#hot and cold hot tub
polarhottubs · 5 days
Why Do You Install Electric & Gas Heated Hybrid Hot Tub?
When it comes to considering the heating solution for your hot tub, the energy source can be a significant factor. While gas heaters are known to provide lower operating costs, they cannot function below freezing temperatures. 
Traditionally, this issue has limited their use to warmer climates. With the Electric & Gas Heated Hybrid Hot Tub technology, hot tub owners can now enjoy the benefits of gas and electric heating. Installing this system can allow you to enjoy a comfortable and enjoyable experience year-round.
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Why Gas Heaters Alone Aren't Enough?
Gas hot tub heaters are known for their efficiency and cost-effectiveness in milder climates. However, their performance can decline when temperatures fall below freezing. The combustion process, which is crucial for generating heat, becomes less effective in extremely cold conditions. As a result, spa owners in colder regions may find it challenging to use their hot tubs during the winter months.
Why Do You Switch to Hybrid Technology?
The Electric & Gas Hybrid system is the effective solution to this problem. Combining the advantages of gas and electric heating, this technology allows spa owners to enjoy their hot tubs year-round, regardless of the weather.
Easy Integration: The Hybrid system connects your gas heater's supply and returns lines directly to the spa's auxiliary return and supply ports. This integration allows the spa pack to manage the heating process so that it can make adjustments automatically based on the temperature.
Smooth Transition - When the temperature remains above freezing, the gas heater will warm your spa efficiently. During the temperature goes below freezing, the system automatically switches to electric heat so that your spa remains warm and ready for use.
Year-Round Enjoyment - Using Hybrid Technology, you can indulge in the luxury of a hot tub bath throughout the year. Whether it's a scorching summer day or a chilly winter evening, this spa unit will provide enormous relaxation and comfort.
How Do You Get The Ultimate Spa Experience?
Taking a hot tub session in the winter offers a unique and deeply relaxing experience. The contrast between the crisp, cold air and the soothing warmth of the water offers you a truly invigorating sensation. Installing Electric & Gas Heated Hybrid Hot Tub allows you to enjoy this experience without the limitations of traditional gas heaters.
The Electric & Gas Hybrid spa heating offers a versatile, efficient, and reliable solution and allows spa owners to enjoy the benefits of gas and electric heating. Installing this innovative system enables spa enthusiasts to enjoy a comfortable and enjoyable experience year-round. 
Whether you're looking to save on energy costs or simply want to indulge in the luxury of a gas-heated hot tub bath, shop for the Hybrid System from Northern Lights Polar Hot Tubs. For more information about our hybrid technology, please contact us today at 1-800-759-8990. 
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Danny keeps telling heros his tragic backstory buts just ripped from an old game no one really remembers that he liked. That or an old cartoon he watched as a kid.
Example: One day I just woke up and had this strange pink mark on my leg. I was freaking out but then started noticing all this stuff I could do. All of a sudden I liked fish? And these men would keep popping up and telling me I had to fight monsters. Telling me i was picked for it. I got this neat pendent though.
The league have no idea hes bsing them. But eventually he keeps getting closer and closer to the characters story that someone will figure it out. And I like to think it’s Redhood or Flash and no I wont explain why because if you know you know.
Bonus points if Danny switches it up like once he finishes telling the characters full backstory. Maybe it can become a game with him and the others. Who can guess his reference the fastest. Batman is not amused
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life-spire · 9 months
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pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Yuma Month: Day 27: Relax
Nothing like taking a nice dip with your suspicious masked captor in his jacuzzi hot tub after almost perishing~🎵
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memyselfieandi · 1 year
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Tb to this hot n cold day
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fagutt · 1 year
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night swimming tonight
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izayoichan · 9 months
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A Hot-tub Christmas interlude. 🎶
(poses by @simmireen they had to be used)
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lia-is-a-slut · 3 months
Need someone to make up some lube ice cubes and shove em in my holes asap 🙏🙏🙏 x
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polarhottubs · 9 days
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Heat Pump Hot Tub
Interested in a heat pump hot tub? Northern Lights Polar Hot Tubs provides cutting-edge spa systems featuring Arctic Heat Pumps that can lower energy costs by as much as 80%. Discover our hybrid hot tubs with advanced heat pump technology and experience significant savings on energy and expenses over time.
Visit : https://www.polarhottubs.com/hybrid-technology.html
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 3 months
It's officially getting "I think I need to go sit in a tub of cold water at 10pm" hot here and I don't appreciate it
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pixelatedraindrops · 10 months
Makoto Doodles
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(spoilers below unmasked makoto)
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a tired and overworked CEO...😵‍💫
who's hopelessly bad at self care...🌡️
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bananastarion · 10 months
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I used to be a Certified Gale Hater since the moment I first met him in my game, literally everything he said rubbed me the wrong way. I just found him really pompous and cocky, while simultaneously being kind of desperate and pathetic and not in an endearing way, more like in the way I've seen in IRL men who I steer clear to avoid. He just gave me 'homeschooled Nice Guy with unwarranted self importance' vibes. And also 'forever alone r/iamverysmart redditor' vibes. Idk, he just gave me the ick but I kept him in my first playthrough just to see if he got any more tolerable... and I just ended up hating him even more (the whole wanting to be a God despite knowing what happened to Karsus thing gave me major, MAJOR ick). It got to the point where every time he had dialogue, I'd be yelling at the screen telling him to stfu. The final straw was the shitty comment he made as Astarion was burning alive at the end of the game. I wanted to punch him through the screen.
I realize Astarion is also a heap of red flags, but this is just how my brain works. Astarion can somehow do no wrong, and Gale is a douchebag. Idk, that's just my emotional gut reaction lmao. Honestly, it's probably because Gale is more like a Normal Real Man and Astarion is a beautiful fantasy, worlds apart from any actual man I've had the misfortune of knowing.
In my second playthough, I kicked Gale out of the party toward the end of act 1 and sent him off to go kill himself in the Underdark. I felt slightly bad and kinda missed him.
Fast forward to now, I am inexplicably crushing on Gale and want to start a new game where I romance him. Idk what happened, I just did a total 180 for no good reason. I think after having horny fantasies about Astarion 24/7 for months my brain is just in need of a brief intermission. All the sudden I'm noticing that Gale might actually not be a horrible person and in truth we have a ton in common? And also he's cute tho?? And he looks really warm and cuddly like if you crawled into bed with him you'd just never want to leave. I just want to invite him over and introduce him to my parents and my cats. I'm not particularly into bloodweave, but I might have to play as Astarion just so I can resist the temptation of romancing Astarion instead (all of my attempts to resist romancing Astarion so far have completely failed). Idk tho, I'd rather romance him as an OC tav but i just know that will end in me romancing Astarion instead. Damn it all, can't I have them both?
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dilfsisko · 9 months
We were recently forced to get a new hot water heater except the way the plumbers have it set it runs out of hot water faster and takes longer to heat up than our old one.
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divinemissem13 · 6 months
What You're Willing To Overlook 13
@flufftober Day 13: "It's still too cold" - "No it's not" Fandom: The Closer/ Major Crimes (Brenda/Sharon) 300 words, T Read all chapters here
“It’s still too cold!” Brenda whined from the doorway, pulling her bulky cardigan more tightly around her against the bitterly cold Park City air. The coldest place she’d ever lived was DC and that had certainly not prepared for winter weather in the mountains of Utah. At least it hadn’t snowed. Yet.
“Not in here,” Sharon insisted from the steaming hot tub. She rested her elbows on the ledge and leaned forward enticingly, as her long fingers idly toyed with the stem of her wine glass. When Brenda still showed no sign of moving, Sharon raised an eyebrow at her and taunted, "Chicken.”
Brenda wasn’t stupid. She knew that Sharon was baiting her. But she also was not a chicken.
“Ooooh!” she cried in frustration, even as she threw off the cardigan and ran for the hot tub.
Sharon’s eyes widened. “Oh my God, Brenda, no wonder you’re cold!” Sharon exclaimed, shielding herself from the splash of Brenda entering the tub.
"Yes, I'm sure this makes all the difference,” Brenda said, rolling her eyes and playfully snapping the strap of Sharon’s bathing suit.
“It’s too bad there’s no way to find out,” she claimed, batting her eyelashes innocently.
Brenda glided in the water until she was kneeling over Sharon on the bench, goosebumps rising on her bare skin as her upper body temporarily left the water again. Her hands tangled into Sharon’s hair and she leaned back down to savor the warmth of the water and of her partner’s lips. “I’m sure if we put our heads together, we can think of something,” she murmured, her hands sliding down to tug again at the straps of Sharon’s suit.
The research on the relative warmth of a bathing suit was inconclusive, but neither woman was worried any more about the cold.
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transgender-catboy · 6 months
Almost died
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missacensnakelover · 9 months
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The Gangreen Gang all enjoying Cold Stone ice cream in the hot tub here!
Made by me! (x)
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