#{ little lab rat | main verse }
disturbnot · 1 month
main / pkmn — if you think you don't know him, you've probably seen him somewhere without realising it. he's your champion! he's your chosen one. he's your saint and saviour. or is he really the reason the world around you is shivering apart, little bit by little bit? he couldn't tell you as a child, and he still couldn't tell you now. this beleaguered old legend still ambles from lead to lead on his path to some kind of ultimate understanding, some kind of zenith to his messianic condition. he doesn't know what he's for, but that's okay, he knows you don't know what you're for either. the learning curve never ends. this ash can be encountered almost anywhere in the pokémon world, known to regularly drift from region to region, gig to gig, battle to battle, apocalypse to apocalypse. surely, one day, this curse will lift ... won't it?
supernatural — ash is a drifting, wayward hunter from the south-west, son of a hunter and a restaurant owner. his father passed when he was young, and during the same incident, ash became the willing vessel of the god quetzalcoatl, granting him vast power and a unique kinship with the natural world. he seeks vengeance for his father, but has become cognizant of the primordial gods' schemes and also seeks to confront and punish them.
the boys — think pokémon if they were just v'd up animals - that's it. ash grew up in a suburbian town in japan, near the site of a vought international r&d lab headed by his best friend's grandfather, and found out a little more than he should have as a young child. during an intrepid peek into oak's research lab, ash not only received a hefty dose of compound v, but managed to free one of the animals the lab had been experimenting on; a large, semi-sentient mouse with the power to conduct and discharge electricity. this event forced ash's mother (also being targeted by the yakuza for business protection) to take him away on the run. he and his mother have been weaving in and out of encroaching threats from vought and other bodies of organised crime ever since. ash seeks vengeance upon vought, both for his accidental exposure to v, and for the disappearance of his father (who may have been an unfortunate test subject in the 90s). ash has gained powers from v that seem to amplify with time and training. the simplest way to explain him would be if goku swapped out the disciplined martial arts training for slugging whiskey and throwing caution to the wind.
star trek — half-human, half-klingon, all golden retriever energy. this gung-ho starfleet prospect has never passed an exam, but exceeds in idealism, imagination, and practical xenozoology. all he's ever wanted is to see the stars and to see all of the fantastical creatures roaming out there in space ... sadly, his exam results never quite etched that fate into the stars for him. working the bars of various low-tier starships will have to do.
modern / fandomless — maybe you saw him on your tv in the early 2000s, one of the many pro wrestlers that lit the world on fire during the height of the craze. it's a pity that impassable injury cut his tenure in the ring all too short. this retired fighting performer has relegated himself to a steady but uneventful life helping his beloved mother run her snack bar, wishing that he'd taken up a career in animal care.
cowboy / western — nobody can really give you an exact date of when ash rolled into town, or when his local ranch practically bloomed out of the arid ground, but it seems like he's been there since anyone can remember. he's never done any harm, he's a kind and hardy man, known mainly to mind his business and ranch his prized cattle. rumour has it though, his ranch house is simply teeming with animal life; from his herding dogs, to his ratting cats, to his hunting birds. some say there are creatures in that home that man has never seen before, but hey, that's just a local rumour spun by bored tavern-wives... right?
new verses to be added! (rgg, monster hunter, and star wars verses coming soon)
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champagneprobllems · 3 months
Dustverse Muses
Ingvi Vik - Attack Bitch "Tack". A member of de Vlinder, a roving crew with converted big rigs that are always on the move. They tend to travel in three separate groups to reduce the chances of being targeted, but all rigs can be connected in some configuration. Tack travels with the main rig, and is known for her fierce and frequently violent protection of the crew leader, Captain. She has a butterfly tattoo on her right wrist, a tattoo many other members of the crew share. The same butterfly is painted across the hood of her turquoise Mustang, one of if not the first off the car hauler the crew travels with, and her pride and joy.
Poppy - ex-lab rat. She doesn't know what all's been done to her; she's been in BLI's custody as long as she can remember. She's not even entirely sure how she ended up on the desert side of the wall; she was fairly certain she'd died, before. Maybe she had. A floating member of de Vlinder, never seen without...
Veva Cardozo - Dulce de Leche "Dulce". Doesn't talk about her childhood in the City; was at the Tavern until Poppy showed up, then joined with de Vlinder for her sake. Continues her trade from the Tavern, with an understanding that de Vlinder crew gets first dibs.
Juli Maldonado - Electric Gem "Gem". Freewheeling messenger haunting the southeast sections of Zones 1, 2, and 3, with occasional forays into 4. No apparent ties to any crew or place, always on skates, always ready with a laugh or a helping hand, but never stays in one place long. More information.
Bri Gautier - A trumpet player in a jazz band in western Zone 3 with a specially modified mute, just in case any dracs think they can drop in on the club. Maintains a pair of acoustic revolvers for personal use, also mods any gun that comes across her hands. Skilled blacksmith, terrible conversationalist. Refuses any attempt to assign her a killjoy moniker; only answers to Bri.
Kit - At 14, the youngest member of the Zoo. Learning how to tattoo, already well-versed in killing. Mistrusting of strangers and violently protective of her space. Primarily armed with knives; Hawk is still teaching her how to handle guns. Also answers to Little Fox.
Cyanide Sparkle "Cy". Likes to party, likes to fight. Has no memory of its life before walking out of Zone 07. Makes a damn good drink; makes an even better bomb.
Sophie Chevalier - Director of Public Relations for Better Living. Manages civilian celebrities and advertisement. Presumed dead by her family. It's a rare occasion indeed when she comes down from On High.
Reina Castillo - favored companion of a certain exterminator. Using her position near the center to collect information and do as much damage as possible without getting caught. Sacrifices her position and City comfort when she realizes she's fallen in love, and he's been written off as dead.
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celestial-narwhal · 1 year
Okay, now I need to see Luocha's reaction if he ever found out Jing Yuan became mara-struck (and had a little help with Kafka with her Spirit Whisper).
Funny thing about that! Willow and I have schemed their dynamic in that au and… yeah. They still fuck. A lot.
A lot a lot.
There’s a lot less playfulness in their interactions though. Jing Yuan is more rough and violent, while Luocha is a lot more clinical and observant of him. To Luocha, in this au, Jing Yuan is a case study in Mara. A little lab rat to observe and learn from. Their relationship becomes purely physical rather than the funky back-and-forth they have in their main verse! If anything, Luocha would love to meet with Kafka more in this particular universe. Her ability to control the mara is absolutely incredible and he would love to pick at her brain on how she does it.
This entirely physical relationship is honestly what Luocha was expecting in the main verse, but, alas, Jing Yuan’s heart is too big for it to be just that without Mara clouding his mind.
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escapism-express · 6 months
a few somethins abt zan
yah… so hi! i’m zan :)
i’m 21 & from the Southern US, though i swear something in me was meant to be in Scotland…
i use a stupid amount of ellipsis, can’t decide if i want to punctuate or capitalize correctly, and get nervous around shitty grammar (makes sense, right?)
i have the mouth of a sailor, soul of a stoned grandma, ridiculous little house wife habits, and attitude for daaaaaaaays.
my fandom membership card is currently active in the following communities:
The WW of Harry Potter (all eras & no support for JKR, duh)
The Hobbit & Lord of The Rings
Star Wars
Maas Verse (ACOTAR - I'm working my way through TOG rn)
there are definitely more that I'm currently too stoned to remember but those are the mains anyways. i don't write currently, though I really want to start so y'all can be my lab rats 😉
being a dreamer is my main personality trait, but I can guarantee lots of ranting & shitposting regarding other things I like and/or don't like to do so here's a few more things abt me :)
I'm a spoonie for life, this December will be 9 years since I was diagnosed 💙
I have a longterm partner who we'll call Snoopy - he boarded this shit show about 8 years ago & doesn't plan on disembarking 🫶
I have zero sense of self preservation. my philosophies are to "fuck around & hope you don't find out" & that my life is a video game so I'm just along for the ride lmao
I firmly believe that therapy is for everyone, I personally go every week & am medicated.. I will SCREAM this shit if it means someone else will feel more comfortable & confident going
I'm currently attempting to figure out my spiritual alignments but I fucks with energies & nature a lot 🧙‍♀️
I like... plants... 🍃💨 - a lot
I keep music playing almost 24/7 to keep away the ✨voices✨
I have no filter, I will tell you anything & everything or nothing at all
any of that feel like you? follow meeeeeeeeee I need friends :)
okay now for the obligatory blog disclaimers:
this is an 18+ blog - minors will be blocked 🔞
I have a zero tolerance policy for bigots - we don't fuck with homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, ablism, or discrimination of any kind. you will be reported, dragged, and blocked.
I WILL be talking about sensitive topics, whether it's fandom or real world related there will be triggering material on this blog. I will do my best to label everything as accurately as possible but if I miss something please KINDLY let me know :)
I piss a lot of people off. my views are not widely accepted in the current climate of the south but I will not shut up. however, you can. so if you don't like me, go ahead & rest assured that I do not care 🖕🫶
once again there's probably more stuff I meant to say that I've now forgotten but my brain is jello sO we're gonna call it good.
stay tuned for... stuff(?) ...I have no real plan here.
anywhore.. have a good day, lovelies!
xoxo, zan 🫶
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loetise · 2 years
important dynamics.  ˎˊ˗             aka, my own version of the ‘affiliation’ trend. these are muses and dynamics that are important to allie and help to shape who she is as a person. kind of also an appreciation post for my friends for putting up with me, some of these have been in the making for more than a year and all of them feature extensive plotting. please do not feel left out if our dynamic is more recent and not here, all of my dynamics are extremely important to me, these are the ones that i’ve had for a long time and/or plotted a bunch with. you do not need to follow these blogs to get a better grasp of allie’s story, but i might mention them in threads if it is appropriate. these dynamics are pretty much ‘canon’ for allie, with the exception of romantic relationships that exist in their own verse and would conflict with others. these dynamics are specifically for her main verse and the city based variant, i have more planned in a separate post for her other verses, which has a lot of muses not featured in this one.
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main verse.
audrey rose, @celestiel.    audrey is allie’s best friend since high school, they grew up together, cheered together on the cheerleading team, and continued being close even after high school and after allie had left for six months. audrey was the person she was closest with in high school, and one of the only people that truly cared about her. audrey pushes allie to be more confident and value her self worth, as well as give her constant support. 
kieran night, @heroanti.    kier is pretty much allie’s soulmate. they are very much an ‘endgame’ kind of ship, they love each other endlessly. they live together in her cottage and just the company helps allie immensely, but more than that, kier helps her grow. there is hardly a moment when they are apart, and space is given when needed, but allie knows that she’s never truly alone and the thought is comforting to her. she is less anxious, though she still has her moments, and is much more healthy, she takes care of herself better and engages in less risky behavior.
akllasqa mamáni, @khronoes.    toxic codependent girlfriends, though allie’s largely aware of the toxicity. she loves aklla, though aklla has a tendency to treat her like an unwanted pet, or a lab rat on occasion because she knows allie will agree to pretty much anything she says. allie eventually gets pushed away by aklla enough and leaves without saying goodbye, pretty much disappearing.
udyati rao, @dvarapala.    allie’s baff (best alien friend forever!), udyati and allie are fairly similar in a lot of ways, though udyati is a little bit tougher and has been through things that made her that way. allie and udyati also go on a lot of adventures together due to udyati’s access to doors to other universes, and the ability to create them. most of their adventures are simple things, just spending time together or doing ‘normal girl’ stuff, but they support each other through everything and make each other feel loved.
olivia jensen, @celestiel.    another one of allie’s best friends, though a distinctly different vibe from udyati or audrey. liv was more distrust when they first met, definitely more of an ‘opposites attract’ scenario, but liv eventually warmed up to allie and now she is a lot more open with herself and her feelings. liv and allie are adventure buddies, but in a different way. they tend to get into mischief together. sometimes the illegal kind.
willow w., @unpossession.    close and cherished friend! willow and allie have similar hearts, but willow is more introverted and shy, and they have a close bond because of their similarities. however, during their friendship, allie began to fall for her, and willow didn’t fall for her as intensely as allie did. after willow goes through a traumatic event, she disappears for a long period of time which worries allie so much she feels like she’s falling apart. when willow returns, allie gets incredibly clingy and hardly leaves her alone, which doesn’t help with allie’s feelings.
jason brenner stilinski-hammond, @rotturn.    allie considers jason like a little brother, and makes herself a safe person for him to be around because his powers can’t harm her like they can a human. he has made many attempt to push her away and she refused to let him, and now they are both doing much better, though jason feels guilt for how he treated her in the past.
corinne delacroix, @rosewiltd.    corinne and allie both have a strong love for flowers, though allie a little more intense, which is originally what brought them together as friends, but now they share a bond that is close enough to be sisterly due to how they understand each other. allie frequently shows corinne how to care for flowers, and corinne reads her stories.
serena carlisle, @wihlted.    soft girlfriends! allie and serena are close because of that softness and their hearts, though their backgrounds are as different as can be. allie frequently visits serena’s ballet lessons, as well, because she loves to watch her in her element. allie has also whisked serena away to the woods for long amounts of time on multiple occasions, rendering her missing from the rest of the world.
nicholas cohen, @celestiel.   nick and allie had been friends when one of her close friends, jade, had dated him, though jade and her had always had a bit of a rocky friendship. after jade and nick broke up, nick and allie had gotten closer. closer to the point of betraying jade and falling for nick. her promised her songs about her, to take her with him and his band and allie fell for it. anytime they were together, she felt amazing. but when they’re apart, allie feels immense guilt for what she has done with nick without jade knowing.
cosmo stilinski, @khozmoh.    another opposites attract scenario, cosmo and allie met after he moved out of beacon hills, and were originally just sort of party buddies, going clubbing together and such. and while it took a while for him to warm up to her and trust her, he eventually did and they began dating. allie and cosmo both struggle with nightmares and are able to help each other with them by being a safe space. allie helps cosmo with his supernatural sight as well, making the horrors he sees go away for a little while when she’s around.
lucas north, @spynorth.    allie originally approaches lucas to help her find his mother, but he takes her under his wing, sort of, after he sees her naivety and approach on life in comparison to him being very much the opposite. eventually, they stop looking for her mother primarily and allie considers him a dear friend, though she doesn’t know much about him beyond him being a spy and nice to her, sort of like an older brother. lucas thinks he’s her secret service.
ruby of crims, @redheart​​.    another one of allie’s toxic codependent girlfriends, except this time there’s a little bit more of a mutual dependency, at least for spending time together. allie and ruby spent a lot of time at ruby’s mothers clubs, and allie began to follow ruby around like a lost puppy. ruby entertained allie and played with her feelings for a while because she liked the attention. however, after she met her boyfriend mat hatter, she left allie behind.
josiah bryant, @celestiel.    josiah and allie have worked at the same flower shop since they were tweens, and when allie’s mother left, he stayed by her side and supported her that day as well as everyday after that. they had been close friends even before they started dating because of all of the things they have in common, and their connection only deepened when they revealed their feelings for each other. their relationship is very soft and sweet and they are very affectionate with each other, as well as a little bit silly.
lois lane, @loisjoanne.    lois adopts allie around the age of 14 after allie ventures into the city of metropolis and they meet and get close immediately. while allie has boarding school back at home, her and lois called regularly, and allie visited as much as she could when she didn’t have school. once allie graduated, she was able to spend much more time with her, and moves to the city near where lois lives.
#i don't wanna look at this again#if i remember more i will probably add them. even making this post i thought of at least 5 that were more than i had planned#𖥸 ₊ *  “ headcannons ”  …  all  spring  i  brushed  the  confessions  out  of  my  hair.#𖥸 ₊ *  “ dyn: audrey / celestiel ”  …  but  i  love  you‚  yes‚  i  love  you.  you’re  my  best  friend.#𖥸 ₊ *  “ dyn: kier / neverafters ”  …  you  can  say  anything‚  i  will  not  abandon  you.#𖥸 ₊ *  “ dyn: aklla / levered ”  …  whether  you  come  as  a  lover  or  an  executioner‚  i  am  ready  to  receive  you.#𖥸 ₊ *  “ dyn: udyati / dvarapala ”  …  our  ghosts  reside  in  the  same  place‚  behind  our  eyelids.#𖥸 ₊ *  “ dyn: liv / celestiel ”  …  you’re  my  best  friend  and  we’re  dancing  in  a  world  alone.#𖥸 ₊ *  “ dyn: willow / unpossession ”  …  parts  of  me  remind  me  of  you.#𖥸 ₊ *  “ dyn: jason / jasnstilnski ”  …  i  promise  that  nothing  will  burn  you.#𖥸 ₊ *  “ dyn: corinne / rosewiltd ”  …  let  me  lie  beside  you  watching  the  clouds  until  the  earth  covers  us.#𖥸 ₊ *  “ dyn: serena / saintslips ”  …  my  baby’s  sweet  as  can  be‚  she  gives  me  toothaches  just  from  kissing  me.#𖥸 ₊ *  “ dyn: nick / celestiel ”  …  maybe  i  like  this  roller  coaster‚  maybe  it  keeps  me  high.#𖥸 ₊ *  “ dyn: cosmo / khozmoh ”  …  i'll  get  by  with  you  on  my  mind‚  i'll  get  by  with  you  on  my  side.#lucas dyn tbt.#𖥸 ₊ *  “ dyn: josiah / celestiel ”  …  i  thought  of  you  in  the  cracks  of  light.  i  dreamed  of  you.#lois dyn tbt.#ruby dyn tbt.
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ratfiink · 4 years
@lakewoodplazahero​ liked!
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   “We are still enemies, ya know. I ain’t gonna give you a pat on the back and say ‘well done’ just cause you made some crummy wish.” That ‘crummy wish’ was obviously the one that literally saved the entirety of Lakewood Plaza, and give Fink a planet to play with, but. y’know. She’s not going to respect something that K.O. did. “And I’m especially not gonna be friends with you. I just wanted to make sure you dorks weren’t having too much fun down here.“ (She came in here to shoplift.)
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breanadavenport · 4 years
Note from the Bre that isn’t a tv character or OC.
I’ve been meaning to clean out all the dumb reblogs and everything from my tumblr, and thanks to the amazing people behind the Lab Rats roleplaying blogs that’s what thing is transitioning into since I found a purpose for my creativity when I have writer’s block. I will move my fics and any writing prompt posts to @labratswhore once I transition it to another account instead of a sideblog.
So here is the bio for said OC:
Name: Breana Destiny Davenport
Date of Birth: April 30th, 1999
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Wavy brunette hair with natural blonde highlights, pale green eyes bordered with forest green, and 5'3 height. Also Freckles across her face and nose, and on her shoulders. She is very thin, with a lot of scars. She has a scar going from her kidney to her pelvis on her right side, a stab wound on her left hip, a bullet wound on her left shoulder, a burn scar on her right shoulder, a scar on her forehead above her left eyebrow, a scar on her arm that starts an inch below her elbow on the inside side of her arm and curves over the fleshy part, stopping three inches above her wrist, whipping scars on her upper back and a branding scar on her lower back.
Love Interest: Varies
Family: Danny Davenport (Older Twin brother (five minutes)), Donald Davenport (Father), Amy Reinhart (Mother), Adam, Bree, and Chase Davenport (Older 'adopted' brothers and sister); Daniel Davenport (Cousin), Lizzy Knight (Step-aunt), Tasha Dooley (Step-mother), Leo Dooley (Step brother)
Friends: None really but each other.
Enemies: Trent/None for the most part
Bionics (if any):
Main: Super Smarts and Heat Vision; Speed Reading, Forcefield, Computer Hacking, Super Durability, Omnilingualism (She knows multiple languages, including French, Spanish, Russian, and ASL (American Sign Language)), Thermal Scanning, Scan Vision, Bionic GPS, Eye Camera, Hidden Abilities: Energy manipulation (Ergokinesis), Molecularkinesis, Invisibility (Being able to turn invisible at will and not just a glitch), Night Vision, X-Ray Vision, etc
Glitches: Whenever she gets nervous she glitches and turns invisible; Her Commando App, Thalia; Ultrasensitive hearing, Power outages, Electrical sparks,
Non-Bionic Abilities: Various forms of Martial Arts, Bravery, and the ability to be reckless in certain circumstances that if she dies, she dies.
History: When Breana and Danny were very little they were kidnapped, and they were not found until they were 13/14 when the rats were on a mission and found them in a semi-abandoned warehouse.
She has trouble gaining weight because of her bionic metabolism, which is the opposite problem of normal people who have been starved.
She has asthma.
Also, Danny is five minutes older than Breana and very protective over her. And Twin telepathy.
Notes: I started thinking of/doing the power retrofitting a while ago, how it became apparent that Adam, Bree and Chase have more than one hidden ability each, and I didn't want Breana to be the only one (with Super Smarts) to not have Molucularkinesis
*In some verses I have Amy being a total bitch, like only adding to her [Breana's] body image problems by restricting carbs and things on the weekends she has at least her, if not Danny as well. (I know way too much about custody arrangements and arguments, trust me.)
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tricksheart · 3 years
All I mostly have for a Persona 3 Lab Rat AU verse is that after running away from his family, more likely a different set than his real ones in the main story, a young Akira stumbles upon a seemingly nice researcher named Takuto Maruki, who just happens to be a new recruit where they are experimenting on others such as the Strega group and a bunch of nameless subjects. Is brought there unknowingly that he has potential as a persona user and is introduced as Takuto’s son as they look quite alike in certain aspects. Is promptly put together with the others trapped in there but is treated a little more better because he’s put with a researcher that isn’t as bad as the rest. Takuto even gives him snacks and food, and a place to live since he is technically a runaway. Has more grasp of his persona than the rest and awakens to Poseidon, God of Sea and Storms. Akira still can’t escape the side effects though if he doesn’t take the suppressors like the rest of them have to do so in order to live still. Poster child of the lab, Akira gets hated looks from everyone else trapped in there but manages to get out alive despite things being bleak as they were. There is option of him joining Strega but most likely to happen is him joining Takuto in researching as they find another place to experiment. The Lab Rat has now become the thing he hates, the scientist.
Personally wise, has a fake smiled plastered on his face from all of the things done inside of the lab and doesn’t take too much of anything seriously anymore because the universe is doomed anyways by this master plan of summoning Nyx but takes on a little of Takuto’s penchant to discuss money problems, and that there shouldn’t be any pain or sorrow when the end of the world comes. Also is extremely clumsy and gets angry at the slightest thing sometimes since his persona is one with a temper in mythology. 
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• 𝒲𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒𝒷𝓁𝓇 𝑅𝑒-𝐼𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜  •
Hi guys! I’ve been here for a little over a year, and so I figure it would be a good idea to make a new intro post! (Especially since I have some actual projects that I actually plan on working on)
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A little bit about me: You can call me Andie, I’m 18, nonbinary (she/they) and bisexual, a Cancer, and also a massive bitch :p. I live in Tennessee, but I’m from Georgia - Both states are terrible, in my not very humble opinion. I’m into gaming (both video games and ttrpgs), music made by white dudes playing a guitar, art, cats, and having so many tabs open in one window that I’m forced to identify them by their icons.
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 Some of my current WIPS:
The Hope ‘Verse: Probably the largest project I currently have in the works! This is my Lab Rats rewrite series - where I hopefully plan to do a slightly better job than the actual show did in telling a good, cohesive story. It’s largely centered around the themes of redemption and second chances, and also the intricacies of family.
Genres: Fanfiction, Action, Drama, Comedy
The Letters We Wrote: This is a remake of a wip that’s actually been around as long as this blog has. Originally a superhero origin story, I’ve now taken out all mention of any sort of powers/abilities and turned this into a more straight-foward tale about grief, detachment, and growing up. If you’re into unstable narration, two main wlw relationships, and pretentious upper-middle class teenage girls - this is the story for you. Given I ever actually write it lol.
Genres: Coming of Age, LGBT+, Drama
Secret Christmas Project: It’s exactly how it sounds on the tin folks. It’s something I have planned for Christmas. And it’s a secret. Don’t have a whole lot else to tell you at the moment.
Genres: Who the fuck even is ‘genre’ anyways?
And more...
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I’m always looking to follow new writeblrs of any kind, but especially if you write any of the following:
• Coming of age stories
• Diverse casts
•  LGBT+ Characters
• Angst with a happy ending
• Redemption arcs
• ADHD rep!
Feel free to hit me up if you’d like! I may not answer because I don’t know how to communicate with other people and that gives me anxiety, but I’ll certainly try and the thought is appreciated nonetheless. I hope, especially in the coming year, to start having more original content to share with y’all, but until then, i’m out!
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kunoichi-ume · 4 years
Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad
Characters: Torian Cadera, Noara Starspark, Balic Cormac and Elara Dorne-Cormac (I have no idea if she will ever take his name, but they are totally married so that’s how I am writing it haha) Story: Jedi Sitters Word Count: 3458
Note: This fic was inspired by this piece of art by @jemichiart, and the name for the little Rishii baby totally taken from @outcastcommander’s suggestion. This also ended up much longer than I expected, but I enjoyed writing this so I am not sorry. EDIT: I am however sorry I forgot to add the tags and link to the picture. Oops.
The sharp tang of blood filled the air as Torian made his way through the Rishi jungle, rifle held ready in case he needed it. He had set off that morning to go hunting but, apparently, he wasn’t the only being on the prowl for a challenge. Whatever had spilled the blood tainting the air had apparently already found it’s prey. He followed the scent, giving in to his curiosity that soon turned into alarm when he identified where the smell of blood came from. Not further into the forest, where wild beasts were known to roam, but into a small clearing he was familiar with. A clearing that housed several huts belonging to a small tribe of locals.
Blood spilled there couldn’t bode well at all.
They were a peaceful sort, the Rishii, despite being natural born predators. Despite their sharp claws and beaks, and ever sharper eyes, Torian ahd always found them to be a kind and welcoming bunch every time he visited their home world. Now that he called the tropical world home as well, Torian had hopes of befriending one or two of them. While he had never heard of a Rishii Mandalorian, the idea of one excited him and he’d welcome any of their number into his hunting party.
Stopped at the edge of the clearing, Torian observed the carnage with a keen eye. Several structures were only partially standing, walls and roofs caved in. Not a single dwelling was left as adequate shelter from the elements. Bodies, all belonging to the feathered locals, laid out across the ground. Claws, far larger than any he had ever seen a Rishii possess, had carved up the bodies the same way they had destroyed the buildings, gouging the ground to leave long, deep grooves in the packed dirt.
Torian sighed heavily, he was no stranger to death but there was always something tragic about the loss of innocent lives. These people were not warriors, not soldiers. They were families, with elderly and young among them. Now he was grateful Noara had not joined him this morning, she was not a hunter but enjoyed exploring the wilds at his side. Death, especially senseless deaths like these, always weighed heavily on her. Where Torian observed the carnage with a sense of sadness at the loss of life she would feel the full weight of grief bearing down on her chest. He loved the former Jedi with all his heart, but her upbringing in the Order still influenced her to behave in ways he didn’t always understand. It kept life interesting.
The sound of something hitting the ground pulled Torian's attention away from the bodies laid out across the clearing. Keeping very still, he strained to hear any other signs of life. Perhaps something in the damaged huts had shifted he wondered. But then a second, clearer sound filled the air. Cracking.
Moving quietly, careful to step around the bodies and blood, Torian entered the clearing and looked for the source of the sound. Nothing was out of place in the first partially standing hut he investigated, nor the second.
At the threshold of the third Torian froze in place, shocked still by what he found as his heart pounded loudly in his ears.
Sprawled out on the dusty floor was a small creature and, though he had never seen one before, it was obvious to Torian it was a newborn Rishii ik'aad. A baby. Something thick and shiny soaked the ik'aad's feathers, pieces of shell caught in the viscous liquid and littering the area almost like shrapnel from an explosion. It looked as though the egg that little thing once resided in had been stashed into the cabinet above where it sat, the door hanging open on a crooked hinge.
It wasn't hard to make the assumption that someone, possibly one of the child's parents, had stashed the egg away in hopes of safety. Luckily the door had held after the damage to the walls had displaced it until the danger had passed. And, equally lucky, was that the ik'aad had been ready to hatch.
Stepping into the destroyed hut, eyes far too large for the small ik'aad's face, lit up in delight when he came into view. Slinging his rifle over his shoulder, Torian couldn't resist carefully scooping the ik'aad up into his arms. The little thing barely weighed anything at all and his chest tightened at the idea that it was made an orphan the same day it was born. Torian was still a baby when he lost his parents, but at least it hadn’t been the exact same day. A foundling before even getting a name. Brushing some of the shell pieces off soggy feathers, he did his best to check if the child was healthy but truthfully didn't know what he was looking for.
The question of what to do never entered Torian’s mind, there was no debate to be had. Until he could find the ik’aad’s family, if any lived, the foundling was his responsibility. First thing first, he needed to make sure the newborn was healthy. Glancing around the hut, Torian grabbed a large red cloth and shook the dust off before wrapping it around the child. It was a warm day, as was the usual on Rishi, but he didn't want to chance the child catching a chill from it's soaked feathers. Once satisfied that the makeshift birikad would hold the ik'aad securely against his chest, he was quick to leave the destroyed village behind and head back into the forest.
Head turning all around so much Torian was concerned the ik'aad would injure it, the infant cooed excitedly while taking in the world for the first time. It was all Torian could do to keep from laughing, the pure joy of seeing the world with new eyes was infectious. When he reached the rough path he had taken into the jungle, no longer having to duck under branches, Torian switched from a quick pace to a jog. He wanted to get the ik'aad home as soon as possible, not only did the newborn need to be examined by a trained medic but he also had no idea what kind of food to provide. Luckily, when he had left, Noara had said she expected her brother and his wife to come by soon.
Balic Cormac, a giant of a man, wasn't Noara’s sibling by blood, but by choice which meant more to Torian in the long run. He had grown up without his blood around and Noara's had given her away. Better to rely on the family that chose to love you when you needed someone. As luck would have it, Balic's wife Elara was one of the most widely versed medics Torian had ever met. She should be more than capable of giving the little Rishii a proper checkup.
The ik'aad made an odd huffy noise, one that sounded almost put out and made Torian grin widely. "Don't worry ad'ika, you'll get a better look later," he said, smoothing his hand over the ruffled feathers slowly drying on the child's head. He'd make sure the kid got an eyeful before they decided what to do with him.
Walking into the Clan Compound Torian was struck with the still unfamiliar feeling of being home, a warm sense of contentment and belonging that he savored. It wasn't something he had experienced often in his life, having an actual home instead of just a temporary accommodation. When Noara had started talking about wanting to settle down, leaving the saving of the galaxy to others while they moved on with their lives, he hadn't been too particular about where they ended up. As long as he could hunt, house his clan and be with his wife he was happy.
Settling on a tropical world, one with plenty of beaches and ocean to keep Noara happy and thick forests and plentiful fauna for hunting had turned out perfect. Even the base they found was exactly what they needed, large enough to house everyone and any new members the clan might welcome in the years to come and all the animals Noara had taken to rescuing, while being secure enough to defend if they ever needed to.
They even had enough space to put in their own little medical center, which was where Torian headed first. With the Cormac's visiting, it was fairly likely they would either be checking the set up of the new infirmary equipment as Elara had been their main consultant on what they needed, or up in the cliff-side apartment he shared with Noara. Elara was a very driven, serious woman and he would be surprised if she didn’t want to get straight to work. Also the infirmary was closer to where he exited the jungle.
Barely inside the door Torian knew he had made the right choice. The murmur of voices drifted down the corridor toward him and he smiled. He had no idea how Noara would react to him coming home with an ik'aad strapped to his chest and, honestly, he was looking forward to finding out. She found far too much amusement in surprising him with the newest beastie she had decided to take into their home, it was only fair to turn the tables on her.
Several people were gathered inside the infirmary. Balic was leaning against the wall, not far from where his wife worked and even slumped down slightly he was still head and shoulders over everyone else. Several of the younger clan members, all in varying colors of armor, watched the blonde woman with rapt attention as she gave them a rundown of how to use a new scanning device. Noara was lying on the hospital table, obviously playing the lab wamp rat, and doing a good impression of an injured patient until she looked toward the door.
Sneaking up on Noara was almost impossible for Torian, she claimed to be able to feel him with the Force. He believed her, but it was still a hard sell. She claimed it wasn’t the same as how she felt another Force user, but something special because of their connection. She could feel him when he was near, even sense a bit of his moods if she tried.
Of course that didn’t mean he wasn’t determined to try, and someday he was going to manage it.
Instead of pretending to be hurt, Noara smiled brightly when he stepped into view and he could see the moment she noticed the ik'aad. Her eyes widened in surprise and she jolted up off the medical bed, head almost colliding with Elara's who had leaned over during her lecture. Only Balic's large hand yanking his wife backward saved them both from having their bells rung.
"Cyare," Noara said, pushing off the bed and hurrying toward him. "Meg vaar gar ganar?"
Muffled laughter broke out among the younger vod in the room. Noara had been working on learning Mando'a for a few years now, but like now still managed to get some words mixed up much to the younger generation's amusement. Instead of asking what he had, she instead spoke a gibberish phrase about what he had undeveloped. Or half grown, vaar, could mean either.
Cheeks flushing, Noara knew what the laughter meant but instead of reacting further she peered curiously at the ik'aad. "Who is this?"
Torian leaned his head down to brush his lips against her forehead, eyes fixed on the vod still smiling about her slip up. It was of course a message, to remind them she was their alor's riduur. Noara was more Mando than he could have ever imagined a Jedi turning, but part of him still worried about her being accepted by his peers. He knew first hand that it was possible to be Mando and still be treated like an aruetii. He'd be damned if he would let anyone make Noara feel like she wasn't enough.
Turning their head, the ik'aad looked up at Noara with wide yellow eyes. Noara returned the interested stare, reaching out to run her fingers through the matted feathers. "Poor little guy needs a bath," she said, raising her eyes to frown at him. "Are you babysitting or something?"
"Or something," Torian laughed before giving a quick explanation of his day. His story had the attention of everyone in the room and Elara was at his side before he had even finished.
"You should have said it was a newborn sooner," Elara chided him, holding her hands out. "Let me take a look."
Nodding, Torian braced one hand on the ik'aad's bottom before untying the birikad. Once it was loose Elara had the little one in her arms and was making her way back to the exam table.
There was perhaps a split second between her stepping away from him and the loudest shrieking he had ever heard come from a sentient being's lungs. Noara gasped as Torian darted around her, beelining for the table.
"What did you do?" he demanded, leaning over the table to see the small Rishii ik'aad lying on the bed and looking completely fine. Even the squalling had stopped, the moment he leaned over the table. Confused, he looked at the former Havoc Squad medic.
Humming thoughtfully, Elara shifted to block Torian from view. Again the ik'aad started crying loudly. Moving back, the cries stopped the moment golden eyes met Torian's. "Stay right there, where the child can see you."
Noara stepped up beside Torian, pulling a stool over for him to sit on and stayed by his side as Elara examined her new patient. This time the instruction she gave the watching vod was more hands on than the lecture she had given over Noara's 'pretend' ailment. Torian didn't pay much attention to the words she was saying, explaining everything she did, instead he was drawn to the small Rishii's eyes that seemed glued to his face.
Finally Elara set her instruments away, lifting the ik'aad and passing him over for Torian to hold. She delivered her prognosis with a bright smile. "That is one perfectly healthy Rishii baby boy you have there Torian."
"He is such a cutie," Noara said, perched on the edge of the table behind him and leaning over his shoulder to run her fingers through the boy's feathers again. "If his parents are dead, what do we do with him?"
Torian frowned, he hadn't thought that far and now that he was holding the small boy in his arms it just felt... right. Like he was meant to take in this foundling as his own, as his son. They had talked a little about children, though nothing in certain terms and had never discussed adoption. It was as much a part of Mandalorian culture as armor and fighting, they even had a set phrase for it.
How was he going to tell his wife he wanted to make them parents without even discussing it? Watching her smile as the boy gurgled happily at her touch, he had a feeling it wouldn't be too hard to convince her.
Before he could work up an idea of how to start that conversation, Elara cleared her throat to get their attention. "Actually, you should know that Rishii infants are known to imprint on the first person they see."
"Imprint?" Noara asked, frowning in confusion and the words sunk in for Torian. He knew what it meant, but never imagined a sentient species did it. By being the one to find the boy he had all but sealed the question of their future.
"It's a long lasting attachment to the first individual or object a creature sees after hatching. It's common in avian species," Elara explained in her serious manner before smiling. "Based on the child's reaction to being separated I can only assume he has imprinted on Torian."
"So that means..." Noara's voice trailed off as she looked between the boy and her husband. "Are you a dad now?"
Torian pulled his son closer at the hitch in her voice, "I guess, I mean I want to know how you feel about it before deciding anything."
Noara watched him carefully for a long moment before looking up at the crowded room. "Could we have some privacy please?"
"Of course Noara-doll," Balic said before pushing off the wall where he was leaning. He started herding the training medics out of the room before dropping a kiss on the top of Noara's head and leaving with his wife tucked tight against his side. On the way out the door Elara called back that she would arrange for some proper food to be up in their apartment for the boy.
Once they were finally alone Noara shifted closer on the bed to wrap her arms around Torian's shoulders, her chest pressed up against his back. She laid her hands on top of his, helping cradle the child against his chest. When she spoke her voice was steady, though little more than a whisper in his ear. "Are you ready to be a father Torian? I know we've talked a bit about it, but this would be starting now. No time to come to terms with it or get cold feet you know?"
"As sudden as it may feel, I think I am." Torian turned on his stool, dislodging her arms so he could watch her face carefully, "what about you? Are you ready to be a mother?"
"To be honest, no. I don't feel ready at all," Noara said, sighing sadly. "I still don't really know what a mother is? How to do it, you know?"
Holding the child with one hand, Torian cupped her cheek with his other one. "I don't know what being a father is like either but together I have no doubts we will figure it out."
"He'd need a name," she said after a tense moment, leaning her face into his cheek with a smile, "if we can't even manage that what kind of parents would we be?"
Torian laughed, the anxious worry he hadn’t really noticed in his chest relaxing at her smile. "Fair enough. Any ideas?"
“Not sure, never named anyone before.” Noara looked down at the boy tucked against his chest. "His eyes look like little suns don’t they? So bright and full of life."
"What about Tranyc?"
She frowned, "that's Mando'a right? Star... something?"
Torian nodded, impressed that she caught the unfamiliar word. "Star-burned, but that's the literal translation. 'Sunny' is a more true meaning."
"Yeah, I love you Torian," Noara said, wrapping her arms around his shoulders again and kissing him. "And loving this little guy will be no burden I’m sure."
“No I don’t imagine it will be,” Torian said, standing and taking one of Noara’s hands to draw her off the table to stand in front of him. Adjusting his hold on Tranyc, he situated them so Noara was helping hold his son between them. “We should make it official, well as official as Mandalorians ever are.”
“I take it there is a set way to do this?” Noara’s eyes had a teasing gleam in them as she smiled up at him, “so tell me, how do we make Tranyc our son?”
Torian’s heart felt like it could burst, gratitude and admiration for Noara’s easy acceptance of their son almost overwhelming him. He had to clear his throat before being able to speak the adoption vow. “Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad.”
“What does that mean?” she didn’t look up as she asked, her eyes fixed on Tranyc’s bright smile.
“I know your name as my child.”
“Very Mandalorian, direct and to the point. I like it.” Noara placed her hand on Tranyc;s head and repeated the vow. Like when they had spoken their marriage vows months before, it took her a few times so get the pronunciation exactly right. When she finished, she gathered their son in her arms and pressed a kiss to his cheek before laughing. “We really need to bathe our son,” she said, “and Elara should have an idea of what to feed him by now.”
Torian wrapped an arm around her shoulders, guiding Noara out of the infirmary. “Let’s take our son home,” he said, the words making him feel like he could fly. His entire life Torian had wanted a family, one that he could do right by. The way his father hadn’t. The way Noara’s parents hadn’t. They had both grown up without a family but together they had made one all their own. And, other than perhaps the day Noara agreed to marry him, Torian had never been happier than this moment.
Ik'aad - baby; child under 3 Birikad - baby carrying harness Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad - adoption vow - lit. I know your name as my child.
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devintrinidad · 4 years
I haven't watched it Akadama Drive the way through. But I have seen a lot of it. It's almost too gorey for me. But the visuals are a real treat and it definitely has the cyberpunk cool factor down. Swindler was a great main character! (I never shipped her with Cutthroat. I knew the psychopath was that. A psychopath and I bet he was going to turn on them at anytime. And he did! Never be distracted by the childish antics pretty boy serial killers!). 
I'm interested in the future of AD. I heard the last episode was getting a special Directors cut including a alternative ending. I also heard the AD creators were happy to hear AD is doing well in the west so fans are wondering if that means their hoping to make a S2? I don't keep up with AD news so I'm not sure if that's their intention or not. But I did hear a fan theory that S2 could be about the bad guys using technology to bring at least of the main characters back to life (considering Swindler had a religious themed death and both her and Courier's bodies could easily be recovered. Plus revival through tech is such a Cyberpunk staple) because Brother and Sister are still targets and they were would where to look for them. 
So maybe AD still has a bright future ahead with more content to explore the world (I honestly think Hacker could easily be a main character in any sequal). 
Onto the CAW/AD verse.
I could totally see 3803 being this epic biker chick.... Who gets lost easily. But because she does all these crazy stunts, her enemies (who don't know her yet) think she's planning everything to confuse them. X D 
I could see 1146's akudama name being Bodyguard. Because when he's not acting like one for 3803 and Platelet. He's taking up bodyguard jobs for anyone who needs them. For the right price and reason. If you're a scumbag who hurts innocent people, he'll kill you on the spot. But be nice enough to return the moneyto your corpse. Unless 3803 or Platelet needs something, then he'll strip you of all your dough and leave you penniless. He has a very ruthless rep. But he's so good at what he does, his help is in high demand. Ecspecially for someone who needs a bodyguard they can trust (and they know they aren't or won't act like scum around him to earn his wrath). He's fine with helping criminals. Just not ones who do a lot of harm to innocents or are involved in nasty business like trafficking or something.
Story wise things change up.
The way I see things here is that Cancer is the one secretly in charge and why things are so wrong. He's this absolute monster of a human being who gained immortality hundreds of years ago. He went nuts and caused wars and blew up the moon. He wants all the power and has created societies in his own twisted corrupted image (basically his dream in canon coming true here). But he's noticed after awhile things always go bad under his leadership and nearly everything dies. Instead of starting over again and again. He's decides to find a way to force everyone to become immortal like him so that even if they're killed. They'll have no choice but to come back to life like he does. If he has to suffer this, then so does everyone else. 
That's where 3803 and Platelet come in. For decades, Cancer has been collecting and experimenting on people in secret in order to figure out how to gift them with his immortality. 3803 and Platelet are surviving lab rats who managed to escape during a explosion happening in the building. 3803 is the closest he's come to achieving his goal. 3803 would later tell 1146 she has no idea how immortal she is and it scares her to death that she might be unable to die like Cancer. All she knows is that she can take a lot of damage and recover in time. She's been able to age a little. But she hopes she's not being paranoid about looking younger and smaller for her age (Macrophage, another Akudama who knows her secret, tells her it's common for girls like her to look younger then they are and that she has gotten bigger since they first met. But 3803 is still a little concerned). 3803 also has no idea about Platelets status in all this since she's never been badly hurt and she's aged normally. But she's also never gotten sick a day in her life and she was put in the same cell as her. The scientists saying all she needed was a little tweaking and they'd both be closer to becoming their goal. 
Ohhh, I didn't even think about 4989 and the others being 1146's enemies. I assumed they'd follow his lead eventually. Say they're dissapointed in him. Because yeah things are corrupt. But that's no reason to become a criminal and abandon their dreams of making the city a better place. They weren't there when he turned traitor so all they've been told is he got beguiled by some witch (3803 gets a very exaggerated and unpleasent rep along the Executioners for turning their top soldier against them. 1146 was already having serious doubts on his own but the organization puts the blame on her regardless). Eventually they get told by a superior officer if they can capture both 1146 and 3803 alive, they'll take 1146 back instead of executing or throwing him in jail. They'll strip him of his Akudama name and only punish him by putting a bomb collar on him until he redeems himself to them. It's not ideal. But for their friend they'll take it. They do eventually find and fight 1146 and even manage to knock him out and tie him up. They're prepared to fight 3803... Until they meet her face to face. From the rumours, they were expecting this buff scary woman who could rip their faces off. Instead they meet this determined but petite girl who looks like she'd hurt herself trying punch them. Even worse she's holding this little scared crying girl calling her big sis in her arms. They're the picture of defenselessness and it's suddenly making them not comfortable with this. This goes two ways: either they decide to cool down for a sec and let 3803 and 1146 explain themselves and then make the choice to leave and become akudamass too. Or, they harden themselves and take her anyway. 3803 promises to come quietly if they let her little sister go (they don't suspect Platelet is the Akadama Bomber). 3803 is hoping if she goes alone, She can at least convince Cancer Platelet died years ago and was a failed test subject. They agree and 3803 has to push Platelet away and yell at her to go (she knows she'll go to Macrophage so she'll be fine) because Platelet knows what's happening and is desperate enough to almost throws a small bomb at them (but 1146 would get caught up in the blast and 3803 glares at her to obey so she doesn't). The WBC squad does feel bad since they're not used to dealing with vulnerable women and children who can't fight back. 
When 1146 wakes up in a room with his superior officer telling him he's back and not getting a bomb collar. He's getting brain surgery and it's a surprise what that's going to be. Needless to say, 1146 is pissed beyond words. He's going to be forced to be their top dog somehow again. Platelet is alone and scared. 3803 is going to be carted off to Cancer so Cancer can make things even worse. Needless to say he manages to make his case to his friends who see definitely now know being a Akadama is better then this. Half of them go to rescue 1146 before he gets brain surgery and the others go get 3803 before Cancer can.
That's my idea of it anyway. Cause the WBC squad would actually be really good akadamas.
Now when it comes to 1146 fighting allies a lot. My initial idea was before he left, 1146 was the best of the best alongside NK and Killer T. They were the power trio that stood above the rest with a 100% success rate in missions once all three worked together. But unlike the WBS squad. They stick to their Executioner roles. I see this because in CAW canon, despite being softies inside, both Killer T and NK have this 'don't get chummy with civilians' mentality. Killer T ecspecially getting on 1146 for wanting to interact and go soft with them. In AD verse, NK and Killer T ultimately believe the Executioners are a nessecary evil at worst because the world needs them to be (Idk, you can keep the germs and make them monsters that Executioners have to fight to keep the city save too. Of course all of them are secretly made by Cancer to convince the most 'noble' of Executioners to keep the corrupted status quo).  When 1146 left, they took it personally. Particularly Killer T. NK keeps things more professional, but both want Roto resolve things with 1146 and see it as their duty to take him down. They don't believe 1146 about the whole conspiracy of a immortal Cancer ruling the world and doing all this other unbelievable stuff. Even when they see 3803 surviving a lot of damage, they chalk it up to her having access to some high tech she stole. Either way I'm conflicted on them being tragic villains who refuse to stop fighting 1146 and capture 3803 under orders or villains who get redeemed at the end. 
But Akadama Killer T. Tell me more? What's he like?
Other stuff-
Macrophage is called Hacker. Both because she can hack her targets into pieces with her axe and because she's a famous computer hacker. She found 3803 and Platelet years ago after they had escaped from the underground lab. She was reasearching for fun what the base was and discovered its use for making immortality. She took the two girls in to raise as if they were her own and trained them how to survive as Akadama (more so 3803 since she's older). When Macrophage isn't a assassin for hire, she's using her hacking abilities as mission control for 3803 when she's on the job. She helps her not get too lost and handles money transactions. They see her as the mom they never had despite that she's really only around 14 years older then them. 
Platelet loves blowing things up. She likes building things too. But bombing things helps her little family out more. She'll often plant tiny bombs all over the city and has Macrophage use her computer to keep track of them so she can detonate them when she sees a use to (like blowing up anyone chasing 383 while she's on her motorcycle). She adores 1146 and loves having him be part of her family. Partly because he's so strong and protective she doesn't have to worry as much about 3803 as much with him around. It's unknown just how much the experiments affected her too. All that's known is she's never been sick and barely needs any sleep to operate and always has nothing but energy to spare. She gets scared easily when 3803 might get taken away because her big sis has always been there for her and she's terrified of Cancer destroying her life and family again. If she lost 3803 she doesn't think she'd known how to live ob without her.
Cancer refers to all his experiments as his children. He calls 3803 and Platelet his daughters in particular and plans on having them back and fully like him so they can be his perfect family. He's actually known them since they were babies since, before they escaped, they've spent most, if not, all their lives in his care at the lab.
In this verse, 1146 is a much more aggressive pursurer of 3803's affections. He's still shy about making moves and acts stoic. But it's apparent he's interested in her early on and after awhile he makes no secret he wants to marry her. It always surprises her when he talks about wanting to marry her because he's too shy to flirt with her or even ask her on a date. He's both unable to make the first move, yet is very blunt about his desired intentions. She on the other hand is more hesitant. With her unknown immortality status, she's afraid she can't grow old with him and would deny him a normal wife. He simply says he wants her and no one else will ever do. 
3803 feels bad about him becoming a criminal. He's fighting his friends and comrades and has a huge life sentence on him all because he protected he. He tells her even if he has never met her. He knows sooner or later he would have left on his own and been branded a Akadama. Meeting her just have him another reason to believe in protecting others. Plus she does let him live with her and her for free. She still tries to pay him for his services when he protects her on the job. Initially he takes the money. But after too long she finds out all he does with the money is buy her things she was planning on getting later anyway. He basically was doing her errands for her. She gave up after that. 
 1146 is very protective of 3803's secret and has killed people over it to protect her. Those people being top high level Executioners who are in on Cancer's existence and his plans. 1146 knows the moment Cancer can get 3803 and confirm her ID. There's going to be a lot of trouble. He's made it a goal to either turn those people to his side or kill them all until there's no one left. When Cancer hears of this, he calls him a kind killer. 
Macrophage once jokes 1146 should be called Husband instead of Bodyguard because that's what he acts like with 3803. All overprotective and lovey dovey. He hates it when other men flirt with him and scared them off. 
Cancer is actually more aware of 3803 and Platelets activity then anyone thinks. It's just that he's immortal so time is a little for him. He kind of enjoys watching them hide and run and wondering how far he can push 1146 in his efforts to protect them. 
That's all I got I think. Putting in Cancer kind of changes things up but I also think he strangely fits in there very well. 
Any other ideas you have?
Oh my! It’s been a while since you’ve made such a long and lovely submission! First things first, yes, Swindler is best girl!!!
Heheh, I found Cutthroat/Swindler to be somewhat cute, but I had a feeling things would turn out for the worst when the team ultimately separated after Doctor’s betrayal and the fight with the Executioners. It was a pretty cool dynamic and I love how Swindler ultimately turned the tables on him.
(I’m a bit leery as to why he could see her “red halo” from so far away, but I suppose it was due to insanity/supernatural influences).
And yup! There was going to be a director’s cut. A Youtuber actually translated the tweets that directors had regarding the director’s cut and discovered that it was going to be an extra seven minutes of footage and would feature scenes that would help flesh out the last episode more.
It’s super interesting.
Ooohhhh, a season 2 where we can see best girl and Courier to come back??? To be honest, I like the series where it stands. It had a message, stuck with it, but managed to punch it all in with masterful animation techniques and storytelling. One of the characters that I think would definitely come back, should probably be Hacker. He was a god of cyberspace and savvy with technology.
Someone once speculated that he’s smart: he would definitely upload a backup of himself somewhere.
(Another person thought that Hacker must have saved himself on Swindler’s phone because his drone icon was there after his final parting gift).
I think the best way to add onto the series would be to revisit their backgrounds? Then again, I checked out the available manga chapters that have been translated thus far, and it seems they might delve a little into that territory.
Maybe a one shot episode where we get to see all the Akudama go about their daily lives where they sometimes interact (unknowingly) Durarara style (another great anime you should watch if you have the time).
Hacker as main character??? Yes please???
3803 would definitely do crazy tricks, hahah. She’s simultaneously skilled and unskilled with her bike. She’s like the... Captain Jack Sparrow of the series except instead of being drunk all the time, she’s somewhat clueless and innocent.
Bodyguard is such a lovely name. Like... I can picture it and it really fits. Not only does it satisfy his canon role of protecting, it actually helps him from actually killing too many people unnecessarily. He’ll do it if he has to, but his main goal is to protect his charge, not go after any assassins and whatnot.
Ooooohhhh, I love Cancer here! You make him out to be some terrible god of destruction and chaos and I absolutely adore it. And the motive for immortality makes more sense in this au then in the canon for AD, hahah. But yes, I imagine after years of destruction and infamy, he would definitely feel lonely and bitter.
So of course, why not drag the rest of humanity down with him?
3803 and Platelet both being somewhat immortal beings? Yes??? And Macrophage being one of their true confidants? Also yes??? (WHERE ARE YOU GETTING ALL THESE GOOD IDEAS???)
I know later on you’ll talk about Macrophage being a hacker (because of major hacking skills in tech and in killing), but what about this: she’s the Doctor from AD. Not a backstabber, but one who was somewhat affiliated with the idea of immortality. Maybe she was one of the scientists who helped raise 3803 and Platelet and after discovering that all the rest of the experiments died and only two remained, she decided enough was enough and got them out of Cancer’s hold.
Hmm... how about we combine Hacker and Doctor to create Scientist instead? She’s cold and ruthless underneath her ladylike vibes, but she truly does feel for the plight of 3893 and Platelet.
I don’t know, it would make for an interesting dynamic.
Oooohhh, I love the confrontation with WBC squad and 3803. They’re so geared and ready (4989 is definitely sweating bullets while the others reassure him). Also, you know how in AD canon that the Executions are always in pairs? Let’s have 2001 and 1145 the original pairing before he broke out. Then, 4989 with 2626 and 2048 and Eosinophil while 2001 gets stuck with Band Cell. Because, why not.
(Or, we go back to one of my most heinous friendships I ever created, 2001 and Dendritic Cell).
Can I also say that Bomber is such a bomb name for Platelet? (Pun completely intended).
And yeah, the WBC squad are definitely really uncomfortable when they undergo some cognitive dissonance here... perhaps it’s starting at this moment that they realize that Akudama aren’t that different from normal people... or the Executioners.
Bomb collars and surgery for 1146??? Ooohhhh, he must really be the top Executioner... I wonder if he’ll reunite with 2001 again as his partner or get someone new who can help control him. Because NK and Killer T are definitely partners.
On a side note you mentioned that they think that Executioners are a necessary evil. It’s like your acknowledging and somewhat hinting that they know this is wrong and that Akudamas aren’t inherently bad, but do so anyway because of a corrupt legal system. I love it. It really adds to the depth of the characters.
And yes, we need tragic villains with feelings.
As for Akudama Killer T... Maybe he went through some mental breakdown before realizing that the Executioners aren’t always right )if they were ever right in the first place). Perhaps he breaks like 1146 did, but instead of using his skills for constructive purposes, he goes all out and doesn’t care about the law anymore. He sort of becomes 1146’s foil. They’re both rear Executioners, both saw the errors of their ways, but while 1146 becomes a protector in his own way, maybe Killer T decides to become a mercenary.
I don’t know, I love parallels and showcasing how far characters have done.
Cancer as a father?
Cancer as a family man?
I... that’s a concept I never considered. Just, I can only imagine him playing with all of his experiments, knowing that one day, most of them will end up dying. He probably favors 3803 over Platelet because of how close they are in physical appearance/age and acts creepy about it.
(Is this my Abnormalities!verse writing urge acting up again, probably).
Hehehe, why but blunt 1146. That is so cute and adorable. He and 3803 constantly dance around the issue, especially due to the whole immortality thing, but he makes it clear that he doesn’t care. Though he doesn’t know it, he’s actually quite suave when he finally convinces her that it’s the time they spend together now that matters so they won’t regret in the future.
3803 swoons.
Husband??? Yes???
Macrophage as confirmed 3803/1146 shipper? Why not???
Ooohhh, Cancer is more aware than what was already expected... I HAVE ANOTHER IDEA!!!
So I know that I said earlier that Macrophage would be a combination of Hacker and Doctor, why not also make Cancer have Hacker elements? Think about it, he’s practically immortal and it was never truly confirmed how immortality works in AD canon. Maybe his immortality is due to a combination of high technology and organic stuff. Maybe, he can upload his consciousness at will so that he can “supervise” his children. It also adds credence to the whole “3803 had high tech to help her stave off heavy damage” that Killer T and NK think is what’s going on. I don’t know, I just think it would be cool to have Cancer be a god in the physical and technological world.
He would be so OP, but that’s what Cancer probably would want in CAW canon, so there, hahah.
Hmm, anything else? Let’s see, Killer T as an Akudama would definitely be more of a Brawler character... I don’t have anybody down for Hoodlum... But who do you think would be a best fit for Head Executioner? At first, I wanted Helper T, but I realized that he doesn’t get super utilized in canon, so why not make him Executioners alongside Regulatory T. Seriously, they don’t get enough screen time (especially Regulatory T).
As for the majority of Akudamas, most are definitely pathogens or germs, but I’m assuming some of them are actually Normal Cells... Normal Cells with benign mutations, but somehow get the attention of Executioners.
But yeah, this was an awesome little au. I’m down to read some action packed nonsense with these characters. You should definitely try your hand at writing this, hahah!
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spiriituma · 4 years
||..varies by verse !! this is mostly for their MAIN / DC / MARVEL verses
TL;DR-- Jonas and Lee share a strong bond that Jonas initially took as being wholly romantic, almost verging on obsession. Eventually, he comes to realize that the intimacy he desires with Lee isn’t romantic in any way, and the two then become akin to siblings. 
In some verses, there is lingering romantic tension between them; like with Trevor, Lee can sometimes mistake friendship for more than that, but the opposite is also true. Romance and flirting will sometimes go right over her head or she will push aside her feelings in hopes they’ll go away. She certainly uses that practice on Jonas.
**Lee and Jonas meet after he escapes Premiere labs and LITERALLY crash-lands into her life; Jonas falls right in front of Lava and scares her so badly that she ends up going into her FERAL MODE. Thankfully, Lee was nearby and able to calm the mare down after realizing that Jonas wasn’t a threat. He was badly injured, half-naked, and had shards of glass still stuck in him from barreling through the laboratory windows in an attempt to escape.  Lee brings him back to her shoddy apartment and patches him up, offers for him to stay with her. Jonas, relieved to be free of the lab, TELLS HER EVERYTHING. The more he unloads, the more her concern grows, and to help put him at ease, she offers to make him a GLAMOUR CHARM that will hide his wings. She also makes sure to tell him not to share what he’s told her with anyone else-- not until they BOTH make sure whoever it is is TRUSTWORTHY.
**Lee contacts Jonas’s parents to let them know their son is alive. Jonas refuses to go back home or have any further contact with them so he can make damn well sure that they stay out of harm’s way. Every couple of months, Lee will visit them and let them know how Jonas is doing; she often comes back with money, food, and other items that they send along for Jonas. He uses the money to pay rent on a much better apartment that he and Lee share. Lee picks up a job as a carriage driver on the side to help pay some of their expenses.
**Jonas decides after a few months that he wants to try and attend school. Lee tries to talk him out of it, having had bad experiences in high school herself. When he insists, reminding her that he’s NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO BE A NORMAL PERSON, she gives in, disguising herself via a glamour charm as his mother to sign him up for classes at a local school. He uses the last name BECKETT instead of his actual last name, Wilder.
**While attending class, Jonas meets a gang of super-powered upper class-men who call themselves THE MISFITS. Led by resident rich boy asshole AUSTIN BLAISE (a speedster whose parents paid dearly for his powers,) the gang also consists of AMANDA SANTOS (a Brazilian exchange student with the ability to control nature) and HEATHER CALLOWAY (a magician’s assistant trained in hand-to-hand combat by her uncle, a former mob boss.) Austin immediately takes a liking to Jonas, and shortly the two begin dating-- without telling Lee.
**Jonas gets in over his head when he tells Austin about his wings and his life as a lab rat for Premiere. Austin is shocked, though rather pleased, to discover that Jonas is an escapee of the lab that GAVE HIM HIS POWERS and which his parents are massive investors in. The speedster constantly gaslights and verbally abuses Jonas, something that he is very much used to from his time in observation/experimentation. With Austin’s prompting, and cash, Jonas joins the Misfits under the alias of MOURN.
**Not long into the relationship, Lee finds out that Jonas is dating the obnoxious speedster who she’s had multiple bad run-ins with and is furious upon realizing that Jonas revealed all of his secrets to Austin. She doesn’t want to be involved in any way with the Misfits, not caring for the way Austin seems to flaunt him and his teammates powers for publicity, often throwing them in harm’s way purely for the sake of entertainment value. Lee and Jonas argue one morning before Jonas leaves for class; when he returns home later that afternoon, both Lee and Lava are gone.
**About a month later, Austin and Jonas’s relationship starts to turn rocky as Jonas keeps insisting that Lee is his friend and a potential ally of the Misfits. Austin, who cannot stand the witch (as she had previously denied a position on the team and insulted him,) continuously wants to throw her under the bus, hoping to blame her for mistakes that his own team makes. Jonas has enough and confronts him, Austin turning physically abusive during their fight. Jonas threatens to break up with Austin, the speedster turning it around on him and THREATENING to turn Jonas in to the lab. This works for a couple of weeks, Jonas remaining Austin’s quiet, submissive boyfriend until Jonas grows tired of the blackmail and finally calls it off. Austin decides not to call Premiere, but doesn’t entirely put the thought behind him.
**Lee and Jonas reconcile shortly after the break up, and Jonas realizes that he may have feelings for Lee, going so far as to call it LOVE. He invites her to move back in with him, the two picking up their friendship right where they’d left off, though Jonas is now constantly anxious and flighty around her. When Lee calls him out on it, he admits that she was right about Austin and the two talk about past relationships, Lee telling him about her experience with TREVOR ROBERTS.
**Jonas confesses his love for Lee, and she rejects him, saying that them dating would be a terrible idea and that there is no way that he can actually be in love with her. She fully believes that the only reason he thinks he loves her is because she’s not Austin, and she actually treats him like a person. Though the two share an apartment once more, they don’t talk to each other for several days after this exchange.
**Lee has second thoughts about what she said, and ends up kissing Jonas. The two then realize just how gross the concept of any sort of romance between them makes them feel, Jonas likening it to having just kissed a sibling. They’re able to laugh it off and move on, both fully relishing in the fact that their relationship seems to have taken a step in the direction of being a FAMILY instead of a couple.
**Lee helps Jonas switch schools to distance himself further from Austin and the Misfits. Jonas continues his vigilante work as MOURN, though with Lee as his partner. Eventually, however, Jonas turns to Austin for a favor-- a funeral for TREVOR --and things start to get a little more complicated.
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tcpimpabutterfly · 4 years
Tumblr media
Status: Accepting
@streetsofsecrets​ said: bioshock for bella. munroe too ;o; also mafia ii/iii for whoever!
You already know Bella’s nosey self got wind of Rapture some way somehow and managed to wiggle her way in there. I feel like she found a way to get smuggled in illegally because she’s just always taking the risky route.
Of course, she continued her journalism shenanigans and she only had a handful of devoted readers for a minute but her notoriety really picked up in the midst of the civil war. She’s Bella, she had to give the people the truth and her unwarranted opinion because her journalistic integrity is just strong like that. She caught the attention of Jack and he didn’t even hesitate to send a hit out on her, but she survives it because she’s built different like that.
Instead of letting anyone know she’s okay she decides it’s too risky to continue on how she was, so she fakes her death and goes into hiding. But she can’t just not write, she’d die of boredom! But she also can’t let people know she’s alive because they’ll for sure make sure she’s dead this time, so she writes under an alias; Nicki Cod. Why that name? I have no idea, but people don’t care anyways they still eat her writing up anyway. They don’t even care that nobody has ever seen this mysterious ‘Nicki Cod’ or that she just popped up out of nowhere.
As for Munroe, he doesn’t even live in Rapture! Or at least he didn’t use to. He had plugs and connects down in Rapture who would smuggle him ADAM and things alike and in return he would supply them with their regular degular drugs from the surface that they missed like cocaine. He stayed on the top doing what needed to be done and running his newspaper company and they stayed down there doing whatever it was they were doing.
He just so happened to go down there ONCE because something had went awry and because he lowkey wanted to see what it was like down there. And it just so happened that he went at the worst possible time ever; in the midst of the civil war.
He didn’t care about what was going on, who was in the right, or none of that !!! But, he did have a biasness already towards Fontaine since that’s who he was doing business with mainly so he just went ahead and joined forces with him. Because he has the resources down in Rapture, he plays around with ADAM a lot and comes up with new strands every now and then. Some are goofy like “You’ll grow a 6th toe and finger!” While others are actually helpful like....idk something that would be helpful that the game doesn’t already have.
OOOOOH FOR MAFIA II/II THO (but under a read more because I feel like this post is already kinda long):
In her Mafia III AU, Cynthia isn’t married to Leonel at all or even with him. The only child they have together is Smiley and that was kinda a whoopsies on Cynthia’s end. She doesn’t own her own lad either, instead she works in the lower basement part of Olivia’s lab with other people of color as well actually doing scientific things and not making PCP. She transfers intel to Bear Donnelly who then gives it to Lincoln because she’s tired of white people and all these mob-affiliated people!! Once Lincoln takes over he puts the lab in her hands and as an middle ground type agreement, she allows half of the lab to still be used for racketing while the other half is hers.
Naomi’s Mafia III verse is very similar to her Bioshock verse eeexxxcceeeppptttt that she’s still under Dominic’s management in this verse. She’s more of a local celeb and spends most of her days in the French Ward performing at various clubs and basically a spy for the Amicis/Marcanos. They tried to branch her out and had her perform at the fancy little club that I forgot the name of, but the audience rejected her, and it was a kinda traumatic night all around so now she sticks to being something like a city celebrity while they use her voice for another “singer” so their label can be mainstream.
You know that jewelry shop Vito and Joe we’re robbing in the beginning of the game? Yeah, that was Elijah’s. Well at the time it was his dad’s and it prompted him to enlist in the help of the local mafia to help protect their shop from anything else like that happening. Elijah was young when it happened, probably around a teen or tween, so unlike his main verse he grew up around organized crime. He wouldn’t consider himself a gangster, but he’s more hands on with this verse and helps out with more serious favors more often. And now that he’s older taking care of the shop? It’s like a crime hotspot and despite them being the ones who robbed the store all those years ago, he’s good friends with Joe & Vito and gives them intel every time they come snooping around or he’ll let em use his shop for whatever.
Leonel has some roots in Mafia II, but he doesn’t really sprout until Mafia III due to him being a teen in Mafia II’s timeline. His dad is the godson of the don because I said so. Despite this very important connection to the don, he’s really just street rat and minor gangster title, doing hooligan activities with his brothers, up until things start going haywire. Just when he started getting tasked with doing serious shit, like killing influential people type serious, his mom and dad decided to up and leave to New Bordeaux because they knew the chances of them dying were high out in Empire Bay.
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voidendron · 4 years
When One Goes Down
One-Shot, 1′284 Words Main Verse Based on this image (blood warning)
I struggled with this one. Anti is always tricky for me to write!
Warnings:  Knives, Swearing, Violence, Blood/Gore, Major Character Injury Characters: Dr. Schneeplestein, Antisepticeye, Ego Central, Jackieboy Man, Marvin the Magnificent, Chase Brody POV: Dr. Schneeplestein
The slice of a knife was traded with the blow of a fist. Anti was practically dancing around the larger man, ducking swinging fists with catlike reflexes, swiping his blade at the doctors arms, his back, his chest—whatever he could reach.
Henrik was gritting his teeth, spinning in dizzying circles to keep the glitch in his line of sight.
He could hear the others, pounding at the doors to the lab. They wouldn’t budge; Central was working against them. He could hear Marvin shouting through the walls, telling their home to snap out of whatever Anti had done to it—he couldn’t teleport into the room; when he tried, the building shifted its layout to send him somewhere else. Could Anti use his strings on it? Henrik shuddered to think of it. Who knows what the glitch could do to them if he decided to just control the building around them.
Fortunately, he thought, it took a lot of Anti’s focus. His swings were sloppy, the doctor had landed a number of blows on his face when dodges faltered. His nose looked broken and he had a black eye.
They bared teeth at each other. Anti’s were too sharp. Far too sharp.
“Wha̶t was̀ it̷ ͏you sa͞i͏d? 'Wh̀e͢n̡ onȩ go͘es͏ ͠down̵, th̷e͢y a͟ll g̵o dow̵n’?͝” The glitch tilted his head and traced his fingers over his own eyes in crude X’s—the same shape as the scars crossing Marvin’s eyes. “The po̡or ͜kitten los͏i̵ng his͞ sight..̴.”
Henrik cursed at him. At that point, he really wasn’t sure what language he was speaking.
The glitch only tutted, continued to circle him just out of arm’s reach. They both knew Henrik could snap him like a twig if he actually got his hands on the smaller Septic. Play it safe, bitch, he thought bitterly. The problem was actually getting his hands on the damn glitch; Anti was so much faster than him.
“Ou̵r dear cr̀eat̷or, c̀om͝atose!”
Anti cackled as the doctor lunged at him, simply dissolving into a cloud of particles.
“Shut up!”
“One͞, tw͜o, thr͠ee̶, f̴our~ Oǹe-́b̴y̛-one, ͢the͠ dominoe͝s will fall.”
Henrik hissed through his teeth when the blade sliced through his shoulder. His white sleeve was stained with red and the glitch was twisting away, right back out of reach.
“You ͝shoúld ͘b͟e brok̴en. Ni͢ne͠ m̴ont͏h̵s,͢ ͞Doctor. Nine͢ ̀months.́ A̶nd ͏s̶till̵ you fight͡ me̛.” He stopped pacing and tapped the blunt of his blade under his right eye. “Su͏ch ̀a prett̸y re͡p̀lace̕m͠en͏t, wouldn't you ̀say?”
The doctor’s right eye—his glass eye—twitched at the memory.
“You say like is something to be proud of,” he said coldly. He brought a hand up to press against the gash in his shoulder; most of the blood on his knuckles wasn’t his own, however. “Even chained and weak, you could not pry my arms off your neck—nearly strangled in your own warehouse!” Despite the circumstances, he managed to huff a laugh. “Instead of slipping away like the slimy rat you are, you stab me in the eye like a little bitch. You blind Marvin when he is already down, you put our creator in a coma when he is already sick, and take all of the credit like is some incredible feat to kick us while we are down.”
The screech and lunge were wholly what he expected (the others clearly hadn’t, as the banging outside grew more frantic) and Henrik moved to meet him. Big hands found the glitch’s throat, catching him midair and shoving him into the floor with an audible crack of his skull against the tile.
Henrik would probably never get this chance again. After this, Anti would remain static, drifting, as he controlled the house. After this, he’d never try and fight the others while holding poor Central under his strings. It would be one or the other, but never again both.
Henrik knew—he knew all too well—that Anti could release their home any moment and drive the knife into his chest.
But if he could end it—for their creator, Marvin, Jameson, all of them—he would. No more glitch. Wouldn’t that be nice?
He knelt with a knee pressed into Anti’s chest, one hand around his throat while the other wrestled for his knife.
A quick twist, and a few of Anti’s fingers snapped, forcing him to release the weapon.
A shaky breath, and Henrik raised the blade. Take off his head, he thought. That…would have to work, right?
When the light flickered, Henrik made the mistake of glancing up at it.
Anti dissolved into pixels—his knife along with him to leave the doctor staring at the spot of blood on the tiles where he’d been only a moment ago.
The building creaked. Confused. Questioning. Anti’s hold on it was failing.
Henrik feared he’d released Central on purpose.
“I ̛co̢ul͞d ki͠ll yo̵u͘…”
He wasn’t sure where the voice came from, now. He swallowed, turning slowly and watching the shadows.
“B̶ut ́I'd l̀ose my͡ fav̨oritę pl͝aythin̛g.”
A shoe to the back of the leg forced him to kneel.
He could feel breath on his ear. “I ͏w̕ant y̕o͢u͘ ̧broke̢n.”
A scream broke in his throat as the knife was plunged into his back.
More banging, shouting, crying the doctor’s name—Central finally came to its senses and threw the lab doors open with so much force it put a hole in its own wall.
The blade twisted and was pushed deeper as he sobbed. He heard—felt—a crunch. He desperately hoped he’d imagined it.
Jackie. Jackie’s voice. He…never used Henrik’s first name. Not unless he was angry, or…or scared.
Henrik pried his eyes open. The room was spinning and he couldn’t see through his tears. Which one was Jackie? He couldn’t tell. They were all just…blobs of color.
The glitch had a hand tangled in his hair, claws at his throat—that’s why they weren’t making a move. They were shouting at Anti. Shouting…something. His mind was having a hard time registering their English. Or maybe it was the thumping of his own heart in his ears drowning them out.
Anti’s fingers tightened at his hair.
Henrik couldn’t find it in himself to fight back, pull away, when his legs wouldn’t cooperate. The others shouted something, then…
Crack. His head slammed into the edge of the cabinets and he fell limp even as the knife was torn out of his back.
Jackie reached his side first while Marvin used his magic to pull Anti away from them.
“Hen? Henrik?!”
He grabbed his friend, the nearest cloths (fortunately Henrik had left clean one on the counter, having forgotten to put them away; they were in easy reach) and pressed them against the doctor’s back. Henrik’s head lolled spinelessly against Jackie’s shoulder—he was out cold.
When the glitch tried to advance on them, Jackie, with tears pricking his eyes, jerked his head up and bared his teeth. “Take another step,” he growled. “I fucking dare you.”
Marvin came from behind, bringing his cane up to choke the glitch with. The white plastic quickly turned red where it was pulled forcefully into the bleeding gash at Anti’s throat as the glitch clawed at whatever he could reach—mainly Marvin’s hands.
When he started to fizzle out, Chase took a potshot that landed a bullet in his knee, making the last thing they heard from him a distorted screech.
Jackie kept a handful of cloths pressed firmly to Henrik’s back, his other hand trying to dab away at the blood running down his forehead.
“Someone find Dr. Iplier. Now.”
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I had a dream where I was wandering in the woods and I found some weird abandoned facility. The Dream Works logo was painted on the side and the door was open, so I just sauntered inside. There were tons of big, drab concrete rooms all full of toppled over desks. Giant pillars held up the ceiling and plunged down into the earth. I thought that this place would be a magnet for graffiti artists, or just delinquent teens in general, but this place looked untouched by everything except me. There wasn’t even rat poop or cockroaches to point to a sign of life. Like the dumbass I am, I started walking down the staircase that wrapped around one of the concrete pillars. On the forth or so level down it stopped being the same old rooms full of desks and started being bedrooms and showers. There were literally hundreds of bunk beds, all with the same cheap white sheets. I investigated the bathrooms and found that the showers still worked and even better, they still had hot water. I guessed this place had an independent generator and the dim ceiling lights supported my hypothesis.
I decided I needed a shower and scrubbed down, then wandered over to one of the beds for a nap. (Yeah, sleeping in your dream is kind of weird, but I do it rather routinely. I guess I’m just that tired.)
My thought process for using the beds is that they may be dusty, but I hadn’t seen any evidence of any other life, so bedbugs were unlikely.
After I woke up I pulled on my clothes, which I vividly remember being a burnt orange tank top patterned with tiny carrots, high waisted jorts and my three-sizes-too-big black jacket.
I kept going all the way down to the bottom level where I was confused to hear talking. I crept around the corner and saw this old dude in a lab coat and these two blond collage age girls drawing a circle on the ground. The amount of sigils inside the circle made me think that this couldn’t be anything good, but before I could really do anything about it one of the girls spotted me. She shouted, “Hey!” and pointed at me. I didn’t waste any time getting the hell out of dodge, and I heard the old dude yell, “Stop them! No one must know!”
The two girls started chasing me. Because I don’t ever skip leg day, not even in my dreams, I made it up the stairs before they could. I made it through the door and almost made it back to the woods, but instead of going forward and disappearing into the flora I was suddenly going up. Out of freaking no where, I was caught in a tractor beam and being towed up into a space ship. I didn’t get to see if the girls had seen me getting abducted, but my prior circumstances were quickly ripped out of my head as I was blasted with water. Even though I’d just taken a shower I guess I was too dusty for these aliens to handle. I was “disinfected” and my wet clothes were confiscated and replaced with a very unflattering blue-gray jumpsuit. These particular aliens were very octopus like, but slightly taller than humans and their version of an invasion force was capitalism.
Instead of being forced into hard labor I was forced into a job that is actually hell to me. An “internship” as they called it, where I had hours of paperwork to do. Paperwork is a punishment worse than hell to me, so I did the absolute minimum effort I could get away with. I was set up at a station with three other people. One was Merida from Brave, one was Miles from into the spider verse and one was Stanford from gravity falls. I didn’t let on that I knew them, but I did become pretty close with them. While we were just doing paperwork together time was sped up, but as soon as we were called out to test a new piece of tech that the squid aliens had invented time resumed its normal pace. We were brought out to this floating asteroid that seemed to have an atmosphere that I guess was their testing site. One squid alien on a three piece suit came along to supervise us. The thing we were supposed to test was a Portal esc wormhole gun. I had to keep from laughing my ass off for reasons that will become apparent later. The squid fired it off, setting of each side of the portal in mid air about twenty feet apart, gave Merida a rope and instructed her to walk trough it. Reluctantly she agreed and walked through. The portal didn’t immediately close or collapse as she entered and she wasn’t lost in some in-between place, so the squid was ecstatic. However, Merida and the squid pulling on the rope was apparently enough to rip a hole in space and time. The rip started to drag Merida and the squid in, but Miles, Ford and I were standing far enough away. Miles managed to pull Merida out of range of the rip’s suction, but the squid fell into the gaping black maw. It was growing larger by the second and I knew we would be consumed before long unless I did something.
One of my recurring powers in my dreams is that I can open my own portals, in addition to some others. I turned around and opened my own portal back to the woods I was wandering earlier and had everyone run through. I closed it off as soon as we were all through. We landed on a dirt road that was at least sixty percent mud. It must’ve rained since I was abducted.
Ford immediately turned to me, his eyes wide.
“How did you do that?!” He demanded. I shrugged.
“I just... can?” I said. I actually have a reason, but I didn’t feel like telling him. I opened another portal to the room where our stuff was being kept on the ship and let it just fall through into my arms. We each headed into the woods to suit up in our normal clothes, though Merida forwent a dress for jeans and a tee shirt. We started walking down the road as quite the marry band until we found a homestead. No electricity, no generator, just one small shack and the sound of a lot of voices. Out back was a pigsty and it looked like this place hadn’t been up kept in years. The others wanted to take the stealthy approach, but I just kicked in the front door. There were a bunch of middle aged men sitting around drinking, about fifteen children ages nine to four and six toddlers, all huddling together in the corner around the one teenager who seemed to be about sixteen. Most of them didn’t have clothes any more sophisticated than a potato sack, and all of them had bruises. The teenage girl had a black eye. Cold rage bubbled up within me. I have very strong opinions about how children should be treated, namely, they should be treated with dignity and respect, no matter what age they are and no one ever has the right to hurt them. Something told me that there used to be more older women, but they’d died due to either violence or childbirth.
The biggest beefiest guy stood up and demanded to know who I was and what I wanted. I could tell he wasn’t seeing me as a threat due to my appearance. I mean, I’m exactly five feet tall, very feminine and not exactly buff. I demanded to fight him for the children and he laughed. Until I summoned my weapon. In my dreams I also can summon quite the arsenal. This time, I summoned my whip made of razor wire and cracked it right across his face. He immediately grabbed a huge black iron sword off the table and rushed me. I sidestepped out of the front door and cracked my whip again. It happened extremely fast so I’m not sure on the specifics of the fight, but I do know it ended with my whip wrapping around his throat. One quick tug and his head was on the ground as his body slumped to the side. All the other men, enraged that I’d killed their buddy grabbed their own swords. My whip is an awesome weapon, but it’s only good against one opponent. I tossed it aside and it burst into glitter, just before I summoned my sword.
I really like my sword. It’s a short Damascus steel blade with a gold gilded hilt and a ruby pommel. I’ve been using it for a really long time and I’ve gotten really skilled with it.
These guys clearly didn’t expect me to hold my own against all of them, but in combination with my portal magic I’m a formidable fighter in my dreams. For some odd reason the thing that ended the fight was a misstep from one of the men that lead to me accidentally chopping off the toe of his boot and the toe of his foot. He fell to the ground crying and demanded that everything stop. They agreed to leave and wandered back down the road, carrying their now toeless friend.
I went inside and found a yellow construction paper crown sitting on the table. I picked it up, put it on my head and muttered, “I’m the king.” With a big fat smile. I was mobbed by the little boys that demanded I teach them how to sword fight, the sixteen year old thanked me for getting rid of the people who hurt her, Merida asked where I learned to fight like that. Everyone else hung on the sidelines, not exactly liking that I’d just straight up killed and maimed on a whim. Ford was mostly interested in how I could summon and dismiss weapons on a whim.
“That’s not all I can do!” I grinned and stepped back outside. I told the teenager to release the pigs into the woods and told the kids to grab any items that they would want to take with them. Then with the three other interns watching, I waved my hand and an oak tree started to grow out of the ground. It grew so big that at a glance you could think it was hundreds of years old. With a snap of my fingers a massive treehouse constructed itself in the cradle of the tree’s uppermost branches. I subconsciously made it Halloween themed because it’s my favorite holiday. There were leaf streamers and grinning jack-o’-lanterns all over the place. One more wave of my hand and it was fully stocked with food and clothes and solar panels for its own electricity. I instructed the kids to climb up. The bigger kids carried the toddlers up. After we were all on board I snapped again and the tree started moving, walking along on its roots. I headed up into the main dining room and tried to add a little more decor, but it wouldn’t work. The plate of Halloween themed sugar cookies started laughing at me.
“What the-“ Ford started.
“I’m loosing control. I’m waking up.” I interrupted.
“What? Waking up?” Ford asked. I pulled him in with an arm around the shoulders.
“Listen, I don’t have much more time, so you’re in charge. I may be the most powerful here, but you’re the smartest. Keep them safe.” I said and put my paper crown on his head.
And that’s when I woke up.
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ratfiink · 4 years
@vnemis​ liked!
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   “I toldja I could make a bird. An’ not the kind I always get in trouble for.” A tiny hand holds up an equally tiny origami swan, one of the many things Fink has spent today making. “Watch- if you pull on the tail a little, the wings flap, too!!”
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