#horrible little gremlin...... i'm sorry about her
staybabblingbaby · 21 days
Soulmate Garden AU Ch.1 (Dahlia) a2 d5
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Growing up, you knew Soulmates weren't all that they cracked up to be. So when, on your 18th birthday, your skin is painted with a garden of flower buds, you resolve to hide it from everyone. Who had ever heard of someone with 8 soulmates, anyway?
Or; Reader has 8 soulmates and no issue avoiding all of them. It's up to SKZ to show her that while every soulbond might not be made of fairy tales, theirs certainly could be.
Word Count: 5,368
Notes: My friend Tiny said this was very Wattpad era of me, so I'm so sorry that I'm cringe, guys. She also said she loved it and I am also p satisfied w it, so. Celebrations! It's also fucking long for me, like damn. Chill. I do have some disclaimers abt this tho. 1) I have never been to a k-pop concert, I am doing my best working off of what videos, vlogs, blogs, and Quora and Reddit answers for this. I'm very sorry if it's horribly inaccurate. Also it's idealized so it'd gonna be inaccurate 2) Covid never happened in this universe! Send-offs for everyone!
Dividers by @saradika
Warnings: She/Her Reader, sort of dissociating? ish?
Leave me comments or questions or anything! Love hearing from folks <3
Masterlist <3 | Prev Part | Next Part
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“Yes, Ma, I promise I’m doing just fine,” You grunt into your phone, tucking the device between your cheek and shoulder as you juggle your groceries and try to dig out your keys, “No one has tried to mug me, I’m eating well, and the job is the same as the last time you called.”
You manage to both open your door and kick it shut as your mother replies, “I just worry about you dear. You’re so far away from us now, what if you need help?”
You waddle to your kitchen counter to offload your burdens, stretching your cramping fingers out as you go to properly hold your phone again.
“I know, Ma, but I’m sure I’ll make some friends with time and then they can help me out.” you finally reply with a sigh. You begin the arduous task of actually putting your groceries away, resigned to the fate of a functional adult.
You hear your sister bark out a laugh in the background. It’s possibly about hearing ‘you’ and ‘friends’ in the same sentence (Which, ouch. True, but ouch). You magnanimously ignore her.
“Honey, I love you, but it’s been almost a year. You have yet to tell me about a single friend.” Your Mom retorts. Again, ouch.
“I have Taylor!” You defend, slamming your fridge shut with a pout.
“Your roommate doesn’t count!” Your little sister taunts from the background. You hear your mother shush her but her agreement is implied when she doesn’t correct the little gremlin.
“He so does!” You argue, “We hang out in contexts that are not work or school, we eat meals together, and we’re even going to a concert this weekend! That’s friends! That’s best friends, even.” You sound a bit pathetic even to yourself, but the day your sister wins over you is the day you die.
“That’s a friendly roommate,” Is your sister’s amused response, “I bet you don’t even know what his favorite color is.” Your silence is answer enough, and she cracks up, laughing so hard that you hear a muted thump as she falls off of whatever furniture she’d been occupying.
Guess you’re dying today.
Your mother changes the subject to the goings-on of your hometown while your sister asphyxiates in the background. You’ve only been away for a little under a year now, but as you listen to her talk about which of your littlest cousins are starting school and which of your relatives are causing drama, you realize that it’s already been a little under a year.
You flop onto your couch as your mom babbles away, holding back an existential crisis.
Your fingers begin tracing the long-since memorized lines of your soulmark over your clothes as you ponder the passing of time, fully zoned out of your mother’s gossip. Your sister seems to catch on to your long silence, interrupting you mother to pester you into giving her more material to taunt you over.
“What concert are you going to, anyway?” She questions.
“Oh, it’s a K-Pop group called Stray Kids,” You tell her. You can practically feel her interest shrivel up and die as soon as you say K-Pop, bless her elitist, snobby, little heart. “Taylor likes them a lot, and his boyfriend dumped him last month, so I got some good tickets to cheer him up.”
Your mother coos at you briefly before your sister overtakes the conversation again, “Are they even good?” You can hear the sneer in her voice as she falls into Music Snob (tm) mode, so you roll your eyes when you reply.
“They’re fun to dance to when I’m doing chores, so that’s good enough for me.”
“You can’t even understand them.” She complains.
“I can, actually.” You inform her primly, “My language elective was Korean. I took the whole course.”
“You’re a weirdo.”
“Tell that to my sweet, sweet, degree, kiddo.” It’s finally your turn to taunt.
“Whatever, you’re not even going with a friend, just your roommate. How fun could it be?” She pouts back.
“I told you, we are friends! Best friends, even!”
“You still don’t know his favorite color.” She retorts smugly.
“I know his favorite flower, that’s gotta count for something!” Your mother hums in agreement, and you picture her watching your bickering like a tennis match, assigning points in her head.
“It doesn’t, because you know everyone’s favorite flower! You know the mail guy’s favorite flower! It’s like an obsession.” You picture your sister rolling her eyes at you, exasperation pouring off of her. The image makes you grin as you reply.
“Only if it’s still Jim. I haven’t been around to ask anyone new.” You point out. Reasonably, you think, but for some reason your sister lets out a loud groan of annoyance and you hear her exaggerated stomps ass she removes herself from your presence. Your mother lets out an amused little huff and you imagine you’ve won the tennis match in her head.
No death for you today. Score!
Your mom yaps with you for a little longer, before finally bidding you farewell, telling you that you should call more often (like you don’t chat literally every Friday afternoon like clockwork), tell your dad to come home soon if you happen to call him (you won’t. He won’t either), and tell her all about how the concert goes next week. You promise to do that one easily.
When she hangs up, you’re left with the ringing silence of an empty apartment. Moving to LA has been a quieter experience than you’re used to in general, for many reasons. Sure, the city itself is louder than your little suburb by miles, but life has been... More peaceful, since. Quieter.
It still makes you uneasy, even 10 months later.
You get up from the couch and drift off to your room like a ghost, opening Spotify on your way. The opening notes of Ruth B’s Lost Boy and a something nauseous swirling in your gut is all that follows you.
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On concert morning, you’re woken up bright and early by your air-horn of a roommate slamming your door open.
“Concert daaaaaaaaay~” He trills at you from the doorway. You don’t even open your eyes when you roll over and throw a pillow at him in protest. A soft ‘oof’ tells you that you hit your mark for once. Nice.
“Nice shot!” Taylor cheers, “But now I have your ammo, so it’s up time.”
You roll over again, taking the edge of your blanket with you and tossing it over your head. You pull a stuffed animal under with you, and curl tightly around it.
“Nmf gmf.” You grumble at him through a mouthful of fluff.
“Nuh-uh!” Taylor tuts, already fluent in Morning Grumble, “We gotta get up. There’s food to be eaten, outfits to put on, and lines to beat!”
You let out a long, agonized, groan, but obligingly roll over and starfish out with childish protest. Taylor waits until you open your eyes to glare at his annoyingly cheerful blond bedhead before he leaves your doorway with a sunny smile. Smug bastard.
He leaves your door open too, the shit, allowing the sweet smell of french toast and eggs to drift into your room. You sit up with a whiney groan, scrubbing harshly at your face.
You’d forgive him this time. Just for the french toast.
You lean over to grab your phone from your bedside table, just waking the screen to check the time. When the numbers register you lay right the way back down with another long wail of protest.
Four in the morning. That french toast had better be fucking good.
You eventually stumble into the kitchen and are promptly handed a very large and very welcomed cup of coffee. Taylor hands you a plate piled high with french toast and eggs, fruits and toppings already out, before you can even try to start bitching at him.
You take in the spread with a furrowed brow, before slowly lifting your head to pin Taylor with a suspicious stare.
“My dude, it is four in the morning. How?”
Taylor just shrugs at you. “Couldn’t sleep. Too excited.”
You nod slowly at him. “I’ll drive. You’re napping in the car.”
This triggers a round of outraged whining from your sleep-deprived roommate, which you cull by pointing out that headaches and concerts are an awful combo. He subsides but insists he’ll be even more excited in the car, since it’s closer to concert time. You tell him to do it anyway.
“Why are we up so early in the first place?” You complain as you drain the last dregs of your drink. “The concert isn’t for, like, fifteen hours.”
“The concert is only fifteen hours away! Countdowns have already started, mark my words!” Taylor counters, “You got us Soundcheck tickets! VIP! We have to take advantage! I want the entire experience. Freebies, insane merch lines, sponsor booths, everything.” He gets more and more incensed as he goes on, leaning farther over the table, his shirt almost dragging in the puddles of syrup on his plate.
You raise your hands in surrender to his wild-eyed look. “Whatever,” You concede, “You’re the boss, this is your day.”
Taylor nods in satisfaction, leaning back. You notice that he actually does take some syrup with him as he re-seats himself. “As it should be.” Is his prim reply.
You sort of just laugh at him, and your routine of friendly bickering continues as the two of you make quick work of fixing up the kitchen.
You two split off to get ready, Taylor demanding a leave time of 6am sharp. You do your best to appease him, dressing up enough to say you put effort in, but paying mind to comfort over style. You’re putting the last touches on your eye liner when Taylor barges in.
You give him a stink eye for not knocking, which he blissfully ignores as he looks over you top to bottom. He summarily declares you “Good, but not good enough” and stampedes over to raid your closet.
At this point in your cohabitation you’ve learned to just let him do his thing when he gets like this. He doesn’t let you dress yourself when you go clubbing with his friends either, the jerk. Your fashion sense is perfectly acceptable, thank-you-very-much.
He tells you you’re being assigned a bias for today based on your wardrobe as he tosses you a white and navy stripped polo shirt and some navy sweatpants with racer strips on the side. He pulls up a reference photo on your phone and tells you to accessorize while he goes to find an appropriate tie from his stash for you.
Looking at the picture of Han Jisung on your screen, you admit that the outfit is pretty close already. You decide to leave the polo’s buttons undone, grabbing a white camisole to put on under. Your accessories take a bit longer, and you can’t see the shoes to match those, but Taylor seems satisfied enough when he comes back.
He hands you a tie and a handful of pins to complete your look and begins pushing you out the door before you can even put them on properly. When you protest this he insists that the two of you are running late, despite the concert still being more than 13 hours away.
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You do, in fact, make him sleep in the car. He does not appreciate this, but early morning traffic can lull even the most dutiful of soldiers to sleep. He’s somehow even more chipper than usual when he wakes up, despite being groggy and bleary-eyed.
The crowd, when the two of you arrive, isn’t as big as you were expecting it to be. With all of Taylor’s rushing, you’d expected to barely be able to see the doors. The merch booth he was so excited about isn’t even open yet, and he settles the two of you into the line to enter the venue instead of camping there.
It’s immediately obvious who the extrovert between the two of you is, Taylor’s bouncy blond head beginning to duck and weave among the small crowd as soon as you claim your spot, laughs and excited exchanges popping up wherever he stopped. You, on the other hand, stay exactly where you’d been left and fiddle around on your phone, Taylor’s clear backpack abandoned in your arms.
You’re pretty sure this is purposeful on his part. You know each other well enough by now that he’s well aware of your tendency to stay planted once you’re settled. You’re definitely being used to stake out your spot. You steal one of his granola bars as payment for your services.
An hour or so drags through, and Taylor has thoroughly befriended most of the people around you. Once he’s decided that it’s about time to line up for some of the merch booths, Taylor leaves you in the tender care of the other fans as he goes to stake out a spot. He gracefully accepts both your wallet and your request of “a t-shirt and something they can sign”
The group of four people behind you, in particular, take his (only semi-joking) request of “take care of my introvert for me” seriously.
“So are you a Han bias?” One asks you as Taylor prances off. Her outfit is majority blue, little Bbokari (You can admit that the little characters charm you. You probably know their names better than the Stray Kids themselves) hair clips and keychains decorating her person.
You look down at yourself and then back up at her, almost having forgotten that you were dressed up as him. “Ah, no. Taylor, my friend, dressed me this morning. We’re here for him today. Though, he did say Han was my assigned bias today.” You laugh nervously, hoping they don’t judge your lack of knowledge.
Thankfully none of them seem discouraged by your response, giggling along with your little joke. In fact one of them, dressed head to toe in merch, seems almost excited by the prospect.
“Are you a baby Stay then?” She asks you with sparkling eyes. You wave your hands in front of yourself a bit defensively.
“Ah, no. I wouldn’t go that far. I like their music when Taylor plays it around the apartment, but I wouldn’t consider myself part of the fandom. This is actually my first k-pop experience in general.” You explain, “When I say we’re here for him, I mean I am here in total ignorance.”
Another girl, dressed in a loud assortment of colors you vaguely recognize from the music video Taylor had on loop in your living room for a week and a half when it dropped, lets out a low whistle. “Throwing you right into the deep end, huh? Hardcore.”
The group of you laugh a bit, the only guy in their group agreeing with, “Well if you’re not a fan now, you will be when you leave. Their performances are amazing, honestly.”
You absorb the gushing with an open heart, truly hoping for that to be the case. You take this opportunity to take the spotlight off of yourself.
“Oh, have you guys been to a Stray Kids concert before? It’s Taylor’s first.”
That question is the key to the floodgates, and you end up spending the next 3 and a half hours waiting for Taylor’s return (with text updates from the man himself, assuring you that he is still where he’s supposed to be) being regaled with tales of concerts, events, and comebacks past. You feel a bit like you’re getting a crash course in all things Stray Kids, phones often popping out to show you clips, fancams, and photos.
It makes you smile, feeling very included and welcomed as you occasionally pepper in a question or two to keep them going. It’s just like dinners at the apartment with Taylor, him unloading his stress through fandom, and you unloading yours through listening to his ramblings.
This is exactly why you came with him today.
Taylor makes his return loaded down with goodies both purchased and gifted by other fans, to which you welcome him by cheering loudly. This triggers your new group to do the same. Somehow, the five of you cheering leads to a large portion of the early crowd, which had grown by the hour, cheering with you.
You feel a bit shy at the power you apparently hold, and laugh about it with your new friends.
Eventually Taylor and Merch Girl (you hadn’t managed to catch any of their names, you realize belatedly. It’d be too awkward to ask now. You resolve to simply Not Address Them) split off to do more rounds among other fans, distributing their own freebies.
You hadn’t even realized Taylor had made freebies. You’re also not sure how he found the time. Love finds a way, you suppose.
The other group’s Token Guy Friend (who will always been Token Guy to you, so sorry Token Guy) passes the conversation back to you. Not appreciated, Token Guy.
You can’t be all that mad though, as he shuffles through his bag to produce a piece of paper and a chisel-tipped sharpie. He passes the items to you with a grin.
“If you’re close to the stage you should have a sign! You might get an interaction that way!” He enthuses. The remaining girls cheer at the idea, sighing over the possibility of you getting an interaction at your very first concert.
You hold back correcting them that it’s just your first k-pop concert. You’re sure that’s what they mean anyways, as the experience so far has been quite different from your usual.
You look at the items in your hand, and then back at him. He offers to let you use his back to write on. You once again stare between his meticulous outfit and the sharpie in your hand. You are so not going to ruin someone’s day with what was supposed to be a kind gesture.
You motion for him to wait a moment and dig around in your own bag for a moment, the seat cushion Taylor had insisted you bring slapping you incessantly from where it hangs as you shuffle both your shoulder bag and Taylor’s backpack around. Eventually you manage to pull out your travel first aid kit, pulling a gauze pad from it.
You unclip the seat cushion from your bag and place it on the ground, motioning for Token Guy to kneel. He does so bemusedly.
“I’m gonna make it fancy,” You inform him, “those random calligraphy classes from high-school aren’t going to fail me today.” He makes a noise of assent and you’re crowding over his bent back, unfurling the gauze pad to make a barrier between the paper and his shirt.
He and the girls make their conversation around you as you sink into concentration. It’s very difficult to make nice, even, lines on an uneven surface like a back, and you have to keep gently slapping Token Guy’s shoulder when he laughs to remind him not to move.
Taylor and Merch Girl have returned by the time you finish your sign, Taylor laughingly cautioning any of them from breaking your concentration for anything less than Token Guy’s health. Unless they wanted to face your Wrath(tm), of course.
His advice seems to have been heeded, because by the time you tune back into the outside world you have a sign with very pretty (and most importantly - legible) calligraphy that reads:
[HAN! You’ve been assigned as my bias today! Make me fall for you?]
You even took the time to add Korean translations in smaller script beneath each line. You also take the time to admire your own foresight for laying out the gauze pad, small black marks littering it’s surface. Token Guy seems equally impressed when he looks at it, before taking the initiative to trash both it and the wrapper for you.
Merch Girl reads your sign when you proudly hold it in front of yourself and cackles.
“So that’s why he really brought you along, huh?” She teases, elbowing Taylor like they’re old friends. He has that effect on people. “She can talk to them for you if the Aussie line isn’t around.” Taylor gives a sheepish laugh and a faux-guilty shrug.
“That, and she bought the tickets. I couldn’t leave her behind if I tried.” He pokes at you as he speaks, mirth dancing in his eyes. Laughter erupts around the group as you shout your offence, making to start roughhousing with him like you do your sister.
The time passes joyously this way until the doors finally open to begin letting people in for sound check.
You’re not gonna lie, you’re already super tired and peopled out. Luckily, Taylor had clocked you flagging before even you had, and sent you to sit in “introvert time out” on your cushion in a shaded spot away from the crowd. So you could make it through sound check and the actual concert. Probably.
You and Taylor pass through security unscathed, having already eaten or trashed any snacks or drinks you’d brought with you, and having not bothered bringing much else. Both of your bags were just full of merch and freebies at this point.
Once you actually enter the venue you take the lead, dragging Taylor by the wrist to your seats. You’re actually super excited to show him the seats you’d gotten, having kept anything beyond ‘soundcheck’ a secret.
Taylor is already vibrating with excitement as you lead him to the floor seats. He’s nearly trembling as you lead him right up the center, past rows and rows of little white chairs erected for the reserved seating tickets. When you finally sit him down right in front of the thrust stage, plopping into the seat beside him with satisfaction, he turns to you with saucer-wide eyes.
“Noo...” He whispers.
“Oh, yes.” You return, blessing him with a grin and little eyebrow wiggle.
Taylor basically tackles you in a hug, almost knocking you into the person next to you, and squeals his thanks so loudly that you’re sure the entire stadium hears. When he’s done thanking you he pulls back, hands on your shoulders, with the most deadly serious eyes you had ever seen on him.
“I would die for you.” He intones lowly. You crack first, the two of you breaking into a giggle fit that was almost concerning with it’s intensity. When the two of you calm down and turn to settle and sit properly, he nudges your shoulder with his.
“Seriously,” He says, eyes soft, “You’re the best ever. You need anything from today on? I’m your guy.”
You chuckle at him, nudging him back, “Do my dishes for the next month, then.” You tease.
He rears back, hands up in joking surrender, “Woah, woah! Let’s not go that far! I meant if you needed to escape from the mob or something, not chores.” He gives an exaggerated shudder before breaking into his usual silly grin.
The two of you spend the next however long indulging in familiar banter, waving at the group of fans you’d made friends with outside when you spotted them not terribly far away, and generally recharging your batteries for the concert. Taylor eventually moves on to talking to the people around you, and you rest your head on his shoulder.
You close your eyes for just a moment, trying to turn the lights off in your brain for a bit. You really needed the music to start soon, you were going to fall asleep.
Almost as if in answer to your prayers, the group begins trickling on stage for sound check.
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To be honest, both soundcheck and the concert pass in a blur for you.
Once things kick off, you’re swept away in a wave of cheers, music, and lights. You hadn’t expected front row seats to be quite as intense as they were, but you made a note to yourself to not book such tickets for yourself in the future.
You couldn’t really handle it.
Still, Taylor seems to have the time of his life, and you manage to immerse yourself in the concert enough to shake your sign at Han when he passes by, earning yourself a wink and a cheek heart. Taylor was nearly euphoric at having caught the interaction with his phone camera.
By the time it’s over, you’re fairly sure you had a good time, but also 100% sure that you were completely overwhelmed. Taylor manages to drag you to the send off that you paid for spots at anyway. Curse his charming, sunny demeanor.
You can’t really process how it happened at this point, but you end up practically pinned to the railing of the barricade at the send-off location, separated from Taylor, and clinging to your façade of an excited fan with a white knuckled grip. You have three things on you to get signed, and a mission from Taylor to get all three scribbled on.
Your sign for Han, a ballcap Taylor had customized, and a Lee Know photocard Taylor had entrusted to you with a gravity you weren’t sure it warranted. He had, like, three of the same one.
You try to drum up the determination to see your mission through, but find it difficult to dredge up any will at all.
Time waits for no man, however, and soon enough the members begin making their way through, delivering high-fives, autographs, and aegyo as they pass through. You end up squished almost violently to the railing, ducking a bit and making yourself as small as possible as hands, phones, and items all get waved around and over you.
You’re not sure you like send-off.
There’s so many noises and sights and smells that you have a really hard time keeping track of which member is where. Plus, you’re still a lot overwhelmed from lining up before dawn and the concert itself. You’re tired, you’re cranky, and you want to go home.
At some point Lee Know must pass by you, and you must have presented the photocard properly, because you have a signed one now. That’s cool. The faster you get the requested autographs, the faster you can leave.
Bangchan spawns in front of you from the aether, from your point of view. You may be a bit more out of it than you’d like to admit. Still, you dutifully hold out your ballcap for him to sign, exchanging post-concert niceties on pure autopilot.
Because you’re not all that present at the moment, or maybe because all you’d had was your breakfast and some granola bars in the last 13 hours, you don’t hold your balance the way you should when someone shoves at you from behind. You catch yourself on the railing, but you dropped the freshly signed cap.
Bangchan kindly stoops to pick it up for you, and you thank him. A couple of things happen very quickly at that point.
1) Unlike the first two exchanges of the cap, because of the awkward and quick nature of Bangchan’s action, it is no longer being handed to you with lots of space between your hand and his.
2) You’re still being jostled around. No matter how much you brace for the impact of the bodies surrounding you, you couldn’t possibly keep totally still.
3) These two things have a consequence. Your hand brushes Chan’s as he hands you the cap.
The world stops for you for a moment, as pins and needles stab into dozens of familiar spots all across your lower abdomen. You freeze, dumb, awkward, overwhelmed smile plastered to your face as Bangchan turns away from you.
The pain isn’t that bad, really, more like a bad period cramp mixed with a sleeping limb waking up. Still, you curl your arm around your stomach, and your body bows with the motion. As if you could protect your reality from shattering and reshaping itself in front of you.
Static fills your ears and your poor, overloaded, brain throbs with the beginnings of a migraine.
Bangchan is your soulmate.
International k-pop sensation Bangchan is one of your eight soulmates.
Bangchan is part of a group with eight members.
Your soulmate is already moving away from you, your minor interaction just a footnote of his day, the tingling pain of your soulmate bond awakening probably blending in with a thousand other minor aches and pains from a very physically intense day for him.
You come back to clarity with the resolve that you’d like it to stay that way.
With a sense of urgency, you look around the crowd you’re part of, noting distinct faces and colors for the first time. You’re not really sure what you’re looking for until you spot it, and suddenly your escape plan is fully formed.
There, just a couple shoves and elbow throws away, is Blue Bbokari Girl from this morning.
You struggle your way over, people falling into the space you’d left at the railing like a pack of hyenas on fresh meat. When you reach her you the gently at her sleeve to get her attention.
She turns to you with confusion first, a bright greeting next, and finally a concerned scrunch of her brow as she takes in your hunched form.
“Hey, I’m feeling kind of sick, can you help me get out of the crowd?” You’re sure you look convincingly pathetic and weak as you plead with her. If only because you really did feel pathetic and weak at the moment.
“Oh, of course, hun! Just a moment.” She begins to crane her neck around to scan the crowd like you’d done moments prior. You feel a bit bad for interrupting her night like this, but as she calls out to someone behind her, you’re more thankful than anything.
Blue Bbokari Girl successfully gets the attention of someone you don’t recognize, and a quick summary of, “She’s sick, help her leave!” shouted over the crowd has you being passed through the crowd unmolested.
You find yourself enveloped in a chain of fans, one passing you to another, pausing, and calling on someone else to pass you to until you’ve finally stumbled free of the send-off mob.
Feeling a bit like you’d just been spat out of the maw of a great creature, you look back at the rustling crowd, now looking like it had never been disturbed at all.
The last lady who had finally freed you, an older woman with a Jiniret picket, eyes you with concern as you put you back to the nearest wall and slide down it.
“Will you be okay, sweetie?” She questions you worriedly, “Do you have anyone to pick you up?”
You smile weakly at her and assure her that you just have to get ahold of your roommate and he’d get you home safe and sound. She tries to insist on waiting with you, but you persuade her to return to the crowd with promises that you’d make your way to a bathroom or security guard once the worst of your vertigo had passed.
You watch her return with morbid fascination, amazed when she just sort of gets absorbed back into the mass of people. Almost like it ate her. You once again marvel at making it out of such a thing unscathed.
Truth be told, your stomach was only sore and tender this point, the sharp, needle-point pains long gone. Still, you take a moment to bring your knees to your chest, just breathing as you press your forehead to them. If anyone were to look at you then, you wonder what they’d think of you curled up on the floor and trembling like your dog had just died.
You hope they’d view you with kindness.
After giving yourself a moment to just feel, though you couldn’t tell anyone what you had felt, you gather yourself enough to totter to your feet and drag yourself to the nearest bathroom. You text Taylor as you go.
[Hey. Felt sick, in bathroom rn. lmk when we can leave pls?]
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Perma Tag List: @mbioooo0000
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ryus3i · 2 years
Hi, Mai!!! Hru?
I'm thinking bonten trio (ran, rin and sanzu) going through a rough time and (y/n) being there on their sides and consoling them.
What you say ^o^ ?
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COMFORTING BONTEN TRIO DURING HARD TIMES ft. Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani and Haruchiyo Sanzu
Bonten Trio x gn reader
Genre; Angst
Cw; cursing, intoxication, gremlins (children) in Rindou’s, reader is a parent in Rindou’s. Horrible endings. Possibly ooc.
A/n; Hi!!! I’m good Hru?? Thank you sm for requesting, I’m sorry I took so long but it’s finally done and I hope you like it. Lmk what you think!
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“Ran, is everything alright?”
Ran wasn’t the type of lover to enter without a sound. Ran wasn’t the type to avoid your kisses or walk right past you so why did he today?  
You can only watch your husband from the door frame as he begins to unbutton the first buttons  of his dress shirt. The dress shirt that was once void of wrinkles was now riddled with lines and creases that spanned the shirt. 
It is only when Ran sees you through the reflection of your shared vanity mirror that he takes a step back. He takes a seat on the edge of your bed and lets out a sigh, a sigh that signals to you that something was bothering Ran. Did  something happen at work? Was he alright? Was Rindou alright? 
You took this opportunity to take a seat by Ran’s side, where you hoped he would want you to be. Taking his hand in yours you lace your fingers with his slender ones. Giving him a light squeeze you lift your eyes to find his, to find where they were. 
“What’s wrong” are the only words that can come out. They come out just barely but are quickly sucked into the space you and Ran occupy. They float until Ran gets a hold and takes them in. 
“I’m just worried about Rin, I know he’s not a little kid anymore but I can’t help wanting to keep him close. He wants to go on missions alone, without me. It’s always been the two of us, the Haitani Brothers.”
“Ran, I know it's hard to just let him go but Rin needs room to grow. He won’t have you around forever, we both know he can handle himself so let him.”
“Y/N, what if he gets hurt, what if he can’t handle it?”
“I’m not saying, let him go forever. Why not just give it a chance, give him a chance? Rin did learn from the best didn’t he”. Ran can’t help but let out a chuckle, one that you didn’t know you missed.
“Besides, maybe Mikey will let you approve of his missions or even let you spy on him a bit. Just give Rin a chance, love.”. 
“You’re right, he’s leeched onto me long enough. Little shit needs to be a man now.”.  You know Ran will give Rindou some sort of lecture before Mikey even lets Rindou go on a mission but you know Ran just wants the best Rindou. 
“Okay, I’ll let you freshen up while I heat the food”. 
Just before you can leave, strong arms make their way around your waist, pulling you into the warmth of your lover. 
“I love you y/n, thank you”. Ran places a soft kiss filled love on your forehead.
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“When’s Daddy coming home?” Your little girl couldn’t understand why her father wasn’t home yet and neither could you. You had tried to call him countless times and left numerous messages but all were delivered and never answered. 
Maybe he was on a mission and just couldn’t pick up the phone? Or what if he was in a meeting? It couldn’t have been the same reasons over and over these last weeks where Rindou would come home unexpectedly.  All these questions swam around your head in circles but ultimately got stuck in the whirlpool of your worries. 
A jolt of fear runs through you when the front door to your home suddenly opens. Rindou was finally here but it didn’t ease the worries in your head. 
Making your way towards him you place a kiss on his cheek, the typical way you’d greet him daily. You can sense the tension that lingers around the Haitani. You can feel the way the tension slowly builds up and tightens its hold around him as takes off his coat and gives his daughter a quick hug before going to his study. 
“Okay, now that you’ve seen daddy and gotten a hug it is time for you to sleep. You’ve been up long past your bedtime. Make sure you clean up all your toys”.
As your little one begins to do as she was told your mind drifts off to Rindou. The whirlpool has settled down but the questions are stuck in motion. You had decided on the first day of Rin’s change in action that it was a one day thing. On the second you let him have the space you know he needed but after a week you would get the answers  you needed.
While your daughter drifts into the land of dreams you drift toward the study where your husband has been secluding himself from the rest of your house. 
Slowly opening the door, your eyes lay on the figure of your husband hunched over the auburn desk the two of you had selected years ago to match the rest of the room. You can hear the sound of pen marking paper, ink leaving its forever behind on paper that won’t quite keep it forever. 
You call out his name but it never goes through, you try again but it's never received. A light tap on Rin’s shoulder breaks him out of the trance that paperwork has lulled him into. 
“Hey, did you need something”
“No, but do you have a minute to talk?”. A minute wouldn’t be long enough to get him to let everything out but a minute was all you needed to get him to speak even a little bit and explain himself.
“Look Rin, I just want to know what’s been going on, you’ve been coming home later and later and you don’t even respond to my messages or pick up calls”. 
“y/n, I’m so busy I really can’t do this now”
“Rin, please just answer me then I’ll leave you alone. I’m worried about you, coming  home late day after day without a word is so unlike you. Even your daughter is getting worried about you, she just wants some time with her father.”.
“I’m doing this all for her and you, I’ve been slacking off recently and I need to get it together. I’m sorry but I need to sacrifice time with you two for her.”. 
“Rin I understand but please, right now all she needs is your attention.”.
“My attention alone will not give her the best life”.
This back and forth with Rindou was frustrating, it was going nowhere. He would only become more upset the longer he was taken away from his work so it was just to leave before things could escalate. It would be better to continue this conversation at some other time. 
“I just don’t want to let her down”. 
In that moment everything clicked, the missing piece of the puzzle was now in place. Rindou was afraid. Afraid of history repeating, afraid of becoming the parent he had resented his entire life.  
It was years ago when Rindou had told you of childhood. Years without parents who loved or even cared. Rindou knew what it was like growing up practically living on the streets so he wanted to do whatever he could to keep his daughter as far away from it as possible but he fails to realize that he’s pushing her away from himself. 
“Rin, you could never let her down, you’re an  amazing father. I know you want to give her anything she could ever want but right now she just needs your attention. 
“What if it’s not enough”.
“Trust me Rin everything you do for her is more than enough.”.
“I’m sorry love, I’ll take a couple days off for you two, we can do whatever you and our little princess choose”. 
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Haruchiyo would do anything to push back the feelings. If it meant running away from reality and escaping to the land of intoxication he would do it. He can’t take the emotions that  swallow him whole, the emotions that  drive him crazy and take wheels steering his life. His feet take him away from you but his emotions drop him off at your doorstep. 
From the peephole of your door you can see a disheveled mess of oh so familiar pink hair. Haruchiyo was drunk again, wasn't he? What else would he be doing at your door after leaving your heart to pieces a month ago, when he confessed he didn’t love you any longer, that he didn’t want you any longer. 
Opening your recovering heart you wrap one arm of the man who no longer loved around your neck and take him inside your home.
Haruchiyo can only allow you to take him in and place him on the couch where memories from before resurface, memories from when he could keep you happy resurfaced.
“Here, water you look like you need it.”. Reaching out for the glass of water he slowly takes in the water and his thoughts. Why was he here? He doesn’t deserve any of this. He should be somewhere else, maybe in a shady alley or anywhere but here.
“Haru, it hurts. God knows if you even care anymore but it hurts. You hurt me so bad. I spent days crying over you. I can’t  think without having your words replay in my mind. I hate you, I hate you so much”. 
Tears can only pool at Haruchiyo’s eyes as he hears the three words he knew he deserved to hear come out of your mouth. Tears push past his eyelashes as he watches tears of your own fall down the sides of your face as you try your best to hide them. Tears finally break free as he watches you stand up, why can he only watch as his only love walks away from him. There has to be something he can do.
“Wait, I love you”. Before the words can register in his mind they fall out for you to catch. The three words he never said in your year together suddenly leave his mouth before he can even think. 
The three words you’ve only ever wanted him to say finally leave his mouth but why aren’t you celebrating. Why aren’t you cheering and jumping? It’s because you don’t think he means it, he’s drunk off his mind. He’s just saying anything.
“I meant it y/n, I love you”. As you turn around to face him you watch as makes his way closer to you. Every footstep he takes closer to you brings his words closer and closer to your heart.
“I know, I know you think I’m lying just to make you stay but I mean it. I hurt you, I broke your heart and I don’t deserve you but I still love you. I never stopped loving you, this past month has been hell without you, I can’t sleep, I can think, I can’t live without you.``.  
Haruchiyo is now on his knees with his head in hands. His throat tries to hold in his sobs but his heart can’t hold them any longer.  Dropping to his side you bring him into your arms, no longer wanting to watch him hurt. His words from a month ago were forgotten as you brought him closer, you hurt but Haruchiyo was always hurting. You don’t need Haruchiyo you wanted him but Haruchiyo needed you. 
You were is his everything but you never realized. You loved him more than anything but he never realized. You both had your flaws but together you could make things work.
“We can figure this out Haru, I'm always going to be here for you no matter what. I’m sorry for never realizing how you felt. I’ve been so selfish, please forgive me. I love you Haru.”.
“I love you too. I’ll always love you. I’ll forgive you if you forgive me for hurting you. Let’s figure this out together”. 
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oogaboogaspookyman · 10 months
Lmfao N says fuck fic how original
"So, N..." Uzi sits down on her Spinny Chair Of Genius™, as she likes to call it, as N sits on a beanbag. "Since i am your new apparent admin, this means i have some form of control over you and V, yeah?"
"I guess?" N shrugs "I mean- i don't know, i'm not the human that made me, i don't know my inner workings..."
He suddenly has a small thought start to grow in his head, and immediately lets it slip out of curiosity. "Wh- what are you trying to do?? Are you gonna look through my settings..?" He scratches his head in a bashful manner, blushy as it's literally some very delicate and probably private stuff.
Uzi grins like the absolute gremlin she is, sharp teeth shining like the blade of a knife, as she fidgets with her fingers at the most chaotic thought she's had so far. Key word being: so far.
"I'm just gonna make a test, nothing harmful~" She giggles. N looks at Uzi with a metaphorical drop of sweat running down his visor as he thinks of the times Cyn giggled back in the mansion. She definetly made giggles way less scary than Uzi's.
Next day...
It started with Uzi's alarm going off. She slaps her own visor, turning it off, and promptly gets up. N seems to be deep in his sleep... Wonder what he's dreaming about? She kinda hopes it's her, but it's not something she'll reveal to any one schmuck at ALL, so thank me later.
i don't want to kill you. i don't want to kill anymore. i need you. don't go. don't leave me. please. i don't want to kill you. the universe is at risk. i can't lose more people in my life. i have to protect the universe. but you are my universe. please. no. don't go. please. i love you. i'm sorry.
M1S5 M3? :)
"N!!" He wakes up screaming, startling Uzi who's sitting conviniently really close and in front of him. On top of his lap. Like in those bits in movies where the love interest is uncomfortably close to the main character. Like that. Yeah.
"Hi Uziii...??" N whispers in bashful surprise as she processes the situation. Okay so i'm sitting here right in front of him and he just woke up and sat up really close to my face it's looking like something else is gonna happen and oh my robo-god i am going to fuckin' pass out hhhhh-
"aaaaaooOKAYWEGOTTAGOORELSEWERELATETOTHEFUCKINGSCHOOLSHITAAAA" N yelps Uzi pushes him away by the face in a rush. N gets back up to yell (but like- not angry or anything, more like yelling so she hears him clearly) "Language! Your dad's around, you know?? It's why i say"biscuits" instead, i don't wanna be rude!". It's a long pause of silence as he thinks, realizing... "How can you even swear at all by the way???"
It started with a horrible, terrifying, traumatic, very lore heavy nightmare along with a scare and rush to school. This day is certainly not gonna go all too well and i am here for it he's boutta SNAP lol.
Next it was Lizzy doing her usual popular girl spoiled brat bullshit, and N cannot kill her because murder as a whole is wrong and it's no solution to anything at all. Uzi knows this and it bothers her so much more than i can describe.
Next was the teacher being this smug idiot doing whatever, giving the class a dumb thing to do without caring about anything, only looking through his phone either busy with other work or straight up messing around. Uzi and N are very much bothered by this and Uzi wants to speak up... Which she does. To no avail, as the teacher ran out of fucks to give. N just tolerates and tries to lighten up the mood by being his friendly self (got a dude and a chick head over heels for him and he doesn't realize, thinks they're just extra friendly), but it's mostly very little effect. All because he doesn't wanna be rude. It's gonna get real soon enough though.
Next was the discrimation towards N, as he is a Disassembly Drone and they're pretty scared of him... Well at least it's not ALL of them, some are very much enjoying his presence. Why that is i'll tell you in the dms because i don't think i can say it here lmfao.
Next was the teasing. Yes some drones in the school figured out the whole Nuzi shebang and are now teasing them about it. "Hey purple girl, how's the biting like?", "How does your murder buddy kiss? I'm just curious~", "How's it like living with a small girl like her? Bet she likes it when you pick her up~", "N you are so much better than her, there's that other murderous girl out there that killed Doll's parents, she seems right up your ally!", and it just doesn't stop. Ever. N is genuinely bothered by this, he's very uncomfortable.
Inconvience after inconvience, minor and major, impactful and not, it just doesn't friggin' STOP.
Luckily that's all there is, they're going home! Albeit not very happy but they're going to their comfortable space of a home nonetheless!
But i did say he's gonna snap at some point.
"Uzi, have you seen my glasses? I gotta read something important" Says Khan, not actually needing glasses as he's a robot, he can see just fine, but everyone in Copper 9 is all mimicking humans so Khan doesn't realize that and needs glasses anyway.
"I'm getting them, Mr. Uzi!" N chirps, happy to help like all the time, as he jumps up from his seat and walks around, looking for Khan's glasses. "Thanks, Uzi's very lucky to have you as this potential boyfriend!" Uzi lets out a very UNHOLY screech of embarrassment as she yells "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND". N does sigh at this, but he's too busy looking for Khan's glasses to care.
"Ooh! There you are!" N whips out a pair of glasses from inside... Uzi's wardrobe?? Does she prank him often??? Anywho, he found the glasses!
"I got 'em Mr. Uzi!! I found them in Uzi's wardrobe which is very weird and raises a few questions but i found them nonetheless!!" Khan processes the statement and wheezes as a response.
"What? What's funny??" N is very confused. Khan chuckles as he pats N in the back, "What just happened while i was sleeping was that Uzi just hid them away as a prank of sorts, she's very mischievous!" He's giggling as he explains, and so does N because come on it's funny how could he not?
Oh and N drops the glasses in his giggle fit. Resulting in them breaking upon landing. They stop laughing as they notice this.
N's eye twitches as his hands vibrate.
"N it's okay, i'll just get new ones-" says Khan, immediately interrupted by the next paragraph under this one
Khan is startled and frozen up in shock. Uzi heard that from the other room and is also shocked. If there were birds in Copper 9 they would fly away in flocks.
Khan is frozen in shock as Uzi silently giggles to herself from the other room. "It worked! I turned off his filter holy shit it worked eheheheheee!"
"I'M... I'm going outside for a breather, be right fuckin' back" N storms out through the front entrance, as Khan holds a hand out trying to stop him, "it's sunny outside, careful-" but it was too late.
"FUUCK!!" And so N storms right back in, with burns on his casing, "I'm going to Uzi's room then"
"I DID IT!!" Uzi whisper-yells to herself. Somehow.
Twas a very loud and messy day, hope you enjoyed this lmao
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changingplumbob · 6 months
York Household: Chapter 9, Part 10
In this part Kelly may be stood down from school for the day but that doesn't mean Aaron won't find them something to do.
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CW: Mentions of body dysmorphic disorder and dysphoria
The Yorks are Italian so if you see them using words that don't look like English it's Italian, or what google assures me is Italian. Caro/Cara: Dear Buongiorno: Good morning Piccolo: Little one Tesoro: Treasure Nonno: Grandfather Nonna: Grandmother Si: Yes Grazie: Thank you Per Favore: Please Buon Compleanno: Happy Birthday
Kelly had asked Joey to speak to their family about her identity and, once Joey assured her it was fine, she joined the family for dinner.
Calista: Cara, I heard you got in a few fights today
Kelly was so used to being called caro, while cara was used for her sisters, that it took her a moment to realise her ma was addressing her.
Kelly: Si ma
Calista: Can we say the second fight may have had something to do with you being a girl?
Kelly: *sighs* Si ma. The dung brain said only girls needed to know about periods and stuff so I got mad and stomped on her foot
Deanna: I think that’s a sensible response even if you were a boy
Aaron: Deanna! Violence is never the answer
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Joey: You say that like you don’t want us to get arrested
Aaron gave Joey a look that could melt steel.
Joey: Sorry pa, bad joke
Calista: I'll call your school and talk to them about separating kids by gender, in this day and age it's stupid. How about the first fight cara
Kelly: What do you mean
Calista: You were having trouble in English. Do you want us to get some help
Kelly: *sighs* That jerk was saying I had dyslexia but he doesn’t know what goes on in my head
Aaron: Still, it’s better to look into help now so you won’t be hindered at university
Deanna: Pa, she’s only just started high school
Aaron: Never too early to start thinking of the future
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Aaron: But if you don’t want to talk about it tonight we can fit it in tomorrow
Kelly: What do you mean fit it in
Aaron: You don’t think I’m going to waste a day you’re not in school do you?
Kelly: I was kind of hoping to crash on the couch and play some games
Aaron steps up and pulls Kelly into a hug despite her protests.
Aaron: Cara, your ma and I love you. Very much. But a shift like the one you’ve started won’t be a simple one. We want you to get all the help available. I'm taking a vacation day and first stop tomorrow is a doctor who specialises in adolescents
Kelly smiles and tries her best not to tear up in front of her siblings, she has a reputation as an evil sim to maintain.
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Calista: Are you okay Kelly
Kelly: Si ma. I just… wasn’t sure how you’d all take… me
Calista: Oh cara, like your pa said, we love you. We’re your family. We’re always going to be on your side
Kelly: Even if I kill someone
Calista: *laughs* Please try not to kill anyone *whispers* although I have a feeling that your pa would absolutely be your lawyer
Aaron: *laughs* Well don’t just go encouraging her to be a killer
After a hug with Calista Kelly lets out a celebratory cheer.
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Deanna does not wake up feeling well. She gets dressed but can’t be bothered putting her contacts in today, glasses it is. She grabs some leftover cake and goes past Kelly and Aaron, barely taking them in.
Aaron: What’s wrong cara
Deanna: I have a horrible headache and feel like poop
Kelly: You mean you feel as bad on the inside as you look on the outside
Deanna: Probably
Kelly: No retaliation? *sighs* Just admit you don’t want me to have fun today
Deanna: You should be at school gremlin but you got in fights. Excuse me if I’m unimpressed
Kelly and Aaron head off while Deanna contemplates a nap rather than homework. What use are good grades if you’re dead?
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Kelly: Why am I seeing him
Aaron: Harvey said his son had a good time
Kelly: Pa no one has a good time at medical appointments
Aaron: *sighs* maybe not but he said it helped him, how’s that?
Kelly: Guess it’ll do. So long as he doesn’t try to un evil me
Aaron: Tell him about the trouble you’ve had in class
Kelly: Si pa
Aaron: And tell him your family support you being trans because he’ll want to know
Kelly: Si pa. Think you can stop telling me what to do now?
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Dr H: Kelly York?
Kelly: Yeah that’s me, this is my pa Aaron
Dr H: Nice to meet you. I’m Doctor Xander Hanks, the psychiatrist here. Will you be joining us Aaron?
Aaron: Kelly wanted to do this by herself if that’s okay
Dr H: Perfectly fine but I’d like to bring you in at the end to discuss next steps if that’s okay with Kelly
Kelly shrugs and walks herself into the office, choosing the couch that most faces the door. Dr Hanks sits down opposite her.
Dr H: Let me tell you a bit about myself. Following medical school I-
Kelly: Don’t care about you
Dr H: We can skip the pleasantries if you prefer
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Kelly: You talk weird
Dr H: Why don’t you tell me why you’re here today
Kelly: *shrugs and kicks foot* They kicked me out of school for a day
Dr H: They? Why did “they” do that?
Kelly: The principal got batpoop mad because I punched one kid and stomped on the foot of another, but they had it coming
Dr H: Do you often have trouble with your temper Kelly
Kelly: I’m a teen. You're a professional, don't you know we have trouble with everything
Dr H: Anything you’d care to share
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Kelly: Well ma and pa wanted me to come because…
Here she pauses. As hard as it was to tell Joey who loves her, telling a stranger is a harder task.
Dr H: Why don’t you tell me about why you got in the fights
Kelly sighs and tells him about Roger, the kid who teased her about her struggles in English class.
Dr H: Why did that upset you so much
Kelly: I don’t know. I can usually take a joke, I’m the first to make a joke after my friend Fergus. I guess… I was a bit worried he might be right. I survived middle school but now the words are longer and smaller and they can jam together sometimes in my head. But I’m not crazy!
Dr H: I wouldn’t call someone crazy Kelly. It is possible you have an undiagnosed learning disorder. I can send you to my colleague after this visit for an assessment if you’d like
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Kelly shrugs noncommittally and Dr Hanks continues.
Dr H: What about the stomped foot incident
Kelly: I was trying to talk to my best friend Anya about what she learned in health because they separate the class boy girl style. I was curious, I mean I’ve only heard a bit, and this other girl took offense at me learning because I was a boy so she complained loudly then I stomped on her foot. That just made her scream more
Dr H: Was she unaware you’re trans
Kelly: *defensively* How’d you know that
Dr H: Forgive me if I’ve overstepped. Your father used the pronoun her when he ushered you in-
Kelly: I know this outfit doesn’t exactly scream natural girl but…
Dr H: And you said you were a boy when the disagreement happened
Kelly: Oh…. Right, I did… Sorry. I’ve only just come out to my family it’s still... difficult
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Dr H: You have nothing to apologise for. I find the term “natural girl” to be unhelpful when talking about gender. If someone is the gender they were assigned at birth, they are cisgender. If they are not the gender they were assigned at birth, they are transgender. Have you heard that language before
Kelly: Here and there. I mean my friend’s older sibling is… oh shoot he did tell me the term…. Non something…
Dr H: Nonbinary?
Kelly: That’s it! So technically he, I mean they, are trans?
Dr H: *nods* You’ve got it. There are many ways to be female, just as there are many ways to be male, or both, or none. Was this why your parents wanted you to see me?
Kelly: Sort of. I mean I know I’m a girl but *sighs* I don’t know what to do about it. Transitioning just seems so big
Dr H: Maybe talking it out can make it a bit smaller huh
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The two discuss the situation a bit more and when Kelly feels ready Dr Hanks retrieves Aaron from reception.
Dr H: Your daughter certainly knows her own mind. You must be proud
Aaron: I am. She can be a handful but I am
Kelly: Being stubborn has benefits okay pa
Aaron: I know
Dr H: After this I’m going to send you to my colleague who will do a learning assessment on Kelly. She may benefit from additional academic support. We have discussed possible next steps for her identity as well
Aaron: What are they
Kelly: Basically the government is stupid and science hates me
Aaron: I’m sure that’s not true
Dr H: There are scientific debates about at what age we can start on hormones and other physical interventions. At the moment the youngest age for medical transition is 16
Kelly: But he says I don’t have to do that if I don’t want to, any changes I make will be up to me. I say who I am, I'm in charge
Aaron is glad to see Kelly smile at this.
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Dr H: There are many non-medical changes that can be made while she thinks about it. Kelly has already switched pronouns, she may want to change her name or her wardrobe. I’m going to refer her for therapy-
Kelly: He says I might get this thing called body dysmorphic disorder. Or anxiety, or depression or whatever
Dr H: Body dysmorphia can overlap with gender dysphoria so I like to make sure my trans patients have adequate support. I’ve prescribed some antidepressants which I think will be helpful as support during the transition period but I’d like to order some blood tests to make sure we don’t need to do any medical interventions yet
Aaron: What can me and her ma do
Dr H: Keep supporting her. She has expressed some anxiety about her personality traits. I would urge you and the rest of her family to remember her gender identity is not responsible for her personality or vice versa despite being a big part of who she is
Aaron: We can do that
The two get up to leave and Aaron is surprised when Kelly not only thanks the doctor but gives him a hug as well. Maybe her evil trait will be easier to balance with age.
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Results of today’s medical appointments. Kelly has dyslexia and body dysmorphic disorder. Sorry it was a bit long, I didn't want to cut her off mid session.
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Time travel, it's a funny thing really, even funnier when you take in account all the different interpretations of its inner workings. So, what if we take out boy Spider, and put him in yet another ridiculous situation like we usually do? By that I mean sending him back before even the events of the first film and letting the chaos ensue.
Spider being, well, himself wants to fix whatever he can because he's just built like that. Problem with that is time doesn't like being messed with and will throw hands to keep things as they are. What now? you may ask. Well, Spider is not one to give up easily, he'll roll up his non existing sleeves, put on his game face and.... fail miserably, dyeing a horrible death in the process.
And what now? you may ask again. You're right to be confused, but you're forgetting that there's still a baby to be born to one of the worst of the demons and a pilot, one who is yet to even be called Spider. That's right, this is a time loop.
This one will live trough life, doing the same things as the first one, getting sent back, until he too fails the same way. Then the next one, and the one after that, will do the same, on and on until, eventually, one decides to leave behind a clue for his (future/present/past?) self, just in case. And the dominoes start falling from there.
I won't go into detail of what he does because it would be way to long, but it's basically millions upon millions of tries until he get's to the "golden" run, where he's basically herding people around into "safe spots" without them knowing. Yes, he did throw a fire extinguisher at Quaritch so he would miss Grace's vitals, she still had to transfer but it worked this time (thus Kiri being born, but with her bio mom being alive and well. I leave the rest to your imagination.)
That leaves us with pretty much everyone alive (Yes, Sylwanin is alive. That's how far back he went) and casualties on the human side being kept to a minimum.
All anyone clearly saw of future Spider was the human stranger with dreaded hair, standing over Quaritch's dead body right outside the shack Jake was in ( kinda dark, I know), leading to him becoming kind of his own legend amongst the na'vi (they do figure out he's been helping them all along, their not dumb) This is also why Jake decided to dread his hair, in honor of the stranger who was saving their asses from the background.
Sadly, Spider does die one final time, sufferings from an injury he got while saving Tsu'tey from doing that funny fall. That does fix the paradox of there being two Spiders sooo, win I guess?
After that, everything goes on as normal as it can be, what with everyone being alive and all. They do eventually find the clues left behind by the MANY Spiders and piece together what happened, they don't believe it at first, but all of that, combined with Spider growing up and becoming a spiting image of the stranger leaves them with little else (Imagine learning that your sister, father and a bunch of other important people to you are still alive only because the boy you hate for being the "Spawn of that demon" was sent back in time countless times, died countless deaths, all so everyone else could have a happier life, couldn't be me)
I'm also imagining that Eywa (She's more like a literal goddess here, not full on cosmic being, but enough to see trough time) saw all of it and at the half way point was like "PLEASE STOP! Even one was enough, just please!" all the while the embodiment of Spider's will was cackling like a gremlin " I ain't even half way done!"
Best of all, Miguel O'Hara can't do shit about it (The time loop is a cannon event)
So yeah, that's my thingy to you, a bit long (sorry!) but it is there.
Ooh, well I haven't seen a Spider time travel fic yet, only ones with the other Sully's or with the people from the first movie coming forward in time.
I do loooove a time loop, it's like a little mystery to figure out exactly how the perfect series of events can pan out. I love that Quaritch still dies though, that makes me happy. Spider of COURSE had to throw a fire extinguisher.
I am fascinated by how lonely his time in the past must have been. Especially if he was still a teenage boy. And if he went back as far as saving Sylwanin, dude was like so fucking old by the time they made it to the end there. He was older than Neytiri then so his ass was like nearing the end of middle aged. His bones are creaking their way around the forest. Where did he fucking live, how did he have the supplies to breathe and care for his human needs, how did no one notice him for like forty years?? So many questions.
Also hilarious to imply Eywa had nothing at all to do with this and was just watching.
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the-knucklesverse · 6 months
Dread's Regret
something something, Dread get hits with a depressive episode in which he feels real remorse for everything he's done
Callie finds him off by himself, sitting with his back against the wall, hugging his knees
"I been so horrible, lass. Hurt so many. Selfish. Such a terrible waste o' life, it be."
He wouldn't look at her. Kept his eyes closed and forehead on his knees. Callie's heart went out to him. She knew his history, but had never seen him look so affected by it.
"Dread, c'mon," she says, her voice soft. "You were hurt by others as you grew up, it was the only way you knew how to be. The world hurt you, so you lashed out to hurt the world."
"Don't make it right," he said, his voice muffled. "Don't make any of it right. I still coulda been better. I killed them that hurt me, I didn't need t' take it out on others. Innocents. But I did. Which makes me jus' as bad as them."
Callie pulled her lips tight. She wasn't sure what to say to that. Brushing it aside wasn't right, but she hated hearing him beat himself up. Because it was true, he was pretty terrible.
"It was because of the shard's energy, though, wasn't it? It . . . kinda warped you. Made you worse than you otherwise would have been."
"Or maybe it brought out who I really be inside. What a monster I be."
She couldn't take it anymore. Callie reached forward, meaning to wrap her arms around him and offer some comfort, when he seemed to sense her and flinched away. He raised his head, looking up at her with wide, shiny eyes.
"Don't, lass," he said, his voice a harsh whisper. He shook his head, blinking the first tears down his cheeks. "Don't. I don't deserve yer kindness. Yer compassion. I deserve t' be punished f'r what I done. Not comforted." He scooted further away from her, turning to lean his shoulder against the wall, his back to her. "Jus' leave me be. Please."
"Okay, I'm pretty sure we both know that's not gonna happen," she said as she moved to sit in front of him, mirroring his pose. She hugged her knees as she looked at him. "So you're just gonna sit here feeling sorry for yourself for everything you've done in the past. Is that the plan?"
His brow furrowed as he looked at her. "I done bad things. Ye saying I shouldn't feel bad about them?"
"No, I think it's great you feel bad about them."
He scoffed. "Then ye do think I should suffer."
"I think you feeling bad about them is great because of what it represents. It shows you feel remorse. You regret your actions. You feel guilt for causing others hurt just because you were. I have a feeling the Dread from before the Sanctuary wouldn't have felt any of that, would he?"
He paused, his brow still furrowed in thought. "No. He wouldn't."
Callie nodded. "You are not the Dread you were before you came here. What you did was terrible, yes. I'm not gonna sit here and say it wasn't. And if I'd met that Dread, I probably would have punched him square in the nose about five seconds later."
That brought a little smile to his lips. "Aye, he probably woulda deserved it, too."
She smiled in return. "But that Dread isn't here, is he? I wouldn't be friends with that Dread, would I?"
Violet eyes turned up to hers. "No. I don't suppose ye would."
"Damn right I wouldn't. I'm very picky about who my friends are. Very picky. But you're my friend, aren't you?"
He paused, biting his lip slightly. "I be, yer . . . best friend? Maybe?"
Callie gave a soft hum as her smile turned into a little smirk.
"Maybe. Against my better judgment."
A smile curled his lips. "Ye're an angel walkin' the Earth, lass. Showin' me kindness like this."
"Oh shut up with that stuff," she said rolling her eyes. "You wanna hug or not?"
Without a word, Dread launched himself forward, wrapping his arms around Callie's neck and holding her tight.
"Thank ye, lass," he whispered, nuzzling against her. "Thank ye."
Callie wrapped her own arms around him and gave a squeeze, being mindful of his wavy quills. "Hush you little gremlin. Just breathe."
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laalaaisqueen · 3 months
Laa-Laa + Dipsy Survivor AU
Laa-Laa slightly heard the sound of the Dome doors but she just shoves her head under her yellow pillow despite a strong feeling in her chest. She just wanted to sleep despite the nightmares.
But she shot up when she heard Dipsy shouting.
"Okay I'm sorry I woke you up early yesterday! No need to grab at my neck!"
The yellow Teletubby rolls out of bed and for reason grabs a metal object out of her nightstand. She runs to Dipsy's cow print door and it's wide open. She can see the big and towering figure of Tinky Winky on the bed.
The purple Tele has never played a prank in his life so he's not joking around.
Laa-Laa grabs his arm and clicks the first circle of metal around his wrist. His red and white eyes right away lock on her and tries to launch himself at her.
But large Teletubbies are not graceful and she simply dodges and connects the second metal to the bed post.
"Alright, come on, let's talk about this somewhere safer." She runs out of the room but stopped at the dome doors when Dipsy turned to peek into Po's room.
"She's not in her room?"
Laa-Laa nervous casts a look at the purple open door as she hears Tinky struggling to get free from the cuff.
"Check Tinky's room."
He does and shakes his head.
"Okay she probably for some reason decided to try to ride her scooter in the dark."
Dipsy grabs the remaining flashlight on the work bench before following Laa-Laa out.
"So why was Tinky trying to do something to your neck?" Might as well talk about it while finding Po.
"I don't know, I assume because of the thing I did."
"Dipsy you do a lot of things Tinky could try to kill you for."
"I think he was trying to strangle me." Dipsy shrugs, shining the light in different random directions.
Not at the lake. Ugh, why did their home have to be so big?
"I swear we've checked almost everywhere at this point." Laa-Laa sighs, so very tired but they couldn't go home.
Dipsy's light lands on something and suddenly just sharply inhales.
There was a strange creaking noise.
She lifts her green eyes and blinks dumbly.
A red body was swinging back and forth. Being only held up by the rope around the neck.
Laa-Laa probably would have been horrified at such a sight. But she's seen this scene a million times in her nightmares. She's not sure how Po got hung on the tree though.
"O...Okay Po might be a little gremlin at times, but I don't think she deserves this."
Silence entered for a few seconds.
"...Are you suggesting someone hung her there?"
More silence because accusing Tinky Winky of doing it sounded ridiculous. He would never do such a horrible thing to anyone.
"Um, Hi-"
In a panic, Laa-Laa grabbed the flashlight and swung it in the direction of the unfamiliar voice.
They shriek as it breaks against their face.
"Did you just-"
Laa-Laa pushes Dipsy past the unfamiliar figure. "Who cares?! Just run to the caves!"
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nyxnightshade1332 · 1 year
Expectations When Expecting (Prologue)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8:
It was an ungodly hour (which for her was anything before seven)when she shot up out of the bed, rushing to the bathroom. Since before the sun came up, she'd been positioned over the toilet bowl, hating everything.
She was shaking and struggling to breathe with the intense waves of nausea that overtook her frail body. She was entirely unaware of how long she'd been there. She groaned, feeling the temperatures drop to freezing, telling her that there was currently a ghost behind her.
"Hehehe..." Came the eerie giggle of a ghost, making her gag again.
"Not in the mood... ugh." She weakly stated. Whoever was there remained quiet for a moment before an awkward apology was muttered.
"We, uh... we wanted to remind you that your cleaning duties started soon. Should we come back, or?"
"Gimme a few minutes..." She grumbled, turning to watch the three sheepish ghosts leave her to her mistery. It took them about three minutes before she heard a panicked yelp from Grim and she groaned aloud.
Only slightly before she felt okay enough to walk, she had to get up from her spot and yell at the troublemakers. The ghosts floated sheepishly while Grim huffed, avoiding eye contact.
"Boys... It's early and you've already managed to set something on fire! What is wrong with you?!" She growled.
"Hmph! Well ya can't blame me! We gotta get rid of those things for good!"Grim shrunk slightly at the sheer strength of her menacing aura, flinching when she gave an annoyed growl.
The tense atmosphere seemed to dispel rather quickly when the creaking of the ramshackle dorm's door cut through the air like a knife.
"Good morning, Miss Yuu. Did you sleep well?" A familiar posh tone resounded, the school's resident bird-man slinking through the open door, completely oblivious to the tense atmosphere.
"Not at all! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frame! Exactly how ramshackle IS this dorm? And worse yet, I got woken up by ghosts!" Grim complained.
"I slept great! If you call waking up at god-knows-when to the most horrible feeling in the world." She snapped, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"A-ah! Well, it's understandable given your circumstances. I suppose it's only natural, after all! I've brought you both food, if you're up for it!" Crowley lifted a bag, a peace offering to quell her wrath.
"Now! Let us move on and discuss your assignment for today." He stated, showing off the plates of food that he'd bought for her and Grim. It was a classic school lunch from her middle school. Two small, very drowned maple pancakes, a carton of milk, a strawberry yogurt with granola and an apple. It was meager, but still, better than nothing.
She sighed in defeat, sitting down. "Thank you for this. I'm sorry if I get a little scary... Mood swings and all." She grabbed a yogurt cup from the three that Crowley had set on the table, peeling off the aluminum cover.
"Ah! Yes, of course! Because I am a thoughtful headmage, I have also brought you some bananas and ginger tea, given my assumption of morning sickness being a potential struggle." He stated, setting a warm foam cup down in front of her, and a banana. Yuu's eyes widened at the surprisingly thoughtful act, tears slightly forming in her eyes.
"Thank- thank you." She looked down, quickly wiping the tears from her eyes before they could cascade down her cheeks. She added the crunchy granola into her yogurt cup, mixing it thoroughly as she had during her youth. She grabbed the plastic spoon, scooping the pink strawberry yogurt into her mouth, letting the flavor linger in her mouth. She'd been craving strawberries.
After a moment, she looked up at Crowley, who was smiling in amusement at her. "Shall we go over what your tasks are now, Miss Yuu?"
"Yes, of course." She responded, ignoring the loud slurping sounds that came from her gremlin of a cat.
Crowley cleared his throat, before beginning. "Your job today is to clean the campus." Yuu choked on a pancake. "That said, the campus is vast, and without magic, it'd be quite the Herculean task to clean it all.
Therefore, today I'll have you focus on the area spanning from the front gates to the library." He finished, sliding the milk carton to a still coughing Yuu.
She took it gratefully, taking a gulp. Once the coughing subsided, she looked up. "You could have started with that first, my god." She gasped out.
"Apologies." Crowley chirped, not too apologetically. "Additionally, Miss Yuu... I do expect that you'll keep a close eye on Grim, lest he cause another incident like yesterday." He finished. She looked up at him, sighing. So I have two jobs. Great.
"Alright, fine. But I can't promise too much, you hear?" She gave in.
"Do not fail me. You may take your lunch in the cafeteria. I eagerly await the fruits of your labor." Crowley stated as Grim's ear twitched, making him look up.
"I ain't cleanin' nothin'!" The cat monster huffed. "I'm here to study magic so I can be blastin' off spells left and right! Like BAM! POW! FWOOM!" He announced. Yuu narrowed her eyes, and spoke in a flat, stern voice. A warning.
"Now, Grim. You're helping me clean. End of discussion."
"Yipes!" Grim flinched at her glare.
"Okay!" She stood, grabbing her banana. "Let's just head to the front gate for now." Grim gave an indignant huff, complying nonetheless. This was going to be a long day. 
Chapter 9
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hopeymchope · 9 months
Trying to endure the unpleasant characters of "Bakemonogatari"
After receiving numerous recommendations that I should check it out over the years, I've finally started watching "Bakemonogatarai."
It's... weird, for sure. Interesting at times, definitely. But the two focal characters thus far make the series so incredibly hard to watch.
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This is Koyomi Araragi, who is evidently our primary protagonist. The most important thing you should know about him is that he will endure the worst verbal abuse imaginable while only BARELY ever bothering to push back even a smidge, to the point that he infuriates me. This bitch has ZERO self-respect. It might even be in the negatives.
Now, maybe something will change with him! After all, I'm only five episodes into the series! He has plenty of time to grow a spine and stand up for himself. But right now? He spends most of the series hanging around — and getting cruelly abused by — a girl named Hitagi Senjougahara.
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Senjougahara seems to be our secondary lead. Araragai spends the first two episodes going out of his way to help her with some difficult problems, which makes her declare herself to be his "dear friend" immediately thereafter. However, in ALL FIVE episodes to date, Senjougahara just brutally abuses him. And it just makes him depressed. He doesn't fight back, he doesn't get upset or angry... he just gets really sad and hangs his head silently, ultimately agreeing with her horrible put-downs.
The dialogue in this show is seriously like this—
Senjougahara: You're a very dear friend to me, Araragi. I owe you a lot. It's sad that you're a disgusting little bitch baby, but I'll still repay my debt for your kindness regardless of how odious of a person you are.
Araragi: ...thank you.
Senjougahara: Seriously, I can't imagine having to touch anything you've ever touched. The thought is so abhorrent. And the thought of ever touching YOU? Christ. I could vomit.
Araragi: Yeah.
Senjougahara: You look like a pedophile with that greasy hair over your eyes, you know that? In fact, I bet you ARE one. You fuck little kids, don't you??
Araragi: Come on... I'm not like that.
Senjougahara: Shut your nasty, hideous excuse for a mouth. Don't try to deny it. I can tell you fuck little kids.
Araragi: ...okay....
Senjōgahara: You sickening child molester. Rapists are the lowest of the low, but you? You're lower than they are. You're more vile than a gremlin's shit-stained taint, Araragi.
Araragi: ...sorry. It's true.
Senjougahara: If I wasn't such a wonderful and forgiving friend to you, you wouldn't have anyone else breathing the same air you've spoiled with your repulsive, loathsome presence. You'd be all alone. Which is all you'll ever deserve, of course.
Araragi: .......of course.........
I get that Sejougahara is just a massive, miserable asshole. That's at least very consistently portrayed. The bigger problem to me is that Araragi will go out of his way to help literally anyone in need but will do NOTHING to stand up for himself with this asshole.
The worst part is that I think these two are supposed to be possible love interests??? I THINK she's supposed to be a thugdere or something. I hope that I'm either wrong about that or something RADICALLY changes, because right now I only want to see Araragi remove her from his life forever.
Which is pretty unlikely.
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Man, even in the second story arc, Araragi could've just taken the incessant abuse he received from the newest character he met as adequate reason to leave her the hell alone, and WOW, that actually would've solved everything instantly!
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Power Armor Punch Part Sixty
(I swear we need to stick the bebe’s into incubators with blankets so they stay warm, snuggly, and safe)
Teahteal: *climbs on the sofa but doesn't get too close. Nervously* Donovon got a bit scraped up but he's mostly fine... but I'm more concerned about you. Are you okay? I'm sorry I left you here on your own... *expecting to be cussed out or yelled at which is why he's not getting closer*
Joyce: (Gives him a thumbs up) “It’s all good, I just got a little scared for everyone.” (Scoots closer to Teshteal, not noticing how nervous the gremlin actually is as she’s too rattled herself)
Ma: (Rises to her feet, wanting to check up on her son) (To Teshteal) “Keep an eye on her for me please? I have to make sure Donny is holding up alright.”
Teshteal: *still expecting to be punished in some way. He doesn't move at all unless she wants him to*
Gardio: *ties a splint to Lucille's ankle and bangages it before elevating it with a throw pillow* Try to stay off it for a few days, okay?
Nick: *starts cleaning and rebandaging her wounds, rubbing salve on it so none of them will get infected*
Jasmine: (Weakly mewls from the pain, making no attempt at swatting Nick away. She's covered almost completely in scratches that all insult her in some way or are meant to shame her for how her looks and her figure naturally are)
Nick: *reassuring her as he covers the girl head to toe with bandages and occasionally stitches*
Ma: (Rushes off to check on Donovan, planning on giving everyone a once over when she can. She pounds up the stairway, glancing around at the torn apart room)
Donovan: (Raises his head when Ma enters the rooming, mustering up a small smile) "Hey Mama..."
Ma: (Sits besides him, fussing over her son like he is still a small child as she looks him over) "Love, are you alright? What hurts, hm?"
Donovan: (Shrugs it off) “Eh, nothing that I haven't walked off before, don't worry about it too much." (Cups his sweet and dear mothers face, concerned about her as she always plays the role of everyone's mother and caretaker, and she's done much more stressful fretting and nurturing for the past few days)
Ma: (Is very stressed out and frazzled, she can’t stand to see anybody she loves and cares for in discomfort or pain. And she loves and cares for practically any person she crosses paths with)
Jasmine: (Whimpers and whines even more from the pain while she’s being tended to, now out of the reset stage but she's still very much under the Zero Day command. Horribly enough, she is used to being blamed for the sexual assaults that happen to her by her rapists who use her looks and training in charm as an excuse, so she believes those shaming phrases almost more than the other words)
Nick: *keeps reassuring her as he treats her, managed to half way bandage her*
Joyce: (Finally notices Teshteal isn’t moving and looks kinda stiff so she puts a gentle hand on his arm with more worry in her big emerald eyes that are reddened by her tears) “What’s wrong? Did you get hurt while you were up in the lighthouse?” (Starts checking him over for any injuries, moving the collar of his shirt to see if he has any bruises)
Teshteal: *surprised by the concern. No yelling at him for his failings. She's not saying that if he got hurt he deserved it for running away when he should have stayed. Quietly* I'm fine. I didn't get hurt badly. A couple of very tiny cuts from the glass on my hands but nothing bad. *doesn't move from his spot and cusses himself out for it* I should be comforting you. Not the other way around- fxcking stupid self centered Linus. Can't even move to comfort your girlfriend. *looks at Joyce* You were up there, too. Are you okay...? Are you going to be okay...?
Joyce: (Takes Teshteals hand and turns them over to check the small cuts on his palms. She then gives a quick kiss to each hand, folding his fingers into fists as if to hold the kisses info place then she puts her arms around his shoulders) “You’re not stupid, Teshteal. Or self centered. You just put yourself in harms way to go after Lucille and charged up to the lighthouse to help Donny with Rosie.” (Leans in close, blinking at him as she gives a sweet smile) “And I’ll be fine, you came back for me as quick as you could.”
Gardio: *sighs and sits next to Lucille's bed on the ground. He examines her arm and wonders if he can re-attach it or improve on it*
Donovan: (Pulls Ma in for a hug, letting her head lean on his shoulder) “Mama, you have to slow down for a moment. I know you love to nurture people, but take some time for yourself too…”
Ma: (Chuckles softly) “Oh, looks who’s talking Mr-took-over-Joyce’s-and-his-mothers-chores-for-the-day.”
Donovan: “You were looking after everyone inside, that’s still valid work that takes an emotional toll.”
Ma: (Gives him a look) “You’ve been doing that more often even before Rosie showed up.”
Donovan: “Because Joyce is already stressed out enough and I can tell you are too, for multiple reasons. You both need a rest from physical labor, and I can take it on my own just fine. I did way more outdoor work back at the farm and I’m accustomed to it after 200 years of doing it.” (To be fair, he did have more help there…)
Ma: (Frowns with concern) “But for how long do you plan to keep this up? You’re also still emotionally healing, so don’t forget about that as I certainly won’t…”
Donovan: (Lowers his head slightly, feeling a pang in his heart) “I know when to stop and take a well deserved rest, Ma. You don’t need to fret about me.”
Ma: (Pats his cheek as she sits up, now the one pulling in Donny for a hug) “Mhm, try stopping a good mother from mothering is impossible, sweetie. You know that for a fact.”
Donovan: (Sighs heavily, sniffling a little) “Yeah. I do know…” (Partly thinking about the last time they had this conversation as he thinks about Jazzy, tears forming in his eyes when he remembers why they even decided to come here in the first place)
Jasmine: (Laying there limply, unable to move when she’s under this command until Nick tells her she’s dismissed. She can’t really think as her mind is numb with the command too, but she can smell the odor of blood from her hair and body so she stays focused on that)
Nick: *using waterproof bandages so he can give her another bath. Nearly done* Almost there, doll. Going to give you a bath next so you can get some rest in something comfy.
Jasmine: (Doesn’t respond or acknowledge her father while she groans another strained cry, feeling completely dead and worthless inside)
Teshteal: *leans into her embrace, resting his head just under her chin. Quietly as he wraps his arms around her* Do you need someone to stay with you tonight...? Just for comfort..? *looks up at her with big concerned but loving eyes*
Joyce: (Smiles a little brighter, kissing the top of his head. As childish as it sounds, she usually ends up sneaking to Ma’s or Donny’s bed in the middle of the night for comfort cuddles. Sometimes they come to her if they sense something is off or are worried about something happening) “I could always use the comfort. Now the next question is, do you?”
Donovan: (Looks up to his mother, swallowing a lump in his throat) “Did you see Rosie…?”
Ma: (Somberly nods) “Her father is taking care of her, I strongly believe he has it under control for now.”
Donovan: (Thinks about what Jazzy had just told him during her fit of hysterics, deciding against letting Ma know for now. The poor woman heart will break apart and she’ll stress over the little girl further, and right now more stress isn’t what’s needed. He’ll ask Nick about it later when the timing is right and everyone has had a chance to calm down)
Nick: There... *scoops her up and takes her to the bathroom. He puts her in the tub and starts the water then goes to get soap and a wash rag. He peaks his head into where Ma and Donny are* Gonna need a fresh pair of clothes for Rosie. If you point me to them, I'll get them myself.
Ma: (Raises her head when Nick enters the lighthouse) “Oh. Well, I had washed and mended all of your groups clothes for ya, including Rosie’s. They should all be up in the guest room if you need them.” (Thinks she should get working on patterns for new clothes for Jas, especially undergarments as those take special alterations. She has so much to get done…) “And her basket of toiletries should still be under the little table in the bathroom if you need those.”
Donovan: (Would ask about how Jazzy is doing but he’s currently quietly weeping into Ma’s shoulder at some painful memories and what he’s found out about poor Rosie)
Jasmine: (Sitting in the tub with her knees tucked under her chin, fully tempted to dive face first into the water to drown herself but she thankfully still can’t move as Nick hasn’t taken her out of the command)
Teshteal: *beams and looks up at her* I would love to! *kisses her jaw*
Joyce: (Softly giggles at the kisses as she wraps her boyfriend up in a warm hug. Out of the corner of her eye she spots Winnie whom Jas had left behind while fleeing to the lighthouse and she wonders if they should return the toy to the girl)
Teshteal: *nuzzles her neck softly*
Joyce: (Leans back on the sofa with Teshteal held close, figuring that they will give the toy back when they get up to eat again. Speaking of which, they’ll have to reheat their food)
Teshteal: *softly* I never want to leave this comfort. *tail swishes lazily*
Joyce: (Pets his head with one hand while the other rubs his back in slow circles) "Heh, neither do I, it’s magical and heartwarming…. But I hate to break this to you, but we still have not eaten and I’m starving after the scare and crying..."
Nick: Thanks. *goes and gathers it all, pouring soap in to make sudsy bubbles. He starts washing the blood out of her hair*
Jasmine: (Still can’t move, otherwise she would be crying and protesting this)
Nick: *switches out the water and scrubs her body down* Once you're all dry and in bed I'll snap ya out of it. I know you're not enjoying this and I'm sorry. But I needed you like this to take care of you.
Jasmine: (Closes her eyes as tears dribble down her cheeks. The water feels nice, cool, and silky soft on her burning and sore body, it’s very relaxing along with Nicks scrubbing that’s making her feel clean and refreshed again. There’s a temptation to ask to stay in this luxury feeling longer… But she is not suppose to have nice things, she’s supposed to be dead! She is mad, agitated, and frustrated at the moment! She’d be mewling and trying to climb out of the tub if she could, expressing this to her best extent)
Nick: *sadly* I don't want you to die... and if you're worried taking care of you will kill me, don't. I'm a synth, remember? Just put my brain in another body and I'll be just fine. *smiles sadly albeit warmly at his daughter* You wouldn't be able to kill me if you tried.
Jasmine: (Sniffles, keeping still and expressionless while continuing to cry. Normally she’s not suppose to be crying while in this state, but Nick hasn’t said anything and she knows he won’t call her out on it. And it’s not just Nick she’s worried about, it’s everyone else she considers friend/family. Besides, you can mentally kill someone. She knows because she’s almost there herself…)
Teshteal: *nods* We can pick this back up in your room, I guess. *face goes red when he realizes what he said* I didn't mean it like that...
Joyce: (Chuckles at that remark) “I know what you mean, don’t worry about it.” (Pulls back and sits upright on the sofa)
Pirate: (Perks up from her doggy bed, wagging her tail)
Dogmeat: (Was laying right besides her and also perks up, tilting his head with a curious whine)
Joyce: (Remembers that she has to feed the pups as well, poor babies are probably so confused on what’s going on)
Teshteal: *sits up before she can scoot up too far. Avoiding another awkward situation as much as possible* I'll heat up the food if you feed the dogs. *shivers nervously at the thought of getting anywhere near a dog's mouth. He gets up and heads to the kitchen, taking a baking dish large enough for their plates and a lid so he can slide the food in the oven*
Gardio: *discussing how to upgrade and repair the arm with Lucille while examining it*
Nick: *cleans her up the best he can then drains the water, only drawing more to rinse her off. After, he scoops her up in a large fluffy towel and carefully dries her off. He sets her down on the toilet and dries her off more with a fresh and equally fluffy towel then helps her with her clothes* Here you go, kitten... nice and clean.
Jasmine: (Looks dead inside, there’s no sign of glimmer in her deep brown eyes. Her arms and legs are completely stiff and locked in place, making it a bit more difficult to maneuver her into her freshly washed poodle patterned dress from earlier and underwear. Ma’s laundry makes everything incredibly soft, but she doesn’t care enough to react)
Joyce: (Feeds the dogs by opening the cabinet in the kitchen and scooping up two bowlfuls of dog food, placing them on the floor and stepping far back to brace for impact)
Pirate: (Comes bounding over at light speed at the sound of food being served, scarfing down her share like there’s no tomorrow)
Dogmeat: (Follows her example as he barks with approval, he’s a very hungry boy)
Teshteal: *gets their food nice and heated up and sets it on the stove to cool. Just a little so he can handle the plates.*
Gardio: *comes down to heat up Lucille a plate*
Ma: (Helps Donny into the elevator so he doesn’t have to go down the stairs and into the house through the front door and up to his room)
Donovan: (Groans a bit from the movement of walking and going up the stairs, still thinking about Jas)
Nick: *finds a way to get her into her clothes one way or another. He scoops her up again and takes her to the guest room, then lays her up on the bed and covers her up with her hands and arms over the blanket* Okay, Rosie. *petting her hair* Dismissed.
Jasmine: (Blinks for half a second, then starts throwing a huge toddler tantrum in protest of what just happened that she couldn’t say anything about earlier. Basically all her complaints and pent up emotions rolled together into one giant hissy fit. She starts kicking the mattress and her blanket while screaming nonsense)
Nick: *sighs and grabs her hands* Come on, don't act like that... *might use the reset code again if she doesn't calm down*
Ma: (Settles Donny in his bed) “Do you need anything, love? Other than your dinner?”
Donovan: (Heavy sigh) “No, not right now thank you.”
Ma: (Nods, then turns to leave) “I’ll be back soon with your plate.” (Decides to check up on Lucille first to see how she’s doing followed by Jas. She climbs the stairs to the attic and knocks on the wall) “Lucille? Are you holding up alright, sweetheart?” (Carries that same motherly tone and demeanor she almost always has)
Lucille: *laying in bed staring at the ceiling. Voice still sounds kind of dead* Other than feeling useless. I'm doing fine...
Ma: (Walks over to the side of the bed and gives the young woman a sad smile) “Aw, love. You’re not useless at all.” (Leans down to stroke her hair) “We all have our moments as we are not perfect. If we don’t give ourself a break once and awhile, then we aren’t being fair with ourselves. It’s asking for too much to be constant working machines.”
Teshteal: *puts the plates back at the table*
Gardio: *waiting for Lucille's food patiently, now*
Joyce: (Sits herself back at her spot on the table, pouring a new glass of water and drinking it quickly to help calm down a little more)
Donovan: (Can faintly hear Jas screaming from his room, wondering if he has something that will help soothe the girl)
Jasmine: (Furious that she is still alive, scared of what she’ll do to these people, exhausted after the long couple of days, upset that she’s wounded and has a fever thats rendering her useless, and so on so forth. All day could she list on what she’s complaining for. She keeps up her tantrum while trying to pull away from Nick, sounding and looking exactly like a toddler who didn’t get the candy or toy they wanted. Luckily she isn’t hurting herself or breaking anything this time around, just being incredibly childish)
Nick: *Booms sternly. Tired of all this* THAT'S ENOUGH! *lecturing her* You say you're not a child or a kid, yet look at you! Having a tantrum like a toddler who just got told they couldn't have candy at the store! If you want to be treated like an adult, then you're going to have to have the maturity of one first. Otherwise, you're a child.
Jasmine: (Yelps fearfully and dives under the covers, going deathly silent as she tucks the sheets around her into a tight cocoon for protection. She sticks her thumb in her mouth as her heart pounds wildly in her chest and ears, waiting with wide, teary eyes)
Teshteal: *jumped cause he could hear Nick all the way down in the dining room*
Gardio: *looks to the ceiling*
Joyce: (Jumps in surprise and spills her water a bit as she starts coughing, covering her mouth with her hand to keep water from going everywhere)
Teshteal: *rubs her back to help stop the coughing fit*
Joyce: (Coughs a few times, reaching across the table for a napkin when she finally stops) “I’m good!” (Gives a thumbs up then wipes her mouth and shirt)
Lucille: *sighs, hearing Nick yell loud enough to shake the house* Jasmine must be having an episode again... *sounds so tired at that. She's not sure how much more of Jas's nonsense she can take* You should take your own advice, Ma. Taking care of us and then everything else can't be easy... *doesn't want someone worrying over her. Part of her still wants to dissappear*
Ma: (Sighs to herself when she hears the shouting, then turns to Lucille) “You got me there darling, Donny just pointed out the same thing. I try my best to take a rest here and there as I can’t provide the best care if I’m slacking off, but sometimes I forget too. Although, I have been doing this for over 200 years, so I must say that I have more experience in knowing when I’m truly about to snap.”
Donovan: (Frowns at the shouting. Nick is right on one hand, Jas is a child no matter how much she protests. But she’s a child who’s just had a major mental breakdown and tried to commit suicide, what was he expecting from her?)
Nick: *relaxes a little and sits on the edge of her bed* Sorry for snapping. Today's been... long.
Jasmine: (Says nothing and keeps completely still, sucking on her thumb nervously. She’s emotionally exhausted and strained to her very limits, unsure what to do with herself or how to react to anything anymore which is why she’s reverted to childish behavior)
Donovan: (Withholding any sort of judgment, Jas is in a difficult situation and it can’t be easy on anyone who is trying to help her. He winces as he rises from his bed, kneeling besides it to rummage around in the space beneath for something)
Nick: *hums the lullaby again, not moving from his spot next to her*
Jasmine: (Not even reacting to the precious lullaby. Right now her mind has clicked to being as unnoticeable as possible to avoid punishment as she has zero idea what else to do. Screw her intense and overwhelming feelings along with whatever is causing them, she has to shut up and forget about it)
Nick: *not going to beg her to talk to him. He stops for a moment* You know what would really kill me? Finding out that one of my own died and I couldn't do a thing to save them. It's what killed the original Nick, I think. Safe to say the same would happen if you up and died on me. *almost desperately, turning to look at the lump under the bed* What I'm trying to say is that you're not doing anyone a favor by trying to off yourself. So please don't ever try it again?
Lucille: *looks to the ceiling again* I can't stop. I have to keep going. I need to pay for the lives I've taken... especially my mother's-
Ma: (Softly with empathy and kindness in her voice, kneeling besides her) “You’re mothers life…?”
Lucille: She died in childbirth. I found out when I was a little kid. *solemnly* Dad never blamed me for her death but ever since, I've felt guilty for just being alive. I need to make it up to her and everyone else that didn't deserve to die that I've murdered.
Ma: (Gently strokes Lucille’s cheek) “Honey, I’m sure he never blamed you because it’s not your fault, you were a helpless little infant. Besides, speaking as a mother of many, I would want my child to not burden themselves with my death and instead do their best to live their lives to the best extent. No, not to lead the perfect life or be the perfect person who has to follow big dreams and do everything, I think that’s where people get things wrong a little. They follow the lie that that have to do something huge in order to be someone who matters when in fact even the smallest deeds cause the biggest effects.”
Jasmine: (Shaking as she curls up into a tighter ball, biting down on her thumb. She can’t make sense of Nicks words at the moment, she cannot think straight anymore and being under the blanket is making her even more uncomfortably hot. She’s in the state that the Vault has been trying to put her in for so long, so ripped apart and broken that she can be molded into whatever they want and has no choice but to follow what they have taught her. She’s not continuing her tantrum because she is terrified of being punished for it, just like they want her to be)
Nick: *pats her side gently* You're safe. You're not going to be punished for being scared. Promise.
Jasmine: (Ignores Nick and looks down at her pink poodle printed dress, scowling. It’s too pretty and nice for herself to wear- she hates that it’s even near her. She maneuvers herself under the blanket to get it off and kicks it to the corner of her bed, curling back up into a protective ball with her thumb in her mouth)
Nick: *watching Jas closely after realizing she's taken off her nightgown. He doesn't say anything of course*
Lucille: She would be so disappointed in me either way.
Gardio: *coming up to the attic with her food* She wouldn't. She'd be proud that you've survived this far and everything you've accompished. Just like I am. She fought like hell to have you... she loved you.
Lucille: *goes quiet at that*
Ma: (Sad smile down at the young woman) “So what do you think your Mama would want you to do now? Tether yourself to her death and be chained by it? Or spread your wings and fly?”
Lucille: *goes quiet. She isn't sure she never met her*
Gardio: Your mother's last wish was that you'd live a good life. You can't do that if you're a martyr.
Joyce: (Sits down to eat her food at the table, patting the chair besides her for Teshteal to join her) “Okay, I think now we can eat.”
Teshteal: *nods and sits next to her, ready to dive in*
Joyce: (Immediately starts chowing down on her food, eyes glowing at how savory and tender the meat is and how wonderfully cheesy and gooey the macaroni and cheese is. She still can’t get enough of having home cooked meals all the time, it’s always a cherished wonder whenever she eats)
Donovan: (Bumps his head while pulling out from under the bed) “Ow…” (Rubs the sore spot with one hand, looking over the box he pulled out. He opens it, blowing away the dust as he looks over the assortment of trinkets kept inside. He takes out a cylinder music box and starts giving it a wipe down with a rag to make it sparkly again)
Lucille: Then I should be ashamed. I'm not living a good life.
Gardio: Lucille... You can change that for yourself- live for yourself. There's still time so long as you're still alive to do it.
Lucille: I don't know how to live for myself. *blinks*
Teshteal: *ignoring that weird bitter and stinging sensation his mind tries to trick him with. Delicious food is delicious food*
Joyce: (Wonders if they are still going to have dessert, she was looking forwards to that part) “I wonder if Mama will still find time to prepare dessert after all this…”
Teshteal: I dunno. Do you know what we would have had? Maybe I can make some dessert?
Ma: “Well then, you can just survive for now if it’s the best you can do. Living can come later when you’re ready for it, you can take it a bit at a time.” (Glances at Gardio) “And I’m more than sure you don’t have to do the surviving part on your own.”
Gardio: *smiles down at his daughter* That's one thing you can count on...
Lucille: *still feels like she needs to be useful* I can't do anything to make myself less of a burden, right now.
Gardio: *sighs* What did I do to give you such a martyr complex going up, hm?
Jasmine: (Runs her hands over her bandages, knowing what’s underneath. Her heart clenches, the tears in her eyes coming down faster as she tightens the blanket more snuggly, staying incased in her cocoon)
Donovan: (Frowns down at the music box, remembering that some pieces have jiggled loose. He can’t fix it right now, not with his headache and the parts are small and require precision. Perhaps Nick can lend him a hand, it is for Jazzy after all. He rises and heads off to the guest room, knocking lightly on the frame) “Hey… how’s it going in here?” (Acting like he totally just didn’t get thrown around by the girl up in the lighthouse)
Jasmine: (Stays unmoving in her swaddle that makes her feel safe, sucking on her thumb while her free hand tugs and fidgets with her bandages. She’s not even thinking of anything, just feeling like complete shit and worthless while she drifts in the empty void of her own head. There are no thoughts in her mind, only horrible feelings. She’s too tired to think of anything at the moment…)
Donovan: (Gives Nick a questioning look on why Jas has turned into a bunny rabbit and has burrowed herself completely under her blankets)
Nick: *catches the look* She's hiding from me after scolding her.
Joyce: (Dreamily) “Chocolate chip cookies with ice cream… The dough is already prepared in the fridge and the ice cream is in the freezer, it’s just the matter if everyone else is going to have some…”
Teshteal: *pouts some but she's right. He'd love some chocolate chip cookies and ice cream right now but he can't just put them on... or can he?* Lets give them an hour and put the cookies on. Maybe it'll cheer everyone up.
Joyce: (Excitedly, clapping her hands together) “That’s exactly what I was thinking! Dessert makes everything better almost every time!”
Lucille: You didn't do anything. I chose this.
Gardio: *sets her food next to the radio* Well, you're not a burden. You just need help, that's all. It's a normal thing to need it every now and then, especially in the apocalypse. Surely you know that by now.
Lucille: *looks quietly up at the ceiling at her father's words*
Gardio: *looks over at Ma to see if she has anything to add on that*
Ma: “He’s right. Again, it’s terribly unfair to yourself if you expect to be a-okay 24/7. It’s horribly unrealistic and in all my time alive and helping people get back in their feet, not one of them was able to get by without at least one day that they break and need some time to heal. No one is that strong.” (Sits down by Lucille, lovingly stroking her hair) “And remember what I said about you not being an inanimate object or a liability? But that instead you’re a precious person who has people who love her dearly and they will aid her in whatever she needs to heal right now.”
Lucille: *shuts her eyes at the gentle gesture. She nods slowly at what Ma's saying. She hopes she can slow down just enough to get better and not feel bad about it*
Gardio: Now how about a nice meal? I reheated your dinner. *holds his hand out to the food*
Lucille: ... *nods* Okay... *struggles to sit up without both arms but manages. She grabs the plate and sets in her lap, stabbing at the steak*
Ma: (Helps prop up Lucille’s pillows so she has more support on her back) “As for the steps to actually start healing, I have some advice that I’ve accumulated over the years. First thing is a strong foundation to build yourself on, a good mental sense of structure and stability. That’s greatly influenced by the kind of people you’re living with and your housing conditions, cowering in fear not knowing where you might end up next or who you’ll run into wouldn’t help anyone in any case.” (Nods again at Gardio) “You definitely have a good support system, you’re father seems more than happy to help you with anything. I’m not sure how long you all plan to stay, but you’re welcome to be here for however long you want and or need.”
Donovan: “Ah, I see…” (Walks over and holds out the music box) “You think you can fix this? There’s a few loose screws and some pieces that jingled out of place.” (Glances at Jas under the sheets) “It’s for Rosie, she likes pretty and shiny things, especially when they move.”
Nick: *slight smile* Sure. *pulls out a small set tools he keeps on hand for his own maintenance. He starts getting to work, very quickly and precisely replacing the loose bits*
Jasmine: (Slips her fingers under her bandages with her free hand, tracing her fingers over the still bleeding raised marks that are made up of the words she scratched into her skin. She’s not registering Donny is now in the room despite hearing his voice)
Donovan: (Pulls up a chair from the corner and sits in it, resting his head in his hand while he waits)
Lucille: ...So I need to stop wandering for a while... *thinks about the weather station and 88. Those places are where she calls home. She could sleep in the agency. Or build a small home in the subway area for herself. She eats up all the food on her plate, savoring the delicious meal and flavors thought to be lost after the war*
Ma: “Yes, that would be for the best. And remember that this isn’t an overnight fix, it is a slow and long process so don’t stress about not making fast progress.” (Pats Lucille’s head) “It may be a little hard to follow this next step, especially since we just don’t know how our days will go anymore. But having some sense of a routine will help you feel more grounded into life and reality. Even if it’s just a morning and nighttime routine that can be started at whatever time you wake up or go to bed is better than nothing. The rest of your day can follow a loose schedule that sets time aside for certain activities, including “me time” where you takes a step back just to reflect on yourself.”
Nick: *fixes it in record time* There. Let's hear it. *winds up the music box and lets it play*
Music Box: (Is shaped like a pink carousel that’s elegantly decorated with gems and gold designs. The three white horses in the center spin around in slow circles as a soft and pleasant lullaby plays)
Jasmine: (Was scratching her cuts when she hears the pretty tune start to play, remaining mostly motionless despite her curiosity being captured)
Donovan: “May I see it?” (Takes the music box from Nick and sets it down on the corner of the bed) “Ro-Ro, this is for you…”
Jasmine: (Sticks out her bloodied hand and snatches it, pulling it in her cocoon with her at light speed. She stares at it with interest and delight in her eyes, her little cave lighting up with the pink light that glows from the cut out hearts on the box)
Donovan: (Caught a very brief glance of her bloodied hand and frowns to himself, wondering if it’s just his mind playing tricks)
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fireflyghoul · 1 year
Another short fic
Had this in mind and had to write it really fast before I forget it again.
Just some cute short stuff, hope you like it.
Aurora was shaking. It was cold outside and everything was white from the snow. Her nose was running and she hated everything about that time of the year already. The cold, the darkness. That was horrible.
When she walked into the kitchen to make herself some tea she met Dewdrop there. He looked up at her when she walked in and instantly walked over. "Aurora, are you okay? Your shaking.", he said, looking at her kind of worried. She laughed lightly and nod, but then shook her head.
"No. It's literally fucking cold. I'm freezing. How on earth are you guys are not dead yet? You've been on this planet since years now." It was then that he realized she was new to this. "Oh. Yeah, well. That's the winter. You'll get used to it. Maybe even like it. Especially the snow." He smiled but she just shook her head. "You're crazy, seriously."
Then she walked over to boil some water for tea. When she leaned against the counter, Dewdrop was next to her again and took her hands in his own. "Your hands are really cold", he noticed and Aurora rolled her eyes. "Wow.. surprise, stupid. It's fucking cold, as I already told you."
"Yeah, sorry. Wait." It took a few seconds until she understood what he meant with 'wait', because then his hands started to get warm and she felt her hands slowly coming back to life again. "Better?", he asked, looking up from their hands in her eyes. "A bit, yes.." He smiled, but didn't let go of her hands. "Still a bit could", she then added and then he let go of her hands, which made her miss the warmth instantly.
But then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. His body was not cooled down as much as her own. Must have been the pleasure of being a fire ghoul. He started to stroke his hands over her back and she sighed pleased, leaning against him more and wrapping her arms around him.
"That's much better", she mumbled, eyes closed because of the comforting warm feeling. "Happy to hear that, little one", Dewdrop said with lowered voice and made her grumble. "Don't call me little one, gremlin. It's not like you're tall at all too."
Dewdrop laughed. "True, but I like the fact that I'm not the only small one here anymore." Aurora didn't answer, just grumbled and enjoyed the warmth coming from his body. They stayed like this a few more minutes, until they pulled away from each other again and Aurora could finish making her tea. While doing so Dewdrop stroke his warm hand over her back again.
"Feel free to come over when ever you're freezing", he said, and then left the room. But even though he was gone, the small Ghoulette felt much warmer then before.
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jaytoons7 · 2 years
Here's a self indulgent (Kinda sloppy) mini fic. Jay has a nightmare and their friends try to help.
It's meant to explore Jay's friendship with some Toppats and is a bit of a mini vent if you squint (Sometimes I have really fucked up nightmares and take a guess what happened last night...).
TW: I guess Jay has a brief panic attack? I'm not sure what else to call it.
The Witch was getting ready to go back to her room for the night. As she walked down the hallway, Gremlin ran up next to her. “Witchy! How are ya tonight?” “Hey Gremlin, I’m fine.” She yawned a bit. “Just getting ready to turn in for the night.” The two talked for a minute before Topbot suddenly ran over.
“Miss Witch! Miss Gremlin! There is a dire emergency!” “Wh-What’s wrong?” The Witch asked concerned. “The temperature in young Jay’s room increased drastically!” Topbot explained. “I went in to check on them and he was surrounded by flames!” “Jay! We can’t just stand here, We gotta help them!” Gremlin quickly ran off, With The Witch and Topbot trying to keep up.
They stopped in front of Jay’s door. The Witch peeked open the door and saw red flames surrounding the bed (Which wasn’t burning due to a charm The Witch put on the room during Jay’s first few days there), With Jay curled up in a ball on it. “Gremlin, Go get Five-Eyes, Quickly!” The Witch ordered. “Topbot and I are gonna try and help Jay.” Gremlin nodded before leaving.
The Witch and Topbot avoided the flames and climbed on the bed. “Jay, What’s wrong sweetheart? What happened?” The Witch carefully lifted Jay’s head up, His face having tears streaming down it. Topbot ran a diagnostic check on them. “Young Jay’s breathing and heartbeat have increased. He’s in distress…”
“Jay, You’re gonna be okay, I promise.” The Witch gently took Jay’s hands. “Take some deep breaths with me, Okay?” She took a few deep breaths, With Jay doing the same. After a minute, Jay at least calmed down enough to speak. “I-I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to…”
The door opened again, With Gremlin and Five-Eyes entering the room. Five-Eyes read something from a book he was holding, Which caused his hand to glow blue and put out the fire around the bed. “There we go.” He hummed before facing the others. “What happened here?”
“Young Jay was distressed about something. They must’ve caused the fire by accident.” Topbot spoke. “Y-Yeah… It happens every time I…” Jay felt too ashamed to speak anymore about it. “You can tell us what’s wrong.” The Witch reassured them. “We won’t think any differently of you.”
“I just had a stupid nightmare… It was nothing for me to get so bent out of shape about…” Jay muttered. “I don’t wanna talk about it…” “You don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable. But it isn’t stupid.” Five-Eyes sat near Jay. “We’ll always be here to help you, Jay. No matter how stupid or silly it may feel.”
Jay smiled weakly. “Thank you…” The Witch carefully pulled Jay up. “How about we get you some water to drink. Then we can stay up for a little while and help distract you from your nightmare.” “Yeah, How about we bake something! You like to do that!” Gremlin suggested. “We can eat it for breakfast tomorrow morning!”
“Yeah, That sounds great.” As they all walked down the hallway, With Topbot listing off some possible recipes, Jay smiled to themselves. The horrible nightmare was already beginning to fade from his mind.
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shadowsight-aster · 1 year
I do not regret opening Pandora's box whatsoever, in fact I'll keep opening it over and over again like a gremlin child.
An overhaul? Is that another word for a rewrite? If so, can Grey Wing be less forgiving of Clear Sky? He was way too light on him, Jagged Peak should have gone off a lot more about how horrible he was when their mom came to visit. She didn't even find out half the shit he did before disowning him.
And can Grey Wing PLEASE live up to 5 years at least? I want him to be happy with his husband for a little while longer, 2 and a half years is so young. 😭
The difference between Grey Wing and River Ripple's lives is insane actually, Grey Wing was going hungry for the sake of others while River was taking food from twolegs and meditating. Grey Wing watched half of his friends die in a battle caused by his paranoid, delusional brother, was almost killed by said brother and blames himself for the deaths. River's camp probably seemed like an unreachable dream.
TRIPPING OVER NOTHING AND CRASHING THROUGH GLASS SLIDING DOORS. HOPPING FROM PAW TO PAW LIKE MY TAIL'S ON FIRE !!!! slash positive words cannot describe the unfiltered joy i get learning that there are people out there who also love my warriors ideas/ships n stuff. stimming so hard i simply stop existing TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION!!! yes yes i do mean rewrite and let me tell you about anon (dotc spoilers beneath the break!) (and a lot of words. like almost too many get ready to read)
starting all the way from the top: i kept fluttering bird alive i don't like it when the erins kill off the babies esp in the first few chapters of knowing them for shock value (and yeah yeah it was motive for the settlers leaving but. the ancients were already starving. they didn't need a little kitten dying to tell them to get moving) bird actually becomes the next stoneteller (at a very young age but i'll tell you what i was inspired by in a second) and passes on her last message, the prophecy of the sun trail ok so first: this one cover of the hobbit's "i see fire." (the one by celtic woman literally so beautiful) with bird singing it. "o' misty eye of the mountain below / keep careful watch of my brother's souls / and should the sky be filled with fire and smoke / keep watching over durin's sons." IS LITERALLY BIRD TALKING ABOUT HER BROTHERS!!! real not false i can see her leaning into the pool in the cavern of pointed stones, begging the world to tell her if they're even alive and getting just blurry images and feelings in return secondly: i think quiet rain would see her kids be burdened with leadership moons before their time and mourn the death of their kithood, as all mothers do. and on the other end, jagged peak. seeing all of his siblings fly above their stations on wings of starlight, while he himself is grounded, literally and figuratively. that he eventually remembers that he's still himself, he's still important and powerful and needed. he is not a burden--even if he's not one of the golden children--and it shows in the fierce love he has for his campmates (btw side note. we need more canon warriors disability rep NOW. justice for my kids.) do note i forget if this happened in dotc originally but now it's tripled. sorry jagged i still love you
as you said, yes. grey wing and jagged peak are lot more harsh to clear sky (and i say this with the most love) (sky is an ASSHOLE.) (rewrite clear sky even more so. ohhhh let me tell you.) circling back around to i see fire. i always thought that fire was very important in warriors, right?? from the first book, we know that the colonies (thunder, at the very least) see fire as this violent, fickle, destructive force that kills off colonies, we see it in how everybody distrusts firepaw when he joins the clan, we see it rip through territories and drive out entire colonies, we see it in the visions warning the healers of impending danger, in the colors of the aura of the sun eclipsed by the dark eye of the moon, in the ripples in the lake stained red with blood at sunset. but in these blazes, there grows new life afterwards. it's the knowledge learned in the ashes, the guilts and mistakes laid raw and bare with no cover to hide it. it's the phoenix dusting itself off, ready to grow stronger on the next cycle. the fire cleanses, the fire takes away, it is a device of nature and a weapon to be feared. enough prose: what am i trying to prove? well. i always thought that one eye had a lot of unused potential as a villain (AND STAR FLOWER. holding my tongue i'll get to her in a second) and slate was a fuckin. waste of time! in the rewrite, one eye uses fire to get his way. the mountain cats have never had many encounters with it (not a lot of fires near a waterfall with 0 kindling opportunities) and that it's been reduced to nothing more than a scary kit-story so one eye can intimidate them with it because he "knows how to control it," and understands how to get it he burns away patches of the blazing star to make a point (star flower gets on his case for this because "YOU MOUSE-BRAINED SCAT OF A DAD. *WE* ALSO NEED THAT."), he burns his followers, and nearly convinces clear sky to burn away all of the territories so they can easily kill and drive out all those who oppose them and rebirth a united nation underneath one eye's watchful gaze. clear sky comes full circle and becomes the very monster he was running from. doing this leaves no prey and will starve all who live in the territory the plague of death follows sky wherever he roams! haha! his siblings absolutely tear into him for this AND all of the other warcrimes he committed. let this freak work to earn forgiveness (also this feeds into why the colonies fear fire) (because this little menace of a man nearly killed everyone including himself) (his practices were deliberately buried so nobody else would get the idea to do that) (OTHER THAN NIGHTHEART BUT THAT'S ANOTHER REWRITE FOR ANOTHER DAY!) even though this is a lot of fire, grey wing does not die to his asthma! i have asthma and IM still alive. why can't he? huh? huh erins? he lives on the moor but he constantly stops by the island to visit his husband <3 all of the kindle cats treat him like one of their own, lift their tails and bunt and purr at him (the apprentices always see him coming from the moor and race to be the first to tell river ripple) night always has to flick river with her tail and be like: RIVER. GO TALK TO GREY WING. YOU'VE BEEN STARING AT HIM FOR FIVE MINUTES?? she also gives them tips on how to care for the younger members of their camps, how to be patient with them ALSO ALSO he AND river raise turtle tail's kids as their own. river calls them young ones, pebbles, minnows (that last one is picked up from arc. bawling) oh and also thunder and lightning tail are also in love. mic drop (my reasoning? they grew up together, they are so best friends to lovers) (and lightning tail gets so obviously jealous of star flower being with thunder it's hilarious) ONCE AGAIN THIS IS GETTING SUPER LONG BUT I WILL GO ON IN ANOTHER POST!!! i have many thoughts in my brain :3
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nineteenthirteen · 2 years
Hi, ya'll! I'll start to post things from my Insta on Tumblr now, which are mainly just Genshin Ocs. I'm posting them here cuz I want to give some more info on them and I don't think anybody is gonna read an Instagram description this long lmao.
Btw I'm sorry if the Sumeru and Liyue outfits aren't culturally accurate, I couldn't find any inspo on Google so I tried to improvised!
Anyways, first we have the newest one I made! Triboulet the Jester!
Triboulet is a 5* Hydro Polerarm user from Fontaine! The Fontaine vision shape is a fanmade design by i-kant_even on r/Genshin_Impact on Reddit. Credits to them!
I never made a child character before, so I decided to finally make one today and I absolutely LOVE her!
Her personality is similar to Diona's, although Tribuolet doesn't actually wanna destroy anything. She's just a little tiny gremlin! She's pretty arrogant and causes trouble wherever she goes. I haven't thought of anything else about her since I just made her today.
There's also a little backstory for her name! I found it interesting that the Harbingers are named after characters from an Italian show (or drama? Can't remember, something like that.) so I wanted to give her a name that's from a French show, book, or anything else. Then I found... Triboulet... The Jester who slapped the buttocks of King Francis I of France insulted the Queen, and lived to tell the story- and that's when I knew, that must be her name.
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Next upp!!!!
Jiangguo! A 4* Geo User from Liyue Weapon is still undecided!
Just like Triboulet, I just made her today so I don't have much info on her. She's actually just been sitting in my drafts since 23rd January 2023, so her outift isn't very good. I tried to make it better but I just failed, and the geo effects are horrible too, I know. But I couldn't make it any better! Sorryyyyyyy!!! Oh btw her name means berry, because she reminded me of berries because of her hair.
I imagined her as a calm and collected person, like Zhongli or Kazuha. She can make people smile easily and she's positive no matter the situation! And that's bassicly all info I have on her-
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Okay, now one of my favorites!
Fuyu Enfamia, 5* Dendro Catalyst user from Inazuma! Fuyu means winter in Japanese (I think). I found that out AFTER I named her lmao- this is why I always check on Google before the names are official-
Before I found out Fuyu means winter, all of the purplish blue parts were pink, but then I changed it to fit a bit.
Fuyu's personality is similar to Yoimiya's and Itto's, and it seems like she quite literally ALWAYS has a wide smile on her face, to the point you might think she's insane (She's not, she just ain't traumatized.)
She's also kind of a recent character, so she also doesn't have much info.
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sorry it's big Thesis Bitching Hours over here, but:
I have been tasked with eliminating as many dialog tags as possible, which, to start with, is stupid. it's stupid! nobody thinks about dialog tags but MFA professors! (I've had two of them comment that I use too many, so it's not just this one guy. but it is just these two people!)
but also: part of my brain is a horrible OCD gremlin that likes little rituals and gets Big Upset when her little rituals get interrupted. now when I have two dialog tags visible on the screen at the same time, I start getting physically anxious.
if I had Katie or Anna or Edwin for a thesis chair, this wouldn't be happening because they've never said thing one about dialog tags, but also I'd just tell them I'm having problems with the task at hand. but Scott doesn't know I'm badbrains and I don't want him to because I've talked to him all of once and exchanged maybe six emails.
"I have to use dialog tags. for my mental health," sounds ludicrous.
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ratfiink · 4 years
@lakewoodplazahero​ liked!
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   “We are still enemies, ya know. I ain’t gonna give you a pat on the back and say ‘well done’ just cause you made some crummy wish.” That ‘crummy wish’ was obviously the one that literally saved the entirety of Lakewood Plaza, and give Fink a planet to play with, but. y’know. She’s not going to respect something that K.O. did. “And I’m especially not gonna be friends with you. I just wanted to make sure you dorks weren’t having too much fun down here.“ (She came in here to shoplift.)
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