#horrible terrible awful
strebcrarchivess · 10 months
Have you been Naughty or Nice?
The world could use more people like you, Streber . Keep up the good work, and you'll make the Nice List every year!
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"Oh sweet! He doesn't know about all the inflatable Santas I've popped! Nice, I'm in the clear."
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stridermari · 23 days
I really can't believe I have never had much interest in this fandom, but no one told me there was a weird little old autistic guy on it and that he's pulling bad bitches which makes me want to know more about him and his family
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cor-lapis · 2 years
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big day for short men
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elbiotipo · 4 months
I was going to make a longer post about it but just imagining how the US election arguments as we approach November will flood every place of the English-speaking internet (where, unfortunately, I hang out during much of my time) and god, it's gonna be so tiresome. We're gonna get flooded with "REGISTER TO VOTE" ads even if you don't live there and people arguing about voting, not voting, voting for this and that, not voting for third parties (apparently a crime in the US, great democracy guys), and so on and so on. And the results in one way or the other will be awful for the wider world. Not looking forward to it.
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months
skwisgaar punished arc
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I can imagine anything guy image: “I can spiral into tears and convince myself I’m the worst person alive over anything”
#it’s soooooo easy#‘hey that thing you said was kind of insensitive’ -> feel awful and apologize immediately ->#try to explain that I’m a flawed human being in hopes that they don’t hate me as much -> realize I’m using it as an excuse -> feel worse ->#want to explain that I feel bad in hopes that it makes my apology sound genuine -> realize if I do I’m starting a pity party ->#Devil on my shoulder says that I SHOULD start a pity party bc then people have to console me even though I’m the one who fucked up ->#realize that if the devil on my shoulder thinks that that some part of me must think that. thinking that is kind of terrible ->#feel like I’m terrible -> start crying -> realize that crying will turn it into a pity party anyway ->#realize that I don’t want to feel like I’m terrible. that I do actually want people to console me -> realize I don’t deserve it ->#admit that I am truly horrible for trying to turn my fuck up into a way to make people comfort me ->#post about it on tumblr to vent (?) -> realize now I’m starting a pity party in front of almost 8k people ->#realize that makes me even worse. -> break down in tears feeling sorry for myself when. again. IM the one who fucked up#repeat at and slight inconvenience or mistake. feel like a piece of shit forever :)#it’s a flawless system. if someone sees me struggling and tries to console me I can redirect that to confirm that I’m a horrible person#try and tell myself that I’m spiraling bc of mental illness -> that’s an excuse ->#excuse = horrible person bc I’m not willing to own up to my mistakes -> return to spiral
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tenowls · 1 year
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but my soul knows otherwise
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some-pers0n · 11 days
Trying to write again after a long while of not doing it and trying not to just immediately get distracted and or do nothing but edit and overanalyze and critique whatever's been written
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kunehokki · 8 months
love that the recent scarian posts in the tag are the breeding thing like . i hate my babygirls
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
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"I made a new invention for the zomburger! I call it haterade. It's the combination of Malört, pickel juice, and orange Gatorade the worst flavor!"
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crimeronan · 2 months
how WOULD hunter cope if he WAS told he was like Hunter Number Nineteen over Luz's lifetime? it'd be a harder pill to swallow but I kinda feel like, if it was confirmed that his memories of Young Luz are real if "hand-me-downs", he still wouldn't care anywhere near as much as Luz expects him to. "so you're saying I've technically died and come back to life a bunch of times, & just forgot that I'd died?" Luz: (not wanting to be like Belos conflating the GGs with Caleb) "No. No it Isn't Like That"
i guess some of it would depend upon the circumstances. the main way i can imagine something like this happening is if we're splashing around in an even worse horror AU, wherein belos has been periodically killing luz's companions whenever she displeases him & then "bringing them back" whenever she's appropriately "atoned." like a parent taking away a toy from a misbehaving child.
god only knows how Fucked this would make luz. and her entire relationship to mortality. and her entire relationship to hunter
as for how hunter responds....
the continuity of the memories would matter a LOT to him. because if those are false memories implanted to make him Think he's been with luz forever, then that's horrifying. but if those memories are real and there is some apparent continuity of the soul or whatever.... that's not so bad, right?? he can't remember when he was killed and he has holes in his brain like swiss cheese but that's okay, right?? it's just like being a person with a memory sickness, right??
and ultimately..... i think luz's reaction would matter the Most to him. if he gets the sense that she still loves him the way she loved her first hunter, he'd relax. the continuity of the body doesn't matter as long as he's still Hers
but. if he got the sense that he's Markedly Different from her other hunters. or that she pities him for loving her bc he's just a replacement. or that she's Disappointed by him bc he's not the person she wants.....
i Do think that would break him.
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naamahdarling · 3 months
The thing about Brennan Lee Mulligan that I can't fucking cope with is that I have gone four decades without ever once deeply admiring someone from the entertainment industry, let alone sincerely wanting to be more like them, and this guy is out there ten years younger than me being the exact kind of dude I have always wanted to be and I can't even hate him for being better at my attempted bullshit than me because he is so good at it I have never seen anyone else do it better than he does.
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jaguarys · 1 year
I'm certainly not here to police the ways in which people explore their fucked up queers but I'll always be kinda Eugh about people shipping Orochimaru and Kabuto. That is a boy and his awful mother. Orochimaru peeks in nightly and asks if he's done his homework (taken apart several human corpses) and tells him they're proud of him. Kabuto is Technically Siblings with Team Hebi and fucking hates it because he is the Favorite and he will Let Them Know It. I have many thoughts
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graedari · 5 months
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Another WIP Wednesday. I really liked this one but I might rework it a bit for a different idea I had (RIP all the effort I put into getting Corvo's coat right. It will never be forgotten)
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gloriousmonsters · 4 months
feel like if he's learned it already Angel had a least a moment after realizing Vox has mind control/influencing powers of being like 'wait so did he/is he using them on Valentino?'
this could go in a crunchier or angstier direction but honestly i'm just thinking about Angel experiencing a kind of epiphanic relief due to finally finding an explanation for why his boyfriendmanager went insane for a solid 7.5 who sounds like a used car salesman
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ruthlesslistener · 1 month
The Soulsborne series really does something utterly outstanding that I don't see many other games do and its that it makes their imperialistic empires and the warlords who drive them look magnificent and glorious and nostalgic without ever really masking the sheer fucking horror that they've done to everything around them. Rather than painting them as twisted, inhuman monstrosities that are caricatures of their core beliefs, they're characters that are glorious or even sympathetic to the player character- either as mentor figures, or as pinnacles of glory, or as pitiful beings who can't fight the system that enslaves them. They're bastions of this 'grand old age' from before your time, but you've spent hours slogging through the bodies left behind by their messes and witnessing the torment that their actions have wrought upon others firsthand, and you know that no matter how sad the music is or how majestic or tragic the boss you're fighting may be, they're still a warlord in the end. They're still far, far worse than many of the actual monsters that you killed- who were oftentimes themselves victims of the structure of power that the majestic, perfectly human final boss put into place.
Fromsoft humanizes the monsters and demonizes humanity, and it goes a long way to making their anti-imperialist, anti-genocide themes pack way more of a punch than most media gunning for the same themes
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