#house cygnet
imjulia-andilikecats · 2 months
-10000 Aura Points, If You Ask Me
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Image: Froy Gutierrez
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girllblogging777 · 2 years
evangeline samos we stan
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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25/06/2023-Hatchet Pond in the New Forest and home 
Pictures taken in this set: 1. Grey Silverfish before bed last night. 2. Magpie out the back. 3. Flowers in the garden. 4-8. Views on a lovely call in to Hatchet Pond where I’d not been since 2021 on a splendid day the water sparkled well. 9. Bog pimpernel at Hatchet Pond a key flower today seen both here and at Pig Bush which my last post was about. 10. Lovely House Sparrow in the garden in the sun this morning. 
Mute Swan with cygnets my first cygnets this year I believe, Canada Goose with goslings, Little Egret, Mallard, Moorhen, Common Blue Damselfly, Silver Y and water lily were other highlights at Hatchet Pond. At home Magpie, Jackdaw, Goldfinch fittingly a bird I saw well today out in the forest and home on the day my year list became my highest ever seeing Spotted Flycatcher for the first time this year at Pig Bush as Goldfinch was the first species I saw this year and Woodpigeon were other highlights at home, with love-in-a-mist a flower I really like enjoyed in the garden and a fly before bed last night. I liked seeing Moorhen and Oystercatcher among other birds on the shore of the Beaulieu River going from Pig Bush to Hatchet Pond. What a wonderful wild weekend a key one in my year. 
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sunsetcougar · 1 month
Biotech AU. As expected Lute doesn’t really do much her first couple of weeks in the seraphim’s home. She spends most of her time staring at the walls or occasionally those paintings Sera picked out for her. Which Sera thinks probably counts as some form of mental stimulation, right? Differing patterns and such?
Then she starts following Sera around again like she did at the hospital, just trailing behind her around the communal areas of the house like a duckling. Or a cygnet would probably be more accurate, considering Sera has quite a few swan like traits. Either way Emily has a few videos of Lute just kind of hovering near Sera as she works on something. She started doing most of her work at home so she can keep an eye on Lute’s health and mental state.
(It becomes a whispered joke among some of the council members that Sera is basically on maternity leave.)
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itsbenedict · 1 day
From the beginning | Previously | Coin standings | 60/70 | 36/36
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Walter wants to go check out what was happening down in that sunken temple, but Adea doesn't want to just leave all this dirt sitting here- and she's just plugged in that coin miner thingy, so they'll need to sit around for a bit to see if it works anyway.
IT PREVENTED ROOK POWER EXTRUSION is OVIOS NETWORK EXPENDITURE REPORT. Apparently, about 14 years ago, the municipal government started deploying some project called the OpenVista I/O Station network. OPENVISTA is, on paper, an independent startup, but apparently it's a shell corporation established so Thinrar could dodge some of his own restrictions on public works. The report details the budget that went into constructing and deploying these things- though it's not clear from the report exactly what they do.
Apparently a construction company called WIREFRAME MOCKUP was hired to simultaneously build a mall named TARGETED ADVERTISING... and force an underground funeral home type facility run by SLEEP MODE to surrender something called the LOTUS VEXOR, in exchange for letting them keep the rights to their land (which they'd been retroactively granted thanks to a surveying loophole). The project took years and went way over budget, despite someone named DEADLOCK DETECTION being sent from Thinrar's office to oversee it personally. But 14 years ago, she apparently managed to get her hands on it- a key component of the OVIOS network, somehow. The cover op, the mall construction, is set to open in a few days.
TIN RUNT CONCOCTS A QUART O' CACTI concerns an AQUATIC CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, offered by COLLUSION to a well-regarded specialist contractor named REGRESSION TEST. It's mostly an email chain with said contractor, who had a thousand questions about the nature of the work and the equipment she was being paid to install. The emails- sent to her by someone named JUST-IN-TIME COMPILER- are evasive and noncommittal, and seem primarily concerned with getting her to agree to various nondisclosure agreements and security measures.
REGRESSION TEST's job, apparently, is just to demolish the wreckage at the build site, create some waterproof housing with enough space for maintenance staff, and install the provided equipment. That's all she's allowed to know about the HILARITY! BE A FILIAL E-CYGNET.
SPRITZ? REPENT, WRY ED COOLHAXX! is a strange set of files called PROXY WIZARD CONTEXT HELPERS. It's a dossier on... various random people in town. A university researcher with no friends, a family of small-time crooks down by the docks, various guards at this very tower, and a handful of other random citizens with no clear connecting factors. The files describe the details of their lives over a disconcertingly long period of observation, and note things that are missing from those lives. Family members they don't have, friends they've lost contact with, coworkers who quit recently. There's transcripts of interviews with some of these people, but nothing stands out as particularly odd.
There's also profiles on various properties for rent, and some odd shorthand notes that appear to describe how long they've spent vacant and what's wrong with them. And... a bunch of copies of old missing persons cases, with all the names blacked out. And statements from investigations of incidents where... disasters were averted for reasons no one understood, like an out-of-control trolley being diverted onto a track by some good samaritan who never identified themselves.
[ed: Yeah, chew on that one, FF. You'll find out what I'm on about eventually.]
This is all weird, and rings a few bells, but you're not sure what to make of it just yet. In the meantime, Adea collects 10 Coin from the minter- which seems to have really raised the ambient temperature in the room. It's probably fine, though, right? The heat's dissipating into the stone, for the most part.
Adea consults with Walter and formulates a guess. He'd been drawn underground by some mysterious force when he woke up, right? If your daughter ended up here too- and it stands to reason, because you were all right there in the same place when the blast(?) went off- maybe she was pulled down there by the same force! It's possible he just missed her- she could've gotten lost in those underground tunnels somewhere. Best to give it another once-over with an extra pair of eyes.
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You head through the ancient pyramid, which... seems to be more extensive, and in better repair than it used to be. When did all this construction happen? Finding a crack in the floor leading down is more difficult than before. Earlier, it hadn't been difficult at all- Walter says some part of him knew which way to go. Did something change?
Neither of you are feeling any supernatural pull downwards anymore. The area below- save for some additional pyramid construction- is almost entirely unchanged. Which... does mean that there is a GIANT SKELETON, still. Several of them. You find a reasonably well-hidden spot to lurk and install the WIFI ACCESS POINT in the REVERT A BANDANA SURGERY SUBTERRANEAN GRAVEYARD. Files include:
Someone took issue with the performance assessment of a robot horse, around, like... thirty years ago? The email is RE: PONY SERVITOR 2076 SCORECARD, and they're not happy.
You've heard of saltwater taffy, but mousewater taffy is considerably harder to manage. Someone's done it, though: ENCODED::: WRANGLED MOUSEWATER TAFFY.
According to the LANCE GLANCE RECRUITER: PI ROTATION IS OUT. He's in charge of recruiting people who've had a close shave with spears, and he prefers to measure lance angles with tau.
An island nation called Haiti, which you've never heard of, is really mad about something- but they don't seem to want to be mad. IRATE HAITI WISHES MELLOW??? Really?
There'd been a lot of development on a faster-than-light utensil, but the product has been getting worse over time. See, a TORTOISE PROVED WARP FORK REGRESSED in this paper.
There's an invitation to the LETTERED CORRECTNESS FOUNDATION, an organization devoted to putting letters in the correct order. Sure would help if these guys weren't hallucinatory!
To be continued | 60/70 | 32/32
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sniperjade · 2 months
Some Things Are Worth Waiting For
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10 years later
When Draco opened his eyes, he was back in his classroom. The anxious face of Jackson Buttons was staring at him from the first row of desks, his genial face screwed up in concern. Next to him Briar Selwyn was examining her cuticles, presumably trying to exude an aura of boredom, so that Jackson did not catch on that she was fawning over every word from his mouth. Her crush wasn’t entirely hopeless if the blushes and stuttered words from Jackson were any indication. He had always thought it adorable to watch them.
Having recently been in the intense eye of nineteen-year-old Hermione Granger, he may never see it that way ever again.
He stood up straight. Jackson Buttons and Briar Selwyn? After a quick scan of the rest of the classroom he could confirm that, yes, this was his sixth-year potions class. His sixth-year potions class from the year 2008. He was back home.
“What day is it?” he asked, the words rushing out of his mouth.
“Sir?” Briar asked, her face clearly showing that she suspected he was mad.
“It’s Friday, Sir,” Snow Cygnet replied.
Draco did the mental arithmetic.
“Class is dismissed.”
His heart was beating hard in his chest. The class began to pack up, shooting confused glances his way as he quickly cleaned up his own work. He felt guilty, but it wasn’t like he had any idea what had been happening in the class anyway. His mind was still filled with memories of all his friends as teenagers. Teenagers that brought out such a strong sense of nostalgia and sorrow that he had been constantly overwhelmed by it.
“Do we have any homework?” Snow asked, standing eagerly by her desk.
He was instantly reminded of someone slightly taller, with far bushier hair. Both teens had the terribly bad habit of asking for more homework. As a teen himself he had found it endlessly frustrating. As a teacher looking down at the intense face of Hermione granger…
He cleared his throat. “No homework today, Miss Cygnet. Now you’d better hurry if you want to get to the library before Mr Leveret steals the spot near the window.”
The boy in question was in the doorway and looked back toward them with wide eyes before hurrying away. Snow gasped and ran after him, her robes swishing dramatically behind her. He wished the Leveret boy well. Snow Cygnet was a brutal young woman in the face of what she wanted.
The class was empty now and a shadow of a smile crossed his face. You can generally trust a room full of students to leg it the moment you say: class dismissed. Snow was an outlier.
He opened the drawer to shove the rest of his papers inside before pushing in his chair and striding from the room. His footsteps echoed as he stormed through the empty corridors. He should probably feel guilty that he had let his class go so early but all he could hear was the blood pumping through his veins. It had been weeks since he’d seen her. Worry and anxiety was building inside him until he felt like he would explode.
He needed to see her face. He wanted to hold her in his arms and never leave her ever again. His fingers twitched and he resisted the urge to break into a run. It would hardly be seemly for a professor to be seen running through the grounds, even if it was for the most life shattering of reasons.
Their cottage wasn’t far. Hogsmeade was, after all, only a short walk from the castle but his feet couldn’t carry him there fast enough. When he finally reached the town’s outskirts and turned onto their street, his breath caught. The buildings were back to normal, wearing the dust of the last ten years on their bricks like an old coat. The sapling that Mrs Podge had planted when they had first bought the house was now swaying high above him.
He pushed open the front gate. It let out a high whine of protest that sounded like a familiar balm to his ears. This house held so many memories. Memories that he would die for. Memories that he would kill for. He gulped as he felt the dread seep in.
What if he had fucked it all up? What if he’d changed too many things? He’d talked to hundreds of students, not to mention the people closest and dearest to him. He’d even talked to Andromeda and Teddy. People he wasn’t supposed to have a relationship with for years. What if none of that had happened and he was now walking into an empty house?
The house looked the same from the outside. It was a modest two storey cottage. The plaster was now faintly peeling, and the shingles could use some work, but those imperfections gave it a familiarity that he was now hesitant to part with. The garden was full of plants that he could use for potion ingredients whenever he took the fancy, and he was intending on hanging a swing from the boughs of the large tree in the corner. Something the kids could play on when they were a little bigger and less prone to acts of ungainly fumbling.
It had taken Cassie longer than most children to walk, but now that she was, nowhere in the house was safe. He had been worried and exasperated for months now, forever kissing bruised knees and applying a million plasters. Now he would kill for the chance to wipe the tears from her cheeks and whisper sweet nothings into her hair.
He took a deep breath and pushed open the door.
Read the rest on Ao3
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queer-cosette · 2 months
Obviously not going to give out my Snapchat on the Internet bc safety and whatnot, but please enjoy this picture of the cygnets in the second-nearest park to my house that I took today
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forgottenroisin · 7 months
Sigils From Around the World
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Portcullis: protection in an emergency
Sable (black): constancy or grief
Or (gold/yellow): generosity and elevation of the mind
Tawny or Tenné (orange/brown): worthy ambition
Crown: heaven; victory, sovereignty, empire; success
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Cygnet/Swan: poetic harmony and learning, and/or lover thereof, perfection, beauty, grace, light, love, sincerity, (where gorged with a crown around its neck) previous + dignity
Fountain/lake/water/waves: a spring, purification, life, truth, change, water, sea, fountain of life
Castle: safety, spiritiual strength and vigilance, home. may represent an actual building in addition to these meanings
Mountain/rock: (the site doesn’t include this but…its there…in my heart…) security, shelter, protection
Mural Crown: defender of a fortress, token of civic honor; one who first mounted the breach in the walls of a fortress; power
Gules (red/pink): warrior or martyr; military strength and magnanimity (pink: romance, love, friendship, passivity, femininity)
Azure (blue): truth and loyalty
Argent (white/silver): peace and sincerity
Or (gold/yellow): generosity and elevation of the mind
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Oak tree w/ acorns: great age and strength, peace and concordance, virtue and strength; continuous growth and fertility; antiquity, strength
Acorn: indepdence, strength, antiquity, plenty
Snowdrop (flower): humility, purity, hope; hope and joy
Ivy: strong and lasting friendship, eternal life
Vine: strong and lasting friendship, industry, plenty
Vert (green): hope, joy, loyalty in love
Argent (white/silver): peace and sincerity
Or (gold/yellow): generosity and elevation of the mind
Tawny/tenné (brown/orange): worthy ambition
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Imagine being the last to survive from the house of Hurin. You consider settling down in Doriath with your Elven beloved after your family is gone, but then you lose them to the attack of the Feanorians, too. You deal with the Feanorians, leaving only Maedhros and his last brother alive. You feel no need to forgive them for what they did, but after a few confrontations you still choose to forgive Maedhros, for he and his family were nothing more than prisoners of their House's curse, just like you.
Author: @animatorweirdo
Artist: Cygnete
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artofgaryyeung · 1 year
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Weather not good today! Rainy and windy! Then an interesting sketch opportunity came! My swan neighbours, mum and dad and their four cygnets took rest in front of my house! I titled the sketch ‘Snake Plant • Swan Neighbours • Windy Day’
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IG artofgaryyeung
FB artofgaryyeung
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clueless1995 · 1 year
i’m out at the canal near my house NOT beating the australians dont wear shoes stereotype but i dont care because there’s a pair of black swans with a handful of cygnets with them and i could weep!! i really truly could
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dansnaturepictures · 26 days
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Eight of my favourite photos I took in August 2024 and month summary: Baby steps into the shift of the seasons
The photos are of; view with a moody sky at Lakeside Country Park, young Mute Swans at Keyhaven, Jersey Tiger moth at Lakeside, Chalkhill Blue at Stockbridge Down, Common Darter at Lakeside, Roe Deer at Acres Down, harebells at Shipton Bellinger and King Alfred's cake at Fishlake Meadows.
August is a time to enjoy high summer sights including butterfly filled meadows and darting dragonflies but also a time to prepare for change into an equally exciting wild season, as subtle signs like the drawing in of the nights and emergence of berries hint at the imminent baton exchange of summer and autumn. I have really enjoyed this August to the full for wildlife, walking and photos.
In the early days as the Big Butterfly Count drew to a close I ended triumphantly observing a big increase in species such as Meadow Brown, Common Blue and Speckled Wood being around. There were some stellar additions to my butterfly year this month with Essex Skipper, Silver-spotted Skipper, Chalkhill Blue and Brown Hairstreak seen. Other standout species of a fantastic butterfly month included Brown Argus, Wall Brown, Small Heath, Small White, Brimstone, Comma, Peacock and Red Admiral. I had a marvellous month of moths centring on a phenomenon over a week or so seeing a fair few Jersey Tiger moths at different locations a species I’d only ever seen three times prior to that, a really exciting influx of this resplendent moth. I was captivated by a splendid Swallow-tailed moth at home at the month’s start, with Double-striped Pug, Wavy-barred Sable, my first ever Purple Bar, Grass-veneer, Silver Y, Small Dusty Waves and Six-spot Burnet also enjoyed. As the month went on butterflies rather made way for dragonflies to take centre stage a little, with mesmerising times watching Migrant Hawker, Southern Hawker, evocative of late summer for me Common Darter and Black-tailed Skimmer, with Beautiful Demoiselle and Blue-tailed Damselfly good to see too.
Shift in the year was evident in my birdwatching month too which was another brilliant one with some migration movement. I loved seeing Whinchats at Hook-with-Warsash, Little Stint and Curlew Sandpiper at Pennington and Osprey at Fishlake Meadows. I got some splendid views of the Peregrines at Winchester Cathedral this month, very much enjoyed the new Great Crested Grebe chicks and young Moorhens on regular walks at Lakeside Country Park and was thrilled to see adorable Mute Swan cygnets well a few times at Winnall Moors and Keyhaven in a strong year I’ve had for seeing young birds. Other highlights this month included Ravens, Jay, Red Kite, Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, the last Swifts, Swallow, House Martin, Sand Martin, Stock Doves, Stonechat, Bullfinches, Great Spotted Woodpecker at Lakeside and Green Woodpecker there and heard elsewhere, Chiffchaff, Long-tailed Tit, Blue Tit and Goldfinches including young at home, a few Kingfishers, Cormorants including notably at Lakeside and Winnall Moors, Grey Heron including notably at Lakeside and in Winchester, Little Egret, Great White Egret, Spoonbills, Knot, Grey Plover, Ringed Plover, Avocet, Common Sandpiper, Dunlin, Snipe, Whimbrel, Curlew, Eiders and some Tufted Ducks including ducklings.
Other nice sightings this month included of Roe and Fallow Deers on wonderful afternoon of deers at Acres Down in the New Forest, Grey Squirrel, Common Red Soldier beetle, my first ever Tawny Longhorn beetle at Shipton Bellinger, ladybirds, pondskater with especially lots at one point at Lakeside sticking in my mind, sawflies, charming Hornet mimic hoverfly at Stockbridge Down, Yellow-haired Sunfly, other hoverflies and bees, Ichneumon wasps, Fox and Cinnabar moth caterpillars, crickets/grasshoppers including Roesel’s bush cricket, Long-winged Conehead and Common Field Grasshopper, snails at home on wet nights and gorgeous Ambersnail at Winnall Moors, Common Lizards at Magdalen Hill and Grey Silverfish and spiders at home.
Onto plants and I saw some more thrilling wildflowers this month including fairy flax, water speedwell and another speedwell, St. John’s-worts, fleabane, ragwort, bird’s-foot trefoil, forget-me-not, scarlet pimpernel, water mint, sundew, bog asphodel, hemp agrimony, purple loosestrife, great willowherb, rosebay willowherb, small-flower hairy willowherb, marjoram, wild basil, tufted vetch, vetch, viper’s-bugloss, scabiouses including fine devil’s-bit scabious, wild carrot, upright hedge-parsley, sea aster, scentless mayweed, pineappleweed, dock, self-heal, sainfoin, creeping thistle, spear thistle, woolly thistle, horseweed, common mallow, musk mallow, marsh mallow, golden samphire, nightshade, broad-leaved enchanter’s nightshade and some of my favourites centaury, restharrow, common toadflax, eyebright and endearing nodding harebells. It was amazing to see sunflowers at home in the garden a stalwart of August with the fuchsias and black-eyed Susans coming on nicely too. The aforementioned berries I really enjoyed seeing this month included loads of blackberries and hawthorn, blackthorn sloes, rowan, guelder rose berries, nightshade berries, cuckoo-pint berries, elderberries, wild service tree berries and wayfaring tree berries with apple, acorn and chestnut seen too. There were some nice mushrooms seen this month as well including King Alfred’s cake and panthercap and I took in some stunning views at various locations and habitats with epic sky scenes including moody scenes, the moon and sunsets observed. Have a great September all.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 6 months
Cygnet scholar superhero AU for the sprint ask game, please!
Me: oh it's just a five minute writing sprint; it can't take too long. The five minute writing sprint: *lasts for an hour*
⬆ which is GREAT because now I have all of chapter two written! Here's one of my favorite snippets from it!
 "So, what did you think of that math stuff today?" Hope asked Gideon, handing him her textbook and notebook as they left the classroom.  "Quadratic equations?" Gideon asked, taking them from her as if by second nature as they walked to their lockers, "simple enough, really. Why don't they give me a challenge next time?"  "You know, you'd have a challenge if you moved up to the advanced classes," Hope said, "like your dad's been telling you to."  "What does he know?" Gideon grumbled, then quickly changed his tone, "besides, if I'm in advanced classes, how would I recognize when you have no idea what you're doing and need my help?"  "I understood it fine," Hope defended, "they're called 'quadratic' equations, because 'quad' means four, and they're four times as likely to make me jump out a window."  Gideon rolled his eyes. "Tutoring session at your house after school?"  "Well, sure," Hope smiled, highlighting her tone with sarcasm, "if you're offering."
thanks for the ask!
kick-in-the-pants writer’s game!
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snakerdoodlle · 2 years
After many, many months of work and thought, this is finally done! I wanted to make a list of all the voice claims I imagined for the RQ characters so here we go!! Feel free to share your own ideas as well!
These are all subject to change (of course). I just put voices to whoever I could match, so sorry if this list is a little all over (more characters could be added in the future!). I know these aren’t all the best but for the most part it’s just how I see them so forgive me lmao :’] I tried my best <3
Maven Calore: Better in the morning - Birdtalker / El Tango De Roxanne - José Feliciano (specifically 1:40-2:35)
Mare Barrow: Requiem - Laura Dreyfuss
Cal Calore: Theseus - The Oh Hellos / Thus Always To Tyrants - The Oh Hellos
Evangeline Samos: Catra - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018 ver)
Elane Haven: Elizabeth Comstock - BioShock Infinite
Ptolemus Samos: Capitano - Genshin Impact
Wren Skonos: Sam - Tomb Raider
Diana Farley: Tess - The Last of Us (game)
Kilorn Warren: Caralee - Jay Armstrong Johnson
Cameron Cole: Lonnie - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018 ver)
Sonya Iral: Arlecchino - Genshin Impact
Elara Merandus: Calia Menethil - World of Warcraft
King Tiberias: Pierro - Genshin Impact
Iris Cygnet: Mel Medarda - Arcane
Tiora Cygnet: Artemis - Hades
Cenra Cygnet: Ambessa Medarda - Arcane
Samson Merandus (this one is so random bye): Belos - The Owl House
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crvptydgaming · 4 months
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Keylime: So what, it can house a thousand, but they only put a few hundred in?
Cygnet: We don't know when the all-clear will be put out. It could be in 20 years, it could be in 200. There has to be enough room for growth, especially since the plan is to repopulate Anadama.
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c0rpsedemon · 6 months
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ok shout out to the one person who encouraged me on that last one . you all were right abt one of the right answers being bunnies and good for you bc i don't really talk abt dottie (my bunny) on here like ever . that said i think the 'i'm scared as shit of one of these animals' threw a lot of you for a loop bc you've never been cornered by a swan before. they're mean as shit, live 5 minutes (walking) away from my house, have teeth on their tongues and once trapped me on a 10 ft dock for 30 minutes bc they decided to set up shop at the end of it and they had cygnets w them so they were feeling extra mean . i am not scared of moose bc i've never actually encountered a moose, the swans have visited my neighbors' pool before. that said they are very beautiful and if the swans want to be mad at me then i'll just stay out of their way. the dead giveaways there should've been my infatuation with ap's milky swan print, the fact that the only ever after high character i've ever drawn was duchess (repeatedly btw), my infatuation w swan lake, and the fact that all the posts surrounding the poll were me liveblogging princess tutu which is. technically abt a duck and a raven but is based on swan lake.
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