#hotguy family au
ty-bayonet-betteridge · 5 months
Cuteguy was always a small man. But somehow, right now, he looks smaller than ever. Maybe it's the new costume, its bright colors in stark contrast to the black bodysuit he wore as a Gigacorp employee. Maybe it's the fact that he's unarmed, Hotguy having broken the other man's bow in the fight. Maybe it's the way his wings are folded flat against his back.
Or maybe it's the way he's cowering against the floor of the alleyway, pinned beneath Hotguy, tears in his eyes and anger on his face. Maybe it's the bolt of the crossbow that's pressed right against his throat, Hotguy's finger quivering by the trigger.
He can kill him. One shot and it's done. Ever since Cuteguy defected and joined those... those terrorists, Cutegal and Hotgal, Gigacorp has had an active kill order out for him. Cuteguy is dangerous, after all.
Hotguy knows he can kill Cuteguy. But Scar...
Scar can't get past the way Grian is looking at him.
Grian's mouth moves, but with the bolt against his neck, he can't speak. Still, Scar identifies the word he mouths at him.
Scar sits up, releasing Grian from his hold. "Get the hell out of here," he growls. Grian spreads his brilliant Pink Forrester wings and takes off without a word.
Scar stands still for a long time. When he moves, he reaches for the body camera clipped to his suit. He pulls it off, drops it to the ground, and crushes it beneath his boot.
When he files his patrol report that night, Hotguy says he encountered nothing of note, but that his body cam was irreparably damaged by a bad trip and fall. It'll be believable enough; he's in good standing in the company, and he's known for being somewhat clumsy.
It's the first lie he's ever told Gigacorp.
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smoozie · 5 months
Hotguy family au bug inspo, just so we're all on the same page here (@ty-bayonet-betteridge)
Hotguy - Scar
Brood X Cicada
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Cuteguy - Grian
Glasswing Butterfly
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Hotgal - Pearl
Spotted Lanternfly
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Cutegal - Gem
Honey Bee
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Coolguy - Skizz
Steel Blue Cricket Hunter (wasp)
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Sexyguy - Joel
Pink Spirit Moth
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Prettyguy - Jimmy
Common Firefly
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Edit: btw if u have no idea what I'm talking about, it should be under #hgfau and #hotguy family au on my blog (tags below)
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featheredenby · 3 months
“You should drink more water.”
“You kidnapped me from my own house and blind folded me so that I can’t see you, just to bait heroes to come here.” Grian says, “I don’t think that you get to give me health tips.”
“To be fair there are a lot of people who would treat you a lot worse in a kidnapping.”
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Word Count: 2,368
Part Nine of: Show Your Fangs
A Superhero AU of Empires SMP/Hermitcraft/The Life Series/Artimator SMP
As the wind blows a missing poster flies into Scar’s face of course things like that happen when you’re on a roof but he needs to find Grian and for that it’s likely best to consult Grian’s other friends. As he only has one clue so far, a text message, “Whatever you do don’t trust C-Fire.” Scar climbs down from the roof and makes his way to Mumbo’s house where upon arrival he finds not only Mumbo but also Cleo. 
“Hotguy,” she says coldly upon seeing him, “What do you want?”
Stay in character Scar, “I’m looking into the recent disappearance of Grian Helios, I’m told that you two are close to him.”
“That would be correct.” Cleo tells him in an icy tone, “but why are you looking into this instead of the cops? Or his family members?”
Okay, I wasn't expecting that reaction. “Well it’s likely that this disappearance has something to do with the villains in this city and I don’t believe that his family members are well suited to deal with this.”
“Well you would be wrong in that regard as me, Mumbo, his half brother, his half brother’s boyfriend, his half brother’s adopted sister, and one of his coworkers are all working together to find him.” They inform Scar, “And you will find that all of us are perfectly competent so unless you have anything of value to give it would be best for you to leave.”
Scar could show her the text message but that would mean them learning that he’s Hotguy. At this point however when Grian has been missing for just over three days it’s worth it. “I have something that could be helpful.”
“Really?” Cleo asks skeptically.
“Yeah. Can I come in?”
“Sure.” Mumbo pipes up.
“So you mean to tell me that you are Scar. As in the same Scar who is Grian’s roommate. And you also mean to tell me that the last text that he sent you on the night that he was kidnapped is not to trust the vigilante C-Fire?” Cleo asks.
“Yep that’s pretty much it, but I would appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone.”
“So where are you in the process of finding Grian?” Scar asks.
“We’re not doing very well, Mumbo?”
“Yeah,” Mumbo agrees, “I’ve been trying to hack into any files that could help figure out who took him but nothing has come up.”
“Wait what? Mumbo I know that you’re good with coding but how are you hacking into secure files?”
“Good point. Good point. But uhm, I would like to inform you that I did at one point hack into the comm system of the GFHA. As Well as getting into the files of the GFHA’s villain data.” Mumbo informs him.
“I’m sorry you did what?!?”
“Basically he’s the best hacker that we know.” Cleo tells Scar.
Knock. Knock. “Come in.” Mumbo says. Scar looks up and sees a strange assortment of people entering the room. First there’s the vigilante The Mayor and Grian’s coworker Joel and then there’s Cromia and Jimmy. The shock on The Mayor’s face is just too much. “Cleo,” she says, “You didn’t say that he Would be here.”
“That’s true I didn’t,” Cleo admits, “however I also didn’t know that he would be here and he brought information that could link the vigilante C-Fire to Grian’s disappearance.” 
“Mhm, and we should trust him because?” Cromia asks.
“Uh,” Cleo looks over at Scar, “Our dear friend Hotguy over here happens to know Grian personally. That’s all I’m saying on the subject matter.”
“Your point is? We all do.” The Mayor says.
“The point is that we all have a common goal, now does anyone have a clue where Pearl is?”
“Nope,” Jimmy says, “Something might have extended her shift at the hospital.”
“Okay then. Well we’re gonna split into groups, Mumbo’s gonna stay here and keep trying to find info online, Cromia you’re gonna go with Hotguy to keep an eye out at the park, Jimmy you and The Mayor are going to patrol the downtown area, and I’m gonna go over to the area’s where villains were last spotted.” They explain, “Got it. Good”
They break off into their groups and Cromia looks at Scar, “For the record I still don’t trust you.”
“You should drink more water.”
“You kidnapped me from my own house and blind folded me so that I can’t see you, just to bait heroes to come here.” Grian says, “I don’t think that you get to give me health tips.”
“To be fair there are a lot of people who would treat you a lot worse in a kidnapping.”
“True, but for all you know I’ve been able to scout out your hideout this whole time.” Grian tells him.
“Ha! Like you’d be able to do that our entire group is mutants and hybrids. You’re human and don’t have any powers.”
“Maybe that’s what you think,” Grian says while opening his incorporeal eyes and looking around the room, “I can tell practically everything that’s going on around me.”
“Uhm, and what exactly can you tell?”
“First of all I can tell that you aren’t wearing your disguise but you still have your mask on just in case my blindfold slips off. Second I know that the other two are watching this from over in the corner. Finally I know that I could easily take you all out as The Red Hand has bullet wounds in his wing and foot, C-Fire’s scythe is in the other room so she would only be able to use fire manipulation, and The Red King, who I’m assuming is the person that I’m talking to, is still dealing with the unpleasant side effects of a magically induced concussion.”
“How exactly did you know all of that?” The Red King asks him.
“Now why would I tell you that?” Grian responds, “Telling you that would just reveal information that you don’t need to know about me.”
“Maybe because you’re stuck in our hideout and completely at our mercy?” 
“Hm… Doesn’t seem like I’ll be for much longer though.” Grian says while checking around the perimeter and seeing Cromia and Hotguy coming around the corner.
“And why do you say that you’ve been missing for three days, what makes you think that will happen?”
To this Grian just laughs it’s not like these people will see that some of the local heroes and vigilantes are fast approaching the building. Now that Grian has backup and can easily get rid of these idiot’s memories about his secret identity it’s probably a good time to get on his costume. “Welp I gotta bounce.”
“What do you mean? You’re tied up and blindfolded.”
“Heh, that’s what you think.”
“What the-”
“𝙹ꖌᔑ|| ᓭ𝙹 i ᓭℸ ̣ ╎ꖎꖎ ↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣  ᑑ⚍╎ℸ ̣ ᒷ ⚍リ↸ᒷ∷ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ʖ⚍ℸ ̣  ╎ℸ ̣  ∴𝙹⚍ꖎ↸ ʖᒷ ∷ᒷᔑꖎ リ╎ᓵᒷ ╎⎓ ╎ ᓵ𝙹⚍ꖎ↸ ⊣ᒷℸ ̣  ᒲ|| ᓵ𝙹ᓭℸ ̣ ⚍ᒲᒷ.”
Just like that once again a purple light shoots from from Grian’s hands and just like at the masquerade party Grian is instantly in his Poultry Man costume. Within a second Grian uses his talons to unbind his wrists before ripping off his blindfold and running at The Red King. “What the you’re-” The Red King starts to stammer before Grian once again knocks him out. The Hand runs to tackle him but ends up tripping and getting his leg caught under a piece of flying rubble as Grian fires a grenade from a slingshot at him. At this point Hotguy and Cromia come bursting through the door, “Grian we’re- what the?!?”
“How did this happen!?!” Cromia screams.
“Don’t question it, I got him out of here!” Grian tells them, “Just get C-Fire!”
The “vigilante” is running over to her cherry blossom covered scythe and as she swoops down to grab it she narrowly misses an arrow that flies past her head. “Ugh… Jerk!” She yells as she throws her scythe at Cromia, he ducks down and the weapon’s handle hits his antlers before crashing to the floor. Within a moment Cromia sends an arrow from his own bow right back at her only for her to dodge and throw a fireball right back at him. As Cromia rolls away to dodge it Hotguy runs at C-Fire who is going to retrieve the scythe and Grian flies down to try and pick it up. C-Fire reaches the scythe first and swipes it up before turning around and hitting Hotguy with its handle before spinning it in the air and slicing his side with it. “Hotguy!” Grian screams while swooping down and out of instinct grabbing his gun and shooting at C-Fire hitting her in the arm before she runs away. Grian lands next to Hotguy and clutches onto him, “Oh no,” Grian whispers, “NO! Not again… not again.”
“I’m fine,” Hotguy reassures him, “Really I’m fi-”
That high pitched beep that happens when a character wakes up in a movie plays.
Grian watches as Hotguy’s eyes flutter open as he lays down on a couch in the employee’s lounge of Cleo’s cafe. Hotguy attempts to sit up only to have to lay back down because of the bandage around his waist. Grian picks up a cup of tea that he made for him and hands it over, “Hey,” Grian says gently, “How are you feeling?”
“Not the best,” Hotguy admits, “What exactly happened again- Wait your-”
“Cuteguy?” Grian finishes.
“Wait, so why did you stop being Cuteguy to be Poultry Man?” He asks.
“Well, I’m sure that you remember the incident that happened a few months ago.”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Well the whole idea that I had almost killed you kind of weighed down on me. But if you didn’t know that I was the person who almost killed you you couldn’t hate me.” Grian explains as his eyes start tearing up. 
“I don’t hate you.”
“I know I was being stupid, now can I finish my story?” Grian asks.
“Right, sorry.”
“I tore up my Cuteguy costume and used the symbol from the chest as a patch on an old pair of pants. Then I grabbed some supplies and headed out to remeet you. A week or so later of course there was the masquerade and I went in a drag costume so even then people wouldn’t recognise me, we talked some and then the fight happened. Afterward I was incredibly concerned for everyone who was there, especially for the people who I either knew their identities or who I cared about more about.”
“Well like my roommate or my coworkers,” Grian says, “But back on track, I heard that Grian Helios went missing and quite a few of the other vigilantes started to try and track him down. I normally work alone as Poultry Man and after the incident I got new powers from the magic possession mushroom shit. I used them to find him quicker, then of course the fight from earlier today happened and I was concerned that you would once again almost die. I forgot about being careful about my secrets and did my best to save you. I didn’t want to relive what had previously happened.”
Grian finishes talking and there’s silence until Hotguy speaks up, “You didn’t happen to see under my mask did you?”
“No, all though I will admit that I considered looking to see who you are.”
“Then why didn’t you?” Hotguy asks him.
“It’s not my secret to know, just like how I told you that I’m Cuteguy, that was my secret to tell. But I would only expect you to tell me who you are if you somehow learned who I am.” Grian explains.
“Hm… Are you gonna start being Cuteguy again?” 
“I don’t know.”
“Let me know if you do, okay?”
“Sure,” Grian tells him while standing up, “I talked to Cleo by the way, they’re willing to let you stay here until tomorrow if needed.”
“Okay, thanks for letting me know.”
“You’re welcome, Also… Thank you.”
Scar stands in front of the door to his apartment as he considers the conversation that he had with Poultry Man or well Cuteguy earlier. He could have seen who Scar is but he didn’t look, this is the second time that Scar almost died due to The Red Ones. It’s quite possible that either Cleo or Mumbo will just tell him that Scar is Hotguy but he doubts it, however there's someone else who Scar should probably tell. He shakily walks through the door and to his delight sees Grian sitting wrapped in a blanket on the couch. As Scar walks in, Grian looks up at him and smiles, “Hi Scar.”
“Grian!” Scar yells happily as he heads over, “Are you okay?”
“I mean the whole kidnapping thing was a lot to handle but I feel fine now.”
“Are you sure?” He asks while sitting down.
“Yeah really, I feel fine. Honestly it was kind of weird, The Red King tried to tell me that I don’t drink enough water.”
“Wait really?”
“Yep, I think that they were just trying to lure people there.”
“You good Scar?” Grian asks.
“I- I think I know why this all happened.” Scar tells him.
“What do you mean?”
“I- I have something to tell you.”
“Which is?”
“Okay so you know how they kidnapped you?” Scar explains.
“Scar, I think that I know I was kidnapped.” 
“Can you keep a secret G?”
“Scar, you have no idea how many secrets I’ve kept.” Grian says.
“I- okay. I’m, actually nevermind.” Scar says.
“Okay?” Grian says in a confused tone.
“What?” Scar asks.
“Sorry, Sorry,” Grian laughs, “I was just expecting some sort of big reveal.”
“That makes sense.”
“So, you want to binge watch the life game movies tomorrow?” Grian asks.
“Sure, should we invite any of the others?”
Okay maybe Scar was being a coward to not admit it, but to be fair that would probably break the contract that he signed with the GFHA. The last thing that Scar needs is to become a public enemy for breaking his contract.
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frozenjokes · 6 months
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literally did not have room for his civillian alter ego ‘Micah’ so I’m just gonna describe him. Micah looks somewhat similar though he has more visible scars, darker, longer hair with a few gray streaks (often pulled back in a tiny ponytail), and generally looks a bit older. In the fic Grian mistakes him and HotGuy for brothers, though does not suspect anything otherwise because Micah is a complete freak in ways that are not the same as HotGuy. Micah also has to pretend not to be disabled, something very stressful given his legs and parts of his back are very Gone. (replaced by realistic looking prosthetics, and a lot of very unethical genetic experimentation, but look close enough and it’s relatively clear something is up.) Micah only tends to go out at night for this reason.
fic has shipping (cubscar, grub, eventually cubscarian) but if you’re interested here is the link. Most fics can be read without context of the others, so if you’re only interested in specific ships or characters then there is also that. here’s your food
As for backstory, Scar comes from a very wealthy family and was happily setting off to go to college in the big city when at the ripe age of 18, a bomb went off on campus, killing and injuring several students, including him. In an effort to save Scar’s life, his parents had his take part in several extremely unethical and extremely experimental procedures that lasted the course of years, altering the make-up of his body to such extremes that he is extraordinarily physically sturdy, and while he gets injured similarly to how normal people do, he remains unaffected by the damage, only needing to be stitched back together by doctors before he’s back in working order. It’s difficult for him to feel most physical sensations, and he longs to be close to people he doesn’t feel threatened by.
His venture into the work of a superhero was spurred on by a strong desire to prevent the things that happened to him from happening to others, and because of the circumstances of his disability and past, as well as his charisma and confidence, he ended up becoming famous relatively quickly, and has been working as a superhero ever since.
In a world of fantastical humanoid species where your only power is Not Easy To Kill, HotGuy doesn’t exceed at his job, but he does damn well for himself most of the time, and is an excellent entertainer. He often latches on to certain people and villains, dreaming of different approaches to improve lives and make the world he lives in just a tad less shitty.
btw if you have any questions or asked me anything about this au whether you’ve read the fic or not it would make my day <3 I love to talk about my ocs goodtimeswithscar, cubfan135, and grian
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ladyevol · 2 months
I decided to sketch some of the characters for hotguymustdie. Having visual references for the characters really helps me
Have Hotguy, Scar, Cuteguy, Grian, Ariana Griande and Bad. I decided to make Bad and Ariana be the main antagonists of this AU because I think it is pretty fitting to have Grian and Scar's alter egos be their greatest foes, though in this AU they are just their siblings.
Bad is the mayor of Hermitcraftia and his own selfish actions lead to people in the city getting hurt and then lashing out, leading to more people getting hurt in a never ending cicle. He isn't some evil mastermind or anything, but he does have a lot of charisma and magic that emphasizes that.
On the other hand, Ariana is a pop star and the heir to her family as the descendant of the watchers who can stay the longest in her watcher form, leading for people to believe she is destined to become a watcher. She is a planner and believes her family and the Watchers to be the ones who were destined to rule over the world.
Also, I know that twink Grian is more popular, but I'm a huge fan of Otter grian, so this is what you get in this AU.
For Scar, well, he is your lovable depressed himbo.
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amethystfairy1 · 9 months
hi! i’ve been following ttsbc and traveling thieves for a while, and was wondering about the similarities between Scar and Doc in ttsbc
Doc, an orphan, was “adopted” by The Labs as a child and experimented on with biotech and stuff until he escaped with the help of Etho and a murderous pallet
Scar, an orphan, was “adopted” by the Biotech Institute and got biotech in his legs and eyes and still uses biotech legs to HotGuy. escaped Institute control with a lot of Cub’s help
i was just thinking they’d relate to each other a lot, maybe?
thank you! <3
Hello hello!
I'm so happy to hear you've enjoyed both my current WIP AUs!
You're right they do parallel each other quite a lot, don't they? It's no secret that we will one day be getting a Scar shovel talk fic, and maybe after Doc has his fill of terrifying the poor guy into treating his pesky bird right, they'll have a little heart-to-heart?
I will say that while we know about Doc's tragic backstory, that's actually a pretty taboo subject amongst the oddball family. Neither Etho nor Doc ever discuss their childhood, and they don't ever tell their full story of how they met/lost limbs and eyes/got together/accidentally started a coup, not to their kids or to anyone, really. It's not something they like discussing. Grian, Pearl, and Jimmy are well aware of that, so I dunno if that sort of thing would even come up with Scar...considering he's yet again quite similar.
Scar hasn't told anyone aside from Cub about his 'adoption' or the hero program. Even then, he's been vague on the details, and Cub is his best friend of over fifteen years by this point...his boyfriend is still in the dark about a lot of this stuff...but you know what that makes for, right?
So we'll get there. Y'know. Eventually.
Thanks for coming by! 💖
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mochiwrites · 4 months
Hiya Mochi!!! :D Hope you're doing okay!
For the hero au, is Scar still investigating his family like in the other version of the hot n cute au?
hihi!!! I’m doing alright <33 I hope you’re doing okay as well :D
to answer your question, currently that’s not something I’ve included in the story outline !! scar has a totally different motivation for becoming hotguy that doesn’t involve his family’s… questionable business choices, so I’m not sure if it’d jive well </3
but that’s something that could change in the future as I work with the story more and develop things 👀👀👀
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lavaramen · 1 year
I want to know e v e r y thing about this hunger games au
Ahhhhh We're making it up as we go *sweating*taps mic*shuffles through notes*In this essay I will-
Here's some key pieces tho:
-Scar is a hunter and Grian is a apprentice carpenter who helps him with traps, they scrape by in District 12.
-When Grian was picked for the Hunger Games, Scar volunteered to replace him, when that didn't work, he volunteers to be the second person.
-Hunger-Games!Life-Series would definitely be slower paced and give the tributes a chance to build relationships and houses like the canonical life series.
-Mumbo is a secret member of the force of revolution while being in a wealthy family in the top districts. He went out of his way to become Scar and Grian's mentor as there was this vacancy because nobody in Dis.12 has won before.
-Mumbo also builds that parade float in steampunk-mumbo style because yay Redstone engineer! Scar would definitely randomly self-combust and catch fire and rip his clothes off to show some abs because Scar.
-Aaaaand that is part of the reason why they're the most popular couple to the sponsors.
-The build up and the poisonous berry scene goes the same with the cactus ring wahhhhhhh
What goes after :
-Plot-twist Scar didn't die from the poisonous berry! He was reformed and brainwashed to use against Grian as “hostage”, also secret agent hitman HotGuy. (this has further details
-Grian is devastated and refused to acknowledge Mumbo and the revolution until Mumbo brought word that Scar is alive. Mockingjay arc!
-Mumbo was blackboxed into the next games because he was suspected for his mole actions. He turns full wet cat as his resources were cut off however he combat that by HANDMAKING EXPLOSIVES aka end crystals. He was busted out by the revolution later on in the match.
Aaaand that's about it for now
Great kudos to @itslifetreesworld!!!!! They have the absolute amazing au ideas!!! I think 80%+ ideas in this au is theirs and they are absolutely awesome! 😭 feel free to shout at me/us if anyone want to add some info or share a thought on this au, would be very happy😭 The other duos and participants would def rock this au too
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athenam · 1 year
so I was listening to a song and I had an idea
superhero au with hotguy and cuteguy, as usual, but the Evo members are villains that are part of a villain rehab group, like suicide squad but they decided to become heros after leaving the watchers, who are the villains. Shenanigans ensue, found families are formed, and people learn how to deal with trauma
Please someone take this idea and run with it, I can't draw or write but I need this to come into existence.
the song that enspired this is under the cut
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fujin-s · 1 year
clockers mafia au
this au is centred around the clockers, obviously.
name of the au: flowers grown from bones au
Premise: The Met is a big city. Big cities are bound to be eaten up by snakes. In this case, a zombie arsonist and her two sons. The Clockers mafia is the city's top dog. Get on their bad side, well, you get on the city's bad side. It wasn't that they knew everyone - no, they just knew the right people. Most people don't expect their 'normal' lives to be so... strange.
some characters [ of(name) is sort of like a clan thing, "name" is like an alias]
Cleo of Zombie: full time arsonist and accidental mafia boss. Mother of two: Scar and Bdubs. Somehow (platonically) married to Etho (of Slab). Dangerously loyal. has strange taste in fashion, and if you mention it or call her group Cockers (and you're not Scar/Bdubs) she will stab you.
Scar "Goodtimes": trapper and engineer extraordinaire for the Clockers, part-time decorator. Son of Cleo & Etho and brother to Bdubs. Enjoys the occasional boom boom and murder, the good child in the family compared to Bdubs. Had a phase as a hero "Hotguy" though he was labelled more of a vigilante due to his vaguely violent tendencies.
Bdubs "B00": Right hand man and enforcer for the Clockers. Carries a lot of clocks on him. Son of Cleo & Etho and brother to Scar. Easily riled up and impulsive but places a lot on honour, which led to a duel on the streets once. Favored by the dad and his friends at his company. Used to like them too, until they tried to trap him.
Etho of Slab: from a vague, fallen ninja-esque clan. One of the leaders for the T.I.E.S. group, a company that manufactures a lot of things and owns one of the Met's largest ports. Accidentally married Cleo and now the absent dad jokes won't stop. Just wants Bdubs to come over his side, but wouldn't mind if it was the whole family together.
Grian of Evo: Demolitions expert and city local, part of the Bad Boys, a small but strong(ish) group of three, aspiring mafia. Cousin to Clockers, though most are unaware. Has a grudge against T.I.E.S., recently allied with Clockers, and not the biggest fan of Pearl. Once went into a trance for almost a whole week, without explanation.
Pearl of Evo: dangerous, known as the Scarlet Witch. Made an explosive debut as a solo a year back, enjoys scaring the hell out of people now. DOes whatever she wants, and hangs out with BigB mainly because she found him first. Calls themselves the Neighbors. Has history with Cleo, Scott and Grian, though the former two was complicated most knew the nature of it, the latter was a bit harder to explain.
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starlightandroses · 24 days
Oh emails!!!
... Oh Bdubs XD "admin/arguments_bdubs_has_won"
"sent everyone a photo of Scar in his Hotguy costume minus the shirt" CUB?????????????
RIP Bdubs trying to start a rivalry meanwhile Cub's just chillin'
"Cuteguy: who is answering hotguy's emails and why have you sent me a list of top supernovas! this is NOT HELPFUL" Au contrare Cuteguy that sounds EXTREMELY helpful-
CHICKENS WITH LASERS y'all it's nearly 11pm and my family's asleep and I'm trying not to wake them up by laughing this entire email thingy is GOLD
"Alternately I also have a great recipe for roast chicken" 🤣
Oh of COURSE Scar's recording a commercial-
"It starts to play the Lilo and Stitch movie audio" CUB YOU'RE EVIL
Oh and after all that of course CG has HG's number- XD
... 2031, huh. Interesting.
More Mumblr! Genuinely if any of these showed up in my dashboard I would not bat an eye, they're written so well
Huh, professional hostage? That's intere-WAIT IS THAT MUMBLESPLASH???
I am currently going absolutely insane over ALL of this just so y'all know-
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 5 months
Okay okay I am THINKING abt hotguy family! And! What if Mumbo is like a super Hotguy fan. Like government funded Hotguy fan. And he doesn't know Grian is Cuteguy.
So Grian betrays Hotguy and has this inner turmoil over it because he knows he did the right thing, but Scar can't see that. And he feels guilty for leaving him. AND on top of that Mumbo K Jumbo cannot stop complaining to Grian abt it. "Can you believe Cuteguy BETRAYED Hotguy!!! I mean, who does that?!" "Hotguy's been taking more breaks since the Cuteguy incident he must be DEVASTATED"
FROTHING AT THE MOUTH. YEAGH. what if Grians housing was provided to him by Gigacorp so when he cuts ties he moves in with Mumbo but can't tell him the real reason. and Mumbo is such a megafan that he has the posters and everything and Grian has to see Hotguy's face everyday while living with him. dndufosanavsjsldbsldd
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smoozie · 5 months
ok ive been thinking about the HG fam au more and. what if since pearl, gem, and impulse were all members of the rebellion, and scar and cub both served king ren (and grian was sort of on that team too) ive bren thinking like, what if the au was set in some kind of corporate dystopia-type setting with Gigacorp as the megacorporation/government and Hotguy and Cuteguy are government-backed heroes while Hotgal and Cutegal are true vigilantes who oppose them. and since Grian also helped the Soup Group what if Cuteguy leaked some of the hotguy tech to Impulse/Gem/Pearl and thats how they were able to reverse-engineer it to become Cutegal and Hotgal. idk. thoughts. runs away
Dude I love this!!! It also works so well with where I am rn cause I did some mostly canon outfit mockups for Scar and Grian and didn't like them cuz they seemed too boring. So I redid them as more fun bug fits. BUT if Cuteguy and Hotguy start off as government funded heros and later turn to Gem and Pearl's team (Grian first then Scar) then they could have the drab outfits AND get fun bug fits for the vigilante team!
Maybe Grian leaking information gets revealed and it's this dramatic moment where they try to arrest him but he escapes and joins Soup Group. And then Scar is left trying to figure out what to do because he trusted Grian! And now he doesn't know how to feel abt Gigacorp OR Grian. Could be really fun!!
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featheredenby · 3 months
“In any case she can’t wait to see Grian’s article, nothing like some good old dislike for the GFHA to get the blood pumping.”
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Word Count: 1,430
Part Eight Of: Show Your Fangs
A Superhero AU of Empires SMP/Hermitcraft/The Life Series/Artimator SMP
Grian sits on his couch looking for reference articles for the newest article about the masquerade that he has to write. It’s not like he needs the references as he was there and can definitely write a better article with his eyes closed but there’s no way that he’s gonna track down any of the GFHA heroes. Not after he told the most famous one (Hotguy) the information that Poultry Man is a reporter who likes to fish and then as Grian brought him into his house. It would just be too risky, too easy to piece it together that Grian (the reporter with multiple fishing related keychains) is the same person as Poultry Man (the vigilante who admitted to being a reporter who enjoys fishing). However, that's when (because nothing can go his way) he sees an email from his coworker (and close friend) Joel, Grian the GFHA is looking for a reporter to do an interview with one of the heroes, they didn’t say which, we told them that you would do it. Go to The Mythical Tavern at 3:30 pm to do the interview. Of course. Now Grian has to once again hide his fractured wing and he has to do an interview because the government wants good press.
Lizzie sits on the sofa wrapped in a blanket next to Scott and Jimmy, seventy-two hours later and she’s still dealing with the unpleasant effects of a near hypothermic death. It’s nice at least that she doesn’t have any cases coming up and she gets to spend time with her family. Well that is her sibling and Scott, Jimmy’s boyfriend, they look pretty cute too, curled up and sleeping on one of the other sofas. Another brightside to her being home is that she doesn’t have to spend hours at a time hiding her mutant fetechers, it’s the same for Jimmy and Scott too. Jimmy doesn’t have to hide his wings and pointed ears and Scott doesn’t have to hide his antlers. Vrrt- Lizzie’s phone buzzes and she reaches to grab it, looking at the screen she sees a new text from Gem, Hey Lizzie! I know that you like gossip so, Sausage told me that Hotguy is at his restaurant doing an interview for The Hermit Times. Thought that you would find that interesting. Now that is interesting and if Lizzie wasn’t still suffering from hypothermia she would throw on her Mayor costume and head out. Maybe she can get Scott to go out as Cromia once he and Jimmy wake up. In any case she can’t wait to see Grian’s article, nothing like some good old dislike for the GFHA to get the blood pumping.
Scar stands at the bar of The Mythical Tavern and gets many strange looks which is honestly to be expected. To start off he’s technically Hermitopia’s hero and second he’s in his full Hotguy get up. Scar honestly wishes that the GFHA could have sent one of Empires City’s heroes; they have plenty to be honest. Then again when Scar was told that he would have to do this he was told that they had gotten some reporter from The Hermit Times, specifically Grian Helios. Of course said Grian Helios is Scar’s roommate who also patched up his burn and of course Grian has been less than about Hotguy in his articles. According to the last article (about when the Faker escaped from prison) “Hotguy is apparently a hero but according to statistics of his recent battle with the Faker, the vigilante C-fire saved thirteen more people that him.” Of course Grian had helped him on friday but then again Poultry Man had asked Grian to and it’s different when there were no civilians and this time it’s an interview. 
“Ahem. Hotguy?”
“Hm?” Scar looks over and sees that Grian has arrived.
“So you’re the hero that I have to interview?” Grian asks.
“Yep.” Scar tells him.
“Right let's get to the point,” Grian says,”My job wants me to interview you for a newspaper article on the fight that happened at Cleo Zie’s cafe The Cozy Cave.”
At this point Scar sees the owner of the Mythical Tavern who he heard referred to as Sausage comes up to them, “Welcome to The Mythical Tavern. What can I get for you?”
“I’ll just get a coffee.” Grian orders.
“Can I have hot chocolate?” Scar asks.
“Sure. I’ll get those to you in just a minute.”
Scar looks over and sees Grian pulling out a notepad, pen, and audio recorder. “Do you mind if I record this? I want to review it later when I get home.”
Grian clicks on the recorder, “So,” he says flipping open the notepad,”Why exactly were so many heroes and vigilantes at the cafe on friday evening?”
“Well, as many people know the owner of the cafe Cleo Zie allows for the cafe to be used as an event venue and the vigilante Time Witch or as known by some people The Unkillable One was hosting a masquerade party.”
“Hm. Okay, and what heroes and vigilantes were there?”
“Well we were all in costume so I couldn’t tell you all of them but I know that the heroes there included The Wolf Spirit, The Huntress, and Canary Call.”
“So you’re telling me that all but two of the GFHA’s heroes were there that night?”
“Yes. As for the vigilantes there was Poultry Man, The Mayor, Cromia, and of course Time Witch.”
“And were there any villains other than The Red Ones?”
“Oh yeah, The Faker was there too.” Scar tells him.
Somehow Grian doesn’t look surprised in the slightest, “Okay then, can you recount the events of the night for me?”
“Sure,” Scar says,”When I got there a lot of people had already arrived but since I normally use crutches to get around I couldn’t dance so I wandered around for a bit before I saw someone standing in a corner. I introduced myself and we chatted for a bit before they left to use the bathroom, soon after they left the Red Ones arrived. When they got there I hid in a bathroom and learned that the person who I had been talking to was Poultry Man. The rest is a bit blurry but we fought The Red Ones, The Red Witch was taken into custody, and I got a nasty burn.”
“Mhm…” Grian replies as their drinks arrive.
“Well,” Scar asks, “Do you have any other questions?”
“Not really,” Grian sips his coffee, “actually I do have one. What is The GFHA planning to do about the fact that there are three villains currently on the loose?”
“To my knowledge there is not currently a plan.” Scar informs him.
“Interesting.” Grian responds while writing something down.
“Can I ask you a question?” Scar inquires.
“You know what you wrote in your last article? About the vigilante C-Fire saving more lives than me?”
“Yes? What about it?”
“I’m just wondering why you wrote it.”
“I work for a newspaper and my job is to cover the political analysis section,” Grian reminds him, “It’s my job.”
“Well,” he says while getting up, ”Thank you for the interview, I’ll make sure that you get one of the first copies.”
Knock. Knock. Knock. Someone is pounding at the door to Grian’s apartment. He stands up from his desk where his laptop is out with the first draft of his article “Cozy Cave Catastrophe” on it. It better not be Timmy the last time that he’d come knocking on Grian’s door he and Scar had had to disinfect, stitch, and wrap a stab wound. Grian enters the kitchen and realises the time, ten thirty-seven pm. Normally no one comes to the door that late. Looking around Grian finds a baseball bat that Cleo must have left the last time that she was there. He picks it up and walks over to open the door while clutching it in a visible manner. “Hello,” he says while opening the door, “Can I help you?”
It’s safe to say that the people who he sees outside of the door shock him. Crown, ears, cape and all in front of him is The Red King and standing next to him is the vigilante C-fire with a triumphant look on her face and a brand new outfit. “What do you want?” Grian asks them.
“Oh that’s pretty simple,” The Red King tells him, “We want bait.”
As soon as he says this something falls on Grian knocking him out.
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frozenjokes · 4 months
special greetings from the au guy (it’s me. i’m the au guy)
hello! You can call me Elsa or Frozen (she/her) (adult, 20s) I am a certified yapper and absolutely LOVE chatting about interests/art/my aus so if don’t be afraid to reach out and send an ask! I will talk soooooo much I love talking (all ao3 commenters know this very well by now lol)
I’m aromantic and the autism lives strong in me, and these are both things I write and talk about constantly! I am not ace. Do not call me aroace, as being aromantic but not asexual is an important part of my identity. (This happens far more often than you’d think)
Check out my current and finished projects! Ao3 Link
Boatem Ghosts AU Link: After Scar murders the crew of his pirate ship, he is haunted and cursed by each other their spirits, chronic pain mirroring the way that each member died. Mumbo struggles between the grief of Scar’s sudden betrayal and his failure to connect with the rest of his deceased crew, unable to relate in their shared desire for revenge.
Watcher Scar AU Link: Scar is a Watcher, a shepard of wolves as he struggles to navigate the world of Hermitcraft without hurting his friends or revealing his grave secret. But to put it bluntly, he and his pack are starving. There is not enough emotion to sustain himself here, and as a result, his body is withering away. He has no choice but to ask for Grian’s help in the creation of Third Life, but when Scar dies sooner than expected, vulnerable and unable to heal in his weakened state, his Watchers take things into their own hands, and Grian pays the ultimate price.
Martyn and Jimmy, unbeknownst to Scar, are Listeners, and they hear everything.
Mumbomaid AU Link: Originally a series of plot-light mermaid mumscarian slow burn oneshots, this has evolved into a much deeper clusterfuck about love. Love between friends, families, species. Aromantic love, unrequited love, relearning how to love someone or simply learning to love in the first place after no one bothered to teach you.
Cubscarian HotGuy AU Link: HotGuy falls head over heels for the most normal looking guy in town who probably couldn’t give less of a shit about superheroes in he tried.
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ladyevol · 2 months
Decided to add some more info on the characters in my first fic for this AU other than Scar. Here is some extra info! And you can read the fic here:
Grian Xelqua/ Cuteguy-
Grian is a descendant of the watchers, beings of incredible power said to rule over the universe. While no one has been able to become a true watcher in centuries, their descendants still have powers such as the ability to grow wings, illusion abilities, clairvoyance and others. The descendants of the watchers are normally at the top of whatever society they find themselves in and the Xelqua family was no different. Grian was the youngest of two siblings, however, unlike his sister, he was deemed too weak to ever become a true watcher, leading to him running away from home. He lived on the streets and worked as a mercenary by the name of Poultryman for a while before meeting Hotguy. Despite being very hostile at first, he ended up befriending Hotguy and joining him. Now, he shares an apartment with his best friend, Mumbo, and works as a secretary in the permit office. He has a crush on Scar, but often feels frustrated towards how he carries himself considering his position.
Bad Times/Mayor-
Scar's twin brother and the mayor of the city. Bad is the closest thing to a true antagonist to Scar. He is someone incredibly selfish and greedy, but also very charismatic and often uses his charisma to get what he wants. Almost all threats Scar faces are caused directly or indirectly by the government in general and while he will work with his twin, it is always in exchange for something. Like Scar, he is the descendant of witches and vexes and, therefore, can use magic, though he normally doesn't use it to do any fighting. Both him and Scar were born in Boatem, however, after their parents were killed in a mysterious fire, the twins were sent to be adopted by Etho, a famous hunter of the time and a family friend. He has a crush on Ariana Griande.
Ariana Xelqua/Ariana Griande-
A famous popstar and the older sister of Grian. Like her brother, she is a watcher descendant and uses her power to control the masses and increase her popularity. She has chosen the name Ariana Griande as a mockery of her brother, who she sees as beneath her and her family. She is also the heiress of the Xelqua family and believed to be the closest person to becoming a true watcher in the present.
Pearl Moon
Previously one of the hunters of the city, after being bitten by a werewolf and acquiring lycanthropy, Pearl was forced into an early retirement and, instead, took a job in the postal office. The hunters are meant to prevent the creatures that spawn from dark areas at night from attacking people and essentially act as police officers or military officials who specialize in killing monsters. Pearl is Scar and Grian's friend and neighbor and is normally a very level headed person who will do anything for her friends, though she is known for having a bad taste in men. Unrelated, her and Scar did date briefly in the past, but that didn't go anywhere.
Mumbo Jumbo
Mumbo is pretty much the guy of the group. He is the son of vampires, however, unlike the rest of his family, he was born as a normal man away from the city, but moved in to become an engineer on the surface, while also allowing his family to hunt freely from time to time.
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