#hopefully the stuff i end up posting looks nicer than these!
omgfloofy · 7 months
state of the fic
dal segno al coda is outlined from start to finish. As a result, I can gauge how much is done by the state of completion of each of the chapters, due to knowing how many there should be.
So here are the current percentages for the fic as a whole:
Chapters Complete: 50% Chapters Incomplete: 32.8% Chapters Not Written: 17.2%
The reason why I don't want to post chapters until I'm done with the first draft of the story from start to finish and in the editing phase, is because of things like what happened tonight. I changed something in a chapter from how it was outlined while writing it. (For the better- this is a much nicer update.) This change is spiraling out and impacting other chapters before and after it.
I keep meaning to gun it and finish part 1, since a large chunk of it is done. However, I keep getting distracted by things in parts 2 and 3.
Additionally, Date Night is still being worked on. I kind of ran into a wall on a part of chapter 2 and need to adjust things in segno proper before I can finish it. (That and the main story has been keeping me busy lately.)
My goal is to still hopefully have this in a state to start posting it on AO3 by the end of 2024, even better if it's around the FFXV anniversary this year.
Current word counts:
Part 1: 116,086 Part 2: 84,198 Part 3: 80,641 Date Night: 6,329 We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming: 1,518 (Complete) Colla Parte (Formerly Meanwhile, Elsewhere): 19,004
I'll finish this up with a small snippet to keep people sated. (As always, these snippets are part of a work in progress and may change in the final product. These may also be edited based on stuff I'm keeping quiet.)
Any sort of smile from Ardyn was never pleasant. It always seemed predatory. "Oh, the pleasure's all mine, Your Highness." He crossed back over to her again. "While I'm here, though I'm not a man of faith," Lunafreya knew that those words were chosen specifically because she had just used them, "I have something I must ask the Oracle, as well."
She allowed a faint smile to mask the otherwise worried expression that would have been on her face. "What is it you wish to know?"
"I'm quite sure that you felt it. What happened?"
Lunafreya blinked slightly, then canted her head slightly and she feigned confusion. "Felt what?"
"I know your connection to the Astrals is much greater than you are saying." He leaned down to stare at her. Was he trying to make her relent and step back?
Nevertheless, not only did Lunafreya stand her ground, she offered a calm retort, "I do bear a connection to the Astrals, but I am only told things as I need to know. Even as the voice for them, my involvement is with matters regarding mortal lives."
Ardyn's gold eyes remained locked on hers. He clearly studied her, in an attempt to figure out how he was going to call her out. She could tell he knew she was dodging the answer.
He simply snorted as he turned away. "Know that I don't believe you." Lunafreya knew that already. "I'll just have to find what you know in other ways. Nevertheless, I'll clear the request you made in changing your schedule to Cartanica." A pause, then he turned to look at her as he took several steps back. "But also know that I will find out what's going on, and you may find that it would have been far, far easier to simply tell me."
Lunafreya didn't give him the satisfaction of an answer either way. She simply remained silent. At least, until she asked, "Is that all?"
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bulgariansumo · 8 months
Back at it again, editing Episode 1 of Galactiquest. Version 3.0 patch notes:
-Removed all unnecessary epithets (Hopefully. I found one instance of brunet that I thought I deleted the last time around)
-Toned down the amount of exclamation points
-I think I slightly pared down a scene in Chapter 4? But I added a new one over it, so that probably cancels out
-Gave other characters a little more dialogue, especially Leon
-Changed descriptions around to be more concise, less repetitive, and less verbose (For these being Leon's chapters, I got weirdly fancy with some of the prose)
-New scene 1: In Chapter 1, a girl talks to Leon while he's waiting in the spaceport, eventually leading to him realizing he's late. This finally gave me a chance to explain why the Interstellar Forces is called that and set up that it is struggling somewhat. I think this also the first time I've gotten to mention that the IF was banned from having weapons.
-New scene 2: In Chapter 4, Jun questions why the IF would let such an inexperienced group go to Neptune (in nicer wording, but still). It sets the tone for the trip in a way that was lacking before.
As much as it stung to realize those chapters were a little rougher than I thought, I'm glad I did this. It's not a complete overhaul, but it brought the quality a little closer to my current stuff. I'm grateful some people were still able enjoy them despite rough edges.
In the times that I've asked for feedback, a few people mentioned Chapters 3 and 4 being a bit of a slog. I... did not trim them down as much as I intended. Every time I tried, it went something like this:
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Hopefully, adding that section to Chapter 4 will help it feel a little more worthwhile. That being said, if I'm compelled to edit again, I know there's a few scenes in Chapter 4 that probably should go.
For people who want to see the new scenes without reading the whole episode again, I'll post them down below. If you do want to read the full thing, here's a link.
New Scene 1 [Bon Voyage, Celestion-5] Ch 1. Boarding for Takeoff
A monitor nearby played an informational video about Earth’s one and only moon colony: Lunaria, the city of his dreams. Though so far away, he felt like it lay within his grasp for the first time. What choice did he have but to be captivated by it?
“Are you heading to your first deployment?” The girl a few seats over might as well have appeared from thin air.
“Hm? How’d you know?” He shook his head out of a daze. Only now did he realize his mouth had been hanging open for who knew how long.
“You seemed pretty enthralled by that video for a star ranger.”
“Oh yeah. Some nights, I spent so long looking at the dome through my telescope, I’d dream about it.” He sighed. “Even now, I can almost breathe that artificial air.”
“I’ve heard it’s cool. My aunt’s paying my way. I bet you’re glad you don’t have to pay those ticket prices either, huh?” She had a pretty laugh.
“Gosh, I thought I’d have to spend my life savings just for a visit. Thank goodness for the IF.”
“You know,” she tilted her head, “I’ve always wondered, why’s it called the Interstellar Forces when we haven’t gone past Mars yet?”
“We’re supposed to dream big now and grow into it later. It worked for me, so…!” he ended with a shrug. “And who knows,” he knew, “we might be going past Mars soon.”
“That’s cute. Sorry about the budget cuts, though. No more weapons, I get, but you guys don’t even have your own ships anymore? They’re just deploying you with us civilians?”
“My ship’s kind of a special case.” Out of curiosity he decided to check his phone. “But I guess it wouldn’t hurt to che–”
His eyes widened in horror at what time it displayed. It was 25 minutes past when he should have boarded.
“Is something wrong?” asked the girl.
“Sorry, I gotta go.” He gathered his bags and hurried over to the receptionist. “Excuse me. This is the boarding area for the Celestion ships, right?” Maybe everyone else was just late. “I was supposed to be boarding a ship 25 minutes ago.”
“Oh, no sir. Are you with the Interstellar Forces? All military spacecraft are located on the opposite end.” The receptionist motioned directly behind him.
“Thank you, thank you so much,” He shook the receptionist’s hand vigorously. “Seriously, my career is in your hands. And yours too,” he sped past the girl, “have a nice trip, bye!”
New Scene 2 [Bon Voyage, Celestion-5] Ch 4. Tour's End
“Quick question.” The oddly familiar one smoothed dark, wavy bangs out of her face… or his face? Leon couldn’t tell at this angle. The androgynous voice didn’t help. “The Celestion crews were chosen by chance, yeah?”
“There’s a coupla exceptions as you’re no doubt aware,” Emil winked, “not to mention the captains, but yeah, most of us are random picks.”
“Right, cool. So, like, not to harsh the vibes, but I noticed that none of us except you and the captain are ranked higher than rangers.”
“I almost ascended to corporal~” Allen spoke up.
“I know, Rox.” The familiar one addressed Emil again. “I dunno, I kinda assumed we’d get stationed on each ship based on our experience and ability level.”
That did surprise Leon when he first heard about the opportunity. Described by his old warrant officer as ‘remarkably average in all abilities,’ he never dreamed he’d be offered the chance to go to Neptune. No one from his base deployed to space in years. He hadn’t even earned the star on his uniform yet. No way would he let such good luck pass him by.
“Huh,” Emil pinched one of his curls, “that does make sense.”
A click from the ceiling brought with it Captain Galhardo’s voice. “Randomized crews are a key element of the Celestion Project. Though each captain, including myself, went through a series of tests to ensure our capability.”
“Well, there you have it. Besides, as long as my brother’s piloting, we’ll make it back a-ok. Nothin’ to worry about.” In only a few strides, Emil made his way to the cooking area. “Over here we have a microwave, an oven, dishes, other kitchen-y stuff–Oooh, guys, I gotta show you something!”
He stuck his arm over the stove, to the confusion of Leon and most of the others, and to their horror, turned it on.
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Calling all BMC Writers!
Hello fellow BMC nerds :>
If this project hasn't shown up to you yet or if you're not in the Discord server, then you probably haven't heard about this project I'm working on: Feelin' Kinda Cocky!
Feelin' Kinda Cocky is a Be More Chill dating sim/visual novel where you play as Michael, and romance one of four love interests at Middleborough high (not including secret routes and possible polyamorous routes).
This game has been in production for two years now, but is stuck in the writing phase. I just recently completed Rich's route and have just started Dustin's. Not to mention, I have a bit of early-game material for Jake and Jeremy. Between school, extracurriculars, and taking care of my mental health, it has taken me a long time to write. However, I was recently prescribed ADHD meds, which will tackle my executive dysfunction. That, combined with a lofty New Years resolution, I'm aiming to get all of the writing done before the end of 2023. ...Especially because the artists for this game have been extremely patient with me, and I want them to be able to contribute sooner rather than later. Although I might have one or both of 'em draw some stuff to make the Tumblr page look nicer-
So that's why I'm here! To looks for some likeminded writers in the BMC fandom, which I know there are many on Tumblr lmao- If you're interested in helping out, there's two options right now:
The FKC Community Idea Drop:
The FKC Community Idea Drop is a Google Doc for you to just drop your ideas down. Are there any post-Squip ideas/drabbles/scenarios/dynamics you've ever wanted to see fully realized? Well throw 'em on the doc! If your idea makes it into the game, you'll be credited by whichever name you put on the doc, because I don't believe in stealing ideas. This is a non-committal way to contribute to the game at whatever pace or frequency you want. Feel free to just go wild with whatever you wanna put on there!
Link here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/134HD8ZxBILGacL5Zg165A-mU0IX3HbQqynKuyCqctIE/edit?usp=sharing
2. Joining the FKC team
Everyone who has joined the team so far (two artists and a writer) has joined completely voluntarily, purely in an effort to bring this idea to life. I feel like this is a given, but I want to make it clear that this is not a paid job for anyone involved, including myself. Just like Be Less Single, Feelin' Kinda Cocky will be published on a website and/or on Steam for free, meaning I will make absolutely no money off this game. I just want to make a fan-game with the help of my fellow fandom nerds lol
As a writer, I'm hoping we can work collaboratively to come up with storylines, route events, and dynamics between the ships. Whether you want to work on all the routes, or just focus on one ship, I'd love to work with you! I am currently one person attempting to plan out and write four separate routes, all with three different endings if you don't include secret routes, which I will write myself regardless.
I will also say, if you want to multitask (for example, be an artist or a programmer while also being a writer), go ahead.
For the writing (and the game as a whole), I want to make it clear that I care a great deal about positive representation. And I don't mean just making cute little scenes of our favorite ships (though that is absolutely apart of the game); I mean accurately depicting things like trauma, mental illness, neurodivergency, queer experiences, relationships and friendships, so on and so forth. Not only because all the things I listed are important to me, but because they're extremely important to a lot of other people, especially within this fandom.
Now, if there are any other ways you'd want to contribute to Feelin' Kinda Cocky's development, let me know! And if you have any questions at all, my inbox is always open, and so is the Discord server (linked on this Tumblr page)!
Thank you to everyone who's been with the development so far! Hopefully, this turns out awesome when it's done :)
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necromoonstar · 8 months
I’m almost done making myself a sonic character sona. It’s weird for this source I ended up wanting to make a sona before I started jumping in; but it’s a media so drastically different than what I usually touch maybe it’s just to make it easier to get into it and feel apart of it
I’m really excited about how the sona is going along. I used the same base as my last two attempts at OC making; but this has a lot of costume drawn bits and the line art doesn’t fully match but I don’t want to just keep redrawing it until it does. I just want a finished design reference and working on making something nicer later
But I’m so close all I need to do is figure out the body pattern on the tail and then design the outfit and I’m golden
Happy year of the dragon to me since that’s what my sona is (had to kin rules XD this dragon just wants to stay a dragon so much) and I love how cute the guy’s looking
Might change some details when I do the V2 later but I’m fine with how this V1 is doing and I’m very glad I’m learning to be fine with less best work finally and getting some stuff done!
Tomorrow I’m going to be going shopping so I don’t know if I’ll get it done then, depending on when I get done, but hopefully in the next couple days I’ll be posting that new sona~ : D
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loveandscience · 1 year
it's been a good day, other than randomly waking up from the pain of a migraine at 2:30 AM. I've had a residual headache all day. I'm not sure where the stress factor is coming from.
I did some de-cluttering to make the 'bonus room' a nicer space; super psyched that kiddo was willing to get rid of some bigger things they no longer play with, and I posted them on the local "free" group. It feels satisfying to see the space getting cleared out to be more enjoyable and usable for new purposes more relevant to our current life.
Yesterday I learned how to remove blinds, and I wanted to continue on learning things I've always been too anxious to even try. So, today I went to the little attic access panel (it's not a crawl space, but husband had stored some things up there) and took it out, nasty popcorn ceiling shit falling all over my face and into my eyes, and I got out the cushions that had been up there. There's basically been this patio couch sitting in our bonus room unused for probably over a year, because our patio needs work before we want to put good furniture out there, and I had decided that with the freed up space in the bonus room, we might as well have a couch until we one day (let's be honest, it might be years from now) have a nice patio to put it on!
So I got the cushions out of the attic space. My husband seemed a little nervous since I've never done it before, and I was nervous but determined! I dragged them out and set up the couch, and it looks nice even though it is meant for a patio.
Got more birthday stuff ready.
While I'm taking most of the week off, 2 of the 4 sessions I do have are tomorrow, so hopefully I can get chiller. I'm giving myself until the end of the week, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to allow myself to take down my PsychologyToday ad and stop marketing for new clients. Maybe even stop accepting new clients, at least for the most part. I think I'm at a just enough/just over my limit amount of clients, and I need a sustainable balance where I don't end up vomiting from a migraine trying to make myself acceptable to work that day.
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seafoam-taide · 3 years
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Here is some art from when I first found this game about 2 years ago! It’s not the best but honestly it’s way better than I thought it’d be. I still think that bushcat art is great.
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torotauri · 2 years
Somebody That I Used To Know (18+) | Chou Tzuyu [TWICE]
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Warning Sexual Content (18+) Read At Your Own Risk
2198 Words
You were pretty much enjoying single life after you and your girlfriend Chou Tzuyu broke up. Fucking different girls and going on Tinder on hook ups. However, for the past month you have been seeing and fucking this one girl. People started to think you were boyfriend and girlfriend relationship but you weren’t. You weren’t exclusive yet because of one big problem.
The problem was you’ve never lost feelings for Tzuyu, and your mum was pushing you two to get back together. Whilst you have been seeing some other girl for the past few months and started to develop feelings for this other girl, your heart still fluttered seeing Tzuyu posting photos of herself on social media.
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“Tzuyu, how are you always this pretty” you thought to yourself as you scrolled through her social media.
You haven’t seen Tzuyu ever since you both went on summer holiday. However, you have the opportunity to see her again thanks to the help of your mother. You didn’t want to do this but you are going to attend her family summer party at the local clubhouse. The only reason you were going was because your mother is friends with Tzuyu’s mother and your mother have decided to RSVP the whole family to the party on behalf of the family which left you no choice but to attend the party.
As much as you didn’t care about this party, your mum and dad were very excited about it. You didn’t even wanted to dress up because you weren’t planning on impressing anyone. You were probably going to find a hookup with a random girl at the party but that’s it. However, your mum made you dress nicer than a t shirt and jeans so you ended up going to the party with a polo shirt and white jeans.
The party itself was quite boring. You found some of your friends to sit together with and left you parents. Your parents were only there for the food and has gone home after the food, didn’t bother staying for the after party which left you and your friends alone. Tzuyu herself was busy dealing with guests and stuff as she was the host, stressing herself out. However, throughout the whole party you stole glances at Tzuyu who was looking beautiful as ever, even with the green dress she was wearing.
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Soon, it was getting late and the guests started to clear out. The party was starting to die down. You were also thinking about leaving yourself. However, before you can leave you need to tell the host, your ex, Tzuyu that you were leaving. You approached her the second time of this night with one thought in mind.
“Hey Tzuyu” you walked up to her and said.
“Oh hey. Thanks for coming, we haven’t had a good chat for so long” Tzuyu replied.
“So how have you been doing?” you reluctantly started a conversation.
“Good” Tzuyu awkwardly replied.
The atmosphere was a bit awkward. You both just sat there looking at each other, like somebody that you used to know. Trying to avoid making this awkward because you two used to date. However, it was difficult because Tzuyu was so pretty and you can’t help yourself but steal glances at her. Looking away when she tried to look at you.
“Stop stealing glances at me” Tzuyu slapped your thighs as she catches you looking at her.
“Sorry, I can’t help. Anyways......” you replied awkwardly trying to steer the conversation in another direction.
“Come on answer me truthfully. Do you still have feelings for me” Tzuyu suddenly ask.
This question really caught you off guard. You weren’t expecting Tzuyu to throw this question at you. If you were being brutally honest, you still have feelings for Tzuyu. With that you decided to be frisky and tell the truth to Tzuyu, hopefully things would go well.
“If I’m being honest, yes. I still have feelings for you” you replied hoping Tzuyu would reciprocate.
Once you said that, you regretted it fully. Tzuyu wasn’t speaking now, and you both were left in this moment of awkward silence. You were going to leave but just as you were about to get up and leave, Tzuyu broke the silence.
“Me too, I still have feelings for you. I still love you and I never stopped” Tzuyu replied.
After Tzuyu said that, you two were once again left with a moment of awkward silence. Despite you have just confessed your love for each other, the atmosphere was still awkward. Thinking that you need to break the awkward silence, you spoke up.
“So what now?” you asked.
“Well the party is dying down anyways. Let’s go to my place?” Tzuyu replied.
“Sure” you replied having an idea of where this is going to go.
Now that Tzuyu have came up with that suggestion, you knew this was an offer you can’t deny. With that you followed Tzuyu to her house and left the party behind.
Once you arrived at Tzuyu’s house, you two rushed into her room so you don’t get caught by anyone. Her room was pretty much the same as you last visited. You remembered this place, you stayed in this place over Christmas so you know the way around her house pretty much.
You didn’t really know what to do, so you just ended up sitting on her bed, the bed where you both have had multiple sex on. Tzuyu sat next to you and the atmosphere was still awkward. Suddenly you felt her hand touch your thigh.
“This is definitely normal” you thought to yourself.
Feeling a bit risky, you pulled Tzuyu into a hug and as you pulled out of the hug, you just looked into Tzuyu’s eyes for no reason. By now, you both were just staring at each other with the feeling of love in the atmosphere.
“Tzuyu, you are so beautiful” you blurted out.
“You’re not bad yourself too, so how are we going to do this?” Tzuyu replied.
Both of you leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was not rough, it was passionate, filled with love. It was not a make out, just a passionate kiss that lasted for a while. Both of you only pulled out to take a breather and just smiled at each other looking into each other’s eyes.
“I missed you Tzuyu” you said.
“Show me how you missed me” Tzuyu replied as she kissed you once again.
This time while kissing, you somehow managed to take your shirt off with the help of Tzuyu. Whilst making out with Tzuyu passionately, you started to get hard. Tzuyu was probably also getting horny as you could tell by the way things were heating up in the room.
“I need you now” Tzuyu said as she broke the kiss.
It didn’t take you both very long until you were naked, horny and ready to do the deed with each other. Tzuyu meanwhile still had her green dress on just lying on the bed waiting for you to make the move.
“I haven’t go any condoms though. I could go buy some if you want” you suddenly said coming to realisation.
“Nah it’s ok, I’ve got some left in my nightstand from the last time you and I did it” Tzuyu said as she opened her nightstand to grab an opened box of condom.
Fishing out a condom out of the box, Tzuyu then proceeds to open the packet of condom, tearing the wrapper with her teeth and then fitted the condom on your erected cock. The feeling of Tzuyu’s hand touching your cock was already a pleasure for you, despite with the condom you still feel like this is going to be a good night, not rough, just passionate and love.
With the condom on Tzuyu gave your protected cock a few licks to make it more lubricated. Then Tzuyu laid on the bed and spread her legs waiting for you to make the move. 
Taking the initiative, you slowly entered Tzuyu’s pussy. This was not the first time you entered her pussy, and it probably won’t be the last. Whilst entering her pussy, you leaned in and kissed her. At that moment, all the horniness was replaced by love and lust.
Whilst kissing Tzuyu you started thrusting your hips slowly, slowly fucking Tzuyu as you both moaned out. It wasn’t the best feeling because of the condom but it was still good. You have almost forgotten this feeling, but once you started fucking her, the feeling of her pussy all came back to you.
Tzuyu herself also moaned at the pleasure of you entering her. Her pussy walls was wrapped around your cock. She was perfect, even with the feeling of plastic inside her pussy, Tzuyu still felt pleasure. Maybe it was the feeling of lust and love, but both of you were enjoying this.
“Fuck, I’ve missed this” you moaned out.
“Ahhhhh yesssss, fuck me baby” Tzuyu moaned telling you pick up the pace.
Knowing that Tzuyu has adjusted to the cock inside her, you started to move your hips a little bit quicker. Picking up the pace a little bit and fucking her at a quicker pace giving both of you another level of pleasure. 
“Yesss, just like that” Tzuyu moaned out as you continued fucking her maintaining the pace.
The room was filled with moans as Tzuyu was getting her pussy filled by your cock. She was always like this, she was always vocal when it comes to sex, always moaning and just enjoying the pleasure she was getting.
You have missed this, her pussy, the sex, the moans. It was something that you had the pleasure of going through when dating Tzuyu, and now the feeling is coming back. All your feelings for her was there. 
You two were not just having sex, you guys were making love. This was more than sex, this is passionate love making.
As you continued to fuck Tzuyu’s pussy, you felt a tingling sensation around your crotch area. You were close, but so was Tzuyu. You could feel Tzuyu’s pussy getting tighter. This was the feeling that you know, Tzuyu will always get tighter when she is close to her orgasm.
“Tzuyu I’m going to cum” you told Tzuyu about your incoming orgasm.
“M-m-mm-me tooooo” Tzuyu moaned out.
“Let’s cum together baby” you said as you picked up the pace trying to reach your orgasm.
Upping your pace, Tzuyu reached her orgasm before you did. All she could do was give her signature orgasm moan that you haven’t heard for so long.
“FUUUCKKKK UGGGGHHHHHHH” Tzuyu moaned out as she finally reached her orgasm.
“Fuck, Tzuyu, I’m cumming too” you announced.
As Tzuyu orgasmed, her pussy got very tight wrapping around your cock pushing you off the edge. Your orgasm taking over you, shooting thick white semen into the condom that you were wearing.
Once your orgasm died down, you pulled out of Tzuyu as she just lied on the bed panting, trying to recover from her orgasm. Taking the condom off and disposing it into the bin, you joined Tzuyu lying on the bed. You rolled and leaned over to give Tzuyu a peck on the lips.
“I still love you” Tzuyu said looking into your eyes.
“I love you too Tzuyu. Should we start again?” you asked.
“Let’s just continue where our relationship left off shall we?” Tzuyu suggested.
“So boyfriend and girlfriend?” you asked for confirmation.
“Yes” Tzuyu confirmed as you both drifted off to sleep.
The next morning you woke up next to your “new” girlfriend Tzuyu naked. She was still sleeping as you rolled over and looked at her. She was beautiful as ever, you missed this sight every morning. Looking over at the clock, 7:25AM, you rolled back onto the bed and started stroking Tzuyu’s hair.
Suddenly, Tzuyu’s eyes fluttered. You just woke Tzuyu up by stroking her hair, you knew you were going to be in big trouble. She doesn’t like to be waken up.
“Sorry for waking you up” you apologised quickly.
“Oh morning, what time is it?” Tzuyu asked with her sleepy morning voice.
“7:30″ you replied.
“SHIT” Tzuyu shouted “you need to go before my mum finds you and starts bombarding you with questions about us being together again” Tzuyu added.
“How am I going to leave without getting caught?” you questioned as you quickly got dressed and headed for the door.
“Backdoor, don’t make any noise” Tzuyu panicked and said.
You followed her instructions, tiptoed towards the back door and headed towards the drive to pick your car up. Looking up to her window, you saw Tzuyu giving you the shush signal. Taking the hint that you aren’t allowed to start your car until you were further away from the house you had no choice but to push the car out of her drive. 
Whilst pushing the car, you received a text. You opened the notification and read.
“Sorry about that, you know how my mum is. I’ll tell her we’re back together over breakfast. Just didn’t want her catching you in my bed naked. Love you 😘” 
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dat-bruv-person · 3 years
What would being female!bakugou's love interest be like?
The Pomeranian Finds Her Love! - Bakusquad August Event
Bakusquad August Masterlist
Pairing: Fem!Bakugou x reader
Genre: fluffy fluff
a/n: I'm just getting Mary Saotome vibes from this: tsundere blonde with anger issues and tends to call her love interest 'baka'. Perfect.
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First of all, I headcanon Bakugou as a short blonde female, with an even shorter temper and is BUSTY.
You can’t change my mind.
We’ll call her...
She has Mitsuki’s kind of hairstyle, making it easy to keep neat.
It’s still spikey though.
She and Kaminari do not get along. Kaminari is probably frightened of her, the poor thing.
Let’s face people, Suki hates everyone.
When it comes to you however, she is noticeably nicer.
A conversation with others could go like-
“Good morning Baku-”
“Go away, loser! Get lost!”
When it comes to you however-
“Hey Bakugou! Good morning!” You smile at the short blonde warmly.
“Oh, it’s you. Hello. You better have rested well, coz I’ll kick your ass in training today.”
I also see her as cute!
I’m definitely not simping for Suki, nooooo. Though I do simp for female!Todoroki. She equals best girl.
Self ship: Airo x Fem!Todoroki
 Since she’s so short, I’m talking about 5ft 1, you’re probably gonna be taller than her. That being said, she’s going to go out of her way to ask you to get her something, and tell you not to take it the wrong way.
“Oi, idiot!” Suki comes up to you, a pout on her face. She almost looked like a baby, but you knew better than to tell her that. That’d be the end of you.
“Yes, Bakugou?” you answered her. Suki pouted even more as she pulled on your uniform sleeve.
“I told you to call me Suki! It’s a privilege!” She was like that, always thinking of herself as a queen, the rest of the class were peasants. You were the only one she tolerated, so she made it as if it were an honour to even breathe around her. “Anyways, bring me that thing from up there.” No manners either.
“Sure thing, Suki.” you grinned at her. She looked away in embarrassment, her cheeks and tips of her ears a flushed pink colour. She gritted her teeth in annoyance and told you to shut up and bring her whatever she needed bringing down. Once you got it down, she turned to face you, still not looking you directly in the eye.
“Don’t look at me like that, idiot. And don’t take calling me by my first name the wrong way either! Or else I’ll blow you and your ass to fucking Jupiter!
That’s cute, isn’t it?
The whole of Class-1A uses you as blackmail
You use yourself as blackmail too, knowing she can’t resist your presence.
If anything, you’re the king/queen/royal of Class-1A
“Hey Suki, could you help me with this question?” you ask, showing her your book. She pushes it away, almost in disgust.
“No! Figure it out yourself, dummy!”
Like my other post, here, if you don’t like being called names, or are sensitive and that kind of stuff, it would be normal to turn away and ask somebody else who probably won’t call you dumb.
“Oh, okay. I’ll ask someone else, sorry for bothering you Bakugou. Todoroki-”
You didn’t use her forename! 
You’re going to ask someone else?
Sorry for bothering her?
I- is the world coming to an end?
Coz Suki’s is.
“Wait, no!” Queen Explosion Murder shot out her hand and grabbed your arm, before using her other hand to turn you round. She couldn’t stand the thought of you and Icy-Hot bonding over a maths question.
“Fine! I’ll help you! That Icy-Hot Bastard probably doesn’t understand the question anyway!” Suki glared at Todoroki, who glared at her back. Rivals in everything, and becoming your (hopefully) only friend was not an exception. You stared at her and looked back at Todoroki, who beckoned for you to come over to his desk. 
“Sorry Todoroki, Bakugou seems to only now want to help me with this question, I’ll tell you when I get stuck on another one.” Suki smirked smugly at Todoroki from behind you. Todoroki nodded at you, but death glared at her. The explosion quirk-equipped girl realised something.
“I told you to call me Suki!”
So, you’re gonna hear that quite a bit.
She doesn’t like not being your first choice. 
At all.
She’s at your service, subtly though.
She’s like a mother to you, no different from Original!Bakugou, and reprimands you for not keeping healthy or doing your best.
She secretly adores you, and sees you as a role model.
She’s honest, and everyone can see that, and she will come out about her feelings.
She prepares lunch for you but you didn’t hear that from me. 
She makes amazing food and shares it with only you.
She says it’s against her will and she’s being forced to do it, but only goodness knows that she put her heart and soul into that food and desperately wants you to like it.
Suki definitely feels proud when you pick her as a partner for class
Queen Explosion Murder will brag about her being your first choice to Todoroki and Deku.
Deku’s cool with it, but Todoroki isn’t as happy.
When her confession rolls around, it’s so sincere that it’s almost surprising.
How could you say no?
If you do get together, she isn’t into PDA, just be aware. 
And don’t forget to call her Suki.
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glitchyalchemist · 2 years
A fic where Kindle needs unexpected therapy and Percy just wants to vibe with his bird
you can also find this from ao3
this is random and I post it without context (context sold separately). but it's from my canon compliant bdsm verse set after the events of MTMTE that I'll probably end up writing more stuff for at some point, hopefully with some explanation on how the nerds even ended up here because it might seem weird when you just jump in from this point lmao. I just got possessed by a self-indulgent demon and wrote this out because reasons. enjoy.
All Kindle had needed was two minutes of Perceptor’s time to ask him about the maintenance on the laboratories’ security, and when he had seen that the scientist was still marked as present in the labs he had thought to simply drop by when he was already in that wing of the ship anyways. Of course he could have taken care of his business through comms but it was always nicer to deal with people in person than through calls, and that’s why he didn’t really think twice before some moments later he was letting himself in through the locked lab door unannounced. But he only managed one and half steps in before he registered the sight that had opened up before him, and the words that he had been preparing the whole way here died instantly in his suddenly fritzy vocalizer.
It wasn’t an unusual sight to spot Brainstorm wherever Perceptor happened to be, the two had been practically attached by the hip lately (and as such, a source of much gossip and betting at Swerve’s). But he would have expected to see two geniuses hard at work maybe, or in the middle of a heated debate about something that went way over Kindle’s head.
Whatever he might have expected definitely was not seeing Brainstorm on his knees, sitting pretty in front of Perceptor who was seated on a stool with his legs crossed, gazing calmly down at the jet with a hint of an amused smile curling on his lips like this was a completely normal sight for him.
And maybe Kindle could have thought of a good explanation for it still. Had Perceptor also not been baiting Brainstorm playfully with what looked like energon treats between his fingers, the jet looking completely transfixed by them as he tried to follow the hand with little slow bobs of his helm, his optics soft and hazy. He looked like some kind of a timid kitten.
Kindle’s awkward presence unfortunately did not go unnoticed, because Brainstorm’s focus was broken when he belatedly registered the sounds of the door opening and closing, starting to turn his helmet to see who it was. But Perceptor quickly stopped him with firm fingers on his chin, turning Brainstorm’s face back towards him before the jet could actually see Kindle, and spoke to him with a tone that was filled with such casual and demanding confidence that the pyrobot was hit by shivers as well.
“Optics on me,” Perceptor ordered, his expression now much more sober but still gentle, and to Kindle’s eternal surprise the famously stubborn and proud jet didn’t argue at all. Brainstorm actually looked almost pleased at being corrected and ordered around, a soft flush visible on his naked face plates as his whole attention was dedicated to Perceptor again like hypnotized. He looked odd. So calm and relaxed and attentive. A lot of adjectives that Kindle never would have thought to attach to Brainstorm’s name before. But the jet looked the very picture of serene and happy sitting there on the floor at another mech’s feet, even his wings having pressed back and slightly down to appear smaller. And Kindle felt like he had intruded on something so intimate that a simple apology couldn’t make up for it.
Perceptor waited for a beat to see that the other was actually listening to what he had been told, before he nodded with a “good” and offered Brainstorm one of the energon treats. Rewarding the jet like he was a pet in training. The little sprinkled cube was eaten eagerly but carefully from between Perceptor’s fingers, and after it disappeared into the jet’s mouth Perceptor was slowly unfolding his legs so he could then lean in closer to gently pet his cabled cheeks.
“That’s a good jet,” he cooed, and Kindle felt increasingly awkward in the room as he swore that he could hear Brainstorm’s engine softly purring all the way from here, seeing his optics closing as his face was petted and he leaned into the touch.
But Kindle was unable to just turn around and make a run for it, rooted in place from pure shock surely. But once Brainstorm was distracted by the petting, Perceptor’s sharp optics were discreetly turning to their guest now, and Kindle was hit with a comm request that gave him more anxiety than it surely should have when combined with the stern expression that now graced Perceptor’s face. And once the channel was established a moment later, Perceptor’s carefully controlled terse tone was a stark contrast to the warmth that he had been addressing Brainstorm with.
/’ Whatever it is, it can surely wait a bit. ‘/
Kindle jolted from surprise, barely able to look the other in the optic. But he was even more afraid to let his optics wander to the unnaturally compliant Brainstorm again. And he was kind of starting to dread the idea that he wouldn’t be able to even look at either of them anymore after this, and certainly not in the optic. It would have been way less awkward to walk in on them doing something traditionally lewd. Why couldn’t they have just been fucking over the table like normal people??
/’ Uh, yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to– Uh, interrupt... Whatever this is. ’/
Perceptor’s optics narrowed just slightly, but the warning tone was crystal clear. Watch your step because you’re treading on thin ice, and Kindle didn’t exactly feel brave enough to try an ex-Wrecker today. Not when he was clearly so protective of the jet at his feet and famous for his deadly aim.
/’ It’s none of my business, got it! ’/ the pyrobot added hastily and made awkward little flailing movements with his arms as he finally avoided his optics away from the whole scene before him. Oh Primus, it would be burned into his memory anyways wouldn't it.
Perceptor turned his attention back to Brainstorm, gently petting his face with the backs of his knuckles now, tracing the bottom edges of his closed optics and the cabling on his cheeks, making soft little sounds to keep the other in his happy little bubble. The movements and sounds were way too soft compared to his tone as he spoke over the comm line again as if he wasn’t gently petting his co-worker in broad daylight right there at the same time.
/’ Don’t make any sudden movements or sounds. ‘/ Perceptor almost scolded him for the fidgeting, making Kindle immediately stop shuffling around awkwardly. And when Perceptor spoke again he didn’t look up from Brainstorm’s face, as if pretending that their intruder and the headaches he brought simply didn’t exist. /’ You will turn around and leave quietly before you actually manage to cause a mess. Then, you will leave me a message this time, detailing whatever it was that you wanted to ask me. I will reply to your original inquiry and whatever other questions you might have once I am free to do so. Am I clear? ’/
His tone didn’t leave much room for arguing. Not that Kindle would have wanted to. He was happy to be showed out the door; to pretend that absolutely nothing ever had happened.
/’ Yes sir, perfectly. ’/
/’ Good. I will talk with you later then ‘/
The comm call was dropped without a warning, and Kindle took that as a clear sign that he had been dismissed. This time he kept his movements deliberately slow and quiet as he turned around and opened the door from the control pad, and he slipped out and made sure that the door behind him closed fully before he was practically running towards the elevator.
He wasn’t even thinking about work anymore. He could worry about that maintenance job later. After he had downed a few drinks to flush out the mental images and the shock. He thought of the betting pool that had spawned after Perceptor had started to willingly spend more time with Brainstorm, and how no one could have made a bet like this. He didn’t doubt that someone had bet that the geeks were getting up to something kinky in their private time, but absolutely no one could have predicted that Perceptor would manage to teach Brainstorm some actual manners.
Back in the lab Perceptor allowed himself to relax minutely once the door was closed, but it was impossible to relax wholly as he knew that that wouldn’t be the last that he heard of that. Not just from Kindle, but others as well if he couldn’t keep his lips closed as gossip spread like wildfire onboard Lost Light. It would certainly be a whole headache, but he didn’t allow those thoughts to show in his touch or field as he gently continued petting Brainstorm.
He was monitoring both the jet’s EM field and frame language to see if he had been distressed by what had transpired. Fortunately it looked like he was so properly lost to the world that it couldn’t reach in to touch him in his happy little bubble. And Perceptor felt relieved, because he couldn’t imagine the damage a sudden outsider could wreck on Brainstorm’s confidence and trust. Getting him to act so compliant and polite was the result of hard and consistent work, and Perceptor would surely take more precautions to protect that precious gift in the future.
Running his hand down Brainstorm’s cheek once more, Perceptor then gently hooked a digit under his chin to raise his face up and to get him to flutter his beautiful and hazy golden optics open once more to better pay attention to his master.
“You did such a good job, Brainstorm. Now I want you to lay down for a bit to rest, okay? Get some rest and then we can work on clearing up your head.”
Brainstorm couldn’t even verbalize a response, he didn’t need to, just gently kissing Perceptor’s fingers gratefully and then the palm of his hand with his soft lips, his whole expression looking so dreamy. Before he was laying down obediently, curling up around Perceptor’s pedes to calm down just as told, happy to just get to linger in that strut deep state of relaxation with no worries in the world. Seeing Brainstorm so relaxed and happy under his control was almost enough to allow Perceptor to forget about his worries too, but just almost. One of them had to worry for both of them.
“That’s right, you’re so good for me, aren’t you,” Perceptor praised softly as he watched the other settle down, his wings folding down to fit under the desk. You wouldn’t think that a jet of this size would be comfortable curled up under a table but Brainstorm made it look like he would rather be nowhere else. Maybe Perceptor could get him a cushion to rest on if he kept showing enjoyment for staying on the floor.
He was making a mental note of the time and thinking that he would let Brainstorm enjoy his peace for fifteen more minutes before he would start to gently nudge him back to the real world. And in the meanwhile he could pretend to finish his laboratory scheduling for the crew while thinking of how he was going to deal with Kindle.
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groovyzombiellama · 3 years
The Golden/Stylish Trio
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Title: The Golden/Stylish Trio
Requested? Yes.
Plot: You are an actress and shoot a project with Alex and Bill and the two of them have a crush on you.
Word count: 1617
Ever since you were a child, you knew that you wanted to be an actress, and it didn’t matter how many people told you that you shouldn’t dream so high and that you were gonna fail, that just made you want to work more just to prove them wrong. You were constantly told that you wouldn’t have enough work, and that being an actress is stressful and difficult. Of course you knew that, in their own way every job is difficult, but you didn’t mind it because you knew that you would have difficult moments, but you were ready for whatever that world had to throw at you, because at least  that way, you would be doing something you love. You had the support of your immediate family, like your parents in the first place, and so you decided to take a chance and start your path towards making your dreams come true.
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At first you had it quite difficult, not really being what the casting agent was looking for, both in terms of character and in your lack of experience. You had sleepless nights thinking about how you were supposed to gather experience when nobody wanted to give you a chance to gain any of it. And you expected this, so it wasn’t a surprise to you, and it just motivated you to do better and go to some classes and stuff, but that doesn’t mean getting rejected so many times didn’t hurt you. There were times where you would feel like the people who told you that you wouldn’t be able to make it were right and that you should just give up and go back home. Your family was alright with you coming back and going to college for something else, but just like your friends, they believed that you could do it and that every beginning is hard, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t succeed. And indeed, with patience, it started happening, you started getting cast.
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Of course, you wouldn’t be able to get a lead role right off the bat, but you were getting work as eather a background character, or a very minor character that maybe had one or two lines. And even though it was something small and didn’t mean a lot of camera time, you were still extatic and extremly grateful and happy to even be getting any work at all. Your portfolio was growing, your list of work experience was becoming longer and longer, and a lot of casting agents saw your passion and dedication to acting, to the point where you even got cast as a supporting character in a movie, the so called “best friend trope”, and your lines consisted of pep talks and you were honestly just there to lift up the lead character. But it was the longest time you had spent in front of the camera so far and the most speaking lines you had gotten, so to say you were grateful and excited would be understatements.
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You had no idea where all of this was gonna take you, but you were so proud of yourself for not giving up on your dreams. You even sent tickets for that movie to your cousins who didn’t believe you could make it and some of the people who bullied you and said you would never amount to nothing. It wasn’t to spite them, not too much anyway, because you never were a person to hold a grudge or feel good if others are feeling down. You just wanted to tell them that hard work will always pay off and that hard work can beat talent if talent doesn’t work hard. You were getting recognized and it was blowing your mind to be walking down the street and hear people talking about you as you pass them, guessing if you were the girl they had seen in that movie. And it made you smile every time. Eventually you ended up getting an e-mail that changed your life in a drastic way. A huge gig, bigger than any you have had before, with actors that you admired.
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You had known Bill Skarsgård from his role as Roman Godfrey in Hemlock Groove, and as the iconic clown, Pennywise, in the most recent IT movies. And when your agent told you that he was gonna be one of your costars, you had to sit down, as your legs felt like they were gonna give out. He always seemed like a truly pleasant person to be around and an actor who really cares about the craft. And his good looks were just a bonus to a very amazing person. And that was the case for your other costar who once again gave you that feeling that you were gonna collapse if you keep standing. The Ivar the Boneless from Vikings, Victor from Outsiders, Alex Høgh Andersen. Alex always had the appeal as a literal ray of sunshine to you and it made your head feel dizzy to be working with them at all, and even when you met them, you couldn’t believe it was true.
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Both Bill and Alex found you adorable as you tried not to fangirl around them, and be your cool self, or at least what you thought was cool. Bill had known about you as he had watched one of the movies you were in and he admired the way you put everything you had into your character, so he already knew some things about you, but even with that, you had managed to amaze him beyong belief. To Alex. meeting you was completely new territory, but he was enjoying every second of it, seeing the way every part of you contained the character you were supposed to potray. Even your eyes would show the emotion your character was supposed to be feeling that both men were dangerously close to apologising to you the moment they looked into your eyes as you were filming a scene where you were supposed to have a disagreement or fight.
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Both Alex and Bill felt like they were learning a lot from you, as much as you were learning from them. And your vibrant personality, combined with that smile of yours were enough for them to develp crushes on you. It amazed them that neither one of them was able to say anything to you, that when it came to you, they would feel nervous or get tongue tied. When the two of them were talking and you came up, the shock on both of their faces, wide eyed expressions were almost comical as they realised the second they started talking about you that they had crushes on you. They didn’t want to make this a rivalry between them and try to win you over from one or the other. They were gonna leave the choice to you if you ever developped feelings for one of them and the other was gonna support you both. But that didn’t stop them from admiring you constantly and gushing about you in interviews and to each other.
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As more time passed, the more the three of you started getting closer, so much so that they put up with the silly nicknames that you gave them and even though Billy and Lexie weren’t their favorite, and they honestly prefered some of your more creative nicknames, or standard “love” or “hun” that you loved calling people who were important to you, they cared about you enough to accept you just the way you were, which meant the world to you. Bill’s brother Gustaf was really glad that his costar from Vikings was friends with his brother, because the cast of the show had become like his second family in a way, and now you were a very dear friend to all of them.
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Every interview that you did with these boys was a blast, you would always have fun and if they even sensed that you were feeling uncomfortable with a question or something, the both of them would create a diversion, as you woke up in them the feeling to be protective over you, but not too much that you feel suffocated, but just enough for people to know that you were not someone to mess with, both because of you being a strong and independent woman, and also because you had the two of them who had your back as much you had theirs. You three were truly a great trio, and your friendship was one that you were sure was for the books and that it was gonna last.
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Regardless of the fact that their crushes were growing by the day and often times they had to stop themselves from spending entire interviews talking about you, they never forced you into anything, or tried to convince you that one of them was better for you than the other. And their biggest pet peeve was when you didn’t believe in yourself and always claimed that “people were just too kind to you” whenever someone complimented you, because they just wanted you to know that to them you were absolutely amazing and to so many people who were fans of you. But they appreciated that you were kinda using that to keep your humble nature, worried that if you started giving yourself that much credit, you would become vain and too self absorbed. They were thankful that they met you and hoped your friendship lasted a long time, even if nothing more developped from it. You were the Golden Trio, named by the entertainement industry, or the Stylish Trio as fans started calling you after Alex’s post, and you were happy with it.
SURPRISE @walkxthexmoon !! You wanted either one of aus that I do, but you were always sweet to me and kind, that you get all of it, written, gif and social media au :D <3 I truly hope you like it :)
I appreciate all of you guys and thank you all for your follows, likes, reblogs, I’ll never be able to thank you all enough. Every time I get an e-mail telling me someone followed me, it makes my entire week better and keeps me motivated! So thank you to all of you, I love you all so much, and if people are nice to me I do my damnest to be 10x nicer, because you deserve it back, so this fic took a lot longer to make than I thought, and hopefully it’s a good one and you guys like it, and just once again, I appreaciate all of you <3
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Protective Detail (1/?)
Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Shout-out to @masterlistforimagines ​ for encouraging me, and helping me brainstorm to write this fic based on This Post from @my-rosegold-soul ​ 😂👀😍 
Warnings: language, mentions of kidnapping, bruises
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: This is my first time writing for Nestor, so hopefully I do alright with that lol.  This is gonna be a multi-chap fic. So like??? Semi-slow burn in that regard. Stay tuned 👀👀 Also, Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate. This year I'm thankful for Gino's braids 😂
Chapter Index
Taglist?? I’ve never written for Nestor so I don’t really have a list lol. But if you wanna get tagged in future chapters of this fic totally comment or message me or something and I’ll make sure it happens.
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You huffed, rolling your eyes, “I don’t need a fucking babysitter, Papi,” you were standing on the opposite side of the table from your father, who was not looking amused at all with the attitude you were giving him.
“And I told you that you don’t get to make that call, mija,” his tone was level but you could see it in his eyes that he was not going to let you win this argument.
“You don’t need to do this,” you leaned forward onto the table, palms flat, “I’m fine.”
He eyed the bruise on your cheek, knowing that that was the only one he could see, but it was far from the only mark on you. It had been just short of a week since a group of men had tried to kidnap you. It came with the territory of being the daughter of a cartel leader, but it had never really hit that close to home before. Your father was shaken up, and understandably so. But every time he had brought up either getting you out of town for a little while, or setting you up with your own personal security, you forcefully shot down the idea.
“What was the point of teaching me how to defend myself if you’re just going to pack me up and ship me off the second things get a little rough?”
He raised one eyebrow, “A little rough? Mija, they tried to kidnap you.”
“And they failed.”
“I don’t want to push our luck. Why is that such a problem for you?”
“Because I’m too old to have a babysitter. And I sure as hell don’t want to owe any favors to Miguel fucking Galindo,” you rolled your eyes at the mere thought of it.
Your father sighed, knowing that you didn’t have much use for his business counterpart. He had never done or said anything directly to you to make you dislike him so much, but whatever vibe he put off in your direction wasn’t one that you liked, and you had never been good at pretending to like people if you didn’t. You could suck it up just enough to be civil, but nothing more. The fact that he would be the one supplying your security didn’t sit right with you.
“Why can’t one of your guys just stake out my house or something?” you tried to meet him halfway.
“They’re all busy dealing with everything that led to you getting kidnapped.”
“Almost,” you corrected.
He sighed, “Almost kidnapped. I know you aren’t happy about it, but my mind is made up. Besides, he said that he’s sending one of his best men.”
“If he’s one of the best why doesn’t Miguel want to keep him?” you finally collapsed in the chair across from your father, putting you both on the same level.
Your father smirked slightly, “Because he owes me a favor.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. You appreciated that as you got older, your father was more honest with you about everything within reason. It helped both of you for you not to be completely in the dark. For a long time, he worried it was going to make you more worried, but if anything, you appreciated knowing what kinds of things you were up against. You hated feeling unprepared more than anything else in the world.
“So, who is this mysterious, top-of-the-line babysitter that you have found for me?” you finally asked, conceding to what your father wanted.
Your father laughed and shook his head for a moment before calling out, “Nestor, come in here please.”
You turned your body in your chair so you could get a better look at the door. The door opened slowly and you couldn’t help but to raise your eyebrows as you took in the sight of the man who had just entered the room. You mentally went back through the few memories you had of Miguel and you realized that you had definitely seen this man before. He was never far if the Galindos were around. You’d never heard him speak, though—he had always been a silent presence. You definitely weren’t expecting him to be the person who got loaned out to you for the foreseeable future.
“I don’t think you two have ever officially met,” your father waved him over, “Nestor, this is my daughter, Y/N. Y/N, this is Nestor. He’s going to be keeping you safe for a while.”
You politely shook Nestor’s hand, understanding that this situation wasn’t his doing. You gave your father a pointed look, “I keep myself safe.”
He sighed, knowing that you got your stubbornness from him, “He’s going to help you, then.”
You could tell that Nestor was trying not to smile watching the two of you interact. He kept a fairly straight face but his eyebrows raised slightly as he took in how blunt you were with a man that he had grown to respect, and also fear.
“Do I at least get to stay in my own house?” you looked at your father.
He nodded, “Unless something else happens that makes that a bad idea, yes, you can stay in your house.”
“Thank you,” you nodded as you stood up out of your seat. You walked around the table and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, “Te quiero, Papi. I’ll talk to you later.”
He smiled, “Te quiero. Be safe.”
You laughed as you followed Nestor to the door, “How could I not at this point?” you nodded in Nestor’s direction.
The two of you exited your father’s house. Your face took on a confused expression as you looked for your car. It had been parked right outside your father’s front door and now it was nowhere to be found. You looked over at Nestor.
“Is my car being gone your doing?”
He shook his head, “Your father’s. He asked me to drive you so he had some of his men take the car back to your house.”
You sighed but didn’t say anything more as the two of you walked over to Nestor’s SUV. Granted, his car was much nicer than yours but that wasn’t the point. You wanted this to intrude on your life as little as possible and having him driving you around everywhere in his big flashy car wasn’t exactly in any of your plans.
Most of the drive passed in silence. You wanted to reach and turn the radio on but something in you said that Nestor wasn’t the kind of man who would be caught singing on the job. You looked out the window as you settled back into your seat more, fighting the urge to put your feet up on the dashboard.
“So, what’d you do to piss of Miguel and get put on babysitting duty?” you finally asked.
You looked over and saw his body tense up, “I’m not your babysitter.”
You chuckled, “Would you prefer that I tell people you’re my bodyguard?”
He took his eyes off the road for a moment so he could look over at you, “You don’t have to tell people anything about me.”
The sternness in his tone made you feel small and it caught you a little off-guard. It was going to be interesting to have him be a constant pair of eyes on you. You didn’t know how to feel about having someone who was essentially a stranger being stuck to you like glue.
Silence took over the car again and it stayed that way until he pulled into your driveway. You hopped out of the car, not bothering to wait for him to come and open the door for you. You caught a quick glimpse of his expression and there was the smallest of smiles on his lips for a moment before he went back to his stoic expression.
“I have no idea how this is supposed to work, Nestor,” you admitted honestly as you unlocked the front door, “Are you, like, living here with me now?”
He shrugged, “Would you prefer that?”
You swallowed hard as you crossed the threshold of your home. The impulsive hormonal part of your brain was screaming that you would most definitely prefer that. But you tried very hard not to let that part of you win out.
“I wouldn’t be sleeping in your bed with you, don’t worry,” he offered up with a chuckle.
You felt your face get hot and you tried to play it off, “I figured as much. Besides,” you smirked, “my dad would slaughter you.”
“I don’t doubt that at all.”
“I mean,” you awkwardly stood in your living room, feeling like you should be offering him something, “I have a guest room if you’d want to stay here. Not like it’s getting much use otherwise. Makes more sense than you constantly going back and forth.”
He nodded, not really giving off much emotion either way, “That’s fine. I can have someone bring some of my things by.”
You were about to tell him that he might as well go and pick his things up himself, but leaving you alone on day one would not look good for the whole “personal security” thing. Instead, you offered to give him a quick tour of the house. If he was going to have to protect you, he might as well know where everything was.
“You can hang out here while you’re waiting for your stuff,” you gestured to the living room, “I have every streaming service under the sun,” you grabbed two beers out of the fridge, “You allowed to drink on the job?”
He shook his head as he sat down on the couch, “I am, but I’m good. Thank you.”
You shrugged, tossing one bottle back into the fridge before opening one for yourself. You sat down on the opposite end of the couch from him and waited. You wanted him to choose something to watch, solely so you could try to figure out more of what kind of person you were dealing with. He picked up that you had started a game of chicken, and with a heavy sigh he reached forward and picked up your controller.
“You actually game with this or do you just use it to watch stuff?” he asked as he scrolled through your apps.
You laughed, “Not gaming like you’re thinking.”
The two of you were a few episodes deep into Community when Nestor’s phone started ringing. He looked down and stood up, heading towards the door without bothering to answer the call. When he came back inside, he had a bag in each hand and walked past you to the guest room without a word. You sat on the couch, fidgeting slightly with your hands. All you could think about was the fact that you had no idea how this was supposed to work. It wasn’t like the two of you were friends and he was going to be crashing with you for a while. You knew nothing about him and now he was living at your house. You had no idea how to have a full conversation with him, which was rare. You didn’t know what it was about him that made all of your words get caught in your throat.
A few minutes later he came back out and sat down on the couch again. Silence filled the space between you outside the noise from the television. You glanced down at the time on your phone and right as you did, your stomach growled.
“So, do you eat?” you asked.
He looked over at you, one eyebrow raised, “I’m only allowed one meal a week.”
You laughed, face heating up over the entire interaction, “Am I allowed to order off Grubhub? Or is that a security no-no?”
“If you want to order something we can go pick it up,” it was his nice way of saying that delivery wasn’t an option for the time being.
“The whole point of ordering in, is not having to leave the house. Aren’t I safer if I’m here anyway?”
“And having strangers come here all the time?”
“Why don’t you just tell me all the things I can and can’t do?” you rolled your eyes.
“It’s not my decision,” he was firm, but his voice didn’t get loud, “It’s your father’s. I get you don’t like this but there’s no getting out of it now.”
“I’m sorry,” you offered up honestly, “I’m just…not used to being on a leash.”
He chuckled, “I see that.”
You stood up with a sigh and made your way over to the kitchen, “I’ll pull something together.”
“You really don’t want to leave the house that much?” you could hear the amusement in his voice.
“I really don’t,” you perused your cabinets, not making eye contact as you asked him, “Which reminds me, can we use my car when we leave here from now on? I feel like it’s a little more discreet.”
He sighed, “Let me guess, you want to drive?”
That made you look over at him, “Would you let me?”
“I’ll answer that more definitively after I survive one ride with you behind the wheel.”
Throughout the evening you could feel that both of you were trying to figure each other out. Nestor seemed like he was a very tightly closed book, though. You couldn’t get much of a read on him and you weren’t sure how you felt about it. You felt like he had caught you a few too many times just staring at him, trying to pull information out of his brain just by looking at him.
After you put all of the dishes in the sink, you went and took a shower and changed into a baggy t-shirt and shorts to go to bed in. You said goodnight to Nestor, who was still on the couch, scrolling on his phone. You said to let you know if you had any questions or anything but other than that you would see him in the morning. You felt weird just leaving him out in the living room like that, but you supposed that that was what he was there to do.
You woke up in the middle of the night, dying for a piece of chocolate and a glass of water. You quietly opened your door and tip-toed down the hall to get to your kitchen. You knew your house like the back of your hand so there was no need to turn the lights on and risk waking Nestor up. You were rooting through your cabinets when you heard the unmistakable click of a gun.
Instinctively, you turn around and pushed the person’s arms hard, attempting to knock the gun out of the person’s hand but at the very least have it not pointed at you anymore. You were centimeters away from kicking in their kneecap when you heard Nestor’s voice through the silence.
“It’s me,” he sounded exhausted but he was still alert enough to not let you try to beat him up.
“Jesus Christ,” you sighed as you reached over and flipped the light on, “What the fuck?”
“Why are you shuffling around in the dark?” he put the safety back on his gun and set it down before reaching and wiping his face, attempting to wake up a little more, “I thought someone broke in.”
“I was trying not to wake you up.”
“You didn’t succeed,” he leaned against the counter.
“I see that,” you returned your attention to the cupboard and pulled out two small wrapped candy, “Chocolate?” you offered him a piece.
He huffed but he still took it from you and ate it. You chuckled to yourself as you lifted yourself up to sit on the countertop. While you were sitting you leaned over and filled a cup with water, taking a long drink from it before returning your attention to Nestor. You stared at him for a moment, realizing that this was the first time you had ever seen him in anything besides the nice clothes that he wore for work. He was in a baggy, white long-sleeve shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. You had a feeling that that image was going to be burned into your mind forever, but you shook your head to dispel the thoughts.
“From now on I will make as much obvious noise as possible when I get up in the middle of the night.”
He chuckled, shaking his head, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
You smiled, lightly swinging your legs back and forth, “Goodnight.”
You watched him disappear down the hall before returning your attention to the kitchen. You hopped down off the counter and noticed that all of the dishes that had been in the sink were washed and sitting in the drying board. You smiled to yourself as you looked at the spot where Nestor had just been.
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kyidyl · 4 years
Kyidyl Does Archaeology - Part 1
About me, and about the site.
I’m gonna have to do this in parts because I tend to be, uh...wordy.  Actually...ok, so I believe very strongly that knowledge does no one any good behind a paywall, but I also have a hard time parsing it down for social media because, well, people are complex but also ADHD.  So if you guys have any feedback for me that’d be awesome.  I’ll probably do these as a series so they don’t get overwhelming to read.  Tag for ‘em will be kyidylCL
A caveat to all of these posts: archaeologists walk a fine line between “I’d love to tell you about this and here look at this cool thing” and “I don’t want to share a colleague’s forthcoming paper on social media before they publish it and also fuck looters”. We classify anyone who *isn’t* an archaeologist as a looter.  Because even when you find artefacts just lying around, as soon as you pick them up they’re removed from context and become near-useless for scientific research and data.  When we remove them we capture all that information via a prescribed methodology.  When other people remove them they tend not to.  And you can tell how legit someone is by how much they care about the context.  Context is key, that’s why we’re so meticulous.  Anyway so I can’t tell you where the site is specifically because I’m not allowed.  I also, though, have been heavily involved in this project so I’m mostly going to be telling you about my own research so it’s ok to publish it on social media.  Anyway, that’s why if you show an archaeologist something you just like found they’ll be like “gee...thanks...well...I don’t want to squelch your curiosity, buuuuuut...” 
A little bit of background on my involvement with this site: I’m a newly minted archaeologist.  I’ve had my MS a little over a year, and I’ve been doing things in that time to keep up my skills and get the field hours I need to be a registered state archaeologist (it’s basically just like a professional license for archs.) bc I didn’t get enough in school and my dissertation is on genetics and cannibalism (and if you want to know about *that* I’ll tell you, but in another post.), so yeah.  Anyway.  I’ve been volunteering with the local archaeology society, and they’re great.  They found this site because two of the members grew up in the area and just knew of its existence.  So I volunteer with them and am one of like 3 people they know who have a degree so I get to be really involved - probably more than I would be otherwise just cause people with my credentials are in short supply for them.  I’m basically the only member with a degree, and the rest are consultants they bring in for stuff like this (including the RSA who works the site - the site director.).  
Before a site can be dug there’s a lot of prep work involved.  It varies based on what kind of money you’ve got and access.  We have lots of access - it’s on private land owned by someone who is childhood friends with a member of the arch society - but almost zero money.  Before I showed up, in summer 2018, they did a series of what are called shovel tests.  Basically there’s a grid laid over the site and where the grid lines intersect they dug a round pit down to what archaeologists call “the sterile layer”, IE, where there’s no evidence of human activity.  Basically, you dig small holes to see if it’s worth digging big holes and in this case it was worth it.  
When I started working with them, I took all of the material from the test pits and sorted and catalogued it.  We’ll come back to this in the next post, so remember this.  Pause.  
I forgot to tell you where the site was.  Like not specifically, I can’t do that, but I CAN tell you that it’s in the Shenandoah valley.  Wanna see pics? Yeah, you wanna see pics (I took all of the images I’m gonna be posting so I give myself permission to post them. :P): 
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The site is too big to get in one pic, but this is the far end looking towards the mountain.  The field continues off to the left of the shot.  
Here’s a nicer pic of the mountain: 
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And another one cause it’s super pretty: 
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And here’s my view when we’re eating lunch:
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And here’s an artsy shot of the cows I pass on my way in, because who doesn’t love cows? ;) 
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The site has been occupied for a long time (how long? Well, that’ll happen in the pottery post soooorry. ;), and I think you guys can see why.  It’s also on a slight ridge overlooking a river so it’s near fresh water, easily defensible, and is fertile.  Speaking of which... 
It’s also what archaeologists call “highly disturbed”. See, after the colonizers drove the natives out of the Blue Ridge mountains, they started farming the fertile land in the valley.  This site was farmed for several decades, and not only that but during the civil war they dug a big ‘ole defensive trench through the middle of it.  So whilst farming disturbs the finds, it tends to a, only be a max of 15 inches deep and b, keep the finds in the same relative area they’re pulled out of.  And we can tell where that layer ends (I’ll show you that in the post about our pits bc I don’t think Tumblr will let me add more pics.), so even though it destroys features and damages things it’s a lot less destructive than, say....building a giant war trench and shooting at each other.  
The site is an entire settlement.  It’s...several acres in size.  There are burial cairns in the woods around it, and some rumors that human remains have been found there in the past - although we have not, as of yet, found any (much to my personal dismay because, well...bioarchaeologist.). 
So who lived here? Well, when the colonizers drove out the natives they didn’t exactly keep good records about who lived where, but generally speaking the site is on both Massawomeck and Manahoac land. We don’t know which group lived there, and there were other groups coming and going in the general area so it could have also been Piscataway or Potomac or even one of the later nations that formed the Iroquois.  Based on the age though I think the best candidates are the Massawomeck or Manahoac.  
Next up, the prep work I did for the site and dig! 
(aaaahhhhhh hopefully I didn’t forget anything. x.x)
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Shklance - I Died
I feel like I basically dropped off the face of the planet, and for that I apologize. I have no excuses, except stress and mental health have been a huge problem lately and I’ve just been trying to find balance in my life. I can’t promise anything in the near future, with holidays coming up, and I have finals in like 3 weeks, and then my husband and I are moving at the end of the year, and then my little sister’s wedding is a few weeks after so I’m helping with that, and basically my life is just a mess right now, but I am still working on stuff, comments are always welcome and really do help to get me motivated, and hopefully I can get back into the groove of writing daily and posting weekly!
This story is probs gonna be a part 1 of 2. Hopefully. As is, I wanted it to be a stand alone, but I’ve been drafting it for almost a month now and I just want to throw it at you guys. So know I’m working on a part 2, where they talk about the whole thing and you see everyone’s reactions to what happened. This was actually a request someone made of me on my Ao3 account, but I’ve always loved reading stories dealing with everyone finding out about Lance dying. Just never thought I could do it justice haha. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Lance knew that this was going to be an emotional day for all of them, but seriously, this was a little overkill. He knew he shouldn’t have gotten out of bed today.
Sure, it was the one-year anniversary of the day they all saved the universe, ended the war that had gone on for decades, blah blah blah, but getting up also meant that he was going to have to see everyone again.
Not that he wasn’t thrilled to see them! He and Hunk especially had been waiting for this day for months, and he couldn’t wait to see Pidge and Matt again, either. Last Lance had talked to them, they had been working on some seriously neat stuff. They were sure to be a lot of fun.
Hell, he had even been looking forward to seeing Allura again, even though things had never really been the same between them after Allura broke things off. Though, considering how hurt he was still feeling about their break up, it was probably a good thing she had canceled last minute. She’d said that she needed to focus on helping the universe heal. Lance had wanted to go with her, but she rejected him. He knew she was trying to be kind, telling him that he “deserved the time to rest” and that she “knew how much he’s been missing his home planet.” But really, all it had done was serve to remind him that he wasn’t actually necessary.
Not like Shiro and Keith were.
Allura hadn’t had any problems taking them with her, even though everyone else (even Keith) and agreed that if anyone deserved the down time, it was Shiro. Especially since Shiro had seemed a little weary when he accepted the invitation from Allura. Personally, Lance believed the only reason he agreed to go was because he knew that Keith wouldn’t be happy staying in one place anymore, and of course, there was no way they were going to allow themselves to be separated again, not after everything that had happened…
And Lance was even looking forward to seeing Keith and Shiro, since he had probably missed them the most. But he also knew that it was going to be hard. It was always hard seeing them together, but knowing that they’ve been doing so much good out in the universe, that they’ve gotten to see so much more of those worlds than he had… That was going to be hard.
Not to mention Lance still hadn’t managed to shake the crushes he’d had on them for so long now.
Or the fact that while everyone else was off changing the universe, traveling the galaxies, creating newer and better technology and inventions, Lance had done nothing? Okay, so farming wasn’t nothing. And no one could deny that Earth needed some TLC after the trauma of the war had nearly destroyed it. But as much as he enjoyed the simple hard work involved, that didn’t mean he didn’t understand it was stupid. It was pathetic. His friends were still fighting, in their own ways, and Lance felt as if he had simply given up. He couldn’t figure out what he wanted to spend his time doing, what felt most worthy of his time and attention, and so he had allowed himself to fall back on something easy.
And he wasn’t sure that he could face his friends while knowing the truth about himself, that he was a coward and had no mission or goals in life.
So, maybe Lance was a bit of a drama queen, because things had actually been going better than he expected. Everyone looked good, older and more experienced. Hunk had even grown out some facial hair, though it was a little sparse coming in. Lance knew that wouldn’t be the case for very long. The most shocking was Allura’s news about expecting a child (Keith and Shiro had passed it on in her absence). That hurt way more than Lance thought had a right to, but he tried hard to suppress that pain until he could process it in private. Possibly while crying over a tub of ice cream.
And as far as their actual dinner and celebration went, well… it really had been inevitable that their discussion would become heavier. And, as usual, Lance couldn’t keep his own mouth shut.
“We had some good times, though, right?” Lance laughed easily, trying to direct the conversation back to something lighter, something easier (at this point he’d had a couple decades to cement his masks, and he was good at pretending like nothing was wrong). “I mean, we might have been injured, and tortured—”
“Lance,” Hunk warned. He darted a quick, concerned look to Keith and Shiro, but thankfully neither of them looked too worried. Instead, they were staring at Lance with such sappy looks Hunk was irritated Lance wasn’t paying enough attention to notice on his own. A shared glance with Pidge told him that at least he wasn’t alone in his annoyance.
Lance continued thoughtlessly, “and I mean, maybe a couple of us died, but hey! In the end, it all turned out okay, and look at everyone, living their best lives!” (Lance was firmly ignoring the fact that he had spent most of his free time leading up to today pouting in bed. No one else knew, and therefore it didn’t count.)
Pidge opened her mouth, but Shiro spoke first. His brows were furrowed, and his nose had scrunched up a little. Lance wanted to melt at the cuteness of it. “Did someone else die? I thought I was the only one. Who else died?”
Lance’s jaw snapped shut. He couldn’t remember if it had even been brought up or not… It had to have, right? There’s no way his friends – his team – had just gone on for this long without knowing! He thought they were just ignoring it! Things had been crazy, and they’d never really gotten a chance to slow down and breathe, let alone discuss everything that had happened. And that was fine! That was to be expected! But now he was supposed to believe they just didn’t know??? Did that mean they didn’t care? That they didn’t notice all the nightmares that had become the norm after his death? The way he was jumpier for months after that battle? And if that were the case, then was it even worth bringing up now, so long after it had happened?
Lance’s face was burning, the warm flush traveling up to the tips of his ears, and possibly all the way down his neck. He could feel his eyes welling up, but he brushed it away, pretending his face palm in order to hide the movement. He glanced at his friends, unsurprised to find Hunk staring at him intently. Pidge was muttering to herself, obviously trying to determine what had happened on her own. Lance couldn’t even bear to drag his gaze to Keith or Shiro.
He tried to get out of answering Keith.
“Oops haha, must’ve miscounted, I meant to say that one of us had died,” Lance laughed again but unlike earlier, this one was decidedly uncomfortable. “Because. Obviously. One of us… did. Sorry, Shiro. But like, you died. That happened. And it was weird and we got a weird clone out of the deal, which was weird – did I say that already? – and like he wasn’t a great dude, so I’m glad you didn’t stay dead, you know? You’re much nicer than that clone was, he was kind of a jerk. No offense, Shiro. I mean, not that you’re the clone or anything, cause you’re Shiro, and that was Not-Shiro—”
Oh dear God why wouldn’t they shut him up? Lance was so busy panicking about what he was saying that he didn’t notice Shiro and Keith slowly standing, approaching him from each side. But Hunk and Pidge could almost see the concern rising off them.
“But he was mean, and he yelled at us a lot. Although I guess he really spent most of his time yelling at me, which really, makes sense, but again, not something you would’ve done, Shiro, so I’m glad you didn’t stay dead or anything, because Not-Shiro was a terrible replacement and—”
“Shiro yelled at you?” Keith had come close enough that he could lay a warm, gentle hand on Lance’s shoulder. Lance almost flinched at the contact, it had been so long since someone had touched him like that. Sure, he saw his family way more often than he had while they were fighting in space, but, come on. They were fighting in space. He never saw them back then! Anything was an improvement over that! Anyway, the point was, he knew he was lonely. He ignored it. It didn’t matter. His friends were happy, his family was safe.
“Weren’t you listening when I said it was Not-Shiro?” was all Lance could think to say. Keith rolled his eyes.
“Why did he yell at you?” Shiro asked. Lance shrugged.
“Lance had some good advice to share. Though honestly, I’m thinking that Lance’s plan just wouldn’t have suited the clone’s purposes and he wanted to make sure that Lance would stop pushing. So he yelled, knowing that would be enough to shut Lance down,” Hunk said. He shot Lance an apologetic look as he did so. Smart, because Lance was Not Happy with him. Now wasn’t the time to share petty hurts!
“Personally, I believe it was because if anyone was going to find out he wasn’t really Shiro, it would’ve been you,” Pidge shrugged. And really, et tu, Pidge? This wasn’t fair at all. Not to mention, now Lance could feel the now-familiar guilt from knowing he hadn’t been able to tell.
And that was what finally had Lance speaking up. “Oh come on, guys, that’s not even the worst any of us suffered out there! Lotor joined the team! I died! Shiro died! Keith left! We had bigger things to deal with!”
There was a brief silence following this, long enough for Lance to squeeze his eyes shut and briefly mutter “Fuck” to himself, and then—
“What do you mean, you died?”
Lance’s ability to make things worse every time he opens his mouth really should be considered a wonder of the world.
He opened his eyes hesitantly to find that everyone was watching him intently. Tears were welling in Hunk’s eyes, and Lance knew that if he paid too much attention to his friend, then he would break almost instantly. He avoided looking in that direction, lips pursed shut, determined to stay quiet now. But they were just as determined to make him talk.
“Lance, please, what happened?” and since when the hell does Pidge beg? That’s just wrong. But effective, because that wrongness made Lance jerk his head up, eyes accidentally locking with Shiro.
He looked so sad…
“It really wasn’t a huge deal, I was just saying that there was a lot happening. It was pretty much impossible for all of us to keep up with each other, what with Lotor and Allura, and Keith disappearing then coming back, and the search for Shiro… and Hunk, Pidge, you guys had a great team thing going on there. That was a lot of fun! And then remember Coran had us playing Monsters and Mana? Good times!”
“You played what?” Keith asked, confused. Then he shook his head. “Stop distracting us, Lance. Answer the questions.”
“Um. What questions?”
Keith’s face hardened, eyes doing that dangerous flinty thing that Lance had always loved to see when he got mad. But before he could say anything, Lance’s phone went off. He really did try to hide the relief on his face as he stood, but the way Shiro set his jaw made him think he was not successful.
Before Lance could answer the call, he felt his phone plucked from his fingers. He lunged for it, and Keith slipped it into his own back pocket, out of Lance’s reach. Even worse, his lunge for it brought their faces way too close. Lance jerked back, face flaming a bright red, but he felt himself crash back into Shiro’s firm, solid chest. He started to stammer apologies, but Keith’s hands settled on Lance’s shoulders, pulling him away, and then he and Shiro pushed him back down into his chair. As Shiro moved to kneel next to Lance’s chair, Keith held him there, grounding and sure. He leaned down, putting his mouth close to Lance’s ear and then murmured “Please. We need to know. We’re horrible friends for not already knowing, but we’re asking now and we need you to tell us. Let us help.” And Shiro gripped Lance’s arm, thumb smoothing against his darker skin, making it harder and harder for Lance to want to move.
Lance knew that they were blowing this out of proportion. But he still felt touched. He’d thought they were just ignoring his death because other things were happening at the same time, but maybe that wasn’t really the case. Maybe they truly hadn’t known. Maybe Allura had never said anything, and Lance, expecting Allura to say something, hadn’t said anything either, and so maybe they just didn’t know. Maybe sharing it now would be okay.
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thorst · 3 years
04. Massage
Tis The Soft Season Challenge • Thor Odinson / Carol Danvers • Earth 202 • Mature: sexy stuff at the end • References? Inspired by? @rebeccavis's lovely drabble here
This fic is dedicated to the sanity-eroding experience of posting stuff on Tumblr mobile
A whistle broke the quiet of the mess hall that afternoon, Thor, Catol and Sharon turning around from where they'd sat continuing their run of The Good Place. "Glowstick, Hair Metal, got something for you." A barely perceptible pause. "Jason-" 'Oh, dip,' a character exclaimed on the tv behind the assembly of Avengers, and Tony frowned. "Not that Jason." He made a note to brush up on pop culture relevant to the number 13; it had been a while since the last addition to the team, he couldn't let himself get rusty. "New toy. Gym. Come check it out."
"So it offers resistance relative to the force applied?" Thor was scratching his bearded chin, looking intrigued. Tony had learned not to be surprised by how Thor could take to some concepts in moments, and yet his skills on something so simple as an email were still best described as 'developing.'
"You wanna try it on us?" Danvers, as usual, looked enthused. Tony made a face in response to the skeptical cant of her lips. 
"I tried it on myself, first." He held up a cautionary finger. "Suit on." He shrugged and folded his hands in front of himself. "Obviously, it'll work for all of us. No more switching weight pins about, all that tedium." Thor took a seat at one of the modified machines, gripping the lat pulldown bar tentatively and letting out a satisfied little laugh when the machine apparently worked as intended, offering some kind of resistance to the god. Tony knew a moment of ridiculous envy over the way he'd noticed himself slowing down recently; he'd have said his ageing body, but Danvers was his age, and Thor was older than most countries. Being an avenger was often about adjusting one's worldview. 
Sharon, smile contained mostly in her eyes, gave Tony a glance before going up to Thor and elbowing him off the machine. "I'm sure this will only lead to healthy competition among the team," she laughed as she settled onto the bench, then pulled down the bar herself. 
"What do you think?" Tony didn't try to hide his eager smile, hovering around the machines like a proud parent. 
"Perfect resistance," Sharon offered, impressed. 
Carol clapped her hands together, a shower of sparks cascading around her as she did. "You know what this means, guys."
Thor looked back at her, clearly not knowing. Sharon grinned.
"Avengers circuit competition just got two new contenders."
Thor smiled politely, face pressed obligingly into the headrest of the massage table. 
"How's... that?" One of the Avengers Compound's Masseuses, Pat, asked breathlessly, stubbornly persisting in her attempt to knead the Asgardian's expansive back. It was like massaging the statue of David. 'If the statue of David was really, really, ridiculously good-looking,' she thought to herself, and redoubled her efforts as a bead of sweat rolled down her forehead.
"Very nice?" Thor answered kindly, clearly not feeling anything.
Pat blew a sigh up through her bangs, not sure how much longer she could keep this up. She felt a little guilty; she was paid well - very, very well - for someone who almost never did any actual work. Mr Stark (the man himself!) said not to worry about it, but she did anyway. 
"We could try some hot rocks?" She offered hopefully, although she suspected that the alien god (or just god? She'd read some Norse myths in the past, it was a lot to get her head around) would happily try anything. At least he was nicer than some difficult clients she'd had in the past. 
There was a tap on her shoulder, paired with a friendly "Mind if I step in?" Before he could answer, and Pat turned to be greeted by a smiling Captain Marvel. Pat sagged with relief. 
"Would you? I'm-" she laughed nervously as she shook her head. "-not having much luck."
"She is performing admirably," Thor insisted, lifting his head and smiling warmly at Captain Marvel. Pat was pretty sure they were a thing. Good for them. 
The massage cubicles were, like many parts of the compound for the use of its occupants and especially the gym, nominally private. Accoustic partitions lined with velvety cream curtains surrounded each massage bed, these curtains extending to cover the entryway as desired. 
Carol had slid the curtain closed with great flourish and a jaunty eyebrow wiggle after Pat had left (which was not before both avengers had thanked her sincerely for her "valiant efforts"). Thor was sat, shirtless, on the massage table, watching her with a skeptical expression. 
"I still do not think--" Carol placed a finger over his lips, replaced with her lips as she pressed him back against the table. 
"Give it a chance," Carol tutted, urging him to roll back on to his stomach, her eyes dragging over his naked torso and snagging on the towel he wore around his hips. How she had not noticed this was all he was wearing before now was anyone's guess. Carol hadn't been planning on keeping this massage entirely PG to start with, so this didn't really change anything. Didn't stop her from grinning ear to ear as she climbed atop the table with him, though. 
Carol may not have been much of a massuese, but what she lacked in technical skill she made up for in, firstly, having enough raw strength to do a damn thing to Thor's ridiculously dense muscles, and secondly and most importantly, enthusiasm. 
He had a lot of back to work with, the undulating planes of his muscles firm and warm under her gliding hands. She ran them crosswise over his back, gently at first, only starting to really apply pressure once her hands had reached his shoulders once again. 
Carol continued in this way - which in all honesty was simply an approximate mimicry of what she thought her own masseuse typically did - until she felt the telltale beginnings of static in the air, and chuckled as her touch was answered with a little zap. 
"Enjoying yourself, big guy?" Carol managed to keep the eager laugh building in her chest from bubbling forth, but it was a close thing. She ran her hands low on Thor's back, and watched as tiny forks of lightning sprang up from her touch. She felt more than heard his sound of assent, saw him nod his head and she grinned to herself. From where she'd sat straddling his lower back, Carol eased herself down slowly to drape herself over his back, peppering the back of Thor's neck and shoulders with kisses. 
"Carol," Thor said, his voice still muffled by the massage table, his face still in the little cradle. She could hear the want in his voice, the little yearning need, and she kissed him again as her hand slid down his body and between him and the massage table. Always accommodating, he moved over a little for her roving hand, and gasped prettily as her fingers wrapped around his hard cock. Carol grinned as he moaned her name softly, lifting his head from the table. She cold feel the electricity in the air building as she ran her fist up and down him, and kissed his cheek when he raised his head. 
"Do you wanna get out of here?" Carol pressed kisses across Thor's shoulders as her fingers danced over his length, squeezing and caressing and teasing even as her own desire pooled low in her belly.
"Please," Thor murmured, and Carol slid off of his back to stand beside him and kiss him, glowing as bright as the lightning in his eyes as she did. He moved to sit on the bed, and he was wearing a grin equal to hers in incandescence. She took him in her hand again, and grinned more at the way he gasped against her lips. She pulled away from him for just a moment, raking her eyes over his muscular form before brining them back to his beautiful face. 
"So, do you like massages?"
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
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🌸 social media au where y/n posts a fake boyfriend application on twitter as a dare but ends up seeking something real in the long run (aka how to fall in love the zillennial way) 🌸
A/N: I know I said this update wouldn’t be written, but I decided to fix the little drabble I already had written and... It’s not as bad as I thought and now I’m moderately happy with it. Anyway... We’re entering angst city babey so please put on your seatbelts because we are SOARING! || W.C. 1.8K
prev // part 18 of ? // next masterlist here.
[updates every 6PM PST]
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After sending his last text to you, Namjoon is only slightly surprised when he sees your caller ID flashing on his phone screen. When he looks at the time, he notices that it had taken you less than a minute for you to call him, no doubt ready to scream your head off at his outrageous suggestion. Admittedly, he knows that his idea might be a little outside of your comfort zone, but he believes you can do it. If his people reading skills are even remotely average, then he’s sure that it’ll work if you just—
“KIM NAMJOON! HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU COME UP WITH THAT CONCLUSION?” Your voice is loud enough to burst an eardrum, but luckily, Namjoon had already expected your volume and had held his phone an arm away. In his nine-ish days of knowing you, he’s somewhat accustomed to your theatrics, though you’re still no match for Hoseok’s excited shrieks.
“Hello Y/N,” Namjoon hums, sitting up groggily from his bed. It’s a bit too early to go to sleep, but he supposes that your panicked screams are going to keep him up a little bit longer. “I feel as though you’re overreacting a little.”
“A little?” You scoff loudly, and Namjoon can imagine you pacing circles in your room. You did always seem a little fidgety when you two went out together. “Namjoon, you can’t just expect me to go on a date with Jungkook—“
“Why not? You guys go out all the time, don’t you?” Namjoon points out, smiling slightly at your exasperated huffs.
“Well, that’s different! Those were platonic hangouts! Just bros being bros!”
“Then change the context a little bit. You don’t have to ask him to be your boyfriend just to go on a date.”
“Namjoon, I know you’re a smart man but I don’t think your math skills are all that great,” you say brusquely. “That doesn’t add up! If I ask him on a date, then he’ll know I’m into him and—“
“And that’s a bad thing?” Namjoon interrupts, raising a brow. “Y/N, we both know you’re being a little unreasonable right now.”
You splutter for a moment, but you find that you’re unable to retort. Namjoon smirks, continuing, “Y/N, I know you’re worried that Jungkook might get swept away now that he’s quote-unquote ‘single.’ I get it. But if you’re not going do anything about it and suffer in silence, then he’s definitely going to leave. Besides, I already told you that he probably likes you back, judging from how jealous he got. You could probably even ask your friends and they’d tell you the same.”
You snort. “God, I’d rather die than talk about… love stuff with those freaks I call friends,” you cough out a laugh, muffling the sound before it can continue. Namjoon knows you’re a bit conscious of your “unflattering” snorts, but he just finds them cute. A lot of the things you don’t like about yourself are cute in Namjoon’s eyes. “I can’t even imagine going to any of them about this… They’d just bully me and make me do something I don’t want to do!”
“Isn’t that basically what I’m doing right now?” Namjoon laughs, giggling even harder when he hears your tired groan.
“Yeah, but you’re nice. Unlike those meanies,” you say. Namjoon hates to admit it, but he does appreciate being special to you, even if it’s over something trivial like this.
“You’re right. I wouldn’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do,” Namjoon starts. He can hear you humming in agreement, but he doesn’t stop there. “But, it is a suggestion. Seeing as how you don’t have any other idea how to solve this mess, I’d say go for it. What’s the worse thing that can happen?”
“Um? I get rejected? Hello?”
“You don’t have to let him know it’s a date, you know.”
“What do you mean? Namjoon, you should stop speaking in riddles because I honestly don’t have enough brain cells for this, clearly.”
Namjoon sighs. “I guess what I’m trying to say is… What if you fake date him?” When you don’t reply immediately, Namjoon is quick to keep talking. “Not that I’m asking you to stop fake dating me! What I’m trying to say is… Maybe try to rekindle the rumor that you and Jungkook are dating? He doesn’t have to know it’s a date, so long as everyone else thinks that you two are.”
“I… I guess?” You sound unsure, though Namjoon admits it’s kind of a long shot to begin with, not when you wouldn’t know the last thing about being subtle. He kind of wants to throttle you, in a gentle way. It’s honestly frustrating to see you like this, and he just wishes he could… Make the problem go away.
That would be easy. If Y/N just stopped pining after Jungkook, then he could just come in and—
His thoughts skid to a halt, nearly slapping himself to keep from going down that road again. Look at him, trying to help you with your mess when even he can’t get a handle on his own emotions. What is going on inside my head, he thinks sadly to himself.
“Listen, it’ll be really easy! All you have to do is text him and say, ‘Hey, wanna go have dinner with me tomorrow?’ but bring him somewhere nicer, perhaps? Then take a photo of him all dressed up and looking boyfriend-y and post it on Instagram. I’m sure that’ll shut people up.”
“Namjoon, I don’t know if you’re aware, but Jungkook’s definition of ‘dressing up’ is combat boots, a hoodie, and his god-awful backpack the size of Africa. He looks like a nerd.”
“I mean, you kinda dress alike…” Namjoon mutters, and he’s thankful that you don’t hear his slight slip-up. He clears his throat. “A-anyway, I’m sure it’ll be fine? I think it would be more suspicious if he wore a suit and tie or something. So long as you guys look cozy and comfy together, I’m sure people will take the hint. If worse comes to worst, I can maybe slip something to Johnny and he can retract his statement or something.”
“I hope to god that isn’t the case,” you say. Namjoon nods, before realizing you can’t even see him.
“Right. Well, I think everything should work out perfectly. Just ask him to some popular couples restaurant. Maybe the nice Italian place in Hongdae? Something more romantic, not necessarily fancy.”
There’s a pause on your end for a moment causing Namjoon to sweat a little, wondering if he might be overstepping. He does genuinely want to help you, though he hopes he isn’t actually weirding you out somehow. He’s not adept at handling love problems as much as he’s trying to appear to be, since he’s mostly using the romance novels he had read during his teen years as his sole source of reference. This is what I get for not dating for so long, Namjoon thinks, grimacing.
“Namjoon.” You break the silence, your voice quieter than before. Namjoon has to strain his ears a little, pursing his lips as he waits for your response. “Are you…”
Namjoon tilts his head. “Am I?”
Namjoon hears you hesitate, stuttering syllables over his phone speaker like you aren’t quite sure how to ask your question. “Do you remember when I asked you a few days ago if you were sure you don’t actually have a girlfriend?”
“I just… I don’t know how to say this without being weird, but I just want to say you’re great. Like,” you huff out a laugh, incredulous. “You’re just… The perfect package? You’re so kind and so sweet and it’s just? Almost mysterious how you don’t have someone special to call your own yet.”
Namjoon smiles wryly to himself, head bowed as he stares at his wrinkled bedsheets. “I suppose other people don’t feel the same way.” He tries forcing out a laugh, but it sounds a little strangled. His chest feels tight, strangely. Hopefully, you don’t notice.
“No, I highly doubt that! You’re literally the perfect guy. Any person would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend.” You sound almost indignant, like you can’t imagine anyone ever thinking badly about him. He almost wants to laugh, but he tightens his hands into fists instead, digging his nails into his palms and leaving crescents in their wake.
“Well then… I guess that makes you lucky to have me, then?” Namjoon nearly slaps his hands to his mouth, a cold tingle of embarrassment mixed with fear running down his spine. Did he really just say that— “What I mean is, erm…”
“N-no, I get you.” You’re giggling, but—is he imagining it?—you sound a little nervous to his ears. If he thinks hard enough, he can almost imagine you blushing, bottom lip trapped underneath your teeth. “I guess I am lucky to be your fake girlfriend, huh? Even for just a few weeks?”
“Yeah,” Namjoon breathes out the word, guilt washing over him like waves. Here he is, feeling things that he shouldn’t be, over a girl who was never his to begin with. There are seedlings in his chest, barely anything to write home about. But he knows—a gardener can see the garden even before the flowers have bloomed. Each day he spends with you is another day they get a chance to grow, and he’s afraid he’ll soon be overrun, unable to handle the forest that is bound to erupt. “Just a few weeks,” he echoes, unable to completely hide the sadness from his words.
“I guess I am just being melodramatic about everything, huh?” you say. It takes a moment for Namjoon to even remember what the two of you had been talking about, so caught up in his thoughts that he has to pinch himself back to reality.
“Think of it as a funny story to tell your grandkids,” Namjoon says.
You laugh, and Namjoon can feel a seedling sprout its first leaf. “Yeah. Definitely. God, I can’t even begin to think about kids… Not when I can’t even ask him out on a fucking date.”
“You can do it, Y/N.” Namjoon whispers. He flops back down onto his bed, eyes half-closed as he stares at his cracked ceiling. If he breathes quietly enough, he can hear the sounds of Seoul outside his windowpane. If he stops breathing altogether, he might be able to hear you across the city, your socked feet padding towards your bed, curling up into your own blanket.
“Thank you, Namjoon. Really.”
For what? Namjoon leaves that part unspoken. “You’re welcome,” he says instead. He drops the call, feeling a little emptier than before.
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levelrazearts · 3 years
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Been a while since I last posted anything, and I apologize for that as I was so busy with trying to balance work and social life that I kind of neglected all of my tf projects but I got some stuff in the works that'll hopefully come to fruition this year along with some stuff that I'm already working on. No promises on a Top 10 list of last years tf figures as I don't think I really bought enough to fill it out so we'll just jump straight into this year with the first tf that I've bought and it's one that I've been wanting since it was first announced, and that is the Weijiang Thunder Leader aka MPM Optimus Prime. And my gosh is this the best Optimus figure ever made. Looking as if he popped right off the screen and with every possible detail that exists from the cgi render this guy sports, which is more than what the original MPM Prime can say of which this is an oversize and knockoff of that figure but with so much changed that honestly I don't even count it as such, as it is a huge improvement to that figure that this is basically a third party entry. The biggest changes are as followed
Vehicle mode:
The orange gradient has been added to the front nose of the truck which was only present on the front wheels on the Hasbro release.
The antenna (I think) have been added to the front bumper which is a first for any Optimus figure that can transform and it is awesome.
The overall color is a lot more metallic and darker to match that of the film, and the flames look nicer too.
All four weapons store in the truck mode, with his blasters forming the insides of the gas tanks and a bit of the smokestacks and the swords just peg in underneath, something the original couldn't do.
He has 8 rear tires instead of 4 thanks to a very neat engineering trick that as far as origins go seem to go back as far as the ROTF Leader Class Optimus but was cut due to budget constraints, so it's awesome to see if come to life.
The CHROME, it looks soooooo goooooooood.
The legs, arms and chest are probably the only things that are similar if not the same from the original, after that, a lot is new. The rear wheel covers completely fold in on themselves to creat a more accurate appearance, the rear taillights also flip around to form his butt flaps, the lower parts of his smokestacks get removed due to being parts of his guns so a bit of partsforming but an acceptable amount and excuse for it. And the way the back compresses now is I think different but certainly better, especially with how the gas tanks fold on themselves. The biggest changes by far are the forearms and lower chest, where they are now hella more accurate and better proportioned in that instead of being lazy like the original they actually put effort into making the parts of the nose and front go to where they're supposed to be, namely the nose becomes the arms with the rear of the nose forming the chest along with the headlights, which is a bit hard to get positioned good but creates a very good look at the end of it all. But my favorite parts is with those rear wheels, where they compress into each other. It's just so good.
Robot mode:
As mentioned above, the arms are different and much better now, and even have a new tabbing method for the swords so the hands don't angle forward. They also go the shoulder pads to have their front panels so that's also an added goodness and bit of accuracy.
The legs are pretty much the same, with the addition of maybe the posts on the undersides of his knees thay can be folded out for more accuracy.
The chest is much better looking as previously mentioned, and still retains the Matrix of Leadership gimmick so that's nice. Same with the back as well.
The head is similar to the original in that you can flip the forehead upward to spin the mouth around to a faceplated look, but he does come with a swappable face that instead of spinning around for the other look can simply have the plate fold out from behind it to cover up the mouth, and that is the one I have installed in the pictures.
Articulation: Everything can move pretty much, and nothing feels like it's gonna break, nor feels loose.
Accessories: Coming with his two swords and guns, you can pretty much recreate any scene from the first two films pretty flawlessly, with the swords tabbing into the panels that form the outside of his forearms and the guns just tab into his hands. The way the guns transform into the inside of the gas tanks and parts of the smokestacks are also just brilliant and really emphasize just how screwed people were on that original release.
Scaling: Would've shown Bee with him but decided to use Jazz instead cause why not, but he's pretty much double the height of Bee and Jazz as they stand and much more in scale than the original was. Will try to post an image with the MPM's I have to show it off as I've already hit the image limit with this post sadly.
The paint: It's all there, the gradient, the flames, the silver, it's all perfect. Only the wheels on mine are a little faded but I can fix that easily with some flat black, but this thing is beautiful and can be considered a piece of art.
The verdict: 100/100, one of the most perfect figures out there. If you ever get the chance to pick this guy up, do it. He is a great figure and an even greater centerpiece for any collection, even if you don't collect the movie figures as he can stand in as just a piece of art. If you have that original MPM Optimus and are able to get this than throw that one away (by that I mean sell or donate, don't actually throw away try to get your money for that back somehow) and never look back on it. It really is a shame that after the gorgeous figure that was MPM Bumblebee, they failed to give Optimus the proper treatment or care they gave Bee or the latter figures for that matter, as the engineering is possible as clearly shown by this figure, and Hasbro is more than willing to shell out for great figures such as G1 MP-44 Optimus who is a whooping $400 compared to the $120 MPM 4 was, whereas this retails for around $200 at the lowest. This isn't the last time they've flaked on an MPM figure either sadly, as their MPM Ratchet is in a sore need of a painting to where knockoffs look more official than it. Basically do better Hasbro, stop being bad, give us better please. You do it with G1 and Beast Wars. Why not Movie?
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