#id get like 2 new ones every hour for about 3 or 4 days it was crazy
tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
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i recently got an INSANE number of bot followers, about two thousand in total i think,, the little dip in that spike is from when i report spam blocked for like an hour and then gave up,, but i think the influx of them has stopped so i can go back to reporting and blocking them
this graph is just insanely funny to me so i wanted to share it
they weren't even the normal women bots,, it was just blank blogs that followed the same 10 or so group of artists that i kept seeing over and over again
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some of them weren't even blank too they'd have random icons and banners and reblog stuff but they'd follow the same 10 blogs
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olomaya · 1 year
Smoking+ (Mild Teenage Delinquency)
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*cue the Spongebob 2 Years Later meme*
28-Sept Update: Added Brazilian Portuguese translations (thank you @cs2te!). Fixed an issue where there was no exit to the Sell Fake ID interaction. For those that have the Religion mod, you don't need a separate RM specific version, just download/redownload the main Overhaul package.
3-Sep Update: Thanks to ProtectusCZ over at MTS who let me know about a string issue with the vape flavors. That's been fixed so the flavors should not show up as blank when you are filling/refilling the cartridge. Also the smoking durations should now be tunable so you can adjust them in Retuner.
Czech version now available thanks to ProtectusCZ
2-Sep Update: If you have my religion mod installed, please download this version HERE (alt: here) to replace the main mod file. If you don't and don't want it, carry on.
This is the updated version of my overhaul of Cmomoney's Smoking mod which you can find here (original here). This update adds new features like vaping as well as more delinquency options for your teens by way of fake IDs.
Please read the full instructions after the cut before downloading.
Credits: Fake ID from @aroundthesims. And of course the OG smoking mod from Cmomoney on MTS.
I think that's it. Enjoy ruining your Sims' health and well-being. If you run into any issues, please let me know.
What does it do:
Everything my previous mod did
Sims can now sit and chat with others while smoking
I updated the way addiction works in the game. Previously it was just based on a random number of times smoked but now it's more nuanced and based on how often you smoke and certain trait and lifestyle factors (for example, if you have other smokers in your household, you're more likely to get a smoking habit)
Cigarettes and smoking items can now ONLY be purchased in a special section at the grocery store by YAs and above. You will see a new interaction in the store RH called "Shop for Cigarettes". Teens can get around this by using a fake ID. 
Fake IDs
Teens can purchase fake IDs from: 
Any common criminal (Sim in the criminal career Level 4 or below) 
Any teen that has a fake ID
You can offer a price and based on your offer, the dealer will either accept or reject. 
Rebellious, Computer Whiz or teens with high Rebel Influence Skill can also buy fake IDs online. The underground online market for IDs moves very quickly so prices change every time you check but will never go higher than §500 or lower than §50. Once you purchase, the ID will be mailed to your home the next day. 
HOWEVER, you need to make sure you get to the package first. If your parent gets the package and opens it, then all teens in the house will get in trouble. The one who ordered the fake will get a special moodlet that will allow them 24 hours to confess to doing it. If they confess to their sibling(s), the sibling will either forgive and agree to keep quiet or they will get mad and have the opportunity to snitch to a parent. If the wrongdoer confesses to a parent, it will exonerate the other teens but also potentially get them into bigger trouble with both their parents and their siblings.
Fake IDs aren’t foolproof. If you use it in the store, there’s a chance you will get busted and your fake ID will be confiscated. The chance is based on how young your teen is and the quality of the fake ID. Fake ID quality is determined when you purchase, based on the price you paid so you may want to think twice before jumping on that §60 fake.
Sims can now vape, vaping pens can be found where you buy cigarettes.
Vaping pens cost §300 with a cartridge that needs to be filled before you can use and then after every 10 uses. You can buy a regular cartridge or a flavored one and the costs are varied but are all between §200-§300. (I know, it's an expensive habit.)
Vaping is not as unhealthy as smoking regular cigarettes, is less addictive and doesn't leave your Sim with a smoke smell.
For teens, vaping will still get them in trouble if they are caught by a parent doing it.
Known Issues:
There are no IK targets on the sitting animations (they kept floating above the chairs when I added them) so teens will sink a little into the chair because they're smaller than adults.
Download here | SFS alternative
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AITA, (or, was I) for only taking one cat with me?
will explain the title as i go. also, this is about something that happened like a year ago but it still weights on my mind. backstory-ish first, so sorry for the length of the text.
I (20+) moved out a little more than a year ago to my first own apartment. My siblings moved out before i did, so now my moms living with only her boyfriend and the remaining cats. We had four cats before i moved out, all of which are allowed to go outside (i know, outdoor cats, they have been all my life and i didnt realize the danger they were in & being for the local environment when i was a kid). My new apartment is on the second floor. When i moved out, i decided to take one cat with me, because he really kind of imprinted on me since he was a baby and would constantly follow me around. And while i didnt like the thought of forcing an in&outdoor cat to suddenly only be indoors in a smaller space than our house was, i figured it would be fine if its him.
one of our other cats, which we got a few years after we got the cat i took with me, also really liked to spend time in my room and with cat 1. We got cat 2 from the animal shelter after his previous owner, an old lady, got dementia and had to give him away.
my mom and her boyfriend suggested i take both cats with me and not just one. i didnt want to for a few reasons:
(1. i wasnt sure how much cat 2 would like suddenly being an indoor cat in a smaller space bc he spent like 50% of his time outside and the other 50 in my room, 2. i wasnt sure if the apartment would be big enough for two cats 3. i wasnt sure how hed adjust to yet another new living place, because he took some time adjusting when we got him from the shelter and would meow/yell a lot when no one was with him until he got used to his new home. when i moved out i was about to start a new job training-ish thing which required me to not be home for some hours 5 days a week so the cats would be on their own a lot. and reason 4., which is were i felt kinda selfish: cat 1 is a shorthair cat and cat 2 a maine coon so all my clothes and stuff would be full of hair all the time, even when we tried to prevent it. i didnt really care as a child growing up bc we had a lot of long hair cats but i was kinda thinking that a new space with less cat hairs on everything would also be kinda nice)
i only told my mom and her bf reason 1, 2 & 3 bc i felt like a dick for reason 4. i love all of our cats a lot and leaving any of them at my moms place was really difficult because i was just so used of them always being there all my life. my mom told me after i moved out that cat 2 was still around my old room a lot and started spending even more time outside bc me and cat 1 weren't there anymore. and while hed start purring and cuddling when they pet him outside, he wouldnt spend time with them on their laps or on the couch a lot bc hed just get up and go somewhere else a lot of times.
thats kind of the backstory for this.
now for the (additional) reason i feel like i could be the asshole: my mom and her bf started going on trips a lot like 2-3 years ago, and he only moved in once i had moved out. so whenever they were on trips or she was visiting him, id take care of the cats and cuddle and play with them. once i moved out, they redid parts of the house (kitchen & bath) and got a lot of furniture from her bfs home. her bf likes the cats too, but he doesnt want them to be inside the house that much when they arent there bc he thinks they shed hair everywhere and could damage his furniture or something? so when they went on their next few trips, the 3 remaining cats would mostly be outside with access to a kind of sunroom? attached to the house. and either my grandparents or a friend of my mom would come and feed the cats every day.
me and my siblings didnt really like them suddenly having to be outside so much when it was normal for them to be inside the house even when we weren't home for all of our lives before that and told our mom too (by now she has seen our point and convinced her bf to let them be inside more so its getting better over time. but i wish we would have gotten our point across sooner.)
during one of their trips near christmas last year, when one of her friends was taking care of the cats, cat 2, the maine coon, disappeared. we dont know if he ran away or someone took him because his fur is so pretty or if he got into an accident. my whole family was really sad about him being gone and kept hoping hed come back and asked around irl and online if anyone had seen him. to this day, he hasnt been found. and i know that thats a (unnecessary) risk you take with outdoor cats. and that it was my moms and her bfs decision to keep the cats mostly outside and go on 1-3 week-long trips. but i still blame myself for not just taking him with me to my new apartment. looking back on it, all the reasons i had dont seem to have any weight at all and if i had taken him with me, hed still be around and id know hes healthy and doing good. and he wouldnt have been separated from me and his cat buddy.
so, was i the asshole for not just taking him with me to my new place when i moved out?
pet tax (in order):
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What are these acronyms?
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shatterthefragments · 2 months
I could use the extra money (especially with at least one more concert… at least one is potentially local and I can just drive there) but I also semi rely on that mid workday tumblr scrolling to get me through it rn. (Guess we’ll see if I can even leave when I want. It was an hour later than I wanted today)
Like the two girls who work sometimes together there. Like. It’s been at least a month or so now I think. Probably 3 months bc of the training benchmark thing that they had to do today instead of working. Straight up if I didn’t have a second person in I would’ve fully just broken down today. But uh. They still fully need to do a full day to shadow a clerk and then a full day where they’re supervised. I am not trained as a clerk. I am serving as their knowledge to do their jobs. I used to feel ambivalent towards my birth name but I hate it right now. The “xx” before I need to leave everything and go help them. Just fills me with dread.
And I’m okay with a bit of a language barrier -they can still communicate. But they shouldn’t necessarily need to ask me everything still. I am positive they can check a deck for a box labeled “waffles” without me needing to hold their hand through it. And they shouldn’t need me to Leave My Task to come help them ESPECIALLY when I’m with someone else (the customer complained about me :P and the store manager let me know after he left. Anyway if I have to do the “add it to the list of things to do for sure” that I’m writing in OT and that he said I should do it before I leave bc fuck even today I ended up staying late)
ALSO fuck customers who only want stuff fresh from this very day or fresh from the freezer and DONT PUT A SPECIAL ORDER IN and just request it whenever they come in. Every time. (Sometimes. The answer is no. I don’t have it cut up and available)
Would it help if I cried in front of you when I tell you that I don’t have any available right now?
Torn between catharsis and FUCK if I’m going to cry (at least mostly) because of work then I should at least be paid for it.
…I haven’t cried at (this) work since the last time I was yelled at by a coworker. (All previous times crying at this workplace were because she yelled at me) (I was almost crying. I almost went into the Cooler to have a cry)
Not to make light of it all but I’m like. One more bad Monday with those two away from a hospital stay. (I can’t bc the hospitals here are famously bad for mental health) (I have an appt and a meeting after next week’s Monday)
But like. Can’t sully any of my crafting and leather knives. (They’re very nice and I want to collect more - prettier too would be nice) but seeing the knives at work and knowing they’re freshly sharpened. It’s just. WILL YOU HEAR ME NOW?! I am screaming. I admitted OUT LOUD that I am struggling on Mondays right now. Can’t have any more wounds to heal. I have to keep my skin unbroken so I can get more tattoos. It’ll be so much harder to stop if I start. Bc the URGENCY in the urge is so fucking strong. It didn’t help when I did last but maybe it would now hit I can’t I can’t I can’t
And I’ll be really sad if what I suspect are a TON of new moles (…or maybe freckles??) are cancerous 1) I hate checking them I can’t remember and I don’t have the organization to photograph and monitor each one 2) I’d have to get the tattoos I booked somewhere else and I’m not sure if I’d go for my upper left arm or my upper front thigh area. (If you’re actually reading this I am taking input on this in case) 3) I don’t want cancer, and it would break my parents’ hearts 4) I don’t want to die (despite the Desperation telling me I do)
Im splintering. Im fragmented. And I KNOW that a large part of it is how tired and exhausted I’ve been. I AM going to bed relatively soon.
I want to get high and forget
Weed’s legal it’s probably fine
(Im still paranoid it’ll cause a psychotic break and I’m already so frequently disconnected dissociated and in such a state of unreality it’s terrifying to me. Because when they taught us about psychosis I related very heavily to a lot of it and I’m scared to admit it. I think I’m okay. It would’ve been a lot to be 15+ years deep so far and nobody noticing nobody being concerned I think I’m okay I just need to get back on the ocean. It will heal me.)
I want to not be in pain
I want to externalize some of it
I want SOME FUCKING HELP. (If I just ask I could. Allegedly. Get a referral and coverage for some therapy) but I’m okay I always am. I’ve survived 100% of my worst days and all that :P but uh. A clerk to help those two ACTUALLY FUCKING LEARN (as if they’d listen) would be Huge.
(But if I were to do edibles with a friend I trust her. I trust she’d know what to do.)
Fuck I don’t even feel like sadsturbating. I mean (I don’t like to use lube so) I already sorta went too long the other day(s) and bled a little so I shouldn’t anyway.
1000% down for someone to knead my ass until it bruises while we snuggle though.
…I just ran my retainer cleaner without my retainer inside of it… and then forgot to put it in. It’s in now. I flossed while it actually got cleaned. Which is good. But fuuuck.
“Diagnosed with a sinus infection” with Covid symptoms… I don’t want her to come back to work tomorrow (I would rather be down a person),,,
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bfpnola · 1 year
do you have any tips on managing adhd when you can't get professional help and meds? Especially when I have a ton of schoolwork like 3-4+ important things a day when I can only manage 1-1.5.
hey sweetheart! i'm not sure when you sent this in, so i apologize for just seeing this. i'll try to organize my thoughts into bullet points so it isn't a chunky paragraph:
community! having a support network, for better or for worse, really is everything. (for worse because not everyone may have one, but it can be easy to start building one online at least.) i say this because 1) delegation, 2) body doubling, and 3) of course, emotional support.
delegation, meaning giving out tasks to different folks, can be helpful because then you aren't the only person completing these tasks!
body doubling is something i do, without fail, literally everyday, meaning i do my work in the same space as someone else who is also working because it motivates me to do more! whenever i see my roommate cleaning or typing away, before i even make the conscious decision to do so, i do work too. i even get texts like the screenshot below (literally yesterday) because all of my friends are neurodivergent except maybe one. find a set of friends you can count on for body doubling! there's also in our Academic Resources a site called Study Stream that lets you sit on Zoom with a bunch of other random students but personally that makes me feel awkward lol
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[ID: Screenshot of text sent through iMessage, the "heart," "thumbs up," "thumbs down," laughing, "exclamation point," and "question mark" icons floating above. The text reads, "Hey, so I'm working on aleks and doing other tasks and I'd like to have a body double who'd be interested in kicking it afterwards. You interested?" For context, Aleks is a program used to complete math problems assigned by professors.]
and lastly, emotional support, the obvious one. when it feels like you have no one supporting you, excuse my language, but this shit gets hard. especially when you're low on spoons, if you know about spoon theory. you need that support!
i'd also say that prioritization is an important skill. sometimes, you really won't get everything done, and it is genuinely frustrating. i try to order my work by what's due soonest so i'm getting closer work out of the way. but you can also order them by hardest to easiest to do so you knock out the absolutely worst thing out of the way so if you do still have energy you just have little stuff left. OR you can do the opposite so you finish more tasks by completing a list of easy stuff. it's really about what makes most sense to you so i can't really make that decision for you.
reward systems tend to work really well, that or conditionals. what i mean by that is gamifying the process of completing tasks. my favorite example of this is actually a new trend on tiktok created by @/luxarnold and then further developed by @/this.isjules and @/fromwonder. if you don't have titkok, basically these folks have put ALL of their tasks in either some sort of arbitrary numerical order or ordered by the energy it would take to complete, and when they roll a dodecahedron (20-sided) die, it lands on one of the numbered tasks and that's what they complete. the more tasks they complete, the more health points they deplete off of this imaginary monster they've created. and at the end, just like a game, they win a prize for defeating the monster. some creators wrote extra hours to watch their favorite TV show, some wrote time for crafting, some wrote specific objects. video example below:
an example of a conditional to me is more like every time i check my phone, i force myself to at least take a tiny sip of water. and you could do the opposite. maybe every time you consume your favorite snack, you complete one assignment until it becomes like habit.
breaks! this girl once said that you should be taking breaks based not on how much you complete, but the energy you deplete. and i live by that now! it doesn't matter if you completed only 2 tasks. if you can afford to, i encourage you to just take the break if your body feels drained. pushing past that will not serve you in completing those other tasks to the best of your abilities. if you don't feel like you can hold yourself accountable this way, i would suggest maybe checking out Pomodoro timers.
bravery! at least in my case, i needed bravery to contact my professors and be vulnerable with them. not every teacher will be so kind, but if you feel comfortable, please reach out and explain that the workload does not work well for you. you'd be surprised by the number of folks who are willing to offer you accommodations. i will literally text my teachers at this point and say, "hey, i just had an anxiety attack and i know by now how long it takes me to regulate myself. i won't be able to attend XYZ/turn in XYZ, so can i instead attend/turn it in on [insert date]?" ask for that help, but also be clear that you do still want to show up and do your best, you just need support right now!
gentleness. i think this may be my last bullet point. like i said earlier, the reality is that you very well may not finish everything that you need to. this is a long-term piece of advice, but it's necessary to be gentle with yourself. cliche, i know, but it's true. i've been slowly unlearning these ideas of perfection and it's rough, friend. truly rough, because as i allow myself to make more mistakes, obviously things aren't in tip-top shape anymore. but to make mistakes, to be imperfect, to be vulnerable, especially in such trying times, is part of being human. right now, you're trying to conform to neurotypical, able-bodied perceptions of productivity and the truth is that we can't all do that. i surely can't. this world was not built for us, so we must reframe what we consider success. or at the very least, we can carve out our own space, hopefully with others to support us, to provide ourselves gentle care. you don't have to love yourself. you don't even have to like yourself, i know i'm still getting there. all you have to do is recognize that as living beings, really just as "beings" in general because i'd like to think our inanimate objects deserve care as well, we all deserve gentleness.
i know this was a lot but i had plenty of ideas buzzing like bees in my mind. let me know if you need help understanding anything i wrote. please excuse any potential typos. LOVE YOU, MWAH <3
-- @reaux07 (she/they)
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iviarellereads · 10 months
Fugitive Telemetry, Chapter 1
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which we get to fill in some more gaps in the timeline.
Murderbot scans a dead human, and determines they've been dead for probably about four hours. Mensah seems skeptical, even after receiving MB's report on how it arrived on that figure, and watches Indah for her reaction. MB sees it on the feeds from its new intel drones, rather than its own vision.(1)
The corridor isn't very well-traveled, but it is a weird place to get killed. Anywhere on Preservation Station would be, come to that. Accidental death is close to nil, and the overall threat assessment for murder is at just 7%, the lowest it can be anywhere people and MB are.(2) And yet, a dead body, on the floor.
Just as Indah's finished the report, and is also skeptical, a tech comes in, saying they estimate time of death about four hours ago. Indah sighs. MB asks if there's an ID, since the dead person's feed interface is broken. The tech, Tural, looks to Indah for permission first, then confirms there was nothing scannable on or in the body to indicate ID.
Indah looks dissatisfied, so Tural says they have to wait for Medical to scan the body to match against visitor entry log scans, and Medical isn't here yet because it's the school's preventive health check day. Indah asks if Tural told them it's an emergency, but they say they did, and Medical said it's only an emergency until a pronouncement of death.(3)
Mensah stops Indah from going too much on a rant about what she'll do, and says she'll talk to Medical, as planetary leader, to convey that it's not accidental and it is an emergency. The ports have been closed, at least. She also asks Tural if they're sure the dead person is a visitor, or if they might be local. Tural says they assumed visitor, but no confirmation.
MB interprets Mensah's face to mean she doesn't think anyone's doing a very good job of this. MB thinks Station Security is out of its depth, since Preservation is typically so peaceful. Indah doesn't look much more impressed, and tells Tural to keep working on an ID.
Tural takes off to escape the blast radius before Indah blows up, and Mensah's look grows more pointed. Indah throws her hands in the air and says fine, she'll go talk about it. So, Mensah, Indah, and MB leave the corridor, and step behind a plant in the nearby junction.
MB scans the area for listening devices, and Indah asks if it has experience with murders. MB admits to some. Mensah privately asks MB if it thinks this was GrayCris. It thinks maybe, but tells her it doesn't have enough info yet.
Still privately, Mensah asks it to work this investigation with Station Security.(4) She adds that it will be a great opportunity, even if it's not about GrayCris. MB replies that they don't want it, but Mensah suggests it could help improve MB's relationship with Station Security and thus Preservation Alliance, if it wants to call it home. MB knows she's right, but it doesn't like it.
Indah is waiting for them to finish whatever private conversation they're having and Mensah's still staring MB down, so it answers Indah's question more thoroughly: yes, it has experience with murder investigations in controlled circumstances. There's some discussion of how "controlled circumstances" means "corporate slave labor camps", before Indah asks if MB is willing to work with StatSec.
MB thinks for a couple pages about how its actual memories of those situations are fuzzy, because they were pre-memory-wipe, but it has watched lots of mystery media, so it probably has 30 to 40% useful knowledge.(5) It asks if they'll increase Mensah's security, per their ongoing debate. Indah says she's increasing every security level, including Mensah's, and doesn't need to be told her job.
Mensah clears her throat and asks Indah if an employment contract will be invoked. Indah says yes, if only to keep "the terrifying solicitor" (Pin-Lee) off her back. MB still doesn't know a lot about being a participant in a contract. It asks if it can examine the dead human now, and Indah asks it to call them "the deceased" or "the victim", please, but leaves before she receives an answer.
She missed Mensah mouthing the words stop it at me. (I guess the feed isn’t adequate for all forms of communication, particularly those that involve a lot of glaring.)(6)
(1) Placing this distinctly after Home. (2) The comment about uninhabited planets still being 7% once Murderbot lands on them is just gold, perfection, no notes. (3) When your main sources of death are accidents and intoxication-related aggression, that probably seems like a really smart triage of resources. Just, y'know, to be fair. (4) The book name explanation comes shockingly early this time: fugitive telemetry is the use of telemetry (recording data at various points) to locate a fugitive. So, it's just a reference to the plot being a murder investigation. They can't all be ten-dimensional chess! (5) This is the most hilarious thing to me in this whole chapter, because it's the CSI effect. (6) I beg to differ. Miki used the feed with emoticons. They can convey an awful lot. 😄🫡😒😡
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watatsumiis · 2 years
self ship assumptions:
1) you would let ayato bite you to get your attention (he is a little bit feral to me but perhaps i am biased/projecting as an ayato/zhongli kin* myself)
*i use this word very loosely i mostly mean i relate to them very very much
2) you would steal capitano's helmet if given the opportunity (assuming he has spares and it wouldn't hurt him to not be wearing it for a bit)
3) you would let yae miko impulsively nap on you and perhaps even pet her against your better judgement (she would turn a blind eye at the time because she enjoys it but later she would make it clear that she was aware that you were doing it... and probably tease you for it)
4) i think if you cooked with ayato it would end in horrible disaster (but you'd have fun probably); if you cooked with zhongli it would be a very soothing experience and you'd come out with a plethora of new knowledge and the food would be delicious, but it would be a full 12 hours to make one batch of dumplings (source: i made dumplings the other day and it took me 8 full hours)
5) I think you could convince Zhongli to nap in your lap I think you could do that and he'd enjoy it. bonus points for noodleli tiny rex lapis form and he'd let you pet him (even if he's a little confused about it).
(signed, @genshin-projection since it's a sideblog and i can't send asks from a sideblog 😔)
I would not be able to help myself from giving Miko pats she just looks very soft 😭 and yeah my cooking skill very much depends on who I'm doing it with HSKDJSKDJ but Ayato and I would definitely make a horrible mess (like one of those couples in some cheesy movie flicking flour on each other KAJDKAJDJS) OH MAN dumplings would be so nice right now but if I had to wait 12 hours. I would cry. Sorry Zhongli every time you turn your back I'm scooping ingredients into my mouth!!! Mhm mhm!!
Id love to have Zhongli nap in my lap!! As long as he can deal with the occasional leg jittery he should be fine :3 AND NOODLELI MY BELOVED HOLDS HIM CLOSE TO MY CHEST BUNDLES HIM UP IN A SOFT ITEM OF CLOTHING KISSES HIM ON THE SNOOT!!!!! he's like a tiny kitty I adore him 😭😭
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puppyexpressions · 1 year
9 Step Puppy Care Guide
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1) Puppy-proof your home
Anyone who has welcomed a new baby or toddler into their home knows that there are certain everyday items which need to be removed and kept out of reach for the safety and care of the youngster. Like babies and small children, puppies are naturally curious, and will explore their new territory and its contents. This could mean getting themselves into potentially dangerous situations!
To create a safe space, start by designating or fencing off one part of the home, which will become your puppy’s new territory for their first few months. Then make sure the following items are out of reach from your new puppy:
Electrical items and cords
Chemicals and toxins
Additionally be sure to sweep or vacuum the area frequently to remove any small hazards, and keep the area clean and tidy so your puppy can safely enjoy his new environment.
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2) Get the necessary puppy supplies
Next, be sure to stock up on the most important puppy care supplies. These include:
ID tags
Collar & leash
Food & bowls
Sleeping crate
Try to provide toys and other entertainment that your puppy is familiar with, both to help to keep him occupied and to help him feel more at home. A range of things to play with will make him feel cared-for, comfortable and happy about the new environment.
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3) Plan your puppy’s diet & exercise
Another essential puppy care tip is to consider the best food choice. We recommend a nutrient-dense dog food which is suitable for growing puppies. Ensure that your pup will get all the nutrients he needs and enjoys eating the food, too. You can choose from a wide range of choices, including premium, natural, and raw dog foods.
Your new puppy will have a lot of energy, and you can help him to use it in a productive way.
However do keep in mind, that puppies need much less exercise than adult dogs.
Let your puppy play, walk, run, and explore outdoors in a confined and safe area at least one time per day. You can use the puppy’s age (in months) times 5 minutes per month to determine how much play time he should have per day. For example, if your puppy is 6 months, the recommended play time is 30 minutes a day.
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4) Set up proper sleeping arrangements
When deciding where your puppy will sleep, we recommend to do the following:
Ensure you have a designated space for the puppy to sleep, including a dog bed or crate
Place the bed in an area where other people are nearby, so your puppy won’t be lonely
Do not let the new puppy sleep in your bed with you, as this can create an unwanted sleeping arrangement in the long term
Most importantly, try to be consistent in enforcing the sleeping policy, so that everyone can get a good night’s sleep, including your growing puppy.
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5) Potty-train your puppy
Puppies need to urinate frequently, so you will need to anticipate their needs and give them an opportunity to relieve themselves at least every two hours.
Similarly, you can usually tell when a puppy ‘wants to go’ because he or she will look around anxiously, walk in circles and start sniffing in suitable corners looking for a place.
And that’s your cue to take your pet outside. If you don’t want your pup pooping all over the yard as an adult, pick one area and take him directly there when it’s potty time.
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6) Train for good behavior
Take care to start training your new puppy right away. At their young age, they need to learn the rules and will be able to grasp them quickly with good and consistent effort. Don’t let your new family member get away with anything just because he is a tiny, cute, little puppy.
By teaching your puppy good manners, you’ll set your puppy up for a life of positive social interaction.
In addition, obedience training will help forge a stronger bond between you and your puppy. Teaching your pup to obey commands such as sit, stay, down, and come will, additionally, help keep your pup safe and under control in any potentially dangerous situations.
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7) Take your puppy to the vet
Take your new puppy to the vet for a checkup as soon as possible. If there’s something wrong, the vet can catch it early and get it before it becomes a big problem. It also gives you a chance to talk with the vet about what it takes to raise a puppy; such as feeding, vaccinations, the financial aspect of owning a pet, and everything else you may need to know as a dog owner. Don’t be afraid to ask your vet every question that comes to your mind. When it comes to the life of your pet, you can’t ask too many questions.
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8) Provide supervision
Now that you’re getting used to life with your new puppy, be sure to supervise him at all times. This will help you to:
monitor his health
train him consistently
keep him out of harm’s way and
prevent him from getting into (or peeing on) your nice things
Constant supervision can also allow you to get to know your furry little friend better, so you will start to learn his personality, charms, and quirks. Take turns letting everyone in your household supervise the puppy and he’ll feel well-cared for.
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9) Ensure plenty of socialization
A new puppy needs lots of love and cuddling, rest and sleep, lots of good, nourishing food and then… more love! Moving to a new home, leaving his mom and litter-mates is a very difficult experience for a puppy. Therefore, try to make the move as easy as possible for him. Give him time with you and your family, and give him the feeling of being safe and secure in his new home.
During the early weeks and months, it is also a good idea to introduce your puppy to a variety of sights, sounds, people and experiences. Let him meet adults and children, the postman and other visitors, and let him approach them in his own time. A well-socialized puppy will be able to cope with all of the situations he’s likely to encounter in later life, rather than growing up shy or fearful.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid023Sr3WbHh77hLeHGXhfSs8dV5149jwjNtNX6cA76zNhLc7aMKeKZFM7XH92SFf5Z5l&id=26423400230&mibextid=q5o4bk HOMELATESTCULTUREENTERTAINMENTBEAUTY/STYLEAWARDS SEASON 2023
12 Incredibly Shady Things About the Tyre Nichols’ Investigation
Nichols' mother accused the Memphis PD of trying to cover it up.
Kalyn Womack
PublishedAn hour ago
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The first day the news broke about a fatal traffic stop in Memphis, we lacked proper details as to how Tyre Nichols ended up on a breathing machine over a DUI. Now, every news outlet is following the case as information from the police department and his family unravel the incidentfurther.
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But to be honest, a lot of this ish don’t add up. Let’s go through 12 crucial reasons why.
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1. Memphis PD Approach Nichols’ Parents 
Nichols’ mother, RowVaughn Wells, told Don Lemon on CNN This Morning that Memphis police officers banged on her front door that night asking if they knew a Tyre Nichols. She said they proceeded to tell her he was arrested for a DUI and that he’d been in the hospital after being pepper-sprayed and tased.
They neglected to share he was in critical condition. Also, since when do the cops approach the family to announce an arrest?
2. Cops Claim Nichols had “Superhuman Energy”
In the same interview, Nichols’ mother said she was told the nonlethal weapons were used on Nichols because it was “difficult” to handcuff him because he displayed a “superhuman” amount of energy. What a way to reinforce Black stereotypes. A similar thing was described by the officers and paramedics who gave Elijah McClain a fatal dose of amphetamine. 
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3. The Drug Excuse 
In cases like George Floyd, the part of an autopsy that gets milked the most by the police department is whether they had drugs in their system at the time of their death. It’s more of a scapegoat to take the eyes off the police brutality. 
Mrs. Wells said the officers asked if her son was was on any type of drugs. In the video footage of the incident, the officers are heard joking that Nichols “must be” on something.
“He higher than a motherf****r,” one officer says while trying to prop him back up against the patrol car after he slumped over.
“He high as a kite,” says another cop. No, he was fighting for his life.
4. Finding Tyre
Nichols’ parents were told by the police that Nichols was sent to the hospital but were instructed not to go see him because he was still under arrest. Mrs. Wells said when she asked what hospital he was sent to the officers told her he was “nearby.” 
At 4 a.m., the doctors at St. Francis Hospital called Nichols’ parents asking why they hadn’t come and informed them Nichols had gone into cardiac arrest and kidney failure, per CNN This Morning. 
As the Wells drove to find their son, it became more believable that the cops may have been trying to cover something up. 
5. The Scorpion Unit
The five officers fired from the department and charged in the incident were part of the neighborhood crime-fighting unit which has an alleged shady past of violence. Rodney Wells, Nichols’ father, said he’s heard of multiple occasions where people had been assaulted by Scorpion unit officers. One Memphis resident told WJHL 11 News he was apprehended by the Scorpion unit in an aggressive manner similar to Nichols’ four days before his death.
“All I heard is a ‘Freeze, get out the car. Put your MF hands up before I blow your heads off. Both of you get out the car. Put your hands up. So I put my hands up, and one of the officers proceeded to come to the car, and he physically pulled me out by my shoulder with a gun no more than a foot away from my head,” said Cornell McKinney.
6. Impossible Commands
Per the body camera footage, the officers seemed to get riled up at the perception Nichols was not complying with their commands - all 70 of them. According to an analysis by the New York Times, within the 13 minutes of them trying to handcuff him, they issued over 71 orders, all of which were contradicting and confusing.
In one instance, the officers yell at him to get on the ground when he is on the ground already (they meant face down but didn’t specify). In another, the officers are holding him by his arms but demand he show his hands which results in a punch to the face. After being beaten to a pulp, Nichols lied limp on the ground and was still being yelled at to “lie flat.”
7. Bragging and Lallygagging
In the video footage, more officers arrive to the scene and appear to be joking about the incident as Nichols lied slumped over near a squad car, per AP. They claimed he tried to slam into their cars with his vehicle and tried to grab their gun during the struggle. Every once in a while an officer is seen shining a light on Nichols and walking away or lifting one of his arms to prop him up from falling over.
About 20 minutes go by while the group of over 10 cops banter about the injuries they sustained after practically jumping Nichols until finally someone comes to provide aid. What aid that was beyond staring at Nichols blankly... I can’t even tell you.
9. Vague Details from MPD
You would have never thought even half of these events occurred based off the initial press release of the incident.
“While attempting to take the suspect into custody, another confrontation occurred; however, the suspect was ultimately apprehended. Afterward, the suspect complained of having a shortness of breath at which time an ambulance was called to the scene,” read the statement from the MPD.
The main reason we are here right now with charges, terminations and investigations is because Mr. Wells took a picture of Nichols’ bloated and beaten face to show the internet why they demanded answers. Now, everyone is demanding the same answers.
10. Questions about the Alleged DUI
Memphis Police Chief Cerelyn CJ Davis told Don Lemon on CNN This Morning that by looking at the footage, she still speculates whether there was probable cause for the traffic stop.
“Well, I’m going to be honest with you about the stop itself. What is — what was said was that there was a witnessing of what was considered reckless driving. We’ve looked at cameras, we’ve looked at body-worn cameras, and even if something occurred prior to this stop - We have not been able to substantiate the reckless driving,” said Chief Davis.
Nichols didn’t even have the chance to be charged and prove his innocence. He was never read his rights or allowed to speak to an attorney. His life was dwindling while in custody.
11. Previous Abuse Allegations
One of the five cops charged in the incident, Demetrius Haley, was previously sued for abuse of force of a prison inmate when he worked for the Shelby County detention center, reports say. The suit was dropped so the case never made it to court. 
Either way, it’s shameful to be accused in a beating at one job to be accused in another at your new job just a few years later. 
12. Can We Trust Chief Davis?
According to the Hastings Tribune, Chief Davis previously led Atlanta’s Special Operations Section including the Red Dog unit which was disbanded following police brutality accusations and illegal searches. How ironic that Davis’ Scorpion unit in Memphis is accused of doing the same.
Davis was fired from the Atlanta Police Department in 2008 after allegedly botching a pedophilia investigation. She was reinstated after challenging her termination and retired in 2016. After, she ended up as police chief of the Durham, Nc. police department and left there to join Memphis PD in 2021.
We love a Black woman in power but after Nichols’ death, the public is beginning to question if Davis deserves her job.
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kcyars19992 · 9 months
15 Unforgettable Moments from Summer '23
Airplane Karen, the Alabama Brawl, Trump turning himself in to Fulton County and Erykah Badu's beef with Beyoncé were all the talk.
Kalyn Womack
Updated6 hours ago
Relax... just because Starbucks fired up their pumpkin spice lattes does NOT mean the summer is over. And before the season is a wrap, we need to do a run down of what happened because man... it was a time.
The highlight of course is the most recent event—former President Donald Trump heading to Fulton County jail to get his mugshot taken for one of the four indictments he’s facing. KeKe Palmer’s baby daddy started a feud with her over an appearance with Usher and got dragged by the internet. Plus, some regular-degular people have gone viral for their moments that got caught on camera like that Alabama boat brawl. 
“Lift every chair and swing” is being printed on t-shirts as we speak. 
Many more events occurred across politics, entertainment and beyond that were honestly unexpected or just juicy to talk to about. Check out 15 moments below:
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Trump Goes to Jail... Kind Of
The former president took to social media to announce his plans to surrender to authorities at Fulton County Jail after being slammed with a fourth indictment by District Attorney Fani Willis. He and 19 other defendants are facing charges in connection to the “stop the steal” campaign to overthrow the 2020 election results.
Atlanta hosted parties for the occasion, including one lounge’s “Welcome to Rice St.” celebration. Trump bailed himself out on $200k but nevertheless, the internet was gifted with his mugshot. It’s not oversaturated. That’s just his spray tan. 
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Try That in a Small Town
https://www.theroot.com/embed/inset/iframe?id=youtube-video-b1_RKu-ESCY&start=0Jason Aldean - Try That In A Small Town (Official Music Video)
The country singer drew controversy after releasing this racism-coded song with hidden jabs at Black stereotypes and the Black Lives Matter movement. The music video featured clips from the 2020 protests and a courthouse where a Black teen was lynched back in the 20s. Despite the obvious implications, the singer insisted being racist wasn’t his intention.
It’s still a good ol’ boys, gun rights, MAGAt anthem nonetheless. 
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Jamie Foxx’s Mysterious Sickness
Seemingly out of nowhere, the beloved singer-actor dropped off the face of the earth and the next thing we knew, he was in the hospital fighting an unspecified medical complication. Not even TMZ’s best paparazzi and sources could get a picture of him or any information as to what was going on. Many people thought we were going to lose him. Then, the trailer for They Cloned Tyrone dropped and led the internet into a frenzy about the government making another Foxx to replace the OG.
He finally showed face weeks later and his friends and family say he’s good as new. We still don’t know what put him down.
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Cardi B Throwing Mics
https://www.theroot.com/embed/inset/iframe?id=youtube-video-OTl5punI5AY&start=0Cardi B hurls microphone after drink thrown at her
The rapper was performing at Drai’s Nightclub in Las Vegas when a crowd member splashed a drink on her. Almost immediately, Cardi abandoned any determination to finish her song and threw her microphone at who she thought was the perpetrator. Online users say the wrong fan got smacked by the mic. In the end, the artist faced a battery charge. 
Meanwhile, the mic is being auctioned off for near $100k on eBay. 
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Beyoncé vs Erykah Badu?
Beyoncé’s Renaissance tour has officially previewed 100 different outfits, many reminiscent of the old style wear from her Formation era which means BIG hats. Songstress Erykah Badu took to Instagram one day reposting a picture of the Crazy In Love singer ascending onto the stage in a wide-brimmed chrome mirror hat. “Hmm. I guess I’m everyone’s stylist,” Badu wrote. 
In response, fans speculated that Beyoncé omitted Badu’s name from her Break My Soul (The Queens Remix) performance. In another performance, she switched it up to “Badu, Badu, Badu, Badu,” which fans also took as shade. 
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Florida Man Says Slavery Was Good
After wreaking complete havoc on the education system with his anti-woke campaign, Gov. Ron DeSantis decided to weigh in on the topic of slavery. No, no one asked.
In addition to endorsing the state’s Department of Education’s ban of teaching subjects regarding the history of slavery and racism, he argued that slavery (the 400+ years of Black people being sold, abused and mutilated) was beneficial for Black people.... the white man who refuses to acknowledge racism. 
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Carlee Russell Kidnapping Hoax
In July, Carlethia “Carlee” Russell sent the nation into a panic when she allegedly disappeared after calling 911 to report a missing toddler on the side of the highway. Police found her car and belongings unattended on the side of Interstate 459. Two days later, she walked back home and told the police she was abducted by a orange-bearded man. After an investigation, police found Russell had records of searching kidnapping-related topics and just days after that discovery, Russell’s attorney released a statement that her disappearance was a lie. Now, she’s facing charges for faking her disappearance.
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Montgomery Boat Brawl
https://www.theroot.com/embed/inset/iframe?id=youtube-video-8JdLnCp17Jc&start=0Watch: Video shows brawl erupt on Alabama riverfront
Some might say plain old racism brought a class-action butt whopping to a group of white folks. After refusing to move their boat from the dock, a white family then tried to provoke an altercation with the Black doc workers who were trying to doc another larger boat. After a group of white men ganged up on the Black doc worker, more Black bystanders spawned onto the doc swinging knuckles, ankles and chairs to defend the man who was just trying to do his job. One teen swam across the river fully clothed, shoes on and jumped onto the doc to promptly commence to beating ass. You just had to see it. 
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KeKe Palmer’s Usher Episode
The new mama enjoyed a ladies night out to see Usher’s Vegas performance wearing a sexy, sheer dress. The clip of Usher serenading Palmer went viral on the internet but one hater had to try and ruin the fun: her damn baby father. In a tweet, he threw misogynistic shade at the video writing, “It’s the outfit tho... you a mom.” He must’ve forgotten we don’t know him like that. Thus, the internet dragged him back to the dusty corner he came from.
KeKe responded to his shade with a new single ladies anthem and an appearance in Usher’s new video saying, “I am a mother, after all.”
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Chicago Mom and Son
A brutal video of a woman getting punched in the face by a man circulated social media like fire on gasoline. The video showed her asking her son to get her gun while in an argument with a man at a food stand. After the man took that right-hook, the woman’s son pulled out a firearm and fatally shot him. The situation sparked debates on whether the mother and son should be charged in the shooting. However, the two had their felony murder charges dropped as soon as they’d gotten them.
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Airplane Karen
Tiffany Gomas went viral within weeks after having a meltdown on an airplane that we still don’t know the reason for. She told reporters her issue stemmed from a spout with family members but other reports say she accused a Black man of stealing her AirPods. The video of her screaming, “I don’t give two fucks but I’m telling you right now, that motherfucker back there is not real!” drew the most attention as people speculated who wasn’t real and why.
She apologized for her episode on X but we still don’t know what caused the ruckus. The internet concluded she saw a demon, shapeshifter or skinwalker. Yet, there’s no proof.
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Tory Lanez Sentenced to 10 Years
YASSSSSSS... I mean, aw damn. Singer-rapper Tory Lanez got sentenced to ten years in prison in connection to the shooting and injuring of rapper Megan Thee Stallion. For years, the internet (and Tory) debated about what happened back in 2020. Meg stayed silent until Tory went on social media instigating an argument. Then, she finally gave an emotional account of the night she thought she’d die. He was convicted for assault with a semiautomatic firearm, having a loaded and unregistered firearm in a vehicle and discharging a firearm with gross negligence.
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Lizzo’s Scathing Lawsuit
The singer-songwriter was slammed with a sexual harassment lawsuit listing three of her former dancers as plaintiffs seemingly out of nowhere. The suit alleged Lizzo engaged in “sexual, religious and racial harassment, disability discrimination, assault and false imprisonment.” She was also accused of not paying her employees and verbally abusing them because of their weight. Her current dancers also weighed in echoing the concerns listed in the legal document. The artist responded calling the suit a “sham” and denied the allegations. The lawyer representing the plaintiffs said more allegations may be on the way.
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Government Releases UFO Secrets
In July, the House Oversight subcommittee on National Security, the Border and Foreign Affairs held an impromptu hearing to confirm that aliens are real. Technically, it’s “unidentified anomalous phenomena” which may or may not be the green slimy things we consider aliens to be. A few military vets testified that the country recovered non-human “biologics” from certain crash sites and recounted traumatizing moments about what they saw. However, the nation seemed to react with one big fat shrug emoji because we already knew what was up.
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The Writers Guild of America and SAG-AFTRA strike took TV show and movie lovers by storm putting a harsh pause on filming as actors and screenwriters demand a fair negotiated contract for better pay, healthy working conditions and of course, protection from allowing AI to make carbon copies of the actors. Kerry Washington, Quinta Brunson and more have joined the picket line halting production on the film rendition of Broadway’s “Wicked,” Abbott Elementary and Marvel’s “Blade.”
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cruzctrl · 2 years
So, i've been gone for quite sometime. And alot has happened, it being me becoming director of respiratory at my facility, hating every minute of it, stepping down after 5 months, and picking up a full time job at a former facility. There were quite a few things that made me step down- actually alot of things:
1. Short staffing
The issue with short staffing and trying to approve peoples vacation times was a nightmare. I catered to these people thinking yeah its gonna be fine. Ill figure something out. Then when i get call ins, no one is willing to work. Im not about to run 20 hours working at this place when 8 hours is already dreadful. And guess what, i still did it. I tried. But the consistency of how bad no one wanted to work was more than enough of a problem for me to step down. And i low key hated people to begin with and it didnt make the job any easier.
2. Supply shortage
This was probably the worst one. Id do my daily tuesday routines of ordering supplies, and yet i seem to never get the main supplies i need. Trachs. Bacteria filters for suction machines. Pulse oximeter probes and cables. And its out of my control. I get it. Ever since covid cane around it hasnt been any easier for anyone. But again, being blamed for something i cant control was already daunting and i hated
3. Inheriting a staff i've worked with for 7 years
It sucked. They know my work ethic. And they see me as one of them. Not as a supervisor. Only when they need my signature to sign off on their overtime. Or their vacations. Or their bullshit sick days. And when i needed the help only a few were able to pull through. The fact that im somewhat salty about this whole situation makes me think: what could i have done differently? Why dont they look at me as someone who can take over a department? But then again. It is what it is. The lack of respect was already more than enough for me to leave. Aside from that, another guy who didnt even work more than 8 days a month became the director and they seem to give him more respect than me. But, like i said i could of done things differently, but i wouldnt know what to do anyways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. Taking work home
This was one thing i told myself- never take work home. Thats what i did. I took work home. I think about when the next time im gonna have to come in to cover a shift, why no one responds to my group me texts, or whatever shit that i needed to come in for. The stress and anxiety of coming home really fucked up my sleep. So bad to the point where id stay up super late just to enjoy what little time i had to myself. Thats bad on my part and probably affected me to the point where i dreaded work.
Ill admit, i low key miss goin to work whenever i want, but i dont miss goin to work when i shouldnt even be there. The amount of stress that has been lifted from my shoulders is so nice, i forgot how it was to just go to work, get things done, and leave with no worry about anything more or less. Im pretty content with what happened, how i did, and i appreciate the few support of people who really had my back. Funny thing is, they didnt even decrease my pay rate, so although i stepped down as director, im still getting director pay! I guess if theres a way to cheat the system, that was definitely it.
So, in hindsight, Im on call / per diem at my old facility, and got hired as full time at.. another old facility. BUT my pay has definitely increased in both places. Ever since i left, everything has looked alot brighter. i bought a new car, im back to working noc shift again, im happier as a whole, and i just think everything that ive dealt with was a lesson and that not all things at the top is so mint. The new guys i met at work seem pretty chill, and we have a few hobbies that we have in common so it was really easy to get a long with them. Plus i think this whole subacute dept as a whole is just good for myself and patient care. Its really nice to be able to go back to work and feel like im making a difference with what i do. I couldnt help but feel useless as a director. I guess one of the perks is the amount of overtime im gettin here, it is so absurd that im probably gonna be making more than my other places i worked at. Anyways, im happy and thats all that really matters. Ill probably post some pics of my new whip soon, just gotta find the time to take some decent pics. Hope you guys have been well, and this was just me ranting.
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truetraumadumping · 2 years
finally something positive but like super long because it has been a while
I usually come on here to rant the worst and be negative because there isnt really any other outlet for me to do that. We often have the worst luck and live the saying “when it rains, it pours” through and through. But for once the overall of this post is positive and celebratory, after some bitching and dumb shit of course lol 
We have been stuck living with my SIL&her boyfriend since April 1st. Jack has his own small room, a tiny toilet&sink room between his room and ours. Our room holds us, our 2 dogs and 5 cats, then all that comes with it i.e. litter boxes, bed, desk for when I was working my last job. It is just cramped and annoying and rough. It isn’t our 1st choice at all, but with our animals and what our bring in money totaled to, we could not get approved anywhere. We have spent almost a grand on application fees this year alone. About a week ago or so, we were talking about something else to do with my new job***(connects below with same symbols) and she fucking said “ No offense but how much longer y'all tryna stay? “ literally word for word what she messaged....... fucking seriously bitch? 1st of all, every single animal except 1 cat, we have because of her, we have a child to care for financially and all aspects, because she had him and CAN’T DO IT HERSELF, 2nd WE DON’T WANT TO BE HERE EITHER not only are we all smushed into these rooms, we have 0 privacy, they don’t take care of their own cat litter boxes as they should so it always smells terrible out there, so I cant even have anyone over if i could get over the dogs and the room and such, they own this trailer and are just letting things fall apart and there is so much mold growing in the bathroom its terrible for everyone’s lungs. They sell weed so our anxiety is ALWAYS high because we have a child here so god forbid they got busted we would all be fucking screwed and the dogs barks every time someone knocks to come pick up so we have to tell them to shut up multiple times an hour every single fucking day and finally 3rd of all they cant even afford their own lives without us, literally, they do not make enough money and depend on the people staying here rent money for their bills. so like why you asking that shit?? she also could’ve worded it so many different ways, saying the same point without the attitude, and we all know things that start with “no offense...” are always fucking offensive. 
So I got laid off from Premier 10/31; I took that week to just do nothing and kinda wallow cause it fucking sucked and all that. I knew I would get approved for unemployment, my boss already told me to apply and claim it, but my ID expired a few months ago and it hasn’t been an issue so I hadn’t looked into what I needed to do for a new one. However to apply for unemployment, I needed a valid form of ID.... so they recently combine the local offices into 1 location and the next appt when I looked wasn’t for like 3 weeks out  uuggghhhh so I booked it in case I couldn’t find a way there for a walk in before then. I did when Billie finally went and got hers done by appt ((side rant, she went unemployed for like 4 months July-mid October, did NOTHING, didn’t apply for unemployment, actively look for a job, NOTHING)), I had to wait there, well outside the building for over 3 hours. finally got called to the inside waiting room so even if they closed i was going to be seen that day. I brought cash to pay since paying with card had a percentage surcharge and over course out of 15 clerks only 2 handled cash, so I had to wait a little longer for that aspect, but once I was finally in front of the clerk the entire interaction from start to walking out was maayybbee 15 minutes, it was insane. Side note I not only was able to update my address finally but also my middle name was spelled wrong on it so I finally got the corrected too. Anyway with the new type of ID cards, they don’t print them right there, they give you a temporary paper and you have to wait she told me 2 weeks for the state capital to send it out to me. JFCCCCCCCC so when I went to try and apply for unemployment I couldn’t because they wouldn’t accept the paper temporary ID and they wouldn’t accept the expired ID I still had because the address has changed, this was all online. So I tried calling and its an automatic system of course, so they ask for an 8 digit pin with your SSN, and if you are new enter a new one, and they saying checking it, then it restarts the whole process, over and over and over and over again. I did it 15 times before I just lost my mind and hung up. There was no operator option, pressing 0 over and over did nothing like some systems triggers you to an operator. The only other option was the unemployment office itself; since COVID they do appointment only but you can’t schedule an appointment without an account so online and by phone were not an option for scheduling and they won’t even let you inside the building without an appointment confirmed on their end by your name over the door speaker. So there I am unemployed, not able to bring any money in for however long because even after I finally get my ID I have to wait the employer dispute period after applying. 
Oh, also before the day spent waiting to do my new ID but after my wallow week, I spent an entire day redoing my resume. It had been so long since I had updated it, the expected style has changed and I had to track down some info to update it. I also had to go over dozens of phrases and skills to build it just right for the positions I wanted to apply for. It was brain melting but I did it and it looks great. So the next day I applied for 25 jobs, this ranged from just sending my resume and answering some basic contact info and availability questions to like full blown tests with math and science questions. It was wild how different the process is from the last time I did it all. With Premier I got the job because I knew someone working there and she knew I needed the job, the boss knew Max from way back in and was like “yeah she’s hired” I didn’t even fill out an application for the job until like 4 days into training lol! Then with Schedule It, I was hired for call center originally and storm season was fast approaching so I would’ve been hired pretty much no matter what and only applied to a couple other places. So this latest was the most I have ever done job/career wise. I really wanted something remote and like data entry or such, not on the phone because in this space, all of us cramped and the dogs always braking from their sale traffic, calls would just be insane. Outta those initial applications I got back like 4 immediate nos and 1 to move on to the next step of their process, which I did but it ended up being a sales position with pay based on how many sign-ups you got, no thaankkk you. Then I got a couple more “no we went with some one else” emails, was still waiting on my ID to apply for unemployment and just all around in the dumps over it all. ((side note SIL got a job at Murphys purely on a friends word and they didn’t treat her great, had some staffing issues then messed up her 1st paycheck so she no call/no show quit because she supposedly had a management position with Dominos but never started it, then got told it is actually part-time nights hahahahahaha after waiting around for this new Taco Bell location to open up because she supposedly knows the GM and will get hired as management there when they open)) I finally had to tuck my pride and ask my Dad for help buying some groceries because little man got super sick during all this and so was home for all 3 meals and I had no moeny coming in for sure until the beginning of the month with Max’s check; Dad of course helped us majorly, so grateful for him and we haven’t had to ask him for help in a while so it wasn’t a big deal really. 
So finally I got my ID, earlier than anticipated luckily and finally got unemployment set-up so the waiting period could start. Then I got an email that someone finally wanted to interview me for their available position, a basic into interview really. They told me about the position, expectations/tasks and pay after going over my work history with me. Fully Remote Customer Service Representative for PNC Bank! Not only remote, but for like a real legit sold company instead of a start-up or some sketchy fly-by-night one. Issue being it is phone calls, I am supposed to have a fully closed off space with no distractions i.e. ours will not work at all between smushed in 1 room and the dogs. But the pay is literally life changing for my family, it will get us out of poverty and living paycheck-to-paycheck, it cannot be passed up. We could get out of staying here with just a few paychecks easily, it is just getting set-up and doing it a bit. So Max and I thought maybe putting a shed up, set me up out there in it to avoid all the issues and we would move it with us since we were planning to get into one of the new trailers right in this same park. *** so we bring this up to my SIL and supposedly sheds are not allowed per lease even tho we have watched a few neighbors put sheds up since we started staying here. Now we have 0 clue wtf we are going to do because my set-up just cannot be worked in here, simply cannot and I NEED to get and keep this job, it is too big of a chance for us all. So I think “hrm, well dad had talked about helping us with the move-in cost of a place, we just hadn’t done it cause my previous job wasn’t enough for rent every month, but with this new one it will be, so maybe he could get us in one of these new trailers in the park and boom there we go”, so the next time I see him I bring it up. Now quick side note, his girlfriend was in a major car accident several weeks ago, like a really bad one, in a wheelchair, back brace all of it. Also they have been building their dream house out on my Dad’s lake property, I knew it was really close to done, but it is actually finished and with her being in a wheelchair and all, his old place didn’t let her get around well. So when I brought us needing out to Dad, he suggested his old place. He owns the land its on, it’s all fenced in, the trailer on it isn’t amazing but it is livable and will be ours! We are going to pay him “rent” to go towards buying the trailer and land, it’ll be ours in just a couple of years, then we can work on getting our new custom trailer on the land. It is on the edge of the bigger city, puts school in a better school district and we won’t be in the same park as where we are now so we can avoid my SIL for a while! 
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sellyourgadget1 · 2 years
Sell second-hand Canon 6D mark II in Best Price
Do you have a second-hand Canon 6D mark II camera and want to sell it at a good price? But facing difficulties like- Where to sell? How to sell? What to do next? What price will you get? If yes, then your story is the same as mine, but one day I got introduced to Sell Your Gadget, which helped me sell my used canon 6D mark II camera and changed my life forever as a professional photographer. Buying, testing, and replacing new DSLR cameras is something that I used to do regularly. As all of you know, in every field, you must keep yourself up to date with the latest technologies and models with the main subject of your profession, which is DSLR cameras, in my case. Whenever my favorite DSLR companies launch a new camera, an urge to use it rises in my mind so that I can replace my regular camera with the best one. But earlier it was not possible due to lack of money.
Features of Canon 6D mark II camera
·        The camera has a 26.2-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor and high-performance AF with a large light-collecting surface that helps take pictures in low light and gives the best color contrasts to your photographs.
·        It is the first EOS full-frame camera with a varied-angle touch-screen LCD monitor that helps you focus the best and covers most of the image display area.
·        Transferring video and photo files to a paired smartphone for social media or cloud storage is simple with Wi-Fi / NFC connectivity in this camera.
·        The camera also supports movie Servo AF which lets you set your tracking sensitivity and AF speed for movies, even in Full HD 60p/50p.
·        It allows continuous shooting up to 6 to 5 fps and 45-point all cross-type AF.
My experience: I visited the site Sell Your Gadget to sell my Canon 6D mark II camera.
Before 3-4 days, I wanted to sell my Canon 6D mark II camera to buy a new one from my favorite brand. Then one of my friends suggested I use Sell Your Gadget once to sell my existing Canon 6D mark II camera. I visited the official site of Sell Your Gadget and learned how to sell my Canon 6D mark II camera and get a great and genuine price for my camera. The user interface of Sell Your Gadget was so simple and easy to understand that it helped me to select my camera’s model and to lock on the best price for my canon 6D mark II camera. Along with that, the documentation process was also very simple and easy. They only asked for any government ID proof and one more document that can verify the originality of the item you want to sell. Before that, this was the first time I had seen such an amazing platform where you could sell your camera within 2 to 3 hours. Once they picked up the camera from me, they transferred my money directly to my bank account, which was amazing. My experience with Sell Your Gadget was really impressive.
How to Sell Your Gadget is best for selling your canon 6D mark II camera compared to others.
Unlike market rates and other sites that buy used cameras, Sell Your Gadget offers you the most realistic and highest prices for your canon 6D mark II camera. For instance, if you want to sell your canon 6D mark II camera at Sell Your Gadget, you can compare its prices to those of other sites on Google and see how SYG offers you the best prices. You can also think about how much your Canon 6D camera will cost at your city's local used camera market. There, you can also see the difference in price and overall support. Aside from that, there is no guarantee that your camera will be purchased if you intend to sell it elsewhere. Sites like OLX and Quicker have a lot of risks associated with them in terms of your data and money. It can be very dangerous sometimes, so why should you have to deal with so much trouble selling your camera when you can sell it on Sell Your Gadget?
Apart from this, Sell Your Gadget love to help its customers. If you face any problem regarding selling your canon 6D mark II camera or any other photography equipment, you can take the help of the Customer Support system of Sell Your Gadget and can ask for any related queries at 9560822859
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polhbeat · 2 years
Shareit app
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I am looking forward to building on this milestone while driving more digital inclusion moving forward. Like music and so on, it’s been like this for months.
Shareit on my iPhone XS sends info to my PC but cannot receive it. I open music file tap music it opens but then a ad is there as well i tap play an its like it frozen screen. "We are excited to be amongst the top 10 fastest-growing apps in the world and our two recent major achievements have well highlighted the growth rate and value of our products and marketing platform services globally, which have been widely recognized by our users and partners. Shareit app on my ipod has stopped working cant play music or wont play music now.
Specifically, in the emerging markets like Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa, where consumers do not have a steady internet connection for example, SHAREit through its offline capability, has been making digital content more accessible by enabling them to share apps, music, videos and games with their peers." says, Karam Malhotra, Partner and Global Vice-President at SHAREit Group. This has sparked SHAREit's usage in newer markets and accelerated its adoption in the existing ones. "The pandemic pushed consumers around the globe to spend more time on their mobile phones, where they have been looking for entertainment and gaming options. SHAREit also emerged as the #1 fastest-growing publisher in North America and #2 in Latin America, after TikTok. Our email address is Looking forward to your reply! And would you like to be our test user? t may take you some time but it also means you can be the first users who get the new version and fix the problem.In the recent released edition of Performance Index report by AppsFlyer, SHAREit has been ranked highly across multiple categories and regions, spotted #4 globally after Google, Facebook and TikTok in the non-gaming volume rankings for IAP index across all categories. In principle we expect all crashing information, but if it crashes a lot of times, you can choose some of them to send. 4.Please note your app version, device mode and system. Please follow these steps: 1.Go into Settings of your iPhone - Privacy - Analytics - Analytics data 2.Please find the files named for example “uShareit-162236.ips” ( means the time when SHAREit crashed) 3.Click the button at the top of the page and click “Mail” and send them to us. Could you please tell us your device system? Do you use iOS11? There is a way to locate the crashing problem, so we need you to send us several information. Other than that one problem they fixed it’s a great app for sharing files and works as a very good music player.ĭear user, we are sorry for the inconvenience.
Right when I was about to post a review complaining about the problem an update came out which seemed to have fixed the problem. Every two or three minutes(more or less depending on device) The app would crash making it really hard to listen to music.
You dont need an internet or Bluetooth connection, instead. It seems like I had the exact same crash problem that many people had. SHAREit has made it easy to transfer pictures, apps, or large files from one device to another. Your iTunes Account will be charged when the purchase is You can go to your Settings > iTunes Account & App Store > Apple ID > Subscriptions to manage your membership and turn auto-renew off. Your Private Albums membership will automatically renew unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.
Once the trial is over, you’ll be charged an annual subscription fee. Start your SHAREit membership with a free 3-day trial. No more cables or internet needed to transfer. Transfer between laptops & mobiles of different kinds without obstacles. Integrated encryption tool for photos and videos helps you protect privacy. The fastest speed can exceed 20Mb/s.Įnjoy the pleasant experience of listening music on SHAREit music player. No need for a Wi-Fi network or a mobile data plan. SHAREit is a super-fast and safe way to transfer big. Share the photos, videos, audios and files of any formats with your friends at any time on your phone or computer. Its time to Share it Share your files, apps, games, and more with the SHAREit file transfer app. It’s over 200 times faster than Bluetooth. However, being one of Indias favourite apps, SHAREit Technologies Co.Ltd has two bases in India, one in Gurgaon, which is the first Indian base of the. The co-founder of this Chinese application is Michael Qiu who is also the CEO of the organisation. SHAREit is a cross platform sharing tool which requires no mobile data. The SHAREit app is by a Chinese tech company also known as the SHAREit Technologies Co.Ltd. Transfer tool for sharing files without any mobile data, which is the choice of over 1.8 billion users.
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tonkiuniverse · 2 years
Mario kart ds hacks flash card
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It also replaces Donkey Kong JR by Donkey Kong. © 2022 Hookshot Media, partner of ReedPop. Description: A Super Mario Kart hack that put all of the MKDS nitro tracks / nitro battle arenas in Super Mario Kart. Join 1,338,352 people following Nintendo Life: If you have a flash card, or a way to loads ROMs off of an SD card onto your DSi. Pokémon GO Twitch Codes List - Pokémon World Championsh. Mario Kart DS: GameCube Grand Prix NDS - ROM Hacking and.
Nintendo Switch Online - Every NES, SNES, N64 And Sega Ge.ģDS System Update 11.16.0-48 Is Now Live, Here Are The Fu. Random: The Sky In Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Is One Big Opti.Įvery Nintendo Switch Online N64 Game Ranked Rumour: It's Not Even September And Nintendo Direct Rumou.ĭeals: Get 10% Off Switch eShop Credit And Top Games In T. Limited-Time Pokémon Sword And Shield Distribution Event. Optimized Assembly Item Hack Rev1 USA D3000000 00000000. Random: Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Trick Gets You All Koro.įeature: 12 Nintendo Games That Deserve An HD-2D Remake CTRPF-AR-CHEAT-CODES / Cheats / Mario Kart 7 (USA) / 0004000000030800.txt Go to file Go to file T.
Pokémon Sword And Shield Codes: Full List Of Mystery Gif. Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour Times: This Week's Featured Po. also for those of you who did not know i grew up with the N64 so i practiclay started my instrest in nintendo before the 2000's i love to see every new generation grow up with nintendo and then see them give there future kids the nintendo experiance im sorry i have not postted much for hi school eats up lots of time also for the mods at nintendo life i want to thank you for cutting me some slack from the people who reply to my posts with meen replys. over the years my education has gotten alot better. also for all my spelling problems you must know that i was diagnosed with ADD and a slite case of autisim when i was just about 3. for those of you who are flaming me for bad grammer its ok. 37 Memory card for Mario Kart 2 So cool you can play it on WII 16 help cant beat star cup on. 2 days ago &0183 &32 The SHA-1 sum is used to calculate the ID For YouTube videos, Dolphin is the best option, while CTGP is easier for adding custom characters The tracks or courses are locations in the Mario Kart series on which races are held The CTGP Revolution package continues the CTGP 4 1 Major Hacks in development 2 Medium Hacks (30-69 Stars) 3 Small Hacks. i respect everyone on nintendo life on the forums i respect there opinions i also like people who respect my freedom of speach. Im a teenager who choosed this fan site for my news about nintendo's progress i know about 60% of nintendo life is 17-30 year olds who like nintendo becuase they grew up in the 1980's.
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visionofhope04 · 3 years
Neglected - Part 5
Sorry for the long wait! I just kinda didn’t really know how to make the reader’s and Jason’s conversation go but I got it! This is the last part of the series!!! I’m going to start working on a story based on this headcannon now. By the way, requests are open! Just no smut. Hope you enjoy!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 (Current)
You had just got home after that long interview. It had taken about 45 minutes and you were exhausted. You didn’t know how you managed to make it through 10 minutes of it. The first few minutes were definitely tense and you knew the press would eat it up. You planned to come clean about your so called family in an interview, but you didn’t plan for it to be the first one ever. You couldn’t control your mouth and the truth just poured out of you. You were glad the interviewer dropped the subject when you asked.
After setting your things down, you dropped onto the couch and lifted your hand above your head. You were staring at the ceiling and contemplating life when your phone rang. You reluctantly hopped off the couch and sprinted to get it. You found it, accepted the call, and then held it to your ear.
“Hello Y/N, I just saw your interview. Care to explain why you didn’t tell me about it and Y/G/N?”
“Jason! I’m sorry-”
“Y/N I’m so proud of you." You were so shocked, you almost dropped your phone.
“What? You’re not mad I outed the family?” You said in disbelief.
“No, of course not! Why would I be mad? If anything, I’m glad you did that to them. They deserve it. I'm just a little disappointed you didn't tell me about Y/G/N.”
"Well to be fair it was all over the news."
"Well, I haven't had time to check lately."
“Touche. By the way, how is everyone?”
“Don’t know, don’t care. I only tolerate them for the sake of the city.”
“Oh, okay well- wait, what happens if they find out about what I said?! They’re gonna ruin my image, the career that I literally just started, and practically the rest of my life! I-”
“Woah, calm down, relax. They won’t ruin anything.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“They won’t. Trust me. If they do try anything it will be suspicious. No one would believe them.”
You noticed it had become late and you really wanted to take a nap, so you decided it was time to hang up.
“I love you Jason, thank you for everything. I’m exhausted from that interview and I’d like to get a few hours of sleep in.”
“I love ya too sis, just don’t forget me alright?”
“How could I? I’ll talk to you later.”
“Alright, don’t forget. Bye."
Jason hung up and you placed your phone back down. You made your way to your room and gathered (the clothes u sleep with cuz we don’t judge here) and prepared to shower and then finally take a nap.
Timothy Drake sat at the desk in his room, working on cases and occasionally sipping the coffee he had made ten minutes prior. It was 4 PM and he had been working nonstop since he got back from patrol. He opened a new tab on his laptop and saw something rather concerning pop up. It was an article titled “THE WAYNES AREN’T WHO YOU THINK THEY ARE…” Tim clicked on the article and began to read.
Bruce had been working in his office when suddenly Tim barged through the door. Bruce’s head snapped up in alarm.
“Look at this!” Tim screeched.
“What is it?” Bruce asked as Tim stomped over to his desk and handed him the laptop.
“Y/N…” Bruce grumbled in annoyance. “Can you remove the article or at least hide it?”
“No, it would look too suspicious. It’s already viral and if it suddenly disappeared people would suspect we had something to do with it.”
“Ugh. Inform Dick and Damian about it. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Okay.” Tim agreed as he quickly snatched his laptop from Bruce and ran back to his room.
“What!?” Dick Grayson was shocked. Timothy had just filled him in on the whole news incident Y/N had caused. He was furious. How could Y/N do such a thing and not know how badly her words would hurt their reputation! She was just overreacting and now people would believe her lies. “What’s B going to do?”
“I don’t know, he said he’s taking care of it.”
“Alright, I’ll let Damian know.”
"What?" Damian said in shock. Dick had called him while he was walking Titus and explained the situation. How and why would you do this to them? Did you not know how badly this would affect them???
"B says he's taking care of it. Don't worry about it much Dami."
That eased his worries a bit. "Okay, goodbye Grayson."
You were startled awake by the sound of your phone ringing. Groaning, you got up and went to retrieve your phone. On the way there, you glanced at the clock and noticed the time. You had slept for way longer than you meant to. Assuming it was someone from Y/G/N checking on you, you answered.
"Y/N, you can't talk about us like that-"
You cut Bruce off. "I can and I will." You then hung up on him.
You felt a sense of pride wash over you. You were proud of how far you've come over the years. Before you wouldn't dare disobey Bruce. But now you had the courage to cut him off and hang up on him! You then blocked his number as well as Dick's, Tim's, and Damian's.
For the next few months, they tried to contact you in every way they knew how. Unfortunately for them, you knew exactly how to avoid and ignore them. They tried to cancel you and make the public believe you were lying. That backfired on them due to Jason exposing their lies and confirming that they did in fact neglect you.
Wayne Enterprises' business started to drop by landslides. Not to the point of bankruptcy but to the point where they were no longer in the top 100. The public started to support you more and Y/G/N gained even more popularity. You were so happy about everything and all the support you were receiving.
Alfred had called you one day congratulating you. He apologized for not trying to get to know you and for letting them treat you that way. He asked if you would like to meet up with him sometime and start to get to know each other. You forgave him and agreed to meet up with him.
Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian never bothered you anymore after that and you finally got your happy ending.
I DID IT! ITS HERE! IT'S FINISHED! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THIS!!! THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING SO SUPPORTIVE!!! If you're on the current tag list please let me know if you'd like to be tagged in all of my future DC works since this series is finished or if you'd like to just be tagged in certain works that only involve certain characters. If you want to be tagged in future works of mine please send it through asks.
Tag list: @fake-id-69 @pepelachanel @loxbbg @what-0-life @yoongi-holland @omnivorousfangirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @sexysamsungl @iceddonuts @buginetye @portrait-ninja @azazel-nyx @alculai @whitemanswhore14
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