#<- not directly shippy but it is about Them as a pairing so
ty-bayonet-betteridge · 5 months
Cuteguy was always a small man. But somehow, right now, he looks smaller than ever. Maybe it's the new costume, its bright colors in stark contrast to the black bodysuit he wore as a Gigacorp employee. Maybe it's the fact that he's unarmed, Hotguy having broken the other man's bow in the fight. Maybe it's the way his wings are folded flat against his back.
Or maybe it's the way he's cowering against the floor of the alleyway, pinned beneath Hotguy, tears in his eyes and anger on his face. Maybe it's the bolt of the crossbow that's pressed right against his throat, Hotguy's finger quivering by the trigger.
He can kill him. One shot and it's done. Ever since Cuteguy defected and joined those... those terrorists, Cutegal and Hotgal, Gigacorp has had an active kill order out for him. Cuteguy is dangerous, after all.
Hotguy knows he can kill Cuteguy. But Scar...
Scar can't get past the way Grian is looking at him.
Grian's mouth moves, but with the bolt against his neck, he can't speak. Still, Scar identifies the word he mouths at him.
Scar sits up, releasing Grian from his hold. "Get the hell out of here," he growls. Grian spreads his brilliant Pink Forrester wings and takes off without a word.
Scar stands still for a long time. When he moves, he reaches for the body camera clipped to his suit. He pulls it off, drops it to the ground, and crushes it beneath his boot.
When he files his patrol report that night, Hotguy says he encountered nothing of note, but that his body cam was irreparably damaged by a bad trip and fall. It'll be believable enough; he's in good standing in the company, and he's known for being somewhat clumsy.
It's the first lie he's ever told Gigacorp.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 8 months
WIP Whenever
@gloryride @merge-conflict and @ouroboros-hideout tagged me. Thanks chooms! I have a couple of things in progress right now...
I recently learned posing so I'm working on a "Just Chooms" pack, as I sometimes want paired poses that aren't necessarily romantic. I'm trying to make some of them interchangeable to add reusability.
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I haven't been working directly on any of my WIPs the last few days because @marine-123 asked a question on Saturday's shippy post that I've been chewing on ever since: How do V's friends react when they find out she's dating Rosalind Myers? This is a great exercise for me in figuring out Val's relationships in this universe. Also, it's giving me subjects for testing my poses!
Here's a little of what I've got so far:
Val is cautious about telling people once she and Rosalind start dating. They are trying to keep things under wraps—even if they know it's ultimately futile and the media will find out—and she doesn't want to mess things up. She's always been a fuck-up and a flake in relationships, but she's taking this one seriously. Misty is initially the only person she trusts enough to talk to about Rosalind, and she's known about her from the moment Val got back from Dogtown. Misty believes her about the “fling”, even if she doesn't quite get it. Later when Rosalind and V start texting regularly, Misty hears about it all the time. Sometimes she even shuts V down because all she wants to do is discuss the nuances Rosalind's word choice from the same text message for the hundredth time, and sometimes that's just one time too many for Misty.
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Tagging with no pressure to share something you're working on: @dani-the-goblin @kdval @streetkid-named-desire @butchsquatch @mirandaputsherbestbuttforward @valrez and @cp2077thotsociety 👀👀👀
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number1villainstan · 3 months
For the Utena ask game: 2, 3, 9, 11?
2. favorite episode (bonus: favorite scene)
Cop out answer, but I'm genuinely not familiar enough with the show to have a single favorite episode. I've only watched it all the way through once, and I'm still in the middle of a second rewatch (it's a group rewatch, the Utena Weekly thing that's going on on the Empty Movement forum). That being said, I really like Wakaba's second episode in the Black Rose arc, and the Tale of the Rose episode in the Akiopocalypse arc. And Nanami's two parter (also in the Akiopocalypse arc).
I love the scenes of fake domestic bliss between Wakaba and Saionji in the BR arc for entirely selfish shippy reasons--they're so damn bittersweet, a taste of what could have been, and you hope desperately that this can keep going even though you know that it can't, even though you know that it's only able to function because of the choking secrecy and play-pretend. Even though you know it's gotta come crashing down around their ears.
Tale of the Rose doesn't have one specific favorite scene for me, but I really like this episode because it does genuinely so much heavy lifting in the context of the show. It gives you two different versions of the same story, and both of those versions give you so much information, both directly and indirectly, about the world of Ohtori, how to decode its symbols, what Really Happened when Utena was a child, how the systems of Ohtori function and what their basis is. I called it the 'lore climax' on my first watchthrough, I think? And I stand by it. Because holy shit. The first half is a great little play, but the second half is like the Flashback To End All Flashbacks.
Nanami's two parter in the Akiopocalypse arc--probably my favorite scene in that episode is right after Nanami 'loses' the duel. It's such a wild emotional ride to see her get hit with a car and then still be standing. Still be on her own two feet. I genuinely think I might have been close to crying from triumph during my first watchthrough when I watched this scene.
3. favorite arc
Oh man, I almost wanna say the Black Rose arc? It's definitely the weakest of all the arcs, but it's got more focus on a lot of the characters that I'm drawn to more than I'm drawn to Utena (rip Utena, you're a great character but you're just not my type). Specifically I'm thinking the focus on Wakaba and Mikage's whole deal. Akiopocalypse is also a solid contender, because of how much it fleshes out Anthy (another of my faves) and also how well it ties all of the themes of RGU together. Seriously, RGU is like a masterclass in how to tell a story and it's going to be influencing my writing for ever and ever.
9. favorite aspect of the show to analyze/read analysis about
I think my favorite thing to analyze (not necessarily read analysis about) used to be Saionji and his relationship to and position in the systems of Ohtori? But I'm not sure if it's that anymore. At this point I'd probably read literally any analysis ever about anything about this show.
11. favorite and/or most interesting relationship (doesn't have to be romantic)
hhhhhhh DEFINITELY Wakaba/Saionji. It's definitely A Ship but IDK if I interpret it as strictly romantic, but I've definitely written for it (go check out setting down roots for a look at a post-Ohtori possibility for them. Although it was one of the monthly short pieces that was only one draft, so it doesn't cohere quite as well as I would have liked it to, especially on the symbolic side). They have SO MANY PARALLELS (to me). They could have broken down Ohtori themselves if Ohtori's systems hadn't doomed them from the start. They're an intensely tragic pair but only in the specific circumstances that canon put them in. I go crazy over them every time.
the ask game is here
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thegeminisage · 6 months
it's star trek update time!! last night* we watched tng's "gambit part i" and ds9's "invasive procedures." *earlier tonight but i am typing this at stupid o clock and letting it post itself tmrw.
gambit part i (tng):
had high hopes for this one initially. i love it when they put on civilian clothes, for starters, and also we got a little riker e worf e deanna before we ALSO got e beverly and the joke about her 1. being riker's sister (shoutout to that trill episode where she wouldn't fuck him at first because she said he was like a brother to her) and 2. picard getting her knocked up BECAUSE LIKE HE ABSOLUTELY DID KNOCK HER UP WITH WESLEY CRUSHER THEIR AFFAIR BABY really sent me to the fucking stratosphere. tng's been pretty watchable lately so i was giving it quite a lot of benefit of the doubt
unfortunately, we went directly from that to riker yelling at deanna for no reason...i always really disliked riker's relationship with picard. he's so weirdly hyperprotective of him in a way beyond his job duties. it doesn't feel like coworkers or friends or equals or even like it's supposed to be secretly shippy the way spock and jim were - riker is too overprotective for it to even be likened to a lover's realtionship. it also doesn't even really feel fatherly, like picard is stepping in for riker's shitheel of a dad. actually, riker almost acts like picard is HIS child. it is SOOO fucking unsexy and uncomfortable
physically grinding my teeth once picard DID show back up because with ANY other two characters this would have been fantastic. riker and worf. riker and deanna. riker and literally anyone because he has that kind of chemistry and down to clown attitude. even picard could have been ok paired with beverly or data or someone he actually works well with. it could have been ANYONE. even two people who don't talk to each other much like geordi and deanna or whatever. instead we got these like truly fantastic moments of noverbal communication and mutual scheming and pretending not to know each other while actually knowing each other sooo well and it was with the LEAST fun combination of characters out of the ENTIRE cast!!!!!!! augh
it's not even that the writing was bad. i'm annoyed because the writing in this section was GOOD. but picard and riker's relationship is bad, so it soured the whole experience
anyway, i think riker should have battled his eyelashes at that wrinkled little alien when he wanted info from him. instead of whatever that was. also he was making REALLY good faces when they were torturing him with that neck thing and he was on the floor. that's a rage glare. a kill you look. mwah
oh side bar i physically could not look at geordi this episode. so that's been fun.
invasive procedures (ds9):
oh girl we are In It
firstly, odo's little bucket prison. that was SO sad because he doesn't goop in front of people. i felt horrible for him. my poor best friend odo
i really like how ambiguous it is like how much of jadzia dax is jadzia and how much is dax. does dax have his? her? their? own personality and all, or are they just the sum of their past hosts? when dax was inside that other guy, did part of them want to get out and go back to jadzia where they chose to be to begin with? to save jadzia's life? or do they not care? is dax themself not super sentient unless they're inside a host and then that host's personality is sort of dominant? so many questions.........trills are fascinating conceptually bc there's no clear definitive answers, so i was really dismayed that dax was easily the most boring character in season 1. but now!!!!!
ok, before we get into it, i have to say also, the cast rallying around dax/jadzia...really really good. actually, all their interactions with one another were spot on. bashir being SO NICEYS with odo's little bucket prison and then quark also springing odo from the bucket prison, bashir absolutely chomping at the BIT to treat o'brien's phaser wound, kira threatening quark on jadzia's behalf, quark tackling that klingon to save her/redeem himself. oh yeah and kira saying with her Whole chest that if odo's free there's no way any of the bad guys are escaping the station. my future otp......................
speaking of quark i did say the worst thing in the world to catherine while we were watching which is "this is what he sounds like when odo's plowing him" and the longer the noises went on the worse it became for her and the funnier it became for me. cathy when you read this you have my apologies
i did feel a little weird about julian stroking jadzia's face when she was naked and vulnerable recovering from worm surgery (the worm surgery was GREAT by the way) when she has explicitly and repeatedly turned him down in the past, but i'm giving it a reluctant benefit-of-the-doubt pass on account of he felt terrible about what he'd had to do and probably just wanted to comfort her, and considering the state she was in there weren't very many other ways/places to touch her except her head and maybe her hands. also i forgive him because him talking back to that klingon was sooo fun
i would have also liked for this episode to push on the insanity of being bonded to a symbiont and then being forcibly unbonded. like its just now striking me that curzon died alone. beverly's little trill boyfriend died alone. jadzia would have died alone, too. and the dax part just has to move on. like that's crazy. does dax grieve for past hosts? or would it be like grieving for yourself? what is it like seeing dax inside another body when they've been inside yours for almost your entire adult life?
but actually what i really wanted was to see this bad guy's insanity reflected in jadzia. instead of saying oh man i feel so alone she could have been like. more of a wreck. and conversely, he would have been that same kind of wreck after dax got taken back out of him. that would have been cool.
i would also like to know how the dax part felt about forcibly being put in another body they never wanted to be. are they fighting with themselves? himself? the host wants things to stay as they are but dax doesn't, so what happens? does it not feel like an awful violation? i could have used 5 more minutes of that episode
also. sorry. dax and sisko................"i wish we could have made it three" it's, sorry, toph and aang and korra core. do you think friendships can last more than one lifetime...........
icing on the cake was that he was so mad at the bad guy whose name i keep forgetting that he was like DONT CALL ME BENJAMIN and shot his ass stone cold. bc that was better than letting his friend be taken by this asshole lol
anyway, my final dax question is when does her hair get smaller. her head is such a weird shape. is she wearing a wig, is that's what's happening? and the rest of her head just looks weirdly big because of it? it's making me crazy.
NEXT TIME: tng's "gambit part ii" and ds9's "cardassians" AND I LOOKED IT UP AND GARAK IS FINALLY BACK!!!!!!! i can't wait....................
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rosella-writes · 1 year
happy friday!! how about “ you can rely on me, you know. ” for a pairing of your choice? :o
Thank you!! I chose some Solas & Iron Bull for this. Shippy if you squint. For @dadrunkwriting
Rating: G
"You have the Inquisitor," Solas had said. "And you have me."
Iron Bull once considered him full of shit. People say that sympathetic crap all the time, all dripping with condescension and pity and whatever else they fool themselves into thinking is empathy. But Solas is a dick, and even if Bull knows he's keeping things to himself, he's also a terrible liar. There was no lie in that promise.
And Iron Bull does have the Inquisitor. He knows that much. Despite barely reaching his belt buckle in height, Tilda Cadash is a larger-than-life force to be reckoned with, and she takes Bull's crap as seriously as she does a rasher of smoked nug flank. She doesn't pick and pry and hover and wring her hands — she waits, and she listens, and she treats him as she always has.
Solas is comforting in a different way. Their bickering over beliefs has all but quit — instead, Solas has been asking him questions, like how his people put on shirts. Iron Bull asks him if he fucks Fade-ladies. Solas turns fifteen different shades of red, and Bull wonders if they're not Fade-ladies but Fade-gents.
But then they fight one of those Fade-ladies and Bull changes his tune.
This one's important to the Fadewalker — Tilda's dragged them to the ass end of a civil war's final whimper to find her. It. Whatever. And when they discover it's turned into a demon — because of course it (she?) has — Solas loses his mind. He shouts at these mages and curses in his slippery language, and Iron Bull can't remember if he's ever heard him so much as raise his voice.
The binding falls quickly — Tilda, despite her lack of affinity for magic, seems to know exactly where to hit the spires to break them — and the spiky piece of demony horror that Iron Bull has been keeping off the others slumps, then falls. Solas runs to its side, puts up a hand to ward Bull away, and drops to his knees beside it.
It sure looks like a woman now.
He's talking to it, wringing his hands and sounding on the verge of tears. Iron Bull wants to take him away from here, away from the burning scent of death and scorched magic marks in the dirt. But he needs this.
The demon asks Solas for something, and it's like a mask of grief drops over him. Years and years show on his face, carved deep into the lines around his mouth. Bull's suddenly certain this isn't the first time this has happened to him.
That's why Tilda brought them here. That's why they rushed. That's why Solas had shouted and paced and now seemed so... dead. It's worse when he puts out his hands, and when the demon dissolves — just like the ones they kill at rifts, no different at all — Solas's face is made of flint.
He wanted to save just one, and he'd failed.
Solas kills the mages, and it's cold and dark and without mercy. Iron Bull doesn't feel anything at all when they fall — under the Qun they'd never have gotten this far, but he doesn't say that. He's not Qunari anymore anyway.
He's not surprised that the Fadewalker goes off on his own. He's a private guy, and Bull finds himself wishing he'd done the same when the dreadnought had sunk instead of drinking himself silly and making himself forget in the sparring ring. In his absence, he gets Tilda back home — Cole, in his weird-kid wisdom, follows them instead of Solas.
Iron Bull wakes up in his own bed, a week later, with Tilda shaking his arm.
"He's back," she hisses. "I can't get much out of him. Talk to him?"
Iron Bull groans and presses his head back into the soft pillow. "Or I could do what you did for me after the alliance failed and just... not talk about it."
Tilda can't focus her pale eyes on him, but she still manages to direct her mostly-blind stare directly at his face. "Solas needs different things than you do. He needs to talk or he begins to get... weird. Weirder. You know."
Iron Bull does know. He gets up.
He finds Solas hunched over some drawings in his lap, his ass sat on that sofa he's got shoved against the wall in the rotunda. There's space, so Bull sits next to him. Solas doesn't look up.
"Those look good," Iron Bull grunts, gesturing at the sketches. Solas scrubs some charcoal onto one to finish forming that demon's nose. "Looks just like her."
"It," Solas corrects him with a sniff. "Its pronouns were it and its."
Bull thinks briefly of Krem, then shakes the notion away. Demons aren't like his flesh and blood boys. "Wanna tell me about... it?"
"Why?" he snaps. "You hate spirits. Your fear has blinded you to their personhood. Do not pretend for my sake."
Bull shrugged. "Fine. I won't. I don't get it. But I do... well. I care." He tips his head to one side, then the other, then pushes through his discomfort and says with a wince, "About you."
Solas's snort speaks to his disbelief. He still doesn't look at Bull, not even sideways — he just focuses on those papers in his lap.
"You have the Inquisitor," Bull said in a low voice.
Solas's hand stills. His fingers are smudged from the charcoal he holds.
"And you have me," Bull finishes.
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silver-weasel · 3 years
Body & Soul (BKDK x Reader)
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Pairing : Bakugou x reader x Deku (aged-up characters)
Rating : E, 18+
Tags : Fem reader, use of the pronouns ‘she / her’ | PWP | established relationship | polyamory | threesome | praise kink | a bit of degradation (more like them being condescending little shits, but no insults) | edging | oral sex (f & m receiving) | facefucking (kind of) | uhh double-teaming?? | excessive use of petnames | Just the boys manhandling you into oblivion | I'm a whiny sub and it shows in my fics < that should be an AO3 tag | Some shippy moments because I can’t help myself 😌 | This is so self-indulgent huh | Guys life's too short to choose just one
Word count : 8842 [AO3]
Summary : Just a little birthday present your sweet boyfriends planned for you.
A/N : It's been literal months, and wow, it’s finally out. So have these 8K of filth while I write something bigger and with an actual plot. Thank you to @hoe-doroki​ for beta-reading and dealing with my pervy ass <3
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The slam of your apartment door echoes like a thundering gong bringing a boxing match to an end. A second after, you can almost hear the emptiness, the calm your home is so suddenly falling back into. A worn-out sigh passes the barrier of your lips to crash against the solid wood of your front door.
You came home around 7PM, drained from a rough patrol, to your friends—and boyfriends—waiting for you with a great surprise party. You can’t say you weren’t at least half expecting it, but it still warmed your heart to no end, seeing everyone there to celebrate in your honor. And it was a great night: all good laughs and cool music and class A shenanigans, as usual. But fuck, is the quiet of an empty apartment relaxing without Kaminari and Mina’s masterfully executed karaoke, or without Katsuki’s relentless yelling for Sero to “get your damn smelly feet off the fucking table, you filthy son of a bitch”.
Speaking of, as soon as you turn around to take a painful glance around your absolute chaos of a living room, you see no sign of either of your boyfriends. Katsuki is fussy, and Izuku is not a quitter—they won’t let you clean up this mess on your own, especially on your birthday. Still, maybe a little reminder wouldn’t hurt:
“Guys! Come on, there’s so much to clean up. I’ll do the dishes, you’ll just have to tidy up this mess!”
You only get silence for an answer, but you don’t bother waiting for too long. It’s about 1AM and you still have so much to do. You grab most of the used plates all over the room and head to the kitchen, getting straight to it. You don’t get halfway down your gigantic pile of dishes before you feel two strong arms wrap around your waist in a loving grip.
If the gesture itself didn’t betray him, you would easily recognize him by smell alone. Pine trees and a hint of citrus—Izuku is living proof that you can smell like a color. The freshness of it coats your space in a dizzying cloud as he nuzzles the side of your neck. It comes out muffled, warm and enticing when he speaks into the sensitive skin there. “Aren’t you coming to bed with us, honey?”
He sounds like a man with a plan—one he’s certain you’re going to follow. You keep your hands busy, scrubbing one plate after another, trying not to let yourself get distracted.
“We still gotta clean up all this mess, Izu. We can’t just leave it all like this.” You try to sound as firm as possible, to pretend the magnetic heat of him against your back doesn’t affect you.
“But you can’t clean up before you get all your presents,” he breathes directly in your ear, because this little shit knows you wouldn’t hesitate to jump off a bridge if he asked you that way.
That pokes at both your curiosity and at the warm feeling leisurely creeping between your legs. As if his intentions weren’t clear enough, his rough, calloused hands slip up beneath your shirt, letting his fingertips graze at the skin of your stomach. It sends a surge of shivers down your whole body.
“You know it’s not my birthday anymore?” you laugh, nodding towards the clock at the kitchen’s side wall.
“The day is not over until we say so, angel,” he whispers, and the warm air it blows at the side of your neck crashes like a hot wave flooding through your core.
This guy is a literal rabbit. It must be his hidden quirk, there is no other plausible explanation. Undeniably the horniest out of you three, and God knows that’s saying something.
Giving up on the dishes in admitted defeat, you set the one you’re holding aside before turning around to face Izuku. His arms haven’t left your waist, still firmly looped around you. Now that you’re facing him, you catch a glint of something in his bright eyes, an impish glow that’s not really like him. You feign a dramatic, exasperated sigh.
“I don’t have that much of a choice, do I?” you say, unable to repress a sly grin.
Your fate is sealed with a little shake of his head and a satisfied twist of his lips. Your feet are lifted from the floor, drawing a high yelp out of you, followed by a giggle as soon as your legs wrap around his hips. Just the familiar feel of his hands digging in the flesh of your thighs makes you wonder how you could’ve been reluctant in the first place. Your arms circle his neck and you take a deep breath in the curly mess of hair at his nape, high on the invigorating smell. He walks you to the bedroom in a few strides and you’re unceremoniously tossed on the bed.
The moment your back hits the mattress feels like falling into the lion’s den. And the predator’s menacing gaze falls over you, upside down, in the form of two clear-cut rubies, sharp enough to cut your skin and paint it in the very same color.
Harsh fingers take a firm grip on your jaw and you can’t look anywhere but into those threatening eyes.
“Looking for me, princess?” His voice is deep, raw, as sweet as his smell. It fills your lungs and pools into a honey puddle deep in your belly.
“Hm. I was starting to think you were avoiding cleaning. Wouldn’t have been nice of you.”
His grip on your jaw tightens, unyielding, making you yelp again.
“I don’t avoid anything, you brat.”
Refusing to lose yet another staring contest, you can only feel your shirt riding up to your chest and Izuku’s entrancing mouth dropping sweet kisses up and down your stomach. He barely lifts his head to chime in, “We wouldn’t let our dear princess do all the cleaning on her birthday, would we, Kacchan?”
“We won’t let her clean, but we damn well can shut that smartass mouth up.”
Katsuki’s grin is all sharp canines and predatory threat as he leans down closer, your noses almost touching. His next words are only whispers but hold the authority of a leader’s command:
“Get on your knees.”
You can’t repress the challenging gaze you shoot him, just for the sake of pride. You must be looking very intimidating right now from your place under him. Hell, you probably look silly upside down. Katsuki doesn’t look silly upside down, though. He looks just as gorgeous, as magnetic, as ever.
With an authoritative raise of his eyebrow, you finally oblige. You stand on your knees between them, facing Izuku and feeling Katsuki like a menacing shadow right behind you.
You barely get the time to kneel straight before two scarred hands cup your face and pull you into a kiss. It’s as sweet as always—languid and passionate, mesmerizing, his lips speaking volumes without a sound escaping them, with the exception of a few moans and whimpers.
You melt into the kiss instantly, relishing the embers his hands are igniting down your sides and burying your own fingers into his hair. Another pair of hands soon makes an appearance on your hips while another mouth assaults your neck with open-mouthed kisses and ferocious bites. His hungry lips trace the column of your neck like an animal would, and it sounds like a growl when he whispers, “You don’t think I’m gonna let Deku have you all for himself, do you?”
Your face is forced away from Izuku with a rough grip on your chin and a high squeal escapes you as he takes over your mouth, angry and dominant. It’s all tongue and teeth with Katsuki, his own way of claiming you all over again, every single time.
Your skirt rides up your thigh with a stroke of his other hand, meanwhile Izuku takes advantage of your exposed neck to bury his face there, mouthing at your throat and slipping his hands under your shirt. His fingers gently graze your sides before settling on your ribs to thumb at the undersides of your breasts.
They’ve got you drenched already, dripping so much into your panties it’s getting uncomfortable. Your hands are gripping both their hair but you let go as soon as you feel Izuku’s hands pulling your shirt up to peel it off. You’re left panting as you part from Katsuki's mouth and your shirt is sent flying.
It dawns on you that the two of them are still fully dressed, but the tentative hands you raise to reach up and start unbuttoning Izuku’s shirt are immediately slapped away, courtesy of Katsuki.
“You’re not getting us naked before you are, princess.” His voice is a low grumble, leaving no room for discussion. His fingers brush against your back when he unclips your bra before letting Izuku gently slide the straps down your arms and throw it to join your shirt.
“Kind of unfair, isn’t it?” You try not to get flustered from the nakedness of your chest and raise an eyebrow at Izuku, but you’re not addressing him. Not only, at least.
“If you wanted fair, maybe you should have thought about that before dating the two of us.” Katsuki’s voice is scornful, mocking. It makes your inner brat want to riot but brings the good girl you want to be down to her knees.
He grabs the zip of your skirt, before Izuku stops him.
“Wait, Kacchan. Leave the skirt, I…I like her like this.” His voice is soft, quiet and shaky like he’s not announcing your little skirt makes him hard as wood.
You don’t see him, but you can feel Katsuki smirking behind you.
“You dirty little perv.”
Izuku gets closer, his hands back on your waist, mumbling so low Katsuki must’ve barely heard him. “Can’t help it, she’s so hot dressed like this.” His hand creeps up your inner thigh, a light stroke that makes you hold a whimper as he leans into you, tantalizingly close as he all but whispers, “Did you dress up just for us, angel? You know what you’re doing to us when you dress like this, don’t you?” You can only nod in response, can only lock your hazy gaze in Izuku’s as your audacity to answer dies in your throat.
“Brat fucking knows what she’s doing. She’s practically begging for this.”
You shoot Katsuki a heated glare over your shoulder, but Izuku guides your face back to him with a tender hold of your chin, only to drop a soft peck on your lips. Then another at the corner of your mouth. Another at your cheek. A few ones at your jaw, multiple down your neck and collarbones. The lower he wanders, the bolder his mouth gets. The wet heat of his tongue peeks out and reaches your nipple. A light gasp escapes you as he starts sucking at it, squeezing your other breast with a hand so gentle despite its roughness.
It gets hungrier, messier and you’re pressed harder against Katsuki’s firm chest and the soft cotton of his button-up shirt. He’s ferociously nipping at your ear as his hands wander lower down your hips. Slipping over your short skirt, then under, where he keeps his fingers teasing over the fabric of your panties.
His finger dragging just above your clit creeps up on you like the first strike of lightning—you saw the storm building up for hours, but the white flash still startles you. And thunder rumbles with the echoing sound of his low chuckle in reaction to your pathetic sob. His fingers trail lower and lower, until it reaches the pad of fabric at your crotch.
“Fuck, dripping already?” he mocks, though you’re sure it copiously feeds his starving ego.
The lips around your nipple turn into teeth at Katsuki’s words, not without a muffled whine.
“Want me to leave her panties on too, Deku?” Katsuki scoffs in a tone of faux complaisance, his fingers hooking into the elastic of your underwear.
Izuku speaks against your breasts, his lips brushing your hardened bud with every word. “Don’t be like that, Kacchan. I know you like it as much as I do.”
“Damn right I do.”
“Can you two stop talking like I’m not here? You know, if you’re not focused enough I might end up disappointed.”
It all happens in a matter of seconds. Maybe you should have seen it coming but you absolutely don’t before you’re suddenly manhandled and whipped around like you don’t weigh more than a ragdoll. Katsuki’s knee bumps your thigh aside so that your legs part and you land on your butt on Izuku’s lap. You’re now facing Katsuki, and he’s sporting this signature feral grin that makes you think you should have shut up for once.
Your panties are literally ripped off you, the poor piece of fabric flying out of the way. You are only left with your extremely short excuse of a skirt that’s doing a terrible job at covering you, especially since it rides up with every bump of Izuku’s hard-on against your lower back.
One holds your arms back as the other sets your ankles on his broad shoulders, both in firm grips you can’t escape. Katsuki speaks between your legs, the cool air of his words blowing over your most intimate parts. 
“I’ll make sure you regret the attitude, princess.”
His eyes don’t leave yours as he dives in. His gaze is proud and menacing—he’s so confident in his ability to ruin you, and God knows he should be.
The first lick of his tongue makes you short-circuit, hot and sharp, snaking through you and it’s only the start of a maddening series. Your head drops back onto Izuku's shoulder, and he isn’t one to let such an opportunity go to waste—his mouth runs fond but ardent trails on the exposed skin of your neck.
Both your hands reach out to bury in their respective hair, grabbing a handful of each, pulling a bit with every flick of Katsuki’s tongue. Katsuki’s hair is prickly and dry under your palm, a feeling you’ve gotten used to during all the times you’ve grabbed it while he drove you to madness, just like right now. Izuku’s hair is so soft, on the other hand, because he just washed it, but it tends to get greasy faster. And it is a mess, a wild nest of heavy curls that fall so naturally all over his face, it makes you wonder how you’ve never seen a bird coming out of here.
Katsuki’s mouth is demonic, merciless. His eyes are fixed on his prey, relentless and focused. He knows exactly where to target and when. Every move, every flick of his tongue, every press of his lips and vibration from his throat is deliberate, a savage intention to tear you apart piece by piece until there’s nothing left but a mess of slick and breathy moans.
Still, you keep your lips tightly pressed. The urge to make noise, expressing your pleasure is overwhelming, truly. But you’re still a bit self-conscious about moaning shamelessly in front of not one man but two. You trust them with your life, but your pride always holds you back a bit from being loud. Until they decide they won’t have any of that anyway. A series of whines and hisses works up and dies in your throat as Katsuki toys with your clit with the tip of his tongue.
A light, but loud slap spreads tingles into the flesh of your thigh and you open your eyes—you didn’t even realize they were closed—only for them to fall over Katsuki’s all-consuming gaze between your thighs. His mouth doesn’t stop, still unrelenting on you.
“I think he wants you to stop holding back, angel. We both do.” Izuku’s mouth is running up to talk against your jaw, about as determined as the one between your legs. “You can let go for us, honey. Do you trust us?”
Your frantic nod comes without an ounce of hesitation. Of course you trust them. You wouldn’t hesitate to put your life in the palm of their hands after all.
Izuku has a low giggle at that. Devilishly cute.
“Perfect, then show us.”
Katsuki lets his tongue leave your clit only to wrap his lips around it and suck, hard.
Your lips part with a mind of their own, and the sound escaping them is nothing short of sinful. And it’s only the first of an escalating series, your inhibitions flying out the window as they both double their efforts to unravel you.
“There it is, such a good girl. Show Kacchan he’s doing a good job. He loves to hear you say it.”
Katsuki revels in every single one of your reactions, he really does. But what Izuku forgets to mention—because he knows you’re perfectly aware of it—is that he loves to hear you react to Katsuki’s ministrations even more. There are only two places where you witnessed Izuku going absolutely feral. On the battleground, facing a villain he’s about to Detroit Smash into a brick wall. And on this very bed, feeling the vibrations of Katsuki’s name when you softly whimper it into his mouth.
But you don’t even need to put on a show: when Katsuki eases a finger inside you, something in you snaps and you get loud. Both your hands tighten their grip on their hair, and Izuku grabs your jaw to lead you into a sloppy kiss. ‘Kiss’ being a fancy word for screaming ridiculous mixes of their names—you’re trying your best—into his mouth. The hand that’s not holding your face keeps a harsh grip on your breast, then runs down on your stomach to grasp the fabric of your skirt so tight his knuckles are turning white.
Izuku’s rutting against the round curve of your ass, his mouth leaving yours to pant hot air at your nape and if Katsuki’s mouth wasn’t already pushing you to tumble on a path to delirium, that alone probably would.
“God, angel, the sounds you make—”
Katsuki’s finger is joined by another, instantly dragging in and out against that spot that gets you boiling inside, and that he always finds too damn fast. Your walls tighten, your breath cuts right in your throat. There’s only a silent scream between Izuku’s open mouth and your own. The sturdy roots of Katsuki’s hair are put to a challenging test under your grip.
Then everything stops.
Katsuki’s mouth parts from you and your whole world feels empty. You consider yelling your rage, giving that bastard a piece of your mind, but, in your cloudy haze, all that comes out is a whiny, ridiculous, “Nooo, Katsuki, why would you do that?”
Your hand is snatched out of his hair and the pure intensity of his gaze all over you cuts any intention of throwing a tantrum, even when Izuku’s low giggle at your misery feels a lot like fuel to your seething fire. Katsuki keeps his tone impassive as he says, “Trust me princess, when you do cum it’ll be hard enough to send you into another dimension.”
Izuku chimes in before you get to say anything, and when you catch the honeyed purr of his voice into your ear, “Kacchan, gimme a taste,” you’re so grateful he did.
An obscene smirk stretches Katsuki’s godly features, still glistening with your juices under the dim light of your bedroom.
Their lips collide just above your shoulder. It’s magnetic and inevitable. And it is messy—both their faces are now dripping with your slick. Izuku takes everything with outrageous hunger, his tongue swirling around Katsuki’s, not missing a single drop of you. He hums into the kiss, buries a hand into Katsuki’s hair that’s welcomed with a low and guttural groan, and you—you’ve never been wetter in your entire life.
It’s in moments like this that you truly feel like the luckiest dumbass on this entire planet. You never get tired of witnessing this—them. Together. Of being blessed with the holy sight of their noses brushing as they shift angles, of Izuku’s shameless moans and Katsuki’s sharp hisses, of their smiles, warm, fond against each other’s mouth. It’s something they’ve both worked so hard for, they deserve it—deserve each other’s love and your own and so much more.
When they finally part, you’re feeling dizzy, like you were the one kissed out of breath. Izuku speaks against Katsuki’s mouth, eyes half-lidded and voice throaty with lust. “God, I wanna taste her.”
“Go right ahead, nerd.”
Izuku pets a gentle hand in your hair, the cotton clothing his chest still pressed against your back. "Whaddya say, angel? Wanna sit on my face?”
You raise a sassy eyebrow at him, a bitter taste persisting on the tip of your tongue. “Will I get to actually cum this time?”
“If you behave, we’ll see about that,” Katsuki snaps in his place, from the side of the bed where he’s now standing and already going for the first top buttons of his shirt. Judging by his amused grin, the glare you try to shoot him probably looks more like a childish pout than anything menacing.
You feel Izuku shifting to lay down behind you, caging you between those massive—still clothed—thighs of his. Your eyes follow Katsuki’s fingers working each button open, finally revealing his toned torso for your fascinated eyes and it’s embarassing how you can’t stop staring. The bright white fabric slides down his arms, following each and every curve of ripped muscle, every vein and every scar marking his skin—
And it’s a condescending whistle that gets you to finally look back up to meet the same sly grin that hasn’t left his damn gorgeous face. You take the twist of his index as an order to turn around and take your place on Izuku’s face, so you do.
As soon as you straddle his freckled cheeks, he’s looking up at you like you invented beauty, the bright emerald of his eyes turning into something dark and fervid. The telltale clang of Katsuki’s belt reaches your ears, followed by the unmistakable thump of fabric crashing to the wooden floor—it all makes you twitch above Izuku’s waiting mouth. His hands run up your thighs in a languid stroke and you finally take your seat. His eyes are sparkling with lust as he meets you halfway, lifting his head a bit, so eager to finally get you on his lips.
It’s sloppier with Izuku, like he’s making out with your intimate parts. He eats you out like a feast, like a starved man who’s suddenly offered a whole buffet and forgets how to use cutlery. A raw, hungry ‘mmm’ resonates through your core, sending vibrations all over you. You look down at him, pulling your skirt up and all you see are half-lidded, mesmerized green eyes.
The tips of his fingers sink deeper and deeper in the soft flesh of your hips and he’s willing to take everything from you, drinking at the source with his eyes closed like he just found the Fountain of Youth, and he’s not letting go until he’s drained it dry. His skin is growing a pretty shade of pink under his freckles as he forgets all about breathing.
He’s pushing his tongue inside you, deliberately avoiding your clit because he knows it’ll get you to ride his face at some point. It does, like every time: your hips move on their own, rocking over him and he thanks you with a pleased mewl vibrating through your whole being and a ravenous suck on your clit.
“Oh God, Izuku, just like that...fuck—yes!”
The high wail of your last word almost covers the other ring of a belt that resonates through the steamy air of the room. But you heard it just fine, and as your eyes meet Izuku’s, you figure he also did. His wide, wet eyes are looking up at you with something that looks like panic. In a second his lips let go of you as his head falls back and ‘obscene’ doesn’t even begin to describe the moan that passes his shiny lips.
“Fuuuck, Kacchan…”
You turn around as much as the position lets you, and what you find there makes you clench instantly: Izuku’s cock stands free, rising from his open zipper and pulled down briefs, shining with pre-cum and the wet trail Katsuki just left over the whole length of it. Katsuki’s leaning over him, focused, working his tongue over and around the tip, redder than ever. He didn’t even notice you, unashamedly staring.
He took the time to open Izuku’s shirt all the way down, letting you admire the erratic rise and fall of his stomach with every erratic pant. The sight is breathtaking and, feeling the grip of Izuku hands on your hips, there’s nothing you can do to contain your high, desperate whine.
Katsuki eyes rise on you, quick and sharp, and pure mischief lights up his eyes instantly. You catch the glimpse of a smirk right before he speaks. “Like what you see, princess?”
Your lips are parted but no sound comes out; your nod is barely conscious.
“That’s too bad, because you don’t get to watch.” He shifts to land a hard smack on your ass, making you wail in what you cannot really identify between pain and pleasure.
“Be a nice girl and turn around to focus on what’s in front of you.” His lips brush against Izuku’s rock hard cock with every word, and judging by the little whimpers under you, Izuku’s probably feeling every single one of them.
“And you damn nerd better get back to work. That pussy ain’t gonna lick itself.”
Izuku pulls you back to his mouth with a bruising grip on your ass and a muffled moan for an answer. As if the sound alone wasn’t enough, when you turn around, you’re blessed with the hottest picture you ever laid your unworthy eyes on.
Izuku’s gaze is back on you, a teary, unexpected mix of panic and determination, but focused like he was never distracted, his brows curving in a slight frown that strains harder as soon as Katsuki is back on him. You can almost read his every move on Izuku’s cock, the face between your legs growing redder, the hands on your ass spilling flesh between splayed fingers.
One of his scarred hands runs up your ass to stroke the small of your back, pushing you closer to him, willing to suffocate in your heat and die a happy man. The harder Katsuki goes on him, the louder he gets against you, his every noise reverberating against and into you in a delicious echo.
His shoulders and chest bump up against your ass repeatedly with every thrust into Katsuki’s face. The feeling fills your hazy mind like thick smoke; Izuku’s desperate hips rising and falling, hitting Katsuki’s nose, his ribs beginning to show, stretching the freckled skin of his abdomen. It’s all wild imagination only, since you can’t see anything aside from half of Izuku’s burning face, but that alone tells you all you need to know about what’s going on behind you. You let your fingers lazily run through his bangs, pushing them back so you get the total view of his gorgeous face in all its flushed glory. 
You’re openly riding his face now, your soft whimpers growing into desperate wails as you come closer to your well deserved orgasm and, apparently, so does Izuku. His muffled cries grow in intensity with every second, and your gentle push of his hair grows into a harsh tug. His nose wrinkles, hitting your clit while his tongue slows down on your slit every time Katsuki does something a little bolder. But it speeds back up with renewed vigor, every single time, dragging all the way up to your clit.
“Ah—P-Please, Zuku, baby, please…”
Maybe it's Katsuki's raw groan behind you in reaction. Maybe it’s the glorious sight of Izuku’s eyes—the intense black of his pupils eating up the pretty green of his irises. Maybe it’s a bit of both, but it all throws you over the edge with such violence your knees almost give out.
And well, Katsuki didn’t lie earlier. You’re given a glimpse of heaven as you ride your orgasm on Izuku’s face. From what you can see from your place, he’s coming too, hard, wiggling under you but pulling you tighter against his face, digging his nails into your hips hard enough to bruise for a week. You’re crying with pleasure, your moan long, desperate and joining Izuku’s own muffled scream between your legs.
You’re not given a second to come down from your high. Two strong hands pull you back by the hips and you’re snatched out of Izuku’s grip before you find yourself straddling his waist. Katsuki’s massive forearm comes to loop around your middle, cutting the air right out of your lungs as he slams your back against his chest. His hand grips at your skirt, slips under it and flicks it up, letting the scorching heat of his cock tease the delicate skin of your ass. Leaving a hand on your hip to hold the fabric up, he lets the other crawl back to your jaw, keeps you from turning around and forces your face ahead, your dazed eyes naturally falling over Izuku’s exhausted form laying there, entirely bare aside from his shirt spread open.
A warm, panting breath settles by your ear as Katsuki speaks right into it. “Maybe I should thank Deku for getting you all ready for me.”
His words are punctuated by a rock of his hips against your ass, slow, languid. The massive length of him stands against you like a threat, like a promise, and it makes you whimper for it.
Izuku’s eyes are now fixed on you, an enthralled expression tinting his wide eyes and parted lips, still glimmering with your slick up to his nose.
Katsuki enters you without warning, the both of you straddling Izuku’s hips as he fills you full. You’re dripping with slick and spit and lust so he slides right in, but that doesn’t make the stretch any easier to handle. He gives you the time to adapt, the harsh hand on your jaw dropping to your breast in a stroke so gentle it almost makes you forget how hard he usually fucks, and how it shouldn’t be any different today. Just the thought of it makes a grin crack on your face and your walls clench around him, earning a deep groan. He’s thumbing at your nipple, a tender gesture that makes you melt on your knees.
One of your hands reaches up to scratch the short hair at his nape, which he knows means that he can move, so he does. He sets a slow pace, just dragging in and out, his nose brushing against your neck, breathing you in.
Your eyes fall over Izuku, who’s getting visibly hard by the second, half-lidded eyes drifting down to where your body and Katsuki’s join while the sheets crease under his grip. A hint of warm air hits the side of your neck with Katsuki’s chuckle. 
“How’s the view from down there, nerd?”
Izuku’s eyes lift, switching between yours and Katsuki’s, looking like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He sits up, never breaking eye contact, and peels out of his shirt with such urgency, you swear you caught a glimpse of green lightning. With a mind of its own, his hand reaches down to his own cock to stroke it lazily as he speaks against your jaw, his voice surprisingly deep, “So freaking amazing.”
The words go straight down to your pussy like they never even passed by your ears. You don’t even acknowledge how loud you moan until you hear the both of them chuckle with pride. Katsuki’s thrusts are getting faster, stronger too, and a sloppy, lewd rhythm soon bounces against the walls of your shared room.
“Are you really gonna let Deku take care of this by himself? Come on baby, the least you can do is be a good girl and help him out.”
You’re almost sent flying over Izuku with a particularly harsh thrust and you’re not very proud of the squeal that escapes you as you barely manage to hold yourself up on your hands. Izuku’s back hits the mattress, but he still has the reflex to hold your shoulders so you don’t tumble all over him.
Katsuki doesn’t stop pounding into you for a second, still going faster. Holding yourself up on one hand, you reach down to grab Izuku with the other, immediately catching up to the pace he set himself. Now that both his hands are free, Izuku reaches up to cup your face, looking up at you with adoring eyes, so bright and tender and loving.
“God, baby...You look gorgeous when you get fucked like this,” he coos as one of his hands trails up to bury in your hair. You cry out at both his words and Katsuki’s hips, now hitting your ass with every thrust in an unwavering rhythm. You tighten your grip around Izuku, rubbing your thumb over his tip. His head falls back on the pillow, his hair a halo of green softness spread over the linen.
“Hnnn, yes, keep going, angel...feels so good—”
That’s when Katsuki decides it’s a good moment to speed up again. The strength he’s charging on your abused pussy grows up with every slap of skin against skin, and it hits just right every single time. You’re a mess between them, a puddle of cries and whimpers. Another particularly hard thrust makes you lose balance again but this time, you crumble head first on Izuku’s chest, your nose bumping one of his collarbones as you accept your fate and just stay there, both your hands weakly gripping his shoulders.
A sharp scoff strikes behind you: “Oh, baby can’t even stand on all fours?”
“Don’t be mean, Kacchan!”
“But she loves it when I’m mean!” You might as well have heard his sly grin in the tone of his voice. “Don’t you, sweetheart?”
His mocking, condescending tone sends a sharp strike of electricity though your whole body. It takes the strength to answer right away from you. But Katsuki never takes silence for an answer. You’re pulled right back up against him with a tug on your hair and an arm looped around your waist, his hard chest hitting your back with every slap of his hips. He growls right into your ear, his tone menacing:
“You know what I think? I think you got the nerve not to answer me because you know I hate that shit, and you know it’s gonna make me get even meaner. And since it’s such a special day, I think I can oblige.”
But he doesn’t speed up, just goes even harder on you—it feels like his cock actually pounds your brain. Izuku takes himself back in hand to the sound of your moans, higher and higher, louder and louder. He’s looking up at you with wonder in his eyes, stroking himself faster as Katsuki ruins you right over him.
“Just look at him. So desperate to fuck you, to finally slip his pretty cock into you. Well, he’s gonna have to wait until I’m finished with you.”
Which shouldn’t take long, judging by Katsuki’s breathless grunts and his hand creeping down to reach your clit.
“‘Suki, please, I’m—ah!—I’m almost there—there, yes! Oh my God, right there!”
“Give us another one, baby, you can do it, c’mon…”
With a few rubs of his finger you’re gone, clenching around him with a high-pitched wail. Your first orgasm submerged you like a warm wave, gently flooding all over you. This time it hits you, and it’s nothing gentle—it feels like drowning, makes your head fall back, your voice weakened and the air cut right in your throat.
Katsuki comes with a grunt, a “Holy fuck,” and a grip on your hips tight enough to mark skin. He fills you full of him, fucking his seed inside you with a last few thrusts.
Once again, you crash on Izuku, devoid of any energy. Your limbs feel like jelly, but the high is so, so sweet. You lay there, breathless as Katsuki withdraws and Izuku welcomes you on top of him, gently petting your hair as you nuzzle into his neck. He pecks at your temple, dropping sweet kisses while his hands trace mindless paths over your naked back. This man is too sweet for his own good.
The bed frame creaks a bit as Katsuki lifts from the mattress.
Izuku’s voice is soft, so quiet in your ear as he whispers, “You heard the boss. It’s my turn now.”
Never mind, this guy is a demon. They both are, and if this is what hell feels like, you might become the worst sinner to ever walk this Earth.
Again, you don’t manage to hold your gasp when he sits up swiftly, like you’re not splayed all over him with your entire weight and cups a hand under your ass so he can lay you down, settling his hips between your legs. Your head dangles over the end of the bed, and you find yourself facing Katsuki’s dick upside down. It still shines with the essence of you around him.
You jump a bit with the feeling of something sliding along your dripping folds and you look back up to find Izuku, settling between your thighs and looking down at you. He brings a finger to his mouth, the one he just coated in both your juices and Katsuki’s, and hums at the taste. He never breaks eye contact, only gazes at you, his eyes dark and foggy as he sucks on his fingers, dragging his tongue from knuckle up to nail. It makes your head spin and you let it fall back down with a drawn-out whine.
Katsuki is casually pumping himself back up, every stroke sounding sloppy with your slick, while Izuku is all over you—firmly placed between your legs, his hands running up your thighs and his mouth lazily pressing kisses up and down the presented column of your throat. He slides the zipper of your skirt down, and the poor piece of clothing is finally sent flying, leaving you bare for their starving gazes to eat you alive.
All there’s left to do is trying not to drool too much at the idea of what’s coming.
Once again, Katsuki’s thick fingers curl around your jaw, holding your face upside down, hanging at the edge of the bed, exactly like he wants you. The position is going to grow very uncomfortable in very little time. But you let him, like you let him do anything to you—let the both of them, because it always feels so, so good in the end.
Katsuki gently grazes the tip of his cock against your swollen lips as a clear expression of what he wants from you. A wave of shivers runs all the way down to where Izuku is placed between your thighs.
“Open wide, princess.”
You don’t discuss, too far gone in your hazy daze to think of a single reason to refuse this. You do as he says and he slides the tip into your mouth slowly, not wanting to choke you from the start. You’re quick to respond, kissing it, letting your tongue trace the slit. You can taste the salty reminder of you all over him. He groans, taking it all as an invitation to intrude further and you welcome him with blatant hunger, the vibrations of your low moan surrounding him whole.
You’re spread wide over the bed. Not just your legs, but your entire body, and your entire soul with it, all open and vulnerable for them to do whatever they want with.
You breathe heavily through your nose as you take most of Katsuki’s length in your mouth, and feel the reassuring stroke of Izuku’s hands over your sides and hips.
As Izuku licks a straight stripe along your throat, from collarbone to chin, Katsuki moans above you:
“Fuck yeah, take it all in, baby...That’s it, you can do it.”
They’re so close, the both of them, you can feel it. It’s insane how wet you are; it all drips to pool into a puddle on the sheets as Izuku’s tip teases your entrance, waiting for approval—though you don’t really know whose approval he’s waiting for, probably a bit of both.
He enters you a second later, slow, gentle, inch by inch. You can’t see anything, your eyes are pressed closed because if they were open all you would be able to see would be Katsuki’s balls anyway. You try to relax, to allow yourself to just feel, just take, because there’s nothing left to do except give all of you and accept what you’re given.
As soon as Izuku bottoms out, you feel the heat of his chest leaning over you, his breath crushing over your ear as he talks, low and husky:
“God, just look at you.” The warmth of his breath hits your cheek and sends goosebumps down your whole being. “There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for us, right, angel?” He starts moving, so slow you barely feel the motions of his hips. “I would say it looks a lot like it’s our birthday and not yours, but we all know you love this so much, don’t you?”
The moan you make around Katsuki is sinful, loud and obscene because you do, you do love this. Love the way they take such good care of you, the way they double-team to extend your limits further and further in the most delicious way.
Izuku speeds up a bit, but Katsuki doesn’t move, just stays still, lets you take the length and weight of his cock between your swollen lips, his grip less firm on your jaw, his fingers grazing over your cheek and your ear in soothing circles. The steady rhythm Izuku sets is enough to make you move around him anyway.
It’s still slow, and it stays that way. He goes so deep every single time, the friction against your walls is marvelous, and it becomes not enough very soon. You whine again around Katsuki, rocking up with every gentle roll of Izuku’s hips—calling for him to go faster, to give you more than this. But he doesn’t give in, keeps up with a maddening rhythm.
His hot breath crashes on your exposed neck—you can’t see him but can feel his whole body leaning over yours, pecs brushing your nipples repeatedly. His tongue traces the veins straining against the thin skin of your throat, his right hand reaching down to rest on your ass.
“Such a good girl, you take it all so well.”
You’re dripping all over them, both spit and slick. The more you get from them, the more eager you grow. Your hands are clawing at Izuku’s back, frantically going up to bury in his hair, pulling a bit at the wild mess of his curls, then back down to grab and scratch the firm skin of his shoulders, in a desperate attempt to get him to go faster, harder, give you anything more than this.
“Damn, someone’s really fucking desperate for cock. One in your mouth and one in your cunt and it’s still not enough for you?”
“Fuck, she feels so good, Kacchan. Keeps squeezing me, can’t hold back for long—”
And with that, he speeds up a bit. It’s still not enough, but it gives the both of you some relief as he rams into you, still slow, but harder, deeper. It sends you further into Katsuki’s thighs each time with broken moans and muffled cries.
It’s way too much and painfully not enough all at once, feeling like their cocks are filling your entire being, cutting your oxygen, freezing the blood right in your veins, squeezing the heart out of your chest. The room resonates with Katsuki’s raw groans, your muffled whines, Izuku’s breathless moans and the lewd slap of his hips against yours. His grip on your ass is bruising, his fingers digging in your skin so hard it’d be painful if it wasn’t your own cloud nine. The curly hair at the base of his cock rubs against your puffy clit repeatedly.
Then he speeds up again, reaching a decent rhythm. Your legs come up to loop around his waist, pulling him in.
Katsuki doesn’t even have to move, the force of Izuku’s thrusts makes it feel like he’s fucking your face.
It’s overwhelming, all of it. The feeling of giving, of taking, and of trusting. They’re everywhere over and around you, crowding your space, and it feels like there isn’t a single part of your body they’re not touching.
Izuku’s hands are running all over you as he goes faster and faster, stroking your sides, groping your ass. Licking and kissing and nipping at everything within his reach. Moaning into your skin, shameless, willing to show everything to the both of you.
Katsuki’s hand still rests on your jaw, his grip firm just for show, but so fond in the way he cannot keep his fingertips from soothing your face. He knows your jaw is starting to hurt, your breath is running short—they both know it.
You’d probably be screaming loud enough for half the city to hear you at this point, if your voice weren’t all muffled by the girthy weight filling your mouth. You’re struggling to breathe through your nose, getting dizzy. It feels like Izuku is pounding through your soul.
“Ngh, fucking hell, just look at that, Deku. Isn’t that a damn sight?”
“God, yes—you’re doing so good, angel. Gonna cum for us, yeah? Milk me dry and scream around Kacchan’s cock? Do it, baby. Come on.”
And just like that, you’re gone. Your whole body tenses around them, your back arching unnaturally as you scream over Katsuki. Izuku guides you down your high with his last thrusts as he empties himself inside you with a bite to the crook of your shoulder, mixing himself with what remains of Katsuki inside you.
The vibrations around Katsuki send him over the edge last, filling your throat before pulling out and falling to his knees, his torso collapsing on the bed right next to you. Izuku simultaneously pulls out and lays on his stomach beside you. You just lay between them, out of breath, staring at the ceiling and seeing stars there.
The three of you fall into quiet peace, a moment neither of you feels like interrupting. The silence is comfortable, only troubled by all your panting breaths, out of sync, filling the room like fresh air dispeling heavy smoke.
Your heart is in your throat, half your face is covered in spit, your body is worn-out. You’re  hot and sticky and exhausted. It’s the best feeling ever, to know they’re feeling it too, to know the three of you chose to share these moments. And the high is so, so worth the fall.
Katsuki is the first to rise—he always is. He walks to the bathroom, ass naked, without even grabbing underwear.
“I’ll run you two morons a bath.”
Izuku gets to his feet after a couple of minutes, leaning over you and whispering, his voice soft velvet to your ears: “Come on angel, let’s go clean up a bit, you can’t fall asleep like this”.
You scoff at his words. Your legs are so weak you’re not sure you could even stand. You’ll look brilliant on patrol tomorrow, walking sideways like you got run over by a truck.
“Mhmm, just watch me.”
You’re lifted from the bed without any chance of protesting, strong arms wrapping around your shoulders and knees without a word. You catch the glimpse of an impish smile that’s just enough to keep you from getting mad.
“Noooo...Let me sleep!” Your little fists are so weak, bumping against his chest, but you’re not even trying. Of course if you really tried you could totally beat his ass. Duh.
“We’re not letting you sleep all night covered in sweat and cum.”
“Look me in the eye and tell me you wouldn’t like that.”
He barely gets the time to raise an eyebrow at you before Katsuki’s voice raises from the bathroom, distant but as expressive as always: “Just shut the fuck up and let us clean your filthy ass, for God’s sake.”
Izuku sets you on your feet as soon as you enter the room, already foggy with steam. The air is warm and humid, feeling like a cozy blanket wrapping around you whole.
The tub is absolutely huge, so spacious it takes up half the bathroom. It was a requirement for you three when you got this apartment, along with a few other things. All of them revolved around space. It is already half-filled, up to Katsuki’s waist. He’s leaning back with his arms and legs spread, taking so much unnecessary space the picture is almost funny.
The water is piping hot, like expected from Katsuki, but so soothing on your abused skin and sore muscles. You take a seat between his legs, leaning your back against his chest while Izuku adjusts to sit in front of you.
You start cleaning each other at some point. It’s a natural reflex for the three of you—it always feels so soft, so intimate. And well, you also reached for shampoo with certain urgency as soon as you spotted what looked a lot like cum in Izuku’s hair. While Katsuki works at your back, still painful from his ruthless pounding (maybe he feels a little bad after all), you massage Izuku’s scalp, letting the soap lather into a white, coconut scented cloud. He breathes a series of pleased little moans, growing in intensity as you scratch your nails through his mess of wet curls.
“Hmm, feels good...”
“Shut the fuck up loser, you’re gonna make me hard again.”
Katsuki’s heatless threat is like talking to a wall. Well, a petty and horny wall. Izuku lets out his filthiest moan, bouncing against the tiles in an intense echo. And another. And another. His hair is still ridiculously covered in shampoo but, expecting the storm, you stop your ministrations.
Katsuki shifts behind you, ready to attack like a rabid dog, even growling right in your ear. This animal.
“What did I say——you wanna fucking go?”
They’re idiots. The both of them. Your idiots.
You speak before you even think.
“Thank you. Thank you for tonight. I love you both so much.”
Izuku raises fond eyes at you, reaching to take your hand. But it’s Katsuki who answers you first:
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to thank us for fucking your brains out.”
“I think she meant for the party, Kacchan.”
“For fuck’s sake, I know that, dipshit! I’ll bite your dick off, how’s that sound?”
This time Katsuki really goes at Izuku, bumping his chest against your back so you end up, once again, nose first into Izuku’s shoulder. And since he decided to play along, you decide it’s a good time to get out of here. They’re cute, but they’re a bit like those huge dogs that are affectionate but absolutely not aware of their strength. You chuckle to yourself at the thought.
You rise to your feet with a sleepy “Nope, too tired for this, good night” and step out of the tub, grabbing a towel before heading back to the bedroom. As soon as you’re dried off, you gracelessly collapse on the bed, entirely naked, and slip into the sheets with as much elegance as a worm crawling back to its hole. It doesn't take long before you’re dozing into a deep, dreamless sleep. But in the dark, starry depths of it, you feel them, hear them like a distant resonance.
You feel Katsuki’s arms wrapping around you, holding you tight, though careful not to wake you. His nose brushing the back of your neck, to smell you, sense you there, make sure you don’t fly away somehow in your sleep.
You also feel Izuku’s hand reaching for your cheek, featherlight, barely making contact. His wide, boyish eyes over you, scanning your face in its most relaxed state. And the gentle warmth of his feet rubbing against yours under the sheets.
And you feel his words, more than you hear them. Almost feel his lips talking against yours, so quiet it’s barely hearable, just above a whisper:
“We love you too.”
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robxstar · 3 years
While we're doing metas, how about one on "Switched"? I know Robin and Star don't directly interact all that much in that episode, but there are so many little points that kind of underscore their close relationship like when Starfire's looking for the boys at the beginning and starts by specifically asking for Robin. I'm curious to see your analysis.
I live for RobStar subtleties.
They don’t interact much this episode, true, but there’s still a sweet little undercurrent between them.
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He’s the first one she asks after.
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And the first one she greets when the boys are back.  A nice little emphasis on the fact that he’s her best friend and general first priority, the person she wishes to see and spend the time with the most.
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The pattern continues when the writers choose to have Puppet!Robin call Starfire’s name.  It’s not specifically shippy in the least but it’s just, as I said, a common theme.  Robin calls after Starfire.  She calls after him.
It’s cute.
Zombie!Robin also single-mindedly targets Starfire, in the two fights where the girls are fighting separately, even when she’s in Raven’s body.
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Doylistically it’s probably, once again, just a continuation of the pattern.  Robin goes with Starfire.  The writers casually pair them together and associate them with each other because, “Oh, they’re best friends and also in love, of course they are seen together.”
In-universe I like to think a part of Robin’s consciousness retains some recognition of Starfire and just... targets her out of that recognition.
This is also the part where we get the moment when Starfire says, “Robin I do not wish to fight you... But I will if I must.“
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And of course we have my favorite little bit of the episode.  The part where Starfire winds up holding Robin bridal-style. <3
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(Robin’s anxious glances downwards are too precious, it’s like he’s thinking, “Okay uh, wow we are very high up, please don’t drop me.”)
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Look at that smile.  She’s totally enjoying this.
“Oh why hello Robin, fancy you being here.  In my arms.  As I gently and gracefully lower us down to the floor.”
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Admittedly she looks a smidgen sheepish about it right here, as well.
They absolutely know the implications and they’re just too shy to mention or talk about it, lol.
I love how even in episodes where they don’t have explicit shiptease or even significant interaction, we can still find half a dozen nice little moments like these.  Speaks to just how comfortable they are together and how closely they are.
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Do you know of any instances where RooserTeeth directly acknowledged Gelato on social media? I had heard something about Lindsay Jones retweeting shippy art back in the day, but I couldn’t find anything.
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Lindsay Jones definitely retweeted Gelato art years ago, but, yeah, I don’t think it’s possible to find it now. (If my memory serves me right that was that fanart where Roman is lying on the pink sofa, his legs tangled in the pink curtains, and Neo is on top of him, untying his scarf. Or maybe I’m just psychic.) (EDIT: I'm not psychic! @theeyeofthetigger provided the link to this tweet! )
But! I can give you links to obviously romantic Gelato fanarts posted on Instagram in 2020, which were liked/commented by @rwbyamityarena, @rtdraws and @roosterteeth. 
1. This art by @nefarious_neo ( @nefariousneo on Tumblr) was liked by @rtdraws. OP’s caption: “Headcanon that Neo is cranky in the morning and refuses to do anything so her husband has to help her get ready so she doesn’t throw a fit about it being “too early.” Also this drawing idea I found on Pinterest (it was one of those base drawing) and I just had to draw them again for @rtdraws challenge because they’re so cute. 🧡💖”. HER HUSBAND. I have nothing else to say. 
2. This art, again by @nefarious_neo, was also liked by @rtdraws. OP’s caption:  “ Had to draw my OTP for @rtdraws challenge! I had way too many problems with this drawing and I definitely think coloring is not my thing. (I legit used too many different supplies for my own good) but I love Gelato and they deserve the world 💖🧡”
3. This art, again by @nefarious_neo, was liked by @roosterteeth. I’m drawing your attention to the fact that @roosterteeth wasn’t tagged in this exact post. But they found it. And they liked it. And there is inscription “GELATO” in big letters right on the photo! OP also shared this post on Tumblr. 
4. This art by @neospice_cosplay ( @theeyeofthetigger on Tumblr), which was posted on February 14, was liked and commented by @rwbyamityarena (with “ 😍😍 “). Here is the link to this artwork on Tumblr. 
5. This art, again by @neospice_cosplay, which also was posted on February 14, was liked by @rtdraws. OP’s caption: “For the current @rtdraws art challenge! Because of course I'd draw my favorite crime pair, who would I be if I didn't =w=“.  Here is the link to this artwork on Tumblr.
Sorry if that’s not what you wanted to see. I’m certain there were more examples, but that’s all I was able to recollect for now going down my memory lane. Unfortunately, I don’t remember Official RWBY Twitter retweeting 100% shippy Roman x Neo art, thought they did retweet insanely adorable fanarts with Roman and Neo leaning in cheek to cheek and so on. 
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gaspardcaderousse · 4 years
Masterlist of Amedot Moments & Tidbits
This is a post I originally made and maintained starting around the time Beta came out, but accidentally deleted it recently (rip the hundreds of notes it had accumulated). Luckily, I was able to find an earlier version via Google Cache, so behold: the edited masterlist, ten whole pages long in Google Docs. As of 1/30/2021, this contains every moment from the show and comics and won’t be updated unless more media is released in the future. 
If you can think of anything I might’ve missed, please let me know! Reblogs are obviously welcome. I’ve also got a video of all amedot moments in the show if that interests you. Amedot rights!
Amethyst and peridot gemstones are commonly paired together in jewelry, similar to how ruby and sapphire (a canon couple) are.
There has been a fair bit of art of them drawn by the crew. There are multiple pieces of them interacting by Danny Cragg, Maya Peterson has drawn art of them (she has an amedot tag of her own art on her tumblr, plus some other romantically suggestive art of them together), Nicole Rodriguez has drawn shippy art of them (she doesn’t have an amedot tag, but some can be found in her peridot tag), comic writer Grace Kraft has drawn them (she has a tag), and Rebecca Sugar has drawn them together, too.
Catch and Release
When Peridot is running up the stairs, Amethyst pulls out her whip and says “Hey” to Peridot in a rather provocative tone. 
Too Far
Peridot is obviously desperate for Amethyst to pay attention to her and see her as cool. She made jokes about the other gems to impress her (even if she was unknowingly being rude) and said to Steven that she thought she was being “cool” by doing so, and tries to make Amethyst laugh with her names for things (ex. “rythmatic pulverizer”). This behavior is typical of someone who has a crush, and was not just due to Amethyst’s status as a quartz; Peridot argues with and states that she dislikes Jasper, another quartz (and not a defective one, at that).
Peridot was visibly upset when Amethyst didn’t find her funny and said she felt “smaller” when Amethyst gave her the cold shoulder.
Peridot goes out of her way to save Amethyst from the drill head, even managing to break her leash in effort to do so. 
After saving Amethyst, Peridot is shown to have fallen on her; that and her reaction seem to reference the anime trope where the character will fall on their love interest and immediately become flustered.
Peridot’s apology at the end of the episode! This is probably the most heartfelt apology she’s given (compared to her actions at the end of Back to the Barn and throughout Barn Mates), and she specifically calls Amethyst “the best gem here”. She also admits that she was in the wrong with her statements and this is the first time she does so – compare with Back to the Barn, where she acts like Pearl needed to prove herself to her before Peridot could apologize. In that way, this was a huge turn for her character.
That little exchange of smiles at the end. It’s adorable.
Steven’s Birthday
Amethyst invites Peridot to join them and even blows up a cute lil Peridot-shaped balloon.
It Could’ve Been Great
Peridot tries to impress Amethyst with her knowledge about gems (specifically how they immediately adjust to the gravity of any planetoid), and is disappointed/surprised when Amethyst doesn’t find it interesting.
Peridot tries to compliment Amethyst by saying that the Beta Kindergarten was nowhere near as impressive as the Kindergarten Amethyst originated from.
Message Received 
Aside from Steven, Amethyst was the most visibly upset at Peridot’s betrayal, likely due to how close they were.
Log Date 7 15 2
When trying on the paint cans Steven gives to her, Peridot is shown to want to impress Amethyst with her new height. She also wants to show it off to Pearl, but she’s specifically trying to help Amethyst, whereas it’s just her height she wants to show Pearl; she wants Pearl to see how tall she is, and wants Amethyst to see how capable she is and actually wants to do something to actively help her.
If we assume Peridot’s shipping chart represents the gems, and that the green is Peridot and the purple is Amethyst, it is clearly shown that they are paired together. 
Peridot’s descriptions seem to imply that Percy and Pierre represent Peridot and Amethyst respectively, and she obviously thinks those two belong together. At the very least, the pairs have similarities. 
Amethyst says that she uses shapeshifting to be cool and directly shapeshifts into Peridot, showing that she obviously thinks Peridot is cool.
Amethyst is shown to know Peridot well enough to perfectly mimic her speech patterns, and says that she has been practicing doing so. She also says it’s “hard to beat the original”, to which Peridot responds to by blushing and giggling.
Peridot states that she finds Amethyst’s company entertaining.
Barn Mates
Peridot seems to be picking up some phrasing from spending time with Amethyst, directly referenced in the “Holy smokes!” scene.
Hit the Diamond
As soon as Peridot says that she’s scared, Amethyst immediately decides to ambush the Rubies in her defense.
Too Short to Ride
Peridot shows off her tablet-velcro innovation to Amethyst, attempting to impress her again.
Amethyst tries to win Peridot’s desired prize for her.
Amethyst gives a whole little speech to Peridot about how they like her for who she is, which shows that Amethyst genuinely likes Peridot for who she is and wants her to enjoy herself.
Amethyst tries to throw away Peridot’s tablet. While not necessarily the right thing to do, she was still trying to help Peridot in doing so. This also unintentionally means that Amethyst is the reason Peridot discovered her powers.
Amethyst also casually touches Peridot a lot throughout this episode (ex. putting her arm around her shoulders). Peridot doesn’t seem to mind this, in stark contrast to how she reacts when Mr. Smiley touched her.
Peridot is obviously very excited to see Amethyst; she runs down to see her, arms open wide, shouting her name happily.
Peridot is excited to show her art off to Amethyst (and specifically Amethyst).
When Steven tells Peridot why Amethyst is upset, Peridot doesn’t hold her attitude against her and immediately tries to make her feel better by telling her that she’s better than Jasper and insulting Jasper’s Kindergarten. I mean, it’s not the best way of comforting someone, but Peridot hasn’t been shown to be particularly good at comforting people.
This episode makes Amethyst the first person for Peridot to give affectionate nicknames (Ams, Big A).
Peridot is also obviously more physical with Amethyst (for example, putting her arm around Amethyst’s shoulder) similar to how Amethyst was with her in Too Short to Ride, even though Peridot seems to be have an aversion with physical contact except with those she is very close with.
Peridot seemed particularly worried when Amethyst left to fight Jasper, even more so than Steven did.
They both seemed to share a mutual desire to protect one another. Even so, they were also trying to protect Steven, so this doesn’t necessarily solely indicate romantic interest.
Back to the Moon
When Amethyst walked away from Peridot during Doc’s rant, Peridot reached out to her for a few moments. 
The Kindergarten Kid
Given Peridot’s previous attempts to impress Amethyst, her behavior at the beginning of the episode seems to be in attempt to show off to her. She may also be trying to show off to the other three Crystal Gems as well, but she specifically says some things in response to Amethyst and has tried to impress her more in the past than the others, so this is possibly directed more at her.
Amethyst is the most clearly insulted by Peridot’s comments at the beginning of the episode, showing that she really does care about her opinion. However, she forgives her after Peridot beats the corrupted gem and admits her misjudgments.
Amethyst is the first to compliment Peridot’s ability to bubble.
Last One Out of Beach City
When they arrive at the party, Amethyst tells Pearl to talk to a nerd. While this isn’t necessarily just referring to Amethyst and Peridot’s own relationship, it could be interpreted that way, as Amethyst calls Peridot a nerd rather frequently.
Adventures in Light Distortion
Amethyst seems to be actively listening to and taking interest in Peridot’s comments about the space ship, shown further when she refers to Peridot saying the gravity engine “bends reality”. While not necessarily romantic, it does show how their relationship has developed since It Could’ve Been Great, when she mostly ignores Peridot’s similar comments.
The New Crystal Gems
When Lapis says she doesn’t know who Amethyst is, Peridot seems visibly annoyed.
Peridot indirectly states that she thinks Amethyst has a good sense of humor (an opinion which she has voiced multiple times before).
Back to the Kindergarten
Amethyst’s entire motivation in this episode is to cheer Peridot up; she obviously cares a lot about her wellbeing and emotional health. It is obviously very effective, as Peridot begins to feel better throughout the episode in direct response to Amethyst’s actions, which goes to show just how well Amethyst knows her, and how much Peridot cares about Amethyst’s opinion.
The first time Peridot smiles since the beginning of her depression is in direct response to Amethyst complimenting her. She’s also very visibly blushing.
The two are essentially flirting throughout the entire episode. Amethyst poses while leaning against a wall while complimenting Peridot resulting in the above reaction, they joke with each other while gardening, and at one point Peridot can be heard speaking passionately to Amethyst about their project while Amethyst smiles at her with half-closed eyes. Amethyst replies, “Oh yeah?” in a tone that sounds very obviously flirtatious.
Again, Amethyst is shown to casually touch Peridot a lot; she puts her hand on her shoulder and even picks her up and carries her at one point. Again, Peridot is perfectly okay with it.
The gardening project happened because of Amethyst, and ultimately is what taught Peridot that even when some things are beyond saving, there is always hope to be found somewhere, and sometimes you have to move on. This is another major character development for her - again, one caused directly by Amethyst.
Letters to Lars
Amethyst and Peridot are seen doing improv together and seem to consistently agree with and encourage each other. While this isn’t necessarily romantic, it does show that they have been spending a good deal of time together casually offscreen.
Can’t Go Back
While Lapis is spying on the Crystal Gems on Earth, Peridot can be seen looking upset. Amethyst approaches Garnet and Pearl in what seems to be a worried way, and the three of them talk to Peridot, who eventually seems to brighten up. It seems like Amethyst noticed that Peridot was upset and came to the others with her concerns, leading to them cheering Peridot up, making her the direct cause in Peridot’s change in attitude and showing, again, that she cares for her emotional state.
As the Crystal Gems walk away, the projection of Peridot is the first to walk through Lapis, followed by Amethyst. This could be symbolism; Peridot is moving on from Lapis and her sadness over her leaving, with help from and while forging a stronger relationship with Amethyst.
Made of Honor
Amethyst and Peridot are seen standing together and casually interacting on multiple occasions throughout the episode - more than either with anyone else.
At one point, Peridot leans back on a chair while talking to Amethyst before falling over. The way it’s posed looks like a pretty textbook example of flirting (… and then making a fool out of oneself in attempt to flirt).
At the end of the episode, Amethyst puts her arm around Peridot’s shoulder. This is, yet again, an example of how physical they are with each other.
Like in Made of Honor, Amethyst and Peridot are seen standing together and casually interacting multiple times onscreen. 
Peridot is very physical with Amethyst in this episode, grabbing her arm and hiding behind her and pushing her in attempt to help push Steven’s shield. This shows again how physical they are with each other, and again shows that Peridot is very comfortable being physical with Amethyst (noticeably more so than with any other character at this point) despite her aversion to contact.
They can be seen bragging to each other about how they attacked Blue Diamond. Bismuth is also there, but they noticeably seem to be directing their boasts at each other.
Change Your Mind
Peridot and Amethyst seem to be taking inspiration from each other on their new regenerations. Amethyst has a triangle shape around her gem now, and Peridot has her stars on her knees like Amethyst’s old designs.
After the battle with White Diamond, Peridot immediately runs over to Amethyst and practically tackle hugs her. This is far more physical than she’s been with anyone else before in the series, and they both seem genuinely overjoyed to be with each other. Amethyst also holds her hand up right beforehand, either to wave or high five her.
Steven Universe: The Movie
When Amethyst recovers from Spinel’s attack, Peridot doesn’t initially realize that she’s back to normal and reacts very strongly upon seeing her, exclaiming that she can’t bear to see Amethyst “vacant and bereft of personality”. Interestingly, Peridot doesn’t seem affected at all to see Ruby, Sapphire, Garnet, or Pearl in such a state, but she’s so upset by the sight of Amethyst reduced to a shell of herself that she physically refuses to look at her.
In addition, Peridot immediately changes attitude and reacts excitedly when Amethyst tells her that she’s back to normal, despite the fact that the world is in dire threat of destruction.
When the gems are seen working on repairing the city towards the end of the movie, Peridot can be seen riding inside of Amethyst (who is shape shifted into a crane) to put up the donut on the Big Donut. They share a wink and a smile while doing this. It would have been just as easy for Amethyst to put it up on her own; Peridot isn’t really doing much to help, she’s just chilling there to hang out with Amethyst.
Throughout the episode, Amethyst and Peridot are the only two characters to point out that Steven likes tomato soup. Of course, this isn’t really evidence and by no means indicates anything romantic, but it does highlight how similar their thought patterns have become in certain ways. It’s reminiscent of the “Holy smokes!” scene back in Barn Mates.
Everything’s Fine
Peridot mentions to Steven that Amethyst told her that he was prohibited from messing with plants. Since Steven Universe: Future focuses so heavily on Steven, the other gems don’t interact all that much, but this makes it clear that Amethyst and Peridot, at least, are hanging out offscreen.
2017-Present Comic Series
Please note that all the comics are written by different people, and are considered “level 2 canon”; rather, not inherently canon but you’re free to consider them canon as long as they don’t contradict the show. Any italicized points are from entirely non-canon comics that directly contradict the show in some way. Even the non-italicized ones are not necessarily canon, however.
All throughout Issue 4 (in which Amethyst, Peridot, and Steven visit a renaissance fair together), Amethyst and Peridot are continuously very physical with each other, especially Amethyst towards Peridot.
When Steven calls Peridot cute, Amethyst can be seen blushing and holding her hands up to her face in a way that shows her clearly gushing over how “cute” Peridot is. While this is pretty typical behavior for Steven regarding cute things, it really isn’t for Amethyst; she just thinks Peridot is that adorable.
Amethyst is very excited when Peridot wins a joust, notably more so than Steven.
In Issue 9 (in which Vidalia gives Peridot and Lapis art lessons), Amethyst models for them. Peridot is notably very enthusiastic while illustrating her.
Amethyst seems concerned for Peridot specifically when she and Lapis start arguing.
In Issue 11 (in which Steven, Lapis, and Peridot take part in a cooking competition), Peridot runs into Amethyst at the competition and is especially happy to see her.
In Issue 17 (aka Peridot Becomes A Gamer), Amethyst is the first of the Crystal Gems to try to convince Peridot to get out and do stuff.
She also seems to be cheering for Peridot during her match against Pearl.
Although Peridot had been entirely immersed in the video game when the others first approached her and then smug during her match against Pearl, she actually indulges in some genuinely lighthearted banter with Amethyst before their match. She actually seems pretty happy, despite the context of the comic. In turn, she also reacts downright fondly when Amethyst loses. 
Amethyst is also the first to comfort Peridot when she admits that she’s been using video games to cope with Lapis leaving, and in turn opens up to her a bit in attempt to empathize. 
In Issue 33 (in which Peridot introduces Amethyst and Pearl to Camp Pining Hearts), Amethyst is the first to approach her and asks to watch the show with her.
Amethyst and Pearl make Peridot blush when they agree to continue watching CPH with her.
It’s Amethyst’s comment about Percy and Paulette’s lack of chemistry that gets Peridot excited; she blushes and gets the star effect in her eyes.
Peridot and Amethyst are seen paired together throughout the course of the comics, walking close to each other, sitting together inside the Harmony Core, etc.
There’s a panel where Peridot’s Twitter is visible, and Amethyst is, interestingly, the only other gem visible in her image gallery.
Camp Pining Play
At one point during rehearsal, Amethyst comes up behind Peridot and announces herself while sparkling.
Peridot is clearly impressed and enthusiastic about Amethyst’s acting abilities. 
Crystal Clean
Similarly to in Harmony, Peridot and Amethyst are often paired together.
Amethyst is also physical with Peridot like in the show, grabbing Peridot’s arm once she gets onto the warp pad at one point, which Peridot doesn’t seem to mind.
Directly after this, when they warp back into the temple, Amethyst seems to be standing in front of Peridot in a protective position.
Peridot and Amethyst’s relationship has been consistently shown to advance the plot and cause them to develop as people – it is undebatable that they are important to each other’s characters and the plot as a whole.
Amethyst has more nicknames for Peridot over the course of a few episodes than she has for any other character, including characters like Steven and Pearl who she has known for the entire series.
Overall, there are actually quite a few parallels to rupphire (one saving the other soon after meeting (Too Far and The Answer, with one even being followed directly by the other, drawing further attention to this), both couples being short with somewhat opposing color schemes, one being higher ranked and the other lower ranked on the gem caste system, one acting on emotions and the other one logic, etc.) The parallel is strengthened in Steven Universe: The Movie, when Sapphire saves Ruby from a berserk pizza cutter; this scene is even more similar to the drill scene from Too Far.
As with rupphire, amedot also parallels conniverse in the sense that one saved the other when they had very little knowledge of each other, both are short in stature with somewhat opposing dispositions, etc.
Relating to the former two points, Rebecca Sugar has called the act of saving another in such a way as was done in The Answer as “ridiculously romantic”. Given all the parallels with two of the show’s largest ships and then this…
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wendy’s great big pirates of the caribbean fic rec list
Hello, friends!  I’ve been meaning to make a Pirates fic rec list for years and the day has finally come.  This list is obviously in no way exhaustive and is very much indicative of my personal biases (*cough* lots of Norrington *cough*), but I can heartily recommend every fic that made this list and I hope you all enjoy it.  Making this was a labor of love and I would be thrilled to hear your thoughts on any you choose to read (though you should leave a kind comment for the author first)!
Other notes: I collected the bulk of these years ago, so there are a lot on FFnet and I have tried my best to screen them for various content warnings.  I believe only two fics on this list are explicit and are marked as such.  There is precious little slash on this list since that’s just not what I tended to read at the height of my Pirates phase; my apologies.
Under a cut to spare your dashes from this monster of a post.
“Mutiny on the Dauntless” by Marnie - Governor Swann and Lieutenant Norrington narrowly skirt disaster at the hands of a ruthless captain and dangerous crew on the crossing from England. [19k words. No ships. Warnings: seasickness, battle violence, minor character death, semi-graphic naval discipline.]
THE HONORAT COLLECTION in (hopefully) chronological order.  This author is my uncontested favorite Pirates of the Caribbean fic writer and I’m forever grateful to them.  Here’s to you, @honorat!
“Here’s Luck To You” - A collection of drabbles about Jack and Bootstrap Bill’s friendship, written in late 2005. [6k. Mind any posted warnings.]
“Homecoming” - Author’s summary: The young Captain Norrington has a rare moment alone with his beloved ship.  [1k.  No ships but the sailing kind.  No warnings.]
“Daring Rescue, Daring Escape” - A narration of Elizabeth's rescue following her tumble off the battlement and of Jack's attempted escape afterward.  [7k.  Can be read as Sparrabeth.  No warnings.]
“Worthy of His Steel” - Picks up where DR,DE left off, then flashes back to Will’s apprenticeship with Mr. Brown.  [44k.  Light Willabeth.  Mind any warnings: I remember minor character death, alcoholism, and general angst.]
“A Bargain At Any Price” - Elizabeth reflects on James’ interrupted marriage proposal.  [968 words.  Unrequited Norribeth.  No warnings.]
“Marooned” - A movie novelization of the time Jack and Elizabeth spent on Rumrunner’s Isle.  (If you haven’t seen the deleted scenes from CotBP, they’re now required viewing: Part 1, Part 2.)  [28k.  Can be read as Sparrabeth.  Warnings: alcohol; discussion of past injuries including burns, a brand, and a gunshot; discussion of death, murder, and suicide (latter related only to marooning and not seriously entertained or acted upon); mind any others.]
“Aboard the Dauntless” - Takes place directly after Marooned.  More movie/deleted scene novelization.  [20k.  Can be read as Sparrabeth and/or (unrequited) Norribeth.  Mind any warnings.]
“No Mercy” - Set aboard the Dauntless just after the battle at Isla de Muerta.  Have you ever been unreasonably hecked up by the sailor who rang the bell when he spotted zombie pirates?  I have because I’m Like That but now you can be too!  [1k.  No ships.  Warnings: blood, minor character death, funeral, survivor’s guilt, mention of execution by hanging.]
“For Remembrance” - Elizabeth visits Jack in prison the day before his pending execution.  [2k.  Can be read as Sparrabeth.  Warnings: brief mention of unsanitary prison conditions; death tokens; discussion of death, murder, and execution by hanging.]
“Balance of Justice” - The same night, Norrington struggles with the idea of Jack’s pending execution.  [990 words.  No ships.  Warnings: mentioned minor character death, survivor’s guilt, discussion of execution by hanging.]
“Crossing the Bar” - My all-time favorite PotC fanfic.  After the events of CotBP, Norrington thinks he has Jack cornered, but the pirate has other ideas.  A story of truly literary proportions ensues. [156k.  Canon divergent: written pre-DMC.  Light Jack/Anamaria.  Warnings: battle injuries, period-accurate first aid, minor character death. Other warnings posted in fic.]
“Just Between Us Dying Gods” -  Jack’s POV, takes place on the island of the Pelegostos just prior to Will's arrival.  [1k.  No ships.  Warnings: cannibalism, canon-typical ethnocentrism.]
“Bits of Shine” - A collection of drabbles (in the classic 100-word sense) spanning Pirates 1-3.  [14k.  Assorted canon ships.  Mind any posted warnings.]
“Christmas Reunion” - Author’s description: A Christmas reunion of several beloved characters set post-AWE. Jack's POV. Entirely fluffy.  [2k.  Willabeth.  No warnings.]
SCRUFFINGTON ANGST - Me, aged 15: but sir that’s my emotional support Good-ish Man Brought Low By Hubris (who am I kidding, that hasn’t changed a bit).  As you would expect, general warnings for this section might include minor character death, survivor’s guilt, self-hatred, alcohol abuse, unsanitary conditions, etc.  If you love Tortuga-related angst, this section is for you!  If you don’t go for whump and other unpleasant things, scroll on.
“Seven Deadly Sins: James Norrington” by Edoraslass - Classic drabble format, exactly what it says on the bottle.  Follows James’ DMC arc beginning in Tortuga.  [711 words.  No ships.  See tags on AO3.]
“Three Days” by geekmama - Several scene narrations following James from the pig sty to Isla Cruces.  Smelly bastard man.  [1k.  Several unrequited ships.  Warnings: unsanitary, alcohol abuse.]
“Interregnum: Icarus” by ConcertiGrossi - Follows James all the way from the hurricane to Tortuga, with an epilogue just after delivering the Heart to Beckett.  I dislike headcanons about Norrington ever employing sex workers - it seems very out-of-character to me - but other than that I stand by this fic.  Angst alert.   [16k.  Canon-divergent only if you read Sins of the Father.  Referenced unrequited Norribeth.  Warnings: near-drowning, vomit, mass minor character death, implied (but ultimately untrue) medium character death, funerals, survivor’s guilt, self-hatred, unsanitary, coughing, nightmares, pregnancy mention, parental death, under-eating, alcohol abuse, referenced suicide, suicidal ideation.]
“Birthday Wishes” by YouCantGetThereFromHere - A one-shot AU in which James has a twin brother and they celebrate their thirtieth birthdays, one in England, the other in Tortuga.  [4k.  Referenced OCxOC ship in the first half.  Warnings: alcohol abuse, self-hatred.]
“Eye of the Storm” by Edoraslass - Tortuga barmaid Kate is intrigued by the island’s newest barfly and strikes up a sort of friendship with Norrington until he moves on.  [4k.  No ships.  See tags on AO3.]
“Oil and Wine” by Argyle - Norrington’s descent during his time on Tortuga.  Everything comes with a price and a familiar face dogs his steps.  [500 words.  Norribeth.  See tags on AO3.]
“Absence and Memory” by Meddow - Post-CotBP, Elizabeth reflects on her relationship with Norrington over the years.  [3.7k.  Norribeth.  No warnings.]
“Penance More Will Do” by Meddow - Set directly after the hurricane.  While a wounded James is adrift at sea, he is visited by Hector Barbossa, who gives him a choice on behalf of Calypso.  [5.7k.  No ships.  Warnings: blood, vomit.]
“A Song for the Wretched and the Wrecked” by jadeddiva - Post-CotBP AU in which Will runs off to sea and Elizabeth consents to marry James after all.  They have a lot of growing to do, but it ends well.  [6.5k.  Norribeth.  No warnings.]
“Jack Sparrow’s Black Pearl” by Zath_Chauvert - A filk song in which Elizabeth and Will discuss Jack to the tune of “Tango: Maureen”.  [468 words.  Willabeth, J/W/E if you’re not a coward.  No warnings.]
“Of How a Lieutenant died at Sea” by YouCantGetThereFromHere - Foregoing the ending he's given in OST, Lt. Theodore Groves instead dies in the wreckage of the Endeavour in AWE and briefly greets Will in the afterlife.  [703 words.  No ships.  Warnings: implied major character death.]
THE ERINYA COLLECTION (I forgot that I saved a ton from this author as well!  Not arranged in any particular order.)
“Curiosity” - Elizabeth reflects on her growing feelings for Jack during DMC.  [828 words.  Sparrabeth.  Warnings: alcohol.]
“Sacrifice” - More Sparrabeth UST, Elizabeth’s POV.  [527 words.  Sparrabeth.  No warnings.]
“One Shot” - A collection of PotC drabbles, all written pre-AWE.  [6k.  Various pairings.  Warnings posted in fic.]
“The Game” - Jack and Tia Dalma play cards.  [600 words.  Can be read as Jack/Tia Dalma.  No warnings.]
“Frayed” - Will and Elizabeth, post-DMC, semi-compliant with AWE, but angstier.  I’m afraid this one isn’t very kind to Will but it sets up this author’s character dynamics/reasons for Sparrabeth.  [1k.  Willabeth, implied Sparrabeth.  Warnings: very poor communication.]
“Something Rich and Strange” - A Will/Tia Dalma one-shot, of all things.  A touch of destiny, indeed.  Written pre-AWE based on fan speculation.  [2k.  Canon-divergent.  Will/Tia Dalma, background Sparrabeth.  PG-13.]
“Ocean Heart” - Post-AWE, Elizabeth is visited by Calypso on that lonely beach.  [1k.  Implied Willabeth.  No warnings.]
“The Pirate’s Progress” - Post-DMC, Jack takes a jaunt through the afterlife, featuring all sorts of fun mythology/folklore.  [10k.  I’m gonna be real with y’all, I don’t remember if there’s anything shippy or triggery but I don’t think so?  Implied major character death I guess but he got better]
“Worlds Enough, And Time” - Futuristic AU in which Jack and Elizabeth both partook of the Fountain of Youth.  Our beloved pirates...IN SPAAAAACE.  Angst with a happier ending.  [3k.  Sparrabeth, implied Willabeth.  Canon-divergent in multiple ways.  Warnings: alcohol, discussions of death, suicidal ideation, referenced minor character death.]
“Janus and the Prodigal” - A conversation between Jack and Teague, a few years post-AWE.  [1k.  Can be read as Sparrabeth.  No warnings.]
“At Peace” by Rising Waters - Author’s summary: Elizabeth has been faithful for the allotted ten years, so Will is free of the Dutchman—but he is still plagued by thoughts of a man whose death he feels responsible for: James Norrington.  [1k.  Willabeth, unrequited Norribeth.  Warnings: referenced character death.]
“Second Chances” by geekmama - AU in which James was only wounded by Bootstrap, not killed, and Will drops him off at Shipwreck Cove to be with Jack and Elizabeth for the next ten years.  Fluff all around.  [1k.  Willabeth, can be read as Sparrington if you’re not a coward.  No warnings.]
“For Honour A Heart’s Demise” by Meddow - Another AU in which James is only wounded aboard the Flying Dutchman, only this time he gets to partake in the rest of AWE and becomes captain of the Dutchman instead of Will.  A goddess is defied and everything makes sense.  [10k.  Willabeth, unrequited Norribeth.  Warnings: brief suicidal ideation, survivor’s guilt, grievous bodily harm, major character death (but he gets better).]
“Between Wind and Water” by rexluscus - Author’s description: “England and Spain are at war, and Norrington needs a quick solution to the Jack Sparrow problem. Meanwhile, Jack discovers that the Caribbean he once knew is gone. The deal they make could solve both their troubles, or it might be the worst mistake of their lives.  This story is AU after the first film (sequels never happened). It's an experiment in dropping POTC characters into an actual historical event: the Battle of Cartagena de Indias in 1741.”  [90.3k.  Sparrington.  See tags on AO3.]
“betwixt the devil and the deep sea” by notbecauseofvictories - A character study of Jack Sparrow in an AU with angels and demons.  [2k.  No ships.  See tags on AO3.]
“coda” by notbecauseofvictories - Elizabeth during her time as the Pirate King.  [1k.  Willabeth, Sparrabeth.  See tags on AO3.]
FICS I HAVE NOT YET FINISHED but would nevertheless like to recommend:
The “Rash Actions” series by @blanketed-in-stars​ - I’ve been meaning to finish this for 7000 years but I thoroughly enjoyed the early chapters!  Nicole is a wonderful writer and is doing the Lord’s work in writing quality Turrington content.  [147k.  James/Will.  See tags on AO3.]
“In Service to the King” by sleepylotus/@apirateslifeforme123​ - An AU in which Elizabeth finds James in Tortuga after she becomes the Pirate King.  I loved the first few chapters!  [31.7k.  Norribeth, Sparrabeth.  Explicit.  WIP.  See tags on AO3.]
Curse of the Black Pearl early screenplay (first draft)
Dead Man’s Chest screenplay (final production draft)
At World’s End early screenplay (leaked draft)
Deleted scenes: (CotBP above in Marooned) DMC, AWE
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thefudge · 5 years
Hey what are your thoughts on this new john boyega star wars/reylo drama we are apparently closing 2019 out on? (Disclaimer: not a star wars fan, I just get curious when the fandom gets pissy lmao)
oh boyyy, did they ever get pissy 
*deep breath*
i think folks have forgotten the real roots of reylo as a ship and i’m here to remind them: back in 2015/2016, this ship was fun because it was trashy. it was classical villain/heroine fodder, angsty and deliciously problematic and a lot of fun. TFA made it clear there was an interesting, important connection between them, but their dynamic could go either way. john boyega pointing this same shit out in a joke shouldn’t have pressed ppl’s buttons, because it’s true. part of reylo’s appeal is the push and pull, the chase/fighting, the violence. i remember being in the goddamn trenches with this ship, defending the problematique. some shippers can claim that it was always about redeemed ben solo uwu, but that’s not why they started shipping them after TFA. we wanted to see bad guy fighting good girl and getting his ass handed to him. redemption was always secondary. that’s why we like villain/heroine ships. because there’s a villainous aspect to them. the proper reaction reylo folks shoulda had to boyega’s tweet is: “YES that’s our ship”. own it. was john pointing out the “problematic” aspects of the ship?  ehh, i think he was mostly making fun. star wars is notorious for these kinda messy dynamics. anakin almost choked padme to death, and the franchise still promotes them as starcrossed lovers. but even if john was trying to be critical, OWN IT, FAM. be honest and stop claiming reylo is pure and wholesome. ppl have the right to criticize this ship without the fandom falling apart.
i guess ppl took more issue with his replies to fans in that thread, replies which i thought were humorous and absolutely warranted. notice that the ppl he decides to @ at immediately started talking shit about finn being a useless character, about john having a crush on his co-star or about him not being in the same league as his oscar-nominated colleague, adam driver *fart noises* (there was even one directly targeting men of color…smh). these were absolutely insulting and despicable reactions. like, the anti-blackness simply jumped out. which proves his point. he baited shippers because he knew at least some of them would expose their racist ass on twitter…and look, they did. other fans replied in polite disagreement and moved the fuck on. but an embarrassing chunk decided to be spiteful cry-babies. all of it read to me like an actor who is done being pushed around, who had to deal with so much racist BS during this trilogy, whose contract is finally up, and who can finally tell ppl what’s what. the claims that he was being misogynistic towards rey’s character also don’t stand up to scrutiny. he can’t joke about finn giving rey good dick after ben’s death? so only reylos can have shippy, smutty headcanons? pleeeease. and how is that demeaning to rey? what, she has to stay pure and wholesome for ghost!ben? like, this reeks of ppl being uncomfortable with the black character expressing sexual desire towards the white woman.
unrelated to his tweet, where i think boyega could be criticized is in his treatment of rose vs rey. i wish he would be as vociferous and opinionated about kelly marie tran’s treatment, on and off set. i also wish he would examine his desire to be paired up with the “valuable” white protagonist rather than the “undesirable” woman of color who was basically given the boot at the end of the trilogy. i’m not saying he shouldn’t stan finnrey. i do too, but his refusal to acknowledge rose/finn because he knows it’s a devaluation of his character should make him question why rose/finn was written like a devaluation of his character. anyway, he seems to care more about finnpoe, either way, so i’m not going to get into that. 
the take-away for me is that a) anti-black sentiments are still widely spread in fandom, especially on twitter, it just takes one tweet to exhume them, and b) reylo fam needs to own up to how the ship started out in the first place, what its initial appeal was, and the tropes that it is indebted to. embrace and acknowledge the problematic. ofc, you have the freedom to erase the problematic aspects, sure, no one can stop you (the new trend cropping up of making reylo sound like it was wholesome from the start and ben solo did nothing wrong ever uwu…zzzzz), but don’t try to deny them altogether when ppl express divergent opinions.  john boyega’s tweet takes nothing away from your enjoyment of the ship. if it does, it means it’s your job to examine why acknowledging the messy aspects of reylo makes you uncomfortable. 
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nereiarts · 4 years
Preview: The Fair Ones
So as I might have mentioned this before, but I’ve got another longer Amnesia fic in the works atm. It’s about 50% done and I’ll start releasing it on AO3 sometime in the autumn, but here’s a short preview (under the Keep Reading cut) for those of you who are curious about it.
Rating: general audiences (preview), mature (finished work) Characters: Daniel, Alexander, Hazel Pairing: eventual Alexander/Daniel - there’s nothing shippy in the preview, though, as it’s from the 1st chapter
Summary: September 1839. Daniel and Hazel are travelling the unscouted Swedish wilderness with the intention of investigating old burial grounds and rune stones for Daniel’s university. Alexander, a benefactor of the expedition, travels with them as guide and interpreter, much to Daniel’s annoyance.
“I left scarcely an hour ago,” Alexander interrupted coolly. “And I can promise you, she was still in the camp then.” Daniel gaped at him, then turned to look at Hazel again. Her cheeks were smudged with dirt, her hair tangled. Now that it was lighter he could finally see her properly, and she looked as though she'd been rolling around in a pit somewhere; there were cobwebs and traces of moss stuck to her dress and her hair. “That's ridiculous. She can't possibly have… I mean, look at her, you don't get like this from a little walk in the woods,“ Daniel protested. Alexander ignored him, looking directly at Hazel. His gaze was imploring. “What made you leave the camp?” Hazel sighed. “It was those flames in the darkness. I heard them calling for me – that's what woke me up – and I think I must have pursued them. I can't really remember it. Danny caught me before I got too close.” Daniel was expecting the baron to laugh at her and tell her she'd been dreaming, but the man nodded seriously. He walked up to her and knelt down, gently removing twigs and leaves from her hair. “You have been put under an enchantment,” he told the shivering girl. “They were trying to lure you into the marshes. Time passes differently under their spell. Your brother may very well be right in saying that you were gone for far longer than we perceived.” A look of understanding passed between him and Hazel, like a flash of lightning. “You mean that I was pulled through the veil?” “Yes, I think so,” Alexander replied. “But only momentarily.” “What were those things?” Daniel asked in a hushed voice. He sank down next to Hazel again, wrapping an arm around her protectively. “Did you see them, too?” the baron asked him. “Yes. Cold flames from the marshes. It was almost as if… as if...” “It almost looked like something human-shaped, but much smaller,” Hazel continued for him, and Daniel nodded. “Yes, but only for a moment. They vanished as soon as I realised they were there.”
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syrupwit · 4 years
Letter for Chocolate Box 2021
Hello there, and welcome to my letter for Chocolate Box Exchange 2021! I appreciate that you’ve taken the time to read this letter. I hope that it will provide you with clarification, inspiration, or at the very least a bit of entertainment.
I have requested fic only for all items below. Although I’ve written more for some sections and less for others, rest assured that I would be thrilled to receive a gift for any of the requested fandoms or relationships. 
Please see the table of contents below:
Do Not Want (DNW)
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Fandom: Planescape: Torment
Fandom: Stellar Firma
My general/SFW likes include: 
Surreality and weirdness
Character studies
Lore and worldbuilding
Humor and comedy, especially dark comedy
Psychological, paranormal, and cosmic horror
Unreliable narrators
Unusual team-ups
Dramatic rescues
Canon divergence AUs
Unconventional formats
My smut/NSFW likes include:
First times
Characters being super into each other, especially if one or both of them are conventionally unattractive
Humiliation with a male sub
Tease and denial
Orgasm delay; also orgasm denial
Dominant bottoms
Mutual dubcon/noncon, or dubcon where the dubconned party enjoys it
I have a very long list of fic likes here.
Characters under age 16 involved in sexual situations
Sex without mutual attraction
Hate speech or hate crimes (discussions/mentions of bigotry are fine)
Harm to animals (the existence of ghost animals is OK, and it’s fine to mention animals that have canonically died, but I don’t want to hear about injury, abuse, or noncanonical death of animals)
Necrophilia (sexual activity involving ghosts or sentient skeletons/undead is OK, just not inanimate corpses or remains)
Sexual activity involving worms / spiders / insects
Requested Ships: Adelard Dekker/Gertrude Robinson, Agnes Montague/Gertrude Robinson, Evan Lukas/Naomi Herne, Gerard Keay/Tim Stoker, Harriet Fairchild & Simon Fairchild
One of my favorite pieces of horror media! <3 I’ve requested mostly rarepairs for this exchange. Please don’t look to the amount I’ve written to gauge how much I want one pairing over another -- I want all these things equally and would be happy with any of them.
Adelard Dekker/Gertrude Robinson
The respect, rapport, and humor between these two is palpable in the text of Dekker’s statements and the way Gertrude talks about him. She was still holding onto his plans to disrupt rituals after he presumably died. I’d love to know more about their working relationship, the foes they faced, and whatever’s going on with Dekker’s relationship to the Web. Extinction!Dekker would also be awesome.
If you want to get into Dekker’s faith versus Gertrude’s lack-of, please do! I’m really interested in the way that religion/faith functions in a world like TMA’s, and I love conflicts between characters where neither “side” is cast as “right” by the narrative but it’s clear why everyone believes the things they do. But if you’re not interested in touching on this topic, no worries.
Agnes Montague/Gertrude Robinson
Star-crossed as hell. I refuse to believe that they only met once, or that they were entirely somber and fateful and dutiful about it. imo Gertrude generally comes off as contemptuous or irreverent about other entities and avatars, but she seems to reserve a certain respect for Agnes. Agnes... I’d just like to know more about Agnes.
I’d love to hear about their history: how their metaphysical bond works in daily life, the encounters or near misses they’ve had over the decades, the ways they’ve helped or foiled each other from a distance. I would especially love some outsider POV, whether it’s Gertrude receiving statements about Agnes, Agnes hearing of Gertrude’s exploits secondhand, or a third party perceiving a meeting between them. A statement directly from Agnes could also be awesome.
I’d love any AU where they have to work more closely together, as well -- be it canon divergence, or a setting AU like vampire/vampire hunter. (Oooh. Buffyverse AU with Gertrude as a Watcher and Agnes as the leader of the vampire cult that killed her latest Slayer, y/n?)
Evan Lukas/Naomi Herne
“Alone” was one of the first episodes in the podcast that really got me, and the image of Naomi running between those open graves is still striking. I feel terrible for Evan and am so curious about his fate. I’d love to hear more about their relationship, anything that might have happened to Naomi post-Eyepocalypse, or an AU where Naomi rescues Evan from the Lonely or vice versa.
Gerard Keay/Tim Stoker
These two have never met on-air, but I think they’d really get along. They’re both quick, driven, given to quips and reasoned action, and possessed of tragic backstories. Whether they meet somehow pre-canon, Tim finds Gerry’s book in the time between Jon’s return from America and the Unknowing, or there’s a full AU scenario, I would love to see them interact. I think there could be some interesting tension around Gerry’s decision to consciously align himself with the Eye versus Tim’s unwilling conscription, and the ways their family histories have forced them into contact with the supernatural.
Harriet Fairchild & Simon Fairchild
Harriet Fairchild is a one-episode background character with barely a handful of third-hand lines, but I’m very intrigued by her. Simon is a sparkling example of Affable Evil and I would enjoy reading more about his philosophy and relationships with others. I’m interested in the family dynasties connected to the entities and just kind of want to know more.
What are the Fairchilds, and how do they create new family members? Who was Harriet before she became a Fairchild? How does she conceive of the Vast, and what is her attraction to it (or aversion-turned-attraction)? Who is Simon to her -- teacher, tormentor-turned-teacher, evil father figure -- and how do they agree and diverge on how best to serve their patron? I really love explorations of avatars’ different relationships with their respective entities, so I would adore something about that. 
Some things that particularly compel me about the Vast: the image and name of the Falling Titan, freedom in nihilism, the comfort of insignificance, call of the void, oceans / storms / cliffs, space, scales of size so large they’re not humanly comprehensible, love for the sky, adrenaline and excitement, hollowness / emptiness, unusual manifestations, alliances and rivalries with other powers.
Requested Ships: Annah-of-the-Shadows & Fall-from-Grace, Annah-of-the-Shadows/Fall-from-Grace, Morte & The Nameless One, Morte/The Nameless One
I completed this game for the first time in fall 2020 and enjoyed the hell out of it. I’ve only played through twice, and I haven’t explored all the routes or possible encounters; please excuse the current gaps and mistakes in my canon knowledge!
Annah-of-the-Shadows & Fall-from-Grace | Annah-of-the-Shadows/Fall-from-Grace
I fell for Annah because of her voice acting (the affectionate wryness! the ill-concealed vulnerability!), and Grace because I love older female characters whose stoic or gracious exteriors conceal fortresses of discipline. While I’m not in love with the way women are written in Planescape: Torment, I really like both these specific characters and crave more interactions between them. Their relationship has a great deal of tension with no real resolution, and they have an interesting mix of similarities and contrasts. I think there are some fascinating possibilities to explore with them, whether platonically or romantically. 
Annah mistrusts and is jealous of Grace. Meanwhile, Grace seems disappointed when Annah rejects her friendly overtures, and repeatedly shows protectiveness towards her. (What does Grace see in Annah, besides a romantic rival or just a younger woman who doesn’t like her? If they had met earlier, how would Grace have tried to cultivate her?) Annah is hotheaded and ruled by emotion, while Grace keeps her arguably more tumultuous feelings under rigid control. Then Annah’s implied discomfort with her heritage as a tiefling, and Grace’s turmoil over her identity and past trauma as a tanar’ri, are another potentially exploitable source of conflict. 
I’d love something about a bonding attempt on Grace’s part gone awry -- does it get criminal? Unexpectedly dangerous? Uncomfortably sexy? An exploration of how they deal with things post-ending (any ending), or just everyday interactions with the citizens and environment of Sigil, would also be awesome. Hurt/comfort, too -- maybe something where Annah is trying to be stoic while Grace heals her, or a situation where Annah has to take care of Grace and is super out of her element? Or maybe Annah gets mazed somehow, and is shocked when Grace shows up to rescue her? These are all merely suggestions though. 
Morte & The Nameless One | Morte/The Nameless One
One of the most complicated relationships in the game, and also (in my opinion) the most intriguing. I’m really interested in Morte’s loyalty to the Nameless One and the way his guilt intersects with and fuels it. They have such a long, twisted history, and the player’s decisions can put so many different spins on it. I’d really love anything about them, shippy or gen. (I would prefer that the focus be kept off their romantic/sexual relationships with women or aspirations toward the same, particularly the sexually harassing comments.)
I’m a massive, massive sucker for comic relief characters encountering serious/dark situations, so I would love anything with Morte in that vein, whether it’s one of his canonical moments of peril (getting stolen by Lothar! potentially being traded to the Pillar of Skulls!) or a new situation. A past incarnation of the Nameless One could also provide the peril. Their relationship has gone through near infinite iterations -- there’s so much to exploit there, and so much opportunity for angst on Morte’s part (and pining, if you want to go in a shippy direction). 
Further prompts… Hmm. I’d love something that explores the world of Planescape in general and Sigil in particular; I’m particularly fond of the mortuary, the catacombs, and UnderSigil. It’d also be cool to see their first meeting after the “best” ending of the game (where the Nameless One finally dies and goes off to join the Blood War). On the whole, though, anything where these two are together and bantering would be lovely!
Requested Ships: David 7/Trexel Geistman, Trexel Geistman/Hartro Piltz, Number 1/Number 48, David 7 & Trexel Geistman & Hartro Piltz, David 7/Trexel Geistman/Hartro Piltz
It’s difficult to express how much I love this podcast, but rest assured I really, really do. It has been described as a cross between Brazil and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and this strikes me as accurate. I love how the tone is at once exuberantly silly, but also dark and horrifying, in a way that doesn’t try to hammer listeners over the head with its irony. It would be hard not to delight me with any fic about the requested gen relationship and ships.
David 7/Trexel Geistman
I didn’t actually ship these two until I wrote 10k+ words of them talking. Then Season 3 came along, and, well, I LOVE THEM. They’re so fun together, and I love the gradual development of their not-quite-friendship -- those few, short moments of genuine connection, that contrast all the more with Trexel’s everyday self-absorbed cruelty and the oppressive horror of David’s situation.
The potential for jealousy and unrequited pining on Trexel’s part here is particularly delicious. (I would be totally cool with unrequited Trexel->David for this request, by the way.) However, I also love the idea of David realizing, with creeping horror, that he has feelings for Trexel, or that he returns Trexel’s no doubt inconvenient and poorly expressed affections. Imagine the songs they would sing.
In terms of prompts… I really loved the in-universe coffee shop setup; something about their time there, or an AU where they get to stay longer, would be lovely. Playing with tropes could be fantastic -- soulmate/soulbond AUs, arranged marriage, bodyswap, amnesia, wingfic, time loops, fake dating, hurt/comfort, one character being assumed dead when they aren’t (and then it makes the other character realize their feelings, oh no). I’d also really love angst, centered around pining or not. I think some terribly painful things could be done with these characters, and I’d love to read them.
Trexel Geistman/Hartro Piltz
I fell hard for this ship right about when Hartro made Trexel drink clone slurry in Episode 5. I love how much fun she has terrorizing him, how he just has to take it, and how he both fears her and scrambles for her attention. (NB: I am 100% unironically into the foot thing, so feel free to do whatever you’d like with that, including nothing.)
I love what a disaster Hartro is. It’s not her fault that she was assigned to Trexel -- he could drive anyone mad -- but she lets her hatred of him goad her into making terrible decisions. At the same time, as a nonnie on FFA expressed a while ago, it seems like she gets more out of the relationship than she wants to confront or acknowledge. On Trexel’s end, Hartro seems to demonstrate the exact sort of mix of “come here” and “get away from me” that captures his attention.
Kink is baked into this ship, so I’ll try to be shameless about requesting it. I was perhaps overly gratified when Trexel was canonically stated to be a masochist (he likes getting shock-collared! and possibly stepped on!). I’d love anything that goes even further with their canon dynamic -- D/s, punishment, bondage; humiliation, degradation, the foot thing; maybe dubcon with a pre-canon Hartro taking out her frustrations on Trexel, or some sort of incredibly messed up corporate training exercise. 
Explicit kinky content is far from my only interest here, though -- I’d also love romance, a lower-rated exploration of UST, or something that examines their relationship without getting into kink or sex at all. This is one of those ships where, if you make them hold hands in a certain way, hearts will spontaneously explode in my eyes. Just a fact.
Number 1/Number 48
Standards! So sinister. What’s up with them, anyway? How did they meet and agree to file relationship paperwork together? What are their couples counseling sessions with Dr. Krell like? What were the most egregiously vague pronouncements that Number 1 made pre-canon, and what other work assignments have impacted their personal lives and forced them to cancel reservations? ...How did Number 48 get the murder hammer? 
Since these two are, I believe, the highest-ranking members of Stellar Firma to have appeared in the podcast so far, I’d love something about their interactions with other higher-up types or silly protocols or general Brazil-type bureaucratic madness. If there are ominous promises and disturbing implications packaged in crisp business jargon, all the better. 
David 7 & Trexel Geistman & Hartro Piltz | David 7/Trexel Geistman/Hartro Piltz
So, I love these characters and the way they interact. I love that they’re all dramatic and ridiculous in their own ways, and that no one is strictly the straight man or the comic relief (though Trexel does come close to the latter). 
Gen-wise, these three seeing a common goal through together would be delightful, whether it’s something small or grand-scale or completely imaginary. Something science fiction-y, or crossover with another genre like horror or film noir, could be really fun. Additionally, the episode where they all play a TTRPG is one of my favorites -- I’d love something else about them playing a game together or otherwise letting Hartro explore her passion for elaborate props and scenarios. 
Ship-wise, I’ve already talked about why I love David/Trexel and Hartro/Trexel. For David and Hartro, I like that they’re able to have a polite, semi-reasonable conversation, but I was also intrigued by the hint of antagonism in Episode 55, with the angry staring and pointed bed-sitting. I tend to read David as either gay or bi with a heavy preference for men, but I could absolutely get into some David/Hartro rather than a V relationship for this OT3. In terms of shippy prompts, I’m interested in seeing them navigate the same scenarios as in gen, but I would also love some messed up three-person corporate training exercises if you’d like to go that route.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
AQ author interview tag:
Pen Name: dartmouth420
Pronouns: she/her
How long have you been involved in the RPDR fandom?: oh boy i’ve been reading fics since 2016-ish but i’ve been watching the show since season 5 aired
And what got you started?: as with any new media i consume i did a cursory investigation of the fanfic just to see what people were up to… loved every minute of it (biadore pulled me in first lmao) and during a span of unemployment i decided i wanted more rajila lol and started writing
Favorite queens and/or ships to write: i generally write rajila, ravjila, rujubee, but there are many other queens i really enjoy as characters and there are some other rare-pairs i might explore down the line !
Favorite genres to to write: i mostly write lesbian AUs, angst, idiots-in-love, awkward sex scenes are my favourite thing in the world, i often dip into themes of mental illness and trauma, as well as unnecessarily dark stuff that i don’t post lol. i’ll read just about anything but i LOVE genre-specific AUs (shoutout to Veronica&Dane for galactica, MistressAQ for their star trek au <3)
Where you post: aq a little but mostly i post on a03! 
Most popular fic: Prepare to Use Force If Necessary got a fair amount of attention which really surprised me because it’s not shippy or smutty, it’s basically a very drawn-out adoption fic :)
Favorite story you’ve written so far: I don’t have a favourite, they all have aspects i like and dislike in equal measure!
Longest fic you’ve written (and word count if you want): Prepare to Use Force If Necessary is 66,963 words lmao it could use an edit down… 
Fic you were nervous to post: Nostalgia for sure, because it’s canon compliant m/m which was outside my comfort zone, and it centres around a low-key toxic friendship so i wasn’t sure how that would be met! also i challenged myself to write it as AS5 was airing so it left little time for editing (i usually sit on a fic for a while before posting)
Favorite comment you’ve ever gotten on your fic: pink-grapefruit-cafe once sent in a comment praising Nostalgia when i was posting that and it made me so happy!!! thank you!! also this one rando on a03 once commented “jesus” on my one-shot (Famous Blue Raincoat) and i don’t know what that meant but i think about it all the time lmao. hilariously on the same story i also received an excellent, resounding comment (thank you lemyanka from a03) so that was really nice too <3 i like the different reactions people have :)
Do you accept prompts?: i don’t accept prompts directly but i have certainly seen prompts posted here aq and been inspired by them!
How you choose your titles: with great frustration
Do you outline?: yes! when i commit to writing a fic i write down single lines describing loosely what’ll happen in each scene, i.e. [raja confronts manila with her suspicions, they argue then make out] it’s not always in the right order. i write random scenes and if i like a scene enough, i’ll build a story around it. for example, with PTUFIN the very first scene i wrote was manila’s nervous breakdown, and basically built the fic around it as the pivotal moment.
Number of completed fics: 6
Number of fics in progress: uhhhh 4? honestly there so many looool
Number of fics coming soon/not yet started posting: here’s what i’ve got up my sleeve right now: an art world au about navigating an open relationship, a catholic high school au, a fight club au, a canon-compliant(ish) near-future dystopian hunger games fic that’s too dark for my own good lol, a lesbian au where the main character has severe agoraphobia/ocd, low-key Marriage Story au where the main character is trying to raise her kid after recently separating from her long time partner… oh the list goes on. and i hope to finish Nostalgia sometime :)
Upcoming work that you’re most excited about: the art world open relationship au is SUCH a soap opera lmao, but it’s almost done, it’s like 50,000 words tho and reaaaaaaaal angsty/emotional/smutty
Anything else you want readers to know!!: every time i get a comment i ascend into the sky with joy, seriously. i love every single person who’s ever bothered to say anything nice to me <3 <3 <3 <3. i’ve never worked with a beta reader but i think that could be fun! also, i think about the infamous ‘rajila sex anon’ every day of my life ahahaha
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bardic-inspo · 4 years
M, O, R 😊
Thanks friend! :) M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you) Oh hmm, a ship I don’t ship...hmm. I have that multishipper problem of, yeah, I might not actively ship it, but I could be persuaded to get on board probably haha. I know some folks are a fan of Danse/Deacon, and I can see the dramatic appeal, but I don’t particularly see the chemistry there. That being said, I think it there’s a lot of powerful storytelling potential, and maybe over a long fic I could enjoy it? They have the capacity to really push each other to grow, and that’s always interesting to see. Also, just a lot of humor potential between those two. Probably Danse isn’t laughing for a lot of that, but I’ll do it for him haha.  O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of? I just hit shuffle play on my Spotify liked songs for this one. “Miss Missing You” by Fall Out Boy came up. This is on my Nate and Natasha list (which doesn’t surprise me because most of my Spotify likes are shippy stuff). Sad fading love vibes :( But, sort of on the upswing of that, I think. This one has some double meaning further along in BtG, but I’ll stay mum about that for now. In general it just sort of makes me think of a life that could’ve/would’ve been but one that isn’t exactly missed anymore. It’s in the past. R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships Oh this one’s really hard, too! I don’t think I ship a lot of rare or obscure pairs that I don’t have in common with at least a few folks... I think a lot about Scribe Haylen and how awesome she is and how I wish she was on a different team than the BoS, particularly after Blind Betrayal. I’ve read some stuff shipping her and Deacon, which was interesting. I think I’d be more partial to her and Glory. But, if she were to leave the BoS, I don’t think she’d be so eager to hop into another faction, I think she would want to make sure her actions are really, directly benefitting people without any cloak and dagger or ulterior motives. She doesn’t seem particularly prejudiced against synths herself, so maybe she’d help Nick out on cases or something. I could see her with partnering with Nick, or maybe Ellie. Helping them solve crimes. Falling for them along the way, maybe. I would say she’d match well with Preston, too, but again, not sure she’d be so quick to jump into another uniform.  I had to really reach for this haha. I wouldn’t say so much that I ship her with someone in particular, more that I ship Haylen and leaving the BoS post-BB. 
[Fandom Meme Asks]
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zutaraangtastic · 5 years
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Announcing Zutaraang Week 2019!
A week to celebrate the ship of Zuko/Aang/Katara and create and share content! Art, fic, graphics, meta, absolutely any type of creation you can think of goes! The date and the prompts for each day have been selected through this poll. 
When is it? Monday 28th October - Sunday 3rd November. 
Please tag posts with #zutaraangweek or #zutaraangweek2019 or @ this blog so we can see it and reblog it! You can also submit directly to the blog. Make sure it’s in the first five tags otherwise it won’t appear in the search.
Content mainly focused on one of the pairs (Zukaang, Kataang, Zutara) is very welcome as long as it’s within an OT3 context.
Friendship/non-shippy themed creations are also very welcome! 
NSFW works are welcome too (please tag them appropriately.)
There is an AO3 collection here for works created for the week which you can post your creation into if it is on AO3.
Prompts are just that, prompts! They’re there to serve as inspiration, but if you have another idea go for it! Also feel free to post a work inspired by a prompt after the day has passed.
Please don’t hesitate to send asks about anything that’s unclear or come to the discord and discuss anything! Happy creating!!!
Zutaraang Week 2019 Prompts:
1. monday 28th - confession
2. tuesday 29th - modern AU 
3. wednesday 30th - myth/mythology
4. thursday 31st - scars 
5. friday 1st - element swap 
6. saturday 2nd - dancing 
7. sunday 3rd - sunlight/moonlight
(banner art by @artomicmuffin!)
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