#hopefully this is better XD
nocek · 2 months
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I watched Deadpool and Wolverine yesterday and I just had to XDDD
beware the SPOILERS! I mean not really but better to be on safe side ;)
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ravinoforre · 23 days
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Happy 21st Anniversary to Tales of Symphonia! Our favourite Iselians are stuck in IKEA liminal space hell but they're still putting together a party to celebrate. Things aren't going quite according to plan though...
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 months
look guys i very strongly disagree with the "trans men hold privilege over trans women" point of view and i'm finally able to articulate why:
I think trans men don't hold privilege over trans women, because privilege is kind of a consistent thing.
Like, bear with me: I'm an abled person. I have privilege in relation to disabled people. Because, if me and a disabled person are in a Situation where this distinction is relevant in some way...I'm literally never gonna come out with the worst hand. Never. No matter what the situation is. This is a consistent fact.
Now, when we talk about different transgender identities, I think this gets more shady, because the "who has privilege in relation to who" is a relative statement. One example I saw of people explaining why in their view trans man have privilege over trans women is kind of like this: Imagine there are two passing and stealth trans people, a trans man and a trans woman, in a workplace. Then, it comes a coworker, being blatanly misogynist. Regardless of their views on trans people, in this situation, the trans woman is gonna get the worst of it, in relation to the trans man, because he will be viewed as a man.
It makes sense, and I don't think this hypothetical situation is inaccurate or anything, but I'd also like to point out why it doesn't work as a good point to why transmascs have privilege over transfems. Imagine we change about any variable in this situation. Let's say the trans woman is closeted as a guy, and the trans man is openly transgender. The misogynist coworker then would very much target the trans man in their points, especially if they are particularly transphobic. Now imagine both of them are out and openly trans, with the bonus that now both the man and the woman are gnc. Depending on other specifics, the misoginyst coworker might be bigoted to just one or both of them.
Like, do you see? In different situations, the different trans people have the worst hand. So that doesn't mean that because of the first case, trans men have it generally better. Because there are many kinds of trans men, and simply not all of them have privilege over trans women. In some cases, they might even have it worse precisely because they are trans man. So the privilege the trans man in the first example has is not a consistent thing over trans man! Maybe it's common, I don't know, but when we compare it with someone who has real privilege, like me, an abled person, I ain't ever encounter myself in a situation where I'm having it worse because I am abled in comparison to someone who is disabled.
That's why I think trans woman and trans men simply don't hold privilege over one another, simply because it varies. It depends on who the trans men and women are, it depends in what situation they are in, it depends on the people around them, it depends of so much!!! So saying that trans men have privilege over trans women sounds simply surreal!
I think that, also, the different patterns of the situations in which trans woman have it worse are important to be discussed, and that's why we have the word Transmisoginy, to discuss these issues pertinent to the nuanced oppression trans woman face (and on a similar note, that's why it's also important to have fucking words like Transmisogynoir, because a black trans woman's Situations will be different from a white trans woman's Situations and it's important to to recognize that). THAT's why I also think that we need words like Exorsexism and Transandrophobia, to identify the patterns of situations where trans men have it bad precisely because they are trans men and not something else or because nonbinary people have it bad precisely because they are nonbinary.
SO, in short, my opinion on the "trans man have it generally better than trans woman and that's why they have privilege" debate is that trans man don't generally have it better than trans woman, but some trans man in specific situations have it significantly better than trans woman and that in other situations trans woman have it significantly better than trans man and that is basically a case-to-case scenario and that's also why we need the specific words for different shapes and faces of transphobia to better understand these cases and why x happens with y at z situation. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
#maybe i havent been able to convince you of my point#but hopefully you can see this issue in a new light i guess?#my two cents#transphobia#trans#transandrophobia#trans community#transmisoginy#intersectionality#long post#like hopefully i've been able to get my point across XD#like do you see my point#i hope the examples at the beggining help#like#it doesnt matter that im a black abled person and that is a white disabled person#in a situation where the disability or lack thereof is the Relevant aspect im gonna have it way better than this hipothetical disabled pers#so i have privilege over them regarding my ableness#and similarly in a situation where our race is the relevant aspect they are gonna have it better than me#in situations where these OVERLAP you can't just 'tell' because of like#Nuance. if you know her#im not trying to say trans woman in situations like the first example or some fandom stuff and online interactions-#-don't have a significantly worse hand than the transmascs#im saying that this kind of stuff is a case-to-case scenario#and this so-called Privilege is just.#inconsistent.#and when you compare it to like Abled Privilege or White Privilege it justs...#you can sort of just see the difference#i get it that this whole debate is based on the fact that “in general; men have privilege over women” so i actually see where it's coming-#-from. but i also think that the transness aspect is something that just adds so much nuance to this issue that the previous Truth-#-just can't apply with good accuracy anymore
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arom-antix · 9 months
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Merry Christmas, @crickets-lovely-place! Hope you're having a lovely holiday. Here's my Secret Santa gift for you!
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strawberriemarswrites · 7 months
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Chapter Summary: You're having some interesting dreams lately, and one day after work you catch some unwanted attention. Good thing someone's started following you home. Pairing: Bartolomeo x F!Reader Rating: Explicit, NSFW Chapter (18+ only; PiV sex) TW: public harassment, Barto's full-on stalking now, first dream is nice and steamy but the second dream at the end involves a bit of gore Ao3 Link: Chapter Seven (2,877 words)
Spring melted into Summer, and you quickly learned the AC rattled for just a bit too long whenever it turned on. It hadn’t yet been pushed to its limit, but it left you worried that it would kick the bucket when the first truly scorching day rolled around. It worked for now, at least, which was a godsend given the more pressing matter at hand.
Namely, someone pressing into you while you were bent over the kitchen counter. You weren’t entirely sure how you got there, or how Bartolomeo got into the apartment, but things had apparently escalated quickly.
His hands gripped your hips, your toes grazing the floor with each languid push. He nuzzled the shell of your ear, and you were surprised his septum ring was still cold against your skin, sending shocks down your spine.
“Sweetheart,” he purred, his voice impossibly low.
“Barto,” you whined, his name echoing despite the small space. “More.”
He obeyed, pulling out almost completely only to slam back in, his pace increasing. He was long, that much you knew, even though you hadn’t seen it. No matter how deep he pushed, he always seemed to be able to go even deeper, his cock dragging against your tight walls as his pace grew more erratic.  
“My girl. Mine.” He punctuated his statement with a hard thrust, the rough handling contrasting sharply with the soft kisses and playful bites on your neck and shoulders. Sparks flew through your veins as the head of his cock pressed against your sweet spot. You hardly recognized yourself through the animalistic cry that wrenched free, your cunt being pushed to its limit.
Right on the cusp of release, a familiar rattling sound cut through the air.
Blearily, you opened your eyes. You were flopped over on your couch, dried drool on your cheek. The AC was wheezing to life, pulling you from your delicious reverie.
You groaned, covering your face. “Fuck.”
It was a beautiful evening as you got out of work for the day. The sky was a gradient of pinks and oranges as the sun began its slow descent below the skyline. Its reflection glinted off of buildings and cars, filling your vision with little sparks of gold.
The darkening sky made it easier for Bartolomeo to keep an eye on you as he followed you home, keeping three buildings between you and him.
For all intents and purposes, he could have casually walked up and passed off his presence as a coincidence, as if he was just out running errands. He imagined you’d ask if he wanted to walk home with you, something he’d do with all the enthusiasm of a puppy playing with his favorite toy. Maybe you could stop at the diner, and he’d actually get a chance to show that he loved the little brushes of contact with your legs against his. Maybe he’d even get to feel those legs around his hips—
Bartolomeo shook his head, expelling the thought. This was why he was following from a distance. He didn’t trust himself not to overwhelm you with advances, or let slip one of his more lewd thoughts.
You were blissfully unaware, a slight spring in your step as you walked down the steps to the subway platform. He watched you swipe a train pass and waited for you to turn the corner, before jumping the turnstiles and resuming the pursuit.
He’d never admit that, despite the risk of being caught, he was starting to get a bit of a thrill out of the whole situation. You hadn’t said anything about noticing break-ins in a while, which meant he was getting better about hiding his tracks. On occasion he hid on the fire escape when he knew you were awake, or sat by your door and listened to you play with Luffy or sing to yourself. Part of him felt guilty still, but that part was slowly getting quieter as he continued to get away with his antics.
Following you was another step down into the obsession pit. Bartolomeo could justify it to himself all he wanted to, despite the obvious truth. He boarded the subway car behind yours, watching your back through the windows.
The car you chose was less crowded than usual for this time of day, devoid of the locals you’d grown accustomed to seeing. It wasn’t completely empty, as there was a group of people near the front of the car who were too loud for the tiny space, horsing around and engaging in general foolishness. Not long after you sat down and started to look at your phone, however, the volume died down somewhat, replaced with some muttering and hushed snickering. Maybe they were being more considerate now that someone else was in the car with them.
If only they were that kind.
A few minutes passed before a shadow loomed over you. Startled, you looked up.
A blond man with sunglasses was staring down at you with a wide grin. He had two long scars across either side of his face, giving him an almost ruggedly handsome appearance, if it weren’t for the fact he was leaning over you with imposing intent.
“Hey there, dollface,” he said. “Traveling alone?”
You bristled, tucking your phone away. “I’m meeting someone.”
He laughed, “Sure you are. Who’re you meeting? A boyfriend?”
You shook your head, pulling your shoulders in, instinctively making yourself smaller.
The man laughed, “Aw, no need to be shy. I’m just making conversation.” He suddenly leaned over you, putting one hand over the back of the seat. “Tell you what — why don’t you ditch whoever it is and come join us?” He tipped his sunglasses down. “I’m sure my friends and I could show you a fun time.”
You tried to inch away, pressing yourself closer to the cool window. “I’m just meeting a friend. I’m sure we can have a fun time by ourselves.”
“Maybe they can join us. The more the merrier, right?” He cocked his head, looking you up and down. “If they’re half as pretty as you, you’ll both look good on either arm.”
You suppressed the urge to gag, instead shaking your head again. “I’m really not interested in a night out, thank you.”
“So a night in, then? I don’t mind going back to your place.”
You ground your teeth, a dial in your head moving a few notches from flight toward fight. Why couldn’t this guy take a hint? Abruptly, you stood, throwing him off guard enough that you were able to push past him and stand by the doors. “No. Thank you. Maybe some other time.”
One of his friends piped up from the front of the car, “Come on, Bellamy. She said she’s not interested.”
He shot the group a glare before smiling at you again, his tongue peeking out between his teeth as he regained his composure. 
“Your loss,” he said with a shrug and leaned against a support pole as the train slowly pulled to a stop. “See you around.”
You couldn’t get off the train fast enough, not caring that you were still several stops away from the apartment. You took off at a brisk jog, rushing back up to the open air and hugging yourself as you tried to come down from the adrenaline rush. You knew your way to the next station, you could get back on once the train came back around — surely they’d all be gone by then. The sky began to darken further as you slowed back down to a walk, pushing your hair back with a shaking hand. Granted, it was a brief encounter, but you were confident you’d had enough excitement for one night.
With that thought, you again tempted fate.
As you came up to the next subway entrance, you grew increasingly aware of a chill down your spine. Initially, you chalked it up to the slight drop in temperature of the crisp summer evening, but it started to feel more like there were eyes on you. You rounded the signpost for the subway entrance, trying to casually catch sight of whoever may have been behind you—
On the entrance stairs was the scarred man — Bellamy, was it? — surrounded by his entourage.
“Hey there, dollface.” He grinned, his tongue darting out between his teeth. “Where’s that friend you were meeting?”
After assessing each one of his friends in turn, the dial in your brain switched back to flight so quickly the knob broke. 
Voices shouted behind you as you ran faster than you believed you ever could, your steps thundering against the concrete. You couldn’t tell if the streets were strangely empty, or if you were running past people so fast that you stopped seeing them, only registering them as obstacles to dodge as you fled. You probably should have cried for help, but by the time you thought about it, your voice was lost in your lungs, smothered by the chilled night air that filled them. The only thing on your mind now was run.
Just as you made a sharp turn into an alley, a hand shot out and grabbed your arm, finally wrenching free the shriek caught in your chest. You clawed at the hand grabbing you, glaring daggers at Bellamy as he took off his sunglasses to stare down at you.
“Aw, you’re even prettier when you’re pissed off,” he laughed, lifting your arm over your head. With a sickening lurch in your stomach you felt your feet leave the ground, and your shoulder strained as he effortlessly held you up like you weighed nothing. He stopped when he had you dangling a good few feet above the sidewalk, his eyes wide and manic. “I’ll give you another chance: lemme show you a nice time, huh?”
It probably wasn’t the wisest decision, given the position you found yourself in, but it was the only thing you could think to do. You felt your palm sting and your feet hit the concrete before you fully realized you slapped him, hard enough to make him drop you. Staggering, you took off again in the direction you came, weaving around Bellamy’s friends only to run straight into someone’s chest. Panicked, you balled your hands into fists before you looked up and saw whose chest it was.
Bartolomeo put an arm around your shoulders and held you close, staring straight ahead at his target. In spite of the red creeping into his periphery, his expression was calm, only showing the bare minimum of the rage he felt firing through his nerves. “There a problem here?”
Bellamy’s troupe gave him a wide berth as he approached, a fading red handprint on the left side of his face. “What’s it to you?”
“Nothin’,” Bartolomeo started gently coaxing you behind him. “Just a friend passin’ through.”
The cocky grin from before slowly crept back up as Bellamy made eye contact with you. “Guess you weren’t lying after all about that friend.” His gaze then met Bartolomeo’s. “Not all that pretty though.”
“Funny,” Bartolomeo smirked, “that’s not what your mother was sayin’.”
Bellamy seethed, cracking his knuckles. “Looks like you and your little bitch need to learn some manners.”
Bartolomeo’s brow ticked and he took a step forward, before he felt you lightly pull on the back of his leather jacket. He looked down to you, putting an arm around your shoulders.
You tugged on his jacket again. He was outnumbered, and you really didn’t want to see him get hurt. “Come on, he’s not worth it,” you said. “Let’s just go home.”
His expression softened slightly, his fury abating. “You sure?”
You nodded, and he relented, turning his back slightly—
Before ducking out of range of a right hook. He backed up to keep out of Bellamy’s reach, nudging you further behind him. Bellamy threw another punch, and Bartolomeo brought both fists up to protect his face. 
You quickly backed away from the fight, surprised to see the rest of the group do the same, as Bartolomeo swung from the left. As Bellamy went to block, he was struck from the right and nailed in the solar plexus, knocking the wind from him. Fueled further by the anger flooding his veins, Bartolomeo started wailing on his face, the sound of flesh hitting flesh and crunching bone echoing against the buildings.
You flinched with each hit, unable to look away as Bellamy’s face turned bloodier and more bruised. One of his friends tried to step forward before another one stopped him, muttering things between them before giving Bartolomeo a wide-eyed stare and backing up further.
Finally, the sounds stopped, and Bartolomeo shoved Bellamy backward toward his friends. He looked dazed, for as much as one who could barely see through the swelling on his face could, blood staining down the front of his shirt. Cuts on his cheeks and nose stood out sharply against the bruises, and he struggled to stand upright, before staggering back and being caught by two of his bigger comrades.
Bartolomeo turned back to you, barely having broken a sweat, knuckles bruised and his shirt spattered with blood.
You gaped, your heart racing, and a faint flush crept to your cheeks.
That is. Disturbingly hot.
He pulled you to his side with an arm around your shoulder, holding you close as he led you from the bloodbath. “C’mon, sweetheart. Let’s get home.”
When you returned back to the apartment, you spent way too long in your living room helicoptering around Bartolomeo and dressing his knuckles, trying to insist that you treat his shirt with peroxide, and fangirling about how he handled that fight. He happily let you do so, even allowing you to shove an icepack into his less bruised hand to take with him, despite him having plenty of first aid material already. He was just relieved he’d gotten off the subway in time to follow you, and that you hadn’t noticed him when you were trying to get to the next station.
And he was relieved to show that prick what happens when someone messes with his girl.
Later that night as you slept, you felt a weight on your chest. You tried to move it, assuming it was Luffy, but your arms wouldn’t listen. You tried to roll over, but your body wouldn’t budge. You felt hot, heavy breathing across your face, and with immense effort you managed to open your eyes.
Bartolomeo was straddling your waist, his arms on either side of your head to keep his body from completely pinning yours down. His lips were pulled back into a snarl, his eyes glowing. His teeth looked even larger, especially up so close. Puffs of steam came from his mouth as he breathed, and in the darkness you weren’t sure if what was dripping from his lips was drool or blood.
You couldn’t stop the snarky part of you from saying, “What large teeth you have.”
Bartolomeo’s snarl turned into a grin. It was definitely blood coming down from between his teeth. His voice came out low, layered over itself as he growled, “Better to eat you with.”
The weight on your chest moved, and you looked down. There was a pile of gore, gently beating.
“A gift?” you asked, your voice detached and distant.
He leaned down to your ear, “Our heart.”
An interesting word choice. Not “my”, not “your”. Our heart.
His tongue slid over your cheek as he pulled away, leaving behind a dark, wet trail over your face. Your arms finally responded to your demands as you reached up to try and keep him in place. But your hand slipped right through him, instead landing right on top of the messy heart on your chest.
It felt strangely furry, and made a very confused “mrrreep”.
You opened your eyes with a gasp. No Bartolomeo, no heart, just Luffy wondering why you awoke him from his sleep. You pushed yourself upright, surveying the room.
Nothing. No one. Just you and the kitty.
And it was uncomfortably hot in your bedroom.
You groaned and gently nudged Luffy off of you, stretching as you rolled out of bed to find a box fan. There was no way in hell you were going to try messing with the AC this late at night. You retrieved the fan from the hall closet, flicking on the light in your room as you dragged it over to the window to the fire escape. Before you could push it open, something on the floor caught your eye.
Flecks of rust, dirt, and chipped paint were scattered around near the window. You groaned, crouching down to look at them a bit closer. You knew you vacuumed just the day before, so where the hell did the stuff come from?
You got your answer when you opened the window and bits of rust shook loose, littering the carpet.
It occurred to you that you’d never opened this window before now.
Everything you had been trying to ignore, everything you thought had been resolved, all of it came flooding back, pouring in from the window and sending debris to your floor.
Someone had been in your bedroom. And the fire escape was how they got in.
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elvenbeard · 6 months
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Did some blorbo modding this past weekend and updated Vince's shoulder and back tattoos a little bit :3 still the same design overall with some minor tweaks in coloring etc, because while I liked my original idea, some things I'd been meaning to adjust forever. And now I finally got around to, and that warrants a topless photoshoot of course \o/
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RWDtober Prompts!
We’ve done this before so I thought it might be fun to bring it back another year! So, here’s a prompt a day for October, for you to use as inspiration for any form or art or content you wish. This year the prompts are based on C2/Sigil, but you can create for any campaign, oneshot, au, or other.
This isn’t a proper event, so no rules or restrictions apply, just have fun with it in anyway you like!
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Plus some bonus, slightly more C1 focused but equally applicable extra prompts, in case any of the above don’t take your fancy. There’s a couple up there I wish I’d changed by I really can be bothered now… rip
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Alt text with all prompts under the cut
Business Card
Bonus Prompts:
Weave, Artifice, Dream, Cook, Imprison, Ring
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
I’m lowkey scared of when the rain code fandom gets more popular from RainCode + being on more consoles. What the heck are they going to think of what “I” do?? 😂
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Honestly can't get over the three springs quests, in that link and hylia held multiple, actual conversations, where hylia asked him to check on the mother statue, he explained the situation, and she thanked him and asked for a dragon piece again, that the offering might boost her power and she could send it through to the big statue. That, and the bargainer statue possessing her plateau statue, implies a really weird relationship between hylia and her idols.
Like anyone listening to link about it would be like,
Link: and then I found my first sages will! I had no idea what it was for at the time, hylia had mentioned it but she never explained -
Person: hold up hold up hold up. Lady hylia? The mother goddess?? Protector of hyrule???
Link, who's only ever been able to remember getting instant responses and knows zelda not hearing anything was a big deal the whole kingdom knew about:...... Yeah?
Person: lady hylia?
Link: *mildly discomfited* yes?? I mean she's busy but I keep her updated, you know? I trade the sages wills with her to enhance the vows, but like I said, I didn't know that at the time, and I'm finding these things just in chests, I'm really not sure they're corporeal enough for -
Person: can we rewind hylia talks to you??
Link, cottoning on a bit: is that not... Normal?
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sleepyselkiesketches · 5 months
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Thank you so much to @funandexploring for commissioning this!! I've somehow never drawn anyone from ATLA before, so this was great!
Outfit meme by @troloyunu
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dootznbootz · 8 days
It's wild how every time my birthday lands on a Friday some shit goes down >:(
First time it landed on a Friday when I was young, my hair caught on fire when I leaned over to blow out my candles.
Another time when I turned 13, I broke my glasses.
The last time this happened, got rained on during a hike.
Now this time I got really fucking carsick and couldn't go to an event. >:( aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
Just a bit about MK's gender swap of Sektor and Cyrax
Unless there is a solid reason behind such a choice, I’m not a big fan of turning established characters into a different gender. Since Cyrax and Sektor’s gender has never played any vital part in their relationship with Bi-Han, Tomas or Kuai Liang, I can accept the gender swap for now, although my final judgment will depend on how those characters will be used in the upcoming expanded story.
That said, I have some legitimate concerns about those changes. For one, if this is NRS’s way to introduce more female fighters, then I’m pretty offended. I’m still awaiting the return of Sonya (one of the original cast!). There is also Sheeva, D’Vorah, Jade, Frost, Skarlet, Khameleon (already mentioned in intro dialogues as Umgadi), Sareena (as actual character not supporting background cameo), Jataaka, Kia. There is Harumi that definitely deserves to be flashed out beyond Scorpion’s fiance/wife, not to mention a chance to introduce us to a totally new female protagonist, like Raiden’s sister. Or NRS could bring comics!Hydro as a woman (or gender-fluid hydromancer. I’m not picky, though I doubt the NRS has any intention to explore gender issues beyond characters being women or men).
And let’s not forget about Cassie Cage & Jacqui Briggs, but those two as New Generation may not fit yet into the story, which is understandable. 
I’m happy to see Sektor and Cyrax back, but there are plenty of female characters that deserve no less to be brought back into lore and I’m afraid that gender swapping Cyrax and Sektor is NRS’s way to kill two birds with one stone. Bi-Han’s supporters are important to expand the Lin Kuei vs Shirai Ryu conflict, but by being now women, their presence on the roster reduces the chance of other female characters.  
The second, more prominent concern I have is the fear that the game will rely on or imply there was romance - still ongoing or in the past - between Bi-Han or Kuai Liang with either Sektor or Cyrax. I said it countless times before that I see Sub-Zero as aromantic & asexual so any romance for him simply doesn’t work for me, but that is actually beside the point.
My point is, if the major addition to the relationship between Lin Kuei characters will be Sektor and/or Cyrax having romantic feelings for any of the brothers and for that addition NRS needed to gender swap them into women I WILL BE FURIOUS. Not for the romance itself, but because Sektor and Cyrax as men could have the same feelings and their gender should not play any role in that. Homosexual and/or bisexual men should be part of MK lore no less than heterosexual characters. And I feel lately that the Mortal Kombat franchise likes to erase a lot of previously established diversity. Homosexual Kung Jin was playable only in MKX (2015) and just referred here or there since then. Previous timelines Mileena showed interest (or sometimes was just sexually creepy?) toward men and women alike, now she is only interested in Tanya. On one hand, cool, an established lesbian woman. On another the bisexual vibe is kicked out of the window - or at least this is my impression. Johnny may be seen as bisexual man, but how intentional that was on the NRS’ part or just came out naturally as there is no female character in the group of Liu Kang’s Earthrealm Champions for him to interact with, I’m not sure. 
My fear is that NRS is just a coward that would rather gender-swap male characters to present them and their relationship as heterosexual than just go with them as they are. MK1 has already the token homosexual pair (Tanya & Mileena) to balance Liu Kang/Kitana,  Sindel/Jerrod and background Johnny’s ex-marriage or Kenshi/Suchin. So if female Cyrax and Sektor’s purpose is to either avoid homosexual implication or to explore the relationship of  Lin Kuei characters through some romantic bullshit, I will be furious. But if studio’s choice to gender swap Sektor and Cyrax will change literally nothing about what we already knew from previous timelines then WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ALL OF THIS?
Like I said, my final judgment about NRS’s choice for female Cyrax and Sektor will be based on story mode alone. For now, I’m pretty much indifferent, as their gender has never affected their relationship with Bi-Han before and so far the only complaint I have is, the visually-wise impression that female Cyrax and Sektor seem to look thinner than rest of female characters? But that may be just the armor playing a trick on my eyes.
(I lied. I have a second complaint, their armor should be more bulky, and better covering their body/gender. This seems like a wasted opportunity to have a cool reveal that yes, under the armor there are two kick-ass awesome women).
So, female Cyrax and Sektor for now does not change anything for me, but I do remain suspicious about the reasoning of NRS for gender swap.
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chevvy-yates · 5 months
Rules: Post 15 lines (or less) of character dialog. You can include context for the scene if you wish!
Got tagged by @ouroboros-hideout, danki! <3
“Ik ben eerlijk: I liked that vluchtige kus we shared a-and i-ik find je leuk, Ry. Probably more as— a friend is supposed to do?”
“The moon is the closest piece of our solar system and our universe beyond ourselves.”
“See, I craved taking a cool shower all day, but—” he bends forward, moving his right arm so, his hand can reach the faucet, turning the shower back on, almost whispering into Arki’s ear “—taking a hot one now actually sounds more appealin'.”
“Technoise just gives these prolonged periods of partly extreme tension that builds toward a climax resulting in euphoria and bliss.”
“V-San—” Hizumi gasps a bit out of breath, Sandevistan deactivated, “—can you relocate that runner?”
Scharfenberg will never forget their faces. Sheer agony as they bled out. “The one who got me that claw present? I turned him into something … unidentifiable.”
“Ik hou van jou.”
“People dyin’ of old age should be legends instead, not some young gonks who don’t make anythin’ remarkable.”
“Herrgott, V! Didn’t expect you to be that naïve — Everyone can claim that!”
“I didn’t leave this sick Corpo shit of a family years ago to continue to stay chained by some fucking netlord thinking it is funny to play with me like I am its dog that bites on command!”
“Your ‘lil bunker here is better walled off than the NCPD interrogation room.” Jay lets out a tiny laugh.
“C’mon, I’ll walk a moment with ya into the doll’s direction until Ry finds a window to get into the room.”
“Thought you’d look better by now but you’re still pale as fuck.”
“This brought me back to my feet to do what I’m good at! I had a purpose, a goal, something to do, something challenging: Protect the team. Protect … you.”
tagging: @gloryride, @nervouswizardcycle, @astarionhistears, @elvenbeard, @wraithsoutlaws and everyone reading this who writes.
Also sorry if you have been tagged already or if you do not write. no pressure!
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motherforthefamicom · 2 months
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redownloaded an old art program
#specifically its tayasui memopad…#sketches was like borderline unusable last i redownloaded it#which was like.. oct last year#maybe its gotten better but i dont feel like bothering with it anymore haha#memopad i never used much aside from little scribble doodles (id make a scribble and try to turn it into something)#but its changed a lot since i last used it.. which was like four years ago so i cant be too surprised i guess XD#its still pretty jank but in a more manageable way . i missed rhe sketches brushes theyre very lovely#sorry for all the rambling haha#ive been feeling really shitty lately and have barely been able to draw it feels like#a lot of what i have made ive had to really.. force myself to get out. and i havent been as satisfied with it as id like to br#this is kind of janky still but i like it and i had fun making it#everytime i draw these two its exactly the same cuz i have to remind myself what their designs even were everytime >_<‘’#hopefully i do some more stuff today. its already getting late but im feeling a little better#getting back into the swing of things or whatever#i thought someone on af was ghosting me or whatever but turns out they were just . busy. ( <- figures i need to stop assuming haha) and#they also made this amazing revenge im absolutely in love with its so cute#really made my day =)#scribbles#furry tag#good god i write way too much in these#sorry#anyways#queueing this to post again (its the 14th as im writing this) i feel like that worked alright for me last time#im kinda making this post impulsively i am. constantly going back nd forth on whether i even like posting my art nowadays#oh well#yeah queue i wanna know#mother series#<- i forgot to tag that . for blog organization mostly these r just#nothing burger npcs barely anyone cares abt (nintens sisters lol)
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layalu · 8 months
WIP Whenever
tagged by @herearedragons! :]
using this to announce Picrew Feedback Phase lol, since i've been working on it more again recently and now basically have everything in place, just need to add and fix items!
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Yes i am still procrastinating on adding hair and having fun adding animal features instead u.u But ye! Basically if anyone wants to have a go with it and you have suggestions as to what you'd like me to add (like hairstyles or w/e) or you notice something that confuses you or anything really, feel free to hmu! Sorry in advance for my awful value choices on all the head parts (that's gonna get fixed once i Actually start doing colours) |'D edit: added some screenshots of the picrew maker website, in case anyone is curious what that looks like! :]
tagging @creativegoblin, @superboyconner, @absyntthe, @exotic-inquiry, @curiouslavellan, @cao-the-dreamer, @a-drama-addict, @brainwormterrarium, @snowberry-pie, @goofsoup, @scorbutic-properties, @daggerbeanart, @greypetrel, @ndostairlyrium, @shivunin, and anyone else who has something to share! c:
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saveandreset · 11 months
Underverse 0.7 part 2 spoilers!
Just a bunch of pics of my absolute fave
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Such good scenes!!!! I've spent waaaay too long screenshotting each scene XD
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Heh spooked, ah the little jump sans did XD
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Ah brings back lovely memories for him, oof
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Also these two!!!! Pointing at the original artstyle! Second for the regular in Aftertale and the first for that fight scene towards the end
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Also the family!
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And oooooh yes
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