#hotch kiss
mariobabyface · 5 months
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割と長い一日^ ^
2024/5/4@大人の学園祭 駿河台下”ALI部”
ランチ→リハ→本番→打ち上げ^ ^
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marvelwitchergilmore · 3 months
Summary: Aaron Hotchner x Fe!Reader -> The team knows something is up between yourself and Hotch, except Rossi seems to be the only one to put the pieces together.
Disclaimer: Descriptions of sick. Fluff. Jack and Haley don't exist in this fic. Happy ending. Not Proof Read.
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The whole team knew something was up. They just didn’t know what. 
Usually, you were normal with everyone. Chatty. Smiley. Professional. Maybe a little blunt every now and again. 
But not this time. 
For the last week you had been…cold. Well, not with them, at least. 
But with Hotch? You had been as cold as ice. 
But no-one could pin why. 
Even if it had just been small things, like the feeling in the meeting room in the morning when it just seemed to be the two of you, or the small looks you both gave each other – which had started out as awkward, but then quickly turned to shame and clear annoyance, the latter being much more clear on your end. It was definitely clear now. 
From the beginning of the case, you had been quick to change subjects. Always staying on the case, which was normal. But not your abruptness to do so. And when Hotch tried to pull you aside as the others made their way to the main doors, you brushed him off. 
Hotch was someone you never brushed off. Not until recently. 
And when you all landed in Seattle, Hotch was assigning teams for who was driving. But before he could place you with himself, JJ and Morgan, you pushed past him. 
“I’m going with Rossi.”
And Hotch didn’t say a word. 
Instead, he watched you walk away with your go bag, throwing it into the trunk with Dave. He gave his orders to Prentiss on what would happen and she updated you in the car. 
However, forty five minutes into a ninety minute drive, Emily’s voice started to make you feel dizzy. Then the heat in the car felt like it was blasting. So you rolled down the window. But that didn’t help. 
“Garcia said she’s already sent over some case files- Hey, you okay?”
From the backseat, Emily leaned forward to get a better look at you. 
“I’m fine.”
But five minutes later, you changed your mind. 
“Pull over.”
“Pull over, I think I’m gonna be sick.”
“Okay, okay. Just hold on.”
The car had barely been put into park by the time you threw the door open, tore your seatbelt away and ran out. 
Less than ten feet from the open car door, the last three drinks and meal you ate came straight back up and soaked into the dry grass. 
You heard a second car pull up behind and then heard Morgan and Hotch’s voice. Dave had already reached you, placing a hand on your back before pulling your hair back. 
“Okay, take it easy. Are you okay?”
You could only hum before throwing up once more. He rubbed circles on your back for a moment before you finally finished throwing up and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. 
“Is she okay? Y/n, are you-”
“I’m fine!” You called out, a little harsher than you had intended. 
Holding out a hand, Rossi signalled for Hotch to stop and stay where he was with the others. 
“She’s okay, she just needs a minute. Emily, do we have water in the car?”
“Yep, here.”
Making her way over, Emily poured some water onto a tissue before handing it to you. You wiped down your mouth and your hand before being handed the bottle by Dave. 
“Small sips, okay? Are you sure you’re okay?”
You nodded, your back still to the rest of the team. “I just need a minute.”
“Aaron, we’ll meet you there.”
It took him a minute before he moved back to the car, but Hotch eventually nodded, calling out they’d see them at the precinct. 
“Do you know what it could be?” Emily asked. 
“Probably just some bad sushi.”
Emily nodded before getting back into the car. 
“Are you sure that’s all it is?” Rossi asked once she was out of earshot. 
And for a moment, you paused. 
“Let’s just get going.”
Things only seemed to get worse from there. 
You managed to hide it as best as you could from the rest of the team, but every hour you had spent a good ten minutes in the bathroom throwing your guts up. 
A couple of officers did question where you had been when they couldn’t find you but hadn’t seen you leave the building. One mention of Aunt Flow and they didn’t ask again. 
Your coldness with Hotch didn’t ease, either. It just seemed to become more frigid. And everyone saw it. 
By the third day in Seattle, Prentiss and Morgan had questioned you on it in the break room. 
“Yeah, what do you have against Hotch all of a sudden? What, one week away from us and you’ve suddenly made an agenda against him?”
“Because I love you, I’m going to ask this only once. Please don’t ask about Hotch.”
Morgan and Prentiss looked between each other, slightly worriedly, but both silently agreed to drop it. 
“But you will sort it out?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “I don’t know.”
A few hours later, you were coming back out of the bathroom when Rossi seemed to jump out at you. 
“Jeez. Rossi. Give a girl some warning next time.”
Dave smiled. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Have we caught a break?”
“No, but I need to talk to you.”
“What about?”
“About the fact you’re running to the bathroom every hour to throw up.”
“Like I said, it was probably just some bad food. I’ll be okay.”
Only, as you started walking away, Rossi asked you a question. 
“What happened between you and Hotch?”
“Nothing.” You answered, your back still to him. 
“Really? Because I wouldn’t call it nothing. I’d call it strange.”
“Rossi, I’ve asked Morgan and Prentiss-”
“I know, and I heard. But, to be frank, I think you’re lying and you’re too scared to tell anyone.”
“Tell anyone what?”
But rather than voice it, Rossi just gave you a look. It took you a moment before you cracked a little. 
“You don’t have to tell me how or what happened, but I’m asking, just find out the truth. You don’t have to tell anyone. But I think the sooner you do it, the better it will be.”
“We’re in the middle of a case.”
Rossi shrugged, “Morgan and JJ are on their way back. Reid’s got it handled here. We’ll pick up some coffee on the way back as a cover. Let’s just go now.”
You seemed to hesitate, and Rossi could see it. 
“Please, for my sanity's sake?”
Twenty minutes later, you found a pharmacy and picked up a box. 
“Can you wait outside the door for me?”
“Of course.”
And he did. 
Once you paid for the box, the cashier directed you to a bathroom in the back. Except, long after the two minutes were up, you still hadn’t come out. So, Rossi knocked on the door. 
You swung it open and he jumped back a little. 
“I can’t look at it.”
“Well, you’re gonna have to at some point.”
“I’ve wiped it down and it’s got a cap but…can you look? I’m too scared.”
Rossi could see the fear in your eyes. Oh, how two little lines could instil so much fear into people who dealt with crime every day. 
Handing the package to Rossi, he turned it around and pulled it out of the packet. 
“I believe congratulations are in order.”
Turning it around so you could see, you took it back into your grasp as you pushed one hand through your hair. 
“Oh, my god.”
“I think you and Hotch need to have a conversation.”
“Please don’t tell anyone.”
Rossi smiled, holding your hand which he could feel shaking. “You have my word.”
Somehow, back in the precinct, you managed to keep your cool. You’d brought back coffee for the team and, despite the fact you caught Hotch watching you from his seat, noticing your shaking hand, you pulled it back and found a spare pen from JJ’s notepad and spun it over and over in your fingers. 
Thankfully, due to the “food poisoning”, you had been kept out of the field when it came to finding the unsub. However, this just gave you a very large sense of dread. You watched them all run out of the door, Rossi placing a hand on your arm talking directly to you. 
“I’ll look out for him.” He told you before the others could hear him. 
“Thank you.”
Possibly carrying Hotch’s child made watching him and the team run out of the door, without you, made that sense of dread practically triple. Especially considering no-one other than Rossi knew the truth, or at least a part of it, about yourself and Aaron. 
Thankfully, no-one got hurt and the unsub was apprehended in time before he could hurt anyone else. They all came back with looks of relief and tiredness when you saw them, but there was a barely visible look of confusion and perhaps, hopefulness, on Hotch’s face when your scowl at him didn’t seem so cold. 
On the plane ride back, you were quiet. Everyone was, but there was just an air about you that told those paying attention to you that you were in your own world. 
Of course, Rossi knew why. 
But it was tearing at Hotch why he didn’t. 
Pulling back into the office, Penelope greeted you all by the elevator, hugging you all. And handing you some dry crackers and a bottle of water. 
“Thanks, Garcia.”
As everyone said their goodnights, you watched as Hotch walked directly through the bullpen and towards his office. 
“I think there are a couple of things you and he need to talk about.”
You nodded, with a light smile. “You’re right.”
Rossi kissed you cheek before saying goodnight and saluting you before the elevator doors closed. You did a small one back before turning your gaze back to the dim lights coming from Hotch’s office. 
However, first, you ran to the bathroom. 
Sitting at his desk, Hotch was halfway finished with the last of his reports when a knock came to his door. 
Looking up from his desk, there was a slight look on his face that told you he wasn’t expecting you. And you couldn’t be surprised. You’d barely been able to look him in the eye for the last month and a half, and you’d been nothing but cold and if a little harsh with him for the last couple of weeks. 
“Is everything okay?”
“Can we talk?”
Hotch nodded. “Come on in.”
You nodded back, entering, but closing the door behind you. Which made Hotch stand. 
“Is everything-”
“I’m pregnant.”
A silence settled over the room that you were expecting, but still shocked you. And every possible emotion, some you couldn’t even name, passed over his face before he was forced to sit down. 
“Can I sit?”
He nodded, quickly signalling for you to do so. And so you did. 
“What did…How- When did you find out?”
“Sometime in the last twenty four hours.” You answered which confused Hotch, which you could understand. It was a vague explanation. “It’s all been kind of a blur.”
He nodded, understanding what you meant. 
“Does anyone…know?”
You nodded. “Rossi.”
“Dave knows?”
“He seemed to know before I did…kinda.”
“What does that mean?”
“I guess I had a feeling when I got carsick, but denial carried me through.”
“Does anyone else know?”
You shook your head. “No. Oh, and, um, I-I took another test to be sure. H-here.”
With a lot of nerves and a lot of awkward courage, you passed the second test across the desk to Hotch who took it in his hands and looked at it. 
Two bright pink lines. 
Positive test. 
“Just so I’m…clear. You are telling me because I’m…”
“The father?” you questioned. “Yes. There wasn’t anyone before or after you for it to be someone else.”
Hotch nodded. “Okay.”
You both sat in silence for a while, taking in what had just happened. 
“I, well, I haven’t been to see a doctor yet so I can’t know for certain but these tests are usually pretty accurate.”
Hotch could only nod. 
“You’re free to make any decision you wish,” Hotch assured you. “I’ll support you either way.”
You nodded in a small thank you. “Honestly, I don’t know what I’m going to do. With our line of work, it gives you the handbook over why you shouldn’t have children. But, if I do decide to do this…I’m prepared to do this on my own. If I am going to do it, I’d prefer to have you in their life.” 
Your hand absentmindedly touched your stomach and you looked down to it for a moment. 
“But, I’m prepared to do it on my own.”
Hotch took in everything you said and nodded. “Like I said, I’ll support any decision you make but if you do decide to have our child…” 
Those two words settled over the both of you. 
Our Child. 
Our Child. 
Our Child.
“One thing you don’t have to worry about is doing it alone. I want to be a part of their life. And whatever support you need, I’ll try and help with.”
You nodded before looking back down to your stomach. 
Once again, a silence settled over the both of you and it was like he could hear your brain going into overload with information and feelings. But just as he was about to call your name, you looked up. 
Tears were being held tight behind your eyes, but a few words and they were ready to fall free. 
“I’m…I’m scared, Aaron.”
It didn’t take him a second thought before he stood up and met you where you were sitting. As he got around his desk, you stood and he embraced you tightly. 
He swallowed thickly, nodding and placing a quick kiss to your hair. “It’ll be okay.”
A week later, the team had taken notice of the change between yourself and Hotch. It was no longer cold, but it wasn’t what it was. It was something…uneasy. You had both clearly had a tough talk and were on rocky shores, but you were both finding a way to make it work. 
It was also a week later that you had made your decision. 
You were going to have a baby. 
A lot of different scenarios passed through your mind when you thought about what you were going to do. It would be hard, of course. It would be difficult to work the cases you do and not feel a little more emotionally involved. But you also couldn’t help but think that maybe this was a blessing in disguise. 
A part of you had wanted children for a long time, but the thought of actually having them was slipping further and further away the more you worked. 
And, despite you feeling selfish, you wanted a baby. You wanted to see a child, your child,  grow up and have a life of their own. You wanted to make the memories you had as a kid, but with them. 
You knew it would be difficult to do so when you joined the Academy, but part of you always wanted a home filled with the sound of laughter and joy. 
And maybe this was your only chance. 
And in all honesty, Aaron had similar feelings. 
It would be hard, sure. But he also wanted this in his life. He wanted a child. He wanted you in his life, however that would be. 
Of course, neither of you had seen this coming when you had run into each other at the Inn you had found. A halfway stop to your actual destination. Only, rather than continuing on your separate journeys for your week’s vacation time, you both found yourselves unable to leave the small town and the safe walls of the local Inn. 
It was that part of the story the team would forever speculate on once they found out you were pregnant and it was, in fact, Hotch’s baby. 
That was a piece of information they clued together themselves when Hotch called them in for an early meeting, but had confirmation on just a few moments later.
“So, what’s happening here?”
“Are you together?”
“We’re…still figuring that out.” Hotch answered, looking at you.
Neither of you had exactly had the conversation over what you were. Were you a couple? Were you friends? Were you co-workers? Were you just co-workers having a baby together?
HR weren’t exactly happy about the get-together but so long as the relationship wasn’t going to break any codes of conduct within the field, you were both still free to keep working. And more importantly, working together. 
However, over the next nine months, certain things seemed to blur. 
Aaron came with you to every doctor’s appointment, never missing one. When you had both first heard your baby’s heartbeat, you had clutched onto his hand and not let go. And when the sound got clearer, he pulled you a little closer, rubbing your arm and kissing your hand. 
It was a little odd, feeling the baby kick for the first time whilst being stood outside of a crime scene. 
Morgan had been with you at the time, quickly calling for Hotch when your posture and face changed from quizzical to concerned. Only, by the time Aaron had reached you both, you laughed and told them what was happening. 
Morgan then called JJ over as you guided Aaron’s hand to your stomach. And you both shared an intimate moment, just looking at one another, feeling your unborn baby kick at your stomach for the first time. 
JJ was able to confirm what was going on and both herself and Morgan congratulated you before you all remembered where you were and got back to work.
The cold glares you had given Hotch in the weeks leading up to you finding out had disappeared completely after the hug you shared in his office when you told him. And by the time you were entering your second trimester, they had turned into something similar to what they were before everything had changed. 
You had both become friends. 
He had also relaxed a little more around you, which allowed him space to take in what was actually happening. So, when your cravings started kicking in, he would hand you snacks throughout the days. You wouldn’t even know what you wanted at the time and he just…seemed to know. 
And at some point between him attending doctors appointments, helping you with your pregnancy cravings and reading to your belly, you had both begun to live together. 
It made sense, at least for the first couple of weeks after the birth and partly during the pregnancy. If you went into labour, it would be safer if someone was with you. And, it meant he was there when, in the middle of the night, you woke up with braxton hicks and panicked a little before getting checked out at the hospital, just in case. 
Also, small touches began. 
From you holding his hand against your stomach when your baby kicked, to his fingers tracing yours whilst they held that position. Then, in break rooms. They were quick, but light kisses would be pressed to your head or cheek whenever he handed you something. He was always close to you, barely leaving your side when in the field. His hand, always at the small of your back when leading you somewhere. And in the early hours of the morning, his arms would be across you as you both lay in bed, holding you close against his chest. 
Until, finally, one night whilst lay in bed, you asked a question. 
Both facing each other, despite your eyes being closed, Aaron traced repeated patterns from pushing your hair back to trailing his fingers down your arm to find your hand, rubbing soft circles with his thumb. 
Both of you should be fast asleep, yet you weren’t. 
“What are we doing?”
You laughed a little. “No we’re not.”
“I’m sleep talking.”
“Aaron, I’m being serious.”
With a small laugh, Aaron sighed. “Okay, what is it?”
He finally opened his eyes and so did you.
“What are we doing? About us, I mean. We’re having a baby together, but we’re not together together. We work together, but we also live together. What happens after the first couple of months? Do we…what do we do?”
“I suppose we just have to take each day as it comes and see what happens.”
“I can live with that.”
“Oh, no.” 
Aaron laughed a little and shook his head, bringing his hand back to your face and brushing the hair from it. 
“Or,” he repeated, “we treat this for what it really is.”
“I don’t…” you shook your head. 
“I know I don’t regret what happened that week away. Even more so now, but before…before we both found out. I still didn’t regret it. I don’t. We say we live together out of convenience, but I know, at least for me, it’s something more. Now, if for you it’s still out of convenience and bonding for our child, then we can have this conversation when the time comes. But, you should know my feelings for you run deeper than just you being my co-worker and the mother of our child. Do you…could you see yourself…feeling the same?”
The silence that came over both of you for a moment made Aaron worry. Maybe he had gotten it wrong in his head. Maybe you didn’t feel the same. Maybe you were just caught up in the emotions of carrying his child and, since you were in it together, some form of feelings, similar to that of his, were getting blurry. 
But then you blinked. 
And a light smile graced across your face. 
“I do.”
Your voice was barely above a whisper. But still, your words echoed louder and louder around his head. 
“You…you do?”
You nodded. “I do.”
Aaron took a moment, before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips. It was like your first, all over again. Except, this time, rather than a little fear being behind it, considering at the time you were both still co-workers just on vacation, there was nothing but…
More specifically, relief for love. 
For months you’d both been avoiding the biggest barrier between both of you. Too scared and too fearful that the answer to each question would be some variant of “No.” 
And now…
Finally the answer was yes. 
Yes to love. 
Yes to a life.
Yes to a family. 
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honeypiehotchner · 6 months
kiss her, you fool (Hotch x fem!Reader) -- one shot
Anyway I'm back in the fucking building again!!!! Listened to "Kiss Her You Fool" by Kids That Fly and had this one shot written in like an hour. The love for Aaron Hotchner never dies apparently
Summary: You're in the middle of spring cleaning when Aaron calls and says he forgot something at your place (he didn't).
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff! I just wanted to write some romance
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It’s the middle of the day and you’re in the middle of a cleaning frenzy when your phone rings for what looks like the third time. It’s Aaron.
“Hey! Sorry,” you laugh, grabbing the TV remote to pause your music, phone pressed to your ear with your shoulder. “I’m spring cleaning and clearly way too far in the zone. What’s up?”
“That’s okay,” you can hear him smiling as you readjust your phone in your hand. “Would it be alright if I stopped by? I think I left something there last night.”
You furrowed your brows, spinning around the living room. You definitely would’ve noticed if he left something here last night. You’ve practically turned your entire apartment upside down to clean it.
“Are you sure?” you ask, moving to lift the couch cushions for a third time. “What was it?”
“I’m not sure,” he says, which totally isn’t suspicious at all. “Can I just come look?”
“I mean,” you let out an awkward laugh. “I guess you can. I’ve been cleaning since this morning, though, so I think I would’ve spotted it, but—”
“I’ll be there in fifteen,” he says. “If that’s okay?”
You sigh, selfishly glad you’re getting to see him again, two days in a row. It feels like you’ve hit the jackpot. “Yeah, of course it’s okay.”
“Great, see you in a few.”
“See you,” you bite back your grin, ending the call. You turn the music back on, a little lower so you’ll hear him when he knocks.
You have no earthly idea what he could’ve forgotten. He had his phone and jacket in hand when he left. He never took his wallet or keys out of his jacket pockets, so they must’ve stayed there. Unless either of them fell out, but again, you feel like you would’ve noticed.
Whatever it is, he’ll either find it or realize it isn’t here. Regardless, you’re getting to see him again, so you’ll take it.
With his job, the days that you do see Aaron are typically one long day spent together here and there. Yesterday was an exception, a rare dinner mid-work week because he happened to be done at the office early and you were free, so obviously the opportunity was taken advantage of. It’s only been a few weeks of seeing one another, so you both take any chance you can get. 
Despite this, though, things have moved…slow. Slower than you expected because, to be frank, every guy you’ve been with has been quick and to the point. Not that you always minded that. Sometimes you wanted the same thing — quick, hot, heavy. But those days have since left you, and you went through a period of seeing no one, aside from one guy who left as soon as you said you were interested in moving slowly. 
It’s nothing against Aaron, but when he first introduced himself at your local coffee shop, you kind of assumed he’d be the same. It’s hard not to assume when everyone acted that way, and when the men who frequent said coffee shop don’t exactly have the best track record for being polite and respectful.
Aaron, though, took weeks to ask for your number, let alone to join your table one morning to sip his coffee — and even then, you offered him the seat; he didn’t invite himself. That alone was enough for you to agree to give him your number, and then to an official first date.
He kissed your cheek after the first date, your forehead after the second, and kept to those areas alone. You found yourself wondering if something was wrong with you somehow, but he wasn’t disinterested. Quite the opposite, actually, from how he held your hand and kept his arms around you, how he made sure you were safely inside your apartment before heading off, how he still texted when he arrived home to ask you if you were still safely inside.
Or when he had to cancel a date last minute, and sent flowers to your apartment in lieu of his presence. He apologized over the phone, but the flowers had an apology note attached too. And another apology when he arrived at your door four days later, fresh off the plane, with a real explanation of his job and why he didn’t have time to explain it all to you before he left.
Your friends think it’s a little crazy, that it’s been almost a month of dating and there hasn’t been a single kiss — “On the cheek doesn’t count!” they argue. You think it does. If anything, you’re just happy there’s no pressure.
The underlying anxiety is there, sure, of what if it never happens? But you can’t bring yourself to entertain the thought. Mainly because you want to kiss him so bad, you’re practically going to leap onto him one of these days.
You’re mid-dance when a knock sounds on your door and you jump, having forgotten Aaron said he would be here soon. You turn the music down as you head for the door, unlocking it to let him in.
He stands there in his usual dark suit, sans tie this time so the top buttons are undone, bouquet of flowers in hand and dumb smile on his face.
“What are these for?” you ask when he hands them to you. 
He steps inside and shuts the door, pausing to press a kiss to your forehead. “Because I wanted to.”
You give him a look, cheeks feeling warm. “If you keep doing this ‘because you want to,’ I’m gonna need to open a flower truck,” you joke, gesturing to the other vase of flowers sitting in your window. And there’s another in the bathroom. And one in your bedroom. 
“Just let me know what kind of truck you want,” he teases.
You press the flowers to your nose to hide your smile. “Oh, what did you forget? You’re welcome to look for it, but—”
He lets out a laugh, scratching the back of his neck. “Well, I might have lied.”
“I knew you were, you idiot,” you swat playfully at his arm. You turn to head into the kitchen in search of another vase. “I got off the phone and paced around like what did he possibly leave here? I figured maybe your wallet or something, but I definitely would’ve found it earlier. You should’ve seen the living room this morning — I had the couch on its side and the coffee table in the middle of the hallway—”
You’re in the middle of rambling, digging around under the sink for a vase, when Aaron pulls you up by your hand, spinning you to face him.
“—it was a disaster trying to vacuum. Remind me never to do that unless you’re over here to lift all of it. I think I nearly—”
He’s smiling at you, and you don’t have a single moment to spare to register that he’s leaning in before his lips are on yours. 
You sigh into the kiss, pleasantly surprised to be interrupted in this way, and glad your hands are free so you can hold onto him. Maybe this is why it’s good he hadn’t kissed you yet — one second of it and you’re ready to collapse under the sweet weight of it all. His arms circle your waist to lift you up, and your arms circle his neck, keeping him close. As close as you’ve really wanted him.
When you finally break for air, it’s only to press your foreheads against one another’s, not wanting to move too far.
“Well,” you laugh.
“Technically,” he says, pausing to peck your nose, “that’s what I forgot last night.”
You roll your eyes. “You are so stupid.”
“Mm, just because it makes you smile,” he says, kissing your lips again, and again. “What are you doing tonight?”
“Ideally,” you pause, letting him kiss you again, “ordering dinner in and making out with my boyfriend until the sun rises. You?”
“You know, I was thinking about taking someone special out to dinner,” he pauses, pulling you closer again, “and then kissing her until she tells me to stop.”
“That could be forever, for all you know.”
“That’s fine with me.”
You grin and he kisses you again, pausing to say, “Sorry, I can’t help myself—”
“Trust me,” you move even closer, your eyelashes practically touching his cheeks when you blink, “you don’t need to apologize.”
He responds by kissing you some more, and more, until he’s lifting you into his arms and placing you on the kitchen counter. 
“Aaron!” you squeal, nearly crushing the bouquet. “Let me move the flowers at least!”
“I’ll buy you another,” he says, just a whisper away from kissing you again.��
“You know—” You have to pause in between words as he presses his lips to yours. “—I still have—cleaning—Aaron,” you giggle. “I need to put my apartment back together.”
“Do you?” he asks, relenting only slightly, his fingertips pressing into your lower back, keeping you against him. “Do you need help?”
“I do actually,” you chuckle, running your fingers through his hair. “The couch isn’t back where it was.”
He smirked. “I noticed.”
You tug on his hair slightly to tease him for that jab, only it lights a new spark behind his eyes. Your cheeks grow even warmer. “No, seriously,” you say. “It’ll stress me out if it’s not back in its spot, but then…”
He nods, kissing your lips. “Then we’ll get ready for dinner.”
“And then come back here for a movie?”
“We’ll see how much of the movie we actually pay attention to,” he smirks, eyes traveling all over your face. 
The urge to let him ravish you right now against the kitchen counter is so strong it nearly makes you lightheaded. But soon Aaron is helping you down, pressing another kiss to your forehead. 
“Did you get to vacuum under the couch all the way?”
“…kind of.”
“Come on,” he chuckles, pulling on your hand, leading you back into the living room. “Call me next time?”
“If I get kissed like that during spring cleaning then I’m doing it every day,” you reply, mostly joking. Kind of. “Fuck I forgot the vase for the flowers—”
Aaron kisses you to interrupt you once again. “One thing at a time,” he says.
The kissing doesn’t stop, and you never do get to vacuum under the couch. It can wait.
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hotchbabygirl · 6 months
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he looks so pretty, so soft, so divine ✨😍
i am so in love and i don't know what to do with myself 😭
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wistfulwatcher · 4 months
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Criminal Minds: Evolution, 17.02 Contagion | Criminal Minds, 5.02 Haunted
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0and0its0doctor0 · 1 year
Hostage kisses
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Aaron Hotchner X Fem! Reader
Warnings: None. Except Hotch has facial hair. I feel like that should be a warning. Because hot damn.
Summary: He didn't mean to kiss you....No that's a lie. He totally did.
Word Count: 272
Aaron’s huge hands were tight in your hair holding you close and all you could smell was him. He was earthy and a little sweet, just exactly what you expected him to smell like the very first second you met him. Honestly you never thought you would be here, pressed tight against your boss, his lips hesitantly pressing against yours, feeling his beard scratch against your cheek and chin. You had just been a part of a hostage situation and you honestly weren’t really expecting to make it out alive. But the sniper had managed to take out the person that was holding you hostage and Aaron quickly grabbed you, taking you away from the current situation and throwing you into a new one. He pulled away and looked down at you, you were just a puddle in his arms at this point. “Your lips are so soft. It’s like kissing a cloud.” He muttered, nuzzling his nose against yours and you tilted your head to the side with a smile. There was a scoff and you turned your head to see Derek standing there with Emily and Spencer and JJ, all 4 of them staring at you. “I mean. I’m glad you are okay.” The tone of his voice changed to total authoritarian but his hand on your lower back was still gentle and soft. “Shouldn’t you all be doing something?” He questioned. He helped you out of your bulletproof vest and if he guided you to his SUV for the ride home well no one else was going to say anything about him holding your hand the entire ride back.
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greg-montgomery · 6 months
pen loved hotch the most out of everyone on the team imo 😶
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butterfly22536 · 4 months
In some cases jealousy is a good look
Summary: You are working on a case for the BAU about missing children in a small town. Spencer gets jealous when you run into an old fling. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem BAU Reader
Word count: 3370
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You were on the plane to a new case in a small town. You felt well rested, last weekend the team didn’t have any cases. And you spent your weekend with Spencer: watching movies, reading books and ordering food. You loved spending the weekend with your best friend, you were so much alike. 
Even though you had such a nice weekend, you felt the need for a thrill and drama. You never said things like that out loud, cause you knew the cases you worked at were some people's worst nightmares. Especially the families who had to deal with the trauma of losing someone they loved in the most bizarre ways. 
This specific case was about kids, which was always extra sensitive. Up until now, three kids had been found drowned in a small and covered creek. The team managed to combine the recent disappearance of a 9 year old boy to the murders of three other 9 year olds. The children were murdered a year apart. 
The local police force tried to solve the murders but they didn’t succeed. And because the killing had stopped then, nobody paid any attention to it anymore. 
Until now, when another kid had been found drowned and one was missing. The murder and disappearance were two weeks apart. Which meant that the unsub didn’t have any control anymore, that made him even more dangerous. 
“Are you okay?” Spencer asked. “Yeah, I’m okay. I finally feel well rested and that has not happened for a long time” You chuckled at him. He went to sit next to you to tell him about the book he was reading. You loved discussing books with Spencer. “I loved that book, the ending made me not sleep for weeks though” You said to him. 
The surprise on his face when he would find out that he had read a book that he didn’t never disappointed you. You knew that he was now determined to finish the book as fast as possible. While Spencer was reading, you closed your eyes so you could have some rest. You knew that the next few days would be intense. 
When you arrived at the local police station, Hotch introduced you to the local team. They had set up a room for you to work at, they made sure to make you guys as comfortable as possible. You could imagine that in a small town like this, the fear and rumors about a murder and missing kid would spread fast. You and Spencer went to work on the geographical profile, while JJ and Prentiss talked to the families and Hotch and Rossi went to make a headstart on the profile of the killer. 
“Would you like a coffee?” Spencer asked. “Yeah, that would be nice. I will walk with you, I need to get out of this office for a minute”. Both of you walk to the coffee machine. JJ and Prentiss were there already, needing a coffee after an intense conversation with the families of the murdered children. “Did you guys find out anything?” You ask JJ and Prentiss. JJ responds: “Yeah all children went to the same swimming class, in the same time period”. “So we need to find out who else was in that class and who was working there” You look at Reid and he nods. 
At that moment a man walks towards you, JJ shakes his hand and is about to introduce you when it hits you. “Oh my god, Thomas? What are you doing here?” You walk up to him and give him a hug. “Y/N wow it’s nice to see you again, you made it into the FBI I see. Just like you always wanted”. You feel a big smile on your face as you let go of the embrace. 
As you look at the frowned and surprised faces of JJ and Prentiss, you realize that it wasn’t very professional to hug a police officer in the middle of the station. Where everyone can see you and where everyone definitely did see what just happened, cause you get stared at from everyone around you. 
He introduces himself to the rest of the team as Thomas Anderson, the head officer on the case. When Thomas leaves to talk to Hotch, JJ turns to you. “And what was that about?” She says with a grin on her face. “Long story, we went to university together and well..” “Well... what, we want to know the details. Because it seemed like you did more than just studying” Emily says laughing. “Alright alright” Just as you are about to tell the story of you and Thomas, you notice that Reid has walked away. That is weird, even for the socially awkward Reid. 
You start telling the story that you and Thomas dated but when you decided to move, you broke up. “And that’s enough about me and Thomas, I don’t want to hear anything about it anymore okay?” You say as you walk away. 
The rest of the day you work on the profile. JJ held a press conference, and that way you hope that you can catch the unsub. You notice that Reid has been a bit cold to you all day. You tried to talk to him about it, but he just told you he was tired and stressed. You made him a big cup of coffee and that seemed to make him happy again. 
Hotch ordered the team to finish up within an hour and then take some rest at the motel. Just when you were about to finish up, Thomas pops up. He is standing close to you while he asks “How are you doing? How are your parents? How did you end up at the FBI?” “Wow, easy there asking me so many questions” You smile at him. “Yeah sorry, we just haven’t seen each other in so long”. 
He stutters and scratches the back of his head. That way his bicep flexes and you catch yourself staring at him. Thomas says: “Maybe uhm you would like to have a drink and some food? And talk about what you have been doing?” “That sounds great, do you know a nice place around here?” 
You grab your bag and coat and you start walking out with Thomas. You look back at Reid, standing in the office looking around. When he catches your eye, he smiles but when he notices Thomas his smile disappears. You wave at him but he just turns around to grab his bag. 
You and Thomas go to the only place that is still open this late at night: a bar. You end up eating a burger and drinking a beer. You talk endlessly about everything that happened since you moved. Thomas also moved and was promoted to head officer. 
It feels so comforting, sitting across from him. Like you used to do when you were studying at the university. You end up laughing and talking for what feels like hours and minutes at the same time. A few hours and a lot of beers later, you start feeling tired. 
You look at the time and gasp when you see it is already one o’clock. Thomas notices you looking at your phone and says “You think it’s time to go? We have a long day ahead tomorrow.” “Yeah I think that is for the best” you say. 
As you walk to his car, his hand is on your lower back guiding you. You feel yourself trembling on your legs. Maybe it is because of all the drinks you have had, or the warm big hand resting on your back. You ask Thomas to bring you back to the motel. 
As he drives around town, he talks about how he loves living here and describes all the beautiful buildings. The soft music through the radio is making you relaxed. You take your shoes off and put your feet up on your seat, making you crawl into a little ball. You notice Thomas looking at you. 
He stops at the motel and you search for the keys to your room, as you feel a hand on your chin. Thomas makes you look at him. “I had such a nice time Y/N. I really did, you are so beautiful” There is a short silence as you smile down and pick at your nails. You feel your cheeks get red. 
When you look at him, he is asking you what you were thinking at the exact same time. “Can I kiss you?”. Without giving an answer you press your lips against his. His hands move from your neck to your hips. Your hands go through his hair.
It was an amazing kiss, soft and loving but at times hard and full of lust. You feel that you want more but you are hesitant. You and Thomas spend a long time kissing and feeling each other. You notice his hands start gliding to your boobs and then into your pants. You moan but then stop him. “I’m sorry, I really like this. But it’s not, it’s just not okay. We have a case, I don’t know. It’s late” You start rambling. 
“It’s okay, I get it. You should go to sleep” Thomas says. He grabs your face and gives you one last kiss. “Goodnight Thomas, I will see you tomorrow.” “Goodnight Y/N, sleep well”. 
When you lay in your bed, it is almost 3 o’clock. You set your alarm for 6 am. As your head hits the pillow you fall asleep immediately. 
You wake up with an immense headache, you feel dizzy as you walk to the bathroom to get yourself ready. You splash some cold water on your face and that makes you feel a little bit better. 
You figured you would get to the station as fast as possible because if you took your time, you were scared you would never arrive there. You were the first one of the BAU team to arrive. You make yourself a big cup of coffee. And a second one 10 minutes later. After fifteen minutes, you still find yourself at the coffee machine rethinking every life choice you have ever made. 
As Emily walks in, she gives you a worried look. “Y/N Are you okay? You look very tired, didn’t you sleep last night?” “I did, I’m fine honestly” You say while rubbing your forehead hoping the headache will go away. 
Spencer walks in and immediately goes towards the coffee machine. “Do any of you want a coffee?” “No thanks Spencer, I have already had enough coffee for the rest of the day” Spencer and Emily look at each other, something is definitely going on with you. 
Then Thomas walks in, with a big coffee cup in his hands, he greets you all. He looks at you very shortly, as you both turn red and quickly look away. Emily looks at you and says: “Now I get why you are tired Y/N. You and Thomas had a fun night?” JJ joins as she hears your and Thomas’s name in the same sentence. “Don’t profile me or him, Emily. Nothing is going on really” You do not dare to look her in the eyes, because you know she will see that you are lying. You walk away to work on catching the unsub. 
A few hours later as your team is in a room working on catching the profile, you hear someone shouting. Everyone looks up to see what’s going on. You see a blonde woman screaming: “Where is he? Where the fuck is he? Thomas, where are you?”. 
A cop walks towards her as Hotch is opening the door from the office where you are sitting, to hear what is going on. The cop is asking the woman: “Who are you? Who are you looking for?” “I’m looking for Thomas, I’m his wife”. 
When she says the words, your mouth falls open and you turn bright red. You feel so embarrassed. You look at Emily and she looks right at you with a shocked face. “He was home very late last night and I want to know who the fuck he was with”. You are even more shocked and before you know it, you walk past Hotch saying to him that you will take care of this. 
The whole team looks at each other and gets up to see what is going to happen. You walk right up to the woman and say you will guide her to the office of head officer Anderson. As you stand in front of his office, you say “Just wait here, okay?” “And who are you to tell me I can’t go into my husband's office?” “Just trust me please, stay here and listen”. You say to her, with a sad but sincere expression on your face. 
You feel terrible for kissing her husband, and for him to use you like that. You feel terrible for what you are about to do, and with that you knock and walk into the office of Thomas, leaving the door slightly open.
When he sees you walk in, a smile appears on his face. “Hey Y/N, it’s so nice to see you again. You look beautiful” He winks while he says “Did you manage to catch any sleep tonight?” “Yeah yeah I’m okay, how are you?” You say trying to avoid looking at him. He starts walking towards you, wanting to place his hand on your hips. “I feel great, can’t stop thinking about last night”. 
You feel yourself getting angry but you try to hold your emotions in. “I just wanted to let you know that your wife..." you wait for a few seconds while you see the smile leave his face. “is looking for you” You continue without any mercy. “She is just outside, so I will let her in. Have a nice talk”. You walk away signing to his wife that she can go in. From the shock and sadness on her face you know that she has heard the conversation and knows what is going on. 
While you walk back to the room your team is in, you mumble to yourself “fucking asshole, he has a wife. I should have known”. You sit down as everyone looks at you. Emily wants to ask you a question but Hotch interrupts and says “We have to get back to the case”. 
You can’t focus on what he says from that moment on. All you can think about is what is happening in the office of Thomas right now. You feel terrible. 
Spencer looks at you with a genuine look on his face, he smiles and mouths the words: “are you okay”. You smile at him and nod, feeling a little bit better that you have such an amazing friend who can just read you like no one else can. 
You feel guilty, towards Thomas’s wife but also towards Spencer. You don’t really know why but you never discuss your love life with each other even though you talk about everything. You feel like you have let him down by hooking up with Thomas, the biggest douchebag ever. 
You get disrupted from your deep thoughts by the sound of a slamming door. You look up to see Thomas standing right next to you. “AND WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, DOING THAT TO ME” he screams to you. 
You stand right up looking him right in his face, feeling so angry. “YOU ARE THE ONE WHO CHEATED ON YOUR FUCKING WIFE. DON’T COME CRYING TO ME WHEN SHE FINDS OUT” you scream back. You fucking bitch, he murmers. 
“What did you just call me?” You get up into his face, wanting to slap him. But you don’t. “YOU FUCKING BITCH” he screams as he pushes your shoulder. 
At that moment everyone gets up to stop him. But Spencer is the first one to actually react. He pushes Thomas so hard he stumbles against the wall behind him. You look at Spencer in shock, he looks so angry, so worried but so hot at the same time. 
Thomas smiles “Oh, so you are gonna let your little boyfriend clean up your dirty work. Well let me tell you something” He looks at Spencer and walks up to him. “She for sure wasn’t thinking about you last night..” He pauses and says “when she was grinding up on me like a horny slut”. 
Before you can even react Spencer has smacked him in his face. “Don’t you fucking ever talk about her like that!” Spencer says, he doesn’t scream but that tone is something you have never heard from him before. He talks with such a serious note that you are afraid he will actually smack him again. 
Before anything can get more out of hand, like it didn’t already. Hotch stands up and grabs Thomas by his arm, out of the office. 
Everyone stands still for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. Spencer stands in front of you, grabbing your face for you to look up to him. “Are you okay?” He asks with the sweetest voice. 
You feel the tears in your eyes but you don’t want to cry. “I’m okay” you say with a trembling voice. “He is just, it’s not fair. "I didn't.." You take a breath “We kissed but I didn’t act like a.. like he said” “I know, we all know, it’s okay” Spencer whispers to say as he gives you a hug. 
That hug was all you needed to feel calm again. You take a deep breath. Emily, JJ, Morgan and Rossi all look at you. 
Morgan says “What a dick, he isn’t worth your tears baby girl” as he wipes the tears falling from your face. “I didn’t know you could hit like that” He says to Spencer. “Got me a little scared not to mess with you again” Everyone laughs. You smile at Spencer “Thanks for standing up for me” “Of course Y/N”
Hotch walks in with a serious face, “Y/N and Reid come with me please”. You walk with him until he tells you to sit down. “I know I don’t have to mention to you how unprofessional this was. We are here to help, not to cause anymore troubles”. You look down and feel guilty again. What if you get fired because of this? Or worse, what if Spencer gets fired. 
“With that said” Hotch begins. “Officer Anderson has been taking on this case as of right now. He is under strict supervision. Apparently this is not the first time he has misbehaved towards women. I just talked to his supervisor. You can file a complaint to him, but when you do he will most likely file an against Reid for assault”. 
“That’s not fair. We have to report him” Spencer says. Without a doubt you say: “It’s okay Spencer, I won’t file a complaint. I don’t want to get Spencer in trouble for standing up for me. I just want to forget about this honestly”. “Alright, it is settled then. You both can go” Hotch concludes. 
That night you can’t sleep. Not because of what happened with Thomas. But mostly because of Reid. You can’t stop thinking about his strong arms when he protected you, his mad and passionate face, the hug, the whisper in your ear. You don’t want to but you can’t deny it anymore: thinking about Reid makes you feel so warm, flustered, horny but most importantly so loved, so comfortable and so safe. 
On the other side of the wall there is someone who can’t sleep either. Spencer can’t stop thinking about the hug, your sad eyes when you thanked him, your hands around his neck. 
But also how hot you looked standing up to that man who treated you like shit. He wanted to protect you for the rest of his life even though you could stand up for yourself. He wanted to show you that there are good men in the world, men who care, men who don’t cheat, men who are romantic and men that love you. He could only hope that one day you would finally see him as the man for you. 
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lefthandedhotch · 1 year
hiiiii linnnnnn🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 i saw this earlier and it's soooo aaron🥰🥰🤭🤭🤭🤭💞💞💞 also i love youuuuuy🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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he comes home from an early morning run and still has all his stuff on, except for his running shoes which he left by the front door🥰 and he goes quietly into his bedroom where you're supposed to be asleep, but you arent because you heard the front door open and of course you need to see your handsome sweaty guy <333 so you're all sleepy and yawning and that sight of you makes aaron's heart go crazy but then you rise out of bed only in his shirt and hair all messy from sleep <33 and when you go over to kiss him his heart rate goes up more and that's when his little watch goes off and you two look down at it and when you see "abnormal heart rate detected" which makes you giggle as he gets all blushy🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 he's never usually wearing his athletic watch when kissing you so of course it would pick it up as abnormal🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 but it still makes you giggle and feel soooooo good amsnskakdjfjg with a few more kisses you get him to abandon his show plan and back into bed to take advantage of the hour you two have left alone before jack wakes up and inevitably rushes into the room🤭🤭🤭🤭💞💞💞💞💞💞💞🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
hehehehehe hiiiiiiii jess-jess 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 i love youuuuuuu sm!!!!! 🤭🤭🤭🤭💞💞💞💞💞💞💞🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 PLEASEEEE thats so so aaronnnnnn :(
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you know aaron must have gone for an early run when you wake up and reach over to lay your hand on his chest but find empty bed instead 😔💔 but!!!! while you’re sad to not have your handsome man there to roll into for some sweet sleepy morning cuddles, you’re also sooooooooo excited because you know that you’re about to see ✨Sweaty✨ aaron 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 it really doesn’t take long before you hear the door open and close and the sound of heavy footsteps coming towards the bedroom and your sweet man slips into the room trying so so hard to be quiet so he doesn’t wake you 🤭 and it makes you giggle so much when he bangs into something (lightly so he doesn’t get hurt 🥺) and it makes a noise that has him muttering “shit” 🤭 and he looks up at your giggle to see you grinning at him and making the biggest heart eyes as you look at him all sweaty and handsome 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 after his watch goes all beepy because his heart rate is going crazy getting to have you in his arms while you’re wearing his shirt looking all sleepy and cute while you lean up to kiss him soooooo much, aaron backs you towards the bed and you squeal out a little laugh when he topples onto you on the bed so you guys enjoy each other for a little while before a little jack bug wakes up and starts demanding a bowl of his favorite cereal 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 after aaron eventually takes a shower and you guys get started with your day, you beg your aar-bear to wear his exercise watch (and of courseeeeee he would do absolutely anything to make you happy so he does!!!!) so the whole rest of the day, you keep sneaking up on him to smooch the daylights out of him and grabbing his wrist to check his heart rate AKDHSKSKSKSA 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 if it stays the same you get all pouty like “you don’t like my kisses anymore 😔💔” which makes him sigh all exasperatedly before he tugs you into him and kisses you so hard that you make a little happy noise against his lips and sure enough!!! there’s a little beepy noise from aaron’s wrist that makes you both grin so big into the kiss 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭💗💗💗💗💗🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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atlabeth · 2 months
In DUWB why did aaron have to leave for haley. he and reader were so cute :/ all that wasted time 😭
And how can he say he didn’t cheat?? Maybe not physically but in his heart…. Which is crazy cause of how fondly he looks back on that relationship when he’s older and he and haley are divorced.
I would love to know what he was thinking when he broke up with her. “I’d like to still be friends.” Hush, Dummy! 🙄
I love that story and I reread it often, especially for the parts where they’re together (so cute!!). It’s so good!
his insecurity got the best of him!! things were getting super real w reader (talks of marriage) so when haley came back into his life telling him she still liked him and he realized he still lowkey had feelings for her, he saw her as the safe option </3
yes he didn't cheat physically but he def did emotionally lol; he started pulling away from reader it just took months for both of them to accept it, and in all its irony he also still lowkey has feelings for reader after they break up lmao. canon hotch has a hard time letting go of haley after the divorce and that definitely shows in this fic with both women!!
mans was not thinking he was trying (and failing) to do damage control lmaoo, he was so in love w reader that it scared him, but the thought of losing her scared him as well so he pulled the "can we still be friends" bs because he wanted to keep her in his life (reader avoided him until he graduated as he looked on longingly in the distance)
im so glad you love it that much it's such an honor!! their college couple flashbacks really are so cute it's whiplash going back and forth between them being on top of the world in love to literally being in the trenches at each other's throats
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em-prentiss · 17 days
Rewatching season one and switching my focus from Reid to Hotch makes all the difference honestly
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
Aaron Hotchner is so pretty. He's gorgeous.
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poi-rinch-lover · 11 months
Happy Birthday to SSA (Super Sexy Agent) Aaron HOTchner 💖💖 There is no man as handsome, smart and brave as he 🥰😍
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snarkylinda · 2 years
Ok but since CBC wanted Spencer to not wear his glasses so badly for some reason (he looks CUTE you COWARDS) and he wore it for a big chunk of season 2 (and we all know what happened to him in that season) this is what I would had done: have him wear them on The Big Game, and when Tobias takes him they fall off as he is dragging him and are cracked on the cornfield and shit. So that is what the team finds.
And then he never, ever uses them again. Visual metaphor for a part of him dying on that field ✨✨
Plus he looks more like a junkie without them so-
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greg-montgomery · 2 years
just thinking about aaron giving you a dip kiss at your wedding 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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