#hopefully later we can go to like
noxtivagus · 1 year
good afternoon c:
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serenescribe · 10 months
Three sentence meme!
Epel has a nightmare and Vil comforts him
[✐meme] three sentence fic meme [✐] ficlet frenzy
"Have you been awake all night?" Vil asks incredulously as he walks into Pomefiore's kitchen, halting in his steps at the sight of one exhausted Epel Felmier, leaning against a table with heavy bags weighing down his eyes. Pomefiore has a curfew in place, and as the housewarden, Vil knows it is his responsibility to make sure they all adhere to it — including Epel.
But when Epel doesn't react to his words, merely glancing over at him before returning to stare at the table, Vil... softens. He'd expected a snippy remark, or a reluctant apology, not complete silence — is there something else going on?
While it is true that it is his responsibility to make sure those under his dorm adhere to his rules... it is also his responsibility to take care of them where necessary.
Sliding into the chair next to the boy, Vil presses an elbow into the table, resting a hand against his cheek as he faces Epel. "Epel," he begins, voice gentle, "is there perhaps something bothering you? Why have you stayed up overnight?"
"...'m had a nightmare." Epel ducks his head as he murmurs, as if embarrassed by his words.
"What about?"
The boy sucks in a breath. "...STYX. The Phantoms. Idia's overblot. I know we've all gotten out fine, and that you 'n everyone else could take care of yourselves, but..." A shaky laugh. "I'unno," Epel mutters, raising his head though still averting his gaze, "it didn't really feel all that daunting while we were there, but when you're busy dreaming about you 'n Rook dyin', it... kinda don't make you wanna go back to sleep, huh?"
He reaches out to rest a hand over Epel's, causing the boy to glance over at him.
"I understand," Vil says softly — he has been haunted by these nightmares as well, jolting awake more than once with horrific dreams of Epel and Rook dying fresh in his mind, so really, who is he to fault Epel for staying up over it?
He can always lecture the boy over the importance of a good night's rest later and send him on his way with some concealer. For now, though...
"Would you like a cup of tea, Epel?"
"...That'd be nice. Thank you, Vil."
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
That prev anon was right about calling you mine people always talk about how Mine is so horny for daigo when in reality he probably shuts down at the thought of holding daigos hand it’s too much for him!
Hes so real for that tbh like i get it ……. I really do …….
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tianhai03 · 2 years
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hey everyone sorry for the silence, i was trying very hard to catch up with school work that i didnt manage to hand in on time. anyway i made a full body 3d model of my oc lucifer for a digital sculpting assignment :)
i posted a lot of the making process of this on twitter and i’ve also compiled everything into a moment that you can find here! go take a look if youre interested in watching me and lucifer suffer <3
(and also bonus dmc5 render looking pic of him bc a friend asked me to do it as a joke. my son is a dmc5 character now)
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shizuu-chann · 8 months
Welp, finally finished BG3 for the first time in three playthroughs 😅 everything I read was right: I'm not satisfied with the ending at all! 🙃 Even the "good" ending is bittersweet and I'm not for it.
Time to replay from the beginning and mentally rewrite the ending~
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josephslittledeputy · 4 hours
Well. Got sunburnt as a mother fuck on the back of my neck, mild sunburn on my face, a slight sunburn on the tops of my hands, and the weirdest tan lines on my ankles due to my pants riding up and wearing ankle socks, making it look like I'm wearing anklets or something lmao
Note to self, wear mf sunscreen next time dammit
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inniave · 23 days
after surgery i'm buying myself pentiment goddamnit
#reasons to live#also new doctor who episodes#i've been wanting to play for soooo long but haven't really had the money to spend#so i'm using this as an excuse#trying to focus on all the fun/good/cool things that i can do after#seeing hozier later in the summer#watching the wild flowers come up in the backyard#this is hell but i will get through it and there WILL be an other side i will make sure of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#there's a chance we can get it done tomorrow if the doctor thinks it won't be super complicated#i hope we can cause the longer this goes the more we suffer#i just want it to be over#once i'm all healed i am going to smoke a cigarette and savor every fucking puff i haven't been able to smoke for over a k month now :/#another thing to look forward too#and i think i have a vinyl preordered???? am can never remember what other parts have bought#oh and i'm going to binge rewatch the hunger games (all of them) after surgery#been meaning to do that & im using this as an excuse to do nothing but watch movies all day#got some audiobooks downloaded that hopefully they'll let me listen to during (unless it's going to be loud (??) then i have music)#i'm taking my puppy stuffie husband got me when we had to live apart for a summer before we got married#puppy is so special to me#he goes everywhere with me#i love him so much#i would just hold him and cry and cry and cry when husband had to leave :((((#i am so scared#there's so many young parts too who are just i mean they are the ones holding a lot of this shit like i cant imagine what it's like for the#the little bit that leaks through to me is horrific and makes me want to fucking vomit#i'm worried for them#they're splitting bad :((( and i don't have any way to help#we're doing our tapping and tre and everything but idk how much that helps on the inside#idk man#it's all so much
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elytrafemme · 10 months
guys i laurv college like actually. went out w a group of ppl and went to CVS and a mediocre pep rally. had a really sweet exchange w a bus driver. roommates are going out in a large group to have some of that sweet liquid sillies allegedly. i am alone in my dorm despite thinking i'd be the last one awake i am literally the only one here. and i'm happy i think :D
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good morning!! <3
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into-the-blorboverse · 9 months
Domino: The Lamb
cw cults, infanticide, abuse, etc
Domino was born into a cult. A particular cult whose goal is to make powerful demonic beings. A more recent practice of theirs is to summon a demon into newborn children, with several failed attempts leading up to Domino's birth. Previously the cult members were trying to infuse a stronger, more mature demon into the infants, but the power was too strong for the young vessels. With Domino's indoctrination, his father decided to summon a lesser demon to try and see if the two could grow stronger together without overpowering and killing the child. This made Domino the first success in the newborn trials. As the first sire of the Chosen One, Domino's father gained esteem and a higher position within the cult. This was a huge success so Domino was seen as untouchable Golden Child and they are pleased to learn they have been blessed by a demon of the Electrical Realm.
Domino was never truly loved by his father. He was merely a vessel and a lot of pressure was put on him a young age, testing his demonic abilities and strengths. The older Domino gets, his father starts to fear that he's not progressing as rapidly as he should and he doesn't want to lose his status in the cult. Perhaps the only impressive part of Domino's trials was that he managed to survive, and as time ticks on the other members in the cult are expecting more from him than mere sparks and static electricity. More children have been born since and have now had more obvious results with their possessions. The shine of their Golden Child was starting to wear off.
Over the years his father increased the intensity of the tests, putting him in more and more dangerous situations to get a reaction from the demon inside his son. The demon was starting to defy the father in an attempt to protect Domino from the brutal tests. Being with his host from such a young age for both of them, the demon formed a powerful bond with Domino.
Domino's father as well as others in the community start to think Domino is not deserving of his status after a decade, but as the first success they can't take that away from him... unless...? Can we kill him? Hmm..
The father devises a plan. He claims to have had a vision and must sacrifice his Firstborn (this is a surprise tool to use for later) to the cause. He uses a ritual dagger and treats him like a sacrificial lamb. The light goes out of his eyes and he dies... for a moment. The ritual killing didn't take, it turns out. Interesting! But the onlooking cult members see this as a Miracle! He was the Chosen One! Not only did they make a successful vessel, they also made an unkillable one! :) 👍
This was lauded as a great success and for a while set the skepticism back, business as usual once again. But as Domino still showed resistance and restraint in his powers, there were whispers that maybe the miracle was all a setup. It seemed very convenient that the father would have a vision about his own son just when people were starting to question the validity of his status. Sure they saw the ritual killing but the timing of it all, you know. 🤷‍♂️
They figure that since he is unkillable after all, then it shouldn't be a problem to test it again. The father is fine with this since he was secretly trying to get rid of him anyway, either way works for him. So time and time again, the lamb was led to slaughter. And he survived!
The cult believes that due to the circumstances of Domino's birth and indoctrination, fusing a youngling demon to an infant, is what made him strong enough to come back from the dead. However, unbeknownst to them, its the particular combination of host and demon is what led to this. When other demons are presented with the idea that they don't need their hosts, they would take the opportunity to break away. But Domino's demon truly cares for his welfare, and loves him very much. Their souls are fused and intertwined in such a way (it's messy in there) that he'd do anything to protect him and keep him alive. And so he did.
In the last test that his father would ever do, he gets more and more frustrated with Domino, sensing that he'd like to run away from the cult, and snaps. Enraged, he grabs Domino forcefully and screams in his face, not at all like the gentle facade he put on during the sacrificial ceremonies.
He tells Domino that he's good for nothing and that no one in the outside world would love him like he does, and that you should be grateful for the status that you have here. You're a disgrace, and I will find a way to kill you that'll stick. Frightened at all of this coming out of seemingly nowhere, Domino can't handle it and blacks out, going limp for only a moment before the demon takes over.
Years of all the brutal rigorous testing and the multiple attempts on Domino's life while making a spectacle out of his perceived immortality built up and the demon refuses to take it anymore. Bolts of lighting begin to materialize from Domino's hands that his father was proud to see, if only they weren't aimed directly at him. In his final moments he smiles smugly and utters that is the promise that he wanted to see. But the demon was not about to give him the satisfaction, he would not allow him to bathe in that accomplishment. The bolts of lighting let loose upon that fucker and kills him!
With the father dead, the demon is worn out from the mass exertion of energy and is unable to fully protect Domino from a few burns as the forest around them is now caught aflame. But he is alive. He is free.
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astrxealis · 2 years
good MORNING i am so pretty
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senxitive · 1 year
I want to take this moment to acknowledge that I feel confident in my decision. Before it slips away and I start back with the "what ifs." I made the right decision, not only for myself, but the other people it would have impacted and things must get better from here. The time for action was months and months ago, all that is left is trauma and pain now. And I am right to move on. I can't let this affect me any longer.
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h3rmitsunited · 1 year
I was going back through my old school stuff from like 1st grade and there was this like journal where we had to write like a couple sentences each day to practice writing and stuff and i had this one day where part of what I wrote was "I hate myself today because I had to change my card to yellow" (the cards were like discipline things so you started with green and if you weren't being good you had to stand up and go to the front of the class to change your card) and I don't remember what it was for but I'm sure I was just like maybe talking or something like that.
But like damn. Even just thinking about the times I had to change my cards in those classes makes me want to cry. I remember always being so upset anytime the teachers weren't happy with me and then I think about me now and how I'm always expecting people to think the worst of me or be hiding that they don't like me or always expecting the other shoe to drop even if they've been telling me I'm doing a good job because I'm bad and I need them to just tell me why and what exactly they're holding back
And I've got a review coming up at work soon with my bosses since it's almost my 6 year anniversary of working there and all I can think is oh good now they can stop telling me how great I am and how happy they are to have me there and just tell me everything I'm doing wrong because I know the compliments aren't right and they have to have been holding back what all my issues are.
And I think something in my upbringing may have kind of fucked my head up... just a little bit
#peeerrhaps i should start looking at therapists again to work on some isssssuuuueeesss....#the last one was not that helpful but she was the first person i looked at and tried and she did well enough#just didnt really get deep into anything under the surface#i literally cant take compliments. like idk if its like a youre supposed to be humble so dont let it go to your head thats turned into#dont internalize any praise ever but if anyone ever complains about you then its real and you should internalize it times a thousand#or maybe its just a i kinda hate myself and dont feel like i deserve good things or anything ever#i think some of it is im ashamed about my stupid inability to get to work on time. like if i force it and work myself up#maybe i can be on time like a few days in a row#but the momentum drops so fucking fast and then im back to well im here before we open even if i was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago#but also like i get there before stuff is going on and like its not that late and i havent mentioned the issue because#i feel like if i did theyd say oh well then just get here at the later time youve been arriving close to its fine#but then stupid brain will go okay so this is the new time which means that im going to shift to arriving even later#so i just have to keep relying on the shame and guilt and panic to get me there in the mornings#which is not fun#i just hope the review goes well other than my bad time management#i feel like it will... hopefully. theyve talked about possibly 'promoting me' which would be me doing the same stuff ive been doing#basically but then id just have the title (and pay 🤞) to go along with that#i dont want to get my hopes up but we'll see what happens#im going to like try super hard to get to work on time until the review though and like after but still#come on clarissa do a good job
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realboutfatalfury · 1 year
it might just be bc it's late and i get sad sometimes when it's late but i'm sad i like feeel soooo bad about several things and i feel like i want to cry but i can't ughh idk...
#just gonna like write out my problems in the tags bc that like helps me process them 👍#first of i feel like i can't connect well with people at all#especially with people in school.. there are some people i am fine with i can like talk with them fine and feel a connection#but then like with others i just feel..so out of touch with them idk#i just feel like they don't want to be around me anymore and i'm just some annoying guy that is there#but like i know that isn't true (hopefully)#ugggh and then like i go back to thinking they do actually not like me and yeah just a whole loop going on#after i get tired of thinking about that i think about school in general and start getting stressed about it#even though i am doing alright it's idk..#it;s just i'm like thinking of stuff that happens later through the school year and thinking i want things to get finished quickly#i like want to get my paintings and projects done already but i gotta think and take my time and shit!#i want it done now so i won't have to do it anymore even though i do like working on them#when i work on something i want to like sit down and work on it till it's done#which is kind of a not good habit to have i know i've been trying to like try to get rid of it#or like minimize it#ok i'm like reading over these and like. i think it's bc i might be neurodivergent.#i keep forgetting i got a high score in that autism test...hmmm#anyway also stressed about this camping trip for school that happens next week#1) my mom keeps nagging me about how i am physically weak to like go camping but still wants me to go to it#2) we have to be in groups and you don't like get assigned one you have to like just form it... which like#if you've read above i am having trouble with people and connecting hence i haven't found a group yet orz...#and that's like it for that.#school is just stressing a bit and i don't want that....#last problem is like kind of dumb but like my youtube feed has sucky videos i don't want to watch and i haaaaate it.#it's like it doesn't get me at all.....whatever...#ok i think that's like enough...feel a bit better laying it all out#still feel those things but like doing this made me feel better feeling this way and understand them#feeling things is good and alright 👍
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maryse127 · 11 months
First day of summervacation with my dementing mom:
Her constantly asking if we packed something and yes we packed it
Her constantly commenting on the traffic and my dad's driving
Many other stupid comments
We been driving all fucking day, by far most of it through Germany, with German radio then checked into a German hotel and sat down in their restaurant to order food. In German.
My mom: We are still in the Netherlands right?
My mom constantly saying she has been here a hundred thousands times before during dinner. She is in this hotel for the 4th time in her life
My mom forgetting what dessert she ordered and then getting jealous of my dad's and him begrudgingly swapping in an attempt to keep the peace
Her walking out of their hotel room while he was at the toilet and him finding her down the hall mumbling "where am i" to herself
Bitching about the heat. Like it's not even that hot. I dont handle heat well at all and I am completely unbothered by the current temperature here. She is complaining like the end of the world
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snapbackslide · 1 year
It's concert day!!!!! Tour opener, I'm so excited 🥹
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