#horrible day at work that became a horrible night at home
chyarnoe · 8 months
The goal I set for myself when I was suicidal as a teen was 30, and yknow. There's still time.
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popquizhot-shot · 6 months
Moon Boys x reader<3
summary: you were married to Jake and after the events of moonknight, the boys get to know of jake and of you. Steven adores you but Marc just sees you as a friend. Right?
A/N: okay the timeline is a bit wonky but here's what i thought while writing the fic. Jake dated you for a year and a half before putting a ring on it. And you've been married for three years. You met Steven and Marc a year ago and have been dating Steven for eight months. Marc became friends with you a month after meeting you. please comment and reblog if you liked it!
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort
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Marc was a lot of things. Pig-headed, stubborn, horrible at communication, a fighter. But he wasn't arrogant He could admit it when he didn't know something.
But right now he knew one thing and one thing only, that Jake was a prime idiot.
Marc stayed in the background when Jake was fronting around you, most of the time. Not always, of course. He wasn't a perv and one to to intrude between a husband and a wife. But he knew you. So did Steven, and you knew them.
He'd considered you his friend. Maybe one of his best, just months after meeting you. You and him shared many a night after Jake's missions talking and watching movies, when your husband was knocked out. You made him fall in love with chai, something that knocked Steven's socks off and he'd taught you the basics of baseball so you weren't clueless when you watched baseball with him.
It wasn't always so nice.
"You're married?!"
"Yeah, what's your problem with that?" Jake had become defensive, he wouldn't let Marc or Steven breathe a single ill word towards you.
"No, it's no problem at all, pal." Marc seethed, outraged, "except for the fact that I was married to Layla! God what if she almost say you when we were married? No wonder it ended!"
"Fuck off, man. You know full well why your marriage didn't work out with Layla. And unlike her, I told my lady fucking everything. She knows everything, from the cave to the sarcophagus. So she knew what to do and what to be careful of, including you. So don't blame my marriage for the reason yours didn't work out."
This was when Steven had interjected, he was unsurprisingly on Jake's side.
"He's right, Marc. If his wife knows everything then you can't blame him, and it's honestly rather mean and unfair of you to be angry at someone you haven't even met."
It took a few hours for Marc to calm down, and actually, apologise to Jake.
Hesitantly, Jake offered, "Y'know, if you want you can meet her. She practically knows everything about you and uh, Steven's most probably seen her around. She goes to the museum every week."
"Wait a minute! That lady with the Van Gogh tote bag?"
"Oh wow! She's really sweet, and beautiful! Hell, mate. You scored."
Jake had to smile at that, he knew he scored with you. For the longest time he felt like you were too good for him and that someone as kind, clever, intelligent and beautiful as you shouldn't have had to settle for someone like him. But you'd kiss away every ill thought he had about himself and reassure him. Communication was a very, very vital and important part of the relationship and you had helped him learn that it wasn't selfish to voice his thoughts. Especially because he put everyone's needs before his for so long.
"I know, man."
Steven had readily agreed to front and meet you, and Marc was okay with being co-conscious during the interaction as well. So on one fine day, Jake had brought them to the house he considered his home. He worked to contribute to it's rent, and buy things for it and for you. It was home, after all. You were his home.
Marc didn't know what to expect but when Jake had stepped in and hung his jacket on the stand and taken his shoes off, footsteps could be heard running from the main bedroom and he saw you running straight into Jake's arms. Jake laughed wildly, picking you up and twirling you around, much to your delight as you kissed the life out of him.
When he put you down, he could get a clear glimpse of you. Your hair was messy and your t-shirt was rumpled. And when he saw you smile he knew why Jake had fallen in love with you. Why Steven thought you were beautiful and sweet. Verything about you screamed, home.
Your greeting to Jake threw both the boys off, "Who the fuck are you?"
Jake smirked, "The fuck you mean, ma?"
"I mean, who." you poked him once, "are." twice, "you?" thrice and Jake started giggling. Fucking giggling like some little schoolgirl. You laughed too, and hugged him tight.
"Hey, baby." he kissed your forehead and you smiled.
"Hi." you kissed his nose.
"I have two guys who'd like to meet you."he raised his eyebrows.
Your jaw dropped a little, "For real? Wait, you're being serious, you're not screwing with me?"
"Why would I screw with you, when I could just screw you?"
The men in his head and you all let out a simultaneous groan.
Steven met you first, and it went swell, you'd both bonded over history and literature. And a love for Taylor Swift. But that was a secret. You liked him a lot and he positively adored you.
Marc, on the other hand, was much more closed off, he'd be polite, but he'd be curt as well. A combination you didn't know was possible.
After a few weeks of trying to bond with him, resulting in almost a small meltdown. It had taken Jake being knocked out after a mission and being too tired to eat to actually get him to talk to you over a meal.
It was one of the best things he'd eaten in his goddamn life and the groan he'd let out after the first bite brought a laugh out of you.
So yes, Marc would consider you one of his best friends. Steven and you had started going out with each other a few months ago and it was going so well.
But not Marc.
Because he didn't like you like that.
Of course not, you were his friend.
You were his friend who made him laugh because you had the same dark sense of humour. You hugged him when he needed one but was too uptight to ask you. You, who googled the Cubs and learnt everything you could about them just so you could talk to him as well, the way you talked to Steven about Jane Austen and the Indus Valley.
He didn't know when it became something more to him.
And he didn't see how you'd look him at him when he laughed, or when he was focused on the TV, or when he made you tea the way you liked it, Jake had taught him how to do that.
No, to him, you were just his best friend.
And you were currently crying your eyes out because Jake and you had gotten into a huge fight. He'd missed your anniversary because of a mission and he was working with Hathor's avatar. He failed to mention the part where he was forced to pretend they were a thing to prevent being caught and you'd caught him smelling of her perfume and gotten rightfully furious.
Not because of her, but because he didn't tell you that it had been happening for a few days. That the week he'd spent away from you, he'd had to pretend he was someone else's and he was too scared to tell you. That's why you were mad, because you thought he didn't trust you.
You'd raised your voice as he turned his back on you and he turned around, face contorted in rage. Steven tried calming him down as he stalked over to you. You stood your ground, Jake would never lay a hand on you. You knew that. But it was what he said, that broke you.
"You're being a fucking nuisance. Instead of trying to understand, you're being more of a burden by finding shit to get mad at. Grow the fuck up."
That prime ass had the audacity to call you a burden. A nuisance.
And then he had the fucking nerve to leave and complete his mission and give control to Marc. Steven had chewed the fuck out of him and Marc would have loved to as well, but he needed to see you. See if you were okay.
As soon as he stepped in, he saw you on the sofa, rapidly wiping your tears away. You sagged again when you knew it was him. Somehow you always knew.
He furrowed his eyebrows at your disheveled state. Your eyes were swollen and wet with tears and you were breathing very heavily and in quick spurts.
"What do you need?" Marc asked you, sitting down beside you.
"C-can I have" you coughed, "a hug, Marc?" you said in a small voice, looking away.
Marc immediately moved to hug you close. Shushing you when you began to cry again.
What hurt was that he knew, and Jake knew, and Steven knew that you hated being a burden or an inconvenience to anyone. And today, the one man you trusted the most in this world had made you feel like that. And he couldn't even apologize.
'Jake you fucking idiot.' he rocked you a little, 'you better come out and fix this. she may be our friend but this is because of you, fix this.'
Jake remained silent in the reflection of the mirror next to the door. He looked wrecked at seeing you sob, and tears were falling down his own eyes.
'Mate.' Steven spoke up, he sounded mad, 'You made our girl cry. Stop being a fucking coward and fix this!'
When he was met with silence, Steven seethed, 'Marc, gimme the body.'
You knew exactly when it was Steven hugging you, and you kissed his cheek and breathed him in.
"Oh, love." he tried to comfort you, "I'm sorry. You're not a burden, I promise you." he kissed your forehead.
"I know that, Steven. I know I'm not a burden to you. I'm scared I'm becoming one to him. He doesn't even want to look at me!" you sniffed.
Steven glared at Jake in the mirror, who was wiping away his own tears.
Steven and Marc knew why Jake was so worked up. They knew that whoever Jake and Hathor's avatar was after called their bluff. They knew that those people had found the woman's partner and Jake was terrified for you and he couldn't even tell you because he never, ever wanted to be the reason for any feeling you had that wasn't bliss, happiness, content, or pleasure. And because he was sure he could find those assholes and beat the living shit out of them for even thinking of harming you.
But it wasn't their place to tell you, that much was apparent. Jake dug his grave, and then jumped into it. He had to crawl out of it on his own now.
"I just want to be someone he's happy to be with." you whisper and that's when Jake straightened up, heartbroken.
"Give me the body, hermano."
"All yours."
Only Jake scrunched the back of your shirts when he hugged you and you moved to hug him tightly as he whispered apologies in your ear.
"Baby, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry I made you feel like you were a burden and that I was anything but fucking delighted to be with you." he kissed your nose and then told you everything. Looking away because he was scared.
"I didn't tell you at first because I didn't want to just say that I had to pretend I was dating someone else and then fuck off for a week. I made a mistake in assuming that'd you get mad and it's because if I was in your place, I would be. But you're stronger than me, tesoro, and I failed to see that and I'm so sorry."
"Baby, I forgive you." you replied and he breathed out a sigh of relief, "But please, don't keep stuff like this in, okay? You can trust me, you know that."
He nodded fiercely and then he kissed you. Noses nudging and lips parting as he breathed you in like you were his lifeline, and he yours. He cupped your face and held you tight against him and when he pulled away you smiled at him, your eyes shining.
Steven fronted again with a little smile and you kissed him lovingly with a whispered 'i love you'. He just winked at you and kissed the back of your hand and then your forehead again before Jake took back control and carried you to the bed, kissing you deeply all the way.
Marc was fine, no he just needed a glass of water. He'd carefully rolled off the bed, thankful that he was at least wearing sweatpants and padded to the kitchen.
He should have known that you were a light sleeper.
"Marc." you began, your voice raspy.
He hummed in reply and held out his glass to you. You accepted it and drank your fill, giving it back to him.
After a few more moments of silence, you spoke up, "I thanked Steven for comforting me. But I didn't thank you." you cleared your throat, "Thank you, Marc." you said, sincerely, "You're one of my best friends."
Marc smiled at you. Actually smiled. And you smiled back and kept going, "And Jake and Steven know this and are okay with it so I-"
"You don't have to thank me, honey." he patted your shoulder, trying to conceal his tears as he looked away because god he was dumb. Dumb enough to realize now, that he loved you, "I'm glad I'm your friend."
To him, you were everything. You were sunrays and moonbeams and everything that he believed was magical as a boy. Everything he stopped believing in as he grew up. The first time you made him laugh and joined him he felt sure that magic existed after all, because what else could you be?
He tried walking past you but you held his hand and he froze, tears streaming down his cheeks.
You walked over to him and held his face in your hands. His eyes shut as you wipe away his tears. And he whimpered as you kissed his forehead.
"Marc. Open your eyes and look at me." you said softly.
He was terrified. That you'd seen past his mask and were going to let him down gently. Because to you, what could he be? Certainly nothing more than a friend.
"Sweetheart. Please."
When his eyes finally opened, they met yours.
"Marc. I fucking love you." you confessed and he let out a sob. Pulling you into a tight hug.
"I love you. God I love you so much, Sweetheart." he says into your hair, kissing all over your face, but not your lips.
"Can I kiss you?" you asked him, looking at him with those beautiful eyes of yours.
He nods and your hands travel to his locks and pull them lightly as you bring your lips to his own. Humming sweetly as he wraps his arm around you and licks into you.
Yes, he reasons yet again as you hold his face in your hands and smile at him, magic does exist. And it's in his arms. He loves it and so do the men in his head who cheer for him, albeit sleepily, looking at you lovingly.
And they'd never let you go.
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catmiemy · 3 months
Not All Change Is Bad (Lia Wälti x Reader)
Summary: Now that you know Lia has feelings for you, you have to figure out where to go from there.
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The next morning you woke up exhausted, only having managed to fall asleep for a few minutes at a time. You were weirdly relieved when you checked your phone and it was finally an acceptable time to get up.
A/N: Thanks to the long weekend I actually finished this second part already. You can find the first part here.
This got a bit longer than I thought and I didn't even include most of the fluff at the end that I already planned out. So potentially there could be a third part focused more on happiness with a bit of angst. Let me know if you'd liked to read that. :)
Nadine was still sleeping soundly, so you didn’t have to deal with her seeing the mess you were. You headed straight to the bathroom, annoyed with yourself when you saw how horrible you looked in the mirror. There were dark bags underneath your red eyes, spots all over your cheeks from rubbing away all the tears and your hair resembled a bird’s nest from all the tossing and turning you had done.
You quickly went to work to make yourself more presentable. The last thing you wanted was for Lia to feel guilty when she saw you. You would be damned if you made this any harder for her than it had to be, and if the only thing you could do was pretend you were okay you would do that.
In your noble quest you completely forgot to take into consideration that to Lia’s eyes it would seem like this whole situation hadn’t affected you at all. She almost burst into tears when she saw how put together you looked, the only thing saving her from it, was Ana pointing out all the signs that you were actually not fine that were right underneath the surface of your carefully crafted façade.
The whole camp felt like torture to you and more than once you wished it was finally over. But every time you did you remembered that at Arsenal you would still see Lia, who could barely look into your direction anymore and darted away whenever you were anywhere close to her, almost every day. And back home Jessica was waiting for you.
Your girlfriend and you still hadn’t talked or even texted, which wasn’t too uncommon on Jessica’s part after an argument. Her go to reaction was to completely ignore you, while you usually did everything to get your girlfriend to forgive you, sending long, heartfelt texts, buying her small gifts, apologizing over and over again. You had never questioned if this was okay or healthy, and you didn’t really question it now, you just didn’t have the energy to do it, so you didn’t.
Every once in a while you remembered how you had completely ignored her call after you had asked to talk that night and were hit by a pang of guilt. You should reach out to your girlfriend. And you also should talk to Lia, make things easier for her. You should be fine with all of this, you should communicate more and better, you shouldn’t let this distract you from football, you shouldn’t feel like hiding away for the rest of your life.
As the days passed you became increasingly frustrated with yourself and your inability to do any of the things you should do. The only thing you managed to do halfway decently was keep up appearances well enough. Sure, many of your teammates checked in with you, but they accepted your forced smile and your fake cheerfulness as you assured them that you were totally fine.
Ana was a different story. She tried to push a bit harder, but every time she did, you sent her right back to Lia. “Please just make sure she’s alright, yeah? I’m totally fine, don’t worry about me.”
This did nothing to stop your friend from worrying, nonetheless she always listened to your request, well aware that the only person you really felt comfortable opening up to was Lia. Therefore Ana could only hope that as time passed the two of you managed to find your way back to each other again, maybe even as more than best friends. She still held out hope that you actually returned Lia’s feelings and just needed a little longer to figure that out.
As much as you had often wished camp was over when it actually was and you were boarding the plane to take you back to London, you desperately wanted to stay. Going back home meant you could no longer ignore the whole situation with Jessica and how horrible you’d been acting. It took every ounce of your willpower to force your feet to take you into the plane.
Another thing you dreaded was spending the flight next to Lia, although a small part of you also clung to some hope that the forced proximity would do you good, give you a chance to talk. However as you found your seat all that hope was ripped from you, in the seat that should have been Lia’s sat Noelle, smiling at you sympathetically.
All you could do to avoid breaking down right then and there was to sink down in your seat and blast music into your ears. Thankfully Noelle got the hint and left you alone.
Throughout the flight you did your best to keep your mind occupied with doing at least three things simultaneously. Nevertheless, the closer you got to landing the more your anxiety spiked. Poor Noelle was probably getting annoyed by your constant leg bouncing and fidgeting. Not that the gentle woman would ever say anything.
At the airport when you were slowly heading to the exit to catch a cab back to your apartment you were suddenly stopped by Lia’s voice, “Y/N, wait!”
With a racing heart you stopped in your tracks, turning to face your best friend. Although were you even allowed to call her that anymore?
Lia approached you with a worried face, picking at her cuticles, a clear indication to you that she was nervous. This hurt; you never wanted to get to a place where she was nervous to talk to you.
“I know things are weird between us right now and I really want to move past it, I just don’t know how yet. But…I still wanted to check in. Are you okay to go home? I know you left things with Jessica in a weird place and you looked almost scared on the plane and no matter where we stand I’m still always here for you,” Lia rushed out.
Your heart cracked and all the tears you had held back on this day so far gathered in your eyes, blurring your vision. How very Lia of her to still worry about you and ignore her own emotions and insecurities to make sure you were okay when you were the reason she was so miserable. 
You shook your head and blinked harshly to chase away the tears, then you plastered a what you hoped to be reassuring smile on your face.
“That’s very sweet of you, but please don’t worry about me, I’m totally fine, and after all these years I know how to deal with Jessica.”
Pain flashed in Lia’s eyes and you kicked yourself for bringing up how long you had been with your girlfriend. Way to hurt her more!
She smiled back at you and you could only hope that your smile had been more convincing than hers. “Okay, but never forget that I’m still always here for you.”
And with a goodbye Lia walked away from you, leaving you with an aching heart. Now that you had spoken with her again, it was even more painful to go back to this weird place of not talking. You wanted to run after her, share a ride like you normally did, and maybe hide out at her apartment for the rest of your life so you never had to deal with Jessica.
In front of the door to the apartment Jessica and you shared you took a moment to hype yourself up. You could do this, you had done this about a million times. Maybe it had never been this bad, but you would just have to grovel a little more.
You entered the apartment, calling out to your girlfriend. Just as you expected you didn’t get a response. Maybe she wasn’t home! Even if that would only postpone the argument for a little while, you still wanted it to be true.
Sadly you were out of luck. You quickly found Jessica sitting on the couch, staring at her phone and completely ignoring your presence.
“Hi,” you greeted her awkwardly, your girlfriend still not showing any signs of having noticed you. “Look I’m sorry I didn’t pick up the phone and haven’t reached out since. This camp has been absolutely crazy.”
It was a weak explanation, and definitely not enough to get Jessica to acknowledge you again. To even have any hope of getting there you would need to apologize and beg. However when you were searching for the right words, you realized that you didn’t want to do it this time. You were tired of these same old patterns that always left you feeling like you weren’t good enough.
You weren’t someone that got mad often, but now you could feel all the suppressed feelings inside of you rapidly turning into anger.
“Can you just cut this crap out and talk to me like an equal human being?” You snapped at Jessica.
At least you succeeded in getting a reaction. She dropped her phone, turning to you, the surprise on her face quickly morphing into anger just as intense as your own.
“Excuse me?! Who has been ignoring me for the last ten days after not picking up the phone when it was you who suggested we talk that night? I think I have every right to be angry,” Jessica yelled back at you.
“I didn’t say you couldn’t be angry, but acting as if I’m air is just plain childish! I said I was sorry and I also said that things have been crazy, but apparently you don’t care about that.”
Jessica rolled her eyes. “Okay then, what crazy thing happened that stopped you from contacting me at all? Did the monster under the bed steal your phone? Or did aliens project a force field around your camp, stopping all electronic devices from working?”
Her mocking only made you angrier, so without thinking about it if it was wise to reveal this to Jessica, you told her about learning of Lia’s feelings for you.
After that all hell broke loose, everything the two of you had kept inside for way too long spilling out in hurtful words, ending in a scream match that had neither of you even hearing what the other was saying anymore.
In the end it was you who said the fateful words, “I think it’s high time that we break up! Well it was probably high time years ago and we were just too stuck to notice.
“No, I don’t accept that! You don’t break up with me, I’m breaking up with you,” Jessica retorted.
By now most of the anger had drained from your body, you just shrugged your shoulders. “Whatever, I’m leaving.”
Once you were out of the apartment you just started walking; the entire palette of negative emotions fighting for the lead inside of you. Before too long you found yourself standing in front of Lia’s little house. Just the sight of the familiar building that had been your refuge so often in the past was enough to break down the emotional barriers you had carefully constructed over the last couple of weeks, tears beginning to stream down your cheeks.
Lia had said you could still come over if something happened. So despite feeling more than a little unsure about it, you walked up to the front door and knocked. You needed her right now and if she would send you away you didn’t know if you could deal with it.
Of course there was no reason to worry, Lia didn’t miss a bit, ushering you into her apartment and holding you tightly while you cried your eyes out. You weren’t coherent enough to explain what had happened, but from the bits and pieces you managed to get out, she got the gist of it.
Somewhere in the back of your mind was some immense guilt for making Lia take care of you after everything, however it was drowned out by how safe you felt in your best friend’s arms. You wanted to stay there for the rest of your life, blocking out the rest of the world.
After your crying session you were hit by a wave of extreme tiredness, your eyes fluttering shut every so often. Lia gently massaged the back of your scalp, knowing you were prone to tenseness there, and it was making you even sleepier.
“Do you want to stay here tonight?” She offered.
You should refuse, you should pull yourself together and leave Lia be, maybe call Leah to come over and check up on her after you had once again dumped your emotions all over her. You should be a better person and do that, instead you mumbled, “Yeah, I’d like that very much.”
The two of you got ready for bed. Lia insisted on it, you would have happily stayed on the couch in your regular clothes without brushing your teeth if it meant you didn’t have to move. There wasn’t any need for using a spare toothbrush or borrowing some clothes from Lia, you had left this kind of stuff here ages ago. It was just easier this way with all the impromptu sleepovers you had.
The two of you lay down on your respective sides of the bed, facing each other like you usually did to exchange some whispered words before falling asleep. You were already half asleep, not alert enough to stop yourself from mumbling, “I really really missed you, Schätzi. So stupid of me not to realize I also have feelings for you.”
You drifted off to sleep immediately afterwards, completely missing the way Lia went rigid as she heard your words, an onslaught of different emotions hitting her. The hardest one to deal with was the renewed hope she had mostly buried long ago. For years she had dreamt of you telling her that you felt the same way, she had played out hundreds of different scenarios of how it might happen. And Lia thought it would make her the happiest person on the planet.
However now that you had said the words, she was just scared. Scared that you didn’t really mean it, scared that you were merely confused by the emotional rollercoaster you were going through, scared that you were only clinging to her because Lia was familiar and comforting.
When you woke up the next morning the bed next to you was empty. For one blissful nanosecond you thought this was just a normal sleepover until all the memories hit you with full force. Shame and guilt began eating at you for putting Lia in this position, not only had you shown up here and made her comfort you after your breakup, you had also blurted out that you too have feelings for her at the most inappropriate time possible.
Not that it wasn’t true. The realization had been simmering underneath the surface for a while, not something that you were ready to acknowledge yet, but now that you had, there was no doubt left in your mind. So that wasn’t the problem, the problem was that it absolutely been the wrong moment to say it.
With a rapidly beating heart you finally got out of bed, determined to find Lia and apologize. You found her in the kitchen, staring into her cup of coffee. She looked dead tired, almost slumping onto the table. This only made you feel even guiltier. No doubt had your careless words cost your best friend some sleep.
Despite everything Lia still offered you a weak smile and got up to get you a cup of coffee. You tried to protest, but she simply waved away your words. Lia never trusted you to make your own coffee; she knew you had a tendency to make it too strong which then in turn made you a little hyper. 
“I’m sorry,” you said at the same time as your best friend stated, “There are some things I need to say.”
You nodded, gesturing at Lia to continue talking; she deserved to go first and get everything she wanted off her chest.
The brunette took a deep breath and when she began talking it sounded rehearsed, making you wonder how early she had gotten up to prepare and practice this whole speech. “I thought about all this for a long time and as much as I want to be the one to support you through this breakup, I don’t think I can.”
“What you said yesterday before falling asleep…It was everything I’ve wanted to hear for the longest time, but I think it’s important that you take your time to figure things out and make sure that you actually mean it.”
You opened your mouth to assure Lia that you did, how could you not? But one pleading look from her was enough to shut you up. She wasn’t ready to hear it; nothing you could say would make Lia fully believe it.
“So let’s just take some time, yeah? This way you can work through your breakup and everything else,” the brunette concluded.
Once again you nodded, even if it wasn’t what you wanted at all. You totally understood Lia’s request for some time apart and you would give her as much as she needed. After all she had apparently been waiting for you for years, so this was the least you could do.
“I don’t want to kick you out, but I really believe this is what’s best for us in the long run. But I can help you call one of our teammates so you can stay with them if you don’t want to go home?” Lia offered.
She was clearly conflicted about this course of action, still worrying about you. Therefore you quickly shook your head, reassuring the midfielder that you were fine and already had a plan. “Please don’t worry about me,” you told Lia more than once.
However the fact that you got up after saying this and walked towards the front door still in your pajamas definitely didn’t help your case.
“You know you can get dressed and even take a shower first,” Lia said, trying to keep her voice light and joking, when in reality your confusion scared her. Would you really be okay?
After taking a swift shower you felt a little more like yourself and managed to convince Lia that you wouldn’t walk right into a disaster if she let you out of her sight.
Saying goodbye was awkward, both of you looking at each other, unsure what to do. You longed to hug your best friend, but you didn’t think that would be welcome right now, so you merely waved at Lia lamely and told her you would see her at training.
During your shower you had come up with a plan; you waited until you were sure Jessica would have left for work, then you went to the apartment and packed a bg. All of your teammates would have happily let you stay with them, but you didn’t feel comfortable going to any of them, so instead you headed to a nearby hotel.
The moment you closed the door of your hotel room behind you, you sank to the floor, breaking down completely. You had thought you had cried yourself all out last night, but apparently there was an inexhaustible fountain of fresh tears somewhere inside of you.
That’s how you spent the rest your day, crying in various places. At some point you moved from the door to the bed, staying there until you had to go to the bathroom, crying on the floor leaning against the bathtub for a good while.
It was a small mercy that you feel asleep pretty early, exhausted from all the crying and from beating yourself up mentally. You were so angry at yourself for how you had treated both Lia and Jessica, you should have been better!
The next morning you felt like you had a hangover, your head pounding. However at least you were in control of your waterworks again, so you were hopeful you wouldn’t start crying during training. After another shower and a quick breakfast you felt a little better, confident in your ability to pretend to be a normal human being for as long as you needed.
And that’s what you did, not only that day but also the following ones. You acted throughout the day like you were fine, when someone asked you how you were, you stated time and time again that you were fine, no matter how much anyone could see that you weren’t.
The biggest challenge to your composure were the sad looks Lia kept sending your way when she thought you didn’t notice. It hurt you on a visceral level that you were the reason she was so miserable. In reality that wasn’t why Lia continued to look at you like this, it wasn’t because you had made her unhappy, but because she hated to see you take so little care of yourself and quietly falling apart in front of her eyes.
Every day as soon as you could you would go home, declining every invite to hangout from your teammates, because as soon as you stumbled into your hotel room, the tears returned, and all you could do for the rest of the day, was lay in bed, cry and berate yourself.
How had you been so stupid and not noticed Lia’s feeling for you? Why were you so weak and pathetic and ran right to her side after your breakup when you knew this would only make it more difficult for her? Furthermore you also felt horrible for how you had left things with Jessica. Sure, your relationship hadn’t been good for a while, but she deserved more from you!
About a week later you were once again laying in your hotel bed, staring at the ceiling, hating on yourself when your phone rang. You planned to ignore it, like you had been doing for the most part lately, but it kept on ringing again and again. With a deep sigh you picked up without looking at the caller ID.
“Hello,” you croaked, your voice hoarse from crying.
“Y/N where the hell are you?!” Ana almost shouted.
Confused you started at the phone. “What?”
“Where are you?” Ana repeated a little slower, “I know you aren’t at home because the lovely Jessica told me as much and after doing some inquires I also know you aren’t with any of your teammates, so where are you?”
All of this could only mean one thing, Ana was in London and you really weren’t prepared to give up your plan of wallowing in misery to face her.
“I’m at a hotel. Happy? Now go and see Lia, I think she could use a friend,“ you replied, praying that this was enough to satisfy Ana.
You should have known that it wasn’t and you also should have known that your friend would figure out the only way to get you to tell her your location.
“You better tell me right now where you are or I’m calling Lia and tell her that you’re hiding out all alone in a hotel,” Ana threatened.
“Ugh fine,” you huffed angrily, letting her know what hotel you were staying at and your room number. Then you hung up the phone without as much as saying goodbye. If Ana was going to be like this, you sure as hell weren’t going to be polite.
You used the time you had until Ana’s arrival to make yourself look a little more presentable. It only worked semi-decently and the traces of your most recent breakdown were still very much visible on your face when you heard the dreaded knock.
“Oh Spatz,” Ana sighed when she laid eyes on you, guiding you carefully over to the bed and basically pulling you into her lap.
To your great annoyance the tears took this as an invitation to start falling again right away, and it took a good while for them to stop.
“Y/N what are you doing?” Ana asked you gently once you had calmed down.
You shrugged your shoulders. “I’m doing my best to give Lia the time she needs,” you explained.
Ana tilted her head to the side, studying you intently. “Time for what exactly?”
“To get over my stupid behavior, to figure out if she still wants to be with someone as horrible as me, to heal all the parts of her heart that I’ve hurt. Take your pick,” you replied, the anger for yourself making your voice harsh, almost hateful.
“Oh Spatz,” Ana said once again, reaching over to tuck a strand of her behind your ear. “You’re being way too hard on yourself, just because you didn’t handle everything perfectly and made some mistakes along the way doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person”
“And I can tell you that that’s not what Lia is thinking at all. She didn’t propose this time apart because she needs to figure things out. She knows exactly what she wants, she has known for years. You on the other hand just got out of very long term relationship. Lia wants you to take enough time to deal with that and process your feelings before you jump into something new. She’s waiting for you to be ready and at this rate you’re never going to be. You can’t just ignore everything, Y/N!”
It took a lot more reassuring on Ana’s part until you could even begin to believe her. Thankfully your friend was very patient and kept telling you the same things over and over again until a small seed of hope was planted inside of you.
She didn’t leave it at that though, Ana also helped you make a list of things you could do over the next few weeks to help you process everything. Journaling was on the top of the list, as ws eating regular meals and not spending too much time in bed. Furthermore you vowed to contact Jessica and figure out how to proceed with your shared apartment, and on Ana’s insistence you promised to talk to your teammates more and spend time with them instead of holing up by yourself all the time.
You actually followed this list meticulously, and made sure to give Ana regular updates. Especially once you got the sneaking suspicion that she in turn informed Lia how you were doing because the midfielder looked more and more relaxed every day. The first time she smiled at you again your heart skipped a beat and you felt like a lovesick teenager. Then slowly Lia stopped keeping her distance, you still didn’t talk just the two of you but being part of the same group conversation became a regular occurrence.
After about three weeks you gathered all your courage and decided to ask Lia if she wanted to have coffee. It was a weird feeling that something that used to be the most mundane thing ever made you want to jump out of your skin. Doubts were flying around your mind as you walked towards Lia. The big smile that appeared on her face as she saw you definitely helped to make you feel a little calmer.
“Do you want to get coffee?“ You blurted out, mentally face palming at your lack of eloquence.
Lia chuckled, finding exactly this awkwardness endearing. „Yeah, I’d love to,“ she replied to your relief.
After training you met up at a coffee shop you had gone to a million times in the past, but this time felt entirely different, you might as well have been on another planet.
Once the two of you had found some seats and ordered your beverages, Lia looked at you expectantly. You had this all planned out, but now your mind was completely blank and you couldn’t think of a single thing you wanted to say.
Dejected you buried your face in your hands. “Man I’m so bad at this. Sorry, Lia!” You moaned.
Lia gently tugged your finger away from your face, holding on a little longer than necessary. “This isn’t a test, Y/N, just start with why you asked me out for coffee and then we’ll go from there. I don’t expect a perfectly rehearsed speech.”
You did expect that from yourself though because you knew Lia would have been able to deliver one. Sadly you were once again a disappointment to yourself, so there was nothing else to do than follow Lia’s advice.
“I guess the main reason is that I missed you. So much that it’s sometimes difficult to breath and if there’s one thing I know for sure by now it’s that I can’t imagine a future that you’re not part of. I can’t believe how stupid I was not to realize that ages ago.”
At this Lia huffed unhappily, she didn’t like the way you put yourself down at all. Despite this she didn’t interject, she didn’t want to stop your flow of words, knowing how hard it would be for you to get back into the mindset of sharing so freely, even with her.
“So often I was happy to get out of the apartment Jessica and I shared to spend time with you. When something good happened or well I guess also something bad you were always the first person I wanted to share it with. Nothing makes me happier than to see you happy and when you smile at me my entire world lights up. I can’t believe that I didn’t realize that you’ve been more than my best friend for the longest time.”
“And I know three weeks probably doesn’t seem like enough time to get over such a long relationship, but the truth is I’ve been finished with that relationship for a long time, and I think so has Jessica. We just stayed together out of habit. And don’t get me wrong, there’s still some things I need to do, like have a long and honest conversation with her, but I really want you back in my life. I completely understand though if you’re not ready. That’s totally valid of course…”
You would have continued to ramble if Lia hadn’t stopped you by gently pressing a finger to your lips, her eyes shining with love and warmth.
“I think we’re ready for that too. Not start a relationship right away, I need more time before that and I think you do too, but just things like this. Spend time together, hang out, slowly figure out together how our new normal is going to look like. Does that sound okay?”
“That sounds absolutely perfect,” you responded.
Not too long ago you had lain in a hotel bed in Switzerland scared because things between you and Lia would never be the same again, now you were filled to the brim with happiness and hope because things would never be the same again. Just the thought of how your relationship with Lia was going to look like made you feel excited. It was everything you’d never dared to dream of.
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kxsalt · 2 months
An evening of laughter over dinner. The young lady sits at the table with a couple, sharing wine and stories. Ever since the pair had moved back into the city, she had quickly grown very close to her friend and her new husband. From the first time she saw them together, the single girl thought they were a perfect couple. She watches them share a kiss with a pang of jealousy and another emotion her inexperienced soul can’t quite describe yet.
A week later the girl rides the train home after a terrible date. The woman had no romantic intentions and was only interested in selling health supplements. Already exhausted, she opens her dating app to see a hundred shirtless men holding fish. She closes it again with a frustrated grunt. The girl arrives at her station and starts to make her way through the crowd.
Up ahead, in the throng of people, she spots her newlywed friend. Her heart jumps, and she pushes through the mob to try and get close to her. I can’t wait to tell her about my horrible date. Maybe she’ll want to hear about it over dinner again. That unfamiliar feeling returns. Getting closer, her friend steps out of the human traffic, standing with a man she doesn’t recognize. The girl is only a few metres away, but invisible among the other passengers.
She watches her friend pull the strange man in for a kiss.
Disbelieving her own eyes, the girl freezes. Even as annoyed people bump into her, she watches, mouth agape as the married woman makes out with the stranger.
What am I seeing. I must be crazy. She wouldn’t cheat on him, they’re both perfect… for each other. I must have this person mistaken for my friend.
The kiss breaks and the woman laughs. A laugh as unique as a fingerprint. The girl sees every detail of her smile.
Oh god, it is her. Why me? What am I going to do?
She returns to her empty apartment, feeling strangely heartbroken. Her husband is an amazing man, doesn’t he deserve to know? Is it none of my business? How could she do this? The next few days are torment. Wracked with guilt from her involuntary secret, she decides to take the unenviable step of telling him about his wife’s infidelity. I have to. It would hurt him more if I didn’t tell him. And it would help her in the end. That unfamiliar feeling cracks through her fear.
Arriving at the couple’s home, the girl feels like she’s going to have a heart attack. Welcoming her in, the married man makes her a cup of tea. The girl is obviously distraught, and he tries his best to calm her down so she can talk. A word salad spills from her mouth, and she starts to cry as she explains what she saw. The man’s face falls as the girl becomes more overwrought. She finishes her story, looking at his soft, compassionate expression.
“I am so sorry that you saw that. I can see how upsetting this is to you. We were always worried that something like this would happen. I’m sorry it was you.”
The girl stops crying, disoriented by his response. She expected him to be angry, or sad, or devastated. But his only concern is for her. He doesn’t seem hurt in the slightest. The man brings her some tissues and encourages her to drink her tea. Sitting down beside her on the couch, he gently starts to explain.
“When we first started dating, we were seeing other people, too. It kind of just… never stopped. We felt comfortable with it, and we knew we wanted to be with each other… It’s changed a lot over the years. When we became official, we would give each other passes, for a date or a night of fun. Always equal. We agree on a pass, we each hook up with someone, and then we come back together. I know it’s unusual, but it works for us.”
The girl is bewildered by his explanation. He continues:
“When we got married, we knew it would change again. We both want to settle down, find a different way for us to do stuff like this without chasing random people. Actually, this pass is supposed to be the last time... Like that at least. I’m so sorry that you got so upset by what we’re doing. You’re a good friend, I know you care about both of us so much. I can see how that would terrify you.”
Her head swims, she stares at the wall. The adrenaline of her mission has worn off, replaced by confusion and embarrassment. He calls his wife and asks her to come home early, so they can explain everything together. A half hour later, she rushes through the door and envelops the young girl in a big hug. The couple holds hands while they answer her questions. The girl relaxes. Her heart warms when she sees them kiss, confirmation of their love.
Feeling as if she has intruded enough, she gets ready to leave. Excusing herself to the bathroom before she goes, the girl sits on the toilet pondering the night’s conversation.
Out of all the possible outcomes, this is the best I could have hoped for. She washes her hands. The best I could realistically hope for. The girl is confused by her own line of thinking. Anything better would be impossible. She dries her hands. What else could I wish for? The girl stares at herself in the mirror, that strange new feeling wells up inside of her, stronger than ever before.
Leaving the bathroom, she finds her friend waiting for her.
“Thank you for being so understanding… I know it’s a lot. I know you came here because you wanted what was best for us, even though it was scary. I admire that. He admires that. You’re a good friend.”
“Thanks, I’m sorry I got so far up in your business… Good luck now that you’re through the ‘giving out passes’ phase. I hope whatever you two do together brings you closer together.”
“Oh, well, we’re not quite done with the pass thing yet.” She subtly points into the living room. “He hasn’t used his pass yet.”
“Ah, well, if I see him with a girl I won’t come crying to you. Haha.”
“Haha, yeah. I mean he could use it with whoever he wanted to. That’s how it works.”
“Right, you explained that earlier.”
An awkward pause drags through the conversation.
“Do you want to stay for dinner tonight?”
“I feel like I already overstayed my welcome.”
“You haven’t. I feel like we should make it up to you.”
“Uh, maybe? I don’t know.”
“I want you to fuck my husband.”
The conversation screeches to a halt. The girl stares at her friend, dumbfounded. They start to talk over one another. You don’t think I’ve been trying to sleep with him, do you? No, I just thought you might like to try it. I wouldn’t want to cause any trouble. It’s no trouble. Wouldn’t it be weird? I don’t think so. Does he even want to? He’s brought it up before. Isn’t that weird? I brought it up first. I’m wearing ugly underwear. I could let you borrow something.
“I’m afraid it would feel like cheating.”
“I could watch, to support you. So you know it’s okay.”
The young lady’s heart almost leaps from her chest. Why did that convince me? At a loss for words, she nods her head.
Standing naked in the couple’s bedroom, she paws through her friend’s clothing. A mixture of fear and excitement whirs though her mind. Taking out a tiny pink thong, she slips it on and steps in front of the mirror. Her familiar emotions mix with the unfamiliar ones. Why does it feel so hot, wearing her lingerie?
A knock at the door, her friend enters. “You look beautiful.” The young girl blushes unexpectedly at the compliment. “My husband will love you. Are you ready?” Another emotion, another nod, more confident this time. She summons her husband.
He gives her a kind smile as he walks into the room. A loving peck on his partner’s cheek, and the man steps towards the new girl. His arms wrap around her waist and their lips touch. They surprise each other with a deep, passionate kiss. Their tongues flirt, their noses rub, their hands roam. His kisses work down her cheek, and into her neck. The girl gasps and looks over to his wife. Relief and joy as she sees her gorgeous smile. His wife’s lips move, whispering. Keep going.
Eager to please them, she reaches down to feel his cock bulge in his pants. The man groans and returns the favour, grasping her wet pussy through the skimpy thong. They touch each other, faster and faster, kissing open and free. She unzips his pants and starts to stroke his cock. He lifts up his shirt so she can see him. His body looks better than I ever imagined.
Dropping to her knees, she takes him in her mouth. The faint taste of his precum overpowers her senses. Fingering herself wildly through her friend’s tiny underwear, the girl does everything she can to make him feel good. Glancing over at his wife, she sees her rubbing her bare pussy. She’s lifted up her dress to touch her breasts, too. Her body looks better than I ever imagined.
The trio are thoroughly excited. Nobody can wait for what comes next. He lifts the girl up and tosses her onto the bed. She spreads her legs and pulls the thong to the side. The husband pushes her legs up against her chest. “Oh god, it looks so good.” The wife chimes from her spot in the corner. He rubs his hard cock against her exposed pussy. “I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
The tip, the head, half way, all the way. There’s no going back now. The married man’s cock stretches out the single girl’s pussy, and they exhale. Enjoying the warmth of his wife’s friend’s body, he starts to stroke his cock in and out of her. The girl trembles, getting used to his size. The wife gasps, rubbing her clit as fast as she can. They fuck each other, making out while the tension releases. The girl is overwhelmed by pleasure and excitement. She starts to encourage her friend.
“Your husband’s cock is so big! Ah~! It’s so good! Ah~! So big… Ah~! Your husband is fucking me so… Ah~! Good!”
“You like that, you dirty little slut?”
“Yes, I love it.”
The couple on the bed roll over. The girl takes his hands and puts them on her ass. A firm grip, and he pulls on her bumcheeks. So he can get deeper. So she can see every inch enter her. She bounces on his dick, thrilled at the thought of how little her friend’s thong is hiding. She feels her orgasm build inside of her. Quickening her pace, the girl will finish soon.
The sounds of a woman cumming fill the room. The couple look over at the wife, helplessly masturbating as she fingers herself to completion. They look back to each other, grinning. “Now it’s my turn…” The girl giggles, playing with her clit while his strong hands pull her up and down on his cock. They kiss passionately again. The girl cums on his married dick, picking up where his wife left off. Pushed over the edge by their chorus, he fills her sweet pussy.
They lie there for what could be an hour, could be a few minutes. The girl slowly climbs off of him, and walks past his wife, also basking in the glow of her orgasm. She heads down the hall, back to the bathroom, to wash up after their encounter. Looking at herself in the mirror again, her unfamiliar feelings beat in her chest. An epiphany strikes her. Like a ray of light through the clouds, she understands herself.
Stepping back into the hallway, his wife is waiting for her again.
“I really, really, enjoyed that… I hope you did, too.”
“It was almost perfect.”
The girl walks up to her. She wraps her hands around her waist. Their lips meet, they kiss. They push back into each other, letting the taste of their first embrace waft through them.
Their fingers touch. Holding hands, tugging lightly, they walk each other back to the bedroom.
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
Too Late
PLATONIC Father!Alastor x Child!GN!Reader
TW:DEATH– Mentions of murder and Alastor’s killings.
A/N: Prompt goes to Anon and amazing drawing by @aboyscriminalrecord!
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You were always a sick child especially when you were a baby, you cried constantly and Alastor always hated it. It got on his nerves but you were his child. Those nights he stayed up to make sure you had gone to bed easily, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead when you had finally tired yourself out and went to bed. That’s when he went out to deal with his “problems”. Pesky people who decided to dig a little too deep or ask one too many questions, he didn’t take too long. He never did, he was quick and efficient with his killings.
Then he would rush home to you, make sure you were okay and not coughing up a storm. Then as you grew up the sickness disappeared for a little while, allowing you to run around the front yard and play in the dirt whilst he was finishing up his own business. His Mama adored you, teaching you all the little things he had trouble expressing. A gentler hand to guide you around, but you adored your Papa. He promised to be better for you and never lay a hand on you much like his own did.
Then the sickness came back with a fiery passion. It had started with a call to his work from the school nurse, first his Mama just passed and now he’s got word of that disease coming back to plague his child? He was at a loss for words, he was scared. He had rushed you to the doctors that day with the promise of your favorite treat when you both got home.  He couldn’t lose you after losing his Mama- your grandmother.
The next few days you were on bed rest, too sick to properly get out of bed and play. He threw himself more into his “work” once you passed out from exhaustion, your favorite teddy bear tucked in your arms as your breathing became labored. He was running out of time. He became sloppier in each kill, where he would easily kill them in one swing it became two..then three. Every kill was for you, every swing of the axe he pleaded with god to give you more life to take away that cursed sickness that plagued your life. Everytime he would come home without fail to see you bundled up in your bed.
But on this night, it felt different. As he stepped into the silent house his stomach and heart dropped, something was wrong. He rushed to your bedroom, taking off the leather gloves that were soaked in dark red blood as his footsteps roared up the too silent hallway. Hands shakily opening your bedroom door to see you on the floor wheezing horribly with every breath you took. Teddy bear clutched to your chest, blood dripping from your lips as you cried out for him. For your papa. He fell to his knees and pulled you into his chest.
Soft whispers fell from his lips as he tried to calm your tears as another loud wheezing cough ripped through your small frame, his much larger hand holding your head to his chest as he tried to look around. There had to be something that could help, but your body felt too light. Much like a feather. Your tiny hand clutched his shirt as tears dripped down his face, he was trying to force a smile on his lips he couldn’t let you see how upset he was. But you only pushed the Teddy bear into his arms asking if he could watch over him while you took a nap.
How could he say no to you? He moved the bear into his arm as he sat back, pulling your smaller frame fully onto his lap as he sang your favorite song. The one he always sang to get you asleep when you were such a fussy baby. He watched your body tremble into his hold as your eyes slowly closed, breathing coming to a slow stop. Before the inevitable happened and you let out your last breath, your smaller hand falling from his shirt. He stayed there for an hour or more, he didn’t want to move.
Yet he knew he had to do so, he had to give you a proper burial. He looked at your teddy bear one last time and frowned. He didn’t realize how much it had resembled him. No wonder why you loved it so much.
A/N: I cried so much. Good luck Pookie <33 ALSO I WONT BE ABLE TO REPLY FOR A BIT SO ENJOY THE ANGST
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lqveharrington · 2 months
Favorite | L.M.
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summary: Ever since God created Adam and Lilith, Lucifer has been visiting Earth more often. You decided it was time to do something about it.
pairing: Archangel! Lucifer Morningstar x Seraphim!Reader
includes: heavy angst, fluff at the end and sprinkled in, cursing, passing out, mentions of some kind of self injury (not necessarily, idk how else to put it), that’s basically it.
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The Father in Heaven seemed to have favorites between his creations and those who rule in Heaven. Lucifer was God’s favorite out of all the angels. But, you just weren’t one of them. Lucifer was beautiful. And while you were made to be an equal of Lucifer, he always was favored over you. The father arranged a marriage between you and Lucifer, hoping something even more beautiful would come from it.
During the relationship, you both learned to love each other, but then God did something terribly cruel to you. He created Adam and Lilith. To humanity, that seemed amazing. But to you? It meant Lucifer would go down to Earth and spend more time with God’s newest creations than you.
While you spent meetings to meetings with the other Archangels about the new creations, Lucifer would speak to Lilith about his own creations, getting closer with each day that passed. Soon enough, there would be days where you wouldn’t see Lucifer and nights spent crying. Eventually, you became numb to the Heavens. You stopped trying to be the best out of the remaining angels created. No, you let yourself do whatever it was to feel numb. Which included getting the fuck away from Lucifer Morningstar.
“Good morning.” Lucifer smiled at you as he entered the kitchen. It was rare to see him home, but who were you to stop him? “Everything smells delicious, my love.”
You hum, feeling him kiss your temple. “There’s a plate ready for you on the counter.”
“Did I tell you about yesterday? Down on Earth?” There it was. You shook your head, sipping on the coffee. “Lilith helped me create one of the animals in the garden, and they are quite adorable! They were—“
“Lucifer, I have to go.” You dump the rest of your coffee out and leave for the door. “You can tell me later, m’kay?”
He nodded, watching you with curiosity. “Are you alright?”
You gave him a strained smile, “I’m fine.”
And with that, you left. You didn’t return for about a month. Lucifer didn’t realize that you were gone until the second night, still spending most of his time down on Earth than his own shared home with you. No one knew where you went or what you did while you were gone, but when you came back, you were… Different, in multiple ways.
“Where have you been?” Emily appeared by your side, holding onto your arms. “The angelic council was worried! Lucifer was worried! Thank the father you’re alright.”
You ran your fingers through her hair, “I’m fine, don’t worry about me. I’m just… Working on something.”
“Don’t leave again, please. The council can’t agree on anything with you gone.” Emily squeezed your arms, watching you flinch at the action. “You’re okay, right?”
You nod, separating from the young Seraphim. “Do you know if Lucifer is down on Earth or up here?”
She tilted her head, “I think he’s up here? He heard that you came back today and wanted to check in on you before heading down to Earth.”
Great, you were an afterthought. “Okay, thank you.”
For the first time in your time created, you didn’t want to comply with the father’s commands. No, you wanted to separate yourself from the Heavens and make way for new angels to take over. But you couldn’t. Not while being married to Lucifer.
“Luce?” You enter your home, looking at the framed pictures of your wedding day on the walls. “Emily told me you were home… I just needed to—“
“Where were you?” He came from your shared bedroom, eye bags worse than ever. “I searched the Heavens for you, and you weren’t anywhere.”
His tone sent shivers down your spine, “Lucifer, I was—“
“Do you not realize how horrible it was when Micheal told me you weren’t attending any of the meetings? Or how bad it was when I would come home to find you missing every night?” He spoke with a raised voice, making you flinch at the impact. “I spent nights crying to Lilith over you—“
That. That made you snap. “Shut up about Lilith, Lucifer! All I hear about these days are only about you and Lilith! I don’t fucking care about how she is or what she did that day! You know, she’s the reason I fucking left.”
“How the fuck was it her fault?” He seethed, watching you stand your ground. “Tell me, why did you leave?”
“Because you love her!” You shout as the picture on the wall falls, a crack appearing in between. “You love her, Lucifer. Ever since God created Adam and Lilith, you have spent more time with her than your own wife. I’ve spent nights crying over you! I hate that God favors you! I hate how you can get away with any fucking thing and still be his stupid favorite!” You hold onto the kitchen counter as your mind spins, glaring at the ring adorning your left hand. “You want to know where I’ve been, Lucifer? Ask your father.” You push off and slam the door of your shared bedroom, leaving the Archangel alone.
Lucifer stood stunned at the confession. He never loved Lilith… He only went down to Earth to share what love truly felt like, what he felt with you…
“Y/N!” He knocked on the door rapidly, hearing shuffling coming from the other side. “Listen, I don’t love her! I never did! I—“ He froze when he heard items clutter to the floor. “Y/N?” Lucifer took the handle and jiggled until it popped open, peering inside the room. He looked at the clothing packed in your luggage before finding you passed out on the ground. “Shit, Y/N.”
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You groaned when you woke up, the pounding feeling in your head becoming louder with every second passed. You looked over to your right, blinking the sleep away when you saw a figure by your side.
“Luce, what are you— Fuck.” You drop your head back down and shut your eyes, feeling your heartbeat louder than usual.
Lucifer snapped his eyes up at you, the hand rubbing yours coming to rest on your shoulder instead. “Hey, you’re alright. We’re at home. Don’t strain yourself please.”
“What happened?” You murmured, doing your best to not lean into his warmth.
“You passed out, my love.” He gave you a sad smile, sighing at the marks all over your body. “Where were you during that month?”
“No, tell me.” His voice made your eyes open, glancing at his golden eyes with guilt. “I know all these marks on your body weren’t from Heaven.”
Your eyes well up, “I’m sorry. I went down to Earth and—“
“Because I thought if I was like…” You pause. Why did you go down to Earth? You were a Seraphim, you didn’t need to be validated by an Archangel. Yet, you felt like you needed to be. “I thought if I was like Lilith, then you would spend more time with me.”
“Darling,” He cupped your face, brushing off the fallen tears. “You’re the only one I love. You don’t need to change yourself for me.”
You choke back a sob, hands coming up to hold his hands. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I thought you weren���t—“
He hushed you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t make enough time for you. I… I knew I should have explained a bit more as to why I was on Earth more.”
You let more tears fall before subsiding, pushing up from the bed. “Why were you down there for long periods of time?”
“I was asking Lilith for help to make creatures for you.” He held your hands as he sat on the bed with you, watching your curious face. “I’m sorry I kept myself away from you for so long, I just wanted everything to be perfect. I was going to tell you earlier—“
“—But I left.” Your eyes widen, making the guilt settle in your heart again. “I’m so sorry. I was blindsided…”
Lucifer squeezed your hands, “It’s okay, it’s partly my fault as well.” He let you move to his side, pulling you closer. “Do you want to see what I made for you?”
“Of course, Luce.” You sniffle and press a soft kiss to his jaw, watching the golden wisps float onto his hand and form into a fluffy animal. “Oh, they're cute!” The animal fell into your lap as it waddled up your lap, its yellow fluff tickling your skin as you picked it up. The animal flapped its wings which made you giggle. “What are they called?”
“Ducks.” He kissed your cheek, smiling at your enthusiasm. “They remind me of you. They’re very adorable and cute to look at, just like you.”
Your face warms at the compliment, “They remind me of you as well. Very clumsy.”
“Thank you, my love.” He chuckled, resting his hand on your hip. Lucifer kissed you on the head, “I’m sorry for worrying you, I didn’t mean to make you feel like I neglected you or found anything better. I don’t think I can do any better than you.”
You let yourself sink into his warmth, “Stop saying sorry, or else I’ll keep saying sorry, and it’ll never end.” Your eyes light up as the duck nestles into the crook of your arm. “But I’m sorry too.”
Lucifer frowned at the apology before biting back another one of his own, opting to tighten his hold on you instead. “I love you.”
You tilt your head up and meet his golden eyes, peppering his lips with soft kisses as his wings envelop the both of you. “I love you too, Luce.”
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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michelle-is-writing · 3 months
Welcome Home, Spencer Reid
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Word Count: 1.7k~
When Spencer returned home from a long case, he sometimes had to ask himself whether or not he was truly helping people. Yes, his job did involve saving victims and keeping criminals behind bars, but was it all worth it? Did the good outweigh all of the bad? Or was it the opposite, and his job really wasn't worth any of the time he devoted to it?
Questions like these wrestled throughout Spencer's mind, but they only went away once he arrived home from those long cases. He was reminded of two, soon to be three, reasons why he continued working his job. Once Spencer saw them, he reveled at the fact that his job consisted of protecting families like his. Even though Spencer didn't see it this way, his wife, four-year-old daughter, and soon to be newborn-daughter all knew they had a true hero in their lives.
However, despite all the encouragement and love he received in return, Spencer still felt a little ashamed when a case happened to go awry. This time, it was a case that involved children, and Spencer wasn't the only one to be affected by the outcome of the mission. The only difference between him and the rest of his team was the fact that most of the kids taken looked like the very little girl that he held closest to his heart. On the way back, Spencer was plagued by never-ending predicaments.
What would Spencer do if he was ever put in a predicament such as the ones he sees parents go through on plenty of cases? How would he and his wife be if they were to go through something horrible like that? Spencer knew he should never think these things as they never lead to anything good. Most of all, he knew that worrying about such things wouldn't get him anywhere, and instead, it would just cause him more anxiety and stress that he didn't need.
So, once he got off the plane and headed home, Spencer pushed all those thoughts aside and instead decided to focus on what was most important to him - his family. He had been missing them for the duration of the time he was gone, and now, all he wanted to do was hold them close. Although this was the case, he decided to wait to do anything until the next day. It was three in the morning, and he wasn't going to wake up his family and ruin their night's sleep.
After unlocking his front door and walking into his dark house, Spencer placed his bags down on the ground as quiet as he could before heading to his bedroom with the softest footsteps. Although, he soon found his gentle movements to be useless as his wife was already up and awake, her bedside lamp illuminating the room for him to see. Despite it not being the sight he wanted to see, Spencer still found himself smiling at his beautiful wife as she sat up against the headboard, one hand on her eight-month-baby-bump while the other rested a book against it for her to read.
Once her eyes caught Spencer's form emerging form in the doorway, she smiled back at him before getting up from the bed with only a little struggle after Spencer helped her up. "What are you doing up so late?" Spencer couldn't help but ask, wrapping an arm around his wife as he held her close to him. He knew that the growing child in her was becoming more of an issue for her each day, but she refused to ask for help. She was the same way when she was pregnant with Sophia, and when she became pregnant once again, Spencer knew it would be no different this time either.
"Couldn't sleep," (Y/n) simply explained, resting her hands on Spencer's shoulders as she gazed up at his face. She could tell that something was wrong with him. She could see it directly through his eyes. Spencer had a good habit of putting up a facade that everyone usually fell for - not his wife though.
"You okay, baby?" (Y/n) asked, moving a hand up to brush his wild curls from his face. At the feeling of her gentle touch, Spencer relaxed, but the reminder of the case still lingered in his mind. There was no sense in hiding it from her either. He knew that (Y/n) would eventually make him breakthrough his wall and admit something was wrong. She knew him inside and out just as much as he knew her.
"Today was... horrible," Spencer murmured, leaning forward to lay his head against his wife's soft chest. Despite the slightly awkward position Spencer was in, he welcomed his wife's touch with another small sigh as she slid her arms from his shoulders to his neck. "I can't get the case out of my head, and even though we solved it, I still feel like it's ongoing, and in a way, it is. It's never over for either party.
Understanding his words completely, (Y/n) nodded her head and kissed her husband's temple before gently pushing him onto their bed where he fell back with a small thud. Just as he began to pull his wife to lie beside him, she gave him one last kiss before walking out of their room and into the hallway. She had a plan - Spencer could see this plain as day.
Choosing to stay in their room as his wife directed him to, Spencer quickly changed out of his wrinkled and worn clothes and into soft pajamas that smelled just like the person he loved with all his heart. (Y/n) did do the laundry, after all. When he was away for work, something as simple as that could remind him of home; plus, it didn't help that she was always there to help him unpack when he did make his way home. She always did this without Spencer asking her to, and he wondered perhaps she was just happy that he was home.
Now wearing more relaxing clothes, Spencer sat back down on the bed with his head against the headboard as his wife had been doing when he first arrived. Although, before he was able to start questioning why it was taking so long for (Y/n) to come back to their room, her figure emerged from the doorway with their half-asleep four year old in her arms. Immediately, two things crossed Spencer's mind. He had been missing his daughter for the past week, so this was a blessing. On the other hand, his very pregnant wife was carrying over forty pounds when she shouldn't have been carrying any at all.
Within a quick second, Spencer was off the bed and onto his feet where he took Sophia from her mother's arms gently and held her close to him. Her arms went around her father's neck quickly, her soft hold on him like magic to him. Within an instant, Spencer felt like he could fully breathe again. His wife just with her appearance alone assured him things would get better, but the little girl that she gave him four years ago showed him things were in fact already better.
"I missed you, daddy," Sophia muttered, clutching onto his cotton sweatshirt with her small, yet strong hands. Her little voice made Spencer thankful that he even got the chance to hear it. This previous case had done a huge number on him, and somehow, (Y/n) and Sophia were conquering his bad thoughts with just their love.
At that, Spencer smiled, and as he turned his eyes over to stare at his glowing wife, he felt the emotions he always felt when he came home from a case. He felt welcome and whole. No matter what, he could come home and always have his family eagerly awaiting his arrival. Without them, Spencer wouldn't be Spencer, and he certainly wouldn't have something to look forward to in his life in general. Ten years ago, Spencer's heart and mind were consumed by books and his grueling job, but now, they were currently in the possession of his family - much better than plain texts on pages.
"I missed you guys too, sweetie," Spencer murmured, kissing the top of his already-sleeping daughter's head. At the same time, (Y/n) stepped closer to run her gentle fingers through Sophia's brunette curls. Her hair was just like Spencer's, and as he looked back at (Y/n), he saw her curling her fingers around Sophia's messy ringlets like she always does with Spencer's own wavy locks.
Smiling back at Spencer, (Y/n) leaned up a bit to kiss his lips, only to be pushed back down onto her feet by Spencer. The last thing he wanted was for her to strain too much and go into premature labor. Carrying Sophia was enough heart-attack material for the night, and Spencer definitely didn't need anything else that could cause a panic.
Copying (Y/n)'s actions from earlier, Spencer moved his free hand from her arm and up to her shoulder where he nudged her to sit down on her side of the bed. Already tired of being on her feet, she obliged without arguing and slowly laid down in her previous spot with her hand resting atop of her bump. Soon enough, Spencer was beside her with Sophia lying between them, her hand subconsciously finding its way to her mum's stomach as she got comfortable under their covers.
Quietly laughing from their daughter's movements, Spencer and (Y/n) looked at each other for a short second before Spencer moved forward and returned her kiss. It was only a few moments later that they pulled away as Spencer laid his arm over three of the most important people in his life, earning a happy smile back from his wife. "I'm really happy to be home," Spencer repeated himself, resting his head on his perched arm to look at his family before him. "There's no where else I'd rather be."
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lookingformoondrop · 3 months
Yan!Andrew with his Reader who found out she's pregnant? Spoiler: She didn't want to have children.
Yan!Andrew Graves x Preg!Reader
TW: Unexpected pregnancy, hints at abortion, reader in captivity, manipulation, yandere Andrew, unwanted pregnancy
♡ Notes: I wrote this entire thing while on a train so you'll probably find a wild typo or error font somewhere here. I said in my last post that my next work would be a fluffy one, I lied. Sorry. Remember kids, practice safe sex, and dont act like Andy. Thank you so much for supporting me, anon! I appreciate all the requests and asks from you guys. <33
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Andrew hummed as he removed his shoes and took off his coat.
Work was a drag, his boss was a dick, and his family was unbearable. But despite it all, he had you at the end of the day.
When he came home, he'd always hear your padded footsteps coming down the hall to greet him.
You'd wear one of his shirts or wear a cute outfit he'd pick out for you, all to make him happy.
He just loves you so much.
I mean, that's why he took you in the first place.
You had no idea who he was, only that he was a customer that came at odd times of the day in the cafe where you worked.
He could only guess how poor the pay must've been. How miserable you were... Yes, that's it.
As he watched you, he could spot the circles under your eyes, and he knew instantly that fate had brought you here, or maybe it was a cult summoning? Either way, you belonged with him. And he would bend heaven and earth to keep it that way.
Andrew blinked away his train of thought and looked up. He hadn't heard your footsteps.
That was unusual.
Andrew quickly slipped his bag to the ground and walked further into the house.
The kitchen was empty, minus the dishes and pots from last night's dinner that still remained untouched in the sink.
The living room was empty, minus the tissues scattered all over the floor, and the blankets that pooled the floor.
With his heart racing, he sprinted to the last room he hadn't checked. The bedroom.
He pushed the door open with haste; his eyes wildly searched the room.
The bed was unmade, and the sheets were shoved off the mattress, trailing onto the wooden floor.
As Andrew stepped further into the bedroom and he could hear the sound of the shower, and small sniffles coming from inside.
Andrew let out a sigh of relief, you hadn't left. You were still home with him. But now he had another problem to deal with.
He knocked on the bathroom door and heard a quick shuffle from the other side. The water turned off and Andrew flinched at the sound of objects crashing.
Then out you came, your eyes were red and your hair was messy, as if your fingers ran through them constantly.
You mustered a smile for Andrew, muttering out a weak 'welcome home' before Andrew grabbed your arms for inspection.
"What happened? What were you doing? Why were you crying?" He craned his neck out to try and look inside the bathroom, but you quickly closed the door.
"I was about to take a shower when you came home so uh, I dropped some bath products when I realized I hadn't greeted you." It was a horrible lie, really. You knew lying was one of Andrew's biggest pet peeves, even if he lied consistently himself.
"My little lamb, you're not making a lot of sense right now..." Andrew tried giving you a sweet smile, but the vein twitching in his forehead told you how he really felt.
His grip on your arms became tighter, and he leaned in closer, "I would like to know what you're keeping from me, please."
"I... I was crying," you cringed at how weak your voice sounded.
"Clearly, what else? Don't stall for time you don't have Y/N. Tell me who hurt you, I don't fucking care for the reason."
You peeled Andrew's hands off of you which was surprising giving his intense tone. You slowly walked to the bed and sat down, tracing the thread that was imbedded in your mattress. Your eyes lingered on the white sheets for a second too long.
Andrew followed suit, instead opting to go on his knees in front of you as to hold your hands.
He traced his name on your wrists with his finger and hummed a low tune, unremarkable at best, but it calmed your nerves.
"You are my bleeding heart, Y/N. Everything you feel, I long to taste, everything you love, I devour, and every secret you keep from me I savagely rip apart to find. What could you possibly keep from me, that I wouldn't find out in under a day?"
You kept still, refusing to meet Andrew's gaze.
"You have to promise you won't.. um, get mad." You chewed on your lip as you thought about your next words. The lump in your throat grew harder to swallow the more you thought about it.
How were you supposed to deliever such... news, when that news made you want to rip your hair out from stress.
"yeah, I promise. My little lamb, tell me, what is wrong?"
"I'm scared, Andrew." You looked up.
"Scared?" Answered Andrew, who let go of your wrists to instead settle around your waist.
He continued, "What could you possibly have to fear while with me? Are you afraid of someone?"
You shook your head, "no, well maybe, not yet I-" You took deep breaths, your chest felt like it was going to crack from the pressure.
"Not yet? What does that even mean?" Andrew furrowed his eyebrows and scrunched his nose, trying to make sense of it all.
"Andrew, do you know what day of the month it is?"
Andy groaned; his patience was begging to grow thin. "Y/N, I'm done playing this game with you. Are you trying to provoke me to extreme measures or something?"
"No! Just... answer the question. What day of the month is it?"
Andrew shrugged, "It's the first of the month. It's my mom's birthday. It's trash day. It's Monday. I don't fucking know what this has to do with our conversation, Y/N!?"
"No Andrew, just listen to me! Look, I usually get my period on the first of every month. But last month I didn't get my period."
"So?" Andrew looked at you with annoyance in his features.
"So.... I should have gotten my period last month, but I didn't. I'm not an irregular person and I've been here awhile so..."
Andrew's features stayed scrunched with confusion and annoyance as the words mulled over in his head.
Then it hit him.
Andrew fell back on his butt in shock, staring at you, your belly, and then back to you. The realization so big that his brain stopped the train to language station.
"You're pregnant?" He muttered.
You nodded, the tears that danced on your waterline finally falling. Your chest shook, and you gasped deep breaths, the pressure you had on your chest this morning, becoming ten-fold the weight as Andrew processed this information.
Your head hung low as the sobs shook your ribcage.
Without realizing it, Andrew got back up and sat beside you on the bed.
Wrapping his arms around your head and body, so that your body pushed against his chest.
A gigantic smile placed itself on his face, every bad thing that happened up until that point dispearred in a cloud. The only thing he could think about was the baby you were growing.
His baby.
Finally, Andrew let you go and grabbed your face, lifting it up so that he could place gentle kisses on your forehead. "My Y/N, thank you. This... fuck, I thought you were going to say something horrible, but this? Shit, this is the best news I could have ever heard, well maybe besides news of my sister's death or imprisonment but shit this is even better!"
His kisses became harder and more passionate. But he hadn't noticed the soul that had left your body. Instead, you looked at him terrified.
"But... Andrew, I'm not ready for this. I- I don't even think I'm old enough to be raising children, let alone birth one. This thing could rip me apart." Your breathing became quicker, the pressure on your chest becoming an unbearable pain.
You were so sure that Andrew would hate the idea of children, that he would have the initiative to take this thing out of you, but he was so happy, so much so he couldn't be bothered to notice your despair.
"Doesn't matter. You need to stop worrying about things that haven't even happened yet. You're pregnant, and that's all that matters. You're pregnant with my baby, and you will live through every moment." His smile never faltered as he leaned his head into the crook of your neck, humming a sweeter tune this time and rubbing your tummy.
"I'm not ready," you cried, shaking your head profusely.
Andrew looked up with a smile, trailing his forefinger down the bridge of your nose.
"Doesn't matter."
You held onto Andrew's hands as he leaned forward and embraced you. Sighing deeply into your chest.
"I love our little family. Don't you?"
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Thank you for the ask!<3
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sanipoyo · 6 months
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note - jujutsu kaisen, fluff, reader has a kid.
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you and GOJO decided to take your daughter out for a little roadtrip. gojo had control of the aux and decided to play bad romance by lady gaga. your daughter was singing along and when the high note came up she basically shattered the windows of the car. satoru gritted his teeth at the sound of his little angel sounding like she was a cursed spirit being exorcised by a sorcerer. gojo didn’t want to break his daughter's heart by silencing her performance so instead he tried to sing over her with his own terrible singing leaving you to suffer, listening to what sounds like two cats fighting each other.
you and NANAMI’s daughter had been singing all day. you assumed it was because you both had taken her to go see the newest trolls movie the night before and she absolutely loved it. when it came time for her to take a bath nanami took her upstairs prepared her bath for her since you were cooking that night. as he filled the bathtub with warm water and bubbles she stood behind him swaying and singing. “okay, you can get in.” nanami said, giving his daughter a soft smile as he left the bathroom. once he shut the door, he heard his daughter start singing the song she heard from the movie, but loudly and out of tune. her singing soon became screeching and you couldn’t help but laugh. kento knew seeing those lively trolls singing and dancing was going to be a bad idea.
MEGUMI was cleaning up the living room from your daughters mess. he knew you’d be stressed once you returned home from work and he wanted you to come home to a nice, neat environment. once your daughter saw that her dad was cleaning she begin singing the ‘clean-up’ song. megumi stopped in his tracks when he heard a long drawn out shout come from his daughter. “hey, hey, what’s the matter?”, fushiguro questioned, picking her up and holding her tight against his side. “i was singing!” she exclaimed, causing megumi’s face to comically go pale. that was singing? he placed her back down onto the couch and smiled softly as he began cleaning again. “why don’t you try singing with your inside voice?”
you absolutely love to buy annoying toys for you and SUKUNA’s daughter. this time, you brought her a little toy karaoke machine with a microphone that actually worked. once your daughter turned on the microphone she immediately started singing (screaming) some song she learned off of one of the shows she watched. sukuna glared at you the moment she began yelling into the microphone. you had slipped away to make dinner and he observed the karaoke machine finding a volume button, with that, he turned the volume all the way down. “hey! why’d you do that?!” your daughter protests and your husband just sinks into the couch, placing his hands behind his head. “let’s play the quiet game. the winner gets two snacks for dessert.”
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Ⓒ all published work belongs to sanipoyo! do not copy/plagirize.
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jogetsobsessed · 5 months
Always an Angel - Paul Lahote
Ok, I've been obsessed with the lyric “Always an angel, never a god for a few days now. I don't know why all of a sudden but it's been all I can think about. I know there are a bunch of literal interpretations but I look at it as a version of “always the bridesmaid, never the bride”, always the side character, never the main character. So I hope this comes across how I want it to lol. 
Also, the timeline is kinda messed up in this, just live in ignorant bliss and ignore it pls, and thank you!
Always the option, never the priority. 
Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. 
Always the lover, never the loved. 
Always the fighter, never the fought for. 
Always an angel, never a god. 
You were used to being sidelined, looked right through. 
No matter what you were doing, or who you were with, you were never the main focus. 
Growing up boys never spared you a glance, your best friends being the main targets for their glances and flirty remarks. You were never the one asked to dance, always the one asked to hold a friend's purse or bag. If the car was full on the way to get ice cream, you were always the one that was going to be left out. You never learned inside jokes and standing alone at parties, you didn't even know why you went, it's not like anyone would notice if you left anyway. 
At night when you would break and confide in the one person you knew truly loved you she would always question why you remained friends with the people that caused you so much pain. And through your blubbering, you would look at her like she was crazy. Explain to your mother that it must have been too long since she was a teenager. Because that's not how it works. Living in a small town the pool of potential friends is small, and having friends that treat you horribly is better than having no friends at all. 
You would apologize to her years later, after maturing, and realizing that the remarks you directed towards her were uncalled for. The anger you threw her way was misguided and unfair. She didn't deserve the way that you treated her. 
When Bella Swan moved to town you thought everything was going to change. She was from a big city, you didn't know much about Phoenix but you knew they probably didn't harbor the same small-town mindset that Forks did. 
She had no clue who you were. She didn't know the unspoken reputation that hung above your head like a storm cloud. 
And at first, you were right. 
The two of you became friends quickly, Bella taking a liking to your quiet demeanor, such a drastic change from Jessica and her goons. 
Your friendship appeared surface-level, to everyone but the two of you. In school, you both kept to yourselves and didn't talk much, even to each other. You would drag her along with you when you gathered the strength to hang out with your old friends. But you didn't do that often, seeing as they saw her as a shiny new toy and didn't treat her as a second-class citizen. 
But after school the two of you would talk, your friendship would come alive in the comfort of your own homes, and you two would look like actual teenage girls and not two seventeen-year-olds who should be on the highest dose of Lexapro. 
She was the first person that you saw as a true friend, that was until she committed, in your opinion, a cardinal sin. 
Bella had gone off the deep end and you hadn't seen her in days. But that was normal, she would spiral, skip school, and then show up as if nothing happened. So you weren't concerned, sent her a few texts checking up on her and getting one-word responses back. Then the following Monday came around. You were waiting by your truck, lazily twirling your hair, eyes glazed over as you dissociated waiting for the bell to ring. 
But amid your dissociation, you were pulled back to reality when a shiny black Volvo came to a screeching halt a row over. You knew who drove the expensive car so you tried to be as nonchalant as possible as you peered over your shoulder to get a good look at the owner. 
You wished you hadn't. 
Because getting out of the passenger seat was the person that you considered your best friend. Your best friend was sitting in the passenger seat of the car of the guy you had a crush on since he arrived at Forks High School. 
She knew about your long-standing crush on Edward, she was the only person other than your mother who you had told. It came tumbling off your tongue one late night about a month after she had arrived in town. And you had sworn her to secrecy, begging her to never tell another soul. 
But now it seemed to not matter, she had broken your trust and your heart. 
The next year drug on. With Bella being completely infatuated with Edward you were left to crawl back to your old friends. They accepted you with barely open arms, reluctantly saving you a seat at the lunch table, sometimes sending you the location for Friday night activities. 
When the Cullen clan abruptly left Forks Bella did to you exactly what you had done to your friends months earlier. Part of you didn't know why, but you let her back in, although this time keeping her at an arm's length away, never fully trusting her, 
Eventually, however, Edward came back. First making his appearance walking hand in hand with Bella in the dreadful hallways of Forks High School after she had disappeared yet again for a few days with not even a courtesy text. 
This time seeing them together didn't feel like a hot knife was piercing your skin. How could it, you no longer felt the same that you had for Edward. Because he had proven himself to be just like everyone else. He made you feel invisible. 
The heat of late spring had arrived and you took in all the warmth that you could as you walked down the small rocky path to the mailbox. Graduation had come and gone and you found yourself in isolation. The people you had forced yourself to be friends with in high school no longer mattered. You didn't have to play the uncertain game of high school politics anymore. Starting university was on the horizon and while you dreaded leaving the comfort of home you were excited, this was going to be your chance to reinvent yourself. You were no longer going to be the person no one cared to look towards. 
Pulling out the various envelopes you felt your heart stop beating when the light lilac envelope was pulled to the front. You knew what it was, you didn't even have to open it. But you did, ripping it open, praying that you hadn't torn apart the coveted invitation. Sure enough in bold letters, you read “Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan request your presence…”. 
The phone call with Bella that night was awkward. You haven't talked much since graduation but she assured you that she wanted you to be at the wedding. You had wanted to push and ask her why she was rushing to get married. I mean you along with everyone else knew that they had only known each other for a year and hadn't been dating for the entirety of said year. But she sounded happy, the happiest she had ever seemed. So you didn't say anything, instead prying for details about the impending nuptials. 
Thousands of flowers cascaded down creating a custom perfume in the air. Your eyes darted between the bunches of wisteria and sweet peas and you were in awe. The wedding had snuck up on you. So much had happened over the summer leaving you feeling unprepared to start school in the fall. Leaving you to make one of the hardest choices that you had ever made, deferring your acceptance into your top school to the following fall quarter. 
So when you got a reminder on your phone that read “Bella and Edward wedding tmr” you were at a loss for words. I mean you had everything you physically needed, a dress, a present, the right pair of shoes. But you had forgotten one important thing, a date. 
It wasn't going to be the first time you had shown up to an event without one, but it was probably going to feel the most embarrassing. 
So here you were, standing next to your group of “friends'' from high school as they gossiped about the possibility of Bella being pregnant. “What do you think?”Erik asked you, giving your arm a soft nudge with his. “I don't know guys '. Jessica of course had a counter, pointing out that out of the group you were the closest with her. Luckily before you had to come up with an excuse of why you didn't know for certain the music began, signaling that it was time for everyone to turn their attention to the altar. 
A few tears managed to slip down your cheeks as you watched your sometimes best friend say “I do”. In that moment all the turbulent times the two of you experienced didn't matter. You were just happy to be in the presence of two people who were madly in love and confessing it to each other, permanently sealing their love with a dramatic kiss. 
The reception area was decorated equally as beautiful. You were grateful that Bella, or more likely Alice had set you close to the dance floor. That way you could watch people without feeling like a total loser, hanging out in the corner by yourself. At least this way you could still enjoy the happiness of the other guests without feeling the gross amount of body heat from the dancing bodies. 
The ice was melting quickly in your lemonade, the night had not been rewarded with a cool late summer breeze so you were appreciative of the cool drink. The night had seemingly been going according to plan. Your ‘friends’ had migrated to another table across the dance floor with the excuse of wanting to talk to some of the other guests, but they had not returned in almost two hours so you were holding your breath. 
Mentally you were planning your escape plan, glancing at your watch. Waiting for an acceptable time to leave, not too early into the night but not too late that you were leaving only minutes before the bride and groom's big exit. As you granted yourself yet another glance at the heirloom watch you wore and looked back up a gasp unwillingly left your lips. 
The mystery man, who looked almost familiar, chuckled at your surprised look. Confidently he took the empty seat next to yours, turning his body to give you his full attention. “May I help you”, you didn't recognize your own words, your tone was a bit rude and you didn't even give him a second to introduce himself after she sat. 
“I’m Paul Lahote”. 
Once he gave his name to you your eyes moved up to meet him and the electric shock that you felt in your veins almost felt real. There was no doubt blush forming on every inch of your face and you were praying that the low light of the Edison bulbs did a good job at protecting some of your dignity. You gave him your name, barely squeaking out your last name. 
Things like this didn't happen to you. A man that looked like him didn't talk to you. A part of you wondered if Jessica or someone like her had already turned him down, because let's face it, you were always the option but never the priority. 
“I think you should share a dance with me, no pretty girl like you should be sitting alone at a wedding”. The flare in your cheeks was visible now, you were sure of it. No matter how low the light was you could have sworn a red glow was emitting from your body, like an accusing halo. 
“Paul…you don't have to dance with me, I was just getting ready to leave”. Gathering your belongings as you begin to stand up. “No!”. He said, eyebrows raising to the top of his forehead once he realized how loud he exclaimed. Sheepishly he looked around offering small smiles as an apology to a few of the guests who looked at him like he had three heads. 
“Please, I noticed you when I walked in before the ceremony and I haven't been able to shake you from my eyeline all night. I don’t think I can take no for an answer”. 
The fact that your heart was still caged behind your chest was an act of god. Because at this point it should have flown away due to how hard it was beating. You were at a loss for words. The thought that someone was putting you first, taking interest in you was unbearable. And you were crumbling at his gaze. 
His outstretched hand found yours that you slowly had begun to uncurl from against your body. Swiftly he whisked you out onto the dance floor, pulling your body flush to his. 
Clumsily your feat matched his falling into routine with his steps, your body swaying in unison to the light melody. He hummed along softly to the quiet music as he kept a firm grip on you, almost like he was afraid to let you go. 
The song ended and awkwardly you looked around not knowing what to do. Paul however looked happy as can be, letting go of your hand but keeping the one on your lower back in place. He led you back to the table where you had spent most of the night, pulling out your chair before you could even react. You thanked him as you sunk into the back of the chair trying to ground yourself. 
“Man, I feel like the luckiest guy here at this whole damn wedding I got to dance with the prettiest guest of them all”. He said matter-of-factly triumphantly, taking a sip out of the glass he abandoned when he first approached your table. You scoffed, there was no way he was being for real, the alcohol had to have been getting to him now if he was saying such an untrue statement. 
“I think you've had enough”. Your voice was shy and your eyes barely peeked through your almost closed eyelids. The embarrassment you hadn't felt earlier had returned and you were suddenly hyper-conscious of everything happening around you. 
“Doll this stuff doesn't make me feel anything, you, however, are making me feel alive for the first time”. His drink was abandoned yet again as he scooted his chair closer, invading your bubble, and causing you to squirm under his gaze yet again. 
“Paul, I'm flattered but again I think your choices are impaired. There's no way you feel anything like that for me”. 
Paul was out of his chair before you could continue your babbling, cutting you off by capturing your lips in his. 
After he pulled back for air his forehead rested against yours, the two of you matching your breathing. You were yet again at a loss for words, kissing the hottest boy at your best friend's wedding was not on this year's bingo card. But as per usual it seems Paul had the perfect thing to say, “My angel forgive me if this is forward, but l you need to let me love you, I have a feeling that you're gonna be stuck with me for a long time”.
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bvidzsoo · 2 months
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Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x female reader
TW: none
Word count: 678
Genre: fluff, comfort, established relationship, bullet points, non-idol!au
A/N: Hello, anonie, I see that you have sent the request to my other blog, which I use for rebloging my favorite works (something that I haven't been doing for a long time lol I have to pick up on it again) I'd like to clarify that I don't take requests, sorry guys, but I simply don't have the time rn and I usually struggle coming up with anything unless it's my own idea lol. And if you do send a request, it might take a long time for me to write it, my apologies. This story is in bulletpoints, just letting you know. Hope you enjoy it! ^^
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it had been a long day
too long, actually
normally, tackling a long day of work and going to your Pilates class too wouldn't have made you so exhausted
but you were sick, very, apparently
you had spent the weekend up in the mountains last weekend, at your boyfriend's best friend's weekend cabin and it was rather cold
so naturally, you caught a cold
but life doesn't stop there, no matter how unwell you felt
you still had a job...a very demanding one, at that
and you had just picked up more shifts last week, unknowing of the predicament you'd find yourself in after your little trip
so now, by the time you had reached home at the end of the day, you had no power left in your body
your head was dizzy and you were grateful you managed to get home without crashing your car, but walking up the stairs to your apartment felt like an eternity, and it was horrible
as you fiddled for your keys, on the verge of tears as your whole body was burning up, you became aware of the music coming through the front door, and you boyfriend belting out high notes alongside it
and as you finally unlock the door and push it open, you're met with your boyfriend standing in the middle of the living room in nothing but an oversized t-shirt reaching past his naked thighs and knee-high socks he uses when playing football with his friends after a long working day
and oh, he's holding a wooden spoon, looking completely off-thrown by your arrival
he misjudged the time and thought you wouldn't be home for another hour
now you'd have to wait for dinner, and that's not how he had planned your date night to go
which was a surprise that Wooyoung came up with last minute
you stare at Wooyoung for a second, before dropping everything from your hands and kneeling, holding your head in your hands, tears finally springing from your eyes
Wooyoung is flabbergasted and immediately rushes to your side, dropping the wooden spoon on the small coffee table in the process
he's by your side in an instant, cradling your head to his chest as he presses a kiss to your forehead before he's wiping your tears away, making you finally feel at ease despite the headache, dizziness, and nausea you're feeling
Wooyoung is your pillar when you're feeling even the slightest bit off and he certainly understands that what you need right now are silence, a warm bath, and some painkillers, of course
and so just like that, he helps you up and walks you to your bedroom, leaves you on the bed to discard of your clothes and goes prepare the bath for you
and once you are done with the bath, feeling slightly better as your head isn't pulsating so much anymore, Wooyoung surprises you by bringing dinner to bed, of which you can't eat too much now, but it'll be good in the morning
and then Wooyoung gives you some water and you take the painkillers and before he could go and let you rest, you grab Wooyoung's wrist and offer him a small smile
and he understands without you saying anything
and so, he shuts off all lights in the apartment before joining you in bed, and because you don't want him to catch a cold, he becomes the small spoon as you burry your head into his back, holding onto him tightly
and suddenly all your worries melt away, and today doesn't seem so grim anymore
your head is still thumping, and your nose is still stuffy, and you think your fever is finally going down
but what matters most, is your boyfriend being by your side and humming quietly, tracing your skin gently with his fingers, your right arm resting around his torso, feeling safe
far away from the exhausting world and demanding assignments from your work
and you know you'll feel a lot better by the morning, all thanks to your lovable boyfriend, Jung Wooyoung
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⚞ Masterlist ⚟
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↳Perm. taglist: @orshii @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller @zuuhaaa
@aaa-sia @sharksandminhos @gong-fourz @a-tinycarat @sooberryworld
@anastasiamin860 @vcutparis @yunhogrippers @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @tunaasan
@poutyjjunie @blvckarabixnvoid @slowee00 @yusalterego @arigakittyo
❀ complete the forms if you're interested! ^^
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generalllimaginesss · 6 months
"I'm not letting you drive home in this condition” with Nico. I feel like he gives off protective energy. I’m imagining friends to lovers vibes. He falls first but they’re best friends. Maybe they met when he joined the Devils. Like randomly met somewhere and have been close ever since. And she has a really bad day at work. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. And she’s crying driving home and drives to his instead because she doesn’t want to be alone. Maybe he makes dinner (idk if this man can cook tbh) and then she’s still upset but tries to leave so he can get on with his night and he insists she stay because he doesn’t want her driving upset. And that’s when she realizes she’s in love with him. Like she drove to his place unannounced because she knew he was the only one who could comfort her and the only one she wanted to go to.
I’ve realized that I’m a sucker for Nico. He gives off golden retriever vibes and I feel like he would be such a nice person to be friends with. I hope you like it!!
You didn’t realize when you picked up your friends shift, now making you a double, that you would make very little money and the tables that you served were horrible. Not to mention your anxiety was at an all time high while you were waiting on a letter to tell you if you were accepted into the graduate program to your dream school. When all of these emotions combine, it makes for a shitty day.
Twelve hours after you clocked in, you were only up $150 dollars and finally were able to leave, your last table staying almost an hour after closing. There was dried sauces all over your uniform, your hair was disgusting, and you just felt heavy. With your emotions clouding your judgement, all you wanted to do was go to sleep.
As you made your way to your car that was parked behind the restaurant you worked at, a couple of notifications from your email caught your eye. The emails came from the two schools that you were betting your future on…
You decided it could hold off, the tears burning the corner of your eyes took priority, and you didn’t know if you could handle what the emails revealed.
While running your hands through your tangled mess of hair, tears freely fell, the product of being completely exhausted. The one person that kept flashing in your mind, however, was Nico. The devils played Anaheim and you weren’t able to keep up with the score, so you wanted to congratulate him on the win.
As much as you hated your job, you always reminded yourself that it was temporary, and most of all that without it you wouldn’t have Nico. The one person in the world that felt as lonely as you at one point on a rainy afternoon 6 years ago.
When Nico had first gotten to New Jersey, he didn’t feel close to anybody. Sure, he was the first overall draft pick. Sure, people loved him. But at the end of the day he felt like he had nobody. He felt like he had to keep this persona of “Mr. Tough Guy” up to prove himself.
He found himself all alone in the restaurant you work at, managing to snag you as a server. He must’ve sat at your table for hours, always finding something else to talk about every time you checked on him. He stayed until you got off and proposed the idea of going out to grab a drink or two, to which you happily obliged, finally hopeful that you found a friend.
Where Nico felt lonely in hockey, you felt lonely in school. Making friends in college was hard, especially when you’re from out of state and aren’t in Greek Life or in any extracurriculars. Your roommate and you had hardly had 10 conversations in the first year you lived together, so your studies became your main priority.
When Nico and you realized that you had a lot more in common than you thought, the friendship just developed naturally. When you were off work you supported him at his games. When he had a day off he helped you make flash cards and study. And on the rare chance that you both had nothing to do, movie nights were your thing.
Six years later and he was your very best friend. You told him everything. Every detail of your life was known by Nico and vice versa. You weren’t dependent on Nico for emotional support, but he was sweet to have around.
Tonight, however, was going to be one of those nights where you just needed somebody. You just needed Nico.
The tears cleared your eyes long enough for you to send Nico a quick text letting him know that you were headed to his apartment. He immediately responded with a thumbs up.
While you were driving, just about every depressing Olivia Rodrigo and Gracie Abram song played, reminding you of your relationship that had ended almost a month ago. You felt bad because Nico already had to deal with the mess you were then, and here you are again. Driving to his apartment, an emotional wreck and tired of the world.
You parked beside his car and walked up the flight of stairs that led to his door. You barely were able to knock when he opened the door and saw the state you were in. He could tell that you had been crying, probably only stopping when you parked, and that you needed somebody.
“Come here,” he held his arms opened in the doorway, enveloping you in the coziest embrace, the smell of his body wash lingering from his shower. Since he towered over you, he gently held your head against his chest and rested his head on yours, placing light pecks to the crown of your head.
He held you like that until you pulled away and made your way completely into his apartment, him closing and locking the door behind you.
He watched quietly as you made yourself at home, taking your shoes off and untucking your shirt from your pants. He chuckled to himself when he saw that you were wearing completely mismatched socks. He loved the quirky things that you did.
“I’m sorry, I wanted to congratulate you on the win,” your voice was nasally since you had been crying so hard and your nose was stopped up.
Nico smiled sadly, not wanting to make you feel worse, but aware he should probably tell you the truth.
“We lost, actually. Five to one.”
You groaned, disappointed in yourself that you didn’t bother to look up the score to make sure they won.
“I’m sorry. I worked a double and wasn’t able to watch. I just assumed with Anaheim’s record that you all would win.”
“Yeah, well, it just didn’t end up in our favor. They played pretty physical. You should go back and watch it,” He winked at you, a smile stretching from one corner of his mouth.
“But anyways, what’s wrong? I know you didn’t come here to just congratulate me on ‘winning,” he looked you up and down, taking note of the exhaustion that spewed from you.
“It just wasn’t a good day. I didn’t make money and then on the way over here music that reminded me of-” You tried to finish, but Nico immediately cut you off, reminding you of a relatively new rule that he had made.
“We don’t speak his name,” his eyebrows raised, warning you to not finish your sentence.
You sighed, “Ok, well you know who I’m referring to.”
Nico walked to his sofa, plopping down and patting the spot beside him , offering it to you. You happily obliged, tucking one leg underneath you and the other tucked into your chest.
“They emailed me back…the schools,” you announced, to which Nico instantly perked up.
“And? Did you get in?” A part of him wanted to see you live your dream, but he knew that with you getting into your dream school would mean you would be leaving New Jersey. More specifically, leaving him. The thought of not having you only 15 minutes away made him want to punch a wall. He had let himself fall for you, knowing that while New Jersey was home for him, it was merely a checkpoint for you. It was one step closer to you taking off in life.
“I didn’t look. I’m scared to,” You admitted, pulling out your phone and handing it to him.
“Please read it for me.”
He clicked on the email, his expression hard to read.
He didn’t want to read the news to you. He didn’t want to be the one that told you that you had been waitlisted by the two schools you were betting on, but he knew it was better for him to read it to you than you read it alone.
When you figured he had ample time to read both emails and he wasn’t telling you anything, a pit in your stomach began to take place. Tears quickly puddled, spilling over your bottom eyelid as if they were a never ending fountain.
“I didn’t get in, did I?” Your voice broke, in return breaking a little piece of Nico.
“Waitlisted by both, but that’s not a no,” He tried to make you feel better, but when your body started shaking and the tears turned into sobs, he knew you needed to be held. He obliged, wrapping his arm around your side, pulling you closer to him and rubbing your side soothingly.
You instinctively laid your head on his side, wanting to curl into him as closely as you could, as if he could protect you from everything that’s wrong in the world. Everything that felt like it was out to get you.
“Have you had anything to eat?” He knew as soon as he asked it that you wouldn’t want to eat. He also knew that if you had been working all day that you wouldn’t take the time to stop and eat.
He felt you shake your head side to side, confirming what he already knew.
“I was about to make a quick dinner. I was thinking breakfast? Maybe some pancakes, eggs and bacon?” He ran his fingers through your hair, deciding to take your ponytail holder out and place it on his wrist. You sighed, the relief from the tension of your ponytail helping you feel slightly better.
“Please,” you said, knowing he was going to ask you if you wanted some either way. No matter if you made it into your dream schools or not, you still had to eat.
Nico slowly peeled himself off the couch, finally realizing how exhausted he was. Back-to-back games finally catching up with him.
You followed him to the kitchen, claiming stake to one of the barstools, watching him as he began to prepare the food.
“I know you probably don’t know, but what’s your backup plan? Are you going to apply to other schools?” He asked, cracking eggs into a bowl with pancake mix.
“No. I’ll have to wait until next year. I’m stuck here for another year, Nico,” your voice was strained and scratchy, but he understood you.
“That’s not all bad is it? I mean I’m here,” he attempted to make you laugh, but it was to no avail.
“My roommate is moving back home and I literally have no one else who I think I could room with. We both planned on this being it for Jersey,” you laughed, not out of humor, but at the thought of how much has gone wrong in 12 hours.
“What about staying with me?” He asked the question before he could catch himself. Would you see straight through to his true feelings for you, or would you just think he was extending a friendly offer to one of his friends who needed a little help.
“Nico, why the hell would you want me to move in with you? Have you met me?” Your puffy eyes made eye contact with his sweet ones.
Oh, how absolutely clueless you were. It would have been cute had it not been his feelings for you in the mix.
“You’re not that bad. I’ve definitely had worse roommates.” He smiled as he flipped the pancakes on the griddle and placed the eggs in a pan on the stove to cook.
“I can’t accept your pity offer,” you reached across the counter for a paper towel to catch the snot that was creeping out of your nose.
“Don’t think of it as a pity offer. Think of it as…what’s that word for when it’s not a parasite, but both things benefit?” He looked to the ceiling as if it held the answer to his missing word.
You laughed, finding it cute that he sometimes can’t think of the right English word he’s looking for.
“Mutualism?” You pitch the word to him, to which he points to you enthusiastically.
“That! Think of it as that. I mean, I could use a little help around here,” he motioned to his apartment.
“Yeah, I don’t know about that. I’d have to think about it,” Your tears were becoming manageable with him trying to make you feel better. You’d internally think about everything that went wrong and tears would brim again, but when Nico talked it made it better.
“Well think about it,” he said, his bacon looking a tiny bit burnt as he transferred it from the pan to a dish to serve to you along with some scrambled eggs and a pancake.
You began to dig in to the food, Nico following close behind you as he fixed his plate and sat beside you. The two of you ate in silence. It wasn’t an awkward silence, but a peaceful silence. It allowed for you to think and for him to think about you. He wanted to feel sad about you not getting into the graduate program, but a whole extra year with you? He couldn’t be too upset.
The two of you finished eating and washed your dishes, putting them up, Nico returning to the living room on the sofa and you putting your shoes back on.
“What are you doing?” Nico asked, his eyebrows raised inquisitively as he watched you tie your shoes.
“I’ve got to go home,” you said as you stretched your back.
“I’m not letting you drive home in this condition,” He started, ready to pitch his case for you to stay the night.
“You’re tired, upset, and you don’t need to be by yourself right now. Stay with me,” His eyes were practically begging you, but his tone was stern, evident that he would not be budging.
“I have no clothes-”
“I have some t-shirts.”
“I need to wash my hair and I have no shampoo or conditioner.”
“Nina left some here, use hers,” Nico had a solution to all of your excuses, making you realize that there really wasn’t a reason why you couldn’t spend the night.
“Just stay,” His voice was barely above a whisper, wrapping itself around your heart as you caved into him.
“Fine,” you sighed.
He showed you where all of Nina’s products were and laid out one of his old t-shirts on the counter in the bathroom. It was long enough to be a dress on you, swallowing you whole.
He ran the water for you and left you in the bathroom by yourself, causing you to let out a few silent sobs before getting in the shower, letting the hot water wash away the things you have no control over. You tried to think about the positives. You had Nico for another year.
Nico. Nico Hischier that held up your table all of those years ago. Nico Hischier that helped you study for every stupid exam you had. Nico Hischier that always ran to you first after every home game. Your Nico. Your best friend. The one that always had an open shoulder for you to cry on and open arms when you needed a hug.
Did guys treat girls like this that they just loved as friends? You sure as hell had never had one like him.
While thinking about all that Nico has been there for, tears begin to fall. It hit you like a ton of bricks, the possibility that Nico could be more than a friend. Would he feel the same? Would these newly discovered feelings be the downfall of your friendship?
Just as quick as the feelings surfaced, you shut it down. Nico meant too much to you for you to lose him over selfish feelings. Everything was perfect with him and your stupid little crush would not ruin that.
While you continued to shower, Nico changed the sheets on his bed, putting on fresh ones from the dryer so that you would be warm when you got in. He decided he would take the couch.
The smile that he had hidden while consoling you appeared as he prepared his apartment for you for the night. He thought about the possibility that you might move in with him, relishing in the idea that he could see you everyday when he woke up and at night when he went to sleep. Never ending movie nights and having his best friend 24/7…what possibly could be better?
You being his girlfriend. Would that come in time? Did he need to tell you his feelings or keep them to himself?
He had always been able to conceal his feelings, the fear of losing you greater than the pain of only being your friend. That had worked out fine, but when you rounded the corner of the hallway into the living room with his shirt hanging right above your knees and a pair of his long socks bunched on your leg, his breath hitched.
He let his eyes take in everything about you. The way your hair curled at the nape of your neck from the water, the random bruises that decorated your legs from being clumsy, a few pimples that dusted your face, only visible when your makeup was not, the random bit of mascara that you hadn’t managed to wash off.
He wanted you. He wanted you forever. He wanted you as his wedding date, his girl at the games. He wanted to share holidays with you, exchange anniversary gifts and plan birthday parties with you.
Everything in life he wanted to do with you.
“I can’t do this anymore,” He announced as he walked over to your small frame.
You were confused, about to open your mouth to ask him what he meant, but as soon as you realized he was leaning down to kiss you, your eyes grew wide in shock. His kiss cleared up what he meant.
He cupped your face with his hands, each thumb resting on your cheekbones as he very slightly pulled you closer to him.
Your lips moved in synch, making up for years of him loving you.
He noticed that you had a chapped spot on your lip, but he didn’t mind. The taste of strawberries from your lipstick from earlier lingered, causing him to deepen the kiss, never wanting to forget that taste.
You pulled away, needing to breathe. His eyes were still the soft brown ones that you loved, but you could tell that they looked at you differently from how you thought they did. Just standing in a t shirt and socks, they made you feel like the prettiest girl in the world.
A smile pulled at your lips, causing him to follow, his dimple making an appearance on his face. His scruff itched your face, but you didn’t mind.
“I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that I’m upset you didn’t get into school because I’m not. Call me selfish or whatever, but I need you. You keep me grounded. I want you here with me. Move in here, find something to do while you wait to reapply. I just know there’s nobody else that I love the way I love you,” he ended his confession with a kiss to your forehead.
“Ok,” You whispered, not wanting the warmth of his body to ever be far from you.
“I love you, little lady. A lot more than you realize,” He smirked at the blush that spread across your cheeks, the rosy pink that highlighted your skin revealing the effect that this boy has on you.
He pulled you into him, hugging you as if you would be gone any second and he couldn’t let you go.
When he finally did let you go, you both hopped into his bed and began watching Harry Potter, starting with The Prisoner of Azkaban since he knew that was your favorite one.
You fell asleep first, your head resting on his chest as he scratched your back. When he noticed the soft snores escaping your mouth, he smiled to himself. This was how it was meant to be. You and him.
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etoiile · 6 months
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whipped ooc fluffy clingy grumpy sae. enjoy!
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as much as sae hated to admit it, he couldn't sleep without you.
it felt so stupid. so childish. he was an independent man. he needed no one - especially not for something as trivial and mindless as sleeping. that was so dumb. lukewarm. half-baked! (am i using itoshi lang right)
but he just couldn't help it. when you were gone, he'd look longingly over to your side of the bed, wishing your warmth was filling it. he'd position your pillow vertically so that he could snuggle into your scent, but it wasn't nearly the same. he'd roll around, trying to find a comfortable position, but he couldn't stay in one for more than 5 minutes without getting antsy. he would constantly subconsciously reach out to grab you, only to realize that you were, in fact, much to his extreme dismay and disappointment, not there. he'd pout before rolling over with a sigh.
each night you were gone, sae would get an hour or two of sleep maximum, and none minimum. he'd begrudgingly roll out of bed once his alarm sounded, grumbling some nonsense about how the world sucked and was a terrible place and all the losers in it should just die as he shuffled to the bathroom to go brush his teeth.
he sucked at soccer practice. he missed a bunch of passes, he was screaming at all his teammates for taking a singular wrong step, and he looked like he was about to crash at any point. it got so bad that his coach pulled him out and made him sit out for the rest of practice, which, as you can imagine did absolute wonders for his already wonderful mood.
on the way home, sae decided that the world was simply a horrible place. everything around him was awful. those flowers were too purple. they were probably fake, just like all the people in the world. that dog is too loud. why is it barking so loud? it's not that deep. it was so dramatic, just like all the people in the world. the sky was too blue. how dare it be so bright and beautiful if the only not-awful person in the world wasn't here to see it? discrimination. the world sucked.
that night, as sae hopped back into bed for another night of no sleep, he imagined what it would be like if you were here with him. he reached to the lump of blanket on your side to pull it close to him, but was very surprised when the lump squealed and moved.
sae was speechless when you pulled the blanket off of you, giggling, "surprise!" as you explained how you got to come home from your work trip a day early. sae sat there frozen for a second before the initial shock wore off and he crashed into you immediately.
"and so- WOAH! sae?" you questioned, flat on your back with your nearly 6 foot boyfriend completely on top of you and smushing you into the bed.
sae was silent as he nuzzled his nose deep into the crook of your neck and inhaled your scent like it was some sort of addictive drug. "missed you," he mumbled into your neck, which made you giggle.
"yes, yes, i missed you too, my dear. now would you please get off of me? i can't breathe." you chuckled, rubbing his back soothingly.
he paused a moment to think before nestling deeper into you, if even possible. "no." he replied. "you've been gone too long. i wanna stay here."
you sighed, knowing there was no way to shove him off of you. "alright, my love." you smiled. "i love you lots."
he mumbled an "i love you too" before drifting off to sleep in your arms.
it was the best night's sleep he'd ever had.
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not proofread. idk why he lowkey became nagi at the end.
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mr2swap · 15 days
The great shift: a stinking symbiotic relationship
I came home empty-handed, I hadn't even been able to get a job as a cashier at McDonald's, but I can't blame them who would hire an overweight middle-aged man like me... A lot of things are different since the Great Shift, but I guess that some things remain the same, I opened the door to my apartment and the first thing I looked at was my old body sitting on the couch with an annoyed look.
-Dude, What the fuck? You were supposed to be here 35 minutes ago, my phone is blowing up with messages on our subscribers! You know them, they can't wait a minute for any of this! -
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Gary Muller, my roommate and my “business partner,” flexed one of his enormous biceps until the shirt that covered the muscular and perfect body that used to belong to me almost burst, then with one of his long fingers he pointed to one of his armpits that for a moment They were dry.
Gary took off his shirt, revealing the body he used to look at every day in the mirror, grabbed a pair of dumbbells that were on the floor and started working out for our afternoon show.
-Yeah... I'm sorry, I went to a couple of job interviews, and they went a little longer than I thought, just... let me change while you train a little-
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He just ignored me and went about his business while I walked into our apartment. I had heard that many people ended up in bodies thousands of miles away because of the Great Shift, but me and Gary living next to each other was a strange coincidence.
I didn't know anything about Gary before all this. Furthermore, I only considered him as the old man who lived next to me, sometimes in the mornings while my uncle went to the gym I could see him leaving the building, dressed in a cheap suit and heading to his office job. It was a surprise for me, One day I woke up in his apartment with his old body.
 The Real Gary was as surprised as I was, the first time I saw my old body from Gary's perspective I was speechless, there was an expression of confusion on that beautiful, symmetrically perfect face, the long, muscular arms of which I used to be so proud now they were in someone else's possession, but the worst of all was how short I was now. The height difference between us was enormous, while I was almost two meters tall Gary was 1.50 CM Even some children They are taller than me now.
But over time I got used to Gary's horrible old body... every day I prayed to get my old life back, but every day I woke up with horrible back pain and with a face older than my father's, perhaps the most strange now is the hair, Gary started going bald since high school and when he turned 30 he decided to shave all his hair, Gary's bathroom was full of hair growth products that hadn't worked for years.
And while I was suffering from trying not to adapt to the life of a 48-year-old, the real Gary was enjoying his new youth and his new muscular body. I learned that people treat you very differently when you look like a damn stud instead of a wrinkled Troll.
He could hear through the walls like the real home, and he had fun with my body and with all the boys I brought to my old apartment every night, I had never realized how thin the walls were in this building Until for the first time I heard the powerful moans of my old voice at the same time that Gary used my cock to fornicate another man.
Time passed and society continued on its path, for me, it was surprisingly fast how the government recovered from all this. But there was only one problem, there were a lot of unemployed people everywhere, and among all of them was me.
I used to work at the local gym as a trainer, but with this body that had never been in a gym in its entire life, I was quickly fired. On the other hand, Gary's company went bankrupt when most of the investors ended up in young bodies And they decided to sell the company.
As the days went by, Gary and I became somewhat of friends, I helped him with exercise routines and taught him about the nutrition My body needed, We decided that it would be much cheaper for both of us to live together while all this was resolved, And I returned to my old apartment, but I felt like a stranger among my own things. I settled in the smallest room surrounded by my training equipment that was totally useless to me now, everything was too heavy.
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Living with Gary was certainly better than living on the street, But every day it made me reconsider if that was true, Unsuccessfully I tried to get a damn job, so I could get out of that apartment and start my life over in Gary's weak old body. I felt like a parasite even with Gary, he paid the rent and all the house services.
On top of that, he used to party every night and hang out with his new gym friends during the day, it was a total mystery to me how he made so much money... until I started receiving some strange messages on my old Instagram account. .
“Hey buddy, was this your body?”
“Dude, are you DaddyGary?”
“Damn, you had such a hot body… I always knew what was under those shorts, you didn't disappoint me.”
It wasn't hard to realize that Gary had been making his filthy armpit fetish porn for those desperate gays. I felt so dirty watching the videos of my old body worshiping his sweaty armpits after the gym.
I immediately confronted Gary about it, and surprisingly he admitted it very quickly. He didn't seem embarrassed, or sorry for doing it, I could even notice a slight mocking smile on his face as I told him how humiliated I felt while a bunch of perverted men masturbated with my stinky armpits.
It was at that moment when those words from Gary sealed the destiny I am living in now.
-Those “disgusting” things like you call them are what pay the rent for this place and keep your old ass from sleeping in some dumpster. And if you want to continue sleeping in your comfortable bed, it's time for you to start contributing a little money, and I know how you can do it... Come here -
He flexed both arms showing his armpits, I was surprised to see that he had recently shaved his armpits, eliminating all the wild hair that I previously kept in my sweaty pits, I... I couldn't control myself, I don't think he's homosexual, but the powerful musk of my old armpits made me react like a bee to honey.
Gary took his phone and started recording me while he worshiped his wet armpits with my tongue.
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-You like it, right?… “Gary” Do you like the taste of your old body? Can you believe this used to be me? Damn, You really are pathetic, “Gary” -
It had been several days since I had ejaculated, I had thought Gary's body had erectile dysfunction or something, but at that moment my little cock was hard as a rock and hot as hell. I had never felt this way, my head was completely clouded by the addictive testosterone filled aroma of my old armpits.
-Look friends, “Gary” is jerking off, it seems like he still misses his old body... Maybe we should let him play with him another time...-
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Hello, if you liked this story and you want more, you can take a look at my Ko-Fi page to see my most recent stories, see my new stories and support me to continue creating this hot content.
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archangeldyke-all · 7 days
I apologize for outburst- allow me to demonstrate my idea in a civil manner.
Very eleoquent, I know. My love for you and the public knows no bounds.
Besitossss [kisses]!!! ilyyyy!!!
*cracks my knuckles* alright lets do it
men and minors dni
you and sevika got in your first big fight a week ago.
you've been dating for two years, living together for a year and a half, but until this week, your disagreements have remained small.
sure, you spat and bicker all the time-- but that's mostly just because you and sevika 'give major old married couple vibes'-- at least, according to crystal.
but this fight was different.
sevika had a horrible night at work, and all she wanted to do was pick you up from the club, take you home, and have you wrap around her like a koala while you scratched her scalp and gently hummed her to sleep.
you, on the other hand, had had an excellent fucking night. the club was jam-packed with a bachelor party from piltover-- and the girls scammed those rich suckers dry.
so after close, when you and the girls were counting money and getting ready to head home, cherry popped a celebratory bottle of champagne. which resulted in another bottle-- which resulted in you shaking your ass on the stage for a dozen of cheering laughing strippers-- all throwing money at you and chanting, "go mom! go mom! get it mom! go mom!"
it's not like you were naked, or dancing alone. all the girls were dancing beside you, and the club was empty besides you, them, and jimmy, and you were all high off a night of great earnings and a little tipsy on champagne.
but when sevika stumbled through the back doors, exhausted, beaten up, likely concussed and stone cold sober, she didn't see any of those details.
what she did see was you shaking your ass for cherry where she sat in a recliner on the floor.
it got really ugly, really fast.
a screaming match in the alley became a screaming match at home which became you packing a bag and leaving.
and now it's been a week of you sleeping on cherry's couch.
you miss sevika so fucking much.
she misses you too.
when you'd left, you'd tiredly, shakily asked sevika to give you time.
she did. for twelve hours.
but the following night as you clocked in for work, you were shocked to see your girlfriend sitting in the back of the club, sipping on a whiskey.
"i told you i needed time, sev." you huffed as you trudged over to the booth she was tucked in.
"i'm not here for you." she lied. you raised an eyebrow at her.
"buying a dance?" you asked. she huffed and rolled her eyes.
"fuck off, you know i'm not. obviously, i'm here for you-- i couldn't fucking sleep last night... i know you want time. you can have it. i won't bug you, but... please don't make me leave." she whispered this last part, her voice a little wobbly. "i just... miss you. wanna see you. i won't talk to you, i promise."
you'd sucked in a shaky breath, tried to keep your tears from falling, and nodded quickly before turning around and fleeing to the locker room.
and now, it's been a week of sleeping on a lumpy couch and listening to cherry hook up with jimmy through her thin-ass walls; a week of sevika's big puppy eyes watching your every move while you're out on the floor, of her having the girls bring you drinks and food, of her stuffing flowers and apology notes into the slats of your locker; and you're done fighting with her.
you miss her so much it hurts. you love her so much it hurts.
so tonight, you've got a plan: you're gonna make her grovel a little more, and then you're gonna go home with her.
you've got your duffel bag packed and waiting in your locker and everything.
sevika seems to have caught on to the fact that she's out of the doghouse. she's been grinning at you all night, waving you over like she's a customer who needs help, only to try to make chit chat with you and flirt for a while. she's adorable.
right now, she's watching you make your rounds around the club, her gaze burning on your back.
"did you 'n sev get in another fight?" trinity asks from behind the bar. you blink at her in confusion.
"no, why?" you ask.
she nods to where sevika's sitting across the bar behind you. "she's lookin' at you like she's plottin' to kill you." she says. you bite your lip and try to keep back your nervous giggle.
"y-yeah, that's... that's her horny face." you admit. trinity bursts into laughter, throwing her head back as she cackles. you groan, reaching across the bar to pull the bottle of tequila out of her grasp, and quickly pouring yourself your own shot before handing the bottle back to her. "are you good over here?" you ask, already backing away from the bar to avoid your friend's teases.
trintiy's still too busy laughing to answer verbally, so she shoots you a thumbs up and waves you away.
you finish your go around the club pretty quick.
frosty has you help her find the tip of the broken nail she'd chipped off-- using your flashlight to scour the floors of the dark club until you found the glittery nail, then gluing it back on for her.
you help a shaky old man figure out the cash-machine, withdrawing a stack of ones for him then helping him to a seat, waving star down to dance for him-- she likes the older gentlemen.
and then, after putting band-aids on the blisters on the back of shelly's feet, making sure mandy takes her medicine break, and spraying body glitter on buttercup's back for her; you finally get to turn around and catch sevika's gaze.
she grins when you approach her booth.
"hey, mama."
you shiver. 'mama' is her own personal take on the nickname your girls have for you, and it makes you weak in the knees hearing it now after a week. "scoot over." you mumble, trying to ignore her knowing smirk.
sevika slides into her booth, letting you sit beside her, passing you her drink so you can have a sip of her whiskey.
"you seem awfully happy tonight." you say.
sevika shrugs. "i've got a good feeling." she says simply. you raise an eyebrow at her, and she giggles. "think i might get lucky tonight; might take a pretty girl home with me."
you snort, elbowing her but not denying her accusation.
sevika's smile grows cocky, and her arm wraps around your shoulders, pulling you into her strong chest. she presses a long, firm kiss to your scalp, breathing in the scent of your shampoo, before she sighs and pulls away, blinking her eyes back open. "i've fuckin' missed you." she whispers.
you sigh, melting against her. for a while, you guys just sit together, letting the loud thumping of the club music take over the conversation.
you finish sevika's whiskey. she doesn't seem to mind, her lips are occupied by peppering kisses on your head. eventually, you speak again. "cherry's couch is fucking horrible."
sevika snorts. "i'll give you a massage when we get home." she mutters. you giggle.
"you seem pretty certain that you'll be takin' me home tonight." you tease. sevika's eyes widen a bit in worry and she stiffens beside you.
"but... i am, right?" she asks, her voice insecure. your stomach bursts into butterflies. you were not expecting that reaction.
you were expecting her to say something suave and hot, to turn the tables and tease you, or to just straight up kiss you. you weren't expecting the needy, whiny tone of her voice.
it's rare, but sevika gets like this sometimes. you're not surprised it's happening now after a week apart, you just didn't expect it. but now that it's happening, and sevika's looking at you with those big, begging eyes, you're thrilled.
you give your plan for the night a quick mental edit: you'll make her grovel a lot, and then you'll take her home.
"depends." you answer, smiling at your girlfriend and reaching up to cup her cheek. she nuzzles into your touch.
"on what?" she asks. you grin, kiss the tip of her nose, and then whisper in her ear.
"how pretty you beg."
you don't wait for her reaction. you just kiss her cheek and then slip out of the booth, sauntering back to the locker room. you can feel her shocked gaze on your retreating figure, so you swing your hips a bit, making your ass sway a little more than usual. just before you reach the locker room, you can make out an emphatic "fuck" above the music coming from sevika's booth. you burst into laughter.
sevika wastes no time taking you up on your challenge.
two minutes after you push through the doors, sevika comes tumbling through, her eyes wide and her smile soft as she trails over to your little desk in the corner.
"baby..." she starts. you snort, and sevika sits her ass on your desk, looking down at you where you're in your chair. you prop your legs up into her lap, and her hands immediately grab your ankles to start rubbing circles in the skin. "please lemme take you home." she whispers.
the locker room is empty right now, all the girls are out on the floor. so, you decide to be evil. "what?" you ask. "didn't hear you, baby."
sevika grunts, and rolls her eyes. "please let me take you home tonight, honey." she asks at a normal volume. you smile, reaching out for her hand and pulling it forward to press a kiss to her knuckles.
"i'll think about it." you tease. sevika groans, kicking her feet a bit. you have to bite back your smile.
"babe!" she cries. "i-i-i missed you so much." she pouts. "i missed your fuckin' laugh and the crumbs you're always leavin' in bed and your morning breath and... and i missed your tits babe, fuck!" she whines.
you pull your feet out of her lap and stand up. her slouch against your desk means you're towering over her, now, and you smile down at her as you cup her face in both of your hands. "i missed you too, sev." you whisper. the smidgen of worry in her look of general desperation disappears at your words, and you relax a bit, knowing that now she's just horny and not worried you're still mad.
she puckers her lips, expecting a kiss. you snort, then lean forward a give her a quick, chaste peck.
it's not enough. it's nowhere near enough, and now that you've kissed her again after a week, your desperation for her is becoming incredibly apparent in your underwear. but still, you pull away. because you want to see how far you can take this.
"tell me more." you whisper against her lips.
sevika makes a little noise of protest when you pull away from her face. "i, uh..." she tries, blinking rapidly to get her brain working. "i missed the way you're always nagging me. turns out you're right, about most of it. i tripped over one of the socks i left on the floor in the middle of the night and nearly broke my neck-- i couldn't decide if you'd laugh or cry when you found out i died that way." she whispers.
you laugh then kiss her again as a reward for her words. "i'd cry. and then laugh. and then cry forever. tell me more." you demand. sevika smiles, catching onto your game quickly. her hands reach out and hold your hips, and you allow it... for now.
"missed your ass." she says simply. you snort, and kiss her again, licking against her bottom lip this time. her eyes are hazy when you pull away.
"tell me mo--"
"missed your smile." she whispers. "fuck, 'specially the one you give me when i wake you up in the mornings. 'n that annoyed one-- where you're trying not to laugh but you really want to." she giggles a bit. your heart melts, and you kiss her again. "i missed your lips." you kiss her. "i missed your hands." you kiss her. "fuck, baby, i missed your pussy." she whines. you grin. bingo.
sevika cracks one of her closed eyes open when she's not immediately rewarded with a kiss for her confession. she pouts at you, but you talk before she can complain.
"oh, sev." you whisper. "i missed your pussy."
sevika nearly slides off the desk at your words. if it weren't for you standing between her legs, she'd be on her ass on the floor after her knees locked. you laugh as you steady her on your desk, then swoop forward to capture her lips in a hot kiss, threading your fingers in her hair.
sevika's clawing at your belt loops and shirt, trying to drag you impossibly closer to her body. you chuckle against her lips, working one of your hands between your bodies to start fiddling at her pants button.
"lemme touch you?" you ask. sevika's already gasping for air like she's run a marathon, her eyes big and glossy and needy as she nods. you grin, and shove your hand down the front of her boxers.
she's soaking fucking wet, and she immediately leans forward to hide her face against your shoulder while you gasp at your discovery. "sev." you whine. she grunts.
"shut up."
"my needy girl." you continue. she whimpers, then turns to bite your throat.
you don't even mean to start fucking her-- she's just so wet that two of your digits slip right into her, with no resistance. you both gasp. "fuck! please!" sevika cries. you laugh.
"keep it down, baby, the girls could come in here any minute."
"please don't stop, please, fuck mama, i missed you so fuckin' much--"
you shut her up by pressing your lips against hers, swallowing her words as you nip her lip.
when you pull away from her to suck in a breath of air, you push her mouth to your neck to keep her quiet.
still-- even with her whimpers and whines muffled, her cunt's so wet and loud anybody'd know what you two are doing if they came through the door.
"shit, honey, do you hear yourself? you're so fucking cute, missed me so much, this is all for me, isn't it?" you ask. she mumbles something incoherent against your neck, her hips humping your hand, her head nodding. you laugh. "fuck, i missed you, too sweetheart." you whimper. she growls against your throat and you giggle. "cum for me, love."
sevika cums with choked whine, soaking your hand as she falls apart.
you pull her away from your throat to kiss her through her orgasm, slowing down the rhythm of your fingers until you're still. sevika's still twitching and whining when you pull away.
"you okay?" you ask, pulling your hand out of her pants and licking up her cum.
sevika grunts, then falls forward, her forehead against your tits. "so fuckin' good." she says. you laugh.
"god, baby. i wish i had my strapon, i'd fuck you over my desk."
sevika's head snaps up from your chest, a non-orgasmic blush creeping up her cheeks. you raise an eyebrow at her.
"uh..." she mutters.
"uh?" you ask.
"just... fuck. c'mon." she grunts as she shoves herself off the desk and past you, her legs shaky as she walks. you laugh as you follow behind her, wrapping your arm around her waist to keep her steady as she guides you to the supply-closet in the back of the locker room.
the room's barely big enough to fit the both of you, but you shove in after your girlfriend to see what she's rummaging around for.
she turns around with a shy smile, avoiding your gaze.
"sev?" you ask.
she sighs, then shoves something she was hiding behind her back in your hands. you look down at the jumble of fabric straps and metallic buckles, and burst into laughter. "what's this?!" you ask.
"the emergency strap." sevika says, shrugging. you hinge forward at your waist as laughter overtakes you, reaching out to steady yourself on your girlfriend's arm.
"wh-- the what?!" you squeal. she groans, rolling her eyes but smiling a bit at your laughter.
"it's exactly what it sounds like! i keep 'em stashed in various places in case of emergency, like right now."
"how many emergency straps do you have sev?" you ask.
sevika shrugs. "half a dozen stashed around zaun. one in piltover, behind that bakery you like so much." she says. "it started with just one here and at the last drop, but then you jumped me in the alley behind your salon and i was completely unprepared, so i decided to stash one near all our go-to spots."
you can't stop laughing, you can't believe the woman in front of you is yours. "i'm so fucking in love with you it's insane." you manage to laugh out.
sevika's embarrassed expression melts, and she pulls you in for a crushing hug. you wrap your arms around her, the dildo and harness dangling from your hands and brushing her shoulders as you laugh in her arms. "i love you too." she mumbles. "i don't wanna fight with you ever again. not like that. i'm so sorry."
"'s okay baby. you were pissy, i was drunk, neither of us were in the place to settle a disagreement. i'm sorry i left. that was shitty."
"don't apologize." she whispers. you chuckle, then pull away from her shoulder to catch her eye.
"okay. but only if you don't apologize either." you ask. sevika smirks.
"alright, deal." she says. then, she reaches behind you and pulls the door to the supply closet shut. "now put that thing on." she demands.
you burst into laughter, but start navigating the loops of the harness regardless.
five minutes later, and you're balls deep inside your girlfriend as she fucks you.
sure, you're wearing the strap, but sevika's got you pinned to the door, working her hips and ass on your cock as she groans into her folded arms resting on the shelf of cleaning supplies in front of her.
"holy fucking shit, sevika." you huff. she whimpers, and you smack her ass. "baby--"
"more!" she chokes out. you growl, smacking her ass again and widening your stance as you try to keep up with the pace she's set. "fuck, fuck, more, i need more, please, mama, please gimmie m--"
you sink both of your hands into her hips, use all your body weight to crush her against the shelf in front of her, her back arching gorgeously, and you give her ass one more nice smack before you start hammering into her.
disinfectant bottles and sponges start falling off the shelves, which are hammering into the back wall. your hips are smacking violently against her ass, and she's doing nothing to muffle her cries anymore.
"yes! yes, yes, yes, baby, fuck!" she cries. "shit, i'm gonna cum, i'm gonna cum on your fuckin' cock, mama, fuck i missed you, i love you so much, don't stop, don't stop, please don't--"
"i'm right here, baby. not goin' anywhere."
sevika falls apart at your words. you hitch an arm around her waist to keep her upright as her knees wobble, and when she starts to squirt all over your cock, thighs, and the floor beneath her, you cum.
"shit, sev!" you cry. she's still cumming, gasping and getting out choked half-laughs of pleasure as you fuck her through your orgasm. with each snap of your hips, a little gush of cum leaks down sevika's legs. by the time your hips still, sevika's shaking and shuddering like she's being electrocuted. you laugh as you watch her twitch, little drops of cum 'plink plink plink'ing to the ground from her cunt. "you alright, baby?"
"mmmuhng..." she mumbles.
you chuckle and kiss her back. "'m gonna pull out." sevika winces and squeaks when you pull out, one final stream of squirt trickling down her legs as you do. you just grin, then turn her around to face you. she's grinning, her eyes closed in post-coital bliss, and you kiss her cheek gently. "open your eyes, baby." you whisper, reaching up and cupping her face.
sevika blinks her hazy eyes open, smiling at you. "hey." she grins.
"hi, love." you laugh. "how're you feeling?"
"babe..." she grunts, glaring at you a bit and flopping her arm out to gesture at the general soaked state of the closet around you. "jus' flooded your supply closet with cum. i'm amazing." she giggles.
you snort, and then swoop in to kiss her on the mouth.
it's surprisingly easy to clean the mess you made-- since you made it in the cleaning supply closet. the mops take care of sevika's puddles, a few paper towels dry hers and your thighs. she shows you where she stashes the emergency strap, in a tile in the ceiling, and you snort and make a mental note to disinfect it tomorrow.
you get dressed, straighten up sevika's hair as she does the same for you, and then you both stumble out of the supply closet, giggling.
cherry's standing in the locker room, an unimpressed look on her face. sevika groans in embarrassment, hiding her face against your shoulder, and you just laugh at your friend's face.
"hey cherr-bear." you great. she rolls her eyes.
"you two are disgusting. you traumatized poor shelly."
"you gave jimmy a blowjob during your smoke break just yesterday!" you squawk.
sevika perks up behind you at the new gossip. "you're hooking up with jimmy?" she giggles.
cherry snorts and rolls her eyes fondly at sevika.
"it's completely different if me and the girls hook up here. you are our mom. and you're, like, our cool new step-dad or something!" cherry shouts, waving her arms at you and sevika. "nobody wants to hear their parents hooking up!"
"thanks for taking care of her while i was being a shithead." sevika says, ignoring cherry's rant. she deflates, a sweet smile on her lips as she considers you and your girlfriend.
"just don't do it again. i had to stop, like, four girls from tryna murder you for hurtin' mom." cherry says.
you blink.
"wait, what?" you and sevika ask simultaneously. cherry just shrugs.
"'m just glad you made up. any longer, and trinity was really gonna call up her big brother." she says. sevika bursts into laughter behind you, and you smile, equally touched and disturbed by your girls' protective behavior. "you two go home. y'all clearly got a lotta catchin' up to do. i'll watch the girls the rest of the night, mom, and i'll keep your earnings for you until tomorrow." you raise a suspicious eyebrow at your best friend, and she laughs. "okay, i'll give you eighty percent of your earnings. i gotta take a little off the top-- rent for the past week of you crashing on my couch."
sevika's already in your locker, gathering your stuff and tugging you toward the back door. "thanks cherry!" she calls over her shoulder.
you let yourself be dragged out, blowing cherry a goodbye kiss.
in the alley, sevika shoves you against the brick wall for a sloppy kiss.
when she pulls away, her eyes are gentle and sweet. "lemme take you home?" she asks.
you smile. "lead the way, babe."
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352 @artinvain
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mintmatcha · 3 months
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Inevitable Things : chapter one
aizawa x reader fic
cw: aizawa x reader, cisfem reader, office AU, no quirks. no porn in the first two chapters, sorry gang :)
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masterlist | next chapter
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Prome Medical Devices hired you as a personal assistant to the CEO, Toshinori Yagi, shortly after he was diagnosed with his second bout of prostate cancer and shortly before they learned it had metastasized to bone. It was a tragic, yet expected turn of events.The man had been sick most of his life, they told you, he's probably slept in hospital beds more times than he's slept in his own. It was, like most things, inevitable.
Over the following weeks, through chemo and taps and rotating hospital doors, he began working from home and handling only the absolute basics, and your silly assistant job evolved into more. You had only planned to stay for a couple months, but then another horrible thing happened.
You became Somehow Important. 
Days went from scrolling on Twitter between writing notes to juggling everything that no one else could handle. Sitting in for meetings, handling calls, scheduling reviews and system checks, running to the pharmacy midday: there's nothing you haven't done. It’s a lot, but in the grand scheme of it all, it's nothing-- especially compared to the things that everyone else gets done here. 
8:35am. The security man gives you a nod without checking for your badge. Engineers skitter around the office like cockroaches. It's always a good sign when no one immediately comes to find you; that means your boss is still alive and doing about the same as he was yesterday. No updates, you’ve found, are good. No one bothers to tell you when good things happen: you’re the fixer, the emergency contact. When you’re being informed of anything, it’s because someone else wants you to clean up the mess.
(The only exception is from the man himself. Toshinori sends you the best kind of updates; mundane things from his life that he needs to share, like pictures of his duck pond or his review of the new coffee shop in town. It’s enough to keep you going, even when the day absolutely blows. You only had a few months working directly with the man, but he was fond of you-- and everyone was fond of him.)
Outdated filaments thrum down the halls. Your heels click against the tile with every step, a slow march to another day of monotony, a kind of dread that not even your phone can distract you from. Because your position is rather undefined for the corporate world, your desk is in an awkward spot, sandwiched in the hall, equidistant from the engineering department, the CEO's office, and the coffee machine. In terms of convenience, it's lovely, but it also means you have nowhere to hide.
Before you can even make it to your desk, a young man pops into the way and heads straight for you, a bit too quickly to be passed off as casual. Your heart sinks, then you realize it's just one of the interns: a college kid who's clearly had too many energy drinks already.
“Hey,” Denki smiles with too much gum, so wide his cheeks almost swallow up his eyes. He’s a scruffy, dirty blonde, a patchy black streak on one side of his head. His button down is obviously unironed, so crumpled it almost looks like a pattern, matching perfectly with his untied tie. It’s a good thing that he’s cute; you doubt he’d have gotten this far in life if he wasn’t. 
“Good morning, how are you? Have a good night? You look so pretty this morning. MILF town over here.” he says, twiddling the toe of his shoe into the carpet. “I made the pot of coffee for you,so you don’t have to worry about that-”
You cut him off. “What did you do?” 
The interns don’t report to you. If anything, they run parallel to you. If there’s anyone they should be ass kissing, it should be the department head, not some personal assistant, but the group considers you an ally. Maybe even a friend.
“I wouldn’t say that it’s something that I did,” the boy explains. He sucks air in through his teeth. “It’s more like what I didn’t do.”
“It’s just the reports! I have to submit them end of day and it’s just not--” He juts out his bottom lip. “Can you proof my work? Please? The Eraser’s going to have my head if I make another mistake.”
The lead engineer is infamous for deleting whole chunks of code that the interns have made and ruining months of their work. Last month it was Ochako's work, who then spent the rest of the day at your desk, sniffling. The four others  were equally terrified of the man, constantly fretting and bitching about the ‘cruel working conditions.’ If Prome wasn't so prestigious (and internships weren't necessary for graduating) there’d be no interns left. You’re sure Eraser would prefer it that way.
“Please?” Denki clutches his hands together in prayer. “Please, please, please?”
 You don't even pretend to hem and haw.
“Email it over before lunch.” you say and he lights up. 
“Aw, you’re the best!” He turns away and practically skips down the hall. “I’m gonna drop off Izuku’s stuff too, okay?”
There’s no chance to say no before Denki’s gone. You flop into your chair and kick off your heels, trying to convince yourself that you don’t already regret saying yes. You catch your own appearance in the black screen of your computer. Makeup doesn’t do much to cover up the fact you’ve been crying. You can see it in your eyes, in the creases of your skin that you wish weren't there.  Even as the screen lights up, you can still catch your own face, starting back with that sad, sad expression. 
It's been mostly sleepless nights since Touya left, but you push through and ignore whatever you can. You miss your travel mug, the one that matched the coaster on your desk. You miss your forks, the ones that weren’t the awful ones from the thrift store down the road, bought solely out of panic when you returned to an empty apartment.  Most of all, you miss him, how the apartment felt warmer with two bodies instead of one, and how secure you felt with someone who loves you.
Your screen loads and a big, red 24 flashes in the corner-- fuck, the works already piling up. You try to squish any thought of Touya’s disappearing act into the back of your head. Like a dog, Touya always comes back home to you. He just needs to be wild for a bit, play off leash, and then he’ll crawl back like always. 
You check your phone. He’s still saved under “AVOID AT ALL COSTS” and the last five texts you sent are all unread. Your thumb hovers over the delete button for a moment; it’d be easier to cut him off and end this cycle. You can stop pushing the boulder up the hill,  just for it to tumble back down again. You could pursue someone else, maybe someone nice or smart or at least not rude-
 Focus. Compliance is raising concerns about the new platform and manufacturing has CC'ed you into an issue about screw heads, two things that you know nothing about. You flip your phone over and push through. What’s the difference between a hex and a truss and why should you care?
11:59. You’re none the wiser about either topic, but the dust seems to be settling and everyone seems to be happy enough. Denki’s reports are an absolute mess, bad to the point you start to wonder if he even tried. The pages aren't even formatted correctly, so it’s going to take most of your lunch to iron out the wrinkles. Luckily, Izuku is a bit more competent and his tasks look great, so-
“Oh, baby girl!”
You stop typing and sit straight up to peer over your computer screen, hiding the remnants of your microwaved lunch. With arms raised high and dressed in his finest ironed button down, Yamada Hizashi enters. Tall, blonde, thin, and leggy: Hizashi would have been a Victoria’s Secret model if he wasn’t a man. His long hair is tied back into a messy bun, a couple of loose tendrils floating  around his face in an effortlessly, annoyingly charming way as he marshes straight for you. 
“Let me see ‘em!” he demands loudly, a smile on his face and his hands on his hips. “Come on, baby. You know what I want.”
If it was anyone else, you’d think the man was a creep, but Hizashi is just so earnest about the way he lights up a room. With a belabored sigh and a grin, you roll your chair back a bit and stick your leg to the side to reveal your pink, fluffy slippers. The man claps his hands together and laughs a deep, hearty chuckle, genuinely bemused. 
The bunny slippers had started as a secret. The original dress code had required women to wear heels to work, which was fine, until the back of your feet became nothing but blisters. To give yourself some respite during the day, you had hidden a pair of slippers under your desk, just a little treat to make it through the day. It seemed like a genius idea-
Until the day the fire alarm went off. In the surprise, you had forgotten to change your shoes back, and proceeded to spend the next half an hour outside with the entire company in your violently pink shoes.
Luckily, everyone thought it was pretty funny.
Especially Hizashi.
“Seeing my work wife is the best part of the week.”
You throw a hand over your heart and gasp, trying to hold back your smile. “Only your work wife?”
“Oh, babygirl, I’d marry you in an instant.” He leans over your desk with another sigh, this one heavier. “I’d make you the trophy wife you were born to be.”
“Cool it, Mic.” Your heart sinks a bit at the voice.  “HR is going to have your head if you aren’t careful.”
Aizawa “The Eraser” Shouta makes his third appearance at the coffee machine this morning. He’s an average sized man, if not slightly short, with dark hair and the beginnings of a salt and pepper beard. The muscles in his jaw flex whenever he looks your way, almost as if he’s chewing away his annoyance. The most notable thing about him is a scar on his high cheek bone, long healed and silver in the light. He sits his coffee cup - a beat to shit Stanley thermos from long before they were cool- under the tap and lets the java pour, that sour expression never leaving his face.
Aizawa has worked here since the beginning. As one of the founding members of Prome and a lead engineer, he’s had his hands in absolutely every machine the company has produced, and yet he carries himself with none of the pomp and circumstance he deserves. Instead of abiding by the strict dress code, he wears a bright yellow sweatshirt that has an obvious coffee stain on the pocket.  It’d be charming if he wasn’t an infamous dick. The two of you rarely interact, despite the fact he visits the coffee station next to your desk multiple times a day, offering you no more than a nod most days. The interns are terrified of him-- and rightly so. You’re also scared of him. You’ve never met anyone else as tightly wound or as obsessed with work as him; there’s a rumor that he even sleeps here some days.
“Don’t listen to him,” Hizashi says. “He’s just jealous.”
“I’m not jealous, I’m protecting the company from potential litigation when bunny slippers over here-” he juts a chin your way- “ decides your flirting isn’t fun anymore.” 
You knew he wasn’t jealous. It’s an open secret that Aizawa doesn’t like you very much. Unlike any other of the department heads, he never allocates you work or stops by to chat. There was even a rumor that he wanted to eliminate your position last year; you wouldn’t care so much if he didn’t have the power and sway to make that happen. 
Hizashi pops a hip to the side. He isn’t afraid of anyone it seems; he even claims to be the man’s friend after hours.“Would you rather me go back to flirting with you?”
Aizawa stares back, only the trickle of coffee echoing in the hall. Finally, when it almost reaches the top, he shuts it off and glares. “You’re not even supposed to be in office today, Mic.” 
Hizashi had always been the most notable salesman in the company, but once the CEO’s health went downhill, he had taken over a lot of the speaking roles as well. Interviews, speeches, and the like: Toshinori Yagi had dubbed him Mr. Microphone and the name had just stuck. From what you can tell, he’s actually pretty close with Aizawa and the other founding members outside of work as well.
“I have a quick meeting with the marketing gals in a couple minutes,” Hizashi explains. He brings his attention back to you, brows waggling. Fuck- you know what he’s about to say.
 “And I wanted to wish my wife an early happy birthday.”
Oh, god. Your face flushes with heat-- you had hoped he had forgotten that. You glance over to Aizawa, who seems more interested than usual.
“It's tomorrow,” you explain. He nods curtly.
“Our office darling is going to be thirty, flirty and feeling fine!” Mic explains further. Ugh. You wish he didn't sound so happy about it. When you think about it for too long, turning thirty feels like the end of the world, an evil you just can't avoid. It's better than the alternative, you guess. 
“Are you and the boyfriend planning on a romantic night?”
A second gut punch of a statement.
“Oh, no, I’m just-- he--” You almost get emotional for a moment. Thirty years old and single: it feels like the end of the world for some reason. Everyone else is getting married or having kids or living some dream life. Fuck-- even two of the goddammit interns are engaged and they're practically babies! At this point, you might as well give up and die alone; no one else is ever going to want you, are they? 
 The glimpse of Aizawa in the corner, watching you with those judgemental eyes, sobers you up quickly. 
“We broke up, so I’m just staying in.”
The two snap their heads towards each other. Mic waggles his eyebrows, not so subtly gesturing to a non receptive Aizawa. You know that look, the excitement and relief. It’s not a secret that no one really liked Touya-- people have been openly voicing their contempt for years. He wasn’t a bad guy, except for the times he was, but people only ever remembered the bad things. 
“Oh, is it…?” Mic bites back his words, debating how harsh he should be.  “Is it for real this time?”
Touya always comes back. Everyone knows the routine by now. 
“Yeah,” you lie. “I’m done with him.”
“Good.” Aizawa says. You grimace at that; even he knows? You didn’t know he paid attention to anything outside of work, let alone your shitty interpersonal drama.
“More than good. Amazing! Spectacular! I’m so, so, so proud of you!” Mic adds on and you pretend it doesn’t bother you. It’s strange; the more others despise him, the more your heart aches. Touya needs you and you need him; who else will have him?
Who else will have you?
“That means we can go out for drinks to celebrate!”
“Oh, it’s okay, you don’t have to do that.”
“Too late, nope. We’re having a two-for-one birthday single bash tomorrow.” He’s on his phone, typing wildly. “I hope you have something pretty to wear because I’m going to show you how you deserve to be treated.”
Fuck. You’d rather be alone, sniveling and waiting for Touya’s return in your apartment, but Hizashi is smiling. His intentions are good; it’d be cruel to deny him. 
“Nemuri knows some awesome spots-” The man is a whirl, typing and talking and walking. “You better get excited, baby girl.”
“Oh, yay,” you offer weakly. Hizashi isn’t listening anymore; he’s caught up in his own plans, briskly walking down the hall. A breath you didn’t know you were holding sneaks out and you slump back down to your seat.
“You really don’t have to let him walk all over you like that,” Aizawa says. He swirls his cup slowly, watching the rim.  
You try to offer the man a smile, but you can tell it looks forced. Sure, Hizashi can be a lot, but he just wants to help, as misguided as that urge is. 
“It’s okay.” When he doesn’t look convinced, you add. “Really.”  
“Are you sure?”  he presses, voice tight. 
“Mhm.” You return to your keyboard and start typing, hoping that he understands the social cue. “Thanks though.”
Thankfully, he lets it go. Turning down the hall, he starts to sip his coffee, but then freezes mid stride.
“You make this?”
“I can tell,” Aizawa says, examining his cup. “It’s fucking dog water.”
That comment is so off kilter that you can’t help but snort. Aizawa watches you for a beat more, maybe bemused, maybe not, then nods. With that, he leaves, an empty coffee pot in his wake.  Another item to add on your growing list. 
The rest of the day goes by quicker than you need it to. Denki leaves a little bit after lunch for a doctor’s appointment and the rest of the workforce trickles out after. The head of development, Nezu, has you run through potential presentations before you follow up on compliance’s worries again. The coffee pot was refilled four more times, all by you, and your messages to Touya still sit delivered and unread. Two hours after the work day was supposed to end, you slip your heels back on. Denki’s files are pretty much unrecognizable now, but that’s a good thing.  All of the college students are intelligent and more accomplished than you’ll ever be, but you’re not sure why they can’t figure out basic busy work. There’s nothing hard about it, other than focusing.
With a final press of a key, your personal printer hums to life. A staple and a paperclip and you’re done: now it’s just a quick trip to engineering and you can finally go home. Your work isn't physical, but God, hunching at a desk all day takes a toll on your body. A flare of something eats at your lower back as you stroll the empty building and try to rub the grit from your eyes. You think there’s a frozen pizza at home or maybe some pasta-- though, you can’t remember if that was from this monday or last monday. Maybe it’d be safer to just throw it away.
The department itself  is a long row of cubicles, with miscellaneous machines and computers littering the other side of the room. You recognize old prototypes and parts of Prome's most famous product: a hospital bed. 
Before you had set foot in this building, you never thought a bed could count as a medical device -- or as something highly complicated and thoroughly engineered -- but this bed is different. It’s comfortable, lightweight, and durable, all while able to track a patient’s movement and comfort. It even records a patient's glucose, body temperature, SPO2, and many other medical things that go over your head. When used correctly, bedsores rates have been reduced to nearly zero and hospital related illnesses are caught significantly earlier.
In about three months, the newest model will be released, complete with full integration into electronic record systems. If everything goes according to plan, it’ll be revolutionary. Working here is a headache, but you do take pride that it's a company that does good. 
“Do you need something?” 
You jump at the sound of the voice, flipping around to search the room. Tucked at the end of it all is an open office door. Inside, Aizawa is perched at his desk, head in one hand, reading glasses in the other.  He’s illuminated only by the computer screen, his deep, dark eyes bouncing side to side as he carefully reads.
 Aizawa always looks tired, but now so especially; his heavy lidded eyes are drooped with fatigue and his skin is pallor, black stubble dusting his unshaved cheeks. There’s no bite or annoyance to his voice-- maybe even a little levity. For once, you don’t want to scurry away from him like a mouse, hiding in the shadows and corners to avoid his claws.  You still approach cautiously, heels sharp against the tile. The silence in between each hit makes your skin prick with an unknown nausea. 
“I thought everyone went home.” You say. 
“Everyone did. Just me-- and you, apparently.” He taps out a word or two. His office is devoid of personal items, desk covered in nothing but stacks of papers and illegible post notes, nothing to hint to his personal life. It’s been three years, yet you have no idea what his personal life is like-- if he even has one, that is.
“No slippers tonight?”
That was either a dig or a joke. You aren’t sure either way, but the way your shoes sound when you walk even closer feels like its own answer. When you reach the corner of his desk, he finally looks your way. It hits you that you've never actually been this close to him before. It's always been passes in the hall and distant conversations. His skin is smoother than you'd thought it'd be, with creases between his brow that fill themselves when he-
“Do you… need something?”
“Oh, uh-- Denki left these at my desk by accident,” you lie, sliding the file on to the corner of his desk. “I think they’re for you.”
He regards you again, more thoroughly this time. With a tilt of his head, he inspects your face, eyes flickering between your two. In the dim, they’re nothing but black dots, an inkinesss that you could fall into if you were any closer. 
He’s pretty.  And that’s an unsettling thought. You’ve never allowed yourself to consider that before. Immediately, you walk the thought back. No. Nobody with his personality is attractive-- hands down. Touya is the only dick you need in your life. 
“You should go home. It's late.” he says before turning back to his work. He types a couple things, then hits the backspace and deletes it all again. “Go home.”
Adjusting the bag on your shoulder, you sigh, the workday catching up to you. “You should too.” 
“Hm,” he grunts. He takes a long sip from his thermos, tipping it back to suck the dregs. You’d never noticed the sticker of the bottom before- a faded and torn image of an orange cat.  “Maybe.”
That’s a no. You don’t push the issue. You start towards the door, then pause. 
“Do… do you want me to make another pot of coffee before I go?” You’re not sure why you offer. Everything’s been put away and cleaned for tomorrow. It’d take at least 15 minutes to set up again. 
Aizawa slides his glasses back on, adjusting them by the bridge, only for them to slip right back down the flat bridge of his nose.
“You don't have to do that.” 
With that you leave, no proper goodnight dismissing you. The tap of your heels and the clack of his keyboard mix into some sort of soft, unbalanced rhythm. Despite yourself, you think of Touya, of where he is and where he isn’t. Is it also quiet there? Has he thought of someone else in the same way you just did?
When the doors of the building close and the security guard nods your way, the sound of percolation echoes behind you, the final drops falling into a freshly brewed pot.
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