smell would get thrown out with it.
The kitchen was little more than a camper's stove and a sink, which was just as well. Two rickety chairs crowded up to a tiny breakfast table that had seen better days. I was far more interested in the old piano that took up the wall across from the fireplace. I didn't expect much, what with the exposure and the humidity it must have suffered over the years, but I still let out a disappointed sigh when the keys refused to be pushed, much less make any sound. I took a peek inside; the strings actually didn't look too bad. I already had the Steinway baby grand anyway, but it would be a shame to send it to a junkyard. Maybe I could find a local piano repair shop that enjoyed restoring hard luck cases.
Just like the main house, the cottage seemed bigger inside than out. I followed a little hallway—it was arched like the front door, as though I had wandered into a tiny castle—and found a generous bedroom matched against two smaller rooms. No signs of plumbing ever having been installed: that would give Esme a pleasant challenge.
The whole thing was perfect. Maybe if Rosalie and Emmett spent enough time out here, they would even agree to switch bedrooms with me. I didn't exactly need a full suite, but I wouldn't say no to my own shower and enough room for all my books to come out of their boxes. They were getting the better deal by far; this place was a jewel. And it felt right, somehow; it had been a shame to see the hunting cottage back at our old Hoquiam place fall into disrepair. Having this little find on our new property seemed to make up for it.
I headed back to the main house, wondering who had lived out at the cottage once upon a time, and why. I supposed it might be as old as the house, or even older; there could have been a whole line of occupants. The cottage had its own little story to tell. Perhaps it had been used as a mother-in-law unit once: a whimsical grandmother with plenty of cats and plenty of time to tend her roses. Then a little honeymoon retreat for a blushing couple who had set up house with a second-hand breakfast table, then a brooding pianist who needed solitude to work on his compositions.
And now it would house a pair of lovesick vampires who would hopefully leave it in one piece and pass it on to continue the story. The older we all got, the more distanced we felt from stories like these, no matter how picturesque the setting or how vivid an imprint our renovations left behind. But I supposed we were just stewards like the rest: here for a day, then nothing more than a fading memory.
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