#hotd episode eight
curtsiesandmuses · 2 years
‼️house of the dragon ep 8 spoilers‼️
ik this episode was all about viserys and his legacy and the targs but can we appreciate the moment when rhaenys watches as the silent sisters prepare vaemond’s body?
we see a very thorough zoom in her face and now it’s just the candle lights and her, that look of both bitterness and acceptance. she outlived everyone. her parents and brothers are long gone. in less than six years she lost both of her children and most likely her husband (ik he’s not dead but i mean six years of absence is A LOT). now her kin is two steps from deathbed and another kin on her husband’s side is slaughtered.
princess rhaenys really has no interest of fearing death. she embraces it and stands tall, and that’s why the fandom is in awe of her.
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wibbley-wobble · 2 years
The tender handhold and temporary make up/alliance between Rhaenrya and Alicent my beloved
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llilychen · 1 year
house of the dragon forced me to explain to my mom what a foot fetish is i hate this show so much
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visenyaism · 1 year
if hotd is supposed to be the actual series of events that fire and blood is historicizing it IS really funny that criston cole comes out of episode eight being mythologized as THE KINGMAKER who changed history in one decisive action and played the game of thrones because he carried both good and evil with him. And Aemond who was also there with Criston the entire time in an even sillier outfit just gets completely erased out of the historical record in that moment. out of my way targboy im about to reach heaven through violence
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very-straight-blog · 5 months
In my opinion, one of the main problems of HOTD is that the screenwriters decided to tell the story instead of showing it. Visual storytelling is very important in cinema, this is literally its essence, but in the series we see over and over again how the characters describe themselves and each other verbally, even when it's not necessary. I want to discuss this on the example of Aegon.
He appears to us as a controversial character - at the most basic level, the creators were able to show this even in the miserable eight minutes of his screen time. On the one hand, he is sarcastic, he likes to piss people off, he is kinda arrogant, but at the same time he is lonely, depressed, feels isolated in his own family, although he undoubtedly loves them. He is prone to hedonism in the most unhealthy manifestations, and also, apparently, to self-destruction. The problem is that we mostly get to know about everything that I've named from the words of himself or other characters, as well as from interviews with the actors and creators of the series.
Let's start with his relationship with Viserys. We can see Viserys spending time with Aegon during his birthday in the third episode and it looks pretty sweet, but then timeskips take place and the story of their relationship remains behind the scenes. Yes, we have just one diaogue in Driftmark, which doesn't give us much - it doesn't relate specifically to Aegon and his relationship with his father. In fact, we don't know anything about them at all and we only have Aegon's words:
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And the screenwriters seem to think that this is enough, although his father's dislike is implied to be one of the main factors that shaped Aegon's character and personality.
Next, he talks about his relationship with Alicent and Viserys in this scene:
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Again, the words - screenwriters don't show the audience in any way what exactly he's trying to do, how he's trying to meet the expectations of his parents. An ideal opportunity to reveal this quote would be to study his relationship with Helaena and their family - he didn't want to marry her, but did it anyway for the sake of duty, because that's what his mother wanted. As a result, I'm not sure that the audience even realized that they were married at all.
At the same time, the screenwriters decided to show Aegon's tendency to cruelty (here I won't make comparisons with books, this is a topic for another post). We have two cases - the first one with Dyana:
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The whole episode of violence is completely left behind the scenes, the word "r*pe" is not even mentioned in the dialogue. (I'll also talk about how poorly this episode fits into Aegon's character in another post, otherwise this one will never end.)
The second one is this:
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And again, they tell us about Aegon's cruelty, but don't show it.
Anyway, we have some examples of good visual storytelling, such as the coronation scene, where Aegon goes from this:
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To this:
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And we see how important love and recognition are to him, even if they come from strangers - from the crowd. Such moments only demonstrate all the wasted potential of this series.
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itbmojojoejo · 3 days
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HOTD COUNTDOWN TO SEASON 2 EVENT Day Eight: Favourite Episode
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corporalicent · 2 months
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jacaerys velaryon & helaena targaryen dancing in episode eight season one of house of the dragon a small gift for @emilykaldwen (and i'm using one of her coloring psd [hotd color 1])
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latuarts · 5 months
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hotd — episode three. / ere by juan karlos. / episode eight.
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I saw your post about book!Aegon and I kinda find it funny how the show didn't actually write aegon ii based on how he is in the book, but they instead took many charactaztions from Aerys the mad and Aegon the unworthy and mix it in one character in the show and called it a day. I am not even a fan of the greens in general but show!Aegon ii is colser to Aegon iv and Aerys ii than to book!Aegon ii
I'm sorry it took me so long to answer this anon!
There's a lot I could say about show!Aegon II and I struggle with this one because there's certainly some disconnect between the character as described by the writers and Tom Glynn-Carney, and how the majority of the viewers perceived him. I don't think the writers are intentionally borrowing from Aegon IV and Aerys II, but I do think that if they didn't intend for him to be a sadist or an irredeemable sack of shit, which is what they claim, the writers have been kind of careless as to how they go about that.
What's interesting is that I remember watching when the show first aired, and the reactions to young Aegon were quite positive going into episode eight. Young show!Aegon is quite entertaining (window wanking aside), friendly enough with the Strong boys (fans had not latched onto the whole "Aemond was a victim of lifelong bullying" narrative quite yet at that point), expresses quite clearly that he doesn't want to challenge Rhaenyra, is manhandled, yelled at, kicked, and slapped around by adults in almost every scene he appears in, is developing an alcohol problem at the ripe old age of thirteen, is betrothed much too young to his sister when he clearly doesn't want to marry her, and finally sees his brother lose his eye and gets thrown under the bus for it. Like, on a base level the show had built a lot of audience sympathy and goodwill towards him, and then they burned that goodwill in an instant with the Dyana scene, and then burned it further with the child fighting pit scenes (and boy they really missed the mark there because a good portion of the audience seemed to think Aegon runs the child fighting pits, or that he "forces" his bastards to fight there), which is such a bizarre choice. The time jump doesn't help. It's our first introduction to Tom Glynn-Carney's Aegon and his portrayal is just oozing with pathos (and really, hats off to him for that, he is the sole reason grown up show!Aegon is even mildly sympathetic) but there's so little screentime with him that it's hard to connect that kid asking his mother "do you love me" and crying at his own coronation (who is very much the kid who said he wouldn't challenge Rhaenyra and who said, "just look at them, everyone knows") with the same guy who supposedly watches child fights and rapes the maids.
That said, when you recall that the showrunners have reiterated the idea that the real conflict in the show is between Alicent and Rhaenyra and they want the show to center around them, it makes more sense in that those moments in episode eight are not really about Aegon at all, they're about Alicent. Alicent pays off Dyana, Alicent is angry with Aegon and says "you're no son of mine," and that leads directly to Alicent's attempted reconciliation with Rhaenyra-- she's fed up with this man child of hers and maybe the realm should just have a queen! Aegon is just a tool to get Alicent's character to a certain point that she never got to in the first place in the source material, a position Alicent almost immediately reverses because the source plot demands it. And this I think is one of the problems with HotD's inconsistent characterization overall, is that they're trying to fit characters into a narrative space that they weren't originally written to occupy.
And I understand that they were never going to make Aegon a protagonist, and that the showrunners are likely not likely gutsy enough to do a Succession style narrative where there is no protagonist but where Aegon and Rhaenyra are both equally flawed people, doomed from the start, but sympathetic enough that we can't help but hope against hope that they might escape that doom somehow. However, the Dance is a lot more tragic and compelling on a base level if Aegon is not a total villain but this very troubled guy who never really wanted the throne, feels backed into a corner because he doesn't want his family to die, takes the throne, and with each loss becomes increasingly convinced that he has to win. And they could still do this, but right now the vast majority of this audience just sees him as the rapist asshole brother (who is not even the good brother, that is Aemond who has studied the blade) stealing poor Rhaenyra's birthright for no reason except that he was manipulated by his lying evil mother and her lying evil father, and they see it as very very wrong and unfair since she is obviously a better person and would make a better ruler, just like Dany. To me, the latter is just not a compelling narrative, and I cannot imagine that the writers believe it's a compelling narrative either, so hopefully they get their characterization under control for season 2.
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witchlingcirce · 3 months
Oh… MY…. GOD. This is literally all I could have asked for this is one of the best things I’ve seen in so long I’m so HYPED!!
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This shot… I’m literally heart broken this 💔. This is obviously at Lucerys funeral and honestly it’s just…. TO MUCH. The tears in Jaces eyes, them burning Luke’s clothing because there wasn’t a body, baby Joffrey. This scene looks absolutely stunning but also so gut wrenching. I FEEL LIKE ILL DEFINITELY CRY 😭.
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Everyone knows that I manifested this, HARD. Whoever gave them a new, better wig bless you. To the person who actually put them into nice clothing, BLESS YOU TOO.
Baela is literally Laenas twin like… SHE LOOKS SO GOOD.
I’m so happy there finally getting more scenes and lines, I was praying for this. DRAGON TWINSSSS I LOVE YOUUUU
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She looks almost exactly like what I imagine a young Vhagar would look like. VHAGER IS HER MUMMY CONFIRMED!!!
It’s hard to see in this particular shot but I do like that they kept her a paler green colouring!!!! I don’t think you guys understand how much I love moondancer. She like two moments in the book and I decided I would Stan forever.
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BAELA TARGARYENNNNNNNN GETTING her own moment is something I am actually so hyped about, THATS MY WARRIOR PRINCESS.
You know I have a feeling that maybe after Rooks Rest and seeing what happens to a certain someone she mayyyyy cut her hair, like book Baela. Kind of like the thing, hair holds memories yk?
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I understand that the north storyline this season will probably only last three episodes max (damn you eight episodes)! NONETHELESS, I am beyond excited.
Can we talk about how Jacaerys is free from the ugly wig??? THANK THE HEAVENS!! There doing my boy right. Seeing him a decent amount in the trailer made me so hyped, I always thought he deserved to be seen more in the first season since YK, he’s the Heir’s heir (hahah) but I’m so glad there stepping up there game this season!!!
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RHAENYRA RHAENYRA THE WOMAN YOU ARE! Whoever made her costumes and hair this season BLESS YOUR HEART.
I think it’s obvious she’s most likely wearing a Visenya braid and she is STANDING ON BUSINESS!
Before when I was talking about the posters I was discussing how it seemed that they gave her back her cunningness and determination from the books and I am SO HAPPY THEY DID. Because THAT is a queen of he seven kingdoms THATTTTTT is MY WOMANNNNN!!!!
Also this is a side note: but I like how she refers to Aegon as Alicent Hightower’s son, not her brother or half brother but as ALICENTS SON!!!! I feel like it probably has to do with them not being close, but it also it makes it feel like Rhaenyra doesn’t consider him a true son of Viserys. Very interesting, can’t wait for there beef to get more intense.
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Rhaenyra… Rhaenyraaaas EMMA D’ARCY YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS PERSON. I’m in shock, whoever made there outfits this season did they GOOOOOODDDDDD
LOTS of theories on who’s she’s looking 🙉
1. Alicent Hightower
There was a bunch of leaks going around that there would be a final meeting between the two. I think this is an outfit that she wears in the earlier episodes so idkkk buttt If it Rhaenyra why are you looking at her like that… TOXIC YURI CONTINUES.
2. Mysaria
I feel it being Mysaria would be very interesting. Maybe it’s her pleading ‘loyalty’ towards Rhaenyra. And then later on (if there keeping it like how it is in the books) helping Daemon blah B&C.
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This is Corlys definitely telling Rhaenys not to get involved and Rhaenys telling him she has to do what’s right for her house and what’s right for Baela and Rhaena 💔💔💔
Anyways guys I’m so excited, I’m so happy that there finally giving team blacks kids moments to shine and also letting Rhaenyra be book Rhaenyra… JUNE 16th can’t come sooner!
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meraxesmoon · 5 months
My Different HOTD OCs
note: i have so many, and I wanted to have like a little info page about them. also, tysm for voting!
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Aemma Velaryon
Daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Criston Cole, Lawful father is Laenor Velaryon
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Physical Appearance: Aemma is traditionally Valyrian looking, soft lilac eyes and snowy white hair. I imagine that she probably looks a lot like her grandmother, and she is often dressed in soft blue colors to represent both houses Velaryon and Arryn. She wears gray as well to match her dragon Grey Ghost. I imagine her as a plus sized woman, like very soft and sweet.
Attributes: Very soft spoken and sweet. Aemma is coveted by her mother, and she doesn't spend a lot of time away from Rhaenyra, especially in her younger years. As such, she's very naive and trusting, something that makes her mother worry quite a bit.
Aemma was very close with her father, Laenor, and had a huge depressive episode after he 'died'. She isn't very close with Daemon, and after moving to Dragonstone, she spends her time with her baby brothers or riding her dragon.
She's very dutiful, and when she is betrothed to Aegon to solidify her mother's claim to the throne, she does it without complaint. They were close as children, and Aemma believes it could be a content marriage, despite the rockyness between their families.
She is Rhaenyra's heir.
Dragon: Grey Ghost.
Aemma was dragonless until she was about ten years old. After her family relocated to Dragonstone, she ended up bonding with Grey Ghost, one of the wild dragons. Being quiet herself, Aemma and Grey Ghost compliment each other very well, and she spends more time with her dragon than anyone in her family.
Aemma has a personalized saddle, a heart emblem on Grey Ghost's chest to symbolize how much she loves him.
Angsty Info: Aemma is made a prisoner of war after Rhaenyra is usurped, if we're going with the canon timeline. She's forcibly married to Aegon after Lucerys is killed, and she becomes aware of Criston being her actual father. This all happens within a very short amount of time, and she tries to throw herself from her window but is stopped by Ser Criston.
Spouses/Lovers: Aegon Targaryen II, Aemond Targaryen (one-sided)
Children: In a peaceful AU, Aemma is married to Aegon and has two sons and a daughter. Laenor, Aenys, and Naerys. She had a stillborn daughter, Naerys' twin, and couldn't have any more children after her daughters were born due to her mother not allowing it.
Alyssa Snow
Daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Unknown Northern Woman
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Physical Appearance: She looks as though she belongs in a fairy tale book. White hair, mismatched eyes, and a cunning smile. Alyssa looks much like Daemon's mother, and her purple-green eye combo is evidence of this. Despite being fierce and stubborn, she quite enjoys wearing dresses. Her main colors are pink and purple. She only wears black on rare occasions. Her hands are calloused due to dragonriding without wearing gloves.
Attributes: Stubborn yet empathetic. Alyssa was, for the first eight years of her life, raised in the north. Therefore, she follows the old Gods. She's very strict in her beliefs, as well, and refuses to convert. Due to her religion, she has a certain disgust for her father's side of the family, but loves her siblings all the same.
Alyssa is very close with her dragon, and covets him. He is her protector in some twisted way, and she thanks him for it constantly.
Daemon and Rhaenyra don't allow her to be called a bastard by anyone. If someone does, they're guaranteed to get beheaded by her father and fed to Caraxes. Despite this, Alyssa has made peace with herself and knows what and who she is.
Due to her status as a bastard, Alyssa never marries.
Dragon: Balerion
In an AU where Balerion lives, Alyssa bonds with him when she's around eight or nine, right after Daemon takes her away from her home in Winterfell. Balerion and Alyssa are kindred spirits who are drawn to each other by their loneliness.
Balerion is very protective of her and has almost burned down Dragonstone due to this instinct to protect his rider. In turn, Alyssa spoils her gigantic beast, and when they're not flying over Westeros together, they rest on the beach of Dragonstone.
When Alyssa first bonds with him, she doesn't know any dragon commands. Therefore, their emotional connection is extremely strong. Even as she grows older, she rarely has to use them because the two of them are so in sync.
Angsty Info: Alyssa has a lover, Collette, who is a maid at Dragonstone. During the war, Collette is used against Alyssa by the Greens and killed horrifically. Stricken with grief, Alyssa nearly goes mad and burns down Harrenhall in order to get revenge against them.
Tragic medieval lesbians 💔
Spouses/Lovers: Collette Rivers
Children: None, but after the war, she becomes a mother figure for Viserys and Aegon.
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curtsiesandmuses · 2 years
hotd 1x8 thoughts!!
contains spoilers so be aware
• MARRIED!DAEMYRA I-😭😭😭😭 i swear they are everything. the touching, the tender looks, the laughs at that supper. that’s the only thing i’ve ever wanted for them and even knowing what they future holds i’m happy!!!!l and their babies 😭 ik we saw them for like 0.5 seconds but still
• talking about daemon, this is really the highest point of his character so far. helping viserys to the throne, immediately killing vaemond once he disrespects rhaenyra, same for when he stepped up for the strong boys. daemon never needed the crown, all he truly wanted was to protect his family and we love him for that <3
• VISERYS. oh. my. days. i’ll be fair i never really liked him?? especially in the last episodes because although protecting rhaenyra he seemed so spineless really. UNTIL THIS EPISODE. walking to the throne despite the unimaginable pain, protecting his daughter’s honor and her claims?? actually organizing that supper and seeing his family making peace with each other at last? also i realize now that it’s probably their last happy scenes and my heart aches. “my love” do NOT tell me he did not see aemma at this point. rip viserys the first, you might not be a dragon but you are a true king
• alicent was surprisingly decent. that scene of hers and rhaenyra gives me the first episode vibes when they were close
• also imagine birthing the sweetest prettiest angel and two fucking monsters, really vice versa of cersei’s babies
• PRINCESS RHAENYS 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
• overall i really loved it. reflecting on viserys’s character and at the same time on their family, it was especially interesting when you understand that it’s the last bit before the dance actually starts
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 8 months
I have seen a lot of people saying that the show makes Alicent more sympathetic and it honestly pisses me off. Why all of those changes? Why couldn't she be an ambitious woman to be sympathetic?
Many say that the books aren't canon or that we don't know what actually happened, but the book has less abuse towards women than the so called "feminist" show. The Alicent of the books was eighteen and married a twenty eight widowed king, an adult woman who chose to marry and have children and oppose the heir. She was the leader of The Greens, she set everything in motion, not her father.
Now, Alicent in the show is a perpetual victim. She is a sixteen year old forced by her father to marry an old King, forced to have children, forced to raise her children to oppose the heir and forced to start a war. Even adult Alicent is nothing but a victim. She isn't a leader, everyone controls her one way or another, she has no agency.
My question is, for a "feminist" show, how is this better?
How is turning an ambitious woman into nothing but an idiot who doesn't know what the council was planning (despite being part of it in the previous episode) feminist?
Does she have to be abused by everyone in order to produce sympathy?
Are they really so bad at writing that brutalizing woman was the only way they could make people feel for them?
While I did not like book! Alicent, I respected her. Show Alicent just bores me and doesn't even seen real.
From Alicent, to Laena and to Rhaenyra, in the book they weren't mistreated by their husbands, but in the show all of them were.
How is taking away their agency better?
Alicent, Rhaenys and Rhaenyra are active characters in the books and are the ones who want to kill their enemies. In HotD all of the leadership and decision making that belong to the women they gave It to the men.
They really love their "women are peaceful" agenda. Women can be evil, they can be violent, they can be political, they can't want what was promised to them, they can be proud, they can want to marry, they can want to have children, they can want the same that a man wants.
If a woman has traits typicaly asociated with men, they can be sympathetic?
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Bound in Fire and Blood [Aemond Targaryen x Reader]
Previous chapter || Series masterlist || Other HOTD stories [requests open]
Summary: You are the younger twin sister of Aemond Targaryen and the second youngest child to King Viserys and Queen Alicent. Growing up you were extremely close to your twin brother, practically inseparable and as you continued to grow, you realized your feelings for him were more than just a sibling love….
TRIGGER WARNING: This is a story of incest (obviously, it’s Game of Thrones). It contains strong depictions of sexual content and blood. Please read at your own risk.
Warnings in this chapter: Contains spoilers for episode eight, The Lord of the Tides.
A/N: Sorry for the delay of updates. It is most likely going to stay to once a week updates from now on. But every day or every other day I’m trying to fulfill one shot requests about HOTD characters + actors (Ewan Mitchell being the most requested 🥰). If you would ever like a request, just drop one through my ask box. 💚
Chapter Seventeen: The Calm Before the Storm
Gif doesn’t belong to me 💚
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Three years later
The gods seemed to be smiling down on the twin green dragons, as though they knew they made the right decision. Princess Helaena shortly became Aegon II’s second wife and they were to quick to have children; twins by the name of Jaehaera and Jaehaerys who were coming close to their third name day and a babe that was only a few months old by the name of Maelor. You did feel horrible that Helaena had to marry Aegon in the end, although she reassured you it was her duty of House Targaryen and she cares more that you are happy with Aemond.
You had your hands clasped in front of you while standing in the courtyard with a small smile on your lips. Your arms cupped around your budding stomach that was barely noticeable, the only ones knowing that you were with child a second time were your mother and siblings. Your father was the only one to not know; you were waiting for the right moment but it was as though it never seemed to be the right time. Your trips to see him with Vhaenys at night even became less frequent.
You watched as Aemond tried to block Ser Criston’s strikes, only for his shield to be knocked out of his hand by Morningstar. You smirked lightly knowing he was not going to take that well. As the two of you got older, the more aggressive of a swordsman he became.
As more people gathered around to watch the young Prince, the louder the whispers became, although it was not about the Targaryen prince. Rhaenyra and her family were to arrive today for the trial of her second eldest son’s parentage and claim to the throne on Driftmark. Everyone knew the truth and that was that Lucerys along with Jacaerys and Joffrey were bastards.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Aemond got the upper hand and a wide smile came onto your lips. You giggled while clapping for him, everyone cheering.
Criston laughed a bit, the sweat beading down his forehead. “Well done, my prince,” He said, still catching his breath a bit. “You will be winning tourneys in no time.”
“I don’t give a shit about tourneys,” Aemond began, turning his gaze ahead of him. “Nephews…have you come to train?”
You turned to look at his direction, noticing Jace and Luke. You frowned a bit while looking over them. Lucerys looked nervous, terrified even meanwhile his elder brother had a look of anger and disgust.
You walked closer to Aemond with a small smile and kissed his cheek lightly, his gaze turning to you. “Well done, my husband,” You whispered while placing a hand on his arm, your violet eyes wandering back to your nephews.
“Thank you, love,” Aemond replied and turned to get his shield back.
You sighed and looked down at your hands, glancing back up to your nephews. In the nine years that you have not seen them, you have learned forgiveness. You knew though your husband has not been the same way.
Everyone’s attention turned to the gates when it opened, Lord Vaemond walking through with a handful of guards. He had a smug look on his features as he passed by the group, his eyes on Lucerys.
“Aemond, we should go,” You spoke softly grabbing onto his arm once more.
“Why? I want to catch up with my sweet nephews,” Aemond said with a taunting tone to his voice.
“Aemond,” You scowled, your voice firm.
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“Why do you defend them?”
“What?” You asked laughing a bit.
“Those bastards,” Aemond clarified watching you grab a shawl to drape over yourself. Your stomach may have been small, but the wrong person could notice and gossip would surely spread. “You were quick to go to their side.”
“Aemond,” You said with a sigh and walked close to your husband. You held onto his arm lightly and smiled when he looked at you. “You are being paranoid. I am always going to side with my husband.”
Aemond looked over you and let out a sigh. “I know you would choose me over them. I do not need to be paranoid.”
You giggled as he began to lead you to the throne room. “I would always choose you, my love.”
You stood on one side of the throne room, your eyes settled on the Blacks who was not too far away. Due to your father’s health, your grandsire was in charge of the trial. You knew it would give Rhaenyra and her son an unfair advantage although you dared not say it out loud.
You glanced towards Aegon who stood on the other side of Aemond. You knew he was still hurt from your choice to annul the marriage and he has hardly acknowledged your existence since. It was clear how unhappy he was with his marriage to your elder sister though, yet you were relieved to finally be with the love of your life.
You wrapped the golden shawl tight around your body as Rhaenyra took the stand although she was interrupted when the doors opened. All heads turned as the King was announced, a small smile coming onto your lips. Even though he was so frail, it was relieving to see him.
It was hard to see him struggle towards the Iron Throne, although everyone respected his wish to let him climb the steps on his own. You kept a hand lightly on Aemond’s arm while your father’s brother helped him up the last few steps and onto the throne, your eyes wandering down as you lightly felt the leather of your husband’s jacket.
You took a deep breath as the court commenced, your eyes flickering up to Lord Vaemond while the Princess Rhaenys made a marriage pact. He clearly did not look pleased, protesting that he would not allow such actions.
“Say it,” You heard your uncle challenge Vaemond.
Vaemond had a smirk on his lips, his eyes connecting with Rhaenyra’s. “Her children…are bastards!” He shouted, his voice booming through the throne room. “And she…is a whore,” He spat, the venom clear in his voice.
You glanced over to your father as he brandished his knife. “I will have your tongue for that,” He threatened.
You closed your eyes remembering the threat your father made all those years ago. One would have their tongue cut out if they questioned the parentage of Rhaenyra’s three eldest sons.
You opened your eyes, gasping as Daemon suddenly sliced Vaemond’s head in two, his body collapsing to the ground, blood everywhere.
“He can keep his tongue,” Daemon said, leaning against his sword- Dark Sister- while looking up at his brother.
You looked up at your husband, a small frown on your lips as you squeezed his arm tightly while your mother quickly ushered you and your siblings out.
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You stood beside Helaena while everyone waited for the King, your father having wanted a dinner with his entire family again.
“Are you excited to be a mother again?” She whispered out, placing a hand on your stomach.
You giggled lightly with a soft smile and nodded. “Yes, I am and I know Aemond is too.”
“I can not wait to have another,” Helaena said a bit dreamily.
You smiled lovingly at your sister, knowing she was not happy with Aegon but she at least had her children. You glanced over when the doors opened and took your seat beside your husband.
You looked over at Aemond noticing his eye was set across the table, looking over at Lucerys and Rhaena; Luke was looking a bit worrisome but you knew Aemond was smart enough to not try anything at dinner. Not while your father was there at least.
You sighed as you took a sip of your wine after your prayer to the seven. You knew your mother was still not happy with what you said three years ago, yet you ended up getting what you wanted.
You smiled as the feast commenced after a heartfelt speech from Viserys. You knew the one thing that mattered most to him was family and it meant a lot for everyone to, at least pretend, to be cordial.
You stared at your husband when he stood up, his chair scraping across the floor. You held his hand to urge him back down and he only sat back down after Jace made a toast to him and Aegon. Aemond looked over at you, a glare settled on his face.
He jerked his hand away from yours, narrowing his eye a bit. You shook your head while frowning, looking down at your wine cup, taking a long drink of it. You were loyal to your husband, yet he needed to learn not when to act like a child.
You relaxed in your seat, frowning more when your father was carried out and sighed. You were about to stand up and announce you were retiring early, feeling a bit ill but quickly shut your mouth when the kitchen maids came in with a roasted pig. You stared at it while they sat in front of your husband, closing your eyes when you heard Luke laugh. You were not there for the pink dread prank but Aemond did complain about how embarrassed he was, his sole blame being on the bastards.
You jumped when Aemond suddenly punched the table and stood up with his cup raised. “Final tribute,” He declared. “To the health of my nephews: Jace, Luke, and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise…hm…strong.”
“Aemond,” Your mother warned as you stood up.
A frown settled on your lips as he continued on; “Come…let us drain our cups to these three strong boys.”
“I dare you to say it again,” Jace said boldly, Aemond’s attention turning towards him with his cup still in his hand.
“Why? Twas only a compliment. Do you not think yourself strong?”
Aemond chuckled as Jace suddenly punched him, Luke trying to help but Aegon pinned him to the table. Your husband only laughed, proud of his comment as he set his goblet down while your mother rushed over.
“Why would you say something like that in before all of these people?” She hissed.
“I was merely expressing how proud I was of my family, Mother,” Aemond began removing his arm from her grasp turning to Jace and Luke who were being held by the kingsguard. “Mm, though it seems as though my nephews aren’t quite as proud of theirs.”
“Do not act like a child,” You hissed at your husband who turned his attention to you, shocked. You sighed at him before following your nephews out. “Jace,” You called softly. “Luke.”
The two turned and frowned at the sight of you. “Did you need something, aunt?” Jace asked softly.
You sighed softly, looking down at your hands with furrowed brows. “I want to apologize for Aemond’s antics.”
Jace shook his head a bit. “You should not be the one apologizing.”
“Yes, but he is still my husband.”
Jace gave you a small smile. “It is quite all right, really.”
You took a deep breath watching them begin to walk off once more. “Wait,” You called walking closer to the two of them. You frowned looking between the two boys, both spitting images of Ser Harwin Strong. “I forgive the two of you.”
“For what?” Luke asked, frowning.
“For what happened all those years ago…both sides were in the wrong and I believe now may be the only chance I can say my peace.”
Jace smiled lightly, taking your hands in his. “All is forgiven, aunt,” He said quietly and leaned up kissing your cheek lightly.
You returned his smiled, looking over at Luke although his gaze was elsewhere. You followed his gaze and frowned at the sight of Aemond who was clearly angry. You quickly left to be at your husband’s side, Aemond glaring down at you.
“We will discuss this matter on the morrow,” He hissed out, grabbing you roughly by the arm to lead you to your marital chambers.
You sighed while looking down with a frown, staying silent. You had a pit feeling in your stomach, not knowing what the morrow is going to bring.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 7 months
It’s likely a contractual obligation due to his involvement in S2, as it’s rumoured he will appear in all eight episodes of the season. It it will be a panel with no meet and greet, but there will be a couple of questions by the fans like they always do. There are people saying though it will not be HOTD focused panel but more of a HBO focused panel so Ewan and Steve will share the stage with other actors such as Jodie Foster. Low-key worried people will be weird and make him uncomfortable but thankfully there’s no much fan interaction other than the Q & A.
Yeah, I've heard all of this too. I think he was likely given a choice of what events he attended, and chose this one specifically because it's a mixed panel, so the focus will be less on him. I doubt he'll say much, to be honest. The day he's appearing is already sold out, so the Ewan girlies have missed their opportunity to show up and be weird to him, thankfully. And with a high profile actress like Jodie Foster sharing the stage, a lot of the attention will be on her, so most of the footage/photos will be of him mashed potato facing in his Adidas, I expect lol
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very-straight-blog · 4 months
heyyy i just read your post about the HOTD screenwriters telling instead of showing (so correct on all of it) and you mentioned you’d do another post on your opinion abt how ep 8 doesn’t fit into aegons character and i just wanted to know your opinion on it! i agree with you on a lot of stuff and just wanted to know what ya think!
hope you’re having a great day :) <3
Hi, thanks for the question! ^_^
I believe this is about the scene with Dyana from episode eight and about the mention of Aegon watching children maim and kill each other from episode nine.
The problem here is that, again, we're told about Aegon's actions and that's all. Moreover, his character, the one that we see, doesn't correspond to them at all.
Aegon appears in front of us as an alcoholic with depression and mommy issues. He can be arrogant to some extent, he can annoy others and enjoy it, he's a hedonist - but the screenwriters don't show anything that would indicate his tendencies to cruelty and sadism. And we can look at the way Tom Glynn-Carney plays him - he creates a character who is mostly pathetic, but not dangerous.
Plus, we literally have a scene where Aegon reacts to an act of violence, I wrote about it here: https://www.tumblr.com/very-straight-blog/741582865693917184/so-youre-telling-me-that-aegon-who-reacts-to-an?source=share
And all this together gives us a strange and controversial image of a character. Obviously, the screenwriters didn't know what to do with Aegon and we ended up with this.
Have a good day too! :)
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